


1. ()




22-+-=( ).

A .()2016

2- B. 2016

2 C. 2017


- D. 2017


2. a 是有理数,则a a -的值一定( ).

A .大于0 B. 小于0 C.不大于0 D. 不小于0

3. 如图,AB // CD ,120οA ∠=,50οB ∠=,60οD ∠=,140οE ∠=,则BCD AFE ∠-∠=( )ο


A . 0 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30

4. Given that a ,b ,c and d are negative numbers ,and 12340x a x b x c x d -+++-++=,then the value of 12


x x x x is ( ). A .a negative number B. a non-negative number C. a positive number D. a non-positive number

5. 已知1201603201604P =

?,1201602201604Q =?,1


R =?,则P ,Q ,R 的大小关系是( ).

A .P Q R >> B. P R Q >> C. Q P R >> D. R Q P >>

6. 123x x x ++++-的最小值为( ).

A .3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

7. 如图所示,1∠,2∠,3∠的大小关系是( ). A .213∠>∠>∠ B. 132∠>∠>∠ C. 321∠>∠>∠ D. 123∠>∠>∠ F

8. 若关于x 的方程()()0a a x b b x ---=,有无穷多个解,则( ). A .0a b += B. 0a b -= C. 0a


= D. 0ab =

9. ,αβ一个是锐角,一个是钝角,甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学在计算



αβ+时,得到的结果依次是17ο,42ο,56ο,73ο,其中的确有正确的结果,则计算正确的同学是( ).

A .甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁

10. 若a ,b ,c 是任意的三个有理数,则以下四个式子中与2017a b c -++的值相等的是( ). A .2017b a c +-- B. 2017b c a --+ C. 2017c a b -+- D. 2017c a b --+

11. 最大的数是( ) 12.

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2



A. 3

B. 4

C. 5



A. 1

B. 10

C. 100




A. -4

B. -3

C. 1



A. 0

B. 1

C. 2



A. 3

B. 2

C. 1




A. B. C.


A. 214

B. 215

C. 216



A. 12

B. 15

C. 18



A. 155

B. 165

C. 175



A. 35

B. 36

C. 37



A. 30°

B. 35°

C. 40°

D. 45°


A. 0

B. 2

C. 4

D. 6


A. 52°


C. 76°

D. 57°


A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6



12 B. 23 C. 25 D.35


A. 15

B. 18

C. 30













七年级英语上册竞赛试题 姓名班级考号分数 卷首语 回首即将过去的一学期,既有失败的经历,又有成功的喜悦。我们哭过、笑过、彷徨过;我们输过、赢过、拼搏过。听!新年的钟声马上敲响,让我们挥手告别过去,昂首迎接未来。我们相信在新的起点上,每个人心中都充满了期盼:期盼着更多的成功、期盼着更多的挑战、也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷!祝愿同学们在本次竞赛考试中考出好成绩! (满分100分) 一.单项填空(26分) ()1. It isn’t ______ ring. It’s ________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ()2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是 A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.” B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese. C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book. D Does Jenny come home from school by bike? ()3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk. A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a ()4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________. A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my ()5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in ( ) 6. A: Here you are. B: A. That’s right. B. Let me see. C. Thanks. D. Yes , I like it ()7.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --It’s Simon’s new classmate. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whom ()8.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A B C D ()9.—Your pen is very nice.—________________. A.OK B. No, it isn’t C. Thank you D. Yes, it is. ()10.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop. A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana ()11.—Would you like a cup of tea? --______I’d like a glass of water, please.


