
We are interested in expanding o-minimal structures on the real?eld by trajectories1of de?nable vector?elds.This note2is a preliminary report on some progress.We do not attempt to state and prove results as e?ciently as possible or in the greatest generality. The reader is assumed to be familiar with o-minimal expansions of the real?eld;see[4–6] for basic references and surveys.We also need a fair amount of ODE theory,some quite basic,some less so;see e.g.[14].3An important source of inspiration was the essentially expository[1,Ch.5].See[8,9,12]for some related material,and[11]for discussion of a more extensive context into which this paper?ts.

Throughout,“de?nable”means“parametrically de?nable”;“analytic”means“real ana-lytic”.Given structures R1and R2,we write R1=R2if they are interde?nable.The open ball about the origin of radius r>0is denoted by B r(0).As usual,we abuse notation and write0instead of(0,0).

Before we can state our main result,we must introduce the cast of characters.

The real?eld(R,+,·)is denoted by R.Recall that a subset of R n is de?nable in R if and only if it is semialgebraic;see e.g.[4,Ch.2].

The expansion(R,Z)of R by the set of all integers is denoted by PH,short for“(real) projective hierarchy”.A subset of R n is de?nable in PH if and only if it is projective in the sense of descriptive set theory.Every Borel subset of R n is de?nable in PH;then so are all projections of Borel sets,complements of projections of Borel sets,and so on.Hence, PH is quite wild from the standpoint of real-analytic geometry(or even geometric measure theory,for that matter).All structures that come under consideration in this note are reducts(in the sense of de?nability)of PH.See e.g.[7,Ch.V]for basic de?nitions and facts about the projective hierarchy;also interesting is[4,Ch.1.2.6].

The expansion of R by all restricted analytic functions is denoted by R an.A subset of R n is de?nable in R an if and only if it is globally(sometimes called“?nitely”)subanalytic. In particular,ifγis a trajectory of an analytic planar vector?eld,then every compact connected subset ofγis de?nable in R an.See[3,6]for more information about R an.

Thanks to Dmitry Novikov for technical assistance with some of the ODE theory.

Some details of the main result of this note were?eshed out,with help from the participants,at a workshop held at The Fields Institute(Toronto),May25–27,2004.We thank the Institute for its support.

1A.k.a.phase curves,solution curves,orbits,....As is often done in the literature,we sometimes identify trajectories with their images.

2More precisely,an unpublished note;not a https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d2852614.html,ments are welcome.

3This book omits the proofs of some of the theorems that we need,but it is much easier reading than most of the sources to which it refers,so we use it for now.


The Pfa?an closure of R an is denoted by P (R an ).We do not need the precise de?nition;we need only know that P (R an )is an o-minimal expansion of R an such that if g :R 2→R is de?nable in P (R an )and f :(a,b )→R satis?es f (t )=g (t,f (t ))for all t ∈(a,b ),then f is de?nable in P (R an ).Note that we may regard the graph of f as a trajectory of the de?nable (in P (R an ))vector ?eld (x,y )→(1,g (x,y )):(a,b )×R →R 2.See [13,15]for details and more information.

For a +ib ∈C ,x a +ib denotes the map t →t a (cos b log t,sin b log t ):R >0→R 2,i.e.,the restriction to the positive real line of the complex power function z a +ib taken with respect to an appropriate branch of log z .For a ∈R ,identify x a +i 0with the real power function x a .Note that (R ,x a +ib )=(R ,x a ,x ib ).Since x a +ib is analytic,every compact connected subset of its graph,and of its image,is de?nable in R an .The image of x a +ib is a trajectory of the linear vector ?eld with matrix a ?b b a

(re-parameterize by e s ,s ∈R ).Hence,if ab =0,then the image of x a +ib is the logarithmic spiral S ω:={(e (1+iω)t :t ∈R }where ω=|a/b |.We collect a few more easy facts.

1.Lemma.Let ω>0.Put α=e 2π/ωand αZ ={αk :k ∈Z }.

(1)(R ,S ω)=(R ,x 1+iω)=(R ,x iω).

(2)For r >0,(R ,x iω (0,r ))=(R ,x iω)=(R ,x iω (r,∞)).

(3)For r >0,(R ,S ω∩B r (0))=(R ,S ω)=(R ,S ω\B r (0)).

(4)(R ,x iω)de?nes αZ .

(5)(R ,x iω [1,α],αZ )de?nes x iω.

(6)(R an ,x iω)=(R an ,αZ )=(R an ,S ω).


(1).For the ?rst equality,parameterize S ωby distance to the origin.(2).

For every s >0,we have s iω=lim t →0+(st )iω/t iω=lim t →+∞(st )iω/t iω.(3).

This is immediate from (1)and (2).(4).

αZ ×{0}=S ω∩(R >0×{0}).(5).

z =t iωi?there exist a ∈αZ and b ∈[1,α)such that t =ab and z =b iω.(6).x iω [1,α]is analytic,hence de?nable in R an .Now apply (1),(4)and (5). For 0=ω∈R ,(R an ,x iω)is clearly not o-minimal,but it turns out to be as well behaved as one could reasonably expect:

2.Proposition.Let A be a ?nite collection of subsets of R n de?nable in (R an ,x iω).Then there is a ?nite partition M of R n into embedded ,analytic ,not necessarily connected submanifolds of R n ,each de?nable in (R an ,x iω),and there is a countable partition C of R n into analytic cells ,each de?nable in R an ,such that C is compatible with M ,and M is compatible with A .

Proof.By Lemma 1.6,there exists α>1such that (R an ,x iω)=(R an ,αZ ).By [3],R an de?nes no irrational power functions.Now see [11,§8.6,Remark]. In particular,every subset of R de?nable in (R an ,x iω)is the union of an open set and ?nitely many discrete sets 4,so (R an ,x iω)is certainly a proper reduct of PH.

We are now ready to state the main result of this note.

4Actually,(R an ,x iω)is d-minimal,but we don’t want to make an issue of this right now.


