


《When to recruit?》,何时招人?文章是讲的小公司招人的一些注意事项,应该如何判断招人的时机。

34题,cover是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,不需要用for。cover在此处的含义是“to be enough money to pay for something”。


36题,这句的意思是说招人可以反过来增加收益。mean (the) increased profits,意味着增加的收益。并不是特别指代,不需要使用定冠词the。

37题,make是及物动词,直接后面接名词,make enough extra sales,不需要of。

38题,take on是雇佣的意思。看韦氏词典的解释:If you take someone on, you employ them to do a job.后面不需要with。


40题,in this case: in this situation, if so, if we consider this situation 在这种情况下,such多余。


42题,timing是时机掌握的意思:the choice, judgement, or control of when something should be done。这个句子的意思是如果你够聪明,把握好了正确的时机。直接用get sth. right,so是多余的。



45题,整个句子finding you made a mistake and need to recruit again(it) can have a very serious impact 成分很完整。finding you made a mistake and need to recruit again 是主语,have是谓语,impact是宾语,it在这里多余。


《Business Meeting》,商业会议。文章一共两段,第一段说开会要按照日程安排来进行,第二段说开会要尽量让大家发言,尤其是在会议上沉默寡言的人。

19题,这一题可能会选择arrangement。order和arrangement的中文意思也的确很相像。只有看英文的意思来进行理解。Order:A sequence or arrangement of successive things.一系列连续事情的安排。因为这里的意思是保持日程表上的安排,日程表上的安排井井有条且有秩序,应该选择order,比arrangement更合适。

20题,there is no point in doing sth.做什么事情没有意义。

21题,目录2上的事情还没有处理就谈论日程表上的目录6是没有意义的。选dealt with。cater for是迎合的意思。

22题,这种偏差(指前面说的目录2没完就讨论目录6)会导致开会的人产生混乱。选result in,导致。

23题,如果他们认为什么是不相关的,就会注意力不集中。lose concentration是地道标准的说法,参考一个例句:I was absent minded and lose concentration very easily. 24题,建立一些基本规则。地道的用法就是establish the rules。form rules是指表单规

则,design rules是指设计规则。

25题,把自己的评论限制在讨论的话题之下。restrict to限制

26题,主席可以鼓励每个人分别说一会。重点在于理解词组at a time的含义:separately in the specified groups or numbers。看一个例句:He took the stairs two at a time. 27题,这里考察的是note一个不太常见的用法:to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a written record of it。正好和前面动词discuss相对应,而且做笔记这一点也符合会议的特点。不选remark,因为是开会,更多的是发言、讨论、记笔记,而不是评论。

28题,put forward: suggest, propose 提出。

29题,decision-making process,做决定的过程。


31题,拥有发言权。say在这里是发言权的意思,动词用have。参考牛津高阶词典上的例句:Can't you keep quiet for a minute and let me have my say? / The judge usually has the final say.

have a say in: To have the right to express one's opinion or cast a vote in a pending matter.

e.g.: Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do next.

32题,in reality在现实中。in contrast对比,in case万一。

33题,往往会上沉默的人能想出好点子,因为他们养成了开口前思考的习惯。in the habit of有什么习惯。固定搭配


Market Entry —The Pioneer

Marc Crystal discusses the 'be first to market’principle

The timing of market entry is critical to the success of a new product. A company has two alternatives: it can compete to enter a new product market first - otherwise known as 'pioneering' - or it can wait for a competitor to take the lead, and then follow once the market has been established. Despite the limitations of existing research, nobody denies that there are advantages to being a pioneering company. Over the years, there has been a good deal of evidence to show a performance advantage for pioneers.

For many new products, customers are initially unsure about the contribution of product characteristics and features to the product's value. Preferences for different characteristics and their desired levels are learned over time. This enables the pioneering company to shape customer preferences in its favour. It sets the

standard to which customers refer in evaluating followers' products. The pioneering product can become the classic or 'original' product for the whole category, opening up a flood of similar products onto the market, as exemplified by Walkman and Polaroid.

The pioneering product is a bigger novelty when it appears on the market, and is therefore more likely than those that follow to capture customer and distributor attention. In addition, a pioneer's advertising is not mixed up with competitors' campaigns. Even in the long term, followers must continue to spend more on advertising to achieve the same effect as pioneers. The pioneers can set standards for distribution, occupy the best locations or select the best distributors, which can give them easier access to customers. For example, in many US cities the coffee chain Starbucks, as the first to market, was able to open coffee bars in better known locations than its competitors. In many industrial markets, distributors are not keen to take on second and third products, particularly when the product is technically complex or requires large inventories of spare parts.

'Switching costs' arise when investments are required in order to switch to another product. For example, many people have developed skills in using the traditional 'qwerty' keyboard. Changing to the presumably more efficient 'dvorak' keyboard would require relearning how to type, an investment that in many cases would exceed the expected benefits in efficiency. Switching costs also arise when the quality of a product is difficult to assess. People who live abroad often experience a similar 'cost' when simple purchase decisions such as buying detergent, toothpaste or coffee suddenly become harder because the trusted brand from home is no longer available. Pioneering products have the first chance to become this trusted brand. Consequently, the companies that follow must work hard to convince customers to bear the costs and risks of switching to an untried brand of unknown quality. Unlike other consumer sectors, the value to customers of many high technology products relies not only on their features but also on the total number of users. For example, the value of a videophone depends on the number of people using the same or a compatible system. A pioneer obviously has the opportunity to build a large user base before competitors enter the market. This reduces followers' ability to introduce differentiated products. There are other advantages of a large user base, such as the ability to share computer files with other users. Thus, software companies are often willing to give away products to build the market quickly and set a standard.

