7b unit1 Dream homes 教案第一课时

7b unit1 Dream homes 教案第一课时
7b unit1 Dream homes 教案第一课时

7B Unit1 Dream Homes Period 1 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1、Talk about the students’ own dream homes. Lead them to think about the livings in different countries.

2、Learn about the sign buildings in different countries.

3、Get to know about capitals of some countries.

Important points:

Talk about the students’ own dream homes.

Difficult points:

Talk about the students’ own dream homes.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1


Bring a map and ask: What countries in the word do you know?

Write the word country on the blackboard.

Step 2. Presentation

Group work: The students work in groups of four to collect as many names of countries as they can.

Read all the names of countries.

Show the students some pictures of places of interest in the world. Teach the students the names of these places.

Ask the students to finish P7, A.

Show the students a photo of Tiananmen Square and ask them where it is. Then write down this sentence on the blackboard: Beijing is the capital of China. Teach this word.

Step3. Practice

1. Matching: ask the students to finish a matching game:

3. Ask the students to finish P7, B. Then ask the students to read the sentences loudly.

For more able students, give them more countries and capitals. Australia—Canberra; Philippines—Manila; Italy—Rome

Ask the students something about Eddie and Hobo. Tell them that they are living in Beijing now. Today they are talking about where to live. Look at two pictures first.

Show the students two pictures. One is a picture of a palace and the other is a picture of a restaurant. Teach the word palace.

Step4 Reading

1. Ask the students to read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.

2. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Step5 Homework:1. to remember the countries and their capitals we have learned.

2.finish exercise in the workbook.

学生错题集:_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________



英语教案-Unit2Myschoolbag第二课时教学重点:1.句型:What colour is it? It’s…2.词汇:colour , fat 教学难点:1.发音:What’s colour is it? 2.在回答句子时颜色前面不用冠词,学生经常会出现It’s a red。这样的错误。教具准备:1.教师使用的一只玩具熊猫2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 2 Let’s learn]3.教材相配套的教学录音带教学过程:(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.做本单元A部分Let’s do内容,听指令做动作。2.复习上一课内容:看单词卡,读单词:English book,Chinese book, math book , notebook, story-book。做对话:How many books do you have? I have…3.教师播放录音,学生模仿录音进行对话。(使用第一册相配套的教学录音带Unit4 Let’s talk/B)A: I have a …B: Oh, really? May I have a look? A: Sure。 Here you are。B: Thank you。 Oh, it’s nice! I like it。A: Thanks。(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.如果在前面做的对话中,有学生说出:I have a new schoolbag。这时教师要利用这一契机追问:Really? What colour is it? 如果没有学生说出与课文相关的句子,教师可进行以下操作:教师手中拿一个书包,说:I have a new schoolbag。 It’s black and white。让学生听两遍后,问学生:What colour

四年级英语上册Unit 1 第一课时教案

Unit 1 My classroom 教材分析 本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新更换的教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’s in the classroom?”“Let’s go and see!”“—Where is it? —It’s near the window.”“Let’s clean the classroom.”“Let me clean the teacher’s desk.”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。 教学目标知识与能力目标: 句型 ·能够听、说、认读句型“What’s in the classroom?”“Let’s go and see!”“—Where is it? —It’s near the window.”“Let’s clean the classroom.”“Let me clean the teacher’s desk.” ·能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is…? —It’s in/on/under/near the…”询问并回答物品的位置·能够在情景中运用句型“Let’s…”“Let me…”提出行动建议 ·能够按意群朗读“—Where is the green book? —It is under the teacher’s desk.”等四组句子 词汇 ·能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor” ·能够正确使用上述词汇描述教室里的物品及设施 ·能够在有意义的语境中正确书写上述词汇 语音 ·能够掌握a-e的发音规则,即a-e在单词中发长音/e?/ ·能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词,并能够根据读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词 情感态度?文化意识?学习策略目标: ·学习礼貌言行,能够对请求、道歉等行为做出恰当反应 ·具有讲卫生、爱整洁的意识 ·能够根据a-e的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据a与a-e的发音规则拼写单词 课时安排第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play 第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 第三课时: Part A Let’s spell 第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play 第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play 第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing


