Rice OsGL1-1 Is Involved in Leaf Cuticular Wax and Cuticle Membrane

Rice OsGL1-1 Is Involved in Leaf Cuticular Wax and Cuticle Membrane
Rice OsGL1-1 Is Involved in Leaf Cuticular Wax and Cuticle Membrane

Molecular Plant?Volume4?Number6?Pages985–995?November2011RESEARCH ARTICLE Rice OsGL1-1Is Involved in Leaf Cuticular Wax and Cuticle Membrane

Bao-Xiang Qin a,2,Ding Tang a,2,Jian Huang a,Ming Li a,Xin-Ru Wu a,Li-Li Lu b,Ke-Jian Wang a,Heng-Xiu Yu b, Jian-Min Chen b,Ming-Hong Gu b and Zhu-Kuan Cheng a,1

a State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics and Center for Plant Gene Research,Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing100101,China

b Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of Ministry of Education,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou,Jiangsu225009,China

ABSTRACT Cuticular wax forms a hydrophobic barrier on aerial plant organs;it plays an important role in protecting a plant from damage caused by many forms of environmental stress.In the present study,we characterized a rice leaf wax-de?cient mutant osgl1-1derived from a spontaneous mutation,which exhibited a wax-de?cient and highly hydro-philic leaf phenotype.We cloned the OsGL1-1gene by the map-based cloning method and performed a complementation test to con?rm the function of the candidate gene.Molecular studies revealed that OsGL1-1was a member of the OsGL1 family,and contained regions that were homologous to some regions in sterol desaturases and short-chain dehydro-genases/https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417918541.html,pared to the wild-type,the osgl1-1mutant showed decreased cuticular wax deposition,thinner cuticular membrane,decreased chlorophyll leaching,increased rate of water loss,and enhanced sensitivity to drought. OsGL1-1is expressed ubiquitously in rice.The transient expression of OsGL1-1–green?uorescent protein fusion protein indicated that OsGL1-1is localized in the cytoplasm,plasma membrane,and nucleus.

Key words:Cuticular wax;cuticular membrane;OsGL1-1;rice.


Leaves of higher plants are covered by a cuticle consisting of intracuticular waxes embedded in a polymer matrix of cutin and epicuticular waxes deposited on the outer surface of the cutin layer.The waxes are synthesized and secreted by epi-dermal cells and confer essential ecophysiological functions, including the prevention of uncontrolled nonstomatal water loss and protection of the plant against UV radiation as well as against bacterial and fungal pathogens(Reicosky and Hanover,1978;Jenks et al.,1994;Suh et al.,2005).In addition, waxes in the tryphine-containing layer of pollen grains are essential for proper pollen-stigma signaling required for fertilization(Preuss et al.,1993).

Cutin and wax are derived from fatty acid precursors.Cutin is composed of C16and C18hydroxy and epoxy-hydroxy fatty acid monomers(Heredia,2003),while waxes predominantly contain alcohols,aldehydes,ketones,alkanes,and esters de-rived from very long-chain fatty acids(VLCFAs),with chain lengths ranging from C20to C34(Kunst and Samuels,2003). Some researches show that synthesis and transport of wax and cutin are closely coordinated(Suh et al.,2005).Neverthe-less,how the deposition of waxes is coordinated with cutin for-mation is still completely unknown.

Epicuticular waxes in?uence light refraction.In many species, the epicuticular waxes form microscopic crystals that scatter light and give the surface a whitish(glaucous)appearance

(Clark and Lister,1975);mutations in genes involved in wax ac-cumulation are commonly characterized by a glossy phenotype

that can be detected visually.On the basis of this difference,

mutants have now been isolated from a number of plant spe-

cies,including barley,Arabidopsis thaliana,Zea mays,and Bras-

sica napus.In addition,epicuticular waxes strongly in?uence

leaf wettability.The leaves of wax-de?cient mutants are more hydrophilic and water droplets on these leaves do not run off

easily.These wetting characteristics of the hydrophilic leaf sur-

faces are relatively easy to detect and facilitate the identi?ca-

tion of rice leaf wax-de?cient mutant lines,whose leaf

cuticle is not smooth and which do not display a glossy pheno-

type without water adhesion.

In recent years,the molecular identi?cation of wax-related

genes has been achieved mainly in Arabidopsis and maize by

1To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail zkcheng@genetics.


2These authors contributed equally to this work.

aThe Author2011.Published by the Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial

Of?ce in association with Oxford University Press on behalf of CSPB and


doi:10.1093/mp/ssr028,Advance Access publication21April2011


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using either forward or reverse genetic approaches;further,the function of the corresponding proteins has been proposed on the basis of the phenotype of the corresponding mutants.Among these genes,some encode wax biosynthetic enzymes,such as FATB ,FAE1,KCS1,KCS2,CUT1,HIC ,FDH ,CER10,CER4,CER8,WSD1,MAH1,LACS2,GL8A ,and GL8B (James et al.,1995;Millar et al.,1999;Todd et al.,1999;Yephremov et al.,1999;Gray et al.,2000;Pruitt et al.,2000;Bonaventure et al.,2003;Schnurr et al.,2004;Dietrich et al.,2005;Zheng et al.,2005;Rowland et al.,2006;Greer et al.,2007;Li et al.,2008;Lee et al.,2009;Lu et al.,2009).Some genes are involved in wax secretion,such as LTPG ,CER5,and WBC11(Pighin et al.,2004;Bird et al.,2007;Debono et al.,2009).Some genes en-code regulatory proteins;overexpression of WIN1/SHN1,which are AP2/EREBP-type transcription factors,can cause an increase in cuticular wax levels (Aharoni et al.,2004;Broun et al.,2004).CER7is a core exosome subunit that controls the expression of CER3/WAX2/YRE/FLP (Hooker et al.,2007).Although several genes have been isolated,their precise bio-logical function remains poorly characterized thus far;these genes include members of the GL1homologous gene family,such as GL1,CER1,and WAX2(WAX2is an allele of CER3/YRE/FLP )(Aarts et al.,1995;Ariizumi et al.,2003;Chen et al.,2003;Kurata et al.,2003;Sturaro et al.,2005;Rowland et al.,2007).Although these genes are involved in similar processes across different plant species,mutations in these homologous genes result in different phenotypic changes in the cuticular wax compositions of Arabidopsis and maize.The cer1mutant is proportionally de?cient only in alkanes (and related metabo-lites)and has elevated levels of aldehydes (Aarts et al.,1995);the wax2mutant is de?cient in both aldehydes and alkanes (and related metabolites)(Chen et al.,2003),while the gl1mu-tant is de?cient in aldehydes and has high levels of alkanes (Sturaro et al.,2005).Hence,the biochemical function of the corresponding proteins cannot be deduced on the basis of changes in wax composition alone;most studies related to these genes were generally limited to the identi?cation of their roles in plant growth and development.