《Market Entry—The Pioneer》,市场准入,先行者。这篇文章讲的就是经济学里提到的“先行者优势”。在一个市场上抢占了先机,给了消费者先入为主的印象,后来者想要占领市场就会比较困难。

13题,问第一段作者指出了什么观点。第一段是引出全文,说明了做先行者的优势。答案是despite后面的一句:Despite the limitations of existing research, nobody denies

that there are advantages to being a pioneering company。没有人会否认做先驱公司有很多的优势。所以这题的答案是A:对于先驱产品的好处已经达成了共识。nobody denies 也就是there is general agreement,advantages to being a pioneering company对应于the benefits of pioneering products。

14题,问根据第二段的信息,消费者是怎么处理新产品的。Approach在这里是处理的意思:to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way:。答案是这一句:Preferences for different characteristics and their desired levels are learned over time对不同特性的喜爱以及他们预期的水平是要通过时间来培养的。也就是答案A所说的他们需要时间来培养喜欢。

15题,问作者列举walkman和Polaroid的原因是什么。作者是在第二段的最后一句话里列举他俩的:The pioneering product can become the classic or 'original' product for the whole category, opening up a flood of similar products onto the market, as exemplified by Walkman and Polaroid.这些先驱产品变成了全部目录里德经典或者原版产品,引发了一系列相似产品涌进市场。所以答案选B:被追随者抄袭了无数次。Similar products其实就是copy的含蓄说法。


17题,问在键盘的例子中,作者提到的成本是同什么相关联的。答案在第四段:For example, many people have developed skills in using the traditional 'qwerty' keyboard. Changing to the presumably more efficient 'dvorak' keyboard would require relearning how to type。很多人已经培养出了使用传统键盘的技巧,换做可能更有效的键盘需要重新学习怎么样打字。也就是这题的答案选C:使用者需要重新训练。

18题,问在最后一段中,高科技市场同其他消费者市场相区别的地方在哪里。答案是最后一段的这么一句:the value to customers of many high technology products relies not only on their features but also on the total number of users不仅依赖于高科技产品的特征还有使用者的总人数。答案选B:不仅仅只依赖于产品的特性。


Staff Appraisals

A director of the advertising agency owned by tycoon Bob Jacoby once grumbled that he wasn't enjoying his work. Jacoby's reply was, 'I don't pay you good money to enjoy yourself. If you enjoy working here, you should be paying me money.' Jacoby's sentiments used to be common.(0)____ Happily, things have changed. Most organisations now undertake regular staff appraisals, at which employees have the opportunity to discuss one-to-one with their line manager their ambitions and hopes, their strengths and weaknesses, their achievements and their disasters. But it is worth remembering how new all this is, and why.

For a start, appraising isn't something many managers do naturally of their own

accord. They often find appraisals difficult to handle and have to be made to carry them out. Appraisal systems have become widespread partly as a result of employment legislation, but more particularly because companies have learned that such assessments can work to their advantage. (8)......The company can improve its collective performance by helping employees to improve their individual performance. Managers who use appraisals need to approach them very carefully. They should bear in mind their own experiences of being appraised when in junior positions, recalling which appraisals were helpful, which were not, and why. In most cases, their own bosses did their homework, checking out the job specification, the C.V. and any previous reports. (9).........As a result, a lot of time would have been wasted, debating exactly what had happened and when.

Being prepared and appreciating what it is like to be on the receiving end are, indeed, the keys to successful appraising. It is important to begin an appraisal by giving members of staff a chance to express their own views about their performance.

(10) ......... Any information gained from colleagues i s normally given in a positive spirit, since nowadays everyone understands appraisals and appreciates that they are carried out with good intentions.

The atmosphere in the appraisal should be one of positive and open discussion about how the employee is performing in the company.(11).........Some individuals will feel unjustly criticised when their boss makes comments on their performance. Others will respond fiercely to a critical assessment - although if they defend themselves passionately, that is no bad thing!

Finally, it is important to regard appraisals as part of a continuing process.(12)......... Instead, they should be followed up with friendly questions from time to time, making it clear to employees that new goals and strategies suggested in them are to be taken seriously and are to be acted upon.

If these pieces of advice are followed, it is hoped that both the employees and the company as a whole will benefit from the experience.

A However, managers must take great care i n this respect.

