



4.13 Gradient and Laplacian Edge Detection

1 Introduction

2 Gradient-based Methods

2.1 Continuous Gradient

2.2 Discrete Gradient Operators

3 Laplacian-based Methods

3.1 Continuous Laplacian

3.2 Discrete Laplacian Operators

3.3 The Laplacian of Guassian (Marr-Hildreth Operator)

3.4 Difference of Gaussian

4 Canny’s Method

5 Approaches for Color and Multispectral Images

6 Summary


1 Introduction

One of the most fundamental image analysis operations is edge detection. Edges are ofen vital clues toward the analysis and interpretation of image information, both in biological vision and computer image analysis. Some sort of edge detection capability is present in the visual systems of a wide variety of creatures, so it is obviously useful in their abilities to perceive their surroundings.

For this discussion, it is important to define what is and is not meant by the term “edge”. The everyday notion of an edge is usually a physical one, caused by either the shapes of physical objects in three dimensions or by their inherent material properties. Described in geometric terms, there are two types of physical edges:(1)the set of points along which there is an abrupt change in local orientation of a physical surface, and (2) the set of points describing the boundary between two or more materially distinct regions of a physical surface. Most of our perceptual senses, including vision, operate at a distance and gather information using receptors that work in, at most, two dimensions. Only the sense of touch, which requires direct contact to stimulate the skin’s pressure sensors, is capable of direct perception of objects in three-dimensional (3D) space. However, some physical edges of the second type may not be perceptible by touch because material differences-for instance different colors of paint-do not always produce distinct tactile sensations. Everyone first develops a working understanding of physical edges in early childhood by touching and handling every object within reach.

The imaging process inherently performs a projection from a 3D scene to a two-dimensional (2D) representation of that scene, according to the viewpoint of the imaging device. Because of this projection process, edges in images have a somewhat different meaning than physical edges. Although the precise definition depends on the

application context, an edge can generally be defined as a boundary or contour that separates adjacent image regions having relatively distinct characteristics according to some feature of interest. Most often this feature is gray level or luminance, but others, such as reflectance, color, or texture, are sometimes used. In the most common situation where luminance is of primary interest, edge pixels are those at the locations of abrupt gray-level change. To eliminate single-point impulses from consideration as edge pixels, one usually requires that edges be sustained along a contour; i.e., an edge point must be part of an edge structure having some minimum extent appropriate for the scale of interest. Edge detection is the process of determining which pixels are the edge pixels. The result of the edge detection process is typically an edge map, a new image that describes each original pixel’s edge classification and perhaps additional edge attributes, such as magnitude and orientation.

There is usually a strong correspondence between the physical edges of a set of objects and the edges in images containing views of those objects. Infants and young children learn this as they develop hand-eye coordination, gradually associating visual patterns with touch sensations as they feel and handle items in their vicinity. There are many situations, however, in which edges in an image do not correspond to physical edges. Illumination differences are usually responsible for this effect-for example, the boundary of a shadow cast across an otherwise uniform surface.

Conversely, physical edges do not always give rise to edges in images. This can also be caused by certain cases of lighting and surface properties. Consider what happens when one wishes to photograph a scene rich with physical edges-for example, a craggy mountain face consisting of a single type of rock. When this scene is imaged while the sun is directly behind the camera, no shadows are visible in the scene and hence shadow-dependent edges are nonexistent in the photo. The only edges in such a photo are produced by the differences in material reflectance, texture, or color. Since our rocky subject material has little variation of these types, the result is a rather dull photograph, because of the lack of apparent depth caused by the missing edges. Thus, images can exhibit edges having no physical counterpart, and they can also miss capturing edges that do. Although edge information can be very useful in the initial stages of such image processing and analysis tasks as segmentation, registration, and object recognition, edges are not completely reliable for these purposes.

If one defines an edge as an abrupt gray-level change, then the derivative, or gradient, is a natural basis for an edge detector. Figure 1 illustrates the idea with a continuous, one-dimensional (1D) example of a bright central region against a dark

background. The left-hand portion of the gray-level function f c(x)shows a smooth transition from dark to bright as x increases. There must be a point x0that marks the transition from the low-amplitude region on the left to the adjacent high-amplitude region in the center. The gradient approach to detecting this edge is to locate x0

where f c′(x)reaches a local maximum or, equivalently, f c′(x)reaches a local extremum, as shown in the second plot of Fig. 1. The second derivative, or Laplacianapproach, locates x0where a zero-crossing of f c"(x)occurs, as in the third plot of Fig. 1. The right-hand side of Fig. 1 illustrates the case for a falling edge located at x1.

To use the gradient or the Laplacian approaches as the basis for practical image edge detectors, one must extend the process to two dimensions, adapt to the discrete case, and somehow deal with the difficulties presented by real images. Relative to the 1D edges shown in Fig. 1, edges in 2D images have the additional quality of direction. One usually wishes to find edges regardless of direction, but a directionally sensitive edge detector can be useful at times. Also, the discrete nature of digital images requires the use of an approximation to the derivative. Finally, there are a number of problems that can confound the edge detection process in real images. These include noise, crosstalk or interference between nearby edges, and inaccuracies resulting from the use of a discrete grid. False edges, missing edges, and errors in edge location and orientation are often the result.

Because the derivative operator acts as a high-pass filter, edgedetectors based on it are sensitive to noise. It is easy for noiseinherent in an image to corrupt the real edges by shifting their apparent locations and by adding many false edge pixels. Unless care is taken, seemingly moderate amountsof noise are capable of overwhelming the edge detection process, rendering the results virtually useless. The wide variety of edge detection algorithmsdeveloped over the past three decades exists, in large part, because of the many ways proposed for dealing with noise andits effects. Most algorithms employ noise-suppression filteringof some kind before applying the edge detector itself. Some decomposethe image into a set of low-pass or bandpass versions,apply the edge detector to each, and merge the results. Still othersuse adaptive methods, modifying the edge detector’s parametersand behavior according to the noise characteristics of the imagedata.

An important tradeoff exists between correct detection of theactual edges and precise location of their positions. Edge detectionerrors can occur in two forms: false positives, in whichnonedge pixels are misclassified as edge pixels, and false

negatives,which are the reverse. Detection errors of both types tendto increase with noise, making good noise suppression very importantin achieving a high detection accuracy. In general, the potential for noise suppression improves with the spatial extent of the edge detection filter. Hence, the goal of maximumdetection accuracy calls for a large-sized filter. Errors in edge localizationalso increase with noise. To achieve good localization,however, the filter should generally be of small spatial extent.The goals of detection accuracy and location accuracy are thusput into direct conflict, creating a kind of uncertainty principlefor edge detection.

In this chapter, we cover the basics of gradient and Laplacianedge detection methods in some detail. Following each, we alsodescribe several of the more important and useful edge detectionalgorithms based on that approach. While the primary focus ison gray-level edge detectors, some discussion of edge detectionin color and multispectral images is included.

2 Gradient-Based Methods

2.1 Continuous Gradient

The core of gradient edge detection is, of course, the gradientoperator,?In continuous form, applied to a continuous-spaceimage, f c(x,y), the gradient is defined as

?f c x,y=ef c(x,y)


i x+

ef c(x,y)


i y(1)

Where i x, and i y are the unit vectors in the x and y directions.Notice that the gradient is a vector, having both magnitude anddirection. Its magnitude,?f c(x0,y0), measures the maximumrate of change in the intensity at the location(x0,y0). Its directionis that of the greatest increase in intensity; i.e., it points“uphill.”

To produce an edge detector, one may simply extend the 1-Dcase described earlier. Consider the effect of finding the localextrema of ?f c x,y or the local maxima of

?f c x,y=ef c(x,y)




ef c(x,y)




The precise meaning of “local” is very important here. If themaximaof Eq. (2) are foundover a2-D neighborhood, the resultis a set of isolated points rather than the desired edge contours.The problem stems from the fact that the gradient magnitude

isseldom constant along a given edge, so finding the 2-D local maximayields only the locally strongest of the edge contour points.To fully construct edge contours, it is better to apply Eq. (2) to a1-D local neighborhood, namely a line segment, whose directionis chosen to cross the edge. The situation is then similar to that ofFig. 1, where the point of locally maximum gradient magnitudeis the edge point. Now the issue becomes how to select the bestdirection for the line segment used for the search.

The most commonly used method of producing edge segmentsor contours from Eq. (2) consists of two stages: thresholdingand thinning. In the thresholding stage, the gradient magnitudeat every point is compared to a predefined threshold value,T. All points satisfying the following criterion are classified ascandidate edge points:

?f c(x,y)≥T (3)

The set of candidate edge points tends to form strips, whichhave positive width. Since the desire is usually for zero-widthboundary segments or contours to describe the edges, a subsequentprocessing stage is needed to thin the strips to the finaledge contours. Edge contours derived from continuous-spaceimages should have zero width because any local maxima of ?f c(x,y), along a line segment that crosses the edge, cannotbe adjacent points. For the case of discrete-space images, thenonzero pixel size imposes a minimum practical edge width.

Edge thinning canbe accomplished in a number of ways, depending on the application, but thinning by nonmaximum suppression is usually the best choice. Generally speaking, we wish to suppress any point that is not, in a 1-D sense, a local maximum in gradient magnitude. Since a 1-D local neighborhood search typically produces a single maximum, those points that are local maxima will form edge segments only one point wide. One approach classifies an edge-strip point asan edge point if its gradient magnitude is a local maximum in at least one direction. However, this thinning method sometimes has the side effect of creating false edges near strong edge lines [12]. It isalso somewhat inefficient because of the computation requiredto check along a number of different directions. Abetter, moreefficient thinning approach checks only a single direction, thegradient direction, to test whether a given point is a local maximumin gradient magnitude. The points that pass this scrutinyare classified as edge points. Looking in the gradient directionessentially searches perpendicular to the edge itself, producinga scenario similar to the 1-D case shown in Fig. 1. The methodis efficient because it is not necessary to search in multiple directions.It also tends to produces edge segments having goodlocalization accuracy. These characteristics make the gradientdirection, local extremum method quite

popular. The following

steps summarize its implementation.

