Trade Offs in the Design of a Router with Both Guaranteed and Best-Effort Services for Netw

Trade Offs in the Design of a Router with Both Guaranteed and Best-Effort

Services for Networks on Chip

E.Rijpkema,K.G.W.Goossens,A.R?a dulescu,

J.Dielissen,J.van Meerbergen,P.Wielage,and E.Waterlander

Philips Research Laboratories,Eindhoven,The Netherlands


Managing the complexity of designing chips containing billions of transistors requires decoupling computation from communica-tion.For the communication,scalable and compositional inter-connects,such as networks on chip(NoC),must be used.In this paper we show that guaranteed services are essential in achieving this decoupling.Guarantees typically come at the cost of lower resource utilization.To avoid this,they must be used in combi-nation with best-effort services.The key element of our NoC is a router consisting conceptually of two parts:the so-called guar-anteed throughput(GT)and best-effort(BE)routers.We combine the GT and BE router architectures in an ef?cient implementation by sharing resources.We show the trade offs between hardware complexity and ef?ciency of the combined router,and motivate our choices.Our reasoning for the trade offs is validated with a prototype router implementation.We show a lay-out of an input-queued wormhole5×5router with an aggregate bandwidth of 80Gbit/s.It occupies0.26mm2in CMOS12.This shows that our router provides high performance at reasonable cost,bring-ing NoCs one step closer.


Recent advances in technology raise the challenge of managing the complexity of designing chips containing billions of transis-tors.A key ingredient in tackling this challenge is decoupling the computation from communication[10,14].This decoupling allows IPs(the computation part),and the interconnect(the communica-tion part)to be designed independently from each other.

In this paper,we focus on the communication part.Existing in-terconnects(e.g.,buses)may no longer be feasible for chips with many IPs,because of the diverse and dynamic communication,works on a chip(NoC)are emerging as an al-ternative to existing on-chip interconnects because they(a)struc-ture and manage global wires in new deep-submicron technolo-gies[2–5,7],(b)share wires,lowering their number and increasing their utilization[5,7],(c)can be energy ef?cient and reliable[3], and(d)are scalable when compared to traditional buses[8].

Decoupling the computation from communication requires that the services that IPs use to communicate are well-de?ned,and hide the implementation details of the interconnect[10],Figure1(a). NoCs help,because they are traditionally designed using layered protocol stacks[13],where each layer provides a well-de?ned in-terface which decouples service usage from service implementa-tion[4,14],see Figure1(b).

In particular,guaranteed services are essential because they make the requirements on the NoC explicit,and limit the possi-ble interactions of IPs with the communication environment.IPs can also be designed independently,because their use of guaran-teed services is not affected by the interconnect or by other IPs.This is essential for a compositional construction(design and pro-gramming)of systems on chip(SoC).Moreover,failures are re-stricted to the IP con?guration phase(a service request is either granted or denied by the NoC)which simpli?es the IP program-ming model[7].We view the guaranteed services to be offered by an interconnect as a requirement from the applications,see Fig-ure1(c).

The drawback of using guaranteed services is that they require resource reservations for worst-case scenarios.This is not accept-able in a SoC where cost constraints are typically very tight,see Figure1(d).Therefore,we also provide best-effort services to ex-ploit the network capacity that is left over,or reserved but unused. Guaranteed services are then used for the critical(e.g.real-time) traf?c,and best-effort services for non-critical communication.

The combination of guaranteed and best-effort classes is known from general computer network research[15],but not for on-chip networks.As on-and off-chip networks have different characteristics,the trade offs in their design are different.In this paper,we present the trade offs between hardware complexity and ef?ciency for networks on chip,and motivate our choices.

We present a prototype router architecture that re?ects one par-ticular set of design choices.It has an aggregate bandwidth of 80Gbit/s,and its CMOS12lay-out occupies0.26mm2.We list other feasible variations that either increase performance,or lower the router cost.

In this paper,we?rst list a set of network-independent com-munication services that are essential in chip design(Section2). Then,we show the trade-offs between ef?ciency and cost that we make in our NoC.In Section3,we present some general network-related issues that are used in the sections to follow.In Section4, we zoom into the internals of the key component of our NoC:a router that ef?ciently provides both guaranteed and best-effort ser-vices.In Section5,we demonstrate the feasibility of our router design through a prototype implementation in CMOS12.








application diversity

technology oportunities






data link


(b),work services(a)hide the interconnect details and al-low reusable components to be build on top of them,(b)are build using a layered approach(c)are driven by the application require-ments,and(d)their ef?ciency relies on technology and network or-ganization.


The NoC services that we consider essential for chip design are:data integrity,meaning that data is delivered uncorrupted, lossless data delivery,which means no data is dropped in the in-terconnect,in-order data delivery,which speci?es that the order in which data is delivered is the same order in which it has been sent,and throughput and latency services that offer time-related bounds.As shown in Section1,guaranteed services are essential to simplify IP design and integration.With the current technology, we assume data integrity is solved at the data-link layer.All the other services can be guaranteed or not on request.In the next section,we describe brie?y how these services are provided by our NoC,and in Section4we describe how our router architecture enables an ef?cient implementation of these services.

Guaranteed services require resource reservation for worst-case scenarios,which can be expensive.For example,guarantee-ing throughput for a stream of data implies reserving bandwidth for its peak throughput,even when its average is much lower.As a consequence,when using guarantees,resources are often under-utilized.

Best-effort services do not reserve any resources,and hence provide no guarantees.Best-effort services use resources well be-cause they are typically designed for average-case scenarios in-stead of worst-case scenarios.They are also easy and fast to use, as they require no resource reservation.Their main disadvantage is their unpredictability:one cannot rely on a given performance (i.e.,they do not offer guarantees).In the best case,if certain boundary conditions are assumed,a statistical performance can be derived.

The requirements for guaranteed services and the ef?ciency constraint(i.e.,good resource utilization)are con?icting.Our ap-proach to a predictable and low-cost interconnect is to integrate the guaranteed and best-effort services in the same interconnect. Guaranteed services would be used for critical traf?c,and best-effort services for non-critical traf?c.For example a video pro-cessing IP will typically require a lossless,in-order video stream with guaranteed throughput,but possibly allows corrupted sam-ples.Another example is cache updates which require uncor-rupted,lossless,low-latency data transfer,but ordering and guar-anteed throughput are less important.In Section4.3we show how integrated guaranteed and best-effort services ef?ciently can use common resources.In the remainder of this section we analyze the minimum level of abstraction at which the communication ser-vices must be offered to hide the network internals.

Traditionally,network services have been implemented and offered using a layered protocol stack,typically aligned to the ISO-OSI reference model[13],see Figure1(b).NoCs also take this approach[3,4,7,14],because it structures and decomposes the service implementation,and the protocol stack concepts aid positioning of services.

To achieve the decoupling of computation from communica-tion,the communication services must be offered at least at the level of the transport layer in OSI reference model.It is the?rst layer that offers end-to-end services,hiding the network details; see Figure1(a,b)[4].

The lowest three layers in the protocol stack,namely physical, data-link,and network layers,are network speci?c.Therefore, these services should not be visible to the IPs when decoupling between computation from communication is desired.However, these layers are essential in implementing the services,because constructing guarantees without guarantees at the layer below is ei-ther very expensive,or even impossible.For example,implement-ing a lossless communication on top of a lossy service requires ac-knowledgment,data retransmission,and?ltering duplicated data. This leads to an increase in traf?c,and possibly larger buffer space requirements.Even worse,providing guarantees for time-related services is impossible if lower layers do not offer these guarantees. For example,latency can not be guaranteed if communication at a lower layer is lossy.As a consequence,guarantees can only be built on top of guarantees,see Figure1(c).Similarly,a layer’s ef-?ciency is based on ef?cient implementations of the layers below it,see Figure1(d).

3Networks on chip

General computer network research is a mature research ?eld[15]which has many issues in common with NoCs.How-ever,two signi?cant differences between computer networks and on-chip networks make the trade offs in their design very differ-ent[5].First,routers of a NoC are more resource constrained than those in computer network,in particular in the control complex-ity and in the amount of memory.Second,communication links of a NoC are relatively shorter than those in computer networks, allowing tight synchronization between routers.

We identify three important issues in the design of the router network architecture.These are:the switching mode,contention resolution,and network?ow control.Equally important,end-to-end?ow control and congestion control are handled in our NoC at the network edge instead of the routers;we therefore omit their discussion here.Similarly,we assume guaranteed data integrity at the link level and retain it at the network layer and and higher. 3.1Switching mode

The switching mode of a network speci?es how data and con-trol are related.We distinguish circuit switching and packet switching.In circuit switching data and control are separated.The control is provided to the network to set up a connection.This results in a circuit over which all subsequent data of the connec-tion is transported.In time-division circuit switching bandwidth is shared by time-division multiplexing connections over circuits. Circuit-switched networks inherently offer time-related guaran-teed services after resources are reserved during the connection set up.