3.Theorem.Let F =(F 1,F 2):R 2→R 2be analytic such that F ?1(0)={0};λ1,λ2∈C be the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of F at 0;γ:R →R 2\{0}be di?erentiable such that γ =F ?γand lim t →+∞γ(t )=0;and γr :=γ([r,∞))for r ∈R .

(a)If 0=λ1is imaginary ,then (R ,γr )=PH for every r ∈R .

(b)If λ1=a +ib for a,b ∈R \{0},then (R an ,γr )=(R an ,x ia/b )for every r ∈R .(c)If 0=λ1∈R ,then γr is de?nable in P (R an )—so (R an ,γr )is o-minimal—for every

r ∈R .

The theorem is trichotomous with respect to the assumption that at least one of λ1,λ2is nonzero (recall that λ1,λ2are either both real or they are complex conjugates).Loosely speaking,the theorem says that things go either as nicely as possible or as unpleasantly as possible.Naturally,the question arises:Does the trichotomy hold without the assumptions on the eigenvalues?At present,we do not know;work is ongoing.

Note.Only for temporary expositional convenience do we take F to be analytic on all of R 2and γto be de?ned on all of R .All results,appropriately modi?ed,hold for F analytic on an open neighborhood U of 0and γde?ned on an open subinterval of R .

4.Corollary.Let F 1,...,F n :R 2→R 2be analytic such that for k =1,...,n ,F ?1k (0)=

{0}and the Jacobian of F k at 0has a nonzero eigenvalue.Then there is a ?nite ??R \{0}such that for any collection T of trajectories of F 1...,F n ,each having 0as a limit point ,at least one of the following holds :

(a)(R an ,T )=PH .

(b)There exist ?=?T ??and a polynomially bounded o-minimal reduct R T of (R an ,T )such that (R an ,T )=(R T ,(x iω)ω∈?T .(c)(R an ,T )is a reduct of P (R an )(and thus is o-minimal ).

Proof.Let ?be the set of all |a/b |such that a +ib is an eigenvalue of some F k and ab =0.Let T be a collection of trajectories of F 1,...,F n ,each having 0as a limit point.Suppose that neither (a)nor (c)holds;we show that (b)holds.It su?ces to assume that each F k has a trajectory that belongs to T and show that (b)holds with ?T =?.Since (a)fails,none of the eigenvalues of the F k are purely imaginary.Since (c)fails,?=?.If none of the eigenvalues of the F k are real,then put R T =R an .Finally,suppose that 1≤m 1and βis not a rational power of α,except that (R ,αZ ,βZ )de?nes sets that are somewhere both dense


and codense,e.g.,the product group αZ ·βZ .Note that if r is irrational,then (R ,x r ,x iω)de?nes the groups αZ and αr Z (α=e 2π/ω).

We now begin the proof of Theorem 3.

5.Lemma ([12]).A structure on R de?nes Z i?it de?nes the range of a sequence (a k )k ∈N of real numbers such that lim k →+∞(a k +1?a k )∈R \{0}.

Proof of Theorem 3(a).Suppose that 0=λ1is imaginary and let r ∈R .We show that (R ,γr )de?nes Z .Since F is analytic,there exists δ>0such that the Poincar′e return map P of F exists on (0,δ),extends analytically to (?δ,δ)and P (0)=1;see e.g.[14,pg.218].Since lim t →+∞γ(t )=0,there is a neighborhood of 0that is disjoint from any closed trajectories.Hence,P is not the identity,so there exist c =0and an integer N >1such that P (x )=x +cx N +o (x N )as x →0+.Moreover,after shrinking δ,we have 0

Hence,the set {a 1?N k :k ∈N }is de?nable in (R ,γr ).Routine computation 5yields lim k →+∞(a 1?N k +1?a 1?N k

)=c (N ?1)=0.Apply Lemma 5. Proof of Theorem 3(b).Suppose that λ1=a +ib for nonzero a,b ∈R .Put ω=|a/b |and let r ∈R .We show that (R an ,γr )=(R an ,x iω).This is essentially immediate from ODE theory,and is easy to explain informally:“Near the origin,F is analytically equivalent to its linear part”;see e.g.[2,§24].This means that there is an open neighborhood U of 0and an analytic isomorphism H :U →V ?R 2such that H maps trajectories of F U onto trajectories of T V ,where T is the linear vector ?eld with matrix ?1ω?ω?1 .By shrinking U ,both H and H ?1are de?nable in R an .Hence,by increasing r and replacing γr with H (γr ),we may assume that γr is a (half)trajectory of T .Then there exist >0and 0=z 0∈C such that S ω∩B (0)={γ(t )z 0:t >r }.Apply Lemma 1. Proof of Theorem 3(c).Here,we need neither the analyticity of F nor any special properties of R an (other than o-minimality),so we drop all earlier assumptions and start over .

Let R be an o-minimal structure on R ;“de?nable”means “de?nable in R ”.Cells and decompositions are taken with respect to R .By passing to its Pfa?an closure,we may assume that the following holds.

6.Proposition ([13,Prop.7]).Let g :R 2→R be de?nable ,I be an open subinterval of R and f :I →R be di?erentiable such that f (t )=g (t,f (t ))for all t ∈I .Then f is de?nable.

Note.There are no assumptions on g other than de?nability.

A subset A of R 2is a spiral (around the origin)if 0/∈A and there exist continuous functions ρ,θ:R →R such that A ={ρ(t )e iθ(t ):t ∈R },ρ>0,lim t →+∞ρ(t )=0,and θis either ultimately increasing and unbounded above,or ultimately decreasing and unbounded below.


goes to Kobi Peterzil for noticing,during the workshop at Fields mentioned in the ?rst-page footnotes,that this is the routine computation to check.


Let F :R 2→R 2be C 1and de?nable such that F ?1(0)={0}.Let γand γr be as before.

7.Theorem (the “fundamental alternative”;cf.[1,pp.84-85]).Either γ(R )is a spiral or every γr is de?nable.

Assuming this for the moment,we have the following generalization of Theorem 3(c):

8.Proposition.If F is C 2in a neighborhood of 0and the Jacobian of F at 0has a nonzero real eigenvalue ,then γr is de?nable for every r .

