post layout simulation

post layout simulation
post layout simulation


Main concerns related to post-layout simulation,today, are about the format of the netlist coming out from the parasitic extractor.In fact,such a netlist is usually?at so that readability,whether compared to the pre-layout hierarchical one,is very poor due to device and net names which often change and to the dif?culty to com-pare pre-layout and post-layout output signals.Fur-thermore,simulating such large?at netlists is frequently time consuming because it is not possible to exploit algorithms like Hierarchical Array Reduction (HAR)and Isomorphic Matching(IM),strength points of state-of-the-art full chip simulators.In this paper,we present a new approach that,starting from a?at netlist with parasitic components and a pre-layout hierarchical one,allows to create a fully hierarchical post-layout netlist containing device parameters and parasitic com-ponents directly extracted from the layout.In this way, a fast and accurate post-layout simulation is made pos-sible by the use of look-up table simulators,taking advantages from the HAR and IM algorithms as men-tioned before.This methodology has been integrated in a complete design?ow to guarantee?rst silicon suc-cess,cut down time-to-design,improve time-to-market and streamline design quality.


One of the main challenges designers face with the most advanced technologies is the post-layout simula-tion of their applications including parasitic compo-nents.As a matter of fact,netlists generated by commercial parasitic extractors are usually?at so that transistor level simulation is always very complex and time consuming,sometimes impossible.For that rea-son,look-up table simulators can not exploit their best algorithms,like Hierarchical Array Reduction and Iso-morphic Matching,to speed up circuit simulation,but they are forced to process the whole circuit with a sin-gle large Kirchoff matrix,even because elements are tightly coupled by extracted parasitic components so that relaxation algorithms are dif?cult or dangerous to be used too.Because of all these motivations,a new approach has been put in place in our company with the intention of generating a post-layout fully hierarchical netlist,containing parasitic components,that has been quali?ed on several test cases to prove its reliability and its bene?ts with respect to the?at approach.A new tool,called as icSim,has been developed to allow designers to suitably load,inside a pre-layout hierarchi-cal netlist,device parameters from the post-layout?at netlist(AS,AD,PS,PD,...)and parasitic components either from the same?at netlist or from the DSPF (Detailed Standard Parasitic Format)?le generated by the parasitic extractor.All those data are combined together to create a fully hierarchical netlist,containing the exact values of device parameters as taken from the layout plus all the extracted parasitic components.

1.Hierarchizing the Flat Netlist

To create a fully hierarchical post-layout netlist with parasitics,a new tool,called as icSim,has been devel-oped inside our,ing icSim,you can load a pre-layout hierarchical netlist in CDL format(this for-mat has been chosen because it is the netlist format used for LVS purposes and the parasitic extraction runs properly only whether LVS process is error-free) together with the SPICE.SPI?at netlist generated by the parasitics extractor.The SPICE.SPI?le contains all the device parameters and the parasitic components that the designer decided to extract.At this point,icSim merges the information held in both netlists and,?nally, generates a hierarchical netlist back-annotating para-sitic components internally to sub-circuit blocks instead of at the end of the netlist like in?at mode.Obviously, this tool comprises several algorithms to properly man-age controversial situations like,for instance,when at the same sub-circuit master correspond different para-sitic values at instance level on the layout.In fact,it may happen that two instances of the same sub-circuit layout master are placed in a different environmental condition on the layout,so that parasitic values can slightly differ.In this kind of situation,the tool is able to choose the most suitable values for the parasitics to ?t at the best in the hierarchical netlist or,in case,to double the sub-circuit master generating two different sub-circuits when needed.icSim is also able to load

Building the Hierarchy from a Flat Netlist for a Fast and Accurate Post-Layout Simulation with Parasitic Components

Pierluigi Daglio - David Iezzi - Danilo Rimondi - Carlo Roma - Salvatore Santapa‘STMicroelectronics - Agrate Brianza - Milan - Italy

E-mail: pierluigi.daglio@,

using a look-up table simulator.