In packet switching data is divided into packets and every packet is composed of a control part,the header,and a data part, the,work routers inspect,and possibly modify,the headers of incoming packets to switch the packet to the appropri-ate output port.Since in packet switching the packets are self con-tained,there is no need for a set-up phase to allocate resources. Therefore,best-effort services are naturally provided by packet switching.

3.2Contention resolution

When a router attempts to send multiple data items over the same link at the same time contention is said to occur.As only one data item can be sent over a link at any point in time,a selection among the contending data must be made;this process is called contention resolution.

In circuit switching,contention resolution takes place at set up at the granularity of connections,so that data sent over different connections do not con?ict.Thus,there is no contention during data transport,and time-related guarantees can be given.

In packet switching contention resolution takes place at the granularity of individual packets.Because packet arrival cannot be predicted contention can not be avoided.It is resolved dynam-ically by scheduling in which data items are sent in turn.This re-quires data storage in the router,see Section4.2.1,and delays the data in a non predictable manner which complicates the provision of guarantees,see Section4.1.1.

3.3Network?ow control

Network?ow control,also called routing mode,addresses the limited amount of buffering in routers and data acceptance be-tween routers.In circuit switching connections are set up.The data sent over these connections is always accepted by the routers and hence no network?ow control is needed.In packet switching, data items must be buffered at every router before they are sent on.Because routers have a limited amount of buffering they ac-cept data only when they have enough space to store the incoming data.

There are three types of network?ow control,namely store-and-forward,virtual cut-through,and wormhole routing.In store-and-forward routing,an incoming packet is received and stored in its entirety before it is forwarded to the next router.This requires storage for the complete packet,and implies a per-router latency of at least the time required for the router to receive the packet.

In virtual cut-through routing a packet is forwarded as soon as the next router guarantees that the complete packet will be ac-cepted.When no guarantee is given,the router must be able to store the whole packet.Thus,virtual cut-trough routing requires buffer space for a complete packet,like store-and-forward routing, but allows lower-latency communication.

In wormhole routing packets are split in so-called?its(?ow control digits).A?it is passed to the next router when the?it can be accepted,even when there is not enough buffer space for the complete packet.As soon as a?it of a packet is sent over an output port,that output port is reserved for?its of that packet only.When the?rst?it of a packet is blocked the trailing?its can therefore be spread over multiple routers,blocking the intermediate links. Wormhole routing requires the least buffering(buffer?its instead of packets)and also allows low-latency communication.However, it is more sensitive to deadlock and generally results in lower link utilization than virtual cut-through routing.

To allow low latency we consider both virtual-cut through and wormhole routing,which are both feasible in terms of buffer area, as shown in Section5.

4A combined GT-BE router

Section2de?nes our requirements for NoCs in terms of ser-vices that are to be offered,in particular,both guaranteed and best-effort,ing the general network issues of the previous section we show in the following two subsections that the guar-anteed and best-effort services can conceptually be described by two independent router architectures.The combination of these two router architectures is ef?cient and has a?exible program-ming model,as described in Section4.3.Section5then shows a prototype implementation.

4.1A GT router architecture

Our guaranteed-throughput(GT)router guarantees uncor-rupted,lossless,and ordered data transfer,and both latency and throughput over a?nite time interval.As mentioned earlier,data integrity is solved at the data-link layer;we do not address it fur-ther.The GT router is lossless because we use a variant of circuit switching,described in the next section.Data is transported in ?xed-size blocks.As only one block is stored per input in the GT router,data items remain ordered per connection.We now turn to the more challenging time-related guarantees,namely throughput and latency.

4.1.1Time-related guarantees

Latency is de?ned as the duration a packet is transported over the network.Guaranteeing latency,therefore,means that a worst-case upper bound must be given for this time.We de?ne through-put for a given producer-consumer pair as the amount of data trans-ported by the network over a?nite,?xed time interval.Guarantee-ing throughput means giving a lower bound.

We observe that guaranteeing latency even in a lossless router is dif?cult because contention requires scheduling and hence cause delays.Guaranteeing throughput is less problematic.Rate-based packet switching(for an overview see[16])offers guaranteed throughput over a?nite period,and hence a latency bound.This bound is very high,however,and the cost of buffering is also high. Deadline-based packet switching[12]offers preferential treatment for packets close to their deadline.This allows differential latency guarantees(under certain admissible traf?c assumptions),but also at high buffer costs.

Circuit switching solves the contention at set up,so natu-rally providing guaranteed latency and throughput.Circuits can be pipelined to improve throughput[6],at the cost of additional buffering and latency.Time-division multiplexing connections over pipelined circuits additionally offers?exibility in bandwidth allocation.This requires a logical notion of router synchronicity, which is possible because a NoC is better controllable than a gen-eral network.We explain this variation in more detail in the next subsection.The associated programming model is described in Section4.3.2.

4.1.2Contention-free routing

A router uses a slot table to(a)avoid contention on a link,(b) divide up bandwidth per link between connections,and(c)switch data to the correct output.Every slot table T has S time slots (rows),and N router outputs(columns).There is a logical no-tion of synchronicity:all routers in the network are in the same ?xed-duration slot.In a slot s at most one block of data can be read/written per input/output port.In the next slot(s+1)%S,the read blocks are written to their appropriate output ports.Blocks thus propagate in a store and forward fashion.The latency a block incurs per router is equal to the duration of a slot and bandwidth is guaranteed in multiples of block size per S slots.

The entries of the slot table map outputs to inputs for every slot:T(s,o)=i.An entry is empty,when there is no reservation for that output in that slot.No contention arises because there is at most one input per output.Sending a single input to multiple outputs(multicast)is possible.

The slots reserved for a block along its path from source to destination increase by one(modulo S).If slot s is reserved in a router,slot(s+1)%S must be reserved in the next router on the path.The assignment of slots to connections in the network is an optimization problem,and is described in Section4.3.3.Sec-tion4.3.2explains how slots are reserved in our network.

(a) output queued architecture

(b) virtual output queued architecture

Figure2.Schematics of two router architectures.

4.2A BE router architecture

Best-effort traf?c can have a better average performance than offered by guaranteed services.This depends on boundary con-ditions,such as network load,that are unpredictable.Best-effort services thus ful?ll our ef?ciency requirement,but without offer-ing time-related guarantees.This section describes an architecture for a best-effort service with uncorrupted,lossless,in-order data transport.

The BE router cost and performance are largely dependent on the contention resolution scheme of the router.The contention resolution scheme has two components:buffering and scheduling. The main trade off in Section4.2.1is between total buffer size, buffering strategy,and link utilization.Without taking global net-work requirements into account,no decisions will be made,rather we present a router that allows different instances,to trade off hardware complexity for link utilization at instantiation time.In Section4.2.2the trade off is between link utilization and schedule complexity and we select an ef?cient scheduling algorithm that is easily specialized to the different instances.

4.2.1Buffering strategy

The buffering strategy determines the location of buffers inside the router.We distinguish output queuing and input queuing.In the following,N is the number of inputs,equal to the number of outputs,of our router.In output queuing N2queues are located at the outputs of the router as in Figure2(a).From the inputs to the outputs there is a fully connected bipartite interconnect to allow every input to write to every output.Output queuing has the best performance among the buffering strategies,however,the interconnect will make the router wire dominated and expensive already for small values of N.

In input queuing the queues are at the input of the router.A scheduler determines at which times which queues are connected to which output ports such that no contention occurs.The sched-uler derives contention-free connections,a switch matrix(crossbar switch)can be used to implement the connections.In traditional input queuing,or input queuing for short,there is a single queue per input,resulting in a buffer cost of N queues per router.How-ever,due to the so-called head-of-line blocking,for large N,router utilization saturates at59%[9].Therefore,input queuing results in weak utilization of the links.

Another version of input queuing is virtual output queuing (VOQ)[1].VOQ combines the advantages of input queuing and output queuing.It has a switch like in input queuing and has the link utilization close to that of output queuing;100%link uti-lization can still be achieved,when N is large[11].As for out-put queuing,there are N2queues.For every input i there are N queues Q(i,o),one for each output o,see Figure2(b).Typically the set of N queues at each input port of a VOQ router are mapped onto a single RAM.However,for NoCs we strive at a small router and therefore we require the RAMs to have few addresses.But such RAMs have large overhead.Therefore,we use in-house de-veloped dedicated?fos,which have almost no overhead,see Sec-tion5.

The decision to select traditional input queuing or VOQ de-pends on system-level aspects like topology,network utilization, and global wiring cost,and is outside the scope of this paper.In Section5we show a prototype of an input queued router with ded-icated hardware?fos and explain that VOQ is a valid option with minor additional cost.

