ZIGZAG An efficient peer-to-peer scheme for media streaming

ZIGZAG An efficient peer-to-peer scheme for media streaming
ZIGZAG An efficient peer-to-peer scheme for media streaming

ZIGZAG:An Ef?cient Peer-to-Peer Scheme for

Media Streaming

Duc A.Tran

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida



Kien A.Hua

School of Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science

University of Central Florida



Tai Do

School of Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science

University of Central Florida



Abstract—We design a peer-to-peer technique called ZIGZAG for single-source media streaming.ZIGZAG allows the media server to distribute content to many clients by organizing them into an appropriate tree rooted at the server.This application-layer multicast tree has a height logarithmic with the number of clients and a node degree bounded by a constant.This helps reduce the number of processing hops on the delivery path to a client while avoiding network bottleneck.Consequently,the end-to-end delay is kept small.Although one could build a tree satisfying such properties easily,an ef?cient control protocol between the nodes must be in place to maintain the tree under the effects of network dynamics and unpredictable client behaviors. ZIGZAG handles such situations gracefully requiring a constant amortized control overhead.Especially,failure recovery can be done regionally with little impact on the existing clients and mostly no burden on the server.


We are interested in the problem of streaming live bandwidth-intensive media from a single source to a large quantity of receivers on the Internet.The simplest solution dedicates an individual connection to stream the content to each receiver.This method consumes a tremendous amount of costly bandwidth and leads to an inferior quality stream for the receiver,making it nearly impossible for a service provider to serve quality streaming to large audiences while generating pro?ts.IP Multicast[1],[2]could be the best way to overcome this drawback since it was designed for group-oriented applications.However,its deployment on the Internet is still limited due to several fundamental concerns[3],[4]. Therefore,we seek a solution that employs IP unicast only but offers considerably better performance ef?ciency than the dedicated-connection approach.

We presented in[14]a technique called Chaining.To the best of our knowledge,Chaining is the?rst peer-to-peer(P2P) streaming technique.In such a communication paradigm,the delivery tree is built rooted at the source and including all and only the receivers.A subset of receivers get the content directly from the source and the others get it from the receivers in the upstream.P2P consumes the source’s bandwidth ef?ciently by capitalizing a receiver’s bandwidth to provide services to other receivers.More recent P2P streaming techniques were introduced in[3],[5–7],[15],[16].We will discuss them in Section IV.

The following issues are important in designing an ef?cient P2P technique:

?The end-to-end delay from the source to a receiver may be excessive because the content may have to go through a number of intermediate receivers.To shorten this delay(whereby,increasing the liveness of the media content),the tree height should be kept small and the join procedure should?nish fast.The end-to-end delay may also be long due to an occurrence of bottleneck at a tree node.The worst bottleneck happens if the tree is a star rooted at the source.The bottleneck is most reduced if the tree is a chain,however in this case the leaf node experiences a long delay.Therefore,apart from enforcing the tree to be short,it is desirable to have the node degree bounded.

?The behavior of receivers is unpredictable;they are free to join and leave the service at any time,thus abandoning their descendant peers.To prevent service interruption,

a robust technique has to provide a quick and graceful

recovery should a failure occur.

?For ef?cient use of network resources and due to the resource limitation at each receiver,the control overhead at each receiver should be small.This is important to the scalability of a system with a large number of receivers. In this paper,we propose a new P2P streaming technique, called ZIGZAG,to address all of the above issues.ZIGZAG organizes receivers into a hierarchy of bounded-size clusters and builds the multicast tree based on that.The connectivity of this tree is enforced by a set of rules,which guarantees that the tree always has a height O(log k N)and a node degree O(k2),where N is the number of receivers and k a constant.Furthermore,the effects of network dynamics such as unpredictable receiver behaviors are handled gracefully without violating the rules.This is achieved requiring a worst-case control overhead of O(log k N)for the worst receiver and O(k)for an average receiver.Especially,failure recovery can be done regionally with only impact on a constant number of existing receivers and no burden on the source.This is an important bene?t because the source is usually overwhelmed

L H-1L H-2L

L 0

Fig.1.Administrative organization of peers

by huge requests from the network.Previous solutions such as [5–7]provide some of the above features,but none can provide all.

Besides theoretical analyses that prove the correctness of our scheme,a simulation-based study was carried out to evaluate its performance under various scenarios.In this study,we also compared ZIGZAG to the technique proposed in [5],a recent scheme for P2P streaming.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section II presents the protocol details of the ZIGZAG scheme.Section III reports the results from our performance evaluation study.Section IV discusses related work with comparisons to ZIGZAG.Finally,Section V concludes this paper with brief remarks.


For the ease of exposition,we refer to the media source as the server and receivers as clients.They all are referred to as “peers”.In this section,we propose the ZIGZAG scheme which consists of two important entities:the administrative organization representing the logical relationships among the peers,and the multicast tree representing the physical rela-tionships among them (i.e.,how peers get connected).Firstly,we describe the administrative organization when the system is in the stable state.Secondly,we propose how the multicast tree is built based on this organization,and then the control protocol in which peers exchange state information.Finally,we propose policies to adjust the tree as well as the adminis-trative organization upon a client join/departure,and discuss performance optimization issues.A.Administrative Organization

An administrative organization is used to manage the peers currently in the system and illustrated in Fig.1.Peers are organized in a multi-layer hierarchy of clusters recursively de?ned as follows (where H is the number of layers,k >3is a constant):

?Layer 0contains all peers.

?Peers in layer j

?A peer in a cluster at layer j


L 2L 1L 0

Fig.2.The multicast tree of peers (H =3,k =4)

layer j +1if j

Initially,when the number of peers is small,the administra-tive organization has only one layer containing one cluster.As clients join or leave,this organization will be augmented or shrunk.The cluster size is upper bounded by 3k because we might have to split a cluster later when it becomes oversize.If the cluster size was upper bounded by 2k and the current size was 2k +1,after the split,the two new clusters would have sizes k and k +1and be prone to be undersize as peers leave.

The above structure implies H =Θ(log k N )where N is the number of peers.Additionally,any peer at a layer j >0must be the head of the cluster it belongs to at every lower layer.We note that this hierarchy de?nition is not new.It was indeed presented in a similar form in [5].How to map peers into the administrative organization,to build the multicast tree based on it,and to update these two structures under network dynamics are our main contribution.

We use the following terms for the rest of the paper:

?Subordinate:Non-head peers of a cluster headed by a peer X are called “subordinate”of X .

?Foreign head:A non-head (or server)clustermate of a peer X at layer j >0is called a “foreign head”of layer-(j -1)subordinates of X .

?Foreign subordinate:Layer-(j -1)subordinates of X are called “foreign subordinates”of any layer-j clustermate of X .

?Foreign cluster:The layer-(j -1)cluster of X is called a any layer-j clustermate of X .B.Multicast Tree

Unlike in [5],the administrative organization in ZIGZAG does not infer a data delivery topology.For instance,we will see shortly that the head of a cluster at a layer j

?A peer,when not at its highest layer,cannot have any link to or from any other peer.E.g.,peer 4at layer 1has neither outgoing nor incoming links.

?A peer,when at its highest layer,can only link to its foreign subordinates.E.g.,peer4at layer2only links to peers5,6,and7at layer1,which are foreign subordinates of4.The only exception is the server;at the highest layer, the server links to each of its subordinates.

?At layer j

It is trivial to prove the above rules guarantee a tree structure including all the peers.Hereafter,the terms“parent”,“children”,“descendant”are used with the same meanings as applied to conventional trees.The term“node”is used interchangeably with“peer”and“client”.

Theorem1:The worst-case node degree of the multicast tree is O(k2).

Proof:A node has at most(3k-1)foreign clusters,thus having at most(3k-1)×(3k-1)foreign subordinates.Since a non-server node X can only have outgoing links when X is at its highest layer and since these links only point to a subset of its foreign subordinates,the degree of X is no more than the number of its foreign subordinates,which is at most(3k -1)×(3k-1).The server also has links to its subordinates at the highest layer,therefore the server degree is at most(3k -1)×(3k-1)+(3k-1)=9k2-3k.Theorem1has been proved.

Theorem2:The height of the multicast tree is O(log k N) where N is the number of peers.

Proof:The longest path from the server to a node must be the path from the server to some layer-0node.The path from the server to any layer-0node goes through each layer only once,and does not contain horizontal links(i.e.,links between layer mates)except at the highest layer.Therefore, the number of nodes on the path is at most the number of layers H plus one.Since H=O(log k N),the path length is at most O(log k N)+1.Theorem2has been proved.

The motivation behind not using the head as the parent for its subordinates in the ZIGZAG scheme is as follows1. Suppose the members of a cluster always get the content from their head.If the highest layer of a node X is j,X would have links to its subordinates at each layer,j-1,j-2,...,0,that it belongs to.Since j can be H-1,the worst-case node degree would be H×(3k-1)=?(log k N).Furthermore,the closer to the source,the larger degree a node would have.In other words,the bottleneck would occur very early in the delivery path.This might not be acceptable for bandwidth-intensive media streaming.

Our using a foreign head as the parent has another nice property.Indeed,when the parent peer fails,the head of its 1Since a peer gets the content from a foreign head,but not its head,and can only forward the content to its foreign subordinates,but not its subordinates, we named our technique ZIGZAG.children is still working,thus helping reconnect the children

to a new parent quickly and easily.We will discuss this in more detail shortly.

