新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 1 Love

新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 1 Love
新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 1 Love

Unit One

Teaching Objectives

1. To know the importance of the love;

2.To understand what real love is;

3. To learn to be a man with a good heart;

4. To master the words describing love;

5. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

6. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the


7. To improve the students’ abilities of communication and making comments.

Teaching allotment

6 academic hours

1-2 period preparation & listening-centered activities

3-4 period In-Class Reading: A Good Heart to Lean On

5-6 period After-Class Reading & Exercises

Focus Points

1. Key words,phrases & usages

activity, adjust, bother, cling, complain, content, coordinate, despite, embarrass, engage, envy, fortune, fortunate, frustrate, impatient, lean, local, navy, occasion, pace, participate, reluctance, severe, stress, trifle, worthy, urge

now that, set the pace, lean on, subject…to, engage in, see to it that,in frustration

2. Difficult sentences

1) If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on.

2) When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.

3) He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able.

4) But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began.

3. Grammar focus

1) 代词it 的用法;


3)now that 引导的原因状语从句;

4)介词+which 结构

Teaching Methods

1. Using multi-media teaching equipment (应用多媒体教学手段)

2. Listening and practice (听歌填词)

3. Group-Discussion (分组讨论)

4. Questions and answers (课堂问答)

5. Class work (班级活动)

Teaching Procedures

1. W arming-up (课前准备活动)

2. U nderstanding background knowledge (了解背景知识)

3. T ext explanation (课文讲解)

4. E xercises (巩固练习)

5. A ssignments (作业)

1. Useful Information

Whether it is a mother’s nurturing love for her child, a son’s loyal love for his father, the love between husband and wife, or the love between friends, love is a universal emotion that expresses itself in every culture. To love is to be

human. To need love is also to be human. Children, for example, need loving

care in order to be emotionally healthy. Love is a deep feeling of

fondness, affection and friendship that grows among people.

Romantic love usually begins as passion and evolves with time

to a more lasting sense of attachment. Many of the

famous romantic love stories in various cultures end in the

tragedies of death or betrayal. The loss of love is favorite musical

theme and the subject of countless stories,

operas, songs, and ballads. 2. “Love” definition from a famous book

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not self-seeking, it

is not

easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always projects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

3. The difference between like and love

The verb “like” is not as strong as “love” and generally does not imply deep emotions. “Like” means to find pleasure or satisfaction in something or someone: l like eating at the restaurant. In English, the word “love” is often used informally instead of “like” in an intensified sense: he loves music; children love ice-cream; she loves her new job. However, “love” and “like” are not totally interchangeable. It is often the context that indicates the strength of the word “love”. The word “love” should not be used in the first person when speaking to another person, except in romantic situations (I love you).

1. Warming-up activity: Talk about the most unforgettable character in your life

Purpose: make sure of the right way to express yourself logically

Form: group discussion and individual talk.

Steps: 1.Work in groups and discuss with others about the most important person in your


2. Individual statement in class to share the story together

3. Concluding remarks by the teacher on the performance of the students’ story and

the manner

Suggested words or expressions

Considerate/patient/a great helper/generous/point out one’s mistake/encouraging/tender

2. Further Development: Use your imagination and make up a love story

Purpose: give the students the chance to use the vocabulary they have learned

Form: done by the whole class together

Steps: 1. Each member of the class contributes a sentence to develop the story, this can be

done in the order of their seats.

2. Others have to listen carefully

so as to know how the story goes, and then help

the story to develop.

3. C oncluding remarks by the teacher on the performance of the students’ story

and the manner

Suggested words or expressions

Boyfriend/girlfriend/hate/heartbroken/emotion/attractive/beautiful/crippled/fall in love at

first sight/generous/handsome/loyal/devoted/hesitate/unconditionally/adoring/interaction

Words and phrases

1. adjust :v. change slightly, especially in order to make it more effective or more suitable

e.g. adjust one ’s watch

She adjusted the lamp so that the light fell directly on her book..


adjust oneself to

He adjusted himself quickly to the heat of the country.

adjustable a. adjustment n. readjust v.


adjust : 常指机械方面的严格调整或校正,从而使各部件协调,达到运转或工作,或可指人或其它动物)改变原来的生活方式、生活习惯,从而适应新的环境。着重指“过程”,此词一般与具体事物连用。也可用于抽象事物或比喻。如:

He adjusted his watch so that it would run on time.

