【2018最新】公司员工英文求职信范文-word范文模板 (4页)

【2018最新】公司员工英文求职信范文-word范文模板 (4页)
【2018最新】公司员工英文求职信范文-word范文模板 (4页)


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dear admissions committee:

i am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the abc university, mr. hung-doe doe, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science f or entering class fall 1996. through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, i have come to the conclusion that mr. doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

i have had the pleasure of knowing mr. doe when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of 1993. while attending this requirement course, mr. doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, mr. doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. i am of the opinion that my class has provided mr. doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

an open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, mr. doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. i was

pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. his diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. i have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student. with the intelligence and persistence that mr. doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment


respect leadership:

how do you do! please will bother. i\m a just from hubei economy academy graduate students. i am very honored to have the opportunity to present you my personal information. in all the society, in order to find the accord with their professional and interested in work, to achieve their life value, and to all the leaders as a self recommendation.

we will own the brief introduction is as follows:

i am a learning hotel management professional college students, i love my professional and for its input the enormous enthusiasm and energy. in the four years of college life, i learn from the content includes theoretical knowledge to the professional skills of learning knowledge. . through to these knowledge learning, i have this field of knowledge has a certain degree of understanding and master, and has a certain practical operation ability and technology

in the school study, both the basic theory knowledge, or

practical operation skills, i took the excellent results. in the school besides study, i also take an active part in social practice activities. once in XX to participate in the school of "a program under which officials" social practice activities. has been awarded "excellent activists" in may XX to october once went to france to study western food culture and french high star hotel practice, so that i can master more standard and system of the western food service. can the use of fluent in french and guests communication.

i sincerely hope to be able to your hotel to realize my dream, to your hotel give my a power. at the same time also hope to be able to your hotel and the unity and cooperation among the elite. believe

that can make the hotel later career progresses day by day. if i am lucky enough to add to the hotel, i would certainly work hard of do my job.


英文求职信范文二 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

范文 【范文二】 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful


楼梯间模板施工工艺标准 一般规定 模板工程施工前,应根据建筑物结构特点和混凝土施工工艺进行模板设计,应根据荷载大小、工期及模板的周转等综合情况,合理地选择模板和支撑系统。 楼梯间踏步及平台的模板必须随该层墙板一同支设,不得采用二次支设的施工方式。 模板及支撑应能保证楼梯构件的形状尺寸和相应位置的正确,对节点部位模板设计应合理。 模板及支撑必须具有足够的承载能力、刚度和稳定性,能可靠地承受新浇砼的自重和侧压力,以及在施工过程中所产生的荷载。 模板拼缝必须保证不漏浆。模板及支撑系统构造要简单并装拆方便,要便于钢筋的绑扎、安装、清理和砼的浇筑、养护。应根据图纸设计要求,绘制模板设计图(平面图、分块图、组装图、节点大样图、零件加工图等各节点的加固方法及具体尺寸)。模板设计图中必须明确出斜板底部支撑体系支设的做法、具体尺寸及上人通道的留设。 施工准备 钢架管:楼梯段立杆采用?48×3.5钢管。施工前配置与上下梯段和休息平台净高相当的?48×3.5钢管。 方木:主龙骨、次龙骨均选用50×100mm的方木,选取用风干落叶松,其抗弯强度达13 N/mm2,抗剪性能达1.4 N/mm2。