《Staff Appraisals》,员工评价。文章是讲的对员工进行评价归于整个公司的意义,以及进行员工评价时应该注意哪些问题。

第八题。第二段讲了评价的好处,对整个公司是有利的。第八空前面说公司认识到这些评估是对他们自己有利的。第八空的后面说公司可以通过帮助员工改进个人表现来改进集体的表现。从前后文的信息看,这一题应该填入表示评估对公司有利的句子,没有转折。D选择符合:同自由企业的其他方面一样,评价是潜在私利的杰出例子。这里的underlying self-interest 可以对应于前面的work to their advantage。


层时被评价的经历(bear in mind their own experiences of being appraised),通常情况下需要查看任职资格、简历和先前的其他报告。而第九空后面说的是这样会浪费时间,争论到底发生了什么,什么时候发生的。可以第九空的意思有一定得转折,选F:如果他们依赖于记忆,很有可能把事情弄错。Relied on memory正好与前面的checking out the job specification相对应;got things wrong对应于后面的a lot of time would have been wasted。

Job specification : a written statement about a job that includes a job description and the skills, experience and personal qualities that sb needs in order to do the job, used when an organization is looking for a new person for a job.

第十题,这一题的答案比较明显。前后文内容很一致,还有明显的连词。这一空的前面说在开始评估前给每个员工一个表达对自己表现看法的机会很重要。答案是B:只有在那之后经理们才能提出自己的观点,这个观点可能包括从组织中的其他人那收集的评论。After that 很明显是承接上文的连词,put forward their own points可以对应于前面的express their own views,而comments collected from others 是对应于后文的any information gained from colleagues。


第十二题。这一段是讲的持续评估的重要性。选C:他们不能一结束就被遗忘。前面的 a continuing process和后面的should be followed up都是关键词。


The Birmingham Alliance will provide Birmingham with one of Europe's largest regional shopping centres, right in the heart of the city. The Alliance, an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes, will facilitate an £800m investment in Birmingham. This will regenerate 40 acres of the city centre within the next decade. Planning permission is in place for the new scheme, which will be a short distance from existing prime retail areas. The development will be well serviced by all forms of public transport, as well as providing parking space for 3,200 cars.


The private-public partnership between Legal & General and Bracknell Town Council will manage the £500m regeneration of the town's centre. The proposals, which are awaiting the outcome of consultation with local residents, provide for approximately 102,000m2 of retail and leisure facilities, 200 residential units and office accommodation. This development is expected to set the standard for town centre regeneration schemes to come because of the way it integrates the business and community sectors. It will also facilitate great improvements in the region's transport infrastructure.


Bluewater is a symbol of retail excellence, achieved through a unique combination of design, retail mix, leisure, catering and hospitality. The centre, surrounded by parkland, is situated in the country's most affluent region. Eleven million people, with a combined spending power predicted to exceed a record5.5bn pound, live within 60 minutes of the centre. The developers set a precedent in the industry by getting the country's three best-known department stores to open very large branches within the centre, as well as over 300 leading fashion and lifestyle stores.


Following its recent stock market success, Lend Lease is now developing Overgate shopping centre in Dundee. Construction is well under way, and with several of the country's best-known retailers already secured, Lend Lease is promoting the centre as the unrivalled shopping destination of the region. The economic base of the area has improved continuously over the past decade, due to the fast expansion of the biomedical and service sectors. With an estimated potential market of 500,000 people, Overgate is proving attractive to leading UK retailers

文章ABCD四个部分分别介绍了四个不同的连锁店的发展情况(retail development),因为是基本情况的介绍,所以有点泛,没法提炼重点,只能尽可能多的把文章里的疑似重点词汇划出来,以待备用。

第一题,说这个地区的消费支出潜力是整个国家最高的,这里的highest是关键词。答案是C段的这句话:Eleven million people,with a combined spending power predicted to exceed a record 5.5bn pound.意思是综合消费能力预计将超过记录。预计(predict),也就是潜力(potential)。hightest,也就是exceed a record。前面有个affluent,是形容词,富裕的。

第二题,说建筑这个中心的合作方曾多次负责其他的项目发展。答案是A段的一句话:an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes.意思是这三个国内最大的开发商都拥有广泛的城市建造经验。这里的with extensive experience就是题干所说的have been responsible for numerous other developments.

第三题,说这个中心可能会成为未来城市发展规划的范例。答案是B段的一句:This development is expected to set the standard for town centre regeneration schemes to come。这种发展有望为即将到来的城市中心再建方案树立标准。set the standard对应于model,plans 对应于schemes。

第四题,关键词是best,答案是D段的这么一句:Lend Lease is promoting the centre as the unrivalled shopping destination of the region.是说Lend Lease打算促使该中心成为这个地区无与伦比的消费目的地。Unrivalled对应于best。

第五题,关键词是一个close,答案是A段的:Planning permission is in place for the new scheme, which will be a short distance from existing prime retail areas。A short distance from也就是close。

第六题,说这个发展方案提交给了住在这里的人,等待他们的评价和同意。答案是B段的“The proposals, which are awaiting the outcome of consultation with local residents”,这个提议还在等当地居民商议的最后结果,完全一个意思。

第七题,说建造在了一个曾经历了持续增长期的地区,答案是D段的“The economic base of the area has improved continuously over the past decade”,这个地方的经济基础连续改善了十年。sustained growth对应于improved continuously。


《Meetings that work》,起作用的会议。文章讲的是开好一个会议应该注意哪些问题。

34题,it is vital to do sth.,做什么事情是至关重要的。too…to结构表示太而不能。从上下文和词组的用法来看,too是多余的。


36题,since so many are unproductive,是说的很多会议都没有效果。主谓宾很齐全,unproductive做形容词就可以修饰前面的meeting,results是多余的。

