


2006年10月11日星期三 14:26





















































































囚禁计划之十火急攻略-精品2020-12-12 【关键字】力气、方法、模式、计划、地方、要点、继续、发现、规律、突出、基础、需要、办法、关系、解决、方向 基础房间 ◆房间0 逃亡开始 ◆首先这个房间是一个教学模式,那个妹子会教你怎么使用工具等等一些, 玩过这个之后你就知道主要该向哪个方向进行。这是一个带有剧情的游 戏,人物的对话会有特别多,所以在抓住主要剧情的基础上要节约时间,对话不一定全是废话,有的是提示。 ◆房间1 痕迹 ◆你在桌子上拿起打火机点燃桌上的蜡烛,捡起地上的便签,打开柜子里面 有另外一张便签,这两张便签是可以合成的,合成之后把便签放在蜡烛上烧一烧,得到一张烧焦的便签,上面写了一串数字0213,再在木桌的抽 屉里获得美工刀,这时用美工刀划破墙上的画着人图案图画,然后就出现一个键盘,这时前面的数字就有用了,输入之后键盘保险柜开了,拿到钥匙,开门可以走人了 ◆房间2谎 ◆得到房间里你可以得到的东西,这时你有三本不可思议的书,一个打火机, 一个蜡烛,一把剪刀,一瓶润滑剂,一个齿轮。把那三本书放到汉子旁边的书柜上,再点书柜就出现一串书侧有乱七八糟符号的书,这可以拼成一个英文单词money接下来门动了一下,把润滑剂和齿轮合成放到左边那个滑轮里,门开了,不要着急走!用剪刀把地毯给剪了,在与软化剂合成,顺便吧打火机和蜡烛合成,好了,可以走了。到了另一个房间,好黑啊! 用蜡烛照明吧,OK,四处查看一下,用油浸过的地毯擦擦镜子,哟!出 现一串数字2797,窃喜吧!打开保险柜,拿出日记,看看吧,嚯?看完 之后掉出一把钥匙,哈哈,可以出去了。回房间,发现那货不在了,管他呢,咱先走 ◆房间3 便笺 ◆在房间里得到所有能拿到的,便签,美工刀,短线,工具。便签上有信息, 这个代表什么呢?其实这是一个数学题,每一个图案代表一个数字,你自己去算吧,桃心是03梅花17方块12黑桃20,把对应的数字输到保险柜里,拿到磁铁和日记。去看看那个有炸弹的门,拆了它,进去之后,呀? 来过,嗯别着急,之前电梯旁边有个漏电的电线,接上才能打开电梯,那


Unit 3 Under the sea 【导语】捕鲸业是世界上古老的行业之一,它的历史发展和现状如何呢? The whaling industry is one of the oldest industries in existence.It has undergone vast changes since its beginning,primarily due to the creation of the International Whaling https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b4721351.html,mercial whaling still continues throughout the world,but the whaling quotas are restricted by the commission,thereby helping conserve the whale populations. Whaling refers to hunting wh ales primarily for their oil,meat and bones.Whaling dates back to prehistoric times,most prevalent in Norway and Japan.The hunt became an industry in the 1600s in the Arctic regions,mostly by the Dutch and British.American colonists started whaling in the 1700s.Nantucket whalers were the first to kill a sperm whale,and the discovery of spermaceti in the whale's head made the sperm whale one of the most highly prized catches.Whaling ships set out from New England into the Pacific for extremely long voyages to hunt down these whales. Whaling industry has been a part of a variety of countries' industries.The following countries were the earliest pioneers in the whaling industry:England,France,Germany,Iceland,Japan,the Netherlands,Norway and the American colonies (although they were not a country at the time).The following countries still practice whaling in some form or fashion:Canada,Greenland,the Grenadines,Iceland,Indonesia,Japan,the Netherlands,Norway,Russia and the United States. 【词海拾贝】 1.vast adj.广阔的;巨大的 2.primarily adv.首先;最初 3.commission n.委员会 4.commercial adj.商业的 5.quota n.配额 6.prevalent adj.盛行的 7.sperm whale 巨头鲸;抹香鲸 【问题思考】 1.What helps conserve the whale populations? _______________________________________________________ 答案:The whaling quotas.


