远航雅思中级口语第四期 Lesson 3

远航雅思中级口语第四期 Lesson 3
远航雅思中级口语第四期 Lesson 3

Lesson Three

Part One: Applied Phrases(1)

Students should first mark down and memorize the following 100 short phrases, pay attention to tense variations. Being able to master these phrases is essential to success in spoken and written English. Also, every student shall obtain the competence to make at least 2 sentences with each of them with different subjects and tenses.

1. 经济的快速发展with the rapid(fast) development of economy

China has witness the myth with the rapid development of economy.

With the rapid development of economy, China become more influental and more powerful in some internation occasion.

2. 人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长th e (remarkable/major improvement)/(steady growth) of people’s living standard

The improvement of local infrastructure in America cause the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard.

In some ways, the steady grouth of people’s living standard can induce the steady of the society.

3. 先进的科学技术advanced science and technology

The development of economy is mostly based on advanced science and technology in the most part of the world at 21th century. Catching more advanced science and technology means catching more chances at the moment.

4. 面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenge

The financial crisis compels people around the whold to face new opportunities and challenge.

On the way towards mature, we are usually faced with new opportunities and challenge.

5. 人们普遍认为It is com monly believed/recognized that…

It is commonly believed that animals grow faster than plants, but people discovered a new plant species that grows extremely rapid.

It is commonly believed that compulsory commands from government can effectively reduce the environment pollution, but in fact it’s not

a such a easy problem.

6. 社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development

Marx believed that the inevitable result of social development is communism.

We can ignore the inevitable result of social development temporarily, but to concern the result of every decision a leader makes.

7. 引起了公众的广泛关注arouse wide public concern/draw public attention

The change of America president drew public attention.

People who really want to arouse wide public concern aren’t very welcomed most of the time.

8. 不可否认It is undeniable that…/There is no denying that…

It is undeniable that people’s reflection towards a same thing is different.

There is no denying that children’s imagination is much larger than adults at times.

9. 热烈的讨论/争论a heated discussion/debate

A question that can arouse a heated debate usually concerned to be a valuable question.

A decision a country made generally under a heated discussion.

10. 有争议性的问题a controversial issue

It’s a controversial issue that we can’t evade.

As a leader, it’s no difficulties for President Obama to solve a controversial issue.

11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument

On the country, a totally different argument is being discussed at the same time.

A outstanding person usually comes up with a totally different argument.

12.一些人…而另外一些人Some people… while others…

Some people believe there is ET in the cosmos while others don’t.

13. 就我而言/就个人而言As far as I’m concerned/Personally

As far as I’m concerned, money is not such an important thing in my life. Personally, I don’t like the person who always boast and ignore others thoughts.

14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点arguments on both side

17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少be indispensable to …

19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外…be no exception

Part Two: Vocabularies of Topics(3)

7. sport

●work out

●get exercise/get regular physical exercise




●back and neck trouble

● a decline in fitness

●keep you away from diseases

●keep fit

●boost your fitness

● a perfect way to let off steam

● a marvelous stress reducer/killer

● a great way to meet new people and make friends ● a great way to expand your circle of friends

●Health is your biggest wealth.

●Get a slim figure

●Shed a few pounds

●build up your body/get muscular

●sport facilities

●basketball/volleyball/tennis/badminton court

●football field/pitch

●yoga club

●dancing club

●fitness center/gym/gymnasium

●treadmills/exercise bikes


●sport center where we can play badminton and ping pong.

●sport gear

●tennis/badminton racket/ping pong bat

●exercise structures around the community/neighborhood

●gentle exercise like swimming and jogging

●strenuous and competitive sports like basketball and football ●adventurous/extreme/risky sports like rock climbing,

bungee jumping scuba-diving, sky-diving,

parkour, rafting, skateboarding, roller-skating,

aggressive roller-skating

●get lots of kicks from such sports.

●It’s really thrilling.

●physically stronger

●physically challenging


●Girls don’t like to sweat a lot.

●team sports/individual sports

●Team sports help us to develop a team spirit.

●Individual sports help us to discover our own value and potential.

