江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself单元综合测试 (新版)牛津版

江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself单元综合测试 (新版)牛津版
江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself单元综合测试 (新版)牛津版

unit 4


1.There are many English______________ (课程)for us to choose.

2.Is there a____________ (可能的)chance of success?

3.My mother is ill, so I have to stay at home______________ (代替) of going to school.4.___________(曾经)we lived in London.

5.You must act carefully according to these_______________ (指示).

6. She asked me to a____________ the meeting with her.’

7. I want to f___________ the empty bottle with some apple juice.

8. 一What do the letters UN s__________ for?

一United Nations.

9. The computer is such a useful t_____________.

10. Can you help me p____________ the walls blue?


1.He often makes some__________(mistake)when he writes the long sentence.

2.1 want to make a birthday card because my cousin’s birthd ay is_________(come).3.You’re too_________(patient)with her.She’s only a child.

4.Wolves are______________(active)during the winter.

5. There are many fresh___________(grape)on the plate.Help yourselves!

6. 一Are you able to_________(p aint)the whole building,Ann?

一No.I need your help!

7. It is far from here.You had better___________(t ake)a taxi.

8. It took more or less a whole day___________(clean)the ceiling.

9.Don’t ___________(sleep)with the windows open in cold winter.

10. Put up some___________(col or)pictures on Lucy’s bedroom wall.


( )1.Don’t_______ the pictures on the blackboard!

A.put on B.put away C.put up D.put in

( )2.They need two more _________for their comic books.

A.shelves B.shelf C.shelfs D.shelfes

( )3.Would you like to paint the white wall_________ blue.

A.with B.in C.of D./

( )4.I kept on_________ him the whole day.

A.call B.called C. calls D.calling

( )5.Mr Smith was ill so I went to have the lesson__________.

A.instead of B.instead C.in place of D.in the place

( )6.Millie is crazy about__________ kites.

A.make B.making C.do D.doing

( )7.Not only Tom but also Millie _______donate some money to the children in need.

A.want B.wants C. want to D. wants to

( )8.一The box is too heavy to carry.What’s in it?

一Jack_______ it with many books.

A.filled B.covered C.used D. asked

( )9.________this rock music,please.I'm afraid some people can’t stand the noise!

A.Stopping B.Stop C.Stops D. Stopped

( )10.一Oh,I had a terrible toothache.

一You’d better __________see a dentis t and have your bad teeth pulled out.

A. to go to B.going to C. goes to D.go to


1. You make so many mistakes.(改为否定祈使旬)

________ ________ ________ many mistakes.

2.We can finish the work in two hours.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ __________ finish the work in two hours?

3.It’s not usual for me to study all day.(同义句转换)

It ________ ________ for me to study all day.

4.Why don’t you come here earlier?(同义句转换)

You_________ __________ here earlier.

5.Finally,they won the match.(同义句转换)

_________ ________ ________,they won the match.


1. 汤姆,不要老是犯相同的错误。

Tom, don’t __________ _________ ________ ________again and again.

2. 上课朝窗外看是不对的。

It’s not right to _________ _________ ________ ________ ________ in class.

3. 老师建议我经常和父母谈论我的学校生活。

The teacher _________ _________ ________ ________ ________ my parents about my school life often.

4. 我们应当更多地了怨中国的历史。

We should ________ ________ ________ the history of China.


One of the amazing things about the World Wide Web is that anyone can create

a we

b page.If people find our page interesting,they will come to 1 it. If lots

of people like our page,then we have created something of value.The whole idea

of a TV 2 is to create a place that attracts a lot of people.Then the station’s

owner can charge companies for 3 on TV.A web page is like a small TV station.

If yours becomes very popular,then you can 4 ads on it.That is one form

of“value”.There are other f orms as well,especially for teenagers.A popular

page allows 5 to speak to and educate others,gives you a chance to meet people,

and opens doors of chances that you might not 6 .

If you want to create your own page,you have two 7 .You can create a page


says,“Hi,my name is Suzy and here is a picture of Binky,my cat. My favorite bands

are…”That is fine,but it is not very interesting to others except your close


o ther choice you have is to create a site that other people find 8 .Pick something

you enjoy or know a lot about and create a page about it.For 9 ,if you like

football,create the best page on the Internet about it.

People from all over the world will come to visit your page because you are 10

something of value.