《火柴人狙击3》全部任务详细图文攻略大全《火柴人狙击手3》(Clear Vision 3)是一款由DPFLASHES STUDIOS发行的射击类的游戏,玩家在游戏中将扮演一名专职暗杀工作的狙击手,不断接受任务,挑战更高难度目标,游戏最大的特点是带有一点的逻辑分析和真实射击环境,玩家不仅要手脑并用,还需沉得住心,因为任何失误都可能导致你被发现。今天小编就为各位看官带来这款游戏中全部任务的详细图文攻略。 游戏热度:8.0 更新时间:2014-01-25 游戏版本:1.0.1 语言:英文 火柴人狙击3游戏一开始的时候是让玩家了解游戏的训练游戏,毕竟杀手不是好当的啊,所以前期也简单,根据提示完成任务就可以了! 任务1:

击杀爬电线的修理工,让他的死亡看起来像是意外,然后用狙击枪射击下面的发电装置就好了。 任务2: 主要就是击杀厨师,还有一个躺在地上的醉汉不用管! 任务3: 距离1800,然后往上移动枪口瞄准射击。

任务4: 和任务3一样,距离1800。 任务5: 这次和上面两个任务不一样了,虽然还是1800,但是由于人物是活动的,所以看大家的把握吧。

任务6: 还是击杀修理工,距离3600,同样的后面的人可以无视,注意修理工会蹲下去,最好是等他站起来再射击。 任务7: 这次射击的是站着拿枪的人,距离是3600。

特别任务: 这是火柴人狙击3攻略里面的一个特别人物了,主要是审问人,用左边的操作杆来操作,让那个小黑人沉浸在水中,不过要注意的是下水的时间可是不一样的哦,一次比一次长,升起来的时机,就看那人在水底下的摆动状况,一开始挣扎到慢慢的动作迟缓,这时候再使用上升即可。 任务8: 这次新增了一个环境:风向,击杀左边那个尿尿的人,距离3600。


囚禁计划之十万火急汉化版攻略 基础房间 ◆房间0 逃亡开始 ◆首先这个房间是一个教学模式,那个妹子会教你怎么使用工具等等一些, 玩过这个之后你就知道主要该向哪个方向进行。这是一个带有剧情的游 戏,人物的对话会有特别多,所以在抓住主要剧情的基础上要节约时间,对话不一定全是废话,有的是提示。 ◆房间1 痕迹 ◆你在桌子上拿起打火机点燃桌上的蜡烛,捡起地上的便签,打开柜子里面 有另外一张便签,这两张便签是可以合成的,合成之后把便签放在蜡烛上烧一烧,得到一张烧焦的便签,上面写了一串数字0213,再在木桌的抽 屉里获得美工刀,这时用美工刀划破墙上的画着人图案图画,然后就出现一个键盘,这时前面的数字就有用了,输入之后键盘保险柜开了,拿到钥匙,开门可以走人了 ◆房间2谎 ◆得到房间里你可以得到的东西,这时你有三本不可思议的书,一个打火机, 一个蜡烛,一把剪刀,一瓶润滑剂,一个齿轮。把那三本书放到汉子旁边的书柜上,再点书柜就出现一串书侧有乱七八糟符号的书,这可以拼成一个英文单词money接下来门动了一下,把润滑剂和齿轮合成放到左边那个滑轮里,门开了,不要着急走!用剪刀把地毯给剪了,在与软化剂合成,顺便吧打火机和蜡烛合成,好了,可以走了。到了另一个房间,好黑啊! 用蜡烛照明吧,OK,四处查看一下,用油浸过的地毯擦擦镜子,哟!出 现一串数字2797,窃喜吧!打开保险柜,拿出日记,看看吧,嚯?看完 之后掉出一把钥匙,哈哈,可以出去了。回房间,发现那货不在了,管他呢,咱先走 ◆房间3 便笺 ◆在房间里得到所有能拿到的,便签,美工刀,短线,工具。便签上有信息, 这个代表什么呢?其实这是一个数学题,每一个图案代表一个数字,你自己去算吧,桃心是03梅花17方块12黑桃20,把对应的数字输到保险柜里,拿到磁铁和日记。去看看那个有炸弹的门,拆了它,进去之后,呀? 来过,嗯别着急,之前电梯旁边有个漏电的电线,接上才能打开电梯,那么看看周围,嗯,果断剪了电视的电线,走人。回来把电线安上,电梯开了,去看看,妹子被绑在炸弹上了,原来是前女友,脖子上有钥匙,拿走,看着妹子也不能不救吧!那先看看日记吧,钥匙和日记合成,最后一页有