●Individual sports is also a great way to boost our self-confidence.

8. Swimming

●aquatic sport

●go for a swim

●go for a dip


●bathing in the sea ●bathing/swim suit ●Trunks

●swimming goggles ●ear plugs

●swimming cap

●swimming coach ●life guards

●swimming ring

●life ring

●life jacket


●swim a few laps

●float on water

●slide through water

●locker room

●a 5-meter diving platform

●swimmers and divers

●It’s marvelous exercise and also grea t fun.

●In summer, it’s the best way to beat the heat.

●Swimming is perfect way to help you cool down and wind down.

●Swimming is a great stress killer.

●It’s really refreshing.

●swimming lovers/enthusiasts

●water slide

●water play activities

●swimming strokes

●do the freestyle

●back stroke

●breast stroke


●dog paddle

●swimmable river/lake


●could save your life

●have a fear for water

●drown to death

9. Cycling

●ride the bike




●cycle to work/school and back home

●Cycling is a great way to get around, especially for short trips.

●economical, eco-friendly and great exercise

●bike-friendly, with excellent road conditions and bike lanes

●Cycling could be dangerous in some parts of the city,

where the traffic is heavy and often messy.

●So, cyclists have to watch out and stay alert all the time.

●In China, bikes are mainly used as a means of transport.

Not many people ride the bike as a sport.

●Sometimes, riding a bike is considered to be a symbol of having

no money.

●I think the government should encourage people to bike more

instead of driving anywhere, for the sake of their health and also

the environment.

10. Driving

●get a drive r’s/driving license

●I’ve been driving since I was 18.

●the make of your car

●drive to work/school

●I love to get around by car.

●Having a car does make you life much easier.

●You get to have your own timetable.

●You are free to make your own decisions about when to go and where to go, and how to go there.

●It’s fast, comfortable and private.

●go for a drive in the countryside

●go travelling in your own car

●I hate driving in Beijing. The traffic jams could drive me mad/crazy.

●under-age driving/drive under-age/teenage driving

●Teenagers like to drive fast for kicks.

●They lack experience and patience.

●So, they’re more likely to get into a car crash.

●drink and drive/drunk driving

●drive while drowsy/drowsy driving

●fine sb heavily

●pay a fine of 200 RMB and lose p2 points

●traffic police


●car wash/wash the car






●speed limit

●surveillance camera


雅思口语part3观点类问题详解 首先,考生需要明白什么是观点类问题。 前面我们已经为大家介绍过度析类问题,是对一个问题的正反两 方面或者事物的优缺点实行分析,然后总结。而观点类的题目实际上 是由分析类题目派生出来的,是直接表达自己观点的一种问题,问题 的模式有着标志性的提示词如,“Should...do...? Explain why.” 所以,显然,这类话题的一个十分明显的标识单词就是“Should”。 也就是说考试的时候只要遇到是否应该怎么样的时候?考生应该马上能 够反映出来是对于观点的询问,所以考生只需要就问题本身来说从一 方面讲述自己的观点即可。此处区别于分析类问题是很明显的,而且 要比分析类问题简单很多。当然,在这个环节上考生同样要做到对各 个方面分析到位、深入、精准。 然后,观点类问题的提问方式也是考生必须了解的。 上面说了,观点类问题是有标志性的提问词的,所以理解起来并 不复杂,一般的提问方式就是:Should ...do...? And explain why. 即是否……?然后解释为什么。这样咋一看有点类似part1的提问方式,先简单回答问题本身,然后必须说明原因。而不同于part1的是part3不管在问题的回答长度和措辞,以及陈述分析问题的深度都比其要严 谨的多,要求要高的多,追求尽可能的多说且言之有理,词汇句式变 化多样,问题陈述到位精准。 最后,来看看观点类问题是如何作答的。 针对这类问题的回答有两种常见的方式,但一般都是先表明对问 题的看法,在针对自己的观点实行陈述分析。如下: Answer A: I suppose the answer is yes". (表明观点)As we all know, it has a lot of benefits(展开陈述). For starters,...And we can't deny the fact that ...It is very hard to imagine how ...can ...without...! And most