C.Control protocol

To maintain its position and connections in the multicast tree and the administrative organization,each node X in a layer-j cluster periodically communicates with its layer-j clustermates,its children and parent on the multicast tree.For peers within a cluster,the exchanged information is just the peer degree.If the recipient is the cluster head,X also sends a list L={[X1,d1],[X2,d2],..},where[X i,d i]represents that X is currently forwarding the content to d i peers in the foreign cluster whose head is X i.E.g.,in Fig.2,at layer1, peer5needs to send a list{[S,3],[6,3]}to the head S. If the recipient is the parent,X instead sends the following information:

?A Boolean?ag Reachable(X):true iff there exists a path in the multicast tree from X to a layer-0peer.E.g.,in Fig.2,Reachable(7)=false,Reachable(4)=true.?A Boolean?ag Addable(X):true iff there exists a path in the multicast tree from X to a layer-0peer whose cluster’s size is in[k,3k-1].

The values of Reachable and Addable at a peer X are updated based on the information received from its children. For instances,if all children send“Reachable=false”to this peer,then Reachable(X)is set to false;Addable(X)is set to true if X receives“Addable=true”from at least a child peer. The theorem below tells that the control overhead for an average member is a constant.The worst node has to communicate with O(log k N)other nodes,this is however acceptable since the information exchanged is just soft state refreshes.

Theorem3:Although the worst-case control overhead of a node is O(k×log k N),the amortized worst-case overhead is O(k).

Proof:Consider a node X whose highest layer is j.X belongs to(j+1)clusters at layers0,1,..,j,thus having at most(j+1)×(3k-1)subordinates.The number of children of X is its degree,hence no more than9k2-3k.Consequently, the worst-case control overhead at X is upper bounded by(j +1)×(3k-1)+9k2-3k=j×(3k-1)+9k2-1.Since j can be H-1,the worst-case control overhead is O(k×log k N).

However,the probability that a node has its highest layer to be j is at most(N/k j)/N=1/k j.Thus,the amortized worst-

case overhead at an average node is at mostΣH?1


(1/k j×(j×(3k?1)+9k2?1)→O(k)with asymptotically increasing N.Theorem3has been proved.

D.Client Join

The multicast tree is augmented whenever a new client joins. The new tree must not violate the rules speci?ed in Section II-B.We propose the join algorithm below.

A new client P submits a request to the server.If the administrative organization currently has one layer,P simply

connects to the server.Otherwise,the join request is redirected along the multicast tree downward until?nding a proper peer to join.The below steps are pursued by a peer X on receipt of a join request(in this algorithm,D(Y)denotes the currently end-to-end delay from the server observed by a peer Y,and d(Y,P)is the delay from Y to P measured during the contact between Y and P):

1.If X is a leaf

2.Add P to the only cluster of X

3.Make P a new child of the parent of X


5.If Addable(X)

6.Select a child Y:

Addable(Y)and D(Y)+d(Y,P)is min

7.Forward the join request to Y


9.Select a child Y:

Reachable(Y)and D(Y)+d(Y,P)is min

10.Forward the join request to Y

The goal of this procedure is to add P to a layer-0cluster C and force P to get the content from the parent of non-head members of C.The size of C should be in[k,3k)to avoid being oversize.The end-to-end delay is attempted to be better after each node contact.In Step5or8,P has to contact with at most d X peers where d X is the degree of X.Since the tree height is O(log k N)and the maximum degree is O(k2), the number of nodes that P has to contact is only O(k2×log k N).This proves Theorem4true.

Theorem4:The join overhead is O(log k N)in terms of number of nodes to contact.

The join procedure terminates at step3at some leaf X, which will tell P about other members of the cluster.P then follows the control protocol as discussed earlier.If the new size of the joined cluster is still in[k,3k],no further work is needed.Otherwise,this cluster has to be split so that the newly created clusters must have sizes in[k,3k].To avoid the overhead of splitting,we propose to do so periodically,not right after a cluster size becomes3k+1.Suppose we decide to split a layer-j(j∈[1,H-2])cluster2with a head X and non-head peers X1,..,X n.The non-head currently get the content from a peer X and X currently gets the content from X .Let x il be the number of peers that are both children of X i and layer-(j-1)subordinates of X l.Clearly,x ii=0for all i because of the ZIGZAG tree rules.The split takes several steps(illustrated in Fig.3):

1)Partition{X,X1,..,X n}into two sets U and V such

that the condition|U|,|V|∈[k,3k]is satis?ed?rst,and


i∈U,X l∈V (x il+x li)is minimized.This condition

is to effortfully reduce the number of peer reconnections affected by the split.Suppose X∈U.

2)For each node X i∈U and each node X l∈V such

that x il>0,remove all the links from X i to layer-(j-

2The cases where j=0or j=H-1are even easier and can be handled similarly.







(a) Before Splitting(b) After Splitting

Fig.3.Split Algorithm

1)subordinates of X l,and select a random peer in V

other than X l to be the new parent for these members.

Inversely,for each node X i∈V and for each node X l ∈U such that x il>0,a similar procedure takes place except that the new parent must not be peer X.

3)Now we need to elect a new head Y for cluster V.Y

is chosen to be a peer in V with the minimum degree because we want this change to affect a smallest number of child peers.Y becomes a new member of the cluster at layer-(j+1)which also contains X.Consequently,the children of Y(after Step2)now cannot get data from Y

anymore(due to the rules in Section II-B).For each child cluster(i.e.,cluster whose non-head members used to be children of Y),we select a peer Z=Y in V having the minimum degree to be the new parent;Z must not be the head of this cluster.Furthermore,the highest layer of Y is not layer j anymore,but layer j+1.Therefore, we remove the current link from X to Y and add a link from X to Y.Y will happen to have no children at this moment.This still does not violate the rules enforcing our multicast tree.

It might happen that the cluster on layer j+1becomes oversize due to admitting Y.This would have to wait until the next period when the split algorithm will be called.The split algorithm is run locally by the head of the cluster to be split.The results will be sent to all peers that need to change their connections.Since the number of peers involved in the algorithm is a constant,the computational time to get out the results is not a major issue.The main overhead is the number of peers that need to reconnect.However,the theorem below tells that the overhead is indeed very small.

Theorem5:The worst-case split overhead is O(k2).


i∈U,X l∈V

(x il+x li)peers

to reconnect.This value is at mostΣi=n


x i where x i is the number of subordinates of X i at layer j?1.Therefore,Step 2requires at most n×(3k-1)<6k×(3k-1)to reconnect.3 In Step3,the number of former children of Y is less than the number of its foreign subordinates,hence at most(3k-1)2 of them need to reconnect to Z.In total,the split procedure needs at most6k×(3k-1)+(3k-1)2nodes to reconnect. Theorem5has been proved.

3We would not wait until n≥6k to do the split.

L j+2L j L j-1

(a) Before Failure

(b) After Recovery

L 0

Fig.4.Failure Recovery:Peer X fails

E.Client Departure

The new tree after a client departs must not violate the rules speci?ed in Section II-B.We propose the algorithm to handle a client departure below.

Consider a peer X who departs either purposely or acci-dentally due to failure.As a result of the control protocol described in Section II-C,the parent peer of X ,all subordi-nates of X (if any),and all children of X (if any)are aware of this departure.The parent of X needs to delete the link to X .If X ’s highest layer is layer 0,no further overhead emerges.Suppose that X ’s highest layer is j >0.The failure recovery procedure is exhibited in Fig.4.For each layer-(j -1)cluster whose non-head members are children of X ,the head Y of the cluster is responsible for ?nding a new parent for them.Y just selects Z ,a layer-j non-head clustermate,that has the minimum degree,and asks it to forward data to Y ’s subordinates at layer j -1.

Furthermore,since X used to be the head of j clusters at layers 0,1,..,j -1,they must have a new head.This is handled easily.Let X be a random subordinate of X at layer 0.X will replace X as the new head for each of those clusters.X also appears at layer j and gets a link from the existing parent of X .No other change is required.In overall,a client departure affects a few (at most (3k -1)×(3k -1))peers at layer j -1and mostly does not burden the server.The overhead of failure recovery is consequently stated as follows:

Theorem 6:In the worst case,the number of peers that need to reconnect due to a failure is O(k 2).

As the result of many client departures,a cluster might become undersize.In this case,it is merged with another cluster of the same layer.Suppose that U is an undersize cluster at layer j to be merged with another cluster V .The simplest way to ?nd V is to ?nd a cluster having the smallest size.Then,the following steps are taken to do the mergence:1)The new head of U +V is chosen between the head X of U and the head Y of V .If Y (or X )is the head of X (or Y )at the next layer,Y (or X )will be the new head.In the other cases,the new head is the one having a larger degree to reduce the number of children to reconnect (since the children of the non-chosen must reconnect).Supposing X is the new head,Y will no longer appear at layer j +1.

2)The new parent of non-head members in U +V is chosen

to be a layer-(j +1)non-head clustermate of X and Y .This new parent should currently have the minimum degree.

3)If the existing children of Y happen to be U ,or that of X happen to be V ,no more work is needed since Step (2)already handles this case.Otherwise,two possibilities can happen:

a)X is the head at layer j +1:For each child cluster of Y ,a foreign head Z =Y that has the minimum degree will be the new parent;Z must not be the head of this cluster.

b)X is not the head at layer j +1:The new parent for the existing children of Y will be X .

Similar to the split procedure,the merge procedure is called periodically to reduce overhead.It runs centrally at the head of U with assistance from the head of V .Since the number of peers involves is a constant,the computational complexity should be small.In terms of number of reconnections,the worst-case overhead is resulted from the theorem below.Theorem 7:The worst-case merge overhead is O(k 2).

