Identification of bovine NPC1 gene cSNPs and their effectson body size traits of Qinchuan cattle

Identi ?cation of bovine NPC1gene cSNPs and their effects on body size traits of Qinchuan cattle

Yonglong Dang a ,Mingxun Li a ,Mingjuan Yang a ,Xiukai Cao a ,Xianyong Lan a ,Chuzhao Lei a ,Chunlei Zhang b ,Qing Lin a ,Hong Chen a ,?

a College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A &F University,Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Agriculture,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China b

Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology,Jiangsu Normal University,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Accepted 3March 2014

Available online 4March 2014


Coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs)

Missense mutation Combined haplotypes Body size traits

NPC1gene is an important gene closely related to the Niemann –Pick type C (NPC).Mutations in the NPC1gene tend to cause Niemann –Pick type C,a lysosomal storage disorder.Previous studies have shown that NPC1protein plays an important role in subcellular lipid transport,homeostasis,platelet function and formation,which are basic metabolic activities in the process of development.In this study,to explore the association between the NPC1gene variation and body size traits in Qinchuan cattle,we detected four novel coding single nucleotide poly-morphisms (cSNPs)in the bovine NPC1gene,including one missense mutation (SNP1)and three synonymous mutations (SNP2,SNP3and SNP4).Population genetic analyses of 518individuals and association correlations between cSNPs and bovine body size traits were conducted in this research.A missense mutation at SNP1locus was found to be signi ?cantly related to the heart girth,hip width and body weight (P b 0.01or P b 0.05,3.5-year-old).Two synonymous mutations at SNP2and SNP3loci also showed signi ?cant effects on hip width (P b 0.05,3.5-year-old).One synonymous mutation at SNP4locus showed signi ?cant effect on body weight (P b 0.05,2.0-year-old).Combined haplotypes H 2H 6and H 6H 6showed signi ?cant effects on body size traits such as heart girth,hip width,and body weight (3.5-year-old,P b 0.01or P b 0.05).This study provides ev-idence that the NPC1gene might be involved in the regulation of bovine growth and body development,and may be considered as a candidate gene for marker assisted selection (MAS)in beef cattle breeding industry.

?2014Published by Elsevier B.V.


Niemann –Pick type C1(NPC1)was identi ?ed as the gene that when mutated results in Niemann –Pick disease type C,a rare autosomal re-cessive lipidosis.Patients suffer from NPC exhibit progressive neurode-generation and hepatosplenomegaly,leading to death during early childhood (Scriver,2001).The gene encodes an approximately 4.9kb messenger RNA that is predicted to produce a 1278-amino-acid protein (Scott and Ioannou,2004).The NPC1gene spans ~47kb and contains 25exons,ranging in size from 74to 788nucleotides,and introns ranging in size from 0.097to 7kb (Morris et al.,1999).

Evidences showed that the NPC1and NPC2proteins function in con-cert to facilitate the intracellular transport of lipids from the lysosome to

other cellular sites (Sleat et al.,2004).A major source of cellular choles-terol is endocytosed as low density lipoprotein,which is delivered to late endosomes and lysosomes where cholesterol is released (Brown and Goldstein,1986).Within late endosomes and lysosomes,NPC1and NPC2proteins are required for the subsequent delivery of choles-terol to other intracellular compartments (Pentchev,2004).NPC1pro-tein is needed for cellular utilization of low-density lipoprotein-derived cholesterol that has been delivered to lysosomes.The protein encoded by the NPC1gene is a multitransmembrane protein that local-izes to late endosomes.It has 13transmembrane domains,three large loops that protrude into the late endosome lumen,several smaller cyto-plasmic loops,and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail (Davies and Ioannou,2000).Transport studies in NPC1-expressing E.coli showed that NPC1can transport fatty acids,which implies it may have essential function in the process of body development.

NPC1protein was located in endosomes that mediate cholesterol export to the ER (van der Kant et al.,2013).NPC1's lumenally oriented,N-terminal domain binds cholesterol and has been proposed to receive cholesterol from NPC2protein as part of the process by which cholester-ol is exported from lysosomes into the cytosol (Def ?eu and Pfeffer,2011).Based on previous studies,the mechanism of cholesterol trans-port involved in NPC1gene has been preliminarily clari ?ed (Ohgane

Gene 540(2014)153–160

Abbreviations:cSNPs,coding single nucleotide polymorphisms;bp,base pair(s);NPC,Niemann –Pick type C;GLM,general linear model;He ,observed heterozygosity;Ho ,ob-served homozygosity;HWE,Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium;LD,linkage disequilibrium;MAS,marker assisted selection;Ne ,effective allele numbers;PCR –RFLP,polymerase chain reaction –restricted fragment length polymorphisms;PIC,polymorphism informa-tion content;QC,Qinchuan cattle;SE,standard error.

?Corresponding author at:No.22Xinong Road,College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China.

E-mail address:chenhong1212@, (H.

Chen).,/10.1016/j.gene.2014.03.0010378-1119/?2014Published by Elsevier


Contents lists available at ScienceDirect


j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /g e n e

et al.,2013),which indicate that the function of the NPC1gene in choles-terol transportation is essential and important.

Although we have got a general idea of the role that the NPC1gene plays on cholesterol transportation,more functions of it such as its asso-ciation with obesity or growth traits and the mechanism remain to be explored.Mutations in the NPC1gene have been strongly linked with obesity(Meyre et al.,2009).A genome-wide association study identi-?ed NPC1gene mutations as a risk factor in childhood obesity and adult morbid obesity,and1416age-matched normal weight controls (Meyre et al.,2009).Mutations in the NPC1gene were also correlated with ordinary weight gain in the European population(Meyre et al., 2009).Previous studies in mice have suggested that the NPC1gene has a role in controlling appetite,as mice with a non-functioning NPC1 gene suffer late-onset weight loss and have poor food intake(Xie et al.,1999).NPC1gene variant could account for around10%of all childhood obesity and about14%of adult morbid obesity cases(Meyre et al.,2009).A recent study reported that NPC1defect resulted in abnor-mal platelet formation and function which imply that NPC1gene may show a role in platelet function and formation(Louwette et al.,2013).

Numerous previous studies on NPC1gene mainly focus on Niemann–Pick type C and its treatment.However,the variations of the NPC1gene and their effects on body size traits have not been reported in cattle,although the NCP1gene is located on bovine chromosome24 in a region near two important QTLs related to limb conformation and body conformation traits(Zimin et al.,2009).Moreover,linkage analysis and association analysis are two effective ways to study genes and their connection with traits(Durrant et al.,2004).So,exploring the correla-tion between mutation markers and body size traits is meaningful and rewarding in beef cattle industry.The aim of the present study is to de-tect mutations in the NPC1gene in cattle,and then to explore the asso-ciation between these mutations and bovine body size traits.

2.Materials and methods

The current investigation involved sampling,body measurement, DNA extraction,mutation loci detection,genotypic identi?cation and association analyses.

2.1.Sample resource,body measurement and DNA samples

Five hundred and eighteen Chinese Qinchuan cattle were used in this study.The populations were from the reserved farm of Qinchuan cattle(Fufeng County,Shaanxi province,P.R.China)and were raised on a corn–corn silage diet after weaning at an average of6months.

We combined cattle born in different years into2.0and3.5year-old groups.Although they were born in different years,the body size traits were measured when they were2.0or3.5years old.The2.0-year-old group consisted of216individuals,while the3.5-year-old group contained243individuals.All animals in each group were healthy breeding females with no pregnancy.

Ten important body size traits were associated in this research in-cluding body height,height at hip cross,body length,heart girth,chest width,chest depth,rump length,hucklebone width,hip width,and body weight.These traits were measured with reference to Gilbert's method(Gilbert et al.,1993).

DNA of518cows was isolated from2%heparin-treated blood sam-ples which were stored at?80°C,following the standard procedures (Sambrook et al.,2001).The content of DNA was estimated using specif-ic spectrophotometer equipment,and then was diluted to50ng/μL.All DNA samples were stored at?20°C before subsequent use.

2.2.Mutation loci detection and genotypic identi?cation

A total of23primer pairs were designed according to the bovine NPC1gene sequence available in NCBI database(GenBank Accession Number:NM_174758)to amplify the25exons.Partial primers'infor-mation used for detecting all novel mutations was shown in Table1. PCR was performed in25μL of reaction volume,containing50ng geno-mic DNA,10μM of each primer,1×buffer(including1.5mM MgCl2), 200μM dNTPs and0.6U of Taq DNA polymerase(MBI,Vilnius, Lithuania).To optimize the ef?ciency while searching the possible mu-tation loci,DNA pool sequencing was used in this study.About100indi-viduals'genomic DNA was pooled together.Then PCR ampli?cations were carried out with pooled DNA as template.Then PCR products were sequenced by Sangon Biotech Company to preliminarily search the possible mutation loci.

The sequencing results were read by the Chromas software,those with two peaks in the same locus were considered as the candidate SNPs.Then the sequencing sequences were imported into the BioXM software version2.6to make comparisons with the reference sequence (Accession Number:NM_174758)to locate the SNPs.Those SNPs matched to the exons were considered as cSNPs.

