星巴克五大经营战略 中英对应

星巴克五大经营战略 中英对应
星巴克五大经营战略 中英对应

In the world, Starbucks is the only store open over the four continents of the world coffee brands.星巴克从一件小咖啡屋成长为国际最著名的咖啡连锁店品牌的一个法门就是其灵活的经营智慧。Grown from a small Starbucks coffee for the international brand the most famous coffee chain, a Famennian is its flexible business intelligence.

一。One.按照世界各地分歧的市场环境采纳灵活的投资与合作模式Differences in accordance with market conditions around the world to adopt a flexible mode of investment and cooperation


合作模式主要有四种环境:According to the U.S. headquarters of Starbucks

Starbucks around the world in the proportion of shares held view, the Starbucks model of cooperation around the world, there are four environments:

1.星巴克占100%股权,好比在英国,泰国和澳大利亚等地;Starbucks 100% stake,

like in the UK, Thailand and Australia;

2.星巴克占50%股权,好比在日本,韩国等地;Starbucks accounted for50%stake,

like in Japan, Korea and other places;


的上海等地;Starbucks shares accounted for less than5%general mercy, like in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hawaii, and Shanghai, before the capital increase;


等地;Starbucks does not account for the shares, but simply authorized to operate, just like in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and China, Xiamen, New Asia and other places;


做。”The benefit of this is "He can take someone else's power to help it do

a lot of work, and the same time together."

二。Two.以直营经营为主Direct operating mainly in


要加盟店。30years, Starbucks advocating the spread of foreign policy are the whole: the confrontation take company-owned, not franchises in the world.




营品牌。Direct methods to adopt the reason Starbucks is the reason: people in the business behind the brand, Starbucks, demanding the operator recognize the company's own concept of brand identity, emphasizing the action, the law, quality and consistency; and franchisees are investors they join the brand as the only way to make money, it can be said, their only purpose is to make money rather than the brand.

因此,为了不让品牌受到不必要的干扰,星巴克决定不开放加盟权。Therefore, in order to prevent unnecessary interference with the brand, Starbucks decided not to open right to join.

三.Three.不花一分钱做广告Advertising without spending a penny

“我们的店就是最好的广告”,星巴克的经营者们这样说。"Our shop is the best advertising," Starbucks managers have said.据了解,星巴克从未在公共媒体上花过一分钱的广告费。It is understood that Starbucks has never spent a penny of public media in advertising.

星巴克认为,在处事业,最重要的行销管道是分店本身,而不是广告。Starbucks believes that at the career, the most important marketing channel is the branch itself, rather than advertising.如果店里的产物与出示不够好,做再多的广告吸引客人来,也只是让他们看到负面的形象。If the store's products and produce are not good enough to do more advertising to attract customers, just let them see the negative image.星巴克不愿花费复杂的资金做广告与促销,但对峙每一位员工都拥有最专业的常识与处事热忱。Starbucks do not want to spend money advertising and marketing complex, but the confrontation every employee has the most professional knowledge and enthusiasm of doing things.“我们的员工犹如“咖啡通”一般,可以对顾客详细解说每一种咖啡产物的特性。通过一对一的处事方式,博得信任月口碑。这是既经济有实惠的做法,也是星巴克的独到之处!”"Our employees like the" coffee-pass "in general, can be explained in detail to customers the characteristics of each coffee product through one way of doing things, to win trust on word of mouth, which is both economical and effective way there is also the unique Starbucks place! "

此外,星巴克的创始人霍华德·舒尔茨意识到员工在品牌传布中德重要性,他另辟蹊径开创了本身的品牌打点方式,将来用于广告的支出用于福利和培训。In addition, Starbucks founder Howard Shu Scholz, Germany realized the importance of employees in the brand spread his own brand of another way to create a RBI ways, the future for advertising spending for welfare and training.这对星巴克“口口相传”的品牌经营起到了重要感化。This is Starbucks' word of mouth "of the brand management has played an important probation.

四.Four.风格:充实运用“体验”Style: enrich the use of "experience"

星巴克一个主要的竞争战略就是咖啡店中同客户进行交流,出格重视同客户之间的沟通。Starbucks is a major competitive strategy to communicate with customers in the coffee shop, out of line with the importance of communication between customers.每一个处事员都要接受一系列培训,如根基发卖技巧、咖啡跟机场常识、咖啡的制作技巧等。Each member must undergo a series of training doing things, such as the foundation Released skills, coffee knowledge with the airport, coffee making skills.要求每一处事员都能够预感客户的需求。Requires every member can do a premonition customers.