木模板:楼梯斜段、休息平台及楼梯梁采用质量好的覆膜木模板,面板厚度不小于15mm。 其它料具:扣件、可调托撑、圆钉、镰刀钩、手锯、钢卷尺、工程线等。 施工工艺流程及操作要点 无侧墙楼梯间模板支设 工艺流程:定位放线→模板加工→搭设支架→楼梯梁、平台板模板→楼梯段底板模板→楼梯段侧板模板→梯段板钢筋安装→楼梯踏步侧模板→校正、加固。 操作要点 定位放线:以结构图纸为依据,以楼层+0.500线及楼层平面轴线为基准,确定出楼梯梁、平台、斜跑的位置及标高。在周边没有墙的情况下,可将楼梯梁位置线弹在下层楼面上,支梁底时挂线坠对准即可。 模板加工:楼梯梁靠楼梯段侧模的加工:楼梯梁靠楼梯段侧模高度FE的确定主要通过相似三角形原理计算得来的,由三角形AFD 和三角形CAB相似,求出梁侧板高度FE:FE=AE-AF 由AF= AD/BC×AC AC2=AB2+BC2可得:FE=AE- AD/BC ×?(其中AD为楼梯斜板厚度;AE为楼梯梁高度;AB为踏步高度;BC为踏步宽度;均由图纸可知)同理,由三角形HJK和三角形CAB相似,求出梁侧板高度HG。


[英文求职信模板(一)]英文求职信万能模板 April 13,2000P.O. Box 36Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084Dear Sir/Madam:Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. With many thanks, Wang Lin


英语求职信模板优秀范文 篇一:大学生英文求职信(范文三篇) 大学生英文求职信(范文三篇) 在投递简历时,附带一封求职信的话,可以让HR看出求职者的诚意,往往就因为一封求职信,应聘者最后得到工作机会的概率将会大大提高。如果我们将要应聘的企业是外企或者其他跨国企业,那求职信更加是重中之重了我们在求职信中,可以提到我们的求学过程,想应聘这个岗位的原因,如果有名师或者导师的推荐信的话也要提到,并附带在附件里面连同简历一起传递给对方HR。以下的三封英文求职者,提供给将要出国求职,或者到外企求职的应届生或者研究生朋友,希望大家能多多参考。 范文一(应届生) Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and


英语求职信万能模板 求职信(cover letter)是重要的求职文件之一,往往是用人单位决定取舍的第一依据,是求职者能否成功获得面试机会的重要因素,对求职者能否成功求职产生重大影响。精心收集了英语求职信万能模板,供大家欣赏学习! 英语求职信万能模板篇1Dear school leadership: hello! Learning that your school in an orderly,well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth,eager to be able to work in such an environment,their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you. xx i xx session of pre-university students in school during the hard hard work,not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals,but also other psychology,english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years,in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door,almost more than two-thirds of gifted,learning the psychology of all professional courses,the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition,i also trained


最好用的英文求职信模板(应聘会计) 来源:西雅图工作英语时间: 2009年12月22日 英文求职信的书写对于很多人来说都不是一件容易的事情,有些人甚至不知道这求职信里都写些什么内容,还有些人的英文不太好,所以,就干脆先用中文写一遍,然后再直接翻译成英文的求职信,西雅图工作英语的专家们认为这是不可取的做法。 如果你想应聘某公司的会计职位,那么就一定要看看下面的英文求职信,这封求职信,用词很地道,是面试官喜欢的那种类型。 英文求职信模板: june 16,2009 4th floor international building no.4 abc street new york, usa 100000 gentlemen, i have been told by mr. john washington, credit manager, the business book publishing, new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june. i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. if there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter. very truly yours, jane yang 最好用的英文求职信模板(毕业生通用) 来源:西雅图工作英语时间: 2010年01月04日 英文求职信的书写对于很多人来说都不是一件容易的事情,尤其是毕业生们,有些人甚至不知道这求职信里都写些什么内容,还有些人的英文不太好,所以,就干脆先用中文写一遍,然后再直接翻译成英文的求职信,西雅图工作英语的专家们认为这是不可取的做法。 如果你马上要毕业了或是刚刚毕业的学生,那么就一定要看看下面的英文求职信,这封求职信,用词很地道,是面试官喜欢的那种类型。 英文求职信通用模板: dear sir/madam: my name is liu ying and i will graduate from xi’an fanyi university in the year 2010. my major is secretary in english department. it’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. during the three –year college study,i tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; i have mastered english listening,speaking,writing and reading skills. three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge,and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. honesty,trust,diligence is principle of how to be a man. yours faithfully, liu ying篇二:英文求职信格式模板 英文求职信格式模板 求职信分为推荐信和自荐信两种,写求职信可按下列七个步骤进行。 下面举例说明:


