5-Ethanol electro-oxidation o n platinum in alkaline media

5-Ethanol electro-oxidation o n platinum in alkaline media
5-Ethanol electro-oxidation o n platinum in alkaline media

Ethanol electro-oxidation on platinum in alkaline media

Stanley https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18306760.html,i and Marc T.M.Koper*

Received 2nd July 2009,Accepted 18th August 2009

First published as an Advance Article on the web 24th September 2009DOI:10.1039/b913170a

The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol as well as its irreversible adsorption on platinum single crystal electrodes has been studied in an alkaline solution.In addition,the adsorbed species in the ethanol oxidation reaction were also studied by means of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)on a platinum ?lm electrode.It was found that the oxidation of ethanol is very sensitive to the electrode surface structure:a higher concentration of low-coordination sites increases the current,lowers the overpotential required and lowers the deactivation rate.Furthermore,the terrace length also a?ects the amounts and the nature of the adsorbed species:on Pt (110),

only CO ad was observed,whereas adsorbed CH x could only be found on electrode surfaces with (111)terrace sites.Based on the results here,a model for the ethanol electro-oxidation reaction in alkaline media is presented,and the di?erences with the same reaction in acidic media are pointed out.


The electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen and small organic molecules is a subject that has been studied extensively in the last decades in the context of utilizing these reactions in low-temperature fuel cells.1In particular,the oxidation of ethanol has been the topic of numerous research papers.2–19This attention has mainly arisen due to the high energy density and the fact that ethanol is considered a ‘green’chemical in the sense that it can be produced in large quantities as a renewable biofuel from the fermentation of biomass,and that both ethanol and its ?nal oxidation product,carbon dioxide,are relatively non-toxic.In addition,the electro-oxidation of ethanol is also of academic interest,since it is,together with acetaldehyde,the smallest oxygenated organic molecule containing a carbon–carbon bond which needs to be broken to achieve full oxidation.

Since platinum is generally considered the best monometallic catalyst for the oxidation of small organic molecules,most studies have focused on ethanol oxidation on platinum in an acidic electrolyte for elucidating the reaction mechanism and identifying the intermediates and products.2–11It is generally accepted that the oxidation of ethanol proceeds via a dual pathway mechanism as shown in Scheme 1:6,7,9,10ethanol can be oxidized to acetaldehyde and subsequently to acetic acid,transferring only 4electrons in the process.Acetic acid marks a ‘dead end’in the mechanism,since its further oxidation is very di?cult under ambient conditions.9,20Alternatively,the carbon–carbon bond can be cleaved in ethanol or acetaldehyde,yielding the adsorbed single carbon species CO ad 4–8and CH x ,ad (with x =1in acidic media).5,6These species can subsequently be oxidized to CO 2,liberating 12electrons in total.Although this is the preferred pathway from a fuel cell application point of view,the single carbon

adsorbates require a high overpotential to be oxidized,2,9thereby reducing the e?ciency of the reaction.In acidic media,it is found that the main current producing pathway for ethanol concentrations,which would be of interest in direct ethanol fuel cells,is the C 2pathway to acetaldehyde and acetic acid,while CO 2formation only has a minor contribution.2–4In order to increase the activity of the ethanol oxidation reaction at low overpotentials as well as to increase the selectivity towards CO 2,bi-and trimetallic systems have been investigated extensively.12–18Nonetheless,the amount of CO 2produced compared to acetaldehyde and acetic acid generally remains relatively low in acidic media.

The ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media has been much less studied,mainly due to the impracticalities that lie in the utilization of alkaline fuel cells.21–23One important issue is that an alkaline electrolyte is prone to progressive carbonation due to CO 2retention,deactivating the electrolyte over time.In addition,proper alkaline membranes that are stable under fuel cell conditions over extended periods of time have been unavailable for a long time.However,as new solid alkaline electrolytes 24,25are being developed and new concepts,such as electrolyte recirculation 26and the use of carbonate electrolyte,27which will eject dissolved CO 2,are being tested,a renewed interest in alkaline fuel cell catalysis is warranted since it o?ers several considerable advantages compared to acidic electrolytes.From a material point of view,the range of electrode materials that is stable and could be employed in an alkaline environment is much wider,and therefore cheaper and less noble metals could be considered.28,29From a fundamental point of view,it is often found that the electrocatalytic activity for


Scheme 1Schematic representation of the ‘‘dual pathway’’mechanism for the electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol.

Leiden Institute of Chemistry,Leiden University,PO Box 9502,2300RA Leiden,The Netherlands.E-mail:m.koper@chem.leidenuniv.nl

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oxidation of organic fuels is larger in alkaline media in comparison with acidic media.30,31An interesting example is the oxidation of carbon monoxide,a well studied model reaction as well as an intermediate in the complete oxidation of ethanol.Interestingly,the oxidation of CO in alkaline media occurs at smaller overpotentials compared to acidic media,32,33even on the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)scale,which should correct for ‘trivial’pH e?ects.In addition,in the case of the ethanol oxidation reaction,it has been found that changing electrolyte pH also changes the product distribution.Employing di?erential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS),Rao et al.found that in an alkaline membrane electrode assembly,the contribution of CO 2to the total currents is about 55%,compared to 2%in acidic membrane electrode assembly.34

Despite the clear advantages of employing an alkaline electrolyte for the ethanol oxidation reaction,there is still no clear mechanistic understanding of the reaction in alkaline media.In this work,we address this issue by studying the e?ect of the surface structure of the electrode on the reaction.In addition,we study the role of surface species in the oxidation mechanism with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy.


The electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum has been studied in 0.1M NaOH solutions.The solutions were prepared from NaOH pellets (Sigma Aldrich,99.998%),ethanol (Merck,‘‘Emprove’’)or deuterated ethanol (ethanol-d 6,99%,Cambridge Isotope Laboratories)and ultrapure water (Millipore MilliQ A10gradient,18.2M O cm,2–4ppb total organic content).Argon (Hoekloos,purity 6.0)was purged through a 4M KOH (Merck,pro analysis)solution prior to entering the electrochemical cell and used to deoxygenate all solutions.

The working electrodes used in this study for the voltammetric measurements were platinum bead-type single crystal electrodes of Pt [n (111)?(111)](or,equivalently,Pt [(n à1)(111)?(110)])orientation.The surfaces studied were Pt (151514)with n =30,Pt (554)with n =10,Pt (553)with n =5and the limiting cases Pt (111)and Pt (110),which were prepared according to Clavilier’s method.35Prior to each experiment,the electrodes were ?ame-annealed and cooled down to room temperature in an argon (Hoekloos,purity 6.0)–hydrogen (Hoekloos,purity 6.0)mixture (ca.3:1),after which they were transferred to the electrochemical cell under the protection of a droplet of deoxygenated ultrapure water.36Voltammetric measurements were recorded on a computer-controlled Autolab PGSTAT 12potentiostat (Ecochemie).Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS)measurements were performed with a HR 800spectrograph (Jobin Yvon)with a holographic grating of 600gr mm à1.The confocal hole of the system was set at 100m m.A CCD camera with 1024?256pixels was used as a detector.The excitation line was provided by a 20mW He–Ne laser at 632.8nm.The laser beam was focused through an Olympus 50?microscope objective,which was not immersed in the electrolyte,into a 5m m spot on the electrode surface.A notch ?lter was used to

?lter the SERS signal before reaching the sample.With this con?guration,a resolution of 1.2cm à1was obtained.

The working electrode in the SERS experiments was a gold disk of 5mm in diameter embedded in a PTFE shroud,which was mechanically polished with alumina (down to 0.3m m),rinsed and treated ultrasonically in ultrapure water before use.The gold electrode was roughened by applying a succession of 25potential sweep oxidation and reduction cycles in 0.1M KCl (Merck,pro analysis)from 1.25V to à0.25V vs.the Hg/Hg 2Cl 2electrode.37An ultrathin ?lm of a few mono-layers of platinum 38was deposited galvanostatically on the gold substrate from a 0.005M H 2PtCl 6(Sigma-Aldrich,ACS reagent)in 0.5M Na 2HPO 4(Merck,pro analysis)aqueous solution by applying a current of 0.4mA cm à2for 40s.38In the SERS experiments,an IviumStat Potentiostat (Ivium Technologies)was used for potential control.

Results and discussion

Voltammetric studies

Fig.1shows typical voltammetric pro?les obtained for the electro-oxidation of ethanol in 0.1M NaOH and 0.1M HClO 4on polycrystalline platinum.Both electrolytes show the typical pro?le for the oxidation of small organic molecules on a platinum electrode:39in the anodic sweep,the currents in the hydrogen underpotential deposition region (0.07–0.40V)are suppressed due to surface blocking by decomposition products.Starting at 0.4–0.5V,the adsorbed decomposition products are oxidized,liberating surface sites for continuous oxidation.At higher potentials,surface oxidation takes place,blocking adsorption of the reactant and causing the oxidation currents to decrease again.In the cathodic sweep,the surface oxides are reduced,reactivating oxidation currents until the potential is too negative to oxidize the adsorbed species and the surface is blocked again.Although the shapes of the voltammetric pro?les are similar for both electrolyte solutions,there are some signi?cant di?erences.First,the activity in sodium hydroxide solution is considerably enhanced compared to a perchloric acid solution (for which anion adsorption e?ects can be neglected).Second,there is a negative shift in the onset potential of the reaction of about 100mV and in the peak potential of about 50mV.Similar negative shifts have been found earlier for the oxidation of CO 40and methanol 41,42and have been ascribed to a higher a?nity of OH for low-coordinated step and defect sites.However,such ‘trivial’pH e?ects should be accounted for by referring to the reversible hydrogen electrode.Third,it can be seen that the hysteresis between the positive and negative scan di?ers from that observed in acidic media.Although there is still a signi?cant hysteresis related to the irreversibility of the surface oxidation reaction (above ca.0.65V),the hysteresis below ca.0.65V is almost absent in alkaline media.Since the size of the hysteresis loop below ca.0.65V is a measure of the di?erence in the processes in the anodic and cathodic scan,it is often related to the poisoning of the surface by strongly adsorbed intermediates.7This can be rationalized as follows:since the coverage of oxidizable surface species in the anodic sweep (starting at low potentials with a high coverage)is di?erent

