Introduction A Scoring Function for Docking Ligands to Low-Resolution Protein Structures

Introduction A Scoring Function for Docking Ligands to Low-Resolution Protein Structures
Introduction A Scoring Function for Docking Ligands to Low-Resolution Protein Structures

A Scoring Function for Docking Ligands to

Low-Resolution Protein Structures


Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics,University at Buffalo,901Washington St.,

Buffalo,New York14203



Published online in Wiley InterScience(,).

Abstract:We present a docking method that uses a scoring function for protein–ligand docking that is designed to maximize the docking success rate for low-resolution protein structures.We?nd that the resulting scoring function parameters are very different depending on whether they were optimized for high-or low-resolution protein structures. We show that this docking method can be successfully applied to predict the ligand-binding site of low-resolution structures.For a set of25protein–ligand complexes,in76%of the cases,more than50%of ligand-contacting residues are correctly predicted(using receptor crystal structures where the binding site is unspeci?ed).Using decoys of the receptor structures having a4?RMSD from the native structure,for the same set of complexes,in72%of the cases, we obtain at least one correctly predicted ligand-contacting residue.Furthermore,using an81-protein–ligand set described by Jain,in76(93.8%)cases,the algorithm correctly predicts more than50%of the ligand-contacting residues when native protein structures are,ing3?RMSD from native decoys,in all but two cases(97.5%),the algorithm predicts at least one ligand-binding residue correctly.Finally,compared to the previously published Dolores method,for298protein–ligand pairs,the number of cases in which at least half of the speci?c contacts are correctly predicted is more than four times greater.

?2005Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J Comput Chem26:374–383,2005

Key words:ligand docking;low-resolution protein structures;binding site;scoring function;eraser algorithm


The ambitious goal of protein–ligand docking programs is to predict which ligands bind to a protein.For the cases of ligands predicted to bind,one is also interested in the binding af?nity and the structure of the bound complex.Many examples of successful predictions have been reported,and docking methods have been successfully applied to structure-based drug design(see,e.g.,refs. 1–3).For an overview of docking methodologies,see the review by Halperin et al.4

Docking programs typically need a receptor structure with very high resolution as input,or in some cases,an ensemble of high-resolution protein structures.However,the use of homology mod-els or even the unbound receptor structure,still poses a problem for docking programs.Erickson et al.5conclude from their study that a root-mean-square-deviation(RMSD)of1.5?of the input receptor structure from the bound structure results in a loss of about90%docking accuracy(percent of cases in a test set of complexes in which the top scoring docking solution has a RMSD of less than2?with respect to the experimental bound ligand structure5).

However,for many practical cases,the predicted protein struc-ture will come from a structure prediction algorithm such as Rosetta6or Tasser,7and for nontrivial cases will have structural errors in side-chain and backbone coordinates when compared to the native and bound structure.Thus,it is important to understand how the quality of protein–ligand prediction deteriorates as the quality of the protein structure diminishes.

Many different approaches have been developed to account for protein?exibility.Schapira et al.8described a method in which they precompute an ensemble of protein models to which the ligands are individually docked.Claussen et al.9use the set of structures available in the PDB as the ensemble of protein struc-tures for docking(Software FlexE).The program Gold allows the user to de?ne?exible side chains of the receptor.10

*Present address:SAIC-Frederick,Laboratory for Experimental and Computational Biology,National Cancer Institute,P.O.Box B,Bldg 469,Frederick,MD21702

Correspondence to:J.Skolnick;e-mail:skolnick@, Contract/grant sponsor:NIH;contract/grant number:RR-12225

?2005Wiley Periodicals,Inc.

Tovchigrechko and Vakser11choose a different approach for the case of protein–protein docking:the receptor structure is pro-jected on a low-resolution cubic grid(up to7?grid spacing)to identify steric complementarity on a smoothed surface.A similar approach is used by Wojciechowski12for the case of protein–ligand docking:both the receptor and the ligand structure are projected on a cubic grid with a2?grid spacing.The scoring function consists of a steric interaction term and a statistical potential for ligand atom type and receptor amino acid type.

In this study,we choose a different approach.We choose scoring terms typical for high-resolution docking scoring func-tions,but use an optimization procedure that optimizes the free parameters of the scoring function by maximizing the docking success rate using native ligand structures and3?RMSD decoys of the receptor structures.


The Search Algorithm

Given a scoring function,the task of the search algorithm is to?nd the optimal ligand position with respect to the protein.The search algorithm described here is essentially a scanning of the transla-tional and rotational degrees of freedom of the different ligand fragments with a subsequent superposition of ligand conformers to the best fragment solutions found.The possible translations of the ligand fragments are initially de?ned on a cubic grid in which the protein is embedded.All search points that are closer than2?from a protein atom are deleted.The number of remaining grid points is reduced by a cavity search-based,“eraser”type of algo-rithm,which erases all grid points unless they are in a cavity of the receptor such that an“eraser”sphere of9?radius does not?t in that cavity.This eraser algorithm is described in more detail in Venkatachalam et al.13

The search points are subsequently clustered into“cavities”by complete-linkage clustering using a cutoff distance that is slightly larger than the grid spacing.The three largest cavities are searched (the10largest cavities in the case of the Erickson-LPDB set).It is also possible to de?ne a spherical region in which the search points are allowed to reduce the search space.

The docking search algorithm works as follows:initially,the rotatable torsion angles of the input ligand structure are random-ized to avoid bias towards the experimental structure.A set of up to50conformers are generated for the ligand such that each two conformers have a RMSD between them of at least1.0?.This set of conformers is used in a later stage of the docking algorithm.The ligand is split into rigid fragments using the rotatable bonds as cutting edges.The ligand fragments that consist of less than six atoms are merged with the smallest adjacent fragment,until all fragments consist of six or more atoms.A separate docking sim-ulation is performed for each fragment:each ligand fragment’s center of mass is set to each de?ned search point.All possible rotations are explored with a step size of20degrees.The100best scoring solutions are stored for each fragment.Each ligand con-former of the set that was initially created is superimposed on each of the100stored best solutions of each fragment.A small local optimization is done for each superimposed ligand conformer:10possible translations(star-shaped around the current ligand center of mass with a step size of half the step size of the initial fragment docking)and27possible orientations(using half the angle step size of the initial fragment docking)are explored to?nd a ligand conformer superposition with an even better protein–ligand inter-action score.The resulting conformer positions and scores are rank ordered and form the docking algorithm predictions.The highest (“best”)rank corresponds here to the lowest score.

The Scoring Function

The scoring function is a weighted sum of a van der Waals interaction term,a hydrogen-bond,an electrostatic term and a ligand internal energy term.The resulting potential is projected on a grid with0.4?grid spacing(0.75?when the ligand-binding site is not speci?ed).

Van der Waals Potential

The van der Waals potential is a softened6–9potential,whose functional form is also described in Venkatachalam et al.13

E vdW?r??w vdW?

?2?ij r*ij9/r ij9???3?ij r*ij6/r ij6?

?2?ij r*ij9/r ij9???1??r ij2??1(1)

The minimum value of the van der Waals interaction is de?ned

by the value?


.This value depends on the atom types of the two

interacting atoms.We set the values of?


equal to the energy minimum values according to Jones et al.10multiplied by the



),with r


being the sum of the van der Waals radii

of the interacting atoms.This additional scaling factor of(2?1/r


) gives a larger weight to atoms with large van der Waals radii;in other words,it reduces the contribution of the hydrogen atoms to the interaction energy.The history of this factor is quite interest-ing:it initially was used as part of the formula because of a mistake in the coding of the algorithm.However,it turned out that the docking accuracy is higher with this scaling factor than without it, even if only the van der Waals interaction potential is used in the scoring,ing,for example,the81-complex Jain test set described below,we obtained33cases with a ligand RMSD of less than3?using this scaling factor compared to28cases without it. For this experiment,all other scoring terms were switched off,and the ligand center of mass was constrained to be within6.5?of the native position.

The values?and?are parameters that can be used to“soften”the interaction potential.We will see later that those two param-eters have quite different values depending on whether they were optimized using high-or low-resolution structures.The weight

factor w


of the van der Waals interaction is set to1.

