

1、You can remember the face, but can‘t put a name to it. Many of us have been caught in this embarrassing situation. But researchers say it is often easier to remember someone's name than what they look like.

Twenty-four volunteers were shown 40 pictures of strangers, paired with random(随机的) names. They were given time to memorize the faces and names before being tested on which they thought they had seen before.

The participants could remember up to 85 per cent of the names but only 73 per cent of the faces. When they were shown a different picture of the same person, the participants could recall only 64 per cent of faces, according to the study, led by the University of York.

That may be because faces are only recognized visually, while names can be both spoken and written down so appear in our visual and audio memory. When people were shown famous people, they also remembered their names more accurately than their photographs. Co-author Dr Rob Jenkins, from the university's psychology department, said, "Our study suggests that, while many people may be bad at remembering names, they are likely to be even worse at remembering faces. This will surprise many people as it is against our initial understanding. Our life experiences with names and faces have misled us about how our minds work." Remembering names gets harder with age, leading to many uncomfortable moments for middle-aged people when they run into acquaintances.

But to study whether names are harder to recall than faces, the researchers, whose findings are published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, used a “fair test” where the participants were presented with strangers’ names and faces.

1.What can we know according to the research in Paragraph 3?

A.It is certain that names are harder to recall than faces.

B.Remembering names is more easily than remembering faces.

C.Most participants can remember the face not the name to it.

D.The participants can recall 73% faces of the same person.

2.Which of the following will the author agree with?

A.Age will weaken the ability to remember names.

B.Unlike faces, names are only recognized visually.

C.Faces can appear in our visual and audio memory.

D.Rob Jenkins has proved people can remember faces better.

3.What does the un derlined word “ initial” in Paragraph 4 mean?





4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.People can not remember strangers' names and faces.

B.Recalling names is more difficult than remembering

C.The researcher uses the same method to study another problem.

D.Whether names are harder to recall than faces is further proved.

2、Going to bed at the same time every night could give your child's brain a boost,

a recent study found.

Researchers at University College London found that when 3-year-olds have

a regular bedtime they perform heller on cognitive(认知的)tests administered at age

7 than children whose bedtimes weren't consistent(一致的). The findings represent

a new turn, compared with the former research, which shows that inadequate sleep in children and adolescents hurts academic performance arid overall health.

The latest study considered other factors that can influence bedtime and cognitive development, such as skipping breakfast and having a television in their bedroom. After accounting for these, the study found that going to bed very early or very late didn't affect cognitive performance, so long as the bedtime was consistent.

The study, published online, examined data on bedtimes and cognitive scores for 11,178 children. These children, aged 3,5 and 7,were participants in the U.K.'s Millennium Cohort Study, a nationally representative long-term study of infants born between 2000 and 2001.

The researchers suggested that having inconsisteni bedtimes may hurt a child's cognitive development by disturbing children's regular sleeping habits. It also might result in their lack of sleep, thus affecting brain development.

"Insufficient sleep and irregular bedtimes may each affect cognitive development through different mechanisms(机制)," Dr. Owens said. "The kid who has both problems may face an even higher risk of these cognitive injuries.”

A consistent pattern of sleep behavior mattered. "Those who had irregular bedtimes at all three ages had significantly poorer scores than those who had regular bedtimes," Dr. Sacker said. This was especially true for girls who didn't establish consistent bedtimes between 3 and 7 years old.

1.The former research believes that __________.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1016358873.html,ck of sleep does harm to academic achievements

B.irregular bedtime influences brain development

C.good cognitive performance lies in the quality of sleep

D.ages make a difference to cognitive development

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Children of all ages are involved in the study.

B.Going to bed late affects cognitive performance.

C.Inconsistent bedtime has a higger effect on girls than boys.

D.The study was conducted internationally.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A.the former research is totally wrong

B.researchers consider many possible factors when researching

C.kids with lack of sleep are likely to suffer more cognitive injuries

D.going to bed early didn't affect cognitive performance

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Adequate sleep does count.

B.Going to bed early gives a brain a boost.

C.Consistent bedtime really matters.

D.The reasons for children's cognitive development.

3、Over the past two decades, the Mission : Impossible film series has always been connected with Tom Cruise. No matter what happens, he's always been Ethan Hunt, the stubborn agent who always gives 110 percent to secure other people’s safety, regardless of his own.