Unit 1 friendship Participants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙 School: Tai Zhou No.1 Senior Middle School 1.Teaching aims and demands 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 话题Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships 词汇Add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 功能 1.态度(attitudes) Are you afraid that---? I’v e grown so crazy about--- dare--- I didn’t 2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement) I agree. I think so. Exactly. think so. I’m afraid not. agree. I don’t I don’t 3.肯定程度(certainty) That’s correct. Of course not. 语法直接引语和间接引语(1): 陈述句和疑问句 1.陈述句 want to set down a series of facts in a diary.” Said Anne. “Id on’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary. ----Anne said that she didn’t 2.一般疑问句 He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?” ---He asked us whether we were leaving that night. 3.特殊疑问句 “When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne. --- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before. 2.Suggested teaching notes 1). Analyses of the teaching contents This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center

【人教pep版】小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 第二课时教案

Unit1 My classroom A. Let’s learn 教学目标: 1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读有关教室物品设施的词汇. classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door. 2.能力目标:能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 3.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动,互相帮助的习惯。 教学重点: 1.掌握有关教室物品设施的词汇:classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door. 2.能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 教学难点: 1. 运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 2. 听指令,做动作。 教学准备: 自制课件、教学光盘 教学过程: Step1. Preparation 1.教师出示实物复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, eraser, crayon, pen等单词。 2.教师引导学生用以上单词做问答练习: 如:What’s in the bag? What’s in the pencil-case ? 3.在学生回答出问题后,教师再问:How many pencils/pens…?使学生能用复数进行回答。 如:What’s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils… Step 2 Presentation

1.课件出示一幅教室的图片,教师介绍说:This is a classroom. . Ask: What’s the meaning of the classroom? Guess. Ss:教室。Then teach it.教师板书并领读,然后让学生由集体到个别轮流读单词 教师接着问:What’s in the classroom? 学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给予表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。 教师指着教室里的黑板教学blackboard,教师板书并领读,然后让学生由集体到个别轮流读单词。 How many blackboards can you see? Ss: Two. Yes, two boards.然后在board加S。然后教师做擦黑板的动作,边做动作边说clean the blackboard.教师边领读边做动作,并让学生跟着边说边做。 用同样的方法教学单词window, light, picture和door,同时融入动作。 Close the window. Turn on the light. Put up the picture. Open the door.同样教师先示范动作,然后让学生边说边做。 2.让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。 第一遍听,第二遍学生跟读并模仿Let’s learn部分的内容。 让学生看着画面回答: What’s in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs. 3.教师领读单词和句型。 4.让学生在小组内读单词,采用兵教兵的形式。 然后找部分学生读单词,检查掌握情况。


Unit 1 friendship 1.Teaching aims and demands 2.Suggested teaching notes 1). Analyses of the teaching contents This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it. Warming up---The questionnaire leads students to think and talk about

friendship, get to know the problems between friends and seek solutions, which makes preparations for the further teaching in topics, background and vocabulary. Pre-reading---The questions prompt students to think critically about friends and friendship in reality, alerting them to the fact that besides people, a diary can be a friend, too. Reading--- The diary by theJewish girl Anne gave a glimpse of her life during her family’s shelter in Amsterdam from the German Nazis’ killing in world war 2. she treats the diary as her best friend, and in it reveals her longing for a normal life and close contact with nature, which helps her get through the days. Comprehending---It helps students further understand the text by doing multiple choices, questions and answers, and matching. Learning about language---It teaches the important expressions and structures and grammar: direct and indirect speeches. Using language---The two letters, listening, questionnaire design, letter writing and fun writing prepares students to further talk about friendship, especially the problems with misunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thus strengthening students’ abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems. Summing up---It summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. Learning tip--- This part encourages students to form the habit of writing a diary. Integrating skills--- The text introduces the way Hawaiians express friendship, to get students to realize the cultural differences in the values of friendship in addition its importance in all cultures. 2) Making of the teaching plan This unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring different types of friendship with particular attention to that one can develop with oneself, i.e., the comfort and support one seeks from an imaginary friend. Students are expected to come to be truly aware of the qualities and conducts that make a good friend, display and develop the ability to cope with misunderstanding, conflicts and problems related to friendship, and give advice on it. The concept that even an ordinary thing can be a friend should break down the traditional belief in the interpersonal nature of friendship. Also, the comparison of similarities