Since cuticular wax is the outermost barrier against nonsto-matal water loss and against damages caused by many forms of environmental stress,the deposition and composition of cu-ticular wax are closely correlated to drought tolerance in plants (Jenks et al.,2001;Cameron et al.,2006;Kosma et al.,2009).The wax2mutant exhibited elevated epidermal perme-ability and reduced cuticular wax loading and stomatal index on adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces (Chen et al.,2003).Over-expression of WXP1led to increased cuticular wax loading on the leaf surfaces,reduced water loss,and enhanced drought tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Zhang et al.,2005).Overexpres-sion of WIN1/SHN1induced wax production and enhanced drought tolerance (Kannangara et al.,2007).

Rice (Oryza sativa L.)is one of the three staple crops world-wide,but rice production requires large amounts of water.Drought has become the largest factor limiting rice production in water-limited areas;therefore,rice production can be stabi-

lized by screening for drought-resistant germplasm and devel-oping drought-tolerant rice cultivars.Tremendous efforts have been devoted to identifying key regulators in rice drought re-sponse and exploring for their application in the improvement of drought tolerance,and many regulators have been identi-?ed.However,only a small portion of these regulators have been explored as potential candidate genes for their applica-tion in the improvement of drought tolerance in rice.Based on biological functions,these genes can be classi?ed into the fol-lowing three categories:(1)stress-responsive transcriptional regulation;(2)post-transcriptional RNA or protein modi?ca-tions such as phosphorylation/dephosphorylation;and (3)oso-moprotectant metabolism or molecular chaperones (Yang et al.,2010).Among these genes,compared to CBF3,SOS2,NCED2,NPK1,and NHX1,LOS5and ZAT10have been showed to display relatively better effect in improving drought resis-tance of transgenic rice under ?eld conditions (Xiao et al.,2009).While continuing down the path to discovery of new genes involved in drought tolerance,serious efforts are also focused on plant leaf cuticular wax because its accumulation is closely correlated with drought tolerance.However,very few leaf wax-de?cient mutants associated with drought sensitivity have been characterized in rice thus far.Recently,WSL1,an ortholog of Arabidopsis KCS ,was isolated and characterized as being involved in wax deposition.wsl1displayed sparse wax crystals and enhanced sensitivity to drought (Yu et al.,2008).Moreover,the GL1homologous genes in rice have been systematically analyzed for sequence and expression diversi?-cation.The results suggested that 11putative GL1-like genes were found in the rice genome;these genes were designed OsGL1-1;OsGL1-11.Overexpression of one of these genes (OsGL1-2)increased cuticular wax accumulation and perhaps cause enhanced drought tolerance (Islam et al.,2009).

In this study,we cloned the OsGL1-1gene by adopting a map-based cloning strategy;OsGL1-1was shown to be a member of the OsGL1family,corresponding to OsGL1-1in OsGL1-1;OsGL1-11(Islam et al.,2009).Among its orthologs from Oryza sativa ,Arabidopsis thaliana ,Zea mays ,and Med-icago truncatula ,OsGL1-1had highest sequence similarities to GL1in Zea mays and contained certain regions that were homologous to some regions in sterol desaturases and short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases.The OsGL1-1gene is universally expressed and the OsGL1-1-encoded protein is localized in the nuclei,cytoplasm,and plasma membrane.


Characterization of the osgl1-1Mutant

Morphologically,the osgl1-1mutant showed a normal pheno-type.Nevertheless,osgl1-1could be distinguished from wild-type (WT)plants based on the wetting characteristics of leaf surfaces by water (Figure 1A).In WT plants,due to the presence of epi-cuticular wax bloom,the wetting of the superhydrophobic leaf cuticle by water is minimized,water molecules tend to cluster



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together to form a spherical water bead,and a slight tilting of the leaf will cause the water bead to run off.In the osgl1-1mutant,the leaf cuticle is highly hydrophilic,so water molecules spread out on the whole leaf surface and confer a wettish,glossy appearance to leaf surface (Figure 1B).

Positional Cloning of the OsGL1-1Gene

We demonstrated that OsGL1-1was controlled genetically by a single locus based on the segregation ratio that revealed that 127out of 410F 2plants derived from a cross between osgl1-1and Zhonghua 11showed the mutant phenotype ( 2=0.488,P .0.05).Using this population,the locus was mapped between STS markers,P1and P6,on the long arm of rice chromosome 9(Figure 2A).We further generated a larger F 3mapping popula-tion with 1842homozygous recessive plants and ?ne-mapped the locus between STS markers,P3and P4.Between the two markers,we developed three additional STS markers,and map-ped the OsGL1-1gene within an interval of 35kb between two STS markers:P7and P9.No recombinant near the STS marker P8was found (Figure 2B).Within this 35-kb region,there was only one annotated gene (09g25850)(Figure 2C);the candidate gene 09g25850showed high similarity with GL1from Zea mays and was designed OsGL1-1in the OsGL1family (Islam et al.,2009).The mutants related to the GL1gene displayed a reduction in cuticular wax deposition on young leaves of Zea mays .Thus,this candidate gene in the osgl1-1mutant was chosen to be ampli?ed and sequenced.OsGL1-1was found to be mutated through a sub-stitution mutation in nucleotide 1729(CAC /GAC)in the tenth exon of the OsGL1-1gene,which substitutes aspartic acid for his-tidine (Figure 2D).

