

What are my career goals? I didn’t have it, which was a good thing because our community at that time was so small. So for me when I graduated from school. I was serious I had my simple goals, one is to get a job, two, it is basically to get an apartment, so I can be independent.

And then I went to Harvard Business School. I graduated from Harvard Business School, and because my family was in business. I decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking. I didn’t understand so much about what banking was all about, but I learned. I worked for Citi Group, and when I was in the middle of working in Citi Group for 4 years, I had an opportunity to work at the White House because Citi Group had a special program. They selected outstanding performers within the bank and then gave them opportunity to support them for an intern in the government. I was selected as a White House fellow. I worked at the White House for one year. It was a difficult time, not easy, but I was so excited. It was so interesting because there was no Chinese, no Asian at the White House at that time, so I felt I was blazing a new trail for other Asian Americans. And I was learning a lot to be a better leader in the future. I worked for the White House for a year.

The President at that time was Wilson Reagan. He was from California. I grew up in New York.

I had never been to California, so I decided to go to California, so I found a job in Bank of America in California and moved to California. I didn’t know anybody. I didn’t have friends there, but I was excited. I just wanted to see what California was like. So I was within California for 3 years and one day I got a phone call from Secretary Elizabeth Dole, and she was the Secretary of Transportation, and she needed someone who understood banking which I gained the experience from Citi Bank, and she also needed someone who understood shipping which I also had gained in Bank of America, so the two expert teams really helped me to get the job that she had admired. She had a portfolio (证券投资组合) in the Department of Transportation that was losing $1.8 a year, and she needed a banker to go and clear it up. So within one weekend I flew back from California, found an apartment in Washington D.C and started work on Monday. This is Maritime Administration. I worked there for 2 years and learned a great deal about the government. Around 2 years later, I was appointed Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. The reason why I was appointed was because the previous chairman of Federal Maritime Commission had passed away suddenly. The government needed someone who understood shipping, who had been in the government in shipping, who can be the Chairman. So once again my particular background in shipping, transportation and banking was very important, so I was the Chairman for a year, and then a new president came in. It was the first President Bush, and he asked me to be the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation. At that time I was 35, though older than you, very very young. I was the youngest Deputy Secretary in the whole government and I was also the first Asian American Deputy Secretary in United States government.

And then in 1992, more than 20 years ago, such a long time ago, President Bush lost his re-election. When he loses re-election, what happened to America is that everybody who was with him goes. So I joined United Way of America. United Way of America was the NO.1 charity in America. I was there for 4 years.

I had little time to get married at the age of 39. It was very late. My husband, as you know, is the leader of Congress. He is a very good husband. He does his own laundry, he cooks and helps me with the house too. He is very encouraging women. I think it is really important to find someone who is going to be your life partner because they will help you adapt your life and they will help you adapt to your career as well.

In 1996, I wanted a break, so I joined Think Tank where I took some time to study and learn more about American political system, how to get ideas across, because America is a very confrontational society. People are arguing all the time, so some people are saying this, some people are saying that, and it’s OK. There is a lot of fighting back and forth. And then in 2000, President George W. Bush was getting ready for his president chosen, and I had known him before, because I had companied with him for his father, and I knew him also at Harvard Business School. President George W. Bush was class of 71, and I was the class of 1979, so we knew each other from that as well. You will be interested to know that I was actually supposed to get, I thought, Department of Transportation, but nominate of Department of Transportation, so I was very disappointed.

I can tell you a lesson that if you face a disappointment, NO. 1, you must always think of a long term, so even though it can be a disappointment, don’t be discouraged. If you handle the disappointment well, there will be lots of other opportunities. So indeed, I was originally not offered, but I was indicated that Secretary of Labor was a position that they wanted for me. I wasn’t very familiar with labor as much as I was familiar with transportation. So I was hoping to be appointed to transportation. When it did not happen, I was very calm and I thanked the President and his team for considering me. I wish them well in their new administration, thinking that I will not be going to be a part of it. 2 weeks afterwith, the President nominate for the Secretary of Labor position encountered difficulties in confirmation hearing. In United States, the President proposes a Secretary, and then the Congress, the Senate approves. So the original choice for the Secretary of Labor encountered difficulties in her confirmation process, and she had to drop out(退出). So the White House, the President had to find a new Secretary of Labor, someone they trusted, someone they know, can clear and gain the approval of the Senate, who had no blemish on their records, so they can go through the confirmation process very easily. They approached me again and asked me whether I would be interested in accepting the position of the Secretary of Labor, so that was how I became the Secretary of Labor.