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from the coverage in the cathodic sweep (starting at high potentials with a low coverage),the oxidation of surface species is necessarily dependent on the sweep direction and must give rise to a hysteresis loop.The lack of hysteresis in this potential region between the anodic and cathodic sweep in the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media suggests that the oxidation of adsorbed species does not play a signi?cant role.This might imply that in alkaline media,no strongly adsorbed species are formed.Alternatively,it could also mean that surface species are formed,but these species are stable within the potential range,or that the oxidation of these species is sluggish and therefore only has a minor contribution to the total currents.We also note that a signi?cant part of the current must be due to the formation of acetate,which presumably does not involve strongly adsorbed intermediates.In order to obtain more insight into the origin of this remarkable activity in alkaline media,the ethanol oxidation reaction was performed on a series of platinum single crystal electrodes in a sodium hydroxide solution.Similar experiments in acidic media have been described in detail in ref.9.The ?rst voltammetric cycles in sodium hydroxide electrolyte solution,sweeping between 0.07V and 0.80V,are shown in Fig.2.The positive potential limit was chosen before the onset of surface oxidation to avoid surface disordering due to the formation and subsequent reduction of irreversible surface oxides.It can be seen that the currents are monotonously increasing with increasing potential and the hysteresis between the positive and negative scans are minimal for Pt (111)and Pt (151514),i.e.the surfaces with very wide terraces.Assuming that the current is primarily re?ecting the C 2pathway (the formation of acetaldehyde and/or acetate),this could suggest that poisoning through (strongly)adsorbed species is minimal on these surfaces,either due to a slower formation of adsorbates or facile removal of the adsorbates.Alternatively,in the other extreme,it could also suggest that adsorbate removal is very sluggish.Di?erent voltammetric pro?les can be found for Pt (110)and Pt (553).On these surfaces the currents peak a bit

below the upper potential limit,and a small hysteresis can be observed,suggesting that surface adsorbed species do have an e?ect on the oxidation currents.Between these extremes,Pt (554),which has 10-atom wide terraces,shows intermediate behavior.

In addition to the di?erences in the general shape of the voltammetric curves,a structural e?ect can also be observed in the onset potentials of the reaction and in the total currents.It can be seen that the onset potential decreases with increasing step density:starting at Pt (111),the onset potential of the reaction shifts about 100mV negatively when introducing steps.Increasing the amount of steps,while keeping terraces of (111)-orientation,further lowers the onset potential,although the e?ect is relatively small compared to the shift gained from Pt (111)to Pt (151514),emphasizing the important e?ect of only a small amount of low-coordination sites.Finally,going from the stepped surfaces to Pt (110)leads to another decrease in the overpotential by ca.100mV.Therefore,at ‘low’overpotentials (up to 0.70V),the activity increases with decreasing terrace length.At high overpotentials,on the other hand,this trend is reversed.At potentials above 0.70V,the currents generally decrease with increasing step density.Although the initial e?ect of introducing steps is relatively small as can be seen in the currents on Pt (111)and Pt (151514),further decreasing the terrace length signi?cantly inhibits the total activity at these high


Fig.1Cyclic voltammograms (?rst cycles)for the electro-oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.1M NaOH (solid line)and 0.1M HClO 4(dashed line)on polycrystalline platinum.The voltammograms were recorded at 10mV s à1.The arrows indicate the scan


Fig.2Cyclic voltammograms (?rst cycles)for the oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.1M NaOH on (a)Pt (111)and Pt (110),and (b)Pt (151514),Pt (554)and Pt (553)at a scan rate of 10mV s à1.

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The notable exception for this trend is Pt (110),a surface which contains no (111)terrace sites,yet shows the highest activity over the entire potential range.

Although the initial activity seems promising,it is also important to study the stability of the system.Therefore,cyclic voltammograms were recorded repeatedly until a ‘stable’voltammogram was obtained.For all surfaces,the activity initially decreased rapidly with the number of voltammetric sweeps before it roughly stabilizes between the tenth and ?fteenth voltammetric cycle.Upon further cycling,only small changes between subsequent scans were observed.To compare the stable voltammograms recorded on the di?erent electrodes,Fig.3shows the twentieth voltammetric cycles of ethanol oxidation in 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution.In comparison with the ?rst voltammetric cycle (Fig.2),a clear deactivation can be seen for all the surfaces.This deactivation may be due to several reasons,22such as the depletion of the reactant species,structural surface modi?cation due to repeated surface oxidation and reduction,structural surface modi?cation induced by adsorbed species,or poisoning of the electrode surface by intermediates or contaminations.Due to the small surface area of the electrode,the consumption of ethanol is at most in the order of micromoles,which is negligible considering the high initial concentration of ethanol.In addition,it is unlikely that the main cause of the deactivation is a depletion of the di?usion layer near the electrode (which would be related to the reaction rate and therefore to the measured currents),since the most active surface shows the lowest deactivation rate (vide infra ).Surface modi?cation due to repeated oxidation–reduction cycles should also be minimal,since the upper potential limit was chosen below the onset of (irreversible)surface oxidation.Furthermore,there is no indication for deactivation due to adsorbate induced reconstruction:the surfaces are suggested to be stable within this potential window,43the general shape of the voltammogram does not change during deactivation and the H UPD region is not changed after adsorbate stripping with respect to the blank voltammogram (vide infra ),although it could be argued that any adsorbate induced reconstruction could be lifted after stripping of the adsorbate.Therefore,we propose that the main cause of the deactivation upon repeated cycling is surface poisoning by reaction intermediates,which is also supported by the fact that the amount of adsorbed hydrogen also decreases with the number of voltammetric sweeps.This issue will be further elaborated in the General Discussion section.

Although all surfaces lose activity upon repeated cycling,the rate of poisoning di?ers per surface.The highest activity was found for Pt (110),and the activity decreases with increasing terrace length,with the lowest activity for Pt (111)for all potentials.It should also be noted that this trend di?ers from the ?rst voltammetric activity.In the ?rst voltammogram,the relative activities of the di?erent electrode surfaces were potential dependent,increasing with increasing step density at low potentials and decreasing with increasing step density at high potentials,with Pt (110)being the most active over the entire potential range.This change in the trend implies that the surface poisoning rate is also structure dependent.This is illustrated more clearly in Fig.4,which shows the ratio of

the currents measured at 0.60V and 0.70V in the anodic sweep of the ?rst voltammetric cycle and the twentieth voltammetric cycle.Both potentials show that the current density decrease is strongly dependent on the step density of the surface,suggesting that terraces are especially prone to poisoning.This e?ect is the largest for Pt (111),which shows only 5–10%of the initial activity in the stable cycles.On the other end of the spectrum,Pt (110)still retained over 50%of the initial activity.This behavior is remarkable,as normally the surface with the highest initial activity also exhibits the highest deactivation rate.44

The ethanol oxidation reaction was also studied over longer time-scales with potentiostatic measurements,as shown in Fig.5.In these measurements,the potential was stepped from 0.07V to 0.70V at t =0,after which the potential was kept constant for 15minutes.The potential of 0.70V was chosen because it was well in the potential region where all surfaces show oxidation currents.In addition,it is close to turning point in the e?ect of surface structure on the initial activity (vide supra ).It can be seen that the ?nal activity trend qualitatively mirrors the trend found in the voltammetric measurements.All surfaces show a monotonously decaying current over time,with the rate of decay being the lowest for Pt (110)and the highest for Pt (111).Furthermore,the ?nal activity decreases with increasing terrace length.Finally,it should also be noted that the quantitative e?ect of


Fig.3Cyclic voltammograms (20th cycles)for the oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.1M NaOH on (a)Pt (111)and Pt (110),and (b)Pt (151514),Pt (554)and Pt (553)at a scan rate of 10mV s à1.

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surface structure is very signi?cant in alkaline media,with the most active surface showing an activity that is roughly two orders of magnitude larger than that of the least active surface.To elucidate the role and nature of adsorbed species during the oxidation of ethanol,stripping experiments were performed.In these experiments,the electrode was kept at 0.10V for 15min in an ethanol containing solution,before being transferred to a clean electrochemical cell without ethanol.In this cell,cyclic voltammograms of the H UPD region were recorded in order to determine the amount and the type of sites blocked directly after adsorption of ethanol on the surface.The resulting voltammograms for Pt (554)are shown in Fig.6a.This surface was chosen since it combines an appreciable and well-de?ned amount of step sites separated by relatively (10-atom)wide terraces.Curve ‘1’shows the voltammogram of the clean surface before adsorption and shows two distinctive features typical for a stepped surface vicinal to the (111)-direction in an alkaline solution.There is a broad plateau between 0.05V and 0.35V,which can be

ascribed to hydrogen adsorption/desorption on terrace sites,and a peak at 0.26V corresponding to (110)step sites.By evaluating these two features individually,it is possible to distinguish between processes occurring at step sites and on terrace sites.Curve ‘2’was recorded after adsorbing ethanol,which should result in adsorbed single carbon species,CH x ,ad and CO ad .9–11Comparing to curve ‘1’,it can be clearly seen that the step sites are completely blocked and the terrace sites are partially blocked by the decomposition products.In order to determine the amounts and the preferred adsorption sites of CH x ,ad species,the electrode was polarized at 0.0V for ?ve minutes to reduce all CH x fragments to methane.10After the reductive stripping (curve ‘3’),it can be seen that the steps are still completely blocked,but all terrace sites are freed.After the reductive stripping,an oxidative stripping sweep was performed to remove the remainder of the adsorbed species,which should be mainly CO ad .From the voltammetric pro?le afterwards (curve ‘4’),it can be seen that the oxidative sweep liberates the step sites.Finally,it should be noted that the voltammetric pro?le after the stripping experiment (curve ‘4’)strongly resembles curve ‘1’,suggesting that a clean surface is recovered.Also,since both pro?les are similar,there is no indication for (permanent)adsorbate induced surface restruc-turing,which would surely alter the H UPD region.Alterna-tively,the oxidative stripping sweep after removing CH x ,ad can be compared to an oxidative sweep without a preceding reductive treatment (Fig.6b).It can be seen that if a reductive treatment is performed directly after adsorption,the subsequent oxidative stripping curve shows only a single peak around 0.76V,overlapping with the feature for OH ad formation on terrace sites.If,on the other hand,the oxidative stripping curve is not preceded by a reductive treatment,an extra feature appears at 0.60V.9In addition,it takes several voltammetric sweeps (5–10)to fully recover the H UPD region in this case.The ?ndings of these stripping experiments are in good correspondence with the results of similar investigations in acidic media 9and can be explained as follows.Upon adsorption,ethanol is decomposed and forms adsorbed CH x (with x =1in acidic media)and adsorbed CO on the electrode surface.Adsorbed CH x can be reduced by holding the potential at 0.0V,fully liberating the terrace sites,leaving the step sites fully blocked by adsorbed CO.Since CO binds stronger to step sites than to terrace sites,45this suggests that CO is exclusively adsorbed at the step sites,fully blocking it for hydrogen adsorption.The step sites can subsequently be recovered by oxidative stripping of adsorbed CO between 0.7V and 0.8V.Interestingly,this potential range corresponds to OH ad formation on terrace sites,suggesting that CO adsorbed on steps is oxidized by OH adsorbed on terraces,in agreement with previous ?ndings.46Alternatively,if CH x ,ad is not removed by reduction,it can be oxidized to adsorbed CO around 0.6V before further oxidation to CO 2.Oxidative stripping of CH x ,ad ,however,is somewhat slower,since it takes multiple voltammetric sweeps to recover a ‘clean’H UPD region,whereas adsorbed CO can be stripped within one or two sweeps.

