

新视野英语教程读写教 程第三版U电子教案 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

Unit 7 Pollution Teaching Focus

Teaching Plan

Leading In and Exploring the Topic Guide the Ss to do the Exploring the Topic exercise on P118 of SB. Then give them five minutes to discuss the following three questions: 1) Do you know of a city has a serious smog problem 2) What can the local government do to deal with the problem 3) What can the citizen do in their daily life to help Section A Reading Through Show the students the text structure provided on P241-242 of TB and ask them to read through the text with the help of the text structure. Give the students 10 minutes to read the text carefully by themselves and write down the sentences that they can’t understand. Divide the class into several groups and ask them do discuss their sentences in groups and find those sentences that are difficult for all the group members. One representative from each group share his group’s difficult sentences with the class. Explain those sentences to the class. Give the class 6 minutes to find the answer to the following questions and write down the answers in their own words: 1)How serious is the smog situation in the city 2)What change has occurred in the attitude of the government toward the problem 3)What is the cause of the problem 4)Are there any chances that things will get better in the future Ask some students to read aloud their answers in class. Give them help where necessary. Basic Writing Skills 1)Prepare a PPT with sentences of the exercise on P127 and P128 of SB. 2)Ask some students to tell their answers to


附件2: 华南理工大学教授简介 1、汪晓军 博士,华南理工大学环境与能源学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事废水处理及其相关的生物技术开发研究工作;首创化学氧化与曝气生物滤池技术,在垃圾渗滤液处理及废水深度处理得到广泛工程化应用;目前正开展以亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化为主导的废水新型节能降耗脱氮技术研发及工程应用工作;已发表学术论文超200篇,获国家授权专利超60项,相关成果已广泛应用工程项目中;曾获国家发明展览金奖、广东省环境保护技术二等奖、环保部环境保护技术三等奖。 2、姚顺春 博士,华南理工大学电力学院副教授,硕士生导师,广东省能源高效低污染转化工程技术研究中心副主任,广东特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才,中国光学工程学会LIBS青年科学家,中国光学工程学会激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)专业委员会委员,广东省能源基础与管理标准化技术委员会委员,广东省碳普惠专家委员会委员,广东省发改委钢铁行业淘汰落后产能专家委员会委员。主要从事能源清洁转化与系统优化研究,重点开展燃烧诊断、排放监测及其控制技术研究;主持2项国家自然科学基金、6项省部级项目,承担华电集团、广东电网公司、粤电集团等单位委托项目多项;发表论文60余篇,SCI/EI 收录50余篇;授权发明专利10件、实用新型专利17件;相关成果

获中国南方电网公司科技进步三等奖、广东省科技进步奖三等奖等。 3、马邕文 工学博士,教授,博士生导师。2001年进入广东省“千百十人才工程”,长期致力于工业污染控制及清洁生产新技术的研究,提出了“造纸废水封闭循环技术”及“工业废水处理系统的嵌入式三层网络控制方法”和“造纸废水的物化-生化一体化处理方法”,在国内外发表了一系列的研究论文及获得中国发明专利授权并在全国八十多家造纸厂应用,每天共处理造纸工业废水七十多万吨,每年通过节水、节电、沉渣回用等直接为社会创经济效益2.07亿元。其“二次纤维造纸废水的封闭循环及其污泥回收利用”清洁生产技术及理论目前已被学术界认可并被越来越多的造纸厂采用,在该领域的研究工作已处于全国领先水平。 4、付名利 博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师, 华南理工大学大气环境与污染控制学术团队成员,挥发性有机物污染治理技术与装备国家工程实验室、广东省大气环境与污染控制重点实验室、广东省环境应急与风险防范工程研究中心等科研平台核心骨干。研究方向包括大气环境与污染控制和环境功能材料;有机废气(VOCs)治理与移动源排气净化功能材料、反应机理等。 5、浦跃武 博士,教授,博士生导师。2002年以来,作为项目主持人,已完成技术转让项目13项,现正推广染整污水生化处理、高浓度有机


