Is college worth it

Is college worth it
Is college worth it

Is college worth it?

Apr 5th 2014

WHEN LaTisha Styles graduated from Kennesaw State University in Georgia in 2006 she had $35,000 of student debt. This obligation would have been easy to discharge if her Spanish degree had helped her land a well-paid job. But there is no shortage of Spanish-speakers in a nation that borders Latin America. So Ms Styles found herself working in a clothes shop and a fast-food restaurant for no more than $11 an hour.

Frustrated, she took the gutsy decision to go back to the same college and study something more pragmatic. She majored in finance, and now has a good job at an investment consulting firm. Her debt has swollen to $65,000, but she will have little trouble paying it off.

As Ms Styles’s story shows, there is no simple answer to the question “Is college worth it?” Some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t. American schoolkids pondering whether to take on huge student loans are constantly told that college is the gateway to the middle class. The truth is more nuanced, as Barack Obama hinted when he said in January that “folks can make a lot more” by learning a trade “than they might with an art history degree”. An angry art history professor forced him to apologise, but he was right.

College graduates aged 25 to 32 who are working full time earn about $17,500 more annually than their peers who have only a high school diploma, according to the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank. But not all degrees are equally useful. And given how much they cost—a residential four-year degree can set you back as much as $60,000 a year—many students end up worse off than if they had started working at 18.

PayScale, a research firm, has gathered data on the graduates of more than 900 universities and colleges, asking them what they studied and how much they now earn. The company then factors in the cost of a degree, after financial aid (discounts for the clever or impecunious that greatly reduce the sticker price at many universities). From this, PayScale estimates the financial returns of many different types of degree (see chart).

Hard subjects pay off

Unsurprisingly, engineering is a good bet wherever you study it. An engineering graduate from the University of California, Berkeley can expect to be nearly $1.1m better off after 20 years than someone who never went to college. Even the least lucrative engineering courses generated a 20-year return of almost $500,000.

Arts and humanities courses are much more varied. All doubtless nourish the soul, but not all fatten the wallet. An arts degree from a rigorous school such as Columbia or the University of California, San Diego pays off handsomely. But an arts graduate from Murray State University in Kentucky can expect to make $147,000 less over 20 years than a high school graduate, after paying for his education. Of the 153 arts degrees in the study, 46 generated a return on investment worse than plonking the money in 20-year treasury bills. Of those, 18 offered returns worse than zero.

Colleges that score badly will no doubt grumble th at PayScale’s rankings are based on relatively small numbers of graduates from each institution. Some schools are unfairly affected by the local job market—Murray State might look better if Kentucky’s economy were thriving. Universities that set out to serve everyone will struggle to compete with selective institutions. And poor colleges will look worse than rich ones that offer lots of financial aid, since reducing the cost of a degree raises its return.

All these caveats are true. But overall, the PayScale study surely overstates the financial value of a college education. It does not compare graduates’ earnings to what they would have earned, had they skipped

college. (That number is unknowable.) It compares their earnings to those of people who did not go to college—many of whom did not go because they were not clever enough to get in. Thus, some of the premium that graduates earn simply reflects the fact that they are, on average, more intelligent than non-graduates.

What is not in doubt is that the cost of university per student has risen by almost five times the rate of inflation since 1983, and graduate salaries have been flat for much of the past decade. Student debt has grown so large that it stops many young people from buying houses, starting bus inesses or having children. Those who borrowed for a bachelor’s degree granted in 2012 owe an average of $29,400. The Project on Student Debt, a non-profit, says that 15% of borrowers default within three years of entering repayment. At for-profit colleges the rate is 22%. Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and author of “The Higher Education Bubble”, writes of graduates who “may wind up living in their parents’ basements until they are old enough to collect Social Security.”

That is an exaggeration: students enrolling this year who service their debts will see them forgiven after 20 years. But the burden is still heavy for many. It does not help that nearly a third of those who take out such loans eventually drop out of college; they must still repay their debts. A

third transfer to different schools. Many four-year degrees drag on longer, and so cost more. Overall, the six-year graduation rate for four-year institutions is only 59%.

The lousy national job market does not help, either. A report by McKinsey, a consultancy, found that 42% of recent graduates are in jobs that require less than a four-year college education. Some 41% of graduates from the nation’s top colleges could not find jobs in their chosen field; and half of all graduates said they would choose a different major or school.

Chegg, a company that provides online help to students, collaborated the study. Dan Rosensweig, its boss, says that only half of graduates feel prepared for a job in their field, and only 39% of managers feel that students are ready for the workforce. Students often cannot write clearly or organise their time sensibly. Four million jobs are unfilled because jobseekers lack the skills employers need.

Grading the graders

For all their flaws, studies like PayScale’s help woul d-be students (and their parents) make more informed choices. As Americans start to realise how much a bad choice can hurt them, they will demand more transparency. Some colleges are providing it, prodded by the federal

government. For example, the University of Texas recently launched a website showing how much its graduates earn and owe after five years.

“Opportunity”, said Mr Obama on April 2nd, “means making college more affordable.” In time, transparency and technology will force many colleges to cut costs and raise quality. Online education will accelerate the trend. In 2012, 6.7m students were taking at least one online course. Such courses allow students to listen to fine lecturers without having to pay for luxurious dormitories or armies of college bureaucrats. They will not replace traditional colleges—face-to-face classes are still valuable—but they will force them to adapt. Those that offer poor value for money will have to shape up, or disappear.