I wasn’t the first choice because my world at that time was so small that there were so few Asian Americans in the government at that time. There was no guide, no one to tell me what to expect, but what I did find helpful was what my parents were talking, you have to have courage, interest and curiosity. I think one thing my parents talked to me a great deal of is curiosity. You have to have interest, you have to have curiosity, and if you are curious, you will go on and seek more doors and more opened and these doors opened for you, if you have persistence, planned ahead, and if you have the will to persist. The world is changing so rapidly, so you have the same opportunities for you. I can’t tell you what the opportunities are, but if you have interest, and have the will, and you have the confidence, you will have a lot of opportunities.


科比开讲啦演讲稿 各位同学: 大家好! 黑曼巴是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场,我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。所以在场下我可以开玩笑,但是我一旦进入赛场,我马上会像换了一个人一样,在球场上全神贯注。 我现在35岁了,算是走到了职业生涯的后半程,像这样一些受伤也是司空见惯了。一旦受伤,你就觉得世界停止了,不管是膝盖受伤,肩膀受伤等等。我知道很多人因此而把整个职业生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至无法返回赛场。当那个时刻发生的时候,我会看着镜子中的自己说,“科比你会怎么样?如果你经历这样的伤痛你会怎么样?“你知道我每次看到别人受伤,我见到很多人受伤后回不来,我看着镜子中的自己喃喃自语说,”是不是应该退出了?是不是应该停止打球了?“我自己都不知道还能否返回赛场。我现在坐在这里告诉你,我要完全康复回到球场。但我不敢打包票,因为很多时候我也有疑问,但是我觉得,这才是迎接挑战的意义所在。 要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。向那些说你永远不可能成功,你一定会失败的人证明,这就是我的看法。如果有人说你这次受伤,要一蹶不

振了,对我来说,如果别人受了这种伤可能就退出了,但是科比不能这样。别人说这下你不行了,我会说,你这样你才可能会退出。所以我必须要证明给他们看,尤其是给那些支持我,热爱我的粉丝们,我一定要赢了自己,要赢了伤痛,能够重返赛场。这样才能让那些怀疑我的人重新思考,什么叫将不可能的变成可能。这些伤疤的重要性体现在这里,这些伤疤就是我成长转变的体现。 作为一个球员,我与生俱来的激情就是想要成功,想要赢。同时也是人生最难却最重要的事情。作为一个球员,要到球场上去迎接最大的挑战,我觉得最大的挑战就是要把全队的人变成像一个人那样,要不断地,不断地取得胜利,这就是团队竞技比赛的最大挑战,这也正是我的激情所在。对我个人来说,最重要的事是不断地迎接挑战,而且永不畏惧挑战极为重要。 但更重要的是要对事物保持不断的好奇心,比如说怎么样打得更好,怎么样提高技巧,怎么样从别人身上学到什么。其实我从小到现在一直从各个方面寻找激励我的因素,不仅仅从迈克尔乔丹身上,从魔术师埃尔文约翰逊身上,还从迈克尔杰克逊,贝多芬,达芬奇,李小龙身上,这些伟大的人给了我激励,让我前进,所以这就是黑曼巴的精神。并不是说你要不断进攻别人,而是要永不停歇你前进的脚步。人生是学无止境的,于是不断学习就显得极为重要。你要不


传播青春正能量演讲稿范文多篇2020 中国的梦是我们的梦。来吧,让我们携起手来,响应时代的号召,为了美好的明天,为了光荣的未来,前进!我的梦,中国梦!下面是我整理的传播青春正能量演讲稿,欢迎阅读。 传播青春正能量演讲稿 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 什么是青春正能量,我觉得,青春正能量,就是激情,因为在青春,我们一无所有,唯一拥有的就是激情,而正是激情,才能带给我们无穷的正能量。 激情就像风,“风乍起,吹皱起一池春水”。于是,有人回忆青春时,或长吁短叹,或后悔不迭。尽管如此,激情之于青春还是必不可少的,就像仲夏的鸣蝉,隆冬的雪花,少了它们便少了许多乐趣。可以说,激情是对青春最好的诠释。 王国维先生对人生曾有过经典的阐述。他认为人生有三层境界,第一层境界,昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。第二层境界,衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。第三层境界,众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。我认为他所说的第二层境界正是激情青春的生动写照,是三层境界中至关重要的一层。因为只有怀有无限的激情,坚定地追寻自己的理想,才会“为伊消得人憔悴”,也才能在此基础上达到更高的人生境界。所以,处于青春阶段的我们,要以昂扬的激情诠释生命的意义,为实现远大的目标而不断努力。 当然,青春之路总免不了凄风苦雨,云重雾冷。每当此时,激情往往可以使

