

Quantum phase transition from a Mott insulator

to a superfluid in bosons

Mingwu Lu

Department of Physics

(Dated: May 5, 2008)


Bose Hubbard model is presented and basic natures of Mott insulating phase and superfluid phase are studied in this essay. Also how and when this quantum phase transition occurs is discussed. Experimental supports from ultracold atoms physics are explained, while some miscellaneous topics are touched in the end.

1.Introduction and background

For many decades physicists focused on the phenomena of metal-insulator transition in Fermi systems, yet “the understanding of it remained fragmented” [1]. Instead M.Fisher et.al. [1] studied the possible similar transitions in Bose systems. Analogous to currents of charged Fermions they proposed the onset of supercurrent of Bosons at zero temperature as a new quantum phase transition. In this original paper, they wrote out the Bose Hubbard model and discussed the phase transition between two possible states: Mott insulating phase (MI) in which supercurrent is absent and excitation energy gap exists, and superfluid phase (SF) which possesses supercurrent and global coherence with no energy gap. Ever since then, the studies on such a peculiar phase transition in Bose systems have been carried out with great progress mainly due to two reasons: 1) Unlike Fermi analog, Bosons can have natural order parameter in form of off-diagonal long-ranged order in superfluid phase, which were studied with mature techniques to some extent compared with the less well-understood metal-insulator transitions; 2) experimentally optical lattice technique was widely available in late 90’ last century. Due to the excellent control over nearly all relevant parameters in the Hamiltonian, optical lattice is a perfect platform for observing this MI-SF phase transition and testing the predictions of theoretical work. Many interesting phenomena predicted such as the exotic interference pattern due to coherence, non-dissipative flow, particle-hole excitations etc. were observed in recent years. More over, the recent progress in experiment on supersolidty [2] is widely accepted to be associated with the disorder in Bose systems. The study on Bose Hubbard model with disorder analytically and numerically might shed light on the explanation of this peculiar yet elusive phenomenon. Therefore the research on MI-SF phase transition remains important nowadays. In this essay, I plan to introduce the theory in Bose Hubbard model mainly in frame work of mean field theory (MFT) and showed the corresponding experimental results. Also some interesting topic for Bose Hubbard model would be mentioned.

2.Bose Hubbard model

Consider spinless Bosonic particles in a uniform lattice. The system is strongly correlated in that there’s a strong repulsive onsite interaction U analogous to that in common Hubbard model. Also due to virtual quantum exchange effect the energy of the system could be lowered by J, which we call hopping energy (or kinetic energy less rigorously, as in some paper). For theoretical convenience we choose to fix chemical potential (grand canonical ensemble) instead of total particle number (micro canonical ensemble). The latter is preferred in experiment and we shall return to this later. Therefore Bose Hubbard model has the following form:


i j i i i i i j i i H

J a a c c n Un n εμ+<>=?++?+?∑∑∑ (2.1) The first term corresponds to hopping term and last term is interaction term, where particle number operator:

i i i n a a += (2.2)

is assumed. The middle term is chemical potential term with external potential εi , which could be for example, the trapping potential in optical lattice.

Now let’s take a closer observation on the Hamiltonian in limiting cases heuristically. a) U/J >>1

Notice that in the limit of U/J >>1, onsite interaction is dominated. Any hopping would bring an extra particle on one site and one particle loss on another. Since the interaction is quadratic this leads to a net increase in energy and the small negative hopping energy cannot compensate it, therefore hopping is energetically disfavored and particle number is pinned with certain integer on every site. Due to this lack of mobility we identify it as Mott insulating phase.

Fig.1. Onsite interaction can raise total energy, so even distribution is preferred [3].

Quantitatively we can determine the on-site particle number by minimizing energy when J is exactly zero. We introduce on-site energy E(n):


E n n Un n μ=?+? (2.3) Notice that the system is homogeneous so we abandon the index for each site. By differentiating the on-site energy with respect to particle number, we find that for fixed chemical potential, the on-site particle number n 0 which minimizes energy must satisfy:

0[/]n U μ= (2.4)

where “[ ]” denotes floor function which gives the maximum integer smaller than argument. We immediately see that on-site particle number is a step function of chemical potential. As hopping energy J increases slightly from zero, but still small, as we stated above, energy gain in J can not balance the energy cost in hopping, so we expect the ground state still characterizes by this fixed integer. As we can see clearly in phase diagram Fig 2.

b) U/J <<1

In the opposite limit U/J <<1, hopping process can effectively lowered total energy which blurs on site particle number and makes phases on different sites coherent (notice the conjugation of particle number and phase), which we identify as superfluid phase. Hence we assume there would be a quantum phase transition in between these two limits due to the quantum fluctuations at zero temperature [4].

Calculations based on MFT indeed show such a phase transition exists. We start from tight binding limit in which we treat hopping terms perturbatively and assume the infinite-range hopping [1]. We divided the Hamiltonian in two parts: H 1 corresponds to hopping terms and H 0 corresponds to the rest part. Hence we get partition function in the following way:


010exp()exp[()]Z Tr H T d H ββττ=??∫ (2.5) where all Hamiltonians are in the interaction representation and T is the ordering operator. Notice that all terms in H 1 are quadratic, we need to decouple them via introducing complex field ψi on each site. This is the standard Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. In the end we obtained effective action:

1,()()()ln exp[()..]ij i j i i i j i

S d J T d a c c τψτψττψτ?+=?+∑∑∫∫ (2.6)

We seek the lowest energy saddle point solution by assuming the filed is independent of time, and use cumulant expansion, we can transform the effective action in Landau energy form:


S N r J u O ψβμψψψ=++ (2.7) Notice that change in sign of coefficient r in quadratic term leads to the phase transition in Landau theory. So by setting r =0, we can determine the phase boundary. This corresponds to the condition that:


n n zJ Un U n μμ+=+??? (2.8) Notice that n 0 is a step function of chemical potential and U . Therefore we obtained phase diagram. From the diagram, we can see those “Mott lobes” in which is MI phase and the SF phase is outside. This is reasonable because if we start from very small J , as J/U increases, the probability of hopping increases, which makes the particle-hole excitation energy gap decrease but still finite, until eventually it reaches zero, indicating the onset of SF phase. The energy gap can be directly obtained by measuring the distance from the upper Mott lobe boundary to the lower Mott lobe boundary for a certain value of J. And since according to eqn.2.5, the top of Mott lobe is parabolic, based on scaling we conclude that:

((/)(/)),1/2z C J U J U zv ν??=~ (2.9)

The dynamical critical exponent being 1/2 is what we expect in MFT. More rigorous

calculation based on Pade analysis of series gives a slightly larger value of critical exponent around 0.69 [5]. See Fig. 3.

Fig.2. Phase diagram for homogeneous Bose lattice [1].

Fig. 3. Local shape at near the top of Mott lobe. The left curve corresponds to lowest order of Pade approximant(4th order series), and right curves correspond to higher order of Pade approximant [5]. Notice that it gives sharper top of Mott lobes than the one from MFT.

