

Exercise 1

1. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is _____ other forms.

(A) segregated from

(B) parallel to

(C) dependent on

(D) overshadowed by

(E) mimicked by

2. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ____ government records to see ____ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields. BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A retain D questionable

B distribute E circumstantial

C consult F strong

3. Noting that few employees showed any ____ for complying with the corporation's new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that the acceptance of the regulations would be ____, at best.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A aptitude D negotiable

B enthusiasm E imminent

C aversion F grudging

4. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so

_____ Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in ____in the western Hemisphere.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A terrorized D abeyance

B corrupted E quarantine

C decimated F secret

5. Nature’s energy efficiency often ______ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency______ the firefly’s system.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A inhibits D rivals

B outstrips E simulates

C determines F reproduces

6. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ______ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ______ than we had thought.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A adopt D relevant

B dismiss E unconventional

C admire F elusive

7. Though extremely ______ about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly ______ information about what they intended to do next.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A candid D eschewing

B fastidious E soliciting

C reticent F avoiding

Exercise 2

1. Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century, when ______ was valued much more highly than it is today.

(A) scent

(B) beauty

(C) elegance

(D) color

(E) variety

2. At first, I found her gravity rather intimidating; but, as I saw more of her, I found that ______ was very near the surface.

(A) seriousness

(B) confidence

(C) laughter

(D) poise

(E) determination

3. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to ______ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.

(A) insular

(B) investigative

(C) synoptic

(D) subjective

(E) sensational

4. During the opera’s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed ______, without necessary relation to what had gone before.

(A) tedious

(B) melodious

(C) capricious

(D) compelling

(E) cautious

5. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater _______their efforts to build a progressive party than the ______ of the progressives already elected to the legislature.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A benefit from D success

B obstacle to E resistance

C praise for F reputation

6. No longer _____ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual ____ for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A sustained D justifications

B antagonized E equivalents

C doubted F substitutes

7. Just as astrology was for centuries ____faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of______ the professional sciences.


A an accepted. D rebellion by

B an underground E defiance against

C an unknown F concern about

Exercise 3

1. Despite the fact that the two council members belonged to different political parties, they______ the issue of how to finance the town debt.

(A) complicated

(B) avoided

(C) attested to

(D) reported on

(E) agreed on

2. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the initial design is no longer______.

(A) relevant

(B) necessary

(C) attractive

(D) applicable

(E) discernible

3. Noting the murder victim’s flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some ______ occupation.

(A) treacherous

(B) prestigious

(C) ill-paying

(D) illegitimate

(E) sedentary

4. Social tensions among adult factions can be ______by politics, but adolescents and children have no such ______for resolving their conflict with the

exclusive world of adults.


A intensified D attitude

B frustrated E justification

C adjusted F mechanism

5. Demonstrating a mastery of innuendo, he issued several ______ insults in the course of the evening’s conversation.

(A) blunt

(B) veiled

(C) fallacious

(D) boisterous

(E) embellished

6. Because outlaws were denied ____ under medieval law, anyone could raise a hand against them with legal ____.


A propriety D impunity

B protection E discordance

C provisions F invalidity

7. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look_____; they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the ______of natural beauty and human glory.


A cheerful D transitoriness

B beautiful E abstractness

C luxuriant F immutability

Exercise 4

1. Since it is now ____ to build the complex central processing unit of a computer on a single silicon chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it seems plausible that other miniature structures might be fabricated in ____ ways. BLANK(i) BLANK(ii)

A unprecedented D unique

B difficult E similar

C routine F congruent

2. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of _____ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to _____ its own continental coastline.


A negligence D defend

B custom E reinforce

C expediency F expand

3. Despite the ______ of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to

emphasize “pop culture” as a key for ______ the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.


A pedantry D entangling

B skepticism E reinstating

C enthusiasm F deciphering

4. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having ____ the conflicting elements of her life.

(A) affirmed

(B) highlighted

(C) identified

(D) confined

(E) reconciled

5. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their______.

(A) insight

(B) obstinacy

(C) introspection

(D) tolerance

(E) credulity

6. Broadway audiences have become inured to _____ and so _____to be pleased as to make their ready ovation meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.


A mediocrity D unlikely

B condescension E disinclined

C cleverness F desperate

7. Although he attempted repeatedly to ______ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained ______ in her judgment. BLANK(i) BLANK(ii)

A remind D unfeigned

B convince E indulgent

C disabuse F adamant

Exercise 5

1. Psychology has slowly evolved into an ______scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.

(A) independent

(B) unusual

(C) outmoded

(D) uncontrolled

2. Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,” but is ______construction.