我们对未来充满希望,从而以坦然、冷静的心态面对困难。拿破伦·希尔曾这样写道:“遇到困难了,那好。问题之中包含着解决问题的办法。”也就是说,遇到困难了——假如生命给了我们一个困难的境遇,它同时也给了我们应付这些困难的能力。只要我们怀有激情,迎难而上,就可能走过人生的逆境,看到希望的曙光。 激情有时也像一朵蔷薇,虽美丽却有刺,会带给我们伤害。富兰克林说:“上帝要毁灭一个人,必先使他疯狂。”肆意释放激情容易导致自制力丧失,使人陷入困境。在成长的道路上,有些人肆无忌惮地释放着激情,或在灯红酒绿中迷失自己,或在花前月下虚度着时光。所以,总有人慨叹“来如春梦几多时,去似朝云无觅处”,徒留悔恨在心中。因此,我们要以理智的态度有节制地展示激情。 青春短暂,激情易逝,让我们珍惜这充满激情的青春正能量吧,让激情在理智中迸发,让我们在激情飞扬的青春之路上且歌且行,描绘出绚丽的人生画卷。 传播青春正能量演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好!流星虽然易逝,但是它已经点燃了最美的青春。传递青春的正能量,让我们身体里流淌的血液迸发出激情!青春的我们要勇于承担起我们的责任,踏实认真的提高自己的能力,为了我们伟大的民族复兴奉献出我们的青春,这不仅仅是口号,更是我们青春正能量的传递。中国梦的实现需要我们传递青春的正能量! 奥斯特洛夫斯基曾说过这样一段话:“生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春!” 是的,古今中外的人们总是用最美好的语言来形容和赞美青春,青春是满腔


What are my career goals? I didn’t have it, which was a good thing because our community at that time was so small. So for me when I graduated from school. I was serious I had my simple goals, one is to get a job, two, it is basically to get an apartment, so I can be independent. And then I went to Harvard Business School. I graduated from Harvard Business School, and because my family was in business. I decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking. I didn’t understand so much about what banking was all about, but I learned. I worked for Citi Group, and when I was in the middle of working in Citi Group for 4 years, I had an opportunity to work at the White House because Citi Group had a special program. They selected outstanding performers within the bank and then gave them opportunity to support them for an intern in the government. I was selected as a White House fellow. I worked at the White House for one year. It was a difficult time, not easy, but I was so excited. It was so interesting because there was no Chinese, no Asian at the White House at that time, so I felt I was blazing a new trail for other Asian Americans. And I was learning a lot to be a better leader in the future. I worked for the White House for a year. The President at that time was Wilson Reagan. He was from California. I grew up in New York. I had never been to California, so I decided to go to California, so I found a job in Bank of America in California and moved to California. I didn’t know anybody. I didn’t have friends there, but I was excited. I just wanted to see what California was like. So I was within California for 3 years and one day I got a phone call from Secretary Elizabeth Dole, and she was the Secretary of Transportation, and she needed someone who understood banking which I gained the experience from Citi Bank, and she also needed someone who understood shipping which I also had gained in Bank of America, so the two expert teams really helped me to get the job that she had admired. She had a portfolio (证券投资组合) in the Department of Transportation that was losing $1.8 a year, and she needed a banker to go and clear it up. So within one weekend I flew back from California, found an apartment in Washington D.C and started work on Monday. This is Maritime Administration. I worked there for 2 years and learned a great deal about the government. Around 2 years later, I was appointed Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. The reason why I was appointed was because the previous chairman of Federal Maritime Commission had passed away suddenly. The government needed someone who understood shipping, who had been in the government in shipping, who can be the Chairman. So once again my particular background in shipping, transportation and banking was very important, so I was the Chairman for a year, and then a new president came in. It was the first President Bush, and he asked me to be the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation. At that time I was 35, though older than you, very very young. I was the youngest Deputy Secretary in the whole government and I was also the first Asian American Deputy Secretary in United States government. And then in 1992, more than 20 years ago, such a long time ago, President Bush lost his re-election. When he loses re-election, what happened to America is that everybody who was with him goes. So I joined United Way of America. United Way of America was the NO.1 charity in America. I was there for 4 years. I had little time to get married at the age of 39. It was very late. My husband, as you know, is the leader of Congress. He is a very good husband. He does his own laundry, he cooks and helps me with the house too. He is very encouraging women. I think it is really important to find someone who is going to be your life partner because they will help you adapt your life and they will help you adapt to your career as well.


