
Unit 5 Formal vs Informal Language


Contents 5.1 The interpersonal function of language 5.2 Degrees of formality

5.3 Functional tenor and degrees of


5.4 Martin Joo’s Classification

5.5 Speech situation and formality

5.6 Formality and linguistic features

5.7 Sets of co-occurring features

5.8 Involved vs informational texts

5.9 Tenors, field, and mode

5.1 The interpersonal

function of language

1.Functions of language:

●the ideational / referential function

●the interpersonal / social / expressive function

●the textual function

2. Tenors of discourse: the relationship between participants in the situation, their roles and status.

The participant relations that determine the tenor of discourse

range through varying degrees of permanence.

●Most temporary: at a party, on a train

●Well-established: parents and children

●Intermediate: teacher and pupil

labor and management

The number and types of roles to be played by both addresser and addressee are on a large part determined by the structure of

society: by economic status, by education, by occupation, by ethnic group, by gender.

What is more, the language an individual uses will redefine each situation.


●How do you do?

---relationship as that of stranger to stranger

●Hello, glad to meet you again. ---acquaintances

5.2 Degrees of

formality Formality: the way in which the style of language will vary in appropriateness according to the social context: the occasion and the relationship between addresser and addressee (s). Personal tenor expresses the various roles assumed by the participants and the degree of formality of their relationship.

The address forms people use are probably the most direct and obvious means to indicate roles and relationships. Three most frequently used address forms:

1) the reciprocal exchange of

Title plus Last Name (TLN);

2) the reciprocal exchange of

First Name (FN);

3) the non-reciprocal pattern in which one person uses FN and the other TLN.

The difference in personal tenor between formal (relatively stiff, cold, polite, impersonal) and informal (relatively relaxed, warm, rude, friendly) as shown in corresponding linguistic contrast involving grammar, vocabulary and phonology: 1) Patrons are requested to ascend to the next floor. (formal)

2) OK, guys! Get up to the next floor! (informal)

3) I should most certainly like to attend your ball, Sir Reginald. (formal)

4) I’d like to come to your do, Reg. (informal)

5.3 Functional tenor and

degrees of formality Functional tenor tells us the addresser’s intention of using the language.

Different situational types of language are endowed with different predominant functions, e.g.

●advertising with persuasion

●a lecture with exposition

●a political speech with agitation

●a sermon with exhortation and teaching.

Certain functional tenors can hit any point on the personal tenor formality continuum, e.g.

an expository speech: formal, with many passive constructions and a technical vocabulary; or, informal, in an ad-lib manner, with personal

anecdotes, reference to the audience.

an insult: formal (formal structure and vocabulary, calm or deliberate delivery) or informal.

Martin Joos’classification

The range of formality:

frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate.

The frozen level:is used for written legal documents or highly solemn speech which consists of memorized sentences that must be repeated verbatim. These might include quotations from proverbs or ritual expressions which are part of a formal ceremony.

The formal level :is used for public addresses such as lectures or speeches where the audience is not known to the speaker personally or where personal acquaintance is not acknowledged. This level requires much attention to form,and allows little or no interaction. It is typically marked with the use of may place of might . The speaker is usually considered to be an authority and, therefore, has higher status than the hearers for that particular event.

The consultative level :is used at less formal gatherings such as committee meetings where status is still fairly clearly designated, but where participants interact. There is still considerable attention to form (with rather clear pronunciation, accurate wording and complete sentences), and participants may not know each other well. It may be necessary for speakers to elaborate and give a significant amount of background material.

The casual level:is used among friends, or peers who know each other well enough that little elaboration is necessary. Participants pay very little attention to form (shown by the use of slang and ellipsis as in 'Been a good thing if...') and concentrate totally on content and relationship.

the intimate level:l anguage used between people who see each other daily (family members for instance) and share the majority of their daily life experiences. As a result, language is unelaborated and conversation may be meaningless to outsiders because of its telegraphic quality. No attention is paid to form.


1) My beloved parent has just passed to his heavenly reward.

2) My dear father has just expired.

3) My father has just passed away.

4) My dad has died.

5) My old man just kicked the bucket.

---by Martin Joos

Joo's categories prensent an efficient way of looking at degrees of formality.It is fairly easy to distinguish the frozen style of (written)legal documents from the intimate style of (spoken)interchanges between close friends.But it is not easy to categorie the intervening degrees,or relate them to linguistic features.So most linguists agree that the situation is more complex than Joos imagined and see the range as a continuum from the most formal to the most informal/intimate,with an infinite number of stopping places in between.