Unit 3 Underthesea 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 写作词汇 1. vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 2. vt.当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据 3. vi.& n.暂停;中止 4. vt.拖;拉;扯 5. vi.逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离 6. n.住所;住宿 7. n.关系;血缘关系;交往 8. adj.好的;整齐的;匀称的 9. adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的 10. adj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的 11. prep.在……对面 adj.相对的;相反的 12. vt.催促;极力主张;驱策 13. vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考 14. adj.意识到的;知道的 阅读词汇 1.jog vi.&vt. 2.dive vi.& n. 3.suck vt.& vi. 4.conservation n. 5.target n. 6.boundary n.

7.pension n. 8.annual adj. & n. 9.narrow adj. 10.shallow adj. 11.steep adj. 12.awesome adj. 13.seaside n.&adj. 14.telescope n. 15.teamwork n. 16.dimension n. 拓展词汇 1. n.深(度);深处→adj.深的adv. 深深地 2. adj.好吃的;可口的→ n.味道;品位;鉴赏力v.尝;品尝;有……的味道 3. adj.意识到的;知道的→ n.意识;认识 4. vi.思考vt.反射;思考→ n.反射;思考 5. adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的→v.(使)变得锋利 6. vt.催促;极力主张;驱策→ n.紧急;迫切;催促→adj.紧急的;迫切的;催促的 7. vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓→adj.害怕的 二、高频短语 1. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 2. 对……知道、明白;意识到…… 3. 举起;阻碍 4. 整理;收拾 5. 在此期间;与此同时 6. 靠近 7. upside down 8. (be) scared to death 9. aim at

Escape the Room攻略 囚禁计划房间12图文攻略

Escape the Room攻略囚禁计划房间12图文攻略逃出房间:限制时间Escape the Room是一款密室逃生解谜游戏,在如此紧张的气氛下还要在有限的时间内完成各种各样的任务,无形中加大了玩家的紧迫感,虽然是一款游戏,但是不想失败的心情小编想大家都会有的。 今天小编给大家带来的是囚禁计划房间12图文通关攻略,在Escape the Room攻略中小编会持续将所有的攻略都呈现给大家,希望为大家的通关带来帮助! 囚禁计划房间12图文攻略 Escape the Room攻略开始: ①其实这关的结局还是挺悲惨的,首先我们想要来到这关就必须带第十关,也就是我们的囚禁计划房间10中选择不救任何人,然后才能来到这关; ②来到这关后,首先我们可以在地板上拿到便签条,打开柜子,里面还有手电筒;



⑤然后点击可以合成电池和手电筒,当然这是为了让我们的手电筒照明更加好,; ⑥然后我们用锤子敲破右下方的镜子,可以拿到水龙头(为什么水龙头可以藏在镜子里面,真厉害!) ⑦然后将水龙头安装好将水池放满水,哦对了,记得先打开水阀门;