Similar stripping experiments were performed on Pt (110),which lacks terrace sites,and showed the highest activity as well as the lowest poisoning rate in the voltammetric experiments.The results of these experiments are shown in Fig.


Fig.4Ratio of the currents at 0.60V and 0.70V of the positive-going scan of the ?rst and the twentieth voltammetric cycles for the oxidation of


Fig.5Current–time transients for the oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.1M NaOH.The potential was stepped from 0.07V to 0.70V.

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On the clean surface,a single feature can be seen in the H UPD region (curve ‘1’).Similar to Pt (554),ethanol adsorption blocks a signi?cant number of sites for hydrogen adsorption (curve ‘2’).However,unlike Pt (554),holding the electrode at a reductive potential does not free any sites (curve ‘3’).Instead,all blocked sites can be liberated by an oxidative stripping sweep (curve ‘4’).Again,it is clear that the H UPD region shows the same voltammetric pro?le before and after the stripping experiments,suggesting that no signi?cant permanent surface restructuring has taken place.The oxidative stripping pro?les with and without a reductive treatment are shown in Fig.7b.Both pro?les are virtually identical,demonstrating that a preceding reductive treatment has no signi?cant e?ect on ethanol adsorbate stripping on Pt (110)in 0.1M NaOH.These results strongly indicate that no CH x ,ad is present on Pt (110).

Finally,the stripping experiments were also performed on Pt (111),which (ideally)consists of in?nitely wide terraces (Fig.8).As can be seen from the amount of sites blocked for hydrogen adsorption (the di?erence between curve ‘1’and curve ‘2’),ethanol decomposition and subsequent adsorption are relatively slow on Pt (111)compared to Pt (554)and Pt (110).Unlike Pt (554)and Pt (110),however,most sites can be recovered by a reductive stripping treatment (curve ‘3’),with the subsequent oxidative stripping sweep only

liberating a small amount of adsorption sites (curve ‘4’).Therefore,

the combined results for the three surfaces suggest that,in 0.1M NaOH,CH x ,ad species are only stable on (111)


Fig.6Voltammetric cycles during the stripping experiments on Pt (554)in 0.1M NaOH.(a)H UPD region as prepared and after various treatments.(b)Comparison of oxidative stripping pro?le directly after adsorption and preceded by a reductive treatment.The voltammo-grams are recorded at a sweep rate of 10mV s à1

.Fig.7Voltammetric cycles during the stripping experiments on Pt (110)in 0.1M NaOH.(a)H UPD region as prepared and after various treatments.(b)Comparison of oxidative stripping pro?le directly after adsorption and preceded by a reductive treatment.The voltammograms are recorded at a sweep rate of 10mV s à1


Fig.8Voltammetric pro?les of the H UPD region of Pt (111)in 0.1M NaOH as prepared and after various treatments during the ethanol adsorbate stripping experiments.The voltammograms are recorded at a sweep rate of 10mV s à1.

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Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)measurements were performed in order to shed more light on the role and the (electro)chemical nature of the adsorbates.In these measurements,a platinum ?lm deposited on polycrystalline gold was employed as a working electrode.Details on the (electro)chemical characterization of the electrode in the current setup can be found in ref.5.In brief,the electrode was prepared by electrochemically roughening a gold electrode followed by depositing a platinum ?lm on top.The thickness of the platinum layer is high enough to mask the (electro)-chemical properties of the bulk underneath,thereby mimicking a bulk platinum electrode,but not too high so as to be able to ‘borrow’the SERS enhancement activity from the gold.

In order to be able to correlate the spectroscopic results with the single crystal electrode experiments,cyclic voltammograms were recorded for the oxidation of ethanol on these platinum ?lm electrodes.The ?rst and twentieth voltammetric cycles are shown in Fig.9a.It can be seen that the oxidation of ethanol starts at about 0.45V on the platinum ?lm electrode and that a small hysteresis exists between the anodic and the cathodic sweep.These ?ndings strongly resemble the ?ndings for single crystal surfaces with a high concentration of low-coordination sites,such as Pt (110)and Pt (553).In addition,the current densities and the deactivation rate (about 50%)found for the platinum ?lm electrodes lie between those found for Pt (110)and Pt (553).The deactivation of platinum ?lm electrode is also illustrated in Fig.9b,which shows the current time transients for the platinum ?lm electrode and Pt (110)and Pt (553)for comparison.It can be seen that the current decay over time is qualitatively very similar to Pt (110),although the currents are about an order of magnitude lower over the entire time range.After ca.200s the current density observed for the platinum ?lm electrode lies between that of Pt (553)and Pt (110).These ?ndings strongly indicate that the platinum ?lm electrode has a high concentration of low-coordination sites,with an average concentration between that of Pt (553)and Pt (110).This fact is not surprising since the platinum ?lm electrodes were prepared by electrodepositing platinum on a roughened gold substrate.Therefore,we believe that it is meaningful to compare the spectroscopic results on the platinum ?lm electrodes with the electrochemical results of the single crystal electrodes with a high concentration of low-coordination sites.

For the SERS measurements,ethanol was adsorbed for 15minutes at 0.10V before being introduced in the spectro-electrochemical cell,which contained only supporting electrolyte.The potential was increased in steps of 30mV and held constant while a SERS spectrum was recorded.A series of typical SERS spectra of ethanolic adsorbates are shown in Fig.10.Two spectral regions were found to exhibit signi?cant changes when changing the potential,each containing two adsorption bands.At low wavenumbers,in the region typical for metal–adsorbate vibrations,47there are signals around 440cm à1and around 515cm à1.In addition,there are bands centered at 1960cm à1and 2035cm à1.Interestingly,no signals were observed in C–H vibrations region (2800–3200cm à1),48suggesting that there is no CH x

adsorbed on the electrode surface,nor any other C–H containing adsorbates.In addition to these features,a broad band around 1600cm à1was observed,corresponding to the bending mode of water.49

The wavenumber region between 1800cm à1and 2200cm à1has been studied extensively with SERS 50,51and FTIR 7,19and the bands within this region can be assigned to the intra-molecular C–O stretch (n C àO )of adsorbed CO.More speci?cally,bands between 2030cm à1and 2080cm à1are generally assigned to CO linearly bonded to the platinum surface,while features between 1800cm à1and 1900cm à1correspond to bridge-bonded CO.Therefore,the feature at 2035cm à1can be ascribed unambiguously to CO linearly adsorbed on platinum.In addition,it should be noted that there is a complete absence of a band at ca.2120cm à1,corresponding to CO adsorbed linearly on residual gold sites,38,52further demonstrating the validness of our thin-?lm approach.The feature at 1960cm à1cannot be assigned so easily,since its frequency lies just between the regions of bridge-bonded and linearly bonded CO.One possible explanation would be bridge-bonded CO on gold sites,which would be expected around 1950–1970cm à1.52–54However,an adsorption band around 1970cm à1has also been observed on pure platinum


Fig.9(a)The ?rst and the twentieth voltammetric cycle for the oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.l M NaOH on a platinum ?lm deposited on a gold substrate recorded at a sweep rate of 10mV s à1.(b)Current–time transients for the oxidation of 0.5M ethanol in 0.l M NaOH on a platinum ?lm deposited on a gold substrate and on Pt (110).The potential was stepped from 0.07V to 0.70V.

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with SERS,FTIR and SFG and has been assigned to bridge-bonded CO 55,56or another type of linearly bonded CO,50presumably on low-coordinated defect-like platinum sites.In the low wavenumber region,there are two adsorption bands at 440cm à1and 515cm à1.This set of double absorption features is well-known for the platinum–carbon stretch of CO adsorbed on platinum.49,57Since the frequencies of both bands are too high for CO bonded on gold (260cm à1and 310cm à1for adsorption at a bridge site and on top,respectively)52and for bridge-bonded CO on platinum (390cm à1),38they may be ascribed to the Pt–C stretch for di?erent types of linearly bonded CO.In addition,the potential dependence of the (relative)intensities of these two bands corresponds well to the intensities of the features in the C–O stretch region.Based on these ?ndings,all features can be assigned to (linearly)adsorbed CO on the platinum ?lm rather than on the gold substrate.

