


acceptance L/C 承兑信用证

advising bank 通知行

anticipatory L/C 预支信用证

applicant 开证申请人

applicant 开证申请人

back to back redit

(back to back L/C) 背对背信用证

banker's acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证

beneficiary 受益人

buyer's usance L/C 买方远期信用证

clean credit (clean L/C)光票信用证

collecting bank 代收银行

confirmed L/C 保兑信用证

confirming bank 保兑行

credit with T/

T reimbursement clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证

deferred payment credait (deferred payment L/C) 延期(迟期)付款信用证

divisible L/C 可分割信用证

documentary credit

(documentary L/C) 跟单信用证

documentary credit amendment 跟单信用证更改单

expiry date 有效期

fixed L/C (fixed amount L/C) 有固定金额的信用证

freely negotiation L/C 自由议付信用证

irrevocable cradit (irrevocable L/C) 不可撤销信用证

issuing bank 开证银行

letter of credit (L/C) 信用证

negotiable 可议付的

negotiating bank 议付行

negotiation advice 议付通知书

negotiation cradit

(negotiation L/C) 议付信用证

non-transferable L/C

(non-transferable credit) 不可转让信用证

notification 通知书

notifying bank 通知行

open by airmail 信开

open by cable 电开

open negotiation credit

(open negotiation L/C)公开议付信用证

opener 开证人

opening bank (issuing bank) 开证行

original credit 原信用证

overriding credit 母证

payee 收款人

paying bank (drawee bank) 付款行

payment advice 支付通知书

payment credit 付款信用证

payment order 付款单

preadvice of a credit 信用证预先通知书presenting bank 提示行

principal 委托开证人

reciprocal L/C

(reciprocal credit)对开信用证

red clause L/C "红条款"信用证

remitting bank 汇出行

restricted negotiation L/C 限制议付信用证revocable credit (revocable L/C) 可撤销的信用证revolving credit (revolving L/C) 循环信用证sight credit (sight L/C) 即期信用证

sight payment L/C 即期付款信用证

stand-by L/C 备用信用证

subsidiary credit 从属信用证

terms of validity 信用证效期

trade acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证

transferable L/C

(transferable credit) 可转让信用证

traveler's L/C 旅行信用证

unconfirmed letter of credit 不保兑信用证usance L/C payable at sight 假远期信用证usance letter of credit 远期信用证

with recourse L/C 有追索权信用证


aluminum Bottle 铝瓶

amp(o)ule 安瓿 (药针支)

bag 袋

bale 捆,包

bale cargo capacity 包装容积

bales off 散包

basket 笼、篓、篮、筐

block 块

bobbin 绕线筒

bolt(piece) 匹

Bottle 瓶

bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)

bottom 下端,底部,底层

box 盒

braid 瓣

bundle 捆

can 罐

cartridge container 尾管

case(-s) 一件(货物/行李)

casing 套(罩)

coil 卷

container 集装箱,盂,箱

copper Pot 铜壶

cup 杯、盂

deep 深

degree 度

denominator 分母

depth 深度

dozen 打

drum 桶

fraction 分数

gross 箩

hard 硬的

height 高度

high 高

in the form of a fraction 分数形式kilogram 公斤

length 长度

line 直线

long 长

lot 堆

nailed on 钉上

numerator 分子

pair 双

package 一件(货物/行李)

piece 件、支、把、个

pot 壶

ream 捻,令

roll(reel) 卷

sack 袋


sharp 锋利的

side 边

side of a case 箱子的一面

thick 厚

thickness 厚度

tin 听

unit(cart) 辆

water tight 水密

wide 宽

width 宽度

yard 码

packing material 包装材料

adhesive tape 压敏胶带

backing 缓冲衬板

bales 包件

bamboo batten 竹条

bamboo skin 竹篾

batten 狭木条

bituminous Kraft paper 地沥青牛皮纸

brass wire 铜丝

buckle 扣箍

buffer 缓冲材料

bulrush mat 蒲、苇

by pattern, by stencil 按图安板

canvas cloth 防水布,粗帆布

canvas sheet 防水布,粗帆布

cardboard paper 厚板纸

cargo compressor 货用压缩机

cargo lashing chain 货物捆绑链

cellophane 玻璃纸

cloth, canvas 粗麻布

coated paper 涂层纸

container loader 装箱机,集装箱装箱机container moulding apparatus 容器成型装置container sealing compound 容器封口胶compressed gas 压缩气体

