

Field Description

eNodeBID基站号eNodeB ID

eNodeBName基站名字eNodeB name

SectorID扇区ID Sector ID

Local CellID本地小区ID Local CellID

CellID小区ID Cell ID

C arrier frequency


PCI物理小区标识Physical cell ID



Azimuth方位角Azimuth (degree)

eNodeBType基站类型eNodeB type

CellName小区名Cell name

Downtilt下倾角Downtilt (degree)

E-DownTilt电子下倾角Internal E-downTilt (degree)

M-DownTilt机械下倾角Machine downTilt angle (degree) GroudHeight天线挂高Antenna height above the ground Altitude海拔Antenna altitude

AntennaType天线类型Antenna type

AntennaGain天线增益Antenna gain

H-Beamwidth水平半功率角Width of horizontal half-power beam V-Beamwidth垂直半功率角Width of vertical half-power beam FeederType馈线类型Feeder type

FeederLength馈线长度Feeder length

ActiveStatus激活状态Whether the cell is available Outdoor室外Outdoor station

TMA塔放Tower mounted amplifier

TAC跟踪区码Tracking Area Code


Value Mandatory (Yes/No) Data type: character string.Yes

Data type: character string.Yes

Data type: character string.Yes

Data type: character string.Yes

Data type: integer. Range: 0 to 65535.Yes

Data type: integer. Range: 0 to 65535.Yes

Data type: integer. Range: 0 to 503.Yes

Data type: double. Range: -180.0 to 180.0.Yes

Data type: double. Range: -90.0 to 90.0.Yes

Data type: integer. Range: 0 to 360.Yes

Data type: character string. Value: Macrocell and Microcell.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: float. Range: 0 to 90.No

Data type: float. Range: 0 to 90.No

Data type: float. Range: 0 to 90.No

Data type: float.No

Data type: float.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: float.No

Data type: float. Range: 0 to 90.No

Data type: float. Range: 0 to 90.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: float.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: character string.No

Data type: integer. Range: 0 to 65535.No


used for connecting test point to Cell used for connecting test point to Cell used for showing test point position used for showing test point position