The candidate gene was further con?rmed by a comple-mentation test.The plasmid pCGL,containing the entire open reading frame (ORF),a 2899-bp upstream sequence,and a 1436-bp downstream sequence (Figure 2E),was trans-

formed into osgl1-1mutant embryogenic callus via Agrobac-terium tumefaciens -mediated transformation.Twenty-three transgenic plants transformed with pCGL were identi?ed,and they showed a complementation of the osgl1-1pheno-type (Figure 1C and 1D).

Characterization of the Predicted OsGL1-1Protein

The OsGL1-1cDNA (accession AK060786)was 1857nucleotides long with an ORF that encoded a polypeptide of 619amino acids.The N-terminal portion of OsGL1-1protein contains a fatty acid hydroxylase/sterol desaturase domain (gray lines in Figure 3),whereas the C-terminus of OsGL1-1comprises a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase domain.The TMHMM analysis shows that OsGL1-1may be an integral membrane protein with ?ve transmembrane helices at the N-terminus as well as a cluster of water-soluble and globular domains at the C-terminus.The three histidine-rich motifs (HX 3H,HX 2HH,and HX 2HH,where X stands for any amino acid)


Figure 1.Phenotype of the osgl1-1Mutant.

(A)Phenotypic comparison between WT (left)and osgl1-1(right).(B)Comparison of wetting characteristics of leaf surfaces by water between WT (left)and osgl1-1(right).

(C)Transgenic plant generated by complementation.

(D)Wetting characteristics of leaf surfaces of transgenic plant gen-erated by complementation by water.Bars:(B,D),5


Figure 2.Fine Mapping and Positional Cloning of the OsGL1-1Gene.

(A)The OsGL1-1locus was mapped on the chromosome 9between markers P1and P6.

(B)Fine mapping of OsGL1-1was positioned on BAC3(BAC OSJNBb0057D06)within a 35-kb region ?anked by the markers P7and P9.

(C)Only one candidate gene existed within the 35-kb restricted region.

(D)Mutation position in the OsGL1-1coding region that is sepa-rated by nine introns.

(E)Complementation constructs.The construct pCGL contains the entire OsGL1-1gene,plus a 2899-bp upstream region and 1436-bp downstream region.

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Rice OsGL1-1Cloning



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conserved in OsGL1-1and its orthologs (darker gray lines in Figure 3).Taton et al.(2000)have demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis that the His residues in His-rich motifs forming a divalent metal ions-binding site are essential for the catalytic activity of sterol desaturases.

Orthologs of OsGL1-1from Oryza sativa ,Arabidopsis thali-ana ,Zea mays ,and Medicago truncatula were found in the NCBI database.OsGL1-1has 37–85%amino acid sequence identity with the ?ve characterized orthologs,including GL1,OsGL1-2,WAX2,CER1,and WDA1.Among these,OsGL1-1exhibited maximum sequence similarity with GL1in Zea mays ,with 85%amino acid identity.Phylogenetic anal-ysis indicated that 14OsGL1-1-related proteins could be di-vided into two subgroups (Figure 4):OsGL1-1groups with Maize GL1,Arabidopsis WAX2,and two rice proteins (OsGL1-2and LOC_Os06g44300),whereas the WDA1,CER1,and CER1homologous proteins formed the other group.Ara-bidopsis CER1functions in the biosynthesis of stem wax and pollen coat tryphine alkanes (Aarts et al.,1995),WDA1is involved in wax production in rice anther walls (Jung et al.,2006),whereas maize GL1,Arabidopsis WAX2,and rice OsGL1-2are required for cuticle membrane and wax produc-tion (Chen et al.,2003;Sturaro et al.,2005;Islam et al.,2009).Based on the similar role of these genes within different


Figure 3.Multiple Alignments of Plant Proteins Showing High Similarity with the OsGL1-1Protein.

OsGL1-1(top line)was aligned with three rice proteins (OsGL1-2,LOC_Os06g44300,and WDA1),two Arabidopsis proteins (CER1and WAX2),and one maize protein (GL1).Identical residues are boxed in black and similar residues in gray.The conserved desaturase/hydrox-ylase domain is marked above the OsGL1-1sequence with a gray line.Black segments identify conserved His residues within the desaturase/hydroxylase domain.Putative transmembrane domains (TM1–TM5)of OsGL1-1are marked above the OsGL1-1sequence with a darker gray line.The identity and similarity of the aligned proteins for OsGL1-1are shown at the end of the alignments.



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species,we deduced that OsGL1-1may also function in reg-ulating cuticular wax deposition during leaf development in rice,and the loss of function of OsGL1-1is consistent with the osgl1-1mutant phenotype.

OsGL1-1Expression Patterns

To investigate the expression patterns of the OsGL1-1gene at the organ level,experiments using GUS fusion constructs and RT–PCR were performed.The results of RT–PCR showed that OsGL1-1is expressed in all organs of WT plants(Figure5).Com-pared to WT,the transcripts of the osgl1-1mutants were down-regulated,indicating that mutations in the OsGL1-1 lead to a decreased level of OsGL1-1mRNA.

When expressed under the control of the native OsGL1-1 promoter in a WT background,GUS protein activity was found to be ubiquitously present in aerial parts and roots of seedlings (Figure6A).In glumous?owers,GUS activity was detected in palea,lemma,stigma,anthers,?lament,and ovary(Figure6B and6C).When seeds were differentially stained for GUS activ-ity,younger seeds exhibited intense GUS staining,whereas older seeds showed faint GUS expression(Figure6D and6E). Analyses of a transverse section of the leaf indicated that the GUS activity was localized mainly in mesophyll cells and vascular bundles(Figure6G).In addition,GUS staining was also observed in leaf epidermal cells(Figure6G).In older stems, faint GUS staining was observed in vascular bundles(Figure 6F and6H).In roots,the exodermal cells,endodermal cells,cor-tical cells,and vascular cylinder were stained blue(Figure6I).