新人教版七年级下英语竞赛试题 时间:120分钟分值:120分 一.不定项选择(正确答案有1—4个,多选少选不得分,共10小题,计10分) 例题:(ABD)There is _________on the floor. A.some money B.an orange box C.many books D.a little water ( )1.Please practice ______ every day. A.speaking English B.playing the piano C.to speak English D.doing kung fu ( )2. How many ______can you see on the tree? A.birds B.pears C.kites D.apples ( )3. -What are _________names? -Lucy and Lily . A.your parents’ B.the girl’ s C.the girls’ D.the twins’ ( )4.Where pandas ? –China. A.are,from B.are,come C.do,from D.do,come from ( )5. It’s 6:00pm. . It’s time _________. A.to have dinner B.for our party C.to have a dinner D.to go home ( )6.- He often helps her _______ her homework. A. does B. do C. to do D. with ( )7.- I want to join the _______ club,because I can _______ well now. A. music , swim B. swimming , swimming C. sports , play soccer D.art, draw ( )8.- ________.--Thank you . A.Happy birthday to you B.Your English is very good C.Here’s your lost pen. D.Don’t talk in class ( )9.- Let me tell you ________get to the park. A. what B. how to C. how I can D. how can I ( )10. I am an_________boy . But my brother Jim is only ___________. A. 15 years old, 12 years old. B. 18-year-old, 11 years old. C. 15-year-old, 12 years old D. 11-year-old, 5 years old 二、单项选择(正确答案只有1个,多选少选不得分,共25小题,计25分) ()1. -What do you think ______ the idea? -I think it's funny. A. of B. over C. in D. for ()2. Maria doesn’t like singing_______ dancing, _____ she likes drawing. A. and , and B. and, but C. or, but D. or ,and ()3. He’ll arrive ________Shanghai ______ the afternoon of May the tenth. A.on, on B.in, in C.in, on D.at, in ()4. Mike often ______books. He enjoys ______books. A. reads, looking B. read, reading C. reads, reading D. read, to read ( ) 5. Miss Brown has ______ hair. A. beautiful long blonde curly B. beautiful long curly blonde C. long beautiful curly blonde D. long curly blonde beautiful


一、填空题(每小题4分,共40分) 1. 甲、乙、丙、丁四个数之和等于-90,甲数减-4,乙数加-4,丙数乘-4,丁数除-4彼比相等,则四个数中的最大的一个数比最小的一个数大__ 2.计算(-2124 +7113 ÷24113 -38 )÷1512 =___。 3. 已知与是同类项,则=__。 4. 有理数在数轴上的位置如图1所示,化简 5.某班学生去参加义务劳动,其中一组到一果园去摘梨子,第一个进园的学生摘了1个梨子,第二个学生摘了2个,第三个学生摘了3个,……以此类推,后来的学生都比前面的学生多摘1个梨子,这样恰好平均每个学生摘了6个梨子,请问这组学生的人数为____. 6. 小明骑车自甲地经乙地,先上坡后下坡,到达乙地后立即返回甲地,共用34分钟,已知上坡速度是400米/分,下坡速度是450米/分,则甲地到乙地的路程是__米。 7. 学校开运动会,班长想分批买汽水给全班50名师生喝,喝完的空瓶根据商店规定每5 个 空瓶又可换一瓶汽水,则至少要买瓶汽水,才能保证每人喝上一瓶汽水. 8. 有这样一个衡量体重是否正常的简单算法。一个男生的标准体重(以公斤为单位)是其身高(以厘米为单位)减去110。正常体重在标准体重减标准体重的10%和加标准体重的10之间。已知甲同学身高161厘米,体重为W,如果他的体重正常,则W的公斤数的取值范围是_____. 9. m、n、l 都是二位的正整楼,已知它们的最小公倍数是385,则m+n+l的最大值是__。 10. 已知x=5时,代数式ax +bx-5的值是10,当x=-5时,代数式ax +bx+5=__。 二、选择题(每小题5分,共30分) 1.-|-3|的相反数的负倒数是() (A)-13 (B)13 (C)-3 (D)3 2. 如图2所示,在矩形ABCD中,AE=B=BF= AD= AB=2, E、H、G在同一条直线上,则阴影部分的面积等于( ) (A)8. (B)12.(C)16.(D)20. 3. 十月一日亲朋聚会,小明统计大家的平均年龄恰是38岁,老爷爷说,两年前的十月一日也是这些人相聚,那么两年前相聚时大家的平均年龄是()岁。 (A)38 (B)37 (C)36 (D)35 4.探险队要达到目的地需要坐船逆流而上,途中不小心把地图掉入水中,当有人发现后,船立即掉头追这张地图,已知,船从掉头到追上地图共用了5分钟,那么,这个人发现地图掉到水中是(). (A)4分钟后(B)5分钟后(C)6分钟后(D)7分钟后 5. 秋季运动会上,七年级(1)班的萌萌、路佳、王玉三人一起进行百米赛跑(假定三人均为匀速直线运动).如果当萌萌到达终点时,路佳距终点还有米,王玉距终点还有米.那么当路佳到达终点时,王玉距终点还有() A.米B.米C.米D.无法确定 6.已知a≤2,b≥-3,c≤5,且a-b+c=10,则a+b+c的值等于()。 (A)10 (B)8 (C)6 (D)4 三、解答题(每小题10分,共30分) 1. 一根长度为1米的木棍,第一次截去全长的12 ,第二次截去余下的13 ,第三次截去第二次截后余下的14 ,……,第n次截去第(n-1)次截后余下的1n+1 。若连续截2007次,共截去多少米?


