
1论坛“马甲” sockpuppet


A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception within an online community. It is a fake identity through which a member of an Internet community discusses or comments on oneself or one's work, pretending to be a different person, like a puppeteer manipulating a hand puppet.

“马甲”(sockpuppet)是网络社区中为了隐藏身份而注册的ID。论坛或社区用户通过“马甲”假装成另外一个人参与自己作品的讨论或者评论,就像手偶演员操纵手偶表演一样。"Sockpuppeting" is defined as the act of creating a fake online identity to praise, defend or create the illusion of support for one’s self, allies or company.“马甲行为”被定义为炮制一个虚假的网络身份为自己或者盟友制造一种在网络社区中受到褒奖、保护或支持的假象。

2老板键boss key

在电脑和网络无处不在的现代社会,工作时间偶尔开小差看个电影啊,玩个小游戏啊之类的事情都是不可避免的。可要是正玩的起劲儿,老板却出现在不远处,这可怎么好呢?只见人家不慌不忙手指轻点下键盘,屏幕马上变成工作界面,难道那个键就是boss key?

A boss key is a special keyboard shortcut used in computer games or other programs to quickly hide the program and possibly display a special screen that appears to be a normal productivity program.

Boss key是电脑游戏中使用的一个特殊的快捷键,用来快速隐藏游戏界面并显示正常工作程序的一个特殊界面。

This was a fairly common feature in early computer games for personal computers, when most boss keys were used to show dummy DOS prompts. The use has faded somewhat as modern multitasking operating systems have evolved.

3 “网络吸血鬼” Leech


In computing and specifically on the Internet, being a leech or leecher refers to the practice of benefiting, usually deliberately, from others' information or effort but not offering anything in return. The name derives from the leech, an animal which sucks blood and then tries to leave unnoticed. Other terms are used, such as freeloader, but leech is the most common

4为生活减速 downshifting

Downshifting is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism and to reduce the “stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it.” It emphasize s finding an improved balance between leisure and work and focusing life goals on personal fulfillment and relationship building instead of the all-consuming pursuit of economic success.


5家中度假 staycation

A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations have achieved high popularity in the financial crisis of 2007–2009 in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high.


Common activities of a staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation. 家中度假时通常会有的活动包括:在后院的游泳池游泳、游览当地的公园和博物馆,还有参与当地一些节日活动。有些在家度假的人还喜欢遵循一定的原则,比如定好假期起止日期、提前做计划、避免安排常规活动等,以期创造一个传统假期的氛围。

6手机幻听 ringxiety

Ringxiety is a portmanteau neologism formed from the words "ringtone" and "anxiety." Ringxiety is described as the sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when in fact the telephone is not doing so.


Other terms for this concept include phantom ring effect and fauxcellarm. The reasoning for this relates partially to the idea that humans are particularly sensitive to auditory tones between 1,000 and 6,000 hertz, and basic mobile phone ringers often fall within this range. False vibrations are less well understood, however, and could have psychological or neurological sources.

其他可以用来指代“手机幻听”的说法还有phantom ring effect和fauxcellarm。导致这一现象的部分原因可能是人类对1000到6000赫兹的声音频率比较敏感,而手机铃声大都在这一频率范围内。错觉手机振动的反应就不太好解释了,可能有心理或神经方面的原因。

7 非主流少年 Scene kid

Scene kid refers to a person who adopts an unconventional style of dress, such as colored hair worn high on the head, dramatic eyeliner and straight jeans, and who prefers hip-hop, screamo, punk rock, and other offbeat genres of music.

Scene kid(非主流少年)指衣着不遵循传统风格,并且喜欢嘻哈、情绪嘶吼、朋克摇滚以及其他非主流音乐类型的人,他们通常把头发染成鲜艳的颜色并高高梳在头顶,描着夸张的眼线,穿着修身牛仔裤。

Scene kids are usually aged 14 – 21, sometimes older or younger. Scene kids older than 20 are commonly referred to as scenesters. Scene kids will often give the

impression that they think that they’re better than everyone else. They are best friends with their iPod, computer and cell phone.


8性短信 sexting

A combination of the words "sex" a nd "texting," the term “sexting” refers to the act of sending sexually explicit text messages - or pictures of oneself - instantly over a mobile phone.