Altered Cuticular Wax and Cuticle Membrane in the


To further investigate the effect of OsGL1-1disruption on wax accumulation and cuticle structure,SEM and TEM were used for a detailed comparison between the leaf surfaces and the ultra-structure of WT and the osgl1-1mutant.In WT,the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were densely covered by platelet-type wax crystals including the unevenly distributed cuticular papillae (Figure7A and7B),whereas the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfa-ces of the osgl1-1mutant generally exhibit only a small number of wax crystals and the conical cuticular papillae were nearly naked(Figure7D and7E).Ultrastructural analysis of the leaf cuticle by TEM indicated that the WT cuticle membrane appears to be divided into an outermost translucent layer and an inner-most opaque layer(Figure7C).In the osgl1-1mutant,cuticle membrane thickness is obviously reduced,and the outermost translucent layer appears almost absent(Figure7F).

Altered Cuticular Permeability and Drought Sensitivity in the osgl1-1Mutant

Several studies indicated that the change in accumulation of waxes is generally associated with the change in cuticular permeability and whole-plant drought sensitivity.To investi-gate whether cuticular permeability and whole-plant drought sensitivity of the osgl1-1mutant is altered,chlorophyll leaching assays and whole-plant drought-sensitivity assays were con-ducted.Chlorophyll leaching assays showed that chlorophyll leaching from the osgl1-1mutant leaves was slower than that from the WT plant leaves(Figure8A),thus indicating a decrease ofcuticularpermeabilityinthe osgl1-1mutant.Thewhole-plant drought-sensitivity assays revealed that most WT plants recovered from the stress treatment,whereas only a few osgl1-1mutant plants survived(Figure9).As an indicator of drought sensitivity at the whole-plant level,water-loss assay of detached leaves was also performed to compare the water retention capacity of the osgl1-1mutant and the WT plant. As shown in Figure8B,rate of water loss of detached leaves from the osgl1-1mutant was signi?cantly higher than that of the WT plant at various time points.These results show the osgl1-1mutant is more susceptible to drought than the WT plant,andOsGL1-1maybeinvolved inprotectionfromdrought.

Sub-Cellular Localization of OsGL1-1

Secondary structure prediction of OsGL1-1suggests that it may be an integral membrane protein.To determine the localization of OsGL1-1,a full-length OsGL1-1CDS was intro-duced into the N-terminal of the expression vector pJIT163–hGFP,and the fusion gene was transformed into onion skin epidermal cells.Meanwhile,GFP alone was used as a


Figure5.RT–PCR Analysis of OsGL1-1in Seedlings,Root,Culm,

Leaf,and Panicle of WT,the Leaf of WT,and OsGL1-1.

UBQ gene was used as a control.

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Unexpectedly,localization of OsGL1-1–GFP fusion protein was identical to that of GFP alone;their ?uorescence was observed in the nucleus,cytoplasm,and plasma membrane (Figure 10).


In this study,we cloned the OsGL1-1gene by way of a map-based cloning strategy,using single-recessive mutants exhibit-ing wetted leaves.Nucleotide sequencing results revealed that the osgl1-1mutant had a single nucleotide substitution in the

tenth exon of the OsGL1-1gene,which resulted in the failure to produce a functional OsGL1-1.The complementation of the osgl1-1phenotype indicated that the mutant phenotype is due to the single nucleotide substitution in the OsGL1-1gene.Some studies show that deposition of waxes may be co-regulated with cutin biosynthesis (Suh et al.,2005).Our studies demonstrated that the osgl1-1mutant alters both wax produc-tion and cutin https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417918541.html,pared to WT,the osgl1-1mutant displays a reduction in cuticular membrane thickness and cuticular wax deposition.Moreover,the defects in


Figure 6.Histochemical Staining of GUS Activity in P OsGL1-1:GUS Transgenic Rice Plants.

GUS activity was detected in aerial parts and roots of seedlings (A),glumes (B),stigma,anthers,?lament,ovary (C),young seed (D),older seed (E),internode of older stem (F),transversal section of the leaf (G),transversal section of older stem (H),and root (I).Bars:(A,B),2mm;(C),0.5mm;(D–F),1mm;(G,I),10l m;(H),80l


Figure 7.Electron Microscopic Analysis of WT and osgl1-1.

(A)Adaxial surface of WT.(B)Abaxial surface of WT.

(C)TEM analysis of WT cuticle mem-branes.

(D)Adaxial surface of osgl1-1mutant.(E)Abaxial surface of osgl1-1mutant.(F)TEM analysis of osgl1-1mutant cuti-cle membranes.

P ,papillae;CW,cell wall;TL,translucent layer;OL,opaque layer.Bars:(A,B,D,E),2.5m m;(C,F),200nm.



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cuticle of osgl1-1mutant are further demonstrated by the chlo-rophyll leaching and water-loss https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417918541.html,pared to WT,the osgl1-1mutant shows decreased chlorophyll leaching,in-creased rate of water loss,and enhanced sensitivity to drought.Wax-de?cient mutants in Arabidopsis and rice generally display increased chlorophyll leaching,rate of water loss,and sensitivity to drought (Chen et al.,2003;Islam et al.,2009).However,in transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing the SHN1gene,although both chlorophyll ef?ux and rate of water loss were increased,the plants had increased wax accumulation and

enhanced drought tolerance (Aharoni et al.,2004).The overex-pression of WXP2in Arabidopsis results not only in increased chlorophyll leaching and decreased water loss,but also in increased wax accumulation and enhanced drought tolerance (Zhang et al.,2007).These ?ndings show that cuticular perme-ability may not be correlated with the rate of water loss,wax accumulation,and whole-plant drought sensitivity.The changes in the cuticle properties of the osgl1-1mutant may re?ect changes in cuticle structures.The increased rate of water loss in the osgl1-1mutant may result from the changes in chemical composition of cuticular wax.Some investigations demonstrated that the chemical composition of cuticular wax was an important factor to determine the degree of resistance to water evaporation.The thickness of leaf wax deposits have little in?uence on cuticular water transpiration (Riederer and Schreiber,2001;Oliveira et al.,2003).