container boar 盒纸板

container board 盒纸板

container material 容器材料

cord 绳子,绳索

cushioning material 衬垫材料

film 薄膜,胶片

film membrane 薄膜

Flexible Container 集装包/集装袋

foamed plastics 泡沫塑料

foamed rubber 泡沫橡胶

foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋

foil 箔纸

heat seal 热封口

indelible paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料

iron Rod 铁条

iron Wire 铁丝

Kraft paper 牛皮纸

lead Pot 铅壶

metal strap 铁箍

metal tag 金属标牌

non returnable container 一次用包装

old gunny bag 旧麻袋

packet (pkt.) 包裹,封套,袋

packing case 包装箱,包装件

packing cloth, packing canvas 包装用的粗麻布packing cord 包装用的细绳

packing paper 包装纸

packing string 包装用的绳子,运单

packing, package 包装,包装材料

packing supplies 包装材料

paint 颜料,油漆,涂料

pallet 托盘

pallet 卡板

palletizer 堆卡板机

paper 纸

paper scrap 纸屑

paper slip 纸条

paper tag 纸标签

paper tape 纸带

paper wool 纸层

paperboard 纸板

partition 隔板

patter, template, stencil 图案板

plastic foam 泡沫塑料

plywood 胶合板

poly foam(snow box) 保丽龙(泡沫塑料)polyethylene film 聚乙烯薄膜

polythene 聚乙烯

preservative 防腐剂

press packed bale 紧压包

reusable tare 多次使用的包皮

satin-covered 缎包装的

seal 封口

second-hand case 用过的箱子

silk ribbon 绸带

single sound bag 单层完整袋子

size of a case 箱子的大小

strap 带,铁皮带

staple U型钉

stencil 印上油墨

tarpaulin 防水布,粗帆布

throwaway tare 不能继续使用的包皮

transparent paper 透明纸

twine, string, pack thread 绳子,绳索.

used gunny bag 旧麻袋

vial 玻璃小瓶

kind of packing 包装种类

bag container packing 集装袋装

bare in loose 裸装

can 罐装,听装

card board package 硬纸盒包装

collective packing 组合包装

container packing 集装箱装

consumer packing 消费包装

customary packing 普通包装, 习惯包装

flexible container packing 集装包装/集装袋装

flexible package 软包装

hinge cover container 挂式包装

homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose 同类散货压舱包装,同类散货袋用压包in aluminum foil packing 铝箔包装

in block 块装

in bulk 散装

in bundle 捆(扎)装

inner packing 内包装,小包装

in nude 裸装

in slice 片装

in spear 条装

interior packaging 内部包装

moisture proof packaging 防潮包装

neutral packing 中性包装

nude parched 裸装

outer package 外包装

outer packing 大包装,外包装

packing exterior 外部包装

packing for export goods 出口商品(货物)的包装

packing interior 内部包装

packing of nominated brand 定牌包装

palletizing 托盘包装

paper packing 纸包装

plastic packing 塑料包装

prepackaging 预包装

regular packing for export 正规出口包装rustproof packaging 防锈包装

sales package 销售包装,内包装

seaworthy packing 海运包装

sellers usual packing 卖方习惯包装single packing 单件包装

shipment packing 运输包装

shock proof packaging 防震包装

tin 罐装,听装

transparent package 透明包装

transport package 运输包装

tropical packing 适应热带气候的包装

unpacked 散装

vacuum packaging 真空包装

water proof packaging 防水包装

water proof packing 防水包装(材料),不透水包装without packing 裸装

outer packing 大包装,外包装


actual total loss 实际全损

additional premium 附加保险费

additional risk 附加险

aflatoxin risk 黄曲霉素险

air transportation risk 航空运输险

average 海损

breakage of packing 包装破碎险

China Insurance Clauce (CIC) 中国保险条款

claim adjustment (settlement of claim) 理赔claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁

clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险

co-insurance 共同保险

constructive total loss 推定全损

contractors all risks insurance 建筑工程一切险cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件); cover note 承保单,保险证明

damage caused by heating and sweating 受热受潮险disbursement policy (船舶)驶费保险单

double insurance 双保险

endowment insurance 养老保险

extra premium 额外保险费

extraneous risks (additional risks) 附加险

failure to delivery risk 交货不到险

floating policy 浮动保险单

franchise (deductible) 免赔额;免赔率

free from/of particular average

(FPA, F.P.A.) 平安险

freight policy 运费保险单

General Average (G.A.) 共同海损

guarantee of insurance 保险担保书

health insurance 健康保险

hook damage 勾(钩)损险

Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC,I.C.C.) 协会货物(保险)条款

insurance 保险;保险金额

insurance against air risk (air transportation insurance)航空运输保险insurance against all risks 保一切险,综合险

insurance against breakage 保渗漏险

insurance against extraneous(additional) risks 附加险

insurance against rain or fresh water 保淡水雨淋险

insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工、暴动、民变险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险

insurance agent(s) 保险代理,保险代理人

insurance amount 保险额

insurance applicant 投保人

insurance broker 保险经纪人

insurance business 保险业

insurance certificate 保险凭证,保险证书

insurance claim 保险索赔

insurance clause 保险条款

insurance commission 保险佣金

insurance company 保险公司

insurance conditions 保险条件,保险契约约定条款

insurance coverage 保险范围,保额

insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表)