Speech situation and formality The speech situation:the setting, purpose, audience, social relations, and topic.

Variation of registers may shift the level of formality.

It is true that speakers assess the situation before selecting a register,but it is also true that the register choice helps to create the social situation.

The solemn tone and the elaborate way of

opening the speech can really make the

audience feel 'frozen':

Madame Chairman, Mrs Vice-president, Honoured Guests, Faculty and Friends:

I feel most deeply honoured to have been invited to speak to such an illustrious gathering tonight and to be given the priviledge of presenting to my distinguished colleagues, especially Dr Monrovia, what we have recently found in a demanding research project in the field of sociolinguistics, an area of study that, we feel, may have great potential for your profession also.


The introductory sentences of a speech in four different styles:

a. the solemn tone and the elaborate way of opening the speech;

b. the formal way of opening the speech;

c. the casual way;

d. the intimate way.


A Brief Stylistic Analysis on “ Mohamed Elbaradei’s Nobel Lecture for 2005” 外语系09级师范二班徐仲良11号 Abstract: On October 7, 2005, ElBaradei and the IAEA were announced as joint recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize for their "efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy, for peaceful purposes, is used in the safest possible way." ElBaradei donated all of his winnings to building orphanages in Cairo. The IAEA's winnings are being spent to train scientists from developing countries to use nuclear techniques in combating cancer and malnutrition. ElBaradei is the fourth Egyptian to receive the Nobel Prize, following Anwar Sadat (1978 in Peace), Naguib Mahfouz (1988 in Literature), and Ahmed Zewail (1999 in Chemistry). In his Nobel lecture, ElBaradei said that the changing landscape of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament may be defined by the emergence of an extensive black market in nuclear material and equipment, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and sensitive nuclear technology, and the stagnation in nuclear disarmament. To combat proliferation, ElBaradei has suggested keeping nuclear and radiological material out of the hands of extremist groups, tightening control over the operations for producing the nuclear material that could be used in weapons, and accelerating disarmament efforts.[71]ElBaradei also stated that only one percent of the money spent to develop new weapons would be enough to feed the entire world and that, if we hope to escape self destruction, nuclear weapons should have no place in our collective conscience and no role in our security


Chapter1 1, what is style in your opinion according to what we have studied in this chapter? Anwser1 , from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described ,style is saying different things in different ways ;from the perspective of the ways of expression used ,styled is same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language ,style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the text ,style is the functions of texts for different purposes. Anwser2, the definition of style is the concept of style as choice .this definition can have at least too interpretations .one is that first we have a pre-existing thought ,and then we choice the appropriate type of expression to express it in language. The chosen expression is the style .another is that the choice refers to the choice of meaning. The choice of language is at the same time a choice of meaning and a choice of style . 2,what is the significance of studying the style of language in learning and teaching English? Anwser, the answer is that if we want to use language appropriately in different situations , we need to study style .as foreign language learners, if we disregard the rules of using what variety of language in what occasion , or fail to obey them through ignorance , language can become instead a barrier to successful communication . Therefore its necessary to have a clear awareness of how language should be used in different types of situations especially in unfamiliar situations. 3, what factors can result in differences in style ? Answer , 1, the different types of vocabulary create different images of the events in the rea der’s mind, so they can result in different styles.2,people living in different periods of time in history will also speak differently ,and that will result in a different style. Chapter2 1, explain the following terms 1),foregrounding: the stylistically significant features have to be prominent and motivated ,that is ,foregrounded. 2),incongruity: the linguistic features depart from the normal use of language ,breaking the rules grammar ,spelling ,pronunciation. 3)deflection : the linguistic features don’t depart from the established grammatical, lexical and logical rules and principles ,but have an unexpected high frequency of occurrence. 4),field; its concerned with what is happening ,including the subject matter,the events happenings,going-ons, the content ,etc 5)tenor: its concerned with who is taking part in the exchange of meaning ----the relationship between the speaker and the listener ,their relative status,their attitude,and their role relations . 6)mode: its concerned with how the interaction is conducted ,that is whether it is written or spoken ,or whether it is expressed by phonic substance or graphic substance. 2,question for discussion 2)in rhetorical series,the number of items can influence the stylistic effect.try to analyze the causes on the basis of social culture. Answer :different numbers of words can produce different stylistic effects in the appropriate contexts. Two items express assertion ,that is ,it is just this ,not that .In appropriate situations three items can produce ethic ,persuasive, and representative effect. Four or more items in a series