In contrast to no transcription of WAX2and CER1in roots,GL1in root and silk OsGL1-1is universally expressed,similar to WSL1,a KCS gene in rice (Yu et al.,2008).Therefore,OsGL1-1may be involved in a variety of developmental pro-cesses as well as cuticle formation.However,its reduced ex-pression causes phenotypic alterations only in the leaf and not in other organs in which it is expressed.It may be due to the presence of OsGL1-1homologs showing functional re-dundancy in the rice genome;o ther homologous genes might compensate for mutations in the OsGL1-1gene in these organs.

Secondary structure prediction of OsGL1-1suggests that it may be an integral membrane protein with


Figure 8.Altered Cuticular Permeability in the osgl1-1Mutant.(A)Chlorophyll leaching assays with matured leaves of WT and osgl1-1mutant,immersed in 80%ethanol for different time inter-vals.Data are shown by mean 6SE with three replicates.

(B)Water-loss rate of detached leaves of WT and osgl1-1mutant;x -axis is the scale for different time points and the y -axis is percentage of free water loss from leaves.Data are shown by mean 6SE with three


Figure 9.Effects of Drought Stress Comparison between WT and osgl1-1Mutant.

(A)Six-week-old WT (left)and osgl1-1mutant (right)before drought stress.

(B)WT (left)and osgl1-1mutant (right)after re-watering for 14


Figure 10.Sub-Cellular Localization of OsGL1-1–GFP in Onion Skin Epidermal Cells.

An onion skin epidermal cell expressing GFP alone (A),its DIC image (B),and merge (C),showing ?uorescent signals in nucleus,mem-brane,and cytoplasm.An onion skin epidermal cell expressing OsGL1-1–GFP alone (D),its DIC image (E),and merge (F),showing a similar signal pattern.

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transmembrane helices at the N-terminus and a cluster of wa-ter-soluble and globular domains at the C-terminus,which are predicted to reside in the cytoplasm.It is also demonstrated that CER1and WAX2are localized in the ER (Kamigaki et al.,2009).However,in our study,we found that OsGL1-1is localized in the nucleus,cytoplasm,and plasma membrane,which is not consistent with previous reports.

Eleven members of the GL1homologous gene family have been annotated in rice genome (Islam et al.,2009);the 11putative GL1-like genes were designed OsGL1-1;OsGL1-11.Among these,the most homologous gene to Zea mays GL1is OsGL1-1(85%identity at the protein level).YRE (YRE is an allele of CER3/WAX2/FLP )and CER1in Arabidopsis shared 64%and 37%amino acid similarity with OsGL1-1,respectively.CER1and YRE are known to play essential roles in trichome development in addition to cuticular wax https://www.360docs.net/doc/1417918541.html,bined loss-of-function mutations in CER1and YRE result in a much stronger phenotype than either single mutant.Either cer1or yre mutants alone have very limited or no morphological alteration of trichomes;however,trichomes in the double yre cer1mutants were heavily deformed (Kurata et al.,2003).In the present study,we found that the loss of function of OsGL1-1does not result in changes in trichomes;osgl1-1displays a reduction in cuticular wax deposition and cuticle membrane thickness—a phenotype similar to but less severe than that observed in Arabidopsis mutants cer1and yre .These ?ndings suggest that OsGL1-1functions similarly to its homologs,with some differences during rice leaf wax biosynthesis and trichome formation.

In Arabidopsis ,PEX10is essential for expression of CER1and WAX2.The suppression of the PEX10gene expression results in the down-regulation of CER1and WAX2gene expression and mislocalization of the gene products (Kamigaki et al.,2009).CER7protein is a regulator of wax biosynthesis that acts by degrading a speci?c mRNA species encoding a negative regulator of WAX2transcription;cer7mutant exhibits reduced cuticular wax accumulation and contains considerably lower levels of WAX2transcripts (Hooker et al.,2007).However,these genes have not yet been characterized in rice.The relationships among CER7,PEX10,and OsGL1-1in rice leaf development remain to be

elucidated.The availability of knowledge vis-a

`-vis OsGL1-1will facilitate an understanding of the mechanism of rice leaf wax accumulation.


Plant Material

The rice leaf wax-de?cient spontaneous mutant,osgl1-1,was derived from an indica rice variety,Zhongxian 3037,which was used as WT in this study.To generate a large F 2population for gene mapping and cloning,osgl1-1was crossed with a japonica variety,Zhonghua 11.The WT and the osgl1-1plants for

drought-sensitivity experiments were grown in the pot under normal growth conditions.In addition,all other rice plants were grown in paddy ?elds under normal growth conditions.

Molecular Cloning of the OsGL1-1Gene

A total of 1842leaf wax-de?cient plants selected from the F 2generation were used for ?ne-mapping of OsGL1-1.Genomic DNA was extracted from rice leaves using the CTA

B method.STS markers were developed based on the diversity between the genomic DNA sequence of Nipponebare and 9311in the region spanning the OsGL1-1locus,and the sequences of the STS markers (Table 1)were designed using the DNAS-TAR-Lasergene v6software.A contig was constructed accord-ing to the results of ?ne mapping.

Gene prediction was performed using the Rice Genome Automated Annotation system (RiceGAAS,http://rice-gaas.dna.affrc.go.jp/),and intron/exon structures were ver-i?ed by alignment of the cDNA sequence of rice with the genomic DNA sequence.The genomic DNA fragments of candidate genes from the mutant and WT plants were am-pli?ed and sequenced.The sequencing reaction was per-formed by Sinogenomax Co.,Ltd.

Complementation of the osgl1-1Mutant

An 8.26-kb genomic DNA fragment isolated from the Xba l-digested BAC clone,AP005568(OSJNBb0057D06),containing the entire OsGL1-1gene,the 2899-bp upstream sequence,and the 1436-bp downstream sequence,was inserted into the binary vector pCAMBIA1300.Then,the resulting plasmid was introduced into the osgl1-1mutant for complementation testing using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation method.Transgenic plants were selected on hygromycin medium,and further veri?ed by PCR ampli?cation using genome-speci?c primers.The genome-speci?c primers were 5#-AGAGATTCCA-GAAGATACAG-3#and 5#-GGGCCCTATGTAAAATCTTA-3#.