To further substantiate the assignment of the feature at 440cm à1to adsorbed CO rather than adsorbed CH x ,the same experiments were performed employing deuterated ethanol.The SERS spectra of adsorbates from deuterated ethanol are shown in https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18306760.html,paring Fig.10and 11,it can clearly be seen that the spectra are virtually identical.Four bands can be observed,similar to the experiments using non-deuterated ethanol.Again,these bands are located around 440cm à1,515cm à1,1960cm à1and 2030cm à1,showing that deuteration does not signi?cantly change the positions of the absorption features.This can be seen more clearly in Fig.12,which shows the positions of the SERS features at various potentials for CO ad resulting from non-deuterated and deuterated ethanol adsorption.Since exchanging protons for deuterium atoms in

CH x ,ad or in any hydrogen containing adsorbate would cause

a corresponding frequency shift in the SERS band corresponding to the value of x ,the lack of a shift of the bands points toward non-hydrogenated adsorbates,supporting CO as the only strongly adsorbed species from the dissociation of ethanol in these


Fig.10Surface enhanced Raman spectra of adsorbed species coming from ethanol on a Pt-?lm electrode in 0.1M NaOH recorded at the indicated

potentials.Fig.11Surface enhanced Raman spectra of adsorbed species coming from deuterated ethanol on a Pt-?lm electrode in 0.1M NaOH recorded at the indicated


Fig.12Positions of the SERS bands from CO fragments resulting from ethanol (open symbols)and deuterated ethanol (closed symbols)dissociation.

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In addition,it can be seen that CO from both ethanol and deuterated ethanol shows the same behavior as a function of potential.At the adsorption potential of 0.10V,the predominant adsorption state is the state corresponding to 440cm à1and 2030cm à1(hereafter denoted as ‘I’).Upon initially increasing the potential,the bands at 515cm à1and 1960cm à1(hereafter denoted as ‘II’)gain intensity,while the bands corresponding to adsorption state I slightly lose intensity.This suggests that in the low potential range (up to 0.31V),there is a conversion from CO in state I to adsorption state II as the potential is increased.Upon increasing the potential further past 0.31V,oxidation of CO sets in.Interestingly,it seems that CO adsorbed in state II is the ?rst to be oxidized,while the features associated with state I initially remain relatively constant.Finally,at higher potentials,CO in adsorption state I is also oxidized and a ‘clean’surface is recovered.Similar results have also been found in FTIR experiments on CO adlayer oxidation on a ‘disordered’Pt (111)electrode in alkaline media,where CO initially adsorbed in a certain state is converted to another adsorption state in which it is more readily oxidized.58

In conclusion,SERS experiments show that the dissociation of ethanol on a platinum ?lm electrode in a 0.1M NaOH solution produces only adsorbed CO,which can exist in (at least)two adsorption states,one corresponding to the spectral features at 440cm à1and 2030cm à1,and one corres-ponding to the features at 515cm à1and 1960cm à1.Based on the positions of these features,it is suggested that both states correspond to linear adsorption.The relative stability of these two adsorption states is dependent on the applied potential.

General discussion

Based on the results described in the previous sections,we can start to build a fundamental understanding of the ethanol electro-oxidation reaction on platinum in an alkaline electro-lyte.In addition,we shall compare the ?ndings here with our previous studies in acidic media.5,9It is well-known that the activity for the oxidation of ethanol is greatly enhanced in alkaline media on polycrystalline and nanoparticular surfaces.Similarly,the currents on single crystal electrodes in alkaline media are signi?cantly larger than those obtained on similar electrodes in acidic media,at least initially.Analogous to acidic media,the initial activity on the single crystal electrodes is proportional to the amount of step sites,at least at low overpotentials.The e?ect of step sites,however,is more pronounced in alkaline media.Also,it should be emphasized that the onset potential is also strongly dependent on the step density and is as low as 0.35V for Pt (110),yielding currents which are more than an order of magnitude higher than in an acidic electrolyte at potentials which would be of interest in a direct ethanol fuel cell (i.e.below 0.5V).However,all single crystal surfaces quickly deactivate over time.For surfaces with wide terraces,such as Pt (111)and Pt (151514),the activity drops to less than 10%of the initial activity within twenty voltammetric cycles.Interestingly,the rate of deactivation is also strongly structure sensitive and decreases with decreasing terrace length,suggesting that deactivation is strongly related to terrace sites rather than to step sites.

The stripping experiments indicate that on Pt (554),consisting of 10atom wide terraces separated by monoatomic (110)steps,two kinds of adsorbates can be found,of which one can be both reduced and oxidized and the other can be only oxidized.Analogous to the adsorbates in acidic media,we propose that the reducible adsorbate is a CH x species,which can be reduced to form CH 410or oxidized to adsorbed CO.Similarly,the oxidizable species can be assigned to adsorbed CO,as is also con?rmed by the SERS experiments.On Pt (554),CH x can be found exclusively on terrace sites and CO exclusively on step sites.Also,while CH x can also be oxidized to adsorbed CO and subsequently to CO 2(or CO 32à),this conversion is slow as it takes multiple (5–10)voltammetric sweeps to recover a clean surface,in contrast to acidic media where CH can be oxidatively stripped within one or two voltammetric cycles.9Similar results were found for Pt (111).However,the relative amounts of CH x ,ad and CO ad di?er signi?cantly from Pt (554).By comparing the increase of the charge in the H UPD region due to a reductive treatment to strip CH x ,ad with the increase in the charge due to the subsequent oxidative treatment,it is possible to estimate the amounts of CH x ,ad and CO ad in terms of sites blocked for hydrogen https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18306760.html,ing this method,it was found that the ratio of sites blocked by CH x ,ad species relative to sites blocked by CO ad is 2.0for Pt (111)and 1.4for Pt (554),demonstrating that the relative amount of CH x ,ad is higher on a surface with a longer terrace length.In contrast,on surfaces with a high concentration of low-coordination sites,such as Pt (110)and the rough platinum ?lm in the SERS experiments,only adsorbed CO is observed.This strongly suggests that CH x ,ad in alkaline media is only stable on terrace sites.Since its oxidation is slow,this could explain the high deactivation rate for surfaces with wide terraces.

Based on these ?ndings,we can suggest a detailed model for the oxidation of ethanol on platinum in an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution.Initially,ethanol dissociates at low potentials to form adsorbed CH x and adsorbed CO.CH x adsorbed on low-coordination sites is quickly converted into adsorbed CO,while CH x adsorbed on terrace sites is stable.Based on the SERS results,it can be concluded that there are (at least)two types of linearly adsorbed CO on a surface with a high density of low-coordination sites.Upon increasing the potential,CO ad (which resides on the steps)can be oxidized,while terrace C 1stripping is slow and incomplete within the time-scale of one voltammetric cycle.In the same potential range,ethanol oxidation through the C 2pathway starts.On surfaces with long terraces,this is the major current producing pathway that occurs mostly on a partially C 1covered surface,explaining the lack of hysteresis in the voltammetric cycles.On surfaces with shorter terraces,the adsorbates are stripped o?more easily causing a bigger hysteresis loop.However,on all surfaces stripping is incomplete within one voltammetric cycle,leading to a buildup of adsorbed species causing deactivation over time.Since the stripping rate is essentially slowed down by increasing terrace length,this readily explains why deactivation is faster for surfaces with wide terraces.

Using this model,we can compare the mechanism of the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media to that in acidic

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media as we have suggested in our previous papers.5,9We suggest that the di?erences in the ethanol oxidation reaction between acidic and alkaline media mainly arise from the di?erent reactivity of adsorbed CH x species in alkaline media.In alkaline media,the reactivity of CH x ,ad on (110)sites can clearly be distinguished from CH x ,ad on (111)terrace sites.On (110)sites,CH x ,ad is rapidly oxidized at potentials below 0.10V to CO ad ,while on (111)terrace sites,CH x ,ad oxidation does not set in before ca.0.55V (Fig.6).In addition,oxidation on (111)sites is sluggish,since it requires multiple voltammetric cycles to be completely oxidized.In contrast,such a distinction between di?erent surface sites could not be found in acidic media:in all cases CH x ,ad was facilely converted to CO around 0.45V.This strongly suggests that,in alkaline media,(110)sites are the most active in the oxidation of CH x ,ad to CO ad ,but that CH x adsorbed on (111)terrace sites are hindered from reaching the active (110)sites,either due to a low surface di?usion rate or because access to these sites is blocked by another adsorbed species.Although it is unclear at the moment why CH x ,ad in alkaline media is less stable on (110)sites but more stable on (111)sites compared to acidic media,this observation readily explains the di?erences in the ethanol oxidation reaction in acidic and alkaline media.As shown in Fig.1,the ethanol oxidation reaction on a polycrystalline platinum electrode is signi?cantly increased compared to acidic media.In comparison,the results obtained in the single crystal electrode experiments show that the current densities obtained in alkaline media on surfaces vicinal to the (111)direction are comparable or even lower than those obtained in acidic media on the same surfaces.Pt (110),on the other hand,shows an enhancement in activity of 1–2orders of magnitude.In addition,the deactivation rate of the reaction in alkaline media is also the lowest on Pt (110).Therefore,the enhanced reactivity of polycrystalline electrode in alkaline media mainly stems from the increased activity on low-coordination sites,or,more speci?cally,on sites with short or no (111)terraces,as these are readily poisoned by CH x ,ad .This is in stark contrast with acidic media,where the oxidation of CH ad occurs at the same potential regardless of the surface,explaining why the structure sensitivity of the ethanol oxidation reaction is much less pronounced in acidic media.


In this paper,we have presented the results of a systematic electrochemical study on the oxidation of ethanol in NaOH solutions.Voltammetric stripping experiments on single crystal electrodes and SERS experiments on a rough platinum ?lm electrode show that ethanol adsorption yields adsorbed CO and adsorbed CH x ,similar to the oxidation of ethanol in acidic media.It was found that adsorbed CH x plays a decisive role in the oxidation of ethanol in an alkaline solution.On (110)sites,CH x ,ad is quickly oxidized to CO ad ,so that only CO ad is observed on Pt (110)and on the roughened platinum ?lm electrode employed in the SERS experiments.On the other hand,CH x ,ad on (111)terrace sites is di?cult to oxidize,deactivating the electrode over time.In agreement with this key role of adsorbed CH x ,continuous ethanol oxidation experiments on platinum single crystal electrodes show a

marked dependence of the voltammetric pro?les on the surface structure.The onset potential of ethanol oxidation lowers with an increasing density of low-coordination sites.Furthermore,Pt (110)shows the highest oxidation activity for all potentials,both for the initial and long-term activity,while for the surfaces vicinal to (111),the relative dependence of the activity on the step density is potential dependent and changes over time.The deactivation rate was also found to increase with increasing terrace length,which we again attribute to the di?cult oxidation of CH x ,ad on (111)terrace sites.


