Key to Model Test1

Key to Model Test1
Key to Model Test1

Key to Model Test (1) Band Four

Part I. Writing

Sample Writing:

A Reply to A Friend

Dear John,

I received your letter yesterday. In reply to your inquiry about applying for admission to my university, I would like to give you the following suggestions.

My school is a comprehensive university with such disciplines as science, engineering, the arts, economy, management, law and education. Among all the majors, I suggest that you should apply for the major of computer science and technology. There are some reasons for this suggestion. First, the computer personnel are in great demand owing to the widespread use of computers in every field. Therefore, you can find a job easily if you have a degree in this major. Second, my university has first-rate facilities and excellent teachers in this field. You will definitely benefit from studying in my university.

There are some requirements for this major. To begin with, you must have a good foundation in math and English. Knowledge in these two subjects is essential for doing well in this major. In addition, you have to pay a higher tuition fee than students of other majors.

Of course, you have to make some preparations for the test. On the one hand, you need to learn something about the computer. On the other hand, you should have basic knowledge about English before coming to the university. Otherwise, you will have difficulty in learning well in this major.

I hope the above suggestions helpful to you. Wish you good luck.

Yours Sincerely,


Part II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 Y Y N Y NG N Y

8. face-to-face and respect 9. a favor or debt should never be forgotten

10. to make friends and keep them

Part III. Listening Comprehension

11. C. 该题考查说话人所处的地点. 根据对话中的关键词books, return, overdue可以确定对话地点在图书馆。正确答案为C.

12. C. 该题是根据女士的回答推断Jake的情况. 根据“his racket is here on the sofa”可以确


13. B. 该题考查对话双方之间的关系。在对话中,女士祝贺男士考试取得好成绩,男士说女士肯定也做得不错。由此可见,两个人都是学生。正确答案为B.

14. A. 该题考查男士建议女士做什么。从男士的回答“it would clear up by noon”可知,天气将变晴,所以女士不用回去拿雨衣。正确答案为A.

15. C. 该题考查说话人谈论的话题。从对话中的关键词window broken, belongings miss ing, called the police station可推断这是一起入室盗窃案。正确答案为C.

16. D. 该题考查男士正在干什么。结合男士讲的话,根据女士说的ill in the rest of it可判


17. C. 该题考查男士对新课程的看法。在对话中,女士认为这门新课容易,但是男士说



18. A. 该题是推断题。女士说这首歌已被老师在课堂上放了一千遍了,男士说他同意,



Section A

11-18 CCBACDCA 19-22 BDCA 23-25 DCD

Section B

26-28 DCB 29-31 ACA 32-35 CBBD

Section C

36. conversation 37. establishing 38. Emphasis

39. criticize 40. closest 41. approached

42. independence 43. social

44. This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage through

verbal performance such as storytelling, joking, or conveying information.

45. they are more comfortable speaking in larger groups made up of people they know less


46. the most private situations can be approached like public speaking

Part IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

47-56: I M F L C J G D N B

Section B

57-66: D B C A D A C B D B

57. D 本题考查作者的观点,属于综合主旨题。根据第二段except the successful outcom 和文章最后一长句,可以得出婴儿之所以会学会一些行为是因为他们通过这些行为可



58. B 本题为细节题。根据第三段第一句话,Papousek通过使用用牛奶奖励孩子的办法,就是为了教会孩子完成一些简单的动作。所以ACD都不是此举的目的,正确答案为


59. C 本题为细节题。根据第三段第二句话,Papousek在研究中发现,婴儿吃饱之后会


一些简单动作,因此A不正确。B, D内容基本一致,这两项都不是Papousek要去发


60. A 本题为细节题。根据文章最后一句话,Papousek得出结论:婴儿感到高兴的不是


本身有一种理解世界、控制世界的渴求。B, C, D项都没有提及,正确答案为A。

61. D 本题为细节题,根据见上题。正确答案为D。

62. A 本题为主旨题。文章讲述人类从前人那里继承了许多文化成果,并将其传乘下


63. C 本题为是非题。文章第二段开始讲述文化的定义,它包括一代人传给另一代人的


述文化与本能的不同,因此A, B, D都属于文化的范畴,C项不属于文化,故正确答


64. B 本题为语义题,需要根据上下文来推断。根据原文“it can store new information, ininitely more rapidly than the process of mutation and biological evolution…”, 可以

推断出mutation 和biological evolution表达相近的意思,是“变化、进化”的意思,而exchange指“交换、兑换”, communication指“交际、交流”, existence指“生存”,故正确答案为B。

65. D 本题为推断题。根据文章第一句话,人类的发明创造是永无止境的,所以A项与

原文一致。根据第一段“this process of cultural transmission yields enormous econo- my”, B项与此句意思一致。C项与原文第二句话意思一致,同时根据这一句,人类



66. B 本题为推断题。根据文章最后一句话“The transmission of culture is more lexible than instinct, and can grow…more rapidly than the process of mutation and biological evolution…”, 可以推断出文化传播比生物本能发展要快得多,反过来也就是说生物



