a little boy and a little girl

a little boy and a little girl
a little boy and a little girl

A Little Boy and a Little Girl (小男孩和小女孩)中英对照

N a large town, full of houses and people, there is not room for everybody to have even a little garden, therefore they are obliged to be satisfied with a few flowers in flower-pots. In one of these large towns lived two poor children who had a garden something larger and better than a few flower-pots. They were not brother and sister, but they loved each other almost as much as if they had been. Their parents lived opposite to each other in two garrets, where the roofs of neighboring houses projected out towards each other and the water-pipe ran between them. In each house was a little window, so that any one could step across the gutter from one window to the other. The parents of these children had each a large wooden box in which they cultivated kitchen herbs for their own use, and a little rose-bush in each box, which grew splendidly. Now after a while the parents decided to place these two boxes across the water-pipe, so that they reached from one window to the other and looked like two banks of flowers. Sweet-peas drooped over the boxes, and the rose-bushes shot forth long branches, which were trained round the windows and clustered together almost like a triumphal arch of leaves and flowers. The boxes were very high, and the children knew they must not climb upon them, without permission, but they were often, however, allowed to step out together and sit upon their little stools under the rose-bushes, or play quietly. In winter all this pleasure came to an end, for the

windows were sometimes quite frozen over. But then they would warm copper pennies on the stove, and hold the warm pennies against thefrozen pane; there would be very soon a little round hole through which they could peep, and the soft bright eyes of the little boy and girl would beam through the hole at each window as they looked at each other. Their names were Kay and Gerda. In summer they could be together with one jump from the window, but in winter they had to go up and down the long staircase, and out through the snow before they could meet.

“See there are the white bees swarming,” said Kay’s old grandmother one day when it was snowing.

“Have they a queen bee?” asked the little boy, for he knew that the real bees had a queen.

“To be sure they have,” said the grandmother. “She is flying there where the swarm is thickest. She is the largest of them all, and never remains on the earth, but flies up to the dark clouds. Often at midnight she flies through the streets of the town, and looks in at the windows, then the ice freezes on the panes into wonderful shapes, that look like flowers and castles.”

“Yes, I have seen them,” said both the children, and they knew it must be true.

“Can the Snow Queen come in here?” asked the little girl.

“Only let her come,” said the boy, “I’ll set her on the stove and then she’ll melt.”

Then the grandmother smoothed his hair and told him some more tales. One evening, when little Kay was at home, half undressed, he climbed on a chair by the window and peeped out through the little hole. A few flakes of snow were falling, and one of them, rather larger than the rest, alighted on the edge of one of the flower boxes. This snow-flake grew larger and larger, till at last it became the figure of a woman, dressed in garments of white gauze, which looked like millions of starry snow-flakes linked together. She was fair and beautiful, but made of ice—shining and glittering ice. Still she was alive and her eyes sparkled like bright stars, but there was neither peace nor rest in their glance. She nodded towards the window and waved her hand. The little boy was frightened and sprang from the chair; at the same moment it seemed as if a large bird flew by the window. On the following day there was a clear frost, and very soon came the spring. The sun shone; the young green leaves burst forth; the swallows built their nests; windows were opened, and the children sat once more in the garden on the roof, high above all the other rooms. How beautiful the roses blossomed this summer. The little girl had learnt a hymn in which roses were spoken of, and then she thought of their own roses, and she sang the hymn to the little boy, and he sang too:—

“Roses bloom and cease to be,

But we shall the Christ-child see.”

Then the little ones held each other by the hand, and kissed the roses, and looked at the bright sunshine, and spoke to it as if the Christ-child were there. Those were splendid summer days. How beautiful and fresh it was out among the rose-bushes, which seemed as if they would never leave off blooming. One day Kay and Gerda sat looking at a book full of pictures of animals and birds, and then just as the clock in the church tower struck twelve, Kay said, “Oh, something has struck my heart!” and soon after, “There is something in my eye.”The little girl put her arm round his neck, and looked into his eye, but she could see nothing.

“I think it is gone,” he said. But it was not gone; it was one of those bits of the looking-glass—that magic mirror, of which we have spoken—the ugly glass which made everything great and good appear small and ugly, while all that was wicked and bad became more visible, and every little fault could be plainly seen. Poor little Kay had also received a small grain in his heart, which very quickly turned to a lump of ice. He felt no more pain, but the glass was there still. “Why do you cry?” said he at last; “it makes you look ugly. There is nothing the matter with me now. Oh, see!” he cried suddenly, “that rose is worm-eaten, and this one is quite crooked. After all they are ugly roses, just like the box in which they stand,” and then he kicked the boxes with his foot, and pulled off the two roses.

“Kay, what are you doing?” cried the little girl; and then, when he saw how frightened she was, he tore off another rose, and jumped through his own window away from little Gerda.

When she afterwards brought out the picture book, he said, “It was only fit for babies in long clothes,” and when grandmother told any stories, he would in terrupt her with “but;” or, when he could manage it, he would get behind her chair, put on a pair of spectacles, and imitate her very cleverly, to make people laugh. By-and-by he began to mimic the speech and gait of persons in the street. All that was peculiar or disagreeable in a person he would imitate directly, and people said, “That boy will be very clever; he has a remarkable genius.” But it was the piece of glass in his eye, and the coldness in his heart, that made him act like this. He would even tease little Gerda, who loved him with all her heart. His games, too, were quite different; they were not so childish. One winter’s day, when it snowed, he brought out a burning-glass, then he held out the tail of his blue coat, and let the snow-flakes fall upon it. “Look in this glass, Gerda,” said he; and she saw how every flake of snow was magnified, and looked like a beautiful flower or a glittering star. “Is it not clever?” said Kay, “and much more interesting than looking at real flowers. There is not a single fault in it, and the snow-flakes are quite perfect till they begin to melt.”

Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves, and with his sledge at his back. He called up stairs to Gerda, “I’ve got to leave to go into the great square, where

the other boys play and ride.” And away he went.

In the great square, the boldest among the boys would often tie their sledges to the country people’s carts, and go with them a good way. This was capital. But while they were all amusing themselves, and Kay with them, a great sledge came by; it was painted white, and in it sat some one wrapped in a rough white fur, and wearing a white cap. The sledge drove twice round the square, and Kay fastened his own little sledge to it, so that when it went away, he followed with it. It went faster and faster right through the next street, and then the person who drove turned round and nodded pleasantly to Kay, just as if they were acquainted with each other, but whenever Kay wished to loosen his little sledge the driver nodded again, so Kay sat still, and they drove out through the town gate. Then the snow began to fall so heavily that the little boy could not see a hand’s breadth before him, but still they drove on; then he suddenly loosened the cord so that the large sled might go on without him, but it was of no use, his little carriage held fast, and away they went like the wind. Then he called out loudly, but nobody heard him, while the snow beat upon him, and the sledge flew onwards. Every now and then it gave a jump as if it were going over hedges and ditches. The boy was frightened, and tried to say a prayer, but he could remember nothing but the multiplication table.The snow-flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens. All at once they sprang on one side, the great sledge stopped, and the person who had driven it rose up. The fur and the cap, which were made entirely of snow, fell off, and he saw a lady, tall and white, it

was the Snow Queen.

“We have driven well,” said she, “but why do you tremble? here, creep into my warm fur.” Then she seated him beside her in the sledge, and as she wrapped the fur round him he felt as if he were sinking into a snow drift.

“Are you still cold,” she asked, as she kissed him on the forehead. The kiss was colder than ice; it went quite through to his heart, which was already almost a lump of ice; he felt as if he were going to die, but only for a moment; he soon seemed quite well again, and did not notice the cold around him.

“My s ledge! don’t forget my sledge,” was his first thought, and then he looked and saw that it was bound fast to one of the white chickens, which flew behind him with the sledge at its back. The Snow Queen kissed little Kay again, and by this time he had forgotten little Gerda, his grandmother, and all at home.

“Now you must have no more kisses,” she said, “or I should kiss you to death.”

Kay looked at her, and saw that she was so beautiful, he could not imagine a more lovely and intelligent face; she did not now seem to be made of ice, as when he had seen her through his window, and she had nodded to him. In his eyes she was perfect, and she did not feel at all afraid. He told her he could do mental arithmetic, as far as

fractions, and that he knew the number of square miles and the number of inhabitants in the country. And she always smiled so that he thought he did not know enough yet, and she looked round the vast expanse as she flew higher and higher with him upon a black cloud, while the storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs. They flew over woods and lakes, over sea and land; below them roared the wild wind; the wolves howled and the snow crackled; over them flew the black screaming crows, and above all shone the moon, clear and bright,—and so Kay passed through the long winter’s night, and by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen.



















































































幼儿园大班英语教案五篇 导读:本文幼儿园大班英语教案五篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 设计意图: l 音乐活动是我园的特色之一,它带给幼儿的感觉是自由、轻松而愉悦。本次活动是将双语渗透于音乐活动的一种新的尝试,教师希望通过此次活动能让幼儿学习双语的积极性得以限度地发挥。在一次很偶然的谈话中,我从幼儿的谈话中了解到,幼儿对童话故事《白雪公主》中的“小矮人”形象非常喜爱,而且平时也总是饶有兴趣地哼唱《十个小矮人》这首歌。于是,我便抓住幼儿这一兴趣,设计了这个活动,从幼儿的主体出发,让幼儿能主动、积极地参与双语活动,活动中教师能与幼儿上下互动,能让幼儿自信地发音并能自如地、心情愉快地学习乐曲。 活动目标: 1、初步学习歌曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,能大声地用英语来演唱。

2、复习双语单词one——ten,会与数字1——10相对应。 3、通过音乐游戏复习第5—7册英语句子提高幼儿学习双语的兴趣。 4、培养幼儿感受音乐,热爱大自然的美好情感。 教学重难点: 1、认识单词one—ten,会与数字1—10相对应。 2、学习新的乐曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,初步掌握歌词与旋律。 活动准备: 1、印有英语单词one——ten的车票两套。 2、情景布置图及汽车座位上粘上数字1——10两排。 3、画有印第安小朋友的图片若干。

4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一个小孩one little 。 5、幼儿人手一个小背包,包内放有英语句子纸条两份。 6、幼儿水笔人手一份,教师事先在十个小指上画有简单的脸谱。 活动过程: 一、开始部分: up2; 以旅游售票的游戏导入,复习数字1—10的英语单词。(播放背景音乐) T:小朋友,今天天气真好,让我带你们去旅游吧!Let’s go! (跟着音乐做简单的律动) T:瞧,孩子们!车站到了,请你们去售票员阿姨那买票,然后根据你的车票上车找相应的座位号,赶快行动吧! (幼儿进行买票入座游戏,根据票上的英文找座位上的数字相匹配)


幼儿英语动作教案 培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。以下是我精心整理的的相关资料,希望对你有帮助! 篇一 《认识水果》 【活动目标】 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。 【活动准备】 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 【活动过程】 1、热身运动。 First let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 Eyes ears mouth and nose, Mouth and nose, mouth and nose, Eyes ears mouth and nose, Its my body. 教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以达到课前的热身准备。