Electrostatic Interaction

We de?ne the electrostatic interaction potential for two charges q

1 and q


that have a distance r as follows:

Scoring Function for Docking Ligands375

E elstat ?r ??w elstat ??

q 1q 2x

q 1q 2

r min x if r ?r min 0

if r ?r max


The weight factor w elstat and the exponent x are parameters that are ?tted as described in the section on the optimization of the scoring function.We set the minimum and maximum distances r min and r max to 0.25and 5?,respectively.

Hydrogen Bond Term

The hydrogen bond interaction term is similar to the interaction term developed by Schapira et al.8An interaction contributes to the hydrogen bond term if a polar hydrogen has a distance r smaller than r max with respect to a ?tting point representing a lone electron pair.Although Schapira et al.8use a Gaussian function to describe the interaction energy,we use an exponent x as shown in eq.(3).Other parameters of the interaction term are the minimum distance r min and a weight factor w hbond .All parameters (except the mini-mum distance,which is set to 0.8?)are ?tted using a training set (see section “Optimization of the scoring function”as well as Table 1).

E hbond ?r ??w hbond ???1???

e ???r ?r min ?/2r min ?



if r ?r min 0

if r ?r max


Ligand Internal Energy

The ligand internal energy is a sum of a torsion angle energy term and a van der Waals interaction term.We use the parameters and the functional form of the torsion energy parameters according to Clark et al.14As a van der Waals nonbonded interaction term we use a 6–12Lennard–Jones potential.The parameters describing the interaction energy minima are set equal to the ones used for the protein–ligand nonbonded interaction (see section “Van der Waals potential”).

Test and Training Sets

Test Sets

We used the following sets of protein–ligand complexes to eval-uate the quality of our docking algorithm:

1.We de?ned a set of 25complexes that is an intersecting set of the 41complexes described in Erickson,5a set of “well-be-haved”known protein–ligand complexes,and the 181com-plexes of the LPDB.15For example,only proteins that do not contain metal atoms are part of the Erickon data set,to make a comparison between docking algorithms easier,some of which support metal atoms in their scoring,while others do,ing this set,Erickson et al.5benchmark the programs Dock,16,17FlexX,18,25Gold,10and their own approach,CDocker.19The complete intersecting set of the Erickson and the LPDB data set consists of 29complexes,from which we removed four pro-teins that are homologous to proteins of the training set (see below),using Blast 20with an e-value cutoff of 0.01.We term the resulting set of 25complexes the Erickson–LPDB test set.

2.A set of 81protein–ligand complexes described in Jain,21in which he benchmarks the program Sur?ex on that set of pro-teins.We term this the Jain test set.

3.A set of 298proteins,derived from the set of 318proteins,for which results of the Dolores method are published.12We term this the Dolores test set.We used the program Reduce 22to place hydrogen atoms on the PDB structures of the,ing Blast,we removed from the original set of 318proteins the proteins for which we obtained an e-value of less than 0.01with respect to proteins from the training set described below.

Decoy Generation

We used a decoy generation algorithm that generates structures that have a given RMSD for both the global RMSD (comparing the C-?atom positions)and the local RMSD (comparing all atoms of the residues that have at least one atom closer than 5?to any atom of the native ligand structure).The algorithm is a Monte Carlo optimization,minimizing an objective function consisting of the two terms mentioned above.The allowed moves are random rotations of the backbone and side-chain torsion angles.For each protein of the test sets we generate four decoys;they have an RMSD from the native structure of 1,2,3,and 4?,allowing a tolerance of ?0.5?for both the local and the global RMSD.We keep track of the global and local RMSD of the decoys to avoid the situation in which one generates a decoy that has the

Table 1.Optimized Parameters of Scoring Functions Using (a)High

Resolution and (b)3-?Decoys (“Low Resolution”).Parameter

High resolution Low resolution VdW-alpha 0.013?0.0170.223?0.161VdW-beta

0.049?0.0420.238?0.167Electrostatic-weight 325.53?73.17364.507?89.152Electrostatic-exponent 0.869?1.100 4.161?2.146Hydrogen-weight 25.560?1.6950.681?0.662Hydrogen-dist




In the table,the weights of the hydrogen bond term and the electrostatic term are called hydrogen-weight and electrostatic-weight,respectively.The exponent x in eq.(2)is called the electrostatic-exponent.The exponent x in eq.(3)is the hydrogen-exponent;the maximum distance cutoff in eq.(3)is called hydrogen-dist.As described before,the optimization proce-dure is such that when there are n proteins in the training set,one effectively independently optimizes n versions of the scoring function.The column with the name high resolution shows the mean and standard deviation of the optimization runs using the crystal structures of the training set proteins.The standard deviation of the mean is in effect four times smaller than the shown standard deviation of the individual values (because the training set consists of 16proteins).The column,low reso-lution,shows the corresponding resulting scoring function parameters using 3-?decoys instead of the crystal structures.

376Bindewald and Skolnick




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desired global RMSD but whose active site is virtually unchanged compared to the native structure.

Training Set

Protein–ligand complexes for the training set are taken from the 305complex dataset described by Nissink et al.23We only con-sider proteins for the training set that have different FSSP repre-sentative structures24with respect to the81-protein test set to ensure that no pair of proteins from test and training set has more than30%pair-wise sequence identity.

Because a time-consuming docking procedure is used to opti-mize the scoring function(see below),we chose a small set of16 protein–ligand complexes,for which the docking procedure was the fastest.We generated a3?decoy for each of the proteins of the training set.

Optimization of the Scoring Function

We optimized the free parameters of the scoring function using the training set of16proteins described above.The optimization procedure has been performed using(a)crystal structures and(b) 3?RMSD from native decoys as receptor structures.As shown in the results,the resulting scoring functions are quite different de-

pending on the quality of receptor structures that are used.

The optimization procedure consists of100optimization rounds.In each round,50docking simulations are run for each receptor in the training set(rigid body docking using the native ligand structure).Those50docking simulations are used as Monte Carlo steps to optimize the scoring function with respect to that receptor.The objective function of the optimization is the score gap between the best scoring“correct”solution of a docking simulation and the best scoring“wrong”solution of the same docking simulation(a correct solution is de?ned here as having a resulting ligand RMSD less than2.5?from the native ligand structure).

Each time all50docking simulations are completed for all16 receptors of the training set,we say one“round”of the optimiza-tion is completed.After each round,the resulting optimized scor-ing functions are applied to a different receptor of the training set using cyclical permutation.

This procedure has the advantage that(a)one obtains for a training set of n proteins n different scoring functions that makes it possible to estimate errors in the individual parameters of the scoring function,and(b)the optimization is less likely to get stuck in a local minimum,because after a short minimization run of the scoring function the receptors are changed and the scoring function is optimized with respect to a new receptor.


Resulting Scoring Function Parameters

The scoring function parameters resulting from the optimization are listed in Table1.The weight of the van der Waals term and the ligand internal energy is set to one and is not optimized.As described in the Table caption,seven terms of the scoring function are optimized:the values?and?from the van der Waals inter-action[eq.(1)],the weight and exponent of the electrostatic interaction term[eq.(2)],and the weight,exponent,and maximum distance cutoff of the hydrogen interaction term[eq.(3)].The left column of Table1shows the results that were obtained using the protein crystal structures;the right column corresponds to the optimization results using3?decoys.The resulting shape of the van der Waals interaction curve is shown in Fig.1.

The given values correspond to an energy unit of kcal/mol,the used unit for distances is Angstrom,and the unit for charges is the absolute value of the charge of an electron.However,one should have in mind that the scoring function is to some extent“nonphys-ical,”because it was optimized with respect to the docking success rate instead of?tting known free energies of binding.In other words,the scoring function was designed to identify ligand bind-ing positions but not to accurately reproduce ligand free energies of binding.

Known Ligand and Known Binding Site:Results for

Constrained Docking

By constrained docking,we mean that the ligand-binding site of the receptor is speci?ed in advance,and the docking algorithm only searches this speci?ed region.In practice,we constrain the ligand-binding site to be a spherical region with a radius of6.5?around the center of mass of the bound ligand of the crystal structure.

The results for constrained docking using the low-resolution parameter set for the Erickson–LPDB test set are shown in Figure 2where the ligand RMSD of the top scoring prediction for each complex for the different decoys sets is presented.The results are sorted such that the lowest to highest RMSD predictions are plotted from left to


Figure1.Van der Waals interaction curve with parameters optimized using high-resolution structures(dashed line)or low-resolution protein structures(solid line).The curve corresponding to high-resolution structures approaches a value of76.9for a distance of,ing eq.