3.Observation the onset of phase transition in optical lattice Modern techniques in manipulating ultra-cold atoms in vacuum make the optical lattice available. Specifically we let two identical laser beams counter-propagating to set up a optical standing wave in direction. If we use six beams in x,y,z directions, 3D optical lattice can be realized. By carefully detuning the frequency of laser with respect to the resonant frequency of alkali atoms, we can exert attractive force on atoms in the direction of more-intense-field region. Therefore it is possible to control

the effective potential on atoms by modulating the electromagnetic fields in laser beams arbitrarily and trap those cold atoms for a considerably long time. This brings a great advantage in studying condensed matter system in optical lattice.

Fig 4. Illustration of optical lattice [3]

Detailed calculations on cold atoms show that values of J and U in Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian can be determined:


23()[()]()2ij i j h J w x x V x w x x d x m

=????+?∫ (3.1) 243(4/)|()|U h a m w x d x π=∫ (3.2)

Where w(x) is the single particle wannier function localized on one site, V is lattice potential and a is the scattering length of cold atoms. Therefore the ratio J/U is obtained as following:

Fig 5. Relation between optical well depth V and ratio U/J . The energy is scaled by recoil energy E r

Now we can dynamically change the values of J/U in a wide range, which is essential in observing the MI-SF phase transition. In 2002, Greiner et.al . [6] observed such a phase transition for the first time. They prepared cold atoms in condensate and transferred them adiabatically into optical lattice. They changed lattice potential V so as to control the values of J/U hence sampled different points in phase diagram. As they found, in small U/J region which theory gives superfluid phase, interference pattern due to the coherence among particles on all sites shows up. As U/J was tuned

large enough, such an interference pattern disappears. This marks the onset of MI-SF phase transition.

Fig 6. Without lattice potential only one central peak in momentum space is observable. As U/J is tuned up from a to h, we can see that the interference pattern will gradually disappear. Different colors represent different values of visibility [6]. Also in their experiment, they found such a transition is reversible as long as they crossed the phase boundary. They increased U/J to let system transform from SF phase to MI phase, kept the system in MI phase for a considerable long time and decreased U/J, and they found the interference pattern was recovered almost immediately on the time scale of h/J which is the tunneling time between two adjacent sites. They concluded the phase coherence over the entire lattice was restored with speed which is determined intrinsically by quantum mechanics, since all particles are identical and they act collectively. It makes no sense to tell which particle tunneled.

4.More on Mott insulating phase

a) particle-hole excitation

In M.Greiner et.al.’ paper [6], the excitation spectrum was also tested experimentally. They applied perturbations which could either be potential gradient or shaking the system by modulating the optical well to excite the system. They noticed that in the MI region the system is robust against perturbations because phase coherence could be readily reestablished when the lattice depth decreased so that the system came into SF phase. This can be well explained by the Mott gap. As perturbations increase to a certain value, particle-hole excitation sets in and MI phase is destroyed to some extent. This can be seen from the fact that as the system goes back into SF phase the width of central peak increases enormously which means a broader distribution of momenta or coherence is less well kept. Higher order of particle-hole excitations also show up if the perturbations are even larger. See Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Excitation spectra under external perturbations [6]. These peaks correspond to particle-hole excitations in MI phase and the background signal is from SF component which will be mentioned later.

b) Ground state of MI phase

In Guzwiller approximation [7] the many-body wavefuction is the product of single particle states. Hence the ground state of MI phase can be expressed as:


()0n MF i i


+Ψ∏~ (4.1) Since it is the eigenstate of local particle number operator, we see immediately there’s the order parameter of superfluid (condensate fraction) is zero:

MF i MF a ψ=ΨΨ0i MF i MF a ψ=ΨΨ= (4.2)

As we stated above that in MI region the onsite particle number is fixed while phase coherence is destroyed. Hence we shall expect interference vanishes immediately as we enter the Mott lobe. However close observation [8] indicates coherence may maintain even in MI phase.

Fig. 8. Detailed detection on visibility of interference pattern shows that phase coherence does not vanish abruptly on the phase boundary of MI and SF phases. Visibility is one when there’s perfect SF and zero when there’s no SF component [8].

This can be explained beyond Guzwiller’s approximation which is exact only when J= 0. Instead we have better guess of ground state in J/U expansion in the 1st


(1)??MF i

j MF ij J a a U +

<>ΨΨ+Ψ∑~ (4.3)

Thus the ground state is not a pure eigenstate of onsite particle number and superfluid component is nonzero. Hence we conclude that in the Mott lobe the short ranged phasse coherence still persists while global phase coherence is destroyed. We can regard the ground state of MI with nonzero J as the mixture of mainly pure “Mott state” and additionally small amount of particle-hole excitations due to nonzero hopping. More detailed calculations based on this approximation can reproduce the visibility of interference which agrees with experiment quite well [9].

5. More on Superfluid phase

In Guzwiller’s approximation we can write out the ground state easily:

?()0N MF i i


+Ψ∏~ (5.1) In order to have a well defined macroscopic phase the ground state must be coherent


,i a e ?αααα== (5.2)

Hence the coefficients of basis in Fork space follows the Poissonian distribution:

2(1)/2()n iUn n t h n t e e n α??Φ= (5.3)

A simple prediction from this wave function form is that each ket would evolve with different speed so initial coherence could be destroyed until after the revival time t=h/U when each number state undergoes a phase shift of integer periods. Experiment directly proved this [3].

Fig. 9. Quantum dynamics of a coherent state. The macroscopic field collapsed and

fully revived as time elapses. The x,y coordinates are real and imaginary part of complex number β, similar to α in eqn. 5.2

Once the ground state of SF phase is obtained from Guzwiller’s ansatz, we can calculate condensate fraction (superfluid order parameter ψ, see eqn.4.2). Detailed numerical calculations [10] based on variation method using mean field Hamiltonian yielded condensate fraction a long time ago. But only recent the accurate experimental plots were obtained from Kettle’s group [11] (Fig. 10.). They studied the stability of superfluid currents in a system of ultracold Bosons in a moving optical lattice. Unlike the method of observing the onset of interference pattern, the transition point were observed quite clearly and sharply in this approach.

Fig. 10. a) Determination of the critical momentum of superfluid flow at U/U C= 0.61 for a variable number of cycles of the momentum modulation (blue, purple and red lines). b) Critical momentum for a 3D condensate. Notice that theory (solid line) fits well with experimental data.

6.Even more on optical lattice

All the previous theoretical discussions were limited in homogeneous system. However in real practice this is not always possible. Since optical lattices are formed by Gaussian laser beams, the trapping potential is asymptotically simple harmonic

potential. Hence the translational invariance of lattice is broken and we need to introduce the so called local chemical potential:

()()x V x μ

μ=? (6.1) Where V(x) is the harmonic potential. Our previous results can work again once we replace chemical potential by local counterpart. This is called local density approximation. Notice that now local chemical potential is no longer fixed, different sites correspond to different place in phase diagram, indicating a coexistence of MI and SF phases in the arrangement of wedding cake in real space. This fact gives a natural explanation of SF background signal in Fig.7.

Fig. 11. a) Phase diagram of Bose Hubbard model in inhomogeneous lattice; b)

arrangement of SI and MI phases correspondingly. Notice that mean particle number decreases from center towards outside with layers, so it looks like a wedding cake [3].