Unit 3 under the sea 1.witness (1) v 当场见到,目击 . 在我昨天回家的路上路上我亲眼目睹一场事故。 (2) v表明,说明Her flushed(通红)face she felt. 她通红的脸表明他、她感到非常高兴。 (3) v 为…作证常与to 连用witness to 为某事作证说 He enter the room. 他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。 (4) n (C) “目击者,证人”常与to连用be a witness to 是…的目击者 The police found the witness to the murder case. 警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击者 (5) n (C,U) 证词,证据,证明give witness on behalf of 替…作证 The old man an accused person. 那位老人为被告作证。 2. sort (1) vt 把…分类,拣选 She is . 她正忙于给信件分类。 (2) sort out 整理(好) I 我已把信分好 (3) n 种类,类别 A hammer is .斧头是一种工具。 He’s the sort of person I really dislike. (4)词组sort of 颇为,有几分I feel . 我感觉有点生病了。 all sorts of 相当于all kinds of 3. accommodation (1) 房间,住所The accommodation of this hotel is scare. (不足) (2) 膳宿(常用复数) 我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗?Can we ____find accommodations at a hotel__ for tonight? (3) accommodate 向…提供住处,接纳(v) 相关短语:(1) make accommodations for 为…提供膳宿(2) book accommodation at a hotel 在旅馆预订房间 (4) accommodate …to = adapt… to 使…适应 You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation. 4. yell(1)v.叫喊。 (1)yell(out) at sb.朝某人大喊大叫 .她对淘气的孩子大喊大叫。 They yelled at him to stop. (2)n. /叫声,喊声 E.g. a yell of delight / warning 5. throw (1) 投,掷,扔,抛 Throw the ball to your younger brother. He was thrown into prison.被关进… (2) 匆忙或随便穿/脱 He threw a blanket over the injured man. 他匆忙给伤者披上毯子。

Escape the Room攻略 囚禁计划房间8图文攻略

Escape the Room攻略囚禁计划房间8图文攻略逃出房间:限制时间Escape the Room是一款密室逃生解谜游戏,百度攻略&口袋巴士小编会逐步给大家带来囚禁计划各个关卡的详细攻略,被游戏难住的小伙伴可以不要错过啊! 那今天小编给大家带来的是Escape the Room攻略中囚禁计划房间8的图文攻略,对于房间8中各个疑点难点小编也会在这里详细介绍的,还没有通关的小伙伴快来看看这篇囚禁计划房间8图文攻略吧! 囚禁计划房间8图文攻略 Escape the Room攻略开始: ①进入房间先和人物对话,然后在那个男人的口袋上拿走小钥匙;

②拿到办公桌上缅甸额便签条和笔,还有玻璃桌子上面的玻璃杯,合成后可以对着那个男人使用会得到一个密码:green; ③然后在地上男人的头上有张纸条,可以得到这个门的密码:0692;


⑤用药物对着那个医生扎一下可以救活他(话说这是什么药啊,这么管用); ⑥救活医生后可以在床上获得一张X光照片,右上方的桌子上可以获得一个针头,右下方的桌子上拿到螺丝刀和一个铝制杯子,这里千万不可以用铝制杯子去接盐酸,会死的很惨哦(而且还没成就拿),我们用前面获得的玻璃杯去接盐酸,然后把盐酸倒在地板上,就是黑黄相接的那块,可以看到开关;

⑦然后把X光相片放在床头查看可以看到一组标号是X的数字,然后可以在监视器上听到一组数字,不过这个数字是随机的,将这个随机的数字和前面X相片上的数字相加可以获得开门的密码,通关完成! 好了,Escape the Room攻略之囚禁计划房间8图文攻略也就到这里结束了,其实小编觉得玩解谜游戏就是要多多尝试,能点就点,能玩就玩,大不了就重头来过,没什么大不了的,不过如果没有耐心的小伙伴就来看看小编的囚禁计划房间8攻略吧,房间8还是挺匪夷所思的,就那个药物就医生,合成错了就救不活了,不过还好就三瓶药物啊,不然得实验到什么时候呢!


Unit 3 Under the sea 语言点 编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞 学习目标 重点词汇 annual witness accommodation opposite yell pause drag depth urge abandon target reflect scare awesome 重点短语 in the meantime be aware of ahead of ... to death help (...)out upside down 重点句型 It takes sb. some time/ ... to do sth.的变化 a time when... 知识讲解 重点词汇 annual 【原句回放】It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration. 那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。 【点拨】annual adj. 1. 每年的,一年一次的 the annual output 年产量an annual report 年度报告 Steel output reached an annual figure of one million tons. 钢的年产量达到100万吨。 2. 按年度计算的 the annual income 年收入the annual rainfall 【拓展】annually adv. 每年地,年度地 witness 【原句回放】I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times. 当时我以为这只是一个故事罢了,但是后来我亲眼见过多次。 【点拨】witness vt.& vi.亲眼看见,目睹,作证; n.见证人;目击者(与of连用) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century. 我们正目睹着本世纪最重要的科学发展。 We witnessed great changes in the city. 我们见证了这个城市的巨大变化。 The police found the witness of the murder case. 警察找到了那起谋杀案的证人。 There was no witness at the scene of the accident. 在事故现场没有目击证人。 【拓展】常见搭配:witness to (doing...)为……作证 bear / give witness to 为......作证 in witness of 作为......的证据 a living witness to 活生生的证人 witness stand 证人席(美)=witness box (英) He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.