It took him some time to adjust himself to a new life.

adapt : to make or become suitable for new needs, different conditions 。指在原来的情况下进行一些修改或改变,从而适应新的环境或条件,含有“目的性”,着重指“结果”,也有改编之意。如:

She adapted herself to new circumstance.

I am afraid he can ’t adapt to the idea of having a woman as his boss.

The play is adapted from a novel.


1) He spent years _______to the climate in China. (B )

A. coordinating

B. adjusting

C. balancing

D. complaining


(To attract investors, this country has adjusted its tax and labor laws.)

3) After an initial period of _____, both children enjoyed their school. (adjust)

2. cling : (clung, clung ): v.

hold tightly


cling to: hold tight to, stick to

e.g. The climber had to cling to the clif


The little boy clung to his mother as they crossed the street.

(fig.) He still clings to the belief that his son is alive.

辨析:cling to, stick to, adhere to

三者有时虽可互换,但侧重点不同。cling to主要指“缠绕攀爬”如:ivy clinging to brick walls;stick to主要指“粘附”,如:the dough stuck to my fingers ;adhere to不常用于一般事物,较正式,如:adhere to one’s promise

Exercise: 汉译英

1) 他坚定地抱着获救的希望

(He clung to the hope of being rescued.)

2) 那孩子紧紧地抓这他妈妈的裙子。

( The child clung to its mother’s skirt.)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2f11223243.html,plain: v. say that sth. is wrong or not satisfactory

complain of (about): to say that one has a (pain, illness, etc.)

e.g. He went to the doctor complaining of difficulty in breathing.

They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system.

complaint n.

e.g. The pupils made a list of their complaints about school meals.

There’s been widespread complaints about the selection procedure.


1) 房客总是抱怨没有足够的热水。

(The tenants are always complaining that there is not enough hot water.)

2) 她向我诉说他曾对她有粗鲁的行为。

(She complained to me that he had been rude to her.)

3) If you have a _____to make about the food, I’m willing to listen. (complain)

4. coordinate 1) v. make various things work effectively as a whole

e.g. coordinate one’s movement(s ) 协调运动

We used a computer to coordinate the marketing campaign.

coordinate closely with与---密切配合

2) adj. equal in importance or rank.

e.g .coordinate clauses



(She is a beautiful dancer: all her movements are perfectly coordinated.)

5. crippled: adj. handicapped, disabled


limp: v. to walk with an even step, one foot or leg moving less well than the other

disabled: adj. unable to use his body properly

handicapped: adj. having a disability of the body or mind

6. despite: prep. in spite of, regardless of

e.g. Demand for these cars is high, despite their high price.

He came to the meeting despite his illness

despite 与in spite of 同义,常可互换,despite是更正式的用语。它们的共同特点是:后面可接名词短语和what 引导的名词性从句。如:

Despite/ In spite of what his father said to him, he made the same mistakes.


1)________ his great health, he always reminded a man of simple tastes. (D )

A. Except for

B. With regard to

C. Although

D. Despite

2)_______the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.

A. As for

B. Besides

C. Except

D. Despite (D)

7. envious: adj. jealous


be envious of

e.g. Y ou have done the work so well that I must admit that I am even envious of you.

envy: v.; n.

e.g. It is natural that people tend to envy those who do things better than them.

John feels much envy to/towards his desk mate because she can answer all the questions that the teacher asks.



Jealousy is usually considered to be a more unpleasant feeling than envy.

e.g. Anne has got a very nice job

----I’m very envious / full of envy/ envy her. (=I wish I had a job like that)

----Tom is jealous of Ann (= feels strong dislike for Ann) because he thinks he should get the job.

be jealous of

e.g. We should not be jealous of other’s wealth and success.


He was ____of his brother because he could afford to give so much.

A. generous

B. envious

C. content

D. frustrated (B)

8.memorable: adj. worth remembering or likely to be remembered; unforgettable.

e.g. The dress is memorable for its strange colors.

What you have done for me I will always keep in my mind, and forever memorable though

nothing it may seems to you.


后缀-able 的含义是“值得……的”,“可以……的”,而后缀-ful的含义是“充满…….的”,“怀有……的”,如

e.g. He is a respectable professor and all the students are respectful to him.