1. Using one of the techniques described in the next section,compute ?f for all pixels.

2. Determine candidate edge pixels bythresholding all pixels’gradient magnitudes by T.

3. Thin by checking whether each candidate edge pixel’s gradientmagnitude is a local maximum along its gradientdirection. If so, classify it as an edge pixel.

Consider the effect of performing the thresholding and thinningoperations in isolation. If thresholding alone were done,the computational cost of thinning would be saved and the edgeswould show as strips or patches instead of thin segments. Ifthinning were done without thresholding, that is, if edge pointswere simply those having locally maximum gradient magnitude,many false edge points would likely result because of noise. Noisetends to create false edge points because some points in edge-freeareas happen to have locally maximum gradient magnitudes.The thresholding step of Eq. (3) is often useful to reducenoise prior to thinning. A variety of adaptive methods havebeen developed that adjust the threshold according to certainimage characteristics, such as an estimate of local signal-to-noiseratio. Adaptive thresholding can often do a better job ofnoise suppression while reducing the amount of edge fragmentation.

The edge maps in Fig. 3, computed from the original imagein Fig. 2, illustrate the effect of the thresholding and subsequentthinning steps.

The selection of the threshold value T is a tradeoff betweenthe wish to fully capture the actual edges in the image and thedesire to reject noise. Increasing T decreases sensitivity to noise atthe cost of rejecting the weakest edges, forcing the edge segmentsto become more broken and fragmented. By decreasing T, onecan obtain more connected and richer edge contours, but thegreater noise sensitivity is likely to produce more false edges. Ifonly thresholding is used, as in Eq. (3) and Fig. 3(a), the edgestrips tend to narrow as T increases and widen as it decreases.Figure 4 compares edge maps obtained from several differentthreshold values.

Sometimes a directional edge detector is useful. One can beobtained by decomposing the gradient into horizontal and verticalcomponents and applying them separately. Expressed in thecontinuous domain, the operators become:

ef c(x,y)

≥T for edges in the y direction


ef c(x,y)


≥T for edges in the x direction

An example of directional edge detection is illustrated in Fig. 5.

Adirectional edge detector can be constructed for any desireddirection by using the directional derivative along a unit vector,

?f c

=?f c x,y?n

=ef c(x,y)


ef c(x,y)

sinθ (4)

whereθis the angle of n relative to the positive x axis. The directionalderivative is most sensitive to edges perpendicular to n .

The continuous-space gradient magnitude produces an isotropicor rotationally symmetric edge detector, equally sensitiveto edges in any direction. It is easy to show why ?f isisotropic. In addition to the original X-Y coordinate system, letus introduce a new system, X'-Y', which is rotated by an angleof φ, relative to X-Y. Let n x′and n y′be the unit vectors in the x'and y' directions, respectively. For the gradient magnitude to beisotropic, the same result must be produced in both coordinatesystems, regardless ofφ. Using Eq. (4) along with abbreviatednotation, we find the partial derivatives with respect to the newcoordinate axes are

f x′=?f?n x′=f x cosφ+f y sinφ

f y′=?f?n y′=f x sinφ+f y cosφ

Now let us examine the gradient magnitude in the new coordinatesystem:

?f=f x′2+f y′2

=(f x cosφ+f y sinφ)2+(?f x sinφ+f y cosφ)2

=f x2cos2φ+2f x f y cosφsinφ+f y2sin2φ+f x2sin2φ?2f x f y sinφcosφ+f y2cos2φ=f x2cos2φ+sin2φ+f y2cos2φ+sin2φ

f x2+f y2

So the gradient magnitude in the new coordinate system matches

that in the original system, regardless of the rotation angle,φ.

Occasionally, one may wish to reduce the computation load ofEq. (2) by approximating the square root with a computationallysimpler function. Three possibilities are

?f c(x,y)≈max ?f c(x,y)



?f c(x,y)



≈?f c x,y


?f c x,y


≈max ?f c x,y



?f c x,y





?f c x,y



?f c x,y



One should be aware that approximations of this type may alter the properties of the gradient somewhat. For instance, the approximated gradient magnitudes of Eqs.(5), (6),and (7) are not isotropic and produce their greatest errors for purely diagonally oriented edges. All three estimates are correct only for the pure horizontal and vertical cases. Otherwise, Eq. (5) consistently underestimates the true gradient magnitude while Eq. (6)overestimates it. This makes Eq. (5) biased against diagonal edges and Eq. (6)biased toward them. The estimate of Eq. (7) is by far the most accurate of the three.

2.2 Discrete Gradient Operators

In the continuous-space image, f c(x,y), let xand y representthe horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. Let the discretespacerepresentation of f c(x,y)be f(n1,n2), with n1describingthe horizontal position and n2describing the vertical. For useon discrete-space images, the continuous gradient's derivativeoperators must be approximated in discrete form. The approximationtakes the form of a pair of orthogonally oriented filters,h1(n1,n2)and h2(n1,n2), which must be separately convolvedwith the image. Based on Eq. (l), the gradient estimate is

?f n1,n2=f1n1,n2i n

1+f2n1,n2i n



f1n1,n2=f n1,n2?h1n1,n2

f2n1,n2=f n1,n2?h2n1,n2

Two filters are necessary because the gradient requires the computationof an orthogonal pair of directional derivatives. Thegradient magnitude and direction estimates can then be computedas follows:

?f n1,n2=f12n1,n2+f22n1,n2

∠f n1,n2=tan?1f2(n1,n2)



Each of the filters implements a derivative and should not respondto a constant, so the sum of its coefficients must alwaysbe zero. Amore general statement of this property is describedlater in this chapter by Eq. (10).

There are many possible derivative-approximation filters foruse in gradient estimation. Let us start with the simplest case.Two simple approximation schemes for the horizontal derivative are, for the first and central differences, respectively,

f1n1,n2=f n1,n2?f n1?1,n2


f n1+1,n2?f(n1?1,n2)

The scaling factor of 1/2 for the central difference is causedby the two-pixel distance between the nonzero samples. Theorigin positions for both filters are usually

set at (n1,n2). Thegradient magnitude threshold value can be easily adjusted tocompensate for any scaling, so we omit the scale factor fromhere on. Both of these differences respond most strongly to verticallyoriented edges and do not respond to purely horizontaledges. The case for the vertical direction is similar, producinga derivative approximation that responds most strongly tohorizontal edges. These derivative approximations can be expressedas filter kernels, whose impulse responses, h1(n1,n2)and h2(n1,n2), are as follows for the first and central differences,respectively:


?11, h2n1,n2=10






, h2n1,n2=




Boldface elements indicate the origin position.

If used to detect edges, the pair of first difference filters abovepresents the problem that the zero crossings of its two [-1,1] derivative kernels lie at different positions. This prevents the twofilters from measuring horizontal and vertical edge characteristicsat the same location, causing error in the estimated gradient.The central difference, caused by the common center of itshorizontal and vertical differencing kernels, avoids this positionmismatch problem. This benefit comes at the costs of larger filtersize and the fact that the measured gradient at a pixel (n1,n2)does not

actually consider the value of that pixel.

Rotating the first difference kernels by an angle of π4andstretching the grid a bit produces the h1(n1,n2)and h2(n1,n2)kernels for the Roberts operator:

01?1010 0?1

The Roberts operator's component filters are tuned for diagonaledges rather than vertical and horizontal ones. For use in an edgedetector based on the gradient magnitude, it is important onlythat the two filters be orthogonal. They need not be aligned withthe n1 and n2axes. The pair of Roberts filters have a commonzero-crossing point for their differencing kernels. This commoncenter eliminates the position mismatch error exhibited by thehorizontal-vertical first difference pair, as described earlier. Ifthe origins of the Roberts kernels are positioned on the +1 samples,as is sometimes found in the literature, then no commonenter point exists for their first differences.

The Roberts operator, like any simple first-difference gradientoperator, has two undesirable characteristics. First, the zerocrossing of its [-1,1] diagonal kernel lies off grid, but the edgelocation must be assigned to an actual pixel location, namelythe one at the filter's origin. This can create edge location biasthat may lead to location errors approaching the interpixel distance.If we could use the central difference instead of the firstdifference, this problem would be reduced because the centraldifference operator inherently constrains its zero crossing to anexact pixel location.

The other difficulty caused by the first difference is its noisesensitivity. In fact, both the first- and central-difference derivativeestimators are quite sensitive to noise. The noise problemcan be reduced somewhat by incorporating smoothing into eachfilter in the direction normal to that of the difference. Consideran example based on the central difference in one direction forwhich we wish to smooth along the orthogonal direction witha simple three-sample average. To that end, let us define theimpulse responses of two filters:

?a n1= 1 1 1,?b n2=?1 0 1

Since h a is a function only of n1and h b depends only on n2,one can simply multiply them as an outer product to form aseparable derivative filter that incorporates smoothing:

h a n1h b n2=h1(n1,n2)

1 1 1?101=




Repeating this process for the orthogonal case produces thePrewitt operator:


111 000?1?1?1

The Prewitt edge gradient operator simultaneously accomplishesdifferentiation in one coordinate direction, using the centraldifference, and noise reduction in the orthogonal direction, bymeans of local averaging. Because it uses the central differenceinstead of the first difference, there is less edge-location bias.

In general, the smoothing characteristics can be adjusted bychoosing an appropriate low-pass filter kernel in place of thePrewitt's three-sample average. One such variation is the Sobeloperator, one of the most widely used gradient edge detectors:


121 000?1?2?1

Sobel's operator is often a better choice than Prewitt's becausethe low-pass filter produced by the [1 2 1] kernel results in asmoother frequency response compared to that of [1 1 1].