2、学习水果单词。 (1)apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望. T: Look! Whats this? C:盒子 T: Yes. A box T: Whats in the box? Do you know? T: Ok, do you want to know? (引导幼儿说出Yes或No) Ding ding dong (敲盒子) T: Who want to try?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的),Whats this? C:苹果 T:Yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读).read after me, apple.(幼儿跟读) (2)pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:Hum!(作吃的动作)Its wonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:Eat it! 接着问幼儿:Whats this?(梨) 教师:Yes,pear ! read after me, pear. (幼儿跟读) (3)orange 教师用餐巾纸把橘子包起来,然后示范闻一闻,再拿到幼儿面前给他们


幼儿园英语教案五篇 在自己钻研教材的基础上,广泛地涉猎多种教学参考资料,向有经验的老师请教,而不要照搬照抄,要汲取精华,去其糟粕,对别人的经验要经过一番思考、消化、吸收,独立思考,然后结合个人的教学体会,巧妙构思,精心安排,从而写出自己的教案。###准备了幼儿园英语教案五篇,供大家参考。 大班英语教案:Hello! Hello! 一、活动内容: Hello! Hello!(你好!你好!) 二、活动目标: 1、学习单词、短句。 Hello!(你好!) How are you?(你好吗?) thank you (谢谢)fine(好) How do you do ?(你好吗?) I,m glad to meet you. 我高兴理解你。 三、活动准备: 1、英文字卡,小礼物(星星、苹果等) 2、一只小熊、一只小白兔、花、草、树等板面设计教具。 四、活动过程: 1、板面设计,导入。 A、板面设计:在一个有花、草、树的公园里一只小熊出来散步,碰见一只小白兔。 B、导入:老师双手各拿一只小动物小熊、小白兔,一边走出课室,一边做着动作说:hello! hello!引出今节课的儿歌!

2、老师带动作教幼儿读儿歌三遍。 3、提问单词、短句,并实行照应、敲打。 ①老师学小熊的声音问小白兔说:“Hello”并让幼儿猜想小熊说了 什么?然后学习“Hello”是“你好” 的意思。 ②跟着小熊又说:“How are you?”老师提示这句话是平常见到人时 互相问候的话,请幼儿猜出这句话的意思写什么?老师小结“How are you?”是“你好吗”的意思,请幼儿跟着老师读三遍,并对幼儿加以 表扬,将小礼物送给最棒的幼儿。 ③老师问幼儿,小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那小白兔应该怎样回答呢?小白兔做着动作向小熊回答:“fine!”老师请幼儿举手回答小白兔 回答的中文是什么?唔,原来fine是好的意思,并且小白兔还说: “ thank you!”那么它是什么意思昵?老师请全班幼儿说说看。唔,原来是小白兔对小熊说“谢谢!”。 ④交织、照应单词。 小熊刚才和小白兔做什么啦?说“Hello” 小白兔又说什么?为什么 小白兔说:“ thank you” 小熊对小白兔问“How are you?” ⑤ 老师问小朋友:刚才小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那么现在请小朋 友听一听小白兔说什么?“How do you do ?”引导幼儿说出当别人问 你好的时候,那么你自己也要问别人好,那就是“How do you do ?” “你好吗?” 的意思。 ⑥并且你要对别人说自己很高兴理解他,那你就要说;“I’m giad to meet you”“我很高兴理解你”的意思。 ⑦ 老师说小熊和小白兔已经打招呼啦,那么请小朋友再听一遍它们 是怎样说的。小熊对小白兔说“Hello”,并且问好“How are you?”小白兔很感动说:“fine, thank you!” 小白兔也很有礼貌地对


幼儿园英语教案五篇 大班英语教案:Hello! Hello! 一、活动内容: Hello! Hello!(你好!你好!) 二、活动目标: 1、学习单词、短句。 Hello!(你好!) How are you?(你好吗?) thank you (谢谢) fine(好)How do you do ?(你好吗?) I,m glad to meet you. 我高兴认识你。 三、活动准备: 1、英文字卡,小礼物(星星、苹果等) 2、一只小熊、一只小白兔、花、草、树等板面设计教具。 四、活动过程: 1、板面设计,导入。 A、板面设计:在一个有花、草、树的公园里一只小熊出来散步,碰见一只小白兔。 B、导入:老师双手各拿一只小动物小熊、小白兔,一边走出课室,一边做着动作说:hello! hello!引出今节课的儿歌! 2、老师带动作教幼儿读儿歌三遍。 3、提问单词、短句,并进行照应、敲打。 ①老师学小熊的声音问小白兔说:“Hello”并让幼儿猜想小熊说了什么?然后学习“Hello”是“你好”的意思。 ②跟着小熊又说:“How are you?”老师提示这句话是平常见到人时互相问候的话,请幼儿猜出这句话的意思写什么?老师小结“How are you?”是“你好