英文求职信范文模版 经典英文求职信模版 来源:北京新东方日期:2014-11-27 directions: you are a graduate student of x university, and you are interested in the position of business manager that is advertised on the newspaper. write a letter to the company stating the reasons for

your application, your qualification for the position, and asking for an interview. you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use“li ming”instead. do not write the address. 范文: dear sir or madam, i am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s china daily.

to briefly introduce myself, i am a graduate student of peking university majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this june. not only have i excellent academic performance in all courses, i also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned international companies, such as kpmg and microsoft. my interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post. for further information, please refer to


求职信: 二、求职信 ?1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。 ?求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。 ?求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。 2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分: (1)写信的缘由; (2)个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等; (3)推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询; (4)约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。 3、推荐模板 1、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in…of… ?I am sure that I meet the qualifications you specified in your ads. I am a …., and I have … I have also… ?My references are available and I can send as soon as possible. ?Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am looking for your prompt reply. ? ? ?Yours sincerely, ?Name… 2、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I am writing this letter to show my great interest in the position of… ?…. ?I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working in your company. I can be reached at…


英语求职信作文1 Dear Mr Black, Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November。 The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position。It involved a great deal of independent research,requiring initiative,selfmotivation and a wide range of skills。For one course,[insert course],an understanding of the [insert sector] industry was essential。I found this subject very stimulating。 I am a fast and accurate writer,with a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting。I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately,and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it。 Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future。 Yours sincerely 英语求职信作文2 Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish to apply for the position of (secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc)。I am twentyfive years old and a graduate of ____ college。My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company。The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office。I am enclosing my resume together with my photo,and believe that they may be found satisfactory。With respect to salary,I shall expect HK$5,000 a month。I assure you that if appointed,I will do my best to give your satisfaction。 Very truly yours, __ 敬启者:


Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a position as a ____(职位)in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of ____(公司擅长的领域)and is well-known for its development of ____(公司长处). It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company. What is more, my major is ____(专业), and I have a strong interest in ____(相应领域). When I was still a freshman, I got ____(证书名称)certificate for ____(相应专业), which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various ____(比赛等)and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on ____(相应领域). Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in ____(相应领域)in these two years. I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours ______(落款) 亲爱的先生或女士, 兹写信申请贵公司的____(职位)。首先,贵公司在____(公司擅长的领域)是龙头而且因为____(公司长处)的发展而闻名。在贵公司开始我的职业生涯对我来说是一个绝好的机会。并且我的专业是____(专业), 我对____(相应领域)有着很强的兴趣。 当我还在大一的时候,我获得了____(证书名称)证书在____(相应专业),这在我们班是非常出色的。另外,我参加过多项____(比赛等)并多次获奖,这极大地丰富了我在____(相应领域)的知识,最后,我曾在一个公司兼职过两年,并且这两年中我在____(相应领域)积累了广泛的经验。 如果您能给我一个面试的机会我将非常高兴。 期待着您的回复。 您忠诚的 ____(落款)