7. Miscellaneous topics

a) Bose Hubbard model with disorder

In M.Fisher, et.al .’ original paper, the possibility of Bose glass phase in disordered lattice was discussed and phase diagram given based on physical argument. It is characterized as no gap, finite compressibility and yet an infinite superfluid susceptibility. Since then little progress was achieved in concrete calculations on its phase boundary. Recent work [12] using replica treatment and renormalization flow gave a possible phase boundary, which is quite different from Fisher’s however. More work is needed on Bose Hubbard model with disorder since it might shed light on understanding the origin of supersolidity. A very recent work [13] on this topic is quite intriguing and worth reading.

b) Lower dimensions

Unlike MI phse which depends weakly on dimensionality, the physics of SF depends greatly on dimentsionality: in 3D it is conventional BEC; in 2D a Kosterlitz-Thouless SF; in 1D no true SF. Quantum Monte Carlo methods [14] give the most accurate results in these lower dimensions while MFT is worse. Experimentally MI-SF transitions have been observed in 3D[6] in 2002, 2D[15] in 2007, 1D[16] in 2005.

Interested readers may find details in these references.

c)Next nearest site hopping effects

Though the next nearest site hopping term is two orders of magnitude smaller than nearest site hopping term, the effects of the former was studied [17] via Bogoliubov method. The conclusion is that BEC termperature is enhanced due to this effect in sc lattice but decreases in bcc and fcc lattice.

d)Bose Hubbard model with two different Bosons

If we set the number of species of Bosons to be two instead one, we may get five stable SF and MI ground states with rich nontrivial phase diagram [18]. Interested readers may find details in this reference.


In this essay we studied Bose Hubbard Model mainly in MFT. We identified MI phase as finite gap, infinite compressibility, exact integer commensurate fillings of particles and none global phase coherence, while SF phase as gapless, arbitrary fillings of particles with phase coherence. We studied the particle-hole excitation in MI phase and condensate fraction, dissipative current in SF phase both theoretically and experimentally, pointing out the drawbacks of MFT. We mentioned some interesting topics relevant to traditional Bose Hubbard model and commented on the significance of some of them.


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2) E.Kim and M.Chan, Science, 305, 1941 (2004)

3)M.Greiner, Ph.D. thesis, (2003)

4)Sachdev, Quantum phase transitions (1999)

5)N.Elstner and H.Monien, Phys. Rev. B, 59, 184 (1999)

6)M.Greiner, et.al. Nature, 415, 39 (2002)

7) D.Rokhsar, B.Kokhsar, Phys. Rev. B, 44, 328, (1991)

8) F.Gerbier et.al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 050404, (2005)

9) F.Gerbier et.al., Phys. Rev. A, 72, 053606 (2005)

10)K.Sheshadri, et.al., Europhys. Lett., 22, 257 (1993)

11)J.Mun, et.al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 150604 (2007)

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13)U.Bissbort, W. Hofstetter, arXiv:0804.0007v2 (2008)

14)S.Wessel, et.al., Phys. Rev. A, 70, 053615 (2004)

15)I.Spielman, et.al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 080404 (2007)

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一、1.若已知工质的绝对压力P=,环境压力Pa=,则测得的压差为(B)A.真空pv= B.表压力pg=.真空pv= D.表压力p g= 2.简单可压缩热力系的准平衡过程中工质压力降低,则(A) A.技术功为正 B.技术功为负 C.体积功为正 D.体积功为负 3.理想气体可逆定温过程的特点是(B)=0 =>W s>s′>s″>s′s>s″ 16.可逆绝热稳定流动过程中,气流焓的变化与压力变化的关系为(B) ====pdv 17、饱和湿空气的相对湿度(B)A.>1B.=1C.<<<1 18.湿空气的焓h为(D)湿空气的焓湿空气的焓干空气与1kg水蒸汽焓之和干空气的焓与1kg干空气中所含水蒸汽的焓之和 二、多项选择题 1.单位物量的理想气体的热容与_____有关。(ACDE)A.温度B.压力C.气体种类D.物量单位E.过程性质 2.卡诺循环是__AD___的循环。 A.理想化 B.两个定压、两个绝热过程组成 C.效率最高 D.可逆 3.水蒸汽h-s图上的定压线(AD)A.在湿蒸汽区为直线B.在过热蒸汽区为直线C.在湿蒸汽区为曲线 D.在过热蒸汽区为曲线 E.在湿蒸汽区和过热蒸汽区是斜率不同的直线 4.理想气体经绝热节流后,前后稳定截面上的__BD___相等。 5.A.压力B.温度C.比体积D.焓E.熵


固态相变原理考试试题 一、(20分) 1、试对固态相变的相变阻力进行分析 固态相变阻力包括界面能和应变能,这是由于发生相变时形成新界面,比容不同都需要消耗能量。 界面能:是指形成单位面积的界面时,系统的赫姆霍茨自由能的变化值。与大小和化学键的数目、强度有关。为表面张力, 为偏摩尔自由能,为由于界面面积改变而引起的晶粒内部自由能变化 (1)共格界面的化学键数目、强度没有发生大的变化,σ最小;半共格界面产生错配位错,化学键发生变化,σ次之;非共格界面化学键破坏最厉害,σ最大。 (2)应变能 ①错配度引起的应变能(共格应变能):共格界面由错配度引起的应变能最大,半共格界面次之,非共格界面最小。 ②比容差引起的应变能(体积应变能):和新相的形状有关,,球状由于比容差引起的应变能最大,针状次之,片状最小。 2、分析晶体缺陷对固态相变中新相形核的作用 固相中存在各种晶体缺陷,如空位、位错、层错、晶界等,如果在晶体缺陷处形核,随着核的形成,缺陷将消失,缺陷的能量将给出一供形核需要,使临界形核功下降,故缺陷促进形核。 (1)空位:过饱和空位聚集,崩塌形成位错,能量释放而促进形核,空位有利于扩散,有利于形核。 (2)位错: ①形成新相,位错线消失,会释放能量,促进形核 ②位错线不消失,依附在界面上,变成半共格界面,减少应变能。 ③位错线附近溶质原子易偏聚,形成浓度起伏,利于形核。 ④位错是快速扩散的通道。 ⑤位错分解为不全位错和层错,有利于形核。 Aaromon总结: 刃型位错比螺型位错更利于形核;较大柏氏矢量的位错更容易形核;位错可缠绕,割阶处形核;单独位错比亚晶界上位错易于形核;位错影响形核,易在某些惯习面上形成。 (3)晶界:晶界上易形核,减小晶界面积,降低形核界面能 二、(20分) 已知调幅分解浓度波动方程为: ,其中: 1、试分析发生调幅分解的条件 只有当R(λ)>0,振幅才能随时间的增长而增加,即发生调幅分解,要使R(λ)>0,得G”<0且| G”|>2η2Y+8π2k/λ2 令R(λ)=0得λc—临界波长,则λ<λc时,偏聚团间距小,梯度项8π2k/λ2很大,R(λ)>0,不能发生;λ>λc时,随着波长增加,8π2k/λ2下降,易满足| G”|>2η2Y+8π2k/λ2,可忽略梯度项,调幅分解能发生。 2、说明调幅分解的化学拐点和共格拐点,并画出化学拐点、共格拐点和平衡成分点在温度——成分坐标中的变化轨迹 化学拐点:当G”=0时。即为调幅分解的化学拐点; 共格拐点:当G”+2η2Y=0时为共格拐点,与化学拐点相比共格拐点的浓度范围变窄了,温度范围也降低了。 3、请说明调幅分解与形核长大型相变的区别