Unit2 My schoolbag第二课时教学设计

第二课时 教学目标: 1.能听懂会说本课的会话。 2.能够熟练运用句型What’s in your schoolbag?来回答书包中各书本的名称。 3.能听说认读本课主要词汇:Chinese book, English book, maths book, storybook, schoolbag 教学重点: 1.句型:What’s in your schoolbag? 2.词汇:Chinese book, English book, maths book, storybook, schoolbag 教学难点: 1.发音:math book, Chinese book 2.区别书写形式:notebook, storybook与Chinese book, English book, maths book 教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.复习第一单元My classroom所学内容 做游戏:Simon says 教师说simon says: Clean the board….学生根据游戏规则做出动作。 看图问答:教师出示一幅画有教室的图片,学生之间根据图片内容做问答练习。 2.复习与本课内容有关的单词 做游戏:教师先出示图片pencil, pen, pencil-case, ruler, ersaser, crayon, book, sharpener…,请学生说出单词。然后教师出示写有上述单词的卡片让学生读出来,让学生把单词和图片配成一对 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.让学生熟悉句型What’s in your schoolbag? 教师手拿出书包,提问:What is this? 教师出示单词卡,引导学生回答:Schoolbag并让学生指一指自己的schoolbag。 教师继续提问:What’s in your schoolbag? 教师分别出示语文书、英语书、数学书、故事书和笔记本,让学生用英文进行识别。学生在教师的帮助下学习这些单词。 6.教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词。 学习maths时,教师要注意提醒学生th咬舌尖。指导学生区别带有book这几个单词

pep7 unit1 第一课时(全英)教案

pep7 unit1 第一课时(全英)教案Lesson plan for lesson 1 of pep7 unit1

pep7 unit1 第一课时(全英)教案 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 课题a .let’s read c good to know pronunciation第 1 课 时目标 1、能听说读写短语:on foot , by bike , by bus , by train . 2、能听说认读短语: by plane , by ship , by subway . 3、能用句子: “how do you go to school? how do you go tocanada\…”来替换关键词询问别人的出行方式;并能用句子”i go by …”进行回答。 4、能听懂、会吟唱let’s chant的歌谣重点难点key points: four-skill phrases and the two sentences.difficult points: use the phrases and the sentences in activities准备tools: card tape ss: cards教学过程教师活动学生活动step1 warm up 1.free talkt:today i go to schooj by bus . usually i go to school by bike. do you go to school by bus ? or


Unit 1 教学设计示例(4课时) 一、教学设计思路 本课时学习如何用What's your name?询问对方的姓名并就询问做相应回答。对于刚开始学习 英语的学生,彼此了解一下英文名字十分必要,符合学生认知规律。另一种道别表达"See you!"是生活常用语,同Goodbye 用法相同,且运用广泛。整个语言点简单,且实用性强。教学过程中强调 自然流畅,不要明知故问,使学生觉得是为了学习而学习,从而降低学习兴趣。趣味操练部分可以 发挥小学生好动好玩的特点,在做迎宾先生或小姐的游戏中进一步操练句型,巩固所学。扩展性活 动中猜猜我是谁的游戏将“My name's ...”扩展到His/Her name’s …的句型, 开拓学生英语思维,帮助学生灵活运用语言。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 掌握日常交际用语:What’s your name?, My name is…, See you! (二)能力 学会应用以上交际用语进行日常会话; (三)情感 通过会话,培养学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度,让学生体验学习英语的快乐,提高兴趣; 三、教学重难点 What’s your name? My name is…中name的发音和欢迎用语Welcome!的发音。 四、教学媒体 1.名字卡、本课主要人物的头饰; 2.要求学生准备一个面具,并制作一个写有本人姓名的头饰。 五、教学过程 1.热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) (1)唱“Hello”歌 (2)师生互相问候Hello! /Hi! (3)学生将胸卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如: a. Hello, I’m Mary. b. Hi! I’m Peter. 2.呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)老师指着自己的英文名卡说Hello! I’m Miss/Mr. …. 然后用My name’s…. 反复说三到四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问What’s your name?(用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My name’s….教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他/他小奖品,以次鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿 教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My name’s….回答问题。 (2)跟读、模仿What’s your name? 注意学生对name一词中a的发音。