楼梯间模板施工工艺标准 Xxxxxxx

楼梯间模板施工工艺标准 1、一般规定 1.1模板工程施工前,应根据建筑物结构特点和混凝土施工工艺进行模板设计,应根 据荷载大小、工期及模板的周转等综合情况,合理地选择模板和支撑系统。 1.2楼梯间踏步及平台的模板必须随该层墙板一同支设,不得采用二次支设的施工方式。 1.3模板及支撑应能保证楼梯构件的形状尺寸和相应位置的正确,对节点部位模板设 计应合理。 1.4模板及支撑必须具有足够的承载能力、刚度和稳定性,能可靠地承受新浇砼的自 重和侧压力,以及在施工过程中所产生的荷载。 1.5模板拼缝必须保证不漏浆。 1.6模板及支撑系统构造要简单并装拆方便,要便于钢筋的绑扎、安装、清理和砼的 浇筑、养护。 1.7应根据图纸设计要求,绘制模板设计图(平面图、分块图、组装图、节点大样图、零件加工图等各节点的加固方法及具体尺寸)。 1.8模板设计图中必须明确出斜板底部支撑体系支设的做法、具体尺寸及上人通道的 留设。 2、施工准备 2.1钢架管:楼梯段立杆采用?48× 3.5钢管。施工前配置与上下梯段和休息平台净高相当的?48×3.5钢管。 2.2方木:主龙骨、次龙骨均选用50×100mm的方木,选取用风干落叶松,其抗弯强度达13 N/mm2,抗剪性能达 1.4 N/mm2。 2.3木模板:楼梯斜段、休息平台及楼梯梁采用质量好的覆膜木模板,面板厚度不小 于15mm。 2.4其它料具:扣件、可调托撑、圆钉、镰刀钩、手锯、钢卷尺、工程线等。 3、施工工艺流程及操作要点 3.1无侧墙楼梯间模板支设: 3.1.1工艺流程: 定位放线→模板加工→搭设支架→楼梯梁、平台板模板→楼梯段底板模板→楼梯段侧


Cover letter Template and Samples Template Month, Day, Year Mr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastName Title Name of Organization Street or P. O. Box Address City, State Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName: Opening paragraph: ?State why you are writing; ?how you learned of the organization or position ?basic information about yourself. 2nd paragraph: ?Say why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does. ?Write specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer’s needs. ?explain in more detail relevant items in your resume. ?Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. 3rd paragraph: ?Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. ?State what you will do to follow up, such as telephone the employer within two weeks. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. ?Thank the employer for her/his consideration.


求职信范文20篇,汉英对照 Letter 1 敬启者: 贵公司十二月二十五日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘广告,本人特备此函应征该职位。 我今年32岁,毕业于北京外国语大学,曾在NCC公司担任推销员历五年之久。由于任职的公司宣布解散,只好去职。 兹随函附履历表及照片一份,希望阁下能够满意。至于月薪一事,希望能从五千港币起薪,加上佣金。倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了 解我的能力,我将随时侯教。 XX启 Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation. I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, My experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they're closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. As regards salary, I would be glad to start with HK$ 5,000 per month plus commission. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. Letter 2 敬启者: 就以我过去的推销背景而言,本人自信可以胜任贵公司星期四在XX报招聘的职务,敬请给予考虑。 我于1993年从北京商学院毕业,曾在当代公司男装部担任推销员两年,后在世都百货公司男装店三年,目前仍在此工作。 之所以离职,是因目前似无晋升机会,就我的工作能力和所受训练及我对工作的热情,我认为我应该获得晋升和较高待遇。 我乐于奉告阁下,如阁下要求提供查询人,以便了解我的工作情况和性格,我可以满足阁下要求。 XX启 Gentlemen, Because I believe that my sales background fits me for the position you advertised in Thursday's newspaper, I ask that you consider my qualification. I was graduated from Beijing Commercial College in July 1993. My experience has included two year as salesman in the Men's Clo- thing Department for DangDai; and three years in the Men's Shop for ShiDu, where I am still employed. My reason for wishing to make a change at this time is that there seems no opportunity for advancement in my present position, and I feel that my ability and training, as well as my interest in my work, should lead to advancement and a higher salary. I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character. Truly yours, Letter 3