Hunt seizes as a kind of action hero, but there’s an interesting change in ;Impossible—Ghost Protocol (2011) , the fourth movie of the series. In it, Hunt faces personal consequences for his heroic acts, as he has to leave his beloved wife Julia behind to save the world. And this idea continues in Mission : Impossible——Fallout, which arrived in Chinese mainland cinemas on Aug. 31.

In the latest film of the series, Hunt's dilemma is even bigger than before, when he's forced to make a choice between saving someone he loves and the entire world.

The theme of the "moral dilemma" , in which the hero must choose between two very difficult options, is common in cinema.

Characters like James Bond and Batman often face moral dilemmas of their own. Bond is loyal to Britain and spares no effort to finish every task, but this often comes at the cost of following the rules. For most people, killing someone even for a good reason isn't acceptable. However, Bond has only two choices in front of him : kill his enemies or be killed.

Differing from Bond, however, Batman never kills a single person in film The Dark Knight (2008). He refuses to break his own moral code (准则 ). Indeed,it seems Batman is a different kind of hero, one who puts his own morals above anything else.

As is mentioned on the poster for Fallout : "Some missions are not a choice" , which means that good intentions often come back lo haunt (困扰) us. So, superheroes like Ethan Hunt and his Impossible Mission Force need to make the right choice by saving the world again. As the character Benjamin Parker, Spider-Man's uncle in the movie series, wisely said, ''With great power comes great responsibility."

1.Who is the hero in the film series Mission :Impossible?

A.Benjamin Parker.

B.James Bond.


D.Ethan Hunt.

2.What do the three action heroes mentioned in the passage have in common?

A.They all kill their enemies.

B.They all have the same moral code.

C.They are all cruel and cold-blooded.

D.They are all stuck in moral dilemmas.

3.According to the passage, we know that ___________.

A.killing someone for a good reason is acceptable

B.great power goes hand in hand with responsibility

C.Mission :Impossible——Ghost Protocol will be on in China soon

D.Ghost Protocol doesn't have the same theme as other films of the series

4.What’s the best title of the passage?


B.Ethan Hunt Coming Back

C.Making a Hard Choice

D.Tom Cruise Was Caught in a Dilemma

4、Honey(蜂蜜)from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper一a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees’ nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or people as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking

honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

1.Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?

A.It's small in size.

B.It's hidden in trees.

C.It's covered with wax.

D.It's hard to recognize.

2.What do the words "the follower" in Paragraph 2 refer to?.

A.A bee.

B.A bird.

C.A honey seeker.

D.A beekeeper

3.The honey guide is special in the way________.

A.it gets its food

B.it goes to church

C.it sings in the forest

D.it reaches into bees' nests

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Wild Bees

B.Wax and Honey

C.Beekeeping in Africa

D.Honey-Lover's Helper

5、“The altitude below 6,500 meters is where most activities such as mountaineering and training take place, so it has ihe most waste,” said Nyima Tser ing, director of the Tibet Sports Bureau.

The bureau has established an environmental protection team and taken measures to settle the high-altitude garbage issue, with the aim of giving visitors the best view of Mount Qomolangma, the world's highest peak.

It becomes harder for volunteers to work as the altitude increases. Usually they carry four or five cans of oxygen to breathe, and even then, they have to be very careful while working.

There is a cleanup system to help the volunteers do their job more efficiently, Nyima Tsering said.

Local herders(牧民) are employed to collect rubbish in places below 6,500 meters, while professional guides and mountaineers do the work in higher places. Each mountaineer has lo bring 8 kilograms of rubbish clown from the mountain to be rewardefl. Aftemards, the rubbish is sorted and delivered to Mount Qomolangma Nature Reserve Management Bureau for final disposal (处理).

Starting this year, the bureau repaired dry toilets on the mountain by installing simple storage tanks for easier packaging, disposal and transportation of human waste.

To step up the efforts, the bureau has involved more social forces in the cause. For instance, with the help of charity funds, the bureau set up the Tibet Himalaya Mountain Environmental Protection Fund, the first of its kind in China.

The fund passed the government's approval in March 2018. It will nol only help protect Tibet's environment, but also inspire farmers and herders to get involved in the campaign and allow them to make money through environmental protection.