前面我们为大家讲述了五大类雅思口语part3的问题类别,本文将为大家继续介绍剩下的四种问题形式,希望大家对雅思口语part3的几大常见出题形式都能够了如指掌张。 1. 解决类问题形式 解决类问题形式顾名思义,指在part3中对某个事物发展趋势的不足或缺陷提出的单一或者一系列的解决方案。从思路上来讲,可分为两大类。第一类:正式的社会问题;第二类:日常生活中的一些小问题。下面我们可以看看具体的问题形式(这里只是总结的常见形式,仅供参考) Interviewer: Facing so many disadvantages, do you think there are some effective ways to deal with this situation? Interviewee A: Well, based on the disadvantages of this issue, I think there are some effective methods to deal with the situation. From the government's perspective, a series of rules and regulations should be carried out based on the currently unsatisfactory situation. Hum ... sounds like a good idea. As far as individuals are concerned, everybody should do whatever it takes to comply with all the relevant rules and regulations. Interviewee B: Actually, there are plenty of ways to do.... I guess the top priorit y is …There is no way for ...to ...Another thing ...Besides,...sounds brilliant. 从上述例子可以看出,面对这两类问题,有不同的作答方式和侧重点。如果是正式的社会问题如答案A,可从政府和个人两方面出发进行分析、阐述并提出改善办法(通常是有问题、弊病,需要解决);如果是日常生活中的一些小问题如答案B,可从自身经验中来总结回答,通常是针对如何做成某件事情,事情本身没有弊病或者不尽如人意之处。列出你认为的一些行之有效的法子就可以了。在这个环节上考生要做到对各个方面分析到位、深入,语言精准。当然最重要的还是对观点的自然表达。这类问题有点类似于雅思大作文的社会层面的话题分析,最后发表自己的观点,所以在积累素材的时候也可以参照大作文。 2. 展望类问题形式 所谓展望类,是指在第三部分中对某个事件将来的期待值提问。一般在考试的时候展望型的话题是就一个事件几个不好的方面在说出解决方案后,对未来进行的一个展望。考生一般都会尽量从乐观的方面出发对将来进行展望,当然也有喜忧参半或是忧大于喜的情况。 下面来看看具体的问题形式: Interviewer: What do you think of the future of....? Interviewee: Although the whole thing has a lot of disadvantages, I still prefer to look on the bright side. Call me optimistic or whatever, I mean, nothing on this planet is perfect. It is not like I deliberately


雅思口语P a r t3问题 分类

雅思口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型 (1)P refer 二选一类 Do you prefer X or Y and why? ?关键句型 Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better, simply because X is more…than Y. Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because… For example, if I… So generally, I will go for X. ?关键问题 Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home? Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people? Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program? Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday? Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies? (2)Is…important? 重要类 ?关键句型 Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果) Besides,… So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important. ?关键问题 Is your computer important?


雅思口语part3重要决定话题分析 首先,我们要知道此类话题在part3部分会涉及到哪些问题: 1. What do you think are the most important decision that people make in their lives? 2. What skills are necessary when making decision? 3. How can people improve their decision-making skills? 4. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children? 5. How can older people help young people make their own decisions wisely? 6. What are the qualities of a good leader? 7. In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities? …… 回顾上述问题,考生能够看到part3部分的话题都是大层面,涉及到普遍现象的问题,人们怎么做……;父母对孩子应该怎么样……;老年人……年轻人……怎么样……都是需要双方深入探讨,一两句话无法说清楚的问题。每一个问题都足以做part1部分最难的、最复杂的问题,所以考生在此部分要多下功夫。但是考生们往往会忽略这个部分的备考,因为part3的话题是延续part2话题而深入讨论的,所以如果你不知道part2部分考什么或者考生们怎么说的,很难把握part3的作答。不过,考生们在备考的时候还是需要多加练习,这样才能够在考场上保持镇定。 下面我们挑选上述的几个比较具有代表性的问题来简单做一下答案分析。