(1),the minimum energy was set to?1.0and the equilibrium distance,pare also Table1.

Scoring Function for Docking Ligands377

Using the receptor crystal structure,in 14out of 25(56%)cases,the algorithm predicts a ligand structure with less than a 3?RMSD (see Fig.2).However,when the native ligand structure was allowed to be one of the conformers (in all other cases the torsion angles of the input ligand structure are randomized before the docking simulation),the prediction accuracy is much higher:now,20of 25(80%)predictions yield a ligand structure with less than a 3?RMSD.This suggests that an improved search algo-rithm that explores native-like ligand conformers with a higher likelihood should be able to signi?cantly improve the docking success rate.

We also use the measure of correctly predicted residues and speci?c contacts as described in Wojciechowski.12A protein res-idue is de?ned here to be contacting the ligand if any of its nonhydrogen atoms is closer than 5?to any nonhydrogen atom of the ligand.A speci?c contact is de?ned to be correctly predicted if a speci?c ligand atom is contacting the same residue in both the native and the predicted complex,again using a cutoff distance of 5?and not counting hydrogen atoms.

Figure 3shows the corresponding percentage of correctly pre-dicted speci?c contacts for the same docking simulations.In both Figures 2and 3,one can see that the results for the 1?decoys are only slightly worse than the results for the native receptor struc-tures (both times 14out of 25cases with more then 50%of correct speci?c contacts).The results for the low-resolution structures (3and 4?decoys)are again similar (only two and one cases out of 25complexes have more than 50%of the speci?c residues cor-rectly predicted).The results for the 2?decoys lie in between those high-and low-resolution extremes (10of 25complexes with more than 50%correct speci?c contacts).

The corresponding docking simulations using the Jain test set of 81complexes show a similar picture (see Fig.4):again,the

results for the native receptor structures and the 1?decoys are very similar (the percent of cases in which more than 50%of speci?c contacts are correctly predicted is 59and 58%,respec-tively).

In all cases,the number of correctly predicted speci?c contacts is greater than zero.This is not surprising,because the constrained docking experiments restrict the ligand center of mass to a spher-ical region with a 6.5?radius.In most cases,the percentage of correctly predicted speci?c contacts for 3and 4?decoys is below 50%.This indicates cases,in which the ligand is docked in the wrong orientation.As we will see in the next section,it is none-theless possible,that the algorithm identi?es the


Figure 2.Docking results for the Erickson-LPDB test set of 25protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.The initial ligand conformation is the randomized ligand structure given in the LPDB for those proteins plus up to 49generated ligand conformers.The curve titled “not randomized”cor-responds to a set of docking simulations,in which the torsion angles of the native ligand structure were not randomized.The binding site was


Figure 3.Docking results (in terms of percent correctly predicted speci?c contacts)for the Erickson-LPDB test set of 25protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.The initial ligand conformation is the randomized ligand structure given in the Erickson-LPDB set for those proteins plus up to 49generated ligand conformers.The ligand-binding site was speci?ed using a sphere around the ligand center of mass with 6.5?


Figure 4.Docking results in terms of speci?c contacts for the Jain set of 81protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.The binding site was speci?ed.

378Bindewald and Skolnick




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site for 3and 4?decoys,even when the predicted ligand orien-tation is not entirely correct.

Known Ligand and Unknown Binding Site:Results for

Unconstrained Docking

By unconstrained docking,we mean that the binding site of the protein is not given as an input constraint to the docking program.The ligands are,in principle,allowed to dock anywhere with the protein;however,as described in the Methods section,the search space is reduced by applying an “eraser”algorithm as a cavity search method.The results for unconstrained docking simulations

using the low-resolution scoring function parameters for the Erick-son–LPDB 25complex dataset are shown in Figures 5and 7.Figure 5shows the percentage of correctly predicted ligand-con-tacting residues using the native structures and 1,2,3,and 4?RMSD from native decoys;Figure 7shows the percentage of correctly predicted speci?c contacts for the same simulations.For each receptor,only the top-ranking docking solution is considered for this,ing the native receptor structure,in 19out of 25cases (76%),the algorithm correctly predicts more than 50%of the ligand contacting,ing 2?decoys,in 56%of the cases there are more than 50%correctly predicted residues.Not surprisingly,the prediction accuracy decreases when using higher RMSD decoys,and one has to lower the expectation of what can be obtained using a low-resolution structure.However,even for 4?decoys one obtains in 18out of 25cases (72%)at least one correctly predicted residue.

The distribution of correctly predicted speci?c contacts is shown in Figure 7.The number of cases in which no contacts are correctly predicted is similar to the number of cases in which no residues are correctly predicted (Fig.5).The fact that the values of the curves of Figure 7are smaller compared to the data shown in Figure 5indicates cases in which the ligand-binding site was correctly predicted,but the ligand was docked in the wrong ori-entation.

For the Jain 81-protein–ligand complex set,the percentage of correctly predicted residues is especially high.As shown in Figure 6,in almost all cases (76out of 81cases,or 93%)more than 50%of the ligand contacting residues are correctly predicted when the RMSD from native of the decoy structures is at or below 2?.This indicates that the algorithm is fairly successful.As shown in Figure 8,the distribution of correctly predicted speci?c contacts is similar to the distribution of correctly predicted residues,and in almost all cases,the number of correctly predicted speci?c contacts is greater than


Figure 5.Unconstrained docking results for the Erickson-LPDB test set of 25protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures (solid line,labeled “native”)and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.Plotted is the percentage of correctly predicted ligand-contacting residues for each com-plex (results are sorted for each curve,such that the complexes with the best prediction is plotted leftmost).The performance of the cavity search algorithm alone is shown in the plots labeled “cav.-X


Figure 6.Docking results in terms of correctly predicted residues for the Jain test set of 81protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.The binding site was not


Figure 7.Unconstrained docking results for the Erickson-LPDB test set of 25protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures (solid line)and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys (subsequent lines below solid line).Plotted is the percentage of correctly predicted speci?c contacts for each complex (results are sorted for each curve,such that the complexes with the best prediction is plotted leftmost).

Scoring Function for Docking Ligands 379

Surprisingly,the prediction accuracy for correctly predicted speci?c contacts does not substantially improve upon specifying the binding site (we used a 6.5?sphere around the ligand center of mass to specify the binding site;see Fig.4).This indicates that the strength of the algorithm is to search whole protein structure instead of just the ligand-binding site.

We also compare the program to the previously published Dolores method of Wojciechowski and Skolnick.12In Figure 9,we plot the percent of correct speci?c contacts for 298proteins (native structures)for the new program versus Dolores (the test set is described in more detail in the section “test sets,”it is there denoted as set “3”).The number of cases in which more than 50%of the speci?c contacts are correctly predicted is very different for the two algorithms:the Dolores program only achieves this level of accuracy for 27out of 298protein–ligand pairs.In contrast,this level of accuracy is achieved for 125cases for the method de-scribed in this article.This corresponds to a 4.6times higher success rate.However,the percentage of cases in which at least one residue is correctly predicted is rather similar (205vs.236out of 298cases).

Analysis of Clusters of Docking Solutions

We pursued several questions concerning the distribution of dock-ing solutions on the protein surface in the case of unconstrained docking.We use the results of the unconstrained docking of the Erickson–LPDB set for the analysis.As a cavity,we de?ne a group of search points that are clustered using a single-linkage algorithm (the cutoff distance is equal to the grid spacing multiplied by a factor of 1.1).Only the top 100docking solutions are considered after removing solutions that have an RMSD of less than 1?compared to a solution with a better score (this possibly leads to less than 100docking solutions found).The docking search is restricted to the top 10largest cavities (top three in the cases of the Jain set and the Dolores set).The de?ned notion of a cavity is often not intuitive:often the largest cavity of a receptor is almost an order of magnitude larger (in terms of number of search points)

than the smaller cavities.This dominant largest cavity is also often the one spanning a large part of the interior of the protein,and it is in some cases even larger because the single-linkage algorithm connected several different regions which are connected by “thin”paths.A different clustering algorithm might improve the situa-tion,but instead we choose to introduce the concept of a cluster of docking solutions:a solution cluster is de?ned here by a represen-tative solution (the highest ranking solution of the cluster).All docking solutions of a cluster have at least 20%of its contacting residues in common with the representative solution of the cluster.The solution clusters are ordered using the score of their represen-tative docking solution.