The Prewitt and Sobel operators respond differently to diagonaledges than to horizontal or vertical ones. This behavioris a consequence of the fact that their filter coefficients do notcompensate for the different grid spacings in the diagonal andthe horizontal directions. The Prewitt operator is less sensitiveto diagonal edges than to vertical or horizontal ones. The oppositeis true for the Sobeloperator . A variation designed forequal gradient magnitude response to diagonal, horizontal, andvertical edges is the Frei-Chen operator:

?101? 202?101

121 000?1? 2?1

However, even the Frei-Chen operator retains some directionalsensitivity in gradient magnitude, so it is not truly isotropic.

The residual anisotropy is caused by the fact that the differenceoperators used to approximate Eq. (1) are not rotationally symmetric.Merron and Brady [15] describe a simple method forgreatly reducing the residual directional bias by using a set offour difference operators instead of two. Their operators are orientedin increments of π

4radians, adding a pair of diagonalones to the original horizontal and vertical pair. Averaging thegradients produced by the diagonal operators with those of thenondiagonal ones allows their complementary directional biasesto reduce the

overall anisotropy. However, Ziou and Wang have described how an isotropic gradient applied to a discretegrid tends to introduce some anisotropy. They have also analyzedthe errors of gradient magnitude and direction as a function ofedge translation and orientation for several detectors. Figure 6shows the results of performing edge detection on an exampleimage by applying the discrete gradient operators discussedso far.

Haralick's facet model [8] provides another way of calculatingthe gradient in order to perform edge detection. In the slopedfacet model, a small neighborhood is parameterized byαn2+βn1+γdescribing the plane that best fits the gray levels in thatneighborhood. The plane parametersαand βcan be used tocompute the gradient magnitude:

?f c(n1,n2)=22

The facet model also provides means for computing directionalderivatives, zero crossings, and a variety of other useful operations.

Improved noise suppression is possible with increased kernelsize. The additional coefficients can be used to betterapproximate the desired continuous-space noise-suppression filter.Greater filter extent can also be used to reduce directionalsensitivity by more accurately modeling an ideal isotropic filter.However, increasing the kernel size will exacerbate edge localizationproblems and create interference between nearby edges.Noise suppression can be improved by other methods as well.Papers by Bovik[3] and Hardie and Boncelet [9] are just two thatdescribe the use of edge-enhancing prefilters, which simultaneouslysuppress noise and steepen edges prior to gradient edgedetection.

3 Laplacian-Based Methods

3.1 Continuous Laplacian

The Laplacian is defined as

?2f c x,y=???f c x,y=?2f c(x,y)



?2f c(x,y)



The zero crossings of ?2f c x,y occur at the edge points of f c x,y because of the second derivative action (see Fig. 1).Laplacian-based edge detection has the nice

property that it producesedges of zero thickness, making edge-thinning steps unnecessary.This is because the zero crossings themselves definethe edge locations.

The continuous Laplacian is isotropic, favoring no particularedge orientation. Consequently, its second partial terms inEq. (9) can be oriented in any direction as long as they remainperpendicular to each other. Consider an ideal, straight, andnoise-free edge oriented in an arbitrary direction. Let us realignthe first term of Eq.

(9) parallel to that edge and the second termperpendicular to it. The first term then generates no response atall because it acts only along the edge. The second term producesazero crossing at the edge position along its edge-crossing profile.

An edge detector based solely on the zero crossings of the continuouLaplacian produces closed edge contours if the image,f(x,y),meets certain smoothness constraints [20]. The contoursare closed because edge strength is not considered, so eventhe slightest, most gradual intensity transition produces a zerocrossing. In effect, the zero-crossing contours define the boundariesthat separate regions of nearly constant intensity in theoriginal image. The second derivative zero crossings occur at thelocal extrema of the first derivative (see Fig. l), but many zerocrossings are not local maxima of the gradient magnitude. Somelocal minima of the gradient magnitude give rise to phantomedges, which can be largely eliminated by appropriately thresholdingthe edge strength. Figure 7 illustrates a 1-D example of aphantom edge.

Noise presents a problem for the Laplacian edge detectorin several ways. First, the second-derivative action of Eq. (9)makes the Laplacian even more sensitive to noise than thefirst-derivative-based gradient. Second, noise produces manyfalse edge contours because it introduces variation to theconstant-intensity regions in the noise-free image. Third, noisealters the locations of the zero-crossing points, producing locationerrors along the edge contours. The problem of noise-inducedfalse edges can be addressed by applying an additionaltest to the zero-crossing points. Only the zero crossingsthat satisfy this new criterion are considered edge points. Onecommonly-used technique classifies a zero crossing as an edgepoint if the local gray-level variance exceeds a threshold amount.Another method is to select the strong edges by thresholding thegradient magnitude or the slope of the Laplacian output at thezero crossing. Both criteria serve to reject zero crossing pointswhich are more likely caused by noise than by a real edge in theoriginal scene. Of course, thresholding the zero crossings in thismanner tends to break up the closed contours.

Like any derivative filter, the continuous-space Laplacian filter,h c(x,y), has this important property:

h c x,y dxdy =0 10 +∞


In other words, h c (x,y)is a surface bounding equal volumesabove and below zero.Consequently,?2f c (x,y)will also haveequal volumes above and below zero. This property eliminatesany response that is due to the constant or DC bias contained in f c (x,y). Without DC bias rejection, the filter's edge detectionperformance would be compromised.

3.2 Discrete Laplacian Operators

It is useful to construct a filter to serve as the Laplacian operatorwhen applied to a discrete-space image. Recall that the gradient,which is a vector, required a pair of orthogonal filters. The Laplacianis a scalar. Therefore, a single filter,h(n 1,n 2), is sufficientfor realizing a Laplacian operator. The Laplacian estimate for animage,f(n 1,n 2),is then


2f n 1,n 2 =f(n 1,n 2)?h(n 1,n 2) One of the simplest Laplacian operators can be derived asfollows. First needed is an approximation to the derivative in x,so let us use a simple first difference.

?f c (x,y)?x

→f x n 1,n 2 =f n 1+1,n 2 ?f n 1,n 2 (11) The second derivative in x can be built by applying the firstdifference to Eq. (11). However, we discussed earlier how thefirst difference produces location errors because its zero crossinglies off grid. This second application of a first difference can beshifted to counteract the error introduced by the previous one:

?2f c x,y ?x 2

→f xx n 1,n 2 =f x n 1,n 2 ?f x n 1?1,n 2 12 Combining the two derivative-approximation stages fromEqs. (1 1) and (12) produces

?2f c x,y 2

→f xx n 1,n 2 =f n 1+1,n 2 ?2f n 1,n 2 +f n 1?1,n 2

= 1?2 1 (13)

Proceeding in an identical manner for y yields

?2f c x,y ?y 2

→f yy n 1,n 2 =f n 1,n 2+1 ?2f n 1,n 2 +f(n 1,n 2?1)






Combining the x and y second partials of Eqs. (13) and (14)produces a filter,h(n1,n2), which estimates the Laplacian:

?2f c x,y→?2f n1,n2

=f xx n1,n2+f yy(n1,n2)

=f n1+1,n2+f n1?1,n2+f n1,n2+1

+f n1,n2?1?4f(n1,n2)

=1?2 1+








Other Laplacian estimation filters can be constructed by usingthis method of designing a pair of appropriate 1-D secondderivative filters and combining them into a single 2-D filter.The results depend on the choice of derivative approximator,the size of the desired filter kernel, and the characteristics ofany noise-reduction filtering applied. Two other 3 x 3examplesare

111 1?81 111,

?12?1 2?42?12?1

In general, a discrete-space smoothed Laplacian filter can be easilyconstructed by sampling an appropriate continuous-spacefunction, such as the Laplacian of Gaussian. When constructinga Laplacian filter, make sure that the kernel's coefficients sum tozero in order to satisfy the discrete form of Eq. (10). Truncationeffects may upset this property and create bias. If so, the filter coefficientsshould be adjusted in a waythat restores proper balance.

Locating zero crossings in the discrete-space image,?2f n1,n2is fairly straightforward. Each pixel should be comparedto its eight immediate neighbors; a four-way neighborhoodcomparison, while faster, may yield broken contours. If apixel, p,differs in sign with its neighbor, q, an edge lies betweenthem. The pixel, p, is classified as a zero crossing if

?2f(p)≤?2f(q) (15)

3.3 The Laplacian of Gaussian(Marr-Hildreth Operator)

It is common for a single image to contain edges having widelydifferent sharpnesses and scales, from blurry and gradual to crispand abrupt. Edge scale

information is often useful as an aid towardimage understanding. For instance, edges at low resolutiontend to indicate gross shapes, whereas texture tends to becomeimportant at higher resolutions. An edge detected over a widerange of scale is more likely to be physically significant in thescene than an edge found only within a narrow range of scale.Furthermore, the effects of noise are usually most deleterious atthe finer scales.

Marr and Hildrethadvocated the need for an operatorthat can be tuned to detect edges at a particular scale. Theirmethod is based on filtering the image with a Gaussian kernelselected for a particular edge scale. The Gaussian smoothingoperation serves to band-limit the image to a small range of frequencies,reducing the noise sensitivity problem when detectingzero crossings. The image is filtered over a variety of scales andthe Laplacian zero crossings are computed at each. This producesa set of edge maps as a function of edge scale. Each edge point

can be considered to reside in a region of scale space, for which edge point location is a function of x, y, and σ. Scale space has been successfully used to refine and analyze edge maps [22].

The Gaussian has some very desirable properties that facilitatethis edge detection procedure. First, the Gaussian functionis smooth and localized in both the spatial and frequencydomains, providing a good compromise between the need foravoiding false edges and for minimizing errors in edge position.In fact, Torre and Poggio [20] describe the Gaussian asthe only real-valued function that minimizes the product ofspatial- and frequency-domain spreads. The Laplacian ofGaussian essentially acts as a bandpass filter because of its differentialand smoothing behavior. Second, the Gaussian is separable,which helps make computation very efficient.

Omitting the scaling factor, the Gaussian filter can be writtenas

g c x,y=exp ?x2+y2



Its frequency response, GΩ

x ,Ω


,is also Gaussian:

x ,Ω


=2πσ2exp ?