Proof:Step 2requires at most 2×(3k -1)peers to reconnect.Step 3requires at most (3k -1)×(3k -1)peers to reconnect.In total,no more than (9k 2-1)peers need to reconnect.Theorem 7has been proved.F .Performance Optimization

Under the network dynamics,the administrative organiza-tion and multicast tree can be periodically recon?gured in order to provide better quality of service to clients.Consider a peer X ,in its highest-layer cluster j >0,is busy serving many children.It might consider switching its parenthood of some children to another non-head clustermate which is less busy.Suppose that X currently has links to foreign clusters C 1,C 2,..,C m ,each C i having s i non-head subordinates,respec-tively.We propose two strategies for handling the re?nement:Degree-based Switch and Capacity-based Switch.

1)Degree-based Switch:As a result of the control protocol,X knows which layer-j non-head clustermate has what degree.We denote the degree of a peer Y by d Y .The below steps are pursued by X to transfer the service load,attempting to balance the degree as much as possible:1.For(i =1;i ≤m ;i ++)2.Select a non-head clustermate Y :

Y is not the head of C i d X -d Y -s i >0d X -d Y -s i is max

3.If such Y exists

4.Redirect non-members of C i to Y

5.Update d X and d Y accordingly

2)Capacity-based Switch:It is likely that peers have different bandwidth capacities.In this case,we de?ne the

busyness of a peer X to be d X


where B X is the bandwidth capacity of peer X .X follows the steps below to transfer the service load:


2.Select a non-head clustermate Y:

Y is not the head of C i

(d X B X -d Y


)2-(d X?s i


-d Y+s i



(d X B X -d Y


)2-(d X?s i


-d Y+s i


)2is max

3.If such Y exists

4.Redirect non-members of C i to Y

5.Update d X and d Y accordingly

The capacity-based switch attempts to balance the peer busy-ness among all non-head peers of a cluster.In order to work with this strategy,a peer must have knowledge about not only a clustermate degree but also its bandwidth capacity.This is feasible by requiring the exchanged soft-state information to include both degree and bandwidth capacity.

The performance optimization procedure makes the service load fairly distributed among the peers without violating the multicast tree rules.However,frequently calling it might cause many peer reconnections,which would affect the continuity of client playback.To prevent this in the case of degree-based switch,4a peer runs the optimization procedure when its degree becomes larger than?chosen as follows.We consider a layer-j(0


The last section provided the worst-case analyses of ZIGZAG.To investigate its performance under various scenar-ios,we carried out a simulation-based study.Besides evaluat-ing performance metrics mentioned in the previous sections, i.e.,peer degree,join/failure overhead,split/merge overhead, and control overhead,we also considered Peer Stretch and Link Stress(de?ned in[3]).Peer Stretch is the ratio between the length of the data path from the server to a peer in our multicast tree to the length of the shortest path between them in the underlying network.The dedicated-unicast approach always has the optimal peer stretch.The stress of a link is the number of times the same packet goes through that link.An IP Multicast tree always has the optimal link stress of1because a packet goes through a link only once.An application-level multicast scheme should have small stretch and stress to keep the end-to-end delay short and the network bandwidth ef?ciently utilized.

We used the GT-ITM Generator[8]to create a3240-node transit-stub graph as our underlying network topology.The server’s location is?xed at a stub-domain node.We investi-gated our system with2000clients located randomly among the other stub-domain nodes.Therefore,the client population 4The case of capacity-based switch can be handled



Fig.5.2000Joins:Join and Split Overhead

accounts for2000/3240=62%of the entire network.We set the value k to5,hence each cluster has at most15and no less than5peers.We studied three scenarios,the?rst investigating a failure-free ZIGZAG system,the second investigating a ZIGZAG system allowing failures,and the third comparing ZIGZAG to NICE[5],a recent P2P streaming scheme.The performance optimization procedure was disabled in ZIGZAG. 5We report the results in the following sections.

A.Scenario1:No Failure

In this scenario,as2000clients joined the system,we collected statistics on control overhead,node degree,peer stretch,and link stress.We also estimated the join overhead and split overhead accumulated during the joins.

The overhead of a join is measured as the number of peers that the new client has to contact before being added to the multicast tree.Fig.5(a)shows that on the average,a new client needs to contact48clients,only2.4%of the client population.In the worst case,a new client has to contact115 clients,or5.7%of the population.It is interesting that the worst case occurs early when there are only136clients in the system.This is because,at this moment,the server has too many children and a new client has to ask all of them, 5We did study the case where the performance optimization was enabled in ZIGZAG and the results were signi?cantly improved.However,to avoid any bias in comparison with NICE,only the study with performance optimization disabled is reported in this paper.

thus resulting in many contacts.However,it becomes a lot better then(we can see a“downfall”right after the136th join in Fig.5(a)).This is understandable since the split procedure takes place after detecting a cluster at the second-highest layer is oversize.As the result of this split,the server will have very few children.We can see the correlation between the join procedure and split procedure from Fig.5(a)and Fig.5(b). Each run of the split procedure helps reduce the overhead incurred by a client join.The two“downfalls”in Fig.5(a) corresponds to the two peak points in Fig.5(b).We can conjecture that the join-overhead curve would continue going up slowly as more clients join until a constant point(e.g., when overhead approximates90)when it would fall down to a very low value(e.g,overhead approximates20).This behavior would repeat,making the join algorithm scalable with the client population.

In terms of split overhead,since we wanted to study the worst scenario,we opted to run a split whenever detecting a cluster is oversize.However,as illustrated in Fig.5(b),small split overhead is incurred during the joins of2000clients.The worst case requiring136reconnections is when the server is overloaded by many children,but after splitting,the server bottleneck is resolved very well(we can see the two downfalls in Fig.5(a),which are consequences of the16th and166th splits.)Hence,most of the time,a split requires about5peers, or0.25%of client population,to reconnect.Although our theoretical analysis in Section II-D shows a worst-case split overhead of O(k2),the real result turns out to be a lot smaller than this bound.

Fig.6(a)shows that not only the node degrees in a ZIGZAG multicast tree are small,but also they are quite balanced.The thick line at the bottom represents the degrees of the leaves, which are0-degree.For those peers forwarding the content to other,they forward to about10other peers.This study shows that ZIGZAG handles peer bottleneck ef?ciently,and distributes the service load among the peers fairly.In the worst case,a peer has to transmit the content to22others,which is tiny to the client population of2000clients.In terms of control overhead,as shown in Fig.6(b),most peers have to exchange control states with only12others.The dense area represents peers at layers close to layer0while the sparse area represents peers at higher layers.Those peers at high layers do not have a heavy control overhead either;most of them communicate with around30peers,only1.5%of the population.This can be considered lightweight,taking the fact that the control information is very small in size.

The study on link stress and peer stretch results in Fig.7. ZIGZAG has a low stretch of3.45for most of the clients, and a link stress of4.2for most of the underlying links used. Especially,these values are quite fairly distributed.We recall that the client population in our study accounts for62%of the entire network in which a pair of nodes have a link with a probability of0.5.Therefore,the results we got are very promising.We also studied the case where the number of clients is small(fewer than100),its results showed that the stretch was no more than1.2on average and4.0in the



Fig.6.2000Clients:Node Degree and Control Overhead case.The stress was also very small,less than2.1on average and9.2in the worst case.Since we focus on a large client population and due to paper length restriction,we decided not to show the results for small P2P networks in this section. B.Scenario2:Failure Possible

In this scenario,we started with the system consisting of 2000clients,which was built based on the?rst scenario study.We let a number(200,400,..,1000)of peers fail sequentially and evaluated the overhead for recovery and the overhead of mergence during that process.Fig.8(a)shows the results for recovery overhead as failures occur.We can see that most failures do not affect the system because they happen to layer-0peers(illustrated by a thick line at the bottom of the graph).For those failures happening to higher-layer peers,the overhead to recover each of them is small and mostly less than20reconnections(no more than2%of client population).Furthermore,the overhead to recover a failure does not depend on the number of clients in the system.On average,the recovery overhead is always between0.95and 0.98,when the system has1800,1600,..,and1000clients left,respectively.This substantiates our theoretical analysis in Section II-E that the recovery overhead is always bounded by a constant regardless of the client population size.

In terms of merge overhead,the result is exhibited in Fig. 8(b).There are totally62calls for cluster mergence,each requiring11peers on average to reconnect.In the worst case,

Fig.7.2000Clients:Link Stress and Peer Stretch

only17peers need to reconnect,which accounts for no more than1.7%of the client population.This study is consistent with our theoretical analysis in Section II-E that the merge overhead is always small regardless of the client population size.Indeed,the?nal merge call and the?rst merge call require the same number(only10)of reconnections,even though the system has different numbers of clients before those calls take place.

C.Scenario3:ZIGZAG vs.NICE

We compared the performances between ZIGZAG and NICE.NICE was recently proposed in[5]as an ef?cient P2P technique for streaming data.NICE also organizes the peers in a hierarchy of bounded-size clusters as ZIGZAG does. However,NICE and ZIGZAG are fundamentally different due to their own multicast tree construction and maintenance strategies.For example,NICE always uses the head of a cluster to forward the content to the other members,whereas ZIGZAG uses a foreign head instead.According to the analyses in [5],NICE has a worst-case node degree O(logN),worst-case control overhead O(logN),average control overhead O(k),and a worst-case join overhead O(logN).Obviously,ZIGZAG is no worse than NICE in terms of join overhead and control overhead.Furthermore,ZIGZAG is signi?cantly better than NICE in terms of node degree.For comparisons in terms of failure recovery overhead,peer stretch,and link stress,we report the results drawn from our simulation in this


Fig.8.Failure and merge overhead as1000peers


Fig.9.ZIGZAG vs.NICE:Failure Recovery Overhead

We worked with the following scenario.The system initially contained only the server and stabilized after1000clients join sequentially.Afterwards,we ran an admission control algorithm,which is a loop of1000runs,each run letting a client to fail or a new client to join.The probability that a client fails is p(ranging between0.2and0.8),thus a new client joins with a probability1-p.After the admission control algorithm stopped,we collected statistics on the trees generated by ZIGZAG and NICE,respectively.Recovery overhead was measured for each failure during the period from when the system was initialized to when it was stopped.