Proof.By the fundamental alternative,we need only show that γ(R )is not a spiral,which is immediate from ODE theory.We give only a brief outline here.

Assume that both eigenvalues have the same sign.Then,near the origin,F is C 1-di?eo-morphic to its linear part [14,Theorem,pg.127];in particular,F has a spiralling trajectory around 0if and only the same is true of its linear part.Now apply the classi?cation of linear ?elds [14,§1.5Cases I and II].

Assume that the eigenvalues have distinct signs.By the center manifold theorem [14,pg.116],at least one trajectory of F has 0as a limit point and is not a spiral.Hence,no trajectory of F is a spiral. Remark.The map R 2→R 2given by (x,y )→ (?x ?2y/log(x 2+y 2),?y +2x/log(x 2+y 2)),(x,y )=00,(x,y )=0

shows that Proposition 8does not hold with C 1in place of C 2.(Hint .Switch to polar coordinates.)

We now proceed toward the proof of the fundamental alternative.

9.Lemma.Let I be an open subinterval of R .

(1)If F 1?γ I =0,then γ2 I is de?nable.(2)If F 1?γ I <0or F 1?γ I >0,then γ1 I is strictly monotone and γ2?γ?11:γ1(I )→R

is de?nable.

(3)If F 1?γ I is of constant sign ,then γ(I )is de?nable.

Proof.(1).If F 1?γ I =0,then γ 1 I =0,so for some c ∈R we have γ 2=F 2(c,γ2)on I .

Apply Proposition 6.

(2).Suppose that either F 1?γ I >0or F 1?γ I <0.Then γ1is strictly monotone on I with di?erentiable compositional inverse γ?11:γ1(I )→R .Put g (x,y )= F 2(x,y )/F 1(x,y ),F 1(x,y )=00,F 1(x,y )=0.

Then (γ2?γ?11) (t )=g (t,γ2?γ?11(t ))for all t ∈I .By Proposition 6,γ2?γ?11:γ1(I )→R is de?nable.

(3).This is immediate from (1)and (2).

10.Lemma.Let J be a compact subinterval of R .Then γ(J )is de?nable.


Proof.Take a C 1-cell decomposition of R 2compatible with F ?11(0).Since γ has no zeros

and γ(J )is compact and connected,the intersection of each cell of the decomposition with γ(J )has only ?nitely many connected components.Apply Lemma 9.

11.Lemma.Let C ?R 2be a 1-dimensional C 1-cell such that 0∈fr(C ).Then there exists r such that one of the following holds :

(1)γr ∩C =?.

(2)γr =B δ(0)∩C for some δ>0.

(3)γr ∩C is (the range of )a sequence (P n )n ∈N of points such that lim n →+∞P n =0

and γ(R )is clockwise transverse to C at each P n .

(4)γr ∩C is a sequence (P n )n ∈N of points such that lim n →+∞P n =0and γ(R )is

counterclockwise transverse to C at each P n .

Proof.We are done if (1)holds,so assume otherwise,i.e.,γr ∩C =?for every r .Since lim t →+∞γ(t )=0,we have B (0)∩C ∩γ(R )=?for every >0.

By curve selection,there is a de?nable C 1parametrization φ:(a,∞)→R 2of C such that lim t →+∞φ(t )=0.By increasing a ,we may assume that φ has no zeros and (?φ 2,φ 1)·(F ?φ)is of constant sign.

If (?φ 2,φ 1)·(F ?φ)=0,then F is tangent to C at every point of C .Since γ(R )is tangent to F at every point of γ(R )and F is C 1,we have γr ?C for every r such that γ(r )∈C .Hence,(2)holds.

If (?φ 2,φ 1)·(F ?φ)<0,then F is clockwise transverse to C at every point of C ,so γ(R )is clockwise transverse to C at every point of γ(R )∩C .Hence,(3)holds.Similarly,

(4)holds if (?φ 2,φ 1)·(F ?φ)>0. Proof of the fundamental alternative.For (x,y )∈R 2,put σ(x,y )=xF 2(x,y )?yF 1(x,y ).Note that σis de?nable and the sign of σ(γ(t ))is that of the angular derivative of γat t .

Suppose that σ≥0on some open ball B about 0.Let R be such that γR ?B .Then the function t → t R σ?γ:[R,+∞)→R is increasing,so lim t →+∞ t R σ?γexists in [0,+∞].If lim t →+∞ t R σ?γ=+∞,then γis a spiral.If lim t →+∞ t R σ?γ∈R ,then there exists u ∈S 1such that lim t →+∞γ(t )/ γ(t ) =u .By rotation,we may assume that u =(1,0).Take a C 1-cell decomposition of R 2compatible with bd(F ?11(0)).Then there exists >0such that bd(F ?11(0))∩B (0)\ (?∞,0]×{0} is a ?nite disjoint union of 1-dimensional C 1-cells C 1,...,C d such that for each j =1,...,d ,we have 0∈fr(C j )and C j ∩bd(B (0))=?.Fix one for the moment,say C :=C 1.Now, (?∞,0]×{0} ∪C disconnects B (0),so by Lemma 11(and the intermediate value theorem),there exists r such that γr is either contained in C or is disjoint from C .Since this is true for each C j ,F 1?γis ultimately of constant sign.Apply Lemmas 9and 10to ?nish.

By a similar argument,we are done if σ≤0on an open ball about 0.

Finally,assume that for every >0there exist points P ,Q ∈B (0)∩γ(R )such that σ(P )>0and σ(Q )<0.By curve selection and cell decomposition,there exist disjoint 1-dimensional C 1-cells C,D ?R 2such that {0}=fr(C )∩fr(D ),σ C >0and σ D <0.Then there exists >0such that B (0)\cl(C ∪D )consists of two disjoint connected nonempty open sets V,W such that γis disjoint from one of V or W .The rest


of the argument is now similar to that of the case thatσis nonnegative in a neighborhood of0. We have now established Theorem3.Re?ection on the proof shows the way toward possible extension of the trichotomy.By the fundamental alternative,the real issue is: What can be said about an expansion(R,γr)of an o-minimal structure R on R by a spiralling half-trajectoryγr of a de?nable-in-R planar vector?eld(say,at least C1)if (R,γr)does not de?ne Z?In this generality,the question is quite daunting—recall that we don’t even know how to handle(R,x a+ib)if a is irrational and b=0—so for now we are attempting to remove the assumptions on the eigenvalues in Theorem3.