Exercise: 汉译英


(The film was memorable for its fine acting.)




1.worth ①worth是形容词,具有介词的某些特征,不能用作定语,也不可单独用作表语, 后


The book is worth fifty yuan.

The book is worth reading.


*This is worth my father’s doing.

*This is worth doing by my father.


This is worthy to be done by my father.

或It is worth while for my father to do this.

或It is worth my father’s while to do this.

②worth 之后的动名词总是用主动形式表示被动意义,因此不能说

*The film is worth being seen.


The film is well worth seeing.

2. worthy

①worthy 不用于钱的方面,后面接of +名词或动名词,或不定式,如

This article is worthy of careful study.

This article is worthy to be studied carefully.

There occurred nothing worthy of being mentioned.

There occurred nothing worthy to be mentioned.

②worthy of 有“相称”、“适合”的意思,如

Liang Shanbo is worthy of Chu Y ingtai.

③worthy 可用作定语,表示“可钦的”、“高尚的”、“有价值的”,如

a worthy cause 正义的事业

a worthy son of the people 人民的好儿子

The school has graduated many worthy young people. 很多年轻有为的人毕业于这所学校。


He is a ______teacher. ( worthwhile, worthy, worth) (worthy)

Phrases and Expressions

1.break out: (of an undesirable condition) to begin suddenly and often violently

e.g. War/ Fighting broke out in this area last night.

break away (from): to escape, esp. with a sudden violent effort

e.g. The prisoners broke away from the two policeman who were holding him.

break down: 1) to stop working ; fail

e.g. The car broke down.

2) to come to unnecessary end

e.g. The peace talks broke down without any agreement being reached.

break into: enter by force

break off :to (cause to) end, esp. suddenly

e.g. The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.

break through: force a way through; to make a new advance or discovery

break up: to (cause to)become separated into smaller pieces


1) When a fire _____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.

A. broke off

B. broke out

C. broke down

D. broke up (B )

2) 楼下着了火,不一会儿整个大楼都烧起来了。

(A fire broke out in the lower storey and soon the whole building was in flames.)

2.engage in; take part or become involved in an activity

e.g. Politic ians shouldn’t engage in business affairs that might affect their political


engage in sth. =do sth.; be engaged in sth. =be doing sth.



(If you engage in the those activities, you can’t expect to have time for your family.)

3.let on : tell someone sth. that was intended to be a secret; reveal

e.g. Don’t let on about the meeting.

let alone 更别提;不打扰,不惊动;

let out放走,释放;发出

Exercise: (汉译英)


( He knew where the key was, but he didn’t let on. )

4.make it to :arrive somewhere in time for sth.

e.g. I just made it to the railway station before the train departed.

(be) made up of由---组成,由--- 构成;

make for朝---走,走向;

make out写出,开出;辨认出;

make up组成,构成;捏造,临时编造;(为)---化妆;补足,补充;

make up for补偿,弥补

Exercise: (汉译英)


(The solider made it to the other bank in spite of the turbulent waves.)

5.now that; conj. Because (sth. has happened)

e.g. Now that John has arrived, we can begin.

(every ) now and then时而,偶而


1)________ we have finished the course, we shall take a new one.

A. Since then

B. By now

C. Since now

D. Now that (D )

2) 既然雨停了,我们可以走了。

(Now that the rain has stopped, we can leave.)

6.on leave: on holiday

e.g. Jack is home on leave from the navy.

He informed me that he was on sick leave from a government office.

leave alone不打扰,不干预;让---独自呆着;

leave behind忘带,遗留,留下;

leave off停止,中断;

leave out遗留,省略



(He is now on leave, and will not be back until early next month.)

7.see (to it) that: make sure that

e.g. Will you see to it that this letter gets posted today?


1)He would _______ it that his son took a livelier interest in politics.

A. see into

B. see through

C. see about

D. see to (D)

2) He is late again today; I will ________ that he will not be late tomorrow.

A. be sure

B. hope for

C. see to it

D. to be left (C )

3) 刮大风了,请务必把所有窗子都关好。

(The wind is blowing hard; please see to it that all the windows are fastened properly.)

