Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop

Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop
Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop

Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop


M.Mueller(University of Alberta),

R.J.Nowakowski(Dalhousie University),

D.Wolfe(Gustavus Adolphus College).

June18to June23,2005

A main aim of the workshop was to bring together the two camps,mathematicians working in combinatorial game theory and computer scientists interested in algorithmics and Arti?cial intelli-gence.

The Workshop attracted a mix of people from both communities(17from mathematics,16from computer science and2undergraduates)as well as a mixture of new and established researchers. The oldest was Richard Guy,turning90in2006and the youngest was in3rd year University.There were attendees from Europe,Asia as well as North America.

The Workshop succeeded in its primary goal and more.New collaborations were struck.There was quick dissemination and evaluation of major new results and new results were developed during the Workshop.Part of the success was due to the sta?and facilities at BIRS.

The facilities at BIRS were appreciated by all the participants.The main room allowed lectures to mix computer presentations with overheads and chalkboard calculations.(No prizes for guessing which community used which technology.)The co?ee lounges and break away rooms allowed dis-cussions to continue on,in comfort,until late in the night.Our thanks go to all the sta?who made the stay such a wonderful experience and to the BIRS organization for hosting the workshop.

The elder statesmen of the community,Berlekamp,Conway,Fraenkel and Guy,all took active roles in the proceedings.The?rst three gave survey talks on various topics and all were involved in discussions throughout the days and the evenings.The younger(established)generation were represented by the likes of Demaine,Grossman,M¨u ller and Siegel.

As be?ts a workshop on combinatorial games,games were invented,played and analyzed.Philoso-phers Football(Phutball)was much in evidence.There was a Konane tournament played over three evenings.Much e?ort went into attempting an analysis of Sticky Towers of Hanoi,a game invented at the Workshop by Conway,spearheaded by Conway and the youngest attendee,Alex Fink.There were many representatives of the Go community quite a few of whom had never met each other.

Collaboration is very important in this community.For example,David Wolfe presented a progress report on work of G.A.Mesdal on a class of partizan splitting games,answering questions ?rst raised over30years ago.Mesdal is a joint e?ort of eleven co-authors from North America and New Zealand.Eight of the eleven attended the workshop and the number of co-authors had risen to twelve by the time the Workshop ended.

In the end,between the talks and the discussions,there was simply too much to absorb in such a short time.The talks,surveys and several consequent papers are slated to appear as(tentatively titled)Games of No Chance3in the MSRI book series.


All the presentations were at a high standard and all had lively discussions during and after the time allotted.Some highlights were:Conway’s talk on lexicodes;Berlekamp’s overview Today’s View of Combinatorial Game Theory;and Fraenkel’s What hides beyond the curtain separating Nim from non-Nim games;Demaine’s talk on Dyson Telescopes and Moving Coin Puzzles also showed the complexity in some very new and some very old puzzles.

However the highlights were the reports by:

1.Plambeck on a breakthrough in the analysis of impartial mis`e r games;

2.Siegel on extending the analysis of loopy games;

3.Friedman and Landsberg on applying renormalization techniques from physics to combinatorial

games—this paper was both controversial and thought provoking and lead to the most discus-sions,including ones on the nature of truth and of proof;

4.Nakamura on the use of‘cooling by2’to determine the winner in‘races to capture’in Go.One

of the goals of the Workshop was to bring together researchers from mathematics and computer science.This was one of the talks that helped bridge the gap and engendered much discussion.

The30minutes allotted to the talk was too short,and most participants stayed an extra hour (into the dinner-time)so as to hear the details.

All of these were very new,very important results,produced only months before the Workshop.

1:Mis`e re Games:On page146of On Numbers and Games,in Chapter12,“How to Lose When You Must,”John Conway writes:

Note that in a sense,[mis′e re]restive games are ambivalent Nim-heaps,which choose their size(g0or g)according to their company.There are many other games which exhibit

behaviour of this type,and it would be very interesting to have some general theory for


Questions about the analysis of mis′e re impartial octal games were raised in[3,6]and no good general analytical techniques have been developed apart from?nding the genus sequence[3].(See [1,22],see also[8,20]).In his presentation,Plambeck provided such a general theory,cast in the language of commutative semigroups.

The mis`e re analysis of a combinatorial game often proves to be far more di?cult than its normal play version.In fact it is an open question(Plambeck)if there is a mis′e re impartial game whose analysis is simpler than the normal play version and there is no know way of analyzing mis′e re partizan games([15],Problem9).

To take a typical example,the normal play of Dawsons Chess was solved as early as1956by Guy and Smith[16],but even today,a complete mis`e re analysis has not been found.Guy tells the story[15]:

“[Dawsons chess]is played on a3×n board with white pawns on the?rst rank and black pawns on the third.It was posed as a losing game(last-player-losing,now called mis`e re)so that capturing was obligatory.Fortunately,(because we still don‘t know how to play Mis`e re Dawsons Chess)I assumed,as a number of writers of that time and since have done,that the mis`e re analysis required only a trivial adjustment of the normal(last-player-winning)analysis.This arises because Bouton, in his original analysis of Nim[5],had observed that only such a trivial adjustment was necessary to cover both normal and mis`e re play...”

But even for impartial games,in which the same options are available to both players,regardless of whose turn it is to move,Grundy&Smith[14]showed that the general situation in mis`e re play soon gets very complicated,and Conway[6],(p.140)con?rmed that the situation can only be simpli?ed to the microscopically small extent noticed by Grundy&Smith.

In Chapter13of[3],the genus theory of impartial mis`e re disjunctive sums is extended signi?-cantly from its original presentation in chapter7(How to Lose When You Must)of Conways On Numbers and Games[6].But excluding the tame games that play like Nim in mis`e re play,theres a remarkable paucity of example games that the genus theory completely resolves.For example,

the section Mis`e re Kayles([3],pg411)promises,“Although several tame games arise in Kayles(see Chapter4),wild games abounding and well need all our[genus-theoretic]resources to tackle it...”However,it turns out Kayles wasn‘t tackled at all.It was left to the amateur William L.Sibert to settle mis`e re Kayles using completely di?erent methods.One?nds a description of his solution at end of the updated Chapter13in[4],and also in[22].

When normal play is in e?ect,every game with nimber G+(G)=k can be thought of as the nim heap k.No information about best play of the game is lost by assuming that G is in fact precisely the nim heap of size k.Moreover,in normal play,the nimber of a sum is just the nim-sum of the nimbers of the summands.In this sense every normal play impartial game position is simply a disguised version of Nim(see[3],Chapter4,for a full discussion).

Genera.When mis`e re play is in e?ect,nimbers can still be de?ned but many inequivalent games are assigned the same nimber,and the outcome of a sum is not determined by nimber of the summands.These unfortunate facts lead directly to the apparent great complexity of many mis`e re analyses.Nevertheless progress can be made.The key de?nition,taken directly from[6],now at the bottom of page141:In the analysis of many games,we need even more information than is provided by either of these values[G+and G?],and so we shall de?ne a more complicated symbol that we call the G o-value or genus.This is the symbol


where g=G+(G),g0=G?(G),g1=G?(G+2),g2=G?(G+2+2),...,where,in general,g n is the G?-value of the sum of G with n other games all equal to[the nim-heap of size]2.

At?rst sight,the genus symbol looks to be an potentially in?nitely long symbol in its exponent.In practice,it can be shown that the g i s always fall into an eventual period two pattern.By convention, the symbol is written down with a?nite exponent with the understanding that its?nal two values repeat inde?nitely.

Evidently the exponent of a genus symbol of a game G is closely related to the outcome of sums of G with all multiples of mis`e re nim heaps of size two.

The genus computations are intended to illustrate the complexities of a mis`e re analysis when the only tools available to be applied are those described in Chapter13of Winning Ways.