(A) a complicated

(B) a convoluted

(C) a distorted

(D) an amorphous

(E) an illusory

3. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was ______by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.

(A) banal

(B) heretical

(C) unproven

(D) complex

(E) superficial

4. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement had been______.

(A) irrelevant

(B) facetious

(C) mistaken

(D) critical

(E) insincere

5. The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in Western society during the current decade is ______critical.

(A) perennially

(B) disturbingly

(C) uniquely

(D) archetypally

(E) captiously

6. It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever consigning others, in the end, all his ______has only worked against him

(A) self-possession

(B) self-righteousness

(C) self-adulation

(D) self-sacrifice

(E) self-analysis

7. Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world devoid of______.

(A) theatricality

(B) adversity

(D) polarity

(E) neutrality

Exercise 6

1. The spellings of many old English words have been ______in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.

(A) preserved

(B) shortened

(C) preempted

(D) revised

(E) improved

2. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian ______later Greek civilization, it would be incorrect to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely independent creation.

(A) disdain for

(B) imitation of

(C) ambivalence about

(D) deference to

(E) influence on

3. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable

______through a complex network of producers and consumers.

(A) commodities

(B) dividends

(C) communications

(D) nutrients

(E) artifacts

4. The old man could not have been accused of______ his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his ______her.


A lavishing D tolerance of

B stinting E antipathy for

C promising F adoration of

5. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ______such illnesses.

(A) disguise

(B) impede

(C) constrain

(D) precipitate

(E) consummate

6. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because of the possibility of ______resulting from the carbon atom’s

ability to form an unending series of different molecules.

(A) deviation

(B) stability

(C) reproduction

(D) variety

(E) invigoration

7. That his intransigence in making decisions brooked no open disagreement from any quarter was well known; thus, clever subordinates learned the art of

____ their opinions in casual remarks.

(A) quashing

(B) recasting

(C) intimating

(D) instigating

(E) emending

Exercise 7

1. Dreams are ______in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.

(A) uninformative

(B) startling

(C) harmless

(D) unregulated

(E) uncontrollable

2. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more

______than a similar article intended for ______use.


A colorfully D religious

B creatively E consecrated

C lavishly F everyday

3. The newborn human infant is not a passive figure, nor an active one, but what might be called an actively ______one, eagerly attentive as it is to sights and sounds.

(A) adaptive

(B) selective

(C) inquisitive

(D) receptive

(E) intuitive

4. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no ______ this ______ view of selection. BLANK(i) BLANK(ii)

A basis for D pervasive

B precursors of E innovative

C criticisms of F renowned

5. Although Johnson ______great enthusiasm for his employees’ project, in reality his interest in the project was so ______as to be almost non-existent. BLANK(i) BLANK(ii)

A generated D redundant

B feigned E preemptive

C demanded F perfunctory

6. Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting entitled the Mona Lisa as an original and wonderful ______feat, the reproduction of a natural object, the aesthetes saw it as----that required deciphering.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A historical D an aberration

B technical E a hieroglyph

C visual F emulation

Exercise 8

1. Despite the apparently bewildering complexity of this procedure, the underlying principle is quite______.

(A) calculated

(B) elementary

(C) imaginary

(D) effective

(E) modern

2. In spite of the ____ nature of Scotland's terrain, its main roads are surprisingly free from severe ____.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A landlocked D grades

B mountainous E weather

C uncharted F slipperiness

3. While the delegate clearly sought to ______the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.

(A) substantiate

(B) dampen

(C) encourage

(D) elucidate

(E) rekindle

4. The reduction of noise has been approached in terms of ______its sources, but the alternative of canceling noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave pattern may be more useful in practice.

(A) diffusing

(B) tracking

(C) concealing

(D) isolating

(E) eliminating

5. While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ______by their lively criticism.

(A) humiliated

(B) discomfited

(C) deluded

(D) disgraced

(E) tantalized

6. During the 1960’s assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to wide spread

______it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose ______was both imminent and welcome.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A fascination D ascent

B censure E restitution

C approval F dissolution

Exercise 9

1. As late as 1891 a speaker assured his audience that since profitable farming was the result of natural ability rather than learning, an education in agriculture was______.

(A) vital

(B) difficult

(C) useless

(D) intellectual


2. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from______, relating the

______of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A size D habitat

B classification E appearance

C structure F behavior

3. Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously______.