Restriction enzyme digestion primers were designed to identify the genotype of the possible mutation loci using PCR-RFLP technique.4μL PCR products were mixed with6μL enzyme digestion solution(4.8μL water,0.2μL enzyme and1μL10×buffer),and then the10μL reaction system was conducted according to the supplier's instructions.Finally, the digested products were detected by electrophoresis in2%agarose gel,and were run at a constant voltage(120V)for about0.5to1.0h to identify the genotype.The type of mutation was identi?ed by making a comparison between the two peptides before and after the mutation through BioXM software version2.6.

2.3.Data analyses

The associations between genotypes and body size traits of a 2.0-year-old Qinchuan cattle population and a3.5-year-old Qinchuan cattle population were analyzed in this study.

Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium(HWE)was tested based on chi-square test for different mutation loci(Yeh,1997).Heterozygosity (H e),homozygosity(H o)and effective allele numbers(Ne,reciprocal of homozygosity),three indexes to measure genic variation of a popula-tion,were calculated according to Nei's methods(Nei,1973).All the cal-culation or test above along with the calculation of genotypic frequency


Partial primers with mutations detected.

Primer name Loci a Primer sequences(5′–3′)Tm(°C)SAF(bp)b Composition of fragments

P1SNP1F:CCATCTTATCCTCTGCCTCC61707Exon2,partial introns1and2


P2SNP2and SNP3F:GAGGCTTATGTATGAGTTCT56714Exon8,partial intron8and intron9


P3SNP4F:TGACACCCGCAGACAAAGT58813Exon15,exon16,intron16,partial introns15and17


a SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,g.T36976C.

b SAF,size of ampli?cation fragment.

154Y.Dang et al./Gene540(2014)153–160

and allele frequency was performed with POPGENE software(version 1.32).

Polymorphism information content(PIC)was calculated by PIC_Calc (version0.6)according to Botstein's methods(Botstein et al.,1980). Linkage disequilibrium analysis was completed according to Lewontin's method(Lewontin,1988).r2coef?cient between each pair of mutations along with haplotype screening in the studied Qinchuan cattle was esti-mated by the SHEsis online service(Yong and Lin,2005).The relation-ships between the variations of the NPC1gene and body size traits were analyzed by ANOVA(SPSS Statistics,version17.0,GLM proce-dure).A univariate model was used,where the responses were heart girth,hip width and body weight,etc.This is a single locus model,all analyses were done in two steps,?rst using a full animal model and then using a reduced animal model.

The full animal model included the observed value of the target trait, effect of marker genotype,birth year,age,seasons of birth,age of dam, sire,farm,sex,and random effects(environmental differences and re-sidual).The effect associated with seasons of birth(spring vs fall),age of dam,sire,farm,and sex was not matched in the linear model,as

the preliminary statistical analyses indicated that these effects did not have a signi?cant in?uence on variability of traits in the analyzed popu-lations.So,they were classi?ed into the residual.Then the reduced model was used in the?nal analysis(Henderson,1986;Huang et al., 2011).The SPSS software was used to analyze the relationship between the genotypes and body size traits in cattle.The reduced linear model is as follows:

Y ijk?μtA itG jtεi jk

where Y ijk is the observed value of the target trait,μis the overall mean of each target trait,A i is the?xed effect,indicating age group,G i is the effect of marker genotype andεijk is the residual error.Pair-wise con-trasts were performed for pairs of genotypes,as well as combined hap-lotypes to?nd loci or combined haplotypes signi?cantly associated with body size traits.Effect size of each signi?cant genotype or combined haplotype was described by a determination coef?cient(R-square) which was calculated in SPSS(regression).3.Results

3.1.Mutation loci detection and genotype identi?cation

Four novel mutations were detected in the NPC1gene in the Qinchuan cattle,including1missense mutation(g.10710G N A,Fig.1)and3synon-ymous mutations(g.21992C N T,g.22007C N T,g.36976T N C.Fig.1).The NPC1topology structure and the mutation location in the protein se-quence were shown in Fig.2.More information in details about the muta-tions was shown in Table2.

PCR–RFLP was used to identify the genotypes of each mutation locus, and three genotypes were discovered in each of the four mutation loci (Fig.3).As for SNP1,the restriction enzyme XspΙwas used to identify the genotype.After being digested for10h by XspΙ,the AA allele showed one fragment(92bp)without restriction enzyme cutting site, the GG allele showed two fragments(33and59bp),while three frag-ments(92,59and33bp)stood for AG allele(Fig.3a).As for SNP2,the restriction enzyme RsaΙdigested264bp PCR products and formed one fragment(264bp)for TT allele,two fragments(236and28

bp) Fig.1.The sequencing maps of four novel cSNPs in the bovine NPC1gene.Note:The SNP positions are shown according to GenBank accession No.


Fig.2.A diagrammatic drawing of the NPC1topology structure and the SNP location based

on a published model(Davies and Ioannou,2000;Scott and Ioannou,2004).The?rst SNP

locates in loop A,causing amino acid E mutate into L,while the second(SNP2),third

(SNP3)and fourth(SNP4)SNPs(no amino acid change)locate in loop C,loop C,and the

seventh transmembrane domain(TM),respectively.


Y.Dang et al./Gene540(2014)153–160

for CC allele,and three fragments (264,236and 28bp)for CT allele (Fig.3b).At the third SNP locus,SNP3,the 197bp PCR products digested by Taq Ιdemonstrated one fragment (197bp)for CC allele,two frag-ments (170and 27bp)for TT and three fragment (197,170and 27bp)for CT allele (Fig.3c).As for the last SNP locus,SNP4,497bp prod-ucts were digested by Taq Ι,the TT allele showed one fragment (497bp),the CC allele showed two fragments (350and 147bp),while the CT al-lele showed 3fragments (497,350and 147bp,Fig.3d).Although the 33bp fragment in Fig.3a,the 28bp fragment in Fig.3b and the 27bp fragment in Fig.3c were too short to be identi ?ed clearly,the rest frag-ments were enough to identify certain genotype at the four mutation loci.

3.2.Population genetic analyses

As shown in Table 3,the frequency of both allele A and allele G in SNP1was 0.5.The frequency of allele C in both SNP2and SNP3loci was 0.89,which was a dominant ratio while the frequency of allele T in both mutation loci was 0.11.As for both SNP2and SNP3,the TT geno-type accounted for only 1%in the whole population.

The genotype frequency and allele frequency of the ?rst three loci were in Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium (P N 0.05),while the last locus was in Hardy –Weinberg disequilibrium (P b 0.05).According to the PIC values of the four mutation loci,SNP1and SNP4had moderate ge-netic diversity,while SNP2and SNP3had low genetic diversity (PIC value b 0.25,low genetic diversity;0.25b PIC value b 0.50,intermediate genetic diversity;and PIC value N 0.50,high genetic diversity).

The linkage disequilibrium analysis was done with SHEsis,SNP2and SNP3loci showed a strong linkage while the rest of the locus –locus

combinations demonstrated weak linkage (Fig.4,Table 4).There were totally 14haplotypes found in the studied population.Haplotypes with frequency higher than 3%were used for subsequent analysis.Hap-lotype structure analysis of the NPC1gene in Qinchuan cattle population was shown in Table 5.There were 980haplotypes detected in the whole population.Among the 980haplotypes,frequencies of the most com-mon haplotype (H5:GCCC)and the least common (H4:ATTT)were 29.5%and 4%,respectively.

3.3.Association analyses of cSNPs with body size traits of Qinchuan cattle As shown in Table 6,in the 2.0-year-old Qinchuan population,there was no demonstrable effect of the genotype on body size traits found at the ?rst three loci (P N 0.05).At the SNP4locus,the T allele was the wild type while the C allele was the mutant type.The body weight value of TT genotype was about higher than that of CC genotype (P b 0.05),while the heterozygous genotype CT had an intermediate body weight value.Effect size caused by SNP4was 3.0%.

As for the 3.5-year-old Qinchuan population,at SNP1locus,the AG and GG genotype individuals had bigger heart girth (P b 0.01),larger hip width (P b 0.05)and greater body weight (P b 0.01)than those of AA genotype.As for SNP1locus,G allele was the wild type and A allele was the mutant type.Effect size caused by SNP1to heart girth,hip width and body weight was 5.1%,4.1%and 6.3%,respectively.Referring to SNP2and SNP3loci,C allele was the wild type and T allele was the mutant type.Individuals with CT genotype had bigger hip width than that of CC individuals (P b 0.05).As with hip width trait,effect size caused by SNP2was 4.7%.The same with SNP2,effect size caused by

Table 2

Genetic variants identi ?ed in the bovine NPC1gene.Loci a MLG b VR c MLP d Mutation type DPS (nt)e

Sequence of primers (used for genotype identi ?cation)Tm (°C)SAF (bp)f SNP1g.G10710A Exon 2E49K Missense 0GATAAGAGATACAACTGCAGATATTCTGGGCCACTA 66.592GCCCAAGATTACTCACTCACCTGCACAAGG SNP2g.C21992T Exon 8H398H Synonymous 11,282




Exon 15







a SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,g.T36976C.

b MLG,mutation location in NCP1gene sequence (GenBank Accession No.NM_174758).

c VR,variation region,all SNP loci were locate

d in exons.d MLP,mutation location in NPC1protein sequence.

e DPS,distance from previous SNP (nt).f

SAF,size of ampli ?cation


Fig.3.The electrophoresis patterns of PCR –RFLP analysis at four SNP loci in the bovine NPC1gene.(a)Digestion result by restriction enzyme Xsp Ιat SNP1locus,g.G10710A.(b)Digestion result by restriction enzyme Rsa Ιat SNP2locus,g.C21992T.(c)Digestion result by restriction enzyme Taq Ιat SNP3locus,g.C22007T.(d)Digestion result by restriction enzyme Taq Ιat SNP4locus,g.T36976C.