Part V. Cloze

67-86: C B A B D C A D B A C D C B A B D D A C

67. C 原句意思是:此项研究为人们意想不到的,因此C符合句意。A为“震惊”,B为“激动”,D为“迷惑”,均不符题意。

68. B 此句not only之后应为倒装,并且feeling是复数形式,故选B。

69. A 此句的意思是:人的情感不仅很难用语言描述清楚,而且很难一一列举出来,所以答案选择A。

70. B 此句的意思是:几乎没有人对有多少种情感达成一致意见,C和D不符句意, scarcely表示“几乎不”(程度), rarely表示“几乎不”(频率),所以选择B。

71. D 前三项为近义词,意思是“重要的”,而此句指的是人最基本的情感,所以选D。

72. C 此句为that引导的定语从句,修饰something,故只能选C。

73. A 这里这种积极的情感是指“快乐、高兴”,所以正确答案为“joy”。其他三项不符


74. D search for 意思是“寻找、寻求”,其他三项都不正确。

75. B as a rule是固定词组,意思是“一般来说”。

76. A 这里填的词和reach the desired goal 表达同样的意思,即,“实现或获得目标”,所


77. C for 引出附加的理由,应置于句尾。since引出显而易见的理由。when 和if不符题意。故正确答案为C。

78. D 此句意思是:既然人们经常渴望不同的目标,所以有人在修理汽车中找到快乐,


79. C 前后两句表示对照,故选C。

80. B 根据后文“We can experience the joy together”,此句意思是“分享共同的目标和兴趣”,故选share。cultivate意思是“培养”, develop是“发展”, form是“形成”,均不符合句意。

81. A 此表达方式的意思是“养家”,故选A。

82. B 此句的固定搭配为“have dificulty in doing sth.”, 故选B。

83. D bad意思是“糟糕的、坏的”。incorrect 意思是“不正确的”。unwilling意思是“不


84. D small指“数量少、体积小”,unnecessary指“不必要的”,less指“较少的”,mino 指“不重要的、琐碎的”,故选D。

85. A 此句意思是“外出赴约时,拉链坏了会让人感到沮丧”。frustration“沮丧”, sadnes “悲伤”, ignorance“无知”, grief “伤心”,故选A。

86. C 此句意思是:如果你想让某事发生,或者你觉得这件事应该发生,但是有人或物

却阻止其发生,你就会生气了。所以应该选择should, 正确答案为C。

Part VI. Translation

87. while he feels very sad in private

88. but for the fact that the team they support wins

89. that makes English a global language

90. only to find that I had left the ticket at home

91. but one vital point

Model Test 1

Listening Material

Part III. Listening Comprehension Scripts:

Section A: Understanding Conversations

11. M: I’d like to check those books out and return these.

W: OK, but you are overdue. I’ll have to charge you for three days.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

12. M: Have you seen Jake around? We are supposed to play tennis now.

W: Well, his racket is here on the sofa.

Q: What does the woman imply?

13. W: I heard you got full marks on your physics exam. Congratulations!

M: Thanks. I’m sure you also did a good job.

Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

14. W: I left my raincoat in the house. Could you please wait while I go back to get it?

M: Don’t bother. The weatherman said it would clear up by noon.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

15. M: When did you discover your window broken and your belongings missing?

W: Right after getting up, about 6 o’clock. And then I called the police station immediately.

Q: What are the man and the woman talking about?

16. M: Well, I have printed my last name, first name, date of birth and contact information Anything else?

W: No. That’s all right.We’ll ill in the rest of it if you just sign your name at the bottom.

Q: What has the man been doing?

17. W: The new course is supposed to be easy.

M: Not many students do well in it, though, do they?

Q: What does the man think of the course?

18. W: I wish the teacher would change the record. She has played that song a thousand imes in class.

M: I agree. It used to be one of my favorites before I had to hear it so often.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

Now you will hear two long conversations.

Conversation one

M: Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food service next year?

W: Not yet. Are there a lot of changes?

M: There sure are. Instead of paying one fee to cover all meals for the whole school year, we are now able to choose seven, ten, fourteen or twenty-one meals per week. They give you a card with the number of meals you get for a week marked on it.

W: That’s a big change, Tom. And a complicated system.

M: Yeah. It will be much bette r for people who don’t eat 3 meals a day, seven days a week in the cafeteria; because they won’t have to pay for meals they don’t eat.

W: So what’s the deal for those who do eat at school all the time?

M: It’s better for them, too. Because the more meals you sign a contract for, the cheaper

each one is.

W: I see. It still sounds rather complicated.

M: True. It took me several hours to figure it out. I decided to go with the ten meals.

W: Why is that?

M: Well, I never eat breakfast and I often go away on weekends. So the ten-meal plan gives me lunch and dinner each weekday at a fairly low price. And I won’t be paying for meals I don’t usually eat.