Mountaineering itself will also be strictly controlled. When the 2018 mountaineering season ends in autumn, the spot will not open again to hikers this year and places above 5,100 meters will be closed to tourists for better environment management.

1.What is probably the biggest challenge for the volunteers?

A.Some garbage is too high to collect.

B.They are short of hands.

C.The air is too thin to breathe.

D.Oxygen cans are in short supply.

2.Why are local herders employed to help collect rubbish?

A.To reduce the cost of the cleanup.

B.To increase the cleanup efficiency.

C.To help them fight poverty.

D.To make the cleanup less risky.

3.Which of the following will pay the herders and farmers involved?

A.The Environmental Protection Fund.

B.The Tibet Sports Department.

C.The professional guides and mountaineers.

D.The environmental protection team.

4.What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To describe the mountain scenery.

B.To look for more volunteers.

C.To introduce a series of measures.

D.To encourage more donation.

6、 We all have defining moments in our lives ---- meaningful experiences tha tstand out in our memory. Many of them owe a great deal to chance: a lucky encounter(相遇) with someone who becomes the love of your life. A new teacher who spots a talent you didn’t know you had. These moments seem to be the product of fate or luck. We can’t control them.

But is that true? No necessarily. Defining moments shape our lives, but we don’t have to wait for them to happen. We can be the authors of them. It is possible to create defining moments if we understand more about hem. Our research shows that they all share a set of common elements. We start by asking: why do we remember certain experiences and forget others? In the case of big days, such as weddings, the answer is pretty clear----it’s a celebration that is grand in scale and rich in emotion. No surprise that it’s more memorable than a maths lesson. But for other experiences in life ----from holidays ot work projects----it’s not so clear why we rememver what we do.

Consider an experiment in which participants were asked to submerge(浸入) their hands for 60 seconds in buckets filled with 14℃ water. (Remember 14℃ water feels much colder than 14℃ air.) They were then asked to submerge their hands for 90 seconds instead of 60, but during the final 30 seconds, the water warmed up to 15℃. The participants were then given a choice: would you rather repeat the first trial or the second?

Psychologists have explained the reasons for this puzzling result. When people assess an experience, they tend to forget or ignore its length. Instead they seem to rate the experience based on two key moments: the best or worst moment, known as the peak, and the ending.

In the participan ts’ memories, what stood out for them was that the longer trial ended more comfortably than the shorter one. So when we assess our experiences,

we don’t average our minute-by-minute feelings. Rather, we tend to remember flagship moments: the peaks, the pits(低谷) and the transitions. What we don’t remember are the bits in between----sometimes there is little to distinguish one week from the next.

Partly this is because there may be only a dozen moments in your ife that show who you are----those are big defining moments. But there are smaller experiences, too, in the context of a memorable holiday, romantic date or work achievement. Once we understand how we remember certain moments and why, we can start to create more moments that matter.

1. How does the author udnerstand defining moments?

A. We can create defining moments in our lives.\

B. Defining moments ar ejust ou tof our control.

C. No similarities exist between defining moments.

D. Defining moments consist of smaller experiences.

2. We can learn from the experiment that _____.

A. the striking moments are more likely to be remembered.

B. the length of an experience determines our memory of it

C. it is meaningful to distinguish the bits in bdetween flagship moments.

D. all the components of an experience should be equally remembered

3. What would probably be discussed in the following part of the text?

A. What to prepare for life’s trials.

B. Why to create defining moments.

C. Whom to owe our good fates to.

D. How to create life’s big mome nts.


1、1.B; 2.A; 3.B; 4.D


1.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“The participants could remember up to 85 per cent of the names but only 73 per cent of the faces.”可知,参与者能识记85 %的名字, 但是只能记住73%的长相。由此可推知,名字更容易被记住。故选B。

2.细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“ Rememhering names gets harder with ag e, leading to many uncomfortable moments for middle-aged people when they run into acquaintances. ”可知,年龄的增长会使人记忆名字的能力衰退。故选A。

3.词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句“ You can remember the face, but can’t put a name to it.”以及第四段第三句中的“while many people may be bad at remembering nam es, they are likely to be even worse at remembering faces”可推知,这个结果因与他们最初的理解相左而使其感到吃惊。由此可知,initial应是“起先的,起初的”的意思。故选B。