Unit 1 Book One Section A: Toward a brighter future for all Teaching Objectives: To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the text To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it To talk about college education Teaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class warmly. Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Let them talk to each other about the following questions: 1. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? 2. What are your expectations of your college life? 3. What advice did your parents give you before you left for college? Step 3. Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part1 (para.1-3) Opening part of the welcome speech Part 2 (para.4-7) Making the best of what you have. Challenging yourself. Facing new experiences. Opportunities and responsibilities. Part 3 (Para.8) Concluding remarks of the welcome speech. writing ability and understand the Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and general idea of each paragraph. Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical



Section A Get Rich Quick, Marry in May! I.Background Information In text A, the author introduces some wedding traditions in different cultures. The western weddings are not always the same, but a traditional wedding is expected to be held in the church. Relatives and friends are invited to take part in the wedding. The bride’s sister or best friend is asked to be bridesmaid, while the groom’s brot her or best friend is the best man. At the wedding, the father accompanies his daughter, who is wearing a snow white wedding dress, and gives her to her future husband. Then the minister starts the wedding ceremony. He greets the guests, and talks about the meaning of marriage. Next the bride and groom exchange vows and give each other wedding rings. Then the minister declares the new couple husband and wife. After the ceremony, there is a wedding reception. At the reception, the guests share the wedding cake, champagne and many other tasty foods. Warm up questions: 1. What can you learn about the traditional western wedding ceremony? 2. What do you think about a good marriage? II.New W ords and Phrases 1.meanwhile adv. 1)during the same period of time 同时 e.g. Meanwhile, she is preparing for her wedding. 与此同时,她在准备婚礼。 Mother was cleaning the room, and meanwhile, Father was reading newspapers. 妈妈正在打扫房间,与此同时,爸爸正在看报纸。 2)in the time between two events 在间隔时间里 e.g. They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile, we’ll ha ve some coffee. 他们很快就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 2. event n. 1) a happening, especially an important, interesting, or unusual one 事件 e.g. Weddings are a special event in every culture. 在每种文化中,婚礼都是件特别的大事。 any of the races, competitions, etc. arranged as part of day’s sports(一天比赛的)运动项目 e.g. 下一个比赛项目是110米栏。 The next event is the 110-metre hurdle 3. emotional adj. 1) having feeling that are strong or easily made active 情绪激动的,易动感情的 e.g. Everyone feels very emotional at weddings. 婚礼上,人人都情绪激动。 2) connected with one’s emotions and one’s ability to control them 感情冲动的,凭感情的 e.g. Her emotional health is good, and she is always happy.


5.Always the college professor, my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too sentimental, so I knew how moved he was to write me that, after having helped educate many young people, he now felt that his best results included his own son. The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a "simple, old-fashioned principal" had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. "I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated. A glance at Grandma's familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her "settin' down" some letter to relatives. Character by character, Grandma would slowly accomplish one word, then the next, so that a finished page would consume hours. I wept over the page representing my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me -- whom she used to diaper! 6.Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a long white beard curling down over his chest. Despite looking the part, Behrman was a failure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little by serving as a model to

教学名师工作坊 - 北京中医药大学

北京中医药大学“教学名师工作坊” 评建与管理办法 (试行) 为了发挥我校教学名师传、帮、带作用,培养中青年教师业务能力和综合素质,打造高水平教师队伍,全面提高教育教学质量,学校决定自2018年始开展“教学名师工作坊”(以下简称“工作坊”)建设。 一、设立宗旨 工作坊是在教师发展中心指导下,以教学名师为主持人的集教学、研究、培训等职能于一体的工作机构。工作坊旨在:提升教师队伍总体素质,集中培育一批准教学名师;推动教学改革,鼓励教师积极创新教学方法,提升教学质量,增强教学实效;发挥工作坊凝聚力和示范辐射作用,为推动全校教师队伍建设做出贡献。 二、建设规划 未来五年,建设一批“教学名师工作坊”,至2020年末,共计划建设40个“教学名师工作坊”。每个教学名师工作坊重点培养至少5名中青年骨干教师,共计培养200名中青年骨干教师,使他们达到准教学名师水平。教学名师工作坊将以中医药学科为主体,逐步覆盖管理学、英语、法学、马克思义理论、计算机科学、传统体育科学等学科,以教学名师工作坊建设为契机,促进我校教师教