建筑环境与设备工程专业 一、选择题(每小题3分,共分) 1.若已知工质的绝对压力P=0.18MPa,环境压力Pa=0.1MPa,则测得的压差为( B ) A.真空pv=0.08Mpa B.表压力pg=0.08MPa C.真空pv=0.28Mpa D.表压力pg=0.28MPa 2.简单可压缩热力系的准平衡过程中工质压力降低,则( A ) A.技术功为正 B.技术功为负 C.体积功为正 D.体积功为负 3.理想气体可逆定温过程的特点是( B ) A.q=0 B. Wt=W C. Wt>W D. Wt

A.焓值增加 B.焓值减少 C.熵增加 D.熵减少 7.空气在渐缩喷管内可逆绝热稳定流动,其滞止压力为0.8MPa,喷管后的压力为0.2MPa,若喷管因出口磨损截去一段,则喷管出口空气的参数变化为( C ) A.流速不变,流量不变 B.流速降低,流量减小 C.流速不变,流量增大 D.流速降低,流量不变 8.把同样数量的气体由同一初态压缩到相同的终压,经( A )过程气体终温最高。 A.绝热压缩 B.定温压缩 C.多变压缩 D.多级压缩 9._________过程是可逆过程。( C ) A.可以从终态回复到初态的 B.没有摩擦的 C.没有摩擦的准平衡 D.没有温差的 10.绝对压力p, 真空pv,环境压力Pa 间的关系为( D ) A.p+pv+pa=0 B.p+pa-pv=0 C.p-pa-pv=0 D.pa-pv-p=0 11 Q.闭口系能量方程为( D ) A. +△U+W=0 B.Q+△U-W=0 C.Q-△U+W=0 D.Q-△U-W=0 12.气体常量Rr( A )


《固态相变理论》作业3 1.试述贝氏体转变的基本特征。 答:1)孕育期的预相变:在贝氏体孕育期内,母相发生成分的预分配和结构的预转变。预相变期发生了原子的偏聚,形成贫碳区即为贝氏体相变的 形核位置。相变机制存在扩散和切变学派的争论。 2)贝氏体相变形核:贝氏体相变是非均匀形核,上贝氏体一般在奥氏体晶界处形核,而下贝氏体一般在奥氏体的晶内形核。 3)贝氏体的长大机制:存在三种观点1.马氏体型的贝氏体切变长大机制,这种学派认为,贝氏体长大与马氏体相似,以切变方式进行,但贝氏体 长大的速度比马氏体慢的多。判断依据是贝氏体的表面浮凸效应现象。 切变包括滑移切变和孪生切变。2.扩散台阶长大机制,台阶机制可以为 扩散长大所利用,也可以为切变长大利用。3.扩散-切变复合长大模型, 这种模型首要条件是界面位错必须是刃型位错或刃型分量为主导的。因 为只有刃型位错才能攀移,而螺位错是不能攀移的。 2.试述影响贝氏体性能的基本因素。 C。形态为答:1)上贝氏体的形成中温转变,在350~550℃,组织为BF+Fe 3 羽毛状上贝氏体的转变速度受碳在奥氏体中的扩散所控制。 2)下贝氏体的形成低温转变,小于350℃。BF大多在奥氏体晶粒内通过共格切变方式形成,形态为透镜片状。由于温度低,BF中的碳的过饱和 度很大。同时,碳原子已不能越过BF/A相界扩散到奥氏体中去,所以就 在BF内部析出细小的碳化物。同样,下贝氏体的转变速度受碳在铁素体 中的扩散所控制。 3)碳含量及合金元素的影响奥氏体中的碳含量的增加,转变时需要扩散的原子数量增加,转变速度下降。除了铝和钴外,合金元素都或多或少 地降低贝氏体转变速度,同时也使贝氏体转变温度范围下降,从而使珠 光体与贝氏体转变的C曲线分开。 4)奥氏体晶粒度大小的影响奥氏体晶粒度越大,晶界面积越少,形核部位越少,孕育越长,贝氏体转变速度下降。 5) 应力和塑性变形的影响拉应力加快贝氏体转变。在较高温度的形变使 贝氏体转变速度减慢;而在较低温度的形变使得转变速度加快。 6)冷却时在不同温度下停留的影响


工程热力学期末试卷 建筑环境与设备工程专业适用 (闭卷,150分钟) 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 一、简答题(每小题5分,共40分) 1. 什么是热力过程?可逆过程的主要特征是什么? 答:热力系统从一个平衡态到另一个平衡态,称为热力过程。可逆过程的主要特征是驱动过程进行的势差无限小,即准静过程,且无耗散。 2. 温度为500°C 的热源向热机工质放出500 kJ 的热量,设环境温度为30°C,试问这部分热量的火用(yong )值(最大可用能)为多少? 答: = ??? ? ? ++-?=15.27350015.273301500,q x E 303.95kJ 3. 两个不同温度(T 1,T 2)的恒温热源间工作的可逆热机,从高温热源T 1吸收热量Q 1向低温热源T 2放出热量Q 2,证明:由高温热源、低温热源、热机和功源四个子系统构成的孤立系统熵增 。假设功源的熵变△S W =0。 证明:四个子系统构成的孤立系统熵增为 (1分) 对热机循环子系统: 1分 1分 根据卡诺定理及推论: 1 4. 刚性绝热容器中间用隔板分为两部分,A 中存有高压空气,B 中保持真空,如右图所示。若将隔板抽去,试分析容器中空气的状态参数(T 、P 、u 、s 、v )如何变化,并简述为什么。 答:u 、T 不变,P 减小,v 增大,s 增大。 自由膨胀 12iso T T R S S S S S ?=?+?+?+?W 1212 00ISO Q Q S T T -?= +++R 0S ?=iso 0 S ?=

5. 试由开口系能量方程一般表达式出发,证明绝热节流过程中,节流前后工质的焓值不变。(绝热节流过程可看作稳态稳流过程,宏观动能和重力位能的变化可忽略不计) 答:开口系一般能量方程表达式为 绝热节流过程是稳态稳流过程,因此有如下简化条件 , 则上式可以简化为: 根据质量守恒,有 代入能量方程,有 6. 什么是理想混合气体中某组元的分压力?试按分压力给出第i 组元的状态方程。 答:在混合气体的温度之下,当i 组元单独占有整个混合气体的容积(中容积)时对容器壁面所形成的压力,称为该组元的分压力;若表为P i ,则该组元的状态方程可写成:P i V = m i R i T 。 7. 高、低温热源的温差愈大,卡诺制冷机的制冷系数是否就愈大,愈有利?试证明你的结论。 答:否,温差愈大,卡诺制冷机的制冷系数愈小,耗功越大。(2分) 证明:T T w q T T T R ?==-= 2 2212ε,当 2q 不变,T ?↑时,↑w 、↓R ε。即在同样2q 下(说明 得到的收益相同),温差愈大,需耗费更多的外界有用功量,制冷系数下降。(3分) 8. 一个控制质量由初始状态A 分别经可逆与不可逆等温吸热过程到达状态B ,若两过程中热源温度均为 r T 。试证明系统在可逆过程中吸收的热量多,对外做出的膨胀功也大。