七年级英语竞赛试题 说明:时间90 分钟满分100 分 I .单项选择( 20 分) ( ) 1. It isn 't ______ ring. It 's _________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ( ) 2.—Your pen is very nice. — ________________ . A.OK B. No, it isn C'. Tthank you D. Yes, it is. ()3. —Please ______ your homework to school tomorrow. -OK , Miss Gao. A.bring B. have C. take D. let ( ) 4.—Are ________ Kate 's ______ ?Ye-s, they are. A.this, book B. that, book C. these ,book D. those, books ( ) 5.—What's six and three? It '-s ______ . A.three B. six C. nine D.eighteen ( ) 6.His father 's name is Tim Green. So his father 's first name is ____________ A. Green B. Mr. Green C. Tim D.Mrs.Green ( ) 7.Thanks ____ the photo ____ y our family. A. for of B. of for C. for for D.for in ( ) 8.—What time do you get up ___ w eekdays? ---- ___ six thirty. A.in;At B.on;At C.of; About D.at on ( ) 9.—Alice is a girl. ____ my good friend. A. She ' s B. She C. It ' s D.Her ( ) 10. —What do you call your mother 's s?iste—r __ . A. Aunt B. Uncle C. Cousin D.Grandmother ( )11.—_____ is the jacket? —It 's black and white. A. Where B. What color C. What D.Which )12.--- does Tom have in A. What class C. How many class )13.For dinner, Tom likes ______ . A. hamburgers, salad, and oranges C. eggs, bananas, and apple )14.--- Draw a map on the blackboard, Tom? --- ___ A. Yes, please B. That'sall right C. All right )15.--- Can I help you? --- _________ A. Yes, please B. Thank you )16.September is the _______ month A. nine B. nineteen D. Thanks C. OK of a year. C. nineth D. You are welcome D. ninth )17.--- How much is this T-shirt? A. dollar B. yuan )18.There are ________ days in May. A. twenty-eight B. thirty-one )19.The man doesn't know how to ___ A. speak B. say )20. --- Are you Han Mei? --- ______ --- Ninety _____ C. yuans D. cent( 美分) D. thirty C. twenty-nine this word in English. C. tell D. talk . I am Wei Hua. the morning? --- Math and Chinese. B. What's your favorite subject D. What subject B. kitchen, tomatoes, French fries D. French fries, sofa, vegetable


2014—2015七年级上英语竞赛试题 (满分120分,时间120分钟)命题人:唐廷学 姓名:班级:学校:得分: 一.单项填空(30分) 1.下列字母中含有相同元音音素的一项是 A d h k B j t z C c g p D o q u 2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是 A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.” B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese. C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book. D Does Jenny come home from school by bike? 3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk. A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a 4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________. A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my 5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in 6.May can’t go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home. A looking for B to look after C looking up D to look like 7.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it. A many B a few C a little D little 8.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --It’s Simon’s new classmate. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whom 9.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A B C D 10.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________. A difficult hard B fun; funny C easy; easily D interesting; interested 11.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop. A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana 12.______ talk with others in class. It’s not polite. A Don’t be B Don’t C Be not D No 13.Tina, with her friend Cathy, often _____ to the park on her bike. A goes B go C going D to go 14.—Would you like a cup of tea? --______I’d like a glass of water, please. A That’s right. B Bad news C Yes, please D No, thanks. 15.—Thank you for asking me to your party.--_________.