4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“ to study whether names are harder to recall than faces" “used a ' fair test’ where the participants were presented with strangers’ names and faces”可推知,是否名字比长相更难识记有待进一步证实。故选D。

2、1.A; 2.C; 3.B; 4.C


1.细节理解题。根据第二段“compared with the former research, which shows that inadequate sleep in children and adolescents hurts academic perfomiance and overall health" 可知正确答案为A项。B选项为最新的研究结论。

2.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“ ‘ Those who had irregular bedtimes at all three ages had significantly poorer scores than those who had regular bedtimes,' Dr. Sacker said. This was especially true for girls who didn't establish consistent bedtimes between 3 and 7 y ears old.”可知正确答案为C项。根据第四段可知,研究对象为3岁、5岁和7岁的孩子,可知A选项错误;根据第三段“the study found that going to very early or very late didn’t affect cognitive performance”可知B选项是错误的。

3.推理判断题。根据第三段“The latest study considered other factors that can influence bedtime and cognitive development, such as...”可知B选项正确。报据文章第六段“The kid who has both problems may face an even higher risk of these cognitive injuries.”可知单纯的缺乏睡眠不会让孩子遭受更高的认知损伤,故C项错误。D选项是第三段已给出的事实,并非推论。


3、1.D; 2.D; 3.B; 4.C


1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段No matter what happens, he's always been Kthan Hunt, the stubborn agent who always gives 110 percent to secure other people's safety, regardless of his own.可知,Ethan Hunt是《碟中碟》系列电影中的英雄,故选D。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第四段The theme of the “moral dilemma", in which the hero must choose between two very difficult options, is common in cinema.可以推断出,三位动作英雄的共同之处是他们都会陷入道德困境,故选D。

3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段With great power comes great responsibility.可知,能力越大,责任越大,故选B。


4、1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D

解析:1.细节题,由第一段these nests are high up in trees可知蜂巢藏在树上,很难被发现。故选B.

2.细节题,此处描述的是honey guide找到蜂巢然后大声鸣叫来吸引那些寻找蜂巢的人或动物帮助它们打开蜂巢,所以the follower 是指寻找蜂巢的人或动物,即A honey seeker。

3.推理题,最后一段是对honey guide是怎样找到蜂巢然后怎样得到食物的,可推测出它们寻找食物的方式很特别。故选A。

4.推理题,文章主要描述了honey guide是如何帮助那些喜欢蜂蜜的人或动物找到蜂巢的,所以D项最符合题意。文章大意:有一种鸟,能轻易找到蜂蜜,并借助人或其他动物的帮助,得到自己喜欢的蜂蜡。非洲森林中一种蜂蜜竟然将人或其他动物与这种鸟儿联系在一起,他们各取所需。

5、1.C; 2.B; 3.A; 4.C


1.细节理解题。本题问的是“对于志愿者来说,什么可能是最大的挑战?”从第三段“It becomes harder for volunteers to work as the altitude increases. Usually they carry four or five cans of oxygen to breathe, and even then, they have to be very careful while working.”可以得知海拔越高,对于他们来说越困难。他们要带4到5罐氧气。因此选C。

2.细节理解题。本题问的是“为什么当地的牧民被雇用来帮助收集垃圾?”从第四段和第五段的“There is a cleanup system to help the volunteers do their job more efficiently,

Nyima Tsering said. Local herders (牧民)are employed to collect rubbish in places below 6,500 meters”可以得知,雇用他们使得打扫系统化,从而提高效率。因此选B。

3.细节理解题。本题问的是“下列哪一项给参加的牧民和农民付工资?”从倒数第二段的“the bureau set up the Tibet Himalaya Mountain Environme ntal Protection Fund"以及倒数第二段的“but also inspire farmers and herders to get involved in the campaign and allow them to make money through environmental protection.”可以得知环境保护基金允许他们通过环境保护挣钱,因此选A。




1.选A,根据题干defining moments定位到第二段,可以看到第一行里有连接词but,可知转折后的为重点,”we can be the authors of them”,易得,58题选A。



多重要的时刻,依据逻辑,这是在说是什么和为什么,所以接下来就应该要说怎么做了,即how to create moments,故选D。