Y.Dang et al./Gene 540(2014)153–160

SNP3to hip width trait was 4.7%,either.At SNP4locus,each genotype had no signi ?cant effects on body size traits (P N 0.05,Table 6).

In addition,the 4cSNPs showed no signi ?cant association with the other 7body size traits (Tables S1,S2).

3.4.Association analyses of combined haplotype with body size traits of Qinchuan cattle

There were 16combined haplotypes found in the 2.0-year-old pop-ulation.Each combined haplotype had no signi ?cant different effects on body size traits (P N 0.05,Table S3).

There were also 16combined haplotypes found in the 3.5-year-old population,including 15combined haplotypes the same as those in the 2.0-year-old population and a new one (Table 7).The combined haplotype H 2H 6,H 3H 5,H 6H 6and H 1H 6had bigger heart girth than that of the H 1H 2(P b 0.01).The heart girth value of combined haplotype H 6H 6and H 2H 6were bigger than that of H 2H 2(P b 0.01).The heart girth value of combined haplotype H 2H 6was bigger than that of H 1H 1,H 1H 5and H 5H 5(P b 0.01).The combined haplotype H 2H 6had the big-gest heart girth while the H 1H 2had the smallest heart girth.The hip

width value of combined haplotype H 2H 6,H 3H 5,H 5H 5,and H 6H 6was bigger than that of H 2H 2(P b 0.01),the combined haplotype H 1H 5and H 1H 6had bigger hip width than that of H 2H 2(P b 0.05),the combined haplotype H 2H 6,H 3H 5and H 6H 6had bigger hip width than that of H 1H 1and H 1H 2(P b 0.05).The hip width value of combined haplotype H 3H 5was the biggest while the H 2H 2had the smallest hip width.The combined haplotype H 1H 6,H 2H 6,H 3H 5,H 5H 5and H 6H 6had heavier body weight than that of H 1H 2(P b 0.01),the combined haplotype H 2H 6and H 6H 6had heavier body weight than that of H 2H 2(P b 0.01),while the body weight value of combined haplotype H 2H 6was bigger than that of H 1H 1and H 1H 5(P b 0.01).The body weight value of com-bined haplotype H 2H 6was the biggest value while the body weight value of H 1H 2was the smallest.Referring to heart girth,hip width and body size traits,effect size caused by the 16combined haplotypes was 6.2%,6.0%and 8.4%,respectively.

In addition,no signi ?cant association was found between the com-bined haplotypes and the other 7body size traits (Tables S3,S4).4.Discussion

In this study,we have detected four novel mutations in NPC1exons (SNP1:g.10710G N A;SNP2:g.21992C N T;SNP3:g.22007C N T;and SNP4:g.36976T N C.)and revealed their associations with body size traits in Chinese Qinchuan cattle.

All the mutations found in this study were located in exons which are important functional DNA regions.The ?rst SNP (g.G10710A)is a missense mutation located in Loop A region (Fig.2),causing the amino acid Glu to mutate into Lys.Glu is an acidic amino acid while Lys is a basic amino acid.The two amino acids have entirely different electric properties which may lead to different functions of the protein.A missense mutation (D298E)in melanocortin 4receptor (MC4R)was associated with fatter,higher-feed consuming,and faster-growing ani-mals (Kim et al.,2000).A missense mutation in the bioactive part of the GDF9protein showed strong association with litter size in Norwe-gian White Sheep (V?ge et al.,2013).A missense mutation (R431L)in the IGF-I receptor L2domain leads to the inhibition of cell proliferation,

Table 3

Population genetic analyses of bovine NPC1gene in Qinchuan cattle.Loci a Genotype/number/genotype frequency Allele/allelic frequency χ2(HWE)b H e c H o d Ne e PIC f SNP1AA/135/0.27AG/247/0.48GG/130/0.25A/0.50G/0.500.67?0.480.52 2.000.375SNP2CC/397/0.79CT/98/0.20TT/7/0.01C/0.89T/0.110.13?0.800.20 1.250.179SNP3CC/408/0.79CT/102/0.20TT/6/0.01C/0.89T/0.110.01?0.800.20 1.250.177SNP4











a SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,g.T36976C.b

χ2(HWE):Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium χ2value.c

H e ,stands for heterozygosity of NPC1gene.d

H o ,stands for homozygosity of NPC1gene.e

Ne,effective allele numbers.f

Polymorphism information content.

?Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium (P N 0.05).??Hardy –Weinberg disequilibrium (P b 0.05).

Table 4

Pair-wise LD analysis of the four SNP loci.Loci a

Qinchuan cattle r 2




SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,


Fig.4.Pair-wise linkage disequilibrium (LD)tests of four cSNPs based on r 2,the deep color denotes strong linkage between two loci.


Y.Dang et al./Gene 540(2014)153–160

attenuation of IGF signaling and decrease in internalization of IGF-IR (Kawashima et al.,2012).Data in Table6showed the effects of the sin-gle cSNPs on body size traits in Qinchuan cattle.For SNP1locus,individ-uals with genotype AG or GG have higher heart girth,wider hip width and heavier body weight than those of the mutation type AA.As the binding site of sterols has been determined to be a soluble N-terminal domain(NTD,Loop A region,Fig.2,Infante et al.,2008),the AA variants might exert functionally distinct abilities in the regulation of lipid trans-portation which result in different heart girth,hip width and body weight.

While synonymous mutations also play an important role in gene expression.The other three SNPs(SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T; SNP4,g.T36976C)are synonymous mutations with no amino acid change.Because of this,synonymous mutations were also called silent mutations.Although it does not affect the?nal protein sequence,it may cause a certain in?uence on the transcription process.Evidences show that synonymous sites do not evolve neutrally,at least in part owing to selection on mRNA stability(Chamary and Hurst,2005). Naturally occurring silent SNPs can affect in vivo protein folding and, consequently,function.The study shows that substrate speci?city of P-glycoprotein,the product of the multidrug resistance1(MDR1) gene,is altered by SNPs presumed to be synonymous and silent (Komar,2007).Two synonymous mutations in the bovine NUCB2 gene had signi?cant effects on body length,body weight,heart girth, and average daily gain(Li et al.,2010).In this study,for the second and third SNPs(3.5-year-old,Table6),the CT individuals had bigger hip width than the CC individuals,which indicates that the mu-tation in the two loci can help increase hip width.For the fourth loci (2.0-year-old,Table6),the TT individuals tended to have heavier body weight than that of CC ones,which indicates that the mutation in the fourth loci may help decrease body weight.So,the association analysis between synonymous mutations and body size traits in this study may provide more evidence for studying the potential function of silent mutations in the bovine NPC1gene.

Evidences show that the effect of some genes on body size traits may be stage-speci?c.Statistical analyses indicated that the SNPs1,4,and5 of BMP7gene are associated with the body weight,body length,and heart girth at12and24months(P b0.05)while no signi?cant effect at6and18months in Nanyang cattle population(Huang et al.,2013). The different effects that the four cSNPs showed on body size traits in the two different age groups may be due to the different roles of the NPC1gene in different development periods.The effect that the NPC1 gene may have on body size traits may be a long process and needs more studies to testify.

SNP2and SNP3loci showed a strong linkage while the rest of the locus–locus combinations demonstrated weak linkage.So,it is neces-sary to have combined haplotypes associate to supply more useful,bined haplotypes are,sometimes,more reliable than single-marker analysis for genetic disease and trait associations,due to the ancestral structure captured in the distribution of haplotypes (Akey et al.,2001;Schaid,2004).An analysis based on haplotypes can be advantageous over an analysis based on individual SNPs in the presence of multiple susceptibility alleles,particularly when linkage dis-equilibrium between SNPs is weak(Morris and Kaplan,2002).

Based on Tables6and7,consistent with the effect of SNP1,com-bined haplotypes show signi?cant effect on heart girth,hip width and body weight in the3.5-year-old population.While the effect of com-bined haplotypes is not the same with that of SNP2,SNP3and SNP4, which indicated that SNP2,SNP3and SNP4may be in?uenced by SNP1.This might be similar to the SNPs of the BMP7gene having signif-icant effect on body size traits such as body length,heart girth and body weight,while the combined haplotypes of BMP7gene SNPs having no signi?cant effect on the body size traits(Huang et al.,2013).So,


Haplotypes of bovine NPC1gene in Qinchuan cattle.

Haplotype Loci a Frequency


H1(ACCC)b A C C C0.211

H2(ACCT)b A C C T0.178

H3(ATTC)b A T T C0.054

H4(ATTT)b A T T T0.040

H5(GCCC)b G C C C0.295

H6(GCCT)b G C C T0.197

a SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,g.T36976C.

b Frequency larger than3%can be used for subsequent analysis.


Effects of SNPs on body size traits in Qinchuan cattle.