37题,完整的句子应该是Sending an email or(by)using another means of communication might achieve the desired results in half the time。介词by是多余的。有by,不仅后面的主语不对,也没有与前面的sending保持一致。



40题,(Concerning)the key to a good meeting is an agenda,主谓宾是齐全的,the key to a meeting是主语,is是谓语,an agenda是宾语,意思就是日程表是会议的关键。Concerning 是多余的。


42题,those who固定的搭配,指代哪些人,ones是多余的

43题,去掉插入成分starting with the most important,完整的句子是set(that)out the points for discussion。set out是词组,在这里是陈述、阐明的意思:present information or ideas in a well-ordered way in writing or speech.。所以that多余。

44题,discuss是及物动词,做讨论时直接用discuss,而不是discuss about。事实上,在discuss 后面接about时的about一般都是做“大约的”意思讲,而不是一个完整的词组。所以此处about多余。


《Human Resource Policy》,人力资源政策。主要是讲的CBA银行的人力资源政策,。先简单介绍了这个银行的管理结构,是扁平化的组织结构(flatter organizational structure),而不是等级制公司(hierarchy)。总体原则是不招应届的刚出校门的毕业生,而要有一定的生活经验或者是工作经验。

第19、20、21题,这几空都是举例说明前面提到的human resources practices。19空是说的将公司的发展目标传达给员工。公司目标,用objective。purpose是指具体做某件事情的意


purpose: the reason you do something, and the thing you want to achieve when you do it objective: something that you are working hard to achieve, especially in business or politics

第20题,个人培训和发展计划的制定。个人发展计划,personal development plans,选C。

第21题,定期的表现回顾。用review。hold在这个句子里是举行的意思。the holding of regular performance review,定期举行员工的表现回顾。

第22题,说扁平化的组织结构可以给员工更加定义广泛的角色。broadly defined roles,选C。

第23题,人际交往技巧是很重要的。interpersonal skills,是地道的说法。参见一个例句:you will need good interpersonal skills.

第24题,这一句的意思很好理解,是说员工们越来越看重或者说是承认一个事实:顾客的满意是组织的主要目标。recommend是推荐、建议,后面不接the fact(事实),honour是敬重,obey是遵守,这里应该选择respect。respect这里是重视或者接受的意思,看英英词典上的解释:to accept that something which is established or formally agreed is right or important and not to attempt to change it or harm it。所以这一空应该选择respect the fact,表示接受这个事实。

第25题,CBA银行追求这个目的是为着自己的利益,而不是为股东挣利润的工具。for the sake of something 或for something's sake:for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve 为了…目的;为了…的利益;为了。。。固定用法,选A。

第26题,寻找潜在的新成员。地道的词是potential,比如potential recruits, potential staff, potential candidates.

第27题,考察的是短语take on的一个用法,雇佣:If you take someone on, you employ them to do a job.;write in:to write a letter to a newspaper, television company or other organization, to state an opinion or ask something以群众来信的形式表达的意见。


第29题,完成目标,met the targets。

第30题,完成了目标就可以得到工作。secure:to get possession of; acquire:

第31题,招的人已经具有了一定的生活经验。gain:to obtain something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time

eg: After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.

第32题,薪酬现在和业绩挂钩。link to,联系。

第33题,reward sb.奖励某人。reward employees for their achievements and effort,因为功劳而奖励员工


《Trouble with Teamwork》,团队合作的麻烦。文章讲了团队的重要性和很多团队存在的问题,以及怎么样才能打造一个成功有效的团队。

第十三题,问文章开头作者针对团队合作做了什么论点。第一段是强调团队合作的重要性,太多的个人成果会显得这个人不是个合格的团队成员。选答案要理解第一句话的含义:Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual achievement.招聘者说能够给出自己作为一个成功团队成员的例子的候选人同那些指出重要的个人成果的人具有同样重要的地位。言下之意,拥有团队成员的经历也很重要。所以选D,作为一个团队成员如今被视为必要的管理技巧。A、B、C都没有提到。

第十四题,问公司内部的团队合作是作为对什么的回应。也就是问团队合作的目的是什么,答案是第二段的这么一句:'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues 团队提供了一个动态的会议场所,使得思想可以分享,技能可以更加仔细的对准重要的商业问题。这句里的dynamic meeting place可以对应于B段的changing work practice。

第十五题,问在第三段Dr Bandy暗示什么。答案是她的一句原话:Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose.形成团队然后开会成了它本身的终点,几乎不管目的是什么。也就是说很多团队的建立是没有意义的,多余的。选C,一些团队被不必要的创建了。

第十六题,问作者认为团队合作在体育领域里更有效的原因是什么。第四段讲当一群正确的人被组合到一起时会产生一种高于这些人个人能力的力量,在体育比赛里就是如此。这一题的答案是第四段的最后一句:few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a match.。很少有企业能像赢得一场比赛一样有一系列清晰的目标,或者是对成功或失败有清晰的评判准则。也就是A选项所说的:知道他们想要实现什么。what they want to achieve可以对应于a set of objectives。