Results on failure overhead are illustrated in Fig.9.By enforcing our distinguishing multicast tree rules,ZIGZAG’s

Fig.10.ZIGZAG vs.NICE:Peer Stretch and Link Stress recovery algorithm is more ef?cient than that of NICE.Indeed, a failure happens to a peer at its highest layer j in NICE requires j×O(k)peers to reconnect.j can be the highest layer,thus the worst-case overhead is?(logN).According to our theoretical analyses,ZIGZAG requires at most a constant number of reconnections in a recovery phase,regardless of how many peers are in the system.Consequently,we can see in Fig.9that ZIGZAG clearly prevails NICE.We note that the average failure overhead values for both schemes can be smaller than1because there are many layer-0peers and their failure would require zero reconnection.

Fig.10(a)shows the results of average peer stretch.Recall that the peer-stretch metric is de?ned as the ratio of path-length from the server to the client along the overlay to the direct unicast path.In its join algorithm,ZIGZAG always tries to keep the distance from the server to the joining client small.Meanwhile,in NICE’s join algorithm,distance is also considered,but only between the joining client and the joined client.This does not guarantee a reduced distance between the server and the joining client.Consequently,average peer stretch of ZIGZAG is better than that of NICE.

As shown in Fig.10(b),the average link stress of ZIGZAG is slightly better than that of NICE.This is no way by accident, but is rooted from the degree bound of each scheme.The worst case degree is O(klog k N)in NICE,while bounded by O(k2) in ZIGZAG.Hence,it is more likely for NICE to have many more identical packets being sent through an underlying link near heavy loaded peers.In this study,where k=5and N≤2000,the two curves are quite close because log k N is close to k.If the system runs in a larger underlying network with many more clients,log k N will be a lot larger than k,and we can expect that link stress in ZIGZAG will be sharply better than that in NICE.


Several techniques have been proposed to address the prob-lem of streaming media on the Internet.Most of them try to overcome the lack of IP Multicast,which makes the problem challenging,by implementing the multicast paradigm at the application layer based on IP Unicast services only.They can be categorized into two classes:overlay-router approach and peer-to-peer(P2P)approach.

In the overlay-router approach[4],[9–13],a number of reliable servers are installed across the network to act as the software routers with multicast functionality.These routers are interconnected according to a topology which forms an overlay for running the services.The content is transmitted from the source to a set of receivers on a multicast tree consisting of the overlay routers.A new receiver joins an existing media stream by connecting to an overlay router appearing on the delivery path to an existing receiver.This approach is designed to be scalable since the receivers can get the content not only from the source,but also from software routers,thus alleviating bandwidth demand at the source.

The P2P approach assumes no extra resources such as the dedicated servers mentioned above.A multicast tree involves only the source and the receivers,thus avoiding the complexity and cost of deploying and maintaining extra servers.Since we employ this approach,we discuss the differences between ZIGZAG and the existing P2P techniques below.

[14]introduced the?rst P2P technique for streaming applications.This early design,however,did not address the stability of the system under network dynamics.[6]proposed SpreadIt which builds a single distribution tree of the peers.

A new receiver joins by traversing the tree nodes downward from the source until?nding one with unsaturated bandwidth. Spreadit has to get the source involved whenever a failure occurs,thus vulnerable to disruptions due to the severe bottle-neck at the source.Additionally,orphaned peers reconnect by using the join algorithm,resulting in a long blocking time before the their service can resume.CoopNet[7]employs a multi-description coding method for the media content. In this method,a media signal is encoded several separate streams,or descriptions,such that every subset of them is decodable.CoopNet builds multiple distribution trees spanning the source and all the receivers,each tree transmitting a separate description of the media signal.Therefore,a receiver can receive all the descriptions in the best case.A peer failure only causes its descendant peers to lose a few descriptions. The orphaned are still able to continue their service without burdening the source.However,this is done with a quality sacri?ce.Furthermore,CoopNet puts a heavy control overhead

on the source since the source must maintain full knowledge of all distribution trees.

Narada[3],[15]focuses on multi-sender multi-receiver streaming applications,maintains a mesh among the peers, and establishes a tree whenever a sender wants to transmit a content to a set of receivers.Narada only emphasizes on small P2P networks.Its extension to work with large-scale networks was proposed in[16]using a two-layer hierarchical topology.To better reduce cluster size,whereby reducing the control overhead at a peer,the scheme NICE in[5]focuses on large P2P networks by using the multi-layer hierarchical clustering idea as we do.However,NICE always uses the head to forward the content to its subordinates,thus incurring a high bottleneck of O(log k N).Though an extension could be done to reduce this bottleneck to a constant,the tree height could become O(log k N×log k N).ZIGZAG,no worse than NICE in terms of the other metrics,has a worst-case tree height of O(log k N)while keeping the bottleneck bounded by a constant.Furthermore,the failure recovery overhead in ZIGZAG is upper bounded by a constant while NICE requires O(log k N).All these are a signi?cant improvement for bandwidth-intensive applications such as media streaming.


We were interested in the problem of streaming live media in a large P2P network.We focused on a single source only and aimed at optimizing the worst-case values for important performance metrics.Our proposed solution called ZIGZAG uses a novel multicast tree construction and maintenance approach based on a hierarchy of bounded-size clusters.The key in ZIGZAG’s design is the use of a foreign head other than the head of a cluster to forward the content to the other members of that cluster.With this key in mind,our algorithms were developed to achieve the following desirable properties, which were substantiated by both theoretical analyses and simulation studies:

?Short end-to-end delay:The end-to-end delay is not only due to the underlying network traf?c,but largely depends on the local delays at intermediate clients due to queuing and processing.The local delay at such an intermediate client is mostly affected by its bandwidth contention.

ZIGZAG keeps the end-to-end delay small because the multicast tree height is at most logarithm of the client population and each client needs to forward the content to at most a constant number of peers.

?Low control overhead:Each client periodically ex-changes soft-state information only to its clustermates, parent,and children.Since a cluster is bounded in size and the client degree bounded by a constant,the control overhead at a client is small.On average,the overhead is a constant regardless of the client population.?Ef?cient join and failure recovery:A join can be ac-complished without asking more than O(logN)existing clients,where N is the client population.Especially,a failure can be recovered quickly and regionally with a

constant number of reconnections and no affection on the server.

?Low maintenance overhead:To enforce the rules on the administrative organization and the multicast tree,main-tenance procedures(merge,split,and performance re?ne-ment)are invoked periodically with very low overhead.

Fewer than a constant number of clients need to relocate in such a procedure.

It is still open to improve the performance.In the current version of ZIGZAG,if a peer X has to forward the content to non-head members of a foreign cluster,a star topology is used.(i.e.,an individual link is created from X to each such member.)In our future work,we can improve this by organizing X and those members in a non-star tree to better reduce the degree at X.Furthermore,we are interested in extending ZIGZAG for dealing with peer heterogeneity.


The authors would like to thank the US National Science Foundation for partially funding the work in this paper under grant ANI-0088026.


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技术指标参数及要求 货物名称技术指标参数及要求数量备注 1 软件1应用范围(或用途):。 2配置(或系统组成) 2.1 软件1套 3 技术指标 *3.1 软件必须是国际通用、技术成熟的商用软件,所有功能模 块为原厂商开发并整合在统一的软件图形界面下使用。 *3.2 软件必须为标准“客户端 - 服务器”结构,两端可同时支 持Windows和Linux操作系统,所有模块都支持工作流技术。 *3.3 所有模块必须能实现数据共享,同时能够在局域网上浮动 运行。为保证全部软硬件系统的安全性、可维护性和保密 性,所有模块在运行时只允许使用一个许可证加密文件。 3.4 软件为永久使用权,首次安装须一次性提供大于80年的许 可加密文件,自安装之日起提供为期壹年的软件免费升级。 *3.5 提供核心基础模块包,实现基本的分子结构显示、分子构 建、结果分析、Perl编程、任务管理等工具,基于Pipeline Pilot技术实现软件所有模块之间的无缝操作链接流程。核 心基础模块包主要功能包括: *3.5.1 Standalone:可视化界面,服务器/客户端安装在 同一台机器上,提供化学/生物学数据显示、模拟/分析、 构建三维分子、展示动态变化、三维作图及许多其它功能。 提供该模块1个使用许可。 *3.5.2 CHARMm:来自Harvard大学Dr. Martin Kaplus的 经典的分子力学和动力学模拟工具,要求商业版本且与上 述可视化界面完美结合、通过Standalone可视化界面或者 命令行两种方式提交并完成计算任务,包括基于CHARMm 力 场的柔性对接工具CDOCKER。提供该模块1个使用许可。 *3.5.3 Biopolymer:蛋白质、肽类和核酸结构搭建、修 改和分析的工具,包括著名的静电分布计算工具DelPhi以 及基本的X-Ray工具。提供该模块1个使用许可。 *3.5.4 Protein Refine:针对MODELER的模建结果,基于 CHARMm 进行蛋白质氨基酸侧链和loop区的优化,提高模建 结果的合理性。提供该模块1个使用许可。 3.5.5 Analysis:动力学计算结果图形分析工具,能够分 析和显示蛋白质、蛋白质与配体复合物的分子动力学轨迹 文件。提供该模块1个使用许可。 3.5.6 Catalyst Score:化合物和药效团叠合并打分,为 结构修饰和改造提供信息。提供该模块个使用许可。 3.5.7 Catalyst Conformation:多样、完全且快速的构 想模型生成工具,可产生化合物的多构象模型,可选择采 用Polling或CAESAR算法,也可采用系统搜索或随机方法生 成构象。提供该模块1个使用许可。 3.5.8 QUANTUMm:QM/MM计算工具,结合CHARMm 和DMol3的 功能完成受体-配体结合能计算。提供该模块1个使用许可。 1 / 3


