
(1)中译英 ) 磁场
Magnetic field Induction motor
The stator
起动转矩 熔断器 铁损 变压器 母线 旋转 升压变压器 电压表 电压降 电压互感器 触发器 力矩 晶闸管 温度 压力 串联
Starting torque fuse Metal loss transformer bus rotating Pressor transformer voltmeter Voltage drop Voltage transformer flip-flop torque thyristor temperature pressure series Programmable
感应电动机 定子 槽 同步转速 发电 标么值 极数 绝缘 铁心 电流 铁损 空载
trough The synchronous speed power Standard yao value Extreme number insulation core current Metal loss no-load
直流电动机 Dc machines 并励 串励 互感
excitation series-excited Mutual inductance
可 编 程 控 制 器
接触器 自感 发电机
contactor relay
行程开关 开关 转差率 额定电流 漏极 栅极
travel switch slip
集电 二极管 短路 阴极 截止 源极
Integrating electricity diode Short circuit cathode deadline To source
rated current drain grid
正反馈 Positive feedback (2)英译中 英译中 Voltage source Ideal current source Electromotive force Potential Circuit Inductance Capacitance Loop Node voltage analysis Superosition Network Average value Effective value Line current Neutral line theorem 电压源 理想电流源来进行 电动势 电动势潜在 电路 电感 电容 环 中的节点电压法 Superosition 定理 网络 平均值 有效值 线电流 中性线 Steady state Flux 稳态 流量
Instantaneous value Reactance Phase Power factor Series resonance Parallel resonance Resonance frequency Quality factor Filter Phase voltage Phase current Line voltage
瞬时值 电抗引入 阶段 功率因数 系列谐振 并联共振 谐振频率 品质因数 过滤 相电压 目前阶段 电压
Magnetic circuit Synchronous motor Three-phase Normally open contact
磁路 同步电动机 三相 常开接触
Transistor Emitter Collector Base Equivalent circuit Voltage gain Saturation
晶体管 发射器 收藏家 基地 等效电路 电压增益 饱和 截止 正反馈 负反馈 输入电阻 输出电阻 中心频率 带宽 开环增益 关闭增益 共模增益 输入阻抗 电压源 电流源
Normally closed contact 正常关闭接触 Programmable logic controller 控制器 Statement list Ladder diagram Hole Diffusion Diode Direct current component Resistor Capacitance Inductance Sinusoidal voltage Differentiator Active filter Low-pass filter Cut-off frequency 声明列表 梯形图 洞 扩散 二极管 直流分量 可编程序
Cut-off Positive feedback Negative feedba

ck Input resistance Output resistance Center frequency Bandwidth Open-loop gain Closed -loop gain Common-mode gain Input impedance Voltage source Current source
电阻 电容 电感 正弦电压 微分器 有源滤波器 低通滤波器 截止频率
二、句子翻译 When two or more synchronous machines are interconnected, the stator voltages and currents of all the machines must have the same frequency and the rotor mechanical speed of each is synchronized to this frequency. Therefore,the rotors of all interconnected machines must be in
synchronism.In a generator,the electromagnetic torque opposes rotation of the rotor,so that mechanical torque must be applied by the prime mover to sustain rotation. 译文: 当两个或多个同步机互相联系,定子电压和电流的所有的机器必须有相同的频率和转子 机械速度同步都是这个频率。因此,转子相互联系的机器必须在同步在一般的发电机里,电磁 转矩转子旋转反对,使机械扭矩必须采用原动机来维持旋转。
The effect of increasing the mechanical torque input is to advance the rotor to a new position relative to the revolving magnetic field of the stator. Conversely, a reduction of mechanical torque or power input will retard the rotor position.In a synchronous motor, the roles of electrical and mechanical torques are reversed compared to those in a generator. 译文: 对提高的机械转矩输入是为了增进转子到一个新的位置相对于旋转磁场的定子。相反, 减少了机械扭矩或输入功率转子位置会妨碍在同步电动机的角色、电气、机械反扭矩相比, 那些在发电机。
For satisfactory operation of a power system, the frequency should remain nearly constant.Relatively close control of frequency ensures constancy of speed of induction and synchronous motors. Constancy of speed of motor drives is particularly important for satisfactory performance of all the auxiliary drives associated with the fuel, the feed-water and the combustion air supply systems . In a network,considerable drop in frequency could result in high magnetizing currents in induction motors and transformers. 译文: 获得满意的电力系统的运行、频率应该保持接近恒. 比较近的频率控制确保恒久的引 申和同步电动机速度。电动机驱动的速度恒久的满意的效果尤为重要,各项配套驱动有关的 燃料、给水及燃烧送风系统。在网络中,相当大的下降可能导致高频率异步电动机电流磁化 和变压器。
三、短文翻译 可再生能源简介 为产生能源在矿物燃料在燃烧是气候发生变化的主要原因。煤、油和气体的燃烧产生的 二氧化碳──引起全球变暖的主要导致温室效应的气体之一。 为了解决气候改变、找到一种将来使用的绿色能源,我们迫切需要采取更有效的技术降 低能源使用,从可再生物质中产生能量,

