



假设David是你新交的美国朋友。他和你都在和平国际学校读书。他学习努力,勤学好问。课下常和同学们一起讨论英语和数学方面的问题。他经常帮助别人,受到老师和同学们的赞扬。请以My new friend为题介绍一下David。


My new friend

David is my new friend. He comes from America. Now we both study in Heping International School. He works hard and studies diligently. He is strict in everything. He always listens to the teacher attentively in class. After class he often asks some questions and discusses maths and English with our classmates. He is always ready to help others. He thinks more of others than of himself. So he often receives praise from both teachers and students. We all like him very much.


一位美国著名教授 (professor) Mr King 将到你们学校作关于美国语言的报告。请你根据以下提示写一份通知,向同学们宣布此事。

要点:1. 报告内容包括:美国英语和英国英语的不同;美国语言的发展;美国方言。

2. 地点:学校礼堂。

3. 时间:10月7日上午9点。

4. 注意事项:不要迟到;带上笔和笔记本;报告结束时可以提问题;


要求:1. 不要逐句翻译,可适当增加内容,使之连贯。

2. 词数100左右,不包括已给出的开头和结尾部分。


Attention, please. I’ve something important to announce.

Mr King, a famous American professor, will come to give us a talk about American English. He will explain some of the differences between American English and British English. He will also speak about the development of American English and American dialects.

The report will be held in our school hall at 9:00 am on October 7th. At the end of the talk, you have a chance to come up with questions. And after the talk, we’ll have a discussion.

Don’t forget to bring your pens and notebooks. Please don’t be late.

That’s all. Thank you for your attention.



2. 词数:100左右


July 5th, 2005 Saturday Fine

Today we went on an organized trip to Ultima Thule. We set out in the school bus at 7:20 a.m. The weather was pleasant and every one of us was excited. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine thirty. We began our programs as soon as we got off the bus. We played games on the sands and swam in the sea happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon we held a contest of telling stories in English. It turned out to be quite a success. Six winners were given beautiful prizes and I was lucky to be among them. A good many photos were also taken there. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Time passed quickly and we had to leave. It was half past five when we returned safely.

What a good trip we had today! I’ll never forget it.


根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Life of Neil Alden Armstrong”的短文,文章的开头已给出。

Born: August 5, 1930, in Wapakoneta, Ohio

Education: received master’s degree in University of Southern California

Work experience:

From 1949 to 1952 a naval aviator(海军飞行员)

1966 first space flight

July of 1969 the commander of Apollo 11

July 20, 1969 landed on the moon

From 1971 to 1979 a professor of aerospace engineering in the University of Cincinnati From 1985 to 1986 served on the National Commission on space

Currently lives in Ohio and works with AIL, Inc.

Armstrong was the first person who landed on the moon. His famous phrase is “That’s the one small step for man; one giant step for mank ind.”


Armstrong was the first person who landed on the moon. His famous phrase is “That’s the one small step for man; one giant step for mankind.”

He was born on August 5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. He graduated from the University of Southern California and received a master’s degree there. After graduation, he worked as a naval aviator from 1949 to 1952. In 1966, he had his first space flight, which played an important role in his later landing on the moon. In July of 1969 he became the commander of Apollo 11, and on July 20, he landed on the moon, making the man’s dream come true. He became the first person to touch the moon’s surface. Then he worked as a professor of aerospace engineering in the University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979. And from 1985 to 1986 he served on the National Commission on space.

Currently Armstrong lives quietly in his hometown, and works with AIL, Inc.




I started learning English when I was five years old and now I can speak the language freely. Last year I went to America with a group of people, in which I was the only one who could speak English well. During the trip I did a lot of things to help others. For example, I helped them order dishes in restaurants, buy gifts in shops and ask the way in the streets, so everyone in the group enjoyed the trip. Being a link between the group and the American people, I practised the language and made many friends.



要点:1. 云雾山是一处游览胜地,每日有大量游客。

2. 几年前不注意保护环境,现在大有改观。

注意:1. 可选用的词汇: a place of interest / environmental protection / throw about / dig up

/ what’s worse / take place / sing high praise for

2. 词数不少于60。


The Yunwu Mountain is a place of interest, which attracts many tourists every day. Years ago, some of them paid no attention to environmental protection. They threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Besides, they killed animals, caught birds, dug up trees and picked flowers. What’s worse, they often made fires to cook in the forest. That was dangerous. Changes have taken place now. People realize it is important to protect the environment. When tourists leave, they take away the rubbish with them. They no longer hunt animals, and they take good care of those plants. All the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest fires. We must sing high praise for those good deeds.