Dependency of the prediction accuracy on the cavity depth:we de?ne the depth of a cavity as the difference between the maxi-mum and minimum distance of a point belonging to the cavity and the protein’s center of mass.We could not ?nd a de?nite relation-ship between the depth of a cluster and the prediction accuracy (data not shown).A reason for that might be that two counteracting effects are at work:a large cavity makes it more likely that a predicted ligand will be in that cavity.On the other hand,if a cavity is very large,the predicted ligand position has more chances to be wrong.

Sizes of clusters of docking solutions:in Table 2,we show the average sizes of the different solution clusters for different recep-tor resolutions.One can see that in the case of high-resolution structures,most docking solutions are part of the cluster with the highest ranking docking solution.Rarely are more than three solution clusters observed.This tendency is valid for all examined receptor resolutions.

In Table 3,one can see in how many cases the native ligand position is close to a docking solution cluster (it is considered close if the native ligand has more than 20%of the contacting residues in common with the representative ligand of the solution cluster).Using the native receptor structure,in 18out of 25cases,the native ligand structure is close to the highest ranking solution cluster.The lower ranking solution clusters are much less often close to the native


Figure 9.Percentage of correctly predicted speci?c contacts for the Delores test set of 298proteins.Bottom curve:program Dolores (Wojciechowski et al 2002),Top curve:method presented in this


Figure 8.Docking results in term of speci?c contacts for the Jain set of 81protein–ligand complexes for the native receptors structures and for 1,2,3,and 4?decoys.The binding site was not speci?ed.

380Bindewald and Skolnick




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structure.In22out of25cases,the native ligand structure is close to any of the?ve highest ranking docking clusters.This trend is similar for low-resolution structures;however,the distribution is more uni-form with respect to the docking cluster rank.

Scoring difference between solutions,which have(or have not) a correct contacting residue:using the native receptor structure,we ?nd that the highest ranking ligand solution with at least one correct contacting residue has on average a z-score of?2.79with respect to the scores of the top100solutions(the highest ranks correspond to the lowest scores).The highest ranking ligand so-lution with no correct contacting residue instead only has a z-score of?1.22.Hence,the z-score difference between these two classes is1.57.The z-score difference between solutions with and without at least one correct contacting residue is smaller,but still greater than zero for receptor structures with lower,ing for example3?decoys we obtain a z-score difference of?1.44?(?2.33)?0.89.

Performance of cavity search algorithm alone:what happens if instead of the combination of scoring function and cavity search, only the cavity search algorithm is used to identify the binding site?In Figure5,we show the results that correspond to using the cavity search alone.A random point belonging to the three largest cavities is chosen as the ligand center of mass.The ligand orien-tation is also random.As one can see,the prediction accuracy is signi?cantly worse compared to the combination of the cavity search algorithm and the docking scoring function(compare with Fig.5)even for3and4?decoys.The difference is so large that the result for4?decoys in cases of the full potential(Fig.5;18out of25cases with at least one correct residue)is better than the result of the cavity search for native receptor structures(13out of 25cases with at least one correct residue;see Fig.5).

This shows that a detailed ligand–receptor potential in combi-nation with a cavity search algorithm is superior to a cavity search alone for both high and low-resolution receptor structures.

Dependency of Prediction Accuracy on Ligand Atom Types

To assess how much the docking accuracy depends mainly on steric complementarity or on the actual ligand atom types,we performed the following experiment:The atom types of all sp3 nitrogen and oxygen atoms of the ligands of the Erickson–LPDB set were exchanged to de?ne a modi?ed ligand set(all sp3nitrogen atoms become sp3oxygen atoms and vice versa). All hydrogen atoms were removed and placed according to the new atom types and the partial charges were recomputed(using the program Babel).We call this the“modi?ed”ligand set.We also de?ned a“control”ligand set,which had the partial charges recomputed and the hydrogen atoms removed and placed again without changing any atom types.The results are shown in Figure10using the native receptor structures and2?decoys.One can see that the prediction accuracy for the mod-i?ed set is slightly lower compared to the control ligand set. With2?decoys,the number of cases in which more than50% of the ligand contacting residues are correctly predicted is10 out of25cases compared to14cases for the control set. However,using the native receptor structures,the difference between the modi?ed and the control ligand set is only mar-ginal.More striking is the difference of the prediction accuracy between the original ligand set(provided by the LPDB data-base)and the control set,which has regenerated partial charges and hydrogen atom positions:The number of cases in which more than50%of the contacting residues are correctly pre-dicted falls from76%(19cases)for the original ligand set to 52%(13cases)for the modi?ed and the control ligand set.If one uses instead2?decoys,the situation is a bit different:in this case the native and the control ligand set behave similarly (14out of25cases with more than50%correct residues),but the prediction accuracy is markedly lower for the modi?ed ligand set(10out of25cases,that is a16%decrease,see Fig.10).

Table2.Size of Cluster Solutions.

Rank Native1?2?3?4?



3 1.6?3.2 4.2?9.59.5?18.1 3.9?9.67.8?11.8

40.8?2.40.5?1.3 1.4?3.20.3?1.0 1.2?2.2


Using the Erickson-LPDB test set,the table shows how many docking solutions are on average in

each solution cluster.The clusters are ranked using the score of their best-ranking docking solution.

The total number of cases is25.

Table3.Cluster to Which Native Ligand Structure Belongs.

Rank Native1?2?3?4?






Using the Erickson-LPDB test set,the table shows in how many cases the

native ligand structure has more than20%of the contacting residues in

common with the highest ranking docking solution of a solution cluster.

The clusters are ranked using the score of their best-ranking docking

solution.The total number of cases is25.

Scoring Function for Docking Ligands381


Scoring Function Parameters

The resulting scoring functions are quite different depending on whether they were derived using high-resolution structures or 3?decoys,with the most pronounced difference found for the result-ing van der Waals interaction terms:in the limit where a pairwise atomic distance is close to zero,the van der Waals interaction term approaches the value of 1/?[see eq.(1)].We ?nd that that 1/?is 76.9for the high-resolution potential and 4.5for the low-resolution potential (see Fig.1).This is to be expected:a soft-core potential does not penalize possible structural errors (atomic clashes)as much as a hard-core potential.Another difference is the weight of the hydrogen bond interaction term that is 37times larger for the high-resolution scoring function compared to the low-resolution scoring function,where it is close to zero.This indicates that the hydrogen bond term is not as useful for low-resolution structures,because it depends on the precise orientation of the hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor,an intuitively reasonable result.

It is interesting to note that the values for the electrostatic term in the case the high-resolution scoring function are essentially Coulomb’s law with a dielectric constant of 1(that would corre-spond to a weight of 332and an exponent of 1;the result of the optimization is a weight of 325and an exponent of 0.87).The weight of the electrostatic term of the scoring function for low-resolution structures is similar;however,the exponent is much higher (4.16instead of 0.87),indicating a preference for short-range interactions.

Known Ligand and Known Binding Site:Constrained


For the constrained docking experiments,the 25and 81protein–ligand pair test sets have the advantage that for the native receptors we can compare our results to other groups.Erickson et al.5report for the 25protein–ligand complex set,a docking success rate (percent of cases in which the ligand structure was predicted with a RMSD of less than 3?)of 60and 64%for the programs Dock and GOLD,while CDocker and FlexX achieve values of 88and 76%,respectively.We achieve a docking success rate of 56or 80%,depending on the extent of initial ligand conformer random-ization (see below).Thus,with respect to the very best perfor-mance,our algorithm performs somewhat worse,but its advantage lies in its applicability to poorer quality structures.

We also explored the case (see Figs.2and 3)in which the torsion angles of the initial ligand structure were not randomized,which means that the native conformer is part of the set of searched conformers (for all other presented results,the ligand torsion angles are initially randomized).One can see that the results for those two cases are quite different,especially for the native receptor structure or 1?decoys.Having the native ligand conformer as part of the conformer set increases the prediction accuracy for more than 20%.On analyzing the results,this differ-ence stems mainly from large ligands with more than eight rotat-able bonds.This suggests that the space of ligand conformers is incompletely searched for large and ?exible ligands.