( )1.A. cost B.visit C. spend D.pick

( )2.A. station B.radio C.world D.stop

( )3.A.watching B. performing C.advertising D. playing

( )4.A. buy B.sell C. borrow D. lend

( )5.A.me B. her C.him D. you

( )6. A.wait B.stay C.live D.expect

( )7.A. changes B.choices C.points D. views

( )8. A.useful B.boring C.foolish D.big

( )9. A. model B.example C.kind D.way

( )10.A.offering B.taking C.helping D. reading


As prices and building costs keep rising,the“do-it-yourself”(DIY) trend in the USA

continues to grow.

“We needed furniture for our living room,”says John Ross,“and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it.So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs.”John got married six months ago,and like many young people these days,they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high.The Roses took a two-week course for $280 at a night school.Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.

Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died.He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe-making factory.Last month,he received a car repair bill for$420.“I was deepl y upset about it. Now I've finished a car repair course,I am able to fix the car by myself.”

John and Jim are not unusual people.In order to save money,most families in the

country are doing everything they can so that they can fight with the high cost of living. If you want to become a“do-it-yourselfer”,you can go to DIY classes.And for those who don’t have time to take a course,there are books that tell you how

you can do things yourself.

( )1.When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home,he means Jim________. A.makes shoes at his home

B.does his extra work at night

C. does his own car and home repairs

D.keeps house and looks after his children

( )2.Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourselfer when____________.

A.his car rep airs cost too much

B.the car repair class was not helpful

C. he could not possibly do two jobs

D. he had to raise the children all by himself

( )3.What would be the best title for the text?

A.The joy of DIY B.You can do it,too!

C.Welcome to our DIY course! D. Ross and Hatfield:believers in DIY

( )4.We can learn from the text that many newly married people__________.

A. find it hard to pay for what they need

B.have to learn to make their own furniture

C.take DIY courses run by the government

D. seldom go to a department store to buy things


随着网络技术的不断发展,人们传递情感的方式也在不断变化。假如你叫李磊,上周你就“使用纸质卡片还是电子卡片?”这一话题在班级展开了调查。请你给China Daily报社写一封信,介绍此次调查的结果并发表你的观点。



3. 词数:l00左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);


Dear Editor,

I am writi ng to tell you about the survey I've made on“Using paper cards or e-cards?”in our class.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Lei

A test for unit 4

Ⅰ.1. courses 2. possible 3. instead 4. Once 5. instructions 6. attend 7. fill 8. stand

9. tool 10. paint

Ⅱ.1. mistakes 2. coming 3. impatient 4. inactive 5. grapes 6. paint 7. take 8. to clean

9. sleep 10. colorful

Ⅲ.1-5 C A D D B 6-10 B D A B D

Ⅳ.1. Don’t make 2. Can you 3. is unusual 4. should come 5. In the end Ⅴ.1. make the same mistake 2. look out of the window

3. advises me to talk with

4. learn more about

Ⅵ.1-5 BACBD 6-10 DBABA

Ⅶ.1-4 DABA



人教版八年级英语第十 单元学案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

南流乡中学案立德践行敏学精思 八年级学案 课题 Uint10 B 编制人:杜静兰课时:(3a-self-check) 时间:11 学习目标: 单词:over, reader, fit, communicate, lady, foreign, build 词组:work harder, eat more vegetables, learn a new language, keep fit, Communicate—with , as a language teacher, talk with, 学习过程: 课前预习:英汉互译 a basketball player hold art exhibitions save some money play an instrument one year or two have a welcome party 同时上表演课 计算机科学全世界与--- 交流 一.阅读短文翻译下列词组 一千多封信,更努力学习,吃较多的蔬菜 保持健康,学一种新语言,辞职 1.He is not popular he never communicates with others. A well B good C fine D nice 2.He has friends here because he is new. A few B a few C little D a little 3.Some readers are going to exercise more . A keep fit B kept fit C to keep fit D keeps fit 4.I will enjoy a reporter. A being B to be C be D is 5.He is going to to Paris next month. A take B stay C leave D move 四.小写作假如你是一班之长,名叫Eric,你们的邻居将外出一周,家里只剩下一位80 岁的老奶奶,包括你在内共六名同学(Lily, Jack , May, Lucy Dick)要负责照顾老奶奶一周。