香港朗文longman elect 1A 期末卷 final exam paper

Part I Listening. i Listen and write the numbers. 1*5=5(听录音并标出相应的 数字) ii Listen and circle the correct answers. Then circle the correct picture.(听录音将正确的答案和相对应的图片圈出 来)2*8=16 1. Bobby, close / open the door, please. 2. Bobby, stand up / sit down, please. 得分Score 得分Score one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 In my school bag, I have 1. ___ books 2. ___ pencils 3. ___ rulers 4. ___ erasers 5. ___ pens Meg

3. Bobby, look at the computer / blackboard, please. 4. Bobby, open the door / window, please. Part II. Choose and write (选择正确单词并填入空白横线上) 10*2=20 1. a h ___ 2. an e_____ 得分Score class teacher English teacher chair nose window ear book eraser dog hand pen


3-4岁孩子必看经典绘本有趣的绘本能够吸引孩子们持续阅读,从而喜欢上读书,体会到读书的快乐。瑞思学科英语一直给坚持亲子阅读的爸妈们建议:要根据自己孩子的实际情况和教育规律来选书。请给孩子多一点选择权,让他自己选择喜欢看的书、适合的阅读方式及时间。永远记得,阅读的主体是孩子,阅读的是一种快乐体验! 3-4岁孩子阅读书目详细推荐: 《大卫上学去》 对于爸爸妈妈而言,童年都有一个大卫的影子。对于一个精力充沛的捣蛋鬼,爸爸妈妈和老师固然是又爱又恨,但这本书传递给我们的绝对是爱大于恨。它提醒我们,要从小孩儿的角度看待他们的行为,纠正、规范他们的过错时,尝试采取宽容与理解的态度,除了应有的处罚外,也不要忘了适时地表达爱。 对孩子而言,孩子能在大卫身上看到自己,会笑,会更了解自己,会更理解爸爸妈妈和老师的“惩罚”,会无形中理解“规矩”不过是对他人和自己的“尊重”。 《胆小鬼威利》 这一次给大家推荐的这本《胆小鬼威利》,相比别的图画书更别具一格。威利的淳厚友善是美好心灵的写照,他变强壮的决心和行动的毅力又为孩子的成长所必不可少,爱欺负人的小混混们也许可以从中获得教训,而作品的幽默当然会让我们少不了一场哈哈大笑。 除此之外,作者在图画中渗透出来的强身的理念、健康的内在、积极向上的追求、自我的体认……相信无形中会引入孩子的脑海中! 《疯狂星期二》 这本书对于孩子最大的吸引力,应该是书中梦境般的故事展现。在夜晚飞翔的青蛙,乘坐的荷叶好像阿拉伯神话故事中的飞毯。精美独到的画面是图画书

的一大特点。而像大卫?威斯纳这样的创作者,在精美图画的基础上,更融入令人瞠目结舌的大胆幻境。对于成人来说,他所描绘的这些画面可能有些匪夷所思,再加上没有文字的描述,令很多成年人在第一遍阅读的时候会感到不明所以。然而对于孩子来说,却让他们一眼就能明白图画所描述的故事情节,并且发自内心地感到这些场景简直就和他们时常在梦境或幻想中出现的情节一模一样。 《生气汤》 生气,本就是天赋人权,不应该抵制孩子的情绪,而是要教孩子学会自我疏导。当孩子生气,发脾气之后,除了帮助孩子识别情绪,接纳孩子情绪和感受之后,要做的恐怕是及时提供小孩适当安全的发泄管道,防止正常的负面情绪演变成真正具伤害性的行为。 谁都有非常生气的时候,看看这位智慧的妈妈,在孩子生气时,煮上一锅汤,对着它大吼大叫、瞪眼吐舌头什么的,不知不觉间愤怒被排解了,心情也舒畅了。来看看绘本《生气汤》的魅力吧。 《挖鼻孔的大英雄》 是不是孩子到了三岁左右,就很爱挖鼻孔啊,而且这个“恶习”还屡教不改,妈妈们一定对孩子这个行为好头痛,和孩子一起读一读这本《挖鼻孔的大英雄》,在爆笑逗乐的同时也许能够得到改善奇效哦。 天马行空的想象,有点恶心,却又不无道理。不用担心孩子会以鲁鲁为榜样,而变本加厉的挖鼻孔,因为实际情况皆大欢喜,孩子在欢笑中明白了挖鼻孔的恶心,就会减少这种行为呢。 《动物绝对不应该穿衣服》 读这本书,小朋友绝对不会拉长脸孔。 因为这是本太有趣、太有想象力、太有创意的书!为什么动物绝对不应该穿衣服?因为一条蛇会穿不上裤子,一只羊会把衣服当午餐吃掉,一头海象穿上衣服总是湿答答的……它告诉孩子为什么动物天生的衣服最完美——因为那正是动物自己的衣服。图像与文字搭配,充分展现出幽默感;且其中融合了动物的特性,可让孩子发现!发现!再发现!里面的各种动物都被迫穿上了衣服,真是花样百出,让禁不住发出开心的笑。 《今天运气怎么这么好》