此外,星巴克更擅长咖啡之外的“体验”,如氛围打点、个性化的店内设计、暖色灯光、柔和音乐等。In addition, Starbucks coffee is more than good "experience", such as atmosphere, RBI, personalized in-store design, warm lighting and soft music.


McDonald's has always wanted to promote the sale of joy, like Starbucks and gradually differentiate into the American culture can experience the tools.

“当真对待每一位顾客,一次只烹调顾客那一杯咖啡。”这句取材自意大利老咖啡馆工艺精神的企业理念,是星巴克快速崛起的法门。"Really treat every customer, a

customer that only cooking a cup of coffee." Phrase taken from the Italian spirit of the old coffee shop business process concept is the key to the rapid rise of Starbucks.注重“oneatatime”(当下体验)的不雅观念,强调在工作、糊口及

休闲娱乐中,用新经营“当下”这一次的糊口体验。Focus on "oneatatime" (current experience) and indecent ideas, emphasis on work, life and entertainment in the new business "right now" this time a living experience.


Starbucks also strongly emphasized the American-style consumer culture,

customers are free to talk and laugh, or even move tables and chairs, random combinations.这也是星巴克营销风格的以部门。This is the style of the Starbucks marketing department.

五、设计:表示特色5, design: features that

据了解,在星巴克的美国总部,有一个专门的设计师,拥有一批专业的设计师和艺术家,专门设计全世界的星巴克店肆。It is understood that, in the Starbucks

headquarters in the United States, there is a dedicated designer, a team of professional designers and artists, designed the world's Starbucks Diansi.他们在设计每个门市的时候,城市依据当地的商业圈特色,去思考如何吧星巴克融入此中。

They design each store, when the city based on characteristics of local business circles, to think about how it Starbucks into herein.所以,星巴克的每一家点,在品牌统一的根本上,又尽量阐扬了个性特色。So, Starbucks every point on the fundamental unity of the brand, but also espoused as a personality characteristic.

这与麦当劳等连锁品牌敲掉所有门店的视觉设计高度统一截然分歧。This McDonald's and other chain store brand knock down all the sharp differences in the visual design of a high degree of unity.

在设计上,星巴克强调每栋建筑物都有本身的风格,应让星巴克的风格融合到未来的建筑物中去,而不是粉碎建筑物本来的设计,每增加一家新店,他们就用数码相机和店址内景和周围环境拍下来,照片传道美国总部,请总部辅佐设计,再发还去找施工队。In the design, Starbucks emphasizes each building has its own style, the style of Starbucks should be allowed to integrate into the building to the future, instead of crushing the original building design, each increase in a new store, they use digital cameras and shop interior and

the surrounding environment shoot the pictures missionary headquarters in the United States, please headquarters assisted design, and then returned to find the construction team.这样下来,星巴克始终保持着原汁原味。Way down, Starbucks has maintained authentic.

例如中国上海的星巴克,以年轻消费者为主。For example, Starbucks in Shanghai, China, mainly to young consumers.在拓展新店时,他们费尽心思去找寻具有特色的店址,并结合当地景不雅观进行设计。In the expansion of new stores, they are racking their brains to find a unique shop, combined with the local landscape unsightly design.位于城隍庙商场的星巴克,外不雅观就像座现代化的庙;而频临黄浦江的滨江分店,则表示花园玻璃帷幕和宫殿般的华美。Starbucks stores located in Temple, just outside the unsightly modern seat of the temple; the brink of the Huangpu River in the Riverside branch, said the gardens and palaces of glass curtain-like gorgeous.夜晚时分,透过巨大的玻璃窗,看着霓虹闪烁、流光异彩的街头,轻轻啜饮一口味道纯正的咖啡,这是一种何等“雅皮”的感受体验。Night hours, through the huge glass windows, watching the neon lights, Streamer streets, gently sipping a taste of pure coffee, how it is a "yuppie" feel experience.

紧张忙碌的糊口中,人们都巴望这放松和悠闲。Hectic ends meet, people are relaxed and laid-back look forward to this.如果你的产物和处事满足了人们的这一需求,使他们拥有一份美妙而娴静的体验,就会吸引更多的消费者,从而提升品牌的认知度。If your product and doing things that meet people's needs, so they have a wonderful experience and demure, it will attract more consumers, so as to enhance brand awareness