1. 固态相变与液固相变在形核、长大规律和组织等方面的主要区别。 答:固态相变形核要求有一个临界过冷度△Tc,只有当过冷度△T>△Tc时才满足相变热力学条件。这是固态相变形核与液-固相变的根本区别。相同:形核和长大规律相同,驱动力相同都存在相变阻力都是系统自组织的过程。异处:不同点:(1)液-固相变驱动力为自由焓之差△G 相变,阻力为新相的表面能△G表,基本能连关系为:△G = △G 相变+△G表,而固态相变多了一项畸变能△G畸,基本能连关系为:△G = △G 相变+△G界面+△G畸(2)固态相变比液-固相变困难,需要较大的过冷度。固态相变阻力增加了应变能等,即固态相变中形核困难. 3.固态相变时为什么常常首先形成亚稳过渡相。佳美试卷P31P33 (1)能量方面,所需要驱动力,平衡相大于过渡相,过渡相的界面能和应变能要低,形成有利于降低相变阻力。(2)成分和结构方面。过渡相在成分和结构更接近母相,两相易于形成共格或半共格界面,减少界面能,降低形核功,形核容易进行。 4.如何理解脱溶颗粒在粗化过程中的“小粒子溶解”和“大粒子长大”现象。 (1)粗化过程驱动力是界面能的降低当沉淀相越小,其中每个原子分到的界面能越多,化学势越高,与它处于平母相中的溶质原子浓度越高即c(r2)>c(r1)。由此可见,在大粒子r1和小粒子r2之间体中存在浓度梯度,因此必然有一个扩散流,在浓度梯度的作用下,大粒子通过吸收基体中的溶质而不断长大,小粒子要不断溶解收缩,放出溶质原子来维持这个扩散流。所以出现了大粒子长大、小粒子溶解的现象 (2) 粗化过程中,小粒子溶解,大粒子长大,粒子总数减小,r增加。小粒子溶解更快。温度T升高,扩散系数D增大,使dr/dt增大。所以当温度升高,大粒子长大更快,小粒子溶解更快。 5.如何理解调幅分解在热力学上无能垒,但在实际转变过程中有阻力。 (1)应变能,溶质溶剂原子尺寸不同 (2)梯度能,原子化学键结合 (3)相间点阵畸变 6.调幅分解与形核长大型脱溶转变的主要区别。见佳美试卷P14 P34 7.如何从热力学角度理解马氏体相变的无扩散性。


固态相变论文 班级:材料08-01 姓名:郑国阔 学号:0808010130

金属固态相变理论研究的最新进展 摘要:已经研究形成一套金属固态相变理论,但有的知识陈旧,且存在错误,因此,开拓创新具有理论意义和应用价值。本文就钢的珠光体和贝氏体转变做了深入研究。通过分析得出钢中共析分解的新机制,对于“相间沉淀”机理做了新的解释,重申了珠光体的新概念。认为:珠光体是共析铁素体和共析渗碳体(或碳化物)构成的整合组织,不是机械化合物。珠光体的形核--长大是以界面扩散为主进行的相变,铁素体和渗碳体两相是共析共生,协同长大,不存在领先相;发现了珠光体转变在预先抛光的试样表面也具有浮凸效应;指出过渡性是贝氏体相变的主要特征,提出了贝氏体和贝氏体相变的新定义。认为以往的热力学计算不准,贝氏体铁素体的相变驱动力约为-905J/mol。提出了切变-扩散整合机制,贝氏体相变的晶核是单相BF,不是共析分解,贝氏体铁素体(BF)在贫碳区形核,是贫碳的γ→α的无扩散相变,不是切变过程,而是以界面替换原子热激活跃迁方式形核长大;钢中贝氏体碳化物(Bc)在γ/α相界面上形核,向奥氏体和铁素体中长大,最终被铁素体包围,是以原子热激活跃迁方式进行的相变。 关键词:固态相变;珠光体;贝氏体;界面扩散;热激活跃迁;扩散;切变;整合。 金属固态相变过程和相变机理极为复杂,而钢中的相变是金属相变中最为复杂的,各种相变机制也存在争议,在争论中金属固态相变理论不断更新和发展发展[1~7]。科学技术哲学告诉人们,自然物质的演化是从量变到质变的过程。应当把“奥氏体珠光体、贝氏体、马氏体”转变系列作为一个整合系统来研究。从整合机制和自组织功能方面以系统整合的方法进行研究。 21世纪以来,奥氏体的形成、马氏体相变和回火转变研究欠活跃,进展缓慢,本文主要介绍珠光体转变和贝氏体相变的最新进展情况。 珠光体是钢中发现比较早的组织,20世纪上半叶对珠光体转变理论进行了大量的研究工作,但60~80年代在马氏体和贝氏体研究的热潮中,珠光体相变的研究被冷落。80年代以后,索氏体组织及在线强化;非调质钢取代调质钢;高强度冷拔钢丝的研究开发等,使珠光体转变的研究有了一定的新进展。但是,共析分解的许多问题实际上并没有真正搞清楚。本文就珠光体的定义、共析分解机理;领先相问题;相间沉淀等阐述其新理论、新认识。 20世纪50年代柯俊第一次对贝氏体相变的本质进行了研究。60年代末,美国冶金学家H.I.Aaronson等学者从能量上否定贝氏体转变的切变可能性。贝氏体相变机制方面形成了切变机制、扩散-台阶机制,切变-扩散复合机制等,并且经历了长达30多年的论争。进入21世纪以来,刘宗昌等人提出了切变-扩散整合机制。继承各类学术观点之所长,开拓创新,实现各类学术观点的整合,以便促进贝氏体相变理论的发展。 1. 珠光体转变新理论 20世纪80年代电镜观察发现了珠光体组织中的长大台阶,提出了台阶转变机制。近年来,作者本人依据对共析分解机理和珠光体本质的研究,发表了


热力学与统计物理 1. 下列关于状态函数的定义正确的是( )。 A .系统的吉布斯函数是:pV TS U G +-= B .系统的自由能是:TS U F += C .系统的焓是:pV U H -= D .系统的熵函数是:T Q S = 2. 以T 、p 为独立变量,特征函数为( )。 A .内能; B .焓; C .自由能; D .吉布斯函数。 3. 下列说法中正确的是( )。 A .不可能把热量从高温物体传给低温物体而不引起其他变化; B .功不可能全部转化为热而不引起其他变化; C .不可能制造一部机器,在循环过程中把一重物升高而同时使一热库冷却; D .可以从一热源吸收热量使它全部变成有用的功而不产生其他影响。 4. 要使一般气体满足经典极限条件,下面措施可行的是( )。 A .减小气体分子数密度; B .降低温度; C .选用分子质量小的气体分子; D .减小分子之间的距离。 5. 下列说法中正确的是( )。 A .由费米子组成的费米系统,粒子分布不受泡利不相容原理约束; B .由玻色子组成的玻色系统,粒子分布遵从泡利不相容原理; C .系统宏观物理量是相应微观量的统计平均值; D .系统各个可能的微观运动状态出现的概率是不相等的。 6. 正则分布是具有确定的( )的系统的分布函数。 A .内能、体积、温度; B .体积、粒子数、温度; C .内能、体积、粒子数; D .以上都不对。 二、填空题(共20分,每空2分) 1. 对于理想气体,在温度不变时,内能随体积的变化关系为=??? ????T V U 。 2. 在S 、V 不变的情形下,稳定平衡态的U 。