1.一只电子狗 2.电子狗的主人 3.好好照顾你的狗 4.如何照顾你的狗/如何读这些单词 5.在早上/在中午/在晚上 6.我在七年级一班。 7.读书/看信/看报纸/看电视 8.七年级1班的一名新学生 9.我12岁。(2种) 10.留着短发 11.喜欢读书/喜欢做某事 12.喜欢运动 13.我经常放学后踢足球。/下课后/在课上/在学校 14..弹钢琴/拉小提琴 15.又高又苗条 16.喜欢听音乐 17.来自…(2种) 18.你来自哪里?你来自常州吗? 19.擅长于…(2种) 20.他擅长数学。 21.你擅长运动吗? 22.我不擅长打篮球。 23.Sandy在那边。 24.那边那辆自行车是Millie的。 25.高兴做某事/我很高兴今天下午去看电影。 26.他留着短发,带着眼镜。 27.一副眼镜 28.他和家人住在北京。 29.所有课程 30.在学校我有一些新朋友。他们都很友好。 31.我的业余爱好是跳舞和游泳。

U2 1.你喜欢运动吗? 你喜欢什么? 谁喜欢读书和游泳? 2.我喜欢步行。 步行去学校/ 步行回家(2种) 3.两碗米饭 4.一天数次 5.你最喜欢的运动是什么?(2种) 6.我每周去游泳。 7….怎么样? 去打网球怎么样? 8.我最喜欢的足球运动员 我最喜欢的排球明星 9.我非常喜欢网球。我一点也不喜欢网球。 10.他是读书俱乐部的一名成员。(2种) 11.他来自常州吗?(2种) 12.看起来强壮/看起来可爱 高兴地看着我 看起来像… 13.他踢球踢得非常好。 14.在他空余时间 15.学习英语(study三单) 16.他也喜欢听音乐。 17.让他开心/让他感觉开心(make的用法) 18.我希望他的梦想成真. 你能让你的梦想成真。 19.他长的怎么样? 20..Daniel有时在电视上看球赛。 21.你周末时踢球吗?当然。/当然不。 22.你父母和你一起去吗? 23.待在家 24.我的很多学生/我的一些同学/我所有同学 25.他非常不喜欢运动。 26.打乒乓球 27.谈论你的课外活动 28.放学后你经常做什么? 29.你喜欢做其他别的什么事情?(2种) 30.音乐让我感觉不错。feel的用法 31.读很多有趣的书 32.读书有很多乐趣。 多有趣啊! 玩的愉快+doing 太阳下看书对眼睛有害。


本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a4628387.html, 八年级下册复习学案 Unit1 课前自学(通读课本,完成系列各题)。 一默写下列单词、短语。 机器人纸张更少的污染建筑物太空 飞行月亮落下单独地大概有能力做某事 穿衣甚至面试预测声音公司 策略不愉快的科学家将来大量已经 工厂简易的这样的到处人类厌烦的 庞大的形状蛇可能的似乎不可能的 家务随意地 二翻译下列句子。然后背诵。 1人们将不再使用钱,一切都是免费的。________________________________________________ 2孩子们将不去上学,他们将在家里通过电脑学习。 _______________________________________ 3作为一名记者,有一天我甚至可能去澳大利亚参观。 _______________________________________ 4十年后,我将养许多不同种类的宠物。___________________________________________________ 5预测未来是困难的,有许多著名的预言都没有实现。 ________________________________________ 6机器人可以帮助做家务,科学家相信未来会有这样的机器人。 ___________________________ 7他们认为机器人在 25 到 50 年之后能够与人交谈。 ____________________________________________ 8现在看起来是不可能的,但是我们永远不知道将来会发生什么。 _______________________________ 三,自主梳理,层层迭进。 1I might even keep a pet parrot . 我甚至可能养一个宠物鹦鹉。 keep 用法小结:(1) keep +宾语 + 形容词〈宾补〉 we must keep our schoolyard tidy every day . 我们必须每天保持我们的校园清洁卫生。 〈 2〉keep doing sth 一直做某事 Why did the boy keep crying all the time ? 为什么那个男孩一直在哭? 〈 3〉keep +形容词〈表语〉We should keep heathy every day . 我们应保持身体健康。 〈 4〉 keep sb doing sth让某事一直做某事Sorry , I have kept you waiting so long .对不

