

Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?

Liu Ruifang

Period one Section A (1a-1c)

Teaching Goals:

1. Words:sitcom, news, soap, opera, stand,

Phrases: talk show, soap opera, sports show, game show, talent show

2. Learn to talk about preferences


① What do you want to watch?

② What do you think of talk shows?

③I can’t stand them.

④I don’t mind them.

⑤ I like/love them. / I don’t like them.

Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Lead-in

Ask students a question “ Do you like watching TV? What TV shows would you like to watch?

Ⅱ. Learn the new words

Learn the names of the TV shows.

(学法指导:老师注意收集Section A即1a出现的词。如sitcom, news, soap,等板书在黑板上.注意总结规律n. +show)

Ⅲ. Game

1. Look at the pictures in 1a,try to speak out the names of the TV Shows.

2. Match the TV shows with the pictures.

3. Check the answers with the Ss.

(方法指导: 让学生先独立完成,然后小组核对答案.)


Ⅳ. Learn to talk about preferences

Look at the pictures according to PPT. Talk about them use the sentences.

①What do you want to watch?

②What do you think of talk shows?

③I can’t stand them.

④I don’t mind them.

⑤I like/love them. / I don’t like them.


Ⅴ. Listening

1. T: Tell Ss to read the shows in the box. Make sure they know the meaning of the


2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the shows1-4.

3. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the Ss.



Ⅵ. Pair work

1. Let Ss look at the pictures in the box. Then explain the meaning of each expression to the Ss.

2. Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then let Ss make their own

conversation using the shows and expressions in the box.

3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows.

Ⅶ. practice

1) Translation








1. soap operas,you,do,what,think,

2. mind, she, doesn’t, them

3. can’t, Mark, stand, boring lesson, the


1.你认为肥皂剧怎么样?_____do you____ _____ ____ _____?

2.我无法忍受。太令人厌烦了。I_______ ______ it. It’s too boring.

3.他很喜欢数学课,很有趣。He_____ math classes. They are _______. Ⅷ.Homework:

Make three conversations like 1c.


Period two Section A (2a-2d) Teaching Goals:

1. Words:educational, plan, hope , discussion, happen, may, expect Phrases: find out ,learn from, have a discussion about, go on


Like, love, want, plan, hope, expect+ to do sth.

Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Review

Review the questions that learned last time.

Ⅱ. Learn the new words and phrases, then have a dictation.

(学法指导: 小组合作,词组检查可以英汉互译,快速反应。)

Ⅲ. Listening

Work on 2a:

1. Read the shows in the box of 2a. Tell Ss to remember the information.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the TV shows [1-5].

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to write the correct words in the blanks.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.


Ⅳ. Pair work

1. Tell Ss ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. They can use the information that is true for them.

2. Let Ss read conversation after the teacher.

3. Explain some main points for the Ss.

4. Ss act the conversation in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their conversati


Ⅴ. Role-play

1. Read the conversations and match the name with the right shows.

①Grace a. game shows and sports shows

②Sarah b. soap operas

③Grace’s classmates c. news and talk shows

2. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation.

3. Read the conversation after the teacher.

4. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation.


Ⅶ. practice





4. 期待某人做..._____________



7. 你能期待从新闻中学到什么?______________________________

8. 我喜欢跟随着故事,看看接下来会发生什么。_______________

2)根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示, 完成单词拼写。

1. —What do you t____________ of your English teacher?

—We love her very much.

2. I can’t s____________ soap operas. They’re boring.

3. He doesn’t ____________ (介意) sitcoms.

4. In f____________, I’m a little hungry now.

5. There is ____________ (没有什么) in the box but a ring.

6. I don’t like sports shows. How a____________ you?

7. —Do you like ____________ (文化) China?

—Yes, I do.


Try to recite 2d.


Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-3c)

Teaching Goals:

1. Words:joke, comedy

2. Grammar动词不定式用法

Like, love, want, plan, hope, expect+ to do sth.

Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Revision

1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class.

2. Ask and answer questions about the different shows.

What do you think of news?

I can’t stand it. / I like it. / I don’t mind it. I…

3. Role-play the conversation in 2d.

Ⅱ. New words

Remember the two words joke and comedy.

Ⅲ. Grammar focus

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。


Do you want to ____ ______ _____?


What do you ______ ___ _____ shows?