Success comes from diligence Good afternoon, teachers and classmates, my name is . Today, I will make a speech titled”success comes from diligence”. At the beginning, I want to ask you a question” Do you know what the rice research institute is like at four o'clock every morning?”Ok, my answer is same to you: No. Because I am sleeping at that time. The weird question is from Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant is a basketball player in NBA; He almost have get all kinds of awards in NBA. Everyone is amazed at his amazing talent in basketball. But, Robert Allert, the physical trainer of Kobe, doesn’t agree so much about it. He believes the achievement of Kobe is not only because of his talent, but his diligence is more important. He shared a very small story about Kobe. It’s 2012, during the Olympic in London, Robert and the United States men's basketball team came to Las Vegas. It was late in the night before the players began their training. Robert got a call from Kobe to help him do some physical training, and the time was 3:30 in the morning. Robert hurried to the training room. When he arrived, he saw Kobe was wet with sweat, as if just climbed up from the water. Kobe saw him and said: "Let‘s


开讲啦科比演讲稿 如果你永不畏惧 科比 各位同学: 大家好! 黑曼巴是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场, 我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。所以在场下我可以开玩笑,但是我一旦进入赛场,我马 上会像换了一个人一样,在球场上全神贯注。 我现在35岁了,算是走到了职业生涯的后半程,像这样一些受伤也是司空见惯了。 一旦受伤,你就觉得世界停止了,不管是膝盖受伤,肩膀受伤等等。我知道很多人因此 而把整个职业生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至无法返回赛场。当那个时刻发生 的时候,我会看着镜子中的自己说,“科比你会怎么样?如果你经历 这样的伤痛你会怎么样?“你知道我每次看到别人受伤,我见到很多人受伤后回不来,我看着镜子中的自己喃喃自语说,”是不是应该退出了?是不是应该停止打球 了?“我自己都不知道还能否返回赛场。我现在坐在这里告诉你,我要完全康复回到球场。但我不敢打包票,因为很多时候我也有疑问,但是我觉得,这才是迎接挑战的意义所在。 要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。向那些说你永远不 可能成功,你一定会失败的人证明,这就是我的看法。如果有人说你这次受伤,要一蹶不 振了,对我来说,如果别人受了这种伤可能就退出了,但是科比不能这样。别人说这下 你不行了,我会说,你这样你才可能会退出。所以我必须要证明给他们看,尤其是给那些 支持我,热 爱我的粉丝们,我一定要赢了自己,要赢了伤痛,能够重返赛场。这样才能让那些 怀疑我的人重新思考,什么叫将不可能的变成可能。这些伤疤的重要性体现在这里,这 些伤疤就是我成长转变的体现。 作为一个球员,我与生俱来的激情就是想要成功,想要赢。同时也是人生最难却最重 要的事情。作为一个球员,要到球场上去迎接最大的挑战,我觉得最大的挑战就是要把 全队的人变成像一个人那样,要不断地,不断地取得胜利,这就是团队竞技比赛的最大挑战,这也正是我的激情所在。对我个人来说,最重要的事是不断地迎接挑战,而且永不 畏惧挑战极为重要。 但更重要的是要对事物保持不断的好奇心,比如说怎么样打得更好,怎么样提高技巧,怎么样从别人身上学到什么。其实我从小到现在一直从各个方面寻找激励我的因素,不 仅仅从迈克尔·乔丹身上,从魔术师埃尔文·约翰逊身上,还从迈克尔·杰克逊,贝多芬,


青春励志英文演讲稿(精选多篇) 尊敬的老师们、同学们: 大家好! 青春是什么,难道是携子之手,浪漫而温馨地漫步于桃红柳绿之中吗难道是把头发染成五颜六色,在大街上旁若无人地大跳千奇百怪的街舞吗难道是无休止地泡吧,疯狂地蹦迪吗有些人一直在成长的十字路口徘徊。但是,我要问:难道青春仅仅就只剩下这些了吗青春可以是远大的志向和崇高的理想;青春还可以是面对峰回路转,霹雳斩棘,举步探索的毅力。 青春不仅仅是一声声的赞美,它更是拥有使命并为之奋斗不息的源泉。因为生命的光环一个个被践踏的躯体赋予

了新的灵魂;因为青春的绚丽,一个个飞舞的思绪会聚成一首悲壮的挽歌。 时光的老人又一次送来了五月,迎来了又一个“五四”青年节。在这阳光灿烂,安宁详和的幸福生活之时,我不禁想起了那些曾为中华民族的民主,科学,独立而抛头颅洒热血的青年们,是他们,在民族遭受屈辱的时刻挺身而出,以力挽狂澜之势救黎民于苦难。在斗争中,青年们敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,他们以燃烧的激情和鲜血凝聚成精神的火炬,点燃了未来。这种青春是多么绚丽夺目呀,这种使命是多么震撼人心啊! 青春是美好的,没有使命感的青春便是贫血的青春。青年是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。在任何一个时代,青年都是社会上最富有朝气最富有创造性,最富有生命力的群体。我们要怎样才能实践自己肩负的历史使命,怎么样才能使自己的青春光彩照人呢 放眼看吧,在我们社会主义现代化