(A) meditative

(B) tepid

(C) categorical

(D) unoriginal

(E) insightful

4. In Germany her startling powers as a novelist are widely______, but she is

almost unknown in the English-speaking world because of the difficulties of

______her eccentric prose.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A ignored D revealing

B admired E translating

C obscured F editing

5. In many science fiction films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a ______between technology, which is______, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A conflict D dehumanizing

B parallel E unfettered

C fusion F beneficent

6. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although

a hint of ______can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

(A) self-deprecation

(B) congeniality

(C) cynicism

(D) embarrassment

(E) self-doubt

7. Within the next decade, sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will determine whether the continents are really moving, _____ the incipient _____ among geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A forestalling D consensus

B engendering E rift

C escalating F speculation

Exercise 10

1. The commissions criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent on the ability to pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified young people would be ______further education.

(A) entitled to

(B) striving for

(C) deprived of

(D) uninterested in

(E) participating in

2. In order to ______her theory that the reactions are ______, the scientist conducted many experiments, all of which showed that the heat of the first reaction is more than twice that of the second.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A support D problematic

B comprehend E different

C evaluate F valuable

3. For centuries animals have been used as______ for people in experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.

(A) benefactors

(B) companions

(C) examples

(D) precedents

(E) surrogates

4. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by______, the leaders of the movement have recently

______most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A coercion D issued

B participation E deliberated

C demonstration F repudiated

5. This final essay, its prevailing kindliness ______by occasional flashes of savage irony, bespeaks the----character of the author.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A marred D chivalrous

B illuminated E dichotomous

C exemplified F ruthless

6. Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960’s portrayed him as ______thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.

(A) an adventurous

(B) a doctrinaire

(C) an eclectic

(D) a judicious

(E) a cynical

7. Rather than enhancing a country’s security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that country’s _________.

(A) boldness

(B) influence

(C) responsibility

(D) moderation

(E) vulnerability

Exercise 11

1. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as ______to increasingly expensive conventional housing.

(A) reaction

(B) an addition

(C) an introduction

(D) an alternative

(E) a challenge

2. A major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it ______to be a credible threat.

(A) tends

(B) appears

(C) ceases

(D) happens

(E) seems

3. Even though in today’s Soviet Union the______ the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little ______to practice their religion.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

D obligation

A dissidents


B leaders of E inclination

C traditionalists F latitude

4. New research on technology and public policy focuses on how seemingly

______design features, generally overlooked in most analyses of public works projects or industrial machinery, actually mask social choices of profound significance.

(A) insignificant

(B) inexpensive

(C) innovative

(D) ingenious

(E) inopportune

5. Individual freedom of thought should be ______more absolutely than individual freedom of action, given that the latter, though also desirable, must be ______the limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A exercised D conscious of

B protected E superior to

C curtailed F subject to

6. When theories formerly considered to be ____ in their scientific objectivity are fond instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human ____.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)

A disinterested D intellects

B callous E constructions

C verifiable F talents

Exercise 12

1. Although the minuet appeared simple, its______ steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully ______in public.


A minute D executed

B intricate E discussed

C rudimentary F restrained

2. Sponsors of the bill were ______because there was no opposition to it within the legislature until after the measure had been signed into law.

(A) unreliable

(B) well-intentioned

(C) persistent

(D) relieved

(E) detained

3. Dependence on foreign sources of heavy metals, though______, remains a problem for United States foreign policy.

(A) deepening

(B) diminishing

(C) excessive

(D) debilitating

(E) unavoidable

4. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more ______during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruption ______its violent nature.


A gaseous D belied

B familiar E restrained

C explosive F moderated

5. Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an ______fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.

(A) unfriendly

(B) aging

(C) angry

(D) imperious

(E) unfettered

6. To test the ______of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another, simply investigate the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be ______the other.


A efficacy D utilized by

B universality E superseded by

C risk F confused with

7. Doc umenting science’s influence on philosophy would be______, since it is

almost axiomatic that many philosophers use scientific concepts as the foundations for their speculations.

(A) elementary

(B) superfluous

(C) inappropriate

(D) difficult

(E) impossible

Exercise 13

1. Hydrogen is the ______element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

(A) steadiest

(B) expendable

(C) lightest

(D) final

(E) fundamental

2. The breathing spell provided by the ______arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions.

(A) plethora of

(B) moratorium on

(C) reciprocation of

(D) concentration on

(E) development of

3. The wonder of De Quincey is that although opium dominated his life, it never ______him; indeed, he turned its use to ______when he published the story of its influence in the London Magazine.


