




He is working at his desk. 他正在自己的书桌前用功。

I put it on his desk. 我把它放在他的办公桌上了。


I've booked a table for two at 7.00. 我预订了一张两人桌,是在7点钟。

They sat round the table and made this big decision. 他们围坐在会议桌旁,作出了这个重大的决定。

“ Table Manners” 的教学设计与反思.doc

“ Table Manners” 的教学设计与反思 学生预习情况,并为后面的学习打好词汇基础。 Step 2 Lead-in(导入)让学生以小组形式讨论中国餐桌礼仪中的礼貌及不礼貌的行为,由此引出关于西方餐桌礼仪的话题。 Step 3 Fast-reading(快速阅读)此步骤让学生快速阅读课文并找出相关话题,让学生大致了解文章主要内容和基本框架,便于开展后面的活动。 Step 4 Laying the table(西餐餐具摆放)听读完课文第一段,了解西餐桌上的基本餐具及其摆放。听读完后让两位学生尝试摆放西餐餐具,并回答三个关于餐具具体用途的问题。此步骤用于锻炼学生的动手能力,加深理解和记忆。 Step 5 A play (短剧表演)继续听读课文第二部分,学习和了解西餐中的上菜顺序和一些礼仪。听读后让三位学生表演一个短剧,其中有一些与上述内容有关的错误,让其他同学看后找出并纠正错误。 Step 6 The last part of the text(课文最后部分)提出问题:既然西餐礼仪有如此多要求,要完全记住对中国人并不容易。如果被邀参加西餐宴会感觉紧张该怎么办?让学生听读完课文最后一段并找出答案。 Step 7 Comparison(比较)发给每组学生一张表格,比较中,西餐桌礼仪。讨论完成后选出较好的作业通过投影仪向全班展示。此步骤是本篇课文的延伸。 Step 8 Retell(复述课文)让学生用所提供的关键词以CCTV“生活”节目主持人身份介绍西餐餐桌礼仪,以此测试学生对课文内容的掌握程度。并对其中的知识点进行讲解。 Step 9 Homework(作业) 1 找出更多有关中,西餐桌礼仪的信息。 2 写出中,西餐桌礼仪的异同并将其以e-mail形

高一英语unit6 table manners语言点讲解 新课标 人教版

高一英语Unit6 Table manners语言点讲解 1.course / cause course: 1. 路线;方向[C] Our course was straight to the south. 我们的方向是一直向南。 2. 过程;进程[U] during / in the course of It was one of those ideas that change the course of history. 这便是那些能改变历史演进的观点之一。 3. 课程,科目[C][(+in/on)] She took a course in philosophy. 她选读了一门哲学课程。 4. 一道菜[C] The first course was soup. 头道菜是汤。 cause ⑴作动词“引起、原因”后接双宾语,有时接宾语用介词to 引导的短语表示。 The operation caused the patient much pain.手术使病人很痛苦。 ⑵后可接由名词或代词和不定式构成的复合宾语。 The lightning caused the baby to cry. 闪电把孩子给吓哭了。 ⑶名词“事业、原因”是可数名词,后接of;作“理由”是不可数名词,后接介词for。 There is no effect without a cause. 没有无原因的结果。 Helping the poor is a worthy cause. 帮助穷人是高尚之举。 There is no cause for anxiety. 不必焦虑。 2.advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 ask for/ seek one’s advice征求某人的建议 give/offer sb. advice 给某人建议 take/follow one’s advice 接受某人的建议 some advice on/about… 有关……的建议(忠告) I asked my teacher for advice on my future course. 我请我的老师对我的未来去向作些建议。 You’ve given me some good advice. 你给了我一些好忠告。 He stopped smoking on the doctor’s ad vice. 他听医生的劝告而戒烟。 advise v.劝告,建议 The doctor advised a week’s rest. 医生建议休息一个星期。 Could you advise me on the problem? 对于这个问题你能给我些忠告吗? I advise her against driving. =I advised her not to drive. 我劝告她不要开车。 We advised starting early. 我们建议早点出发。 What do you advise me to do? 你劝我做什么?