RT–PCR Analysis

Total RNA was extracted from leaves of different lines or differ-ent tissues of WT plants using the TRIzol RNA isolation reagent (Invitrogen).A total of 3l g of total RNA was treated with RNase-free DNase,and ?rst strand of cDNA was synthesized through reverse transcription by an oligo (dT)primer (TaKaRa).The pri-mers for OsGL1-1RT–PCR were 5#-ACCCCAACGTACCACACGAT-3#and 5#-ACCCCTGCGCTGGTTTTCTT-3#;the primers for the control gene UBQ were 5#-CAAGATGATCTGCCGCAAATGC-3#and 5#-TTTAACCAGTCCATGAACCCG-3#.Both sets of primers were designed to span an intron in order to speci?cally amplify target fragments.

OsGL1-1:GUS Construct and Histological GUS Assay

The 3003-bp region immediately upstream of the start codon of OsGL1-1was ampli?ed and inserted in front of the GUS gene in pCAMBIA1301.The resulting plasmid containing the OsGL1-1:GUS reporter gene was introduced into the WT background by Agrobacterium -mediated transformation.



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Transgenic plants were selected on hygromycin medium and T 1transgenic plants were used for analysis of GUS activity.

GUS staining was performed using a standard protocol (Jefferson et al.,1987).Transgenic plant samples were incu-bated in X-gluc buffer overnight at 37°C,then the staining so-lution was removed and the samples were cleared of chlorophyll through dehydration with graded ethanol.The stained tissues were observed and photographed using a ste-reomicroscope with a digital camera.

Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy

For scanning electron microscopy (SEM),samples were ?xed overnight at 4°C with 2.5%glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).After dehydration in a graded ethanol series and substitution with isoamyl acetate,the samples were criti-cal-point dried,sputter coated with gold,and observed under a QUANTA 200scanning electron microscope (FEI,Eindhoven,The Netherlands)at 10kV.For transmission electron microscopy (TEM)analysis,samples were ?xed overnight at 4°C with 2.5%glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).After wash-ing in phosphate buffer,samples were post?xed overnight in 2%(v/v)OsO 4in phosphate buffer.After being en bloc stained and dehydrated in a gradient alcohol series,the samples were then in?ltrated with LR White resin and polymerized for 48h.Ultrathin cross-sections were prepared using a Leica UC6ultra-microtome.Sections were inspected with a JEM-1400TEM.

Analysis of Cuticular Property of osgl1-1Mutant

For chlorophyll leaching assay,the third leaf from the top was sampled from each tiller at the heading stage of plants and the leaf was cut into segments (about 3cm)and immersed in 30ml of 80%ethanol at room temperature (gently agitating in the dark).At 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,and 12h,3ml of aliquot was taken out for chlorophyll quanti?cation,and the aliquot was poured back to the same tube after measurement.Measurements were performed in a dark room with very weak light.The chlo-rophyll concentration was quanti?ed using a DU800UV/Vis spectrophotometer at wavelengths of 663.2and 646.8nm

by using the standard method (Lolle et al.,1997).Chlorophyll ef?ux at each time point was expressed as a percentage of total chlorophyll extracted after 13h.

For drought-sensitivity experiments,the WT and the osgl1-1plants were grown in the same pot with three individual rep-licate experiments.After being grown under normal conditions for 6weeks,the whole plants were subjected to drought stress by stopping watering.Twelve days after inducing stress,the plants were rehydrated and observed for recovery.

For water-loss measurements,the third leaf from the top was detached from each tiller at the heading stage of plants.The detached leaves were weighed at 0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,7,and 8h.Measurements were performed in a dark room with very weak light.The percentage loss of fresh weight was cal-culated based on the initial weight of the samples.

Cellular Localization Assays with Green Fluorescent Protein Fusion Protein

The OsGL1-1–green ?uorescent protein (GFP )fusion gene was constructed by fusing the GFP ORF to the C-terminal end of the OsGL1-1ORF (ampli?ed from WT cDNA with the follow-ing primers:5#-AAGCTTATGGGTGCCGCATTCTT GTC-3#and 5#-GGATCCGACAGGCCGGAGGCCGTGCC-3#)and cloning into the vector pJIT163.Both the OsGL1-1–GFP fusion and GFP alone were transfected into onion skin epidermal cells with the Bio-Rad PDS-1000/He device (Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA).After bombardment,tissues were incubated for 14h at 25°C in the dark.Images were captured under the Olympus BX61?uorescence microscope conjunct with a microCCD camera.Grayscale images were captured for each color chan-nel and then merged using the software of IPlab.


This work was supported by grants from the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of China (2009ZX08009-068B)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30900885and 31000695).No con?ict of interest declared.

Table 1.List of STS Markers Developed in this Study.Markers Primer pairs






a F ,forward primer;R,Reverse primer

b Numbers indicate the size (in bp)of ampli?ed fragments.

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gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的


英文简历参考范文 RICHARD ANDERSON 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. OBJECTIVE: Seeking an entry-level position in an Engineering Services/Documentation department EXPERIENCE: Quincy Diagnostics, Quincy, MA May – Sept XX Summer Placement Assisted with the processing of document change requests for Manufacturing Procedures and Protocols. Reviewed change requests for completeness and absence of error prior to submittal for change. Assisted with the filing, printing, issuing and copying of documents for the department and the manufacturing areas. Assisted in the completion of urgent change requests, retrieving data or signatures necessary for the swift processing of these documents. Released new documents to the production areas. South Boston Medical Inc., South Boston, MA June – Sept XX Summer Placement Assisted with the correction and typing of documents required for use within the production, quality and


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


常用词汇 ●英文简历常用词汇:职业目标 for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途 for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任 for wider experience 为扩大工作经验 due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满 offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会 sought a better job 找到了更好的工作 to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会 to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作 ●英文简历常用词汇:证书 普通话水平测试:二级甲等证书 Putonghua (Mandarin) Proficiency Test: Level II, Grade A 国际商务单证员证书International Commercial Documents National Qualification Certificate 全国翻译专业资格证书 China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters 上海市英语中级口译资格证书Certificate of Shanghai Interpretation Accreditation Test (Intermediate Level) 高校教师资格证Qualification Certificate for Teachers in Colleges and Universities ●英文简历常用词汇:奖励 一等奖学金 major award 二等奖学金 minor award 三等奖学金 third-class award 一等奖 first prize 二等奖 second prize 三等奖 third prize 优秀奖 merit award/honorable mention 成功参赛奖 participate award/Successful Participant