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Department of Mathematics,The Ohio State University,231West18th Avenue,Colum-bus,Ohio43210,USA

E-mail address:miller@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d2852614.html,


Department of Mathematics&Statistics,McMaster University,1280Main Street West, Hamilton,Ontario L8S4K1,Canada

E-mail address:speisseg@math.mcmaster.ca




“的、地、得”的用法和区别 导入(进入美妙的世界啦~) “的、地、得”口诀儿歌 的地得,不一样,用法分别记心上, 左边白,右边勺,名词跟在后面跑。 美丽的花儿绽笑脸,青青的草儿弯下腰, 清清的河水向东流,蓝蓝的天上白云飘, 暖暖的风儿轻轻吹,绿绿的树叶把头摇, 小小的鱼儿水中游,红红的太阳当空照, 左边土,右边也,地字站在动词前, 认真地做操不马虎,专心地上课不大意, 大声地朗读不害羞,从容地走路不着急, 痛快地玩耍来放松,用心地思考解难题, 勤奋地学习要积极,辛勤地劳动花力气, 左边两人双人得,形容词前要用得, 兔子兔子跑得快,乌龟乌龟爬得慢, 青青竹子长得快,参天大树长得慢, 清晨锻炼起得早,加班加点睡得晚, 欢乐时光过得快,考试题目出得难。 知识典例(注意咯,下面可是黄金部分!) 的、地、得 “的”、“地”、“得”的用法区别本是中小学语文教学中最基本的常识,但在使用中也最容易发生混淆,再加上一段时间里,中学课本中曾将这三个词的用法统一为“的”,因此造成了很多人对它们的用法含混不清进而乱用一通的现象。

一、“的、地、得”的基本概念 1、“的、地、得”的相同之处。 “的、地、得”是现代汉语中高频度使用的三个结构助词,都起着连接作用;它们在普通话中都读轻声“de”,没有语音上的区别。 2、“的、地、得”的不同之处。 吕叔湘、朱德熙所著《语法修辞讲话》认为“的”兼职过多,负担过重,而力主“的、地、得”严格分工。50 年代以来的诸多现代汉语论著和教材,一般也持这一主张。从书面语中的使用情况看,“的”与“地”、“得”的分工日趋明确,特别是在逻辑性很强的论述性、说明性语言中,如法律条款、学术论著、外文译著、教科书等,更是将“的”与“地”、“得”分用。 “的、地、得”在普通话里都读轻声“de”,但在书面语中有必要写成三个不同的字:在定语后面写作“的”,在状语后面写作“地”,在补语前写作“得”。这样做的好处,就是可使书面语言精确化。 二、“的、地、得”的用法 1、的——定语的标记,一般用在主语和宾语的前面。“的”前面的词语一般用来修饰、限制“的”后面的事物,说明“的”后面的事物怎么样。结构形式一般为:形容词、名词(代词)+的+名词。如: ①颐和园(名词)的湖光山色(主语)美不胜收。 ②她是一位性格开朗的女子(名词,宾语)。 2、地——状语的标记,一般用在谓语(动词、形容词)前面。“地”前面的词语一般用来形容“地”后面的动作,说明“地”后面的动作怎么样。结构方式一般为:形容词(副词)+地+动词(形容词)。如: ③她愉快(形容词)地接受(动词,谓语)了这件礼物。 ④天渐渐(时间副词)地冷(形容词,谓语)起来。 3、得——补语的标记,一般用在谓语后面。“得”后面的词语一般用来补充说明“得”前面的动作怎么样,结构形式一般为:动词(形容词)+得+副词。如: ⑤他们玩(动词,谓语)得真痛快(补语)。


从实践的角度探讨在日语教学中多媒体课件的应用 在今天中国的许多大学,为适应现代化,信息化的要求,建立了设备完善的适应多媒体教学的教室。许多学科的研究者及现场教员也积极致力于多媒体软件的开发和利用。在大学日语专业的教学工作中,教科书、磁带、粉笔为主流的传统教学方式差不多悄然向先进的教学手段而进展。 一、多媒体课件和精品课程的进展现状 然而,目前在专业日语教学中能够利用的教学软件并不多见。比如在中国大学日语的专业、第二外語用教科书常见的有《新编日语》(上海外语教育出版社)、《中日交流标准日本語》(初级、中级)(人民教育出版社)、《新编基础日语(初級、高級)》(上海译文出版社)、《大学日本语》(四川大学出版社)、《初级日语》《中级日语》(北京大学出版社)、《新世纪大学日语》(外语教学与研究出版社)、《综合日语》(北京大学出版社)、《新编日语教程》(华东理工大学出版社)《新编初级(中级)日本语》(吉林教育出版社)、《新大学日本语》(大连理工大学出版社)、《新大学日语》(高等教育出版社)、《现代日本语》(上海外语教育出版社)、《基础日语》(复旦大学出版社)等等。配套教材以录音磁带、教学参考、习题集为主。只有《中日交流標準日本語(初級上)》、《初級日语》、《新编日语教程》等少数教科书配备了多媒体DVD视听教材。 然而这些试听教材,有的内容为日语普及读物,并不适合专业外语课堂教学。比如《新版中日交流标准日本语(初级上)》,有的尽管DVD视听教材中有丰富的动画画面和语音练习。然而,课堂操作则花费时刻长,不利于教师重点指导,更加适合学生的课余练习。比如北京大学的《初级日语》等。在这种情形下,许多大学的日语专业致力于教材的自主开发。 其中,有些大学的还推出精品课程,取得了专门大成绩。比如天津外国语学院的《新编日语》多媒体精品课程为2007年被评为“国家级精品课”。目前已被南开大学外国语学院、成都理工大学日语系等全国40余所大学推广使用。