李观仪《新编英语教程(修订版)》学习指南-Unit 10【圣才出品】

Unit 10 一、单元语法 本单元主要涉及将来进行时、将来完成时、将来完成进行时。 1.将来进行时 (1)表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间里正在进行的动作或按计划、安排、决定预料将要发生的事。例如: This time next week we shall be working in that factory. 下个星期的这时候,我们将在那个工厂劳动。 (2)常用来表示礼貌的询问、请求等,例如: Will you be having dinner at home tonight? 你今晚在家吃饭吗? 2.将来完成时 将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,其结构为will/ shall have been done。例如:We’ll have been learned 7,000 words by the end of this semester. 这个学期末,我们将学到7000个单词了。 I hope we will have got all the information before you come tomorrow. 希望在你明天来之前,我们已经获得了所有信息。 3.将来完成进行时 将来完成进行时表示从某时刻开始到将来某时刻前一直进行,并可能继续进行的动作。主要是强调动作本身,其结构为will/ shall have been doing。

(1)表示将来某时某事之前业已在发生的动作,例如: He will have been playing on the piano by that time. (2)表示将来某时某动作已持续多久,例如: By six this evening I shall have been working for ten hours. 到晚上6点时,我就已经工作10小时了。 It will have been raining for a whole week if it rains again tomorrow. 如果明天继续下雨的话,那就下了整整一星期雨了。 二、词汇短语 Language Structures 1. see sb. off 为某人送行to take leave of someone 2. fit sth. out供给,装备supply sth. with the necessary equipment 3. plumber[ ] n. one person that installs and repairs pipes and plumbing 水暖工 4. onwards[ ]adv. moving or tending forward向前地:It reflects the challenging spirit that inspires us to move ever onwards.它体现的挑战精神激励我们勇往直前。 Dialogue I 1. emancipation[ ] n. the act or an instance of emancipating解 放


Module 1 Unit 1 Step 7 1. 1)advice 2)mistakes 3)pronounce 4)messages 5)grammar 6)correct 7)understand 2. A:1) welcome back 2) make a mistake 3) practice doing sth. 4) try to do sth. 5)as … as possible 6) write down 7) what about /how abou t 8) agree with B: 1)It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 2) Let’s try to speak as much as possible. 3)Don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. 4) why don’t we try to find some English pe n friends. Unit 2 Step 4 1.1)improve 2)meaning 3)conversation 4)remembering 5) shy 6)possible 2. 1)speak 2)write 3) to check 4) listening 5) not to translate 6) speaking 7)quickly 3.1) ask for advice 2)three basic questions 3)advise somebody to do something 4)start a conversation 5)be afraid to do 6)the meaning of the new words 7)smile at somebody 8)something new 9)write down 10)a teacher from the US 4.1) Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. 2) Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English. 3)I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. 4) These are good ways to start a conversation. 5) It is natural to forget new words! Unit3 一.1-5 CBACB 6-10 CCADC 11-15 BBAAC 二. 1-5 ABCCD 6-10ABCAD 三.A) 1-4 DBDD B) 5-9 BADC B 四.A)略B)1. vocabulary 2.mistakes 3.meaning 4.conversation 5. quickly 6.correct 五.1.to watch 2.watching,listening 3.to learn 4.to remember 5.going 6. to finish 六.A: 1) welcome back 2)make a mistake 3) be afraid to do sth. 4)something new 5)some advice 6) ask for advice 7)advise sb to do sth. 8)agree with sb B: 1) It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 2) Don’t forget to write dow n the correct answers next to the mistakes. 3) why don’t we try to find some English pen friends. 4) Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. 七. 范文 I’m glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we sho uld often listen to the radio in English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs?It’s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we


Unit 1 Dream homes (总分:100分时间:90分钟) 一、单项选择。(15分) ( )1. - If a=4, b=5, what's the answer to the question 'a+2ab+1=?'? -_______. A Forty fifth B Forty five C. Twenty three D. One hundred and twenty one ( )2. That's a good place_______ football. A. play with B. to play C. to play the D. to play with ( )3. ‘Fifty five million, five hundred and sixty se ven thousand, three hundred and eighty-five' is _______. A 55,567,385 B. 5,567,385 C. 55,567,395 D. 5,567,395 ( )4. -_______ milk is there in the fridge? -_______. A. How many; Not B. How much; No C. How much; None D. How many; Nothing ( )5. That idea sounds_______. A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. greatly D. well ( )6. Our school playground is_______. A. fifty metres-long B. fifty metre long C. fifty metres long D. fifty-metre long ( )7. She shares h er room_______ a friend of_______. A with; her B. to; hers C. with; hers D. from; her ( )8. - Which city is the capital of Russia? -_______. A London B Paris C. Moscow D. Ottawa ( )9. - Would you like_______ to the Palace Museum with me? -_______. A to go; That's right B going; No, I'd like C. to go; Good idea D. going; Yes, I'd like to ( )10. In our class there are 20 girls, and_______ are boys. A other students B the other students C. others students D. the others students ( )11. Before you start to work, I'll show you_______ the office so that you can meet everyone. A up B. around C. out D. in ( )12. She has her_______ car. She is the_______ of the car. A owns; own B. own; owner C. owner; own D. own; own ( )13. Don't_______ the window. Listen to your teacher carefully. A look out of B. look out C. to look D. looks at ( )14. - Excuse me. May I speak to Jill, please? -_______.