Pylon Viewer 中文简要说明书 目录 1. 整体界面 1.1 菜单栏 1.2 工具栏 1.3 Devices 窗体 1.4 Features 窗体 1.5 Feature Documentation 窗体 1.6 Feature Properties 窗体 1.7图像显示窗体 2. 菜单栏和工具栏介绍 2.1 File 菜单 Save Image Exit 2.2 View 菜单项 2.3 Camera 菜单 2.4 工具栏介绍 3.主窗体介绍 3.1 Devices 窗体 3.2 Features 窗体 3.3 Feature Properties 窗体 3.4 Feature Documentation 窗体 3.5 图像显示窗体 4.参数调节和功能介绍 4.1主要参数列表 4.2 Analog Controls 功能介绍 4.2.1 Gain Auto 4.2.2 Gain Selector 4.2.3 Gain Raw 4.2.4 Black Level Selector 4.2.5 Black Level(Raw ) 4.2.6 Balance White Auto 4.2.7 Balance Ratio Selector 4.2.8 Balance Ratio(Abs) 4.2.9 Balance Ratio (Raw) 4.2.10 Gamma Enable

4.2.11 Gamma 4.3 Image Format Controls 功能介绍 4.3.1 Pixel Format 4.3.2 Pixel Size 4.3.3 Pixel Color Filter 4.3.4 Dynamic Range Min 4.3.5 Dynamic Range Max 4.3.6 Reverse X 4.3.7 Test Image Selector 4.4 AOI Controls 功能参数介绍 4.4.1 Width 4.4.2 Height 4.4.3 X Offset 4.4.4 Y Offset 4.4.5 Binning Horizontal 4.4.6 Binning Vertical 4.5 Acquisition Controls 功能参数介绍4. 5.1 Acquisition Frame Count 4.5.2 Trigger Selector 4.5.3 Trigger Mode 4.5.4 Generate Software Trigger 4.5.5 Trigger Source 4.5.6 Trigger Activation 4.5.7 Trigger Delay(Abs)[us] 4.5.8 Exposure Mode 4.5.9 Exposure Auto 4.5.10 Exposure Time(Abs) 4.5.11 Exposure Timebase 4.5.12 Enable Exposure Timebase 4.5.14 Exposure Time(Raw) 4.5.15 Enable Acquisition Frame Rate 4.5.16 Acquisition Frame Rate(Abs)[HZ] 4.5.17 Resulting Frame Rate(Abs)[HZ] 4.5.18 Acquisition Status Selector 4.6 Digital IO Controls 功能参数介绍 4.6.1 Line Selector 4.6.2 Line Mode 4.6.3 Line Format 4.6.4 Line Source 4.6.5 Line Inverter 4.6.6 Line Status 4.6.7 Line Status All 4.6.8 User Output Selector 4.6.9 User Output Value


技术参数指标 : 1.全自动生化分析仪: (1)、仪器系统:原装进口全自动生化分析仪,生化比色检测速度≥320测试/小时; (2)、试剂系统:试剂全开放,仪器所有生化检测通道均可同时满足使用国产和进口试剂; (3)、进样方式:圆盘式进样,一次性装载样本≥100个; (4)、仪器基本性能:样品最小加样量≤1.5微升,加样精度0.1微升步进;试剂针最小吸取量≤5微升,精度1微升步进; (5)、最小生化试剂反应量≤100微升,最大生化试剂添加数≥3种; (6)、最大生化比色反应时间≥10分钟; (7)、可同时检测双试剂生化项目≥40项; (8)、温控精度:反应系统水浴恒温,温控精度达到37℃±0.1℃; (9)、样品针堵塞检测功能:样品针采用压力变化检测血凝块和纤维丝堵塞;(10)、反应杯:UV塑料比色杯; (11)、搅拌装置:所有生化比色反应采用非接触式超声波搅拌功能; (12)、急诊功能:具有急诊位,随时加入优先检验; (13)、前稀释功能:仪器必须同时具有样品和校准品的前稀释功能; (14)、仪器具有全反应过程检测功能及反应曲线测试、探针防撞和防震的保护功能、异常标本自动复检功能,能连接中文计算机,并可直接出中文报告; (15)、分光系统:凹面蚀刻后分光系统、吸光度范围0-3.0;波长范围340- 800nm;(16)、远程服务功能:仪器必须具有并免费开放远程服务功能;

(17)、样本条形码扫描功能:仪器必须具有样本条形码扫描功能; (18)、售后服务: (18.1)、安装调试及保修:厂方在本地有常驻工程师,仪器免费上门安装及现场培训(包括仪器的基本原理、操作应用及仪器的维护保养知识),保修期是从仪器验收后12个月或发货后15个月(以先到日期为准)。接到用户维修仪器邀请后,在48小时内给予应答。 (18.2)、认证:该系统可由专业服务工程师采用经过校准的仪器以及验证工作手册为用户提供验证服务支持。 2、超纯水机: (1)、应用范围:系统以自来水为进水,同时连续生产用于玻璃器皿的最后冲洗、化学/生化试剂配制、分析试剂及药品配制、稀释等的分析级纯水(II级水)和用于细胞培养、Q-PCR、肽谱分析等生物工程实验所需超纯水及高精密分析设备(AAS,IC,HPLC,LC,GC-MS等)配液所需超纯水(I级水)。 (2)、供货要求: (2.1)、仪器类型:纯水/超纯水一体化智能系统; (2.2)、数量:一套 (3)、技术指标: (3.1)、仪器工作环境: (3.1.1)、电源:AC220V±10%, 50Hz (3.1.2)、温度:5-35℃ (3.1.3)、相对湿度:20%-80% (3.2)、系统总体组成:系统包括一台主机、两个独立取水器(分别取纯水和超纯水)、全自动水箱、以及必需的耗材等


Basler相机操作规范说明 一、Basler相机驱动安装及设置。 1、Basler相机驱动安装。 双击安装Basler_pylon_SDK_x86_3.0.0.2900软件,一直是默认下一步安装,直到下图界面 点击pylon SDK for C左边的下拉菜单选择This feature,and all subfeatures,will be installed on local hard drive.,然后点next继续安装直到安装完成。 2、相机驱动安装完毕后在桌面双击打开pylon IP Configuration Tool,查看当前相机IP和相机所接的千兆网卡IP。要确保相机是连接在千兆INTEL网卡上。 Current IP Address下面显示的是相机的IP和子网掩码,Connected To IP下显示的是相机所接网卡的IP。 3、首先看这两个IP地址有没有显示,如果都是空白,说明相机线没接好。如果显示有IP,但左右两边的IP的前面三组数字有不一样的,这时候要修改相机所接网卡的IP。修改方法如下: a、打开网络连接,找到相机所接的网卡,右键点击网卡,然后选择属性。

b、找到网络—此连接使用下列项目—Internet协议(TCP/IP),选中Internet协议(TCP/IP),点下方的属性。一般刚开始是默认使用“自动获取IP地址”,我们要选“使用下面IP地址”,然后查看pylon IP Configuration Tool软件的IP地址,手动填写网卡的IP,IP的前三组数字一定要和相机的IP一样,最后一组数字一定要和相机的IP的不一样。填完IP,用鼠标点一下子网掩码,一般自动生成数字,看一下跟相机的子网掩码(subnet Mask)是否一样,不一样就修改网卡的子网掩码使它跟相机的子网掩码一样。然后点击确定,回到前一个界面,勾选上“连接后在通知区域显示图标”,最后点击确定完成IP地址的设定。 4、防火墙的设置。 在本地连接属性——高级——windows防火墙,点击设置,关闭防火墙。


Basler千兆网相机使用指导手册 一、安装PylonView驱动和SDK 1、双击安装Basler_pylon_SDK_x86_2.3.4.2554.exe(32位操作系统安装文件) 或Basler_pylon_SDK_x64_2.3.4.2554.exe(64位操作系统安装文件) 2、安装过程需要把红叉选项(见图一)全部修改为选中(见图二),全部安装; 图一 图二 3、安装过程结束; 二、网络连接与相机IP地址设置 1、摄像头:1个ScA1300-32gm 2、测试板卡型号:1个千兆网口


3、双击电脑桌面上的Pylon IP Configuration Tool.exe,鼠标选中相机: 设置IP准则:网络连接IP地址和相机的IP在一个网段,例如169.254.×.× 点击Chang Configuration,可以修改相机的Device User ID可以设定相机的名字,例如Camera1;

修改相机IP地址为169.254.100.18,勾选上Use Persistent IP,不勾选Use DHCP 设置IP准则:网络连接IP地址和相机的IP在一个网段,例如169.254.×.×