第十七题,问这两个人同意当一个商业团队被创立时人们没有把注意力放在什么上面。这一题要理解第五段的意思。第一句说In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it。在企业,每个人都必须很清楚挑战是什么以及团队是否是实现它的最好的办法。考虑团队是不是最好的办法,也就是说要考虑其他可能的途径,即B选项所说的团队的替代品(alternatives to the team),后面有句focus instead….人们却把注意力放在了其他的地方。从这些可以看出答案是B。

第十八题,问关于运作一个成功团队Steve Gardner的建议是什么。这题的答案是对最后一段的概括。答案是最后一段第三句recommend后面的一长串there…who,要有不同的人胜任不同的角色。归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。其他几个选项都没提到。



Last year over £ 13bn was spent on advertising in the UK and research indicates that most people will have seen 2m sales messages by the time they are 30. Advertising is big business and often acts as the interface between commerce and culture. While there are many adverts that just irritate, there are some that are miniature works of art. (0)... .The advertisers themselves believe they are delivering an important message because they are protecting and promoting a client's brand and extending greater choice to the consumer. (8).........Instead of being free, many TV channels would only be available on subscription packages of about £500 per month and newspapers might cost six times more than their present cover price.

There are many different models of advertising practice, but no one is precisely sure what makes a good advert. (9).........While some try to get you to buy a product, others, such as anti-smoking campaigns, aim to get you not to do something. Some adverts are not aimed at consumers at all, but at retailers, shareholders or employees. For example, manufacturers often advertise their products in trade magazines to reassure retailers that a new brand will be widely promoted. Petrol companies often choose to emphasise how environmentally friendly they are; this is to offset any negative public perceptions of the industry rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol. (10).........This is because petrol is regarded, in advertising terms, as a distress purchase. We get it because we can't do without it, not because we really want it. In general, however, the main aim of advertising is to attribute emotional qualities to a product in order to create an individual brand that the consumer can associate with.

Working out whether an advert has been successful is extremely difficult.(11).........For example, what persuaded them to buy a car? You cannot be sure whether it was the advertising, the price, the opposition's distribution, changes in the law or changes in consumer attitudes that was the determining factor. What advertising can't do is make consumers buy something they don't want. It can perhaps persuade you to try something once, but if you don't like what you get, you won't try it again.(12).........In other words, where there is no emotional engagement, such as a consumer's feelings about a bag of peas, beliefs are much harder to shift.

A Moreover, it is almost impossible to get people to change the way they view things they are indifferent to.

B Over the last ten years, other forms of advertising, such as direct marketing, have become increasingly popular as well as scientific.

C They don't, as the industry well knows, care enough to be brand loyal to such a product.

D Whether you accept this argument or not, you have to recognise that without advertising our

world would be very different.

E The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way.

F This is partly because not all advertisements are designed to do the same thing.

G The production costs involved in these can reach higher figures than those for the average movie


第八题,这一空的前后都是在讲广告的作用。前面说做广告的人认为他们是在传递一种重要的信息,因为他们保护并且提升了客户的品牌同时又给消费者提供了更多的选择。后面说要是没有广告的话,很多电视节目就不会免费,而且报纸会比现在贵六倍。从前后的信息可以看出这里是在讲广告的重要性,广告是必不可少的。D选项可以和这里的前后内容相吻合:不管你接不接受这个论断,你都得承认没了广告世界将大不一样。this argument是指前面广告商的那段话,而very different就是引出后面的电视不免费、报纸涨价等等。

第九题,这一段是讲广告的不同模式。第一句话就说广告有很多模式,但是没有人能够精确的确定什么才是好的广告。紧接着后面说了不同的广告有不同的目的和侧重点。从while some…的句式可以看出这里是扩展说明的,那么F空应该接一个过渡的句子,表示不同的公司对广告有不同的需求。选项F符合这一特点:这部分是因为不是所有的广告都被设计成干相同的事情。也就是说不同的广告会满足不同的需求。This是指代前面的no one is precisely sure。空格后面的扩展说明可以对应于do the same thing。

第十题,这一空前面是以汽油公司为例,说明这些公司的广告并不怎么强调个人品牌,他们更加看重的是整个大环境的友好。后面也是具体解释这一现象的原因。所以相应的第十空也是填入一个过渡句,前面的rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol是一个暗示,这一空应该填入C:他们并没有像这个行业所熟知的那样看重对这种产品的品牌忠诚度。Brand loyal也就是buy an individual brand of petrol

第十一题,最后一段讲什么样的广告才能算是成功的。第一句就说评判很困难。11题空格后面是举例说明。what persuaded them to buy a car是一个关键的句子。因为没有办法判断到底是什么最终说服消费者购买,所以很难评判一个广告是否成功。11题选E,motivate是关键词,可以对应最后一段反复出现的persuade。

E选项的句子值得分析理解:The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way.

Isolating在这里不是形容词,孤立的,而是动词的分词形式,isolate此处的用法是:if you isolate an idea, problem etc, you consider it separately from other things that are connected with it。(isolate something from something)将…剔出(以便看清和单独处理)。


第十二题,这一空的前后都是在说客户对产品喜好的重要性。前面说if you don't like what you get, you won't try it again,后面说where there is no emotional engagement, beliefs are much harder to shift.。没有感情依赖的话,观念很难被转变。从前后内容来看,A选项最适合填入:另外,让人转变对他们不感兴趣的事情的看法几乎是一件不可能的事情。Change the way对应于shift,indifferent to对应there is no emotional engagement.