雅思口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型 (1)Prefer 二选一类 Do you prefer X or Y and why 关键句型 Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better, simply because X is more…than Y. Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because…For example, if I… So generally, I will go for X. 关键问题 Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies (2)Is…important 重要类 关键句型 Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果) Besides,… So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important. 关键问题 Is your computer important Is protecting animals important Is doing outdoor activities important (3)difference 区别类


雅思口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型(1)Prefer 二选一类 Do you prefer X or Y and why? 关键句型 Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better, simply because X is more…than Y. Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because…For example, if I… So generally, I will go for X. 关键问题 Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home? Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people? Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program? Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday? Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies? (2)Is…important? 重要类 关键句型 Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果) Besides,… So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important. 关键问题 Is your computer important? Is protecting animals important? Is doing outdoor activities important? (3)difference 区别类


雅思口语part3-问题-教师版 一. 目录 1)本节主要讲述雅思口语part3的四大类中的问题类,以及展示本类话题;2)本节重点讲述回答问题类的答题要点,包括整体框架,思路分析,并提供相应的连接词以及句型,帮助学生积累素材; 3)本节重点讲解本类1个例题范文,来巩固所学内容,并配有1个练习题目;4)本节提供相应内容作为课后作业,督促进行练习巩固,考察学生是否掌握本节内容。 二. 本类问题 一般情况下,Part3是Part2的一个延伸。考试时,考官会围绕着Part2口语考试涉及到的话题,进行探讨;探讨的范围,主要是从国家和社会的角度去进行探讨。由此可见,它的特点是内容十分的广泛,而且抽象、更加的深刻。 我们可以根据Part3中问题的提问方式,将这部分的问题可以分为四大类:对比类,原因类,利弊类以及问题类。 这节课我们主讲问题类。其常见的提问形式有: 1) Do you think violence in films or TV programs has any effect on children? 2)What problems do (some) old people have? 3)Are there any problems concerning cities in your country? 4)is there any problems when you using computer? 5)What problems are associated with overcrowded cities? 三. 本类问题答题要点 回答Part3中的问题时,考生不仅要考虑答案的整体框架,还要重视回答的内容,也就是思路分析。此外,还需要适当使用连接词,使答案更加流利连贯,上下衔接。 1)本类问题可以使用的整体框架是总分思路。先总说有很多的问题,之后分小


雅思口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型(1) (2)Prefer 二选一类 Do you prefer X or Y and why? 关键句型 Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better, simply because X is more…than Y. Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because…For example, if I… So generally, I will go for X. 关键问题 Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home? Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people? Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program?

Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday? Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies? (2)Is…important? 重要类 关键句型 Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果) Besides,… So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important. 关键问题 Is your computer important? Is protecting animals important? Is doing outdoor activities important? (3)difference 区别类 What are the differences between X and Y?


雅思口语Part3中最难的10道题 雅思口语Part3的难度本身就是三个部分中最难的一个,考官一般会就考生第二部分的回答进行深入提问。既然叫深入提问,那当然就会是一些相对而言比较深奥的考题。这些考题对于考生的知识面和思维能力都有一定的要求,更为让考生头痛的是,本来用中文来进行深入的探讨以属不易,更何况还要用英文来表述这些有深度的思想!所以考生通常谈第三部分而色变,有人甚至对第三部分都不去做任何的复习,只一味听天由命。但是第三部分的考题是一个考生真正能够拿高分的关键,对于那些要分较高,希望能够进入一些排名较好的大学的考生而言,第三部分的考题才是让自己脱颖而出的关键。 雅思第三部分的考题,从出题类型上来看有十个类型:原因论述、情况对比、时间对比、事物利弊、预测未来、场景演练、解决问题、影响效果、方式方法、观点询问。这十类考题的难度都不可小觑,每一个类型都代表着一种回答思路,也对应着一些相应的句型。所以,在这里,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将和大家一起来探讨一下雅思第三部分的考题,并以十道最难考题为例,来给大家做一下分析。 1.原因论述类考题: 在回答这种类型的考题时,我们要首先搞清问题的重点,且一定要紧扣此重点,不能游离出去。而且我们可以将考题的中心名词进行分类,从细分出的小类别出发去探寻原因,这样,思路就能更加开阔,更能做到有话可说。比如下面这道题: ◆What is the reason why family members do not eat together anymore? 在这一题中,中心考点名词是family members,那么我们就可以对其做一个breakdown,家庭成员分孩子,成年人和老人,他们都会有自己身不由己,无法和家人共同进餐的不同原因,至此,考题就可从不同层次得到解答。那么在论