IP地址的设置如下: 网络连接 IP/Mask Camera Network IP 网络连接1 Mask 三、千兆网高级属性设置 设备管理器——网络适配器——“Intel(R) Pro/1000 MT Desktop Adapter”属性——“高级”页 (1)选择“巨帧”,设到可能的最大值(9k或16k); (2)选择“中断节流率”,设为“极端; (3)选择“接收描述符”和“接收描述符”,设为最大可能值; (4)选择“连接速度与双工模式”,设为1.0Gbps全双工;(非intel网卡); (5)非Intel 千兆网卡以上参数有几个设置几个即可; 选“确定”,关闭所有窗口。


编写技术指标参数要求: 一、仪器设备名称要准确,名称一律用中文表示,且不能含品牌等内容(如联想计算机)。 二、技术指标参数中不得指定货物品牌或供应商,不得制定指向特定产品的技术规格,不得含有不 合理的限制条件(应遵守政府招标采购条例第二十条之规定)。 三、技术指标参数须具有共性,技术指标参数应是范围值,一般情况下不可设为固定值(特殊情况例外)。所写技术指标参数应满足三家以上的产 品。 四、对技术指标参数的描述不应用夸张、模糊、广告语言等词汇。 五、一般情况下单台仪器设备可标注1-2个星号,复杂成套系统仪器设备可标注1-4个星号以示其是重要指标。 六、具体技术指标参数必须用中文或数字,专用英文词汇或英文缩写必须同时用中文注解,并以中文注解为准。 七、软、硬件均包含的系统仪器,技术指标参数应分别编写。 八、技术指标参数及要求编写顺序: 1.所购仪器设备的使用用途、范围及要求。 2.配置(或系统组成) 3.各项配置(或系统组成)的技术指标参数 4.附件、特殊工具、备用配件及消耗品 5.单价在40万以上或对培训有特殊要求的应另附培训协议项目 6.技术服务 7.质量保证期 8.售后服务要求 9.其他 注:以上项目若已在货物需求总要求中做出了相应规定的,则在此处可以不写。 九、招标时需要提供样品展示的货物,应特别提出。 附:政府招标采购条例 第二十条采购人或者采购代理机构有下列情形之一的,属于以不合理的条件对供应商实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇:

(一)就同一采购项目向供应商提供有差别的项目信息; (二)设定的资格、技术、商务条件与采购项目的具体特点和实际需要不相适应或者与合同履行无关;(三)采购需求中的技术、服务等要求指向特定供应商、特定产品; (四)以特定行政区域或者特定行业的业绩、奖项作为加分条件或者中标、成交条件; (五)对供应商采取不同的资格审查或者评审标准; (六)限定或者指定特定的专利、商标、品牌或者供应商; (七)非法限定供应商的所有制形式、组织形式或者所在地; (八)以其他不合理条件限制或者排斥潜在供应商。 项目仪器设备货物需求一览表

basler 相机参数设置

/*index = 0//设置相机为内触发 = 1//设置相机为外触发 = 2//设置相机的曝光时间 = 3//设置相机的增益 = 4//相机的频率 = 5//图片的宽度 = 6//图片的高度 = 7//灯的触发信号 */ static void SetupCamera( Pylon::CInstantCamera& camera, int index) { using namespace GenApi; //获取参数节点列表 INodeMap &cameraNodeMap = camera.GetNodeMap(); if(index == 0) { CEnumerationPtr ptrTriggerSel = cameraNodeMap.GetNode ("TriggerSelector"); ptrTriggerSel->FromString("FrameStart"); CEnumerationPtr ptrTrigger = cameraNodeMap.GetNode ("TriggerMode"); ptrTrigger->SetIntValue(0); } else if(index == 1) { CEnumerationPtr ptrTriggerSel = cameraNodeMap.GetNode ("TriggerSelector"); ptrTriggerSel->FromString("FrameStart"); CEnumerationPtr ptrTrigger = cameraNodeMap.GetNode ("TriggerMode"); ptrTrigger->SetIntValue(1); CEnumerationPtr ptrTriggerSource = cameraNodeMap.GetNode ("TriggerSource"); ptrTriggerSource->FromString("Line1"); } else if(index == 2) { const CFloatPtr exposureTime = cameraNodeMap.GetNode("ExposureTimeAbs"); exposureTime->SetValue(theApp.m_iExposeTime); } else if(index == 3) { const CIntegerPtr cameraGen = cameraNodeMap.GetNode("GainRaw"); cameraGen->SetValue(theApp.m_iGain); } else if(index == 4) { const CBooleanPtr frameRate = cameraNodeMap.GetNode("AcquisitionFrameRateEnable"); frameRate->SetValue(TRUE); const CFloatPtr frameRateABS = cameraNodeMap.GetNode("AcquisitionFrameRateAbs");


技术指标和技术参数: 一、差动继电器 DCD-2型(BCH-2)技术要求 1. 额定值(输入激励量) a. 交流电流频率50Hz; b. 交流额定电流5A。 2. 动作值 无直流分量时,继电器的动作安匝AW0 =60±4。 3. 电流整定有效范围 当继电器用于保护三绕组电力变压器时,其动作电流可在3A~12A的范围内进行整定 (AW0 = 60)。 当用于保护两绕组电力变压器或交流发电机时,其动作电流可以在1.55A~12A的范围内进行整定。 4. 动作特性 继电器直流助磁特性ε= f (k)可以用改变短路绕组匝数的方法进行分阶调整。 5. 可靠系数 5倍动作电流时的可靠系数不小于1.35。 2倍动作电流时的可靠系数不小于1.2。 6. 动作时间 三倍动作电流时,继电器的动作时间不大于0 .035s。 二、电流继电器技术要求 DL-30系列交流继电器,其中电流1.5A~6A ,需要4个;2.5~10A需要3个; 其返回系数不小于0.8,额定频率50或60Hz,动作值极限误差不超过±6%,动作值一致性不超过5%,温度变化引起的变差不超过±5%。 三、中间继电器技术要求 1、绕组类型: DZJ-204系列继电器是一个电流工作绕组 2、额定电压: 继电器工作绕组额定电压为:380V。 3、动作值、返回值: 当周围介质温度为±20℃±5℃时,继电器动作电压不大于70%额定电压,返回值不小于5%额定电压。电流型动作电流不大于0.8额定电流,或按要求不大于额定电流。 4、动作时间、返回时间: 在额定值下继电器的动作时间不大于0.045秒。返回时间不大于0.04秒。 四、时间继电器技术要求 额定电压:DC 220V 动作值:直流电压不大于75%额定值;交流电压不大于85%额定值 返回值:不小于5%额定电压 五、信号继电器 1、继电器工作绕组额定值为:220



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单反相机基本参数调试详解 单反相机作为一种比较复杂的摄影工具,让一些新手望而却步。其实只要了解了相机的一些简单的参数,想要上手还是比较容易的,今天小编就整理了网上的一些关于单反相机基本参数调试的内容,分享给大家。?一、镜头的焦距?焦距在物理中是指透镜中心到平行光聚集点的距离;而在摄影中,是指当对焦在无穷远时,镜头中心到感光器成像平面的距离。因此,只要知道镜头的焦距是怎样影响拍摄效果的就可以了。图下就是不同焦距拍摄的示意图。? ? ?

二、等效焦距?我们把镜头上标注的焦距定义为绝对焦距。绝对焦距是不会随着相机的改变而改变的,它反映了镜头本身的物理特性。而等效焦距这个概念的出现是因为不同相机有着不同大小的感光器。简单来讲,相同的镜头装在不同大小感光器的相机上,照片拍出来的范围会有区别。 怎么来量化不同大小感光器带来的这种差异呢??尼康(NIKON)和佳能(CANON)全幅相机的感光器大小一般在36mm*24mm左右,如尼康(NIKON)D3x,尼康(NIKON)D700,佳能(CANON)1DsMarkIII,佳能(CANON)5DMark II。尼康(NIKON)和佳能(CA NON)的非全幅(APS-C画幅)相机的感光器大小大约分别在24mm*16mm和22mm*15mm。我们将全幅相机(感光器大小为36mm*24mm的相机)作为摄影衡量标准。也就是说:所有能装在全幅相机上的镜头,等效焦距等于绝对焦距;而镜头在所有其他大小感光器相机上,等效焦距等于绝对焦距乘以一个固定的系数。?举个例子,镜头装在尼康(NIKON)的非全幅(APS-C画幅)相机上,如D300s,D90,等效焦距约等于绝对焦距乘以1.5倍;镜头装在佳能(CANON)的非全幅(APS-C画幅)相机上,如7D,60D,等效焦距约等于绝对焦距乘以1.6倍。意思就是这些镜头装在非全幅(APS-C画幅) 的相机上,拍摄出来的画面范围等效为一个更长的镜头在全幅相机上拍摄出来的范围。图下的几张例图可以很容易的帮助理解。 从图中我们可以看出一个200mm的镜头在APS-C画幅机器尼康(NIKON)D90上拍摄到的范围与一个300mm镜头在全画幅机器尼康(NIKON)D700上一致。 ?三、对焦?对焦又叫聚焦,


深信服全网安全监测解决方案模板 深信服科技股份有限公司 20XX年XX月XX日

1.应用背景 在当前互联网的浪潮下,日益成熟的网络基础建设和互联网丰富的资源大大提高了人类的生产力和生产效率,各组织业务得以持续、快速、高效的发展。然而无处不在的网络带给人类发展便利的同时,也随之带来了诸多的网络安全风险。 互联网出口承载着内部所有用户的上网需求,首当其冲承受着最直接的安全威胁,因此在该区域部署相匹配的安全防护手段必不可少。 2.需求分析 2.1.基础需求 2.1.1.用户访问无控制,安全不可控 在广域网环境下分支机构的各类用户对互联网或数据数据中心经常仅具有一部分的访问权限,而在实际网络中因仅仅解决了基础网络的使用,导致很多用户可以对互联网或数据中心随意进行访问。 最终使得各分支与总部没有实现有效的边界访问控制,无法对用户的访问行为进行有效的管理与审计。 2.1.2.无用数据占用带宽,影响业务运行 在用户访问互联网或数据中心时,经常会产生大量的非关键业务流量或垃圾流量占用有限的宽带资源。这样的情况严重了影响关键业务的正常运行,那么我们应该如何保证数据流在广域网中按业务的重要程度进行不同优先级的调度?