Unit1 Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. "We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. is li kely to be that everyone is in a rush -- often under pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others as they try to complete their shopping. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace


英语单词惯用法集锦 习惯接动词不定式的动词(V to inf) adore(vi极喜欢) dread (vt.不愿做,厌恶)plan 计划 afford(+to,vt有条件,能承担)endeavour (vt,竭力做到,试图或力图)prefer(vt.宁可;宁愿(选择);更喜欢)agree 同意endure(忍受.cannot ~ to) prepare准备 aim (vi[口语]打算:) engage (vi.保证,担保;) presume(vt.冒昧;敢于[用于第一人称时为客套话]:) appear (vi.似乎;显得) essay(vt.尝试,试图) pretend(vt.自命;自称;敢于;妄为) apply (申请)expect(期望,希望)proceed(开始,着手,)arrange (vi.做安排,(事先)筹划)fail (vt.未做…;疏忽)promise(许诺,保证做 ask (要求)forget (vt. 忘记)purpose (vt.决心,打算) beg (vt.正式场合的礼貌用语]请(原谅),请(允许):I beg to differ.恕我不能赞同)guarantee(保证,担保)refuse(拒绝)bear 承受,忍受hate([口语]不喜欢;不愿意;)regret (vt. 抱歉;遗憾)begin help (有助于,促进)remember(记住) bother (vi.通常用于否定句]麻烦,费心)hesitate(vi.犹豫;有疑虑,不愿)scheme(策划做)care (vt.想要;希望;欲望[后接不定式,常用于否定、疑问及条件句中])hope (vt.希望,盼望,期待)seek(vt.谋求,图谋[后接不定式]) cease (停止; 不再(做某事)[正式] intend (打算;想要)seem(似乎,好像[后接不定式或从句];觉得像是,以为[ choose (意愿;选定;决定)itch start开始claim (vt. 主张;断言;宣称) continue (继续)like 喜欢swear(vt.起誓保证;立誓要做(或遵守) dare (vt.敢,敢于,勇于,胆敢)long(vi.渴望;热望;极想) decline(vt.拒绝,拒不(做、进入、考虑等) manage(设法完成某事)threaten(vt.威胁,恐吓,恫吓)deign (屈尊做)mean(有意[不用进行时)trouble(vi.费心,费神;麻烦)demand(vi.要求,请求:)need (需要)try(设法做) deserve (应得) neglect (疏忽) undertake(承诺,答应,保证) desire (希望渴望)offer(表示愿意(做某事),自愿;)venture(冒险(做某事))determine(vi.决心,决意,决定,)omit (疏忽,忘记)want 想要 die (誓死做)pine (渴望)wish (希望) 习惯接“疑问词+动词不定式”的动词(有时也包括VN wh-+to do) advise 建议explain 解释perceive 觉察,发觉 answer 答复find 得知,察觉persuade 说服,劝说;使某人相信 ask 询问,问forget 忘记phone 打电话 assure 保证guess 臆测,猜度pray 祈祷 beg 请求,恳求hear 小心聆听(法庭案件)promise 允诺 conceive 想象,设想imagine 以为,假象remember记得 consider 考虑,思考indicate 暗示remind 提醒,使想起 convince 使相信inform告知通知instruct告知,教导 see 看看,考虑,注意decide 解决,决定know 学得,得知 show 给人解释;示范;叙述;discover发现;知道learn 得知,获悉 signal以信号表示doubt 怀疑,不相信look 察看;检查;探明 strike 使想起;使突然想到;使认为suggest 提议,建议tell 显示,表明;看出,晓得;warn 警告,告诫think 想出;记忆,回忆;想出,明白wonder 纳闷,想知道 wire 打电报telegraph 打电报 习惯接动名词的动词(包括v+one’s/one+v+ing) acknowledge 认知,承认…之事实escape免除,避免omit疏忽,忽略 admit 承认,供认excuse 原谅overlook 放任,宽容,忽视adore (非正式)极为喜欢fancy 构想,幻想,想想postpone 延期,搁置 advise 劝告,建议finish完成prefer较喜欢 appreciate 为…表示感激(或感谢)forbid 不许,禁止prevent预防 avoid 逃避forget 忘记prohibit 禁止,妨碍


的、地、得的用法和区别 的、地、得的用法和区别老班教育 一、的、地、得的基本概念 1、的、地、得的相同之处。 的、地、得是现代汉语中高频度使用的三个结构助词,都起着连接作用;它们在普通话中都读轻声de,没有语音上的区别。 2、的、地、得的不同之处。 吕叔湘、朱德熙所著《语法修辞讲话》认为的兼职过多,负担过重,而力主的、地、得严格分工。50 年代以来的诸多现代汉语论著和教材,一般也持这一主张。从书面语中的使用情况看,的与地、得的分工日趋明确,特别是在逻辑性很强的论述性、说明性语言中,如法律条款、学术论著、外文译著、教科书等,更是将的与地、得分用。 的、地、得在普通话里都读轻声de,但在书面语中有必要写成三个不同的字:在定语后面写作的,在状语后面写作地,在补语前写作得。这样做的好处,就是可使书面语言精确化。 二、的、地、得的用法 (一)、用法 1、的——定语的标记,一般用在主语和宾语的前面。的前面的词语一般用来修饰、限制的后面的事物,说明的后面的事物怎么样。 结构形式一般为:形容词、名词(代词)+的+名词。如: 颐和园(名词)的湖光山色(主语)美不胜收。 她是一位性格开朗的女子(名词,宾语)。 2、地——状语的标记,一般用在谓语(动词、形容词)前面。地前面的词语一般用来形容地后面的动作,说明地后面的动作怎么样。 结构方式一般为:形容词(副词)+地+动词(形容词)。如: 她愉快(形容词)地接受(动词,谓语)了这件礼物。 天渐渐(时间副词)地冷(形容词,谓语)起来。 3、得——补语的标记,一般用在谓语后面。得后面的词语一般用来补充说明得前面的动作怎么样。 结构形式一般为:动词(形容词)+得+副词。如: 他们玩(动词,谓语)得真痛快(补语)。 她红(形容词,谓语)得发紫(补语)。 (二)、例说 的,一般用在名词和形容词的后面,用在描述或限制人物、事物时,形容的词语与被形容的词语之间,表示一种描述的结果。如:漂亮的衣服、辽阔的土地、高大的山脉。结构一般为名词(代词或形容词)+的+名词。如,我的书、你的衣服、他的孩子,美丽的景色、动听的歌曲、灿烂的笑容。 地,用法简单些,用在描述或限制一种运动性质、状态时,形容的词语与被形容的词语之间。结构通常是形容词+地+动词。前面的词语一般用来形容后面的动作。一般地的后面只跟动词。比如高兴地跳、兴奋地叫喊、温和地说、飞快地跑;匆匆地离开;慢慢地移动......... 得,用在说明动作的情况或结果的程度时,说明的词语与被说明的词语之间,后面的词语一般用来补充和说明前面的情况。比如。跑得飞快、跳得很高、显得高雅、显得很壮、馋得直流口水、跑得快、飞得高、走得慢、红得很……得通常用在动词和形容词(动词之间)。