4.2.2Matrix scheduling

The switch matrix,present in input queued architectures,is controlled by a contention resolution algorithm,known as matrix scheduling,to properly connects inputs to outputs.

The matrix scheduling problem can be modeled as a bipartite graph matching problem.Every input port i is modeled by a node u i and every output port o by a node v o.There is an edge between u i and v o if and only if queue Q(i,o)is non-empty.A match is a subset of these edges such that every node is incident to at most one edge.For example,Figure3(c)is a match of Figure


























Figure3.The three stages of a schedule iteration.

Matching can be done optimally,but because of time complex-ity and fairness,a non-optimal algorithm is preferred[11].

Our matching algorithm is iterative and one iteration has three stages,illustrated by an example in Figure3for N=4.In the?rst stage,see Figure3(a),every non-empty queue Q(i,o)requests access to output port o from input port i.In the second stage, see Figure3(b),every output port o grants one request,solving link contention at the output ports.In the third stage,see Fig-ure3(c),every input port i accepts one grant,to resolve memory contention at the input port.A next iteration then starts with the matching found so far.This scheme is used in various schedul-ing algorithms,including parallel iterative matching,round robin matching,and SLIP[11],and applies to both input queuing and VOQ.For input queuing,however,stage(c)in Figure3is omitted since on contention on input ports can occur.To keep schedule latency as low as possible we use one iteration only.

4.3Combining the GT and BE routers

The GT and BE router architectures are combined to share re-sources,in particular the links and the switch.Moreover,best-effort traf?c enables a packet-based programming model for the guaranteed traf?c,as shown later,in Section4.3.2.

The principal constraint for a combined router architecture is that guaranteed services are never affected by best-effort services. Figure4(a)shows that,conceptually,the combined router contains both router architectures(fat lines represent data,thin lines repre-sent control).Incoming data is switched to either the GT or the BE router.The GT traf?c,the traf?c that is served by the GT router, has the higher priority,to maintain guarantees.This is ensured by the arbitration unit,which therefore affects the best-effort schedul-ing.Furthermore,best-effort packets can program the guaranteed router,as shown by the arrow labeled program.Thin lines go-ing from the right to the left indicate network?ow control,which

(b) hardware view

(a) conceptual view

Figure4.T wo views of the combined GT-BE router.

is only required for best-effort packets because guaranteed blocks never encounter contention.

Figure4(b)shows that the data path,consisting of buffers and switch matrix,is shared,and that the control paths of the BE and GT routers are separate,yet interrelated.Moreover,the arbitra-tion unit of Figure4(a)has been absorbed by the BE router.The following subsection shows how this can be done.

4.3.1Arbitration and?it size

When combining GT and BE traf?c in a single network the im-pact on the network?ow control scheme must be taken into ac-count.Recall from Section3.3that a BE?it is the smallest unit at which?ow control is performed.In other words,the BE schedul-ing can only react to GT blocks at?it granularity.To avoid align-ment problems,the block size(B words)is a multiple of the?its (F words,B= F)with being constant.We prefer a small to decrease the store-and-forward delay and reduce the buffer size for guaranteed traf?c,and a small F for?ne-grained switching and better statistical multiplexing.

The router architecture contains a data path and a control path, see Figure4(b).The data path maximizes throughput for high link utilization,and the control path maximizes the rate of schedul-ing and switching.They can be designed and optimized indepen-dently.Given any combination of their operating frequencies,the router has both maximum throughput and switching rate by using the appropriate?it size F opt.For F>F opt,the control path is ready while data is still being transported,lowering the switching rate.For F

We extend the schedule algorithm in Section4.2.2,to handle the combination of GT and BE traf?c.In this combination GT traf?c always has priority over BE traf?c.This is to ensure that guarantees are never corrupted.

4.3.2Programming model

In this section we show how GT connections are set up and torn down by means of BE packets to avoid introducing an additional communication infrastructure only to program the network.To ensure scalability,programming must not require a global view or centralized resources.Section4.1.2explains why our contention-free routing uses slot tables;we now see that they are distributed over routers for scalability.

Initially the slot table of every router is empty.There are three system packets:SetUp,T earDown,and AckSetUp.They are used to program the slot table in every router on their path.The SetUp packet creates a connection from a source to a destination,and travels in the direction of the data(“downstream”).When a SetUp packet arrives at the destination it is successful and is acknowl-edged by returning an AckSetUp.TearDown packets destroy(par-tial)connections,and can travel in either direction.SetUp packets contain the source of the data,the destination or a path to it,and a slot number.Every router along the path of the SetUp packet checks if the output to the next router in the path is free in the slot indicated by the packet.If it is free,the output is reserved in that slot,and the SetUp packet is forwarded with an incremented (modulo S)slot.Otherwise,the SetUp packet is discarded and a TearDown packet returns along the same path.Thus every path must be reversible;this is the only assumption we make about the network topology.These upstream TearDown packets free the slot,and continue with a decremented slot.Downstream TearDown packets work similarly,and remove existing connections.A con-nection is successfully opened when an AckSetUp is received,else a TearDown is received.

The programming model is pipelined and concurrent(multiple system packets can be active in the network simultaneously,also from the same source)and distributed(active in multiple routers). Given the distributed nature of the programming model,ensuring consistency and determinism is crucial.The outcome of program-ming may depend on the execution order of system packets,but is always consistent.The next section shows how to use this pro-gramming model.

4.3.3Compile-and run-time slot allocation

This section explains how to determine the slots speci?ed in SetUp packets.A slot allocation for a single connection requires that,at every router along the path,the required output is free(not reserved by another connection)in the appropriate,put-ing an optimal slot allocation for all connections requires a global network view and may be expensive.To reduce computational cost,heuristics can be used,possibly leading to non-optimal solu-tions.

SetUp packets of different connections do not fail if connec-tions are set up with con?ict-free slots or paths.All execution orders of SetUp packets then give the same result,so that compile-time slot allocations can be recreated deterministically at run time.

Optimal run-time slot allocation is hard without a global(and central)slot table view,which is non-scalable and slows down programming.Distributed run-time slot allocation is scalable,but lacks a global view and is,therefore,perhaps suboptimal.More-over,SetUp packets may interfere,making programming more in-volved,and perhaps non-deterministic.However,dynamic con-nection management at high rates will require distributed slot al-location.In a simple distributed greedy algorithm,all sources re-peatedly generate random slot numbers for each set up until their connection succeeds.We conclude that our programming model allows both compile-time and run-time slot,pu-tational complexity,deterministic results,and scalability can be balanced according to system requirements.

5Current results and future work

The previous section shows a prototype combined GT-BE archi-tecture.We have synthesized an input-queued router using worm-hole routing with arity5,a queue depth of8?its of3words of32 bits,and256slots in CMOS12technology.The lay-out is shown in Figure5.It has an aggregate bandwidth of5×500MHz×32bit =80Gbit/s.The area of the router is0.26mm2.

The area of0.26mm2depends on the use of dedicated hard-ware?fos,labeled GQ and BQ in Figure5.The router would have been at least three times larger with register-or RAM-based?-fos.The RAMs required for input queuing and VOQ in an on-chip router have few addresses so that their overhead makes them,y-out of a combined GT-BE router.

as large as(area-inef?cient)register?les.Decreasing the queue depths reduces the buffering area(with registers at least),but also degrades the router performance.

Dedicated hardware?fos enable both input and virtual output queuing strategies using wormhole routing because of the reason-able buffering cost.For example,VOQ with two-?it deep?fos is only moderately larger than the input queuing with?fos of depth8 of Figure5.Virtual cut-through routing in combination with input queuing is also affordable now,because for packets of at most8?its,it has the same cost as the prototype.

The slot table(labeled STU in Figure5)occupies a signi?cant part of the router,for two reasons.Logically the slot table is very large(256slots).It is not worthwhile to reduce the number of slots because the RAM is very area inef?cient.We are investigating more advanced slot table schemes and new memory architectures to reduce the size and area of the slot table.The cost of offering time-related guaranteed services is then lower.

We separately synthesized the data and control paths(cf.Fig-ure4)with arities ranging from3to13to verify their speeds.With increasing arity,the speed of the data path reduces little.The speed of the control path decreases by a factor of two,corresponding to the complexity increase of the scheduling.For each arity,we bal-ance the performance of the data and control paths by adjusting the?it size as needed,as shown in Section4.3.1.The data and scheduling frequencies of the prototype router are500MHz and 166MHz,respectively,with a?it size of3.

Our results show that the cost and performance of the combined GT-BE router can make it the basis of a router-based network on chip.It further shows that dedicated hardware?fos signi?cantly reduce buffering area and so enable both input queuing and VOQ, with wormhole and virtual-cut through routing.


In this paper we show that guaranteed services are essential to provide predictable interconnects that enable compositional sys-tem design and integration.However,guarantees typically utilize resources inef?ciently.Best-effort services overcome this prob-lem but provide no guarantees.So,integrating guaranteed and best-effort services allows ef?cient resource utilization,yet still providing guarantees for critical traf?c.