Loci#Body size traits(Mean±SE)



G F Heart girth(cm)Hip width(cm)Body weight(kg)G F Heart girth(cm)Hip width(cm)Body weight(kg)

SNP1AA0.23174.23±1.6041.90±0.38382.23±9.48AA0.32183.10±1.51B43.08±0.65b436.49±8.91B AG0.49173.64±1.1341.66±0.39377.91±7.68AG0.46189.72±1.52A44.90±0.54a474.92±8.99A GG0.28173.03±1.5141.25±0.51374.90±10.50GG0.22190.29±2.22A45.65±0.92a484.90±13.50A P-value0.8640.6440.884P-value0.006(P b0.01)0.033(P b0.05)0.004(P b0.01) Effect size(%)Δ0.20.50.1Effect size(%)Δ 5.1 4.1 6.3

SNP2CC0.83173.65±0.8841.54±0.29378.67±5.99CC0.77187.17±1.2343.92±0.46b461.02±7.27 CT0.16173.02±1.8341.82±0.54372.26±10.18CT0.22189.26±1.6346.21±0.63a476.43±10.18 TT0.01*–––TT0.01*–––P-value0.7280.7690.657P-value0.5140.028(P b0.05)0.507 Effect size(%)Δ0.00.20.0Effect size(%)Δ0.8 4.70.9

SNP3CC0.83173.65±0.8741.52±0.29378.84±6.00CC0.77187.17±1.2343.92±0.46b461.02±7.27 CT0.15173.75±1.9441.92±0.57375.77±10.30CT0.22189.26±1.6346.21±0.63a476.43±10.18 TT0.02*–––TT0.01*–––

P-value0.00.30.1P-value0.5140.028(P b0.05)0.507

Effect size(%)Δ0.00.30.1Effect size(%)Δ0.8 4.70.9

SNP4CC0.43172.61±10.9141.39±0.44368.44±8.03b CC0.45186.75±1.3844.35±0.53458.28±8.16 CT0.24172.18±9.6541.60±0.43370.24±10.11ab CT0.23186.13±2.0044.54±0.79454.61±11.72 TT0.32176.01±9.7041.89±0.40396.85±8.97a TT0.32190.26±2.0244.63±0.77481.35±12.12 P-value0.1030.6910.044(P b0.05)P-value0.2220.9480.165

Effect size(%)Δ 1.90.4 3.0Effect size(%)Δ 1.30.1 1.6

Note:#,SNP loci,SNP1,g.G10710A;SNP2,g.C21992T;SNP3,g.C22007T;SNP4,g.T36976C.

a and

b denote values that differ signi?cantly at P b0.05,A and B denote values that differ signi?cantly at P b0.01.

*Denote that the body traits of genotypic frequency less than5%cannot be used.

Δ,percentage of phenotypic variance explained by each genotype.

158Y.Dang et al./Gene540(2014)153–160

maybe SNP1of the NPC1gene in this study may play a dominant role in the effect that NPC1gene has on body size traits of Qinchuan cattle.But,haplotypes can be population-speci ?c due to the population's ancestry and demography (Neale and Sham,2004;Weiss and Clark,2002).Thus,more work including increasing sample size and cattle breeds should be done in the future to ?nd more connections and mutual ef-fects between the NPC1gene and body size traits in cattle.

With the fast development of the Chinese economy and the great improvement of the living standard of the Chinese people,demands for beef consumption are growing.Beef cattle with rapid growth and ?avorous taste is becoming an urgent demand.Our research can help to select the fast growing beef cattle in the process of breeding in beef cattle industry.


We ?rst reported the genetic variations of the NPC1gene in Chinese Qinchuan cattle,and evaluated their association with 10major body size traits in Qinchuan cattle.Several important variations and com-bined haplotypes associated with body size traits were found.Our in-vestigation has determined that mutations in the NPC1gene,which is related to human obesity and NPC disease,are associated with body size of the Chinese Qinchuan cattle.Furthermore,our ?ndings will also provide constructive and valuable information for the marker assisted selection in beef cattle breeding industry.

Con ?ict of interest

We declare that we have no con ?ict of interest.


This study was supported by the National 863Program of China (Grant No.2013AA102505),National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.31272408),Program of National Beef Cattle and Yak Industrial Technology System (CARS-38),and Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Projects of Shaanxi Province (No.2012NKC01-13).

Appendix A.Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at,/10.1016/j.gene.2014.03.001.


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Table 7

Association analyses of combined haplotypes with body size traits in Qinchuan cattle (3.5-year-old).CH*


F #

Body size traits (Mean ±SE)Heart girth (cm)

Hip width (cm)Body weight (kg)H 1H 1AACCCCCC 0.06182.78±3.24BCD


428.61±16.00BCD H 1H 2AACCCCCT 0.05173.81±3.47D 41.50±1.16ABbc 385.43±15.53D H 1H 5AGCCCCCC 0.18185.39±2.37BCD 43.85±0.81ABab 446.40±13.74BCD H 1H 6AGCCCCCT 0.08189.08±3.49ABC 43.58±1.47ABab 471.78±21.78ABC H 2H 2AACCCCTT 0.07179.41±2.07CD 39.82±1.28Bc 418.94±14.36CD H 2H 6AGCCCCTT 0.10196.56±3.71A 46.06±1.20Aa 511.83±22.37A H 3H 5AGCTCTCC 0.05192.00±3.34ABC 46.71±1.65Aa 496.70±15.54ABC H 5H 5GGCCCCCC 0.11187.76±2.76BCD 45.06±1.13Aab 468.43±15.54ABC H 6H 6GGCCCCTT


194.08±4.26AB 46.54±1.72Aa 505.87±24.64AB P-value

0.004(P b 0.01)0.007(P b 0.01)0.004(P b 0.01)Effect size (%)Δ




Note:*,CH,combined haplotypes.

#,F,frequency in the studied Qinchuan cattle population,those less than 5%was abandoned.a –c denote values that differ signi ?cantly at P b 0.05.A –D denote values that differ signi ?cantly at P b 0.01.

Δ,percentage of phenotypic variance explained by each combined haplotypes.


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分子植物育种,2006年,第4卷,第3(S)期,第85-91页 MolecularPlantBreeding,2006,Vol.4,No.3(S),85-91 专题报告 Review 植物基因启动子的克隆方法及其应用 尹辉李丹张毅李秋莉﹡ 辽宁师范大学生命科学学院,大连,116029 ﹡通讯作者, 摘要植物基因的表达调控已成为分子生物学研究热点,启动子是基因表达调控的重要顺式元件,启动子的克隆对于研究基因表达调控、构建基因工程载体、表达目的蛋白有着重要的意义。启动子克隆的方法很多,从常用的启动子陷阱技术筛选启动子到PCR方法的应用,此后相继问世的一些基于PCR的克隆启动子技术,如载体锚定PCR、反向PCR、接头PCR、交错热不对称PCR等,为克隆启动子提供了更可靠,更合理的方法。本文着重介绍了几种植物基因启动子的克隆方法,分析了它们的优缺点,并展望了今后的研究前景。 关键词启动子,启动子陷阱技术,反向PCR,锚定PCR,交错热不对称PCR CloningMethodsofPlantGenePromotersandTheirApplications YinHuiLiDanZhangYiLiQiuli* CollegeofLifeSciences,LiaoningNormalUniversity,Dalian,116029 ﹡Correspondingauthor, AbstractTheexpressionandregulationofplantgenehasbeenthehotspotstudyinmolecularbiology.Promoterisanimportantcis-actingelement.Cloningpromoterisimportanttostudygeneregulation,vectorsconstructionandtargetproteinsexpression.Fromthefrequentlyusedwaythatapplyingpromotertrappingforchoosingpromot-ertotheusingofPCR,therewerelotsofwaysforpromotercloning.Afterwards,aseriesoftechniquesbasedonPCRforpromotercloningsuchasA-PCR,I-PCR,LA-PCR,TAIL-PCRweredevelopedinsuccession.Theyof-feredmorereliableandreasonablewaysofcloningthepromoter.Somewaysofcloningplantgenepromoterswereintroduced,meanwhilethelimitationofthesewayswasintroducedandtheirdevelopingprospectwasalsodis-cussedinthispaper. KeywordsPromoter,Promotertrapping,I-PCR,AnchoredPCR,TAIL-PCR 启动子是RNA聚合酶能够识别并与之结合、从而起始基因转录的一段DNA序列,是基因表达调控的重要元件。启动子对外源基因的表达水平影响很大,是基因工程表达载体的重要元件。植物基因启动子的克隆,对研究植物基因表达调控和构建表达载体至关重要。本文就近几年来克隆植物基因启动子的各种方法做一综述,以期促进对启动子分离技术的应用。 1植物基因启动子克隆的几种方法 1.1利用常规PCR技术克隆启动子 对于序列已知的启动子,只需要根据已知的启动子序列设计引物,然后采用PCR扩增的方法就可以获得该启动子。该方法比较简便快捷,是近年来使用较为广泛的一种方法。 王利军等(2004)根据GenBank中拟南芥基因组序列中ats1A(核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶小亚基)基因启动子的序列设计引物,以拟南芥总DNA为模板,PCR扩增出ats1A的基因启动子区片段,将其克隆到pMD18-T载体上,得到重组质粒并且进行测序,序列分析表明,所克隆的片段为1117bp,与Gen-Bank中的ats1A基因启动子序列比较,发现只在-776位缺失1个碱基。 该方法简便、快捷、操作简单,但不能克隆到全新的启动子。