Words and Sentences of 1A-5A The Longman Welcome to English 1A 重点单词 1.father 爸爸 2.mother 妈妈 3.classmate 同学 哥哥,弟弟 5.sister 姐姐,妹妹 6.friend 朋友 7.doll 洋娃娃 8.ball 球 9.robot 机器人 10.toy 玩具 11.teddy bear 玩具熊 12.pencilcase 笔袋 13.ruler 尺子 eraser 一块橡皮 15.sharpener 卷笔刀 红色 蓝色 18.yellow 黄色 粉红色20.brown 棕色,咖啡色 绿色 22. black 黑色 23.white 白色 24 skip—skipping 跳 25. read—reading 阅读 26.climb—climbing 攀爬 27.swim—swimming 游泳 28.draw—drawing 画画 29.write—writing 书写 30.ear 耳朵 31.eye眼睛 32.nose 鼻子 33.mouth 嘴巴 34.big 大的 35.small 小的 36.long 长的 37.short短的,矮的 38.fat 胖的

39.thin 瘦的40.tall 高的1A 重点句子 1. Good morning! 2. Good afternoon! 3. Good evening! 4. Good night! 5.--What is your name ? --My name is ….. 6. Can you spell it, please? 7.I am a student. 8. Nice to meet you! 9. This is my mother. 10.--How are you ? --I am fine. Thank you. 11.I have a ball. She has two cars. 12.They are pink. 13.Can you climb? Yes,I can. / No,I can’t . 14.We can do it. 15.Look at me. 16.Happy birthday! Happy Teacher s’Day! 17.--How old are you ?--I am eleven years old.


国际儿童绘本权威五奖: 美国凯迪克大奖、英国格林威大奖、德国绘本大奖、波隆那国际儿童最佳选书、布拉迪斯插画双年展大奖。 1、获得凯迪克奖的有如下: 《雪花人》《小房子》《海马先生》《哈啰再见的窗口》《长发姑娘》《驾牛蓬车的人》《月光下看猫头鹰》《山中旧事》《诺亚方舟》《天灵灵》《乌鸦太郎》《射向太阳的箭》《莎莎摘浆果》《罗宾胡德之歌》《铁脚玩具士兵》《约翰船长的厨师》《迪克威灵顿和猫》《渔夫亨利》《从前有只老鼠》《影子》《报童》《菲菲生气了》《厨房之夜狂想曲》《你想当总统吗》《老鼠和巨猫》《美妙时光》 2、获得波隆那奖如下: 《第五个》《瞬间收藏家》《云朵面包》《买翅膀的小男孩》《当冬天开始唱歌》《好大的风》《发现小锡兵》《彩虹鱼》 3、获得布拉迪斯的如下: 《铁丝网上的小花》《海兔与狐狸》《国王万万岁》《音乐万岁》《巨人与春天》《傻瓜比利》《强尼强鼻子长》《奇妙的竹笋》 4、获得德国大奖的如下: 《爷爷有没有穿西装》《胆大包天的睡鼠\胆小如鼠的巨人》《恋爱的鱼》《红色的狼》《森林大熊》《恶霸游戏》 5、获得格林威奖的如下: 《圣诞老爸》《光脚丫先生》《玛莎要去演马戏》《杰西过大海》《听那鲸鱼在歌唱》《顽皮公主不出嫁》《怕冷的耶诞老公公》 6、获得安徒生奖的如下:

《大雪》《毛鲁斯去旅行》《莉娜和野鸟》《毛毛、丢丢和小小》《杜玛尼一家和他们的鸟邻居》《赶雪节的铃铛》《青蛙弗洛格的故事》《大猩猩》、《是谁嗯嗯在我头上》《雷奥与狗》、《五个丑家伙》《不想飞的鹰》《克里克塔》、《野兽国》《月光男孩》、《跳不停的小红球》、《拇指姑娘》《詹姆希德国王》、《蛇城》《安徒生童话》、《格林童话》《苏赫的白马》、《追追追》、《鹤妻》《米斯雅和朋友们》《旅之绘本》《暴风雨中的男孩》、《小熊的季节》、《丑小鸭》《十二月之旅》、《冬天王子,你要去哪里?》《爱丽丝梦游仙境》《仲夏夜之梦》《拇指姑娘》、《胡桃夹子》、《爱丽丝漫游奇境》《小小花国国王》、《午夜剧场开锣了》《挖土机年年作响——乡村变了》、《森林大熊》《四个孩子环游世界》、《跳蚤市场》、《布莱梅的音乐家》《月亮先生》《胆小鬼》、《小熊亨特》、《到森林里去》《跟我说说一幅画》、《达尔童话》《一只想当爸爸的熊》《迈尔太太,放轻松》《大雪》 7、阅读与经典: 《逃家小兔》《猜猜我有多爱你》《我绝对绝对不吃番茄》《爱心树》《米菲在海边》《雪人》《活了100万次的猫》《睡不着吗,小熊?在森林里》《快乐的一天》《克里特》《彼得的椅子》《古利和古拉》《小猪离家记》《迟到大王》《魔奇魔奇树》《想念巴尼》《蒂奇》《第一次上街买东西》《一个黑黑》《黑黑的故事》《生气的亚瑟》《外公》《我们去猎熊》《隧道》《忘不了外公啦》《三只猪》 8、每个人都应该知道的100种图书画: 《小玻在哪里》《好奇的乔治》《霍顿孵蛋》《阿罗有枝彩色笔》《要是你给老鼠吃饼干》《驴小弟变石头》《100万只猫》《三只小猪的真实故事》《妈妈的红沙发》《小恩的秘密花园》《大卫,不可以!》《奥莉薇》《阿文的小毯子》《极地特快》《小黑鱼》《狼大叔的红焖鸡》《小象巴贝尔的故事》《鸭子农夫》《三个强盗》《老鼠牙医地嗖头》《石头汤》《母鸡萝丝去散步》《比得兔的故事》《胡萝卜种子》《打瞌睡的房子》《月亮生日快乐》《小蓝和小黄》《恐龙怎么说晚安?》《晚安,大猩猩》《好饿的毛毛虫》《阿布拉》《亚历山