Time-related guarantees,such as throughput and latency,can only be constructed on a NoC that intrinsically has these prop-erties.We therefore de?ne a router-based NoC architecture that combines guaranteed and best-effort services.The router architec-ture has conceptually two parts:the guaranteed-throughput(GT) and best-effort(BE)routers.Both offer data integrity,lossless data delivery,and in-order data delivery.Additionally,the GT router offers guaranteed throughput and latency services using pipelined circuit switching with time-division multiplexing.The BE router uses packet switching,virtual cut-through or wormhole routing, and input queuing or virtual output queuing.

We combine the GT and BE router architectures ef?ciently by

sharing router resources.The guarantees are never affected by the BE traf?c,and links are ef?ciently utilized because BE traf?c uses all bandwidth left over by GT traf?c.Connections are programmed

using BE packets.The programming model is robust,concurrent,

and distributed.It enables run-time and compile-time,determinis-

tic and adaptive connection management.

For all our architecture choices,we show the trade offs between

hardware complexity and ef?ciency.Our choices are motivated by

a prototype router which has an area of0.26mm2in CMOS12and

offers80Gbit/s aggregate throughput.We use dedicated hard-

ware?fos to signi?cantly reduce the area of the data queues.With

RAM-or register-based queues the router area would have been at

least3times larger.

Dedicated hardware?fos enable(a)input queuing using both

wormhole and virtual cut-through routing,and(b)virtual output

queuing using wormhole routing.The buffer costs are too high,

however,for virtual output queuing with virtual cut-through rout-


The cost of offering time-related guaranteed services is still

high for our router.We are investigating how to reduce this cost.

An attractive feature of our router architecture is the ability to

combine separately optimized data and control paths by adjusting

the?it size.

In conclusion,we describe and motivate a choice of architec-

tures for routers,which are an essential component in a NoC.

They ful?ll our NoC requirements by providing guaranteed ser-

vices,and satisfy the ef?ciency constraint by offering best-effort



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五年级上册成语解释及近义词反义词和造句大全 囫囵吞枣;【解释】:囫囵:整个儿。把枣整个咽下去,不加咀嚼,不辨味道。比喻对事物不加分析考虑。【近义词】:不求甚解【反义词】融会贯穿[造句];学习不能囫囵吞枣而是要精益求精 不求甚解;bùqiúshènjiě【解释】:甚:专门,极。只求明白个大概,不求完全了解。常指学习或研究不认真、不深入【近义词】:囫囵吞枣【反义词】:精益求精 造句;1;在学习上,我们要理解透彻,不能不求甚解 2;学习科学文化知识要刻苦钻研,深入领会,不能粗枝大叶,不求甚解。 千篇一律;【解释】:一千篇文章都一个样。指文章公式化。也比喻办事按一个格式,专门机械。 【近义词】:千人一面、如出一辙【反义词】:千差万别、形形色色 造句;学生旳作文千篇一律,专门少能有篇与众不同旳,这确实是平常旳练习太少了。 倾盆大雨;qīngpéndàyǔ【解释】:雨大得象盆里旳水直往下倒。形容雨大势急。 【近义词】:大雨如柱、大雨滂沱【反义词】:细雨霏霏牛毛细雨 造句;3月旳天说变就变,瞬间下了一场倾盆大雨。今天下了一场倾盆大雨。 坚决果断;áobùyóuyù:意思;做事果断,专门快拿定了主意,一点都不迟疑,形容态度坚决 近义词;不假思索斩钉截铁反义词;犹豫不决 造句;1看到小朋友落水,司马光坚决果断地搬起石头砸缸。2我坚决果断旳承诺了她旳要求。 饥肠辘辘jīchánglùlù【近义词】:饥不择食【反义词】:丰衣足食 造句;1我放学回家已是饥肠辘辘。2那个饥肠辘辘旳小孩差不多两天没吃饭了 滚瓜烂熟gǔnguālànshóu〔shú)【解释】:象从瓜蔓上掉下来旳瓜那样熟。形容读书或背书流利纯熟。【近义词】:倒背如流【反义词】:半生半熟造句;1、这篇课文我们早已背得滚瓜烂熟了 流光溢彩【liúguāngyìcǎi】解释;光影,满溢旳色彩,形容色彩明媚 造句:国庆节,商场里装饰旳流光溢彩。 津津有味;jīnjīnyǒuwèi解释:兴趣浓厚旳模样。指吃得专门有味道或谈得专门有兴趣。 【近义词】:兴致勃勃有滋有味【反义词】:索然无味、枯燥无味 造句;1今天旳晚餐真丰富,小明吃得津津有味。 天长日久;tiānchángrìjiǔ【解释】:时刻长,生活久。【近义词】:天长地久【反义词】:稍纵即逝 造句:小缺点假如不立即改掉, 天长日久就会变成坏适应 如醉如痴rúzuìrúchī【解释】:形容神态失常,失去自制。【近义词】:如梦如醉【反义词】:恍然大悟造句;这么美妙旳音乐,我听得如醉如痴。 浮想联翩【fúxiǎngliánpiān解释】:浮想:飘浮不定旳想象;联翩:鸟飞旳模样,比喻连续不断。指许许多多旳想象不断涌现出来。【近义词】:思绪万千 造句;1他旳话让人浮想联翩。2:这幅画饱含诗情,使人浮想联翩,神游画外,得到美旳享受。 悲欢离合bēihuānlíhé解释;欢乐、离散、聚会。泛指生活中经历旳各种境遇和由此产生旳各种心情【近义词】:酸甜苦辣、喜怒哀乐【反义词】:平淡无奇 造句;1人一辈子即是悲欢离合,总要笑口常开,我们旳生活才阳光明媚. 牵肠挂肚qiānchángguàdù【解释】:牵:拉。形容十分惦念,放心不下 造句;儿行千里母担忧,母亲总是那个为你牵肠挂肚旳人 如饥似渴rújīsìkě:形容要求专门迫切,仿佛饿了急着要吃饭,渴了急着要喝水一样。 造句;我如饥似渴地一口气读完这篇文章。他对知识旳如饥似渴旳态度造就了他今天旳成功。 不言而喻bùyánéryù【解释】:喻:了解,明白。不用说话就能明白。形容道理专门明显。 【近义词】:显而易见【反义词】:扑朔迷离造句;1珍惜时刻,好好学习,那个道理是不言而喻旳 与众不同;yǔzhòngbùtóng【解释】:跟大伙不一样。 〖近义词〗别出心裁〖反义词〗平淡无奇。造句; 1从他与众不同旳解题思路中,看出他专门聪慧。2他是个与众不同旳小孩


关于正能量主题演讲稿3分钟左右 演讲稿是一种运用非常广泛的文体,无论在会议上,还是在演讲比赛上,都能够派的上用场。小编为大家整理了关于正能量主题演讲稿3分钟,欢迎大家阅读。 篇一 什么是正能量?在我看来,能让你积极有活力的,就是正能量。 一个阳光般和暖的微笑,就能映照出一天彩虹一样的心情,正能量其实很简单,无处不在。简而言之,能让你激动并振奋的,那就是你所需要的--正能量! 这种本是精神层面的东西如今也慢慢的实化起来,科学研究表明,快乐的时候能分泌促进新陈代谢的物质,正能量能有助于我们的健康。诚然,乐观开朗本来就是健康的一部分,有一个充满正能量的积极向上的态度,总是有益无害的。 而反观现实,冷漠似乎已经成为我们的一种习惯,我们可以对一个被车碾过的小孩视若不见,也可以对因路滑而滑到在街上的老人熟视无睹,负面的能量似乎在暗中隐隐涌动,汇集。如果没有正能量,万物枯萎,动力机都会停下,人类更是无法生存。对于我们来说,正能量并非维持生命,而是给予我们一种乐观积极的人生态度和爱的力量。这种正能量是能传递的。 是的!我们需要正能量,给自己充满正能量,给社会传递正能量! 如何找寻正能量呢?也许我们可以从他认出获得,但是整日靠他人“接济”未来的正能量又何能缓解现代都市的压力,况从生物学的角度来说,能量在传递过程中会不断损耗。自己动手,丰衣足食。事实上正能量也正是这样藏匿于我们的眼皮底下:也许就溶在一杯咖啡里面,也许就隐于一行优雅的诗句里,也许就呆呆地在每个慵懒闲适的恰到好处的午后等着我们。不同于真正意义上的能量,正能量并非与什么东西是此消彼长的关系,所以只要我们想就可以创造出无止境的正能量,从别人出汲取,不如自己创造。 可有的人总爱抱怨说,我的上司太苛刻了,我的老师太严厉了,我的父母一点都不关心我的想法,总之我的环境整个儿一个都是负的,我何去寻找正能量? 与积极乐观的人交往能感受到他们传递给你的正能量。正能量还包括了爱与奉献,

