Study of $Lambda$ hypernuclei in the quark mean field model

a r X i v :n u c l -t h /0104072v 2 11 J u l 2001

Study of Λhypernuclei in the quark mean ?eld model


CCAST(World Lab.),P.O.Box 8730,Beijing 100080,China Department of Physics,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China


Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP),Osaka University,

Ibaraki,Osaka 567-0047,Japan


We extend the quark mean ?eld model to the study of Λhypernuclei.Without adjust-ing parameters,the properties of Λhypernuclei can be described reasonably well.The small spin-orbit splittings for Λin hypernuclei are achieved,while the Λsingle particle en-ergies in the present model are slightly underestimated as compared with the experimental values.About 3%deviation from the quark model prediction for the ω?Λcouplings is required in order to reproduce the experimental single particle energies.


Keywords:Quark mean ?eld model;Constituent quark model;Λhypernuclei

Over the past years hypernuclear physics has been attracting great interest.The most extensively studied hypernuclear system consists of a singleΛparticle coupled to the nuclear core,which could be produced in(π+,K+)or(K?,π?)reactions.Λhypernuclear spectroscopy indicates thatΛis weakly bound in nuclear medium and its spin-orbit splitting is quite small compared with the nucleon[1,2,3,4].Theoretical e?orts have been devoted to understanding the properties of hypernuclei[5].The relativistic mean?eld(RMF)models have been suc-cessfully applied to describe hypernuclei with adjustable meson-hyperon couplings and tensor couplings[6,7,8,9].Microscopic hypernuclear structure calculations have also been performed in the quark-meson coupling(QMC)model[10,11],where both the hyperon and the nucleon are the composites of quarks.

In this paper,Λhypernuclei are investigated in the quark mean?eld(QMF)model,which has been successfully applied to study the properties of both nuclear matter and?nite nuclei[12, 13].The QMF model describes the nucleon in terms of the constituent quark model,while the MIT bag model was used in the QMC model[14,15,16].The main purpose of the present work is to extend the QMF model to?avor SU(3)and further to the study ofΛhypernuclei.With the assumption that theσ,ω,andρmesons couple only to the u and d quarks,the meson-hyperon couplings can be obtained from the quark model.It is very interesting to perform the self-consistent calculations forΛhypernuclei in the QMF model without any freedom of adjusting parameters.

We start with the description of theΛhyperon in nuclear medium.The nucleon and theΛhyperon as composites of three quarks are described in terms of the constituent quark model, in which the constituent quarks satisfy the Dirac equations with con?nement potentials[13]. Theσmeson,which couples directly to the u and d quarks,provides a scalar potential to the quark and as a consequence reduces the constituent quark mass.The change of the nucleon properties under the in?uence of theσmean?eld has been studied in Ref.[13].We now treat theΛhyperon in nuclear medium.According to the OZI rule,the non-strange mesons couple exclusively to the u and d quarks and not to the s quark.Therefore the state of the s quark inside theΛhyperon will not be in?uenced due to the presence of the non-strange

meson mean?elds.We follow Ref.[13]to take into account the spin correlations and remove the spurious center of mass motion,and then obtain the e?ective mass forΛhyperon as M?Λ=

(3e q+E N spin)2?3 p2q .Here the subscript q denotes the u or d quark.The energies(e q and e s)and momenta( p2q and p2s )can be obtained by solving the Dirac equations.We take the same two types of con?nement as used in Ref.[13]:(1)scalar potentialχc=1


kr2(1+γ0)/2with k=700MeV/fm2.The quark masses are taken as m q=313MeV and m s=490MeV.The spin correlations(E N spin and EΛspin)are?xed by?tting the nucleon andΛmasses in free space(M N=939MeV,MΛ=1116MeV).

We present in Fig.1the variations of the e?ective masses for the nucleon and theΛhyperon,δM?i=M?i?M i(i=N,Λ),as functions of the quark mass correction due to the presence of theσmean?eld,δm q=m q?m?q=?g qσσ(q=u,d).The results with the scalar potential are shown by solid curves,while those with the scalar-vector potential by dashed ones.The behavior of the e?ective nucleon mass has been discussed extensively in our previous work[13]. We now focus on the e?ective mass for theΛhyperon.It is obvious that the reduction of M?Λis smaller than that of M?N,since only two of the three quarks in theΛhyperon are in?uenced by theσmean?eld.We note that the dependence of the e?ective masses on theσmean?eld must be calculated self-consistently within the quark model,therefore the ratio of the variation of the e?ective mass for theΛhyperon to that for the nucleon,δM?Λ/δM?N,is not so simple as a constant as in the RMF models[6,7].

We treat a singleΛhypernucleus as a system of many nucleons and aΛhyperon which interact through exchange ofσ,ω,andρmesons.The e?ective Lagrangian can be written as L=ˉψ iγμ?μ?M?N?gωωγ0?gρρτ3γ0?e(1+τ3)













whereψandψΛare the Dirac spinors for the nucleon and theΛhyperon.The mean?eld

approximation has been adopted for the exchangedσ,ω,andρmesons,while the mean?eld values of these mesons are denoted byσ,ω,andρ,respectively.mσ,mω,and mρare the meson masses.A is the electromagnetic?eld which couples to the protons.Since theΛhyperon is neutral and isoscalar,it only couples to theσandωmesons.The in?uence of theσmeson on theΛhyperon is contained in M?Λ,while theωmeson couples to theΛhyperon with the coupling constant gΛω=2g qω(for the nucleon,gω=3g qω,gρ=g qρ).In the QMF model,the basic parameters are the quark-meson couplings(g qσ,g qω,and g qρ),the nonlinear self-coupling constants(g3and c3),and the mass of theσmeson(mσ),which has been determined by?tting the properties of nuclear matter and?nite nuclei in Ref.[13].Therefore,no more adjustable parameters exist when it is extended to the calculation ofΛhypernuclei.From the Lagrangian given in(1),we obtain the following Euler-Lagrange equations






2r d

the value is1.5MeV without the perturbative correction.The recent experimental result[4] seems to reveal the splitting of1.6±0.15MeV for the1f states in89ΛY.