8. set the pace :

e.g. If we let the fastest runner set the pace the others will be left behind.

set about开始,着手;

set apart使分离,使分开;

set aside拨出,留出;把---置于一边,不理会;

set back 推迟,延迟,阻碍;

set off出发,启程;

set up创立,建立;竖立,建造。


在1,500 米赛跑中,他一马当先,其他选手在后面拼命追赶。

( He set pace in the 1,500- meter race as the other runners tried to keep up with him.)

9. subject(v.)---to: make someone experience sth., esp. sth. unpleasant 使承受,使遭受

e.g. subject oneself (one’s friends) to criticism

subject a man to torture

Cf: be subject(adj.) to: having a tendency to; prone to 有……倾向的;易受;常有

e.g. He is subject to ill health.

The trains are subject to delays when there is a fog.

Exercise: (汉译英)


(The hurricane subjected the islanders to devastating floods.)

Language points

1. When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely

crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for

balance, people would stare.

Paraphrase: As I was growing up, I always felt disgraceful to be seen with my father. My father was a short man and crippled badly, so when we used to walk together, he always

put his hand on my arm in order to keep balance, and people would stare at us.



Explanation:本句中第一个when引导的时间状语从句用的是过去进行时,was growing up 表示长大的过程,可翻译为“当我渐渐长大”。第二个when引导的从句中出现

了两个would,前一个的意思是used to(过去常常),不是过去将来时的助动词,


2. If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on.

Paraphrase: He could have noticed that or could have been bothered by that, but he never said a word about it.


3.Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He went to

work sick, and despite nasty weather.

Paraphrase: We usually walk to or from subway, for my father went to work by subway. He went to work despite sickness or the bad weather.


Explanation:to or from表示“来回”,英语中有很多类似的表达,例如:to and forth (来回), backward and forward (前后), up and down (上下)等等。



He is lying in bed sick.他因病卧床不起。

4. Once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the

warmer tunnel air kept ice-free.

Paraphrase: As soon as he arrived at the subway entrance, he would grasp the handrail until he arrived at the lower steps where the ground was ice-free because of warm tunnel



Explanation:once是一个连词,意思是“一旦”,等于“as soon as”, 这里省略了“Once he got there”,一旦到达那儿。cling to: 扶着,靠着。ice-free: 不冻的,无冰的。

keep sth./sb. + adj.是一个常见用法,形容词做宾语不足语。

5. When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown

man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.

Paraphrase: Now whenever I think of this, I would be astonished how courageous he must have been to put up with such indignity and stress.


Explanation:marvel at表示“对……表示惊奇”。

本句中at后面所接是由how much引导的宾语从句。must have+动词过去分


have+动词过去分词,表示对过去发生的事的推测;should have+动词过去分




When he spoke, the tears were running down.


When the history of the Nixon Administration is finally written, the chances are that his Chinese policy will stand out as a model of common sense and good diplomacy.



Please turn off the light when you leave the room.



He had hardly rushed into the room when he shouted, “Fire! Fire!”


When I reached the beach, I collapsed.



He shouted as he ran.


They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid.



6. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the

more fortunate or able.

Paraphrase: he never regarded himself as an object of pity, and he was not envious of people who were lucky or able than him.


Explanation:the more fortunate这种用法是the加上形容词指一类人。句中的否定词nor 置于句首,句子要倒装。

7. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged

to take a dive even before the bout began.

Paraphrase: But the next day people made a joke with him and said that it was the first time that the fighter was forced to pretend to be knocked down before the bout began.


Explanation:“kidded him by saying…”意思是“通过说……和他开玩笑”。

take a dive:(美俚)(拳击中)假装被击倒。


Part One (para.1-4): The father’s physical condition and how he managed to get to work.

Part Two (para.5-7): The son’s comment on the father’s personality

Part Three (para.8-11): The father’s attempt to experience things directly or indirectly.

Part Four (para.12-13): The father’s influence on his son.


My father was badly crippled and very short. So I always felt disgraceful when we used to walk together. Despite his disability, he never looked down on himself or showed any envy of other lucky people, he always maintained a positive attitude towards life and work, and tried to participate many activitie s in his way. It’s his courage and good heart that impressed me greatly.

Although my father has passed away for many years, I often think of him. Now I am old, I begin to realize that it’s my father who has been setting the pace for me, in contrast to him, how little I was.

Recitation: Recite paragraph 5,6,7.

Passage 1

Decide whether the following are true or false according to the passage.