吗”的意思,请幼儿跟着老师读三遍,并对幼儿加以表扬,将小礼物送给最棒的幼儿。 ③老师问幼儿,小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那小白兔应该怎样回答呢?小白兔做着动作向小熊回答:“fine!”老师请幼儿举手回答小白兔回答的中文是什么?唔,原来fine是好的意思,并且小白兔还说:“ thank you!”那么它是什么意思昵?老师请全班幼儿说说看。唔,原来是小白兔对小熊说“谢谢!”。 ④交织、照应单词。 小熊刚才和小白兔做什么啦?说“Hello”小白兔又说什么?为什么小白兔说:“ thank you”小熊对小白兔问“How are you?” ⑤老师问小朋友:刚才小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那么现在请小朋友听一听小白兔说什么?“How do you do ?”引导幼儿说出当别人问你好的时候,那么你自己也要问别人好,那就是“How do you do ?”“你好吗?”的意思。 ⑥并且你要对别人说自己很高兴认识他,那你就要说;“I’m giad to meet you”“我很高兴认识你”的意思。 ⑦老师说小熊和小白兔已经打招呼啦,那么请小朋友再听一遍它们是怎样说的。小熊对小白兔说“Hello”,并且问好“How are you?”小白兔很感动说:“fine, thank you!”小白兔也很有礼貌地对小熊说:“How do you do ?”并说自己“I’m giad to meet you,too!” 4、指着教材读儿歌 老师要求幼儿用食指指着教材的儿歌,老师带领幼儿读两遍,让幼儿全体读一遍。 5、玩游戏,结束课堂。 ①老师请一组幼儿扮演小熊队,一组幼儿扮演小白兔,请两队的小朋友手拿字卡,然后请两队出场,两队的小朋友一出场就互相问好: 小熊队说:Hello! Hello! How are you? 小白兔队说:I,m fine,I,m fine,thank you! 小熊队说:Hello! Hello! How do you do ? I’m giad to meet you,too!” ②教育幼儿要做一个有礼貌的人,见到别人要打招呼 ③请两队的幼儿各自做着自己扮演的小动物的动作出活动室去。 幼儿园英语教案:不同的颜色


托班英语教案大全 【篇一:小班英语教案】 小班英语教案:(apple and orange) 活动设计理念: 以发展幼儿英语语言为主线,其中穿插一些游戏,让幼儿在玩中学。水果是幼儿日常生活中最常接触的物质之一。因此,从简单、熟悉 的东西以及培养听力入手,使小班幼儿对英语活动产生兴趣并鼓励 幼儿模仿和表达。 活动目标: 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。 活动内容: 认识水果apple、orange。由于该内容是幼儿日常生活中比较熟悉的,因此,学习的难度不是很大。在这个活动之前,教师可先复习“headandshoulders”这首歌,边唱边做动作,从而让幼儿对五官有 进一步的认识和巩固。然后通过教师的引导,认识apple和orange,并且初步理解yes/no/ilike…的含义。其中穿插摘果及品尝水果的游 戏活动,让幼儿在快乐中学习。 活动准备: 盒子或小袋子一个,苹果、橘子实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵 大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,磁带、录音机。 活动过程: 1.热身运动。 教师与幼儿一起欣赏“head and shoulders”,边听边做动作,以达 到课前的活动准备。 2.输入单词。 a、apple。教师把已装有苹果的盒子或袋子神秘的拿到幼儿面前, 让幼儿有探索的欲望. t: look!what’s this? c:盒子 t: yes.a box 教师与幼儿一起边唱边做动作,以活跃课堂氛围. what’s in the box?what’s in the box?


小班英语教案【五篇】 【导语】编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书,从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。无忧考网小编整理了小班英语教案【五篇】,希望对你有帮助! 篇一:Pass the bunny 活动目标:1. 学习单词:“bunny”和句型“pass the bunny”。并理解其含义。 2. 能基本听懂并按规则游戏。 3. 愿意在集体面前表演。活动准备: 1. 教师身穿一个大口袋的上衣(内装各种水果模型:苹果,橘子,葡萄,梨子,香蕉,桃子菠萝,西瓜和各类汽车模型:小汽车,卡车。公共汽车,出租车) 2. 鼓一个,击棒一根。 3. 小兔毛绒玩具一个4. 兔子舞音乐活动过程:一. 师生问好,以舞蹈的形式引起幼儿的兴趣 1. t:good morning boys and girls .c:good morning teacher .t:do you want to dance ? c:yes .t:ok, let’s dance, please listen .(兔子舞音乐起,师生共同随音乐做动作) 2.t:(教师做很累的动作)oh, i’m tired. are you tied ?c:yes.t:ok. please find a chair and sit down .二. 学习单词“bunny” 1. t:today, here comes a new friend.(出示绒毛玩具小兔)look,what is this ?c:小兔t:yes bunny.t c::bunny,bunny(幼儿学说单词) t:(教师模仿小兔与幼儿打招呼)hello/hi/children c:hello/hi/ bunny 2.听指令做动作t:now, let’s play the game “i say you do “, ok?c:yes.t:kiss bunny(教师边说边示范动作,引导幼儿按照指令动作)who can try ?touch /shake hands /embrace /kiss the bunny (very good /you are smart /how cleve)t:now please say and fllow me .pass the bunny (教师做出传递的动作,边示范边讲解)t:pass the bunny and say it one by one. do you understand?c:yes.t:ok.let’s have a try.三、以击鼓传花的形式玩击鼓传小兔的游戏。1、介绍游戏玩法及规则。t:(教师拍拍大口袋)i have something inside . (出示玩具小兔)i also have a bunny .(拿出鼓) here’s a drum .now ,let’s play the game “pass the b unny” .t:i’ll beat the drum (击鼓) ,and you’ll pass the bunny one to one .(示范给幼儿看)when i stop you should stop .the child who has the bunny should take one of them from the pocket. are you clear?(可以先试着玩一次,老师在解释一下)2、引导幼儿玩游戏。t:now , let’s begin .(教师击鼓声起,幼儿传小兔到鼓声停)stop.let’