The σparameter is inversely related to the cutoff frequency.

Because the convolution and Laplacian operations are bothlinearand shift invariant, their computation order can be interchanged:

?2f c x,y?g c x,y=?2g c x,y?f c x,y (17)

Here we take advantage of the fact that the derivative is a linearoperator. Therefore, Gaussian filtering followed by differentiationis the same as filtering with the derivative of a Gaussian.The right-hand side of Eq. (17) usually provides for more efficientcomputation since ?2g c x,y can be prepared in advanceas a result of its image independence. The Laplacian of Gaussian(LOG) filter,h c x,y , therefore has the folIowing impulse


h c x,y =?2g c x,y

=x 2+y 2?2σ2σ4exp x 2+y 2


(18) To implement the LOG in discrete form, one may constructa filter,h(n 1,n 2)by sampling Eq. (18) after choosing a valueof σ, then convolving with the image. If the filter extent is notsmall, it is usuallymore efficient to workin the frequency domainby multiplying the discrete Fourier transforms of the filter andthe image, then inverse transforming the result. The fast Fouriertransform, or FFT, is the method of choice for computing thesetransforms.

Although the discrete form of Eq. (18) is a 2-D filter, Chenet al. [6] have shown that it is actually the sum of two separablefilters because the Gaussian itself is a separable function. By constructingand applying the appropriate 1-D filters successively tothe rows and columns of the image, the computational expenseof 2-D convolution becomes unnecessary. Separable convolutionto implement the LoG is roughly 1-2 orders of magnitudemore efficient than 2-D convolution. If an image is M x Min size, the number of operations at each pixel is M 2 for 2-Dconvolution and only 2 M if done in a separable, 1-D manner.

Figure 8 shows an example of applying the LOG using various σ values. Figure 8(d) includes a gradient magnitude threshold,which suppresses noise and breaks contours. Lim [12] describesan adaptive thresholding scheme that produces better results.

Equation (18) has the shape of a sombrero or “Me xi can hat.”Figure 9 shows a perspectiveplot of 2(,)c g x y ?and its frequencyresponse, {}2(,)c F g x y ?. This profile closely mimics the responseof the spatial receptive field found in biological vision.Biological receptive fields have been shown to have a circularlysymmetric impulse response, with a central excitory region surroundedby an inhibitory band.

When sampling the LOG to produce a discrete version, it isimportant to size the

filter large enough to avoid significant truncationeffects. A good rule of thumb is to make the filter at leastthree times the width of the LOG’s central excitory lobe

[16].Siohan [19] describes two approaches for the practical designof LOG filters. The errors in edge location produced by the LOGhave been analyzed in some detail by Berzins[2]

3.4 Difference of Gaussian

The Laplacian of Gaussian of Eq. (18) can be closely approximatedby the difference of two Gaussians having properly chosenscales. The difference of Gaussian (DOG) filter is

12(,)(,)(,),c c c h x y g x y g x y =- where


1.6σσ≈ and 12,c c g g are evaluated by using Eq. (16). However, the LOG isusually preferred because it is theoretically optimal and its separabilityallows for efficient computation [14]. For the same accuracyof results, the DOG requires a slightly larger filter size [10].

The technique of unsharp masking, used in photography, isbasically a difference of Gaussians operation done with lightand negatives. Unsharp masking involves making a somewhatblurry exposure of an original negative onto a new piece of film.When the film is developed, it contains a blurred and inverted-rightnessversion of the original negative. Finally, a print ismade from these two negatives sandwiched together, producinga sharpened image with the edges showing an increasedcontrast.

Nature uses the difference of Gaussians as a basis for the architectureof the retina’s visual receptive field. The spatial -domainimpulse response of a photoreceptor cell in the mammalianretina has a roughly Gaussian shape. The photoreceptor outputfeeds into horizontal cells in the adjacent layer of neurons. Eachhorizontal cell averages the responses of the receptors in its immediateneighborhood, producing a Gaussian-shaped impulseresponse with a higher σ than that of a single photoreceptor.Both layers send their outputs to the third layer, where bipolarneurons

subtract the high-σneighborhood averages from thecentral photoreceptors’ low-σresponses. This produces a biologicalrealization of the difference-of-Gaussian filter, approximatingthe behavior of the Laplacian of Gaussian. The retinaactually implements DOG bandpass filters at several spatial frequencies [13].

4 Canny’s Method

Canny’s method [4] uses the concepts of both the first andsecond derivatives in a very effective manner. His is a classicapplication of the gradient approach to edge detection in thepresence of additive white Gaussian noise, but it also incorporateselements of the Laplacian approach. The method has threesimultaneous goals: low rate of detection errors, good edge localization,and only a single detection response per edge. Cannyassumed that false-positive and false-negative detection errorsare equally undesirable and so gave them equal weight. He furtherassumed that each edge has nearly constant cross sectionand orientation, but his general method includes a way to effectivelydeal with the cases of curved edges and corners. Withthese constraints, Canny determined the optimal 1-D edge detectorfor the step edge and showed that its impulse response canbe approximated fairly well by the derivative of a Gaussian.

An important action of Canny’s edge detector is to preventmultiple responses per true edge. Without this criterion, theoptimal step-edge detector would have an impulse response inthe form of a truncated signum function. (The signum functionproduces + 1 for any positive argument and - 1 for any negativeargument.) But this type of filter has high bandwidth, allowingnoise or texture to produce several local maxima in the vicinityof the actual edge. The effect of the derivative of Gaussian is toprevent multiple responses by smoothing the truncated signumin order to permit only one response peak in the edge neighborhood.The choice of variance for the Gaussian kernel controlsthe filter width and the amount of smoothing. This defines thewidth of the neighborhood in which only a single peak is tobe allowed. The variance selected should be proportional to theamount of noise present. If the variance is chosen too low, the filtercan produce multiple detections for a single edge; if too high,edge localization suffers needlessly. Because the edges in a givenimage are likely to differ in signal-to-noise ratio, a single-filterimplementation is usually not best for detecting them. Hence, athorough edge detection procedure should operate at differentscales.


做视频自媒体最重要的一个技能就是要会视频剪辑,但是现在由于各种软件的出现视频剪辑也从原来的很难变到现在的很容易。 因为软件可以帮我们解决很多很多难题,那今天咱们就主要讲一下视频剪辑当中常用的6款软件,你只要会其中的一款,基本上剪辑视频也就够了。 1.快剪辑 快剪辑他的最大的优点就是他没有片头,就是不给你它自己的片头,而且虽然功能不多,但是简单的来用一下还是可以的,所以我放在第一个来推荐。 2.爱剪辑 第二个叫爱剪辑,爱剪辑这个软件简直是让人喜欢不起来,为什么?因为虽然操作很轻松,但是它会自动给加上它自己的片头,让别人看了之后就会感觉是他们的,所以很多人看到这个就直接弃之不用了。 3.会声会影 第三个是会声会影,其实会声会影的功能跟快剪辑差不多,操作起来也是比较简单的,如果说一般的软件操作基本上它的功能也就够用了,大部分人也都愿意用会声会影来操作剪辑视频。

4.万兴神剪手 操作起来非常简单,但是有一个比较致命的缺点就是它的多功能是需要收费的。 5.PR 第五个就是咱们用的比较多的,而且专业性比较强的,大家都不愿意学的,叫PR,它占的内存会比较大一些,而且像咱们电视台,还有一些比较专业的广告制作部门,还有一些电影剪 辑方面都会用到PR,同时在电脑上windows系统还有苹果系统上都可以去使用。 而且使用了PR之后,他的其他的三款软件也都可以用了,因为快捷键差不多,它的按钮基 本上都是一样的,那其他三个什么?一个是au,一个是PS一个是ae,这三个基本上都可以 使用了。 6.EDIUS 咱们新闻记者,基本上用它用的会比较多,他也是属于视频剪辑软件,但是它的操作难度会 更小一些,功能是基本上一样的。 所以如果你不会PR的话,那么用EDIUS也是可以的。 发了六个关于自媒体视频剪辑的软件,很多人看了之后直呼太爽了,我一直需要这样的软件。然后还有人说有没有国外的一些比较好的视频剪辑软件推荐一下? 其实国外的也有,咱们今天就把国外比较好的视频剪辑软件给大家罗列一下,大家想用的就 可以去下载应用起来。