W: What about the weekend when you are on campus?

M: Well, there are often guests on campus on weekends. So they allow you to buy single meals on a walk-in basis on Saturdays and Sundays. The price per meal is much higher that way. But I am away so much that it will still be less money for me to pay single price on the weekends rather than sign up for the fourteen meals a week plan.

W: Oh. I guess I’ll have to sit down and figure out my eating pattern, so I can get the best deal.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What’s the main characteristic of the new way of paying for meals?

20. When do the students pay for the meals they sign a contract for?

21. What is the advantage of the new plan for those students who eat all their meals at

the school cafeteria?

22. How can guests have meals on campus at weekends?

Conversation two

M: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. Could you bring me some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And …uh a slice of pizza from the fridge.

W: Anything else?

M: Nope, that’s all for now. Hey, honey, you know, they’re organizing a company basketball team, an d I’m thinking about joining. What do you think?

W: Humpf.

M: What do you mean “Humpf”? I was the star player in high school.

W: Yeah, twenty-f ive years ago. Look, I just don’t want you to have a heart attack running up and down the court.

M: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I’m not that out of shape.

W: Well …you ought to at least get a physical before you begin. I mean, it has been at least five years since you played at all.

M: Well, okay, but…

W: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like the ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

M: Yeah, you’re probably right.

W: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular(心血管) system. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV all night.

M: Hey, you’re starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor!

W: No, I just love you and want you around for a long, long time.

M: Thanks.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What does the man want to do?

24. What is the woman worried about?

25. Which of the following is not the woman’s advice to the man?

Section B: Understanding Passages

Passage One

Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for their holiday. They had a dog called Blackie which they were very fond of. But they could not take him with them, so they looked for a good place to leave him while they were away, and at last found a place where dogs were looked after very well while their owners were away. They took Blackie there just before they left for their holiday, and sadly said goodbye to him. At the end of their holiday, they got back to England very late at night, and as they thought that the place where Blackie was staying might be closed at that hour, they decided to wait until the next morning to get him back. So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his car and drove off happily to get Blackie. When he reached home with a dog, he said to his wife, “Do you know, dear, I don’t think that Blackie can have enjoyed his stay at that place very much. He barked all the way home in the car as if he wanted to tell me som ething.”Mrs. Brown looked at the dog carefully and then answered, “You are quit e right, dear. He was certainly trying to tell you something. But he wasn’t trying to tell you that he hadn’t enjoyed his stay at that place. He was only complaining that you were bringing me the wrong dog home.This isn’t Blackie.”

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. How was the dog taken care of when they were abroad for the holiday?

27. Why didn’t they go to get their dog once they had arrived in England?

28. Why did the dog bark all the way home?

Passage Two

The world’s first completely automatic railway was built under the busy streets of London. The railway is called the Victoria Line, and it is part of the complete London underground railway.

The new Victoria Line was opened in 1969. This new line was very different from the others.

The stations on the other lines need a lot of workers to sell tickets, and to check and to collect them when people leave the trains. This is all different on the Victoria Line. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms.

On the train, there is only one worker. If necessary, this man can drive the train.But usually he just starts it; it runs and stops by itself. The trains are controlled by electrical signals which are sent by so-called “command spots”. The command spots are the same distance apart. Each sends a certain signal. The train always moves at the speed that the command spots allow. If the command spot sends no signals, the train will stop.

Most of the control work is done by computers. The computers also f ix the train’s speeds, and send the signals to the command spots. Other machines make sure that the trains are always a safe distance apart. If one train stays too long at a station, the other trains will then automatically move slower. So there is no danger of accidents on the line.

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. On the Victoria Line, who checks and collects the tickets?

30. What is the job of the only one worker on the Victoria Line train?

31. If there is no signal sent from the command spot, what will happen?

Passage Three

Every part of the United States has special celebrations, depending on the particular national groups that live in the area. In Hawaii, there are many Asians. Many of these Asians are of Japanese, Chinese, or Polynesian decen t. Immigrants from China and Japan arrived in Hawaii in great numbers during the past century. The early Polynesians came to Hawaii from the South Pacific islands more than a thousand years before any other people. The Asians left rich traditions for their younger generations to follow. Today, Hawaiians honor the memory of their ancestors with special feasts and festivals.Chinese-Hawaiians celebrate the Moon Festival to honor the memory of their ancestors and their native land. The Moon Festival occurs in August on the night of the full moon. Unlike the Japanese festival, the Chinese celebration is a simple family occasion. Family members gather in a garden or large open-air space in the light of the moon. They drink tea and feast on delicious moon-shaped cakes filled with meat or sweets, depending on their family custom. If the family is from northern China, the cakes have meat in them; if the family came from southern China, the cakes have a sweet filling. The cakes, an important food on this occasion, represent an event in Chinese history.A long time ago, the people of China used round cakes in a special way: they sent secret massages to each other in them. The messages gave instructions for the people of the north and south to join together to fight against the evil emperor who ruled them at that time. The trick worked and the people were able to overthrow their ruler. By recalling this event in the Moon Festival, the Chinese people help to keep their native traditions alive and their family ties strong.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. What three groups of people in Hawaii are mentioned in the passage?