Plambeck’s breakthrough was to introduce a quotient semigroup structure on the set of all posi-tions of an impartial game with?xed rules.The basic construction is the same for both normal and mis`e re play.In normal play,it leads to the familiar Sprague-Grundy theory.In mis`e re play,when applied to the set of all sums of positions played according to a particular game’s rules,it leads to a quotient of a free commutative semigroup by the game’s indistinguishability congruence.Playing a role similar to the one that nim sequences do for normal play,mappings from single-heap positions into a game’s mis`e re quotient semigroup succinctly and necessarily encode all relevant information about its best mis`e re play.Plambeck showed examples of wild mis`e re games that involve an in?nity of ever-more complicated canonical forms amongst their position sums that may nevertheless possess a relatively simple,even?nite mis`e re quotient.SupposeΓis a taking and breaking game whose rules have been?xed in advance.Let h i be a distinct,purely formal symbol for each i≥1.We will call the set H={h1,h2,h3,...}the heap alphabet.A particular symbol h i will sometimes be called a heap of size i.The notation H n stands for the subset H n={h1,...,h n}?H for each n≥1.Let F H be the free commutative semigroup on the heap alphabet H.The semigroups F H

and F H

n include an identityΛ,which is just the empty word.There’s a natural correspondence

between the elements of F H and the set of all position sums of a taking and breaking gameΓ.In this correspondence,a?nite sum of heaps of various sizes is written multiplicatively using corresponding elements of the heap alphabet H.This multiplicative notation for sums makes it convenient to take the convention that the empty positionΛ=1.It corresponds to the endgame—a position with no options.Fix the rules and associated play convention(normal or mis`e re)of a particular taking and breaking gameΓ.Let u,v∈F H be game positions inΓ.We’ll say that u is indistinguishable from v over F H,and write the relation uρv,if for every element w∈F H,uw and vw are either both P-positions,or are both N-positions.

Lemma1The relationρis a congruence on F H.

Suppose the rules and play convention of a taking and breaking gameΓare?xed,and letρbe the indistinguishability congruence on F H,the free commutative semigroup of all positions inΓ. The indistinguishability quotient Q=Q(Γ)is the commutative semigroup

Q=F H/ρ.

Notice that the indistinguishability quotient can be taken with respect to either play convention (normal or mis`e re).The details of the indistinguishability congruence then determine the structure of the indistinguishability quotient.Since the word“indistinguishability”is quite a mouthful,Q is called the quotient semigroup ofΓ.WhenΓis a normal play game,its quotient semigroup Q=Q(Γ) is more than just a semigroup.A re-interpretation of the Sprague-Grundy theory says that these are always groups,each isomorphic to a direct product of a(possibly in?nite)set of Z2’s(cyclic groups of order two).If u is a position in F H with normal play nim-heap equivalent?k,the members of a particular congruence class uρ∈F H/ρwill be precisely all positions that have normal-play nim-heap equivalent?k.The identity of Q is the congruence class of all positions with nim-heap equivalent ?0.The“group multiplication”corresponds to nim addition.For mis`e re play,the quotient structure is a semigroup.Surprisingly,it’s often a?nite object,even for a game that has an in?nite number of di?erent canonical forms occurring amongst its sums.The elements of a particular congruence class all have the same outcome.Each class can be thought of as carrying a big stamp labelled “P”(previous player wins in best play for all positions in this class)or“N”(next player wins).In normal play,there’s only one equivalence class labelled“P”—these are the positions with nim heap equivalent?0.In mis`e re play,for all but the trivial games with one position?0,or two positions {?0,?1},there is always more than one“P”class—one corresponding to the position?1,and at least one more,corresponding to the position?2+?2.

At the time of the presentation,Plambeck had20games each of whose octal description was short but whose analysis had de?ed his attempts.Plambeck o?ered varying amounts of money for their solutions.During the Workshop,Aaron Siegel solved four of them and,in conjunction with Plambeck,has solved all of the games and produced a computer program that helps with representations of the quotient semi-groups.

2:Loopy Games.Aaron Siegel reported on two parts of the work contained in his PhD thesis, this particular presentation concerned loopy games.The traditional theory of combinatorial games assumes that no position may be repeated.This restriction guarantees that arbitrary sums of games will terminate;the result is a clean,recursive,and computationally e?cient theory.However,there are many interesting games that allow repetition,including Fox and Geese,Hare and Hounds,Back-sliding Toads and Frogs,Phutball and Checkers.Go is a peculiar example:the ko rule forbids most repeated positions,but local repetition is extremely important when the board must be decomposed to e?ect a tractable analysis.

Every game that permits repeated positions faces the possibility of nonterminating play.This is typically resolved by declaring in?nite plays drawn(as in Checkers and Chess),but alternative resolutions are not uncommon.For example,Hare and Hounds declares in?nite plays wins for the Hare,and some dialects of Go rules forbid them altogether.The disjunctive theory,in its most general form,assumes that in sums within?nite play,the game is drawn unless the same player wins on every component in which play is nonterminating.This is vacuously true for games where in?nite play is drawn to begin with,and it applies equally well to games such as Hare and Hounds. Go,with its unique ko rule,does not?t so cleanly into the theory.

The general disjunctive theory was?rst considered by Robert Li[17],who in the mid-1970s focused on games where it is a disadvantage to move,including a variant of Hackenbush.Shortly thereafter,Conway,together with his students Clive Bach and Simon Norton,generalized and cod-i?ed the theory and coined the term loopy game.Their results,including the fundamental concepts of stoppers and sides,appeared?rst in a1978paper[6]and were reprinted in Winning Ways.At roughly the same time,Shaki[21]and Fraenkel and Tassa[13]studied approximations and reduc-tions of partizan loopy games under a slightly di?erent set of assumptions.Despite this?urry of initial activity,there were few advances in the two decades following the?rst publication of Winning

Ways.Moews generalization of sidling was a rare exception:Published in his1993thesis[18,19],it constituted the?rst real advance in the disjunctive theory since the late1970s.

Various authors have studied loopy games in other contexts.Generalizations of the Sprague-Grundy theory to impartial loopy games were introduced by Smith[23]a full decade before Li in-vented the partizan theory.They were studied in the1970s by Fraenkel and Perl[11]and Conway[3], and much more recently by Fraenkel and Rahat[12].James Flanigan,in his1979thesis and two subsequent papers[9,10],analyzed conjunctive and selective sums of partizan loopy games.

Meanwhile,the greatest advance of the1990s came from an entirely di?erent quarter,the study of kos in Go.The interplay between local cycles and the global state of the position gives rise to a rich and fascinating temperature theory,which appears to di?er from Conways disjunctive theory in striking ways.The theory was?rst realized by Berlekamp,following his analysis of loop free Go positions with his student David Wolfe(see[2].Many others have since investigated the theory of kos,including Fraser,M¨u ller,Nakamura,Spight and Takizawa.(See[25,24,27,28],for some examples.)

Siegel showed how to calculate canonical forms of loopy games and gave some of their characteris-tics.One of his remarkable achievements is the software package CGSuite(for the“computationally e?cient theory”of?nite disjunctive sums)and then and its extension to be able to calculate the canonical form of loopy games.

Siegel,Ottaway and Nowakowski showed how rich the canonical forms of small games can be when they considered1-dimensional Phutball played on boards of length7,8,9,10,and11.

3:Cooling and Go.The applications of combinatorial game theory to the game of Go have, so far,been focused on endgames and eyespace values.A capturing race is a particular kind of life and death problem in which both of the two adjacent opposing groups are?ghting to capture the opponent’s group each other.Skills in winning races are very important factor to the strength of Go as well as openings and endgames techniques.In order to win the complicated capturing races, techniques of counting liberties,taking away the opponent’s liberties and extending own liberties in addition to wide and deep reading are necessary.Nakamura,”“On Counting Liberties in Capturing Races of Go”showed that the‘counting’required can be regarded as combinatorial game with a score.Within this framework,he showed how to analyze capturing races that have no shared liberty or have just simple shared liberties using combinatorial game values of external liberties and an evaluation formula to?nd out the outcome of the capturing races.Essentially,the evaluation formula is by cooling.All applications of cooling so far have been chilling(cooling by1)but in this case,one must cool by2!

4:Renormalization techniques.

Friedman&Landsberg presented a new approach to combinatorial games that unveiled connec-tions between such games and nonlinear phenomena commonly seen in nature:scaling behaviors, complex dynamics and chaos,growth and aggregation,ing the game of Chomp(as well as variants of the game of Nim)as prototypes,they showed that the game possesses an underlying geometric structure that grows(reminiscent of crystal growth),and showed how this growth can be analyzed using a renormalization procedure.This approach not only obtains answers to some open questions about the game of Chomp,but opens a new line of attack for understanding(at least some)combinatorial games more generally through their underlying connection to nonlinear science.