1.When Kate was young, she was charming with black hair. (F)

2.As an old couple, Kate and Chris were in deep love and thought of the old romantic days. (T)

3.In the nursing homes, the married couples have been supplied with the double beds. (F)

4.Being old, they were equally weak and dependent on each other. (F)

5.Chris died of heart attack in the morning. (T)


Decide whether the following are true or false according to the passage.

1.According to the passage those who have pets are healthier both physically and mentally than

those who don’t.

2.In America today almost all households have pet animals.

3.Of all pets in America, dogs are the most.

4.Most people believe human beings are the only creatures capable of feeling the emotion of love.

5.According the author, pets are a great help in physical therapy.

Keys: 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T


1. In his speech, the Foreign Minister condemned the aggression.


2. Any home appliance must be handled with care whether it is a TV set, a VCR or a microwave oven. 翻译:家电都需要轻拿轻放,不论是电视机、录相机,还是微波炉。

3. If your TV set doesn’t work properly, you’d better not have it fixed. Just buy a new one.


4. Jame Watt invented the steam engines.


5. We have 366 days in the leap year.


6. I call on the delegate for an explanation.


7. By analysis, we mean analysing the contradiction in things.


8. The President said: “We shall now vote on draft resolution as whole”



1. 外语是人生斗争的工具。

翻译:A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.

2. 她把笔捡起来,擦干净,放在书包里,然后交给老师。

翻译:She picked up the pen and cleaned it. She put it into her bag and ten handed it to her teacher.

3. 他把双手放进口袋里,然后耸了耸肩。

翻译:He put his hands into his pockets and shrugged his shoulders.

4. 要掌握一门外语,非下苦功不可。

翻译:One must make painstaking effort before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.

5. 学语言的学生应当精通能够所学语言。

翻译:A language student should have a good commard of the language he studies.

本文是一篇回忆性的短篇记叙文,作者通过记述父亲生前的逸事,描写父亲的语言和行为,表现出父亲身残志坚的个性。如通过描写孩子们送父亲上班的情景,表现出父亲在逆境中自强不息的精神;通过记述父亲担任棒球教练、坐在轮椅上向人挑战和对别人介绍自己的儿子等,表现出父亲积极乐观的豁达态度,突出了我对父亲的内疚之情,深化了“Father had a good heart to lean on”这个主题。

Writing exercise:

Directions: Write a composition about a person you love. Begin the passage with the topic sentence:“It’s said that mother’s love is the greatest love in the w orld.”Complete it with no less than 120 words.

Sample 1:

My Father

It’s said that mother’s love is the greatest love in the world, but if you can notice some small things, you’ll find that father’s love is also the greatest.

My father, as a man, usually h ide the deep love for behind the cool face. Don’t have much to say, while sitting with me, but what he has done for me clearly show that he loves even more than himself.

I still remember the night, when the wind blowed crazily, he stood in the rain, at the bus stop, waiting for me, quietly. Though he had stood in rain for hours, the only sentence from his mouth was “OK, Let’s go home!”

I’ll never forget the love by my dear mother, I’ll also concrete the figure in the rain in my mind. That’s another kind of deepest love in the world!

这篇文章条理清晰, 写父爱和母爱一样真挚和可贵。文章为三段式,第一段和第三段首尾呼应,强调母爱珍贵,父爱也难忘,因此结构显得完整紧凑。第二段用叙事方式,即用一个具体事例来说明父爱的深厚,使感情显得更真实,使作者的父爱更有说服力。总之,从内容和语言上看这篇文章比较好。

Sample 2:

My Mother

It’s said that mother’s love is the greatest love in the world. My mother is a woman of Chinese traditional type. She is praised by her relatives of her kindness.

My mother is a teacher. She is always busy with her work. She looks at her students as her own children. She always tries her best to help them. So many former students come to our home to see their teacher.

Mother is strict with me. She always reminds me not being so sloppy in my study. She gives me helpful advice on study and general life. These words become a good guidance of my life. When I am depressed by failure, she encourages me to face the difficulty bravely.

Mother sets a good example for me. I can learn much from her.