朗文1A 期末试卷 Part I Listening 50% 一、Listen and tick. (听录音,选择正确的图片编号, 填在横线上) 4% ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. 二、Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出听到的单词) 12% 1. blue yellow 2. bear dear 3. pig big 4. pear peach 5. five four 6. draw dance 三.Listen and circle.(听录音,选出听到的句子)10% ( )1. A. Good morning. B. Good evening. ( )2. A . Give me a ruler, please. B . Give me a rubber, please. ( )3. A . Touch your nose. B . Touch your face. ( )4. A . How are you B . How old are you ( )5. A . May I help you B . Can I help you 四、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确的应答句) 12% 1. ( ) A. I am five. B. I am fine. 2. ( ) A. Red . B. Three. 班级 姓名 学号 ……………………………………………………………………装 订 线…………………………………………………………

3. () A. I draw a duck. B. I can draw. 4. () A. I am Jack. B. I am six. 5. () A. Here you are. B. Thank you. 6. () A. It is a monkey. B. It is red. 五.Listen and fill the form.(听录音,完成表格)12% thin tall five seven sing Draw Danny Alice Eddie Part II Reading 50% 一、Read and circle.(看图,圈出正确的单词) 6% 1、2、3、 lion apple pizza cat pear hamburger 4、5、6、 doll banana boy ball pineapple toy 二.Match.(应答句配对) 5% 1.( )What colour is the monkey A. I can jump high. 2.( )What’s this B. It’s a grey elephant. 3.( )May I have a hamburger, please C. Yes, I do. 4.( )Do you like monkeys D. Here you are. 5.( )What can you do E. It’s brown. 三.Make the sentences.(连词成句, 填入数字)5%


最经典绘本一百本书目 1、《是谁嗯嗯在我的头上》——一坨便便引发的一串欢乐故事,让孩子在笑声中感受阅读的快乐。 2、《大卫,不可以》——大卫的这些“不可以”,是不是小淘气包们全都做过? 3、《妈妈的红沙发》——坚强的妈妈,孩子追逐梦想的榜样力量。 4、《驴小弟变石头》——神奇的魔法,温暖的亲情。 5、《爷爷一定有办法》——充满智慧和祖孙情的民间故事,小老鼠的一家为故事锦上添花。 6、《母鸡萝丝去散步》——母鸡萝丝对那个出去散步的黄昏发生的事一无所知,孩子们却笑得乐不可支。 7、《大卫上学去》——分享“淘气包”大卫的上学故事。 8、《鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕》——不想见连鳄鱼也怕的牙医,请你一定要认真刷牙。 9、《大卫,惹麻烦》——听了那么多“不可以”的大卫并没有痛改前非,而是发挥超人能量,大惹麻烦。 10、《好饿的毛毛虫》——一条在全世界小朋友面前畅通无阻、人见人爱的毛毛虫。 11、《月亮,你好吗》——和太阳月亮一起享受早餐,这样的好事,是不是只有孩子的梦里才会出现?因为有故事,童年会多么地不同。 12、《你看起来好像很好吃》——让很多孩子和妈妈流下感动泪水的霸王龙的温情故事。 13、《我喜欢书》——书,各种各样的书,为孩子们打开各种各样的窗。 14、《猜猜我有多爱你》——大兔子和小兔子,到底谁爱谁多一些?感受爱的同时,欣赏语言之美。 15、《三只小猪的真实故事》——真相到底是什么?一个故事的多种可能。 16、《和甘伯伯去游河》——好脾气的甘伯伯给了淘气的孩子们一个快乐的游戏时间。文字之外,感受读图的阅读惊喜。 17、《这样的尾巴可以做什么?》——一本没有故事情节的科普绘本,了解动物,从这里开始 18、《我妈妈》——孩子心中最棒的、无所不能妈妈是什么样的呢? 19、《七只瞎老鼠》——一个改编自民间故事“盲人摸象”的绘本故事,让孩子从简单的故事思索整体和局部的深刻哲理。 20、《鲸鱼》——真的有鲸鱼吗?原来从不同的角度看,世界是如此的不一样。善于有简单故事说明深刻哲理的五味太郎的杰作。 21、《逃家小兔》——本妈妈们常常读到泪水涟涟的绘本,你是那个想要逃离妈妈身边、但妈妈的目光一直追随的小孩吗? 22、《我爸爸》——我爸爸就是世界上最棒的爸爸,当然他其实是一个普普通通的爸爸,但是他爱我,我也爱他。 23、《我是霸王龙》——有一只还不太会飞的小翼龙,它遇到了一头可怕的霸王龙……温暖心灵的好故事。 24、《蚯蚓的日记》——你想偷看一只小蚯蚓的日记吗?里面记录了小蚯蚓的世界里很多有趣的事哦。