table manner

不同国家的餐桌礼仪(英语) (America)General Behavior ?Chew with your mouth closed. ?Do not talk with food in your mouth. ?Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. ?Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table. ?Never tilt back your chair while at the table. Sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, but do not "slouch." ?Do not "play with" your food, or with your table utensils. ?Do not make loud or unusual noises while eating. ?Do not point out poor manners of others. ?It is generally acceptable to rest your forearms on the table, though you should take care to never rest your elbows on the table. ?Say "Excuse me," or "Excuse me. I'll be right back," before leaving the table. Do not state that you are going to the restroom. ?Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating. ?Never talk on your phone or text a friend at the table. If an urgent matter arises, apologize, excuse yourself, and step away from the table so your conversation does not disturb the others. ?Do not slurp your food or eat loudly. ?If food must be removed from the mouth for some reason, it should be done so in the same manner it was conveyed, e.g. with a fork, by hand, or with a spoon. Do not spit food into your napkin. ?Burping or sneezing at the table should be avoided. If you do so, say, "Excuse me." ?Never tell people what to do other than someone you are responsible for, such as a child. ?Men should not wear a hat at the dinner table. Hostesses should also not wear hats inside their own homes.


goodtablemanners英语作文 【篇一:about table manners】 unit11注释about table manners much do you know about table manners around the world? in the united states, you are not supposed to eat with your hands. in japan, you are not supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street, and you are supposed to make noise while eating noodles. it shows that you like the food. in korea, even the youngest person isn’t supp osed to start eating first. butin china, you are supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. dont stick your chopsticks upright正直的 in the rice bowl. instead, lay them on your dish. and sometimes the chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. this is a sign of politeness. [p?laitnis] n. 礼貌 2. 词组 ? eat with chopstick用筷子吃饭 ? talk at the table在吃饭时说话 ? pick up the bowl to eat 端起碗吃饭 ? start eating first 先吃 ? wipe the mouth with napkin 用纸巾擦嘴 ? make noise while eating 吃饭时发出声音 ? stick the chopsticks into the food 把筷子插在食物里 ? point at someone with the chopsticks 用筷子指着某人 ? eat while walking down the street 在路上边走边吃 ? 99页注释 ? 1)thanks for your message ? n. 谢谢(只用复数) ? thanks在这里为名词,总是用复数形式,不可用单数形式;通常用于非正式场合,正式场合通常用thank you. ? thanks /thank you 后面都可用跟“for +名词、动名词”thanks /thank you for helping me.

Table manners教学活动设计

Table manners教学活动设计 泗阳县八集小学卢金艳 一、活动设计分析 本节课主要讲西方餐桌文化:1.认识餐桌上的餐具名称;2.能正确使用餐桌上的餐具并能用英语简单描述餐具的摆放位置;3.了解西餐的餐桌礼仪。对于小学生来说,讲西方文化似乎有点深奥,理解起来难度也较大。于是我根据他们活泼好动、喜欢动手操作的特点,把所学内容进行调整,从学习单词到说句子,看视频,动手操作等顺序,循序渐进,化难为简,充分借助网络的便捷性,调动学生各项感官积极主动参与到课堂教学中来。 二、教学方式 本节课将采用教师为主导,学生为主体的教学策略,通过任务的驱动来设计课堂活动,让 学生通过自主探究,并通过小组协作活动,经由磋商、合作及共享达到一致的社会建构,同时利用多媒体课件辅助教学,通过对一些国家饮食文化、餐桌礼仪的了解,进一步提高对文明生活的认识,对不同文化的认识。 三、(一)教学目标: 1.认识目标: (1)学习Don't引导的祈使句的用法。 (2)能听说认读napkin, fork, plate, knife, spoon, goblet, left, right. (3)能灵活运用句型:The fork/knife is on the left/right. The plate is in the middle. The spoon is beside the knife. (4)能听懂会说句子Don't play with the ... ,并能根据不同场景做出反应。 2.知识目标:通过学习餐具名称及餐桌礼仪,让学生对西餐文化有更深入的了解。 3.情感目标: (1)了解外国的餐桌礼仪,要学会尊重不同的文化,提高跨文化交际意识。 (2)做一个懂礼仪和讲礼貌的学生。 (二)教学重点: 1. 通过游戏活动让学生掌握本节课的重点单词。 2. 了解西餐餐桌礼仪。 (三)教学难点: 1. 正确使用英语描述餐具的摆放位置。 2.了解西餐文化并学以致用。 (四)教具准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片. 学具准备:学生分组围坐,每组发西方餐具一套。 课前在网上搜索与本节课相关的教学材料及视频作参考,充分了解西方餐桌文化。然后把班级变成西餐厅和同学一同体验。 四、教学活动设计过程 1.热身(Warm up)Have a free talk 老师提问,小朋友们都去过KFC 和McDonald's? 让学生说出在那里吃东西的方式,然后老师出示多媒体课件展示一些大家在KFC 和McDonald's的情景图片。 2.新课的呈现导入(Lead in): 利用多媒体课件播放一些国家吃饭时的情景,也可以显示一些在餐馆吃饭的照片,边放边作介绍,让学生对东西方人吃饭习惯有所了解。