建设的征途中,涌现出许多新时代青年的楷模。从伟大的共产主义战士雷锋到以服务祖国需要为乐的王杰,从自学成才的张海迪到科技创新的秦文贵……他们在平凡的岗位上,用五四精神诠释了青春的使命!演绎了一幕幕惊天动地的话剧!谱写了一曲曲壮丽雄浑的青春赞歌! 作为新世纪的我们,要树立远大的理想,人的一生只能享受一次青春,当一个人在年轻是就把自己的人生与人民的事业紧紧相连,他所创造的就是永恒的青春。我们要坚持勤奋学习,立志成才。二十一世纪,信息交流日益广泛,知识更新大大加快。形势逼人自强。催人奋进。我们要跟上时代步伐,更好的为现代化建设贡献力量就必须学习学习再学习,打下坚实的知识功底。在学习中,还要善于创新,善于实践,善于把所学的知识运用到改造主观世界客观世界活动中去,不断成才。同时我们应树立正确的世界观,人生观,价值观,努


弘扬青春正能量的演讲稿 我们的青春需要正能量,从而推使我们努力向前。以下是弘扬青春正能量的演讲稿,一起看看吧。弘扬青春正能量的演讲稿1 青春的正能量是什么?鲜花因为有了阳光才能怒放,雄鹰因为有了天空才能翱翔。阳光和天空就是他们的正能量。我们的正能量可以在伟人的著作中得到答案。《为人民服务》中说的:“在困难的时候,要看到成绩,要看到光明,要提高我们的勇气”。《纪念白求恩》中说的“对工作的极端的负责任,对同志对人民的极端的热忱”。《愚公移山》中说的:“下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利”。 革命战争时代,多少有志青年为民族、为国家前仆后继,流血牺牲。1925年,32岁的毛泽东在橘子洲头挥笔写下了脍炙人口的《沁园春〃长沙》,抒发了心忧天下、济世救民的壮志豪情。1928年,28岁的共产党员夏明翰在牺牲前写下了“砍头不要紧,只要主义真。杀了夏明翰,还有后来人!”这一气壮山河的就义诗。而张思德却在平凡中见伟大,以自己年仅29岁的生命践行了一个共产党员的入党誓词。新中国成立后,以雷锋为代表的代代青年为了祖国的建设、为了人民的幸福、奉献着自己的青春,奉献着自己的一切。 改革开放以来,特别是近些年,随着经济的快速发展。一些

不和谐的音符出现在了青年人中。一些人认为金钱是万能的。拜金主义、享乐主义充斥着他们的头脑。一些“官二代”、“富二代”自甘堕落、目无法纪、骄奢淫逸。其结果是实用演讲稿大全演讲稿书写格式演讲稿书写技巧竞聘演讲稿爱国主义教育演...英语演讲稿受到道德的谴责和法律的惩罚。人们很快就忘记了这些不和谐的音符。 朋友,曾经的历史需要我们用正能量舍命报国、昂首站立;今日的现实却需要我们用正能量戒骄戒躁、脚踏实地。 党的十八大报告中指出“广大青年要积极响应党的号召,在投身中国特色社会主义伟大事业中,让青春焕发出绚丽的光彩。” 铁路事业同样是实现“中国梦”的重要组成部分。铁路从过去的蒸汽机车到现在的动车高铁,从速度上的腾飞到服务理念的提升,铁路事业的发展一直与中国社会的发展息息相关。但平凡的铁路事业,没有鲜花,没有光环、没有掌声的相伴,只有寒来暑往默默无闻的奉献。 我们参观了“毛泽东号”机车,车组从战争年代到今天,始终把永不自满、永不停顿,安全运输作为永恒的主题,它已成为全国铁路安全运输的一面旗帜。呼和浩特站客运车间售票员孙奇同志的事迹大家一定不陌生,她先后从事过线路工、车站客运员和售票员,无论身处哪个岗位,始终要求自己把工作做到最好。打造了以自己名字命名的“孙奇党员示范售票口”。我们知道无论是“毛泽东号”机车组,还是孙奇党员示范售票口,他们都是