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优秀学生个人简历 姓名:XXX 性别:男 就读专业:人力资源 学号:XXX 宿舍号:6-626 籍贯:江苏省昆山市 出生年月:90.1 政治面貌:团员 原毕业学校:江苏省昆山市亭林中学 联系电话:xxx 在校期间任职情况: 时间班干部职务学生会职务 2005.9~2006.1(高一.上)劳动委员—— 2006.3~2006.6(高一.下)劳动委员劳动卫生部长2006.9~2007.1(高二.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2007.3~2007.6(高二.下)班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2007.9~2008.1(高三.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席2008.3~2008.6(高三.下)劳动委员——

总结: 班干部方面:通过三年的班干部工作,给自己在管理能力等方面得到了很大的锻炼,也从中吸收了很多经验,平时工作时能积极主动配合班主任,勤沟通,认真贯彻、执行各项计划和决定,能发动、组织、带领全班同学开展各项活动,并且与学生相处友好。 学生会干部方面:能熟练地主持学生会日常工作及学生会的会议,对学生会的工作十分熟悉,能出色地完成学校下派的各项任务,曾多次被评为校级、昆山市级“优秀学生干部”称号,也夺得了学校领导老师及广大学生的一致好评。 在校期间所获荣誉: 时间奖项 2006年度第一学期在“班十佳”评选中获“班级工作好”称号; 2006年度第二学期获校“优秀学生干部”称号; 2006年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获“优秀学生会干部”; 2007年度第一学期获校“三好学生”; 2007年度第二学期在“班十佳”评选中获“班级工作好”称号; 2007年度第二学期获校“三好学生”; 2007年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获“优秀学生会干部”; 2007年6月被评为昆山市“优秀学生干部”; 2008年度第一学期获校“优秀学生干部”称号; 2008年3月在昆山市青少年法制宣传教育活动中,被评为“百佳学法小标兵”;


HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2010年3月, 32(3): 229―234 ISSN 0253-9772, 综 述 收稿日期: 2009?09?13; 修回日期: 2009?10?28 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (编号:30871389)和辽宁省优秀人才项目(编号:2009R36)资助 作者简介:朱丽萍(1984?), 女, 硕士, 专业方向:植物分子生物学及基因工程。E-mail: zhuliping0612@, 通讯作者:李秋莉(1969?), 女, 博士, 教授, 研究方向:植物分子生物学及基因工程。E-mail: liqiuli@, DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2010.00229 植物逆境相关启动子及功能 朱丽萍, 于壮, 邹翠霞, 李秋莉 辽宁师范大学生命科学学院, 大连 116029 摘要: 启动子是调控基因表达的重要顺式元件, 在植物基因表达调控过程中起着重要作用。目前植物抗逆基因 工程中, 人们大多使用组成型表达启动子驱动目的基因的表达。组成型表达启动子虽然能提高转基因植株的抗逆性, 但是其持续过量地表达转化的外源基因会阻碍植物的生长且减少其产量。因此, 只在胁迫条件下才会驱动外源基因表达的诱导型启动子的研究显得尤其重要, 已成为目前研究的热点。文章综述了受非生物逆境和生物逆境胁迫诱导的植物基因启动子的种类和功能, 并展望了植物逆境诱导启动子的研究方向和前景。 关键词: 逆境; 诱导型启动子; 功能分析 Plant stress-inducible promoters and their function ZHU Li-Ping, YU Zhuang, ZOU Cui-Xia, LI Qiu-Li College of Life Sciences , Liaoning Normal University , Dalian 116029, China Abstract: Promoter is an important cis -regulatory element for gene expression and plays an important role in the process of plant gene expression and regulation. Constitutive promoters are being used to drive alien gene expression in most trans-genic engineering. Although constitutive promoters can improve resistance of transgenic plants to abiotic stresses, over- and constitutive-expression of the alien genes have been shown to cause stunted growth and reduction of yield in transgenic plants. Therefore, inducible promoters, which are expressed only when exposed to stresses, are of importance. This paper reviews the types and functions of plant gene promoters induced by bio- and abio-stresses. The prospect of stress-induced promoters was discussed. Keywords: adversity; stress-inducible promoter; function analysis 植物逆境是指对植物施加有害影响的环境因子, 对植物产生重要影响的逆境主要有缺水、低温、盐碱、高温等非生物逆境, 以及病原等生物逆境。无论非生物逆境还是生物逆境都会造成各种农作物产量和质量的下降, 因此, 培育和推广抗逆品种是保证作物稳产高产的有效途径。利用植物自身的抗逆基因, 通过常规育种和分子标记辅助育种方法可以培育抗逆新品种, 然而, 抗性基因在种属间的利用 具有一定的局限性。转基因方法可以克服上述局限, 为作物抗逆育种开辟一条新途径。 植物基因调控主要是在转录水平上进行的, 受多种顺式作用元件和反式作用因子的相互协调。植物基因启动子是重要的顺式作用元件, 它是位于结构基因5′端上游区域调控基因转录的一段DNA 序列, 能活化RNA 聚合酶, 使之与模板DNA 准确地结合, 确保转录精确而有效地起始, 是转录调控的


快递公司简介范文 中国快递行业目前处于国内快递行业和国际快递巨头竞争激烈的环境中,相对国际快递巨头,中国民营快递公司处于比较弱势,中国国内快递企业多争夺于底端市场。中国快递业务发展程度还很低,现在得快递业务量还不到GDP的0.3%,与发达国家达到GDP的1%左右相比差距很大。下面是快递公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 快递公司简介范文1 80后快递服务有限公司,是以服务为主体的公司。服务的范围包括有同城快递,物流配送,年节送礼,同行调货,门市宅长期配送服务。另外我们还计划推出80后商务套餐。以满足江城商务迅猛发展的快捷生活需求。 公司名称:武汉80后快递服务有限公司所属行业:快递,服务业企业性质:集体企业成立日期:20xx-4-30武汉80后快递服务有限公司公司的服务网络计划在两个月内完成建设,下一步招募专业人员组建一个为80后为主要人群服务的心理援助中心,帮助解决80后为主要人群在工作,学习,生活,恋爱,婚姻及家庭子女教育中遇到的各种问题。 快递公司简介范文2 申通快递 公司注册商标为“STO+申通”,注册编号为1379930。主要承接非信函、样品、大小物件的速递业务。20xx年3月公司通过ISO9001:20xx国际质量管理体系认证。 公司奉行“团结、务实、开拓、创新”的企业精神,“快速、准确、安全、周到、”的服务方针公司经营十余年来,已深得广大客户的信任和支持。 公司自1993年成立以来,在董事长、总经理陈德军的正确领导下,在广大客户的支持和关怀下,在全体员工的艰苦奋斗和顽强拼搏下,先后荣获上海市松江区民营企业20xx至20xx年度的《信得过企业》、《先进企业》荣誉称号;20xx年,公司荣获《中国物流十大影响力品牌》称号,公司董事长、总经理陈德军先生个人荣获《中国品牌建设十大杰出企业家》荣誉称号。 申通快递介入电子商务配送业务已经开始起步,并计划为新业务斥资千万,一套全新的标准化流程和服务标准已经设计完毕,软件系统也已具备代收货款功能,与几大电子商务网站的谈判正在进行。


优秀学生个性自我介绍范文 在校学生个性的自我介绍 不负所望,本人是一个性格开朗的人,很喜欢笑,很喜欢与人沟通,交朋友,对每一件事物都很热情,责任感较强。可能是因为基因的遗传,本人特别爱好于体育,特别是羽毛球,篮球等。很高兴能参加三下乡,希望在这个义工活动中认识许多不同的朋友和让我得到实践的经验。 我是来自计算机技术系08软件技术web的周燕玲。出生的时候是在炎热的天气,那时有许多的小燕子落在屋檐上一唱一和,就改了“燕”字,可能是因为家人都希望我长大后是一位玲珑,活泼开朗的女孩,所以就改了“玲”字。从小到大,我都很喜欢这个名字,因为这是我的亲人给我的一种期望,真的感谢他们所赋予给我的。 不负所望,本人是一个性格开朗的人,很喜欢笑,很喜欢与人沟通,交朋友,对每一件事物都很热情,责任感较强。可能是因为基因的遗传,本人特别爱好于体育,特别是羽毛球,篮球等。很高兴能参加三下乡,希望在这个义工活动中认识许多不同的朋友和让我得到实践的经验。 以上是我的自我介绍,希望大家能够多方面地了解我,并且在工作中多多关照,谢谢! 小学生个性自我介绍范文 Hello!大家好,我叫王晓,现在在xx市xx小学五年级学习。 我有一张圆圆的脸,一双乌黑的眼睛,短头发。我今年12岁了,