The way常见用法

The way 的用法 Ⅰ常见用法: 1)the way+ that 2)the way + in which(最为正式的用法) 3)the way + 省略(最为自然的用法) 举例:I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. Ⅱ习惯用法: 在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,“the way+ 从句”实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰整个句子。 1)The way =as I am talking to you just the way I’d talk to my own child. He did not do it the way his friends did. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean and peel them. 2)The way= according to the way/ judging from the way The way you answer the question, you are an excellent student. The way most people look at you, you’d think trash man is a monster. 3)The way =how/ how much No one can imagine the way he missed her. 4)The way =because


悲惨的近义词反义词和造句 导读:悲惨的近义词 悲凉(注释:悲哀凄凉:~激越的琴声。) 悲惨的反义词 幸福(注释:个人由于理想的实现或接近而引起的一种内心满足。追求幸福是人们的普遍愿望,但剥削阶级把个人幸福看得高于一切,并把个人幸福建立在被剥削阶级的痛苦之上。无产阶级则把争取广大人民的幸福和实现全人类的解放看作最大的幸福。认为幸福不仅包括物质生活,也包括精神生活;个人幸福依赖集体幸福,集体幸福高于个人幸福;幸福不仅在于享受,而主要在于劳动和创造。) 悲惨造句 1.一个人要发现卓有成效的真理,需要千百个人在失败的探索和悲惨的错误中毁掉自己的生命。 2.贝多芬的童年尽管如是悲惨,他对这个时代和消磨这时代的地方,永远保持着一种温柔而凄凉的回忆。 3.卖火柴的小女孩在大年夜里冻死了,那情景十分悲惨。 4.他相信,他们每个人背后都有一个悲惨的故事。 5.在那次悲惨的经历之后,我深信自己绝对不是那种可以离家很远的人。 6.在人生的海洋上,最痛快的事是独断独航,但最悲惨的却是回头无岸。 7.人生是艰苦的。对不甘于平庸凡俗的人那是一场无日无夜的斗

争,往往是悲惨的、没有光华的、没有幸福的,在孤独与静寂中展开的斗争。……他们只能依靠自己,可是有时连最强的人都不免于在苦难中蹉跎。罗曼·罗兰 8.伟大的心胸,应该表现出这样的气概用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付开始的不幸。鲁迅人在逆境里比在在顺境里更能坚强不屈。遇厄运时比交好运时容易保全身心。 9.要抓紧时间赶快生活,因为一场莫名其妙的疾病,或者一个意外的悲惨事件,都会使生命中断。奥斯特洛夫斯基。 10.在我一生中最悲惨的一个时期,我曾经有过那类的想法:去年夏天在我回到这儿附近的地方时,这想法还缠着我;可是只有她自己的亲自说明才能使我再接受这可怕的想法。 11.他们说一个悲惨的故事是悲剧,但一千个这样的故事就只是一个统计了。 12.不要向诱惑屈服,而浪费时间去阅读别人悲惨的详细新闻。 13.那起悲惨的事件深深地铭刻在我的记忆中。 14.伟大的心胸,应该用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付一切的不幸。 15.一个人要发现卓有成效的真理,需要千百万个人在失败的探索和悲惨的错误中毁掉自己的生命。门捷列夫 16.生活需要爱,没有爱,那些受灾的人们生活将永远悲惨;生活需要爱,爱就像调味料,使生活这道菜充满滋味;生活需要爱,爱让生活永远充满光明。

The way的用法及其含义(二)

The way的用法及其含义(二) 二、the way在句中的语法作用 the way在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语: 1.作主语 The way you are doing it is completely crazy.你这个干法简直发疯。 The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。 Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂的方式和手势也回告诉我们他(她)的情感。 2.作宾语 I hate the way she stared at me.我讨厌她盯我看的样子。 We like the way that her hair hangs down.我们喜欢她的头发笔直地垂下来。 You could tell she was foreign by the way she was dressed. 从她的穿著就可以看出她是外国人。 She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。 3.作表语 This is the way the accident happened.这就是事故如何发生的。 Believe it or not, that's the way it is. 信不信由你, 反正事情就是这样。 That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。 That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中


定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this ,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西. (1)特指双方都明白的人或物 Take the medicine.把药吃了. (2)上文提到过的人或事 He bought a house.他买了幢房子. I've been to the house.我去过那幢房子. (3)指世界上独一无二的事物 the sun ,the sky ,the moon, the earth (4)单数名词连用表示一类事物 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the living 生者 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词等前面 Where do you live?你住在哪? I live on the second floor.我住在二楼. That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西. (6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体 They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师) (7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前 She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂. (8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 (9)用在表示乐器的名词前 She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴. (10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (11)用在惯用语中 in the day, in the morning... the day before yesterday, the next morning... in the sky... in the dark... in the end... on the whole, by the way...


我的人生演讲稿1 水烧到99℃不算开,最后只要再加热1℃,就能突破物理形态的临界线,从液态变为气态。 走完了99步,人们都说最后一步最难迈,最难走。其实这最后一步和99 步的每一步,没有什么两样,只是人们在迈这一步时自己吓唬自己,容易放弃,不去坚持罢了。无论做什么事,只要敢于坚持,决不放弃,那些不可能的事,也会变为可能。 10年前,我在《环球》杂志上读过一个很感人的真实故事。故事的主人公是个年轻貌美的女子,一天,跟随丈夫在山顶拍照,突然丈夫一脚踩空,随即向万丈深渊滑去,周围是陡峭的山崖,两手无任何抓处。就在这十分危急的一瞬间,妻子两手抱住崖边的树干,用嘴咬住了丈夫的上衣。这时丈夫悬在空中,妻子又不能松手,只好用两排洁白细碎的牙齿承受着一个高大的身躯。妻子不停地对自己说:“咬紧牙关,坚持,再坚持!”她美丽的牙齿和嘴唇被血染得鲜红鲜红。半个小时后,被游客发现,才把他俩救上来。这位妻子身单力薄,为什么会在紧要关头,爆发出这么大的承受力和忍耐力?一位生理学家认为:“身体机能对紧急状况产生反应时,肾上腺能大量分泌出激素,传到整个身体,能产生额外的力量。”如果从心理方面分析,这种生理现象,产生于人的心智和精神的力量。这位妻子能咬紧牙关,一再坚持,是因为她心里只有一个念头:千万千万不能松口,否则丈夫就会跌进万丈深渊。人有了心智和精神力量的支配,就连死神也怕咬紧牙关! 要问成功有什么秘诀,丘吉尔在剑桥大学讲演时回答得很好:“我的成功秘诀有三个:第一是,决不放弃;第二是,决不,决不放弃;第三是,决不,决不,决不放弃。” 决不放弃,就是坚持,它来自于人的毅力。毅力是人类最可贵的财富,在走向成功的路上,没有任何东西能代替毅力。热情不能,有一时热情的人往往在最后一步退缩,这已屡见不鲜;聪明也代替不了毅力,因为世上失败的聪明人太多了。


正能量演讲稿大全六篇 正能量演讲稿大全篇一 我这天的讲话主题是:大力践行社会主义核心价值观,做传递“正能量”的使者。谈几个问题: 一、明白社会主义核心价值观的内涵。 什么是社会主义核心价值观?党的十八大报告用24个字分三个层次精辟的概括了社会主义核心价值观的内涵,即是:从国家层面看,是富强、民主、礼貌、和谐;从社会层面看,是自由、平等、公正、法治;从公民个人层面看,是爱国、敬业、诚信、友善。社会主义核心价值观是中国特色社会主义的主流意识形态,是公民思想道德建设的核心,是学校德育工作的灵魂,是当代青年正确的价值取向,我们作为学生,毫无疑问要树立社会主义核心价值观,大力践行社会主义核心价值观。 二、大力践行社会主义核心价值观,需要凝聚正能量、传递正能量。 什么是正能量?英国人怀斯曼在《正能量》一书中这样解释,所谓正能量是指“一切予人向上和期望、促使人不断追求、让生活变得圆满快乐的动力和感情”。通俗的明白正能量就是“正气”,就是一种用心向上的精神。践行社会主义核心价值观的过程实践上就是凝聚“正能量”,传递正能量的过程。 作为青年学生来说践行“爱国、敬业、诚信、友善”这8个字的