开讲啦 2012年题目

开讲啦 2012——2014 2012-08-27「开讲啦」(第001期:陈坤)主题:人生路,莫慌张 2012-08-28「开讲啦」(第002期:李少红)主题:人生加减法 2012-08-29「开讲啦」(第003期:冯仑)主题:理想丰满 2012-08-30「开讲啦」(第004期:邓亚萍)主题:转型从零开始 2012-08-31「开讲啦」(第005期:郎朗)主题:指尖上的青春 2012-09-05「开讲啦」(第006期:王潮歌)主题:那么,我是谁? 2012-09-06「开讲啦」(第007期:杨利伟)主题:与责任对话 2012-09-07「开讲啦」(第008期:葛剑雄)主题:读书永无毕业 2012-09-08「开讲啦」(第009期:赵启正)主题:我向世界说明中国 2012-09-09「开讲啦」(第010期:王石)主题:坚持与放下 2012-12-11「开讲啦」(第011期:冯小刚)主题:温故知幸福【张泉灵代班主持】 2013年 2013-01-01「开讲啦」(第012期:成龙)主题:没人能替你奋斗 2013-01-02「开讲啦」(第013期:李昌钰)主题:不可能的可能 2013-01-04「开讲啦」(第014期:俞敏洪)主题:相信奋斗的力量 2013-01-05「开讲啦」(第015期:黄怒波)主题:苦难是一种财富 2013-01-06「开讲啦」(第016期:李兰妮)主题:好好活着 2013-01-07「开讲啦」(第017期:陈一冰)主题:人生总有不完美 2013-01-08「开讲啦」(第018期:黄西)主题:不完美,怎么了? 2013-01-09「开讲啦」(第019期:秦怡)主题:我是“90后” 2013-01-10「开讲啦」(第020期:李立群)主题:青春经不起等待


关于青春励志英文演讲稿 everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


我很喜欢《劝学》这篇文章,其中有一句名言是这么说的:骐骥一跃,不能十步,驽马十驾,功在不舍;锲而舍之,朽木不折,锲而不舍,金石可镂。 我们都知道这句话是谈敬业的,坚持的。因此呢,就引出了今天我演讲的题目《相信坚持的力量》。 我经常跟室友说,人要学做骆驼,不要做骏马。如果我们把人生比作漫漫的沙漠,把成功比作沙漠那端的绿洲。那么我们就可以知道,骏马跑起来肯定很快,但是没有耐力,不可能够穿越沙漠,抵达成功的彼岸。而骆驼呢,却能够走到终点,到达绿洲。因为它是一步一个脚印,靠的是坚韧不拔的信念和坚持不懈的精神。所以骆驼能够到达成功的终点。所以,你什么时候看见一匹骆驼像马一样,冲进沙漠,那基本上,一定是疯了。 或者换说(蜗牛和老鹰的比喻:是其中能够爬到金字塔顶端的两种动物) 我的爸爸妈妈是地地道道的农民,所以你知道我的出身也不好。但我在跟我的同学演讲的时候,我就告诉他们,我相信坚持的力量。如果说,你们一个月做成的事,我就花两个月;你们花一年做成的事,我就花两年;你们两年做成的事,我就花十年;你们十年做成的事,我花二十年;你们花二十年的,我就花四十年。实在不行的话,我就保持身体健康,心情愉快,等到大家都八十岁的时候,我一个一个把你们都送走,我再走。 讲一个很感人的故事给大家听。有一位传教士,叫做。1947年的时候,他带着自己刚刚新婚不久的妻子和几个同伴,一起徒步从中国的南京走到新疆。他们整整花了一年半的时间,才走到新疆的喀什。但是很不幸的是,刚好在1948年的年底,国家的军队控制了新疆,封锁了边境。他和他的妻子,以及他所有的同伴,都以叛逃中国的叛国罪和非法传教罪,被抓入了新疆喀什的监狱。没想到的是,他却被关到了这所监狱,整整四十年。当他进去的时候,是一个年轻力壮的小伙子,出来的时候,却是已然是一位白发苍苍的老者。当他向监狱的狱卒打听自己的妻子和同伴的时候,却已发现自己的妻子为了坚持信仰,被同室的囚犯活活的打死,肚里的孩子也留了产;而其他的同伴也在这四十年的时间里,为了坚持信仰,有的被劳教致死,有的被囚犯打死,有的被枪决而死。现在,活下来的只有他了。而他,在这四十年的监狱时间里,有三十年是挨打的过来的,他多次被戏弄,被强奸。有一次,囚犯们把他打的头破血流,留了一地的血,可是过了两天,他却奇迹般的活了下来。 我在他的书中的看到,他说,“我从来都没有为坚持信仰而坐监,后悔过。”今天,我们先不评价这个传教士传教对或与否。但我从他的身上看到两点,一个人可以为了信仰坚持四十年,这个坚持的力量是何等大啊!第二点,我想说,我们每个人都会死,但并非我们每个人活得都有意义。如果你能够为了你的梦想,为了你的信仰而坚持,我相信你的人生也一定会活得有意义。 谢谢大家。