1. 奥运会起源于公元前776年的希腊,当时妇女不准参加,项目也不多。

2. 公元393年后,奥运会曾停过一段时间,但人们并未忘记。

3. 现在冬奥会和夏奥会每四年举办一次,世界上大部分国家都参加。

4. 奥运会的格言是“更快,更高,更强”。


The Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. At that time, women were not allowed to take part in the games and there were not many games. After the year 393 AD the Olympic Games stopped. For a long time, there were no Olympic Games. But people still remembered it.

Now, both the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics are held every four years. Most countries in the world take part in it. The Olympic motto is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” .



1. 汽车的发明给人类带来的好处(出行方便,节省时间)。

2. 汽车的发展,给人类带来的坏处(如空气污染、车祸等)。全世界每年死于交通事故


3. 采取措施保护人民生命安全。



The inventions of the cars and trucks have brought us many advantages. For example, travelling in cars and buses can save us a lot of time and it is quicker and more convenient.

However, with the development of car industry, the cars and trucks bring us more trouble. First, oil is burnt in cars, trucks and buses. They produce waste gases which have polluted the air. Next, traffic accidents have become more and more. Over 500,000 people die from traffic accidents and more than 12,000,000 people are injured every year in the world.

Therefore we must take measures to protect people from being killed and stop the cars and trucks from sending waste gases into the air.



注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 注意书信格式。

Dear Alice,

How nice to hear from you. You want to know what is going on in schools in China. Now I will tell you about it.

In the past, exam-oriented education forced us to listen to our teachers while taking notes in class. We had to do a lot of exercises after class, and there was no time for us to enjoy sports. After supper, we always did our homework far into the night.

Now, quality-oriented education has made our school life colourful. We are active in class. Sometimes we students may act as a teacher to teach in class. It’s helpful to improve our ability. At the same time we have various after-class activities, such as singing, dancing, English corner, and

taking computer lessons. Basketball and football are our favourite sports. In the evening we can watch news on TV, do experiments by ourselves and have discussions of our subjects.

In a word, our school life is getting more and more colourful and interesting.

Best wishes.


Li Hua




活动: 1. 演唱歌曲:流行歌曲。

2. 器乐演奏:古典和民间音乐。

3. 音乐比赛:听歌曲片段,然后说出出处。

地点:届时通知。参加者请于4月20 日前报名。

注意: 1. 书面通知应写成一篇连贯的短文。

2. 可以适当增减细节。

3. 词数不少于60。

4. 通知格式已写好。

5. 参考词语:classical, folk, musical instruments, contest, sign up, take part in

Music Week

The Students Union has decided to organize a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included, too. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then tell where it comes from. If you’d like to join in the music week, please come and sign up before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later.

Come and have fun!

Students Union



I am writing to tell you something different between London and Beijing.

In our country cars are driven on the left side of the road, but here on the right side. The public transport in Beijing is as convenient as in London. The climate of Beijing is better than that of London, which is fine for long. But London has so many cloudy days. People in Beijing work five days a week just as we do in London. Students here work hard at their lessons and a lot of people can speak English. It’s a pity that students in our country don’t work so hard as the Chinese do. And people in London seldom understand Chinese.

That’s all for today. Please write to me.

Yours lovely,


英语作文题目及范文 作文假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Linda来信说她家搬到了一个新城市,她几乎没有朋友,每天除了上课就是在家上网,感觉很孤独。请你给她写一封信,劝她多结交朋友,参加社会活动。 Dear Linda, I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You’d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well. With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 作文2 假设你是某大学的学生李津,你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动,你欲参选,请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。 ?个人的优势介绍(如性格、特长等) ?组织校内的活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等) ?组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等) ?表达竞选的愿望。 注意:1 词数不少于100;2 请勿提及真实学校姓名3可适当的加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯; 4 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 副主席:vice presiden竞选:run for Good afternoon,my dear friends,My name is Li Jin, 作文3 假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自于美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。 ?上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等); ?中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等); ?下午与我校学生游览海河。 参考词汇:海河the Haihe River