楼梯间剪力墙模板施工工法 张宏杰 ( 中铁广东分公司钦州恒大绿洲项目经理部) 楼梯间剪力墙模板施工很容易产生涨模、漏浆等质量问题, 进而导致楼梯间剪力墙砼浇筑完毕后产生接茬处错台、蜂窝麻面、露筋的质量问题, 且对后期装修施工、楼梯间净空宽度等产生直接影响, 因此为了提高楼梯间剪力墙结构施工质量, 首先就要提高模板的施工工艺, 从根本上遏制产生接茬处错台、蜂窝麻面、露筋的质量问题产生。 本文经过介绍一个具有较强操作性的楼梯间剪力墙木胶合模板施工方法, 并结合工程的实际情况和相关经验做一定探讨, 以供参考。 1.工程概况 钦州恒大绿洲首期5~9#、 13~15#楼为框架剪力墙结构, 总建筑面积121683㎡, 地上32层, 标准层高3m。室内消防楼梯均为双跑剪刀梯, 中间为水泥空心混凝土砌块隔墙, 隔墙两侧为剪力墙结构。 2.材料和设备 剪力墙面板采用18mm厚木胶合板, 基本尺寸1840x920mm, 50x100mm标准方木(过刨)+48x3.5mm双钢管背楞配合使用蝶形钢卡和12对拉螺栓加固。 木胶合板密度适中, 表面平整光滑, 吸水率低, 不易变形, 既有天然木材的一切优点, 如容重轻、强度高等, 又可弥补天然木材自然产生的一些缺陷如节子、幅面小、纵横力学差异性大等缺点, 可用于对模板耐磨性和周转使用次数有较高要求的工程项目, 是一种既经济又实用的建筑模板。木胶合板幅面大、拼缝少, 基本尺寸为1840mm×920mm, 相当于4块P3015钢模板, 能够减少安装用工, 而且拆模快、混凝土表面观感质量好, 能够浇筑清水混凝土, 取消混凝土表面的抹灰作业, 缩短装修施工时间, 加快施工进度。 主要加工设备: 单面压刨机、平刨机、电锯、手提电钻。


英文求职信的写作格式及范文 所谓英文求职信范文就求职者是向外企应聘自己想要的职位时所写的让对方了解自己、相信自己、录用自己的求职信例文。英文求职信通常包括五个组成部分:写信动机、自我介绍、本人能力、结尾、附件。写求职信的过程本身也就反映出了你的外语水平,故应尽量做到语言规范、符合外文习惯,减少语法错误。 1基本格式 2主要内容 3特点及要求 4英文求职信范文? 1基本格式:(其中红色字体的是你要写的内容) (Your name) (Your address) (Your telephone number) (Date) Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Name, ...................( Beginning of the letter)

...................(Introducing yourself) ...................(About your personal ability) ...................(About the enclosure and other __ your experience of the job ) ...................(Ending) Yours faithfully, 手写签名 2主要内容 1.写信动机:通常求职信是针对报纸上招聘广告而写的。若此,信中须提到何月何日的报纸,有时工作机会是从朋友或介绍所听来的,有时写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,毛遂自荐。不论哪一种,求职信上一定要说明写信的缘由和目的。 2.自我介绍:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月、教育背景,尤其与应征职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊技能。如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。 3.结尾:希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此信中要表明可以面谈的时间。


英语求职信(3篇)_求职信_模板 英语求职信范例 Jerry Chen No.23 Shuangqing Street Haidian Dist., Beijing 100084 August 15, 2000 Franc Cao Copy Supervisor Ogilvy & Mather No.315 Chaoyang Avenue Chaoyang Dist., Beijing 100027 Dear Mr. Cao: I am very interested in the Production Artist position advertised in the Beijing Youth Daily on Wednesday, July 30, 2000. With more than 3 years of experience in a variety of graphics production positions, I feel that I would be an excellent candidate. My resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience. Sincerely, Jerry Chen 英语求职信范例 2 Dear Sirs, Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in “Yangcheng Evening News” of April 9. I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company.&n bsp; For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date. Sincerely yours, xxx 英语求职信范例 3 应聘地铁工作的求职信模板 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先感谢你在百忙之中垂询我的求职信,给一个即将毕业的大学生一个机会,在 此我对此表示深深的感谢
