HelloWorld By Spring MVC

A HelloWorld Application using Spring MVC

To learn any web framework starting with a HelloWorld application is a good idea. Once we get familiarity with the framework configuration it would be better to do a CRUD (Create,Read,Update,Delete) application which covers various aspects of a web framework like Validations, Request URL Mappings, Request Parameter Binding, Pre-populating forms etc.

Now I am going to explain how to write a Simple CRUD application using Spring MVC3, Hibernate and MySQL. Our Application is ContactsManagements where you can view or search contacts, create new contacts, edit or delete existing contacts.

Step#1: Create the CONTACTS Table

Step#10: Create ContactsControllers.java which processes all the CRUD requests.

Step#15: Start the server and point your browser URL to http://localhost:8080/SpringMVCHibernate