The research program of MTM Koper is supported by a VICI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scienti?c Research (NWO).


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D o w n l o a d e d b y H u a q i a o U n i v e r s i t y o n 06 M a r c h 2013P u b l i s h e d o n 24 S e p t e m b e r 2009 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/B 913170A


自动泊车辅助系统 百科名片 在众多的汽车配套产品中,与倒车安全有关的配套产品格外引人注目,配有倒车辅助系统的品牌车型也常常成为高档车配置的重要标志之一。 目录 一、概要 1二、奔驰自动泊车辅助系统设计初衷 1启动条件 1实施步骤 1优点 1缺点 三、斯柯达昊锐PLA自动泊车辅助系统 四、迈腾自动泊车辅助系统 一、概要据统计,由于车后盲区所造成的交通事故在中国约占30%,美国20%,交 管部门建议车主安装多曲率大视野后视镜来减少车后盲区,提高车辆的安全性能,但依旧无法有效降低并控制事故的发生。汽车尾部盲区所潜在的危险,往往会给人们带来生命财产的重大损失以及精神上的严重伤害。对于新手司机或女士而言,每次倒车时更是可以用瞻前顾后,胆战心惊来形容。现有的汽车倒车辅助产品如果从手动与自动的区别来分大致可分为两类:一类是手动类(以传统倒车系统为代表)和一类是自动类(以智能倒车系统为代表)。传统倒车系统主要以倒车雷达和倒车可视为代表,通过发出警示声音或可视后部情况提醒车主车后情况,使其主动闪避,以减少事故伤害。该产品对于驾驶者而言,主动性较差,虽然能在很大程度上避免车辆对行人的伤害,却无法顺利有效的完成泊车,极易造成刮蹭或碰撞。 二、奔驰自动泊车辅助系统 设计初衷官方读法是主动式停车辅助系统,是借助前后保险杠上安装的十组超声波感应器来实现辅助的泊车系统。为了应付欧洲路边停车设计的,增加泊车的便利性,注意是增加,不是从根本性改变泊车习惯,例如你还是要踩刹车,还是要挂挡的。 启动条件(1)车速要低于36km/h (2)打转向灯(以给系统提示要停车在哪个方向)(3)停车区域要长于车身的1.2到1.3米(B级车长4273mm)(4)车辆必须离开障碍物(例如停车区域前后的车)距离在1.5米之内,意思是不能离开太远。(5)停车区域必须是想路边临时停车那种,一排车在一侧,一字排开,象停车场那种每部车竖直并列排放的,不能实现该功能。


基于MATLAB软件的自动泊车控制系统设计与仿真 摘要 现代社会汽车的使用已经相当广泛。而每一个司机都会面对倒车问题,有经验的司机能够快速、准确的将汽车停到指定的位置。然而多数的司机尤其是一些刚刚考到驾照的新手们尤其对停车的问题十分烦恼。在准确性和速度之间往往很难同时满足,设想如果能有个智能装置,根据当前的车速和位置能够自动将车停到合适位置,且又同时满足快速性和准确性。本课题正是基于以上的设想,结合我们最近学习的模糊控制的相关知识以MATLAB为软件平台,搭建一个基于MATLAB的自动倒车模糊控制系统。 以往的各种传统控制方法均是建立在被控对象精确数学模型基础上的,然而,随着系统复杂程度的提高,将难以建立系统的精确数学模型。在工程实践中,人们发现,一个复杂的控制系统可由一个操作人员凭着丰富的实践经验得到满意的控制效果。这说明,如果通过模拟人脑的思维方法设计控制器,可实现复杂系统的控制,由此产生了模糊控制。模糊控制是建立在人工经验基础之上的。对于一个熟练的操作人员,他往往凭借丰富的实践经验,采取适当的对策来巧妙地控制一个复杂过程。若能将这些熟练操作员的实践经验加以总结和描述,并用语言表达出来,就会得到一种定性的、不精确的控制规则。如果用模糊数学将其定量化就转化为模糊控制算法,形成模糊控制理论。 糊控制理论具有一些明显的特点: (1)模糊控制不需要被控对象的数学模型。模糊控制是以人对被控对象的控制经验为依据而设计的控制器,故无需知道被控对象的数学模型。 (2)模糊控制是一种反映人类智慧的智能控制方法。模糊控制采用人类思维中的模糊量,如“高”、“中”、“低”、“大”、“小”等,控制量由模糊推理导出。这些模糊量和模糊推理是人类智能活动的体现。 (3)模糊控制易于被人们接受。模糊控制的核心是控制规则,模糊规则是用语言来表示的,如“今天气温高,则今天天气暖和”,易于被一般人所接受。(4)构造容易。模糊控制规则易于软件实现。 (5)鲁棒性和适应性好。通过专家经验设计的模糊规则可以对复杂的对象进行有效的控制。 关键词:模糊控制; MATLAB仿真;智能控制;自动泊车


摘要:一个有效的智能泊车系统,不仅能帮助驾驶者快速、安全地完成泊车操作,从而减轻驾驶员负担,减少交通事故,而且能够有效提高汽车的智能化程度,增加汽车的附加值,从而带来巨大的经济效益。使用AT89C52单片机作为小车的主控制器,在该控制器基础上,添加了光电避障电路、测速电路、光源引导电路和电机驱动电路,从而实现了智能泊车系统设计。该系统结构简单、成本低,并在实验室中取得了预期的效果,能够使小车进入指定的停车位。 0 引言 随着我国汽车数量逐年急剧增多,泊车位、停车场的数量却跟不上其增长的步伐,越来越多的人为如何泊车而发愁。日益拥挤的泊车环境要求人们对汽车的泊车技术更加地娴熟,这就更加重了人们工作之外的紧张情绪,降低了人们的生活质量。因此,如何解决泊车过程中的不便利,消除安全隐患,迅速、准确、行车记录仪https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a18306760.html,/安全地将汽车停靠到合适的位置,逐渐引起了人们的关注。 1 系统的工作原理及功能 智能泊车系统可分为控制部分和信号检测部分。 其中信号检测部分包括障碍物检测模块,光源检测模块和速度检测模块;控制部分包括控制器模块,电机控制模块。智能泊车系统基本模块方框图如图1所示。 图1 智能泊车系统基本框图 系统工作原理如下:在小车启动之后,通过霍尔传感器A44E进行小车的速度检测,对小车进行智能限速,小车行进过程中通过红外光电传感器避障,车库系统发送光源指示信号,光敏三极管接收车库指示信息,使小车到达指定车库后,停车。 1.1 单片机最小系统设计 AT89C52是51系列单片机的一种,是一个低功耗,高性能,CMOS 8位单片机,片内含8KB的可反复擦写的FLASH只读程序存储器和256B的随机存取数据存储器(RAM),由ATMEL公司采用高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统,片内置通用8位中央处理器和FLASH存储单元,片内有ROM/EPROM,因此,这种芯片构成的最小系统简单可靠,只要将单片机接上时钟电路和复位电路即可。 1.2 避障电路设计 红外光电式传感器具有非接触、响应快、性能可靠、体积小、安装轻便等诸多特点,因此在工业自动化装置和智能小车中获得广泛应用。本设计中采用的光电避障传感器是 HS0038B.红外光电接收电路工作原理为:当接收到载波频率为38kHz的脉冲调制信号时,首先,HS0038B内的红外敏感元件将脉冲调制红外光信号转换成电信号,再由前置放大器和自动增益控制电路进行放大处理,然后通过带通滤波器进行滤波,滤波后的信号由解调电路进行解调,最后由输出电路进行反向放大并输出低电平;未接收到载波信号时,电路则输出高电平。红外发射电路由555定时电路产生方波,对红外发射管进行调制。


本科课程论文题目自动泊车系统研究 学院工程技术学院专业设计及其自动化年级2009级 学号 姓名 指导教师冀杰

目录 摘要 (2) 1 前言 (2) 2正文 (2) 2.1自动泊车系统技术理 (2) 2.2研究现状与问题 (3) 2.3商用历史与现状 (4) 2.4自动泊车系统实现方式 (5) 2.5研究展望 (6) 参考文献 (7)

自动泊车系统研究 黄万强 西南大学工程技术学院 2009机械设计制造及其自动化1班 摘要:自动泊车系统是一种通过探测车辆周围环境信息来找到合适的泊车位,从而控制车辆的转向、速度,使得车辆能够自主驶入泊车位的系统。相比于人工泊车事故率高、倒车雷达智能度低,自动泊车系统提高了车辆的智能化水平和安全性,进一步降低了新手司机驾驶车辆的难度,也为将来实现车辆的自动驾驶打下基础。 本文从自动泊车系统的研究意义,技术原理,研究现状与问题,应用历史与现状,实现方式,研究展望等方面来对自动泊车系统进行介绍和探讨。 关键词:离子束加工 1.前言 随着经济水平的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,一方面汽车拥有量越来越多,公路、街道、停车场、居民小区等拥挤不堪,可利用的泊车空间越来越少;另一方面,驾车新手逐年增多,由于不熟练导致的各种问题也很多。美国密歇根大学交通研究所的Paul Green的研究表明,根据交通事故数据库统计资料和保险公司事故统计资料,泊车导致的事故占到各类事故的44%,其中大约1/2到3/4的泊车碰撞是倒车造成的,由此可见,倒车进行泊车是驾驶员容易出问题而导致交通事故的一个重要原因。如何改善汽车的操控性,尤其是泊车过程中的不便利,消除安全隐患,迅速、准确、安全地将汽车停靠到合适的位置,逐渐引起了人们的关注。 2.正文 2.1 自动泊车系统技术原理 通常的泊车辅助系统是通过安装倒车雷达或后视影像系统,在泊车时给司机起到提示作用,以避免碰撞。这种系统安装简单,使用也较为普及,但是仍然没有能够有效解决人们泊车容易出错的问题。而自动泊车系统的基本功能是能够控制车辆自动完成泊车,在此过程中可以不需要司机的干预。这样一种系统可以有效解决了新手司机泊车的


济南大学泉城学院毕业设计 题目汽车泊车辅助系统设计 学院工学院 专业机械设计制造及其自动化(专升本)班级1502班 学生高雯亭 学号2015040118 指导教师张兴达武华蒯建明