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 应届生必备的英文简历范文 RICHARD ANDERSON 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. EDUCATION J.D. Degree (Or Juris Doctor Degree–never Juris Doctorate) anticipated or expected May, 2006, West Virginia University College of Law, Morgantown, WV. GPA 2.9/4.3 Class Rank: 45/160. Top one/third. B.S. in Civil Engineering, summa cum laude, May 2003, West Virginia University College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV GPA 3.98/4.0. Class Rank: Second in class of 500. EXPERIENCE Summer Associate, Dewey Cheatham And Howe, Pittsburgh, PA. May- August 2005 Rotated between Real Estate and Corporate Departments. Research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning. Volunteer Legal Clerk, Hometown Legal Firm, Anywhere USA May-August 2004 Researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys; delivered and picked up various legal documents as assigned. Helped with document sorting. Student Intern, WVU College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV. June 2002-May 2003 Performed legal research and analysis to assess the statutory, regulatory 1 / 7


本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文译文题目(中文):再生建筑垃圾作为混凝土骨料用于 可持续建筑材料的探究 学院: 城市建设学院 专业: 土木工程 学号: 201308141162 学生姓名: 郑健 指导教师: 唐红 日期: 二○一七年六月

InternationalConferenceonSustainableDesign,Engineeringan dConstruction Recycled Construction Debris as Concrete Aggregate for Sustainable Construction Materials ShahidKabir*,AmmarAl-ShayebandImranM.Khan ProcediaEngineering145(2016)1518–1525 (可持续设计、工程与建筑国际会议) 再生建筑垃圾作为混凝土骨料用于可持续建筑材料的探究ShahidKabir*,AmmarAl-ShayebandImranM.Khan (土木与环境工程系,费萨尔国王大学,沙乌地阿拉伯王国)能源与工程145(2016)1518–1525

摘要 为了比较各种来源有差异的再生混凝土骨料废料拆除的工程性质,笔者专门为此做了一个实验:实验室从一个已知的工程性质商业预拌混凝土公司得到样品来测试混凝土废物,通过一些关于样品的工程性质的信息具体,并从结合市场规则的前提出发将其作为实验的控制样品。本研究探讨了潜在的建筑废物的可持续建筑材料的发展,以获得建筑废物的经济回报。将建筑垃圾处理成砾石后,计算出废料的再生材料量,进行骨料试验。实验室样品的制作是对各种废物来源进行混合设计与骨料回收的基础上完成的,得到控制样品后,最后进行抗压强度,拉伸强度,抗弯强度,以及一些非破坏性试验(NDT),如脉冲速度和锤击试验。从不同的测试得到的结果之间的相关性进行了分析,在这个实验程序中,指出样品之间的线性相关性以及其他机械性能的评价,如抗压强度,劈裂抗拉强度,弯曲强度,脉冲速度等。 关键词 可持续混凝土设计;再生骨料,建筑拆除混凝土,混凝土工程性能 一、引言 固体废物管理是全球面临的严峻挑战,而这也是海湾地区的一个特殊问题 ,其中大多数国家有着世界上最高的人均废物产生量。工业增长、建设繁荣、快速城市化、生活方式的改变和不可持续的消费模式,都对这一日益严重的浪费问题有着不小的影响。城市化建设的加速导致了数十亿美元的建设公共基础设施部门的建设项目的支出,这导致了建筑材料与相关建筑废弃物的管理不断增长的物质人力需求。拆除旧建筑物,成吨的建筑废料被丢弃;这些拆除的混凝土也常常被认为是没有价值的,作为拆卸废物处置。然而,大多数建筑垃圾被认为是有利用价值的,可以可用于再生建筑材料。 自然资源通常由建筑业大量消耗,同时还生产大量的建筑和拆除废物。碳废物构成最大的固体废物量。例如,美国建筑业每年产生超过1亿吨的碳废物,而大约有29%的固体废物流是由建筑业产生的。此外,英国的碳废物废物贡献率超过50%,每年有着7000万吨的碳废物被丢弃。克莱文等人在1994年的报道说,建筑活动产生的约20-30%的废物在澳大利亚,这是弃置垃圾的填埋场。而在1993-2004年间,则是中国香港建筑垃圾的巅峰年代,建筑垃圾的制造量翻了一番,达到2000万吨。2004年。在香港近23%的固体废物来自建筑业活动。大量的建筑垃圾在不同的国家揭示了地方行动的重要性,同时,回收和再利用建筑废物在整个建筑行业的生命周期中有着显著的意义。 建筑废物的产生和建筑材料消耗以及自然资源的不可持续使用也与建筑业的不利环境影响有关。在全球范围内,据估计,约30%的废物处置堆填区来源于建筑和拆除活动。此外,自然资源的过度使用,如碎石生产、爆破土石的山区,已成为一个日益严重的环境问题,这些工业生产的废物需要通过创新思想来加以解决,同时改善可持续发展的综合管理方案来获得经济回报。


人力资源管理英文简历模板 human resource development:articulate and effective municator and trainer.inspire a team mitment to pany goals,management objectives and high quality performance standards. puter systems:skilled in use and development of data collection,and spreadsheet programs for accounting,statistical analysis and reporting functions.assisted in puter systems installations and full training of employees. troubleshooter:analytical with and established track record for identifying plex problems;resourceful and inventive in developing and implementing creative solutions with enhanced sensitivity to cost,efficiency and deadlines. experience 1993-present silver guard insurance agency training coordinator develop training curriculum,aids and materials to instruct staff in division operations,corporate policy and procedure,and to maintain on-going personnel


关于英文简历中自我介绍常用词汇 有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Be highly organized and effecient.