释放更少或不释放二氧化碳进入大气层。 可再生能源技术(诸如风、海浪、潮汐、水力发电和生物能──栽培和燃烧家作物而发 能)可提供“清洁的”无碳能源,作为矿物燃料(气、油、煤)的替代物,它通常用于加热 和发电。 (生物能除外,尽管它的确释放二氧化碳,但它只是把植物一生中通过光合作用吸 收的二氧化碳释放到空气中) 。 与此相反,燃烧矿物燃料将二氧化碳排放到大气层中,位于地球表面的大气层已存在数 亿年。矿物燃料的来源是有限的,因此它们的持续使用是不可能的。可再生技术是一种可持 续的产生能源地方法,因为风、海浪、太阳能等等是不可能耗尽的。 可再生能源如下: 太阳能是免费和用这不竭的。 将阳光转 太阳能 太阳给有的生物提供一种基本的能量。 换为人类消费的形式产生成本。数千年来阳光被人类用来晒干农作物、加热水和建筑。二十 世纪采用的是光电技术,即将阳光直接转换为电。 风能 空气的运动可被用来作为能源,从远古时代即是如此。今天先进的空气动力学 研究已研究出风力涡轮机,它可以非常经济地发电。风力涡轮机通常成组地置于农场,位于 沿海或山顶地乡村开阔地带,那里全年都有盛行风。 地热能 在地球硬壳下面的岩石含有像铀、钾等一直在衰减的放射性材料,这些材料 持续不断地提供热能。在地球表面10000米深范围内的热量比世界上所有的油和气源所包含 的能量的50000倍还要多。 地热能传导地壳下面的加热水。 热虽被用来驱动电涡轮机和加热建筑。 具有 最高温度的区域于活跃的或新形成的火山地区周围。 生物能 生物是我们用来描述产生能量的植物材料和动物废弃物地术语。 植物形成了
地球上所有生物赖以生存的食物链的基础。但以生产能量的观点, “生物”指的是利用树、
农作物、森林、农业和城市的废弃物。它是人类最早知道的可再生能源。 生物是一种可再生能源,因为它含有来自太阳的能量。通过光合作用,植物上的叶绿素 通过将空气中的二氧化碳和土壤中的水转成碳水化合物捕捉到了太阳能。
译文: 译文:
Renewable energy profile
To produce energy in fossil fuels in combustion is the main cause of climate change. Coal, oil and gas carbon dioxide from the burning of ─ ─ global warming heatcaused by the main one of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. In order to tackle climate change, find a future use of green energy, so we need to take more effective technology to reduce energy use, from renewable material produces energy, release less or not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Renewable energy technologies (such as wind, tides, waves, hydroelectri

c and waves, biobio-energy ─ ─ cultivation and burning house plants and hair can) can provide "clean" no carbon energy, as fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal) substitute, it's usually does used for heating and power generation. (except unaltered, although it does carbon dioxide, but it just put the plant life through photosynthesis absorb carbon dioxide into the air). By contrast, burning fossil fuels would carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, millions located on the surface of the earth's atmosphere already exist millions and billions of years. Fossil fuel source is limited, and therefore their continuous use is impossible. Renewable technology is a kind of sustainable energy production to exhausted. methods, because the wind, the sea, the solar energy, etc, are impossible exhausted. Renewable energy is as follows: Solar sun to some biological provides a basic energy. Solar energy is free and use this inexhaustible. Sunlight converted to human consumption forms produce cost. heating For thousands of years by humans to sunshine dry crops, heating water and buildings. The twentieth century USES is photoelectric technology, forthcoming sunlight
directly convert electricity. Wind air movement can be used as the energy from ancient times namely is so. developed Today's advanced aerodynamic studies had developed the wind turbines, it can be very economic power. Wind turbines usually group exactly where the farm, in the coastal or mountain to rural open areas, where the prevailing winds throughout the year. contain, Geothermal energy in earth's mantle below rocks contain, such as uranium, potassium, etc have been attenuation of radioactive materials, these materials continuously provide heat. The surface of the earth 10,000 meters deep within the scope of the heat than all of the world oil and air contains energy 50000 times higher than. Geothermal energy conduction crust beneath the hot water. Heat is used to drive electric turbines and heating buildings. With the highest temperature area in active or newly formed around volcanic region. organisms We used to describe biological organisms produces energy plant materials and animal waste to term. Plant formed all creatures on the earth's survival and the food chain foundation. But in order to produce energy point of view, "biology" means the using trees, crops, forest, agriculture and the city's waste. It is the human the earliest known renewable energy. Biology is a kind of renewable energy, because it contains energy from the sun. Pass photosynthesis, chlorophyll on the plant through carbon dioxide from the air into and water in the soil into carbohydrates captured solar energy.