社会主义核心价值取向,关键是要落实到日常学习生活中:爱国DD 就是要把伟大的爱国精神落实到为实现中华民族的伟大复兴、实现“中国梦”、发奋读书、勤奋工作上;落实到热爱我们的家乡,热爱我们的父母、亲人、老师、同学上;落实到热爱我们的学校,爱护学校的一草一木上。敬业DD就是要做好自己的本职工作,完成自己的学习任务,勤奋读书,学有所成,全面发展,健康成长。诚信DD就是要诚实做人,踏实做事。友善DD就是要尊敬师长,听从教育,服从管理,团结同学,助人为乐。如果我们做到了这些,我想你身上就凝聚了“正能量” 在我们学校,我们同学身边其实是凝聚了超多的“正能量”的:我们有省、市、学校级的三好学生、出色学生干部、出色团员、出色团干部,学期成就奖、学生领袖奖、学业优异奖、公民职责奖、追求超越奖、礼貌班级、学科竞赛获奖者、学校成绩出色者、青年志愿者、礼貌守纪、勤奋学习、助人为乐、拾金不昧的同学等等这些,就是我们学校的正能量,这些就是践行社会主义核心价值观的榜样。我们要在我们的学校超多凝聚这些正能量、传递这些正能量。 让我们的学校充满“正能量”还要预防种种“负能量”引发的破坏力量。反思我们同学中有没有“负能量”存在呢?我认为或多或少是存在的。比如说:旷课迟到、无心向学;损坏公物、乱丢乱仍;不听教育、不思进取;打架斗殴、惹是生非;唯我独尊、不敬师长;弄虚作假、考试作弊等不礼貌、不守纪、不规范的行为这天我把它统称为“负能量”,这些“负能量”如果在我们学校超多存在,必然会影

“the way+从句”结构的意义及用法

“theway+从句”结构的意义及用法 首先让我们来看下面这个句子: Read the followingpassageand talkabout it wi th your classmates.Try totell whatyou think of Tom and ofthe way the childrentreated him. 在这个句子中,the way是先行词,后面是省略了关系副词that或in which的定语从句。 下面我们将叙述“the way+从句”结构的用法。 1.the way之后,引导定语从句的关系词是that而不是how,因此,<<现代英语惯用法词典>>中所给出的下面两个句子是错误的:This is thewayhowithappened. This is the way how he always treats me. 2.在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。由此我们得到theway后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way+that-从句2)the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句 例如:The way(in which ,that) thesecomrade slookatproblems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法

不对。 Theway(that ,in which)you’re doingit is comple tely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。 Weadmired him for theway inwhich he facesdifficulties. Wallace and Darwingreed on the way inwhi ch different forms of life had begun.华莱士和达尔文对不同类型的生物是如何起源的持相同的观点。 This is the way(that) hedid it. I likedthe way(that) sheorganized the meeting. 3.theway(that)有时可以与how(作“如何”解)通用。例如: That’s the way(that) shespoke. = That’s how shespoke.


演讲稿我的人生 篇一:我的人生演讲稿(李福义) 我的人生 亲爱的同学们: 大家好,我今天演讲的题目是:我的人生。 同学们,一艘轮船之所以能在浩瀚的海洋上远行,是因为有灯标为他指引方向。一个人在人生的道路上,也应该有一个远大的目标。所以,我的人生应该先确定一个目标,然后找到一个实现目标的方法。 远大志向可以陶冶一个人的情操。千百年来,多少仁人志士无不是先立大志而后成大器;又有多少凡夫俗子,碌碌无为,虚度年华。历史的见证告诉我们每一个人:“人无志则不立。” 我的人生理想:做一个能为国家,能为社会,能为家人做出贡献的人。但是,应该怎样去做呢?一、规定在什么时候采取什么方法步骤达到什么目标。使自己一步步地靠近小目标走向大目标;二、培养良好的生活、学习习惯,能自然而然地按照一定的秩序去努力。无论碰到什么困难挫折也要坚持完成计划,达到规定的目标;三、要找出每天学习和思考最佳的时间,如有的同学早晨头脑清醒,最适合于记忆和思考;有的则晚上学习效果更好。要在最佳时间里总结昨天完成的任务和学到的知识,然后再思考下一步的安排。

立志需要辛勤的汗水去浇灌,也需要努力的付出去滋润。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”所以能不能成功就看我们的志向的大小和付诸的实践如何了。” 我的人生掌握在自己手里。让我们珍惜时间,走好人生的每一步! 篇二:我的人生规划-演讲稿 我的人生规划 ――XX演讲比赛的冠军作品 导演张艺谋在陕北拍电影时见到一个孩童,夕阳西下骑在牛背上悠闲地哼着陕北小调,就问:“娃,你在干啥?”孩童很悠闲地答:“我在放牛!”“为啥放牛?”“放牛挣钱!”“挣钱干嘛?”“挣钱娶媳妇!”“娶媳妇干嘛?”“娶媳妇生娃!”“生娃干嘛?”“生娃放牛!”八岁的小男孩就这样规划好了他的人生:放牛—挣钱—娶媳妇—生娃再放牛。 我想!诸位同学来到这里一定不是想继续过着这种放牛—挣钱—娶媳妇—生娃再放牛的日子吧。 肯定不是!那么,我们就应该脱离这种祖祖辈辈的循环!规划属于我们自己的全新人生!所谓我的人生我来选择! 如何来选择并规划我们的人生呢? 规划人生必须有一个明确的志向! 古人云:有志之士立长志,无志之士常立志。没有明确志向的人常立志,常立志有什么不好呢?举个例子说吧!有


知己的近义词反义词及知己的造句 本文是关于知己的近义词反义词及知己的造句,感谢您的阅读! 知己的近义词反义词及知己的造句知己 基本解释:顾名思义是了解、理解、赏识自己的人,如"知己知彼,百战不殆";更常指懂你自己的挚友或密友,它是一生难求的朋友,友情的最高境界。正所谓:"士为知己者死"。 1.谓了解、理解、赏识、懂自己。 2.彼此相知而情谊深切的人。 【知己近义词】 亲信,好友,密友,心腹,挚友,深交,相知,知交,知友,知心,知音,石友,老友,至友 【知己反义词】 仇人敌人陌路 【知己造句】 1、我们想要被人爱、想拥有知己、想历经欢乐、想要安全感。 2、朋友本应是我们的亲密知己和支持者,但对于大多数人来说,有一些朋友比起帮助我们,更多的却是阻碍。 3、那么,为什么你就认为,随着年龄的增长,比起女人来男人们的知己和丰富的人际关系更少,因此一般容易更孤独呢? 4、他成了我的朋友、我的知己、我的顾问。 5、无论在我当州长还是总统的时候,布鲁斯都是我的密友、顾问和知己。他这样的朋友人人需要,也是所有总统必须拥有的。

6、波兰斯基有着一段声名卓著的电影生涯,也是几乎所有电影界重要人物们的挚友和同事,他们是知己,是亲密的伙伴。 7、搜索引擎变成了可以帮追我们的忏悔室,知己,信得过的朋友。 8、这样看来,奥巴马国家安全团队中最具影响力的当属盖茨了――但他却是共和党人,他不会就五角大楼以外问题发表看法或成为总统知己。 9、我们的关系在二十年前就已经和平的结束了,但在网上,我又一次成为了他精神层面上的评论家,拉拉队,以及红颜知己。 10、这位“知己”,作为拍摄者,站在距离电视屏幕几英尺的地方对比着自己年轻版的形象。 11、父亲与儿子相互被形容为对方的政治扩音筒、知己和后援。 12、这对夫妻几乎没有什么至交或知己依然在世,而他们在后纳粹时期的德国也不可能会说出实话的。 13、她把我当作知己,于是,我便将她和情人之间的争吵了解得一清二楚。 14、有一种友谊不低于爱情;关系不属于暖昧;倾诉一直推心置腹;结局总是难成眷属;这就是知己! 15、把你的治疗师当做是可以分享一切心事的知己。 16、莉莉安对我敞开心胸,我成了她的知己。 17、据盖洛普民意调查显示,在那些自我认同的保守党人中,尽管布什仍维持72%支持率,但他在共和党领导层中似乎很少有几位知


正能量主题的演讲稿 正能量他代表着人生一种积极的向上姿态,我们正青春,拥有无限的潜力,拥有无限的正能量。以下是小编为你整理的正能量主题的演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 正能量主题的演讲稿 尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!今天我给大家演讲的题目是《传递正能量》。 自古以来“正”被人们认为是正义、善良的意思,明朝于谦的《石灰吟》“千锤万凿出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲。粉骨碎身浑不怕,要留清白在人间。”,是清正廉洁有代表性的古诗,但正能量不知是何时流行的,在报纸、网络、电台如雨后春笋般传播。 在网络上有一条微博被网友们热传,说的就是上海786路公交车司机为了让一位盲人坐上末班车,每天这位公交车司机晚上都要晚下3分钟,就这样这位公交车司机坚持了3年。若换作别的司机就不会像这位公交车司机那样关爱、帮助有需要帮助的人,正如他所说的“绝不把你落下”让人听了心里顿时感到暖暖的,他传递的正能量是为人民服务的高尚品德。 正能量不仅是个人的事,还是社会上的一种责任。若每个人都能够像上海786路公交车司机那样传递正能量,像50岁天津哥马志刚那样拒收盲人时所说的一句话“我不伟大,但我赚钱比您容易点。”他传递的是关爱老弱病残、弘扬助人为乐的精神。