朗文 1A 期末试卷 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 号 ? 学 Part I Listening 50% 一、 Listen and tick. ( 听录音,选择正确的图片编号 , 填在横线上 ) 4% ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. )4. A. B. C. ( 装 ? 名 ? 二、 Listen and circle. ( 听录音,圈出听到的单词 ) 12% ? 姓 ? 1. blue yellow 2. bear dear ? ? ? 3. pig big 4. pear peach ? ? 5. five four 6. draw dance ? ? ? ? ? 三. Listen and circle. (听录音,选出听到的句子) 10% 班 ? ? ? ( )1. A. Good morning. B. Good evening. ? ? )2. A . Give me a ruler, please. B . Give me a rubber, please. ? ( ? ? ( )3. A . Touch your nose. B . Touch your face. ? ? ? ( )4. A . How are you? B . How old are you? ? ( )5. A . May I help you? B . Can I help you?

四、 Listen and choose.( 听录音,选出正确的应答句) 12% 1.() A.I am five. B.I am fine. 2.() A.Red apples. B.Three. 3.() A. I draw a duck. B.I can draw. 4.() A.Coffee. B.Hamburgers. 5.() A.Here you are. B.Thank you. 6.() A.It is a monkey. B.It is red. 五.Listen and fill the form. thin tall (听录音,完成表格) five seven 12% sing draw Danny Alice Eddie Part II Reading 50% 一、Read and circle.(看图,圈出正确的单词) 6% 1、2、3、 lion cat peach pear pizza hamburger 4、5、6、 doll ball banana pineapple boy toy


经典获奖儿童绘本推 荐

国际儿童绘本权威五奖: 美国凯迪克大奖、英国格林威大奖、德国绘本大奖、波隆那国际儿童最佳选书、布拉迪斯插画双年展大奖。 1、获得凯迪克奖的有如下: 《雪花人》《小房子》《海马先生》《哈啰再见的窗口》《长发姑娘》 《驾牛蓬车的人》《月光下看猫头鹰》《山中旧事》《诺亚方舟》《天灵灵》 《乌鸦太郎》《射向太阳的箭》《莎莎摘浆果》《罗宾胡德之歌》《铁脚玩具士兵》《约翰船长的厨师》《迪克威灵顿和猫》《渔夫亨利》《从前有只老鼠》《影子》《报童》《菲菲生气了》《厨房之夜狂想曲》《你想当总统吗》 《老鼠和巨猫》《美妙时光》 2获得波隆那奖如下: 《第五个》《瞬间收藏家》《云朵面包》《买翅膀的小男孩》《当冬天开始唱歌》《好大的风》《发现小锡兵》《彩虹鱼》 3、获得布拉迪斯的如下: 《铁丝网上的小花》《海兔与狐狸》《国王万万岁》《音乐万岁》《巨人与春天》《傻瓜比利》《强尼强鼻子长》《奇妙的竹笋》 4、获得德国大奖的如下: 《爷爷有没有穿西装》《胆大包天的睡鼠胆小如鼠的巨人》《恋爱的 鱼》《红色的狼》《森林大熊》《恶霸游戏》 5、获得格林威奖的如下: 《圣诞老爸》《光脚丫先生》《玛莎要去演马戏》《杰西过大海》《听那鲸鱼在歌唱》《顽皮公主不出嫁》《怕冷的耶诞老公公》 6、获得安徒生奖的如下:

《大雪》《毛鲁斯去旅行》《莉娜和野鸟》《毛毛、丢丢和小小》《杜玛尼一家和他们的鸟邻居》《赶雪节的铃铛》《青蛙弗洛格的故事》《大猩猩》、《是谁嗯嗯在我头上》《雷奥与狗》、《五个丑家伙》《不想飞的鹰》 《克里克塔》、《野兽国》《月光男孩》、《跳不停的小红球》、《拇指姑娘》《詹姆希德国王》、《蛇城》《安徒生童话》、《格林童话》《苏赫的白马》、《追追追》、《鹤妻》《米斯雅和朋友们》《旅之绘本》《暴风雨中的男孩》、《小熊的季节》、《丑小鸭》《十二月之旅》、《冬天王子,你要去哪里?》《爱丽丝梦游仙境》《仲夏夜之梦》《拇指姑娘》、《胡桃夹子》、 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》《小小花国国王》、《午夜剧场开锣了》《挖土机年年作响一一乡村变了》、《森林大熊》《四个孩子环游世界》、《跳蚤市场》、 《布莱梅的音乐家》《月亮先生》《胆小鬼》、《小熊亨特》、《到森林里去》《跟我说说一幅画》、《达尔童话》《一只想当爸爸的熊》《迈尔太太,放轻松》《大雪》 7、阅读与经典: 《逃家小兔》《猜猜我有多爱你》《我绝对绝对不吃番茄》《爱心树》 《米菲在海边》《雪人》《活了100万次的猫》《睡不着吗,小熊?在森林里》《快乐的一天》《克里特》《彼得的椅子》《古利和古拉》《小猪离家记》《迟到大王》《魔奇魔奇树》《想念巴尼》《蒂奇》《第一次上街买东西》《一个黑黑》《黑黑的故事》《生气的亚瑟》《外公》《我们去猎熊》 《隧道》《忘不了外公啦》《三只猪》 8、每个人都应该知道的100种图书画: 《小玻在哪里》《好奇的乔治》《霍顿孵蛋》《阿罗有枝彩色笔》《要是你给老鼠吃饼干》《驴小弟变石头》《100万只猫》《三只小猪的真实故事》 《妈妈的红沙发》《小恩的秘密花园》《大卫,不可以!》《奥莉薇》《阿文的小毯子》《极地特快》《小黑鱼》《狼大叔的红焖鸡》《小象巴贝尔的故事》《鸭子农夫》《三个强盗》《老鼠牙医地嗖头》《石头汤》《母鸡萝丝去散步》《比得兔的故事》《胡萝卜种子》《打瞌睡的房子》《月亮生日快乐》 《小蓝和小黄》《恐龙怎么说晚安?》《晚安,大猩猩》《好饿的毛毛虫》