高一英语写作课课件 高一英语写作课课件 教学目标 Target language目标语言 a重点词汇和短语 explore, characteristics b重点句子 Write a short article explaining three problems you might meet on the moon.. You may ask the following questions as well as work out some more. 2 Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to write an article about your idea or hopes for traveling in space. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss to learn how to write a passage. Teaching important& difficult points教学重点和教学难点

Teach the Ss how to write an article about a space travel. Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based learning Discussion. Teaching aids教具准备 a projector, a computer Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Writing The purpose of this writing is for students to think about what kind of equipment they would need to b e safe in space. It’s a good opportunity for a discussion about the pains and pleasures that might occur when traveling in space. After the discussion, they can write down the problems and the way to solve them. T: If you are going off on a holiday, what will you take? S1: I will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things.


计划编号:YT-FS-3664-70 高一期末英语复习计划5 篇(完整版) According To The Actual Situation, Through Scientific Prediction, Weighing The Objective Needs And Subjective Possibilities, The Goal To Be Achieved In A Certain Period In The Future Is Put Forward 深思远虑目营心匠 Think Far And See, Work Hard At Heart

高一期末英语复习计划5篇(完整 版) 备注:该计划书文本主要根据实际情况,通过科学地预测,权衡客观的需要和主观的可能,提出在未来一定时期内所达到的目标以及实现目标的必要途径。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 高一期末英语复习计划5篇(一) 我们已经完成本学期必修1 和必修2教材的讲解,已经进入紧张的复习阶段,全组成员共同制定了复习计划。 1. 短语:每单元找出20个重点短语,以卷子的形式发给学生(包括答案)。老师分工负责。 2. 单词:共10 个单元,每天听写20个,错5个算不合格。不合格的学生要到办公室听写。 3. 自编习题:我组共17人,每两人一组,每组负责一个单元的全面复习工作,以套题的形式出现。要求如下:全面,精益求精,重点突出,难点突破。北楼同志负责必修2,南楼同志负责必修1. 题

的来源是网络,课本,练习册,字典经典句。 4. 成题:刘运英老师找了六套英语周报习题。难易程度适合。 5. 作文:老师亲手写作文,指导学生训练。写作的同时加强书写的规范。共写10 篇,要求学生背诵。 6. 听力:每周二早自习,每个晚自习前给学生放听力。老师轮流放听力。 7. 时间分配:作业量适中,难度适中。不抢占时间。 全体高中英语教师同心同德,共同为备战联考而努力。 高一期末英语复习计划5篇(二) 高中英语和初中英语大有不同,高中主要是在初中知识的基础上,加大难度,所以光靠死记硬背是解决不了问题的,主要是理解。如果单讲复习的话,我建议学生首先是把单词背下来,单词量上去了,至少就能看懂题了,还有就是语法,请记住英语语法就是


高一优秀英语作文精选 帮助他人 We have been told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. We often do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays we are not dare to help others. Because the society becomes more and complicated. There are some people will make traps for the kind people. For example, you see an old lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her. However, you may be charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah, this things often happen. But helping others is the traditional for our Chinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not only help other people but also help yourself. You will feel happy and satisfy when assisting others. So please give a hand to the people in need carefully. 外表重要吗 Does Outlook Be Important? People always attach great importance on the soul, as the saying that beautiful soul overweighs everything, so in the movie, the everlasting theme is that an ugly girl wins the true love at last. Recently, a hot topic of discussing whether the girls’ outlook is important, the fact is that people reach their agreement that outlook really matters, if a person looks terrible, no one will like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him. In my opinion, beautiful soul is of great importance, but if people don’t make themselves look comfortable outside, no one wants to know his inside. We need to clear ourselves, it doesn’t mean we must make up, we should make ourselves look comfortable and confident, we should dress the tidy clothes and make our hair in order. People say outlook is not important, but it doesn’t mean we give up our outlook and let it look terrible. One possible version: These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to life and the environment. Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone. As for me, it should start on the way to school. I will keep traffic rules in mind al l the way. If I ride a bicycle, I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green. If I walk, I’ll never forget to use the pedestrian crossing. Meanwhile, I’ll regard it as my duty to help