人教版高中英语必修1听力材料核心素养提升:Unit 1 Friendship (含答案)

核心素养提升(Unit 1) (时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 (Text 1) M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come? W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends. (Text 2) W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts. M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious. (Text 3) W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left. M:OK! (Text 4) W:What do you want to learn? M:French,German,or something... W:How about Spanish? M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you? W:Me?English,of course. (Text 5) W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen? M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7小题。


英语ⅰ译林牛津版unit1第四课时教案Teachingcontent Reportingschoolactivities(1) Teachinggoals 1.Targetlanguage Understandingaprogram:date,day,time,venue,event/activit y 2.Abilitygoals Enablethestudentstounderstandaprogram. 3.Learningabilitygoals Helpthestudentslearnhowtocompleteatimetableforaschoolpr ogram. Teachingimportant&difficultpoints Howtocompleteatimetableforaschoolprogram. Teachingmethods Listening. Teachingaids Arecorderandablackboard. Teachingprocedures StepⅠRevisionandLead-in Checkthehomeworkandreviewtheusageofrelativepronouns. T:Inthelastperiodwelearnedtheusageofrelativepronouns.Ar

elativepronounisawordusedtoreplaceanounornounphraseandintro ducesarelativeclausereferringtosomeantecedent.Therelativepr onounsofEnglishare:who,whom,whose,which,andthat.Nowpleasefi nishthefollowingexercises. Showthefollowing. 1.Don'ttalkaboutsuchthingsof__youarenotsure. A.which B.what C.as D.those 2.Thewolveshidthemselvesintheplaces___couldn'tbefound. A.that B.where C.inwhich D.inthat 3.Thefreezingpointisthetemperature__waterchangesintoice . A.atWhich B.onthat C.inwhich D.ofwhat 4.I'lltellyou__hetoldmelastweek. A.allwhich B.that C.allthat D.which 5.We'retalkingaboutthepianoandthepianist__wereintheconc ertweattendedlastnight. A.which B.whom C.who D.that 6.Thegirl__anEnglishsonginthenextroomisTom'ssister. A.whoissinging B.issinging C.sang D.wassinging

三年级上册英语Unit 2 第二课时 教案

小学英语PEP人教版教材三年级上册 Unit 2 Colours教案 Unit 2 Colours 第一课时 教学目标: 1 能用英语进行简单的打招呼及用This is……向别人介绍身边的人。 2 通过创设实际情景,让学生能在相应的情景中准确运用以上句型。 3 培养学生正确、自然的模仿语音、语调的能力。教学重点:This is ……句型的学习。 教学难点: 1、This is ……的得体运用。 2、This is …… 句型字母i 及th的发音不容易到位。 教具准备: 1、本课Let's talk/ 部分的教学课件。 2、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲"Hello"“Good morning”的录音带。 3、Mr. Jones, Miss White, Miss Green 的头饰。 4、小星星的贴贴。 教学过程: Step1 热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)播放歌曲Good morning,让学生跟唱,集中学生注意力,调动学生学习兴趣。 (2)游戏Do a game. "SIMON SAYS" 指令是第一单元B.Let's do的内容。(3)师生同唱歌曲"Hello"。教师可以边唱边用手势示意学生,将歌曲中的人名改为同班同学的名字。 (4)教师用头饰介绍人物。例如:教师举起Miss White的头饰说:This is Miss white 然后戴上Miss white的头饰说:Good morning, boys and girls. I'm Miss white (5)请三个学生扮演Mr. Jones, Miss White, Miss Green ,用唱歌的形式互相问候。"Hello" Step2 呈现新课(Presentation) (1)师生观看教学课件。课件内容为Let's talk/A 的内容。教师利用与教材内容相同的教学课件,使学生一目了然,既了解了句型的含义,又了解句型运用的情景。 (2)再次观看课件,教师提问:T: What are they doing? (3)教师演示Let's talk/A 的内容,使学生进一步理解对话。方法为:教师戴上Miss White 的头饰,左手举起Mr. Jones的头饰,右手举起Miss Green 的头时,用不同声调引出对话内容。在此次演示活动中,教师强调This is……。 (4)教师提问:Miss White 是如何介绍Miss Green 给Mr. Jones的?Miss Green 和Mr. Jones是怎样用英语打招呼的。 (5)听本课时Let's talk/A 教学配套的录音带,学生跟读并模仿发音。教师注意带读不易掌握的读音,如:This is……一句中的元音字"i" 的读音是[i] ,提示学生要读得短促些。而this一词中的th 在发音时,要让舍尖顶住上齿,教师可以夸大口型,让学生了解发音方法。教师要适当纠正,切不可一味的纠正发音,打击孩子学习的积极性。 (6)分组练习。每三个学生一组进行练习Good morning ,this is ……,给表现好的小组奖励小星星贴贴。