幼儿英语教案(精选15篇) 幼儿英语教案(一): onetofive 语言:0netofive(小班,25人) 活动目标: 1,感知单词onetofive与数字1-5的对应。 2,能够标准发出单词onetofive。 3,乐于参与活动游戏,体验获得新知识的欢乐。 活动准备: 布做的小鱼五条一组(5份),自作flash片段 活动重难点: 重点:感知单词onetofive与数字的对应,及在新知识的获得中感受到欢乐。 难点:活动的宗旨在于让幼儿感受英语情景中学英语,而不是刻意要求幼儿记住单词,所以要幼儿记住每次数字单词和阿拉伯数字的对应关系不简单的。 活动过程: 1,导入活动,引发幼儿兴趣。 导入语:goodmining,mybabies。Look,whatisit? 幼儿:鱼(英语情境教学中,要求教师尽量是全英语,让幼儿感

知英语的情境,但幼儿能够用母语回答。) 师:Yes,youareright。Itisonefish教师再放一个一条小鱼,,Now,twofish,加小,three,four,five。请幼儿跟读。师followme,onetwothreefourfive。(教师在发单词时能够用手指来表示相对应的数字) 2,教师用身体语言,让幼儿感受单词与数字的对应。 One教师站直,教师做个数字2的形状(手向前,腿向后,)two。求幼儿展开想象,用身体表现数字,教师说出英语单词。后面的能够请幼儿来想象模仿。 3,观看动画,巩固单词。 一条小鱼油过来,念道onefish。又一条小鱼游来,咬住前一条小鱼的尾巴,twofish。 又来了一条小鱼,咬住了前一条的尾巴,threefish。……依次到5条小鱼,然后五条小鱼咬前面的小鱼在水里游泳,背景配上英文数字歌。(印地安小孩改编) 请幼儿跟读。Followme。 4,幼儿玩小鱼接龙,并且要求大胆发出单词。 将小鱼分到每个组上,(小鱼设计很巧妙,小鱼的尾巴上有个钮洞,小鱼的眼睛是一粒纽扣。) 师:Nowweareplayagame,playcoectthesefishes。Dscoverssmallfish'ssecret,Thenlinksthesmallfish。(此刻我们来玩个小游戏,小鱼接龙,仔细观察,去发现小鱼的秘密,然后


幼儿园大班英语优质教案三篇 【导语】英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。 无忧考网准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮助!《Simon Says》游戏类型:角色游戏适合年龄:5-6岁游戏时间:8-10分钟游戏目的:训练儿童的听力以及动作协调能力;培养儿童养成良好的道德习惯游戏准备:所有儿童必须掌握各种口令;儿童穿上代表各种小动物的服装游戏规则:①一名儿童做领队,其他儿童站成一排,领队面向大家。②当领队说做某某动作而没有说Simon Says 时,大家就站着不动。如果有人做了动作,就被淘汰。③当领队说完Simon Says后,又说做某某动作时,大家就必须做这一动作。做到最后,一直做得对的儿童获胜。④领队可以让大家连续做同一动作,口令可快可慢。游戏过程:老师说:Hi, Children !今天我带领大家做运动。你们说好不好?儿童可以说:OK.老师扮成领队,可以说:Simon says, hands up.儿童一起举起双手,如有人不做动作,就被淘汰。教师只说:Hands up.时,如有人做动作,则被淘汰。Teacher: Are you ready?Student: Yes.Teacher: Simon says, stand up.Teacher: Sit down, please.Teacher: Simon says, sit down, please. Teacher: Turn left.Teacher: Simon says, turn left .可供选择的口令:Turn left. Turn right. Turn around. Sit down. Stand up. Raise your hands. Raise your arms. Clap your hands. Stand on one leg. Bend your knees. Wave your arms.


幼儿英语教案 【导语】 幼儿英语教案 (优选15篇) 由***整理投稿精心推荐,我希望对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 【目录】 篇1:幼儿英语教案 篇2:幼儿英语教案 篇3:幼儿英语教案 篇4:幼儿英语教案 篇5:幼儿英语教案 篇6:幼儿英语教案 篇7:幼儿英语教案 篇8:幼儿英语教案 篇9:幼儿英语教案 篇10:幼儿英语教案 篇11:幼儿英语教案 篇12:幼儿英语教案 篇13:幼儿英语教案 篇14:幼儿英语教案

篇15:幼儿英语教案 【正文】 篇1:幼儿英语教案 one to five 语言: 0ne to five (小班,25人) 活动目标: 1,感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应。 2,能够标准发出单词one to five。 3,乐于参与活动游戏,体验获得新知识的欢乐。 活动准备: 布做的小鱼五条一组(5份),自作flash片段 活动重难点: 重点:感知单词one to five 与数字的对应,及在新知识的获得中感受到欢乐。 难点:活动的宗旨在于让幼儿感受英语情景中学英语,而不是刻意要求幼儿记住单词,所以要幼儿记住每次数字单词和阿拉伯数字的对应关系不简单的。 活动过程: 1,导入活动,引发幼儿兴趣。 导入语:“good mining ,my babies。 look,what is it?” 幼儿:“鱼”(英语情境教学中,要求教师尽量是全英语,让幼儿感知英语的情境,但幼儿能够用母语回答。)