2.2.安全需求 2.2.1.网络欺诈泛滥,员工遭受损失 互联网发展越来越快,人们对互联网的依赖性越来越强,网上购物、数据存储、信息查询等等业务应用不断向互联网端迁移,这也使得了攻击者可以通过互联网获取想要的一切。 而随着越累越多的黑客察觉到了其中的利益后,各种钓鱼网站、网络欺诈便开始变得层出不穷。网络欺诈的泛滥直接导致了各类用户的经济损失、数据泄露,而各分支机构往往安全防护薄弱、员工安全意识低,最终致使网络欺诈行为屡获成功。 2.2.2.僵木蠕隐蔽性强,终端大量失陷 大量的网络攻击往往都是通过僵木蠕的传播来实现的,而对于分支机构的终端来说从互联网端下载的参考资料、办公软件等数据便是主要的威胁来源。 为了更易感染终端,僵木蠕等恶意流量往往与参考资料、办公软件等进行捆绑,诱导用户下载执行从而感染终端实现后续目的,而分支机构边界的薄弱也就促成了恶意流量在整个广域网中肆意泛滥。 2.2. 3.缺乏持续检测,失陷主机成为攻击跳板 当终端感染僵木蠕之后,往往会被攻击者控制成为僵尸主机或攻击跳板,此类失陷主机也是进行APT攻击或更加深入攻击的首要条件。失陷主机在网络中往往隐藏很深,可能通过多种途径实现传播感染或对外通讯,最终达到破坏窃取等目的。 而现有的网络中,哪怕存在了一定的边界防护设备,也很难发现失陷主机。主要原因便是失陷主机行为利用了大多数防护设备的逻辑漏洞,最终导致失陷主


深信服智安全认证SCSA模拟测试题 1、[AC]关于 AC 旁路模式,下面描述哪一项不正确? A、旁路模式主要用于实现审计功能,完全不需要改变用户的网络环境 B、不支持 NAT、 VPN、 DHCP 等功能 C、不支持流量控制功能 D、对基于 TCP 协议的应用无法控制 2、[SSL]以下关于 SSL 设备说法正确的是? A、SSL 默认使用 443 端口登录控制台 B、SSL 默认所有网口都可以作为 WAN 口使用 C、SSL 的 DMZ 口默认地址 D、SSL 的 LAN 口子接口地址是 3、[AF]下列哪项不属于热点事件预警与处置功能带来的价值点? A、推送当前的热点事件到设备,让用户感知当前的外部威胁 B、主动扫描用户关注的业务段,是否存在相应的风险 C、一键生成安全防护策略,帮忙用户实现快速防护 D、被动分析相关流量,确认内网是否已被入侵 4、[AC]下面关于外置数据中心的说法,错误的是? A、当客户需要长期保存日志时,推荐安装外置数据中心

B、外置数据中心才有附件内容搜索功能 C、外置数据中心支持安装在 Linux 系统上 D、外置数据中心推荐安装在 windows 服务器系统上 5、目前网络设备的 MAC 地址由()位二进制数字构成, IP 地址由()位二进制数字构成? A、48, 16 B、64, 32 C、48, 32 D、64, 48 6、【EDR】如何才能释放 EDR 授权? A、从管理平台卸载客户端 Agent 软件 B、从管理平台停止客户端 Agent 软件 C、从管理平台卸载客户端 Agent 软件后,再移除此客户端 D、从管理平台停止客户端 Agent 软件后,再卸载此客户端 7、计算机病毒工作步骤是以下哪种? A、潜伏阶段-传染阶段-触发阶段-发作阶段 B、传染阶段-潜伏阶段-触发阶段-发作阶段 C、传染阶段-触发阶段-潜伏阶段-发作阶段 D、潜伏阶段-触发阶段-传染阶段-发作阶段 8、针对 SSL VPN 启用数字证书认证的说法,错误的是? A、证书认证不可以单独使用 B、只有私有用户才能使用数字证书认证


深信服安全业务渠道销售指导 以下所有产品给客户的首次报价应不低于6折,具体成本请联系您的深信服接口人:XXX 一、网关安全类:AF(下一代防火墙)、AC(上网行为管理)、SSL VPN (1)AC选型参考出口带宽和用户数,报价涉及网关杀毒、多线路、BA等模块以及URL库升级和服务; (2)AF选型主要参考带宽,报价涉及增强级模块、杀毒与未知威胁防护、VPN模块、多线路(2U设备)、最新威胁防御(URL库、安全规则库更新)和服务; (3)SSL选型主要参考并发用户数,报价涉及多线路模块、SSL 接入授权、远程应用发布模块、远程应用发布并发接入授权(必须先买)、短信认证模块、集群授权(第三台起免费)、动态令牌认证模块+加密狗、口袋助理验证码模块等。 二、旁路检测类:SIP(安全感知平台) SIP选型主要参考探针数量和模式选型,高级模式与标准模式的差别在于是否审计分析正常流量,对于安全威胁的检测分析能力相同,探针选型主要参考镜像交换机的流量大小。报价涉及设备与软件的接入授权,包括深信服设备接入授权、第三方设备接入授权、第三方系统软件接入授权、主管单位版本授权。 三、终端安全类:EDR(端点检测响应系统)、EMM (1)EDR选型参考终端数量及操作系统类型,报价区分PC端操作系统、windows服务端与Linux服务端分别报价,PC端涉及智防(恶意文件检测)、智控(微隔离)、智响应(联动响应)模块,windows Server与Linux Server 报价默认包含全部模块(不可以分开购买); (2)EMM选型:

四、分支组网类:SDWAN 备注:aBOS里面的vAC/vAF/vWOC/vSSL需要按照带宽和并发授权选型 五、解决方案类:等保合规、软件定义安全 (1)等级保护 备注:深信服提供全套的等级保护合规方案,请联系厂家BU提供等保方案咨询。 (2)软件定义安全 等保一体机中各个组件选型跟对应硬件设备选型方法一致,网络串接的组件均按照流量选型,旁路部署的组件均按照授权数来选型;等保一体机中的各个组件默认免费开通该组件所有模块,无需考虑模块开通。


了解构图的基本知识 如果已经了解了相机的基本操作,接下来要做的就是通过观察取景器决定照片的构图了。构图大体上有这么几个关键要素:被摄体的位置、画面的横竖、收入画面的范围大小等。 决定照片构图的是画面的方向以及画面的宽阔感 拍摄照片时的构图原理和绘画时要考虑的画面构成完全相同。拍摄者完全可以将相机的取景器想象成画布,而如何在一张照片上均衡地安放被摄体就成了关键。就像绘画时我们有时将画布竖起来,有时将它横过来一样,拍照时我们也可以选择横拍或竖拍。还有,将被摄体安放在照片中的哪个位置也完全取决于拍摄者自身,应该根据被摄体的大小和周围的状况来安排画面。另外,画面的宽阔感也是构图时的重要要素,是将整体拍入画面还是只将一部分被摄体放大,不同选择会使照片的整体气氛发生很大不同。构图不是能用某些数值具体衡量的东西,而是拍摄者按照自身“意图”进行的一种创作。 横向的照片能够展现出宽阔感 这张照片是按照风光摄影的基本手法——横向构图法拍摄的。横向拍摄的照片和人类的自然视野相似,能给人以一种安定感。在这张照片中,近处的船和背景对比鲜明,产生了一种令人愉悦的紧张感。 竖拍可表现出画面的纵深感

用竖拍截取风景,画面往往给人以失去均衡的感觉,但是有时也会产生独特的效果,给人留下深刻的印象。此外,近景与远景的距离感被更加夸张地表现出来,在画面中形成了纵深感。 拍摄范围也会改变照片整体印象 拍摄范围不同,照片给人的印象也会有很大不同,这被称作“画面视角”。拍摄距离和所使用镜头的种类都会让它发生很大变化。例图中靠近被摄体竖向拍摄的照片与在稍远一些距离上横向拍摄的照片效果完全不同。 我们用竖向和横向的构图分别拍摄了左图中红框内部分。虽然拍摄地点、模特完全一致,但是因为画面视角不同,给人的印象就完全不一样。 ■横向拍摄,画面宽广


十、中国移动光跳纤主要技术要求和指标点对点应答 附件1:光跳纤主要技术要求和指标

目录 1. 概述 2. 光纤连接器性能 3. 尾纤及软光纤(跳纤)性能 4. 铠装跳纤 5. 外观 6. 材料 7. 使用环境条件 8. 标志、包装、运输和贮存

1 概述 1.1 本文件为中国移动光跳纤的主要技术要求和指标。 应答:满足 1.2投标方对本招标文件的每一条款必须逐条作出明确的答复,并写出具体技术数据和指标,否则视该条回答无效。 应答:满足 1.3 本文件的解释权属于招标方。 应答:满足 2 光纤连接器性能 2.1 光纤连接器型号主要有:C/PC型(UPC型)、SC/PC型(UPC型)、LC型,具体连接器型号及尾纤长度将根据工程需要确定。 应答:满足,光纤连接器型号有:C/PC型(UPC型)、SC/PC型(UPC型)、LC型 2.2 光纤连接器光学性能要求应符合表2.2-1的要求。 应答:满足 2.3 光纤连接器端面几何尺寸应符合表2.2-2的要求。 应答:满足 2.4 对于尾纤,应通过与其它尾纤熔接,并与适配器组成光纤连接器,其性能应能符合表1(D点抗拉试验除外)及表2中的技术要求。