学水平整体提升。 三、工作坊主持人条件 1.在编教师原则上在50周岁以上(含50岁,统计时间截止到2018年12月31日),已经退休的教师年龄不限。具有教授职称。 2.从事中医药高等教育工作累计满20年。一般从国家级教学名师、国家级优秀教师、北京市级教学名师、北京市优秀教师、校级教学名师、校级优秀教师择优遴选。 3.热爱教学科研工作,学识魅力和人格魅力强,具有优秀的教学理念和创新意识,教学效果突出,教学特色鲜明,深受学生喜爱,在全校乃至全国具有较高的知名度。主动工作,甘于奉献,具有较强的组织管理能力和团队协作能力。 四、工作坊学员条件 1.校本部及直属附属医院在编教师。 2.从事一线教学工作5年以上(含5年)。具有中级及以上专业技术职务。年龄原则上不超过45周岁(含45岁,统计时间截止到2018年12月31日),特殊情况可适当放宽。 3.与指导老师所从事的学科专业相近。 4.具备良好的师德及较强的团队合作精神;能积极承担工作坊相应的职责和任务。具有扎实的专业知识、教学科研能力,有较大的发展潜力。 五、工作坊职能


大学英语教学方案设计(说课材料) 教学内容:新视野大学英语2 第3单元Marriage Across Nations (导入及课文内容学习) 时间分配:2节 一,教学理念:大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力.在教学过程中,教师应特别注重学生语言应用能力的培养,努力为学生营造英语语言环境,加大课堂中语言的输入,引导学生进行语言表达,进行语言输出. 二,教材:本课程使用教材为《新视野大学英语》(第二版).这一教材包含有《读写教程》,《听说教程》,《视听说教程》以及《快速阅读》,并带有书后光盘和强大的网络资源,是一套立体化的英语教材,注重培养学生听说能力,有利于学生进行自主式,个性化的学习,也有利于启发教师在教学模式,教学方法上的创新. 三,教学内容:本课程主要处理《读写教程》和《听说教程》.每单元8学时.话题讨论1学时,section A 3学时,Section B 2学时,听说练习2学时. 本课是《新视野大学英语读写教程2》第三单元的第1,2节课,重点内容为话题导入和课文理解.本单元话题围绕着跨文化/ 跨种族婚姻(mixed marriages)这一话题展开.爱情和婚姻是学生有话可说的话题,而跨文化因素使得这一话题更加有趣.处理本单元时,对学生加以引导,对相关话题进行讨论必不可少.而课文理解部分,教师不宜直接进行课文讲解,而是提出课文相关问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文,并了解课文大意,这种任务型教学能更好地培养学生的阅读理解能力,同时创造师生口语交流机会. 四,教学方案设计 Teaching Plan 教学对象Teaching Subjects non- English major freshmen 教学内容Lesson Content Lead-in activities 导入--- 45' Text study 课文学习--- 45' 教学目标Teaching Objectives 1. Talk about love, marriage and mixed marriages in class; 2. understand the main idea and structure of Section A 3. learn device for developing a paragraph which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea. 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 教学方法Methodology 1. Communicative Method 2. Task-driving 3. Audio-visual Approach 4. Analysis and explanation 难点及对策Potential Difficulties & Solutions 1. Using the vocabulary and sentence structures learnt to talk about personal views on intercultural marriages. --- More examples should be given in class. 2. Mastering the device for developing a paragraph which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea. --- writing practice 教具Teaching Aids Multi-media equipments 教学过程设计Teaching Procedure: 步骤1 Step 1 导入Lead-in

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写2 U校园答案说课材料

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写2U校园答 案

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程2 U校园答案UNIT 1 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a5207495.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Banked cloze 1.obliged 2.tedious 3.beneficial 4.abundant 5.adjusted 6.bulk 7.evidently

8.functions 9.efficiently 10.distress Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as UNIT 2 Words in use 1.promotes 2.accelerate 3.mystery 4.insight 5.boost