A overcame D gain

B released E altruism

C intimidated F addiction

4. It has been argued that politics as______, whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.

(A) a theory

(B) an ideal

(C) a practice

(D) a contest

(E) an enigma

5. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers—the incomprehension of her colleagues—octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to savor the triumph of her once ______scientific theories.

(A) innovative

(B) insignificant

(C) tentative

(D) authoritative

(E) heterodox

6. In failing to see that the justice’s pr onouncement merely ______previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk

______the scope of the justice’s judgment.


A overturned D limited

B qualified E nullified

C denied F overemphasized

7. Early critics of Emily Dickinson’s poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such______.

(A) astonishment

(B) cunning

(C) allusion

(D) innocence

(E) vexation

Exercise 14

1. Her ______should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her, she has always been willing to assist those who are in need.

(A) intemperance

(B) intolerance

(C) apprehension

(D) diffidence

(E) frugality

2. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural___ doing so.

(A) aptitude for

(B) repugnance to

(C) interest in

(D) ignorance of

(E) reaction after

3. Without the psychiatrist’s promise of confidentiality, trust is ___ _and the patient’s communication limited; e ven though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes requires willingness to



A implicit D uphold

B assumed E apply

C impaired F sacrifice

4. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Na tions (1776) is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current relevance of Smith’s valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ______of present-day economics.

(A) outgrowths

(B) concerns

(C) precursors

(D) byproducts

(E) vestiges

5. While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not______; she concedes the ______of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.


A congenial D strength

B fanatical E restraint

C fickle F speciousness

6. Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of______, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply______.


A detachment D indifference


E intolerance


C prejudice F partiality

7. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to ______blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that ______the relationship.


A sharpen D assure

B impair E obscure

C increase F buttress

Exercise 15

1. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually

______to the area, ______its productivity.


A superfluous D counterbalancing

B beneficial E diminishing

C destructive F enhancing

2. As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough physical power to dominate all others, they must depend on______.

(A) allies

(B) resources

(C) freedom

(D) education

(E) self-determination

3. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her ______search for her daughter.

(A) extended

(B) agitated

(C) comprehensive

(D) motiveless

(E) heartless

4. The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to ______federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.

(A) protest

(B) institute

(C) deny

(D) encourage

(E) disregard

5. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ______evidence when it does not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs.

(A) addresses

(B) creates

(C) alters

(D) suppresses

(E) substitutes

6. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to

______theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly______.


A inelegant D elusive

B wrongheaded E efficacious

C pragmatic F speculative

7. The ______questions that consistently structure the study of history must be distinguished from merely ______questions, which have their day and then pass into oblivion.


A recurrent D ephemeral

B philosophical E random

C perennial F discriminating

Exercise 16

1. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of

a lack of______, is the first step in learning to be creative.

(A) elegance

(B) resolution

(C) goodness

(D) originality

(E) sympathy

2. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly ______source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.

(A) exploited

(B) quantifiable

(C) controversial

(D) inexhaustible

(E) remarkable

3. Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the

______of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its ______before he acted.


A reproaches D promptings

B ridicule E eloquence

C balm F atonement

4. Charlotte Salomon’s biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by overpowering public events, retain their hold on the ______recording them.

(A) culture

(B) majority

(C) individual

(D) audience

(E) institution

5. Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts ______a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be explained only by the transfer of DNA between the two systems.


(B) reveal

(C) exhibit

(D) share

(E) maintain

6. Scholars’ sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of “the state” at the time when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a correspondingly ______mode of study.

(A) thorough

(B) distinctive

(C) dependable

(D) scientific

(E) dynamic

Exercise 17

1. It was a war the queen and her more prudent counselors wished to ______if they could and were determined in any event to ______as long as possible. BLANK(i) BLANK(ii)

A provoke D postpone

B curtail E promote

C avoid F deny

2. As the first streamlined car, the Airflow represented a milestone in automotive development, and although its sales were______, it had an immense influence on automobile design.

(A) tolerable

(B) significant

(C) unimportant

(D) calculable

(E) disappointing

3. Walpole’s art collec tion was huge and fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto was never out of print; none of this mattered to the Victorians, who dismissed him as, at best, ______.

(A) insignificant

(B) worthwhile

(C) talented

(D) meager

(E) dangerous

4. Since the author frequently ______other scholars, his objection to disputes is not only irrelevant but also surprising.