计算机视觉与图像理解 摘要 精确的特征跟踪是计算机视觉中的许多高层次的任务,如三维建模及运动分析奠定了基础。虽然有许多特征跟踪算法,他们大多对被跟踪的数据没有错误信息。但是,由于困难和空间局部性的问题,现有的方法会产生非常不正确的对应方式,造成剔除了基本的后处理步骤。我们提出了一个新的通用框架,使用Unscented转换,以增加任意变换特征跟踪算法,并使用高斯随机变量来表示位置的不确定性。我们运用和验证了金出武雄,卢卡斯- Tomasi 的跟踪功能框架,并将其命名为Unscented康莱特(UKLT)。UKLT能跟踪并拒绝不正确的应对措施。并证明对真假序列的方法真确性,并演示UKLT能做出正确不误的判断出物体的位置。 1.简介 在计算机视觉,对问题反映的准确性取决于于图像的准确测定。特征跟踪会随时间变化对变化的图像进行处理,并更新每个功能的变化作为图像的位置判断。重要的是所选择图像的功能,有足够的信息来跟踪,而且不遭受光圈问题的影响。[1] 在金出武雄,卢卡斯- Tomasi(康莱特)是最知名的跟踪和研究方法之一。它采用一对匹配准则刚性平移模型,它是相当于窗口强度的平方差之和最小化的基础。特征点的正确选择,可大大提高算法的性能。[3] Shi与Tomasi 将初始算法考虑仿射模型,并提出了技术监测的功能对质量进行跟踪。如果第一场比赛中的图像区域之间和当前帧残留超过阈值时,该功能将被拒绝。在随后的工作中,对模型进行了扩展且考虑了光照和反射的变化。 不幸的是,这些算法没有考虑在跟踪的不确定性,和估计的可靠性。如果我们能够考虑到这些问题,我们将能从混乱的数据中提取出更准确的数据。在没有不确定性特设技术条件下,有些研究员试图从中提取有用的数据但是结果都不能令人满意。但是理论上有声音的不确定性为特征跟踪,是可以应用于不同的功能类型的方法。 在一个闭塞,模糊,光照变化的环境中,即使是最复杂的特征跟踪算法一败涂地无法准确跟踪。这些问题导致错误的匹配,就是离群值。虽然有几种方法来减轻异常值的影响,但是其计算成本通常较高[7] [8]。[9]采用随机抽样一致性[10]的方法来消除图像序列异常值。Fusiello提出的康莱特,增加了一种自动拒绝规则功能,所谓的X84。虽然有许多离群排斥的方法,但没有一个单一的算法,尽管该算法在所有情况下都表现良好。 在本文中我们将研究范围扩大,运用高斯随机变量(GRVs)与Unscented变换(SUT 的),计算在一个非线性变换的分布传播,运用标准康莱特算法。采用随机变量来描述图像特征的位置和它们的不确定性既提高了精度又提高了鲁棒性的跟踪过程。虽然我们不知道什么是真正的分布,被测系统为我们提供了理论保证,前两个时刻的估计是正确的。另外,使用异常检测被测样品确定性使我们没有增加任何额外费用。 2.不确定度表示 我们现在引入一个新的通用框架,增强了任意特征跟踪算法,以代表和跟踪高斯随机变量(GRVs)功能的位置。然后,我们说明它可以被应用到最常用的方法,康莱特之一[1]。 GRVs是一种用于图像的特征定位概率分布函数描述的不错选择。他们有一个简单易懂的数学公式(平均向量和协方差矩阵)和紧凑的计算实施。他们也有一个确切的封闭使用的线性代数运算的代数线性变换的制定,并以此作为其参数表示的两个分布的第一时刻。Haralick [13]虽然提出了在计算机视觉中使用协方差传递,但他只考虑一阶线性化。 易用性外,还出现了一些有效的文献,它质疑从本地的图像灰度信息测量协方差是否可以代表的功能位置的不确定性[6]。


1. 典型图像处理 对可编程芯片,流水线中的任何处理顺序和参数都可以改变,而有些步骤可以跳过。在图像处理流水线中,绝大部分运算都需要大量的乘法和加法运算,而DSC21的DSP子系统非常适合高效的完成这种任务。 2. 视频输入模块

COMS芯片是OmniVision公司的ov7620 3. 视频输出模块 4. CCD硬件电路 系统的硬件部分主要由面阵CCD模块和数据存储模块两部分构成。 面CCD模块主要包括: 面阵CCD图像传感器、 驱动信号产生器、 图像信号预处理器 信号处理器。 图像通过光学系统成像在面阵CCD的光敏面上,驱动信号产生负责驱动面阵CCD图像传感器,并将图像电荷信号进行转移和输出,通过图信号预处理器对信号进行预处理,再输入到信号处理芯片,通过其内部的AD转换器和进一步处理获得数字亮度信号和数字色度信号。 面阵CCD: CCD为系统的核心元件,在驱动脉冲的作用下,实现光电荷的转换、存储、转移及输出等功能。 驱动信号产生器: 主要为CCD提供所需要的水平、垂直驱动等脉冲信号,同时还为信号处理电路提供钳位、复合同步、复合消隐、采样/保持等脉冲信号信号处理芯片: 主要完成CCD输出信号的AGC、视频信号的合成、A/D转换等功

能。CCD的输出信号输入至信号处理电路,经信号处理后转换为所需要的数字信号输出。 4.1. CCD器件---ICX409AK图像传感器 ICX409AK图像传感器是SONY公司生产的彩色1/3英寸行间转移型面CCD图像传感器,ICX409AK为16脚双列直插式封装,有效像素 752(H)x582(v),像素单元尺寸为6.50ulnx6.25uln,适合于队L制式彩色视频摄像机。


大神们都在用的几款手机端视频拍摄以及后期剪辑编辑制 作软件 想要更多新奇好玩有趣的的推荐,请关注(搞机时刻)我会为大家推送更多新鲜有趣的内容。请记得《关注》《点赞》《转发》《收藏》哦!你们的支持是我最大的动力!极拍专业版极拍专业版一个App内能同时实现多种拍摄模式和功能,满足您的多个拍摄愿望。极拍专业版最与众不同的是,它能够实现对视频和照片同时叠加多种功能、滤镜、特效,并且在拍摄过程中就能全部实时处理,无需等待,全高清视频和全清晰度照片即拍即得!目前这款软件正在限免,需要的赶快下载哦!2.UVE简单好用,会拍照就能拍好视频。实时滤镜、动态美颜、多镜头剪辑、贴纸动画、多种画幅。3.Videorama 强大的视频剪辑,将照片和视频组合在一起。裁剪、缩放、调整颜色、背景等!让静态照片动起来或做成幻灯片。在剪辑之间添加过渡效果,添加一些自带特效、随心所欲加快—放慢视频速度。无限制的影片长度,不受限制,想制作多长的影片都可以。4.定格动画工作室 你可以随时随地创建漂亮的高清定个动画影片。所需的工具就在手边,无需使用电脑。5.Montage 专业的编辑您的照片,快速的修建您不需要的照片以调整影片长度。裁剪视频使之成为正方形,更换背景颜色,加入背

景音乐,让他们无缝链接在一起。6.reversercam反转视频可以让你拍的每一个视频倒着播放,是制作创意视频的好利器。7.splice 视频编辑器,简单易用,功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在苹果设备上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器性能,专门针对移动设备优化,只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过滤,添加慢动作效果。8.微动相机拍出电影般唯美静好的动态图片只需三步;1.选择拍摄区域、可圈定方形、圆形以及自定义区域,确定构图然后拍摄,选择滤镜美化作品。 9.视频剪辑 专业的剪辑软件,用于修改视频、裁剪等等很好上手的一款剪辑软件。10.发你视频 这个软件主要用于下载视频,相信大家经常会看到很多好看、搞笑、励志的视频想把他下载下来保留或者进行二次编辑但是又缺少一个工具,那么这款工具就非常强大。只需要复制视屏播放链接到软件就会提示您下载与否。好啦以上10款手机视频拍摄以及后期剪辑处理APP都是目前移动端功能比较强大的软件,比较好用且是目前十分流行又相对专业的拍摄以及后期处理制作软件,喜欢的同学就赶紧去下载吧。喜欢我的推荐记得关注(搞机时刻),点赞收藏哦!小编后期会陆续为大家推荐更多好用,实用,高逼格的系列软件!


10 大视频编辑及后期特效软件,总有一款适合你 1.camtisa 专业指数:★★★★☆上手指数:★★★☆☆推荐指数:★ ★★☆☆简介:Camtasia Studio 是美国TechSmith 公司出品的屏幕录像和编辑的软件套装。软件提供了强大的屏幕录像 (Camtasia Recorder)、视频的剪辑和编辑 (Camtasi Studio)、 视频菜单制作( Camtasia MenuMaker )、视频剧场( Camtasi Theater)和视频播放功能(Camtasia Player)等。使用本套 装软件,用户可以方便地进行屏幕操作的录制和配音、视频的剪辑和过场动画、添加说明字幕和水印、制作视频封面和 菜单、视频压缩和播放。 2.爱剪辑 专业指数:★★★☆☆上手指数:★★★★☆推荐指数:★ ★★★☆简介:爱剪辑是一款更酷的颠覆性剪辑产品,完全根据中国人的使用习惯、功能需求与审美特点进行全新设计,许多创新功能都颇具首创性,一开先河,堪称中国最为出色的免费视频剪辑软件,让您随心所欲成为自己生活的导演!爱剪辑是最易用、强大的视频剪辑软件,也是国内首款全能的免费视频剪辑软件,由爱剪辑团队凭借10 余年的多媒体研发实力,历经6 年以上创作而成。3.Adobe Premiere 专业指数:★★★★★上手指数:☆☆推荐指数:★ ★★★☆简介:Adobe Premiere 是一款常用的视频编辑软件,

由Adobe 公司推出。现在常用的有CS4、CS5、CS6、CC、 CC 2014 及CC 2015 版本。是一款编辑画面质量比较好的软件,有较好的兼容性,且可以与Adobe 公司推出的其他软件相互协作。目前这款软件广泛应用于广告制作和电视节目制作中。4.会声会影 专业指数:★★★☆☆上手指数:★★★★☆推荐指数:★ ★★☆☆简介:会声会影是加拿大corel 公司制作的一款功能强大的视频编辑软件,具有图像抓取和编修功能,可以抓取,转换MV 、DV 、V8 、TV 和实时记录抓取画面文件,并提供有超过100 多种的编制功能与效果,可导出多种常见的视频格式,甚至可以直接制作成DVD 和VCD 光盘。5.Sony vegas 专业指数:★★★★★上手指数:★★☆☆☆推荐指数:★ ★★☆☆简介:Sony Vegas[1] 具备强大的后期处理功能,可以随心所欲地对视频素材进行剪辑合成、添加特效、调整颜 色、编辑字幕等操作,还包括强大的音频处理工具,可以为环绕立体声。此外,Vegas 还可以将编辑好的视频迅速输出为各种格式的影片、直接发布于网络、刻录成光盘或回录到磁带中。6.Adobe After Effects 视频素材添加音效、录制声音处理噪声,以及生成杜比5.1 专业指数:★★★★★上手指数:☆☆推荐指数:★ ★★☆☆简介:Adobe After Effects 简称“ AE ”是Adobe 公