Dear Lori, I’m so glad that I can help you. Here is some useful advice. Firstly, everybody needs friends because walking with friends in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. So how to make friends with other people is important. Secondly, if you make up your mind to make friends with others, you should be friendly to them. Believe it or not, smiling is a magnet that can spellbind other people. Thirdly, trying to remember other s’names is also a good way. Besides, don’t fight with others though you have arguments with them. Then you can get along well with these people by communicating with them. What’s more, always remember that friendship is based on honesty. In a word, friends are like wine, the older, the better. I hope you could be happy every day. Dear Lori, Thanks for your letter. As we all know, everyone needs friends. So it’s very important to know


abduct considering flock acclaim console freedom action contempt front adventure cowshed gang afflict crack gear airlift crane generous alarm creepy genuine alien critically gesticulate ambassador currency gore ambitious currently gorgeous ambulance dangle gory anchor dash grudge anticipate deadpan halfway anxiety deck halt arouse deliberately handmade aspect delivery hang aspiring desert haunt assail devise hay authorities dignified helicopter bandit dignity heroine bargain disembark hiding battle distasteful hilarious blockbuster drag hobble bckstage dramatic horror bound dread humanoid bungee-jumping dropout hysterical cameraman dull identical capture eerie impression case ending incredibly celebrity energetic indicating characteristics entertaining ingredient charge envious inscribe charming era introvert chase exception jewelry classify excerpt labourer comedian exert largely comedy extensive late-breaking comic farmhand lead (n.) commercial far-off leading conceal feature (n.)专题leap conditions firmly legendary conscientious fit liner consequence flick (n.) manufacturer


自我介绍的高一英语作文优秀范文 高一英语作文(一) Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together. 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,今年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。 高一英语作文(二) Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years. Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future. I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years. 亲爱的教授以及同学们,大家早上好!很荣幸能够站在这里向大家介绍自己。我叫邢恒,今年18岁。我来自美丽的城市厦门。我强烈建议大家到厦门旅游,如果方便的话,我可以做你们的导游。经过了三年的努力,我感到很兴奋,因为我最终录取了我梦寐以求的


海淀区高一期末英语作文题2021年 每一个学期都会有考试,你想知道高一期末考试必考的英语作文有哪些吗?那么你又是下手你呢?下面是WTT给大家带来的海淀区高一期末英语作文题,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 海淀区高一期末英语作文题1 How to Improve Student’s Mental Health More and more people has begun to consider their mental health that plays an important role in our daily life. Nowadays ,many students suffer from mental illness ,which seriously influence on their study and daily life. 越来越多的人开始担心在日常生活中起着重要作用的心理健康。如今,许多学生都有严重影响他们学习和生活的心理问题。 Consequently, schools should take effect measures to solve this problem. The mental health consul department should be built in school to help those students who suffer from mental illness. In this way, those who are subjected to the mental illness can get rid of the unhealthy shadow and build up their confident. On the one hand, school can provide a chance for students to show

高一英语 上学期期末总复习试题 新人教版

高一上期末复习 1. The foreigner are used to _____ chopsticks _____ now . A. use; eating B. used; eat C. using; eating D. using; to eat 2. All the students wanted to see _____ on the ground . A. what the matter was B.what was the matter C. what’ s the ma tter D. what the matter is 3. _____ we are having ! A. How fun B. How funny C. What fun D. What a great fun 4. Can you make sure _____ the gold ring? A. where Alice has put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice had put D. where has Alice put 5. No one can be sure _____ in a million years . A. what man will look like B. what will man look like C. man will look like what D. what look will man like 6. He asked _____ for the violin . A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 7. It is a pity that he should not know the answer _____ . I have told him about it twice . A. in all B. at all C. after all D. above all 8. It’s the ability to do the job _____ matters , not where you come from or wh at you are . A. one B. that C. what D. who 9.The boy is hard____, for he likes running about and won’t stop a bit. A. to take care B. to be taken care of C. taking care of D. to take care of 10. Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today . A. a ; B. the ; an C. the ; the D. ; the 11. I know nothing about the young lady _____ she is from Beijing . A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides 12. If we work with a strong will , we can overcome any difficulty , _____ great it is . A. what B. how C. however D. whatever 13. How did it _____ that he fell off the tree and broke his legs? A. come out B. come about C. come across D. come up 14. He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks he’ll have ____ the driving test tomorrow; he finds it difficult ____ rid of the worries . A. passed ; got B. passing ; to get C. to pass ; getting D. in passing ; in getting 15. Every possible means _____ but no one knows which is suitable . A. has discussed B. have been discussed C. has been discussed D. were discussed