一、1.若已知工质的绝对压力P=0.18MPa,环境压力Pa=0.1MPa,则测得的压差为( B ) A.真空pv=0.08Mpa B.表压力pg=0.08MPa C.真空pv=0.28Mpa D.表压力pg=0.28MPa 2.简单可压缩热力系的准平衡过程中工质压力降低,则( A ) A.技术功为正 B.技术功为负 C.体积功为正 D.体积功为负 3.理想气体可逆定温过程的特点是( B ) A.q=0 B. Wt=W C. Wt>W D. Wts>s′ B.s>s″>s′C.ss>s″ 16.可逆绝热稳定流动过程中,气流焓的变化与压力变化的关系为( B ) A.dh=-vdp B.dh=vdp C.dh=-pdv D.dh=pdv 17、饱和湿空气的相对湿度( B )A. >1 B. =1 C. <1 D.0< <1 18.湿空气的焓h 为( D )A. 1kg 湿空气的焓B. 1m3 湿空气的焓C. 1kg 干空气与1kg 水蒸汽焓之和D. 1kg 干空气的焓与1kg 干空气中所含水蒸汽的焓之和 二、多项选择题 1.单位物量的理想气体的热容与_____有关。( ACDE )A.温度B.压力C.气体种类 D.物量单位 E.过程性质 2.卡诺循环是__AD___的循环。 A.理想化 B.两个定压、两个绝热过程组成 C.效率最高 D.可逆 3.水蒸汽h-s 图上的定压线( AD )A.在湿蒸汽区为直线 B.在过热蒸汽区为直


固态相变课程复习思考题2012-5-17 1.说明金属固态相变的主要分类及其形式 2.说明金属固态相变的主要特点 3.说明金属固态相变的热力学条件与作用 4.说明金属固态相变的晶核长大条件和机制 5.说明奥氏体的组织特征和性能 6.说明奥氏体的形成机制 7.简要说明珠光体的组织特征 8.简要说明珠光体的转变体制 9.简要说明珠光体转变产物的机械性能 10.简要说明马氏体相变的主要特点 11.简要说明马氏体相变的形核理论和切边模型 12.说明马氏体的机械性能,例如硬度、强度和韧性 13.简要说明贝氏体的基本特征和组织形态 14.说明恩金贝氏体相变假说 15.说明钢中贝氏体的机械性能 16.说明钢中贝氏体的组织形态 17.分析合金脱溶过程和脱溶物的结构 18.分析合金脱溶后的显微组织 19.说明合金脱溶时效的性能变化 20.说明合金的调幅分解的结构、组织和性能 21.试计算碳含量为2.11%(质量分数)奥氏体中,平均几个晶胞有一个碳原子? 22.影响珠光体片间距的因素有哪些? 23.试述影响珠光体转变力学的因素。 24.试述珠光体转变为什么不能存在领先相 25.过冷奥氏体在什么条件下形成片状珠光体,什么条件下形成粒状珠光体 26.试述马氏体相变的主要特征及马氏体相变的判据 27.试述贝氏体转变与马氏体相变的异同点 28.试述贝氏体转变的动力学特点 29.试述贝氏体的形核特点 30.熟悉如下概念:时效、脱溶、连续脱溶、不连续脱溶。 31.试述Al-Cu合金的时效过程,写出析出贯序 32.试述脱溶过程出现过渡相的原因 33.掌握如下基本概念: 固态相变、平衡转变、共析相变、平衡脱溶、扩散性相变、无扩散型相变、均匀形核、形核率


化工热力学期末试题(A)卷 2007~2008年使用班级化学工程与工艺专业05级 班级学号姓名成绩 一.选择 1.纯物质在临界点处的状态,通常都是 D 。 A.气体状态 B.液体状态 C.固体状态D.气液不分状态 2.关于建立状态方程的作用,以下叙述不正确的是 B 。 A. 可以解决由于实验的P-V-T数据有限无法全面了解流体P-V-T 行 为的问题。 B.可以解决实验的P-V-T数据精确度不高的问题。 C.可以从容易获得的物性数据(P、V、T、x)来推算较难测定的数据( H,U,S,G ) D.可以解决由于P-V-T数据离散不便于求导和积分,无法获得数据点以外的P-V-T的问题。 3.虚拟临界常数法是将混合物看成一个虚拟的纯物质,从而将纯物质对比态原理的计算方法用到混合物上。. A 。 A.正确 B.错误 4.甲烷P c=,处在P r=时,甲烷的压力为 B 。 A.B. MPa; C. MPa

5.理想气体的压缩因子Z=1,但由于分子间相互作用力的存在,实际气体 的压缩因子 C 。 A . 小于1 B .大于1 C .可能小于1也可能大于1 6.对于极性物质,用 C 状态方程计算误差比较小,所以在工业上 得到广泛应用。 A .vdW 方程,SRK ; B .RK ,PR C .PR ,SRK D .SRK ,维里方程 7.正丁烷的偏心因子ω=,临界压力P c = 则在T r =时的蒸汽压为 2435.0101==--ωc s P P MPa 。 A 。 A .正确 B .错误 8.剩余性质M R 的概念是表示什么差别的 B 。 A .真实溶液与理想溶液 B .理想气体与真实气体 C .浓度与活度 D .压力与逸度 9.对单位质量,定组成的均相流体体系,在非流动条件下有 A 。 A .dH = TdS + Vdp B .dH = SdT + Vdp C .dH = -SdT + Vdp D .dH = -TdS -Vdp 10.对1mol 符合Van der Waals 状态方程的气体,有 A 。 A .(S/V)T =R/(v-b ) B .(S/V)T =-R/(v-b) C .(S/V)T =R/(v+b) D .(S/V)T =P/(b-v) 11.吉氏函数变化与P-V-T 关系为()P RT G P T G x ig ln ,=-,则x G 的状态应该为