Unit1 参考答案 第一课时 检测提升 Ⅰ单项选择 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 B Ⅱ适当词型填空 1 had 2 Does,have 3 lie,rest 4 anything 5 better Ⅲ翻译句子 1 What’s the matter?/ What’s wrong?/ What’s the trouble? 2 Maybe you should see a dentist. 3 What s hould I do? 4 He didn’t have enough money yesterday 5 You’d better bake your temperature. 6 Nanc y has a stomachache today. Ⅳ补全对话 A D B C 第二课时 Ⅰ根据首字母填写单词 1 matter 2 ears,eyes 3 temperature 4 fever 5 passengers Ⅱ介词填空 1 At 2 along 3 on 4 of 5 to 6 for 7 without 8 off 9 for 10 to 11 with 12 onto 13 to 14 in Ⅲ翻译句子: 1 The driver of bus No.26 saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 2 Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. 3 To his su rprise, they all agree to go with him. 4 They don’t want to get into trouble. 5 He expe cted most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. Ⅳ选择最佳答案 1 What’s 2 feel 3 fever 4 bored V 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 第三课时 Ⅰ英汉互译 1.扎绷带 2.清洗脸部 3.告诉他去医院 4.put on a clean T-shirt 5.rest for a few days 6.have a nosebleed 7.get an x-rag 8.get hit on the head 9.碰破了膝盖 Ⅱ. 单项选择 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A Ⅲ. 句型转换 1.What’s wrong ?/ Wh at’s the trouble? 2. I have a pain on my back. 3. The young bus driver is 24 year s old. Ⅳ补全对话 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.E Ⅴ翻译句子 1.The doctor told my father to give up smoking. 2 Mrs green is a 36-year-old woman. 3What happened to him?/ What was the matter with him ?


八年级下英语学案(18) Unit6 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section A 姓名________ 班级______ 小组______等级_______ 【自主预习案】 一.短语营地(请从文中找出下列单词,短语。先记忆,再默写) 1. 看起来吓人的 2. 来!快!得了! 3. 抓住我的手 4. 首先 5. 当然 6.在某人去某地的路上 7. 路过8. 一位工作人员9.走向 10. 早一点 二、翻译下列句子: 1、起初我好害怕,但是大喊确实有帮助。 2、我建议去水上世界的水城餐馆。 3、在他们去水城餐馆的路上,爱丽丝和何伟经过鲍勃叔叔的餐馆。 4、打扰一下,你能告诉我们今天晚上乐队什么时候开始演奏吗? 5、这里总是很忙,所以早一点儿来,以便能找到餐位。 【问题探究案】 suggest及物动词,意为“建议;提议”,名词:suggestion,意为“建议;提议”。 1.suggest sth. 意为“提议/建议某事” He suggested a walk. 2.suggest doing sth. 意为“建议做某事” She suggested going there by bike. 3.suggest + that 引导的宾语从句,意为“建议……”,这时宾语从句要用虚拟 语气,谓语动词用“(should +)动词原形”。 He suggested (that) we (should) do it at once. 4.suggest 还可表示“暗示;表明” His pale(苍白的) face suggested that he was ill. 【能力提升案】 一、单项选择 1. He ________ half a year learning how to drive. A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent 2. There is a bank _________ the second floor. A. in B. with C. on D. at 3. Could you tell me _______ the library? A. how to get B. how get to C. how to get to D. how get