Sexting is a result of advances in technology enabling new forms of social interaction. Messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms of historical media. Newer technology allows photographs and videos, which are intrinsically more explicit and have greater impact. A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control.


9鸡仔文学 chick lit

Chick lit is a literary genre that features books written by women and marketed to young women, especially single, working women in their twenties and thirties. It generally deals with the issues of modern women humorously and lightheartedly. The women featured in these novels may be obsessed with appearance or have a passion for shopping.


"Chick" is an American slang term for young woman and "Lit" is short for "literature". The phrase "chick lit" appeared in print as early as 1988 as college slang for a course titled "female literary tradition."

Chick这个词在美国俚语中用来指代年轻女性,而lit则是literature(文学)一词的缩写形式。Chick lit这个表达在书面中的使用最初见于1988年,当时是大学里对《女性文学传统》这一课程的俚语表达。

10 快闪族 flash mob

Flash mob refers to a large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform an unusual action for a brief time, and then quickly disperse. 快闪族(flash mob)指聚集在一个事先商定好的地点,在短时间内完成一些异常的举动,然后快速解散并消失的一大群人。

Organizing a "flash mob" basically involves e-mailing a bunch of people with instructions to show up at a certain place for a few moments, then disappear. To

protect the planned serendipity of each event, participants aren't told exactly what the mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens.

组织一次“快闪”活动,基本上只需要用电子邮件通知一群人在某个地点出现一会儿,然后消失。为了确保每次活动的新奇性,直到活动开始之前,参加者才会被告知当次活动的内容。The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails, not applied to events organized by public relations firms.


Example of a well known flash mob was the April 2006 silent disco in London. At various London Underground stations, people gathered with their portable music devices, and at a set time began dancing to their music. It was reported that more than 4,000 people participated at London Victoria station.


11 乐活族LOHAS

LOHAS is the acronym of "Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability", referring to a group of people who are optimistic, understanding, caring about environment and health, and doing good and as well as feeling good. This concept originated in Britain in the middle of last century.

乐活族(LOHAS)是Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability(健康及可持续的生活方式)的缩写形式,指的是一群乐观、善解人意、关爱环境和健康,行善并且以其为乐的人。这个概念在上世纪中叶的时候源于英国。乐活族吃健康的食品与有机蔬菜,练瑜伽健身,听心灵音乐,通过消费和衣食住行的生活实践,希望自己有活力。总而言之,“乐活”是一种环保理念,一种文化内涵,一种时代产物。它是一种贴近生活本源,自然、健康、精致的生活态度。


Quirkyalone is a neologism referring to someone who enjoys being single (but is not opposed to being in a relationship) and generally prefers to be alone rather than dating for the sake of being in a couple. International Quirkyalone Day is February 14, it started in 2003 as a "celebration of romance, freedom and individuality". “乐单族”(quirkyalone)指享受单身生活(但也不反对跟别人交往),而且宁愿单身也不愿意为了约会而约会的人。自2003年起,每年的2月14日被定为“国际乐单节”,用来“庆祝爱情、自由和个性”。

For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. On a fine but by no means transcendent date they dream of going home to watch television. They would prefer to be alone with their own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit. They are almost constitutionally incapable of casual relationships.


13回巢族 boomerang generation

Boomerang Generation is one of several terms applied to the current generation of young adults in Western culture. They are so named for the frequency with which they choose to cohabitate with their parents after a brief period of living alone - thus boomeranging back to their place of origin.

Boomerang Generation(回巢族)是当代西方文化中用来描述年轻一代的几个说法之一。被称为“回巢族”是因为他们在独自生活一段时间后选择回到父母身边与他们共同生活,也就是回到了自己的“老巢”。

This cohabitation can take many forms, ranging from situations that mirror the high dependency of pre-adulthood to highly independent, separate-household arrangements.



More than one in 10 UK teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show.


The number of 16- to 18-year-olds branded as “Neet” –not in education, employment or training –has risen amid growing fears that school-leavers are bearing the brunt of job shortages in the recession.


15草莓族 Strawberry Generation

They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called "Strawberry Generation".


The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It refers to the post-60s generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just like strawberries - by life's lightest knocks.