Figure1.Pre-layout(1),?at post-layout(2),DSPF direct inclusion(3)and hierarchized post-layout simu-lation (4) output results

The output voltage in the pre-layout simulation is about 60mV greater than in the post-layout simulation due to the effects of parasitic components.You can also notice how the difference between the?at and the hierarchized post-layout simulation is quite small,about15mV,so that we can say that our benchmark demonstrates that the hierar-chized netlist is reliable.Simulation of hierarchized netlist is about twice faster than the?at one,therefore we were able to get the same output results gaining a factor of two in speed.Another thing worth to notice is that output wave-forms related to DSPF direct inclusion and to hierarchized netlist are very close, less than 1% of difference.8.0552V.




hierachized silicon



情景问答 1.这台电脑是Tom的。价格是3,600元。 2.我的家乡有个美丽的公园。我经常看到很多孩子在里面放风筝。 3.我在南京工作。坐飞机到北京需两个小时。 4.刘伟太瘦了。医生建议他多吃点,以保持健康。 5.我在听天气预报。明天有雪。 6.今早海伦把英语字典忘在了家里。遇到不认识的单词只好问老师。 7.王奶奶病了。她打电话向警察求助。 8.你们学校将于6月6日举行运动会。你将参加跳高比赛。 9.机场已经投入使用五年了。政府正在努力保护周边的坏境。 10.我来自中国。中国有13亿人口。 11.我的父亲是老师。他教书20年了。 12.我喜欢学习生物。因为研究各种各样的生物很有趣。 13.林鹏昨晚去西安看了一场足球赛。其结果让他感到很伤心。 14.汤姆的生日即将到来。他爸爸将给他买个篮球作为生日礼物。

15.琳达在杭州度假。她喜欢划船。 16.轮到我打扫房间了。我要先去擦窗户。 17.韩梅过去上班经常挤公交。如今她可以骑自行车上班了,这让她感觉很高兴。 18.今早贝蒂上学迟到了。因为她的自行车半路上坏了。 19.上周末,艾伦去爬山。回来的路上碰见了他的朋友亨利。 20.去年圣诞节,米莉和朋友们举办了一场晚会。他们玩的很开心。 21.西蒙打算在暑假里去乡下看望爷爷和奶奶。他们在乡下养着一匹马,西蒙很喜欢骑马。 22.你最喜欢数学这门学科。是因为你觉得它能使你聪明。 23.希望刚出生时,只有一百克重。看起来像只小白鼠。 24.王女士经常在工作之余上网购物。她认为这样可以为她节省很多时间。 25.由于父母工作忙,小明经常一个人上下学。上周他在回家的路上被一辆小汽车撞了。 26.教师节快到了。李萍为王老师精心制作了一张卡片,上面写着“老师,我爱你”。


IC layout布局经验总结 布局前的准备: 1 查看捕捉点设置是否正确.08工艺为0.1,06工艺为0.05,05工艺为0.025. 2 Cell名称不能以数字开头.否则无法做DRACULA检查. 3 布局前考虑好出PIN的方向和位置 4 布局前分析电路,完成同一功能的MOS管画在一起 5 对两层金属走向预先订好。一个图中栅的走向尽量一致,不要有横有竖。 6 对pin分类,vdd,vddx注意不要混淆,不同电位(衬底接不同电压)的n井分开.混合信号的电路尤其注意这点. 7 在正确的路径下(一般是进到~/opus)打开icfb. 8 更改cell时查看路径,一定要在正确的library下更改,以防copy过来的cell是在其他的library下,被改错. 9 将不同电位的N井找出来. 布局时注意: 10 更改原理图后一定记得check and save 11 完成每个cell后要归原点 12 DEVICE的个数是否和原理图一至(有并联的管子时注意);各DEVICE的尺寸是否和原理图一至。一般在拿到原理图之后,会对布局有大概的规划,先画DEVICE,(DIVECE之间不必用最小间距,根据经验考虑连线空间留出空隙)再连线。画DEVICE后从EXTRACTED 中看参数检验对错。对每个device器件的各端从什么方向,什么位置与其他物体连线必须先有考虑(与经验及floorplan的水平有关). 13 如果一个cell调用其它cell,被调用的cell的vssx,vddx,vssb,vddb如果没有和外层cell 连起来,要打上PIN,否则通不过diva检查.尽量在布局低层cell时就连起来 14 尽量用最上层金属接出PIN。 15 接出去的线拉到cell边缘,布局时记得留出走线空间. 16 金属连线不宜过长; 17 电容一般最后画,在空档处拼凑。 18 小尺寸的mos管孔可以少打一点. 19 LABEL标识元件时不要用y0层,mapfile不认。 20 管子的沟道上尽量不要走线;M2的影响比M1小. 21 电容上下级板的电压注意要均匀分布;电容的长宽不宜相差过大。可以多个电阻并联. 22 多晶硅栅不能两端都打孔连接金属。 23 栅上的孔最好打在栅的中间位置. 24 U形的mos管用整片方形的栅覆盖diff层,不要用layer generation的方法生成U形栅. 25 一般打孔最少打两个 26 Contact面积允许的情况下,能打越多越好,尤其是input/output部分,因为电流较大.但如果contact阻值远大于diffusion则不适用.传导线越宽越好,因为可以减少电阻值,但也增加了电容值. 27 薄氧化层是否有对应的植入层 28 金属连接孔可以嵌在diffusion的孔中间.