Analysis of these two-player games has generally relied upon a few beautiful analytical results or on numerical algorithms that combine heuristics with look-ahead approaches(α?βpruning). Using Chomp as a prototype,this new geometrical approach unveils unexpected parallels between combinatorial games and key ideas from physics and dynamical systems,most notably notions of scaling,renormalization,universality,and chaotic attractors.Their central?nding is that underlying the game is a probabilistic geometric structure that encodes essential information about the game, and that this structure exhibits a type of scale invariance:Loosely speaking,the geometry of small winning positions and large winning positions are the same after rescaling.(This general?nding also holds for at least some other combinatorial games,as was explicitly demonstrated with a variant

of Nim.)This geometric insight not only provides(probabilistic)answers to some open questions about Chomp,but suggests a natural pathway toward a new class of algorithms for more general combinatorial games,and hints at deeper links between such games and nonlinear science.

Chomp is an ideal candidate for the study,since in certain respects it appears to be among the simplest in the class of hard games.Its history is marked by some signi?cant theoretical advances but it has yet to succumb to a complete analysis in the30years since its introduction by Gale and Schuh.The rules of Chomp are easily explained.Play begins with an N x M array of counters.On each turn a player selects a counter and removes it along with all counters to the north and east of it.Play alternates between the two players until one player takes the last counter,thereby losing the game.(An intriguing feature of Chomp,as shown by Gale,is that although it is very easy to prove that the player who moves?rst can always win,under optimal play,what this opening move should be has been an open question.The methodology provides a probabilistic answer to this question.) For simplicity,consider the case of three-row(M=3)Chomp,a subject of recent study by Zeil-berger[29]and Sun[26].Generalizations to four-row and higher Chomp are analogous.To start, note that the con?guration of the counters at any stage of the game can be described(using Zeil-bergers coordinates)by the position p=[x,y,z],where x speci?es the number of columns of height three,y speci?es the number of columns of height two,and z the number with height one.Each position p may be classi?ed as either a winner,if a player starting from that position can always force a win,or as a loser otherwise.The set of all losers contains the information for solving the game.One may conveniently group the losing positions according to their x values by de?ning a loser sheet Lx to be an in?nite two-dimensional matrix whose(y,z)th component is a1if position [x,y,z]is a loser,and a0otherwise.(As noted by Zeilberger,one can express Lx in terms of all preceding loser sheets Lx-1,Lx-2,,L0.)Studies by Zeilberger[29,30]and others have detected several numerical patterns along with a few analytical features about the losing positions,and their interesting but non-obvious properties have even led to a conjecture that Chomp may be chaotic in a yet-to-be-made-precise sense.However,many of the numerical observations to date have remained largely unexplained,and disjoint from one another.

To provide broader insight into the general structure of the game,the authors departed from the usual analytic/algebraic/algorithmic approaches.Instead showing how the analysis of the game can be recast and transformed into a type of renormalization problem commonly seen in physics (and later apply this methodology to other combinatorial games besides Chomp).Analysis of the resulting renormalization problem not only explains earlier numerical observations,but provides a uni?ed,global description of the overall structure of the game.This approach will be distinguished by its decidedly geometric?avor,and by the incorporation of probabilistic elements into the analysis, despite the fact that the combinatorial games we consider are all games of no chance which lack any inherent probabilistic components to them whatsoever.

To proceed,consider the so-called instant-winner sheets,de?ned as follows:A position p=[x,y,z] is called an instant winner if from that position a player can legally move to a losing position with a smaller x-value.We therefore de?ne an instant-winner sheet Wx to be the in?nite,two-dimensional matrix consisting of all instant winners with the speci?ed x-value,i.e.,the(y,z)th component of matrix Wx is a1if position[x,y,z]is an instant winner,and a0otherwise.These instant-winner sheets will prove crucial for understanding the geometric structure of the game.

Their?rst insight comes from numerical simulations.They numerically construct the instant winner sheets Wx for various x values using a recursive algorithm.Each sheet exhibits a nontrivial internal structure characterized by several distinct regions:a solid(?lled)triangular region at the lower left,a series of horizontal bands extending to the right(towards in?nity),and two other triangular regions of di?erent densities.Most importantly,however,we observe that the set of instant-winner sheets Wx possess a remarkable scaling property:their overall geometric shape is identical up to a scaling factor!In particular,as x increases,all boundary-line slopes,densities,and shapes of the various regions are preserved from one sheet to the next(although the actual point-by-point locations of the instant winners within each sheet are di?erent).Hence,upon rescaling, the overall geometric structure of these sheets is identical(in a probabilistic sense).The growth (with increasing x)of the instant-winner sheets is strikingly similar to certain crystal-growth and aggregation processes found in physics in each case,the structures grow through the accumulation

of new points along current boundaries,and exhibit geometric invariance during this process.The loser sheets Lx can be numerically constructed in a similar manner;their characteristic geometry is revealed.It is found to consist of three(di?use)lines:a lower line of slope mL and density of points L,an upper line of slope mU and density U,and a?at line extending to in?nity.The upper and lower lines originate from a point whose height(i.e.,z-value)is ax.The?at line(with density one)is only present with probability in randomly selected loser sheets.Like the instant-winner sheets,the loser sheets also exhibit this remarkable geometric scaling property:as x increases,the geometric structure of Lx grows in size,but its overall shape remains unchanged(the only caveat being that, as previously noted,the?at line seen in is sometimes absent in some of the loser sheets).

The second key?nding is that there exists a well-de?ned,analytical recursion operator that relates one instant winner sheet to its immediate,ly,one can write Wx+1=R Wx,where R denotes the recursion operator.(The operator R can be decomposed as R=L(I+DM), where L is a left-shift operator,I is the identity operator,D is a diagonal element-adding operator, and M is a sheet-valued version of the standard mex operator which is often used for combinatorial games.)They point out that once a given instant-winner sheet Wx has been constructed,the corresponding loser sheer Lx can be found via Lx=M Wx.

The task is to determine an invariant geometric structure W such that if we act with the recursion operator followed by an appropriately-de?ned rescaling operator S,we get W back again:W=SR W (i.e.,?nd a?xed point of the renormalization-group operator SR.)This can be done,but before doing so,even though the recursion operator R is exact and the game itself has absolutely no stochastic aspects to it,it is necessary to adopt a probabilistic framework in order to solve this recursion,ly,the renormalization procedure will show that the slopes of all boundary lines and densities of all regions in the Wxs(and Lxs)are preserved not that there exists a point-by-point equivalence.In essence,bypassing consideration of the random-looking scatter of points surrounding the various lines and regions of Wx and Lx by e?ectively averaging over these?uctuations.

The key to implementing the renormalization analysis is to observe that the losers in Lx are constrained to lie along certain boundary lines of the Wx plot,and are conspicuously absent from the various interior regions of Wx(for all x).In other words,the interior regions of each Wx remain forbidden to the losers.Hence the geometry of Wxs must be very tightly constrained if it is to preserve these symmetries.


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沙盘游戏治疗技术 沙盘游戏治疗技术(部分讲义) 专家:申荷永——华南师范大学教授,心理分析博士导师 国际分析心理学会唯一中国心理分析家 国际沙盘游戏治疗学会心理治疗师 是目前国际上影响广泛的心理分析方法和技术,同时被人本主义治疗、格式塔治疗、整合性动力治疗以及普通的心理治疗所采用,是一门创造艺术和表现艺术的治疗方法。沙盘游戏治疗在中国的发展,是在安其不安、安其所安以及安之若命的整合性意义上发挥积极的作用,从而获得治疗与治愈,创造与发展,以及自性化的体验。 1、什么是沙盘游戏 2、什么是沙盘游戏治疗 3、沙盘游戏治疗的形成历史与理论 4、沙盘游戏治疗的基本原则:五个 5、沙盘游戏治疗的设置: 6、沙盘游戏治疗的基本操作与要求 7、“初始沙盘”:意义与分析 8、5个个案:寻找内在的“秩序”与“道路” “漂泊的心”与“回家的路”等 什么是沙盘游戏——呈现为一种心理治疗的创造和象征形式,在所营造的“自由和保护的空间”气氛中,把沙子、水和沙具运用在富有创意的意象中,通过一个系列的各种沙盘意象,反应了沙盘游戏者内心深处意识和无意识之间的沟通与对