第 27 届(2016 年)“希望杯”全国数学邀请赛初中一年级初赛试题 第 27 届“希望杯”全国数学邀请赛 初一 第 1 试试题 考试时间:2016 年 3 月 20 日 一、选择题(每小题 4 分,共 40 分) 1. 下列计算中,正确的是( ) A . x 2 + x 3 = x 5 B . x 4 - x 2 = x 2 C . x 2 x 3 = x 6 D . x 3 ÷ x 2 = x 2.若 n 个人完成一项工程需要 m 天,则 (m + n ) 个人完成这项工程需要( )天 A . mn B . m - n C . m + n D . mn m + n m + 2n m + n mn 3. 关于多项式 1 x 3 y + 5y 4 x 2 - 2 y 7 + 4 ,有以下叙述: 2 ①该多项式是六次三项式;②该多项式是七次四项式; ③该多项式是七次三项式;④该多项式最高次项的系数是 -2 ; ⑤该多项式常数项是 -4 。其中,正确的是( ) A .①④ B .③⑤ C .②④ D .②⑤ 4. If a , b , c are positive numbers such that 3a = 4b = 5c ,and if a + b = kc ,then k =( ) A . 12 B . 5 C . 7 D . 35 35 7 5 12 5. 若非零自然数 a , b 的最大公约数与最小公倍数之和恰等于 a , b ? a 2 b 2 ?10 的乘积,则 ? = ? a + b ? ( ) A .1 B .1024 C . 2014 D . 2016 6. 如图所示,在 7 ? 4 的网格中, A , B , C 是三个格点,则 ∠ABC = ( ) A .105 B .120 C .135 D .150 7. 若 a , b , c 满足 a 2 - 6b = -14,b 2 - 8c = -23, c 2 - 4a = 8 ,则 a + b + c 的值是( ) A .6 B .7 C .8 D .9 8. 在1, 2,3, ,99,100 这 100 个自然数中,不是 2 的倍数,不是 3 的倍数,且不是 5 的倍数的数共有 k 个,则 k =( )


七年级英语竞赛试题 一、运用单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Bob is my friend. His t _______ number is 398-9293. 2. V olleyball is so d________. I can't play it. 3. The weather is_______ . We should wear a pair of sunglasses. ( sun ) 4.Would you like _______(have) a cup of coffee? 5.Be quiet,the baby ____(sleep) . 二. 根据要求写出相应的答案。(5分) 1.wind(形容词) 2.five(序数词) 3.leaf(复数) 4. left (反义词) __________ 5.friend(形容词) 三.单项选择:(10分) ( )1.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in ( )2.May can’t go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home. A looking for B to look after C looking up D to look like ( )3.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it. A many B a few C a little D little ( )4.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________. A difficult hard B fun; funny C easy; easily D interesting; interested ( )5.______ talk with others in class. It’s not polite. A Don’t be B Don’t C Be not D No 四.完形填空(10分) A It’s Sunday morning.My mother 1 I are going to Xiangshan Park. 2 many people in it.Some 3 are running. They are 4 kites. Four 5 are 6 on the grass( 草地). They 7 Two girls are playing __8_ games near them.The men are standing __9__ a big tree.They are __10_the children.There’s a river over there .Many young people are singing and dancing near the river. ( )1.or B.and C.with D.but ( )2.It’s B. They’re C.There’s D.There are ( )3.A.boy B.girl C.childs D.children ( )4.doing B.taking C.flying D.making ( )5.woman B.women C.womans D.womens ()6.it B.sits C.siting D.sitting ()7.are talking B.is talking C.talking D.are talk ()8.some B.any C.the D./ ()9.under B.on C.of D.about ()10.looking B.finding C.watching D.count 五.阅读理解。(10分) We have two new students in our school. They are Mike and Kate. They look the