insurance document 保险单据

insurance expense 保险费用

insurance industry 保险业

insurance instruction 投保通知,投保须知

insurance law 保险法

insurance on last survivor 长寿保险

insurance policy 保险单, 保单

insurance premium 保险费

insurance proceeds 保险赔偿金,保险赔款

insurance rate 保险费率

insurance slip 投保申请书,投保单

insurance underwriter 保险承保人

insurance value (insurance amount) 保险金额insurant 被保险人

insure 保险;投保

insured amount 保险金额

insurer 保险人,保险商

insurer (underwriter) 承保人、保险人

investment insurance 投资保险

land transit insurance 陆上运输保险

letter of guarantee 保函,保证书

life insurance 人寿保险

loss (damage)cuased by breakage

of packing 包装破裂险

marine insurance 海运保险,水险

Marine Loss 海损

medical insurance 医疗保险

ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款

on deck risk 舱面险

open policy 预约保险单

open policy insurance 预约保险

overland (transportation) insurance 陆上运输保险parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险

partial loss 部分损失

particular average (P.A.) 单独海损

perils of the sea 海上风险

policy 保单,保险契约

policy holder 保险客户,保险单持有人

policy package 承保多项内容的保险单

policy proof of interest 保险单权益证明

policy reserves 保险单责任准备金

premium 保险费

premium rate 保险费率

premium rebate 保险费回扣

property insurance 财产保险

rejection risk 拒收险

renew coverage 续保

riks of non-delivery 提货不着险

risk 保险,保险额

risk of bad odour 恶味险,变味险

risk of breakage 破碎险

risk of clashing 碰损险

risk of contamination 污染险

risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险

risk of deterioration 变质险

risk of error 过失险

risk of hook damage 钩损险

risk of import duty 进口关税险

risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险

risk of labels being washed off 标签破损险

risk of leakage 渗漏险

risk of loss 损失险

risk of mould 发霉险

risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险

risk of oil damage 油渍险

risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险

risk of rain and/or fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险

risk of rust 锈蚀险

risk of shortage in quantity 短量险

risk of shortage in weight 短重险

risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险

risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险

risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃、提货不着险risk premium 风险贴水、风险溢价

sickness insurance 疾病保险

social insurance 社会保险

special additional risk 特别(特殊)附加险

survey at jetty risk 码头检验险

survey in customs risk 海关检验险

the insured 受保人,被保险人

the People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司

Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery (PTND, P.T.N.D.) 偷窃、提货不着险time policy 定期保险单

total loss 全部损失

transportation insurance 运输保险

under deck risk 舱内险

underwriter 保险商(指专保水险的保险商),保险公司

valued policy 定值保险单

voyage policy 航程保险单

war risk 战争险

with particular average(WPA)水渍险,基本险,单独海损赔]


5% plus or minus 增减5%

above the average quality 一般水平以上的质量

article No. 货号

assortment 花色(搭配)

average quality 平均质量

bad quality 劣质

below the average quality 一般水平以下的质量

best quality 最好的质量

better quality 较好质量

brand 牌名

catalogue 商品目录

choice quality或selected quality 精选的质量colour 色彩

colour sample 色彩样品

common quality 一般质量

counter sample 对等样品

description 说明

design 图案

duplicate sample 复样

fair average quality (f.a.q.) 大路货,良好平均品质fair quality 尚好的质量

fine quality 优质

first-class 一等品

first-class quality 头等的质量

first-rate quality 头等的质量

good merchantable quality 全销质量

good quality 好质量

grade 等级

high quality 高质量

inaccurate 不精确的

inferior quality 次质量

low quality 低质量

original sample 原样

pamphlet 宣传小册

particulars 细节

pattern sample 型式样品

poor quality 质量较差

popular quality 大众化的质量

prime quality 第一流的质量

qualitative 质量的

qualitatively 在质量上

quality 质量,品质

quality as per buyer's sample 凭买方样品质量交货quality as per seller's sample 凭卖方样品质量交货quality certificate 品质证明书

quality clause 品质条款

quality control 质量管理

quality landed 卸岸品质

quality of export and import commodities 进出口商品质量

quality shipped 装船品质

quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同reference sample 参考样品

representative sample 代表性样品

Sales by Description 凭说明书买卖

sales by sample 凭样品买卖

sales by specification, grade, of standard 凭规格、等级或标准买卖

sales by trade mark of brand 凭商标和牌名买卖

sample 样品

sample for reference 参考样品

sampling 抽样

sealed sample 封样

sound quality 完好的质量

specification 规格

standard 标准

standard quality 标准质量

standard type 标准

subject to the counter sample 以对等样品为准

superior quality 优等的质量

tip-top quality 第一流的质量

to be in conformity with 与...一致

to be inferior to 次于...

to be responsible for 对...负责

tolerance 公差

trade mark 商标

transferee 受让者

transferer 转让者

uniform quality 一致的质量

unsatisfactory 不满意的

usual quality 通常的质量


gold content 含金量

adjustable peg 可调整的钉住(汇率)

appreciation 升值

at par 平价

balance of payments 贸易支付差额

bank note rate 现钞汇率

banker's check 银行支票

basic rate 基本汇率

bear market 熊市

bid 买价

bid rate 出价汇率

bid/ask spread 买入卖出差价

bill of exchange 汇票

Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 1944年布雷顿森林协定broker 经纪人

bull market 牛市

buying rate 买入汇率

call rate 同业拆借利率

cash market 现金市场

closing rate 收盘汇率

commercial rate 商业汇价,贸易汇率

convertible currency 可兑换货币

correspondent bank 代理银行,同业银行

cross exchange 通过第三国汇付的汇兑

cross rate 套算汇率

currency option 货币期权

currency risk 货币风险

currency swap 货币掉期

currency warrant 货币权证

day trading 交易日

demand rate 即期汇率

devaluation 贬值

discount 贴现

discount rate 贴现率

effective rate 实际汇率

European Monetary System (EMS) 欧洲货币体系European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟

exchange rate 汇率

exchange rate risk 汇率风险

Federal Reserve (Fed) 联邦储备(美国的中央银行)financial rate 金融汇率

fixed rate 固定汇率

flat /square 持平/轧平

floating rate 浮动汇率

foreign currency 外币

foreign exchange 外汇

foreign exchange control 外汇管制

foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备

foreign exchange swap 外汇交换

forward 远期交易

forward margin 远期差额

forward rate 远期汇率

freely floating exchange rate 自由浮动汇率

fundamental analysis 基本面分析

gold point 黄金输送点

gold standard 金本位

GTC (good till cancelled) 撤销前有效

hard currency 硬通货

hedging 对冲

high/low 最高价/最低价

inflation 通货膨胀

initial margin 原始保证金

interbank rates 银行同业买卖汇率

International Monetary Fun(IMF)国际货币基金组织joint floating exchange rate 联合浮动汇率

limit order 限价定单

long position 多头

mail transfer 信汇

managed floating exchange rate 管理浮动汇率

margin 保证金

margin call 追加保证

market maker 做市者,市场主持者,代客或自行买卖股票者maturity 到期日

medial rate 中间汇率

merchant rate 商业汇价

mint par 铸币平价

multiple rate 复汇率

offer 卖出价

One Cancels Other Order (O.C.O.Order) 二择一定单open position 未结头寸,未结清期货合同

over the counter (OTC) 柜台外交易

overnight trading 隔夜交易

paper money system 纸币制度

pegged exchange rate 钉住汇率制

pip (or points) 基本点(点)

political risk 政治风险

premium (货币、期货等)升水,溢价

quotation 牌价,行情(表)

regional monetary integration 区域性货币一体化resistance 阻力位

risk capital 风险资金

rollover 展期交割

selling rate 卖出汇率

settlement 清算

short 空头(户),空头证券

single floating exchange rate 单独浮动汇率

single rate 单一汇率

soft currency 软通货

spot 即期

spot rate 即期汇率

spread 价差

stop loss order 止损定单

support levels 支持位

two-way price 双向报价

US prime rate 美国基本利率

value date 交割日

variation margin 变动保证金

volatility 波幅


accepting bank 承兑银行

actual weight (A/W)实际重量

ad valorem 从价

advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知

air waybill 航空运单

anti-dumping duty 反倾销税

art. No. 货号

at sight (A/S ) 见票即付

authorized agent 指定的代理人

autonomous tariff 自主关税

bank draft (B/D) 银行汇票

barter trade 易货贸易

bill drawn to order 指定式汇票

bill for collection (B/C) 托收汇票

bill head (BHD) 空白单据

bill of entry (B/E) 进口报关单

bill of lading (B/L) 提单

air bill of lading 空运提单

clean bill of lading 清洁提单

bill of materials (B/M) 材料单

bill of exit (B/E) 出口报送单

booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱表

bound rate 约束税率

Brussels Definition of Value (BDV) 布鲁塞尔估价定义cargo in bulk 散装货

cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款

cash against delivery 货到付款

cash against shipping document 凭单付款

cash and delivery 付款交货、货到付款

cash on delivery (COD) 货到付款

charge paid (CD) 付讫

chargeable weight 计费重量

commission 佣金

commodity code 商品编码

compensation 赔偿,补偿

complaint 投诉

confirmed credit 保兑信用证

confirming bank 保兑银行

consignee 收货人

consignment agent 寄售代理人

consignor 发货人,寄售人

cost and freight (CFR) 成本加运费价格(指定目的港)

cost and freight (C&F,即CFR) 成本加运费价格

cost, insurance and freight (CIF,c.i.f.) 成本加保险费、运费价, 到岸价countervailing duty 反补贴税

Customs 海关

Customs Co-operation Council 关税合作理事会

Customs duty 关税

Customs Union 关税同盟

Customs value 海关估价

demand draft (D/D) 即期汇票

description 品名,货名;规格说明书

differential duty 差别关税

documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单

documents against payment (D/P) 付款交单

documents attached (DA) 附凭单

effective rate of protection 有效保护率

exchange tax 汇兑税

expiration date (expiry date) 失效日期,有效期限

export duty 出口税

export rebates 出口退税

extra large, extra long (XL) 超大、超长

fair average quality (FAQ) 良好平均品质

free on board (FOB) 装运港船上交货价格,离岸价

freight 运费

air freight 空运费

full container load (FCL) 整箱货

internal tax 国内税

less than container load (LCL) 拼箱货

letter of credit (L/C) 信用证

letter of trust (L/T) 委托书

margin of preference 优惠差额

multiple rates of exchange 多种汇率

par value of exchange 汇兑平价

partial shipment 分批装运

port of dispatch 发货口岸

preferential rate 优惠税率

price 价格

product by product reduction of tariff 产品对产品减税方式protective tariff 保护关税

quantity 数量

quality assurance (QA) 质量保证

reciprocity 互惠原则

registered air mail (RAM) 航空挂号邮件

specific duty 从量税

tare 皮重,毛重

tariff 关税

tariff concession 关税减让

tariff escalation 关税升级

tariff quota 关税配额

telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇

General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade (GATT) 关税与贸易总协定most-favoured-nation rate of duty 最惠国税率