最基本的是: Americano:美式咖啡。两SHOTS 的浓缩烘焙咖啡,然后倒入热水,调治而成。 Breve :拿铁咖啡的一种。用一半浓缩咖啡和一半热牛奶调成。 Cappuccino:用浓缩咖啡和泡沫牛奶调成,但要比拿铁中加入的热牛奶有更多的泡沫。 Con Panna :意大利语,意思是―加上搅打过的奶油‖。 Cr¨me :在星巴克,这个名词的意思是,不含有咖啡的热饮。Demitasse:法语中―半杯‖的意思。这里指用极小杯来装浓缩咖啡。 Doppio:意大利语,意思是双份的。但是只用在,两SHOTS的浓缩咖啡。比如,你可以说doppio espresso ,但是要讲Double latte 。 Dry:多奶末,少奶。 Espresso: 浓缩咖啡。咖啡最纯,最香,最浓的状态。

Frappuccino blended beverage:星巴克特制的,美味滑爽的特调冷饮。 Grande: 星巴克里中杯的咖啡杯,第二大型号的杯子。 Half-caf: 一SHOT普通咖啡和一SHOT低咖咖啡。 Latte: 拿铁咖啡。把热牛奶到入浓缩咖啡中,即可调出美味的拿铁咖Macchiato :意大利语,意为显著的。比如,星巴克焦糖Macchiato。 Misto:意大利语,意思是混合的,是滴滤式咖啡(中等粗细的咖啡粉制成)和热牛奶的混合。 Mocha:摩卡咖啡:用浓缩咖啡加巧克力和热牛奶制成 com Quad:加4 SHOTS 浓缩咖啡 Ristretto: 从浓缩咖啡中提取出的,是浓缩咖啡中最甘甜的部分。Skinny:用脱脂牛奶调入咖啡 Tall:星巴克里面的一般尺寸大小的杯


星巴克menu上的一些饮料? 经典意式咖啡? (一)热饮:? 1,美式咖啡(cafe?americano): 成分:espresso(浓缩)+热水? 特点:较好的保留咖啡原有的醇香,提神效果较好,较便宜(21,24,27)? 2,拿铁(cafe latte) 成分:espresso+牛奶+一勺奶泡 特點:濃縮咖啡調入熱牛奶,其上覆蓋一層輕盈的奶沫。傳統的經典飲料,美妙之處也在於它的簡單。較便宜(25 28 31) 3,卡布奇諾(Cappuccino)成分:espresso+奶泡 特點:與拿鐵的區別就在於有一半奶泡,因此口感比拿鐵濃郁,奶泡越細膩越好,但是要及時喝完,時間久了奶泡沒了比較難喝,不宜外帶。價格與拿鐵一樣。4,焦糖瑪奇朵(Caramel Macchiato) 成分:香草糖漿+牛奶+奶泡+espresso+焦糖沙司 特點:女生首選飲料,喝起來很棒,甜蜜的感覺,如果師傅手藝很棒,喝細膩奶泡的焦糖瑪奇朵絕對是一種享受。外觀也相當漂亮。價格相對較高(29 32 35)5,摩卡(Caffè Mocha) 成分:巧克力醬+espresso+牛奶+奶油 特點:LZ比較偏愛的一款飲料,尤其是白摩卡(白巧克力醬的摩卡)。這款飲料特別溫暖,適合女生,適合冬季。 6,濃縮咖啡(espresso)成分:espresso 特點:espresso是意式咖啡的精華。就小小的,小小的一杯喔~ 分單雙份。口味重的童鞋可以嘗試下,雙份濃縮(老外點購率比較高) PS:價格是單份14,雙份18(LZ在樓裡寫的是13和17,記錯啦,特地去核對了菜單,特此更正。希望沒有誤導各位。抱歉。) 7,濃縮康寶藍(Espresso Con Panna)成分:espresso+cream 特點:就是一小杯espresso加上一圈奶油額。。。 8,濃縮瑪奇朵(Espresso Macchiato)成分:espresso+奶泡 特點:大家自己推理去吧。。。 冷飲:沒啥好特別介紹的,成分都跟上面熱飲類似。 要提醒的是1,不要輕易嘗試冰卡布奇諾,真心不推薦,冰牛奶,冰塊加上熱奶泡,很奇怪的口感。不過,得承認,外觀相當好看! 2,不喜歡冰塊又想喝冰飲的童鞋可以都做成去冰(走冰)。 3,特別特別推薦一款LZ大愛的飲料:冰豆奶香草拿鐵去冰。我們店裡的夥伴招牌飲料,哈哈。 星冰樂(Frappuccino)含咖啡因:


星巴克菜单最全介绍中英文版 星巴克做的就是世界三大饮料的生意,茶叶、咖啡与可可。 并且最受众于一线城市的白领和大学生。 饮品: (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇諾 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)濃縮星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 小食: (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、藍苺、香蕉 (Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)維也納黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)藍苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比薩:燻鶏、呑拿魚 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各類餅干 (Tiramisu)提拉米蘇 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿魚、燻鶏(Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋(Vegetable Salad)田園沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿魚沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉


星巴克菜单介绍中英文 版 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

星巴克菜单最全介绍中英文版 星巴克做的就是世界三大饮料的生意,茶叶、咖啡与可可。 并且最受众于一线城市的白领和大学生。 饮品: (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇诺 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)浓缩星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 小食: (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、蓝苺、香蕉

(Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)维也纳黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)蓝苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比萨:燻鶏、呑拿鱼 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各类饼干 (Tiramisu)提拉米苏 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿鱼、燻鶏(Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋 (Vegetable Salad)田园沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿鱼沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup)水果沙拉 (Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese)餐盒:呑拿鱼、火腿芝士 Barista(咖啡师傅) 指的是站在Starbucks柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot(一份浓缩咖啡)


星巴克中英对照菜单 第一部分:经典咖啡类 1.热饮系列:Hot espresso 拿铁:Caffe latte 香草拿铁:Vanilla latte 美式咖啡:Caffe Americano 卡布奇诺:Cappuccino 摩卡: Caffe Mocha 焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato 浓缩咖啡: Espresso 浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna 浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato 2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso 冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte 冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte 冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha 冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰乐Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee 焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel 浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso 摩卡星冰乐:Mocha 咖啡星冰乐: Coffee 2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream 焦糖星冰乐:Caramel 抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea 香草星冰乐:Vanilla 巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice 芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶Coffee & Tea 1、新鲜调制咖啡Brewed Coffee 本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week 密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto 冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶Tazo Tea 抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte 英式咖啡:English Breakfast


星巴克飲品+點單技巧+Secret Menu 我們當中肯定有愛喝咖啡的和不愛喝咖啡的,但我們當中肯定沒有不知道星巴克Starbucks咖啡連鎖店的。本文的作者在星巴克打工,遇到了很多讓人汗顏的顧客。這篇攻略性的文章相當有用哦,以後當你站在POS機前看飲料單的時候就不會不知道想喝什麼而尷尬了! 關於Starbucks的那些杯子 Short Size 小杯8 oz僅供kid’s drinks和espresso使用 Tall Size 中杯12 oz Grande Size 大杯16 oz Venti Size 超大杯20 oz Trenta Size 特大杯30 oz只用於iced coffee & iced tea,這裡的“iced coffee”不包括espresso drinks。目前國內似乎沒有這個size的杯子,我就暫時以“特大杯”稱呼。 加拿大著名咖啡連鎖店Tim Hortons和Starbucks的杯子大小比較

關於Starbucks的那些糖漿 星巴克各種飲料的不同口味很大程度上歸功於這些糖漿。 Classic 原味,在星巴克不明確指出是神馬口味的時候,如果你的飲品是甜的,那裡頭就是加了classic syrup。 Peppermint 薄荷,一般被老美跟mocha或者white mocha混在一起,我個人不是很喜歡這種像是“邊刷牙邊吃巧克力”的感覺。。也見到過有顧客加在冰茶裡的。 Raspberry 覆盆子(山莓),一般見於茶類飲品中,少數奇葩老美也把它加在摩卡裡。Coconut 椰子,一般出現在frappuccino(星冰樂)中。 以下稱為“奶系糖漿”(編的名字=。=),因為它們一般只和有奶的飲料搭配。 Vanilla 香草 Caramel 焦糖 Cinnamon Dolce 杜肉桂(真詭異的翻譯國內木有應該) Toffee Nut 太妃榛仁 Hazelnut 榛果 Mocha 巧克力 White Mocha 白巧克力 Chai Concentrate 印度茶,一種有著異域風情的茶,評價不一,個人覺得味道挺有意思的。。印 度的一切都挺有意思的。 關於Starbucks的那些飲品 Espresso Drinks 意式濃縮咖啡飲品 Espresso 意式濃縮咖啡 按shot為計量單位(一個shot基本是1.25 oz),分solo和doppio,也就是single和double的意思。一般不見中國人喝這個,因為口味比較生猛,巨苦巨濃縮。。適合早上把自己苦醒,還有比方吃飽飯沒事做的義大利人,會邊喝這個邊閒聊。。以個人經驗,加一大坨糖進去之後,比較能夠入口。。苦與甜的交融,微笑與皺眉的完美搭配。 Caffe Americano 美式咖啡 個人覺得基本上是咖啡飲品中最難喝的一種了。。僅由espresso和水組成, 也就是被稀釋的espresso,生猛之感被稀釋之後就有種很奇怪的不男不女 的感覺。。另外有一個奇特的現象,棒子們都特別愛點這款飲料,來十個 棒子至少七個會對我說“艾斯啊賣力抗喏”,曾經對這現象百思不得其解, 後來觀察了menu才發現,原來americano是espresso drinks裡最便宜的。 (對不起棒子們,我拿你們開玩笑了。)