It is interesting to note how similar the results are for native structures and 1?decoys on the one hand,and between 3and 4?decoys on the other hand.The 2?RMSD from native decoys yield results that are in between those two extremes.This suggests that using 2?decoys are currently the limit for this method if one expects detailed information like the exact docking pose.How-ever,3and 4?decoys can still be useful for predicting the ligand-binding site.

Unconstrained Docking

The results for the unconstrained docking experiments on the 81-protein complex Jain data set are shown in Figures 6and 8.Figure 6shows the percentage of correctly predicted residues for the different decoys sets.Again,we ?nd that the results are very similar for the native structures and for 1?decoys on one hand,and for 3and 4?decoys on the other hand.However,using the more permissive measure of success as the percentage of correctly predicted residues,one ?nds that even 3and 4?decoys can be useful for predicting the binding site.In 19(18)out of 25cases,at least one ligand-contacting residue is correctly predicted for 3?(4?)decoys for the Erickson–LPDB set (Fig.5).

We believe that this “resilient”behavior is largely due to the eraser cavity detection algorithm.Because it works using a rela-tively large erase sphere radius of 9?,the results of this cavity search method are not as affected by small changes of the atomic coordinates.

One should have in mind that the used docking data sets are sets of “well-de?ned”cases (no missing atoms in the receptor structures,typically just one protein chain involved in the ligand-interaction,ligands are inhibitors instead of cofactors,


Figure 10.Unconstrained docking of Erickson-LPDB set,using mod-i?ed ligand structures and cavity search.Explanation of graphs:(a)“unmodi?ed native”:prediction accuracy using native receptor struc-tures and unmodi?ed ligand structures;(b)“unmodi?ed 2?”:using native ligand structures and 2?receptor structure decoys;(c)“con-trol”:using ligand structures with automatically placed hydrogen at-oms;(d)“modi?ed”:using ligand structures with sp3oxygen and nitrogen atoms exchanged;(e)“control 2?”:same as (c),but using 2?receptor structure decoys;(f)“modi?ed 2?”:same as (d),but using 2?receptor structure decoys;(g)“cavity”using random point of three largest receptor cavities as predicted ligand center of mass.

382Bindewald and Skolnick




Journal of Computational Chemistry

ligand protonation state).This represents a best-case scenario.The other extreme is to use a larger set of complexes from the Protein Data Bank(PDB)using the raw coordinate information.Note that because information about the protonation state and the order of the ligand bonds in not part of the PDB coordinate?le,a lot of information is not used.Because of that,software tools are not very successful in assigning hydrogen atoms,partial charges,atom types,and bond orders to the ligand structure.The results of such a calculation are shown in Figure9,which compares the results of the method presented in this article to those obtained using the program Dolores.12To be comparable to the program Dolores,we plotted the percentage of the correct speci?c contacts,using rigid body docking.Although the number of cases in which no contacts are correctly predicted is much higher than in the Jain data set,it shows that even the raw-coordinate data can be useful for docking.

Overall,we?nd that the atom-based protein–ligand scoring function in combination with a cavity search algorithm performs better than simpli?ed or modi?ed versions of the scoring function: as shown in the results section,the cavity search algorithm alone performs dramatically worse than the combination of cavity search algorithm and scoring function(Fig.5).Arti?cially modifying the ligand atom types also decreases the prediction accuracy(Fig.10).

We conclude that the ligand atom types(including hydrogen atoms)play an important role for the docking procedure in addi-tion to the cavity search algorithm and the steric complementarity, even for low-resolution structures.


Docking of ligand structures to low-resolution receptor structures remains a dif?cult and not suitably solved problem.However,by combining a scoring function optimized on low-resolution struc-tures with a cavity-search algorithm,we obtain for a set of25 protein–ligand complexes(the Erickson–LPDB set)in76%of the cases more than50%of correctly predicted ligand-contacting residues.Even for3?decoys,we obtain in76%of the cases(19 out of25)at least one correctly predicted ligand contacting,ing the81-protein–ligand Jain set,the algorithm predicts in 76cases(93.8%)more than50%of the ligand contacting residues,ing3?decoys,in all but two cases the algorithm correctly predicts at least one ligand-binding residue.This shows that even low-resolution protein structures contain valuable infor-mation that can be mined using a docking methodology. References


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如何指导学生书写正确规范的汉字 陈舒郭沫若先生说:“培养中小学生写好字不一定要人人都成为书法家,总要把字写得合乎规格,比较端正、干净,容易认。指导学生把汉字写好,不仅是学生在校完成各项书面作业的需要,也为今后学习和工作打下良好的书写基础。这样养成习惯,能够使人细心,容易集中意志,善于体贴人。草草了事,粗枝大叶,独行专横,这容易误事的。练习写字可以逐渐免除这些毛病。”组织开展规范汉字书写的教育,小学语文教学任重而道远。 学好、写好汉字是我们对中华民族传统优秀文化的继承和发展。但随着现代科学的发展,电脑打字的普遍应用,书写已经开始慢慢淡化了。有不少小学生写字坐的姿势不正确和执笔不规范,书写水平有所下降,写字不规范、卷面不整洁,马虎潦草,甚至错别字还不少,学生写出来的汉字根本谈不上外形美。结合本人多年的练字经历和写字教学体会来谈一谈,怎样才能指导学生用钢笔(含铅笔)写出一手规范化汉字呢? 一、正确的思想认识 学生字体的好坏与教师的思想认识是有一定关系的,有些教师由于课程多,作业多,为了赶进度,在布置作业时往往不考虑学生的实际情况,无论学习优差统一一样的作业量,有些学生基础较差,因作业量较大但又怕完不成作业挨批,就干脆支差应付作业草草完成,字体的好坏就根本不在考虑范围内,更不要说规范端正了。有些教师看

到学生作业潦草再看看孩子那么小不忍心让孩子撕了作业重写,就将就这能看清楚对错即可,这样得想导致学生的字体只会越来越不好。这就说,教师是低年级孩子的引路人,在某种程度上,教师的话在学生心中就是圣旨,所以教师在写好规范字上一定要端正自己的思想,让孩子从幼小的心灵里就懂得必须写规范字。 一、正确的坐姿 学习正确、规范书写汉字,养成良好的写字习惯,是小学生语文学习的基本任务之一。要想写好好汉字,必须关注学生写字的姿势是否正确,没有正确的书写姿势,写好汉子简直是难上加难。我认为正确的书写姿势是:写字前组织学生:身坐正,肩放平,两脚微微分。做到“三个一”:手离笔尖一寸,胸离桌子一拳,眼离书本一尺;这些基本的做法只要做到了才是做到了写好汉字的基本功。 二、正确的方法 1.向学生详细讲解执笔的指位、高低和角度,并且为学生做示范,指导学生掌握正确的执笔姿势。 2.及时检查并进行个别指导。学生错误的执笔姿势表现多样,教师在教学过程中要及时检查,对个别学生要进行指导,及时纠正错误。 3.各学科教师和家长要共同对学生进行监督。学生在写作业时,各学科教师都要做好监督和指导工作,发现问题及时纠正。教师还要与家长共同合作,及时对学生的书写过程进行监督和指导。教师在做好指导的同时,还要教学生做手指手腕操,及时缓解学生书写疲劳。


外贸英语函电的写作格式常用范文 外贸函电涉及到的知识很广泛,那么外贸函电的英语写作格式需要注意哪些问题呢,接下来为大家整理了外贸英语函电的写作格式,希望对你有帮助哦! 1.请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We