total weight (TW) 总重量

transhipment delivery order (TDO) 转船提货单

transit duties 过境关税

twenty-foot equivelent unit (TEU) 20英尺集装箱等量单位

unit price 单价

variable import levies 差价关税

woven label (W/L) 编织标签


claim against carrier 向承运人索赔

claim for compensation 要求补偿

claim for damage 由于损坏而索赔

claim for indemnity 要求索赔

claim for loss and damage of cargo 货物损失索赔

claim for short weight 由于短重而索赔

claim for trade dispute 贸易纠纷(引起的)索赔

claim indemnity 索赔

claim letter 索赔书

claim on the goods 对某(批)货索赔

claim on you 向某人(方)提出索赔

claim report 索赔报告

claimant 索赔人

claimee 被索赔人

claiming administration 索赔局

claims 索赔;债权

claims assessor 估损人

claims department(commission board) 索赔委员会claims documents 索赔证件

claims rejected 拒赔

claims settlement 理赔

claims settling agent 理赔代理人

claims settling fee 理赔代理费

claims statement 索赔清单

claims surveying agent 理赔检验代理人

claimsman 损失赔偿结算人

in settlement of 解决

inability 无能力

incorrect 不正确的

insurance claim 保险索赔

on my way home 顺路

Sales Confirmation 销售确认书

to bring up a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to file a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to lodge a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to make a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to make a claim for (on)sth. 就某事提出索赔

to make a claim with(against) sb. 向某方提出索赔to make an investigation 调查研究

to put in a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to raise a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to register a (one's) claim 提出索赔

to waive a claim 放弃索赔(要求)

to withdraw a claim 撤消(某项)索赔

arbitral tribunal 仲裁庭

arbitration 仲裁

claim 索赔;赔偿;赔偿金

claim for inferior quality 由于质量低劣而索赔compensate 赔偿,补偿

disputes 争议

force Majeure 不可抗力

penalty 罚金条款

to settle a claim 解决索赔(问题)


商务英语常用术语 airway bill/(A/B) 空运提单 abstract of title 产权说明书,产权证据摘要acceptance bank 承兑银行 acceptance credit 承兑信贷 accident insurance 意外险,事故保险 account paid 已付款,帐款已付 account payable 应付帐款 account sales(A/S) 承兑帐,寄信销售清单 account transfer memo 转帐通知单 accounting firm 会计事务所 actual market 现货交易 adaption of budget 核定预算 advance freight 预付运费 advance payment 预付货款 affilianted company 联营公司,附属公司 against all risks (A.A.R) 保一切险 allotment advice 拨款通知 arbitrated par 股票交易比例定价,股票票面公断定价arrival notice 到货通知,抵港通知 bank check 银行支票 bank draft 银行汇票 bank reference 银行征信,银行资信证明书 bearer check 无记名支票 bearer share (stock) 无记名股票 bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill broker 票据经纪人,证券经纪人 bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading 提单,提货单 blue chip 热门股票 board of directors 董事会, board of directors 理事会 bonded area 保税区 bottom price 最低价格 business forecasting 商情预测 buying rate 买入汇率 capital turnover 资本周转 cargo marking 货物标志 cash against documents 凭单付现 cash with order 定货付现 certificate of origin 原产地证书 civil debt 民事债务 clean bill 光票


I n s u r a n c e保险Part 1. The Introduction of Insurance Insurance is a key issue in international trade. The transportation of goods from the seller to the buyer is generally over a long distance and it has to go through the procedure of transit, loading and unloading, storage, etc. These goods, both being imported and exported, are subject to damage or loss. So it is customary to insure the goods against risks of collision,leakage, pilferage, fire and storm, etc. The purpose of insurance is to provide compensation for those who suffer from loss or danger that may be icurred. Cargo insurance is now an indispensable part to the import and export practice. So it will make plain in a contract as to who will cover the insurance and bear the expenses. ’买卖双方签订合同后,出口商备货装运。在货物到达买方之前,可能牵涉到的环节是:买房将包装、装运要求发给卖方;买方催促装运,要求卖方提前或准时装运;卖方发出装船通知;卖方通知买方投保等。不管是哪一种情况,一般在开头部分都会提及交易中的商品,再就具体情况提出自己的要求。 If the goods are sold on CIF terms, the seller is responsible for the insuring and the premium, which is 110% of the insurance value against risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China or other insurance companies. While the buyer should arrange the insurance and bear the covering expenses, as in FOB and CFR terms. 在货物运输前,买方(如果合同是以FOB或CFR为基础)或卖方(以CIF为基础)必须对货物向保险公司投保。双方交换一贯的投保惯例。