摘要 随着国民经济迅猛发展,汽车保有量逐年递增。在汽车使用过程中,泊车成为摩擦事故频发的一个环节,给人们的生命财产安全带来诸多隐患。针对这一问题,本设计提出了一种基于单片机的汽车泊车辅助系统。实现了泊车过程中的距离监测、报警、显示等功能,为泊车提供了可靠助力。 本设计主要包含硬件部分设计与软件部分设计。其中硬件部分主要包含核心控制部分、信号采集部分、显示部分、报警部分。具体工作主要有元器件选型、电路设计、电路制作及调试等。软件部分以C语言为工具,设计了完整的程序流程框图并完成了程序编写,实现了数据接收、分析以及控制指令输出等功能,结合硬件平台实现了预期功能。 通过电路制作及调试,验证了本设计系统的有效性,为进一步的研究及应用提供了一定的数据参考。 关键词:单片机;传感器;超声波测距

ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the national economy,car ownership increased year by year. In the process of car use,parking has become a frequent part of the friction accident,to people's lives and property to bring a lot of hidden dangers. Aiming at this problem,this design proposes a vehicle parking assist system based on single chip microcomputer. To achieve the process of parking distance monitoring,alarm,display and other functions for the parking to provide a reliable power. This design mainly includes the hardware part design and the software part design. The hardware part mainly includes the core control part,the signal


自动泊车技术原理 顺列式驻车是一种痛苦的经历,大城市停车空间有限,将汽车驶入狭小的空间已成为一项必备技能。很少有不费一番周折就停好车的情况,停车可能导致交通阻塞、神经疲惫和保险杠被撞弯。幸运的是,技术的发展为之提供了解决之道,这就是自动泊车功能。不必再来回折腾,而只需轻轻启动按钮、坐定、放松,其他一切即可自动完成。自动泊车技术同样适用于主动避撞系统,并最终实现汽车的自动驾驶。 许多地方只允许顺列式驻车 自动泊车技术有助于解决人口密集城区的一些停车和交通问题。有时候,能否在狭小空间中停车受驾驶员技术的限制。自动泊车技术可以将汽车停放在较小的空间内,这些空间比大多数驾驶员能自己停车的空间小得多。这就使得车主能更容易地找到停车位,同时相同数量的汽车占用的空间也更小。当人们顺列式驻车时,通常会阻塞一个车道的交通至少几秒钟。如果他们进入停车位碰到问题,那么这个过程会持续几分钟,这将严重扰乱交通秩序。 而且顺列式驻车会导致许多磕碰,而这将给爱车留下难看的凹坑和划痕。自动泊车技术能够避免这些意外。另外,自动泊车技术还可以节省开支,就不必再担心与停车损害相关的保险索赔问题了。 顺列式驻车自动泊车步骤: 自动泊车技术大部分用于顺列式驻车情况。顺列式驻车要求汽车沿路边平行停放,与其他停好的汽车排成一条直线。大多数汽车用户需要比车身长出约1.8米的停车位,才能顺利完成顺列式驻车,尽管有些熟练驾驶员只需要更少的空间。 为了顺列式驻车,驾驶员必须遵循以下五个基本步骤: 1)将汽车开到停车位的前面,停在前面一辆车的旁边。 2)向路边转动车轮,以大约45°将车向后切入停车位。 3)当汽车前轮与前车的后轮平行时,驾驶员拨直前轮,然后继续倒车。 4)当通过后视境确保与后面车辆保持一定距离后,驾驶员从路边向外打车轮,将汽车前端


汽车自动泊车系统详解和使用技巧 据北京市交通管理局介绍,目前北京市机动车保有量已经突破450万辆,平均每三人就有一辆汽车,近几年随着中国经济突飞猛进的发展呢,巨大的机动车保有量也导致路面上的新手不断增多。大量的新手用上路面不但造成了路面拥堵程度的加剧,在每个住宅小区也造成了停车难。 住宅小区的停车难既有车辆保有量激增的因素,也有新车主停车不当的因素。以编辑做居住的小区为例,每当小编回到家中经常可以看到小区中的新手揉库多次不能停车入位的情况。 应对这样的情况很多厂家纷纷引进自动泊车系统到国内,目前拥有自动泊车系统的车型主要有奔驰的B200,上海大众的昊锐、途欢、还有雷克萨斯的LS460L。虽然这些厂家的自动泊车系统各有不同,但是原理大同小异。这里小编为大家介绍一下汽车自动泊车系统的工作原理和使用技巧。 工作原理 自动泊车技术大部分用于顺列式驻车情况。顺列式驻车要求汽车沿路边平行停放,与其他停好的汽车排成一条直线。大多数汽车用户需要比车身长出约1米的停车位,才能顺利完成顺列式驻车,尽管有些熟练驾驶员只需要更少的空间。 顺列式驻车,自动泊车系统遵循以下五个基本步骤: 1.驾驶员将汽车开到停车位的前面,停在前面一辆车的旁边,启动自动泊车系统。 2.自动泊车系统向路边转动车轮,以大约45°将车向后切入停车位。 3.当汽车进入车位后,自动泊车系统会拨直前轮,然后继续倒车。 4.当通过后视境确保与后面车辆保持一定距离后。自动泊车系统会向从路边打车轮,这是驾驶员需要将汽车泊入行进档,自动泊车则会将汽车前端回转到停车位中。 5.驾驶员需要在停车位前后移动汽车,直到汽车停在适当的位置。


(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 (12)发明专利申请 (10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201910228709.X (22)申请日 2019.03.25 (71)申请人 北京经纬恒润科技有限公司 地址 100101 北京市朝阳区安翔北里11号B 座8层 (72)发明人 王珍 王胜华 康驭涛  (74)专利代理机构 北京集佳知识产权代理有限 公司 11227 代理人 赵兴华 王宝筠 (51)Int.Cl. G05B 17/02(2006.01) (54)发明名称 自动泊车仿真测试方法及系统 (57)摘要 本发明提供自动泊车仿真测试方法及系统, 以降低测试成本、提高工作效率。在本发明实施 例中,利用动画仿真平台搭建测试场景,利用自 动测试平台搭建测试脚本,在自动测试阶段,由 自动测试平台根据测试脚本和泊车控制器的车 辆控制命令,通过人机交互平台对车辆动力学模 型的运行参数进行控制,并生成测试报告,可实 现仿真测试的自动化。使用本发明实施例所提供 的技术方案,并不需要实车参与,同时测试过程 是由自动测试平台自动执行的,因此可在降低测 试成本的同时, 提高工作效率。权利要求书2页 说明书10页 附图10页CN 109782630 A 2019.05.21 C N 109782630 A

权 利 要 求 书1/2页CN 109782630 A 1.一种自动泊车仿真测试方法,其特征在于,用于对泊车控制器进行仿真测试;所述方法基于自动泊车仿真测试系统,所述自动泊车仿真测试系统包括:自动测试平台、动画仿真平台和人机交互平台; 所述方法包括: 使用所述动画仿真平台搭建与测试用例相应的虚拟测试场景; 使用所述自动测试平台搭建与所述测试用例相应的测试脚本; 在自动测试阶段,所述自动测试平台根据所述测试脚本和泊车控制器的车辆控制命令,通过所述人机交互平台操控车辆动力学模型的运行参数,并在所述测试脚本执行完毕后生成测试报告;所述测试报告至少包括表征泊车成功或失败的信息;所述车辆动力学模型为真实车辆的虚拟仿真模型;在所述自动测试阶段,所述动画仿真平台至少用于在所述虚拟测试场景中根据运行参数显示所述车辆动力学模型。 2.如权利要求1所述的方法,其特征在于,在所述自动测试阶段,所述方法还包括: 所述自动测试平台通过所述人机交互平台模拟生成目标传感器信号,所述目标传感器信号用于所述泊车控制器生成车辆控制命令。 3.如权利要求2所述的方法,其特征在于,在所述自动测试阶段之前,所述方法还包括: 将输入输出I/O模型加载至所述人机交互平台; 将所述车辆动力学模型加载至所述人机交互平台; 将所述车辆动力学模型的运行参数与所述人机交互平台的车辆控制信号进行映射,以实现通过所述人机交互平台操控所述车辆动力学模型的运行参数。 4.如权利要求3所述的方法,其特征在于,还包括: 在所述自动测试阶段,由所述人机交互平台运行所述I/O模型以监测所述车辆动力学模型的目标运行参数;所述目标运行参数包括需监测的运行参数; 所述测试报告还包括所述目标运行参数。 5.如权利要求1-4任一项所述的方法,其特征在于,在所述自动测试阶段之前,所述方法还包括: 将人机交互工程文件加载至所述自动测试平台;所述人机交互工程文件包括车辆控制信号和需监测的运行参数。 6.如权利要求5所述的方法,其特征在于,所述自动泊车仿真测试系统的硬件架构包括:上位机、硬件在环HIL下位机和所述泊车控制器; 至少所述自动测试平台部署在所述上位机中。 7.如权利要求6所述的方法,其特征在于,所述HIL下位机包括实时处理器和I/O板卡,所述泊车控制器与所述I/O板卡具有通信连接; 在所述自动测试阶段之前,所述方法还包括:将车辆动力学模型和I/O模型加载至所述实时处理器。 8.一种自动泊车仿真测试系统,其特征在于,用于对泊车控制器进行仿真测试;所述系统包括自动测试平台、人机测试平台和动画仿真平台; 其中: 所述人机交互平台用于:操控车辆动力学模型的运行参数;所述车辆动力学模型为真实车辆的虚拟仿真模型; 2