This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two. They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts.


16碳足迹 carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). In other words: When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption and the driving distance. When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted some quantities of CO2. Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2. 碳足迹指直接或间接支持人类活动所产生的温室气体总量,通常用产生的二氧化碳吨数来表示。换句话说,你开车的时候,发动机在燃烧汽油的同时会释放出一定量的二氧化碳,这个量由耗油量和行驶里程决定。你购买食物和商品的时候,生产食物和商品的过程也会释放出一定量的二氧化碳。就算你家的房子是用电采暖,电能产生的过程也是释放二氧化碳的。Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2, which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year.


17 减排的相关词语

在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的。文中的emission reduction就是指“减排”,在这里则具体指carbon emission reduction (碳减排),控制greenhouse gas emission(温室气体排放),降低GDP per capita energy consumption(GDP单位能耗),走low-carbon urbanization way(低碳城市化道路)。温家宝还指出,中国应平衡发展primary, secondary and tertiary industries(三大产业),而不应过于倚赖制造业。在2003年至2008年间,由于energy-intensive industries (高能耗产业)的迅猛发展,以及energy demand(能源需求)的不断增长,我国的energy consumption(能耗)一直以double-digit growth(两位数的速度增长)。

18公务员考试national examination for 2010 admissions to the civil service Almost 1 million people Sunday sat China's national examination for 2010 admissions to the civil service. The exam, comprising tests of professional ability and language, was held in 44 cities throughout the country.


在上面的报道中,national examination for admissions to the civil servi ce就是“国家公务员录用考试”,媒体多称为civil service exam,即“公务员考试”,有local(地方)和national(国家)之分。通过civil service exam之后,就会获得civil service job,成为civil/public servant(公务员)。

现在公务员考试一族被称为gold-bowl seekers(考碗族),因为中央国家机关公务员职位被喻为“金饭碗”。近年考公务员其实在国外也很热,去年韩国首尔85,000 SKoreans competed for ‘iron ricebowl’ jobs(8.5万韩国人争夺“铁饭碗”)。虽然铁饭碗比金饭碗差了一点,但这说明公务员在韩国同样是很吃香的。公务员之所以如此吸引人,一方面是和时下的经济形势有关,人们更追求job security(工作的稳定),另一方面,公务员有一些fringe benefits(福利待遇)也是让人们欣羡的。

19躲猫猫 hide-and-seek


The mysterious death of Li Qiaoming, 24, who allegedly died of a head injury while playing a "hide-and-seek" game with fellow detainees, sparked wide discussions and doubts over the Internet


20 阅兵式 military review

21“富二代”与“贫二代” the "rich second generation" and "poor second generation" The simultaneous emergence of the "rich second generation" and "poor second generation" has triggered a heated debate in the Chinese media.


rich second generation就是如今的“富二代”,而poor second generation(贫二代)则是从rich second generation衍生出的字眼。顾名思义,rich second generation出生自富裕的nouveau riche(新兴富裕)家庭,他们身着brand-name clothes(名牌服饰),开着luxury cars(豪华轿车),很多人认为这些rich second generation纯属是在flaunt their wealth(炫富)。

rich second generation就是如今的“富二代”,而poor second generation(贫二代)则是从rich second generation衍生出的字眼。顾名思义,rich second generation出生自富裕的nouveau riche(新兴富裕)家庭,他们身着brand-name clothes(名牌服饰),开着luxury cars(豪华轿车),很多人认为这些rich second generation纯属是在flaunt their wealth(炫富)。

22大学生村官 little village official

What does "little village official" mean? A nickname for a college graduate who takes up the job of running a village, according to the latest edition of the "Workbook for the Construction of the Communist Party of China (CPC)".