B Only after that should managers put forward their own points, which are likely to include comments collected from others in the organisation.

C They should not be forgotten as soon as they are over.

D Like many other aspects of free enterprise, appraisals are an excellent example of underlying self-interest.

E Sometimes the appraiser goes too far the other way and fails to communicate problem areas and scope for improvement.

F If they relied on memory, they probably got things wrong.

G Employees were paid, and they obeyed; if they didn't like it, they could leave



34题,find后面直接可以接复合结构,例如find the story very interesting。如果是find that 的话,that后面要接从句。所以这里that多余。


36题,从意思上理解,说的是由于激动差点都站不起来,I could hardly stand up。Only多余。



39题,tests, interviews and exercises并不是特指,不需要用the。

40题,help sb.to do sth.固定词组,how多余


42题,try out是试验,考验的意思,后面一般接for,这里应该直接用tries to be表示尝试。


44题,as soon as,一…..就,后面从句通常用一般现在时表示将来时,所以will多余。

45题,be going to后面直接接动词,表示将来的动作,如果有be的话后面接形容词。relax 是动词,所以be多余。


Managing upwards,打理同上司的关系。

19题,report to,对什么。。。负责,隶属;从属。用在这里句子意思正好:处于上升阶段的个人需要同他们所从属的人处理好关系。A、B的词后面都接of,account to 是解释的意思,用在这里意思不对。

20题,联系此空上下文,应该是说处理与下属的关系。deal with后接somebody是表示处理和某人的关系。A、B意思不对,C是及物动词,后面不需要with。

21题,promote促进,推动。promote the idea,推动某个想法。



24题,这个空要联系上下文,并且参考后面的guide。“ he or she may have taught you almost everything you know”,也就是说TA会对你的工作进行很多指导,因为有taught,所以不是supporter或者helper,选leader又感觉拉远了距离,因此选adviser。

25题,一个让人头疼的商业英语固定词组。line of business,有业务和经营产品的意思。提供几个例句就很好理解含义了:

We specialize in this line of business我们专门经营此项服务;

Does this item come under your line of business? 我想知道这种产品属您经营的范围吗?

You meet some very interesting people in my line of business干我们这行,你会遇到很多有趣的人。


27题,put off一般表示延迟,但它还有一个不太出名的意思是阻碍。see off,送行;keep off,远离;take off,起飞。

28题,根据意思选refer to,提及,描述。

29题,react to,固定搭配,对什么作出反应。用在这里意思也吻合。

30题,the most successful way to (30) your working life,意思上应该填入表示经营、管理等的意思,run有这个意思。C和D用法不对,forward something是指转发邮件。


32题,on one’s behalf,站在某人的立场上,为某人的利益。此处的意思是对他为你所做出




《Department store magic》,字面上是百货公司的魔力。讲的是英国的一个百货公司如何摆脱困境。第一段是点明公司所遭遇的困境,接着第二段讲一个女CEO上台开始转变局面,第三段和第四段具体讲这位女CEO的应对措施,最后一段总结:革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。

13题,问在90年代中期这个百货公司的情况是什么样的。答案是第一段的最后一句:its customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own-brand products, the major part of its business, and showing a preference for more fashionable brands.这个题目的答案有相当的迷惑性。整个句子都是在讲客户购买的越来越少,偏好更多的时尚品牌。所以很容易误选A,但实际上这里并没有说亏损。关键是这个地方:its own-brand products, the major part of its business。自由品牌仍然是公司业务的主要部分。所以应该选D:主要销售Smithson名下的产品。Under the Smithson’s name也就是its own brand products。

14题,问Smithson的利润从三年前开始增长,原因是什么。答案是第二段的这么一句:she took the bold decision to invite one of Europe's most exciting interior designers to develop the fashion area她做出了一个大胆的决定,邀请了欧洲最刺激的室内设计师来开发时尚领域。后面紧接着就说This very quickly led to rising sales,所以答案选C:Rowena Baker的设计师选择。

15题,问当Rowena Baker加入时公司面临的一个问题是什么。这题的关键是要理解一个句子中一个词的含义:It provided a traditional service targeted at middle-aged, middle-income customers, who'd been shopping there for years, and the customer base was gradually contracting.。它提供的传统服务目标人群是中年中等收入者,这些人已经在那购物多年。并且客户基数逐渐减少。Contracting:缩小,收缩的意思。所以答案选A。

16题,问很多员工反对Baker计划的原因是什么。答案是这么一句:many employees resisted her improvements because they just wouldn't be persuaded that there was anything wrong with the way they'd always done things。不愿意被说服他们以前做事情的方式有什么问题。意思也就是不愿意改变他们工作的方式。选A。

17题,问Baker改变员工政策的原因是什么。答案在第四段,Baker的原话:How can you sell jeans if you're wearing a black suit? Smithson's has a new identity, and this needs to be made clear to the customers。你怎么能穿着黑西服卖牛仔?Smithson有一个新的身份,这些必须对客户很明确。也就是C选项说的“客户必须能辨别出服务他们的员工”,A不对,没有提到改善公司形象,B和C在原文没有提到。

18题,问John认为Smithson面临的问题是什么。答案是最后一段的最后一句:The fact is that unless she opens several more stores pretty soon, Smithson's profits will start to fall because turnover at the existing store will inevitably start to decline.事实上除非她尽快的开更多的店,


Finding the right people

When a small company grows, managers must take on many new roles. Besides the day-to-day running of the business, they find themselves responsible for, among other things, relations with outside investors, increased levels of cashflow and, hardest of all, recruitment.