二、科学成就 钱学森长期担任中国火箭和航天计划的技术领导人,对航天技术、系统科学和系统工程做出了巨大的和开拓性的贡献。钱学森共发表专著7部,论文300余篇。主要贡献表现在以下几方面: ①应用力学 钱学森在应用力学的空气动力学方面和固体力学方面都做过开拓性的工作。与冯·卡门合作进行的可压缩边界层的研究,揭示了这一领域的一些温度变化情况,创立了卡门——钱学森方法。与郭永怀合作最早在跨声速流动问题中引入上下临界马赫数的概念。 ②喷气推进与航天技术 从40年代到60年代初期,钱学森在火箭与航天领域提出了若干重要的概念:在40年代提出并实现了火箭助推起飞装置(JATO),使飞机跑道距离缩短;在1949年提出了火箭旅客飞机概念和关于核火箭的设想;在1953年研究了行星际飞行理论的可能性;在1962年出版的《星际航行概论》中,提出了用一架装有喷气发动机的大飞机作为第一级运载工具,用一架装有火箭发动机的飞机作为第二级运载工具的天地往返运输系统概念。 ③工程控制论 工程控制论在其形成过程中,把设计稳定与制导系统这类工程技术实践作为主要研究对象。钱学森本人就是这类研究工作的先驱者。 ④物理力学 钱学森在1946年将稀薄气体的物理、化学和力学特性结合起来的研究,是先驱性的工作。1953年,他正式提出物理力学概念,主张从物质的微观规律确定其宏观力学特性,改变过去只靠实验测定力学性质的方法,大大节约了人力物力,并开拓了高温高压的新领域。1961年他编著的《物理力学讲义》正式出版。现在这门科学的带头人是苟清泉教授,1984年钱学森向苟清泉建议,把物理力学扩展到原子分子设计的工程技术上。 ⑤系统工程 钱学森不仅将我国航天系统工程的实践提炼成航天系统工程理论,并且在80年代初期提出国民经济建设总体设计部的概念,还坚持致力于将航天系统工程概念推广应用到整个国家和国民经济建设,并从社会形态和开放复杂巨系统的高度,论述了社会系统。任何一个社会的社会形态都有三个侧面:经济的社会形态,政治的社会形态和意识的社会形态。钱学森从而提出把社会系统划分为社会经济系统、社会政治系统和社会意识系统三个组成部分。相应于三种社会形态应有三种文明建设,即物质文明建设(经济形态)、政治文明建设(政治形态)和精神文明建设(意识形态)。社会主义文明建设应是这三种文明建设的协调发展。从实践角度来看,保证这三种文明建设协调发展的就是社会系统工程。从改革和开放的现实来看,不仅需要经济系统工程,更需要社会系统工程。 ⑥系统科学 钱学森对系统科学最重要的贡献,是他发展了系统学和开放的复杂巨系统的方法论。 ⑦思维科学


安靖小学微型课题 《如何指导学生规范书写》课题方案 一、指导思想 写字是对历史的尊重,是中华文明的传承。写字不仅仅可以巩固识字,也不仅仅是一项技能训练,它是一个接受文化熏陶、形成良好习惯、培养高尚品质的过程,是…个磨练意志、陶冶情操、学习做人的过程。“让学生写好字,其意义远远超出写字本身。”为深入贯彻新课程改革中提出的教育“以人为本”的发展思路,落实新课程标准中提出的“使学生养成良好的写字习惯,正确的写字姿势,并有一定的写字速度,具备正确书写汉字的能力”,特制定本方案。 二、活动目标 通过对教师、学生有计划、分步骤的系统训练和培养,使教师和学生共同成长,形成正确的写字观、养成良好的写字习惯。 1、提高教师写字能力。首先,在教师中形成写好字的良好风气,使每位教师从书法中找到乐趣,并使书写质量不断提高。 2、锻炼学生写字能力。使学生自觉纠正不良写字习惯,逐步养成正确的写字姿势。养成在写字前观察、思考和写规范字的习惯,克服在作业中依赖橡皮的毛病,把''写出一手好字”当成自己的一项技能,养成“提笔即练字”的习惯。逐渐提高写字速度和质量,努力使学生的写字水平上一个新的台阶。 3、陶冶学生情操。让学生从小掌握汉字的写字技法提高写字技能,从写字

中发现美,进而去创造美,在创造美中体验成功的快乐,在快 乐中修身养性,陶冶情操。 三、组织保障 组长:李新梅 成员:彭燕、王香兰、钟洁 三、实施步骤 第一阶段:调查分析,制定计划 班主任、语文教师和各科任教师协助,对学生“写”的现状进行调查分析,对坐姿、握笔方法、书写要求等进行指导。班级确立阶段目标,制定班级小学生良好书写习惯养成教育工作计划。组织学生学习计划,明确目标。向学生提出正确的导向,引导学生确定自己的阶段奋斗目标,各学科渗透良好写字习惯养成教育活动。 第二阶段:针对“现状”开展活动。 1、学生练习。每天进行书写练习。班长将学生练习的作品准时上交教导处,进行量化评比。 2、教师练习。学校提供练习用纸,教师每周练习五张,周五下午第一节下课时上交作品,每交一张计一分,期末进行总评,计入教师量化。 第三阶段:学校及各班总结表彰 四、具体措施 (-)师生共同努力,整体提高写字能力。 (%1)教师的示范板书、作业批改及评语书写等均要求字迹工整、清楚、端正,一丝不苟,做学生的表率,并对学生的作业进行“作业完成质量”


A NSWER KEY Part One: Essay Writing 1 An Introduction to Writing Activity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 5–6 Point:There are drawbacks to moviegoing. Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater d. Sticky floor 3. Other moviegoers a. Running kids b. Laughing, shouting teenagers Activity (Introductory Paragraph), 8 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a. Inconvenience of going out b. Temptations of the theater c. Behavior of some patrons Activity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 9–10 1. To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle of the evening. 2. b. Parking lot is always jammed d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded e. Tickets cost up to $8 each 3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need. 4. b. 2) chocolate bars 3) Milk Duds 5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand. 6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noises Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 10 1. a 2. c Review Activities, 18–20 Answers will vary. 2 The Writing Process Activities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 25–31 Answers will vary.


浅论钱学森的马克思主义哲学观 ——以钱学森的现代科学技术体系思想为例 内容摘要:钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,以系统思想为方法论基础,提出了现代科学技术体系的伟大构想,这个体系包括“三层次一核心十一个桥梁十一大部门”,体现了其对马克思主义哲学的精神实质、研究对象、体系及基本方法等方面的独到见解。本文拟就现代科学技术体系中体现的钱学森的马克思主义哲学观予以分析阐述。 关键词:钱学森;现代科学技术体系;马克思主义哲学 随着近代科学从宗教神学的束缚中走向独立,各门自然科学在长期的演变过程中从最初的分化状态逐渐趋向于整体化和结构化,科学与技术逐渐走向联姻,科学的部门结构和层次结构日益分化,其的整体化特征也日益明显。至现代,科学和技术发展一体化,形成了自身的体系,即现代科学技术体系。20世纪70年代末以来,钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,运用系统论观点对现代科学和技术进行了新的分类,提出了现代科学技术体系的伟大构想。这个体系体现了钱学森关于马克思主义哲学的观点。 一、钱学森现代科学技术体系思想的形成 (一)理论基础 钱学森提出现代科学技术体系的构想,有其深厚的理论基础。主要表现在两方面,一是钱学森研究过程中始终坚持的系统思想,二是其较深厚的马克思主义哲学功底。 第一,钱学森深刻的系统思想始终贯穿于现代科学技术体系中。其系统思想源于1950年对工程控制论的研究。受美国数学科学家维纳控制论思想的启发,钱学森结合其赴美留学期间对火箭、导弹的研究,运用控制论的原理解决了远程火箭的自动导航、火箭发动机燃烧的伺服稳定等问题。后来他意识到,不只在火箭技术领域,整个工程技术范围内几乎处处存在着被控制的系统。于是,他用更系统的方法将当时工程技术领域的实践经验概括成一般理论,并于1954年出版了《工程控制论》。该书首次提出了关于受控工程系统的理论和方法,这些理论和方法可直接应用于工程设计的实践中。其实,《工程控制论》一书已经触及到了系统思想。“《工程控制论》第十八章中,钱学森同志就讲到用重复不那么可靠


《规范汉字书写的要求》教案 商丘市睢阳区郭村镇初级中学X X X 教学目标: 1、明确规范汉字书写的要求。 2、指导学生练习,使学生规范、端正地书写汉字。 教学过程: 一、导入: 二、规范汉字书写的要求 (一)、执笔姿势 怎样掌握正确的执笔姿势呢? 首先,在执笔的手上找准四个与笔的接触点,第一点在拇指指尖;第二点在食指指根骨节凸起处;第三点在食指指尖;第四点在中指第一关节与指甲边中间的位置。 然后,把拇指及食指合成蟹钳形状,拇指和食指把笔杆钳合起来,当中指稍用力向上顶,拇指和食指向下压,笔杆便可锁紧,做到指实掌虚。(二)、笔顺规则 笔顺规则大致有这样几种: 一般规则: 1、先撇后捺:人八入 2、先横后竖:十王干 3、从上到下:三竟音 4、从左到右:理利礼明湖