人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea -词汇篇(学生版)

第5讲Under the sea 词汇篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.熟练掌握重点单词及其用法; 2.能够熟练运用重点短语和句型。 一. 重点词汇 1.annual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的n. 年刊;年鉴 [重点用法] annually adv. 年年地,每年地 [典例] 1) an annual income. 年收入 2) an annual report年度报告 3) Premier Wen Jiabao noted that the two most important problems would be previous to anything else in the government annual report.温家宝总理在政府年度报告中指出要优先解决这两大问题。 2.witness n. 目击者;证人;证据vt. 当场见到;目击 [典例] 1) He is the witness to the accident. 事故的目击者 2) This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies. 这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼。 3.accommodation住所 [重点用法] accommodate v.向...提供,容纳,调和;适应 accommodation address临时通讯处 accommodation allowance膳宿津贴 [典例] 1) The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London. 由于住宿费用昂贵,伦敦的学生感到生活困难。 2) The university offers excellent accommodation for summer visitors. 这所大学为夏季来访者提供了很好的住宿。 4.abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃n. 放任,狂热 [重点用法] abandon oneself to sth./doing sth. 沉溺于 abandon …to sb. 把……舍弃给…... with abandon放任地;放纵地;纵情地 [典例]

囚禁计划游戏攻略10 囚禁计划房间10图文攻略

囚禁计划游戏攻略10 囚禁计划房间10图文攻略逃出房间:限制时间Escape the Room是一款密室逃生解谜游戏,囚禁计划房间10应该也难倒了不少小伙伴吧?其实囚禁计划第十关真的很简单,如果大家还在为此头疼不已,不如来看看小编的小编给大家带来的囚禁计划房间10图文攻略吧! 囚禁计划房间10图文攻略 囚禁计划游戏攻略10开始: ①这关进去后可以先拿起地上的锤子,将墙上的5个钥匙拿到手,仔细观察其中一把钥匙上面写了四位数字:8314,将数字输入到门上的密码装置后会打开;

②离开后房间会爆炸哦,所以我们会在废墟里面获得一根钢管,在右边的废墟里可以敲出一个通道就可以通关了; ③如果我们刚刚没有离开房间的话,可以去救人,在牢里,如果是这样的话我们就得破解每个人身边的装置,其实就是一些算术题,这里有个小技巧,因为算题目很浪费时间,大家都知道我们囚禁计划游戏是有关卡时间的,所以我们可以没看一道题目就退出游戏,算好了再继续哦,算是节省时间啦!

对于这些题目其实还是很有规律的,小编会将下面的额题目算式公式告诉大家,大家可以直接参考: 第一关是9:其实就是要求我们必须输入5个数字,让这些数字相加等于9罢了,所以要输 入5,1,1,1,1,第一个还是很简单的,不过这些题目的数字都比较随机,大家随机应变吧!下面的关卡就有点困难,不过小编把很多玩家都出现的数字和算法都放在下面,给大家作为一个参考! 第二个: 60=7+27+26 61=23+7+31 77=23+27+9+9+9 50=7+7+9+9+18 91=31+18+12+18+12 第三个: 189=84+51+54 250=60+54+54+54+28 211=84+54+73 211=84+73+54 111=28+32+51