For most managers of small and medium-sized enterprises, the job of searching for, interviewing and selecting staff is difficult and time-consuming. (0) ... .G... . Interviewing, for example, is a highly skilled activity in itself.

'We have found the whole process very hard,' says Dan Baker, founding partner of a PR company. 'In seven years we have grown from five to eighteen staff, but we have not found it easy to locate and recruit the right people.' (8).........As Dan Baker explains, 'We went to one for our first recruitment drive, but they took a lot of money in advance and didn't put forward anybody suitable. In the end we had to do it ourselves.'

Most recruitment decisions are based on a pile of CVs, a couple of short interviews and two cautious references. David Rowe, a business psychologist, studied how appointments were made in five small companies. He claims that selection was rarely based on clear criteria. (9).........This kind of approach to recruitment often has unhappy consequences for both employers and new recruits.

Small companies often know what kind of person they are looking for. (10)......... According to David Rowe, this means that small company managers themselves have to devote more time and energy to recruitment. It shouldn't be something that is left to the evenings or weekends.

Many companies start the recruitment process with over-optimistic ideas about the type of person that will fit into their team. 'It's very easy to say you must have the best people in the top positions,' says Alex Jones, managing partner of an executive recruitment company. 'But someone who is excellent in one company may not do so well in another environment.(11).........You can never guarantee a successful transfer of skills.'

Whatever the candidate's qualifications, their personal qualities are just as important since they will have to integrate with existing members of staff. This is where, the recruitment industry argues, they can really help.

According to Alex Jones, 'A good recruitment agency will visit your company and ask a lot of questions. (12).........They can ask applicants all sorts of questions you don't like to ask and present you with a shortlist of people who not only have the skills, but who are likely to fit in with your company's way of doing things.'

Finding the right people,寻找合适的人。是说的小公司在起步发展阶段找到合适人才的难度和重要性。第一段总论小公司的经理们往往身兼数职,而其中最有难度的,还是招人。文章


第八题,这一题的前面说招人相当的困难,后面一个as Dan Baker explains,说曾经找过招聘机构,结果人家要提前收钱并且也没有提供合适的人,最后还是得靠自己。从这里的as …explains和后面的解释可以看出,第八空的内容应该是和招聘机构有关,招聘机构并不能满足公司的需要。选项C正好满足这一特点:招聘看起来像是个很明显的适合交外办理的任务,但是这个公司同招聘机构打交道的经历不那么的鼓舞人。was not encouraging是关键点。

第九题,这一段都是讲招人的决策不够科学。基于简历或者是简短的面试,很少有明确的准则。第九空的后面是This kind of approach to recruitment often has unhappy consequences。可见第九空的内容还是和招聘的方法有关,并且是负面的。B选项符合这一条件:通常(more often than not是often的意思,插入语),做决定的人将候选人身上的不同素质按优先顺序给排好,或者依赖于猜测。

第十题,这一题的后面说this means the small company managers themselves have to devote more time and energy to recruitment。这意味着小公司自己要多花时间和精力在招人上。这里的this means的this是个暗示,可以看出第十题这里应该填入的是一些不太有利的因素,使得公司只有自己去招人。E选项符合这一要求:他们通常处于一些特殊市场上,面临的问题是招聘机构并不真正理解这一行业。

第十一题,这一段是讲招的人能否适应公司的环境的问题。这一空前面说的很明确:But someone who is excellent in one company may not do so well in another environment。在一个公司出色的人并不一定能在另一个环境里干的好。这一空的后面一句也是补充说明这一观点的。可见第十一空的内容仍然是这个,没有转折。A选项填入正好,是举例说明11空前面的观点:比方说,一个大公司的财务总监在小公司往往会干的很糟糕,原因是他或她已经习惯有一个团队来进行每日的工作。

第十二题,最后一段是和招聘机构相关的。前面说招聘机构会上门服务并且询问很多的问题。这一空的后面说的是招聘机构如何帮助招人。选项D可以填入,D的They need paying for that 的that是个暗示,指代前面的上门服务。D选项的后半部分说要让招聘公司为你而不是为候选人服务,可以和这一段的后半部分对应上。



第一题,有时坚持进一步的解释是很有必要的。答案是B段的这么一句:It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification - it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong它可能意味着为了进一步的信息和说明去询问说话的人——问总比不顾情况的继续并且把事情办错的好。这里的additional information对应于further explanation.

