Cu-PEO-LDPE 复合材料的制备工艺研究

一科学研究一www.hx y sw g, 一2016,Vol.33No.09化学与生物工程一Chem istr y &B ioen g ineerin g 18一基金项目: 十二五 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAI31B03)

收稿日期:2016-05-10作者简介:王欢(1990-),男,甘肃庆阳人,硕士研究生,研究方向:生物材料,E -mail :wan g huanedu@qq .com ;

通讯作者:夏先平,副教授,E -mail :x p xia@, 三doi :10.3969/j .issn.1672-5425.2016.09.005王欢,刘知为,陶志祥,等.Cu /PEO /LDPE 复合材料的制备工艺研究[J ].化学与生物工程,2016,33(9):18-22.

Cu /PEO /LDPE 复合材料的制备工艺研究


摘一要:采用熔融共混/注塑成型法制备了一种新型的用于制备含铜宫内节育器的聚合物合金基含铜复合材料,即铜/聚氧化乙烯/低密度聚乙烯(Cu /PEO /LDPE )复合材料三采用正交实验研究了加热温度二注射温度二注射压力二注射速率二保压压力和保压时间等对该复合材料Cu 2+释放速率的影响三结果表明:注射压力对复合材料Cu 2+释放速率的影响


度>保压压力,调控注塑工艺参数是调控该复合材料Cu 2+释放行为的手段之一三获得了制备宫内节育器Cu /PEO /LDPE 复合材料的最佳注塑工艺参数为:

注射压力60bar 二注射温度165?二加热温度180?二保压压力10bar 二保压时间0.5s 二

注射速率70%三关键词:注塑工艺参数;正交实验;Cu /PEO /LDPE 复合材料;Cu 2+释放中图分类号:TB 333一一一一文献标识码:A一一一一文章编号:1672-5425(2016)09-0018-05

Pre p aration Process of Cu /PEO /LDPE Com p osite

WANG Huan ,LIU Zhi -wei ,TAO Zhi -xian g ,XIA Xian -p in g (State Ke y Laborator y o f Material Processin g and Die &Mould Technolo g y ,Colle g e o f

Materials Science and En g ineerin g ,Huazhon g Universit y o f Science and Technolo g y ,Wuhan 430074,China )Abstract :A novel co pp er -containin g com p osite based on p ol y mer allo y for intrauterine devices (IUDs ),i .e .,co pp er /p ol y eth y lene oxide /low -densit y p ol y eth y lene (Cu /PEO /LDPE )com p osite ,was p re p ared b y usin g a melt blendin g and in j ection moldin g techni q ue.The influences of heatin g tem p erature ,in j ection tem p erature ,in j ection p ressure ,in j ection rate ,p ackin g p ressure and p ackin g time on the cu p ric ions release rate of Cu /PEO /LDPE com p osite were investi g ated usin g an ortho g onal ex p eriment.The results showed that ,com p ared to other in j ec -tion p rocess p arameters ,the in j ection p ressure exhibited the most si g nificant effect on the cu p ric ions release rate of Cu /PEO /LDPE com p osite ,and the affectin g de g ree decreased in order accordin g to in j ection p ressure ,p ackin g time ,in j ection tem p erature ,in j ection rate ,heatin g tem p erature and p ackin g p ressure.These results indi -cated that ad j ustin g in j ection p rocess p arameters was one of the methods to control the cu p ric ions release be -havior of this novel co pp er -containin g com p osite.In addition ,the o p timal in j ection p rocess p arameters for p re -p arin g the Cu /PEO /LDPE com p osite IUDs were 60bar of in j ection p ressure ,165?of in j ection tem p erature ,180?of heatin g tem p erature ,10bar of p ackin g p ressure ,0.5s of p ackin g time and 70%of in j ection rate.Ke y words :in j ection p rocess p arameters ;ortho g onal ex p eriment ;Cu /PEO /LDPE com p osite ;cu p ric ions re -lease