第一部分:经典咖啡类1.热饮系列:Hot espresso 拿铁:Caffe latte 香草拿铁:Vanilla latte 美式咖啡:Caffe Americano 卡布奇诺:Cappuccino 摩卡: Caffe Mocha 焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato 浓缩咖啡: Espresso 浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna 浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato 2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso 冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte 冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte 冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha 冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰乐Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee 焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel 浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso 摩卡星冰乐:Mocha

咖啡星冰乐: Coffee 2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream 焦糖星冰乐:Caramel 抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea 香草星冰乐:Vanilla 巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice 芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶Coffee & Tea 1、新鲜调制咖啡Brewed Coffee 本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week 密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto 冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶Tazo Tea 抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte 英式咖啡:English Breakfast 伯爵红茶:Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 3、其他饮料Other Favorite 经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)


焦糖玛奇朵(Caramel Macchiato) (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino )卡布奇諾 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)濃縮星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 (Muffin :Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、藍苺、香蕉(Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)維也納黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕

(Blueberry Cheese Cake)藍苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza :Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比薩:燻鶏、呑拿魚 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各類餅干 (Tiramisu )提拉米蘇 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿魚、燻鶏(Sandwich :Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋(Vegetable Salad)田園沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿魚沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup)水果沙拉 (Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese)餐盒:呑拿魚、火腿芝士 Barista (咖啡师傅) 指的是站在Starbucks 柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot (一份浓缩咖啡) 一份一盎司的浓缩咖啡。每一份标准的浓缩咖啡是由三个部分所组成:浓郁黄金泡沫


星巴克中英文菜单 (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇諾 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)濃縮星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、藍苺、香蕉(Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)維也納黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)藍苺芝士蛋糕

(Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比薩:燻鶏、呑拿魚 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各類餅干 (Tiramisu)提拉米蘇 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿魚、燻鶏 (Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋 (Vegetable Salad)田園沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿魚沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup)水果沙拉 (Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese)餐盒:呑拿魚、火腿芝士 Barista(咖啡师傅) 站在Starbucks柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot(一份浓缩咖啡) 一份一盎司的浓缩咖啡。每一份标准的浓缩咖啡是由三个部分所组成:浓郁黄金泡沫(crema)、醇厚口感(body)与热情的心(heart)。黄金泡沫指的是浓缩咖啡表面一层焦糖色的泡沫,在浓缩咖啡煮完後几秒就消失了。 Espresso(浓缩咖啡)(E-SPRE'-SO)


浓缩咖啡星冰乐Espresso Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐Mocha Frappuccino 咖啡星冰乐Coffee Frappuccino 无咖啡系列 焦糖星冰乐Caramel Frappuccino 抹茶星冰乐Green Tea Frappuccino 香草星冰乐Vanilla Frappuccino 巧克力星冰乐Chocolate Frappuccino 果茶系列 芒果西番莲果茶星冰乐Mango Passion Fruit Frappuccino 咖啡和茶 新鲜调制咖啡 本周精选咖啡Coffee of the week (COW) 密思朵咖啡Caffe Misto 冰制咖啡Iced Brewed Coffee 泰舒茶 抹茶拿铁Green Tea Latte 英式红茶English Breakfast 伯爵红茶Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 其他饮料 经典热巧克力Signature Hot Chocolate 冰经典巧克力Iced Signature Chocolate 牛奶Milk 豆奶Soy Milk 气泡矿泉水Sparking Mineral Water 矿泉水Mineral Water 果汁Juice 瓶装星冰乐Bottled Frappuccino 好了~知道了这些,我们下次去星巴克就可以轻松地表达自己想要什么了~for here Grande Caramel Macchiato~ Tips: 如果想省钱的话,就自己带杯子去喝吧~星巴克的企业文化很注重环保,所以,自带杯顾客可以享受2元的优惠~而且,星巴克经常会大方的让人难以想想,如果去参加一些他们组织的活动经常会有很大收获。如果有新店开业的话,有时在本地别的店都会领到仅限新店使用的免费咖啡券(大连新世界店开业时,顾客就可以在别的店面得到宣传卡片,凭此可

星巴克 中英文对照

第一部分:经典咖啡类 1.热饮系列:Hot espresso 拿铁:Caffe latte 香草拿铁:Vanilla latte 美式咖啡:Caffe Americano 卡布奇诺:Cappuccino 摩卡: Caffe Mocha 焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato 浓缩咖啡: Espresso 浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna 浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato 2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso 冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte 冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte 冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha 冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰乐 Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee 焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel 浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso 摩卡星冰乐:Mocha 咖啡星冰乐: Coffee 2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream

焦糖星冰乐:Caramel 抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea 香草星冰乐:Vanilla 巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice 芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea 1、新鲜调制咖啡 Brewed Coffee 本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week 密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto 冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea 抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte 英式咖啡:English Breakfast 伯爵红茶:Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 3、其他饮料 Other Favorite 经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy) 冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy) 牛奶:Milk 豆奶:Soy Milk 气泡矿泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water


我们的星巴克 使命 激发并孕育人文精神—- 每人,每杯,每个社区。 我们每天实践的理念原 则: 我们的咖啡 我们一直追求卓越品质,并将永远如此。我们致力于通过以道德采购的方式购买高品质的咖啡豆,精心烘焙,并提高种植者的生活水平。我们积极地关心着这一切;我们的 工作还任重而道远。 我们的伙伴 我们称彼此为伙伴,因为这不仅是一份工作,而是我们的激情所在。我们拥抱多元化一起创造一个可以自由工作、发挥所长的场所。我们永远相互尊重维护对方的尊严。我们将始终以此作为彼此相待的标准。 我们的顾客 我们全身心地投入,我们和顾客真诚沟通,分享快乐,并提供振奋人心的生活体验哪怕只是片刻时光。当然,这一切都是从承诺制作一杯完美的饮品开始,但我们的工作远不止于此。我们工作的真正核心是 联结彼此 我们的门店 当我们的顾客感受到一种归属感时,我们的门店就成了他们的港湾,一个远离外界纷扰的空间,一个与朋友相聚的处所。它使人们得以享受不同生活节奏带来的快乐——时而悠闲自得,时而步履匆匆,任何时候都充满了人文气息。 Our Starbucks Mission Statement Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Here are the principles of how we live that every day: Our Coffee It has always been, and will always be, about quality. We’re passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them. We care deeply about all of this; our work is never done. Our Partners We’re called partners, because it’s not just a job, it’s our passion. Together, we embrace diversity to create a place where each of us can be ourselves. We always treat each other with respect and dignity. And we hold each other to that standard. Our Customers When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our customers – even if just for a few moments. Sure, it starts with the promise of a perfectly made beverage, but our work goes far beyond that. It’s really about human connection. Our Stores When our customers feel this sense of belonging, our stores become a haven, a break from the worries outside, a place where you can meet with friends. It’s about enjoyment at the speed of life – sometimes slow and savored, sometimes faster. Always full of humanity.


星巴克饮品+点单技巧+Secret Menu 我们当中肯定有爱喝咖啡的和不爱喝咖啡的,但我们当中肯定没有不知道星巴克Starbucks咖啡连锁店的。本文的作者在星巴克打工,遇到了很多让人汗颜的顾客。这篇攻略性的文章相当有用哦,以后当你站在POS机前看饮料单的时候就不会不知道想喝什么而尴尬了! 关于Starbucks的那些杯子 Short Size 小杯8 oz 仅供kid’s drinks和espresso使用 Tall Size 中杯12 oz Grande Size 大杯16 oz Venti Size 超大杯20 oz Trenta Size 特大杯30 oz 只用于iced coffee & iced tea,这里的“iced coffee”不包括espresso drinks。目前国内似乎没有这个size的杯子,我就暂时以“特大杯”称呼。 加拿大著名咖啡连锁店Tim Hortons和Starbucks的杯子大小比较

关于Starbucks的那些糖浆 星巴克各种饮料的不同口味很大程度上归功于这些糖浆。 Classic 原味,在星巴克不明确指出是神马口味的时候,如果你的饮品是甜的,那里头就是加了classic syrup。 Peppermint 薄荷,一般被老美跟mocha或者white mocha混在一起,我个人不是很喜欢这种像是“边刷牙边吃巧克力”的感觉。。也见到过有顾客加在冰茶里的。 Raspberry 覆盆子(山莓),一般见于茶类饮品中,少数奇葩老美也把它加在摩卡里。Coconut 椰子,一般出现在frappuccino(星冰乐)中。 以下称为“奶系糖浆”(编的名字=。=),因为它们一般只和有奶的饮料搭配。 Vanilla 香草 Caramel 焦糖 Cinnamon Dolce 杜肉桂(真诡异的翻译国内木有应该) Toffee Nut 太妃榛仁 Hazelnut 榛果 Mocha 巧克力 White Mocha 白巧克力 Chai Concentrate 印度茶,一种有着异域风情的茶,评价不一,个人觉得味道挺有意思的。。印度的一切都挺有意思的。 关于Starbucks的那些饮品 Espresso Drinks 意式浓缩咖啡饮品 Espresso 意式浓缩咖啡 按shot为计量单位(一个shot基本是1.25 oz),分solo和doppio,也就是single和double 的意思。一般不见中国人喝这个,因为口味比较生猛,巨苦巨浓缩。。适合早上把自己苦醒,还有比方吃饱饭没事做的意大利人,会边喝这个边闲聊。。以个人经验,加一大坨糖进去之后,比较能够入口。。苦与甜的交融,微笑与皱眉的完美搭配。 Caffe Americano 美式咖啡 个人觉得基本上是咖啡饮品中最难喝的一种了。。仅由espresso和水组 成,也就是被稀释的espresso,生猛之感被稀释之后就有种很奇怪的不 男不女的感觉。。另外有一个奇特的现象,棒子们都特别爱点这款饮料, 来十个棒子至少七个会对我说“艾斯啊卖力抗喏”,曾经对这现象百思 不得其解,后来观察了menu才发现,原来americano是espresso drinks里最便宜的。(对不起棒子们,我拿你们开玩笑了。)