《Unit1Hello》第一课时教学设计 教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说Hello。/Hi 。 Goodbye。/Bye-Bye。 I'm 。。。。 教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m…的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教具准备: 1、教材相关人物的面具或头饰 2、为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具 3、教材相配套的录音带 教学过程: 1.热身 (Warm-up) (1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello。/Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。学习语言的同时,了解语言所用的环境,兴趣与语境同时创设,学习与兴趣同时存在。[本部分内容根据各校情况可自行改变,用图片来代替,或直接进入下一环节。] (2)通过看卡通片告诉学生“卡通”一词的发音是由

英语单词Cartoon一词的发音直接翻译过来的。在现实生活中,我们还有许多的类似之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。 (3)由于学生是第一次正式接受英语课的学习,教师可在此基础上采取交谈的方式与学生讨论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意义。不妨请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语单词或日常用语。利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如 CD, VCD, DVD, OK! Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! E-mail, Cartoon等词来激发学生学习兴趣与学习愿望。 2.呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)在学生初步了解打招呼用语后,教师播放本课的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。 T: Hello, boys and girls。 Ss: Hello。 (2)教师利用这个机会及时向学生介绍自己Hello, I’m …/Hi, I’m … (3)教师还可带上Sarah的头饰介绍Hello! I’m Sarah。/Hi ! I’m Sarah。(教师在示范时,应定要用手势语言辅助学生理解。对于初学者来讲,体态语言和手势语可帮助他们理解和记忆,因此教师要适时利用手势和动作甚至表情来配合教学。)

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计Teaching design of Unit1 my classroom

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 教学重点:学习This is my classroom The wall is white. The floor is green…;学习单词:computer, teacher’s desk, fan, wall, floor 教学难点:the 的发音与运用 表达复数时be动词的运用 教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 1 Let’s learn/B] 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 3.教师自制的单词卡 4.自制颜色转盘(形如第一册P28页Let’s learn部分的图片) 教学过程:

(一)热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1.教师出示自制的颜色大转盘,一个学生拨动上面的指针,使转盘转动。当转盘停止后,让大家说出指针所指的颜色。再让另一个学生继续转动转盘,直到所学的有关颜色的单词(red, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, orange, pink, brown)都被复习过一遍。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.复习本单元A部分Let’s learn的内容。 T:Look!This is our classroom. What’s in the classroom? 学生利用所学知识回答问题。然后教师补充说:There is a floor, a teacher’s desk, a computer, two fans and four walls in the classroom, too.(教师一边说一边指着教室中的实物,有些教室的设施也许没有这么齐全,不能在实际的课堂中教学,建议使用教材相配套的教学课件或本单元的双面对开实景图) 2.教师分别指着教室中的讲台桌,地面,墙,风扇和计算机问学生:What’s this? 让学生试着回答问题。教师可做适当提示。