------The End

新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 2 Communication Problems

Unit Two Communication problems T eaching Objectives 1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate. 2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other. 3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings. T eaching allotment six academic hours Focus points 1.key words and phrases assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly 2.difficult sentences 1) When Martians and V enusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. 2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. 3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. 3.grammar focus prefix “mis---”的不同意义 Related Information It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting linguistic gender difference among native speakers of English is the likelihood of women using these color terms to differentiate between shades of purple, whereas, men will be satisfied with the one word “purple”. This is true of other color words too.


Unit 10 Agriculture Farming for the Future [1] Every year, more people face poverty and hunger and more of the earth's resources are ruined. The problems are enormous, but many experts believe that the situation is not hopeless. The solution will require big changes in how we think about agriculture, food, and our planet. [2] First of all, farmers everywhere need to develop methods that are less destructive to the environment. The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one important step. The planting of several different crops improves the soil and helps prevent erosion. Erosion could also be prevented by planting trees to protect the fields from the wind. Another way farmers could improve the soil is to avoid deep plowing. In fact, only a slight plowing is necessary if proper methods are used. [3] If the soil were treated better, farmers would not need to use chemical fertilizers. They could use natural animal and vegetable products instead. With mixed crops, farmers would need fewer toxic chemical insecticides. They could use biological methods of controlling insects and disease. [4] Farmers could also help save the earth's precious supplies of water and petroleum. To save water, they could plant more water-efficient plants instead of the standard types of wheat or corn. They could also use watering systems that are much less wasteful. To save petroleum, farmers could make use of bio-gas generators which could be fueled by the vegetable and animal wastes of the farms. In less-developed countries, bio-gas generators could reduce the need for firewood and so help save forests, as well. [5] In less-developed countries, the small farmers need help. They need to learn more about crops that are better suited to local conditions. They need to learn how to limit erosion and make the best use of their resources. These farmers will never be successful without land and economic reform. This should be the aim of governments and international agencies. The current industrial and cash crop policies are only making the situation worse. [6] Industrialized countries could use their economic resources to help bring about these changes. They could make some changes in their own policies. At present, much food is wasted in these countries for political reasons. In Europe and in North America, tons of fruit and dairy products are thrown away every year. Eating habits, too, could be changed in these countries. For example, people often eat foods from distant places instead of local foods. The transportation of the imported foods adds to the global pollution problem. People in industrialized countries also eat a lot of meat, especially beef.


一、 1、当我知道详细情况时,我意识到我不该在办公室发脾气。 When I knew the details ,I realized that I shouldn’t have lost the temper at the office. 2、我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔出去喝一杯。 I don’t know Bob very well ,but we go out for a drink occasionally. 3、会议应该在周二召开,但我们不得不推迟。 The meeting is supposed to be held on Tuesday, but we have to put it off. 4、我国政府采取行动使那个国家的所以中国人回到了祖国。 Our government took action to get all the Chinese back to homeland in that country. 5、包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。 Including the weekend ,there is only 12days to buy Charismas presents. 6、如不立即采取行动,许多野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。 Without taking action immediately ,many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. 三、 1、除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。 You won’t got this job unless you have got the experience. 2、我把大部分时间都花在研究中美文化差异上了。 Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American culture. 3、这句话意思很清楚,绝不会引起误会。 This sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding. 4、他希望能给予她比现在更多的帮助。 He hopes he could give her more help than he does. 5、要记得邀请她来参加生日晚会,不然她会抱怨的。 Remember to invite her to the birthday party ,or she would complain. 6、主任说,你必须把购置设备的2500美元加到成本中去。 The Director said ,you have to add 2500 dollars for equipment purchase to the cost. 7、了解自己的长处、弱点以及所处的环境很重要。 It’s important to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses and the environment you are in. 8、如果你继续对大家这么粗鲁,不久你就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。 You will find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everyone. 四、 1、做出贡献的人太多了,无法一一提及。 The individuals who have contributed are far too many to mention. 2、半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3、他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。 He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said, it was nothing more than a joke. 4、我们邀请了所以的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中5位。 We invited all our friends to the picnic ,but it rained and only 5 of them showed up. 5、婚姻被视为一件严肃的事。 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6、令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待得那么好。 To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations. 七、