SBS1朗文国际英语第一册期中考试 一、听力部分(20分) (一)听写单词或短语(5分) (二)听录音,补全句子。(5分) 1.What’s your _________number? It’s 741 _ 906. 2.Where are you? We’re in the ___________. 3.What are you doing? I'm _________my book. 4.Is there a ___________on the street? Yes, there is. (三)听短文填空(10分) Everybody at 159 River street is very busy today. Mr. Peter is__________ his__________. Ms. Hunter is__________ her __________. Ricky is__________ his cat. Mr. And Mrs. Wong are __________ their__________. Mrs.Martin is doing her__________. And Judy and Larry Clark are __________ their car. I’m too, I’m washing my windows... and of course, I’m watching all my __________. It’s a very busy day at 159 River Street. 二、笔试部分(70分) (一)按要求写出下列单词(10) 1.dress __________(复数) 2.woman __________(复数) 3.leave (三单) 4.these________(单数) __________ (三单) 6.his(主格) __________ (复数) 8.swim _______ (现在分词) ________ (复数) 10.ugly (反义词) (二)英汉互译(10分)


适合低段一年级绘本故事100本00.绘本《兔年的礼物》于平 01.绘本《鲁拉鲁先生的院子》尹东宽 02.绘本《少年与果子狸》(日)佐佐木田 03.绘本《高个子和矮个子》(比)多奈特 04.绘本《我讨厌妈妈》(日)酒井驹子 05.绘本《鸽子捡到一个热狗》(美)莫.威廉斯06.绘本《真正的100%女巫汤》(法)吉特里.西蒙07.绘本《三个强盗》(法)汤米 08.绘本《一首歌》(比)嘉贝丽 09.绘本《九只小鬼的故事》 10.绘本《看!各种角度看名画》 11.绘本《鲁冰花仙子》(德)比耐特.施罗德 12.绘本《同桌的阿达》武田美穗 13.绘本《卡夫卡变虫记》(美)劳伦斯.大卫 14.绘本《一个人的世界》(丹麦) 15.绘本《魔法师家的小精怪》(奥)米拉 16.绘本《好奇的乔治和小狗》二十一世纪出版社17.绘本《小阿力的大学校》简介 18.绘本《你大我小》简介 19.绘本《狼婆婆》简介 20.绘本《爱是一捧浓浓的蜂蜜》简介 21.绘本《遇见春天》简介 22.绘本《又来了!鼠小弟的小背心》(日)中江嘉南23.绘本《我想养只宠物》简介 24.绘本《老鼠娶新娘》简介 25.绘本《大脚丫跳芭蕾》简介 26.绘本《微风与小魔女》简介 27.绘本《完美的小狗阿波罗》简介 28.绘本《小蛇散步》简介 29.绘本《小蜡笔头儿》简介 30.绘本《月亮,生日快乐》

31.绘本《一只加长十分之五的长颈鹿》 32.绘本《小塞尔采蓝莓》 33.绘本《巫婆的孩子》 34.绘本《我爸爸》 35.绘本《谁的自行车》 36.绘本《家庭作业》 37.绘本《海盗从不换尿布》 38.绘本《白雪晶晶》 39.绘本《阿内宫大战塔罗拉》 40.绘本《巫婆的孩子》 41.绘本《铁丝网上的小花》 42.绘本《巴士到站了》[日] 43.绘本《饥饿艺术家》 44.绘本《禅的故事》 45.绘本《我想养只宠物》 46.绘本《弗朗西斯和好朋友》 47.绘本《我们的旱冰鞋》 48.绘本《五岁老奶奶去钓鱼》 49.绘本《点》简介(加)彼德.雷诺兹 50.绘本《风到哪里去了》简介(美)夏洛特 51.绘本《莎娜想要演马戏》简介(德)古德荣梅布斯52.绘本《真正的男子汉》简介(德)马努拉.奥尔特53.绘本《仅仅是个梦》简介(美)克里斯 54.绘本《壁橱里的冒险》简介(日)古田足日 55.绘本《好奇的乔治》简介 56.绘本《当我想睡的时候》简介 57.绘本《植树的男人》简介 58.绘本《晚安,晚安》简介 59.绘本《布鲁姆博士卡住了》简介 60.绘本《这片草地真美丽》简介 61.绘本《雪人》简介