5、先外后里:问同司 6、先外后里再封口:国圆园圈 7、先中间后两边:小水承 补充规则: 1、点在上部或左上,先写点:衣立为 2、点在右上或在字里,后写点:发瓦我 3、上右和上左包围结构的字,先外后里:厅座司 4、左下包围结构的字,先里后外:远建廷 5、左下右包围结构的字,也先里后外:凶画 6、左上右包围结构的字,先外后里:同用风 7、上左下包围结构的字,先上后里再左下:医巨匠 (三)、笔画 在写字教学中,很多学生学习基本笔画时,会按照最标准的基本笔画形态一遍遍地反复,却不知一个字中如果有两个及两个以上相同的笔画,得有长短、轻重、正斜、俯仰、收放等变化;如果有两个及两个以上相同部分组成的字,则应分清主次、大小、强弱等,要力戒雷同,以达到参差错落,变化有致。 1、点的变化 小尽心江兴点 这类字书写时要注意点的形态,有左侧点、右侧点、竖点、长点等等,笔法到位,相互间顾盼呼应。 2、横的变化


钱学森主要学术贡献 钱学森长期担任中国火箭和航天计划的技术领导人,对航天技术、系统科学和系统工程做出了巨大的和开拓性的贡献。钱学森共发表专著7部,论文300余篇。 主要贡献表现在以下几方面: ①应用力学 钱学森在应用力学的空气动力学方面和固体力学方面都做过开拓性的工作。与冯·卡门合作进行的可压缩边界层的研究,揭示了这一领域的一些温度变化情况,创立了卡门——钱学森方法。与郭永怀合作最早在跨声速流动问题中引入上下临界马赫数的概念。 ②喷气推进与航天技术 从40年代到60年代初期,钱学森在火箭与航天领域提出了若干重要的概念:在40年代提出并实现了火箭助推起飞装置(JATO),使飞机跑道距离缩短;在1949年提出了火箭旅客飞机概念和关于核火箭的设想;在1953年研究了行星际飞行理论的可能性;在1962年出版的《星际航行概论》中,提出了用一架装有喷气发动机的大飞机作为第一级运载工具,用一架装有火箭发动机的飞机作为第二级运载工具的天地往返运输系统概念。 ③工程控制论 工程控制论在其形成过程中,把设计稳定与制导系统这类工程技术实践作为主要研究对象。钱学森本人就是这类研究工作的先驱者。 ④物理力学 钱学森在1946年将稀薄气体的物理、化学和力学特性结合起来的研究,是先驱性的工作。 1953年,他正式提出物理力学概念,主张从物质的微观规律确定其宏观力学特性,改变过去只靠实验测定力学性质的方法,大大节约了人力物力,并开拓了高温高压的新领域。1961年他编著的《物理力学讲义》正式出版。现在这门科学的带头人是苟清泉教授,1984年钱学森向苟清泉建议,把物理力学扩展到原子分子设计的工程技术上。 ⑤系统工程 钱学森不仅将中国航天系统工程的实践提炼成航天系统工程理论,并且在80年代初期提出国民经济建设总体设计部的概念,还坚持致力于将航天系统工程概念推广应用到整个国家和国民经济建设,并从社会形态和开放复杂巨系统的高度,论述了社会系统。任何一个社会的社会形态都有三个侧面:经济的社会形态,政治的社会形态和意识的社会形态。钱学森从而提出把社会系统划分为社会经济系统、社会政治系统和社会意识系统三个组成部分。相应于三种社会形态应有三种文明建设,即物质文明建设(经济形态)、政治文明建设(政治形态)和精神


英语书信格式范文各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:英文电子邮件格式及范文 英文电子邮件的基本要素是主题、称谓、正文、结尾用语及署名。 电子邮件最重要的部分是主题,假设我们都是很忙的人,在打开邮箱阅读邮件时,第一眼看到的就是邮件的主题。所以,主题应当做到言简意赅并突出邮件重要性。英文邮件的主题需要注意不超过35个字母,将位于句首的单词和专有名词首字母大写。比如:Some questions about C++.在比较正式的格式中,需要把每个单词的首字母大写(介词、冠词除外)。 称谓如果是第一次给对方写信,那么称谓最好用“Dear+全名”,这样会让人感觉比较正式。如果对方以非正式口吻来信,我们也可以类似非正式地回复。比如:“Hello/Hi Lillian”。在实际通信中

可能遇到不知道对方姓名,可以用“Dear+对方头衔”,如“Dear President”,或者“Dear+Sir/Madam”形式。英国人习惯在称呼后加“,”,美国人习惯在称谓后加“:”,有时也可以不加任何标点,是具体情况而定。 在书写正文时,把最重要的事情写在正文最前面或者邮件内容较长时写在第一段。为了让收件人阅读邮件比较舒服,我们需要注意邮件正文结构的美感,邮件段落最好控制在两三段之内。如果一封电子邮件涉及多个信息点,我们可以采用分条目的方法,如符号、小标题、编号来使得邮件想要表达的内容层次清晰。邮件内容应注意单词的拼写、大小写、标点、语法等。所谓以小见大。 结尾语在正文之后添加。注意一般结尾语中只有第一个单词首字母大写而剩余单词都小写,此处与称呼不同。 一般电子邮件: Sincerely, Sincerely yours,


英文论文Introduction的写作技巧 —as a "hook" to attract the readers 学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画(The purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the reader’s interest and to provide pertinent background information necessary to understand the rest of the paper.Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your audience to figure out what you are trying to say. There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper)。The introduction section shows the questions that shoul d be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”. 1 引言的内容与结构布局 引言的主要任务是向读者勾勒出全文的基本内容和轮廓。它可以包括以下五项内容中的全部或其中几项: 1)介绍某研究领域的背景、意义、发展状况、目前的水平等; 2)对相关领域的文献进行回顾和综述,包括前人的研究成果,已经解决的问题,并适当加以评价或比较; 3)指出前人尚未解决的问题,留下的技术空白,也可以提出新问题、解决这些新问题的新方法、新思路,从而引出自己研究课题的动机与意义; 4)说明自己研究课题的目的; 5)概括论文的主要内容,或勾勒其大体轮廓。 如何合理安排以上这些内容,将它们有条有理地给读者描绘清楚,并非容易之事。经验告诉我们,引言其实是全文最难写的—部分。这是因为作者对有关学科领域的熟悉程度,作者的知识是渊博、还是贫乏,研究的意义何在、价值如何等问题,都在引言的字里行间得以充分体现。 我们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述;第二层提出目前尚未解决的问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与意义;第三层说明自己研究的具体目的与内容;最后是引言的结尾,可以介绍一下论文的组成部分。 第一层:1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and p resent level of development……2) Reviewing previous researc h in this area……… 第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant


中小学规范汉字书写的培训方案 ——《规范汉字书写指南》研修模式 汉字是人类智慧和文明的结晶,规范汉字书写对于个人而言是技能和修养的体现;对于一个民族来说,它还是文化传承的重要载体。在计算机日益普及的今天,随着信息技术的广泛应用和“无纸化办公”的普及,教师和学生的书写水平正在日益下降。“汉字健忘症”“电脑失写症”日趋蔓延。弘扬和传承经典的中华书法文化,教育学生周周正正写字,端端正正为人,既具有现实意义,又有深远的历史意义。为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》和《教育部关于在中小学加强写字教学的若干意见》精神,积极推动规范汉字书写教育工作,促进学校写字教学,提高师生规范汉字书写水平,养成良好的写字习惯,特制定本方案: 本书特点 热爱祖国文字,养成良好的写字习惯,需要从中小学生抓起。要提高学生的书写水平,首先要从写好规范字做起。专家认为,字要规范,主要是笔画本身的形态不能错,笔画的关系不能错。而如今,人们在汉字书写过程中,却经常出现书写错误现象,并且随着电脑、手机的普及应用,人们的写字能力出现弱化的趋势。因此,明确规范汉字书写的要求、培养良好的规范汉字书写习惯、提高规范汉字书写的技能和审美品位,已成为当务之急。《规范汉字书写指南》一书正是为了落实上述要求、满足广大师生的需求而编写的。具有以下特点: 1. 指导性强 本书厘清了书法与规范汉字书写、规范汉字与非规范汉字、印刷体与手写体、印刷宋体与楷体的关系,提出规范汉字书写既要依据印刷楷体字形,又要继承汉字书写传统的规范汉字书写原则。这使得教师和学生在平常教学当中能以此为标准和原则,规范书写。 2. 理论与实例结合 本书分析规范汉字字形规范的各个方面,包括笔画、笔画的组合关系,部