(B) admires

(C) quotes

(D) neglects

(E) attacks

5. In the design of medical experiments, the need for ______assignment of treatments to patients must be reconciled with the difficulty of persuading patients to participate in an experiment in which their treatment is decided by chance.


(B) competent

(C) random

(D) swift

(E) mechanical

6. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work simultaneously; the picture’s illusion of uniform three-dimensional appearance must therefore result from the viewer’s integration of various indicators perceived______.


2020年中考英语选词填空练习 I think senior high schools should have the right to hold independent recruitment(自主招生). According to current regulations (规定), 1______ are being picked by schools according to 2_______ scores on the senior high school entrance exam. This is 3______ because the government wants students 4_______ equal education. But I believe independent recruitment should still 5_______. If an excellent student does poorly 6______ the entrance exam, what can he or she do if there are no other exams offered by schools? This is 7______ for such students. Their future should not be decided by 8_______ one exam. Also, some students in remote (偏僻的) areas don’t have as much access (机会) to 9________ resources. When taking the same entrance exam as students living in more 10_______ areas, they are at a disadvantage (劣势). Independent recruitment may provide these students with a chance to get enrolled (录取). China Youth Daily recently carried out an online survey of 1,934 people to find out more about their lives at home. 1______ of the respondents (受访者) were between the 2______ of 18 and 35. The survey 3________ that 73.5 percent of these young respondents said they want 4______ the same hobbies as their parents. While most young people 5_______ to watch TV, take photos or go 6______, their parents might prefer to watch Peking Opera, drink tea 7______ play chess. While being quarantined (隔离) at home during the coronavirus outbreak, however, they started to share each 8______ interests. “By learning 9_______ each others’ interests, parents and their children might find things that they have in common and have 10_______ relationships,” said Shen Yifei, a professor from Fudan University. C


第一篇 Climate change has claimed its latest victim:Limacina helicina,a planktonic,predatory(捕食的)sea snail that's a member of the taxonomic group more(36)__________ known as sea butterflies.(The name is(37)__________ from the wing-like lobes(叶瓣)the tiny creatures use to get around.)In a study(38)__________ published in joumal Proceedings of the Royal Society B,a group of scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)and Oregon State University have found that the Pacific Ocean's decreasing pH—its acidifying(酸化),in other words-is dissolving L.helicina's thin shells. The researchers collected sea butterfly(39)__________ from 13 sites along the Pacific coast(between Washington and southern California,going over each with a scanning electron microscope.More than half of the shells(53%)from onshore individuals(40)__________ signs of “severe dissolution damage,”while 24%of(41) __________ individuals suffered dissolution damage.The study's(42)__________ investigator, Dr. Nina Bednarsek of NOAA,described the affected L.helicina shells as having a texture not unlike “cauliflower” or “sandpaper.” According to the paper,there was a “strong positive(43)__________ ”between the proportion of sea butterflies with severe shell dissolution damage and “the percentage of undersaturated(未达到饱和的)water ” near the ocean's surface.The researchers conclude “shell dissolution owing to(human.caused ocean(44)_________has doubled in near shore habitats since pre.industrial conditions across this region and is on track to triple by 2050,”a truly(45)__________ prediction.Moreover, the broader implications for ecosystem are unclear, as damaged shells make it harder for L.helicina to fight infections,stay buoyant,and protect themselves from predators. I. noticed A. showed J. correlation B. recently K. encouraging? C. protected L. seaward D. commonly M. acidification E. derived N. grim F. samples O. pollution G. offshore H. principal 词性归类 答案解析


对口高考英语模拟题库:完形填空 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Music to My Ears Robby was 10 for his first piano lesson in my class. Much as he tried, he __36__ even the basic rhythm. However, he dutifully reviewed the pieces that I required. Over the months he tried and tried while I __37__ and encouraged him. At the end of each lesson he'd always say, "My mom's going to hear me play some day." __38__ it seemed hopeless. I only knew his mother from a __39__as she waited in her aged car to pick him up. Then one day Robby stopped coming. I was secretly __40__ that he stopped because of his lack of ability. Weeks later I informed the students, including Robby, of the coming recital(独奏). To my __41__, Robby asked me if he could be included. I told him he really did not qualify because he had __42__ out. He said his mom had been sick and unable to take him to lessons but he was still __43__ . “I've just got to play!" he __44__. Something inside me let me allow him to. Then came the recital night. The gym was __45__ with parents. I put Robby up __46__, thinking that I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer (谢幕).” The recital went off smoothly. Then Robby came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was __47__. "Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?" I thought. Robby pulled out the piano bench and began. I was not __48__ for what I heard next. His fingers were __49__ on the keys. Never had I heard Mozart played so well by people of his age. After he ended, everyone was __50__ their feet in wild applause. In __51__ I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby. "I've never heard you