雅思口语part3问题及回答特点分析问题特点: 1. 问题类型多样 雅思口语part3问题类型多样,常见的有对比类、分析类、观点类、标准类、选择类、原因类、解决类、展望类、意义类九大类,基 本涵盖了整个part3的考官提问形式。所以,考生能够对这些类型的 问题特点实行深入的了解。之前小编也为大家详细介绍过各个类型问 题的回答模式。如果考生没有提前准备的话,突然面临这样不太类型 的提问肯定会手足无措,不知如何作答,而part3要求的是全面深入 的作答,很可能在这里考生们就会漏掉很多重要的问题点。如,分析 类问题需要对现在实行分析,然后在根据优劣势分别分析,最后则是 得出结论,可见其细节点之多,也说明各个问题有各自的特点。 2. 简单的问题往往透露大的社会现象 Part3的很多问题其实都是很简单的提问,但是当你细致分析之后却都透露这大的社会现象和问题。例如,分析类问题中的How do you feel about those countries with a lot of immigrants?移民问 题;what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?大城市居住问题;对比类问题What are the differences of favorite clothing style comparing the elderly people with young guys?年轻人和老年人的衣着问题;展望类问题What do you think of the future of medical care in China?将来中国的医保问题……可见都是一些国家,国际社会层面的问题。所以需要考生在日 常的备考中多留意这类的新闻事件,储备素材。 回答特点: 1. 回答内容要突显深度


雅思口语Part3详解 今天五月花留学将给各位烤鸭详细解析雅思口语Part3。Part3是Part2的延伸,问题范围和Part2一致。比起Part1的生活类问题,Part3的问题更有深度和广度,它的本质是讨论,此部分考察学生的辩证性思维以及论证能力。 Part 1:雅思口语Part3介绍 Part2:雅思口语Part3答题关键 Part3的问题答题时有2个很重要的原则,一是Speak at length,二是站在多个角度答问题。 1. 个人观点类问题 此类问题大致如下:你认为…怎么样?你做过…吗?你认为…重要吗?一些人认为…,你同意吗?如果…你会怎么做?这类型的问题考察的是个人经验,对某个事物的看法,即描述某事某物的重要性/意议/价值等。 个人观点类问题答题时可以有三种角度: *No1. 正面出击。(从正面阐述+举例。) *No2. 反例法。(从反面论证一件事物的重要性,即如果没有这个东西或者不做这件事会有什么不好的影响。) *No3. 正+反结合。(正面说一点,反面说一点)

2. 差异对比类问题 雅思口语Part3很喜欢问对比类的话题,可以细分为三大类: ①事物对比答题可以有两种方式: *思路1:introduction(答案的开头句)+A的特点/优缺点+B的特点/优缺点+example(举一个具体的例子来解释A和B之间的差异) 或者: *思路2:introduction+ A的特点/优缺点&example+ B的特点/优缺点&example+ reasons(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因) ②人群对比答题: 此类问题考察不同人群对待同一件事物或某种现象的看法,即你对二者人生观与态度的认知。答题时需要站在不同的人物角度来作答:Introduction+ For men ...+ From the women’s perspective ...+ Conclusion. ③时间对比答题: 涉及时间类的问题主要考察事物的发展过程、发展趋势并未来展望(potential),答题时:有对比现象(如:以前的交流工具和现在的交流工具有什么不同?),两个时间段都描述,描述事物特征、样子;无对比现象,分点阐述,注意逻辑、时态。 3. 原因、解决方式答题 此类问题大致如下:为什么你认为…?为什么你们国家的人…?造成…的原因是什么? 为了解决…我们可以做什么?政府/雇主/学校/父母应该怎么来帮助谁解决…? 答题时分点阐述,不要乱:Introduction+ Reason/Solution1…+ Reason/Solution2+Conclusion.