S3 视频处理 S1.1 视频基础知识 视频信息是连续变化的影像,通常是指实际场景的动态演示,例如电影、电视、摄像资料等。视频信息带有同期音频,画面信息量大,表现的场景复杂,通常采用专门的软件对其进行加工和处理。 S3.1.1 视频设备 常用的视频设备主要有采集卡(用于采集模拟信号)、1394卡(用于采集数字视频信号)、DVD/CD 刻录机(存储视频)。 S3.1.2 视频格式 1、AVI AVI的英文全称为Audio Video Interleaved,即音频视频交错格式。它于1992年被Microsoft 公司推出,随Windows3.1一起被人们所认识和熟知。所谓“音频视频交错”,就是可以将视频和音频交织在一起进行同步播放。这种视频格式的优点是图像质量好,可以跨多个平台使用,其缺点是体积过于庞大,而且更加糟糕的是压缩标准不统一,最普遍的现象就是高版本Windows媒体播放器播放不了采用早期编码编辑的AVI格式视频,而低版本Windows媒体播放器又播放不了采用最新编码编辑的AVI格式视频,所以我们在进行一些AVI格式的视频播放时常会出现由于视频编码问题而造成的视频不能播放或即使能够播放,但存在不能调节播放进度和播放时只有声音没有图像等一些莫名其妙的问题,如果用户在进行AVI格式的视频播放时遇到了这些问题,可以通过下载相应的解码器来解决。 DV-AVI格式:DV的英文全称是Digital Video Format,是由索尼、松下、JVC等多家厂商联合提出的一种家用数字视频格式。目前非常流行的数码摄像机就是使用这种格式记录视频数据的。它可以通过电脑的IEEE 1394端口传输视频数据到电脑,也可以将电脑中编辑好的的视频数据回录到数码摄像机中。这种视频格式的文件扩展名一般是.avi,所以也叫DV-AVI格式。 2、MPEG MPEG-1制定于1992年,为工业级标准而设计,可适用于不同带宽的设备,如CD-ROM、Video-CD、CD-i。它可针对SIF标准分辨率(对于NTSC制为352X240;对于PAL制为352X288)的图象进行压缩,传输速率为1.5Mbits/sec,每秒播放30帧,具有CD(指激光唱盘)音质,质量级别基本与VHS相当。MPEG的编码速率最高可达4-5Mbits/sec,但随着速率的提高,其解码后的图象质量有所降低。 MPEG-2制定于1994年,设计目标是高级工业标准的图象质量以及更高的传输率。MPEG-2所能提供的传输率在3-10Mbits/sec间,其在NTSC制式下的分辨率可达720X486,MPEG-2也可提供并能够提供广播级的视像和CD级的音质。MPEG-2的音频编码可提供左右中及两个环绕声道,以及一个加重低音声道,和多达7个伴音声道(DVD可有8种语言配音的原因)。由于MPEG-2在设计时的巧妙处理,使得大多数MPEG-2解码器也可播放MPEG-1格式的数据,如VCD。 MPEG-4标准主要应用于视像电话(videophone),视像电子邮件(VideoEmail)和电子新闻(Electronicnews)等,其传输速率要求较低,在4800-64000bits/sec之间,分辨率176X144。 MPEG-4利用很窄的带宽,通过帧重建技术,压缩和传输数据,以求以最少的数据获得最佳的图象质量。与MPEG-1和MPEG-2相比,MPEG-4的特点是其更适于交互AV服务以及远程监控。


实验3 视频编辑与处理 实验学时:2 实验类型:(演示、验证、√综合、设计、研究) 实验要求:(√必修、选修) 一、实验目的 学习视频图像编辑和处理的基本方法。 二、实验内容 1、学习Adobe Premiere的使用,了解其界面及基本操作; 2、学习导入视频、音频的方法,学习加入转场及字幕的方法。 三、实验仪器 1、计算机一台; 2、视频编辑软件Adobe Premiere。 四、实验原理 Adobe公司的Premiere是一款越来越受到业余使用者重视的非线性视频编辑软件,它有许多种版本,其中既包括是和普通消费者使用的基本版本,也包括共专业人士使用的Pro版本,还有一些为准专业级板卡做配套的OEM版本。它可以用多轨的影像与声音的合成、剪辑来制作多种格式的动态影像,提供了各种的操作介面来达成专业化的剪辑需求,通过对录像、声音、动画、照片、图画、文本等素材的采集制作能制作出完美炫目的视频作品,完全可以满足你进行后期制作的种种要求,输出成为Web流视频格式或任何其他媒体格式。启动Premiere后进入其主窗口,主窗口主要由菜单和具有不同的功能多种子窗口组成。就会出现预设方案对话框,每种预设方案中包括文件的压缩类型、视频尺寸、播放速度、音频模式等。主要的窗口包括项目窗口、监视窗口、时间轴、过渡窗口、效果窗口以及历史窗口等,可以根据需要调整窗口的位置或关闭窗口,也可通过Window菜单打开更多的窗口。 Premiere的主要功能包括编辑和组接各种视频片段;对视频片断进行各种特技处理;在两段视频片断之间增加各种过渡效果;在视频片断之上叠加各种字幕、图标和其它视频效果;给视像配音,并对音频片断进行编辑,调整音频与视频的同步;改变视频特性参数如图像深度、视频帧率和音频采样率等;设置音频、视像编码及压缩参数;编译生成A VI或MOV格式的数字视频文件。特别是以下的功能更为重要。过渡和特技处理。过渡是视频编辑中镜头与镜头之间的不同的组接方式。最常用的组接方式有切、划、化和动四种,“切”最简单,


几款常用的视频剪辑软件 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

几款常用的视频剪辑软件 冰冻の可乐豆花1级发表于2008-03-03 现今科技的日益发达,使往日只有电视台才能完成的电视节目制作由于非编的产生和DV的普及而变得简单,甚至个人也能在自己的电脑上单独完成一部成片。于是,独立制作日益盛行,全民拿起DV开始记录自己个性化的生活。 制作一部DV成片,大致要经历以下一个流程:前期策划(剧本、器材等)、拍摄、粗编、配音(或音乐音效制作)、画面特效制作、精编、导出。当买好了DV,前期准备就绪、拍摄完毕后,此时,不可或缺就是一个非编软件。 下面就为大家推荐几款常用的视频剪辑软件: ------------首先是入门级windows自带的moviemaker-------------- 任何一款windows操作系统都有的moviemaker软件是入门级的剪辑软件。基本上按照“任务”按钮的提示就能完成所有的基本操作。 Moviemaker的操作飞为三类:捕获视频(即从DV带导入电脑)、编辑视频(可制作片头片尾、镜头间的过场特效)、完成视频(导出为文件)。 优点:操作简单;导出的视频文件较小;占用CPU较少(不容易死机) 缺点:特技过于简单、程序化;除了片头片尾,中间不可加入字幕 -----------第二款也是比较常用的软件,adobe公司的premiere----------- 相信很多播客都是用这个软件 Premiere是一款相当专业的DV编辑软件,被广泛的应用于电视台、广告制作、电影剪辑等领域,在普通的微机上,配以比较廉价的压缩卡或输出卡也可制作出专业级的视频作品和MPEG压缩影视作品。目前AdobePremiere已经成为主流的DV编辑工具,它为高质量的视频提供了完整的解决方案,作为一款专业非线性视频编辑软件在业内受到了广大视频编辑专业人员和视频爱好者的好评。 优点:操作便利,特技众多,好好研究下使用绝对能制作出你想要的效果来 缺点:导出文件巨大,需配套使用视频压缩软件;同时导出时间超常;占用内存较大; ---------------第三款也是很常用的会声会影---------------- 会声会影是友立公司出品的一套专为个人及家庭所设计的影片剪辑软件。具有图像抓取和编修功能,可以抓取,转换MV、DV、V8、TV和实时记录抓取画面文件,并提供有超过100多种的编制功能与效果,可制作DVD,VCD,VCD光盘。支持各类编码。 优点:操作简单,具有制作向导模式;可成批转换;捕获格式完整支持 缺点:如果简单也是一种缺点的话。。 -----------------SonyVegas--------------------- 不用说,索尼公司出品,是一套相当专业的影像编辑软件,具有剪辑、特效、合成、等多项功能,高效率的操作接口,让使用者更容易使用与操作此专业的软件,若你有使用Premiere软件,相信你也会爱上SonicVegas的。在视频编码上可以储存多种档案的格式,例 如:.rm,.wmv,.avi,.mov,mpeg1-2等,在音频档案格式上则支持有.aif,.mp3,.wav,.rm,.wma等;其次在视频及音频上也具有自动淡入及淡出的功能效果(音频的自动淡入淡出,我喜欢这个功能,手动调太麻烦了) 优点:可多轨实时浏览,特技众多,界面美观 缺点:不明 --------------没用过的DVDBurningXpress------------- DVDBurningXpress3.30软件是一款集:采集、简单剪辑、刻录一体的DVD光盘制作软件,此软件具有操作简单,上手迅速,制作便捷,体积小,一体化制作等特点,特别适合家用DV爱好者的需要,及时把拍摄的DV带通过软件快速刻录成DVD光盘,在你的家用DVD机上欣赏的软件,此软件只需要通过三步快速制作的个性DVD菜单光盘,第一步:采集,第二步:剪辑,第三步:刻录 优点:操作简单,上手迅速,制作便捷,体积小,一体化制作(没有用过所以只能纯引了。。)


视觉检测技术基础》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码:MI420 2 、课程名称(中/ 英文):视觉检测技术基础/ Foundation of visual measurement technique 3、学时/ 学分:27/1.5 4、先修课程:高等数学,大学物理 5、面向对象:电子信息类专业本科生 6、开课院(系)、教研室:电子信息与电气工程学院仪器系自动检测技术研究所 7、教材、教学参考书:自编讲义 《机器视觉》,贾云得著,科学出版社,2000 《计算机视 觉》,马颂德著,科学出版社,1997 《图像工程》,章毓晋 著,清华大学出版社,2002 二、本课程的性质和任务 《视觉检测基础》是电子信息学院仪器系四年级本科生的选修课,通过本课程的学习,使学生初步了解视觉检测系统的构成及基本原理,每个组成部分如何选择设计,掌握相应的图像处理方法,增加学生的专业知识。通过上机实践提高学生的实际编程能力,增强感性认识,为以后科研、工作中遇到的相关问题提供一个解决的思想,并能实际运用。 三、本课程教学内容和基本要求