2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答:根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. What time do you go to school in the morning? 2. Do you have breakfast every morning? 3. What do you usually have for breakfast? 4. Do you often eat junk food? 5. How do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very much.First,I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the chance to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.Second,it is good for my health.What ' s more,I think playing sports is a goo to relax my mind.After a long day of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2)一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. Where are you going to take your vacation? 2. Could you please answer the telephone? 3. What kind of sports do you like? 4. How many people are there in your family? 5. Which subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very interesting.I like my English teacher.She is very friendly to us.And her classes are lively and interesting.Second,English is a very useful subject.If I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other countries.So I like English very much.


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(3) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. What will the boy probably live his mother? ()2. What do we know about the man? ()3. What is the man doing? ()4. What isthewoman? ()5.How long did it take the woman to finish the charity walk?

A.One hour. B.Eight hours. C.Nine hours ( )6.How does the boy feel about the next maths exam? A. Worried. B.Stressed. C.Confident. ( )7.Who is good at math? A.Bob. B.Allan. C.Judy. ( )8. How many people will probably attend the meeting? A.5. B.15. C.25 ( )9.What does John mean? A.He'd like to go to the cinema. B. He doesn't want to see the film. C.He will be busy this weekend. ( )10. How is the weather in May in Tom's hometown? A.It's rainy. B.It's nice. C.It's cold. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ()11. What is the special box used for? A.For people to throw waste things in. B.For small children to throw rubbish in. C. For people to throw waste batteries(废电池)in. ()12. How many waste batteries can be collected in Beijing each year? A.50 tons. B.500 tons. C.5,000 tons. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(2) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. Which season does the woman like best? ()2. Which is the woman's uncle? ()3. What animals are they going to see next? ()4. What time may they finish the work?

()5.What is Jane probably doing now? A.She is singing. B.She is reading comics. C.She is doing housework. ()6. Which month is it now? A. June. B. May. C.April. ()7.Where are they speaking? A.In the classroom. B.In the library. C.At home. ()8.What is Millie's hobby? A. Dancing. B. Singing. C. Reading. ()9. How much do the notebooks cost? A.6 yuan. B.16 yuan. C.60 yuan. ()l0. What is the woman going to do tomorrow? A.Meet friends. B.Stay at home. C.Plant trees. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. What is the woman doing? A.She is reading a book.


layout布局经验总结 布局前的准备: 1 查看捕捉点设置是否正确.08工艺为0.1,06工艺为0.05,05工艺为0.025. 2 Cell名称不能以数字开头.否则无法做DRACULA检查. 3 布局前考虑好出PIN的方向和位置 4 布局前分析电路,完成同一功能的MOS管画在一起 5 对两层金属走向预先订好。一个图中栅的走向尽量一致,不要有横有竖。 6 对pin分类,vdd,vddx注意不要混淆,不同电位(衬底接不同电压)的n井分开.混合信号的电路尤其注意这点. 7 在正确的路径下(一般是进到~/opus)打开icfb. 8 更改cell时查看路径,一定要在正确的library下更改,以防copy过来的cell是在其他的library下,被改错. 9 将不同电位的N井找出来. 布局时注意: 10 更改原理图后一定记得check and save 11 完成每个cell后要归原点 12 DEVICE的个数是否和原理图一至(有并联的管子时注意);各DEVICE的尺寸是否和原理图一至。一般在拿到原理图之后,会对布局有大概的规划,先画DEVICE,(DIVECE 之间不必用最小间距,根据经验考虑连线空间留出空隙)再连线。画DEVICE后从EXTRACTED中看参数检验对错。对每个device器件的各端从什么方向,什么位置与其他物体连线必须先有考虑(与经验及floorplan的水平有关). 13 如果一个cell调用其它cell,被调用的cell的vssx,vddx,vssb,vddb如果没有和外层cell连起来,要打上PIN,否则通不过diva检查.尽量在布局低层cell时就连起来。 14 尽量用最上层金属接出PIN。 15 接出去的线拉到cell边缘,布局时记得留出走线空间. 16 金属连线不宜过长; 17 电容一般最后画,在空档处拼凑。 18 小尺寸的mos管孔可以少打一点. 19 LABEL标识元件时不要用y0层,mapfile不认。 20 管子的沟道上尽量不要走线;M2的影响比M1小. 21 电容上下级板的电压注意要均匀分布;电容的长宽不宜相差过大。可以多个电阻并联. 22 多晶硅栅不能两端都打孔连接金属。 23 栅上的孔最好打在栅的中间位置. 24 U形的mos管用整片方形的栅覆盖diff层,不要用layer generation的方法生成U形栅. 25 一般打孔最少打两个 26 Contact面积允许的情况下,能打越多越好,尤其是input/output部分,因为电流较大.但如果contact阻值远大于diffusion则不适用.传导线越宽越好,因为可以减少电阻值,但也增加了电容值. 27 薄氧化层是否有对应的植入层 28 金属连接孔可以嵌在diffusion的孔中间.