不小了吧?却总也脱不掉那满脸的稚气。 我的爱好就是爱看书。说起看书,我还有一段小故事呢!那天,我看见我的一个同学买了一本《苦儿流浪记》,这本书我已经向往了许久,可是爸爸始终没有答应我的要求。我的自尊心很强,从小到大几乎没有央求过别人,这次,我硬着头皮,只好向他去借。谁知,他说可以是可以,可得拿动物图书跟与交换,我只好把书给他,向他要了那本《苦儿流浪记》。 我的缺点就是爱掉“金豆豆”。咳,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!养的宠物死了,哭!受同学欺负,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排“大珍珠”。不过,我丝毫不觉得难为情,古人云:“当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。” 要说我不爱的,就数运动了。体育成绩自然不好了。三年级时,垒球扔个四五米顶天了,成绩还没过70分。不过,这个缺点,以后我要改。 我这个人,不仅爱哭爱笑,爱读书爱剪纸,还爱交朋友。你愿意和我交个朋友吗? 表达小学生个性自我介绍 大家好,我叫巫旖梦,今年10周岁,就读于梅州市梅师附小501班。 从我一踏进学校这个神圣的地方起,我就下定决心要努力学习,做个让老师满意的好学生,让家长放心的好孩子。 我现在担任班里的中队长和副班长,还是学校的大队劳动委员。


网络科技公司简介范文5篇Introduction of network technology company 编订:JinTai College

网络科技公司简介范文5篇 小泰温馨提示:写作是运用语言文字符号以记述的方式反映事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息、实现交流沟通的创造性脑力劳动过程。本文档根据写作活动要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:网络科技公司简介范文 2、篇章2:网络科技公司简介范文 3、篇章3:网络科技公司简介范文 4、篇章4:网络科技公司简介范文 5、篇章5:网络科技公司简介范文 网络公司不仅仅是提供域名注册、空间租用、网站开发、网站建设与网络营销活动策划相关的企业组织。下面是网络科技公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 篇章1:网络科技公司简介范文

支付宝(xxx有限公司是国内领先的独立第三方支付平台,是阿里巴巴集团的关联公司。支付宝致力于为中国电子商务提供“简单、安全、快速”的在线支付解决方案。 支付宝公司从20xx年建立开始,始终以“信任”作为产 品和服务的核心。不仅从产品上确保用户在线支付的安全,同时让用户通过支付宝在网络间建立起相互的信任,为建立纯净的互联网环境迈出了非常有意义的一步。 支付宝提出的建立信任,化繁为简,以技术的创新带动 信用体系完善的理念,深得人心。在六年不到的时间内,为电子商务各个领域的用户创造了丰富的价值,成长为全球最领先的第三方支付公司之一。截止到20xx年12月,支付宝注册用户突破5.5亿,日交易额超过25亿元人民币,日交易笔数达 到850万笔。 支付宝创新的产品技术、独特的理念及庞大的用户群吸 引越来越多的互联网商家主动选择支付宝作为其在线支付体系。 目前除淘宝和阿里巴巴外,支持使用支付宝交易服务的 商家已经超过46万家;涵盖了虚拟游戏、数码通讯、商业服务、机票等行业。这些商家在享受支付宝服务的同时,还是拥有了一个极具潜力的消费市场。


小学生个人简介 小学生个人简介的自我介绍(1) 本人在校热爱祖国,尊敬师长,团结同学,乐于助人,是老师的好帮手,同学的好朋友。我学习勤奋,积极向上,喜欢和同学讨论并解决问题,经常参加班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。 在家尊老爱幼,经常帮爸爸妈妈做家务是家长的好孩子,邻居的好榜样。 小学几年我学到了很多知识,思想比以前有了很大的提高,希望以后能做一个有理想,有抱负,有文化的人,为建设社会主义中国做出自己的努力。 当然我也深刻认识到自己的不足,学习不是很勤奋,有时候做事情会只有三分钟热情,我相信只要克服这些问题,我就能做的更好。 本人能自觉遵守小学生守则,积极参加各项活动,尊敬师长,与同学和睦相处,关心热爱集体,乐于帮助别人,劳动积极肯干,自觉锻炼身体,经常参加并组织班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。 本人品德兼优、性格开朗、热爱生活,有较强的实践能力和组织能力。 学习之余,走出校门,本人珍惜每次锻炼的机会,与不同的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸甜苦辣。 短暂小学就要离去,我对自己的这六年的学习和生活做个总结。首先,小学让我懂得了学习的作用,不在于死记硬背,而是寓教于乐,关爱生活,虽然我学习进步的不是很快,但我知道学习是终生要奋斗

的事,我爱小学的学习生活。 其次,我培养了独立思维的好习惯。我知道以后的路很长,我要独立思考人生的苦与乐,我从许多老师身上学到了这些人生哲理,不是夸大其词,仅仅是发自内心的感受,要敢于面对错误,毕竟我很小,但我要独立思考自己的将来,把握自己的命运,走自己的路,让别人去说吧。 最后,我要感谢我父母,是他们让我对学习和生活有了更大的憧憬,我知道上完小学,以后的学海更需要我的耐力和毅力,是长辈们给了我这份信念,相信自己,我会大声说出我能行,万岁我的小学生活。 小学生个人简介的自我介绍(2) 大家好,我先自我介绍一下我姓陈,名叫松,是一个很平常的男孩,胖胖的的脑袋瓜子,留着一头帅气的头发。那浓浓的眉毛下嵌着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。那高高的鼻梁似乎没怎么引人注意,反而是那叽叽喳喳的大嘴巴惹人喜欢。我现在虽上了五年级,但身高只有米。我正为我的身高烦恼呢。 我在班上算不上尖子生。但要是比体育项目的,那我可就是名列前茅了。(对不起,说得有些骄傲了)。我也是个”路见不平,拔刀相助“的人,只要朋友有难,我第一个冲过去帮助他,所以,我的知己才越来越多。可能也正是这样,我忙帮多了,头脑昏了,帮的倒忙也越来越多。 记得那一次,由于语文考试成绩是差上加差,最多也只是90分。老师大发雷霆,简直要置我们于死地,作业要我们把考卷(连短文)


植物组织特异性启动子的研究进展 摘要:组织特异性启动子也称器官特异性启动子(organ specific promoter),可调控基因只在某些特定的部位或器官中表达,并往往表现出发育调节的特性。本文介绍了植物组织特异性启动子中的花、果实、种子及叶特异性启动子,并对植物组织特异性启动子研究中问题进行了讨论和展望。 关键词:植物组织特异性启动子,研究进展 启动子(promoter)是RNA聚合酶能够识别并与之结合从而起始基因转录的DNA序列,是重要的顺式作用元件,位于结构基因5’端上游区的DNA序列,能指导全酶与模版的正确结合,活化RNA聚合酶,并使之具有起始特异性转录的形式,决定转录的方向和效率以及所使用的RNA聚合酶类型,是转录调控的中心。目前,植物基因工程中常用的启动子为组成型表达启动子(Constitutive promoter)。组织特异性启动子也称器官特异性启动子(organ specific promoter),可调控基因只在某些特定的部位或器官中表达,并往往表现出发育调节的特性。外源基因在细胞中表达是基因工程研究的关键,而组织特异性启动子不仅能使目的基因的表达产物在一定器官或组织部位积累,增加区域表达量,同时也可以避免植物营养的不必要浪费。因此,组织特异性启动子一直都是植物基因工程中研究的重点和难点,研究者在植物的分生组织、维管束组织、薄壁组织、花粉、种子和胚乳等几乎各种组织中都发现有组织特异性驱动基因表达的启动子[1],尤其在根、维管束和韧皮部特异表达启动子研究中取得了很大进展。 1 植物生殖器官表达的组织特异性启动子 1.1 花特异启动子 高等植物发育过程中花器官的形成是一个十分复杂的过程,它包括一系列器官分化及严格控制的细胞及生化变化,同时伴随大量基因的协同表达。植物花特异表达启动子只在植物开花的时期启动基因的表达,它的分离克隆为花卉的品质改良提供了重要的顺式调控元件。 人们克隆了许多花药特异表达的基因,如在花药绒毡层特异表达的TA29[2]和A9[3]以及在花粉壁特异表达的Bp4A[4]基因等,这些基因都是在花药营养细胞中表达,与生殖细胞的分化无关。Mariani等将烟草花药绒毡层特异表达基因启动子TA29分别与核酸酶Bamase和RnaseTl基因融合后转化植物,这两种核酸酶基因在花药中特异表达,破坏绒毡层,获得雄性不育烟草和油菜[5,6],开创了基因工程创造雄性不育系的先河,至今已在烟草[7]、油菜[8]等植物上获得成功。还有在花药中特异表达的基因,如拟南芥和油菜的APG 基因等。在花粉中特异表达的基因如:玉米的Zm13 (蛋白酶抑制剂)、CDPK (钙依赖型蛋白激酶)、番茄的LAT52、LAT 59及油菜Bp4 、I3 、E2和F2s等。 近年来人们相继分离和鉴定了许多花特异表达基因的启动子,如矮牵牛和金


系统集成公司简介范文 系统集成商是指具备系统资质,能对行业用户实施系统集成的企业。下面是系统集成公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 系统集成公司简介范文1 广州系统集成公司,专业为客户提供结构化布线系统、网络技术工程、程控交换机系统安装、监控安防系统、一卡通系统、音视频系统、机房建设等系统方案设计、施工及维护的服务。 “全面满足,不断超越,永创新高,打造行业领跑者形象”,公司一直秉承“以市场为导向、以客户为中心”的发展理念,以“团结、务实、拼搏、创新”为宗旨,不断苦练内功,随时为广大客户提供最优质的产品与服务。 系统集成公司长久以来一直努力的目标,就是协助客户建立最具竞争力的信息化系统,即协助客户去规划、建设和维护高性能的网络系统、可靠的网络安全建设、智能建筑系统等。并在业界树立了良好的口碑和有了很好的发展。如今,开建智能的服务网络覆盖多个地方并都设有办事机构。自建立以来,开建智能坚持的目标从不曾改变,凭借着其日益成熟的经营理念和专业水平,开建智能必将协助客户获取更强的竞争力。 专业而经验丰富的技术人力资源。开建智能的全体员工拥有专业的技术知识,并在大型系统、结构化网络系统、远程通讯、办公自动化、系统技术支持,和软件编写方面拥有丰富的经验。