固态相变 习题

第一章自测题试卷 1、固态相变是固态金属(包括金属与合金)在()和()改变时,()的变化。 2、相的定义为()。 3、新相与母相界面原子排列方式有三种类型,分别为()、()、(),其中()界面能最低,()应变能最低。 4、固态相变的阻力为()及()。 5、平衡相变分为()、()、()、()、()。 6、非平衡相变分为()、()、()、()、()。 7、固态相变的分类,按热力学分类:()、();按原子迁动方式不同分类:()、();按生长方式分类()、()。 8、在体积相同时,新相呈()体积应变能最小。 A.碟状(盘片状)B.针状 C.球状 9、简述固态相变的非均匀形核。 10、简述固态相变的基本特点。 第二章自测题试卷 1、分析物相类型的手段有()、()、()。 2、组织观测手段有()、()、()。 3、相变过程的研究方法包括()、()、()。 4、阿贝成像原理为()。 5、物相分析的共同原理为()。 6、扫描电镜的工作原理简单概括为:()。 7、透射电子显微镜的衬度像分为()、()、()。 第三章自测题试卷 1. 根据扩散观点,奥氏体晶核的形成必须依靠系统内的(): A.能量起伏、浓度起伏、结构起伏 B. 相起伏、浓度起伏、结构起伏 C.能量起伏、价键起伏、相起伏 D. 浓度起伏、价键起伏、结构起伏 2. 奥氏体所具有的性能包括:() A.高强度、顺磁性、密度高、导热性差; B.高塑性、顺磁性、密度高、导热性差; C.较好热强性、高塑性、顺磁性、线膨胀系数大; D.较好热强性、高塑性、铁磁性、线膨胀系数大。 3. 影响奥氏体转变的影响因素包括()、()、()、()。 4.控制奥氏体晶粒大小的措施有:(),(),(),()。 5.奥氏体是Fe-C合金中的一种重要的相,一般是指(),碳原子位于()。 6. 绘图说明共析钢奥氏体的形成过程。 7. 奥氏体易于在铁素体和渗碳体的相界面处成核的原因是什么? 8. 简述连续加热时奥氏体转变的特点。 9. 说明组织遗传的定义和控制方法。 10. 从奥氏体等温形成动力学曲线出发说明珠光体到奥氏体的转变特征。 第四章自测题试卷 1、填空题 1) 根据片层间距的大小,可以将珠光体分为________ 、________、________。 2) 获得粒状珠光体的途径有________ 、__________ 、___________ 、___________ 。 3) 珠光体的长大方式有__________ 、___________ 、___________。


一. 填空题 1. 设一多元复相系有个?相,每相有个k 组元,组元之间不起化学反应。此系统平衡时必同时满足 条件: T T T αβ?===L 、 P P P αβ? ===L 、 (,)i i i 1,2i k αβ? μμμ====L L 2. 热力学第三定律的两种表述分别叫做: 能特斯定律 和 绝对零度不能达到定律 。 3.假定一系统仅由两个全同玻色粒子组成,粒子可能的量子态有4种。则系统可能的微观态数为:10 。 4.均匀系的平衡条件是 T T = 且 P P = ;平衡稳定性条件是 V C > 且()0 T P V ?


1、解释下列名词: 自扩散、化学扩散、间隙扩散、置换扩散、互扩散、晶界扩散、上坡扩散 2、什么叫原子扩散和反应扩散? 3、什么叫界面控制和扩散控制?试述扩散的台阶机制? [简要解答] 生长速度基本上与原子的扩散速率无关,这样的生长过程称为界面控制。相的生长或溶解为原子扩散速率所控制的扩散过程称为扩散控制。 如题3图,α相和β相共格,在DE、FG处,由于是共格关系,原子不易停留,界面活动性低,而在台阶的端面CD、EF处,缺陷比较多,原子比较容易吸附。因此,α相的生长是界面间接移动。随着CD、EF的向右移动,一层又一层,在客观上也使α相的界面向上方推移,从而使α相生长。这就是台阶生长机制,当然这种生长方式要慢得多。 题3图台阶生长机制 4、扩散的驱动力是什么?什么是扩散热力学因子? 5、显微结构的不稳定性主要是由哪些因素造成的 ? 6、什么是Gibbs-Thomson效应?写出其表达式。 7、什么是Ostwald Ripening Process ? 写出描述其过程的表达式,总结其过程规律 ? 8、在500℃时,Al在Cu中的扩散系数为2.6×10-17 m2/s,在1000℃时的扩散系数为1×10-12 m2/s。求:1)这对扩散偶的D0、Q值;2)750℃时的扩散系数。 9、当Zn向Cu内扩散时,已知:X点处的Zn含量为2.5×10-17 a/cm3,在离X点2mm 处的Y 点,在300℃时每分钟每mm2要扩散60个原子。问:Y点处的Zn浓度是多少? 10、将Al扩散到硅单晶中,问:在什么温度下,其扩散系数为10-14 m2/s ? (已知:Q = 73000 cal./mol, D0 = 1.55×10-4 m2/s ) 11、在1127℃某碳氢气体被通入到一低碳钢管(管长1m,管内径8 mm,外径12 mm)。


第一章作业: 1.奥氏体形成机理,分为几个阶段? 答:1,A的形核2,A的长大3,A中残余碳化物的溶解4,A的均匀化 2.为什么亚共析钢在加热过程中也会有残余碳化物的形成? 答:随着温度的升高,长大速度比n>7.5时,就会有残余碳化物产生 3影响奥氏体形成动力学的因素?(形成动力学即指形成速度) 答:1,加热温度T越高A形成速度越快2,钢的原始含碳量C%越高A形成速度越快3,原始组织越细A形成速度越快4,加热速度越快A形成速度越快5,合金元素存在即减弱A形成速度。(①影响临界点,降低临界点的加速,提高的减速②影响C元素的扩散,A形成速度降低③自身扩散不易,使A形成速度降低) 4:什么是起始晶粒度,实际晶粒度,本质晶粒度和他们的决定因素。 答:起始晶粒度:A转变刚完成,A晶粒边界刚一接触一瞬间的大小。影响因素:形核率和长大速度之比 实际晶粒度:实际生产或实验条件下得到A晶粒的大小。影响因素:加热和保温条件。 本质晶粒度:将钢加热到930℃±10℃保温3-8小时再测量A晶粒的大小,表征钢加热过程中A晶粒长大的倾向或趋势。决定因素:炼钢工艺 5影响A晶粒长大的因素: 答:1,加热温度和保温时间:温度越高长大越容易,时间越长长大越充分。温度主要影响。2,加热速度:加热速度越高A转变温度越高。形核率和长大速度越高,晶粒越细小 3,含碳量:一定温度下C%越高越容易长大,超过一定C%晶粒会越细小。4,合金元素:于C 形成强或中碳化物的元素抑制长大,P,O,Mn等促进,,Ni,Si无影响。5,原始组织:原始组织越细A晶粒越细,不利于长大。 第二章 1什么是珠光体片层间距? 答:一片铁素体F和一片渗碳体的厚度之和,用S0表示。 2珠光体类型组织有哪几种?它们在形成条件,组织形态和性能方面有哪些不同? 答:分为片状P和粒状P两种。①片状P渗碳体呈片状,是由A以接近平衡的缓慢冷却条件下形成的渗碳体和F组成的片层相间的机械混合物,还可以细分为珠光体P,索氏体S和屈氏体T。性能主要取决于层片间距S0,强度和硬度随S0减小而增加,S0越小则塑性越好,过小则塑性较差。②粒状P是渗碳体呈粒状分布在连续的F基体上,可由过冷A直接分解而成,也可由片状P球化而成。还可由淬火组织回火而成,于片状P相比,硬度强度较低但塑性和韧性较好。 3片状和粒状P的转变机理。 答:片状是形核长大的过程,有先共析相,(亚共析钢为F,过为Fe3C),在A晶界和相界处形核,交替长大。粒状是由片状P球化退火产生。 4亚共析钢和过共析钢的先共析相和性能特点。 答:网状组织:沿A晶界呈网状分布。网状Fe3C使强度下降,脆性上升,加工性能下降 块状组织(亚共析钢):等轴块状。随铁素体增多强度硬度下降,塑性升高。 晶内片状组织(魏氏组织):针片状由晶界向晶内分布。使韧性降低。 5影响P转变动力学的因素。 ①C%对于亚共析钢随C%升高C曲线右移,对过共析钢C曲线左移2,奥氏体状态:A晶粒越大P转变速度越慢,A均匀度:越均匀P转变速度越慢3,A化温度和时间:T越高时间越长P转变速度越慢4,单向拉应力有利于A转化成P,多向拉应力不利于A转化,A状态下塑性变形有利于A转化5,合金元素的影响。