三年级英语期末复习卷(一) (满分100分,卷面分3分) Class____________ Name_____________ Mark____________ 听力部分(53分) 一、Listen and circle the words you hear.听录音,用“○”圈出你所听到的单词。(9分) / read 2. blue / brown 3. book /good 4. head / hand 5. this / these 6. hit / heat 7. fit /feet 8. milk / Mike 9. chess / cheese 二、 Listen and choose. Sara有一只玩具熊,它的身体部位颜色都不同,听录音,选择正确的颜色,将字母编号写在圆圈内。(10分) A.brown B. black C. white D. red E. yellow 三、Listen and choose. 听音,选出横线上所缺单词,并将答案前的字母编号写在括号内。(12分)()1. Show me ______. ( A. blue B. black) ()2. I can ____ in summer. ( A. eat hotpot B. eat ice-cream ) ()3. I like ____ best. ( A. Easter B. Christmas ) ()4. _____ theweather like in winter? ( A. What B. What’s )

()5. I like ____. It’s hot. I can go swimming. (A. sunny B. summer ) ()6. ____! We are enjoying the ride. (A. Thank you B. Never mind ) 四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出正确的答句,并将答案前的字母编号写在括号内。(10分) ()1. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Bye ()2.A.He’s John B. My name is John C. This is John ()3.A.Nice to meet you.B. You’re good.C. Very well, thanks. ()4.A. It’s winter B. It’s hot and sunny C. It’s cold and windy ()5.A.I like summer best B. I like EasterC. I like Easter best 五、Listen and write the names in the correct places。听录音,把下列名字写在正确的方框内。 (12分)

朗文welcome to english 1A 期末测试

朗文1A期末测试卷 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 一、选择题(每题2分,共40分) 1.My name is Lucy. What’s your name? My name is ______. A: jump B: Mary 2.This is Cherry. _____ is my sister. A: He B: She 3.Hi, Charilie. _____, Tom. A: Hi B: OK 4.How are you? I am ____. Thank you. A: fine B: Beeno 5.I have two _____. A: car B cars 6.She ___ three buses. A: has B: have 7.I have ___ eraser. A: a B: an 8.He has a doll ___ ten robots. A: and B: or 9.I have a sharpener. _______ red. A: It is B: They are 10. I have five pens. _______ yellow. A: It is B: They are 11.- Can you swim? -_____, I can. - A: Yes B: No 12.- Can you write? - ____, I can’t. A: Yes B: No

13.-Can she read? -No, ___ can’t. A: he B: she 14.I can _____. A: red B: read 15. I ____ tall. A: am B: have 16. I ____ a big mouth. A: am B: have 17.I have big ____. A: eyes B: eye 18. I have ___ big nose. A: a B: an 19. I have ___ hair. A: short B: small 20. My name is _____. A: sam B: Sam 二、选词填空( 每题2分,共20分) (eyes mouth ears nose hair) (mother brother me sister father )


五年级朗文英语5B Chapter1~2单元测试卷 听力部分 (40分 ) 一,听录音,选出含有相同发音的的单词,将编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分) ( ) 1 A souvenir B threw C bought ( ) 2 A plenty B bring C black ( ) 3 A feed B check C meet ( ) 4 A buffet B relative C ride ( ) 5 A choir B chair C chat 二,选出你听到的句子,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分) ( )1 A Have you eaten any local food yet? B Have you met relatives yet? C Have you taken any photos yet? ( )2 A Ken has already finished his homework. B Lily has just finished her housework. C Kate hasn ’t finished her homework yet. ( )3 A How many times have you seen kangaroos?? B How many times have you taken photos with kangaroos? C How many times have you taken photos with koalas? ( )4 A Have you ever watched a parade? B I haven ’t watched the fireworks yet. C We have fireworks competition every year . ( )5 A Mary has gone on a boat rides once. B Lily has never gone on a boat trip yet. C Danny hasn ’t ridden a horse twice. 三. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分) ( ) 1 A Y es, I have. B Yes, he hasn ’t. C No, I don ’t. ( ) 2 A She has been to America. B She has written a postcard to her grandpa . C She has never been to America. ( ) 3 A We visited the palace there. B He has visited a palace. C He has never visited a palace yet . ( ) 4 A I took some photos with koalas . B I usually take some photos with koalas . C I ’ve taken some photos with koalas once . ( ) 5 A Yes I did. B No, I haven ’t. C Yes, he has. 四,听对话和问题,选出正确答案,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。(5分) ( )1 A John B. Mary c Teddy ( )2 A Once. B Twice. C A few times.. ( )3 A Y es ,he has. B No, he hasn ’t . C No, it isn ’t ( )4 A He saw some dolphins . B He has never seen some dolphins. C He has seen some dolphins. ( )5 A He is playing table tennis . B He is feeding sheep. C He is watching the fireworks. 五. 听短文,判断句子正误,对的写“T ”错的写“F ” ,念两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. Li Ming went to Shanghai for his holiday 座位号____________ 姓名_____________ 班级__________ ___ ○ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ○ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ○ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ○ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -○- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - -- - ○ ---------------------- ---------------------