“村官”是什么意思呢?根据最新出版的《中国共产党党建词汇手册》,它是对从事农村管理工作的大学毕业生的别称。此次新版的手册,收录了很多grassroots catchwords(基层流行语),例如:network anti-corruption(网络反腐),intra-Party harmony(党内和谐),red resources(红色资源)。另外,手册还保留了一些传统用语,例如three “magic weapons”(中国共产党对敌斗争的“三大法宝”):united front(统一战线),armed struggle(武装斗争),和Party building(党的建设)。

23 重庆“打黑” gang crackdown

gang crackdown和crush gangs都是指“打黑”,也被称为“打黑除恶”,gang在这里就是指“黑恶势力”,其成员就是gangster。Organized gangs(有组织的黑恶势力)以及为gangsters提供protective umbrella(保护伞)的官员都将受到法律严惩。

24地铁“安检” security check

security check就是指“安检”,指的是通过X-ray machine(X光机)查看乘客的包内是否携带了prohibited/forbidden items(违禁物品)。

25 钓鱼执法 entrapment

Local transport supervisors did not entrap a van driver while investigating illegal cab operations, according to urban management authorities in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai. Sun said he believed it was obviously entrapment and "felt so angry and insulted" that he cut off his finger to protest the alleged trap.


报道中的entrapment就是指“钓鱼执法”,指在掌握一定证据的同时,为了抓获已知犯罪嫌疑人,而通过“诱惑”方式,以利引之,使其落网。如装扮成乘客搭乘illegal cab(黑车),在司机收取费用时将其抓获的行为。

Entrap在这里表示“诱捕,使入圈套、陷阱等”,诱使某人(做某事),则用entrap somebody into doing something.来表示,例如He felt he had been entrapped into marrying her.(他觉得和她结婚是上了当。)

26“城管”urban management officers ^^

The norms, written in the newly-made measures on how urban management officers should exercise their power and responsibilities, requires them to maintain "civilized language" and "dignified conduct" in the process of law enforcement, and bans any abuse of power or verbal and physical assault on others.


城市管理执法人员俗称“城管”,表达为“urban management officer/personnel”;文明执法表达为“civilized methods of law enforcement”;滥用职权为“abuse of power”。

27 微博 micro-blogging; mini blog

micro-blogging就是指“微博”,也就是一种mini blog。用户可以随时在上面发布微博客,用一句或者几句话表达自己的想法或发布instant message(即时信息)。由于是micro-blogging,用户的发言还常有字数限制。起源于美国的Twitter就是一个微博网站,在twitter上发布的信息也可以称作mini blog。micro-blogging(微博)是以短发言为特征的,还常被网友称为“围脖”。

28 校长推荐 nomination from headmaster

这个pilot program(试点计划)是university entrance system(高考制度)改革的一次尝试,例如此次入选的洪欣格就被大家公认为all-rounder(全才、通才)。她在获得推荐名额后,会去这座world-renowned institution(世界知名学府)参加面试。

在secondary education(中学教育)之后,没能参加higher education(高等教育)的很多人还会选择接受further education(继续教育)。有身体障碍或学习障碍的儿童还可以参加special education(特殊教育)。而一个人的educational background(教育背景)则事关职业发展。

29硕博连读表达为“successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study”,30绿领工人 green-collar worker

A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability.


31 绿色信贷 Green Credit

A policy to encourage the businesses to observe the rules and regulations about environmental protection with the leverage of bank credits. Initiated by the former State Environmental Protection Administration, currently the Ministry of

Environmental Protection, and China Banking Regulatory Commission in July, 2007, the policy requires the commercial banks, when reviewing the application for bank credits, to consider whether the applying businesses have followed the environmental rules. The violators have less chance to get the approval, while the green businesses would get favorable treatment in this regard. The policy marks a start for the central government to step up the country's environmental protection through market-oriented means.


32碳税 carbon tax

Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas.


文中的carbon tax就是指“碳税”,是基于市场的主要减排方案之一,根据fossil fuel (化石燃料)燃烧后排放碳量的多少,针对化石燃料的生产、分配或使用来征收税费。而相比之下,使用wind(风力),sunlight(日光),hydropower(水电)等non-combustion energy sources(非燃烧能源)则更加环保。

Carbon tax是一种针对greenhouse gas(温室气体)中的emissions of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳排放)征收的environmental tax(环境税)。征收carbon tax的目的在于控制climate change(气候变化)和global warming(全球变暖)。此外,人们还常采用carbon capture and storage(碳捕获和存储)等方法来处理emissions of carbon dioxide。

33 《京都议定书》Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at combating global warming. The Protocol was initially adopted on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan and entered into force on 16 February 2005.