In the world, Starbucks is the only store open over the four continents of the world coffee brands. 星巴克从一件小咖啡屋成长为国际最著名的咖啡连锁店品牌的一个法门就是其灵活的经营智慧。 Grown from a small Starbucks coffee for the international brand the most famous coffee chain, a Famennian is its flexible business intelligence. 一。 One. 按照世界各地分歧的市场环境采纳灵活的投资与合作模 式 Differences in accordance with market conditions around the world to adopt a flexible mode of investment and cooperation 按照美国星巴克总部在世界各地星巴克公司中所持股份的比例看, 星巴克与世界各地的合作模式主要有四种环境: According to the U.S. headquarters of Starbucks Starbucks around the world in the proportion of shares held view, the Starbucks model of cooperation around the world, there are four environments: 1.星巴克占 100% 股权,好比在英国,泰国和澳大利亚等地; Starbucks 100% stake, like in the UK, Thailand and Australia; 2.星巴克占 50% 股权,好比在日本,韩国等地; Starbucks accounted for 50% stake, like in Japan, Korea and other places;


星巴克中的中英文对照 第一部分:经典咖啡类 1.热饮系列:Hot espresso 拿铁:Caffe latte 香草拿铁:Vanilla latte 美式咖啡:Caffe Americano 卡布奇诺:Cappuccino 摩卡: Caffe Mocha 焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato 浓缩咖啡: Espresso 浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna 浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato 2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso 冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte 冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte 冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha 冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰乐 Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee 焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel 浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso

摩卡星冰乐:Mocha 咖啡星冰乐: Coffee 2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream 焦糖星冰乐:Caramel 抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea 香草星冰乐:Vanilla 巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice 芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea 1、新鲜调制咖啡 Brewed Coffee 本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week 密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto 冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea 抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte 英式咖啡:English Breakfast 伯爵红茶:Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 3、其他饮料 Other Favorite


星巴克menu上的一些飲料 經典意式咖啡 (一)熱飲: 1,美式咖啡(cafe americano): 成分:espresso(濃縮)+熱水 特點:較好的保留咖啡原有的醇香,提神效果較好,較便宜(21,24,27) 2,拿鐵(cafe latte) 成分:espresso+牛奶+一勺奶泡 特點:濃縮咖啡調入熱牛奶,其上覆蓋一層輕盈的奶沫。傳統的經典飲料,美妙之處也在於它的簡單。較便宜(25 28 31) 3,卡布奇諾(Cappuccino)成分:espresso+奶泡 特點:與拿鐵的區別就在於有一半奶泡,因此口感比拿鐵濃郁,奶泡越細膩越好,但是要及時喝完,時間久了奶泡沒了比較難喝,不宜外帶。價格與拿鐵一樣。4,焦糖瑪奇朵(Caramel Macchiato) 成分:香草糖漿+牛奶+奶泡+espresso+焦糖沙司 特點:女生首選飲料,喝起來很棒,甜蜜的感覺,如果師傅手藝很棒,喝細膩奶泡的焦糖瑪奇朵絕對是一種享受。外觀也相當漂亮。價格相對較高(29 32 35)5,摩卡(Caffè Mocha) 成分:巧克力醬+espresso+牛奶+奶油 特點:LZ比較偏愛的一款飲料,尤其是白摩卡(白巧克力醬的摩卡)。這款飲料特別溫暖,適合女生,適合冬季。 6,濃縮咖啡(espresso)成分:espresso 特點:espresso是意式咖啡的精華。就小小的,小小的一杯喔~ 分單雙份。口味重的童鞋可以嘗試下,雙份濃縮(老外點購率比較高) PS:價格是單份14,雙份18(LZ在樓裡寫的是13和17,記錯啦,特地去核對了菜單,特此更正。希望沒有誤導各位。抱歉。) 7,濃縮康寶藍(Espresso Con Panna)成分:espresso+cream 特點:就是一小杯espresso加上一圈奶油額。。。 8,濃縮瑪奇朵(Espresso Macchiato)成分:espresso+奶泡 特點:大家自己推理去吧。。。 冷飲:沒啥好特別介紹的,成分都跟上面熱飲類似。 要提醒的是1,不要輕易嘗試冰卡布奇諾,真心不推薦,冰牛奶,冰塊加上熱奶泡,很奇怪的口感。不過,得承認,外觀相當好看! 2,不喜歡冰塊又想喝冰飲的童鞋可以都做成去冰(走冰)。 3,特別特別推薦一款LZ大愛的飲料:冰豆奶香草拿鐵去冰。我們店裡的夥伴招牌飲料,哈哈。 星冰樂(Frappuccino)含咖啡因:


星巴克菜单最全介绍中英文版星巴克做的就是世界三大饮料的生意,茶叶、咖啡与可可。 并且最受众于一线城市的白领和大学生。 饮品: ( Caramel Macchiato ) 焦糖玛奇朵 ( Caffe Latte ) 拿鉄 (Cappuccino ) 卡布奇诺 ( Caffe Mocha ) 摩卡 ( Caffe Americano ) 美式 ( Iced Caffe Latte ) 氷拿鉄 ( Iced Caffe Mocha ) 氷摩卡 ( Iced Caffe Americano ) 氷美式 ( Coffee Frappuccino ) 星氷楽 ( Mocha Frappuccino ) 摩卡星氷楽 ( Espresso Frappuccino ) 浓缩星氷楽 ( Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino ) 芒果茶星氷楽 ( Caramel Cream Frappuccino ) 焦糖星氷楽 ( Vanilla Cream Frappuccino ) 香草星氷楽 ( Chocolate Cream Frappuccino ) 巧克力星氷楽 小食: (Muffin :Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana )麦芬:巧克力、蓝苺、香蕉 (Classic Chocolate Cake ) 法式巧克力蛋糕 ( Black Forest Cake ) 维也纳黒森林蛋糕 ( Cheese Cake) 芝士蛋糕 ( Blueberry Cheese Cake) 蓝苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna ) 比萨:燻鶏、呑拿鱼 ( Vegetable&Ham Pie )蔬菜派 ( Cheese Stick & Cookies ) 芝士条,各类饼干 ( Tiramisu ) 提拉米苏 ( French Sandwich :Tuna, Smoked Chicken )法式三明治:呑拿鱼、燻鶏( Sandwich :Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg ) 三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋 ( Vegetable Salad) 田园沙拉 ( Tuna Salad) 呑拿鱼沙拉 ( Macaroni Salad ) 通心粉沙拉 ( Potato Salad) 土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup ) 水果沙拉 (Meal Box :Tuna, Ham&Cheese) 餐盒:呑拿鱼、火腿芝士 Barista (咖啡师傅) 指的是站在Starbucks 柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot (—份浓缩咖啡) 一份一盎司的浓缩咖啡。每一份标准的浓缩咖啡是由三个部分所组成:浓郁黄金泡沫 (crema )、醇厚口感(body)与热情的心(heart)。黄金泡沫指的是浓缩咖啡表面一层焦糖色的泡沫,在浓缩咖啡煮完後几秒就消失了。


STARBUCKS COFFEE History 1970's The first Starbucks opens. The name comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a classic American novel about the 19th century whaling industry. The seafaring name seems appropriate for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold, thirsty people of Seattle. 1980's Howard Schultz joins Starbucks in 1982. While on a business trip in Italy, he visits Milan’s famous espresso bars. Impressed with their popularity and culture, he sees their potential i n Seattle. He’s right – after trying lattes and mochas, Seattle quickly becomes coffee-crazy. 1990's The demand for great coffee allows Starbucks to expand beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then further a field. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part-time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company. 2000's The Starbucks phenomenon continues. At the time of writing, Starbucks has more than 6,000 locations in over 30 countries. In addition to our excellent coffees and espresso drinks, people now enjoy Tazo? tea and Frappuccino? ice blended beverages. Products Caffè Mocha摩卡 Caramel Macchiato焦糖玛奇朵 Caffè Americano美式 Caffè Latte拿铁 Cappuccino卡布奇诺 espresso特浓咖啡 Caramel Coffee Jelly焦糖吉利 Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐 coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐 mocha Frappuccino摩卡星冰乐