《简·爱》文体分析 摘要:文体学是连接语言学和文学批评的桥梁,它集中探讨作者如何通过对语言的选择来表达和加强主题意义和美学效果。《简·爱》是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特最为经典的作品。本文从文体学的角度对《简·爱》进行分析,探讨其在词汇运用、情节发展、人物刻画及主题思想方面的特点。 一、作者简介 夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816年生于英国北部约克郡的豪渥斯的一个乡村牧师家庭。母亲早逝,八岁的夏洛蒂被送进一所专收神职人员孤女的慈善性机构——柯文桥女子寄宿学校。在那里,她的两个姐姐玛丽亚和伊丽莎白因染上肺病而先后死去。于是夏洛蒂和妹妹艾米利回到家乡,15岁时她进了伍勒小姐办的学校读书,几年后又在这个学校当教师。后来她曾作家庭教师,最终她投身于文学创作的道路。夏洛蒂·勃朗特有两个姐姐、两个妹妹和一个弟弟。两个妹妹,即艾米莉·勃朗特和安妮·勃朗特,也是著名作家,因而在英国文学史上常有“勃朗特三姐妹”之称。 二、小说内容概要 简·爱是一个孤儿,寄住在舅母家,从小受尽欺侮和白眼。她被送进一家慈善学校,在那里,她学会了如何在恶劣的条件下生存,并最终成为该校的一名教师。后来,她应聘报纸广告上的职位,来到桑菲尔德庄园,担任庄园的主人罗切斯特先生收养的小女孩阿黛尔的家庭教师。简·爱相貌平平,出身寒微,却诚实真挚,独立自强,敢于表达自己的观点。罗切斯特被简·爱所深深吸引,而她也爱上了罗切斯特。就在他们即将成婚之际,简·爱得知罗切斯特已有妻室,她就是被关在阁楼里的疯女人伯莎。简·爱拒绝了罗切斯特要她留下来的请求,离开了桑菲尔德庄园。无家可归的简·爱被圣约翰·里弗斯兄妹收留,原来他们竟是表亲。圣约翰要去印度传教,他认为简·爱的品格非常适合做牧师的妻子,于是向她求婚,而简·爱却对罗切斯特念念不忘。一天晚上,她仿佛听见罗切斯特在呼唤自己的名字,于是她又回到桑菲尔德庄园,却发现昔日的庄园已被伯莎点的一把火化为灰烬。而罗切斯特也在抢救伯莎时受伤,双目失明。这时已经继承了一笔遗产的简·爱决定留在罗切斯特身边。三、文体赏析


Chapter 1 Introduction ·What is the English Stylistics? It is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English language. ·What are language functions? a) To deliver some infor to other people b) To communicate with each other in society ·How do we express ourselves in a proper way? Several factors do work. a)Phonetics b)Vocabulary c)Grammar d)Some knowledge concerning English stylistics ·The correctness in using the language can not replace the appropriateness in language communication. Why? Four examples: a) “ Hello ” and “ Hi ” b) “ Assist me! Assist me! ” and “ Aid! Aid! ” c) “That’s all right.” “That’s to say.” “It’s O.K..” d) See next page d) “ I am terribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don’t let it upset you too much. You’re an attractive, young lady. I’m pretty sure it is very easy for you to find someone else soon. ” ·The effects of language expressions are sometimes related to some non-linguistic factors. a) Sex ------ “ Oh, my God! ” b) Age ------ “ Cheers! ” and “ Bye for now. ” c) Vocation ------ “ Watch the birdie. ” d) Received education ------ “ go to W.C. ” e) Social station ------ “ What prompted you to apply for this job? ” ·Why should we learn and study English stylistics? a) It will help us to express ourselves in English properly. b) It will help us to know something about language features of a variety of English written styles. c) It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best language effects and attaining our communicative purposes. d) It will help us to go at literary criticism. e) It will help us to do the translation work well. Chapter 2 Language Description & Stylistic Analysis ·There are 4 phonetic means in English: 1) stress 2) Intonation 3) pause 4) voice quality. ·Stress has several apparent stylistic and grammatical functions. (1) The first function is for emphasis. (2) The second function is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both. (3) The third function is to differ some English words (4) The fourth function is to show someone’s surprise, anger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc..·Intonation can be employed to express people’s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics: (1) The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and completeness. (2) The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and incompleteness. (3) The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning. (4) The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of shock. (5) The level pitch is used to give account on something happened in the past. ·Pause can be divided into two. 精品文档