③我不介意看。/我不能忍受。/ 我喜欢看。

I don’t ______ them. I ____ ______ them. I ____ ________ them.


_______ do you______ _____watch tonight?


I ______ ____ watch Days of Our Past.


What can you ______ ___ ____ from sitcoms?


You can _______ some great _____.


Why do you like _________ ___ ______?


Because I ______ ____ _____ ___ what’s going ________ the world.



Ⅳ. Grammar动词不定式做宾语的用法:

动词不定式的形式:to + 动词原形

Jack wants to buy some flowers for Mr. Wu.



想要want, 期望expect, 希望hope, 计划plan, 决定decide ,开始begin,开始start

2. 最后,由各小组长来说一说他们小组所做的总结。

3. 大屏幕出示常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词和同学们一起对答案。

【拓展】省略to 的不定式

有些动词后面跟动词不定式时应将不定式符号to省去。常见的动词有let, make, feel, help, watch, hear等。例句:

让我来帮助你。Let me help you.

你能帮助我打扫房间吗?Can you help me clean the house?



1. She expects _________ (arrive) tomorrow.

2. Let’s _______ (watch) talk shows tonigh t.

3. They hope _________ (visit) the Great Wall next year.

4. Do you plan _______ (find) a part-time job?

5. When do you want _____ (go) swimming?

6. My uncle often helps me ________ (learn) math and English.

Ⅴ. Practice

Work on 3a:

1. Tell Ss to read the conversation in 3a and try to fill in the blanks with right words.


Work on 3b:


Word on 3c:


VII. Writing task


My mother likes sitcom. She thinks they’re interesting. …

VIII. 板书设计

Period Four Section B 1 1a-1d

Teaching Goals:

1. Words:meaningless, action, cartoon,

Phrases: action movie, scary movie,

2. Learn to talk about TV shows and action movies.

①John wants to watch talk shows because they’re enjoyable.

②I like to watch action movies because they’re exciting.

Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Lead-in

T: Show some movies or shows on the big screen.

Let Ss discuss about them. Ask and answer what they think of them.

Ask students a question “ Do you like watching TV? What do you think of the TV shows? Why do you like them?”

Ⅱ. Learn the new words

Learn the new words in 1a.

(学法指导:老师注意收集Section B即1a出现的词。如educational, meaningless等板书在黑板上.注意总结规律n.+nal→adj.)

Ⅲ. Work on 1a

1. Work with your partners. Ask and answer about the movies or shows.

2. Let Ss talk about the movies or shows with the words in 1a.

3. Let some pairs ask and answer in front of the class.

Ⅳ. Listening

Work on 1b:

1. Tell Ss to listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a.

2. Play the recording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and circle the words.

3. Play the recording and check the answers with the Ss.


Work on 1c:

1. T: Now please look at the chart in 1c. What do John and Mary think of the movies or shows? You'll listen to the tape again. Then try to fill in the blanks.


2. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks.

3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. First tell the partner what John and Mary like to watch and why.

2. Then talk about what you like to watch and why.

Ⅶ. Practice

1) Translation

可怕的,吓人的_______ 有教育意义的______


令人激动的;振奋人心的________ 毫无意义的_____________


1. C__________are very funny.

2. Jim thinks the thrillers are s_________.

3. The story is very m________.(毫无意义的)I don't like it.

4.Tom likes s________(肥皂剧)but he doesn't like romances.(浪漫剧)


Make three sentences like 1d.


Period Five-Six Section B 1 2a-2e

Teaching Goals:

1. Words:culture, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, might, main, reason, common, film, unlucky, lose, ready, simple,

Phrases: come out, be ready to, a pair of

2. Learn to talk about TV shows and action movies.

①One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man.

②However, he was always ready to try his best.

③People today expect to see more than just a little mouse fighting bad guys. Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Learn the new words and phrases.

Remember them for a while, then do the exercises.

1. 动作电影________________

2. come out ________________

3. 其中一个重要原因________________




(学法指导: 小组合作,词组检查可以英汉互译,快速反应。)



1. Work in groups. Look at the questions in 2a.

2. Ask one student the questions as a model.

3. Tell Ss to discuss the questions in the group.

Ⅲ. Reading

1. Introduce something about Disney.

2. New words.

3. Work on 2b.

T: Do you like to watch cartoons? Do you know Mickey Mouse? Today we’ll learn

a passage about Mickey Mouse.