话,以及由此而激发的治愈过程、身心健康发展以及人格的发展与完善。所以又叫非言语治疗。是一个过程、是一个痕迹、是一个脚印、更是一个工具。 什么是沙盘游戏治疗——它是一种以荣格心理学原理为基础,由多拉(卡尔夫发展创立的心理治疗方法。 形成历史与理论:最初的创意(1910年)威尔斯的“地板游戏”:描述他与两个儿子的游戏过程,两个孩子将各种各样的玩具在地板上搭建着不同的内容,玩得开心投入。并出书和“小小战争”。 基本的框架(1930年)1928年洛温菲尔德建立了自己的儿童诊所,准备开始时候,发现了威尔斯的地板游戏,被洛温菲尔德赋予了更多新的内含和意义。 体系的形成(1962-1985年)卡尔夫与沙盘游戏治疗体系的建立 沙盘游戏治疗的基本原则: 无意识水平的工作:意识和无意识的分裂是造成心理问题的要因; 意识和无意识的整合是心理分析和治疗的过程 象征性分析原理:沙:流动的特征、坚硬的特征、沙漏——时间 水:文化的象征、与无意识有关 所有的沙具22类、1800多个,来访者以智者的眼睛赋予不同的寓意。游戏的意义和治疗:尽可能地去理解其中所包含的象征意义,但是, 当面对实际的沙盘游戏来访者的时候,又不能套 用任何的象征理论,而是要以心理分析的基本原 则,无意识的水平,象征性的意义和感应性的机 制为基础,把握某种沙盘游戏模型对于来访者个 人所具有的心理意义,沙盘、沙具是来访者与分 析师之间的纽带,借助于此来访者可以自然有效 地呈现自己的内在心理世界,尤其是包括中那些


趣味游戏项目 1、“天地花开” 场地中放置汽球若干(红、黄、蓝数量均等),天花板悬挂18个大汽球(红、蓝、黄各六个),每组抽三人参加比赛,红队踩红色的汽球,黄队踩黄色的汽球,蓝队踩蓝色的汽球,踩完地上所有的汽球后,谁先用头扎完天花板上自己队的汽球为胜。(每个队员戴可扎破汽球的发夹一个)(9人)(三队同时进行)--汽球内装入彩屑若干,现场效果十分出色。 2、“袋鼠跳、糖瓜粘” 各队抽三名队员上场,双脚放入麻袋中,跳到折返点处,咬下从天花板上悬下糖瓜,最先回到起点的队为胜。(9人) 3、All Tied Up 借着被绑在一起来完成数件任务 人数:不限 场地:不限 道具:绳子或其它可以绑的东西 适合:全部的人 游戏方法: 1. 分组,不限几组,但每组最好二人以上。 2. 每一组组员围成一个圈圈,面对对方。主持人帮忙把每个人的手臂与隔壁的人绑在一起。 3. 绑好以后,现在每一组的组员都是绑在一起的,主持人想些任务要每组去完成。题目例子:调Root Beer Floats给每个人;吃午餐;包礼物;完成个美术作品;帮每个组员倒水; 4、瞎子背瘸子 目的:沟通配合能力,活跃气氛 游戏规则:当场选六名员工,三男三女,男生背女生,男生当“瞎子”,用纱巾蒙住眼睛,女生扮“瘸子”,为“瞎子”指引路,绕过路障,达到终点,最早到达者,为赢。其中路障设置可摆放椅子,须绕行;汽球,须踩破;鲜花,须拾起,递给女生。 5、熊来了 内容:反复用“熊来了”“是吗”的热闹游戏 道具:参加者约束8-15人,分成若干组 方法: (1)各组第一个人喊“熊来了” (2)然后第2个人问:“是吗?” (3)第1个人再对第2个人说:“熊来了”,此时2号再告诉3号“熊来了” (4)3号再反问2号“是吗?”,而2号也反问1号“是吗?” (5)前者再叫“熊来了”,2、3、4号传下去。 (6)如此每个人最初听到“熊来了”时要反问“是吗?”然后再回向前头,第二次听到“熊来了”时才传给别人,而前头的人不断的说“熊来了” (7)每组最后的人听到第2次的“熊来了”时,全组队员齐声说:“不得了了!快逃!”然后全组人一起欢呼,最先欢呼的那一组便得胜。


最新-医学技术会议的邀请函 在应用写作中邀请函是非常重要的,而商务活动邀请函是邀请函的一个重要分支,.商务礼仪活动邀请函的主体内容符合邀请函的一般结构,由标题、称谓、正文、落款组成。但要注意,简洁明了,看懂就行,不要太多文字。那么你知道医学技术会议的邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面整理了医学技术会议的邀请函,供你参考。 医学技术会议的邀请函范文一中华医学会、中华医学会检验分会主办的中华医学会第十一次全国检验医学学术会议将于20XX年9月9-12日在南京举办,这是中华医学会检验分会举办的大规模检验学界学术会议,也将是20XX年度我国检验医学的一次盛会。 届时欧蒙医学诊断(中国)有限公司将举办;标准化的自身抗体检测;卫星会,诚邀您参加欧蒙卫星会,现在通过微信报名(报名链接请点击阅读原文),有机会现场抽取大奖! 欧蒙标准化的自身抗体检测卫星会 讲者:李伯安主任中国人民解放军第三〇二医院 时间:9 月10 日17:30-18:15 地点:南京国际展览中心三层紫金厅 欢迎各位莅临欧蒙展台(展位号:133A ),了解欧蒙新进展! 邀请人:XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 医学技术会议的邀请函范文二由中华医学会、中华医学会检验

分会主办的中华医学会第十一次全国检验医学学术会议(简称20XX年全国检验医学大会)将于20XX年9月9日-11日在南京国际展览中心举行。本次会议为我国检验医学界的年度盛会,为探讨检验医学界新趋势与新挑战搭建了一个良好的交流平台。会议期间,倍肯公司将携朗迈;艾德(LabUMat2+Urised2)全自动尿液分析流水线、康柏(Combiline)系列血气电解质分析仪、MA120微生物鉴定/药敏分析仪、麦迪洛克MRX auto-400 全自动凝血分析仪等最新款产品亮相本次展会。函邀如下,期待您的莅临指导! 展会时间: 20XX年9月9日-11日 展会地点: 南京国际展览中心(江苏省南京市龙蟠路88号) 倍肯展台: 二层展厅222-223 展出重点: (1)朗迈;艾德(LabUMat2+Urised2)全自动尿液分析流水线(匈牙利) (2)康柏(Combiline)系列血气电解质分析仪(德国) (3)BC64全自动血培养仪 (4)MA120微生物鉴定/药敏分析仪 (5)瑞典Medirox血凝试剂 (6)麦迪洛克MRX auto-400 全自动凝血分析仪 展会联系人:


课程设计 2013 ~ 2014学年第二学期 设计题目连连看游戏程序 院(系) 专业软件工程 班级学号 学生姓名 设计时间 2014年6月24日~2014年6月27日 指导教师 提交日期 2014年6月27日

目录 目录 (2) 1.课程设计的目的与要求 (3) 1.1课程设计目的与要求 (3) 1.2课程设计内容 (3) 1.3课程设计的实验环境 (3) 1.4课程设计的预备知识 (3) 2.系统模块结构图 (4) 2.1 模块设计 (4) 2.1.1 菜单控制模块 (4) 2.1.2 算法模块 (5) 2.1.3 界面显示模块 (7) 3.详细设计 (9) 3.1总体算法思路 (9) 3.2代码实现 (9) 4.小结 (9)

1.课程设计的目的与要求 1.1课程设计目的与要求 1.掌握JA V A语言中面向对象的概念,并能在程序中熟练运用。 2.了解面向对象程序设计(JA V A)的基本概念以及运用面向对象技术进行程序设计的基本思 想。 3.能正确编写和调试JA V A程序。 4.了解在JA V A环境下进行程序设计的基本思想和方法。 1.2课程设计内容 1.设计一个连连看的游戏程序。 2.在JA V A环境下,将上述程序使用GUI、数据结构等内容完成 3.设计思路: (1)界面设计 1)初始测试界面可以考虑使用简单的按钮来代表连连看游戏中的图标。 2)布局可以考虑使用GRID方式。 3)设计菜单选择连连看难度等内容,具体可参照QQ连连看,也可自定义。 4)考虑完善界面,例如动画等。 (2)代码设计 1)本设计的核心为练练看算法的设计,可以考虑数据结构中的图的遍历章 节,合理设计算法,将界面中各按钮的分布映射入数学矩阵进行路径规划。 (可以上网搜索相关算法)。 2)完成连连看游戏的图形、算法等代码的设计。 4.实验步骤(包括操作方法、数据处理) (1)界面设计 (2)算法设计 (3)代码设计 1.3课程设计的实验环境 硬件要求能运行Windows xp/7操作系统的微机系统。JAVA程序设计语言及相应的集成开发环境, ECLIPSE开发工具。 1.4课程设计的预备知识 熟悉JAVA语言及ECLIPSE开发工具。


