

Name(姓名):__________ Score(分数):_________


一:Listen and choose .(选出你所听到的单词)10分(2*5)

( ) 1.A.dress B.shorts C.trousers

( ) 2.A.apple B.peach C.pineapple

( ) 3.A.eye B.leg C.mouth

( ) 4.A.parrot B.turtle C.spider

( ) 5. A. blue B.pink C.white

二:Listen and choose the right picture.(选出你所听到的单词图片,并打“√”)5分(1*5)1.2.






三:Listen and choose the right answer(听录音,选出你所听到的短语或句子)(10分)(2*5)

1.()A.taking a bath B.having breakfast C.reading books

2.()A.climbing the tree B.playing football C.brushing teeth 3.()A.It’s beautiful B.It’s big.C.It’s a leg.

4.()A.I like fishing. B. I like reading.C.She likes singing. 5.()A.This is little.B.That’s big.C.This is an ear.

四:Choose the right order.(听录音,在括号中写出图片的正确顺序)5分(1*5)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()


五.Circle the different word.(圈出不同类的单词)。10分(2*5)

( ) 1.A.cat B.hat C.cap

( ) 2.A.ship B.boat C.mirror

( ) 3.A.eye B.mouse C.mouth

( ) 4.A.socks B.jeans C.parrot

( ) 5. A. blue B.peach C.green

六:Write down the right form of the following verbs. (写出下列单词的

-ing形式). 4分(1*4)例:fish --- fishing

1. run--- ______

2. dance--- ______

3. watch --- _____

4. swim--- ______

七:Finish the words.(将下列单词补充完整)。8分(1*8)

1. th_ee

2. nin_

3. sh_



5. t_mato

6. j_cket

7. T-sh_rt

8. pl_ne


八:Match. (给下面的反义词连线) 6分(1*6)

long slow

young old

left sad

hot short

quick right

happy cold

九.Match (请将正确的图与英文单词连线) 。10分(2*5)

sleeping playing football brushing teeth climbing the tree watching TV

十、Choose the right order.(选择正确的句子,将对话补充完整,把字母编号填在横线上) 。12分(2*6)

(1) Tom: What animals do you like?

---- Lily: ____________

(2) Tom: Do you like pineapples? -----Lily: ____________ (3) Lily: ____________ ----Tom: It’s 8 pm.

(4) Tom: ____________

-----Lily: This is an ear.

(5)Tom: What’s Bobby doing?

-----Lily: ____________

(6) Tom: What can you see?

----Lily: ____________

十一:Choose the right sentence.(选择正确的答语) 10分(2*5)()1.当你问别人喜欢穿什么衣服,用英语怎么说?

A. What animals do you like?

B. What do you like to wear?


A. That’s a good idea!

B. I don’t know.


A. That’s their new teacher.

B. This is our new teacher.


A. This is little and that’s big.

B. This is big and that’s little.


A. Thank you very much!

B. Welcome!

十二:Choose the right answer.(选择正确的答案)10分(2*5)

1. _____ are you going? A. What B. Where

2. What do you like doing? ----- I like _______

A. read

B. reading

3. What’s your name? ----- _______ name is Lin Hua.

A. My

B. Your

4. What are the cows doing? -----They are_______ grass.

A. eat

B. eating

5. Wow! He’s got five_____! A. sticks B. stick