商务英语谈判课后作业 ——案例分析

商务英语谈判案例分析 Example: Dan smith was a bissiness who works on gymnasium equipment,and it was the first meeting between Robert Liu and him.In just a few minutes of the conversation, Robert Liu felt that this big fellow with a straightforward appearance kept a mind of a cunning rabbit .Known that the guy was skilled in this way ,he took great care in the negotiation. In the first round ,their covercition was as follows: D: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. R: Shoot.,I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. D: Y our products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. R: Y ou think we about be asking for more?(laughs) D: (chuckles) That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount. R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers. D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business――volume sales――that will slash your costs for making the Exec-U-ciser, right? R: Y es, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? (pause) We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise. D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee? R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.But even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much. D: Just what are you proposing? R: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin .We suggest a compromise――10%. D: That's a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas? R: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow? D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this. NEXT DAY D: Robert, I've been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.


【外贸必备】外贸术语中英对照 在国际贸易过程中,我们会遇到很多相关行业术语,英文不太好的小伙伴们总是傻傻搞不清,今天我帮大家整理了一些外贸术语中英文介绍,英文不好也不用怕了。美国海关申报费 AMS fee 海运燃油附加费 BAF Bunker Adjustment Fee 并单费combinaton bill of lading fee 出口报关费export customs declaration fee 订舱费booking fee 包干费all in charges 保险费insurance premium 保证金deposit 仓储超期费warehouse overdue fee 仓储费warehouse storage fee 产地证certificate of original 卡车费frucking fee 冲港费special wharf charge

出口操作费export handing charges 重签费reseal fee 拆箱费devanning fee 查验费customs inspection fee 操作费handing charges 超重费over weight charges 堆存费overtime strage charges 目的港手续费destination delivery charges 代垫费用other charges 电放费surrender charges 到付佣金collect commission 地面服务费ground agent service fee 文件费document fee 待时费waiting fee 倒箱费exchange container fee 附加费additional charges


2019上半年商务英语中级写作范文:保险 1. Asking for Insurance要求保险 写作案例详解 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your E-mail of 1 November,quoting us for 500 metric tons of wheat,your quotation is for CIF terms.We regret to say that we prefer to have your quotation and offers on CF terms. Our position is that we have taken out an open policy with Lloyds of London. Under the policy,when a shipment is made,all we have to do is to advise them of the particulars.We are on good terms with our underwriters and consequently receive premium rebates at regular intervals. We would,however,be interested to know the scope of cover handled by your usual insurance company for our reference. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, 2. Introducing Coverage介绍承保范围 写作案例详解 Please issue a Marine Insurance Policy in the name of Guangzhou Trading Company. Claims payable at Washington.


《商务英语谈判》复习题(第一套) I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (10X2.5 分=25 分) 1? Our products are well known for their fine quality. 2.How would you pack the goods we are going to order? 3.We are in a position to offer tea from stock. 4.The offer is subject to our final confirmation . 5.If you make a further reduction of 3%, your price will be more competitive. 6.We shall make shipment within the time the contract stipulates. 7.What kind of terms of payment should you usually adopt? 8.Our commodity has always come to the international standard. 9.The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 10.What coverage will you take out for our goods? IL Translate the following sentences into English. (10X2.5 分=25 分) 1. 如果有任何纠纷,我们希望通过友好协商来解决。 2 ?请尽快开立有关信用证。 3. 开箱时我们就发现货物少了10台。 4. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。 5. 与新客户做生意我们通常要求用信用证支付,这是我们的惯例。 6. 货物将在收到信用证30内发运。 7. 如果用即期信用证付款的话,我们可以减价2%o &我们很高兴接受你方报盘。 9. 我们已经同意了所有的条款. 10. 额外的保费由你方承担。 III. Role-play (50%)

商务英语-保险(doc 7)

商务英语-保险(doc 7)

商务英语-保险 I'm looking for insurance from your company. 我是到贵公司来投保的。 Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People' Insurance Company of China. 张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。 After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured. 装船后,我到保险公司去投保。 When should I go and have the tea insured? 我什么时候将这批茶叶投保? All right. Let's leave insurance now. 好吧,保险问题就谈到这里。 I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance. 我是来解释这件保险的不幸事件的。 I must say that you've corrected my ideas about the insurance. 我该说你们已经纠正了我对保险的看法。 This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance. 这个问讯处为顾客提供大量关于货物投保方面的信息。 The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover. 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。 The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. 损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。 The extent of insurance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risk clause. 保险的范围写在基本保险单和各种险别的条款里。 Please fill in the application form. 请填写一下投保单。 Words and Phrases insure 保险;投保;保证 insurance 保险;保险费;保险金额 underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人 insurance company 保险公司 insurer 保险人 insurance broker 保险经纪人 insurance underwriter 保险承保人 insurance applicant 投保人 insurant, the insured 被保险人,受保人 to cover (effect,arrange,take out) insurance 投保 insurance coverage;risks covered 保险范围


a.我们从……获知贵公司的名称,不知贵公司对这一系列的产品是否有兴趣。your name has been given by…and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines. b.我们新研制的……已推出上市,特此奉告。we are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed…. c.我们盼望能成为贵公司的……供应商。we are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of…. d.我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。you will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new product. e.相认您对本公司新出品的……会感兴趣。you will be interested in our new product……. a.请容我们自我介绍,我们是……首屈一指的贸易公司。let us introduce ourselves as a leading trading firm in… b.本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信