33. Why do Chinese-Hawaiians hold the moon festival?

34. What do the Moon shaped cakes represent according to the passage?

35. Which one is not true about Chinese moon cakes?

Section C: Compound Dictation

For most women, the language of (36) conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of (37) establishing connections and negotiating relationships. (38) Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls (39) criticize their friends who try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their (40) closest connections at home, or in places where they feel at home — with one or a few people they feel close to and comfortable with — in other words, during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be (41) approached like private speaking.

For most men, talk is primarily a means to preserve (42) independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical (43) social order. (44) This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage through verbal performance such as storytelling, joking, or conveying information. From childhood, men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep

attention. Therefore, (45) they are more comfortable speaking in larger groups made up of people they know less well. In the broadest sense, this is “public speaking”. But even (46) the most private situations can be approached like public speaking, more like giving a report than establishing rapport.



XX公司行业知识库平台 解决方案 重点行业信息化知识库及服务体系构造

1 概要 行业发起建设行业知识库平台可对整个行业起到的促进作用如下: ? 推动大企业向高端咨询转型。 ? 引导中小企业向专业化服务转型。 ? 加强行业用户与软件企业的战略合作。 ? 拓展行业应用市场, 抵制国外对手占据高端应用,扩大市场份额。 ? 优化行业结构,提升软件行业发展速度。 行业信息化知识库,是指软件企业在服务于行业信息化建设过程中所积累的行业关键知识、实施经验、软件构件重用等的总称。行业知识库的内容包括以下内容: 图表 1 行业知识库参考模型 行业知识库系统是一个复杂而庞大的系统,随着时代的进步而不断发展和创新,不同时期存在不同的情况、业务模式和不同的操作方法,在应用过程中又不断发现问题,不断加以改进和完善。所有这些过程、模式和业逻辑,都需要行业知识作为基础架构进行支撑,通过 行业信息化知识库 行业信息化全景图 行业业务模型行业数据模型行业解决方 案 行业解决方案仿真系统 行业领域构件 行业标准 行业法规法律 行业分析报告

面向知识的架构(SOA)提升行业信息化整体应用水平。 2 项目特点 行业知识库包括两大部分,即行业知识库体系以及行业知识库本身。前者是知识库理论基础,其文档系统可以概括为: 1. 知识体系。行业的知识与分类、行业标准法规文件、行业业务模型、行业数据模型、 行业信息系统的构件、行业案例、行业分析报告和信息资源定义等 2. 技术体系。行业总体解决方案、行业技术框架、系统需求分析、硬件网络环境、系统 概要设计、系统详细设计、系统测试报告、行业系统软件源码、构件软件和构件实体等 3. 服务体系。产业链全程服务体系、服务组织机构、服务规则规章、服务方式方法、服 务技术支撑框架、售前售中售后条例等。 知识库本身是知识库解决方案的实现,包括知识库开发平台和知识库应用平台。XX公司知识库开发平台采用SOA架构,以服务方式提供知识构件。在知识应用平台上构件作为服务与知识库解决方案、业务模型、数据模型等知识一样进行注册等维护管理。 行业知识库建设将改变传统的生产经营模式,通过实施行业整个供应链的一体化管理,实现以市场为导向优化资源配置、提高效率、降低成本、提升效益的目标;把信息化融入到行业、企业的实际工作中,全面落实依法行政、依法管理、依法经营,运用信息化开展技术创新、管理创新和制度创新,建立全面准确量化的管理体系,实现管理从定性向定量、由静态向动态、由事后向实时的转变,提升行业生产经营管理水平,提高应对国际竞争环境的能力。 XX公司在行业知识库开发上从知识体系建设和技术体系建设出发,采用两个建设并进的策略进行。在知识体系建设上,首先对目标行业进行全业务梳理,摸清目标行业的家底,调查、收集和整理行业相关的法律法规、标准文件,按照元数据的标准进行编目和归类,生成可以管理和操作的知识元素库。同时在技术体系上,构建以SOA架构为基础的知识库技术平台,参照业务梳理的成果,按照知识库的知识组织思路,在新架构下支撑对老系统的升级改造和新业务的构件开发。