[女性独立自强的演讲稿] 【内容】:一提到女性,就会想到柔弱,不堪一击,不能成大业,等等代名词,因为在中国历史上封建社会制度的摧残,早已把女性定位成弱势群体,可如今,我们不再受非人制度的压制,怎样做才能自立自强,我个人觉得有如下几点: 首先,我们要树立足够的自信心,女人是很容易自卑的群体,因此,我们就要发现自己身上的美,先从外表上说,没有哪一个漂亮的女人没有缺陷,更没有哪一个漂亮的女人不会老,所以,你应该明白漂亮乃身外之物,你可能眼睛不漂亮但是鼻子挺拔,你可能对自己身材不满意可是你五官端正,多去关注自己优秀的地方,就会很容易找到自信.再说内在,有很多女人,长的一点都不漂亮,甚至一般都算不上,为什么,给别人的第一眼影象是,这个人好有气质,一个内在丰富学识的女人和一个绣花枕头是很容易去分辨的,不要因为自己长相一般而自卑,相反漂亮的女人也没什么好骄傲的,当别人称赞你时除了漂亮再也找不到第二个形容词的时候也很可悲!所以,应该先发现自己身上的闪光点,我们不漂亮但我们有技术,我们不漂亮但我们很温柔,好相处,我们这辈子不能住城市但我们把子女教育好,让我们的子女去改变等等,用我们对老人孝道和对子女的关爱来丰富自身的内在美,内外兼修的美才是健康的美,女性独立自强的演讲稿。如果你看透这一切,自立、自强、自尊、自爱,如果你不慕横财,不服邪恶,脑中有才智,手中有勤劳,你就可以是一个活的很滋润很潇洒,永远年轻漂亮的小女人! 其次,现代社会的女性,应该有一份稳定的收入,能够经济独立。以前,女人是在家相夫教子的,操持家务的,半个世纪前,东方女性就从法律上获得了与男人相等的权利,而且把男女平等,财产平等享有,婚姻自由写进了法律,因此,现代女性更应该在劳动中磨练自己的意志锻炼自己的品格,不管一年能挣多少钱,挣多少都是自己辛苦挣来的,总比伸手向男人要强百倍.当然我们有的女同胞把财产全部聚为己有,也是不可取的,生活中,男人也应有尊严,有自己的空间,一个家也是一份经营,管理不好,也会破产。我讲的经济独立,是支配权的独立,而不是不和谐的管理。但是我们自己的劳动收益自己完全可以支配,这是法律赋予我们的权利,我们可以用来完成对老人的赡养和投入子女的教育等等,但不要做违法的投入。去搞建设,搞种植,去加工、销售,通过这些环节,我们还可以发现自身的优缺点,不断地学习,与时俱进,就不会像我们现在的部分人,从来没有进过城,更别谈到过北京,现在国家对农村的政策越来越好,辛勤劳动,就不会与世隔绝.,生活也会有滋有味。 再次,女性要活的有尊严!被金钱和男人迷惑的女人总是最先掉下陷阱,女性自身的弱点容易造成依赖性,依赖生活的男人,依赖男人的生活,很多女性从一开始就颠倒了自己的是非价值观,以自己用美色换来的奢侈生活为荣.每一种花都有花期,就像女人的青春一样,有多少人会去留恋残花?有多少男人会去给老了的你金钻宝马?当你明白了,为时已晚了。很多的女人都在抱怨着这个世界不公正,为什么把女人生就这样脆弱而不堪一击,能够得到爱恋的同时也不可避免的承受着太多的伤害。而事实上,女人应该活的更有尊严,女人也需要讲求自我,不要总是去想一辈子嫁了个好男人,就可以无忧无虑的过上幸福的生活,一个女人这辈子幸福与否,绝不单单只依靠这些,很多事实证明,女人一旦失去了自我,就会很容易失去幸福的感受,作为女人,应该学会做个强者,有自己的能力独当一面,即使遇到困难也不会哭天喊地,非要男人来帮助,演讲稿《女性独立自强的演讲稿》。 但是,女人有了自尊确一旦因为爱一个男人而失去了自我,去做第三者,移情别恋,甚至义无反顾的放弃一切,就连可贵的亲情也随之放弃,也是法律和道德不容许的,试想,这份爱真的能带给你期待的幸福吗?却不一定。男人在爱你的时候都会不自主的说放心吧,宝贝,我会爱你一辈子的!而当他变了心的时候无论你怎么哭闹,他都不会再记起他当初的海誓山盟,你当初放弃一切所换来的可能什么都不是了,你会失去子女的痛爱,失去亲人的理解,甚至一无所有。现在我们的身边像这类人,不管是男人还是女人在年老时一直没有得到