从APA到AVP,四代泊车辅助系统技术剖析 前言 在汽车智能化的浪潮中,车载传感器发展迅速,越来越多搭载了先进传感器的汽车进入了我们的视野。比如能够在高速公路上实现单车道巡航的凯迪拉克CT6,以及交通严重拥堵时解放驾驶员时间的奥迪A8,以及能够轻松实现高速公路自动驾驶、上下匝道的特斯拉Model系列的车型。 公众对自动驾驶的认识主要集中在高速、环路,解决的是“开车”的问题。其实自动驾驶技术除了能开得一手好车外,还可以帮助解决新老司机都比较头痛的停车问题。泊车辅助系统目前已经发展至第三代,从最开始的驾驶员必须在车内配合挂挡完成泊车,发展到驾驶员可以站在车外5米使用手机控制泊车,最后到汽车自己学习泊车路线,完成固定停车位或自家车库的泊车。 下面,我就来盘点一下已经成熟的这三代泊车辅助系统的传感器配置以及典型的应用场景,随后我会对将在一两年内量产的第四代泊车辅助系统做一个技术分析。 目前市面上已量产的泊车辅助系统主要有三类。最早普及也是最为常见的第一代叫做APA自动泊车,随后出现的是将泊车与手机结合的第二代RPA远程遥控泊车,最后是最先进的第三代叫做自学习泊车。在未来一到两年内将会出现更为先进的泊车解决方案——AVP代客泊车,也就是暂未量产的第四代泊车辅助系统。 泊车辅助一代:APA自动泊车 APA(Auto Parking Asist)自动泊车是生活中最常见的泊车辅助系统。泊车辅助系统在汽车低速巡航时,使用超声波雷达感知周围环境,帮助驾驶员找到尺寸合适的空车位,并在驾驶员发送泊车指令后,将汽车泊入车位。 APA自动泊车所以依赖的传感器并不复杂,包括8个安装于汽车前、后的UPA 超声波雷达,也就是大家常说的“倒车雷达”,和4个安装于汽车两侧的APA超声波雷达,雷达的感知范围如下图所示。 APA超声波雷达的探测范围远而窄,常见APA最远探测距离为5米;UPA超声波雷达的探测范围近而宽,常见的UPA探测距离为3米。不同的探测范围决定了他们不同的分工。 APA超声波雷达的作用是在汽车低速巡航时,完成空库位的寻找和校验工作。如下所示,随着汽车低速行驶过空库位,安装在前侧方的APA超声波雷达的探测距离有一个先变小,再变大,再变小的过程。一旦汽车控制器探测到这个过程,可以根据车速等信息得到库位的宽度以及是否是空库位的信息。后侧方的APA在汽车低速巡航时也会探测到类似的信息,可根据这些信息对空库位进行校验,避免误检。



360度全景泊车辅助系统使用说明书 欢迎使用360全可视泊车辅助系统。 本使用说明书讲解了正确使用360全可视泊车辅助系统的必要事项。在使用前,请务必仔细阅读。 本说明书中的插图仅为示意图,实际使用请以实物为准。 产品概述 360全可视泊车辅助系统通过安装在车身前后左右的4个广角摄像头,同时采集车辆四周的影像,经过图像处理单元矫正和拼接后,形成一幅车辆四周的360度全景俯视图,实时传送到中控台的显示设备上。通过360全可视泊车辅助系统,驾驶员坐在车中即可直观地看到车辆所处的位置以及车辆周围的障碍物,从容操控车辆泊车入位或通过复杂路面,有效减少刮蹭、碰撞、陷落等事故的发生。 产品组成 360全可视泊车辅助系统主要包括一个图像处理单元和四个广角摄像头,如图1、2所示。通常,左、右摄像头分别安装在左、右后视镜下方,前、后摄像头分别安装在前、后保险杠上方。根据车型不同,摄像头的外观和具体的安装位置有所差异。 图1 图像处理单元

图2 摄像头

显示界面 360全可视泊车辅助系统的视频可输出至单独的液晶屏,也可以通过原车安装的DVD进行显示输出。 360全可视泊车辅助系统的输出画面具有三种模式,分别适用于不同的场景: 1、全景视图模式。 系统开机时,默认处于此显示输出模式。 全景视图模式由鸟瞰图显示区和前、后影像显示区组成。 鸟瞰图显示区车身前、后、左、右的显示范围分别在2米、3米、2.5米、2.5米左右。 由于镜头角度、畸变等原因以及安全考虑,画面显示的车身并非完全同实际车身位置和大小一致,请注意留足安全距离。前、后影像显示区显示前或后摄像头采集的影像。 图4 全景视图模式 右下方的标志指示当前显示的是哪个摄像头显示的影像,如图5所示。 前后 图5 前后标志


毕业设计开题报告 学生姓名系部汽车交通与工程学院专业、班级 指导教师姓 名职称实验师 从事 专业 汽车运用是否外聘□是□ √否 题目名称汽车泊车辅助系统设计 一、课题研究现状,选题的目的、依据和意义 设计目的和意义: 随着我国经济的快速发展,交通运输车辆及私家用车的不断增加,不可避免的交通问题瞬时成为人们关注的问题。其中由于泊车事故发生的频率高,已引起了社会和交通部门的高度重视。泊车事故发生的原因是多方面的,造成泊车时的事故率远大于汽车正常行驶时的事故率,尤其是非职业驾驶员以及女性更为突出。而泊车事故给车主带来许多麻烦,不仅经济上,更有人身伤害,例如撞上别人的车,如果伤及儿童更是不堪设想,基于此基础,汽车高科技产品中,专为汽车泊位设置的“汽车泊车辅助系统”应运而生,汽车泊车辅助系统的加装可以解决司机的不少麻烦,大大降低了泊车事故的频率。由于存在视觉盲区,无法看清车附近状况,司机在泊车时很容易发生事故。为了减少带来的损失,需要有一种专门帮助司机安全泊车的装置。目前市场上用于辅助司机泊车的装置主要有:语音告警装置、后视系统以及倒车雷达等。语音告警装置用于播放提示语以提醒车后的行人注意避让正在泊车的汽车。这种装置价格便宜且使用方便,缺点是只能对车后的行人起告警作用,对于其他障碍物则不起作用,所以其应用范围有限。后视系统是由视频捕捉装置和视频播放装置组成,通过视频司机可以很直接地看到车后的障碍物。由于这类装置的价钱较高,目前还没有普及。 汽车泊车辅助系统,是汽车泊车安全辅助装置,能以声音或者后视镜的显示通告司机车附近的状况,解除了司机泊车和启动车辆时前后左右探视所引起的麻烦,并帮助司机解决由视觉引起的缺陷,提高驾驶的安全性,泊车辅助系统的原理与普通雷达一样,是根据蝙蝠在黑夜里高速飞行而不会与任何障碍物相撞的原理设计开发的。通过感应装置发出超声波来判断前方是否有障碍物,以及障碍物的距离、大小、方向、形状等。只不过由于倒车雷达体积大小及实用性的限制,目前其主要功能仅为判断障碍物与车的距离,并做出提示。司机在倒车时,启动倒车雷达,在控制器的控制下,由车尾保险杠上的探头发送超声波,遇到障碍物,产生回波信号,传感器接收到回波信号后经控制器进行数据处理,从而计算出车体与障碍物之间的距离,判断出障碍物的位置,再由显示器显示距离并发出警示信号,从而使司机倒车时不至于撞上障碍物。


___________________________________________________信息记录材料2019年5月第20卷第5期[信息:技术与应? 自动泊车系统设计 秦学义,郝家多,黄家兵 (皖西学院电子与信息工程学院安徽六安237012) 【摘要】一种用于实现车辆在泊车过程中的自动化、降低车主人工停车难度的智能泊车系统。通过雷达、距离传感器、GPS定位系统及图像采集设备釆集到的数据传输到中央处理器,经中央处理器运算后得到车辆当前位置和目标位置及周围环境情况,并通过处理器将采集处理后的信息转换为相应的控制电信号,用电信号控制车辆的机动装置进行方向及速度调节,或者将电信号转换为数据反馈给司机以辅助进行车辆停靠,由此实现车辆的自动泊车. 【关键词】智能化;自动化;传感器;单片机 【中图分类号】TP23【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1009-5624(2019)05-0167-02 1引言 随着社会的发展,汽车普及化程度越来越高,由于汽车的大范围普及,导致一些停车位十分拥挤,停车难度增加,这给停车技术欠缺的司机师傅带来很大的困扰,在这种情况下,我们提出自动泊车系统的构想。 2自动泊车系统总体方案设计 自动泊车系统,是基于各种传感器采集数据以高速率 传送给主控,通过STM32单片机,处理运算数据,得到车辆此时周围环境、当前位置及方向以此向机动装置发送控制命令控制车辆车速、转弯半径及前后位置实现车辆自动泊车或辅助车主泊车。该系统可分为信号检测部分、数据处理部分以及机动控制部分。信号检测部分包括超声波雷 达、OPENMV图像采集模块、速度检测模块。数据处理部分包括处理器;机动控制部分包括转向电机切、刹车电 机。采用多模块信息采集的方式,通过信息融合技术,规 划出更加的有效的路径。为用户提供快速安全有保障的自 动泊车服务。环境检测模块:用于实时釆集车辆周围环境 信息,如后方障碍物检测、行人体红外检测、周围车辆位置信息等,并汇集各种信号传送给单片机。GPS定位模块:用于车辆定位,寻找距离车辆最近的停车位,快速解决停车问题。速度检测模块:主要用于在泊车过程中实时检测车速,并发出刹车命令,避免车速过快,造成不必要的损失。OLED屏幕:通过单片机驱动,显示在停车过程中的各种数据,方便车主判断车辆位置。机动控制装置:通过对各项数据的分析,得到车辆当前所需车速及方向盘转向角度B1o 3系统模块组成 整个自动泊车系统由各种传感器、OLED屏幕、stm32fl03zet6单片机、机动控制电机、倒车警示器几部分组成。安装在汽车车身周围的各种传感器,这些传感器包括人体红外传感器、速度传感器、超声波传感器、GPS 定位传感器等,采集车辆运动的各项数据。OPENMV摄像头用于采集地面信息,获取地面白线位置,并预处理图像得到清晰图片数据,与采集数据的单片机进行数据传输。OLED屏幕用于显示车辆实时位置,以及距离障碍物距离、车速大小等各项数据。 3. 1单片机模块 单片机采用的是意法半导体集团推出的32位ARM微控制器,其内核是Cortex-M3,内置高速存储器,其主要实现过程如下:(1)通过对应传感器驱动代码驱动各传感器。(2)通过端口复用PA2和PA3,也就是串口3分别与OPENMV的P0和P1也就是RXD1和TXD1串口相连,通过串口接收OPENMV采集到的数据信息。(3)通过单片机端口驱动OLED屏幕,显示实时车速,车辆位置。 4自动泊车系统软件设计及实现 自动泊车软件部分主要包括:主程序、人体红外传感器驱动程序、OLED屏幕驱动程序、超声波传感器驱动程序、速度传感器驱动程序、串口通信子程序及OPENMV图像处理程序。 4.1泊车系统主程序设计 该部分主要完成系统的初始化,串口初始化,驱动各传感器,驱动机动控制电机等功能。单片机自动与OPENMV 连接获取图像信息。 4.2OPENMV机器视觉程序设计 该模块主要完成地面白线检测,处理采集的图像,发送处理数据给单片机。 5系统工作流程 图1自动泊车系统工作流程 系统工作时,超声波传感器向水平方向发送超声波⑶,根据超声波反弹时间得出车辆此时位置离物体或车 辆的距离并同时将数据发送给STM32数据处理器;同时工作的还有图像传感器,图像传感器主要采集车身与车尾部分的位置信息,该图像传感器会按低频率的工作方式采集照片,以每0.5s传输一次图像数据的速率给数据处理芯片传输数据,处理器通过运算可以得到此时车辆尾部距离停车白线的位置,从而控制车辆的机动装置。考虑到安全性,另外在车轮上装有轮速传感器用以实时监测车辆的速度,轮速传感器正常工作时,当车轮转速达到设定的阈值时,车辆启动刹车系统,降低车速,稳定车速在10km/lho 6结语 基于STM32fl03zet6的自动泊车系统在搭建系统成本 167