Unit 3Under the sea (时间:30分钟) Ⅰ.语法和词汇知识 1.(2012·安徽皖南八校第二次联考)—Shall we have a discussion about how to spend the coming National Day of 2012? —________ A.You are right.B.Don’t bother me! C.That sounds great. D.Have a good time! 2.(2013·南通一调)Living in ________ ever increasingly fast-paced world,we are facing greater competition,so we must take ________ advantage of every opportunity to develop. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;an D.the;/ 3.(2013·温州五校联考)Medicine shouldn’t be kept ________ it is accessible to children. A.even if B.which C.where D.so that 4.(2012·高考天津卷)Parents and children should communicate more to ________ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A.open B.narrow C.widen D.leave 5.(2011·高考辽宁卷)________ a strange plant!I’ve never seen it before. A.Which B.What C.How D.Whether 6.—What did you say just now? —I said that the hotel ________ was included in the price of your holiday. A.conservation B.congratulation C.accommodation D.companion 7.She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the ________ effect.That’s to say,he lost his temper. A.cautious B.awful C.vivid D.opposite 8.—What’s up?You look unhappy. —I broke up with my boyfriend.I can’t stand always ________ by him. A.being cheated B.to be cheated C.cheating D.cheated 9.I ________ do an important piece of work ________ my daughter came to interrupt me. A.was about to;when B.was going to;while C.was to;as D.was about to;then 10.(2013·青岛二中模拟)The event has not only increased public ________ of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children. A.direction B.contribution C.awareness D.loneliness 11.It was a time ________ the women workers didn’t have the same rights as the men workers. A.that B.when C.which D.where 12.What a pity!I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was ________ in the traffic jam. A.broken up B.kept back C.held up D.kept on

高考英语(人教版)复习教学案:选修7 Unit 3 Underthesea

选修7Units 3~5 Unit 3Under the sea 基础梳理整合 词汇拓展 1.____________adj.每年的;按年度计算的→____________n.年刊;年鉴→__________ ad v.每年地 2.____________ v t.当场见到;目击→____________ n.目击者;证人;证据 3.____________ n.住所;住宿→____________ v.为……提供住宿 4.____________ n.岸;海滨→____________ ad v.& adj.近海(的); 离岸(的) 5.____________ v i.逃避;逃跑& v t.逃离 6.____________ v t.拖;拉;扯 7.____________ n.深(度); 深处→____________ adj.深的 8.____________ v t.放弃;遗弃;抛弃→____________ adj.被抛弃的;被遗弃的 9.____________ n.关系;血缘关系;交往→____________ n.关系;联系;交往;亲戚(关系); 亲属(关系)→____________ v t.& v i.(把……)联系起来;讲述;叙述 10.____________ v t.催促;极力主张;驱策→____________ adj.急迫的;催促的;强求的 11.____________ v i.思考& v t.映射;反射;思考→____________ n.反映;影像;沉思12.____________adj.意识到的;知道的→____________n.知道;意识;兴趣→_______ adj.不知道的;没意识到的 13.____________ adj.〈口〉好的;整齐的;匀称的→____________ ad v.整齐地 14.____________ adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的→____________ adj.宽的;宽阔的 15.____________ adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的→____________ v t.& v i.(使)变锋利;削尖;磨快→____________ n.削刀;磨床;磨器;磨具 16.____________ v t.恐吓& v i.受惊吓→____________ adj.惊慌的;吓坏的 17.____________ adj.使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的 18.____________ n.养老金;退休金→____________ n.领取养老金的人 语镜记词 1.His good health is a ____________(见证) to the success of the treatment. 2.I don't think people are really ____________(意识到的) of just how much it costs. 3.He gave a ____________(生动的) account of his life as a fighter pilot. 4.These fish are found in ____________(浅的) waters around the coast. 5.The fence marks the ____________(分界线) between my property and hers. 6.Details on the moon's surface can only be seen through a ____________(望远镜). 7.She talked for about thirty minutes without even ____________(停顿) for breath. 8.Generally speaking, if you want to shoot the ____________(靶子),you must aim at it a little bit higher because of the effect of gravity on the arrow. 9.Finally the game had to be ____________(放弃,取消) due to bad weather. 10.When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is ____________(反射) back into space. 短语回顾 1.the ____________ 南极洲 2.____________ the meantime 在此期间;与此同时 3.help ____________帮助(摆脱困境或危难)

人教版高中英语选修七Unit3Underthesea (2)