Unit 1 Friendship [基础回顾] Ⅰ.单句语法填空(导学号02516003) 1.There is no sense upsetting (upset) yourself about it now.Look forward and everything will be all right. 2.In addition,using mobile phones will add to their parents' economic burdens. 3.He asked several questions concerning (concern) the future of the company. 4. —How did you pass the challenging test? —It was a long time before I found a series of suitable methods. 5.Human beings and animals should get along/on well with each other. 6.While travelling (travel) in Europe,he found many interesting things and experienced different cultures. 7.Since you have questions,why not turn to him for some tips (tip)? 8.The old man went through many difficulties and suffered (suffer) a lot from them. 9.Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys. 10.With a lot of difficult problems to settle (settle),the newly-elected president is having a hard time. Ⅱ.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516004) 1.I failed again,but my parents encouraged me and told me that failure was the mother of success. was→is 2.It was not until she got home when Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. when→that 3.It was raining cats and dogs,thus added to their difficulty in transporting the supplies to the earthquake-stricken are as. added→adding 4.I was very grateful to Anna for giving me the opportunity to join in the club. 去掉in 5.I wanted to have a word with her,but she ignores me and went away. ignores→ignored Ⅲ.佳句写作(导学号02516005) 1.那是他第一次离开父母。(it was the first time that...) 答案:It was the first time that he had left his parents. 2.在那家工厂工作时,他交了很多朋友。(状语从句的省略) 答案:When/While working in that factory,he made many friends. 3.不久之后我们就会再见面。(before) 答案:It won't be long before we meet again. 4.去年,李华前往美国读书。(set out) 答案:Li Hua set out for America to study last year.

Unit 2 My favourite season第二课时教案

人教版PEP五年级下册 Unit 2 My favourite season第二课时教案 教学内容: A Let’s learn/Let’s play 词汇: spring, summer, autumn, winter, season 教学目的: 1. 能够听、说、读、写五个有关季节的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词。 3. 能够完成“读一读,连一连”的活动。 教学重点: 能够听、说、读、写五个有关季节的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season。 教学难点: 能够听、说、读、写五个有关季节的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season。 教学方法:听、读、说、写、合作交流。 教具准备:教师准备复读机和磁带再加PPT,学生预习。 授课类型:词汇课 教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 活动一:看一看,演一演 教学参考时间:3分钟 教师出示四个季节的卡片,引导学生边看,边表演出每个季节的气候,可以请一个孩子表演,大家说出季节。 活动二:读一读 教学参考时间:3分钟 教师出示单词卡片,学生抢答或学生开火车认读。同时,按照四季顺序,然学生排列词汇,并认读。 活动三:听听,唱唱 教学参考时间:3分钟 教师播放本单元中Let’s sing中的歌曲,孩子们边听边唱边演。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation)

活动四:听听,连连 教学参考时间:3分钟 教师在黑板上写下班中随意三个同学的名字,然后将表示季节的单词卡贴在黑板上。教师和“榜上有名”的三个同学分别进行What’s your favourite seas on?的对话。全班同学听完后,共同完成连线活动。 活动五:说一说 教学参考时间:5分钟 教师提问What’s your favourite season? 学生根据实际做答(Winter.)。教师询问:Why? 学生结合实际回答(I can play snow.)。教师询问1-2名学生后,将句型变为“Which season do you like best?”并引导学生回答。教师板书句型,示意学生将此句型和What’s your favourite season?进行比较。最后,教师带读,学生跟读。 活动六:模仿对话 教学参考时间:8分钟 教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,提问学生:How many people in this dialogue? Who are they?Which season does Mike /Zhang like best?Why? 听录音后,重复听到的句子,并出示课件,让学生观看每张图片下的表示气候的词汇,然后在认读的基础上,教师和学生仿例示范一组对话,最后进行小组对话。 (三)趣味操练(Practice) 活动七:小调查 教学参考时间:教师结合课堂教学的具体时间进行,或课外进行。 学生在规定的时间里运用本课新句型Which season do you like best?完成对五个以上同学的调查,并要求回答的同学对季节气候进行描述。 活动八:游戏——找朋友 教学参考时间:3分钟 学生两人一组互相询问:Which season do you like best? 然后同时说出答案,答案一样的两人成为朋友,不一样的学生再重新开始游戏。 (四)巩固和扩展(Consolidation and extension) 活动九:听力练习 教学参考时间:5-6分钟 完成活动手册的相关内容并公布答案。