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2f11223243.html, 原版英语教材与国内自编教材之比较 作者:叶文彦 来源:《速读·下旬》2019年第09期 ◆摘; 要:本文先介绍了英语原版教材在中国高校的使用现状,又从教学目标、教学理念和选材三方面对原版英语教材和国内自编教材进行了比较,最后提出应该基于本土情况对原版英语教材进行一定程度的本地化。 ◆关键词:原版英语教材;国内自编教材 近年来,越来越多的高校开始关注原版英语教材,因其地道的语言和独特的英语文化等特点,许多教师在课堂上广泛地运用这类教材。 一、原版英语教材在中国高校使用的现状 伴随着全球化的深入,中国高校对于英语的教学要求也在逐年提升。高校不仅要培养具备英语基础知识的人才,还立足于培养出能熟练运用专门用途英语的人才。教育部也多次出台文件强调双语教学在高校教学中的重要性,更规定了大学课程中使用双语教学的比例。而教材对于双语教学有着至关重要的作用,教材的质量很大程度上决定了该课程的教学质量。现今高校双语教育的教材多可归为两个类型,即原版英语教材和国内自编教材。众多著名高校纷纷采用原版英语教材教学,多的数目甚至高达百门。课时在实际操作中还是暴露出了一些问题。一方面,很多原版教材难度较高,学生因而产生畏难情绪,与母国文化相比有较大的文化差异,挑战了学生的成长价值觀,另一方面国内自编教材又常常过于简单,有教条化的问题,无法起到实战指导的作用。整体来说,原版英语教材确有其优势,例如英语语言的准确性,教授知识的快速更迭以及纯正西方文化的传播。而且国内自编教材的出版周期要比原版英语教材场,从内容的时效性看就不是特别强。所以在高校课堂中有选择地使用经过评估的高质量原版英语教材是可行的,它既能帮助学生提高英语水平,又能有效提升教学的品质。可是,原版英语教材也存在一些问题,例如文化差异、知识产权、教学理念的冲突等等,所以比较恰当的做法是在比较原版英语教材和国内自编教材并进行分析的基础上对原版教材做一定程度的本土化。 二、原版英语教材与国内自编教材之比较 1.教学目标差异 原版英语教材的教学目标是培养学生实际运用语言的能力,教材编写时往往遵循交际教学法的原则,会呈现出较浓厚的交际分为。比如,经济科学出版社出版的《新编剑桥商务英语》就是属于这个类别,该教材自引进面世以来在我国广受欢迎,成为了最经典的商务英语教材之一。《新编剑桥商务英语》编写的主要目的就是让学生在提高语言能力的基础之上,以交互的

新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 7 Culture

Unit Seven Culture Teaching Objectives 1. Culture and characteristics of people; 2. Learn to bridge a gap among different culture groups; 3. To know the importance of culture in our English study; 4. To enable students to master the new words and phrases. Teaching allotment 6 academic hours. 1)1-2 Preparation 2)3-4 In-Class Reading: Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully 3) 5-6 After-Class Reading & Exercises Focus Points 1. Key words,phrases & usages abrupt, accompany, accomplish, assure, avoid, caution, compliment, confusion, constant, cultural, definitely, edible, fancy, farewell, feasible, gap, graceful, gracious, haste, inadequate, inevitable, involve, literally, mission, modest, modify, naughty, negotiation, polar, proposal, protest, refusal, respond, signal, surpass 2. Difficult sentences 1. Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you never learn the little phrases that let you slip into a culture without all your foreignness exposed? 2. Then finally, listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed. 3.If I try to go fast to discourage them from following, they are simply put to the discomfort of having to flee after me. 4.Not so a Chinese host or hostess (often the husband does the fancy cooking), who will instead apologize for giving you “nothing” even slightly edible and for not showing you enough honor by providing proper dishes. 3. Grammar focus 特殊疑问词的强调; 双重否定;不定式复合结构;动名词的复合结构;be + 不定式结构 Methods of Teaching 1) Using multi-media teaching equipment(应用多媒体教学手段)