誉。our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys highinternational prestige. c.我们的产品质量一流,我们的客户一直把本公司视为最可信赖的公司。our products are of very good quality and our firm is always regarded by our customers as the most reliable one. 如何推销新产品? Introduction of New Products We think you will be interested in the new formula soap powder we have just introduced to the market. Half dozen samples of both have been shipped to you by UPS. The product are the result of years of research, and are likely to revolutionize all the chemical methods in use at present. A trial will convince you of their merits. And we send them to you for your test and criticism. Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalog with price list. We hope that you’ll take this opportunity to try it.


A = Acc. AA = automatic approval A-1 = a number-one A. A. R.= against all risks Abbr. = abbreviation Abs. = abstract statement a/c = account A/C = account current A.D. =Anno Domini Ad. = advertisement a/d = after date ad val. = ad valorem (=at value) adv. = advice AFL-CIO = American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization a. m. = ante meridiem ans. = answer, answered A/P =⑴additional premium ⑵account paid ⑶authority to purchase A.R. = all risks Arr. = arrival, arrived Assmt. = assignment Asst. =assistant Auct. = auction A/V = average A/W = actual weight B/= ①bag ②bale Bal. = balance Bank'cy = bankruptcy B.B. = bill book B.C. = before Christ B/D = bank draft B/E= bill of exchange b.f. = Bona fide B/F = brought forward B.K. = bank B/L = bill of lading B/O = bought over BOFT/MOEA = Board of Foreign Trade,Ministry of Economic Affairs B/P = bill of payment B. P. B. = bank post bill B. R. = bills receivable Brkge. = brokerage 承诺,承兑汇票 自动承认制 优等品质,一流的 投保全险 省略字,缩写字 摘要说明书 帐户,计算 来往帐 公元,西历 广告 发票后 从价 通知 美国劳工联盟 --- --- 上午,午前 回答,已答 追加保费 已付帐 采购授权书 保全险 到达,已到 转让,配给 助理 拍卖 海损,平均 实际重量 ①袋②包 余额 破产 支票簿 公元前,西历纪元前 银行汇票 商业汇票,进港报表 善意的 转下页 银行帐薄,篮子 提单 多买 经济部国际贸易局 --- 付款支票 银行邮政汇票


商务英语情景对话保险带翻译 在英语考试的听力中,英语情景对话是必考的一类问题,今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享一些商务英语情景对话:保险,希望对大家有所帮助! 保险商务英语情景对话篇一A H e y h o n e y, h o w w a s y o u r d a y? 亲爱的,今天过得如何? B I t w a s a l r i g h t. I r a n i n t o B i l l a n d w e g o t t o t a l k i n g f o r a w h i l e.H e s i n a b i t o f a j a m. 还行。我碰见比尔了,我们说了会儿话。他现在有些困难。 A W h y?W h a t h a p p e n e d? 为什么?发生什么事了? B W e l l, h i s s o n h a d a n a c c i d e n t a n d B i l l d o e s n t h a v e h e a l t h i n s u r a n c e. T h i s r e a l l y g o t m e t h i n k i n g, a n d I w o n d e r e d i f w e s h o u l d n t l o o k i n t o a c o u p l e o f d i f f e r e n t H M O s. 他儿子出了车祸,但是比尔没有医疗保险。这使我思考我们是不是应该调查下不同的医保组织。

A Y e a h, y o u r e r i g h t. W e a r e n t g e t t i n g a n y y o u n g e r a n d o u r k i d s a r e g e t t i n g o l d e r. 你说得对。我们不再年轻,孩子也在变老。 B E x a c t l y!I s e a r c h e d o n t h e w e b a n d f o u n d a c o u p l e o f H M O s w i t h l o w c o-p a y s a n d g o o d c o v e r a g e. T h e d e d u c t i b l e s a r e l o w,t o o. 是啊,我在网上搜索了,找到了2家保健组织,它们的医疗费很低而且保险项目很好。扣除条款也很低。 A S o u n d s g o o d,a l t h o u g h,d o y o u t h i n k w e c a n q u a l i f y f o r i n s u r a n c e?T h o s e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n i e s a r e r e a l p i r a t e s w h e n i t c o m e s t o m o n e y. 听起来不错,但是你认为我们适合保险吗?这些保险公司一旦涉及到钱就十分贪婪。 B W e l l, w e d o n t h a v e a n y p r e-e x i s t i n g i l l n e s s e s o r c o n d i t i o n s,s o w e s h o u l d b e f i n e. 我们没有先天性的疾病和症状,所以应该适合保险。 A I w i s h o u r c o m p a n y o r c o u n t r y p r o v i d e d u s w i t h h e a l t h c a r e. 我希望我们的公司或是单位能为我们提供医保。 B N o t i n a m i l l i o n y e a r s!