经典儿童绘本100简介 六一儿童节给孩子最好的礼物,就是书。最棒的幼儿绘本——不一定是最权威的,但是经过多位教育界人士、海归、资深家长严格筛选,它们一定是亲切的、耐读的、经典的。 1.《我爸爸》:对爸爸的描述,孩子很有共鸣 (英)安东尼·布朗著、余治莹译,河北教育出版社 这本书的图大而夸张,文字很少,关键是书中的爸爸和现实中孩子对爸爸的印象超级一致,孩子会觉得说的是自己的爸爸。有一幅画配文说“爸爸吃得像河马一样多”,宝宝觉得很有趣。 2.《石头汤》:法国故事却很有中国味 (美〕琼·穆特著,南海出版公司 这本书是根据法国民间故事改编的,但是很中国很有禅味,只是我们自己的绘本比较少,只好转手看西方人的理解。那种合作、分享,以及有点小骗局的快乐细致入微地渗透到孩子的心里。 3.《小恩的秘密花园》:亲近自然是孩子都喜欢的 (美)萨拉·斯图尔特著、郭恩惠译,河北教育出版社 对自然的亲近是每个孩子都会喜欢的。这是画面对孩子的影响,而书信的方式也是新颖吸引人的地方,其实每个人都有渴望书信的情结,渴望获取那份亲情和独有的慰藉,更何况是带着从悲观走向希望的一本。 4.《花婆婆》:女儿说海子的诗就像花婆婆 (美)库尼绘、方素珍译,河北教育出版社 这本应该是大人比较喜欢的画风,唯美而又完整的一个女人的一生记录,颇有人淡如菊的味道。是台湾人翻译的,文字很清淡。有小朋友第一次听说海子的诗,写的是面朝大海、春暖花开,她立刻说,海子写得很像花婆婆哎。 5.《多多老板和森林婆婆》:环保主题可以讲得很亲切 (日)藤真知子文、木杨叶子图、蒲蒲兰译,21世纪出版社 按我们大人的话,这就是一本宣传环保的主题绘本,而且反映的就是当下社会发展的现状。为什么有人大肆砍伐树木,为什么有人要大费周章地植树造林?看过这本绘本,已经无需再对孩子进行环保的说教了,他们已经什么都了解! 6.《阿秋和阿狐》:孩子相信玩偶会保护阿秋 (日)林明子著,南海出版社 《阿秋和阿狐》讲述的是一只玩具小狐狸和一个小女孩之间关于友情与探险的故事。作者始终没告诉读者,阿狐是只玩具狐。读这本书的孩子都知道阿狐是奶奶送给阿秋的玩具,但是他们仍然相信阿狐会保护阿秋。 7.“玛蒂娜”系列:家里有女宝宝的请立刻下手 (比)马里耶·德拉艾著、徐兆源译,中国少年儿童出版社 但凡家里有女宝宝的,就请立刻下手。对父母来说,与其买好妈妈胜过啥啥的说教类育子书籍,不如看看这个比利时的小女孩的生活中的点滴和方面。只要心态平和,我们的女儿也可以生活得如此淑娴雅静。


适合孩子看的幼儿绘本 1、《穿靴子的猫》:说它不高尚?你太多虑了 (美)马塞利诺绘,贵州人民出版社 穿靴子的猫很酷很聪明,想了各种妙招让矮矬穷的主人翻身,这是非常经典的故事,如果大人小时候没接触过的,可能会觉得书里有各种诈骗的招数,可是对小孩来说,这些所谓的恶都是大人多虑了,用这种眼光,童话里成天讲些王子公主谈恋爱也不怎么对嘛。 2、《小恩的秘密花园》:亲近自然是孩子都喜欢的 (美)萨拉?斯图尔特著、郭恩惠译,河北教育出版社 对自然的亲近是每个孩子都会喜欢的。这是画面对孩子的影响,而书信的方式也是新颖吸引人的地方,其实每个人都有渴望书信的情结,渴望获取那份亲情和独有的慰藉,更何况是带着从悲观走向希望的一本。 3、《多多老板和森林婆婆》:环保主题可以讲得很亲切 (日)藤真知子文、木杨叶子图、蒲蒲兰译,21世纪出版社

按我们大人的话,这就是一本宣传环保的主题绘本,而且反映的就是当下社会发展的现状。为什么有人大肆砍伐树木,为什么有人要大费周章地植树造林?看过这本绘本,已经无需再对孩子进行环保的说教了,他们已经什么都了解! 4、《我爸爸》:对爸爸的描述,孩子很有共鸣 (英)安东尼?布朗著、余治莹译,河北教育出版社 这本书的图大而夸张,文字很少,关键是书中的爸爸和现实中孩子对爸爸的印象超级一致,孩子会觉得说的是自己的爸爸。有一幅画配文说“爸爸吃得像河马一样多”,宝宝觉得很有趣。 5、《石头汤》:法国故事却很有中国味 (美〕琼?穆特著,南海出版公司 这本书是根据法国民间故事改编的,但是很中国很有禅味,只是我们自己的绘本比较少,只好转手看西方人的理解。那种合作、分享,以及有点小骗局的快乐细致入微地渗透到孩子的心里。