2017年全国初中数学联赛决赛试卷B (3月26日 上午8:45—11:15) (本试卷由李庄中学 况永胜(QQ:369132130录入) 一、选择题(本题满分42分,每小题7分) 本题共有6小题,每题均给出了代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个答案,其中有且仅有一个是正确的。将你选择的答案的代号填在题号的括号内,每小题选对得7分;不选、错选或选出的代号字母超过一个(不论是否写在括号内),一律得0分。 1、若q 是质数,且q +1 是完全平方数,就称q 为P 型质数,则P 型质数的个数是( ) A 、0 B 、1 C 、2 D 、无数个 2、已知k 为正实数,一次函数y =kx +1与反比例函数y = k x 的图象交于A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2)两点,若||x 1-x 2=5,则k 的值是( ) A 、1 B 、 2 C 、 3 D 、2 3、已知AD 、BE 、CF 为锐角△ABC 三边上的高,若AB =26,EF BC = 513, 则BE 的长度是( ) A 、10 B 、12 C 、13 D 、24 4、在梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,∠ABC =90°,E 是腰AD 的中点,若EC = 13,AB +BC +CD =226,则∠BCE = ( ) A 、30° B 、45° C 、60° D 、75° 5、若实数k 使得关于x 的方程(x 2–1)(kx 2–6x –8)=0恰有三个不同的实数根,则称k 为“好数”, 则“好数”k 的个数是( ) A 、1 B 、2 C 、3 D 、4 6.记正整数m 的各位数字之和为S (m ),比如S (2017)=2+0+1+7=10,现从1,2,3,…,2016,2017这2017个正整数中,任意取出n 个不同的数,都能在这n 个数中找到a 1,a 2,…,a 7,a 8, 使得S (a 1) = S (a 2)= …= S (a 7) = S (a 8),则正整数n 的最小值是( ) A 、185 B 、187 C 、189 D 、191 二、填空题(本大题满分28分,每小题7分) 本题共有4小题,要求直接将答案写在横线上. 7、若x =3–2,则 –x 2–2x x 2–1÷ ( 1||x +1 + 1||x –1 )的值是 8、在平面直角坐标系中,点O (0,0)、A (0,6)、B (-3,2)、C (-2,9),点P 为线段OA (含端点)上任意一点,则PB +PC 的最小值是 9、有4只杯口全朝上的茶杯,现在每次翻转3只,翻动的茶杯允许再翻,经过n 次翻动后,使得杯口全朝下,则正整数n 的最小值是 (注:所谓一只茶杯的一次翻转是指将该茶杯的杯口朝上(下)翻为杯口朝下(上)) 10、设A 、B 为抛物线y = x 2上两点,该两点在y 轴两侧,满足AB =4,记△AOB 的面积为S ,其中O 为坐标原点,则S 的最大值是 三、解答题(本题满分20分) 11、设a 、b 、c 是任意三个互不相等的有理数,证明: 1(a –b )2 + 1(b –c )2 + 1(c –a )2 是有理数.


希望杯第一届(1990年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 003-005 希望杯第一届(1990年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 010-012 希望杯第二届(1991年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 017-020 希望杯第二届(1991年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 023-026 希望杯第三届(1992年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 031-032 希望杯第三届(1992年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 037-040 希望杯第四届(1993年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 047-050 希望杯第四届(1993年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 055-058 希望杯第五届(1994年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 063-066 希望杯第五届(1994年)初中一年级第二试试题 ............................................... 070-073 希望杯第六届(1995年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 077-080 希望杯第六届(1995年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 084-087 希望杯第七届(1996年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 095-098 希望杯第七届(1996年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 102-105 希望杯第八届(1997年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 110-113 希望杯第八届(1997年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 117-120 希望杯第九届(1998年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 126-129 希望杯第九届(1998年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 135-138 希望杯第十届(1999年)初中一年级第二试试题................................................ 144-147 希望杯第十届(1999年)初中一年级第一试试题................................................ 148-151 希望杯第十一届(2000年)初中一年级第一试试题............................................ 158-161 希望杯第十一届(2000年)初中一年级第二试试题............................................ 166-169 希望杯第十二届(2001年)初中一年级第一试试题............................................ 170-174 希望杯第十二届(2001年)初中一年级第二试试题............................................ 175-178 希望杯第十三届(2002年)初中一年级第一试试题............................................ 181-184 希望杯第十三届(2001年)初中一年级第二试试题............................................ 185-189 希望杯第十四届(2003年)初中一年级第一试试题............................................ 192-196 希望杯第十四届(2003年)初中一年级第二试试题............................................ 197-200


2017年上初一数学竞赛试题 ( 考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 一、选择题(每题3分,共24分) 1、若m 是有理数,则m m -一定是( ) A .零 B .非负数 C .正数 D .负数 2、如果022=-+-x x ,那么x 的取值范围是( ) A .2>x B .2


第二十届(2009年) 希望杯初一年级第二试试题word 版 初一 第2试 一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分)以下每题的四个选项中,仅有一个是正确的,请将正确答案 的英文字母写在每题后面的圆括号内. 1.=--2 2 2 239 614753( ) (A ) 113 (B )115 (C )117 (D )11 9 2.每只玩具熊的售价为250元.熊的四条腿上各有两个饰物,标号依次为1,2,3,…,8.卖家说:“1,2,3,4,…,8号饰物依次要收1,2,4,8,…,128元.如果购买全部饰物,那么玩具熊就免费赠送.”若按这样的付费办法,这只熊比原售价便宜了( ) (A )5元 (B )-5元 (C )6元 (D )-6元 3.如图1,直线MN ∥PQ .点O 在PQ 上.射线OA ⊥OB ,分别交MN 于点C 和点D .∠BOQ=30°.若将射线OB 绕点O 逆时针旋转30°,则图中60°的角共有( ) (A )4个 (B )5个 (C )6个 (D )7个 4.如果有理数a ,b 使得 01 1 =-+b a ,那么( ) (A )b a +是正数(B )b a -是负数 (C )2 b a +是正数(D )2 b a -是负数 5.As in figure 2.In the circular ring of which center is point O .if AO ⊥BO ,and the area of the shadowy part is 25cm 2 ,then the area of the circuiar ring equals to ( ) ()14.3≈π (A )147cm 2 (B )157cm 2 (C )167cm 2 (D )177cm 2 6.已知多项式152)(2 1+-=x x x p 和43)(2-=x x p ,则)()(21x p x p ?的最简结果为( ) (A )4232362 3 -+-x x x (B )4232362 3 --+x x x O N M 图1 P D C B A