Unit 6 A World of Mystery The Bermuda Triangle [1] On 5th December 1945, Flight 19, which consisted of five US Navy planes, took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida in fine weather. There was a total of fourteen men on board the planes. The planes were in good condition; they had the best equipment on board including compasses and radios, and they also carried life rafts. The planes could float on water for ninety seconds. One and a half hours after the take-off, a radio message from one of the planes was heard at the control tower at Fort Lauderdale. [2] "I don't know where we are." [3] After that the planes could no longer speak to the control tower, but they could speak to and hear each other, and the control tower could hear them. [4] "The magnetic compass is going crazy." [5] "We're completely lost." [6] No other messages were heard after that. Nobody else heard from the planes or saw them again. Three hundred planes and many boats searched the area, but not one trace of Flight 19 was found. Then one of the planes that was sent to look for them also disappeared completely. [7] These planes had disappeared in a very mysterious part of the world in the western Atlantic Ocean where lots of strange events have taken place. The mystery started long before 1945, and since that year many other ships and planes have also disappeared in this area. It is called the Bermuda Triangle. It is a large, triangular area of the ocean with the island of Bermuda at its northern tip. [8] Planes and ships disappear in other parts of the world, but there are more disappearances in the Triangle than in other areas. For years now scientists and others have been puzzled by this mystery. There have been many attempts to explain why people, planes and ships disappear in such high numbers here . [9] One writer, John Spencer, believes that the ships and planes have been carried off from the sea and sky by flying saucers or UFOs from another planet. Since there are millions of other planets in the universe, Spencer believes there must be other intelligent creatures somewhere in the universe. These creatures are interested in collecting humans and their equipment so that they can examine them carefully. [10] Another theory is that the geography of the area is responsible for the disappearances of the ships and planes. Bermuda lies on an earthquake belt. Underwater earthquakes result in large waves appearing suddenly. These waves are so big that they can break a ship into pieces. In the air, a similar thing can happen to airplanes because of


1. 1) save A. help someone by making it unnecessary for them to do something unpleasant or inconvenient B. keep money so that you can use it later, especially when you gradually add more money over a period of time 2) mission A. an important job that someone has been given to do especially when they are sent to another place B. a group of important people who are sent by their government to another country to discuss something or collect information 3) do A. be suitable or acceptable B. cook 4) expose A. leave something no longer covered or protected B. make known (something secret), reveal 5) modesty a. behavior in which one avoids talking about one’s abilities, qualities, or possessions b. the quality or state of being not large in size or amount, or not expensive 6) observe A. watch carefully, especially to learn more about it B. obey (a law, rule or custom) 7) flight A. a set of stairs between one floor and the next B. a journey in a plane or space vehicle 8) bow A. bend your body over something, especially in order to see it more clearly B. a knot of cloth or string with a curved part on either side, used especially for decoration 蝴蝶结 9) pick up A. lift something B. learn something by watching or listening to other people 10) take A. need or require B. understand or interpret in a particular way 理解或解释某事 2. expose: reveal abrupt: sudden accomplish: achieve surpass: exceed feasible: workable assure: convince discourage: dissuade inevitable: unavoidable farewell: goodbye caution: warning compliment: praise honor: respect proposal: suggestion modify: change frustration: disappointment 3. 1) with 2) arranged 3) majority 4) proportion/percentage 5) similar 6) reaches 7) including 8) background 9) parents 10) if/whether 11) who 12) both 13) meetings 14) families 15) dating


新编大学英语教案(第二册)_U n i t2 C o m m u n i c a t i o n P r o b l e m s -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit Two Communication problems Teaching Objectives 1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate. 2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other. 3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings. Teaching allotment six academic hours Focus points 1.key words and phrases assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly 2.difficult sentences 1) When Martians and Venusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. 2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. 3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. 3.grammar focus prefix “mis---”的不同意义 Related Information It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting 2


Book 3 Unit 1 Personality The Misery of Shyness Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. All kinds of people describe themselves as shy: short, tall, dull, intelligent, young, old, slim, overweight. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly swirling in their minds: What kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? I'm ugly. I'm wearing unattractive clothes. It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives. For instance, people who have a positive sense of self-worth or high self-esteem usually act with confidence. Because they have self-assurance, they do not need constant praise and encouragement from others to feel good about themselves. Self-confident people participate in life enthusiastically and spontaneously. They are not affected by what others think they "should" do. People with high self-esteem are not hurt by criticism; they do not regard criticism as a personal attack. Instead, they view a criticism as a suggestion for improvement. In contrast, shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing". Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise. A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: "You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths. For example, most people would like to be "A" students in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves as inferior because they have difficulty in some areas. People's expectations of themselves must be realistic. Dwelling on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy, and even feelings of envy, or jealousy. We