高一期末英语作文加翻译 英语是初高中最基础的课程之一,是为以后更高层次的英语学习以及工作生活打基础阶段,因为当今英语在工作、生活中的重要性越来越突出。下面,是为你整理的高一期末英语作文加翻译,希望对你有帮助! 高一期末英语作文加翻译篇1On October 6th, 2013, I went Xiao Meisha with my fellows to spend a nice seaside holiday. On our arriving at Xiao Meisha, we were all filled with excitement, since this was our first trip to the seaside. Xiao Meisha was an excellent seaside resort indeed. There the sky was clean and bright, the wind was mild and pleasant, the sandy beach was soft and comfortable, and the sea was so magnificent. We felt refreshed at that moment. It seemed as if we traveled in the heaven. 2013年10月6日,我跟朋友们一起去小梅沙度过了一次愉快的假期。在到达小梅沙时,我们激动不已,因为这是我们的首次海边度假。小梅沙确实是一个度假的好去处。那里天空明亮又干净,清风温和宜人,沙滩柔软舒适,大海又是如此地壮丽。那一刻我们都神清气爽,仿佛置身天堂。 We did many kinds of activities at the seaside. Some of us


2016-2017高一英语下学期期末总复习知识点总结答案 第一部分: 单选题20170605 (一)定从-名从-状从-特殊句式(倒装、强调句)--非谓语动词----分类对比2017.06 1. CBBD 2. BCC 3. BCB https://www.360docs.net/doc/121051319.html,DBD 5. ACDB 6. AA 7. CACBDAC 8. AB 9. DDAA 10. CDCA 11. DC 12. BBBBAD (二)情态动词、虚拟语气和猜测句----分类对比 1. D 2. DDD 3. C 4. CD 5. CCC 6. CCB 7. ABAC 8. D 9. BC 10. D (三)时态--语态----分类对比 1. BD 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. C (四)反义疑问句----分类对比 1. ACA 2. BBBC 3. BA 4. AA 5. A 6. C (五)宾语补足语----分类对比 (一)感官动词+宾补 1. DCBCA (二)使役性动词+宾补 2. CABDB (三)With + 宾语+宾补(主语要区分是否是动作的执行者) 1. CA 2. DDA (六)主谓一致原则----分类对比 1. C 2. B 3. CA 4. AA 5.DC 6. BB 7. A 8. CA 9. BBB 10. AB (四)课本知识点总结 1-5 ACBCD 6-10 ADCDD 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BBACC 21-25 BCCCB 26-30 AAAAD 31-35 BADCA 36-40 CACCB 41-45ACCBA 46-50 BDABA 第二部分单词拼写 1. impressions 2. routine 3. recommended 4. poisonous 5. intelligence 6. bargain 7. convenience 8. frequently 9. Contemporary 10. Association 11.consulted 12. advertising 13. routine 14. injured 15. neighbor(u)rhood 16. monitoring 17. removed 18. Meanwhile 19. significance 20. convenience 21. floating 22. absence 23. precious 24. constant 25. budget 26. donated 27. concentrated 28. challenging 29. skips 30. Anyhow 31. argument 32. embarrassed 33. containing 34. counts 35. forbidden36.observe 37.relief 38.attempted 39.preparations 40.associated 41.coincidence 42.represented 43.impressed 44.embarrassing/awkward https://www.360docs.net/doc/121051319.html,prehension/understanding 46. distance 47.occurred/came 48.convenience 49.recommended 50.audience 51.attempt 52.absence 53.routine 54.origin https://www.360docs.net/doc/121051319.html,pete 56.boundary 57.otherwise 58.unusual 59.regular 60.precious 61.absence 62.intelligence 63.analysis 64. attempts 65.budget 66. beneficial 67. Belonging to 68. approaching 69.traditional 70.reality 71. does harm to 72. attached to 73. approval 74. Determined 75. put forward; 完成句子76. make up; 77. fall for; 78. insisted on; 79. recommends/suggests/advises, be; 80.without hesitation.81-85doubt;attract;connect/link; concerning/on/about/covering/regarding; convinced/sure/certain 86—90 approaching; to ban; approved; had taken; Founded 91. Whoever/Anyone (who is) caught cheating in the exam 92. make a great contribution/make great contributions to the development of education