高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji Unit 3Under the sea (时间:30分钟) Ⅰ.语法和词汇知识 1.(2012·安徽皖南八校第二次联考)—Shall we have a discussion about how to spend the coming National Day of 2012? —________ A.You are right.B.Don’t bother me! C.That sounds great. D.Have a good time! 2.(2013·南通一调)Living in ________ ever increasingly fast-paced world,we are facing greater competition,so we must take ________ advantage of every opportunity to develop. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;an D.the;/ 3.(2013·温州五校联考)Medicine shouldn’t be kept ________ it is accessible to children. A.even if B.which C.where D.so that 4.(2012·高考天津卷)Parents and children should communicate more to ________ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A.open B.narrow C.widen D.leave 5.(2011·高考辽宁卷)________ a strange plant!I’ve never seen it before. A.Which B.What C.How D.Whether 6.—What did you say just now? —I said that the hotel ________ was included in the price of your holiday. A.conservation B.congratulation C.accommodation D.companion 7.She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the ________ effect.That’s to say,he lost his temper. A.cautious B.awful C.vivid D.opposite 8.—What’s up?You look unhappy. —I broke up with my boyfriend.I can’t stand always ________ by him. A.being cheated B.to be cheated C.cheating D.cheated 9.I ________ do an important piece of work ________ my daughter came to interrupt me. A.was about to;when B.was going to;while C.was to;as D.was about to;then 10.(2013·青岛二中模拟)The event has not only increased public ________ of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children. A.direction B.contribution C.awareness D.loneliness 11.It was a time ________ the women workers didn’t have the same rights as the me n workers.

高二英语选修7 Unit3 Under the sea词汇知识点详解

第三单元 与某人分享某物He would share his last pound with me. 1 share (v) (2) sth between sb 共同承担… We share a small room between us. 我们俩合用一个房间. (3) share sth among sb 共享/均分… Please share the sweets among the children present here. Profits are shared (out) among the partners. 合伙人均分利润。 (4) (in) sth We will share the joys and sorrows. (5) vi There is only one room , so we’ll have to share. (合用)You must learn to share. (6) n 一份,股份Let me take a share in the expenses . 这些费用让我也出一份。 He owns 500 shares of the company. 他拥有那家公司的500 股股份。 share sb’s joys and sorrows 和某人同甘共苦 2 favorite (1) adj 最喜欢的Who is your favorite writer? be favorite with 在…中受欢迎The singer is popular with young people. (2) n最喜欢的人或物The book is a favorite with students. Liu Xiang is a general favorite.。刘翔是最受大众喜欢的人 favor 喜欢,支持in favor of 支持,赞成favorable 赞成的,有利的,讨人喜欢的favoritism (n) 偏爱,得宠 3 witness (1) v 当场见到,目击I witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday. (2) v表明,说明Her flushed(通红)face witnessed the excitement she felt. (3) v作证None could witness that he was present. (4) v 为…作证常与to 连用He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room. 他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。 (5) n (C) “目击者,证人”常与to连用The police found the witness to the murder case.He was a witness to the accident. (6) n (C,U) 证词,证据,证明His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. The old man gave witness on behalf of an accused person. 那位老人为被告作证。on behalf of 代表/替… 相关短语:be a witness to 是…的目击者give witness on behalf of 替…作证witness to 为某事作证说 4 as (1) conj 用作连词可引导时间,原因,让步,比较,方式等状语从句 As he looked at her, she made a face. As he didn’t know much English, he got out his dictionary and looked up . He doesn’t speak as the other people do . You must do as I told you. He is not so diligent as you. Young as he is , he knows a lot. Child/Student as he is, he has a good knowledge of history. As a young boy , he lost his parents in the war. I watched her as she combed her hair. I have changed it as you suggested. I read the letter as I walked along the river. As you weren’t there , I left a message. As he has been ill , perhaps he needs help. Try as he would , he couldn’t open the door. Tired as they were, they walked on. Leave the table as it is. (2) 作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,先行词前常有such, the same, as, so 与之呼应,构成such…as, so…as,等 We’ll make such computers as are needed in different branches of science. I want to buy the same shoes as were advertised. (3) 作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,as 指前或后面整个句子的内容。 As you can see in the map, the two cities are far away from each other. As everybody knows ,all that glitters is not gold. As is known to us all, Taiwan is part of China. (4) prep 作为You will be welcomed as a hero tomorrow morning . She treats him as her brother. 近义词辨析:①as 强调主从句谓语动词的动作同时发生。We talked as we walked on our way home.