INTELLIGENCE 1.引言 知识管理的理论研究,现今的情况是理论上学说纷杂,没有一个成熟的、能得到大家公认的理论体系,从而导致实际应用中的知识管理系统实现并不能完全达到人们预期的目标。这种情况的产生,固然和知识本身的内隐性、不确定性以及不稳定性相关,但理论研究和实际应用的脱节也是其中最重要的一个原因。 本文试图建立一个理论上相对成熟、实践中具有可操作性的动态知识库。在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合数据挖掘、知识推理等知识管理系统中必不可少的技术,探讨一种与组织业务流程无关、着重知识学习、基于知识传导模型的知识分类体系,并在此基础上建立了组织的动态知识库。由于这种知识库与企业具体的业务流程无关,所以具体到每个企业的知识库实现时,知识库可以动态扩充。这种扩充体现在两个方面,一是企业可以基于这个知识库结构模型,把这个知识库模型视为一个单元知识,在其最外层加上业务流程的约束,即形成了自己的知识库。二是在知识库内部,知识所处的分类层次也不是固定不变的,当知识在组织内部传导、重构时,知识的状态发生改变,知识库能自动感知这种变化,并将其推送(或者重构新知识)到相应的分类层次中去。 2.动态知识库理论基础 2.1理论研究中的知识分类。理论研究中的知识分类,最重要的莫过于隐性知识和显性知识的概念。这两个概念的建立将知识管理和信息管理从内容上区分开来,具有划时代的意义。显性知识是指已经编码化的知识,它以人类语言的各种表现形式而存在,如书本、视频等。隐性知识主要指“隐含经验类知识”,往往是个人或组织经过长期积累而拥有的知识,通常不易用语言表达,也难以传播。 1996年,OECD(经济合作发展组织)把知识分为四类。即know-what(知道是什么的知识),是关于事实方面的知识。例如企业有多少员工、产品用的什么原料、企业的主要产品等;know-why(知道为什么的知识),指自然原理和规律方面的科学理论,企业的know-why知识指企业生产的原理和规律,比如为什么选用某种原料、为什么生产某种产品而不是另外一种等;know-how(知道怎样做的知识),是指做业务流程中的技术和能力,比如熟练工人操作机器的技术等等;know-who(知道是谁的知识),是指关于谁知道什么和怎么做的知识,例如在工作过程中,如果出现了问题应该请教谁。 OECD对知识的四类划分中,关于知道是什么(Know-what)和知道为什么(Know-why)的知识基本属于显性知识,而隐性知识所对应的是OECD分类中关于知道怎样做(Know-how)和知道是谁(Know-who)的知识 2.2Helund的知识传导模式。在知识的转化过程中,日本著名的知识管理专家野中郁次郎和竹内广孝提出了知识转化的四种模式:从隐性知识到隐性知识称为群化,(Socialization);从隐性知识到显性知识称为外化(Externalization);从显性知识到显性知识称为融合(Combination);从显性知识到隐性知识称为内化(Internalization)。 Helund提出了知识传导模式有三种:编码化及内化、外延和占有、消化及扩散。1.编码化及内化。编码化表示了组织中隐性知识显性化的过程,企业组织可以视作为一个编码的机器。而内化指知识变成员工个人隐性知识的过程。内化使得有限认知、知觉以及协调资源变得更有效率。显性和隐性之间的活动称为映射,创新和现实的知识往往是借这个活动而形成的。2.外延和占用。外延是指知识由较低层移动到较高层,层次分为个人、小团队、组织、跨组织-,可能是隐性知识也可能是显性知识。而占用是外延的反向过程。对话则是外延和占用的互动,对话通常发生在某一特定层级之中,从个人到跨组织的领域。“对话”与“思考”的质与量被假设与知识管理模式的质与量高度相关。以学校为例,教师与学生在教室的对话与学生在家中的思考同等重要。3.消化及扩散:从环境之中取得知识并将其扩散于环境中。消化及扩散类似于知识输入及知识输出,被吸收的知识可能是隐性也可能是显性的,包括认知、产品及技能等形式。例如复杂的隐性知识可通过招募关键性的人员来取得;如果知识较易编码化,则企业买卖专利权是一个适当的策略。若知识的隐性度较高,则表示知识的消化方式是以内化为主导的。 3.动态知识库结构模型 3.1动态知识库模型的特点。 a.多层次知识分类结构。目前理论界从不同的角度对知识有多种分类方法,但任何一种单独的分类方法都不足以用来描述组织的业务流程知识。而且如果采用了一种不成熟的分类方法,就不能保证知识分类的完备性和相对独立性,本知识库结构模型应该能够具有实 践操作性,也就是说知 识库必须要是实际应 用中的一个模型结构。 所以知识库综合运用 了四种分类方法,即 OECD的知识分类方 法:know-what(知道是 什么的知识), know-why(知道为什么 的知识),know-how(知 道怎样做的知识), know-who(知道是谁的 知识)。在这四种分类 方法中,又按知识的拥 有者:个人、团体、组 织、跨组织进行了交叉重叠分类。这几类知识的重叠形成了16类知识。对企业知识的划分,隐性知识和显性知识是必不可少的,对显性知识按存储形式(结构知识、半结构知识、非结构知识)然后和隐性知识并列对组织业务流程知识进行了第三次分类。第四次分类实际上对上述这些知识的抽象,元知识用来描述组织业务流程知识本身,关系知识用来描述组织业务流程知识之间的关系。 b.业务流程无关性。纵观企业的经营模式,即使是具有相同业务的企业,其业务流程也会千差万别,而且企业的经营模式也有可能因企业管理层的改变等原因而变化。所以,一个能得到良好应用的知识库结构模型,应是与组织业务流程无关的。在动态知识库结构模型中,抽象出来的知识分类是每一个业务 一种动态知识库结构模型研究 广州科技职业技术学院邝云英 教学实践与管理 247