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.


20XX年初一英语竞赛试题答案 初一英语竞赛试题与常规的英语试题是有很大区别的。以下是学习啦小编为大家整理的20XX年初一英语竞赛试题及参考答案,希望你们喜欢。 20XX年初一英语竞赛试题一、单项填空(共20小题,计20分) 选择最佳答案。 1. Li Lei has orange. Its color is ________ orange. A. the; an B. an; / C. /; an D. the; / . ______name is Tom. Please call ________Tom. A. He; my B. I; me C. My; me D. She; I . Let’s ________ TV together after school. A. to watch B. watch C. watches D. watching . These are my two brothers. That’s my __________. A. sister B. sisters C. parents D. grandfathers .—When is your birthday ? —_________. A. Ten B. Two dollars C. Ten thirty D. June 1st . —_________ are the pants? — They are 180 yuan. A. How many B. When C. Where D. How much . Thank you the letters and photos.


2017年“大梦杯”福建省初中数学竞赛试题参考答案 考试时间 2017年3月19日 9∶00-11∶00 满分150分 一、选择题(共5小题,每小题7分,共35分)。每道小题均给出了代号为A ,B ,C ,D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的。请将正确选项的代号填入题后的括号里,不填、多填或错填都得0分) 1.设a =1 a a + 的整数部分为( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 【答案】 B 【解答】由2226a =+-=,知a = 于是1 a a + =2111()62866a a +=++=+,214()9a a <+<。 因此,1 a a + 的整数部分为2。 (注: a ==== 2.方程2 2( )32 x x x +=-的所有实数根之和为( ) A .1 B .3 C .5 D .7 【答案】 A 【解答】方程2 2( )32 x x x +=-化为2222(2)3(2)x x x x -+=-。 即3251060x x x -+-=,2(1)(46)0x x x --+=。 解得1x =。经检验1x =是原方程的根。 ∴ 原方程所有实数根之和为1。 3.如图,A 、B 、C 三点均在二次函数2y x =的图像上,M 为线段AC 的中点,BM y ∥轴,且2MB =。设A 、C 两点的横坐标分别为1t 、2t (21t t >),则21t t -的值为( ) A .3 B . C .± D .【答案】 D 【解答】依题意线段AC 的中点M 的坐标为22 1212 ()22 t t t t ++,。 (第3题)

由BM y ∥轴,且2BM =,知B 点坐标为22 1212 (2)22t t t t ++-,。 由点B 在抛物线2 y x =上,知22 212122()22 t t t t ++-=。 整理,得2222 121122 2282t t t t t t +-=++,即221()8t t -=。 结合21t t > ,得21t t -= 4.如图,在Rt ABC △中,90ABC ∠=?,D 为线段BC 的中点,E 在线段AB 内,CE 与AD 交于点F 。若A E E F =,且7AC =,3FC =,则c o s A C B ∠的值为( ) A .37 B . C .314 D 【答案】 B 【解答】如图,过B 作BK AD ∥与CE 的延长线交于点K 。 则由AE EF =可得,EBK EAF AFE BKE ∠=∠=∠=∠。 ∴ EK EB =。 又由D 为BC 中点,得F 为KC 中点。 ∴ 3AB AE EB FE EK KF FC =+=+===。 ∴ BC === ∴ cos 7 BC ACB AC ∠= = 。 或解:对直线AFD 及BCE △应用梅涅劳斯定理得, 1BD CF EA DC FE AB ??=。 由D 为线段BC 的中点,知BD DC =。 又AE EF =,因此,3AB CF ==。 结合7AC =,90ABC ∠=? ,利用勾股定理得,BC = 所以,cos 7 BC ACB AC ∠==。 D B A E (第4题) K