《固态相变理论》作业 2 1.试对珠光体片层间距随温度的降低而减小做出定性的解释。 答:珠光体片层间距S与ΔT成反比,且 3 010 02 . 8 T S ,这一关系可定性解 释如下:珠光体型相变为扩散型相变,是受碳、铁原子的扩散控制的。当珠光体 的形成温度下下降时,ΔT增加,扩散变得较为困难,从而层片间距必然减小(以缩短原子的扩散距离),所以S与ΔT成反比关系。在一定的过冷度下,若S过大,为了达到相变对成分的要求,原子所需扩散的距离就要增大,这使转变发生困难;若S过小,则由于相界面面积增大,而使表面能增大,这时ΔG V不变,σS 增加,必然使相变驱动力过小,而使相变不易进行。可见,S与ΔT必然存在一定的定量关系,但S与原奥氏体晶粒尺寸无关。 2. 试述粒状珠光体的形成机制。 答:由铁素体和粒状碳化物组成的机械混合物。它由过共析钢经球化退火或马氏体在650℃~A1温度范围内回火形成。其特征是碳化物成颗粒状分布在铁素体上。(1)片状渗碳体的表面积大,界面能高,球化退火时,将会自发球化。 (2)与渗碳体尖角接壤处的铁素体碳浓度Cα-k大于与平面接壤处的碳浓度,在铁素体内将引起碳原子扩散,结果界面碳浓度平衡被打破,为维持碳浓度平衡, 渗碳体尖角处会溶解,而平面处会向外生长,最后形成各处曲率半径相近的粒状渗碳体。 (3)渗碳体片内亚晶界的存在,会产生界面张力,为保持界面张力平衡,在亚 晶界处会出现沟槽。由于沟槽两侧曲率半径较小,此处渗碳体将溶解,而使曲率半径增大,破坏了界面张力的平衡,为恢复平衡,沟槽将进一步加深,直至渗碳 体溶断。 (4)当奥氏体化不充分时,也会以未溶颗粒状渗碳体作为形核核心,直接形成 球状珠光体。 3. 分析影响珠光体转变动力学的因素。 答:(1)P转变的形核率与长大速度。与温度的关系:随温度降低先增后减,550o C 达最大值。与时间的关系:I随等温时间增大而增大,随时间延长,晶界上形核 位置达到饱和,I急剧下降到零;v与时间无关。 (2)形核率 为界面厚度,L晶粒平均直径,i=0,1,2分别表示界隅,界线,界面,Q为原子扩散激活能,v为原子振动频率。 (3)形核率与长大速度 与温度的关系:随温度降低先增后减,550o C达最大值与时间的关系:I随等温时间增大而增大,随时间延长,晶界上形核位置达到饱和,I急剧下降到零;v 与时间无关 4 . 试述马氏体相变的主要特征,并作简要的分析说明。 答:(1)马氏体相变的无扩散性。钢中马氏体相变时无成分变化,仅发生点阵 改组。可以在很低的温度范围内进行,并且相变速度极快。原子以切变方式移动,相邻原子的相对位移不超过原子间距,近邻关系不变。 (2)表面浮凸现象和不变平面应变①表面浮凸现象,如下图 1


作业一 2.奥氏体形核时需要过热度△T ,那么金属熔化时(S-L ),要不要过热度,为什么? 答:固态金属熔化时会出现过热度。原因:由热力学可知,在某种条件下,熔化能否发生取决于液相自固态金属熔化时会出现过热。原因:自由度是否低于固相的自由度,即0<-=?S L G G G ,只有当温度高于理论结晶温度Tm 时,液态金属的自由能才能低于固态金属的自由能,固态金属才能自发转变为液态金属。因此,金属熔化时移动要有过热度。 3.相变热力学条件是什么? 答:金属固态相变的热力学条件: (1)相变驱动力 相变热力学指出,一切系统都有降低自由能以达到稳定状态的自发趋势。若具备引起自由能降低的条件,系统将由高能到低能转变转变,称为自发转变。金属固态相变就是自发转变,则新相自由能必须低于旧相自由能。新旧两相自由能差既为相变的驱动力,也就是所谓的相变热力学条件。 (2)相变势垒 要使系统有旧相转变为新相除了驱动力外,还要克服相变势垒。所谓相变势垒是指相变时改组晶格所必须克服的原子间引力。 4.简述固态相变的主要特征。 答:⑴相界面:根据界面上新旧两相原子在晶体学上匹配程度的不同,可分为共格界面、半共格界面和非共格界面。 ⑵位向关系与惯习面:在许多情况下,金属固态相变时新相与母相之间往往存在一定的位向关系,而且新相往往在母相一定的晶面上开始形成,这个晶面称为惯习面通常以母相的晶面指数来表示。 ⑶弹性应变能:金属固态相变时,因新相和母相的比容不同可能发生体积变化。但由于受到周围母相的约束,新相不能自由膨胀,因此新相与其周围母相之间必将产生弹性应变和应力,使系统额为地增加了一项弹性应变能。 ⑷过渡相的形成:当稳定的新相与母相的晶体结构差异较大时,母相往往不直接转变为自由能最低的稳定新相,而是先形成晶体结构或成分与母相比较接近,自由能比母相稍低些的亚稳定的过渡相。 ⑸晶体缺陷的影响:固态晶体中存在着晶界、亚晶界、空位及位错等各种晶体缺陷,在其周围点阵发生畸变,储存有畸变能。一般地说,金属固态相变时新相晶核总是优先在晶体缺陷处形成。 ⑹原子的扩散:在很多情况下,由于新相和母相的成分不同,金属固态相变必须通过某些组织的扩散才能进行,这时扩散便成为相变的控制因素。 5.固态相变的阻力是哪几项? 答:固态相变阻力包括界面能和应变能。这是由于发生相变时形成新界面,比容不同都需要消耗能量。 (1)界面能:是指形成单位面积的界面时,系统的赫姆霍茨自由能的变化值。与大小和化学键的数目、强度有关。共格界面的化学键数目、强度没有发生大的变化,最小;半共格界面产生错配位错,化学键发生变化,次之;非共格界面化学键破坏最厉害,最大。 (2)应变能 A .错配度引起的应变能(共格应变能)共格界面由错配度引起的应变能最大;半共格界面次之,非共格界面最小。 B .比容差引起的应变能(体积应变能)和新相的形状有关,球状由于比容差引起的应变能最大,针状次之,片状最小。 6.什么是共格界面,根据其共格性界面有哪几类?请比较它们的界面能和弹性应变能的大小。 答:共格界面是指在两相界面上,原子成一一对应的完全匹配,即界面上的原子同时处于两相晶格的节点上,为相邻晶体所共有的界面。 7.综述奥氏体的主要性能。(200字以内)