基于故障树分析法构建专家系统知识库模型 摘要:本文在广泛搜集往复式压缩机故障类型的基础上,探析故障机理。运用故障分析法,建立故障树模型,并用二维表格将其表示出来。然后并运用access数据库和vb语言构建知识库链表。最后,给出故障诊断专家系统知识库维护方法。 关键词:往复式压缩机知识库故障树 引言:往复式压缩机由于其自身的特点广泛应用于石油石化企业。但由于机构复杂、零件繁多,现场维修人员在诊断故障问题时困难重重。在维护和维修往复式压缩机时,故障诊断专家系统可以给现场维修人员提出宝贵建议的。在往复式压缩机故障诊断专家系统中,知识库的优劣直接影响到诊断的准确性和真实性。在构建知识库过程中,故障树分析法直接简明、逻辑性强等特点,所以本文采用故障树模型建立往复式压缩机故障诊断系统的知识库,保证诊断的准确性和真实性。 Building a knowledge base of expert system model based on the fault tree analysis 1,故障树分析法基本知识 1.1定义: 故障树分析法就是把所研究系统的最不希望发生的故障状态作为故障分析的目标,然后寻找直接导致这一故障发生的全部因素,再找出造成下一级事件发生的全部直接因素,一直追查到那些原始的、其故障机理或概率分布都是已知的,毋需再深究的因素为止。 通常,把最不希望发生的事件称为顶事件,毋需在深究的事件称为底事件,介于顶事件和底事件之间的一切事件为中间事件,用相应的符号代表这些事件,再用适当的逻辑门把顶事件、中间事件和底事件联结成树形图。这样的树形图称为故障树,用以表示系统或各个部件故障事件之间的逻辑结构关系。以故障树为工具,分析系统发生故障的各种途径,计算各个可靠性特征量,对系统的安全性或可靠性进行评价的方法称为故障树分析法。 1.The failure analysis 1.1 Basic knowledge of fault tree analysis Fault tree analysis is that the most reluctant fault condition occurred in the studied system will be as a failure analysis of target; then look for all the factors leading to the most reluctant fault condition; next seek for all the direct factors causing the next level faults till original fault factors、well known failure mechanisms or open Probability distribution of fault factors would be fond out; finally, you can obtain all the original fault factors that can’t be divided. Usually, the most reluctant fault case would be considered as the top incindents; the fault factors that couldn’t be searched would be acted as the bottom incindents; the fault case in the middle of the top incindents and the bottom incindents would be though as intermediate incindents. By appropriate symbols of fault tree analysis expressing the three typle of mentioned incindents and combining the top incindents、intermediate incindents and the bottom incindents in logic relationship, we can make out the model of the fault tree analysis-the graph of fault tree analysis that it would indicate the logic structure for each fault incidents or fault tree analysis. Fault tree analysis is the method that it can evaluate security and reliability of the studied systems accuratelly that by the way of the model of fault tree, analyzing all kinds of faults incindent, caculating vavious characteristic quantities of reliability. 1.2故障树分析法步骤 故障树分析步骤具体如下: 1.对所选定的系统作必要分析,了解系统的组成及各项操作的内容。 2.对系统的故障进


KANO模型:如何取悦你的客户? Elmar Sauerwein , Franz Bailom, Kurt Matzler, Hans H. Hinterhuber* Department of Management, University of Innsbruck 什么产品和服务能用来获取更高程度的客户满意度?什么产品特性能产生对客户满意度超过常规的影响?或者,什么属性在客户眼里属于绝对必须的? 迄今为止,客户满意度多数时候被视为一种一维结构――接受到的产品感知质量越高,客户的满意度也就越高,反之亦然。但是,对于个人产品需求的充分满足并不必然意味着高水平的客户满意度。在现实中,更多的则是由于消费者需求的不同类型而带来的的产品感知质量和由之而来的客户满意度的差异。从针对客户满意度的KANO模型出发,我们在这儿将介绍一种在客户满意度研究中用来判定影响产品和服务因素构成的途径。笔者同样试图证明,一个消费者调查的结果如何针对客户满意度管理的层次来进行解释以及其结论如何被提取和使用。 客户满意度中的KANO模型 在模型中,狩野紀昭(Noriaki Kano,1984)先生辨析了三种在不同形式上影响客户满意度的产品需求: 必要需求(Must-be requirements):假如这些需求得不到满足,客户将会非常的不满意。换个角度,正是由于客户认为这些需求是离索应当的,他们在这些方面的满足甘并不会增加满意度。必要需求对于产品来说是一个基准。对必要需求的满足仅仅会带来客户“没有感到不满意”的态度。客户把必要需求当作是事前的基本预求,他们认为理所应当并所以而不会明确的提出对此的需求。必要需求在所有的场合下都是决定性的因素,并且假如这些需求得不到满足,客户将会对产品完全丧失兴趣。 一维需求(One-dimensional requirements):关于这些需求,客户满意度会根据需求的满足水平成比例的改变――满足度越高,客户满意度也就越高,反之亦然。一维需求往往客户会明确的提出对它的需要。 吸引性需求(Attractive requirements):这些需求并不是产品的标准配备要求,并且它假如在产品中向客户提供的话,则将在极大程度上影响客户的满意度。吸引性需求既不会由消费者明确提出也并非消费者事前能够预期的。对这些需求的满足能够带来客户满意度超越常规的提升。然而,假如他们没有得到满足,也不会所以让客户产生不满意的态度。 * Professor Hans H. Hinterhuber is head of the Department of Management at the University of