6.analysis 7.calculate 8.barriers 9.destruction 10.prospect Banked cloze 1.insight https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a5207495.html,cation 3.boost 4.mystery 5.prospect 6.promote 7.invest 8.appreciation 9.affected 10.speculate Expressions in use 1.are liable to 2.in favor of 3.is bound to


新视野大学英语第四册词汇复习题答案及解析 U1 chase minute cruelty idle sustain worship justify drown contaminate accuse object fine discount distinct 1、Hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line(流水线) to start again. 数百名工人被闲置在工厂地板上等待流水线重新开始。 2. To some of our problems there was more than one answer, so we were looking at the students’reasoning as to how they got it and if they could justify the answer they had. 对我们的一些问题有一个以上的答案,所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它,如果他们能证明他们的答案。 3. Consumers expect to find the brand(品牌) available at a(n) discount and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price. 消费者期望发现品牌(品牌)可以在一个(n)的折扣和非常惊讶地发现一个更高的价格。 4. The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct (独特的)cultural, linguistic(语言学的) and economic roots(根源,根本). 欧盟的27个国家组成的具有明显的的文化、语言和经济根源。 5. Police found minute traces of blood on the car seats. 警方发现了微量的血在汽车座椅。 6. Despite his promise to eliminate(消除) cronyism(任人唯亲的), he was openly accused of giving government positions to friends and relatives. 尽管他承诺消除任人唯亲他被指控向公开政府的职务的朋友和亲戚。 7. But I would like t accept his kind offer if he did not object to my sharing the seed with my friend, Mary, who was an experienced grower and had a beautiful rock garden. 但是我想没有接受他的好意,如果他不反对我和我的朋友分享种子,玛丽,她是一位经验丰富的种植者和有一个美丽的石头花园。 8. The pollution from factories continues to contaminate the river and also poses(造成) health threat to people living nearby. 来自工厂的污染继续污染河流也对附近的居民造成健康威胁。 9. We believe it’s possible to sustain(维持) growth through the use of different kinds of energy that will allow for lower carbon emissions. 我们相信可以维持(维持)增长通过使用不同种类的能源,这将允许降低碳排放量。 10. The people loved her so much that they nicknamed her “Evita”, and long after her death, many Argentines continue to worship her. 人们爱她,以至于他们曾戏称她为“埃维塔”,长在她死后,很多阿根廷人继续崇拜她。 U 2 applause collision coarse surround surround betray rouse spark incident execute postpone clumsy extraordinary relief immense doubtful 1.She was very polite and, like the rest of her people , never laughed if an outsider said something coarse. 像其他人一样,如果局外人说一些粗俗的事,她从来不取笑。 2.I still have bitter feelings for Robert. What can I say? He completely betrayed my trust. 我仍然对罗伯特心怀怨恨。我能说什么?他完全辜负了我的信任。 3.Apart from the incident in Las Vegas, our vacation was completely trouble-free. 除了在拉斯维加斯发生的小事故之外,我们的假期没遇到别的麻烦。 4.In 1968, the Oscar ceremony was postponed for two days, following the assassination of Martin Luther King. 1968年,马丁?路德?金被刺之后,奥斯卡颁奖典礼延迟了两天。


新视野大学英语1(高职高专教材)第九单元说课稿 Unit 9 New Jobs Today Good afternoon, laddies and gentlemen! It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is New Horison English course Book 1 Unit 9(New Jobs Today). I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material. Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material: This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson A and Lesson B are a whole unit. By studying the Lessons, students can improve their reading ability, learn more about new jobs today. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education. Teaching objectives: 1. In Reading and Writing, students will be able to: ①identify the main idea of the Text A and analyze some difficult sentences and some language points; ② understand and write notices(2); 2. In Grammar, students will be able to practice reducing wordiness(1); 3.In Listening and Speaking, students are expected to: ①practice the words pronunciation; ②remind the Students to use grammatical coherence and fixed expressions; ③make a dialogue using the expression of talking about recreational activities; Key points / Teaching important points: 1.V ocabularies of A and B level; Phrases and sentence structure; . 2. Reducing Wordiness(1); Notice(2); Teaching difficult points: Use your own words to retell the text. Part 2 Something about the students: 1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways. 2. They are lack of vocabulary. 3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. 4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes. Part 3 My teaching theories, methods and aids Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the