2018人机对话听力模拟测试题(教师用) 1.Where are they talking? W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? M: I’d like to borrow a book on computer. P28 2. What are they talking about? W: When a house is on fire, what should we do? M: You should call firefighters for help. P28 3. What did the doctor ask Lily to eat? M: Hi, Lily! Are you feeling better these days? W: Well, yes. The doctor made me eat more vegetables. P28 4. How much did the watch cost? W: Did the watch cost you much? M:Not too much. It is worth 50 dollars. I bought it for a half. P31 5. How old is Susan? A.14 B.12 C.16 M: How old are you, Betty? W: I’m fourteen. P31 6. How long did the woman call her parents? A.For 8 minutes. B. For 6 minutes. C. For 9 minutes. M: Did you call your parents? W: Yes. It cost me one yuan. M: Oh, It’s very cheap. W: Yes, I spent 40 fen on the first three minutes, then 10 fen more on each minute. P31 7. Which season does the man like best? A.Summer B. Autumn C. Spring W: Which do you like, summer, autumn or winter? M: I don’t like summer. I like autumn better than winter. P31 8. What’s Eric going to do after supper? A.See a film. B. Have a meeting. C. Get ready for his talk. W: Shall we go to the cinema after supper? M: I’d love to. But I’ll give a talk on the environment at the meeting tomorrow. P31 9. Where does the dialogue probably happen? A.In a clothes shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a tea house. W: Would you like something to drink before you order your meal? M: Just a glass of water. P26 10. What can we learn from the dialogue? A.Jimmy usually helps with the housework. B.The parents feel strange about Jimmy’s change. C.Jimmy tries to be a good boy when he wants something. M: Our son Jimmy is so different today. He has cleaned his room, washed his dirty clothes and finished his homework. He even helped me water the garden. W: Don’t get surprised. There must be something he really wants from us.


布局: 1、顾客指定器件位置是否摆放正确 2、BGA与其它元器件间距是否≥5mm 3、PLCC、QFP、SOP各自之间和相互之间间距是否≥2.5 mm 4、PLCC、QFP、SOP与Chip 、SOT之间间距是否≥1.5 mm 5、Chip、SOT各自之间和相互之间的间距是否≥0.3mm 6、PLCC表面贴转接插座与其它元器件的间距是否≥3 mm 7、压接插座周围5mm范围内是否有其他器件 8、Bottom层元器件高度是否≤3mm 9、模块相同的器件是否摆放一致 10、元器件是否100%调用 11、是否按照原理图信号的流向进行布局,调试插座是否放置在板边 12、数字、模拟、高速、低速部分是否分区布局,并考虑数字地、模拟地划分 13、电源的布局是否合理、核电压电源是否靠近芯片放置 14、电源的布局是否考虑电源层的分割、滤波电容的组合放置等因素 15、锁相环电源、REF电源、模拟电源的放置和滤波电容的放置是否合理 16、元器件的电源脚是否有0.01uF~0.1uF的电容进行去耦 17、晶振、时钟分配器、VCXO\TCXO周边器件、时钟端接电阻等的布局是否合理 18、数字部分的布局是否考虑到拓扑结构、总线要求等因素 19、数字部分源端、末端匹配电阻的布局是否合理 20、模拟部分、敏感元器件的布局是否合理 21、环路滤波器电路、VCO电路、AD、DA等布局是否合理 22、UART\USB\Ethernet\T1\E1等接口及保护、隔离电路布局是否合理 23、射频部分布局是否遵循“就近接地”原则、输入输出阻抗匹配要求等 24、模拟、数字、射频分区部分跨接的回流电阻、电容、磁珠放置是否合理 外形制作: 1、外形尺寸是否正确? 2、外形尺寸标注是否正确? 3、板边是否倒圆角≥1.0mm 4、定位孔位置与大小是否正确 5、禁止区域是否正确 6、Routkeep in距板边是否≥0.5mm 7、非金属定位孔禁止布线是否0.3mm以上 8、顾客指定的结构是否制作正确 规则设置: 1、叠层设置是否正确? 2、是否进行class设置 3、所有线宽是否满足阻抗要求? 4、最小线宽是否≧5mil 5、线、小过孔、焊盘之间间距是否≥6mil,线到大过孔是否≥10mil


Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟朗读短文一遍。请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时我正在专心看书。看到我学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了我。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) At 9 o’clock. 2. What was I doing then? (2分) I was reading a book. 3. Was Mother happy when she saw me? (2分) Yes. 4. Why did Mother praise me? (2分) Because I study hard. 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前瘦多了。 My father is so heavy that he has to do sports every day. In the morning, he spends half an hour riding a bike to the library. In the afternoon, he takes a walk for an hour. Now, my father is much thinner than before. And he thinks it’s important to keep health. Test 2 第一节短文朗读(计6分) Choose your favorite fruit. Use fruit in season and make sure it is fresh. Use fruit of different colors and try to make your fruit salad look as nice as it tastes. For example, mixing red apples, purple grapes and yellow bananas together will make the salad look very colorful. Prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit

PCB Layout经验总结-自编

PCB Layout 参数 1.Routing的最小线宽=最小间距(这是一般应该遵循的规则), 对于有BGA的板子(布线密度一般较高),单端线线宽一般有:控制线表层0.25mm和内层0.1mm,对应阻抗50欧姆。 PS1: 对于这样表层有焊盘间距0.65mm、焊盘直径0.35mm的BGA封装器件层走线时,未出器件焊盘区域时width取0.1mm(clearence为0.1mm),出了焊盘区域可将线宽放宽为0.25mm(clearence 0.15mm)。 PS2:较宽松的电路的最佳推荐线宽、间距一般为0.254mm(10mil)。 PS3:市场上批量生产时允许的最小线宽为表层0.12mm,内层为0.1mm。 PS4:Routing时,应该做到层内布线均匀,各布线层密度相近,这样可以对防止板子翘曲起到积极作用。另外可以通过整层敷铜来达到相同的效果! 2.普通印制板Via尺寸一般就打这几种(单位默认mm): 控制线Via:(8mil,16mil)、(0.2,0.44)、(0.25,0.5)、(10mil、18.5mil)。 电源、地线Via:(0.6,1.0)。 PS1:; PS2:Via金属盘的极限制程能力虽然已经可达环宽0.1mm,但只建议用在迫不得已的情况下使用(参考PS3),推荐Via环宽最小值0.12mm, ;

PS3:兴森快捷给胡晓芳Layout的PCB上SN74LVC16T245附近如下 ,很多反常规的可取设计,比如虽然 Datasheet里推荐使用0.33mm的焊盘,但板子上实际使用的是0.3mm的焊盘,图中BGA内部使用的Via尺寸全是(16mil,8mil)即(0.406m,0.203mm)。 PS4:通孔类Pad的环宽最小0.15mm,国盾要求大于0.225mm。 3.制程能力中的孔间距 一博的《高速先生》第13期第24页的那篇文章中说了这一问题,此孔间距是指钻孔内壁间距,一博的制程能力是10mil。拿常规画的PCB来说,使用(8mil,16mil)的Via,Rules设置最小Clearence:4mil,则孔内壁间距=4+2*环宽=12mil,所以直接按照Rules来走线放置Via即可。 4.走线与无盘Via的最小距离 对于BGA的投影区域的内部走线层常出现,很局促,甚至很多


2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 time do you go to school in the morning? you have breakfast every morning? do you usually have for breakfast? you often eat junk food? do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very ,I think playing sports is it gives people the chance to make new have made some good friends when playing ,it is good for my ’s more,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my a long day of schoolwork,I always feel after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 are you going to take your vacation? you please answer the telephone? kind of sports do you like? many people are there in your family? subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very like my English is very friendly to her classes are lively and ,English is a very useful I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other I like English very much.