Unit 5 Formal vs Informal Language 英教0901班董宜之程雅洁田冬雪

Contents 5.1 The interpersonal function of language 5.2 Degrees of formality 5.3 Functional tenor and degrees of formality 5.4 Martin Joo’s Classification 5.5 Speech situation and formality 5.6 Formality and linguistic features 5.7 Sets of co-occurring features 5.8 Involved vs informational texts 5.9 Tenors, field, and mode

5.1 The interpersonal function of language 1.Functions of language: ●the ideational / referential function ●the interpersonal / social / expressive function ●the textual function 2. Tenors of discourse: the relationship between participants in the situation, their roles and status. The participant relations that determine the tenor of discourse range through varying degrees of permanence.


88152 学科教育论文 英语文体学知识在大学英语教学中的应 用 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1578(2016)06-0009-02 1 引言 长期以来,英语文体学是大学英语专业学生的一门专业课,非英语专业的学生对英语文体学理论及问题分析方法则比较陌生。在英语学习中学生往往因缺乏识别不同英语文体能力而造成语域误用。在大学英语授课过程中教师往往感到,学生在掌握了语法和常用词汇,有了基本的听说读写能力之后,对于文体风格的辨别则成了一个重要的问题,他们往往不注意在不同场合应使用不同语域的语言。如写论述文时使用十分口语化的句式,而翻译正式文体时用词又过于通俗等,这是在我国高校大学生英语学习过程中普遍存在的现象。因此,在大学英语教学中,教师要有意识地引导学生了解、学习、掌握各类文体的不同特

点,从而提高学生的文体意识,学会正确使用英语,提高学生的英语综合应用能力及文学鉴赏力。 2 文体学理论 文体学(stylistics)是一门运用现代语言学理论和方法研究文体,研究语言表达方式和表达效果的学科。Style(文体)指某种语体的风格特征,即适用于某特定语言环境的一整套语言变异形式。文体学(stylistics)是指“对(style)变异的研究,语言风格变异取决于语言使用的场合,也取决于作者或说话者希望能对读者或听者作成的影响”。[1]随着语言学研究的开展,文体学吸取了传统的风格学与修辞学的某些成分,以语言学的理论和方法为依据,从日常谈话到正式演讲,从诗歌到散文,从新闻、广告到小说、戏剧,进行系统的分析研究,探讨语言风格上的特点,并寻求其规律。 文体学在大学英语教学中的运用主要体现在文体分析上。英语文体分析主要采用比较语言学的方法,通过对语音、词汇、语法、句法及语篇结构等的文体及社会功能、英语的变异现象和各种变体的描述与分析,帮助学生初步掌握各种描述分析语言的方法,以及了解语言在特定环境中的文体特征、社会功能,同时要通过作品的描述和分


英语语言学基础知识 一、绪论语言学的定义语言的定义语言学的研究范畴语言的甄别特征 几对基本概念 (2) a large amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? (3) speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language Language and parole 语言与言语 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。语言学所要 研究的不是某一种特定的语言,Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 而是人类所有语言的特性。 Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴 Competence and performance 能力与运用 Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学\Pragmatics语用学Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users’ knowledge of the rules of his language \Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学 Performance: The actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性 What is language? 什么是 语言? Descriptive:A linguistic study describes and analyzes the

未选择的路 赏析 英语文体学论文

An Stylistics analysis on the Poem the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost 英语文体学结课论文

摘要 罗伯特·弗罗斯特是一名美国著名诗人,本诗《未选择的路》是他的一篇名作,诗中以作者面对森林中两条道路时的思想活动展开描写,引出了深刻的哲理——面对人生的选择要慎重考虑,且无法回头。本诗语言朴实,全文通俗易懂,且采用传统的诗歌文体,读来朗朗上口,但意味深长。本文从诗歌的文体,作者,以及思想三个方面对此诗做了简略分析。 关键词: 道路,选择,通俗,文体 Abstract The Road Not Taken is a famous poem written by the notable American poet Robert Frost. This poem is started from the psychological activity of the writer when he was facing the two roads in the forest, and then lead to a profound philosophy——people must keep cautious when facing choices, and could never come back. The language is and traditional and easy to understand. This paper makes a brief analysis on this poem from three aspects: literary form, writer, and clou. Key words: roads, choice, easy to understand, literary form