一、沙盘游戏疗法的概述 1、沙盘游戏(sandplay therapy )是由瑞士分析心理学家卡尔夫于20世纪五六十年代在荣格分析心理学基础上,融合了洛温菲尔德世界技法(World Technic )和东方思想与哲学(道家思想、易学思想和禅学思想)创建的一种新的心理治疗技术。在这个技术中,来访者利用沙子、玩具在沙箱中制作一个场景,以呈现其无意识内容,通过意识与无意识的沟通,以及展集体潜意识原型促进原型的发展,实现对来访者心理疾病的治疗。 经过几十年的发展,沙盘游戏疗法衍生出多种不同的形式,主要包括个体沙盘游戏、团体沙盘游戏、夫妻沙盘游戏、家庭沙盘游戏等形式,此外,沙盘游戏疗法不仅本身就是一种心理治疗工具,而且它还可以同其他心理咨询与心理治疗技术结合使用,成为其他心理咨询与心理治疗技术的辅助治疗手段。 2、沙盘游戏疗法之所以能够起到治疗作用,源于在沙盘游戏疗法中咨询师所创造的保护与自由的环境;咨询师对来访者无条件的接纳——“母子一体性”的重现;意象的表现及意象干预;来访者自性力量的激发;“游戏”的治疗;心理能量的疏泄。 3、沙盘游戏疗法可以在哪些范围使用:一、可以用于儿童人格的发展; 二、可帮助夫妻、恋人之间进行够欧诺个,促进个体情感生活和谐;三、用于团队建设之中;四、广泛应用于心理治疗和心理咨询领域; 五、可应用于成人的心理成长。 4、不适宜做沙盘游戏的人:1).对沙盘游戏强烈抗拒;2).发展成熟度不足(5岁以下的儿童); 3).情绪能量过于强大(先宣泄) ;4).自我强度差(意识水平不足):精神病、人格障碍。 二、沙盘游戏的学习和使用 1、沙盘游戏疗法的优势:1)、特别适合儿童心理和行为矫正;2)、更容易进入来访者无意识; 3)、使心理治疗更容易实现;4)、聚焦此时此地不再困难;5)、让心理咨询不再枯燥; 6)、使用范围更广。 2、如何才能学好沙盘游戏:1)不断追求自我成长,完善自己的人格;2)努力学习心理学专业知识,提高专业技能;3)关闭大脑,用心体验沙盘游戏疗法的魅力;4)牢记沙盘游戏疗法的基本要素:自由、保护、共情和信任;5)不断的实践是最好的学习方法。 3、弗洛依德把心理主要划分为意识、潜意识和无意识三个层次,他更关注无意识部分。而荣格将心理划分为意识、个体无意识和集体无意识三个层次(彼此相互作用的三个层次),他把无意识分为个体无意识和集体无意识两个层次。 荣格认为,意识在人生中出现也是比较早的,甚至在出生之前就已经具备了,荣格将心理功能分为思维、情感、感觉、直觉四种。除了四种心理功能外,荣格认为人的精神态度有两种,包括内倾和外倾,而这两种心态决定着自我意识的发展方向。外倾心态使意识定向于外部客观世界;内倾心态则使意识定向于内部主观世界。荣格把两种态度和四种功能结合起来,划分了八种不同的人格类型。 (1)外倾思维型——这种人喜欢分析、思考外部事物,生活有规律,客观而冷静,但比较固执己见,情感压抑。 (2)外倾情感型——这类人思维常常被情感压抑,没有独特性,非常注重与社会和环境建立情感与和睦 意识 无意识 意识 个体无意识 集体无意识 弗洛伊德关于心理划分示意图 荣格关于心理划分示意图 图1:弗洛伊德和荣格心理划分的区别


趣味运动会项目大全 “趣味运动会”是运动会的延伸,在传统的运动会项目中,一般以竞技体育项目为主。但传统的运动项目中,大多都以竞技为目的,对参与者的体能与技巧要求特别高,需要长时间的训练,才能掌握一定的技巧。这只能适合,少数从事体育运动者,而不适合全民运动。如社区的趣味运动会项目有“老公背媳妇”、“双人绑腿赛跑”、“运球跑”、“弹跳投水球”等趣味运动。深圳电视台都市频道还专门开办了一档,如今深圳趣味运动产业逐渐壮大,并有些深圳企业在全国各城市开展趣味运动会业务。 据了解,趣味运动会的兴起,来自广州体院的一名教授。他多年从事体育游戏的研究,也热衷体育游戏的研究。于是,把竞技运动规则进行修改,并加入一些道具,让经济类项目来了一个华丽转身,变成了对体能要求相对较低,竞技要求降低,以达到锻炼身体、娱乐身心,营造气氛的效果。 刚开始,这并不叫趣味运动会,而是把一个个体育运动项目,进行规则修改,令其变成趣味运动项目,或者称之为趣味游戏。 趣味运动会的发展

在研究体育游戏研究的这位教授所教的学生当中,有些学生对其研究有很大兴趣,毕业之后,他们创立了活动策划公司,专门把几个或多个趣味游戏组合到一起,举办成运动会,也称之为趣味运动会。由于很多器材新鲜,让人们留下深刻印象;规则简单,容易接受的特点,很受欢迎,一传十,十传百,喜欢趣味运动的人越来越多,很多企业也慢慢把传统的运动会,办成了趣味运动会,广受运功欢迎。 随着越来越多人对趣味运动会的了解,很多企事业单位把它当成内部员工锻炼身体,促进感情,建立企业文化的一种手段或者途径。 正式因为有这种市场需求,从事活动策划公司者,逐渐完善规则,改进设备,力求创新,新奇的趣味道具日新月异,这可以说代表着趣味运动会兴起。 趣味项目特点 1.项目创新,耳目一新:通过多种特制新颖器材,令参与团体感觉新鲜,为视觉及听觉都带来更多享受,亦可让参加项目者更为投入; 2.新颖乐趣:运动项目简单有趣,刺激好玩,通过项目概念讲解及简单演示,便可明白项目游戏规则及如何参与,大部分项目与游戏形式结合,趣味性极高。


腔镜会议邀请函(一) 各位同道、各位朋友: 中国医师协会心血管医师分会、中国微创外科杂志编辑委员会主办,上海远大心胸医院承办的“第三届国际胸腔镜学术研讨会暨中韩微创心脏外科论坛”将 于2011年12月9日~11日在上海光大会展中心举行。 我们以第三届国际胸腔镜学术会组委会全体委员和会议主席的名义,诚挚的邀请您参加本届学术会议,与来自国内外的专家共同探讨、分享、学习心血管外科领域的新技术和新经验。 本届大会主要探讨胸腔镜辅助下或完全胸腔镜下心胸外科手术技术,手术适应症,学习曲线等。邀请国内外知名专家就胸腔镜心胸外科领域新技术,新材料、新手术器械进行演讲,并进行现场手术演示。“中韩微创心脏外科论坛”由李在原教授领队并担任韩方主席、将就韩国微创心脏外科的成就进行演讲并现场播放韩国机器人心脏手术的视频。 参会授于国家级医学继续教育Ⅰ类学分8分。注册费用:800元/人(含资料费、餐费)。其他费用自理。 相信您的参与会使我们的会议更加精彩。 20XX年第三届国际胸腔镜学术研讨会会议组委会 二0XX年X月 腔镜会议邀请函(二) 由卫生部四级妇科内镜手术培训基地、烟台毓璜顶医院妇科腔镜培训中心、青岛大学附属烟台毓璜顶医院妇产科主办的“第十届妇科肿瘤、腔镜微创诊治热点论坛暨手术演示研讨会”将于20XX年12月20-22日在山东烟台召开。 本次会议由山东大学齐鲁医院院长孔北华教授担任大会主席。会议聚焦各种保留器官与生育功能妇科微创手术新方法、新技术以及相关难点、技巧,特别是生殖器官畸形矫治手术、妇科良、恶性肿瘤等手术中保留生育、生理功能的新方法和新技术,以及妇科微创手术并发症的防治,妇科肿瘤研究的最新成果、临床诊治规范的最新进展,并结合手术视频及手术演示进行深层临床剖析。届时将邀请多名国内长期从事妇科微创诊疗的知名专家、教授,包括山东大学齐鲁医院孔北华教授、北京协和医院沈铿教授,首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院段华教授,


毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名:日期: 指导教师签名:日期: 使用授权说明 本人完全了解大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 作者签名:日期:

学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名:日期:年月日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名:日期:年月日 导师签名:日期:年月日


学术会议邀请函应该怎么写 一 “首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会”邀请函 各位律师: “首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会”定于2021年5月25日在西安财经大学翠华西校区召开,现将相关事项通知如下: 会议名称 首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会 举办单位 主办:西安财经大学法学院、陕西省律协三农法律事务专业委员会 协办:西北大学法学院、陕西至正律师事务所 时间地点 时间:2021年5月25日,会期一天 地点:西安财经大学法学院模拟法庭翠华南路44号图书馆5楼 研讨主题 乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革,设以下议题: 1.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革的基本理论; 2.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革的实践考察; 3.乡村振兴、土地制度改革与集体经济有效实现; 4.乡村振兴、土地制度改革与农民财产权利保障; 5.土地承包经营权“三权分置”改革法律问题; 6.宅基地“三权分置”改革法律问题; 7.集体建设用地流转改革法律问题; 8.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革其他问题。 论文征集

1.围绕研讨主题提交论文; 二 报告指出“实施乡村振兴战略”,教育部亦于2021年1月印发《高等学校乡村振兴 科技创新行动计划2021-2022年》,决定实施高校服务乡村振兴七大行动,推动高校深入 服务乡村振兴战略实施。在此形势下,计划今年在贵州民族大学举办“第七届西南地区建 筑类高校教育联盟论坛”,围绕“乡村振兴背景下的人居环境学科教育探索”这一主题, 深入探讨西南地区不同文化背景下建筑类专业人才的培养目标与模式,以实现凝聚共识、 交流共享、合作共赢的目标。 真诚地期待您的支持与到来! 第七届西南地区建筑类高校教育 学术研讨会会议 主题:乡村振兴背景下的人居环境 学科教育探索 会议日程 注意事项 1、参会代表会务费为800元/人,不含住宿费、往返贵阳交通费; 2、住宿地址:贵阳群升花园酒店,单间320元含早餐、标间320含早餐,需要单间、套房的可在备注中注明,费用自理; 3、会议地址:贵州省贵阳市花溪区思雅路贵州民族大学大学城校区。 三 随着社会发展与体制改革不断深化,文化法治建设日益成为提升国家核心竞争力的关 键议题。 为贯彻落实《“十三五”时期文化发展改革规划》,学习党的关于中国特色社会主义 文化理论,依托国家社科基金重大项目“文化法治体系建设研究”,中央民族大学法治政 府与地方制度研究中心、中央民族大学中国少数民族研究中心拟于2021年11月4日举办“文化法治体系建设理论与实践”学术研讨会。 诚挚邀请各位专家学者惠赐宏文并莅临指导! 具体安排如下:


【连连看】简单小游戏初始源代码 使用说明:进入Java开发工具eclipse中,在左面建立一个任意名的java project,然后在工程下建立一个名字为Lianliankan的package,最后建立一个名字为lianliankan的class类。 将以下程序代码复制入class内容面板中,点击运行。 package Lianliankan; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class lianliankan implements ActionListener { JFrame mainFrame; //主面板 Container thisContainer; JPanel centerPanel,southPanel,northPanel; //子面板 JButton diamondsButton[][] = new JButton[6][5];//游戏按钮数组 JButton exitButton,resetButton,newlyButton; //退出,重列,重新开始按钮 JLabel fractionLable=new JLabel("0"); //分数标签 JButton firstButton,secondButton; //分别记录两次被选中的按钮 int grid[][] = new int[8][7];//储存游戏按钮位置 static boolean pressInformation=false; //判断是否有按钮被选中 int x0=0,y0=0,x=0,y=0,fristMsg=0,secondMsg=0,validateLV; //游戏按钮的位置坐标 int i,j,k,n;//消除方法控制 public void init(){ mainFrame=new JFrame("JKJ连连看"); thisContainer = mainFrame.getContentPane(); thisContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); centerPanel=new JPanel(); southPanel=new JPanel(); northPanel=new JPanel(); thisContainer.add(centerPanel,"Center"); thisContainer.add(southPanel,"South"); thisContainer.add(northPanel,"North"); centerPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,5)); for(int cols = 0;cols < 6;cols++){ for(int rows = 0;rows < 5;rows++ ){ diamondsButton[cols][rows]=new JButton(String.valueOf(grid[cols+1][rows+1])); diamondsButton[cols][rows].addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(diamondsButton[cols][rows]); } } exitButton=new JButton("退出"); exitButton.addActionListener(this); resetButton=new JButton("重列"); resetButton.addActionListener(this); newlyButton=new JButton("再来一局");


沙盘游戏疗法的运用 11小教(2)张凯丽20110207238 沙盘是一种心理咨询技术,也被称作沙盘游戏或箱庭治疗。沙盘游戏结合了荣格的分析心理学和东方文化、东方哲学的精髓,被广泛运用于心理咨询和治疗中。作为一种游戏疗法,它对培养信心、认知自我、发展人格,培养想象力和创造力都有积极的作用。 一、沙盘的构成 沙:沙盘游戏的创始人卡尔夫首先强调沙的运用,因为沙有极强的可塑性和柔软性,非常重要和自然的治疗材料。沙盘游戏可以准备干沙和湿沙两种沙箱。干沙柔和细腻,容易操作;湿沙可塑性强,更容易玩出搭建城堡、挖洞建桥等游戏效果。沙箱:沙箱外侧涂深颜色或本木色,而内侧要漆成天蓝色。因为蓝色能够让烦躁的心平静下来,还能使人 在挖沙子时产生挖出“水”的感觉。沙箱要放在齐腰的高度,方便来访者摆放。 玩具:玩具放在开放的架子上,使来访者容易看到,各种各样的玩具代表的都是日常生活或想象世界中的典型形象。必备的玩具有:人形、动物、树木、花草、车船、飞行物、建筑物、桥、栏杆、石头、怪兽等不同种类。玩具、模型种类越多,数量越大,制作者能够选择的“词汇”也就越丰富。 二、沙盘游戏的原理和目标 沙盘游戏的前提是假设每个人的内心世界都有自我治愈心理创伤的倾向和能力。在一个自由的、被保护的空间里,来访者随意选择玩具,随意摆放在沙箱内,完成自己的作品。在这个过程中,来访者的自我治愈能力可以得到自由、充分地发挥。很多人都有过徜徉于海岸、嬉戏弄沙的经历。温润的海滩、绵绵的细沙能让人内心获得最熨帖的舒适和最惬意的放松。漫步其间,让细沙从脚趾间悄悄流淌,抑或捡几只贝壳,堆一座城堡……那一刻,一切烦恼都羽化为清风,融入到绵绵沙海之中。这是人类共同的天性。如果失去了对游戏的兴趣,就意味着失去了童真,很多心理问题也会相继产生。游戏可以恢复被阻碍、被压抑的天性,让个体的内心世界最大程度地外化,进而让心灵得到充实与发展,获得治疗与治愈的条件和机会这就是沙盘游戏的目标和意义。


中国医师协会邀请函 叶老师:同志 中国医师协会2015年8月28日中国·承德正式启动国医科普之旅暨“治未病”百姓健康公益大讲堂活动(以下简称活动),本次活动以宏扬“治未病”理念,促百姓身心健康为主题,以分站式在全国重点中心城市陆续展开。 (活动)在全国范围内聘请百名“治未病”讲师,深入各分站进行“治未病”科普授课、义诊、义治等工作,因工作需要经研究决定,增补讲师。 鉴于您在业界的影响力和学术水平我们很荣幸的聘请您为“治未病”专家、讲师,并出席分站“治未病”学术研讨会,相关材料入编《“治未病”健康指导手册》和编委署名。参加(活动)总结表彰大会,并分派分站大讲堂授课。 望广大业内相关人士接到通知后积极参与,共同为建设和-谐社会和国民健康做出贡献。 专家、讲师的要求: 1、具备执业医师资格或亚健康和保健行业资质。 2、在“治未病”与亚健康方面有一定的技术、经验、特长。 3、从事“治未病”工作时间较长,无违纪行为。