师:“yes, you are right。 it is one fish 教师再放一个一条小鱼,“,now,two fish ,加小,three ,four ,five。请幼儿跟读。师“follow me ,one two three four five。”(教师在发单词时能够用手指来表示相对应的数字) 2,教师用身体语言,让幼儿感受单词与数字的对应。 one 教师站直,教师做个数字2的形状(手向前,腿向后,)two。求幼儿展开想象,用身体表现数字,教师说出英语单词。后面的能够请幼儿来想象模仿。 3,观看动画,巩固单词。 一条小鱼油过来,念道one fish。又一条小鱼游来,咬住前一条小鱼的尾巴,“two fish。” 又来了一条小鱼,咬住了前一条的尾巴,“three fish。”……依次到5条小鱼,然后五条小鱼咬前面的小鱼在水里游泳,背景配上英文数字歌。(印地安小孩改编) 请幼儿跟读。“follow me 。” 4,幼儿玩小鱼接龙,并且要求大胆发出单词。 将小鱼分到每个组上,(小鱼设计很巧妙,小鱼的尾巴上有个钮洞,小鱼的眼睛是一粒纽扣。) 师:“now we are play a game ,play co ect these fishes。 dscovers small fish's secret,then links the small fish 。”(此刻我们来玩个小游戏,小鱼接龙,仔细观察,去发现小鱼的秘密,然后把它们连起来,并且每连一条鱼,请念出相应的单词,教师能够适当指导)


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园小班英语教案动物(三篇)目录: 幼儿园小班英语教案动物一 幼儿园小班英语教案动物大聚会二 幼儿园小班英语教案单词好三

幼儿园小班英语教案动物一 活动目标: 1、理解单词含义,学说新单词。 2、感受英语游戏的快乐,愿意学英语。 活动准备: 1、木偶一个。 2、红苹果、绿橘子、黄香蕉、蓝气球各一个。 3、红、绿、黄、蓝颜色颜料、可乐瓶子两个 活动过程: 一、复习颜色单词,引出活动。 以木偶和幼儿打招呼,复习上次活动单词,并引出新单词。 师:1、“Hello Hello”是谁在和小朋友打招呼啊?(Mary) 2、出示红苹果What’s this?(这是什么?)苹果是什么颜色的呢?用英语怎么说? 3、出示绿橘子What’s this?那这个又是什么颜色的呢?用英语说。 4、小朋友真棒,表扬表扬自己。(Very Very Good) 二、学习新单词。 1、yellow Mary拿出黄香蕉,What’s this? 它是什么颜色的?黄色的英语叫“yellow”,全体幼儿看着香蕉跟着老师说“yellow”,走一圈 请幼儿边摸香蕉边说“yellow”并采用变换高低请幼儿用不同音量 读单词。

2、blue Mary出示蓝气球,What’s this? 它的颜色是什么?蓝色叫“blue”,全体幼儿看着气球跟着老师说“blue”,教师利用吹气球的方式请幼儿根据气球大小用不同音量来读单词,然后再放气慢慢变小来读,可请配班老师帮着吹气球,老师带着幼儿读,注意停顿,并读清楚。 3、分组读单词..................... 一、活动内容:字母Y,短语Good night 二、活动目标: 1、通过多种游戏形式学习字母Y,知道Y,Y,拉链Y; Y for yellow,学习短语:Good night.复习Good morning. 2、引导幼儿读准字母单词的发音,培养对英语活动的热情和兴趣。 三、活动准备: 字母Y卡片、带有拉链的衣服、饮料瓶三个(瓶盖涂上黄色颜料)、小扇子(正反面各有太阳和月亮) 四、活动过程: 1、问好: (1) 师生问好。 (2) 引导幼儿向家长老师们问好。 2、热身:Hands up , hands down. 3、正课: (1) 学习字母Y: 让幼儿Close your eyes, 出示字母卡片Y,说明Y很象拉链,引出YY拉链Y,并通过游戏“修拉链”训练幼儿的发音。接着出示


幼儿英语教案(精选多篇) 第一篇:幼儿英语教案课题:《big small》 活动目标:1、掌握单词big和small2、提高幼儿学英语的积极性,使幼儿学会用反义词对事物进行比较。 活动准备:挂图,大象、老鼠图片,大树、小树,树叶、气球、呼啦圈若干,球拍,瓶子,汽车,玩具等。 活动过程: 一、开始部分:greeting and warm-up. 二、基本部分: 1、出示挂图讲故事,引出课题。学习单词big small,让幼儿仔细观察气球的变化,并用手表示出来。 2、教师出示一些物品,让幼儿进行比较,哪个big,哪个small,进一步学习单词。 3、教师出示大树、小树枝干,让幼儿粘贴big small树叶。 4、巩固知识点,呼啦圈的比较big small,让幼儿通过游戏跳圈来继续巩固所学。 三、结束部分:教师总结,让幼儿回去观察家里的物品两两进行比较主题背景下的英语活动:学习用品 要求:1 通过情景游戏“shopping ”、“school”复习一些学习用品单词:pencil、ruler、rubber、sharpener等; 2 听懂并理解老师的一些简单英语指令,乐于模仿;

3 通过情景模拟激发幼儿上小学的愿望; 准备:1铅笔盒、书包人手一份;铅笔、卷笔刀、尺若干;2 情景设置:文具超市、小学 过程: 一warm up: * dialogue:hi,how are you today?(fine,happy) how many days are there in a week? what day is today? 二情景游戏“shopping” 1 复习单个单词 *(出示书包)oh,nothing!what shall i prepare?(pencil……) *look,there is a stationary super-market!who wants to be the shopman?(师与幼儿示范,提示幼儿递东西时要说出单词) *ok,now let`s play。(请二名幼儿做shopman) 2 在单词前加修饰词,师辅助提示“what shape is it?”,“what color is it?” what did you buy? 摇,摇,摇摇你的头,shake ,shake,shake your head;拍,拍,拍拍你的手,clap,clap,clap your hands; 举,举,举起你的手臂,raise ,raise ,raise your arms;踢,踢,踢踢你的腿,kick ,kick,kick your legs; 跺,跺,跺跺你的脚,stamp ,stamp,stamp your feet