七年级英语下册选词填空选择题练习经典 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空 (2)David caught a cold and ________ three times a day. (3)I prefer washing clothes by hand to washing clothes with a ________. (4)We won't go to the park because of the rain. ________ everyone knows it. (5)The electricity is off because the storm damaged the ________. (6)It's too dark in the room. Please ________ the light. (7)I want to go on holiday next Monday, for ________ a week. (8)Eating more vegetables ________ your health. (9)It is snowing heavily. I am afraid I can't get to the train station ________. 【答案】(1)come back (2)took the medicine (3)washing machine (4)Make sure (5)power station (6)switch on (7)at least (8)is important to (9)on time 【解析】【分析】power station发电厂;washing machine洗衣机;at least至少;come back回来;be important to对.......重要;take the medicine吃药;on time及时;switch on 打开;make sure确保,确信 (1)句意:格林先生现在正在巴黎参加会议,他5天后将回来。根据句意可知格林先生在巴黎,所以5天后回来,will后面用动词原形,故填come,back。 (2)句意:David感冒了,一天吃三次药。根据caught a cold可知David感冒了,所以需要吃药。caught表明时态是一般过去时,所以take用过去式took,故填took,medicine。(3)句意:我洗衣服更喜欢手洗而不是洗衣机洗。根据常识可知洗衣服要么手洗要么洗衣机洗,故填washing,machine。 (4)句意:因为下雨我们不去公园了,确保每个人都知道。根据句意可知下雨不去公园,所以确保每个人知道这个消息,make sure+句子,意思是确保......。故填Make,sure。(5)句意:因为暴风雨破坏了发电厂,所以停电了根据常识可知发电厂发电,发电厂坏了肯定会停电,power station发电厂,故填power,station。 (6)句意:房间里太黑了,请打开灯。天黑了所以开灯,switch on打开,please后面用动词原形,故填switch,on。 (7)句意:我想下周一去度假,至少一周。at least至少,故填at,least。


一、选择合适的词填空:发现发明 1、青霉素的( )使人类在战胜疾病的阵地上又向前迈进一步。 2、拉链的( )改变了人们的生活 洞察洞悉 3、她是个敏感的人,能从对方的表情( )他的内心世界。 4、( )神奇的大自然,你会受益无穷。 连续继续持续1.这时,没有关闭的窗户自行关闭,空调系统减弱风力,房子四周的防盗报警装置进入工作状态。这一切将()到第二天早晨主人起床为止。 2.在新的世纪里,现代科学技术必将()创造一个个奇迹,不断改善我们的生活。3.2009年哥本哈根全球气候大会()开了十二天,会议没有达成具有法律效力的协议。 二、写出下列各句用了什么修辞方法。 1、那则没有电灯,没有电视,没有收音机,也没有汽车。( ) 2、浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来() 3、鹅的叫声,音调严肃郑重,似厉声呵斥。( ) 4、有人破坏学校的花木,我们能看着不管吗?( ) 一、选择合适的词填空:发现发明 1、青霉素的( )使人类在战胜疾病的阵地上又向前迈进一步。 2、拉链的( )改变了人们的生活 洞察洞悉 3、她是个敏感的人,能从对方的表情( )他的内心世界。 4、( )神奇的大自然,你会受益无穷。 连续继续持续1.这时,没有关闭的窗户自行关闭,空调系统减弱风力,房子四周的防盗报警装置进入工作状态。这一切将()到第二天早晨主人起床为止。 2.在新的世纪里,现代科学技术必将()创造一个个奇迹,不断改善我们的生活。3.2009年哥本哈根全球气候大会()开了十二天,会议没有达成具有法律效力的协议。 二、写出下列各句用了什么修辞方法。 1、那则没有电灯,没有电视,没有收音机,也没有汽车。( ) 2、浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来() 3、鹅的叫声,音调严肃郑重,似厉声呵斥。( )


最新英语四级选词填空练习题和答案 Americans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States? Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份) than to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by