We present in Fig.2the calculatedΛsingle particle energies in several hypernuclei consisting of a closed-shell nuclear core and a singleΛhyperon,while the results in the QMC model[10] and the experimental values[1,2,3]are also shown for comparison.Here the QMC results do not contain the e?ect of the Pauli blocking,which has been included phenomenologically in Ref.[11]in order to reproduce the experimental single particle energies.The QMF I and QMF II denote the models with con?nementsχc=1



parameters in the QMF models have been determined in our previous work[13],therefore no free parameter in the present calculation.We notice that the?nal results are insensitive to the choice of the s quark mass.It is found that small spin-orbit splittings for theΛin those hypernuclei are obtained in the present model.For instance,the spin-orbit splittings for the1d states(1d3/2?1d5/2)in41ΛCa and209ΛPb decrease to0.02and0.01MeV with the perturbative correction,while those values are about1.4and0.5MeV without the perturbative correction. The small spin-orbit splittings were mostly worked out by adding tensor interactions in the RMF models[6,7,8].In Fig.3,we plot the scalar and vector potentials(U S and U V)for the 1s1/2Λstate in41ΛCa and209ΛPb.The results with two types of con?nement shown by solid and dashed curves are almost identical.The attractive scalar potential is mostly canceled by the repulsive vector potential,and their di?erence at the center of the hypernuclei is about 20?25MeV.

The single particle energies in the present model seem to be slightly underestimated,which is opposite to the tendency in the QMC model.It is well known that the properties ofΛhypernuclei are very sensitive to the e?ective coupling constants on the hadronic level,especially the two relative couplings Rσ=gΛσ/gσand Rω=gΛω/gω[17].The quark model value,Rσ= Rω=2/3,usually gives large overbinding ofΛsingle particle energies.Some e?ects,like correlatedππexchange,may cause the deviations of Rσand Rωfrom the quark model value of2/3.Most studies of the hypernuclei in the RMF models are performed by treating both Rσand Rω(or only one of them)as phenomenological parameters,which are?tted by using

experimental data[6,7,8,17].In the present model,Rσ=gΛσ/gσ= ?M?Λ?σ must be calculated self-consistently on the quark level,while Rω=2/3is based on the quark model. Comparing with the RMF models,Rσin the QMF model depends on theσmean?eld,and could not be a constant again.The resultingΛsingle particle energies are slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimental values as shown in Fig. 2.The results can be largely improved if we use the scaled coupling constant,0.97×gΛω,which gives the1s1/2single particle energy in209ΛPb to be?27.2MeV in QMF I and?26.0MeV in QMF II.On the contrary,the results in the QMC model(without Pauli blocking e?ect)are overestimated in comparison with the experimental data[10,11].The scaled coupling constant,1.10×gΛω(or0.93×gΛσ), is required in order to reproduce the experimental single particle energies in the QMC model.

It is very interesting to discuss the origin of this di?erence,because of the similarity of the QMC and QMF models.Rω=2/3has been used in both models,while Rσhas to be calculated with di?erent approaches.Rσobtained in the QMC model was very close to2/3.This is related to its expressions for the e?ective masses,where the center of mass correction was assumed to be independent of theσmean?eld,and parametrized into the term of Z0.In our calculation, we keep the center of mass correction,which is found to decrease with increasingσmean?eld, and then we get smaller values than2/3for Rσ.This seems to be the dominant origin of the underbinding in the QMF model,to be contrasted with the overbinding in the QMC model.

In summary,we have reported the results of the?rst application of the QMF model to the description ofΛhypernuclei.With the parameters determined by the properties of nuclear matter and?nite nuclei[13],the calculated results forΛhypernuclei are acceptable.The small spin-orbit splittings for theΛin hypernuclei are obtained in the present model,while the single particle energies are slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimental values.We notice that about3%deviation from Rω=2/3is required in order to reproduce the experimental single particle energies.The3%reduction in Rωprovides~6MeV less repulsion, so that theΛpotential decreases to the empirical value(UΛ≈25?30MeV).In the present calculation,the e?ective masses for the nucleon and theΛhyperon,which play important roles in getting the?nal results,are obtained with the assumptions that the spin correlations and

the con?ning potentials are not modi?ed in nuclear matter.It is a challenging work to study the variations of those values in nuclear medium.


This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.



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Figure captions

Figure1:The variations of the e?ective masses for the nucleon and theΛhyperon,δM?


i M?i?M i(i=N,Λ),as functions of the quark mass correction,δm q.The results in the QMF model withχc=1

kr2(1+γ0)/2are shown by dashed curves.


Figure2:ΛSingle particle energies in41ΛCa,91ΛZr,and209ΛPb.QMF I and QMF II denote the

kr2,respectively.The results in the QMC models withχc=1


model[10]are also shown for comparison.The experimental data are taken from Refs.[1, 2,3].

Figure3:The scalar and vector potentials,U S and U V,for the1s1/2Λstate in41ΛCa and 209















δM i *=M i *

-M i [M e V ]

δm q [MeV]






QMC expt.208ΛPb QMF I





expt.89ΛY QMC 209





Zr 41






Ca QMC 1g

1f 1d

1p 1s




Λ s i n g l e p a r t i c l e e n e r g i e s [M e V ]





















s c a l a r a n d v e c t o r p o t e n t i a l s [M e V ]

r [fm]
