






















1. 总体思路

将本节课的主要内容分为Warming up(热身)Presentation(导入)Revision(语法复习)Consolidation (知识巩固)以及Writing(写作应用)。其中热身及导入部分相结合,由欣赏名篇名句入手,再进行英文诗歌朗诵比赛活动,旨在让学生处于兴奋的状态,是学生通过听、说、读等活动熟悉学习的主题。学习的主体环节由复习、巩固和实际应用三个环节构成,所设计的问题精心挑选,学习活动层层深入,着眼于提高学生对语法知识的运用能力。

2. 教学过程

Step1 Warming up(5 minutes)Discuss about the pictures together , and express their ideas freely . Such as, What would you do now, if you lost your vision or other valuable things ? You


Step2 Presentation (8 minutes)

Hold an English poem recital competition.

Task1:Divide the whole class into a number of groups. Each group asks one student to act as the competitor with music

Living life over

If I had my life live over I would have talked less and listened more

I would have invited my friend over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa faded

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth…

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up in the summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have burned the pinked candle sculpted like a rose before it melted into storage

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about the grass strains

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television---and more while watching life

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding patter if I were not there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical would not show soil or was guaranteed to last life time. There would have been more “I love you”…… more “I am sorry”……but mostly ,given another shorts at life ,I would seize every minute…look at it and really see it ……live it ……and never give it back.

(译文:如果时间倒流,我会少说多听。我会请朋友来家里吃饭,即使地毯脏了,沙发褪色了。我会抽时间听祖父唠叨他的青年时代。我不会因为刚刚把头发梳理定型而要求夏天关上车窗。我会点燃那支雕成玫瑰状的蜡烛,而不会让它在尘封中融化。我会与孩子们坐在草地上,不去担心草地上的污渍。我会把泪水和笑声更多得留给观察人生,而不是看电视。如果生病了,我会卧床休息,而不是自认为没有我,地球就不转了。我不会买那些仅仅是实用或者不显脏或者保证能用一生的东西。我会更多地说,“我爱你”……“对不起”……然而,最重要的是,如果有来生,我会抓住每一秒,看人生……体验人生……再也不放手。)Task2:Choose the best group that read the poem with their deepest feeling.

Step3 Revision(6 minutes)

Firstly,ask the students to answer the questions in groups to summarize the basic structure of the grammar . And then find out how to use the grammar correctly.

1. If there _______ (be) no computer, the students _______(learn) much now.

2. If there _______ (not be) the war, people _______(live) a happier life in the future.

3. If you ________ (come) yesterday, you _______ (see) Jackie Chen.

4. If you________ (attend) the concert , your oral English ________(become) better now.

5. But for the PLA, people _______ (suffer) a lot in the earthquake .

Step4 Consolidation(5minutes)

Give the students some examples that have been used in the Tianjin College Entrance Examination, which can promote the students to prepare for the examinations from the bottom of their hearts.13. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what ______ in science and technology.

A. had discovered

B. had been discovered

C. has discovered

D. has been discovered

15. This printer is of good quality. If it ______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.

A. would

B. should

C. could

D. might

15. --- John went to the hospital alone.

--- If he ____ me about it, I would have gone with him.

A. should tell

B. tells

C. told

D. had told

Step5 Writing (20 minutes)

How to express true feelings with the help of the grammar. And ask the students to say and write down their ideas in English.

Task1: Summarize the grammar with the students and write down what they said on the blackboard. (3 minutes)

1. If…did/were , …would/could/should/might do…

2.If …had done , …would/could/should/might have done…

3.If…did/ were to/should do ,…would/could/should/might do…

Task 2: Discuss the sentences in groups and encourage the students to express their feelings in English as follows(4 minutes):


I regret wasting the time which I should have spent on my studies playing computer games.


I could have been good at English, but I devoted too little time and energy to it.


If I had worked two years ago as hard as I do now, my grades would be much more satisfactory now.

Task 3: Broaden their horizon to use the grammar in some other different ways , discuss their ideas and write the answers on the blackboard.( 6minutes)


(1) My teacher suggests that I should make a study plan and carry it out very seriously.

(2)It is suggested that I should make…

(3)My teacher’s suggestion is that I should make…

(4)My teacher has made the suggestion that I should make…


At present, I am learning as if I were never tired.

I believe that my perseverance and determination will lead to my success.

Task 4: Encourage the students to collect the main ideas to form a good composition,the students can cooperate to finish the task, as follows(7 minutes):

It will be a few months before we take the College Entrance Examination. And I should be devoted to my studies. Now I regret wasting the time which I should have spent on my studies playing computer games. I could have been good at English, but I devoted too little time and energy to it. In my view, if I had worked two years ago as hard as I do now, my grades would be much more satisfactory now. As a result, My teacher suggests that I should make a study plan and carry it out very seriously. Believe it or not, I got a high mark at the exam, which encourage me a lot . At present, I am learning as if I were never tired. I believe that my perseverance and determination will lead to my success.

Step5 Assignment(1 minute)

1. Oral practice---summarize the grammar and talk about where and how we can use it.(口语练习)

2. Ask the students to finish the composition we have talked about or write a composition about your dream that can hardly be realized in your daily life , such as walking in the space , living under the sea , making a journey in 3000 and so on . Motivate the students to use the grammar “the subjunctive mood”to organize the sentences and form the composition.(写作训练) 本节课我通过不同的任务设置,让学生在小组活动中通过合作和探究来完成各个任务。新教材要求教师改变单纯进行语法教学的方式,将语言的形式与其意义、交际功能有机的结合起来,通过在实际的语言运用中内化语言规则,从而使学生达到能准确运用语言进行有效交际的目的。但是,在农村大多数学生离开课堂之后并没有多少听说英语的练习机会,他们十分缺少环境英语的反复刺激。导致学生的语言基础不扎实,在表达自己的看法和用英语进行讨论时,不时有学生夹杂着汉语,或有的学生不敢大胆说出自己的看法,欲言又止。所以在学生进行小组活动时,应尽量给学生更多的帮助,主动了解学生的语言困难。

总之, 学生在有限的课堂中学到的知识毕竟有限,我们要让他们掌握语言的同时,将课堂学到的知识内化为能力,继而实现语言学习并运用的目的。同时,运用写作引导学生体验语言的用法,提升学生的能力。