新视野大学英语第三版第二册课文语法讲解 Unit4

新视野三版读写B2U4Text A College sweethearts 1I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we,their parents,when we were college sweethearts.Linda,who's21,had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry,but they're not together anymore.Melissa,who's19,hasn't had a steady boyfriend yet.My daughters wonder when they will meet"The One",their great love.They think their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset.Perhaps,they're right but it didn't seem so at the time.In a way, love just happens when you least expect it.Who would have thought that Butch and I would end up getting married to each other?He became my boyfriend because of my shallow agenda:I wanted a cute boyfriend! 2We met through my college roommate at the university cafeteria.That fateful night,I was merely curious,but for him I think it was love at first sight."You have beautiful eyes",he said as he gazed at my face.He kept staring at me all night long.I really wasn't that interested for two reasons.First,he looked like he was a really wild boy,maybe even dangerous.Second,although he was very cute,he seemed a little weird. 3Riding on his bicycle,he'd ride past my dorm as if"by accident"and pretend to be surprised to see me.I liked the attention but was cautious about his wild,dynamic personality.He had a charming way with words which would charm any girl.Fear came over me when I started to fall in love.His exciting"bad boy image"was just too tempting to resist.What was it that attracted me?I always had an excellent reputation.My concentration was solely on my studies to get superior grades.But for what?College is supposed to be a time of great learning and also some fun.I had nearly achieved a great education,and graduation was just one semester away.But I hadn't had any fun;my life was stale with no component of fun!I needed a boyfriend.Not just any boyfriend.He had to be cute.My goal that semester became: Be ambitious and grab the cutest boyfriend I can find. 4I worried what he'd think of me.True,we lived in a time when a dramatic shift in sexual attitudes was taking place,but I was a traditional girl who wasn't ready for the new ways that seemed common on campus.Butch looked superb!I was not immune to his personality,but I was scared.The night when he announced to the world that I was his girlfriend,I went along


1、keep ①keep + 形容词表示“保持” Please keep quite. 请保持安静。 ②keep + 宾语+ 形容词(或介词短语)表示“把……保持在某一状态” We must do everything we can to keep the air clean. 我们必须尽一切所能保持空气清洁。 ③keep sb doing sth 表示“让某人做某事” ——只能用现在分词作宾语补足语,不能用不定式。 He kept us waiting for two hours. 他让我们等了两个小时。 He kept us to wait for two hours. (错误) ④keep on doing sth和keep doing sth 表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”,可换用。 但keep on doing 更强调动作的反复性或做事人的决心。 He keeps on phoning me, but I don’t want to talk to him. Though he failed 3 times, he kept on trying. 他老是给我打电话,但我不想同他讲话。虽然他已失败了3次,但他仍继续干下去。 keep doing sth 经常用于静态动词。 He kept lying in bed all day long. 他整天都躺在床上。 ⑤keep …from doing sth 表示“阻止,使免于” He kept them from fishing in the lake. 他不让他们在那个湖里捕鱼。 2、may not / mustn’t / needn’t / wouldn’t ①may not be 是may be的否定式,意为“可能不是,也许不是” He may be there.他可能在那里。He may not be there.他可能不在那里。 ②must 意为“必须”,mustn’t 意为“千万不可,绝对不可” 所以Must we/I ……?的否定回答要用needn’t—意为“不必” -Must we get there before 11 o’clock? -No, we needn’t. ③wouldn’t = would not 意为“不会,不愿” I wouldn’t say no. 3、do ①do表示“做”,做某事,常指某种不具体的活动;make表示“制作”,指做出某种具体的东西。


《“的、地、得”的用法》语文微课教案 一、教学背景 在语言文字规范化大背景下,帮助学生解决应用“的地得”的疑惑与困难。 二、设计思路 针对学生对于“的地得”的误用与忽视展开教学,规范结构助词“的地得”的使用。按照“问题的提出、问题的分析、问题的解决”的思路展开教学,总结归纳优化的方式方法。 三、教学目标 1、知道“怎么样的什么、怎么样地干什么、干得怎么样”三种固定搭配。 2、掌握“的、地、得”的区别与联系。 3、运用小儿歌“动前土、名前白、行动后面双人来”的口诀帮助正确使用“的、地、得”。 四、教学重难点 1、知道“的、地、得”的区别。 2、在实际情境中正确运用“的、地、得”。 五、教学时间 8分钟微课堂 六、教学适用对象 义务教育九年制内的学生 七、教学准备

多媒体课件、录屏软件 八、教学设计与过程 开场白: 同学们好!今天我们一起来学习“的、地、得”的正确用法。首先我们来了解一下它们的区别。 1、相同之处:原来它们都是念轻声“de”,都是结构助词,起连接作用。 2、不同之处:在书面语中要写成三个不同的字,而且它们的搭配及用法也各不相同。 (1)怎么样的什么 (2)怎样样地干什么 (3)干得怎么样 下面我们就来学习一下它们的正确用法。 白勺“的”的结构是用“形容词或名词或代词+的+名词”来表示,而我们最常见,用得最多的还是“形容词+的+名词”的结构。 而土也“地”的用法可以用“形容词+地+动词”的结构来表示。 双人“得”是用“动词+得+形容词”的结构来表示 3、练习巩固 (1)形近区分 静静(的)河面静静(地)写字欢乐(的)山谷