雅思口语part 3 六色分类法 现象类型个人观点对比类型 原因类型方案类型 About change Do changes always lead to a positive result? 个人观点 How has your hometown changed in the past ten years? Why is difficult for some people to make a change in their lives? Are there any changes you want to make this year? 个人经历 Do you think governments should spend more money in making a city more beautiful?个人观点 About a person dress well What kinds of clothes are proper for work? 个人观点 Would you like to wear uniforms for work? 个人喜好 Is it easy to buy cheap clothes in China?

Do young Chinese shop on the internet? Do you like to go shopping on your own or with your friends? 个人喜好 Should parents buy their children expensive clothes? 个人观点 About person likes plane What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane? 优劣势对比 Is it good to live nearby an airport? 个人观点Do Chinese people like to travel by plane? What kinds of transportation do people choose when they go on a long journey? 个人观点Would you like to travel by your own car in the future? 个人喜好 Are you happy with the service on the plane in China? 个人经历 What kinds of people travel by plane in China? What do you some people dislike air travel? 个人观点

雅思口语Part 2的四种答题思路分享

雅思口语Part 2的四种答题思路分享 在教学的过程中,当问到学生雅思口语三个部分的考试哪个部分最难以对付时,大多数情况下学生会认为Part 2是最令人头痛的部分。现在Part 2 的话题越来越细化、刁钻,虽然有1分钟的准备时间,但在紧张的考试环境下,大部分学生都称“脑子是空白的”,以导致不充分的准备让1-2分钟的描述变得非常的惨白,无奈收尾,给考官的感觉始终印象不深刻,无法达到通过细致的描述想亲自尝试的意愿。 通过分析学生Part 2的回答范例,发现不少同学要么仅将话题卡中给的问题提示作以简单回答,要么使用较为明显的模板回答方式---也就是我们常说的无关紧要的话,来填塞内容上的空白。如”If I really have to choose a place to describe, I?d like to tell you that …. is such the place。” 这也是中国学生雅思口语在40个国家和地区垫底的原因之一。在这篇文章中,本文将总结出四种Part 2描述题的拓展策略。 策略一:WH细节描述法 当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括“what, when, where, who(whom),why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。 例如,Describe a restaurant or cafe you like. 首先须明确what(the Bookworm),when(some five years ago),where (down the south of Chengdu),who(foreigners for most of time);其次是整个描述的重点why(comfortable, pleasant, intimate ),how exactly (detailed description of being comfortable, pleasant, and intimate),how often(once a month…),how much(30-40 yuan on average per person),how many(3 in Whole China)。 但是,在此提醒考生,在回答中,不可机械地按照每一个WH来作答,否则描述同样会非常死板乏味,即需要灵活自然过渡每一个WH。 Sample answer:The Bookworm is my favorite cafe in this city, which is about 15 minutes drive from the Tianfu Square down the south, and unlike other fancy cafes in the downtown, it sits in a quiet surrounding. The Bookworm was born 5 years ago with the help of a journalist, who soon became the business partner and co-owner of Chengdu Bookworm. During these years, it?s been popular and welcomed by almost every foreigner in Chengdu. I guess it?s probably because t he cafe is really the place that can make them feel at home, ranging from the food, coffee, inside decoration, and those books written and published from their country。


雅思口语part3问题总结与解析 为了大家能更好的备考雅思考试,前程百利雅思小编特为大家整理雅思口语part3问题总结与解析,包了最新雅思听说读写备考资料,以及最权威的参考书,处于备考中的考生们,还等什么呢! 1. 原因论述类考题: 在回答这种类型的雅思口语考题时, ----问题的重点,且一定要紧扣此重点, 不能游离出去------探寻原因,这样,思路就能更加开阔,更能做到有话可说。 比如下面这道题: what is the reason why so many people want to become famous? 参考答案:I believe many people want to become famous for two reasons. The first reason is if they become famous, they can make a lot of easy money and they can make their life easier. The second reason is they can make powerful friends and they will be powerful enough to protect their friends and family better. 非常高频的出现一些因果的表达法,如 because, due to, owing to, the reason why...is that..., contribute to, lead to, give rise to, be attributed to, result from 等。 2.情况对比类考题: 这类题目说穿了就是对于正反两面的讨论。 因此,经常用到的词就有 advantages, benefits, merits, upsides, plus points, disadvantages, drawbacks, downsides, minus points 等。下面这道考题就是一个很好的例子。