晓毓教程 (LayOut)上部 看到许多朋友对于LayOut都有很大的兴趣却没有一个合适的中文教程,因此这个版块也快成了问答版块了,所以我今天将自己对于使用LayOut的一点心得发上来与大家共享,这些内容也是我正在编写的SketchUp新书中的一小部分,到时书中会有更详细的讲解,希望大家多多给我修改意见! 在下先谢了! 今晚先发前半部分,让大家先睹为快! 由于是个人总结的,所以有错误的地方还望大家给予谅解! LayOut是伴随SketchUp6一并出现的小软件,它的功能大部分类似于AutoCAD中的布局功能,因此许多朋友都叫它SU布局,在这里我想叫它“版式编辑器”。我们可以使用“版式编辑器”来完成更丰富的个性化版式,使我们的设计作品提升一个更高的层次,并且这个“版式编辑器”又结合了一些SU所特有的功能,更使之增色不少,二者的结合也使这个小软件逐渐受人关注了,接下来我们将根据一个接近实际的案例来进行讲解。本教程从实际应用的角度出发,图文并茂的讲解LayOut的使用方法,在讲解过程中会用“题外话”的方式来讲解实例中没有涉及到的又是 LayOut中的重点内容!希望大家对于阅读方面有什么不方便的地方也一并给予指正!





2017年中考口语模拟试题 Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时你正在专心看书。看到你学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了你。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) 2. What were you doing then? (2分) 3. Was Mother happy when she saw you? (2分) 4. Why did Mother praise you? (2分) 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前健康多了。


布局前的准备: 1 查看捕捉点设置是否正确.08工艺为 0.1,06工艺为0.05,05工艺为0.025. 2 Cell名称不能以数字开头.否则无法 做DRACULA检查. 3 布局前考虑好出PIN的方向和位置 4 布局前分析电路,完成同一功能的 MOS管画在一起 5 对两层金属走向预先订好。一个图 中栅的走向尽量一致,不要有横有竖。 6 对pin分类,vdd,vddx注意不要混淆,不同电位(衬底接不同电压)的n井分 开.混合信号的电路尤其注意这点. 7 在正确的路径下(一般是进到~/opus)打开icfb. 8 更改cell时查看路径,一定要在正确的library下更改,以防copy过来的cell 是在其他的library下,被改错. 9 将不同电位的N井找出来. 布局时注意: 10 更改原理图后一定记得check and save 11 完成每个cell后要归原点 12 DEVICE的个数是否和原理图一至(有并联的管子时注意);各 DEVICE的尺寸是否和原理图一至。一般在拿到原理图之后,会对布局有大概 的规划,先画DEVICE,(DIVECE之间不必用最小间距,根据经验考虑连线空间 [转帖]layout布局经验总结[ICISEE论坛],/bbs/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=36&id=1012(第1/8 页)2006-7-17 16:01:33 [转帖]layout布局经验总结[ICISEE论坛] 留出空隙)再连线。画DEVICE后从EXTRACTED中看参数检验对错。对每个 device器件的各端从什么方向,什么位置与其他物体连线必须先有考虑(与经 验及floorplan的水平有关). 13 如果一个cell调用其它cell,被调用的cell的vssx,vddx,vssb,vddb如果 没有和外层cell连起来,要打上PIN,否则通不过diva检查.尽量在布局低层cell 时就连起来。 14 尽量用最上层金属接出PIN。 15 接出去的线拉到cell边缘,布局时记得留出走线空间. 16 金属连线不宜过长; 17 电容一般最后画,在空档处拼凑。 18 小尺寸的mos管孔可以少打一点. 19 LABEL标识元件时不要用y0层,mapfile不认。 20 管子的沟道上尽量不要走线;M2的影响比M1小. 21 电容上下级板的电压注意要均匀分布;电容的长宽不宜相差过大。可 以多个电阻并联. 22 多晶硅栅不能两端都打孔连接金属。 23 栅上的孔最好打在栅的中间位置. 24 U形的mos管用整片方形的栅覆盖diff层,不要用layer generation的方