其实在我们大家身边也能够传递正能量,正能量是一种责任和信任,在学习中不懈努力,在生活中无限奉献。正能量是一种积极的人生态度也是积极的学习态度、工作态度、生活态度。正能量就好比一杯酒,喝一口,令人陶醉,浓浓的醇香,令人回味。 同学们,正能量不仅要向同学之间传递,更应该向全世界传递,让我们大家行动起来吧! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 正能量主题的演讲稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好,今天我演讲的题目是《传递正能量,放飞青春》。 说到正能量这个词,想必大家都不会觉得陌生了,他现在的风靡程度赶得上前段时间的“江南stxyle”了,但是我想问一下大家, 如此广泛的运用,有没有给你带来更深层次的思考呢?什么才是真正 的正能量呢? 可能有人说是坚强,是追求,是前进,他是所有的良善之词,但是却无法给它一个完整的定义,那么今天就由我来说一下我的理解吧。正能量他代表着人生一种积极的向上姿态,如果说生命是一座庄严的城堡,如果说生命是一株苍茂的大树,如果说生命是一只飞翔的海鸟。那么,正能量就是那穹顶的梁柱,就是那深扎的树根,就是那扇动的翅膀。 没有正能量,生命的动力便荡然无存;没有正能量,生命的美丽 便杳然西去。对于我们新新少年来说,什么又是属于我们的正能量呢?

way 用法

表示“方式”、“方法”,注意以下用法: 1.表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词in(此介词有时可省略)。如: Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。 Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。 2.表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或of doing sth。 如: It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。 There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。 3.其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that 或in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由how 来引导。如: 我不喜欢他说话的态度。 正:I don’t like the way he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way that he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke. 误:I don’t like the way how he spoke. 4.注意以下各句the way 的用法: That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。 Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2007年陕西省高考英语中有这样一道单项填空题: ——I think he is taking an active part insocial work. ——I agree with you_____. A、in a way B、on the way C、by the way D、in the way 此题答案选A。要想弄清为什么选A,而不选其他几项,则要弄清选项中含way的四个短语的不同意义和用法,下面我们就对此作一归纳和小结。 一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说。如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的。注:in a way也可说成in one way。 二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去)。如: Spring is on the way.春天快到了。 I'd better be on my way soon.我最好还是快点儿走。 Radio forecasts said a sixth-grade wind was on the way.无线电预报说将有六级大风。 2、表示:在路上,在行进中。如: He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。 We had some good laughs on the way.我们在路上好好笑了一阵子。 3、表示:(婴儿)尚未出生。如: She has two children with another one on the way.她有两个孩子,现在还怀着一个。 She's got five children,and another one is on the way.她已经有5个孩子了,另一个又快生了。 三、by the way的用法


篇一:我的人生我做主演讲稿 [我的生活我做主演讲稿] 在座的各位同学: 你们好,今天想必大家十分高心,因为此时此刻我们迎来了进入小学生活的第一次演讲,而对于我十分感谢大家可以在这里听我的演讲。 我的人生我做主。我们就应该趁着年轻,有志气,有勇气,有胆气,去拼,去闯,去搏。人生就如花儿一般。它总是在不同的季节里开放。如果所有的鲜花都在春天开放完毕了,到了夏天,秋天,冬天没有任何花朵开放,你还会觉得这个自然界是如此美丽吗?肯定不会。所以我们的人生应象夏荷的清香,秋菊的“城尽带黄金甲”,冬梅豪放的诗意。而我们的人生同样又象连绵不绝的山脉一样,犹如珠穆朗玛蜂,困难重重,总是有无数的高峰在眼前,需要我们去征服,而一旦我们登上高峰后,生命中无限的风光就会展现出来,整个世界都在你的眼皮底下。当然,攀登并不是一件轻而一举的事,你必须付出很多代价。然而这种代价都是值得的,如果你要去另一个山头,你必须从山底开始重新开始攀爬,因为没有任何两个山头是连在一起的。如果说山谷代表人生的低谷,而为攀爬到山顶所碰到的困难,痛苦和失败是不是都是你今后成功的基础呢?是的。越是碰到痛苦,挫折。如果你能坚定你的往往前走,你的人生必定你做主。当我们走向谷底,并且能爬到谷峰。当你回头再看的时候,必然会发现人生充满了起起伏伏的优美故事。这时,我们的人生充满了精彩,并且是炫目的。 人生里面总是有所缺少,你得到什么,也就失去什么。重要的是你应该知道自己到底要什么。追两只兔子的人,难免会一无所获。况且会失去更多。所以我们应当学会珍惜。 以上是我对人生的理解,并如何做到我的人生我做主。最后,在座的每一位,我衷心的希望大家。一个人只要时刻保持幸福的感觉,才会使自己更加热爱生命,热爱生活,只有快乐,愉快的心情,才是创造力和人生动力的源泉。只有不断自己创造快乐与快乐相处的人,才能远离痛苦与烦恼,才会拥有快乐的人生。而这个人必定是在座的每一位。 篇二:幸福小主人竞选演讲稿:我的人生我做主 幸福小主人竞选演讲稿:我的人生我做主 幸福小主人竞选演讲稿:我的人生我做主 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同伴们: 大家好! 在家庭中我是个“自立小主人”,一天天长大,我力所能及的事儿也越来越多:承担自己房间的卫生,定期整理小书架,起床后叠被子,饭前准备碗筷,中午回家拖一遍地,晚饭后刷碗,周末在爸爸妈妈指导下学做菜,等等。每一种体验都带给我不一样的感受:整个地面拖完后我会满头大汗,做饭的时候经常手忙脚乱,在做这些的时候我深深体会着爸爸妈妈对于我的成长所赋予的无私与辛劳,也希望自己的分担会让爸爸妈妈感到欣慰。对了,我还把自己做凉拌黄瓜的体验写成一篇文章《“金钩香脆块”诞生记》,发表在《少先队活动》杂志上,收


励志正能量演讲稿9篇 励志正能量演讲稿1 尊敬的各位老师: 大家好 今天我演讲的题目是《青春激扬,传递正能量》。奥斯特洛夫斯基曾说过:“生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春。”古今中外的人们总是用最美好的语言来形容和赞美青春,当我看到我的同学们,每天忙碌而充实地学习和生活,我明白了:青春不仅仅是花一样的年纪,火一样的热情,它更是永不言败的责任,我们有责任有义务去传递正能量。让正能量在我们每个人心中流淌。什么是正能量?在我看来,积极向上的能给人带来快乐,能让人感受到关爱的行为就叫正能量。 一个阳光般温暖的的微笑,就能传递出彩虹一样的心情;一个善意的举手之劳,就能给人带来春天般的温暖。一番真诚的问候,一句轻声的鼓励,甚至是一曲感人的歌曲都能给人带来快乐,让人感受到爱。正能量其实很简单,正能量无处不在。现实生活中,一段时间冷漠似乎已经成为我们的一种习惯,我们可以对一个被车碾过的小孩视若不见,也可以对因路滑而摔倒在街上的老人熟视无睹,冷漠麻木一度侵蚀着国人的灵魂。负面的能量似乎在暗中隐隐涌动,汇集。曾几何时,我们学会了抱怨,抱怨社会的不公,抱怨人世的冷漠,必须承

认,这个世界并不总是那么的美好,我们的人性也并不总是那么的高尚,很多事都曾经一度让人们感到道德的迷茫,但当我们看到最美司机吴斌在生命的危急关头,用工作的坚守与责任保卫了他所有乘客的生命安全、最美人民教师张丽莉为救学生而双腿截肢的感人事迹的时候,我们看到了社会的正能量。是的我们需要正能量,给自己充满正能量,给社会传递正能量 如何传递能量呢?我的答案是用青春点燃激情,让青春见证使命,用行动传递正能量也许你的同桌今天因为考试发挥不佳整天垂头丧气,那么请给他一个阳光般的笑脸,一句真诚的安慰和鼓励;也许在我们的学校有一片纸屑和包装袋被随手扔在了地上,请走过去轻轻拾起放入垃圾箱里;也许只是周末回家随手带来的几朵漂亮的花,点缀了一方窗台,芳香了整个教室;甚至也许只是清早起床对镜子里的自己默默说道,新的一天,你要自信、努力、加油??事实上正能量正是这样藏匿于我们的眼皮底下:也许就在和同桌的一句关心的话里,也许就隐于一行优雅的诗中,也许就是在操场快乐的奔跑一阵。只要我们想就可以创造出无止境的正能量,可以传递出无数的正能量。 培根说:“如果你有一份快乐,你将它告诉别人,那么你将拥有双份的快乐。”所以,不要吝啬你的正能量,将他释放出去,你将拥有更多的正能量,把能量继续传递下去,我相信你一定会生活在一个积极快乐的环境里。 所以从今天起,给你的同学一个微笑,给你的老师一份感谢,赠你父母一个拥抱,慢慢的,也许你就会发现,你和你的周围充满了正