欢乐(地)歌唱满意(地)点头满意(的)作品 (2)类别区分 1)跑(得)飞快飞快(地)跑 2)愉快(的)旅行旅行(得)愉快 3)强烈(的)渴望强烈(地)渴望 (3)综合杂糅 小雏鹰飞到大树的上方,高兴地喊起来:“我真的会飞啦!而且飞(得)很高呢!” 小结:能填对这个句子的你肯定就已经学会它们的用法了! 4、特殊情况 质疑:假如遇到特殊情况怎么办呢? 我从书包里拿出书交给她们,她们高兴得.围着我跳起舞来。(出自二年级上册《日记两则》) (1)质疑:为什么这里要使用“得”呢? (2)释疑:原来这里强调的是心情,动词在后,形容词在前,相当于后置,“得”修饰“跳舞”而非“围”。现在你明白了吧? 5、小结归纳: 怎么样,你们学会了吗?为了让同学们能够更快的记住它们的用法,老师送给大家一首口诀来帮助你们熟记三个“的”的正确使用方法:动前土、名前白、行动后面双人来。


Unit 1 1学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 2我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 3到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 4好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不。大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 5直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 6网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 7我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 8学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.

动词以及动词短语的用法(动词后加to do 还是doing)

一动词加-ing 的情况 consider, suggest/advise,look forward to, excuse/pardon admit,delay/put off,fancy avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practise deny,finish,enjoy/appreciate forbid,imagine,risk can't help,mind,allow/permit,escape 考虑建议盼原谅, 承认推迟没得想. 避免错过继续练, 否认完成就欣赏. 禁止想象才冒险, 不禁介意准逃亡. 如:建议:advise,suggest,冒险:risk,献身:devote oneself to 二动词后加doing 和加to do sth. 意思不一样的情况 ①remember doing指记住过去做过的事,remember to do指记住将来要做的事,表示“不要忘记”。 ②forget doing表示忘记过去做过的事,forget to do表示“没有想起做某事”。 ③mean doing表示“意味着做某事”,mean to do表示“打算做某事”。 ④regret doing表示对已做过的事感到后悔,regret to do表示对将要做的事表示遗憾。 ⑤stop doing表示“停止做某事”,stop to do是停止做正在做的事以便去做另外一件事,这里的to do不是stop的宾语而是stop的目的状语。 ⑥try doing表示“尝试做某事”,try to do表示“设法、试图做某事”。 ⑦go on doing表示继续做同一件事,go on to do表示做完一件事后,接下去做另外一件事。 三动词后加to do sth. afford负担得起agree同意appear似乎,显得arrange安排 ask问attempt企图beg请求begin开始 choose选择claim要求decide决定demand要求 desire愿望determine决定expect期望fail不能 forget忘记happen碰巧hate憎恨,厌恶hesitate犹豫 hope希望intend想要learn学习long渴望 love爱manage设法mean意欲,打算need需要 neglect忽视offer提供omit忽略,漏other扰乱;烦恼


新大学日语简明教程课文翻译 第21课 一、我的留学生活 我从去年12月开始学习日语。已经3个月了。每天大约学30个新单词。每天学15个左右的新汉字,但总记不住。假名已经基本记住了。 简单的会话还可以,但较难的还说不了。还不能用日语发表自己的意见。既不能很好地回答老师的提问,也看不懂日语的文章。短小、简单的信写得了,但长的信写不了。 来日本不久就迎来了新年。新年时,日本的少女们穿着美丽的和服,看上去就像新娘。非常冷的时候,还是有女孩子穿着裙子和袜子走在大街上。 我在日本的第一个新年过得很愉快,因此很开心。 现在学习忙,没什么时间玩,但周末常常运动,或骑车去公园玩。有时也邀朋友一起去。虽然我有国际驾照,但没钱,买不起车。没办法,需要的时候就向朋友借车。有几个朋友愿意借车给我。 二、一个房间变成三个 从前一直认为睡在褥子上的是日本人,美国人都睡床铺,可是听说近来纽约等大都市的年轻人不睡床铺,而是睡在褥子上,是不是突然讨厌起床铺了? 日本人自古以来就睡在褥子上,那自有它的原因。人们都说日本人的房子小,从前,很少有人在自己的房间,一家人住在一个小房间里是常有的是,今天仍然有人过着这样的生活。 在仅有的一个房间哩,如果要摆下全家人的床铺,就不能在那里吃饭了。这一点,褥子很方便。早晨,不需要褥子的时候,可以收起来。在没有了褥子的房间放上桌子,当作饭厅吃早饭。来客人的话,就在那里喝茶;孩子放学回到家里,那房间就成了书房。而后,傍晚又成为饭厅。然后收起桌子,铺上褥子,又成为了全家人睡觉的地方。 如果是床铺的话,除了睡觉的房间,还需要吃饭的房间和书房等,但如果使用褥子,一个房间就可以有各种用途。 据说从前,在纽约等大都市的大学学习的学生也租得起很大的房间。但现在房租太贵,租不起了。只能住更便宜、更小的房间。因此,似乎开始使用睡觉时作床,白天折小能成为椅子的、方便的褥子。