一、教学目标: 1.Ask students to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true,things that are true now and things that we do regularly. 2.Ask students to master some new words and phrases. 二、教学重难点: How to master and use the simple present tense? 三、教学过程: Step 1. Organize teaching Ask Ss to answer some questions. Step 2. Review and check up Ask students to do some exercises. Explain simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’ Step 3. New material──Simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’ 1.Go through the tables with students.Point out the contractions. 2.Ask students to read the sentences on their own.Then do some exercisees and check answers. 3.Go through the tables with students. 4.Ask students to do some exercises and check answers. 5.Ask students to complete Part E on P11 of SB Then check the answers. Step 4. Guess the new words and master language points. According to the context,learn the new words,and ask students to maser language points. Step 5. New material──Simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’ 1.Tell students that we use the simple present tense to talk about things that ●are always true



八年级英语秋季学案参考答案 Unit 1 Period one 学点训练 1. How often 2. How long 3. How soon 达标检测 一 1.once 2. watches 3.activities 4. is 5. surfing 二 1. surfing the Internet 2.favorite program 3. How often 4.twice a week 5 hardly ever 三What do you usually do on Sunday? What sport do you play? Yes, I do How often do you play soccer? How long do you play soccer every day? Period two 学点训练 1 Most 2 Some 3 No 4 All 达标检测 一BBBBBB ABBCC 二ABBAB

Period three 学点训练 1. am good at 2. is good for 3. Are good with 4. is good to 达标检测 一CACCA 二(1)它(垃圾食品)对他们的健康有害。 (2)他们知道这不是个好习惯,但是他们还是吃。 (3)他们中有些人每周吃一两次。 (4)他几乎从不锻炼。 (5)也许我不是那么健康,但是我会觉得很开心。 Period four 学点训练 1.may be 2. Maybe 达标检测 一 1.eating ,2.to speak,3. differences,4. help better,5. Reading 二BBCCA 三BABBA


Unit 3 一、词汇短语 Text I 1. anecdote []n. short account of an incident(especially a biographical one)趣闻,轶事;(复数)秘史 2. admirable [] adj. deserving of the highest esteem or admiration令人钦佩的;极好的,绝妙的;值得赞扬的e g. She did an admirable job of holding the audience’s attention. 她做了件值得钦佩的 事:吸引了观众的注意力。 3. knack [] n. a special way of doing something诀窍,窍门;熟练技术,技巧;需要技巧的工作;巧妙手法 4. awe [] n. an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration敬畏;惊惧;惊叹 5. inflection [] n. a manner of speaking in which the loudness or pitch or tone of the voice is modified变音,转调

6. awry [] adj. turned or twisted toward one side歪斜地;错误地 7. endearing [] adj. 10vable especially in a childlike or naive way 使人喜欢的,讨人喜欢的 8. vestige [] n. an indication that something has been present遗迹;退化的器官;残余部分 9. prodigy [] n. an unusually gifted or intelligent(young)person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration奇才,天才(尤指神 童) 10. dullard [] n. a person who is not very bright愚人,笨蛋 11. calculus [] n. the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions(数) 运算,演算,微积分(学) 12. stationary [] adj. standing still;not capable of being moved不动的,固定的;静止的 13. abreast [] adv. alongside each other,facing on the same direction


Unit1 单元测试(B卷) 班级:姓名:评价: 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)) ( )1.A. beside B. between C. behind ( )2.A. forest B. front C. from ( )3.A. hand B. hard C. behind ( )4.A. cake B. come C. cup ( )5. A. fine B. find C. five ( )6.A. all right B. just right C. That’s right. ( )7. A. cold soup B. hot soup C. nice soup ( )8.A. in the fridge B. in the kitchen C. in the room ( )9.A. Bobby is hungry. B. Bobby is tired. C. Bobby is afraid. ( )10. A. There’s a book on the chair. B. There’s a cup on the table. C. There’s a doll on the bed. 二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍) ( )1.A. OK. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. Sorry. ( )2.A.There’s a bed. B. There’s a fridge. C. It’s a table. ( )3.A.It’s in the forest. B. It’s on the table. C. It’s in my ba g. ( )4.A.Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I am. ( )5.A. You can have some rice. B. Here’s a coat for you. C. You can drink some juice. 三、听录音,根据所听内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍) ( )1. Jim is in his bedroom. ( )2. There are three caps on the sofa. ( )3. The brown cap is just right. ( )4. There’s a table in front of the sofa. ( )5. Under the table, there is a football. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(共10个空格;每空1分,满分10分。每小题读三遍) 1. There is a big dog in __________ of me. I’m ___________. 2. The girl is in the _________. She is __________ and ___________. There is