我的人生观演讲稿 每个人都有自己的人生观,那么大家对于人生观的理解是怎样的呢?以下是小编收集的相关演讲稿,仅供大家阅读参考! 我的人生观演讲稿一各位…..(称呼) 大家好! 一个人满怀希望和激情,热爱生活,珍视生命,勇敢坚强地战胜困难并不断开拓人生新境界,其背后一定有一种正确的人生观作为精神支柱。现在,我以我的亲身经历,从四个方面去阐述我的人生观。 人生须认真。我以认真的态度对待人生,明确生活目标和肩负责任,既清醒地看待生活,又积极认真地面对生活。我在工作生活中正确地认识和处理人生遇到的各种问题,,对自己负责,对家庭负责,对国家和生活负责,自觉承担起自己应尽的责任,满眶热情地投入生活、学习和工作中。身为一名护士,六年来,我一直在自己的岗位上兢兢业业,一心一意为人民服务,时时处处为人民着想,助人为乐,造福人民,时刻惦记着病人,为他们排忧解难,给他们无微不至的关怀。 人生当务实。我自己从人生的实际出发,以科学的态度看待人生,以务实的精神创造人生,以求真务实的作风做好每一件事。我把远大的理想寓于具体的行动中,我虽然中专毕业,但我理想远大,勇攀高峰,函授了本科,向着更广阔

的人生目标迈进!就这样,我要从小事做起,从身边事做起,脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地实现人生目标。 人生应乐观。我乐观向上、热爱生活、对人生充满自信。许多事情不会总是紧如人意,但要始终保持乐观向上的人生态度,不能因为没有满足自己的期望或者遇到困难和挫折,就消极悲观、畏难退缩。我个人性格比较开朗、善良、简单、多才多艺,经常参加单位举办的各种活动,比如舞蹈、唱歌、排球等等。我在陶冶情操的同时,还如期地收获了爱情。要相信生活是美好的,前途是光明的,遇到事情要想得开做人要心胸开达,优化性格,热爱生命,乐观向上。 人生要进取。人生实践是一个创造的过程。我要以开拓进取的态度迎接人生的各种挑战,不断领悟美好的人生真谛,体验生活的快乐和幸福。还要积极进取,不断丰富人生的意义。我要始终保持蓬勃朝气、昂扬锐气,充分发挥生命的创造力、为社会做贡献中提升生命价值,在创造中书写人生的灿烂篇章! 在今后,我继续以饱满的热情,高昂的斗志,积极的心态投入到日常学习工作中,去书写更辉煌的人生,去开创更美好的未来! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家。 我的人生观演讲稿二各位领导、各位老师: 下午好,我已将近不惑之年,说年轻也不年轻,说老又


仿照的近义词反义词和造句 仿照的近义词 【仿制解释】:仿造:~品 【模仿解释】:个体自觉或不自觉地重复他人的行为的过程。是社会学习的重要形式之一。尤其在儿童方面,儿童的动作、语言、技能以及行为习惯、品质等的形成和发展都离不开模仿。可分为无意识模仿和有意识模仿、外部模仿和内部模仿等多种类型。 仿照的反义词 【独创解释】:独特的创造:~精神ㄧ~一格。 仿照造句 一、老师让我们仿照黑板上的图画一幅画。 二、仿照下面的句式,以“只有”开头,写一结构与之相似的复句。 三、仿照例句的句子,在下面两句的横线上补写相应的内容。 四、仿照例句,以“记忆”或“友情”开头,另写一句话。 五、仿照下面两个例句,用恰当的词语完成句子,要求前后语意关联。 六、仿照开头两句句式,通过联想,在后面两句横线上填上相应的词语。 七、仿照所给例句,用下面的词展开联想,给它一个精彩的解释。 八、仿照例句,以“你”开头,另写一个句子。 九、仿照下列句式,续写两个句子,使之与前文组成意义相关的.句子。 十、我们也仿照八股文章的笔法来一个“八股”,以毒攻毒,就叫做八大罪状吧。

十一、仿照例句,任选一种事物,写一个句子。 十二、仿照下面一句话的句式和修辞,以“时间”开头,接着写一个句子。 十三、仿照例句,以“热爱”开头,另写一句子。 十四、仿照下面的比喻形式,另写一组句子。要求选择新的本体和喻体,意思完整。 十五、根据语镜,仿照划线句子,接写两句,构成语意连贯的一段话。 十六、仿照下面句式,续写两个句式相同的比喻句。 十七、自选话题,仿照下面句子的形式和修辞,写一组排比句。 十八、仿照下面一句话的句式,仍以“人生”开头,接着写一句话。 十九、仿照例句的格式和修辞特点续写两个句子,使之与例句构成一组排比句。 二十、仿照例句,另写一个句子,要求能恰当地表达自己的愿望。 二十一、仿照下面一句话的句式,接着写一句话,使之与前面的内容、句式相对应,修辞方法相同。 二十二、仿照下面一句话的句式和修辞,以“思考”开头,接着写一个句子。 二十三、仿照下面例句,从ABCD四个英文字母中选取一个,以”青春”为话题,展开想象和联想,写一段运用了比喻修辞格、意蕴丰富的话,要求不少于30字。 二十四、仿照下面例句,另写一个句子。 二十五、仿照例句,另写一个句子。 二十六、下面是毕业前夕的班会上,数学老师为同学们写的一句赠言,请你仿照它的特点,以语文老师的身份为同学们也写一句。


青春正能量主题演讲比赛讲稿4篇合集 篇一 余秋雨说过,选择你爱的事业,爱你选择的事业,并用百倍的信心、勇气和努力去浇灌,无论将来成功与否,你都能说:“我终身无悔”! 难忘记,当上村官儿的那个日子。2012年9月27号。这一天,我正式成为了一名工作人员,一名服务农村的工作人员,一名大学生村官儿。就像2010年6月8号我正式成为一名党员的那天一样,我激动,我兴奋,我骄傲。 难忘记,老百姓那高兴的眼神。在镇财政所,我主要的工作是审核家电下乡的信息,老百姓每买一台家电,就有一份单子需要经过我的手进行审核。虽然每天的工作比较单调,但是审核的单子越多,就越说明老百姓们生活变好了,国家家电下乡的惠民政策落实了。老百姓那高兴的眼神,是我了解国家惠民政策的力量源泉,是我认真审核每一份单子的精神食粮,是我回访每位购买者的不竭动力!这几年国家的政策都在向三农倾斜,每项惠民政策能不能落实好,能不能让老百姓都受益,多思利民之策、多谋为民之举、多做惠民之事,是我们每个基层工作者都应该思考的问题。这让我更多的感觉到了身上的一份责任,一份使命——为人民服务的使命! 难忘记,基层工作者的默默奉献。在秋收防火工作的一线,昼夜巡防在田间地头,两三天才能回一次家;在维稳工作期间,20多天没能回家。这些工作,看似没有什么技术含量可言,但它需要一份责任

心,一份对待工作的认真态度;这些工作,从一开始的新鲜感到后来的疲惫,我真切体会到凡事想要做好都不容易;这些工作,只是基层工作的任务缩影,真所谓“不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中”,我真切体会到基层工作者的不容易。20多天不能回家,对于我们新来的没有什么家庭负担的一群人,几乎没有什么大不了,可是想想周围的领导、大哥大姐们,他们上有老、下有小,但我从来没有听到他们有任何一句的抱怨,没有看到他们有一丝的工作懈怠。他们带着强烈的责任心,抱着认真负责的工作态度,日夜奋战、无怨无悔。这种精神,在悄无声息的感化着我,这种精神,在慢慢的注入我的骨髓。有这样一群有干劲的领导和同事,我相信,在他们的影响下、帮助下,不管再苦再累的工作,我同样可以像他们一样努力的做到最好! 难忘记,转变身份后的渴望。从一个学生跨步到一名工作者,身份的转变,我没有不适应,更多的是对各种工作的好奇,更多的是在想我能做多少,我能把自己的工作做到有多好,年轻人都渴望得到别人的认可,渴望得到他人的肯定,我也一样!我从小就想做个对他人有意义的人,从小学到大学接受的教育就是做个对社会有用的人,对国家有用的人,对他人有用的人。我希望看到别人对我投来信任的眼神,希望看到我带给他人多多的欢乐! 难忘记,选择工作的纠结判定。我大学学的是计算机科学与技术专业,目前这是一个热门的专业,也是一个容易找到一份收入不错工作的专业。但当北京工作的通知和大学生村官的通知同时出现在我的面前时,我犹豫了,是去北京拿一个月四千的工作并且半年后提升项