中考英语人机对话模拟试题(一) 一、听问句,说答语 1.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus./By bus. 2.What’s the date today? It’s June 15th. 3.How often do you watch TV?Four times a week./Once a week. 4.What’s your favorite color?Blue. 5.When were you born?I was born in 1998. 二.朗读课文 The Smiths are at the airport.They’re saying goodbye to their son Mark and his family.Mark and his family are going to live in Beijing.They’re going to stay with his wife’s relatives.Mark will work in the family’s restaurant.Alice,his wife,will take any job she can find.The children will begin school in September. The Smiths are both happy and sad.They’re happy because they know their son and his family will have a good life in their new home.However,they’re sad because they a re going to be lonely.Their house will be quiet and empty,they’ll have to spend holidays by themselves,and they won’t see their grandchildren grow up. Some day the Smiths will visit Beijing,or perhaps they’ll even move there.But until then,they’re going to miss their family very much.As you can imagine,it’s very difficult for them to say goodbye. 三、话题表达 Do you like sports?Why (or why not)?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I like sports very much.I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the opportunity to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.It is good for my health,too.Besides that,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my mind.After a long way of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball or tennis with my friends.I feel easy and comfortable.


关于厂房规划(我做的是电子厂,不过我想道理是一样的),总整体上来看,整个规划内容大至可以分为下面几个部分: 一.生活设施规划(我把这部分归结为人流),包括: 打卡区/更鞋区/餐厅/卫生间/车棚/休息区(饮水区)/吸烟区,/监控室(安检区) 二.生产设施规划(我把这部分归结为物流),包括: 1.仓库:1.1.码头(含入库码头,出库码头,Foxconn有的楼栋是分离的比如E区,有的是在一起的比如A区) 1.2.原料仓(包括IQC检验区,OK放置区,不良品区) Foxconn料仓一般分: 1.2.1机构仓 自制件仓(成型件/印刷件/冲压件/烤漆件/SMT件,分布在各个楼栋楼层,大部分直接入 装配Kitting仓,只要距离不太远,像冲压件和烤漆件往往跟组装 不在同一个楼栋,这个时候需要在装配外购件仓有个周转区,库存 可参考11H库存) 外购件仓(Hub仓非电子件的周转区一般11H库存) 1.2.2包材仓(一般1.5天库存,瓶颈物料如栈板可放宽) 1.2.3电子件仓(Hub仓电子件的周转区,一般跟SMT在同一楼层,温湿度要求严格,空间 要求密闭,温湿度可调) 1.2.4贵重物品仓(放置贵重物料CPU/DU/LCD等体积下价值高的物料) 1.3.成品区(OQC检验区/放置区/不良品区) 2.料区:包括原料暂存区,半成品暂存去,成品暂存区,不良品暂存及处理区 3.生产区域:包括生产线,水电气的供应等等 4.辅助生产区:包括各种机房(空调机房,空压机房,配电房,网络机房),维修区(包括电子件和机构件维修区),设备及治具摆放区,OQC检验区等 5.office区:各个部门办公区及相应的电,电话,网络供应。 当然,一个完整的厂房还包括前台区,会议室等等。 下面做一些说明: 准备事项: 由于我当时所做的layout都是属于旧厂房改造,所以只能讲讲这方面的经验,从另一个角度讲,旧厂房改**而比较麻烦 ,因为很多约束比较多,拆了重新来可能比建个新的还麻烦. 一般来讲,要改造一个厂房,第一步就是看现场,了解目前的状态,另外,还需要收集一些基本数据,比如:柱间距;各楼层的承重;楼层的高度(板对板间距),梁高;(这个主要是涉及管道的规划以及夹层的设计)承重墙的分布;电梯的数量及分布;目前各机房的数量及位置,容量;未来的产能规划等等其中,产能规划是比较重要的,因为很多数据都是根据产能需求来进行计算的. 生活设施方面 生活设施方面主要是满足员工日常生活需求所用的,这个部分我们归结为人流,正常的情况下,员工上班的整个顺序一般是这样的:打上班卡----更鞋----进入车间(上午)-----餐厅------进入车间(下午)-----下班-----过安检------更鞋-----打下班卡. 这中间,还包括工作中休息的时间,即需要休息区(包括饮水区),另外还要上厕所,所以需要卫生间,等等. 餐厅:一般座位与就餐人数的比例在1:3~1:5之间,如果每批次就餐时间为20分钟的话,那么大约在2个小时内可以就餐完毕