提供材料: 1、彩色免冠照片二张(2寸)。 2、“治未病”或亚健康领域的学术论文一篇。 3、个人简介和相关荣誉。 注:所提供材料经专家组评审通过由中国医师协会颁发聘书。 申请表 年月日 中国医师协会邀请函 [篇2] 疼痛医师协会(world society of pain clinicians,wspc)是目前世界范围内唯一的国际性疼痛医师的学术团体,成员由来自多个学科的医生组成,因而在临床医生中影响最大。世界疼痛医师协会已成立28 年,在全世界多数国家设立了分会。 世界疼痛医师协会每隔两年召开一次世界疼痛医师大会,举办地点轮换于世界各地,每次大会举行换届选举。第十二届世界疼痛医师大会于2015 年7 月4 - 7 日在意大利都灵市举行,有来自世界各地的从事疼痛诊疗工作的多学科的疼痛医生数千人参加。世界疼痛医师协会于2015 年5 月4 - 7 日在韩国首尔市举行了第十三届世界疼痛医师协


基于JAVA的《连连看》游戏 一引言 《连连看》游戏在网上种类非常多,比如《水果连连看》,《宠物连连看》等等,虽然版本各种各样,但是其基本玩法,或者说基本算法是相同的,就是显示一些图标,让用户依次去点击两个图标,如果这两个图标相同,并且这两个图标通过直线可以相连,或者通过直角相连,或者通过双折线相连就可以消掉,消掉所有图标即为胜利。如图1所示: 图1 正在进行中的连连看游戏 通过该游戏的制作,我们可以对Java的基础语法、Java图形界面以及简单的算法设计有一个比较全面的了解。 二设计要求 为了避免叙述的繁琐,我们只实现连连看游戏的基本功能,如下: ●制作如图1所示的游戏界面,尽量做到美观大方,使用方便 ●当两个图标相同,且通过直线相连、直角相连、双折线相连时,能够消掉图标 ●能够让游戏随时暂停,然后继续

当游戏进行到一定程度,无法消除剩余图标时,要能够提供重排功能对图标进行重排,从而让游戏继续进行 三实现思路 我们先讲一下程序中的几个难点,主要是说清楚具体的实现思路,具体的代码会在文后给出,大家可以参考。 1、界面设计 需要实现如图2所示的界面: 图 2 连连游戏界面 整个界面分为三个区域:菜单区、功能区、游戏区。首先在窗体上放置三个面板JPanel,分别存放三个区域,如图3所示:

图3 界面的设计 系统菜单区放置菜单即可,用户游戏区放置一个8*9的按钮数组来构成游戏界面,用户交互区放置开始,暂停等功能按钮以及提示信息。 2、生成游戏区 运行程序后,游戏区并不显示按钮数组,当点击开始按钮后,再自动生成。在生成按钮时要求按钮上的图案是随机的,且每个图案必须是偶数,否则会出现无法消除的按钮。如何实现呢?我们可以这样考虑:假设有12个图片,把图片名字按照数字序号从0到11命名;假设游戏区共72个按钮,那么产生36个12以内的随机数字(每个随机数字代表一个图片),放入一个ArrayList中,最后使用ArrayList的addAll方法对已经产生的36个随机数字复制一份,这样就获得了72个随机数字,并且是成对的。因为一个数字对应一个图片,所以72个按钮需要的图片就生成了。代码如下: Random random = new Random(); int imagenum = ROW * COL; for(int i=0; i


在ppt课件中实现多张幻灯片和背景音乐同时播放 使用PowerPoint做幻灯片,有时我们需要给所有幻灯片加上背景音乐,来渲染气氛,增强演示效果。但直接使用“插入”菜单栏中的“影片和声音”→ “文件中声音”所插入的背景音乐只对所选择的那张幻灯片起 作用,等到播放下一张时,背景音乐就停止播放了。怎么解决这个问题? 其实我们只要再在“自定义动画”中简单设置一下,就可以轻松控制背景音乐在指定的部分或全部幻灯片播放了,具体做法如下: 1、把全部幻灯片做好,在需要插入声音的幻灯片中,单击“插入”菜单下的“影片和声音” →“文件中的声音”,选择所需的声音文件,在出现“是否需要在幻灯片放映时自动播放声音?”的对话框时选择“是”(如图1)。 2、如果是在PowerPoint 2000中操作,右键单击新出现的声音图标“小喇叭”,选择“编辑声音对像”,勾选“循环播放,直到停止”选项(如图2),最后单击“确定”按钮。(为了不影响幻灯片的视觉效果,此时可以顺便把“小喇叭”拖到这张幻灯片的右下角。) 3、右键单击声音图标“小喇叭”,选择“自定义动画”,打开“自定义动画”窗口(如图3),单击“继续幻灯片放映”,这时其下面的“停止播放” 项会由不可操作的灰色变成实色。接下来再单击“在哪张幻灯片后”项,然后在方框内填入需要停止播放的幻灯片的序号,最后单击“确定”。(这里还可以把“不播放时隐藏”勾选上,这样在播放幻灯片过程中就不会显示声音图标了。)

这样指定的背景音乐就可以在几张幻灯片中连续播放了。 如果是在Office PowerPoint 2003中操作,第2步的画面如图4,这里有一个“显示选项”可供选择,我们可以勾选“幻灯片放映时隐藏声音图标”项,这样在播放幻灯片过程中就不会显示声音图标了。 而第3步的右键单击声音图标“小喇叭”,选择“自定义动画”,打开的“自定义动画”窗口也有所变化,如图5:这时我们可以左键双击“自定义动画”窗口中的“一剪梅.wma”或右键单击“一剪梅.wma”,再选择“效果选项”,会出现如下图的播放声音窗口(如图6)。单击“在哪张幻灯片后”项,然后在方框内填入需要停止播放的幻灯片的序号,最后单击“确定”就完成设置了。


沙盘游戏治疗作为一种有效的心理治疗手段越来越多地被运用,特别是应用在儿童心理障碍的治疗中。沙盘游戏作为一种治疗方法受荣格积极想象技术及其理论的启发,经由洛温菲尔德(MargaretLowenfeld) 和多拉·卡尔夫(Dora Kalff)等人的不断努力,再加上古代传统的启迪和儿童天性的自发表现,在二十世纪六十年代最终形成并得以问世。一开始,它的治疗对象主要是儿童,现在已逐渐扩展到对成年人的心理分析与治疗。 沙盘游戏有两大基本构成要素:沙子和人或物的缩微模型。沙(sand) 是儿童最爱玩的材料之一,几乎每一个人儿时都曾有过玩沙的经验,不同国家、不同时期的儿童都几乎不例外。沙的流动性和可塑性,使人们可以任意发挥想象力,可以用它来建造自己心中的城堡、村庄、山川和河流,以及其它任何东西。由于沙粒是由地球表面岩石的风化形成的,沙还被认为是浇注和塑造象征世界的映象物的理想材料;布莱克就在《天真之歌》中写到,我们可以“在一粒沙中看到整个世界”。 沙盘游戏疗法是以荣格的分析心理学为理论基础的,尤其是他的无意识理论和他发明的积极想象技术。由于沙盘游戏是一种非言语的、无意识层面的交流,因此,对不易用语言进行沟通的对象,比如儿童,有语言障碍者、自闭症患者、抑郁症患者以及比较内向的来访者,是一种很好、很有效的沟通和治疗的方法。 自沙盘游戏从产生到现在的几十年中,沙盘游戏疗法的实践已经有了飞速的发展,除了可得到的缩微模型的数量及种类越来越多外,沙盘游戏疗法的对象也开始逐渐从儿童转向成年人,从病人转向所有的正常人。另外,沙盘治疗师们在沙盘游戏中对出现的古代象征符号的价值的兴趣也在日益增加。这些象征有上帝和女神,荒野中的生物,以及关于英雄的传说。它们对沙盘治疗师的价值在于,通过认识到沙盘布景的物象和象征与古代世界中的原型之间有某种关联,可获得关于治疗过程的更深一层的知识。可见,沙盘游戏治疗的过程不仅触及了我们情感的核心,即心理情结,还触及到深不可测的集体无意识领域,即各种心理原型。因此,沙盘游戏疗法本身不但可以起到心理诊断与治疗的作用,同时还可以起到心理辅导与教育的作用。运用沙盘游戏及其治疗方法于正常的教育过程,尤其是关于想象力和创造力的教育过程,正被看做是沙盘游戏疗法的一种新的发展。