《幼儿英语教案》 幼儿英语教案(一): 认识水果(apple、pear、orange banana 设计意图: 认识水果apple、pear、orange、banana。由于该资料是幼儿日常生活中比较熟悉的,而且是最常接触的。因此,学习的难度不是很大。在这个活动之前,教师可先复习 eyes ears mouth and nose这首歌,边唱边做动作,从而让幼儿对五官有进一步的认识和巩固。然后透过教师的引导,认识这些水果的英文名称,并且初步理解Yes/No/I like 的含义,学会用Yes/No/I like 的句式表达。以发展幼儿英语语言为主线,其中穿插摘果及品尝水果的游戏活动,让幼儿在快乐愉悦的氛围中学习。 活动目标: 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。 活动资料: 活动准备: 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 活动过程: 1、热身运动。 First let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 Eyes ears mouth and nose, Mouth and nose, mouth and nose, Eyes ears mouth and nose, Its my body。

教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以到达课前的热身准备。 2、学习水果单词。 (1)、apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望。 T: Look! Whats this? C:盒子 T: Yes。 A box T: Whats in the box? Do you know? T: Ok, do you want to know? (引导幼儿说出Yes或No) Ding ding dong (敲盒子) T: Who want to try?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的),Whats this? C:苹果 T: Yes, apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读)。read after me, apple。(幼儿跟读) (2)、pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:Hum!(作吃的动作)Its wonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:Eat it! 之后问幼儿:Whats this?(梨) 教师:Yes,pear ! read after me, pear。(幼儿跟读) (3)、orange


幼儿园数字英语教案 【篇一:幼儿园中班英语教案】 幼儿园中班英语教案--《happy birthday》 活动内容:学习生日聚会歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标: 1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“??for you.”的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。 活动准备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、greeting 1、teacher and children say “hello!” “good morning!”each other. 2、teacher and children sing《nice to see you》together. 二、review t and c read the rhyme《horse》. 三、learn. 1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.“where is it?”“yes,it’s dog’s house.”t come in the house, “oh,this is a tv.let’s watch tv,ok?” 2、t and one child show together. t: “hello,i’m cat.today is dog’s birthday,i’ll go to this party.” t: “ding-dong!” c: “what is it?” t: “i’m cat.” c: “come in, please.” t: “happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” t1: “thank you.” 3、c learn “cake” “gift” “card”. (1)t shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,c say with t.“what’s this?”“[keik][gift][ca:d]” (2)c reads alone. “what’s this?” “yes, here you are.” (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, “who is the first?” 4、t shows a picture and reads “a cake for you.” c say with t.


幼儿园大班英语教案5篇 一、活动内容: Hello!Hello!(你好!你好!) 二、活动目标: 1、学习单词、短句。 Hello!(你好!)Howareyou?(你好吗?)thankyou(谢 谢)fine(好)Howdoyoudo?(你好吗?) I,mgladtomeetyou.我高兴认识你。 三、活动准备: 1、英文字卡,小礼物(星星、苹果等) 2、一只小熊、一只小白兔、花、草、树等板面设计教具。 四、活动过程: 1、板面设计,导入。 A、板面设计:在一个有花、草、树的公园里一只小熊出来散步,碰见一只小白兔。 B、导入:老师双手各拿一只小动物小熊、小白兔,一边走出课室,一边做着动作说:hello!hello!引出今节课的儿歌! 2、老师带动作教幼儿读儿歌三遍。 3、提问单词、短句,并进行照应、敲打。 ①老师学小熊的声音问小白兔说:“Hello”并让幼儿猜想小熊 说了什么?然后学习“Hello”是“你好”的意思。 ②跟着小熊又说:“Howareyou?”老师提示这句话是平常见到人时互相问候的话,请幼儿猜出这句话的意思写什么?老师小结

“Howareyou?”是“你好吗”的意思,请幼儿跟着老师读三遍,并 对幼儿加以表扬,将小礼物送给最棒的幼儿。 ③老师问幼儿,小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那小白兔应该怎样回答呢?小白兔做着动作向小熊回答:“fine!”老师请幼儿举手回答 小白兔回答的中文是什么?唔,原来fine是好的意思,并且小白兔 还说:“thankyou!”那么它是什么意思昵?老师请全班幼儿说说看。唔,原来是小白兔对小熊说“谢谢!”。 ④交织、照应单词。 小熊刚才和小白兔做什么啦?说“Hello”小白兔又说什么?为什 么小白兔说:“thankyou”小熊对小白兔问“Howareyou?” ⑤老师问小朋友:刚才小熊已经向小白兔问好啦,那么现在请小朋友听一听小白兔说什么?“Howdoyoudo?”引导幼儿说出当别人问 你好的时候,那么你自己也要问别人好,那就是 “Howdoyoudo?”“你好吗?”的意思。 ⑥并且你要对别人说自己很高兴认识他,那你就要 说;“I’mgiadtomeetyou”“我很高兴认识你”的意思。 ⑦老师说小熊和小白兔已经打招呼啦,那么请小朋友再听一遍它们是怎样说的。小熊对小白兔说“Hello”,并且问好“Howareyou?”小白兔很感动说:“f ine,thankyou!”小白兔也很有礼貌地对小熊说:“Howdoyoudo?”并说自己“I’mgiadtomeetyou,too!” 4、指着教材读儿歌 老师要求幼儿用食指指着教材的儿歌,老师带领幼儿读两遍,让幼儿全体读一遍。 5、玩游戏,结束课堂。 ①老师请一组幼儿扮演小熊队,一组幼儿扮演小白兔,请两队的小朋友手拿字卡,然后请两队出场,两队的小朋友一出场就互相问好: 小熊队说:Hello!Hello!Howareyou?