外贸函电常用范文 1、Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on, that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website,,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 2. Make an inquiry 询盘的内容主要是商品的价格、包装、交货期、付款方式等。询盘信应简洁、清楚、礼貌。Dear Sir or Madam: Messrs Johns and Smith of New York inform us that are exports of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. We would like you to send us details of various ranges, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned. When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Price quoted should include insurance and freight to London. Yours faithfully 3. Make an offer 报盘函是指卖方在销售某种商品时,向买方报价、介绍商品情况。提出交易条件(包括商品名称、数量、价格、付款条件、交货日期等)时所写的一种外贸信函。报盘有实盘和虚盘之分。实盘是报盘人在规定的期限内对所提条件的肯定表示,报盘人在有限期内不得随意改变和撤回报盘内容,报盘一经买方接受,买卖立即敲定,双方就有了法律约束力的合同关系。虚盘是报盘人所作的非承诺性表示,附有保留条件,如“以我方最后确认为准(subject to our final confirmation)”等。 (a.)firm offer Dear Mr. Jones: We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat


如何指导学生书写正确 规范的汉字 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

如何指导学生书写正确规范的汉字 陈舒 郭沫若先生说:“培养中小学生写好字不一定要人人都成为书法家,总要把字写得合乎规格,比较端正、干净,容易认。指导学生把汉字写好,不仅是学生在校完成各项书面作业的需要,也为今后学习和工作打下良好的书写基础。这样养成习惯,能够使人细心,容易集中意志,善于体贴人。草草了事,粗枝大叶,独行专横,这容易误事的。练习写字可以逐渐免除这些毛病。”组织开展规范汉字书写的教育,小学语文教学任重而道远。 学好、写好汉字是我们对中华民族传统优秀文化的继承和发展。但随着现代科学的发展,电脑打字的普遍应用,书写已经开始慢慢淡化了。有不少小学生写字坐的姿势不正确和执笔不规范,书写水平有所下降,写字不规范、卷面不整洁,马虎潦草,甚至错别字还不少,学生写出来的汉字根本谈不上外形美。结合本人多年的练字经历和写字教学体会来谈一谈,怎样才能指导学生用钢笔(含铅笔)写出一手规范化汉字呢 一、正确的思想认识 学生字体的好坏与教师的思想认识是有一定关系的,有些教师由于课程多,作业多,为了赶进度,在布置作业时往往不考虑学生的实际情况,无论学习优差统一一样的作业量,有些学生基础较差,因作业量较大但又怕完不成作业挨批,就干脆支差应付作业草草完成,字体的好坏就根本不在考虑范围内,更不要说规范端正了。有些教师看到学生作业潦草再看看孩子那么小不忍心让孩子撕了作业重写,就将就这能看清楚对错即可,这样得想导致学生的字体只会越来越不好。这就说,教师是低年级孩子的引路人,在某种程度上,教师的话在学生心中就是圣旨,所以教师在写好规范字上一定要端正自己的思想,让孩子从幼小的心灵里就懂得必须写规范字。 一、正确的坐姿


《大学英语预备级1》课程开篇导学 Introduction of College English (Foundation) 一. 课程简介:General Introduction of this Course 1课程名称:大学英语精读课 Intensive Reading 2授课教材:《大学英语》(综合教程预备级)(上海外语教育出版社, 2003) College English -Integrated Course (foundation) 二. 课程任务:Content of Class 2.1 阅读:Reading Unit 1, Reading: A School with No Rules This unit discusses different ideas about discipline in schools by looking at the context of the “free” school of Summerhill where the students make the rules. This unit relates discipline to learning and motivation Unit 2, Reading: Fear of the Unknown, Not the known This unit has a mystery poem and a mystery story.

Unit 3, Reading: Reporting the News This unit looks at the job of newspaper reporting and the role of the international news agencies. Unit 4, Reading: Living in Virtual Reality This unit looks at the world of virtual reality: special helmets and clothing and computers. Unit 5, Reading: The Richest Man in the World This unit looks at the stories of how some of the richest people became rich. Unit 6, Reading: Practical Jokes This unit takes up the topic of practical jokes and reports on some tricks which have been played by the media. Unit 7, Reading: Life is Just a Dream In this unit there is an interview with a doctor who explains why we dream and what


七种外贸函电英文模板 1.主动跟新买家建立联系 Dear Mr. Jones, We understand from your information posted on, that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at …….com which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 2.对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复


大多数英文科技学术论文都可以使用一种所谓Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion (IMRAD) 的形式,如下图的沙漏所示,先由普遍到具体问题,再由具体到普遍结论。 这里先总结Introduction的写法和注意事项。 与中文论文“简短”的“概述”(或“前言”)不一样,英文的Introduction内容通常较长。好的论文在Introduction部分很见功底,文献的阅读量、信息综合能力,可以给读者很多的信息量,因此写好它容不得半点马虎。 Introduction(说明综述)部分的内容通常用来为作者创造一个研究空间。先介绍目前的研究现状,然后指出存在的不足或尚没有解决的问题,最后再介绍“存在的问题”是“如何”被作者的研究所解决。因此,Introduction可以由这“三波”或者说“三部分”来组成。 具体而言,这“三波”如此展开: 第一波:提出研究现状和此研究的重要性 先通过陈述表明所要研究问题的重要性——当然这部分内容不是必须,并介绍此领域的研究现状,具体可参考文献综述引用。 研究问题要与自己的研究内容高度相关,时态一般可用一般现在时,并通过很确定的语气和具体的形容词来强调研究的重要生。

The flow of foams is seen in many process, and its use in major industries means that an understanding of foam rheology is of paramount importance. 第二波:强调有必要解决存在的问题 指出该研究目前存在的问题,可以通过提问的方式或者通过某种方式扩展此领域已有知识和结论。 这一波非常重要,只有指出存在的问题或尚待解决的问题,才能突显出自己的研究价值。在这一部分的写作时,一般通过转折词来表示过渡,并在指出问题时使用负面的词汇。 … ; however, the relationship between emergence and soil temperature has not been investigated previously… In contrast to the extensive literature describing ….., little attention has been paid to…第三波:介绍作者自己的研究内容 介绍作者的研究目的和大致的研究内容。也可以在此部分表明自己的研究假设前提,宣布自己的主要研究发现、它们的价值,如有需要,也可以介绍论文的框架结构——方便读者了解复杂的文章结构。 这部分的内容主要用来介绍作者如何“填补”提出的“问题”或“不足”。 This paper presents the results of an extensive experimental program… 关于此处的时态,比如是presents还是presented? 即是一般过去时还是一般现在时?一般而言: ?如果主语是paper, article, thesis, report等指代文章本身的抽象词汇,使用一般现在时; ?如果主语是实验调查本身,比如study, experiment, investigation等具体词汇,使用一般过去时或一般现在时都可以。 万能法则:此处的时态如果拿不准,一直使用一般现在时。


最全的常用外贸函电范文 外贸函电的规范与否直接影响到客户对公司的印象,对于外贸人员来说,每天写外贸函电,回复函电。你的函电是否规范呢?把直接的函电于下文对照看看。。。 说明涨价原因 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. The explanation for our increased prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15%. As you know, we take great pride in our product an dare proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have built over 15years. We will not compromise that reputation because of raising costs. We have, therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our products. We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your cooperation. With best regards, Hillary 说服买家涨价之前下单 Dear Sir or Madam: This is regarding our quotation dated 2 November, and our mail offer dated 8 November concerning the supply of widgets(小机具).We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month. For your information, the market is firm and growing. There is very little likelihood of any