XX公司行业知识库平台 解决方案 重点行业信息化知识库及服务体系构造

1 概要 行业发起建设行业知识库平台可对整个行业起到的促进作用如下: ?推动大企业向高端咨询转型。 ?引导中小企业向专业化服务转型。 ?加强行业用户与软件企业的战略合作。 ?拓展行业应用市场, 抵制国外对手占据高端应用,扩大市场份额。 ?优化行业结构,提升软件行业发展速度。 行业信息化知识库,是指软件企业在服务于行业信息化建设过程中所积累的行业关键知识、实施经验、软件构件重用等的总称。行业知识库的内容包括以下内容: 图表 1 行业知识库参考模型 行业知识库系统是一个复杂而庞大的系统,随着时代的进步而不断发展和创新,不同时期存在不同的情况、业务模式和不同的操作方法,在应用过程中又不断发现问题,不断加以改进和完善。所有这些过程、模式和业逻辑,都需要行业知识作为基础架构进行支撑,通过面向知识的架构(SOA)提升行业信息化整体应用水平。

2 项目特点 行业知识库包括两大部分,即行业知识库体系以及行业知识库本身。前者是知识库理论基础,其文档系统可以概括为: 1. 知识体系。行业的知识与分类、行业标准法规文件、行业业务模型、行业数据模型、 行业信息系统的构件、行业案例、行业分析报告和信息资源定义等 2. 技术体系。行业总体解决方案、行业技术框架、系统需求分析、硬件网络环境、系统 概要设计、系统详细设计、系统测试报告、行业系统软件源码、构件软件和构件实体等 3. 服务体系。产业链全程服务体系、服务组织机构、服务规则规章、服务方式方法、服 务技术支撑框架、售前售中售后条例等。 知识库本身是知识库解决方案的实现,包括知识库开发平台和知识库应用平台。XX公司知识库开发平台采用SOA架构,以服务方式提供知识构件。在知识应用平台上构件作为服务与知识库解决方案、业务模型、数据模型等知识一样进行注册等维护管理。 行业知识库建设将改变传统的生产经营模式,通过实施行业整个供应链的一体化管理,实现以市场为导向优化资源配置、提高效率、降低成本、提升效益的目标;把信息化融入到行业、企业的实际工作中,全面落实依法行政、依法管理、依法经营,运用信息化开展技术创新、管理创新和制度创新,建立全面准确量化的管理体系,实现管理从定性向定量、由静态向动态、由事后向实时的转变,提升行业生产经营管理水平,提高应对国际竞争环境的能力。 XX公司在行业知识库开发上从知识体系建设和技术体系建设出发,采用两个建设并进的策略进行。在知识体系建设上,首先对目标行业进行全业务梳理,摸清目标行业的家底,调查、收集和整理行业相关的法律法规、标准文件,按照元数据的标准进行编目和归类,生成可以管理和操作的知识元素库。同时在技术体系上,构建以SOA架构为基础的知识库技术平台,参照业务梳理的成果,按照知识库的知识组织思路,在新架构下支撑对老系统的升级改造和新业务的构件开发。