Stylistic Analysis of An Extract of Conversation Introduction Conversation is the most commonly used kind of language. Therefore , it is especially a variety familiar to the majority of English -speaking people . This variety is used in everyone’s daily life . And it has its own distinct stylistic features . Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematic way concerning the manners/linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels. Causal style is the language used for situations in which no social barriers are felt by the participants. It is the language used among intimate friends, acquaintances, insiders, and people with shared knowledge. In casual visits ,chance meetings ,casual talks, or letters between friends this style is often found . Colloquial words, clipped words, clipped words, phrasal verbs, blend words are often used. Sentences are usually short, elliptical, with a lot of contractions. And the tone tends to be friendly and informal. This passage possesses almost all characteristics of conversation. It could be an appropriate material for stylistic analysis. This is a conversation between two housewives who are in the same age range and have known each other for some time. The occasion is that B was invited to A’s house for an evening chat over coffee. 1.At the phonological level Phonology refers to speech sounds in a language .Here the main focus put on elision, pause, and normal non-fluency. 1.1Elision Elision is one of the distinct phonological style markers in conversation, which is frequently used by the speakers involved .In real conversation, what people concern most is whether the information has been conveyed, instead of catching every word clearly. And some functional words are pronounced in a low voice or even elided by the speakers. In conversation, people usually speak naturally fast, and because of the fast tempo, two words


英语文体学学期论文范文 英语文体学学期论文范文-Stylistic Analysis of Brack Obamas Victory SpeechAbstract: Public speech is an art. It presents the features of formal written language while exhibiting characteristics of the spoken. Barack Obama ,an excellent speaker, addressed his victory speech on NOV 5, 2008 in Chicago. This speech, which is very convincing, is considered a classic. This paper analysis the speech from four aspects: content, grammatical features, lexical features and semantic features. Through the essay, we can have a better understanding of the public speech.Key Words: Obama, victory speech; stylistic analysisOn NOV 5,2008,Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of America, becoming the first national leader in American history. On the evening, Obama addressed his victory speech in Chicago. The theme of Obamas victory speech is change is coming to America in response to the special period of US. Form the perspective of stylistics, the speech can be analyzed form four aspects: content, grammatical features, lexical features and semantic features.1.Introduction of the contentIn terms of the main idea of the speech, it can be divided into five parts, including:celebration(para.1-5),thanks(para.6-10),challenge(para.3