1. 基本要求 《视觉检测基础》作为本科生的选修课,应当主要立足于对学生知识的普及,主要讲述计算机视觉系统的组成、设计、处理等方面的基本知识,以课堂讲述为主,讲述中应结合日常生活实际,提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生掌握基本的处理过程及算法,并辅以实验手段进一步增强学生对视觉检测技术的了解,增加感性认识, 2. 教学内容 (1) 课堂教学部分 第一讲计算机视觉概述 一、什么是计算机视觉 二、计算机视觉的应用 三、计算机视觉的研究内容 1 、主要研究内容 2 、与其它学科的关系 第二讲成像原理与系统 一、成像几何基础 1、透视投影 2、正交投影 二、输入设备 1 、镜头 2 、摄像机


第一章数字视频概述 1.什么是复合视频?2页,可改为填空题 例如:黑白视频信号是一个已经经过加工处理并包含扫描同步和消隐的图像信号,通常也叫做复合视频,简称视频。由于频带范围在1-6MHZ人们又把它叫做电视基带视频。 2.什么是视频技术?它主要应用在哪些领域?3页,可以改为填空题 例如:在不考虑电视调制发射和接收等诸多环节时,单纯考虑和研究电视基带信号的摄取、改善、传输、记录、编辑、显示的技术就叫做视频技术。 主要应用领域:广播电视的摄录编系统、安全及监控、视频通信和视频会议、远程教育及视听教学、影像医学、影音娱乐和电子广告。 3.什么是数字视频?5页 广义的数字视频表述为数字视频是指依据人的视觉暂留特性,借着计算机或微处理器芯片的高速运算,加上Codec技术、传输存储技术等来实现的以比特流为特征的,能按照某种时基规律和标准在显示终端上再现活动影音的信息媒介。狭义的数字视频时指与具体媒体格式所对应的数字视频。 第二章彩色数字视频基础 1.彩色电视系统是根据色光三基色原理来再现彩色图像的。按照此原理,任何一种色光颜色都可以用R G B三个彩色分量按一定的比例混合得到。7页 2.匹配兼容制彩色电视亮度信号的公式是:8页(2-2) 3.两个色差信号正交调制的目的是什么?10页 4.电视扫描分为逐行扫描和隔行扫描两种。 5.电视基带视频有复合视频、亮色分离视频和分量视频三种。13页 6.彩色电视制式有哪三种?制式差异主要体现在哪些方面?14页或改为填空 世界上现行的彩色电视制式有NTSC制式、PAL制式和SECAM制式三大制式。制式差异主要体现在亮度合成公式、色差信号提取、色副载选取及其正交调制类型、扫描方式、同步时基确定等方面的参数。 7.彩色电视图像的数字化有信号上游数字化和信号下游数字化两种。 8.A/D转换主要包括哪些环节?量化的实质是什么?编码的实质是什么?17,18页,可改为填空 A/D转换就是指对幅值连续变化的模拟视频电信号进行脉冲抽样保持、量化、编码等环节后形成二进制码流的技术处理过程。 9.一般常用的线性D/A转换器,其输出模拟电压U和输入数字量D之间成正比关系。19页 10.YCbCr信号和YUV信号是正比关系。21页,或选择A正比B反比C非线性D平方11.CCIR601标准为NTSC、PAL、和SECAM制式规定了共同的图像采样频率是13.5MHZ。21页 12.PAL制NTSC制的现行标准数字电视有效显示分辨率(清晰度)各为720X576像素和720X480像素。公用中分辨率为352X288像素。23页 第三章广义数字视频及分类 1.广义数字视频的定义?28页 2.广义的数字视频是依据人的视觉暂留特性,借助计算机或微处理器芯片的高速运算加上Codec编解码技术、传输存储技术等来实现的比特流为特征的全新的信息媒介。 3.图像序列的特点有哪些?33页 特点是每帧的分辨率相同,图像内容相关、图像文件名连续编号,而且有表示开始的图像序列头和表示结束的图像终止码。


实验三:视频编辑与处理实验 一、实验目的 学习视频图像编辑和处理的基本方法。 二、实验内容 1、学习Adobe Premiere的使用,了解其界面及基本操作; 2、学习导入视频、音频的方法,学习加入转场及字幕的方法。 三、实验仪器 1、计算机一台; 2、视频编辑软件Adobe Premiere。 四、实验原理 Adobe公司的Premiere是一款越来越受到业余使用者重视的非线性视频编辑软件,它有许多种版本,其中既包括是和普通消费者使用的基本版本,也包括共专业人士使用的Pro版本,还有一些为准专业级板卡做配套的OEM版本。它可以用多轨的影像与声音的合成、剪辑来制作多种格式的动态影像,提供了各种的操作介面来达成专业化的剪辑需求,通过对录像、声音、动画、照片、图画、文本等素材的采集制作能制作出完美炫目的视频作品,完全可以满足你进行后期制作的种种要求,输出成为Web流视频格式或任何其他媒体格式。启动Premiere后进入其主窗口,主窗口主要由菜单和具有不同的功能多种子窗口组成。就会出现预设方案对话框,每种预设方案中包括文件的压缩类型、视频尺寸、播放速度、音频模式等。主要的窗口包括项目窗口、监视窗口、时间轴、过渡窗口、效果窗口以及历史窗口等,可以根据需要调整窗口的位置或关闭窗口,也可通过Window菜单打开更多的窗口。 Premiere的主要功能包括编辑和组接各种视频片段;对视频片断进行各种特技处理;在两段视频片断之间增加各种过渡效果;在视频片断之上叠加各种字幕、图标和其它视频效果;给视像配音,并对音频片断进行编辑,调整音频与视频的同步;改变视频特性参数如图像深度、视频帧率和音频采样率等;设置音频、视像编码及压缩参数;编译生成A VI或MOV格式的数字视频文件。特别是以下的功能更为重要。过渡和特技处理。过渡是视频编辑中镜头与镜头之间的不同的组接方式。最常用的组接方式有切、划、化和动四种,“切”最简单,它是一段剪辑的出点紧接另一段剪辑的入点;后三种需通过Premiere的“过渡”来实现。每一种过渡方式都有一个对应的编辑窗口,通过这个窗口可以调整和改变过渡的参数。 标题和剪辑的叠加。在Premiere中可以给视频序列加上字幕,叠加小动画、小徽标或者其他小图形,也可以在一段剪辑之上叠加另一段剪辑而下层的视频内容仍能显示。超过100种专业设计的模板为新宝宝的诞生,婚礼,体育等事件制作吸引眼球的标题和滚动的效果。通过30多种顶级质量的Adobe字体为你的电影寻找最适合的电影标题,简单的操作即可为这些字体增加阴影,勾边及其他的一些效果。刻录你自定义的DVD光盘。整合在内的的DVD刻录操作使得制作DVD有趣且方便观看。从众多专业的模版中为你的DVD电影导入一种独特的DVD菜单,这些模板包括生日,竞技,音乐视频等。伴音的编辑和处理。在Premiere中,音频W A V文件是作为一种剪辑来处理的。因此,伴音剪辑的编辑如预播、切入/切出点;导入、移位、删除、剪贴、拉伸等都与视像剪辑的操作相同。只不过在建造窗口音频剪辑是在音频轨道上放置和处理的。 Premiere的插件丰富。与Abode公司的其他产品一样,Premiere开放性好,拥有众多的第三方插件,例如我们常见的Hollywood FX、Final Effects、Add Effects、Boris FX、TMPG Enc、Title Deko Pro、Smart Sound Quicktracks等等。这些插件和Premiere无缝衔接,极大地扩展了Premiere的功能。


关于图形、图像和视频的知识 1.视觉媒体的分类 对视觉媒体存在多种分类方法,所以术语较多,容易混淆。 ⑴按媒体信息生成方式分类 分为主观图形和客观图像。 ●主观图形:指使用各种绘图软件制作的图片。包括由点、线、面、体构成的图形(Graphics)和二维、三维动画(Animation)。 ●客观图像:由光电转换设备(摄像机、扫描仪、数码相机等)生成的具有自然明暗、颜色层次的图片。包括图像(Image)和视频(Video)。 ⑵按媒体信息存储方式分类 分为位图(bitmap)图像和矢量(Vector)图形。 ●位图图像:按“像素”逐点存储全部信息,适用于各类视觉媒体信息。这种存储方式占用存储空间很大。 ●矢量图形:用“数学表达式”对图形中的实体进行抽象描述(即矢量化),然后存储这些抽象化的特征。适用于图形和动画。 ⑶按图像的视觉效果分类 分为静态图像和动态图像。 ●静态图像:只是一幅图片。包括图形和图像。 ●动态图像:由一组图片组成,依次连续显示。包括动画和视频。 由上述各种分类可以看出:图形和图像之间,图像和视频之间,视频和动画之间,都是既有联系,又有区别的一些概念,关键在于从哪个角度去看。 2.图形文件的格式 由于各种图形处理软件都有各自的处理方法,所以它们的文件存储格式各不相同,基本分为两大类。了解这些图形文件的基本信息和存储格式,有助于对图形数据的应用和处理。例如进行文件压缩、文档格式转换等。 ⑴以位图方式存储的文件格式 主要有如下几种: ●PCX 文档:PCX格式是Z-soft公司为存储“PC 画笔”(PC Paintbrush)软件包生成的图形而建立的。由于它较早地使用位图方式存储图形,所以多数软件都可兼容。它的压缩效率取决于图形结构和颜色数目,对于颜色较少、构造简单的图形效果较好。 ●BMP 文档:BMP(Bitmap)格式是Microsoft公司专门为Windows制订定的位图文件格式,也就是以前Windows版本的DIB(Device Independent Bitmap)格式。除了Windows环境下的软件之外,不能在非Windows环境下使用。 ●TIF 文档:TIF(Tag Image File Format)格式是Aldus和Microsoft公司为扫描仪和计算机的“出版软件”而制订的,是多媒体CD-ROM中的一种重要文件格式。由于它与计算机硬件及操作系统无关,所以在国际上广为流行。TIF格式可转换为BMP格式。 ●GIF 文档:GIF(Graphics Interchange Format)格式是Compu Serve公司开发的文件格式。主要目的是为了在网上能够方便地进行图形传输和交换。 ●TGA 文档:TGA 格式是Truevision公司为支持它们的图形卡而制订的一种格式。 ⑵以矢量方式存储的文件格式 ●WMF 文档:WMF(Windows Meta File)格式是Microsoft公司制定的图元存储格式。文件