Let Ss read the passage quickly and complete the time line on next page.

Ss read the passage quickly and complete the time line on next page.

Check the answers with the Ss.

4. Work on 2c.

First, let’s read the questions in the chart. Make sure all the students know the meaning of the questions. Then read the passage again and find the answers to the questions. (方法指导:首先,应读懂五个题目的意思;然后,带着这五个问题再次认真阅读短文的内容,并在短文中找出相关问题的回答依据。综合短文内容与题目内容,确定最为贴切的答案。)

Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions.

Check the answers with the class.

5. Work on 2d

T: Read the passage again. This time you should discuss the questions with a partner. (方法指导:首先,在短文中找到相关问题的回答依据;然后,与伙伴来讨论一下这个问题,结合自己生活经历回答出这个问题.)

Let some Ss talk about their answers.

Ⅳ. Explanation

Choose some languages points to explain. (见PPT)

Ⅴ. Practice

1. 你妈妈认为访谈节目怎么样?

What does your mother ____________ ____________ talk shows?

2. 她无法忍受体育节目。She ____________ ____________ sports shows.

3. 你介意情景剧吗?Do you ____________ ____________ ?


1. Remember the words and phrases in the lesson.

2. Recite the article .

Period seven Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

Teaching Goals:

1. Review the words and phrases in this unit.

2. Learn to talk about TV shows and action movies.

Teaching Plans:


Ⅰ. Revision

Review the main phrases learned yesterday.

(1) 想起__________

(2) 例如________

(3) 发行;出版_________________

(4) 在二十世纪三十年代______________

(5) 主要原因之一___________________

(6) 努力做某事________________

(7) 愿意迅速做某事_______________

(8) 尽最大努力_____________

(9) 不仅仅;不只___________

Ⅱ. Lead-in

Ask some questions about Mulan. Let the Ss think and answer the questions:

“Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say anything about it?”

Ss discuss the questions and answer the questions. e.g.

S1: Yes, I do. Mulan didn’t have any brothers. She took his father’s place to fight in the army.

S2: Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army.

(学法指导: 小组合作,词组检查可以英汉互译,快速反应。)


Ⅲ. Reading

1. Read the article about Mulan. Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help you.

2. 写作指导:




3. Ss try to read the article and try to fill in the blanks.

4. Check the answers with the Ss.


Work on 3b:

1. Think about your favorite movies. Write notes for your own movie review.

2. Give some examples to the Ss.

The name of the movie: The Lion King

The kind of the movie: cartoon

What the movie is about?

Simba’s father was the king. But his uncle, Scar killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true King.

What you think of the movie/star?

It was fantastic.

3. Ss try to think about their favorite movies. Write notes for their own movie review.

4. Try to fill in the blanks.

Work on 3c:

1. Write about your movie review using the notes in 3b.

2. 写作指导:






3. 学生们根据写作提示,及上面表格中的提示来写作这篇文章。

4. Let some Ss read their passage to the class.

Ⅴ. Discussion

1. Read the kinds of shows or movies in the chart in 4. Ask and answer about them with

a partner. Write the answers in the chart.

2. Give Ss some examples:

S1: What do you think of soap operas?

S2: I think they’re boring. What about you?

S1: Well, I don’t like them, either.

3. Ss ask and answer with their partners and try to fill in the chart.

4. At last, wr ite a short report about your ideas and your partner’s.

Ⅵ. Self check

Work on Self check 1:

1. Fill in the blanks with the superlative forms of the words in the box.

2. 本题是根据提示词来进行问答。问句和答语中没有对人称的提示,因此应自主确定人称。可以用you来询问,则回答应用I;如果是用第三人称来询问,则回答也相应的用第三人称来答,如果是第三人称单数形式还应注意动词用恰当的第三人称单数形式。


如:1)─What do you think of soap operas? ─I can’t mind them.

─What does your father think of soap operas? ─He can’t mind them.

4. 学生做每个试题,并校对答案。

Work on Self check 2

1. Tell Ss to read the statements below. Then think about them. Which of the statements they agree. Check (√). Check (×) if they disagree. Give at least one reason.

2. Ss work and by themselves.

说明原因:Give some examples: e.g. I think we can learn some interesting things.

3. 学生们完成试题并说明原因。

ⅧII. Homework

Write your movie review using the notes in 3b.