系统集成公司简介范文2 中国电信集团系统集成有限公司成立于1996年,是中国电信集团公司的全资子公司。公司旨在为大客户提供ICT整体解决方案、为电信运营商提供应用软件开发和IT服务支撑、为中小企业客户提供综合信息化服务。 公司依托于中国电信全国垂直一体化的三级营销服务体系和运行维护体系,凭借中国电信丰富的网络资源、专业的电信及IT技术、优秀的技术团队、广泛的客户资源和行业知识,致力于为电信运营商、政府、金融、企业提供网络基础设施建设、网络升级及改造、网络管理服务、网络及设备代维服务、设备租赁、应用软件集成及开发、IT 服务支撑等“一站式”服务。 公司在为电信运营商、全国性大客户进行一系列大型网络建设和服务的过程中,归纳总结了一整套项目管理方法,形成了独特、完善的项目管理体系和实力强大的核心团队。公司通过了ISO9001(2000)质量管理体系认证。同时,还获得了信息产业部颁发的“计算机信息系统集成一级资质”和“通信信息网络系统集成甲级资质”,是国内第一家拥有“双一级”资质的系统集成企业。 公司将站在客户的角度思考客户的业务运营,通过对客户业务运营流程以及信息化需求的全面理解,为客户提供创新而适用的综合信息化解决方案和ICT支撑服务,提升客户价值,与客户共同成长。 系统集成公司简介范文3 联通系统集成有限公司是中国联通的全资子公司,注册资金亿元,


☆基本信息 姓名:X X X毕业院校:安徽大学专业:通信工程 性别:男出生年月:1986.10 民族:汉 联系电话:137xxxxxxxx 0551-386xxxx 籍贯:安徽省亳州 联系地址:皖合肥市安徽大学磬苑校区2005级通信工程(230601) 电子邮箱:xxxxxxxxxxx ☆求职意向(技术类) ☆教育经历2005年9月-2009年7月安徽大学通信工程(本科)工学学士☆个人技能 英语方面通过CET-4,并具有基础的英语听说读写能力 日语方面日语初级水平,简单会话 计算机方面通过国家计算机二级C;掌握简单的C语言及汇编语言编程; 熟练使用Protel DXP 进行PCB电路设计;熟练使用Ms Office等常用办公软件 ☆实践经历 2007.09 –-2008.01 参加创新实验《多功能节电控制器》的研究与制作2008.07—2008.09 参加“2008安徽大学第二届机器人剧场赛”,并获季军和最佳啦啦队奖2008.09.01—09.15 专业实习:合肥大蜀山发射台、安徽四创电子股份有限公司2005.10—2008.03 院学生会治保部副部长、权益部部长 2007.07 参加2007年安徽大学暑期社会实践重点团队并获暑期社会实践先进个人2008.04至今院团委宣传委员兼院团学新闻中心主任 2008.04至今创建安徽大学XX协会,并担任第一任会长 2008.05至今班级XXX(如班长、生活委员等) ☆所获证书 2008年9月获“2008安徽大学第二届机器人剧场赛”,季军和最佳啦啦队奖2007—2008学年获安徽大学学习优秀奖三等、团学工作奖一等、“优秀学生干部标兵”2005—2006学年获安徽大学“优秀学干” 2006—2007学年获安徽大学“优秀团员”、“社会活动积极份子”、获院“优秀学生会干部”2007年获安徽大学“优秀团干”、“暑期社会实践先进个人” ☆所修课程 基础课:电路分析基础、线性电子线路、通信电子线路、脉冲与数字电路、信号与线性系统、电磁场与电磁波、EDA技术、数字信号处理、单片机原理、微机原理与接口技术 核心课:通信原理、程控交换原理、通信网基础、数字移动通信、光纤通信原理、C语言程序设计☆自我评价 积极乐观、为人诚实、做事认真细心、能吃苦耐劳、较强的学习能力、注重理论联系实践; 较强的组织协调能力、活动策划能力、人际交往能力、强烈的责任感和团队合作精神


手游公司简介范文1 随着手游功能的开发,90%手机上玩游戏的也越来越多了。下面是手游公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 手游公司简介范文1 深圳市手游界网络有限公司 手游tv是一家关注手机游戏行业发展、为移动开发者、发行商、移动游戏行业提供高价值的业内新闻资讯、数据报告等的公司。公司位于深圳市南山区科技园。 手游tv的主要产品是游戏助手。 手游tv是untiy及国内多家知名游戏媒体的合作伙伴。 手游公司简介范文2 梦想手游 公司概况 “梦想手游”是国内新兴的、专注于移动游戏的发行商。总部设立在广州,核心团队汇聚了数十名拥有手游发行和运营经验的专业人才。 发展历史 从手机游戏的发行、运营到营销各个环节,人员配置,深谙国内ios及安卓平台发行模式。梦想手游已获得国内机构逾亿元投资,在2014年发行数款重量级手游产品,将占据中国手游发行市场一席之地。 金鹰卡通核心动漫ip手游《哪鹅快跑》今日正式上线。日前,金鹰卡通高调宣布将投2亿打造哪鹅ip产业链,而《哪鹅快跑》的上线也意味着梦想手游正式入局金鹰卡通动漫生态圈。

手游公司简介范文3 宝开游戏公司(popcap games),是休闲游戏的开发商和发行商,在2000年由john vechey, brian fiete 和jason kapalka共同建立,总部位于美国的西雅图,截至2009年,已发展到180多个员工。 popcap【宝开】的出名作游戏是bejeweled(宝石迷阵),一个转换宝石的消除类游戏,因该款游戏在2002年获得了cgw hall of fame奖项。 2011年7月,popcap被美国电子游戏产业巨头艺电(ea)收购。 [1] 2014年3月为了适应在移动游戏中为玩家提供在线服务,以及开发新ip的需求宝开进行了裁员。 手游公司简介范文4 中国手游集团有限公司(即中国手游)是国际领先的移动游戏开发商与发行商,专注于移动游戏的开发及发行。 cmge中国手游于2012年9月25日登陆美国纳斯达克(nasdaq:cmge),cmge中国手游是国内首家登陆纳斯达克的手机游戏公司。 cmge中国手游以“公正尽责合作创新”为企业价值观,坚持“用户第一”的理念,致力于为用户提供出色的产品和有效的服务,持续创新,提升玩家体验,创造手机游戏与社会文化相融合的环境,从而实现“移动游戏快乐生活”的品牌倡导。 企业文化 愿景:成为国际一流的移动游戏开发商与发行商 价值观:公正尽责合作创新 品牌倡导:移动游戏快乐生活!

十佳优秀学生自我介绍 优秀十佳大学生自我介绍

十佳优秀学生自我介绍优秀十佳大学生自我介绍 在竞选十佳大学生时,要想秀出自己的话,还是需要讲点技巧的,让我们一起来探讨一下应该如何介绍自己吧!以下是小编为你整理的十佳大学生自我介绍,希望大家喜欢。十佳大学生自我介绍篇1 尊敬的各位老师,各位同学: 大家下午好!我叫徐姗,是09级生物师范班学习委员,同时担任我院学生通讯社社长,学工助理,校博物馆讲解队队长等职务。 向院里提出“十佳大学生”的申请,是因为我和在座的各位同学一样,都觉得这是一份可贵而难得的荣誉,并且十分渴望得到她,这是我心里的实话,如若不然,现在也不会勇敢地站在这里了。我想,作为一个学生,一个学生干部,除了希望自己能够尽己所能没有遗憾地完成该做的事情以外,其实更希望的是能够被别人肯定,从而拥有继续努力下去的信心。我想,喜欢荣誉不是一个人的错,在追求荣誉的过程中获取到更有价值的东西,才是关键的意义之所在! 进入湖大之后,终于感觉到足够的自由空间,那时候,我笑称自己如鱼得水,因为有着那么多的时间去做自己喜欢的事情,有那么多的平台去展示自己,有那么多的机会去结识许多志趣相投的朋友。 在学习方面,迄今为止,我已经以较高的分数通过了大学英语四六级考试以及计算机二级考试,并且获得三等奖学金。 在活动方面,刚入校不久,我代表院里参加了校建国六十周年演讲暨普通话风采大赛,初露锋芒,捧回一个二等奖。与楚才学院一位学长合作,全程英语主持了校第四届英语朗诵大赛,随后在校第四节英语翻译大赛口译中获得第五名。院级辩论赛,挑战着心里的胆怯,担任了辩论队四辩的角色,却意外获得最佳辩手。在英语学习月期间,主持了英语电影配音大赛,并且在英语风采大赛中获得了一等奖。 在工作方面,有幸加入校英语广播电台,主持每周二的英语广播节目,被评为优秀工作人员。后来,学校博物馆招聘讲解员,经过层层的筛选,我成为了其中一位,并且做了讲解队队长。在此期间,接待了无数国内专家学者、巴西孔子学院等国外高校访问团、各学院回访校友,中小学师生以及武汉周边市民,并且与武汉科技大学讲解团队进行了相互的访问,组队与武汉市博物馆纪念馆一起参加讲解员大赛促进交流与学习。去年12月份,院内三大组织新闻部合并为学生通讯社,承蒙大家的抬举,让我做了社长。接手工作以来,我一直紧密团结社内成员,在幕后竭尽全力、默默无闻地为学院做着各种新闻宣传报道工作,在校网站校报的发稿量相比于往年有明显的提高。我们积极与校记者团合作,向楚天都市报、楚天金报等校外媒体投发我院的宣传稿件,也获得了一定的成效。作为班上的学习委员,对于班上的各项事务,我一直尽职尽责地去做,并且时常与班主任以及其他班委交流,积极为班级建设献计献策。 我时刻牢记一个中共党员所要起到的先锋模范带头作用,积极要求上进,严格要求自己的行为,在生活中与老师和同学们相处地十分融洽。 我习惯去反省与思考,也自知在很多方面还做的不够。今天来参加”十佳大学生”的评选演讲,,一方面的想法也是想知道在我身边那么多优秀的学生,他们是怎样走过的这些大学时光,我与他们的差距究竟在于哪里,还需要在那些方面去努力。 熊老师总笑我是一匹野马,我在心里很感激这样一句评价,因为真的很感谢老师能这样去理解我。然而我希望,自己不仅仅是一匹野马,更希望是一匹有分寸,有理性,有闯劲,却又不失棱角的野马。最最重要的是做一匹能被在座的各位伯乐所赏识的马。谢谢大家!十佳大学生自我介绍篇2