雅思口语part3考官提问惯用套路总结 很多同学在准备雅思口语的时候喜欢把重点都放在Part2上面,而Part3的问题往往是看一眼就过去了。但实际上Part3的问题往往很抽象又难回答,更不可能像雅思口语Part 2一样有一份具体的题库,如果是毫无准备的情况下被问到,经常是卡壳而没有条理地胡说一通, 前面的精心准备也大打了折扣。今天就分享一下常见的雅思口语Part3问题规律,和一些答题的思路,以不变应万变。 Young vs. Old / Children vs. Adult 很眼熟对不对?没错,这就是套到任何一个话题都能用的神百搭 问题。并且能够幻化出无数个类似但不相同的问题来,比如:Do young people and old people have different attitudes towards X? What do you think young/old people should do X? Do you do X the same way when you were a child?等等等等,总来说之就是想问随着年龄的增长,对某一个事物或者行为的看法或者做法有什么样 的改变。 因为这个问题是能够放进任何一个语境里提问的,所以大家不要想当然的认为这其中就一定有差异,有的时候反而找不出任何差异, 那也就诚实回答即可,不必牵强附会硬要找出什么区别来。这个问题 其实不难,套路就是先回答有没有差异,如果有就说说看,如果没有 就说没有。 Chinese people 大概是因为外国人自然就对中国感兴趣,很多话题里会出现What do Chinese people think of ? How do most Chinese people do X?等等冠冕堂皇的问题,这种问题宏观又抽象,情急之下非常难回答的 圆满,其实不论问题是什么,都能够这么回答——There is no way for me to know each Chinese’s opinion, but personally


剖析雅思口语Part 3中最难的10类题 雅思口语Part 3是三个部分中最难的,考官一般会就考生第二部分的答复进行深刻提问。深刻提问是指一些相对而言比拟深邃的考题。而这些考题对于考生的知识面和思维才能都有必定的要求。最难的是,原来用中文来进行深刻的探讨以属不易,更何况还要用英文来表述这些有深度的思想!对于那些对分数要求较高,希望进入一些排名较好的大学的考生而言,第三部分的考题才是让自己脱颖而出的关键部分。 1.原因阐述类考题: What is the reason why family members do not eat together anymore? 2. 情形对照类考题: Should women stay at home or go out to look for jobs? 3. 时光对照 Explain different attitudes towards marriage between people in the past and now 4. 事物利弊 What are the advantages of people living in tourist attractions? 5. 预测未来 What should the government do to curb global warming? 6. 场景演练 Let’s say you are in charge of selection process of the volunteers for the Beijing 2008Olympic Games, what are you really looking in all the candidates? 7. 解决问题 What can the government do to encourage a healthy lifestyle enjoyed by all? 8. 影响后果 How have hi-tech products influenced music? 9. 方法方式 In what ways can teachers encourage students to focus on study? 10. 观点讯问 Which one do you think is more important, health or wealth?


15个最奇葩的雅思口语part3问题 雅思口语的part3通常被视为最难说的一部分,而且part3的好坏往往起到这样的作用——在考官犹豫该给你6.5还是7时,要不要给你加上这0.5分。所以说,part3就是想要争取高分的烤鸭的必争之地。 这15个最奇葩的雅思口语part3问题 雅思口语的part3通常被视为最难说的一部分,而且part3的好坏往往起到这样的作用——在考官犹豫该给你6.5还是7时,要不要给你加上这0.5分。所以说,part3就是想要争取高分的烤鸭的必争之地。不过,part3也以难度大、题目多、题目抽象而著名。所谓的难度,很大一定程度包含考官常常不按常理不按套路所提的问题,于是就会有很多奇葩问题被考生吐槽——“excuse me?这怎么回答?二脸懵逼”。 其实,应对奇葩问题最好的办法就是一本正经的正常说话咯!个中奥义在何处,就在这篇*里!我们下面就来看15道被誉为“最奇葩”的雅思口语题目。 1.学生用电子词典会导致他们犯错吗? 说实话觉得用电子词典并不会有什么错呀...好吧,既然你诚心诚意地发问了,我就大慈大悲地想一想电子词典的性质、特点、