科比开讲啦英文演讲稿 开讲啦科比是《开讲啦》2013年10月5日这期的节目,演讲题目是如果你永不畏惧,科比作为美国著名的篮球职业运动员,在全球各地都有很多他的粉丝,下面是小编为大家整理的科比开讲啦英文演讲稿加翻译,让大家更加全面地了解一个篮球偶像。 科比开讲啦英文演讲稿 各位同学: All the students: 大家好!黑曼巴是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场,我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。所以在场下我可以开玩笑,但是我一旦进入赛场,我马上会像换了一个人一样,在球场上全神贯注。 Hello everyone. The Black Mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes, why do I take this name? Because I once entered the stadium, I’m deadly, like the black mamba. So there I can make fun of, but once I entered the stadium, I would like to change a person, be absorbed in the court. 我现在35岁了,算是走到了职业生涯的后半程,像这样一些受伤也是司空见惯了。一旦受伤,你就觉得世界停止了,不管是膝盖受伤,肩膀受伤等等。我知道很多人因此而把整个职业生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至无法返回赛场。当那个时刻发生的时候,我会看着镜子中的自己说,“科比你会怎么样?如果你经历这样的伤痛你会怎么样?“你知道我每次看到别人受伤,我见到很多人受伤后回不来,我看着镜子中的自己喃喃自语说,”是不是应该停止打球了?“我自己都不知道还能否返回赛场。我现在坐在这里告诉你,我要完全康复回到球场。但我不敢打包票,因为很多时候我也有疑问,但是我觉得,这才是迎接挑战的意义所在。 I am 35 years old, is reached after the half occupation career, like some injury is It is quite common for the. Once injured, you feel the world stopped, whether injured knee, shoulder injury etc.. I know a lot of people so that the entire occupation career is ruined, and some people even unable to get up after a fall, can’t even return. When that moment, I will look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Kobe, what would you do? If you experience this pain will you? “You know that every time I see someone injured, I met a lot of people do not come back after the injury, I looked at myself in the mirror to oneself said,” Is it right? Should stop playing? “I don’t know myself ca n also return. I’m here to tell you, I want to completely recovered and returned to the stadium. But I wouldn’t bet on it, because a lot of the time I also have doubt, but I think, which is to meet the challenges of the significance. 要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。向那些说你永远不可能成功,



篇一:英语演讲稿“青春_梦想” flying youth, master our future distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends life is a process of growing up. saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life‘the youth’.however, who can really say what the youth is ? a period of time? a belief? an attitude to life? or anything else? we don’t know. a famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ; youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life. ’ what’s more , never ignore the power of knowledge. read more books and travel around. for one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden your horizon. i firmly believe one sentence that‘if you think you can, of course you can!’just believe we can make it!


形势与政策学习报告 团结梦想正能量 首先表示一下对于这次形势与政策的改革的肯定,因为这样的教学计划让我能更加自由的安排运用自己的时间,增加了实践运用意义;同时,在视频观看的时候可以针对性地选择自己感兴趣的,觉得对自己帮助很大的,提高了对知识的学习效率。 在这学期视频观看选择上我选择了一些自己感兴趣的,像“大国崛起”、“高铁是怎样炼成的”、“出发,什么时候都不晚”、“永远不要将门关上”等视频,鉴于大国崛起是纪录型视频,且系列太多了,我重在对历史的了解上,在此就不介绍。本篇学习报告我选择了“高铁是怎样炼成的”、“出发,什么时候都不晚”、“永远不要将门关上”这三个我觉得有很多思考的视频,其中,“高铁是怎样炼成”的是出于一种爱国主义情绪、对中国高铁走向世界的坚信与祝福以及对团结的深入三方面,后两个视频是其中正能量对我的激励,这些正能量让我对梦想更加坚定。 一、《对话》高铁是怎样炼成的 具体内容: 这个视频以引入“2014年马年春节,在美国纽约时代广场纳斯达克大屏上,中国CRH380A高速列车一经亮相,就引发了海内外高度关注,而总理李克强也多次在海外推销中国高铁。“高铁外交”已经成为中国外交又一张闪亮的名片,“高铁外交”助推中国高铁走出国门,走向世界,带动中国制造转型升级,改变中国的未来”开始。 之后,通过主持人与张曙光的对话,首先,区别了火车与高铁的不同,高铁是一列动车组,区别于火车的靠车头带,动车组的动力分布在各个车厢下,其运行是各个车组集体的力量。其次,区别了高速铁路(铁路线、供电线系统、移动系统、控制系统组成的大系统)与高速列车(在高速铁路上运行的动车组)的概念。再次,回顾了16大以后关于中国高铁发展与实现现代化的专题会议内容,分享了他们当时宣誓国家利益至上的热血沸腾和对高铁一定会成功的坚信,重点回顾了当时与德国的西门子、法国的阿斯通、加拿大的庞马迪等的合作谈判。最后,对列车自动控制系统进行了探讨。 所思所得: ①虽然成长了二十多年,我至今还未做过火车,与高铁的接触只有一次,就是去青城山玩,第一次的乘坐对我来说是新奇的,很明显的感受到高铁的车厢环境特别好,温度适宜,当然,作为高速铁路线,其平稳、安全、快速更是没的