八年级英语讲义 语法专题:过去进行时 Part 1—语法专题 1.概念:表示在过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。 2.时间状语:at 9:00 last night,at this/that time yesterday, when / while 引导的时间状语。 3.句子结构:was /were +V-ing. E.g. We were watching TV at 9:30 last night. 重难点及考点 1.when后通常用短暂性动词,因此引导的状语从句常用过去时 e.g. 当(过去)有人叫我的时候我正在街上走。_____________________________________ 2. while后通常用持续性动词,因此引导的状语从句中常用过去进行时态 e.g. 昨晚当我在做饭的时候他爱看书。____________________________________________ 针对性训练: 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The children all ____________(jump) with joy when they heard the good news. (2013南京) 2.If the sun ___________(shine) brightly, the weather is usually warm. (2013 杭州) 3.If you give the dog some money, it _______________(buy) the newspaper for you in a few minutes. 4.My husband ________________(play) computer games while I was cooking in the kitchen. 5.More and more people are worried about the serious air pollution because the number of family 6.cars _________________(increase增加) all the time. (2013山东青岛) 7.I ______________(read) a novel last night when I heard knocks at the door. (2013兰州) 8.The actor and director(导演)___(be) coming to give us a speech next weekend.(2013兰州) 9.I _______________(send) an e-mail to my teacher now. (2013新疆) 10.John, ____________(promise承诺) me to come home straightly(直接).(2013内蒙) 11.Xinjiang food ____________(taste) delicious. Most people like it.(2013新疆) 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Mr. Green, a famous writer, ________our school next week. (2013北京) A. visited B. visits C. was visiting D. will visit ( ) 2. I saw him in the library yesterday. He_______a book at that moment.(2013 天津) A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. will read ( ) 3. --Millie, where is Miss Li? ---She______a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall. (2013 南京) A. gives B. gave C. is giving D. has given ( ) 4. —You look very nice in your new dress today. —Oh, really? I___ ___it when it was on sale. (2013 广州) A. buy B. bought C. have bought D. will buy ( ) 5. Sally took a photo of her friends while they_______computer games. (2013 杭州) A. play B. are playing C. have played D. were playing ( ) 6. Tom wants to be a singer and he ______ singing lessons to do it. (2013江西) A. took B. has taken C. is taking D. was taking

李观仪《新编英语教程(修订版)》学习指南-Unit 7【圣才出品】

Unit 7 一、单元语法 本单元主要涉及动词不定式。动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”。动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。 1.作主语 动词不定式作主语时常常用it作形式主语,动词不定式(或短语)放在后面。例如:It’s easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo.在东京这样的大城市容易迷路。 It is terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea.目睹轮船沉入大海,真是太可怕了。 2.作宾语 I don’t want to lend him my bike.我不想把自行车借给他。 有的动词不定式在作带有补足语的宾语时,前面往往带有形式宾语it。例如: Do you think it is necessary for us to take extra courses? 你认为有必要学习额外的课程吗? 3.作表语 My job is to take care of the flowers in the garden.我的工作是照料花园里的花。 4.作宾语补足语 The teacher asked me to hand in my paper.老师让我把论文交上去。 5.作定语

动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词后面。例如: In my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do.我在梦里总是做一些艰难的工作。 6.作状语 (1)表示目的 He gets up early to catch the train.为了赶火车,他起得很早。 (2)表示结果:动词不定式作状语表示结果时常与副词too或enough连用。例如: The box is too heavy to carry.这个盒子太重,搬不动。 The Californian ship arrived too late to save more people. 加利福尼亚号来得太晚,没能挽救更多的人。 7.和某些形容词连用。和动词不定式经常连用的形容词有 sure,ready,happy,sorry,afraid等。例如: I’m glad to see you.很高兴见到你。 I’m sorry to trouble you.很抱歉打扰你了。 8.和疑问词who, what, when, where, which, how构成不定式短语作宾语。例如: I don’t know when to set off.我不知道什么时候动身。 Can you tell me how to get to the railway station? 你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗? 9.一些感官动词或使役动词接不定式短语作宾语补足语时,不定式标志to省略,如,let, make, see, watch, hear等。 The boss made them work 10 hours a day.老板每天让他们工作10小时。 I heard her play the piano last night.昨天晚上我听见她在弹钢琴。