无敌风火轮 一、项目类型:团队协作竞技型 二、道具要求:报纸、胶带 三、场地要求:一片空旷的大场地 四、游戏时间:10分钟左右 五、详细游戏玩法:12-15人一组利用报纸和胶带制作一个可以容纳全体团队成员的封闭式大圆环,将圆环立起来全队成员站到圆环上边走边滚动大圆环。 六、活动目的:本游戏主要为培养学员团结一致,密切合作,克服困难的团队精神;培养计划、组织、协调能力;培养服从指挥、一丝不苟的工作态度;增强队员间的相互信任和理解。 信任背摔 一、游戏简介:这是一个广为人知的经典拓展项目,每个队员都要笔直的从1.6米的平台上向后倒下,而其他队员则伸出双手保护他。每个人都希望可以和他人相互信任,否则就会缺乏安全感。要获得他人的信任,就要先做个值得他人信任的人。对别人猜疑的人,是难以获得别人的信任的。这个游戏能让使队员在活动中建立及加强对伙伴的信任感及责任感。 二、游戏人数:12-16人 三、场地要求:高台最宜 四、需要器材:束手绳 五、游戏时间:30分钟左右 六、活动目标:培养团体间的高度信任;提高组员的人际沟通能力;引导组员换位思考,让他们认识到责任与信任是相互的。

齐眉棍 一、游戏简介:全体分为两队,相向站立,共同用手指将一根棍子放到地上,手离开棍子即失败,这是一个考察团队是否同心协力的体验。在所有学员手指上的同心杆将按照培训师的要求,完成一个看似简单但却最容易出现失误的项目。此活动深刻揭示了企业内部的协调配合之问题。 二、游戏人数:10-15人 三、场地要求:开阔的场地一块 四、需要器材:3米长的轻棍 五、游戏时间:30分钟左右 六、活动目的:在团队中,如果遇到困难或出现了问题,很多人马上会找到别人的不足,却很少发现自己的问题。队员间的抱怨、指责、不理解对于团队的危害…… 这个项目将告诉大家:“照顾好自己就是对团队最大的贡献”。提高队员在工作中相互配合、相互协作的能力。统一的指挥+所有队员共同努力对于团队成功起着至关重要的作用。 驿站传书 一、游戏类型:团队协作型

发布会邀请函三篇 发布会官方邀请函

发布会邀请函三篇发布会官方邀请函 精品文档,仅供参考

发布会邀请函三篇发布会官方邀请函 邀请函怎么写,下面是本站为大家整理的,供大家参考。 发布会邀请函(一) 尊敬的先生/女士: 由国家发改委、信息产业部、科技部和深圳市政府主办的________交易峰会定于20XX年12月13日-15日在深圳举行。 中国国际软件外包交易峰会继去年底在深圳首次成功举办之后,每年将固定在深举行。峰会全面引进在国际上有重大影响力的________________运作模式,搭建一个沟通海内外的国际软件及服务外包交易平台。预计出席本届峰会的海内外来宾约400人,其中有近百位来自海外的买家,参会软件和服务外包提供商约30家。 为加深各界朋友对本届峰会的认识,我们将召开________交易峰会新闻发布会。届时,国家发改委、信息产业部、科技部和深圳市政府的相关领导将出席并通报峰会有关情况。 时间:20XX年8月31日上午9:30-10:30 地点:________大酒店宴会厅(地址:________,电话________)。 如果出席,请将参加新闻发布会的记者姓名及单位反馈至:

____:电话:____________ 邮箱:________________ 钟桦:电话:____________ 发布会邀请函(二) 尊敬的先生/女士: 北京xx电子股份有限公司将于20xx年1月8-10日在北京xx大酒店举办20xxxx世纪公司年会。我们诚挚邀请您出席本届年会。 本次年会主题为分享融合共赢,旨在为光伏晶硅企业搭建平台,分享专家对产业、行业发展趋势以及国家产业政策趋势的分析与预测,推进政府与企业、企业与企业之间的对接,推动相关政策与商业智慧的融合,为增强中国光伏晶硅企业核心竞争力、开启产业辉煌贡献绵薄之力。 本次年会将特邀多位政府相关领导、行业专家,以及光伏装备制造、光伏晶硅企业的杰出企业家出席,届时有思考力和行动力的企业家们将和卓有成就、富有远见的专家一道,以分享融合共赢为主题,在政策、市场、技术、资本等领域倾力打造高端交流合作、宣传展示的平台,推动光伏产业健康、快速发展。届时将由众多有影响力的媒体、知名行业媒体进行全程跟踪和报道。 本次年会是一场第一次由光伏企业自己举办的盛会,不同于层出不穷的行业务虚会、更不同于各式各样的行业展销


沙盘游戏治疗是目前国际上很流行的心理治疗方法。在学校和幼儿园,它被广泛应用于儿童的心理教育与心理治疗;在大学和成年人的心理诊所,它也深受欢迎。通过唤起童心,人们找到了回归心灵的途径,进而身心失调、社会适应不良、人格发展障碍等问题在沙盘中得以化解。 一盘细沙,一瓶清水,一架子各式各样的物件造型,加上治疗师的关注与投入,来访者的自由表现与创造,这就构成了沙盘游戏的最基本的要素!而就在这简易的设置中,内心的世界得以呈现,心灵的充实与发展,治愈与转化也获得了可能。 这就是在国际上受到普遍推崇的沙盘游戏治疗方法。除了荣格的心理分析之外,它也被人本主义治疗、格式塔治疗和整合性动力治疗等广泛接受,成为表现性和艺术治疗的主流,同时也被逐渐运用于学校心理教育与心理治疗。 简单的地板游戏在孩子们的手中反反复复摆弄了千百年,而第一个在这不起眼的游戏中发现光芒的幸运儿,却是著名的英国作家威尔斯。威尔斯以其对幼儿自发游戏和创造性想象的热情以及细致而敏锐的观察,记述并撰写了两个儿子在家中的游戏过程,并评论说这些游戏可以为孩子建立一种广阔、激励人心的思维模式。在他所著的《地板游戏》和《小小战争:男孩的游戏》两本书中,威尔斯首次发现与描述了这影响沙盘游戏疗法产生的自然游戏中所包含的心灵创造的 力量。 人类的苦难也会同时带来某种幸运,饱受疾病与战争折磨的心理治疗师莱温菲尔德便是这样的一位幸运儿。1928年,富有智慧和同情心的她把地板游戏引进了儿童心理诊所,没过多久,孩子们就自发地把诊所中的沙盘和地板游戏结合起来,并称其为“游戏王国”,这便是后来被心理治疗师所称的“世界技术”,同时,也是沙盘游戏心理治疗的雏形。 今天的沙盘游戏治疗最终来自于瑞士心理分析家多拉·卡尔夫,她跟随荣格学习心理分析,同时也深受莱温菲尔德世界技术的启发,最终结合荣格分析心理学的基本理论和中国文化中的哲学思想,在简易的沙-水-容器世界中寻找到了一条心灵治愈的有效途径。 引领多拉·卡尔夫发现此路径的是两个梦。在第一个梦中,她来到了西藏,高山上两个和尚送给她一个金色的矩形工具。当她舞动这工具时,顿时大地开裂,呈现两边的世界,并在西方出现了太阳。第二个梦发生在荣格去世的当天,梦中荣格请她吃饭,其间荣格指着餐桌上的一堆大米说,你应该追寻中国文化的智慧和启迪。卡尔夫确实遵照了梦的指引,在1966年,她出版了生平唯一的著作《沙盘游戏》,书中结合心理分析自性发展的理论和中国哲学家周敦颐的太极图思想,把沙盘游戏看作是表现自性发展的无意识过程,并认为太极图与沙盘游戏治疗的思想是相互应和的。 沙盘游戏治疗的基本设置有着国际统一的标准。其中包含沙盘尺寸、色彩规范及游戏模型的种类等等的具体规定。有了这些物质的准备,只要再添加上一颗天真无邪的“童心”,沙盘游戏治疗室就会马上生动起来! 天蓝色的沙盘容器治疗室必备的是两个规定大小的装沙的矩形盘。一个用于做干沙盘,另一个可以放水,做湿沙盘。其底面是蓝色的,这蓝色可以象征海洋和天空。在游戏过程中,可以通过拨开沙子露出蓝色的底面来表示湖泊或河流