table manners

Different Table Manners in China and the West Food is so fundamental to our life so that all the other aspects of our living are influenced by and built on it. Healthy daily meals ensures physical fitness for us to work and play. The diet has become part of the culture. As culture various from country to country, so do table manners. It is helpful for us to learn table manners in different countries, because there are more and more international exchanges in the globalized world and banquet is an important part in such communication. Diet plays an important role in both China and Western countries, but table manners vary from country to country. In China, banquet ceremony has become an indispensable part of people?s lives. When a child is born, parents will invite friends and relatives to host a cerebration, Later on, when the child is one month old and one hundred days old, similar celebrations will be held. During the process of growing up, parents will hold a birthday party for their children every year. Even when one passes away, funeral dinners will be offered by descendants to the deceased. On occasions such as settlement of an issue and promotion, Chinese people will invite friends to dinner for celebration and exchange. In short, banquet performs many social functions for Chinese people. Unlike Chinese, people in western countries do not attach much importance to social functions of diet. They think that diet ensures normal function of human body. They care more about the benefits of food than its socialization roles. Table manners are closely associated with the characteristics of Chinese and western banquets. There are some similarities in table manners of China and the West. These rules show the consensus between Chinese and Westerners on the proper way of eating. For example, it is impolite for diners to smoke at table. Smoking is harmful to people?s health and considered rude at banquet, unless permitted. It is advisable for people to sit straight up at the table to make a good impression on others. Dinners should not talk with each other when their mouth is full. It is polite although there are some similarities in table manners, more obvious differences exist between Chinese and Western table manners. Chinese people pay much attention to the content and arrangement of dinner. They usually provide ten or more main courses at a formal banquet. The more pompous the dishes are prepared, the more the host?s hospitality and the higher the host?s status. In western countries, a banquet consists of no more than six dishes, and it is similar to common dinner. In the U.S., friends may contribute to a dinner. They take their dishes to share with each other amidst joyful exchange of ideas. What really counts is the relaxed and cheerful atmosphere at dinner. Clearly, western banquet symbolizes freedom and relaxation. In China, any banquet, no matter for what purpose, is held in the same way .That is, people sit around a round table eating, drinking and chatting. This creates an atmosphere of unity, happiness and politeness. Delicious dishes are put in the center of the people and naturally become the media by which people exchange their feelings and emotions. They toast to each other and drink to th eir heart?s content. It is a symbol of great union among Chinese people. In the west, people have their dinner in a completely different way. They never eat food


Chinese Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all. Perhaps one of the things that surprise a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate. People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat! Chinese table manners are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal. ?Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left- handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user. ?When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food. ?The blunt end of the chopsticks is sometimes used to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl (never your mouth). ?Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates. ?Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish. ?When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items