新视野大学英语第一册Unit 1课文翻译

新视野大学英语第一册Unit 1课文翻译 学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。 虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。 老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。 由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。 两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。 以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。 每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!” 没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。 我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 好在这种情况没持续多久。 到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。 与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭! 不过情况却远不尽如人意。 由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。 上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。 我开始产生一种畏惧感。 虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。 看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。 这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。 我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。 它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。 我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 我随时随地都在学习。 不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。 我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。 有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。 但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。 突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。 尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。 它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。 学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。 与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。 由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。 我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。


pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法 今天给大家带来了pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法 1. pretend to do sth .这个短语的意思是假装(将要)去做什么事情,适用于将来时态动作将来假装要去做但不一定去做的状态。 举例: If youpretend to know what you dont know,youll only make afool of yourself.不懂装懂就会闹笑话。(suri的回答) Child pretend to be mother and father in kindergarten.孩子在幼稚园里面假扮父亲和母亲(表将来)(JasoOon的回答) 2. pretend to have done sth .这个短语的意思是假装已经做过了某事,强调事情的一个完成的状态,侧重于假装的事情已经做好了。 举例:I pretend tohave seen nothing,but I cant.我假装自己没有看到任何东西,但是我做不到(侧重于一个完成时态,已经试图去假装没有看到)

she pretended to have finished the homeworkwhen she went out and played.当她出门玩的时候她假装自己已经完成了家庭作业。(假装做作业这个动作已经在出门玩之前做完了)(JasoOon的回答)以及怀陌的回答:When the teacher came in,he pretended to havefinished the homework.当老师进来的时候他假装自己已经完成家庭作业了,两者有异曲同工之妙。 3. pretendtobe doing sth 这个短语的意思是假装正在做某事,强调动作的一个进行时态。 举例:They pretend to be reading books when the teacher sneakingly stands at the back door.当老师偷偷地站在后门的时候他们假装正在读书(读书与老师站在后门都是过去进行时 态)(JasoOon的回答) Asmanypeople do,youoftenpretend to be doingwork when actuallyyou arejust wasting time online.像很多人一样,你经常假装正在工作,其实是在上网。 群主补充:昨天和今天已提交作业的同学,做得都很好,全部授予小红花。希望你们再接再厉,不要松懈哟。所以下周一出题者为所有已提交作业的同学或者你们选出的代表。


“的、地、得”的用法教案 教学目标: 1.能通过看视频知道“的、地、得”的用法区别。 2.能在小组合作中正确掌握“的、地、得”的用法。 3.能正确熟练地运用“的、地、得”。 教学重点:通过看视频知道“的、地、得”的用法区别。 教学难点:正确熟练地运用“的、地、得”。 教学过程: 一、导入(板书课题:“的、地、得”的用法“的、地、得”) 这三个字认识吧!虽然它们都有一个相同的读音de,但用法却不一样,可不能把他们用错了。究竟他们的用法有什么不同,我们来听听他们的故事吧! 二、看微视频,学习“的、地、得”的用法区别。 三、小结: 1.孩子们,刚才看了视频知道他们是谁吗?(白勺的,土也地,双人得。) (1)白勺的是个杂货铺老板,她的店里都有什么?(彩色的毛巾美味的汉堡结实的帐篷舒适的儿童车捕捉风的网会唱歌的小树开个没完的花朵优美动听的歌曲飘来飘去的云……)还可能有什么? 你们一定会发现,白勺的的用法有什么特点?(后面是名词。)板书:名词 (2)土也地是个运动男孩,他喜欢?(悠闲地散步欢快地跳舞兴奋地跳跃开心地捕蝴蝶看图书踢球骑自行洗澡吃冰淇淋……)他还可能喜欢干什么呢?你发现了吗?土也地的用法特点?(后面是动词。)板书:动词 (3)双人得呢?她是个总喜欢评价别人的小妹妹。(球踢得真棒舞跳得精彩长得好高呀……) 她可能还怎么评价别人?(歌唱得动听饭吃得很饱人长得漂亮)你们会发现,双人得的前面通常都是——动词。板书:动词 2.小结:所以,他们的用法也很简单,区别就在这里。 (白勺的用在名词前面;土也地用在动词前面;双人得用在动词后面。)你明白了吗? 四、我来考考你们,看哪一组完成得又对又快! 1.菜鸟级练习 2.老鸟级练习 3.大虾级练习 五、总结

新大学日语阅读与写作1 第3课译文

习惯与礼仪 我是个漫画家,对旁人细微的动作、不起眼的举止等抱有好奇。所以,我在国外只要做错一点什么,立刻会比旁人更为敏锐地感觉到那个国家的人们对此作出的反应。 譬如我多次看到过,欧美人和中国人见到我们日本人吸溜吸溜地出声喝汤而面露厌恶之色。过去,日本人坐在塌塌米上,在一张低矮的食案上用餐,餐具离嘴较远。所以,养成了把碗端至嘴边吸食的习惯。喝羹匙里的东西也象吸似的,声声作响。这并非哪一方文化高或低,只是各国的习惯、礼仪不同而已。 日本人坐在椅子上围桌用餐是1960年之后的事情。当时,还没有礼仪规矩,甚至有人盘着腿吃饭。外国人看见此景大概会一脸厌恶吧。 韩国女性就座时,单腿翘起。我认为这种姿势很美,但习惯于双膝跪坐的日本女性大概不以为然,而韩国女性恐怕也不认为跪坐为好。 日本等多数亚洲国家,常有人习惯在路上蹲着。欧美人会联想起狗排便的姿势而一脸厌恶。 日本人常常把手放在小孩的头上说“好可爱啊!”,而大部分外国人会不愿意。 如果向回教国家的人们劝食猪肉和酒,或用左手握手、递东西,会不受欢迎的。当然,饭菜也用右手抓着吃。只有从公用大盘往自己的小盘里分食用的公勺是用左手拿。一旦搞错,用黏糊糊的右手去拿,

会遭人厌恶。 在欧美,对不受欢迎的客人不说“请脱下外套”,所以电视剧中的侦探哥隆波总是穿着外套。访问日本家庭时,要在门厅外脱掉外套后进屋。穿到屋里会不受欢迎的。 这些习惯只要了解就不会出问题,如果因为不知道而遭厌恶、憎恨,实在心里难受。 过去,我曾用色彩图画和简短的文字画了一本《关键时刻的礼仪》(新潮文库)。如今越发希望用各国语言翻译这本书。以便能对在日本的外国人有所帮助。同时希望有朝一日以漫画的形式画一本“世界各国的习惯与礼仪”。 练习答案 5、 (1)止める並んでいる見ているなる着色した (2)拾った入っていた行ったしまった始まっていた