2010 高考经典模拟试卷完形填空分完形填空20 篇..doc Many years ago my dad was diagnosed ( 诊断) with a terminal illness . He was unable to work at 36 job . He would be fine for quite a while , but would then fall suddenly 37 and have to be admitted to the hospital . He wanted to do something to keep himself 38 , so he decided to volunteer at the local children 39 . My dad loved kids . He would talk to them and play with them .Sometimes , he would 40 one of his kids . In certain instances , he would give 41 to the sad parents of these children . One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a 42 disease that paralyzed (使?瘫痪) her from the neck down . I don ’t kno4w3t h e of the disease , but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl . My dad decided to try to help her . He started 44 her in her room , bringing paints , brushes and paper . He stood the paper up 45 a backing , put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint . He didn ’u tse his hands at all . Only his 46 would move . He would visit her 47 he could and paint for her . All the while he would tell her , ―see , you ca n48d o you set your mind to . ‖ 49 , she began to paint using her mouth , and she and my dad became friends . Soon after , the little girl was discharged ( 允许出院). My dad also 50 the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Sometime later after my dad had recovered and 51 to work , he was at the volunteer counter one day and 52 the front door open . In came the little girl who had been paralyzed , but this time she was 53 . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight . She gave my dad a picture she had done using her 54 . At the bottom it read, ―thank you for helping me walk . ‖ Sometimes love is more 55 than doctors , and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture-loved every single child in that hospital . 36.A.an important B.a steady C.an easy D.a good 37.A.ill B.behind C.asleep D.down 38.A.well B.wealthy C.busy D.healthy 39.A.palace B.hospital C.center D.park 40.A.teach B.miss C.lose D.treat

语文选词填空练习题 二年级学生专用(有答案)

语文选词填空练习题二年级学生专用(有答案) 1、小猫在我们家生活了两年,我跟它(产生)了浓浓的感情。 2、无论(发生)什么事情,爸爸总会和我在一起。 1、列宁跟着蜜蜂(果然找到了养蜂人的家。 2、没有想到,我(居然)能得到一等奖。 1、指南针是我国古代四大(发明)之一。 2、春天来了,我(发现)迎春花开了。 3、小林(发明)的充气雨衣受到了大家的欢迎。 4、我(发现)扁豆的蔓儿是向右绕着爬的。 5、自从人们(发明)了汽车,出行方便多了。

6、鲁班(发明)了锯。 7、小东(发现)花丛上有一只蝴蝶。 8、我(发现)了姐姐的一个小秘密。 9、爱迪生(发明)了电灯。 10、我(发现)一棵大榕树的树杈上长出一棵小树。 1、我们沿着(长长)的小溪去寻找雷锋的足迹。 2、小山羊(常常)帮助别人做事。 1、猴子精彩的(表演)赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。 2、在运动会上,同学们(表现)出了团结协作的精神。 1、从(现在)开始,我们要努力学习。

2、眼保健操开始了,同学们(正在)教室里做操。 1、玫瑰花开了,它们很(美丽),还散发着香味。 2、多么(美好)的春光啊,真让人陶醉呀! 1、张明(经常)帮王奶奶做事,王奶奶可喜欢他了。 2、(往常)都是爸爸来接我,可是今天他出差了,所以妈妈来接我。 1、包里就是没有我(心爱)的裙子。 2、我有一支漂亮的钢笔,我很(喜爱)。 3、我很(疼爱)我的弟弟。 1、孔雀的尾巴真(美丽)。 2、随着(优美)的乐曲,小学演员们旋转起来了。

3、(优美)的乐曲声中,小同学们跳起了舞。 4、花儿开了,五颜六色的,真(美丽)。 5、听到(优美)的乐曲,小朋友们快乐地跳起来。 1、(往常)派去找他的人不在,列宁只好亲自去找。 2、我(经常)到图书馆去看书。 3、列宁(经常)请养蜂的人来谈天。 4、今年的春节与(往常)不同。 5、班长的学习成绩非常好,他(经常)得到老师的表扬。 6、他(往常)就很爱运动,所以在运动会上取得了好成绩。 1、广场(四周),灯火辉煌,美丽极了。 2、他(四处)张望,找不到妈妈。