英文简历常用词汇及英文简历范文 able 有才干的,能干的adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的 education 学历educational history 学历 educational background 教育程度curriculum 课程 major 主修minor 副修 educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程 special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践

学生造句--Unit 1

●I wonder if it’s because I have been at school for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about going home. ●It is because she wasn’t well that she fell far behind her classmates this semester. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I took it for granted that friends should do everything for me. ●In order to make a difference to society, they spent almost all of their spare time in raising money for the charity. ●It’s no pleasure eating at school any longer because the food is not so tasty as that at home. ●He happened to be hit by a new idea when he was walking along the riverbank. ●I wonder if I can cope with stressful situations in life independently. ●It is because I take things for granted that I make so many mistakes. ●The treasure is so rare that a growing number of people are looking for it. ●He picks on the weak mn in order that we may pay attention to him. ●It’s no pleasure being disturbed whena I settle down to my work. ●I can well remember that when I was a child, I always made mistakes on purpose for fun. ●It’s no pleasure accompany her hanging out on the street on such a rainy day. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I threw my whole self into study in order to live up to my parents’ expectation and enter my dream university. ●I can well remember that she stuck with me all the time and helped me regain my confidence during my tough time five years ago. ●It is because he makes it a priority to study that he always gets good grades. ●I wonder if we should abandon this idea because there is no point in doing so. ●I wonder if it was because I ate ice-cream that I had an upset student this morning. ●It is because she refused to die that she became incredibly successful. ●She is so considerate that many of us turn to her for comfort. ●I can well remember that once I underestimated the power of words and hurt my friend. ●He works extremely hard in order to live up to his expectations. ●I happened to see a butterfly settle on the beautiful flower. ●It’s no pleasure making fun of others. ●It was the first time in the new semester that I had burned the midnight oil to study. ●It’s no pleasure taking everything into account when you long to have the relaxing life. ●I wonder if it was because he abandoned himself to despair that he was killed in a car accident when he was driving. ●Jack is always picking on younger children in order to show off his power. ●It is because he always burns the midnight oil that he oversleeps sometimes. ●I happened to find some pictures to do with my grandfather when I was going through the drawer. ●It was because I didn’t dare look at the failure face to face that I failed again. ●I tell my friend that failure is not scary in order that she can rebound from failure. ●I throw my whole self to study in order to pass the final exam. ●It was the first time that I had made a speech in public and enjoyed the thunder of applause. ●Alice happened to be on the street when a UFO landed right in front of her. ●It was the first time that I had kept myself open and talked sincerely with my parents. ●It was a beautiful sunny day. The weather was so comfortable that I settled myself into the


本科生毕业设计(论文)外文科技文献译文 译文题目(外文题目)学院(系)Socket网络编程的设计与实现A Design and Implementation of Active Network Socket Programming 机械与能源工程学院 专学业 号 机械设计制造及其自动化 071895 学生姓名李杰林 日期2012年5月27日指导教师签名日期

摘要:编程节点和活跃网络的概念将可编程性引入到通信网络中,并且代码和数据可以在发送过程中进行修改。最近,多个研究小组已经设计和实现了自己的设计平台。每个设计都有其自己的优点和缺点,但是在不同平台之间都存在着互操作性问题。因此,我们引入一个类似网络socket编程的概念。我们建立一组针对应用程序进行编程的简单接口,这组被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的接口,将在所有执行环境下工作。因此,ANSP 提供一个类似于“一次性编写,无限制运行”的开放编程模型,它可以工作在所有的可执行环境下。它解决了活跃网络中的异构性,当应用程序需要访问异构网络内的所有地区,在临界点部署特殊服务或监视整个网络的性能时显得相当重要。我们的方案是在现有的环境中,所有应用程序可以很容易地安装上一个薄薄的透明层而不是引入一个新的平台。 关键词:活跃网络;应用程序编程接口;活跃网络socket编程

1 导言 1990年,为了在互联网上引入新的网络协议,克拉克和藤农豪斯[1]提出了一种新的设 计框架。自公布这一标志性文件,活跃网络设计框架[2,3,10]已经慢慢在20世纪90 年代末成形。活跃网络允许程序代码和数据可以同时在互联网上提供积极的网络范式,此外,他们可以在传送到目的地的过程中得到执行和修改。ABone作为一个全球性的骨干网络,开 始进行活跃网络实验。除执行平台的不成熟,商业上活跃网络在互联网上的部署也成为主要障碍。例如,一个供应商可能不乐意让网络路由器运行一些可能影响其预期路由性能的未知程序,。因此,作为替代提出了允许活跃网络在互联网上运作的概念,如欧洲研究课题组提出的应用层活跃网络(ALAN)项目[4]。 在ALAN项目中,活跃服务器系统位于网络的不同地址,并且这些应用程序都可以运行在活跃系统的网络应用层上。另一个潜在的方法是网络服务提供商提供更优质的活跃网络服务类。这个服务类应该提供最优质的服务质量(QOS),并允许路由器对计算机的访问。通过这种方法,网络服务提供商可以创建一个新的收入来源。 对活跃网络的研究已取得稳步进展。由于活跃网络在互联网上推出了可编程性,相应 地应建立供应用程序工作的可执行平台。这些操作系统平台执行环境(EES),其中一些已 被创建,例如,活跃信号协议(ASP)[12]和活跃网络传输系统(ANTS)[11]。因此,不 同的应用程序可以实现对活跃网络概念的测试。 在这些EES 环境下,已经开展了一系列验证活跃网络概念的实验,例如,移动网络[5],网页代理[6],多播路由器[7]。活跃网络引进了很多在网络上兼有灵活性和可扩展性的方案。几个研究小组已经提出了各种可通过路由器进行网络计算的可执行环境。他们的成果和现有基础设施的潜在好处正在被评估[8,9]。不幸的是,他们很少关心互操作性问题,活跃网络由多个执行环境组成,例如,在ABone 中存在三个EES,专为一个EES编写的应用程序不能在其他平台上运行。这就出现了一种资源划分为不同运行环境的问题。此外,总是有一些关键的网络应用需要跨环境运行,如信息收集和关键点部署监测网络的服务。 在本文中,被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的框架模型,可以在所有EES下运行。它提供了以下主要目标: ??通过单一编程接口编写应用程序。 由于ANSP提供的编程接口,使得EES的设计与ANSP 独立。这使得未来执行环境的发展和提高更加透明。