大学新视野英语课程说课稿 i’m xx from xxx university. today my presentation of teaching design is unit 1 in new horizon english course the second book. 1. analysis of the teaching material new horizon english course (reading and writing) is a book designed for english course for vocational college students in our country. this book, which focuses on students’ ability to express and practical skills, has a new teaching concept and content. and it also follows the principles of “giving priority to practice, taking eno ugh to use”. therefore, in order to develop students’ ability of using english, teachers should be creative and arouse students’ enthusiasm to study when they designed the teaching activities. this lesson is section a of unit 1 in the second book of new horizon english course(reading and writing). this unit mainly talks about symbols of culture. based on this theme, this unit can be divided into section a, section b and section c, and every part has its own focus. the passage in section a is about the first mcdonald’s restaurant which is closely related to american culture. through studying this passage, students will acquire some basic


unit3 TextA Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world 弗雷德?史密斯与联邦快递:一个改变了世界的创想 1 Every night several hundred planes bearing a purple, white, and orange design touch down at Memphis Airport, in Tennessee. What precedes this landing are package pick-ups from locations all over the United States earlier in the day. Crews unload the planes' cargo of more than half a million parcels and letters. The rectangular packages and envelopes are rapidly reshuffled and sorted according to address, then loaded onto other aircraft, and flown to their destinations to be dispersed by hand —many within 24 hours of leaving their senders. This is the culmination of a dream of Frederick W. Smith, the founder, president, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board of the FedEx Corp. —known originally as Federal Express —the largest and most successful overnight delivery service in the world. Conceived when he was in college and now in its 28th year of operation, Smith's exquisite brainchild has become the standard for door-to-door package delivery. 每天夜晚,在田纳西州的孟菲斯机场,都有几百架带着白、紫、桔色图案的飞机降落。而在每天此前的早些时候,这些飞机都在美国各地收集包裹。工作人员从飞机上卸下的包裹及信件数量超过五十万之巨。长方形的包裹和信封又在这里依据收件地址被迅速整理分拣,然后装载上其他飞机,飞往各自的目的地,在那儿再由人工投递——到这时很多邮件离开寄件人之手还不到24小时。这是弗雷德里克·W.史密斯的终极梦想,他就是联邦快递集团(最初为联邦快递)这一全球最大、最成功的隔夜送达服务企业的创始人、总裁、首席执行官及董事会主席。如今,史密斯这一源于大学时代的妙想已在现实中经营到了第28个年头,并已成为包裹快递入户行业的标杆。 2 Recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality, Smith is held in high regard by his competitors as well as his employees and stockholders. Fred Smith was just 27 when he founded FedEx. Now, so many years later, he's still the "captain of the ship". He attributes the success of the company simply to leadership, something he deduced from his years in the military, and from his family. 史密斯被公认为是一位和蔼可亲、性格迷人的杰出企业家。无论是他的竞争者、员工,还是他公司股票的持有人,都对他十分敬重。弗雷德·史密斯创建“联邦快递”时只有27岁。现在多年过去了,他仍然坐在“掌门人”的位置上。他将公司的成功简单地归因于领导力,而这一推论则来自于他的军旅生涯及其家庭的影响。 7 Smith completed two tours in Vietnam, eventually flying more than 200 missions. "In the military, leadership means getting a group of people to subordinate their individual desires and ambitions for the achievement of organizational goals," Smith says, fusing together his military and business experiences. "And good leadership has very measurable effects on a company's bottom line." 史密斯在越南战场上服役两期,完成了两百多次飞行任务。“在军队中,领导力意味着能使团队中所有成员将个人的期望与抱负置于从属地位,而以实现集体目标为重,”史密斯说道,这其中融合了他军旅生涯和经营管理的经验。“而优秀的领导力对控制一个公司的盈亏底线来说具有相当重要的作用。”