最新 2015年6月英语四级选词填空练习及参考译文(6)-精品

2015年6月英语四级选词填空练习及 参考译文(6) 点击查看: Section A Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blankfrom a list of choices given in a word bankfollowing the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letterfor each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 t0 45 are based on thefoRowingpassage. Electronic cigarettes will face new(36)__________in the US,the US Food and Drug Administra-tion(37)__________yesterday.These will include curbs on sales to minors and distribution of fi'ee samples,as well as provisions forcing manufacturers to place heA.th warnings on packaging. The long-awaited proposals—which also demand that the manufacturers should disclose all the ingredients in details and make claims of(38)__________risk only if scientifically validated--are less stringent(严厉的)than the Europe legislations voted on in February.(39)__________the proposed restrictions doing nothing to control advertising or curbing the sale offlavored products with names such as“Very Berrylicious”,(40)__________of e-cigarettes claim that they are more(41)__________and scientific than the EU rules. “This is much less onerous than the European Tobacco Products directive,”says Gerry Stimson,a UKconsultant who supports“least harm"’solutions to health problems.“It is clear tha t the FDA process,(42)__________the EU,follows the science,but this is just a first step and the regulatory process could take years,duringwhich the products and the market will develop.” The proposals will likely(43)__________further debate for and against e-cigarettes,which call resemble real cigarettes but contain


完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One cold night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco.There I was walking home around one o’clock in the morning after a 1practice at the theatre. With the opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines by heart. I was having 2 handling my part-time job at the bank in the daytime and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about 3 both acting and San Francisco. I had 4 too much of city life. As I walked down the 5 streets under the tall buildings, I felt very small and cold, so I began 6 both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few homeless people under blankets. About a block from my 7 , I heard a sound behind me. I 8 quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me 9 ,so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I 10 what the noise had been. It had been my wallet 11 to the sidewalk. Suddenly I wasn’t cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where I’d heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk 12 for 15 minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found. Just as I was about to quit the 13 , I heard the garbage truck stop to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice came from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened and out jumped a small blonde man with an 14 look in his eyes. “Is this what you’re looking for?” He asked, holding up a wallet. It was already 3 a.m. by the t ime I got into bed. I couldn’t get much sleep, but I had got my wallet back. I also had got back some 15 of city life. I realized the city couldn’t be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other. 1.A.comfortable B.serious C.tiresome D.fortunate 2.A.comfort B.desire C.pain D.trouble 3.A.setting up B.giving up C.holding up D.picking up 4.A.expected B.changed C.controlled D.possessed 5.A.deserted B.crowded C.busy D.wild 6.A.running B.jumping C.moving D.marching 7.A.bank B.theatre C.apartment D.office 8.A.stood B.walked C.turned D.left 9.A.satisfied B.confused C.frightened D.annoyed 10. A.turn out B.figure out C.give out D.pull out 11. A.belonging B.adding C.sticking D.falling 12. A.aimlessly B.anxiously C.skillfully D.delightedly 13. A.discovery B.research C.hunt D.finding 14. A.amused B.unpleasant C.uneasy D.embarrassed 15. A.production B.judgment C.friendship D.appreciation 1—5 CDBAA 6—10 ACCCB 11—15 DBCAD


最新2017年英语四级选词填空练习题附答案2017年英语四级选词填空练习题 After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll(死亡人数) could have been much worse. More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, and earthquake of similar __1__ that shook America in 1998 claimed 25,000 victims. Injuries and deaths were __2__ less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. On a holiday, when traffic was light on the city's highway. In addition, __3__ made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city's buildings and highways, making them more __4__ to quakes. In the past, making structures quake-resist-ant meant firm yet __5__ materials, such as steel and wood, that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its


江苏高考完形填空模拟试题含答案 A lady and her husband stepped off the train in Boston. They walked without an appointment预约into the outer 36 of Harvard’s president. But they were 37 by his secretary and kept waiting. For hours, the secretary took no notice of them, 38 that the couple would finally become 39 and go away. But they didn’t. The secretary finally decided to disturb the president, though 40 . A few minutes later, the president walked towards the couple with a 41 face. The lady told him, “We had a son that 42 Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was 43 here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to 44 a memorial纪念物to him, somewhere on campus.” The p resident wasn’t 45 . Instead, he was shocked. “Madam,” he said, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died. If we did, this 46 would look like a cemetery墓地,” “Oh, no,” the lady 47 quickly. “We don’t want to put up a st atue. We would like to give a 48 to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes and 49 at the couple and then exclaimed, ” A building! Do you have any 50 how much a building costs? We have spent over $7,500,000 on the campus building at Harvard.” For a m oment the lady was silent. The president was 51 , because he could get rid of them now. Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a 52 ? Why don’t we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. 53 their offer w as turned down. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their 54 , a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer 55 about. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e18947111.html,b B.library C.hall D.office 37.A.watched B.stopped C.followed D.interviewed 38.A.hoping B.finding C.realizing D.imagining 39.A.surprised B.disappointed C.worried D.troubled 40.A.hopelessly B.carefully C.unexpectedly D.unwillingly 41.A.pleasant B.funny C.cold D.sad