基于本体化知识模型的知识库构建模式研究 袁磊1张浩2陈静3陆剑峰1 1(同济大学CIMS中心,上海2(0092) 2(上海电力学院,上海200092) 3(华东师范大学地理系,上海200062) 【摘要】在研究了知识模型及知识库相关理论和技术的基础上,结合本体论,提出了一种基于本体的知识模型,并从领域知识推理、方法知识和任务知识三个角度给出了本体化知识模型基于BNF范式的表达式;基于所建立的本体化知识模型,在对知识进行可拓性分析的基础上,提出了一种知识库结构模式,对于知识模型与知识库的匹配问题进行了讨论,并在理论研究的基础上,给出了利用SQL Server数据库系统建立的知识库示例。 【关键词】本体;知识模型;知识库;设计模式;知识工程 1引言 对于知识的研究与探索,人类自始至终从未停止过,直至人类进入信息化社会并正在向知识化社会迈进的过程中,人类通过计算机的应用才开始真正把知识从概念跃升到知识科学。知识工程便是一门新兴的关于知识获取、表示和推理,以及用一种特定形式把知识表示为计算机可操作对象的科学。其研究的目标是挖掘和抽取人类知识,这也使得计算机具有了人类的一定智能。 知识工程是在20世纪70年代后期,从构建专家系统、基于知识的系统和知识密集型的信息系统的技术发展而来的。Guus Schreiber认为"知识工程是一种建模活动,模型是对现实的某一部分进行的一种有目的的抽象。建模是对知识的少数几个方面建立一种好的描述,而忽略其他方面"。因此,知识工程领域最主要的研究内容是知识表示以及基于此的知识应用。知识模型本身是一个阐述"知识一密集型信息一处理任务结构"的工具。一个应用的知识模型可提供应用所需的数据和知识结构的规范说明。


第51卷第5期 2005年10月武汉大学学报(理学版) J.Wuhan Univ.(Nat.Sci.Ed.)Vol.51No.5 Oct.2005,603~608 收稿日期:2004211210 通讯联系人 E 2mail :chenhr @, 基金项目:湖北省教育厅科学研究计划(2003A012);湖北省自然科学基金(2003ABA049)资助项目作者简介:黄 屹(19692),男,博士生,现从事分布式系统与分布式流媒体等研究. E 2mail :huangyi @, 文章编号:167128836(2005)0520603206 网格环境下基于本体的知识库模型研究 黄 屹1,顾进广1,2,陈莘萌1 ,陈和平3 (1.武汉大学计算机学院,湖北武汉430072;2.武汉科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,湖北武汉430081; 3.武汉科技大学信息科学与工程学院,湖北武汉430081) 摘 要:针对知识技术仅用于描述网格服务的可用性以及如何被发现、调度和进化的现状,在开放网格服务体系结构(O GSA )的基础上,给出了知识库本体的形式化定义,分析了构建知识库所需的本体,在此基础上提出了网格环境下知识库通用体系结构及基于语义适配器的存储模型,克服了Sesame 存储模型在存储不同格式文件和本体方面所存在的不足,讨论了网格知识库的访问机制. 关 键 词:知识库;开放网格服务体系结构;知识网格;本体中图分类号:TP 391 文献标识码:A 0  引 言 网格[1]作为分布式环境下资源共享与协作计算 的集成基础设施,网格正受到越来越多的关注.网格应用涉及海量数据与密集计算,对目前的互联网和网络基础设施而言是一个极大的挑战,网格中间件正试图在通信、调度、安全、信息、数据访问和错误检测等多个领域迎接挑战.开放网格服务体系结构(O GSA )[1,2]借助Web service 成果,在网格中引入了服务定位.网格服务是Web service 的集合,它遵守一组控制、差错恢复和安全管理协定,并通过标准接口提供服务.知识网格[3]使用知识本体来描述网格资源,是网格和语义网络的一种演变.V EGA 2KG (http ://, )[4,5]和PD KD [6,7]是该方面研究的典型范例. 然而,目前关于知识和网格的研究主要集中在使用知识技术来描述网格服务的可用性,描述它们是如何被发现、调用和进化的,并且从服务描述和网络元素中获取知识.相反,网格上的知识却很少讨论.本文提出了一种网格知识应用———在网格的分布式节点上存储知识,使用网格与知识网格的基本概念如面向服务的中间件,网格的知识技术,基于本体的知识表示机制等等,来描述分布式知识库节点的资源处理能力. 作为词汇集和概念关系的形式化说明方法,知 识本体在语义网和知识网格中发挥重要作用.知识本体为确定领域中的应用提供共享概念,减少或消除多个概念和术语之间的混淆,使领域知识的处理更加精确和方便.使用DAML +OIL 等描述逻辑语言来表示基于本体的知识,DAML +OIL 采用一种面向对象的方法进行建模,一个领域通常用类和特性来表示,它在RDF (Resource Description Framework )的基础上进行了扩充,丰富了语言的建模能力.用类Horn 逻辑语言如TRIPL EI [8]表示知识规则. 1 知识库的本体定义 本体的主要目的是提供一种通用的方法,通过该方法,多个应用程序及使用者可以采用通用的方式来理解所涉及的领域知识及概念,达到重用资源的目的.通常用类、关系、函数、定理、实例的集合表示本体,文献[9]中给出了本体、关系、定理和词典的定义,本文在其基础上对本体进行扩充. 定义1 本体O 可用一个八元组来表示,O ∶=(C ,R ,A C ,A R ,≤C ,≤R ,σ,L ),其中,①C 和R 为两个集合,分别表示概念集合和关系集合;②A C ,A R 是两个属性集合容器,分别代表概念属性的集合容器和关系属性的集合容器,容器的每一个元素代表