高一英语作文范文10篇【篇一:保护天使ToProtectAngels】 PandaisfamiliarbymoreandmorepeopleasthedevelopmentofInternet.NowpeoplecanseetheliveshowfromtheIn ternet.Theselovelyangelsarefavoredbythefansfromallovertheworld.Whattheydointhedailylifemakespeoplelau ghoutloudly.Noonecanresistthecharmfromtheseangels.Butitisknowntoallthatpandaisdyingout,becauseitisnote asyforthemtogetbirthtothenewbabies.What’smore,peopledamagetheenvironment,whichmakespandalosethei rhome.Wecandosmallthingstoprotectthem.Whenwegotothezoo,weshouldnotthrowawaytherubbishandkeepq uiet,inthepurposeofnottodisturbtheselovelycreature.Welovepanda,itisourdutytoprotectthemfromdyingout. 随着互联网的发展,熊猫被越来越多的人所熟悉。现在人们可以从互联网上观看它们的直播。这些可 爱的天使们受到了来自世界各地粉丝的喜爱。它们在日常生活中所做的事情让人忍不住大声笑了出来。没有人能抵抗这些天使的魅力。但众所周知,因为熊猫繁殖后代的不易以及人们对环境的破坏使它们 失去了家园,它们正面临灭绝的危机。不过我们可以做一些小事去保护他们。当我们去动物园的时候,不乱扔垃圾,保持安静,这样才能做到不去打扰这些可爱的生物。我们喜欢熊猫,保护它们不遭受灭 绝是我们的责任。 【篇二:尝试新事物TryingNewThing】 Ineverybody’seyes,Iamagoodgirl,becauseImakethegoodmarksintheexamsandhelpmyparentstodothings.Unlike otherstudents,whowillgoagainsttheirp arents,Ifollowmyparents’words.Idon’tthinkthattodosomethinggoesagai nsttheadultsisthewisechoice,butIdowanttodosomethingnew.Recently,Iwanttocutmyhairandmaketheshortstyl e.Mymotherdoesn'tagreewithme,becauseshethinksagirlshouldhavethelonghair.Thistime,Iinsistonmyidea.Final ly,shesupportsme.Tryingsomethingnewmakesmefeelhappyandbemyself.Theshorthairmakesmelooklikeacoolb oyandIlikethisstyle.Myfriendsadmiremetohavethecouragetochangemyimage. 在大家眼中,我就是一个好女孩,因为我考试成绩好,还帮助父母做事。不像其他学生,会和父母作对,我很听父母的话。我认为做一些违背大人们的事情是不明智的选择,但我想做一些创新。最近, 我想把我的头发剪了,留短发。我妈妈不同意我的做法,因为她认为一个女孩就应该留长头发。这一


下学期高一期末考试英语作文 英语作文在英语考试中也占有较大的分值,要想写好作文,就需要多多积累素材,向优秀作文学习。精品作文网为大家推荐这篇下学期高一期末考试英语作文范文。 下学期高一期末考试英语作文范文 In the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages We do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with. The workers Luo Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! We respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end! Leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees. I still remember that Prime Minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on


高一英语作文10篇 在英语考试中,英语作文写作对于许多同学来讲都是个头疼的问题。下面橙子也收集了高一英语作文分享给大家,希望对大家有帮助。 The Internet 互联网 In the technology society, the Internet hasdfss become asdfsn importasdfsnt pasdfsrt in dasdfsily life. 在科技社会中,互联网已经成为日常生活中的重要部分。 There asdfsreasdfs growing number of people interested in the Internet. 越来越多的人对互联网感兴趣。 People casdfsn study, entertasdfsin, asdfsnd wasdfstch the news on the Internet. 人们可以在互联网上学习,娱乐,看新闻。 For our students, we asdfsre asdfsble to get the lasdfstest informasdfstion asdfsnd leasdfsrning masdfsteriasdfsls in the Internet. 对我们学生来说,我们可以在网上获取最新信息和学习材料。 Besides, we casdfsn join group discussions with other students, asdfsnd the distasdfsnce educasdfstion on the Internet is very useful to us. 此外,我们可以与其他同学加入讨论组,而且网上远程教育对我们很有用。