平时和人的联系、平时应用的场景。于是,有了!可以说excessive reliance, we will believe that all the explanations and usages in the dictionary are right,Although e-dictionary brings convenience, it also contributes to the lack ofconsideration and innovation. 还有一个稍微牵强点的理由就是会沉迷于电子产品… 2.对人友好和对人礼貌的区别是什么???什么工作会经常假装友好?谁会经常对不喜欢的人友好? Whats the difference between "pretend to befriendly" and "polite" 这题目真的是大写的黑人问号脸,friendly和polite在我的理解应该是亲疏的区别(其实口语考试就是这样,对任何问题没有绝对的对错,说你的看法,有道理即可),不管是陌生人还是亲近的人都应该有礼貌,亲近的人更应该用友好的态度,everyone need to be polite to anyoneelse, but don’t need to be friendly.接着可以用举例子展开,拉长说话的内容,比如:for example , i need to be friendly to..because i feel..because i want he/shefeel..However... 同时我还觉得每个工作都要假装友好啊,especially the serviceindustry. The more people we meet in a day, the more friendly we pretend to be.后面一个问题也是这样回答,也可以说情商高的人(people with high emotional intelligence)也会经常对 不喜欢的人友好。


不少同学在准备雅思口语的时候喜欢把重点都放在Part2上面,而Part3的问题往往是看一眼就过去了。但实际上Part3的问题往往很抽象又难回答,更不可能像雅思口语Part 2一样有一份具体的题库,如果是毫无准备的情况下被问到,经常是卡壳而没有条理地胡说一通,前面的精心准备也大打了折扣。今天就分享一下常见的雅思口语Part3问题规律,和一些答题的思路,以不变应万变。 Young vs. Old / Children vs. Adult 很眼熟对不对没错,这就是套到任何一个话题都能用的神百搭问题。并且可以幻化出无数个类似但不相同的问题来,比如:Do young people and old people have different attitudes towards X What do you think young/old people should do X Do you do X the same way when you were a child等等等等,总而言之就是想问随着年龄的增长,对某一个事物或者行为的看法或者做法有什么样的改变。 因为这个问题是可以放进任何一个语境里提问的,所以大家不要想当然的认为这其中就一定有差异,有的时候反而找不出任何差异,那也就诚实回答即可,不必牵强附会硬要找出什么区别来。这个问题其实不难,套路就是先回答有没有差异,如果有就说说看,如果没有就说没有。 Chinese people 大概是因为外国人自然就对中国感兴趣,很多话题里会出现What do Chinese people think of How do most Chinese people do X等等冠冕堂皇的问题,这种问题宏观又抽象,情急之下非常难回答的圆满,其实不论问题是什么,都可以这么回答——There is no way for me to know each Chinese’s opinion, but personally speaking, ..., 后接自己对这个话题的观点,很巧妙地就能避开宏观,从自己的观点出发,也不怕他后续接着提问了。 Modern vs. Traditional 又是一个非常眼熟的问题,主要和technology啊,Internet什么的挂钩,经常会问两者之间的差异,你比较喜好哪一种,你觉得再发展下去是什么样子的等等。建议大家在准备P2的时候如果遇到相关话题,留个心准备一下,其实也就是花点时间思考一下,有个大致思路到时候能照着说就行。重点放在今夕对比,还有就是自己的喜好态度一定要鲜明。 Pros vs. Cons 俗而烂的题目,让你议论某个行为或者物件的利弊。可以首先谈利,X certainly brings lots of benefits into the world, ...,然后一转语气谈弊, but on theother hand, X also has its drawbacks, ...,只要体现出一个转折即可。至于内容,能简单说出一两个即可,也不需要多全面。 Past vs. Present vs. Future