Keys to the exercises Chapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation Communication Exercises 1. Change the sentences from negative to positive. 1) I want a job. 2) I work hard. 3) My job is terrific. 4) This office is great. 5) My co-workers are super. 6) The Personnel Director is nice. 7) My health is good. 8) My attitude is positive. 9) I make a good impression. 10) I understand. 2. Change or add to these sentences so that they do not just state what you want, but invite your negotiating partner’s opinion. a) Could we finish at five---if that’s all right with you? b) I hope you don’t mind if Miss Li sits in during the negotiation? c) Perhaps we could take a break now. Is that OK? d) Could we look at these three areas this morning? e) I would like to go through the written offer clause by clause, if that’s OK? f) Do you mind if I answer your questions at the end? 3. What is meant by “negotiation”? How would you define “negotiation”? A nego tiation is a meeting in which both parties need each other’s agreement to reach a specific objective. It is the mechanism by which people trade things of value in a civilized manner. Negotiation depends on communication. It occurs between individuals acting either for themselves or as representatives of organized groups. Negotiations are very much part of working and home life. Negotiations could be either internal or external, long or short, formal or informal. The goal of negotiation is not to win but to succeed. The mechanism of successful negotiation is collaboration. In negotiations, both parties should know ----why they negotiate ----who they negotiate with ----what they negotiate about ----where they negotiate ----when they negotiate ----how they negotiate


商务英语词汇术语 国际贸易词汇术语 价格术语 world / international market price 国际市场价格 FOB (free on board) 离岸价 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价 CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价 freight 运费 wharfage 码头费 landing charges 卸货费 customs duty 关税 port dues 港口税 import surcharge 进口附加税 import variable duties 进口差价税 commission 佣金 return commission 回佣,回扣 price including commission 含佣价 net price 净价 wholesale price 批发价 discount / allowance 折扣 retail price 零售价 spot price 现货价格 current price 现行价格/ 时价 indicative price 参考价格 customs valuation 海关估价 price list 价目表 total value 总值 贸易保险术语 All Risks 一切险 F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险 W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险 F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险 Risk of Leakage 渗漏险 Risk of Odor 串味险 Risk of Rust 锈蚀险 Shortage Risk 短缺险 T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险Strikes Risk 罢工险 贸易机构词汇 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织


商务英语保险对话范文急求商务英语情景对话 A:Hello! B;Hello,is Doris available? A:This is Doris ,. Who’s calling please? B:Hi, Doris, this is Mike calling from Parker’s Dentistry, I’m calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 am with Dr.Parker.. A: Oh, I almost forgot, Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually. I do need to change the time of my appointment,. I have a scheduling conflict. And can’t make it that early. B: If I put you in at a later spot, would that work out? A : It would have to be after lunch. Do you have anything available about 2 o’clock?

B : Sorry ma’m, the only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to work you in after 4 .would that be a better time? A :That’s alright,. I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot? B :No problem. I have you appointment changed from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon at 1:15. A : Wonderful. Thanks very much. 您好! 乙,您好,是多丽丝呢? 答:这是多丽丝。谁的电话吗? 乙:嗨,多丽丝,这是迈克从帕克的牙科致电的话,我打电话来确认您的预约明天上午9时与Dr.Parker ..



?1) International business is business conducted in more than one country, including buying and selling goods and services. ?2) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we'd certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. ?3) Considering the friendly business relationship between our two banks, we decided not to charge you the overdue interests. ?4) As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, and wealth

is spread. Though peo ple may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, “an invisible hand” guides them to enrich and improve all of society. ?Today, vve see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship and honor ?I wanted to be a man, and a man I am. ?The latest type of TVR system is light, inexpensive and easy to manipulate^ ?When most people expect a reduction of inflation rate after the tax cut, there is still some uncertainty. ?The further expansion of your exports on our market will depend on your continued efforts to broaden and diversify your product range. ?Theory is something but practice is everything. ?We will negotiate for peace, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it - now or even ?In my opinion the damage to the goods is attributed to the fact that the bags are too thin. According to the contract the bags should have been 0.04mm thick. ?Saddam can not single-handedly cause shortages and gasoline lines. ?The pay rise promised by the Left could price French products out of European markets. The use of bio-chemical weapons is a sheer violation of international laws 一the Geneva Convention in particular. We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. In economic field, large companies are feeling the impacts of both constantly technological progress and of the newest production methods. Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their tactics in coping with the constantly changing international political climate. Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidityJ They build roads, houses’ bridges, pipelines and canals. 1.What is questioned is whether a country like Britain has a chance, assuming it has the will, to succeed where so many have failed and even assuming that it has, should make the tremendous effort and take substantial financial risk of trying to leap-frog into leadership in entirely new technology or whether it should take softer option of merely catching up with the rest of the industrialized world. 2.The growth of class consciousness among the workers was inhibited by continued high levels of employment and rising earnings for almost 15 years, combined with the propaganda of views in the labor movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theories about the ability of