常见的视频编辑软件介绍 现在玩DV的人越来越多,他们更热衷于摄录下自己的生活片断,再用视频编辑软件将影像制作成碟片,在电视上来播放,体验自己制作、编辑电影的乐趣。常用视频软件不了解视频编辑的朋友通常会对“视频”这两个字产生一种望而却步的感觉。其实,充分利用数码相机、摄像机、视频采集卡或者数码化的视频文件素材,差不多任何一台计算机都可以做出完美的视频作品。那么,市场上都有哪些常用视频编辑软件?你了解它们各自的特点吗?我们又应该如何选择呢?下面我们就来大略说说。 Adobe Premiere Adobe公司推出的基于非线性编辑设备的视音频编辑软件Premiere已经在影视制作领域取得了巨大的成功。现在被广泛的应用于电视台、广告制作、电影剪辑等领域,成为PC和MAC平台上应用最为广泛的视频编辑软件。 最新版本的Premiere 6.0完善地解决了DV数字化影像和网上的编辑问题,为Windows平台和其他跨平台的DV和所有网页影像提供了全新的支持。同时它可以与其它 Adobe软件紧密集成,组成完整的视频设计解决方案。新增的Edit Original(编辑原稿)命令可以再次编辑置入的图形或图像。另外在Premiere 6.0中,首次加入关键帧的概念,用户可以在轨道中添加、移动、删除和编辑关键帧,对于控制高级的二维动画游刃有余。 将Premiere 6.0与Adobe公司的Affter Effects 5配合使用,更使二者发挥最大功能。After Effects 5.0是Premiere的自然延伸,主要用于将静止的图像推向视频、声音综合编辑的新境界。它集创建、编辑、模拟、合成动画、视频于一体,综合了影像、声音、视频的文件格式,可以说在掌握了一定的技能的情况下,想象的东西都能够实现。 Ulead Media Studio Pro Premiere算是比较专业人士普遍运用的软件,我自也经常用就是这个软件。感觉较好 但对于一般网页上或教学、娱乐方面的应用,Premiere的亲和力就差了些,ULEAD的Media Studio Pro(最新版本为6.5版)在这方面是最好的选择。Media Studio Pro主要的编辑应用程序有Video Editor(类似Premiere的视频编辑软件)、Audio Editor(音效编辑)、CG Infinity、Video Paint,内容涵盖了视频编辑、影片特效、2D动画制作,是一套整合性完备、面面俱到的视频编辑套餐式软件。它在Video Editor和Audio Editor的功能和概念上与Premiere的相差并不大,最主要的不同在于CG Infinity与Video Paint这两个在动画制作与特效绘图方面的程序。 CG Infinity是一套矢量基础的2D平面动画制作软件,它绘制物件与编辑的能力可说是麻雀虽小、五脏俱全,用起来有CorelDraw的味道。但是它比一般的绘图软件,它功能强大许多。例如,移动路径工具、物件样式面板、色彩特性、阴影特色等等。 Video Paint的使用流程和一般2D软件非常类似,它在Media Studio家族中的地位就像After Effects与Premiere的关系。 Video Paint的特效滤镜和百宝箱功能非常强大。 Ulead Video Studio(会声会影) 虽然Media Studio Pro的亲和力高、学习容易,但对一般的上班族、学生等家用娱乐的领域来说,它还是显的太过专业、功能繁多,并不是非常容易上手。ULEAD的另一套编辑软件会声会影,便是完全针对家庭娱乐、个人纪录片制作之用的简便型编辑视频软件。 会声会影在操作界面上与Media Studio Pro是完全不同的,而在一些技术上、功能上会声会影有一些特殊功能,例如动态电子贺卡、发送视频Email等功能。会声会影采用目前最流行的“在线操作指南”的步骤引导方式来处理各项视频、图像素材,它一共分为开始→捕获→故事板→效果→覆叠→标题→音频→完成等8大步骤,并将操作方法与相关的配合注意事项,


大神们都在用的几款手机端视频拍摄以及后期剪辑编辑制作软件 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

大神们都在用的几款手机端视频拍摄以及后期剪辑编辑制 作软件 想要更多新奇好玩有趣的的推荐,请关注(搞机时刻)我会为大家推送更多新鲜有趣的内容。请记得《关注》《点赞》《转发》《收藏》哦!你们的支持是我最大的动力!极拍专业版极拍专业版一个App内能同时实现多种拍摄模式和功能,满足您的多个拍摄愿望。极拍专业版最与众不同的是,它能够实现对视频和照片同时叠加多种功能、滤镜、特效,并且在拍摄过程中就能全部实时处理,无需等待,全高清视频和全清晰度照片即拍即得!目前这款软件正在限免,需要的赶快下载哦!简单好用,会拍照就能拍好视频。实时滤镜、动态美颜、多镜头剪辑、贴纸动画、多种画幅。 强大的视频剪辑,将照片和视频组合在一起。裁剪、缩放、调整颜色、背景等!让静态照片动起来或做成幻灯片。在剪辑之间添加过渡效果,添加一些自带特效、随心所欲加快—放慢视频速度。无限制的影片长度,不受限制,想制作多长的影片都可以。4.定格动画工作室 你可以随时随地创建漂亮的高清定个动画影片。所需的工具就在手边,无需使用电脑。

专业的编辑您的照片,快速的修建您不需要的照片以调整影片长度。裁剪视频使之成为正方形,更换背景颜色,加入背景音乐,让他们无缝链接在一起。反转视频 可以让你拍的每一个视频倒着播放,是制作创意视频的好利器。 视频编辑器,简单易用,功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在苹果设备上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器性能,专门针对移动设备优化,只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过滤,添加慢动作效果。8.微动相机拍出电影般唯美静好的动态图片只需三步;1.选择拍摄区域、可圈定方形、圆形以及自定义区域,确定构图然后拍摄,选择滤镜美化作品。9.视频剪辑 专业的剪辑软件,用于修改视频、裁剪等等很好上手的一款剪辑软件。10.发你视频 这个软件主要用于下载视频,相信大家经常会看到很多好看、搞笑、励志的视频想把他下载下来保留或者进行二次编辑但是又缺少一个工具,那么这款工具就非常强大。只需要复制视屏播放链接到软件就会提示您下载与否。好啦以上10款手机视频拍摄以及后期剪辑处理APP都是目前移动端功能比较强大的软件,比较好用且是目前十分流行又相对专业的拍摄以及后期处理制作软件,喜欢的同学就赶紧去下载吧。喜欢我的推荐记得关注(搞机时刻),点赞


图像处理与计算机视觉算法及应用 图像处理与计算机视觉算法及应用(Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision)(第2版)的配套代码。基于OpenCV库-matching code for the book"Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision".Based on OpenCV Library. [上传源码成为会员下载此文件] [成为VIP会员下载此文件] 文件列表(点击判断是否您需要的文件,如果是垃圾请在下面评价投诉): 图像处理与计算机视觉算法及应用(第2版)\Chapter 1\capture.c .......................................\.........\lib0.c .......................................\.........\thr_glh.c .......................................\.........0\angular.c .......................................\..........\check.c .......................................\..........\convert.c .......................................\..........\display.c .......................................\..........\listGreyFiles.c


数字视频处理报告 院 系:信息科学与技术学院 专 业:通信与信息系统 姓 名:白帅 学 号: 201320908 时 间:2014.6.25

基于JSEG算法的图像分割研究 摘要 图像处理的最终目的应是满足对图像的正确理解,即对图像中物体的正确识别,以指导下一步的行动。在这一过程中,图像分割是关键的一步。图像分割是一种重要的图像技术,它不仅得到人们的广泛重视和研究,也在实际中得到大量的应用。图像分割在不同领域中有时也用其它名称,如目标轮廓技术、阈值化技术、图像区分或求差技术、目标检测技术、目标识别技术、目标跟踪技术等,这些技术本身或核心实际上也是图像分割技术。 自然场景的颜色和纹理都是很丰富的,并且很大范围的自然图像可以认为是有着不同颜色和纹理的区域的镶嵌,在定义高层概念时纹理是一种很重要的特征。很多纹理分割算法需要估计纹理模型参数,根据参数建立一个纹理区域的特殊模型,这是一个很难的任务。JSEG 分割克服了这些问题,它是基于区域的一种分割方法,它测试一个给定颜色纹理模板的同质性,而不尝试估计一个特定的纹理区域模型,这种方法在计算上比估计模型参数要更加可行,其分割结果也有很高的正确率,并且具有很强的鲁棒性。但是JSEG 分割存在过分割的问题。JSEG算法由两步组成。颜色量化和空间分割。颜色量化的目的是为了减少彩色图像的颜色数量,以降低算法的复杂度,空间分割时对所谓的J图进行。 【关键字】图像分割,区域分割,JSEG Absract The ultimate aim should be to meet the image processing on the image of the correct,understanding that the correct identification of objects in an image to guide the next move . In this process, image segmentation is a critical step. Image segmentation is an important image technology, which not only get people's attention and extensive research, but also get a lot of practical applications. Image segmentation in different fields, sometimes by other names, such as target contour technique, thresholding , image differencing technique to distinguish or target detection , target recognition, target tracking technology, which is actually the core technology itself or image segmentation techniques. Color and texture of natural scenes are very rich, and a wide range of natural images can be considered with a mosaic of different colors and textures of the area, in