《幼儿英语教案》 幼儿英语教案(一): 认识水果(apple、pear、orange banana 设计意图: 认识水果apple、pear、orange、banana。由于该资料是幼儿日常生活中比较熟悉的,而且是最常接触的。因此,学习的难度不是很大。在这个活动之前,教师可先复习 eyes ears mouth and nose这首歌,边唱边做动作,从而让幼儿对五官有进一步的认识和巩固。然后透过教师的引导,认识这些水果的英文名称,并且初步理解Yes/No/I like 的含义,学会用Yes/No/I like 的句式表达。以发展幼儿英语语言为主线,其中穿插摘果及品尝水果的游戏活动,让幼儿在快乐愉悦的氛围中学习。 活动目标: 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。 活动资料: 活动准备: 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 活动过程: 1、热身运动。 First let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 Eyes ears mouth and nose, Mouth and nose, mouth and nose, Eyes ears mouth and nose, Its my body。

教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以到达课前的热身准备。 2、学习水果单词。 (1)、apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望。 T: Look! Whats this? C:盒子 T: Yes。 A box T: Whats in the box Do you know T: Ok, do you want to know (引导幼儿说出Yes或No) Ding ding dong (敲盒子) T: Who want to try(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的),Whats this? C:苹果 T: Yes, apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读)。read after me, apple。(幼儿跟读) (2)、pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:Hum!(作吃的动作)Its wonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:Eat it! 之后问幼儿:Whats this(梨) 教师:Yes,pear ! read after me, pear。(幼儿跟读) (3)、orange


篇一:幼儿园说课范文 文章简介:《幼儿园小班说课稿》 一、说教材《能干的小手》是小班上学期主题三《我自己》次主题《小手和小脚》中的一个活动内容,我选 《幼儿园小班说课稿》《计划总结》觉得好请分享: 一、说教材 《能干的小手》是小班上学期主题三《我自己》次主题《小手和小脚》中的一个活动内容,我选择本活动是由于: 1、小班幼儿已具有初步的自我意识,对身体各器官逐步产生探索兴趣。 为了更好的完成本活动教育目标,我把活动的(重点)确定为:引导幼儿通过活动了解自己的小手,知道手能做许多的事情。 二、活动准备 三、说学情 小班幼儿年龄在4岁左右,他们处于典型的游戏年龄阶段,是角色游戏的高峰期,他们对游戏特别感兴趣,平时总喜欢把自己想象成故事中的某一角色,但由于词汇贫乏,幼儿在游戏中想说又不知该怎样说,即使说了也很难把自己的意思表达完整。 四、说教法 1、游戏法:游戏是幼儿最喜欢的活动,是引导幼儿主动学习的重要方式,能够给幼儿带来许多乐趣。 2、谈话法:所谓谈话法,就是围绕活动内容,通过教师提问,引导幼儿回答的一种方法。 五、说学法 六、说教学程序 1、创设情境,引入活动 篇二:幼儿园说课格式 说课格式 一.说教学内容 二.说教学目标 三.说教法 四.说学法 五.说教学程序 篇三:幼儿园说课稿:《亲亲长颈鹿》说课设计范例 幼儿园说课稿:《亲亲长颈鹿》说课设计范例 一、说教材 (一)教材分析 《亲亲长颈鹿》这个故事选自小班下学期,《有趣的动物》这一主题中。该故事选用了小朋友生活中比较熟悉并喜欢的小兔子和长颈鹿为角色,讲述了一个长颈鹿阿姨助人为乐的故事,特别是小兔子们亲亲长颈鹿阿姨这个情节既让人觉得有趣又很符合小班小朋友的年龄特点,生活中我们也会经常看到自己班的小朋友亲亲老师的小手或者脸蛋来表示他对老师的喜爱之情。 (二)教学目标 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》语言领域中提出:“发展幼儿语言的关键是创设一个能使他们想说、敢说、喜欢说、有机会说并能得到积极应答的环境。”以及要“鼓励幼儿大胆、清楚地表达自己的想法和感受,发展幼儿语言表达能力和思维能力。”根据这一目标和要求,结合小班下学期幼儿的年龄特点和语言发展水平:幼儿年龄小,注意力容易分散,以自我为中心。 (三)学重、难点 目标中提到:在游戏情景中理解故事内容,体验友爱互助带来的快乐。


幼儿园英语教案5篇Kindergarten English teaching plan 编订:JinTai College

幼儿园英语教案5篇 前言:本文档根据题材书写内容要求展开,具有实践指导意义,适用于组织或个人。便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:幼儿园英语教案 2、篇章2:幼儿园英语教案 3、篇章3:幼儿园英语教案 4、篇章4:幼儿园英语教案 5、篇章5:幼儿园英语教案 篇章1:幼儿园英语教案 英语儿歌 One, Two, How Do You Do? One, two, how do you do? Three, four, open the door. Five, six, sit up stright.

Nine, ten, say it again. / A gt;: 1.学会念儿歌lt lt; One, Two, How Do You Do?gt gt; 2.掌握问候语A. How do you do? B. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten十个数字名称. C. 掌握动词短语3个: open the door, sit up stright, say it again. 教学准备: 1.数字吸铁石玩具(1-10) 2.大图片一张. 教学过程: 1.与小朋友打招呼问候,引入新的问候语: How do you do? 2.选取数字吸铁石玩具1-10,认识数字并能用英语表达. 3.根据图片,告诉孩子们这些小动物在干什么?