植物基因工程中的常用启动子 _3231

植物基因工程中的常用启动子 _3231 植物基因工程中的常用启动子 植物基因工程中常用的启动子按其作用方式及功能可分为三类:组成型启动子(constitutive promoter )、诱导型启动子(inducible promoter) 和组织特异性启动子(tissue – specific promoter)。这种分类大体上反映了它们各自的特点, 但在某些情况下,一种类型的启动子往 往兼有其它类型启动子的特性。 1 组成型启动子 组成型启动子在所有组织中都启动基因表达,具有持续性,不表现时空特异性;RNA和蛋白质表达量也是相对恒定的。它包括异源和内源组成型启动子两类。植物基因工程中应用的异 源组成型启动子主要有CaMV35S启动子(来源于烟草花叶病毒基因),能在大部分植物中对异 源基因进行启动表达,完整的CaMV35S启动子是植物基因工程中应用最为广泛的组成型启动 子之一,如在马铃薯、拟南芥、烟草、蘑菇、毛白杨等植物中的转基因应用。常用的还有来 自农杆菌的Nos和Ocs启动子。内源启动子主要有水稻肌动蛋白(actin)和玉 米泛素(ubiquitin)基因的启动子,这些启动子可以更有效地驱动外源基因在单子叶植物中的表达。 Naomi等分别从拟南芥的色氨酸合酶β亚基基因和植物光敏色素基因中克隆了相应启动子,

用其代替CaMV 35S启动子,在转基因烟草中也取得了很好的表达效果。用这些启动子代替 CaMV 35S启动子,可以更有效地在单子叶植物中驱动外源基因的转录。组成型启动子已经广泛地应用于双子叶植物、单子叶植物以及真菌等的基因工程中。但是由 于组成型启动子驱动的基因在植物各组织中均有表达,应用中逐渐暴露出一些问题。例如外 源基因在整株植物中表达,产生大量异源蛋白质或代谢产物在植物体内积累,打破了植物原 有的代谢平衡,有些产物对植物并非必需甚至有毒,因而阻碍了植物的正常生长,甚至导致 死亡(karlowaki et al., 2003; Ehasani et al., 2003; Miyao et al., 2003)。另外,重复使用同一种启动子驱动两个或两个以上的外源基因可能引起基因沉默或共抑制现象 (Kumpatla et al., 1998),因此,人们寻找更为有效的组织、器官特异性启动子代替组成型 启动子,以更好地调控植物基因表达。 2 特异性启动子 特异性启动子可分为两类,一是受诱导表达的启动子,能对外界的物质如病原物、化学物质 或逆境作出反应,启动植物体内相应的生理生化过程。二是组织特异表达的启动子,使基因 在特定的组织中表达。特异性启动子避免了基因过量表达对植物体的伤害,同时可避免外源


网店公司简介范文 网店是现在流行的在网上利用网络开的店,那么开一个网店该怎么给它做一个简介呢?下面是橙子为你带来的网店公司简介范文,仅供参考。 网店公司介绍范文篇1 欢迎光临本店,您的支持是我们最大的前进动力,本店所有产品均低价销售,并且保证质量,需要的亲请放心购买,我们一定会给您一个最舒心的购物体验! 本店所有的商品照片为专业摄影师拍摄,后期精心修制及色彩调整,尽量与实际商品保持一致,但由于拍摄时用光、角度、显示器色彩偏差、个人对颜色的认知等方面的差异,导致实物可能会与照片存在一些色差,最终颜色以实际商品为准。请在购买前与我们客服充分沟通后做出慎重选择。色差问题将不被我们认可当退换货的理由! 欢迎光临本店!本店提供优质的商品,完美的售后服力,让您买得放心,买得舒心!所有商品价格已经是最低,请勿议价!有任何疑问请与下面亮灯客服联系,将为您提供耐心解答! 本店郑重承诺,我们将一如既往为各位顾客带来优质的服务!三年来,我们一步一个脚印的成长着,能够做到性价比最优,请各位放心购买!本店默认XX快递,如有特别要求联系客服备注!有任何问题请联系亮灯客服。 本店主营XX系列的网店,本省独家代理!保证质量,款式多多!

价格优惠!望广大朋友给予支持! 谢谢! 网店公司介绍范文篇2 汉中市春雨农业产业开发有限责任公司成立于1998年,现公司已拥有大米精加工厂、特色食品加工厂、玉米金色食品加工厂、技术研究所、营销公司等。在西安、兰州、北京、武汉、上海、太原、广州等20多个大中城市设有销售分公司,形成了固定的销售网络。公司20xx年底总资产6199万元,其中固定资产3024万元,公司占地面积52350㎡,建筑面积26000㎡,职工526人,现已具有年产万吨精米、3000吨橡果、蕨根等系列绿色营养食品、5000吨玉米方便食品的纯天然农副产品深加工能力。20xx年产值6352万元,销售收入达6200万元,年创利税600万元。企业多次荣获省、市级优秀企业、科技明星、重合同守信用等称号,被农业银行评为“AAA”级资信企业,同时被省、市、区政府认定为农业产业化重点龙头企业、陕西省科技创新型企业、陕西省专利技术孵化重点单位。通过了ISO9001:20xx国际质量管理体系认证,被国家农业部评为“全国新农村建设百强示范企业”和“全国乡镇企业创名牌重点企业”。 公司立足汉中这一国家级绿色产业基地,开发出21世纪纯天然绿色(有机)食品五大系列60多个品种,产品多次获得国家级金奖及发明专利,其中纯玉米方便面和玉米超细粉生产技术已获得国家发明专利,部分产品已通过国家绿色食品认证、有机食品和QS认证,所有产品获得“C”标认证。“老玉米营养 1粉”系列方便食品和“橡果


优秀学生个人简历-个人简历范文-第一范文网 姓名:方燕彬 性别:男 就读专业:人力资源 学号:2008050119 宿舍号:6-626 籍贯:江苏省昆山市 出生年月:90.1 政治面貌:团员 原毕业学校:江苏省昆山市亭林中学 联系电话:xxx 在校期间任职情况: 时间班干部职务学生会职务 2005.9~2006.1(高一.上)劳动委员 2006.3~2006.6(高一.下)劳动委员劳动卫生部长 2006.9~2007.1(高二.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席 2007.3~2007.6(高二.下)班长兼劳动委员学生会主席 2007.9~2008.1(高三.上)副班长兼劳动委员学生会主席 2008.3~2008.6(高三.下)劳动委员 总结: 班干部方面:通过三年的班干部工作,给自己在管理能力等方面得到

了很大的锻炼,也从中吸收了很多经验,平时工作时能积极主动配合班主任,勤沟通,认真贯彻、执行各项计划和决定,能发动、组织、带领全班同学开展各项活动,并且与学生相处友好。 学生会干部方面:能熟练地主持学生会日常工作及学生会的会议,对学生会的工作十分熟悉,能出色地完成学校下派的各项任务,曾多次被评为校级、昆山市级优秀学生干部称号,也夺得了学校领导老师及广大学生的一致好评。 在校期间所获荣誉: 时间奖项 2006年度第一学期在班十佳评选中获班级工作好称号; 2006年度第二学期获校优秀学生干部称号; 2006年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获优秀学生会干部; 2007年度第一学期获校三好学生; 2007年度第二学期在班十佳评选中获班级工作好称号; 2007年度第二学期获校三好学生; 2007年度第二学期在优秀学生会干部评选中获优秀学生会干部; 2007年6月被评为昆山市优秀学生干部; 2008年度第一学期获校优秀学生干部称号; 2008年3月在昆山市青少年法制宣传教育活动中,被评为百佳学法小标兵; 2008年度第二学期获校三好学生。 党员年终工作总结范文