第二题,不能在别人还在说的时候就开始关注自己的回应。答案是C段的第一句:The most

common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished。我们最常见的坏习惯就是在讲话者远还没结束的时候就开始思考我们将对这个话题说些什么。这里的before the other speaker has finished就是others are still speaking,focus on your response就是start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject。

第三题,人们不愿意承认自己没有听好。答案是A段的第一句:Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough。我们经常指责别人没有好好听,假装我们自己是无可指责的,其实在我们心里知道,很多我们所犯的错误都是由于听的不够仔细。这句的意思就是说我们心里知道什么原因,但是口头上喜欢指责别人。也就是第三题题干说的不愿意承认。

第四题,从说话者的视角去考虑问题是有好处的。答案是D段的这么一句:Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally。同样重要的是你必须把自己置于别人的位置上,既是智力上的也是情感上的。这里的put yourself in other pers on’s place就是seeing things from the speaker’s perspective。

第五题,对说话者的敏锐观察可以提高倾听技巧。答案是D段的这么一句:It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying。记住说话人的移动方式和姿势是很有用的,这些可以揭示出很多他们所说话的信息。连说话的姿势都要记住,当然是keen observation了,helpful可以对应于support。

第六题,当别人在说话的时候去想着另外一件事是很危险的。答案是B段的这么一句:if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you'll miss what the speaker is saying如果你让自己走神了,哪怕是仅有的几分钟,你也将错过别人所说的话。allow your mind wander onto something else也就是think about a different issue.

第七题,人们不介意听到他们自己的观点被总结。答案是C段的这么一句:In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this事实上在作出自己观点之前往往很值得解释下刚刚所听到内容的主要观点。没有人会被这个所冒犯。explaining the main idea of what you have just been told也就是hearing their own views summarised。do not mind也就是nobody is offended by this。


这篇文章是一则招聘启事,招的是客户服务总监(customer services director)。简单介绍了一下公司的情况以及这个工作的职责。


35题,involve doing,in多余,这是常见的地道的表述。看个例句:What do research jobs involve doing?


37题,这行要联系下一行,从整体上来体会句子的含义。介词through表方式,连词while 是多余的。这句的意思是通过对20个员工的管理和激励,你会成为管理客户期望的焦点。38题,be和seen在这里谓语动词重复了,必须去掉一个。从意思上看,是说你可以成为什么,而不是你可以看见什么。所以用you will be,seen多余。

39题,keeping them up to date …..现在分词作伴随状语,是对前面的补充说明。介词from 在这里是多余的。



42题,in return是固定搭配,表示相应的,反过来,for多余

43题,offer sb. sth固定搭配,with多余。offer与with搭配时是offer sth. with sb.

44题,中间的if appropriate是插入语,可以不予考虑,整个句子就是assistance with relocation expenses是主语,is是谓语,后面是宾语,主谓宾都很齐全,that是多余的

45题,正确。这一行有个词组,in confidence,是in secrecy的意思。



全文的第一句话说公司做的决定是一个年度过程(annual process)。接下来谈到原因。19题,make up是组成、捏造、化妆的意思,用在这里和accounting搭配不上;carry out是执行(to do something that needs to be organized and planned);bring about 是带来,使发生(to make something happen);put down 放下,镇压。从意思上看,应该选B,carry out。

事实上,carry out accounting on …..basis是金融英语里专业且地道的说法。最常见的一种是carry out accounting on the accrual basis 执行权责发生制。相应的,20题选basis,公司时在一年的基础上执行会计准则的。



approval:when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted批准,正式的

eg:The president has already given his approval to the plan.

permission:when someone is officially allowed to do something允许,也是正式的

eg:You must ask permission before taking any photographs inside the church.

consent:permission to do something不那么正式的允许

eg:He took the car without the owner's consent.


23题,这里的前后文的意思是计划贯穿全年始终,所以经理们需要回顾过去,展望未来。后面的looking forward to是个答案信号,相对应的前面应该选review,根据目标回顾过程。24题比较简单,理解了句子含义不难做出选择。现在发生的事情将会影响未来的目标和计划。选influence。

25题,从这个句子来看,填入的词是应该可以直接和market搭配的。Predict the market是商英里地道常见的用法,市场预测。

26题,往他们的操作中增加一点灵活性,这样可以对突然发生的变化做出反应。Operation: the work or activities done by a business or organization, or the process of doing this work.

27题,respond to 对…..做出反应。


29题,in market terms 用市场术语来说。固定用法。

30题,position in the market,市场上的地位。前面已经暗示了这里要用市场术语来表述,position in the market就是固定表达

(positioning is that exclusive space your brand owns in the marketplace. It's relevant and compelling to your customers, and different from your competitors.)




《How to market yourself》,怎样开发你自己。这篇文章主要是一个专家(Mary Spillane)对个人在职业生涯中的一些建议,包括怎么定位、怎样正确认识自己等等。很实用很中肯的一篇文章。看来这国外的专家并不也是夸夸其谈之辈啊。

13题,问第一段Mary Spillane认为人们应该学会开发他们自己的原因是什么。第一段里这个专家认为就业机会在减少,job不存在了,存在的是work,在未来十年所有人都将成为才华和能力的提供者(supplier),而不是员工(staff),老板将变成自己的客户。从专家的这段话可以看出她认为人们应该学会开发自己的原因是适应就业市场的发展,也就是D答案所说的。A在原文没有提到,B的理解有误,原文说there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc。生活中只有一个值得加入的公司:自我公司。这句的意思还是说人们要学会开发自己,而不是将来有公司需要。C在原文中也没有提到。

14题,问在创造个人品牌的时候,很重要的是什么。答案是第二段的最后一句:You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to