第一章文体学相关研究内容 文体学分为普通文体学和文学文体学,二者有重叠部分,但在此我们所研究的是普通文体学,文体学研究的是语言风格,对语言,人们的理解有很多种,但不管哪种说法,无可否认,语言都是人类表达思想、互相交流的手段,并且有很多具不同意旨的言语事件;风格是与说话人的语言习惯、时代背景相关的,是人门特有的表达方式,因人而异,对语言起到一定修饰作用并且关系到语言表达的有效性。因此,文体学研究会涉及各种语言变体及相关特征、功用。文体学对提高理解力和鉴赏水平有很大帮助。此外,文体学还与语言学、修辞学及文学评论等相关联。接下来的章节中将具体阐述相关内容。 第二章文体学研究的必要性 学习文体学可以提高我们语言使用的精确性,犹如不能在婚礼上穿牛仔装一样,语言使用要合乎当时、当地的具体环境,这就涉及文体学中的言语事件;学习文体学有利于提高我们对文学作品的理解与鉴赏水平,因为文学创作中,作者不可避免会对作品的语言、风格做选择,在文学评论三部曲(描述、解读、评估)中会涉及相关内容;文体学对满足翻译适应性有很大帮助,翻译很难做到完全对应,但基本原则一致是必须的,如作品基调、作品体裁等一致。以上文体学内容中都有涉及。 第三章语言变体 在不同的社交场合,有不同的约定俗成的语体。根据特定场合的语言习惯及其中特定说话人的语言使用,语言变体可以分为两种:方言变体和语域变体。方言变体与不同的语言使用者相关,分为个人方言、时间方言、地域方言、社会方言和标准方言;语域变体与不同社交场合相关,其构成要素是语场、语式和语旨。两种变体并非独立存在而是有一定的相关性,比如,在同一种族、同一领域或同一社会地位,为了增进了解,说话人可能会选择这一具某种共同特征人群的行内语言。此外,从语言变体中,我们还可以获知说话人的某些相关信息,如职业、国家和说话意旨等。 第四章语言描述 了解了语言变体,本章节探讨各种语言变体的具体表述问题,即具体语言表述。在这个层面上,文体学提供了一种系统的分析方法,使我们对付各种文章轻而易举。文体学上对语言描述的研究分别从语言层次上着手,即从音系、语相上,词汇语法上和语义上着手。各个层次上的具体特征表现共同或分别作用于文章整体,以达到某种表达效果。因此,在对语言描述进行具体分析时,就要着眼于这几个层次上的文体特征,具体步骤:系统浏览文章并记录具有已述特征的语言点;量化语言特征的使用频率;评估文体特征在文中的重要意义;对文章总体进行综合评述,尤其是对逻辑关系和整体思路。另外,我们可以将这种方法应用到对变体种类和语场的分析中。 第五章正式语和非正式语 语言所承载的基本功能是人际交流功能,根据参与者和具体语言环境,语言有正式和非正式的差别。说话人社会地位愈高、具体场合愈正式,语言使用就越严谨、越正式;在日常对话或与关系愈亲密的人对话时,语言使用就越生活化、越轻松。语言使用的正式程度与话语意旨密切相关,由此产生日常习语、法律术语、政治术语等等专门语言,Martin Joos将正式程度变化划分五级:僵化、正式、咨询、随便、亲密。不同语言环境下,语言正式度会不同,说话人会随外部语言环境自行调节。正式用语与非正式用语在词汇、音调、语义上都有所不同,前者用词多是正式书面化,吐词清晰、完整,逻辑性强;后者则相反。根据同现限制原则,我们可以分辨语言使用的正式程度高低。 第六章口语和书面语 根据语言传播媒介,语言分为口语和书面语,二者在很多方面均有不同。与书面语相比,口语一般是说话人与听话人面对面交流,说话人需要听话人关注,并及时得到反馈,所以多

英语文体学 1

English Stylistics 英语文体学 Course Introduction Course title: English Stylistics Course hours: 2 per week, 34 in total Assessment: 1. Attendance 2. After-class preparation for related topics 3. In-class performance and involvement 4. Quiz 5. Final exam Teaching Objectives: Have a systematic knowledge of the features of different varieties of language Make appropriate use of language in our communication Familiarize ourselves with the stylistic features of the different genres of literature Deepen our understanding and appreciation of literary works Offer useful ideas on translation and language teaching Textbook: English Stylistics(英语文体学) Other reference books: Introduction to English Stylistics《英语文体学引论》(丁往道王佐良)


The analysis of Americans and the land from the perspective of stylistics This essay mainly talks about the fact that Americans who treat the nature without responsibility and mercy just like their early settlers. The author John Steinbeck, who is one of the winners of the Nobel Prize for literature, described how people pillaged the country vividly from different perspectives. He tries to express the idea that human should live with nature harmoniously. This paper is going to do the stylistic analysis from the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and the context. In terms of vocabulary, there exists an intimate relationship between vocabulary and stylistics. Jonathan swift defined stylistics as ”putting proper words in proper order”. Different words have different emotive tendency. In this essay, the author uses the pronoun “they”–meaning the Americans, six times, expressing his dissatisfaction of everything their ancestors have done to the continent. In the second paragraph, the word “our” is used nine times, functioning in the following two aspects. The first is to state his sorrow for the environment we has to live with has been severely polluted. The repeatedly presentation of the word empathized the effect. The second is to satirize the pillagers’ arrogancy and ignorance. These two pronouns well conveyed the idea that man should not conquer and change the environment but maintain the balance of the eco-system. He also uses the figure of personification for example ”Then the plows went in and ripped off the protection water and slow drought and the mischievous wind that roamed through the Great Central Plains.” Sentences are the basic units of language, which have different structures. In the first paragraph, the author used parallelism to strengthen the tone and ellipsis which briefly and intensely expressed the author’s idea. The combination of parallelism and ellipsis such as “They burned “successfully exhibits how fast people destruct the environment. The figure of simile has also been used for example “they come as though” and “… as though they held”. The American treat the country as a quarry not