自动泊车系统关键技术的智能化发展 〔摘要〕:自动泊车技术是目前智能车辆技术研究的一个热点问题。通过介绍自动泊车系统的基本概念,结合自动泊车系统国内外相关研究进展。进而研究分析了自动泊车系统关键技术,提出了目前技术缺陷,并展望了未来发展。 〔关键词〕:自动泊车;系统;技术;展望 1 自动泊车系统概述 随着科技的不断进步,汽车逐渐向智能化发展,声音提示及影像已经满足不了安全泊车的需求,更具智能化的自动泊车系统(Automatic Parking System,APS)应运而生。 自动泊车系统主要由人机交互系统、环境数据采集系统、中央处理器和控制策略执行系统四部分组成。人机交互系统显示车辆的环境情况,通过驾驶者是否启动泊车的操作,来决定是否启动自动泊车系统,并且实时显示车辆的泊车过程。环境数据采集系统用来确定车辆处于环境中的位置,对于自动泊车系统而言,是非常重要的。为了使车辆可以准确泊车,需要如超声波传感器、陀螺仪、CCD摄像头等传感器。中央处理器将采集到的环境信息数据分析处理后,得出汽车的当前位置、目标位置以及周围的环境参数,依据以上参数计算判断车辆能否入该车位所提供的空间,作出自动泊车策略,生成相应的控制命令(包括车速命令和转向盘转角命令)。执行系统接收到由控制命令产生的信号,依据指令控制电动助力转向系统(Electric Power Steering,EPS),进而控制车辆转向盘转动,与此同时,控制车辆的行驶速度,完成泊车操作。 自动泊车的实际工况主要有两种形式,分别为平行泊车(俗称路边停车)和垂直泊车(俗称倒库)。 图1 平行泊车简图 图2 垂直泊车简图 2 自动泊车系统的技术发展概况


泊车辅助系统的作用 一、定义 泊车辅助系统于车前、左右后视镜和车尾分别安装了4个超广角摄像头,这四个摄像头分别采集了汽车车身前后左右四个区域的实时画面,然后通过全景视觉泊车辅助装置合成为鸟瞰全景图象,显示在屏幕上。实时提供给驾驶员泊车所需要的汽车全景图像,消除了车四周的视觉盲区,来帮助驾驶员更加精确的泊车。 二、作用 1、提供实时的全景图像 泊车辅助系统最初的研发目的就是为了解决盲区问题。这套系统以鸟瞰方式提供了车身周围360度的场景图像。通过中控台的显示屏实时的显示在驾驶员面前。解决了倒车时的盲区问题。 2、倒车轨迹 泊车辅助系统的功能已不在是单一的,更是将许多新的功能集中到一起。倒车轨迹线就是其中之一。以道可视的智能倒车轨迹线为例。在倒车泊车时利用这些轨迹线的提示作用,能够给驾驶员可以看到的,非常直接的参考。在当前角度的方向盘下,倒车,会不会与周围的障碍物,标示物或其他车辆发生碰撞。 3、行车记录 今年发生的几起别车撞人事件中,行车记录仪的作用非常的耀眼。但是如果泊车辅助系统和行车记录仪同时安装,在车内就会显得空间特别小。因此厂家把行车记录功能整合到泊车辅助系统中。这也成为今年许多车主在选择泊车辅助系统时是否带有行车记录功能作为其中一个选择的标准。

4、驻车监控 驻车监控就是在我们泊车后的防护监控功能。在开车外出时,经常会遇到需要停车去处理一些临时性的问题,去上个厕所,去吃个饭。去银行办点业务等等。这些时候经常是把车停在马路边上。这时如果别刮了,被蹭了该什么办?驻车监控的功能就是为了解决这个难题而出现的。 驻车监控系统有两个高灵敏的震动感应装置,当收到震动感应时,能够快速启动录像功能,四路摄像头能同时启动记录下当时所发生的所有事。人不在车内也能知道自己的爱车是否收到伤害。


内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题目:自动泊车系统的设计 学生姓名:xxx 专业:电子信息工程 班级:2011-2班 指导教师:xxx

自动泊车系统 摘要 随着车辆的普及度、保有量越来越高,街道、小区、公路、停车场等拥挤不堪,人们对车辆的可操作性和智能性也提出了更多的要求,所以智能的自动泊车的研发迫在眉睫。本设计以蓝牙模块与单片机最小系统通过串口相连接,并与电脑端蓝牙连接实现下位机与上位机之间的通信过程,从而实现自动泊车的功能。 本设计由上位机、蓝牙模块、STC15F2K61S2单片机最小系统、GY-26电子指南针模块、光电避障模块、超声波模块、电机驱动模块、舵机组成系统。主要包括以下几个方面:第一,硬件电路设计,硬件电路通过Altium Designer软件进行硬件电路设计,主要包括包括电源系统和单片机最小系统,第二,STC15F2K61S2单片机最小系统设计,最小系统可以实现超声波数据、光电避障模块数据、电子指南针模块数据的接受,由上位机端发送命名实现对小车的相应控制。第三,上位机软件设计,上位机由C Sharp语言在Visual Studio 2010平台编写,主要实现对由下位机说发送的数据进行处理并实时显示出来的,并且对自动泊车系统进行整体控制,通过蓝牙向单片机最小系统发送数据,单片机接收到数据后控制小车完成侧位泊车或倒车入库动作。 关键词:上位机;单片机最小系统;自动泊车

Automatic parking system Abstract With the popularization of vehicle, retains the quantity is more and more high, streets, communities, roads, parking lots and other crowded. People of the vehicle can also put forward more requirements for the operation and intelligent, so the research and development of intelligent automatic parking is imminent. This design takes the Bluetooth module and the microcontroller smallest system through the serial port, and realizes the communication process between the lower computer and the upper computer with the Bluetooth connection of the computer terminal. The design of the PC and Bluetooth module, STC15F2K61S2 MCU minimum system, GY-26 electronic compass module, photoelectric obstacle avoidance module, ultrasonic module, motor drive module, servo system. Mainly includes the following aspects: first, hardware circuit design, hardware circuit through Altium designer software were hardware circuit design, including including power supply system and the smallest single-chip system. Second, STC15F2K61S2 smallest single-chip system design, the minimum system can realize ultrasonic data, photoelectric obstacle avoidance module data, electronic compass module data received, sent by the host computer end named the corresponding control of the car.Third, PC software design and PC by C sharp language on the platform of Visual Studio 2010 prepared, mainly to achieve by the slave computer said transmitted data for processing and real-time display, and the automatic parking system integrated control, via Bluetooth to send data to the MCU minimum system, MCU receives the data control the car lateral parking or reversing storage action. Key words: PC, minimum single-chip microcomputer, automatic parking

自动泊车系统技术解析 Automatic parking system

自动泊车系统Automatic parking system I believe that many just a "cottage" new drivers for side range parking a thing very headache, but one of the subjects of this skill is also essential for everyday driving in. But auto makers are for everyone to consider this point, and the development of the automatic parking system, this system can make the vehicle automatically into the fixed parking spaces, eliminate you met in the parking problems in (scratch, stop to do not come in and wait), let us work together to learn about automatic parking system. The working principle of automatic parking system The radar probe all over the vehicle appearance to measure its distance and angle between the objects around, and then through the on-board computer to calculate the operation process, and automatically adjust the direction of rotation of the steering wheel, the driver only needs to control the speed and replacement of forward and reverse gear can be completed. The operation steps of automatic parking system is introduced At present, equipped with automatic parking system models, most only support side range parking a function, the Mercedes B class models of automatic parking system as an example, do the operation steps and function of a detailed introduction for everybody. When driving a Mercedes Benz B - class along the road, as long as the speed below 36 km / h (each vehicle speed set value will be different), the system will think that the drivers with parking intention, vehicle began to use surrounding radar probe automatically detects whether there is a suitable parking position. Available parking area length of general automatic vehicle parking system set to be larger than the body is more than 1.2 meters, can confirm this region belonged to stop range. When the automatic parking system to find a suitable parking position, when reverse gear is engaged, the system will prompt the driver whether to start the active park assist function, confirmed after the start, now the driver can both hands off the steering wheel, the steering wheel will rotate automatically adjusts the vehicle reversing direction, the driver only needs to control the throttle and brake master speed (when the driver hands grip the steering wheel, the system will be suspended from work). In the process of reversing the car, the driver needs to properly control the speed and the attention of reversing radar tone, when hearing the alarm, that have been in after the car very close. At this time the need to hang into forward gear, the car on the move at the same time, the system will automatically return to the wheel, put the location of the car, the screen prompt information update for parking has been completed, hang into neutral, complete the parking task easily. (hint: there's a part of the equipment of automatic parking system models into the parking, no automatic back wheel, drivers need to manually complete yourself) It is worth mentioning that, Lexus LS and Toyota crown high allocation of vehicles equipped with intelligent parking assist system, this system in addition to curb side parking outside the