应答:满足,尾纤通过与其它尾纤熔接,并与适配器组成光纤连接器,其性能符合表1(D 点抗拉试验除外)及表2中的技术要求 2.5 光纤连接器重复使用的稳定性的要求:要求连续插拔10次后插入衰耗指标应具有一致性。 应答:满足,连续插拔10次后插入衰耗指标一致 2.6 光纤连接器寿命:插拔1000次仍能满足表 3.3-1的性能要求。 应答:满足,插拔1000次仍能满足表3.3-1的性能要求 3 尾纤及软光纤(跳纤)性能 3.1 尾纤及软光纤外径 尾纤护套外径:标称值为2.0mm (单芯)、3.0mm (单芯),最大值偏差不超过标称值的10%。 软光纤的护套外径:① 标称值2.0mm ,最大值2.2mm ② 标称值3.0mm ,最大值3.3mm 。 应答:满足,尾纤护套外径和软光纤的护套外径标称值为2.0mm (单芯)、3.0mm (单芯),最大值偏差不超过标称值的10% 3.2 尾纤及软光纤的2m 截止波长 λc ≤1250nm(G.652光纤)、λc ≤1470nm(G.655光纤) 应答:满足 3.3、 尾纤及软光纤机械性能:带SC 、FC 连接器的尾纤及软光纤机械性能应满足下表要求。 应答:满足 4 铠装跳纤 铠装跳纤由光纤, Kevlar 纤维,不锈钢金属软管, 不锈钢金属编织丝与阻燃PVC 护套披覆构成。 4.1 铠装跳纤主缆结构: 铠装跳线采用金属铠装结构对光纤进行保护, 结构构成为下图中的一种,投标方应明确本次投标的铠装跳纤为何种类型。 图1 结构类型1:铠装跳纤


一、技术指标及要求 1、AVS+编码复用平台 1.1 输入输出接口要求 单台设备至少具备2个千兆RJ45接口,支持电链路传输; 单台设备至少具备8个SDI输入接口; 单台设备至少具备6个ASI输入/输出接口,可通过网管自定义输入输出; 单台设备必须具备独立的以太网网管端口,支持通过网管系统管理或者WEB 界面配置。 1.2 基本功能要求 设备采用1U集成式模块化结构设备,支持后续在不加设备的情况下通过模块扩展实现升级; 单台设备至少支持8路AVS+标清节目的编码功能; 单台设备最高可扩展支持20路AVS+标清节目的编码功能; 设备支持SPTS和MPTS输入输出功能,满足各类传输要求; 设备要求支持PCR重校正和FEC前向纠错功能; 设备的视频编码码率支持300kbps-20Mbps; 设备能够同时支持720×576i和1920×1080i的高标清分辨率; 设备的音频编码支持DRA、MPEG 1 Layer 2等格式; 设备要求支持IP传输功能,支持UDP、RTP、IGMPV1/V2/V3协议; 设备要求针对转码后的节目进行统计复用、码率修整功能,可根据各路视频的复杂度动态调整码率,以均衡各路视频的图像质量; 设备支持PSI/SI表自动搜索、重映射、编辑、透传等功能; 设备支持PCR、video、audio、PMT等PID的重映射和过滤功能; 设备支持私有描述符添加功能; 设备具有码率检测功能并能实时监测码率最新状态,包括总码率和有效码率; 设备要求具有通道的故障隔离能力,当某路输入码流异常后,不会影响复用输出的其他通道的节目; 设备具备断电参数保持功能。

设备需配置可热插拔冗余备份双电源; 设备要求模块必须支持带电热插拔功能; 设备具有10/100Base-T以太网自适应接口,支持WEB网管,可实现基于SNMP的集中网络管理。设备支持通过统一网管软件系统的监控管理进行设备配置,实现通过网管统一集中进行状态监控; 设备具有国家广电总局颁发的入网认证及对应的检测报告,提供证明资料复印件。 2、编码复用平台 2.1 输入输出接口要求 单台设备至少具备2个千兆RJ45接口,支持电链路传输; 单台设备至少具备2个SDI/CVBS输入接口,可支持SDI或CVBS输入; 单台设备至少具备6个ASI输入/输出接口,可通过网管自定义输入输出; 单台设备必须具备独立的以太网网管端口,支持通过网管系统管理或者WEB界面配置。 2.2 基本功能要求 设备采用1U集成式模块化结构设备,支持在不加设备的情况下通过模块扩展实现升级; 单台设备最少支持2路H.264/MPEG-2标清节目的编码功能; 单台设备最高可扩展支持20路H.264/MPEG-2标清节目的编码功能; 设备支持SPTS和MPTS输入输出功能,满足各类传输要求; 设备要求支持PCR重校正和FEC前向纠错功能; 设备的视频编码码率支持300kbps-20Mbps; 设备能够同时支持480i、576i、720p、1080i的高标清分辨率; 设备的音频编码支持MPEG 1 Layer 2、AAC、AC3等格式; 设备要求支持IP传输功能,支持UDP、RTP、IGMPV1/V2/V3协议; 设备支持PSI/SI表自动搜索、重映射、编辑、透传等功能; 设备支持PCR、video、audio、PMT等PID的重映射和过滤功能;


在MAX下Basler相机参数简要中文说明 1.Analog Controls功能介绍 Gain Auto 自动增益功能,包含三个选项:Off,Once和Continuous,分别是关闭自动增益,做一次自动增益和连续做自动增益。自动增益的功能必须与采集配合,也就是说只有在采集状态下才能做自动增益,如果相机没有执行采集指令,那么自动增益是不能实现的。 Gain Selector 有些多tap输出的相机可以选择tap调节增益,您使用的相机是单tap输出的,所以这个选项基本没有用处。 Gain Raw 调节增益的具体数值。 Black Level Selector 有些多tap输出的相机可以选择tap调节黑电平,您使用的相机是单tap输出的,所以这个选项基本没有用处。 Black Level(Raw) 黑电平调节的具体数值,主要是控制暗噪声用,小于这个值以下的灰度都设置为0。 Balance White Auto 自动白平衡选项。可以选择关闭或者做一次自动白平衡 Balance Ratio Selector 手动白平衡参数调节选项,分别调节红,绿和蓝的白平衡因子。 Balance Ratio(Abs) 白平衡因子的绝对值调节。 Balance Ratio(Raw) 白平衡因子的相对值调节,这个参数与上一个参数是一致的,两个参数联动,调节任何一个都可以。 Gamma Enable Gamma 校正使能,这是调节图像输出亮度的参数,对于我们数字相机,一般情况是不使能这个选项的。 Gamma Gamma校正因子数值调节。

2.Image Format Controls功能介绍 Pixel Format 图像从相机中输出的格式。可以为黑白,YUV422,RGB彩色。Pixel Size 每一个象素的比特位数 Pixel Color Filter 象素的彩色方式。 Dynamic Range Min 动态范围最小值。 Dynamic Range Max 动态范围最大值。 Test Image Selector 选择测试图。 3.AOI Controls功能参数介绍 Width 设置采集图像宽度 Height 设置采集图像高度 X Offset 设置采集图像X坐标起始点 Y Offset 设置采集图像Y坐标起始点



目录 深信服安全服务用户手册 (1) 第1章安全服务申请和版本升级 (3) 1.1 安全服务申请 (3) 1.2 安全服务版本升级 (3) 第2章控制台功能介绍 (4) 2.1 安全服务状态 (4) 2.2 安全服务配置 (5) 第3章 WEB端功能介绍 (6) 3.1 登录 (6) 3.2 首页 (6) 3.2.1基础事项 (6) 3.2.2平台总览 (7) 3.2.3持续评估 (7) 3.2.4持续加固 (7) 3.2.5云端值守 (8) 3.2.6云端响应 (8) 3.3 待办事项 (9) 3.4安全状况 (9) 3.4.1持续评估服务 (9) 3.4.2持续加固服务 (10) 3.4.3云端值守 (10) 3.4.4云端响应 (11) 3.5报告管理 (11) 3.6服务中心 (11) 3.7个人中心 (12) 第4章微信端功能介绍 (13) 4.1 微信帐号(服务号)管理 (13) 4.1.1账号管理 (14) 4.1.2服务管理 (14) 4.2 申请服务 (15) 4.2.1申请单次评估 (15) 4.2.2申请持续评估 (16) 4.2.3申请人工服务 (17) 4.3 服务结果反馈 (18) 4.3.1 安全事件告警反馈 (18) 4.3.2 网站评估报告 (18) 4.3.3 应急响应报告 (19) 4.3.4 安全运营月报 (19)

第1章安全服务申请和版本升级 1.1 安全服务申请 安全服务的用户类型分两种:普通用户和渠道用户。普通用户就是一线行销/客服圈定客户,渠道用户一般是我们的合作伙伴或者销售经理。注册用户需要收集基本信息(公司、联系人、电话、邮箱、网站主域名),然后通过邮件方式发送给对应的接口人,公司总部会根据提供的资料生成客户对应的服务号。目前服务号以客户提供的邮箱作为服务号ID,服务ID确认生成后,客户公司名称和服务号是不能进行修改(务必提供真实有效的信息)。服务号默认为注册时填写的邮箱。服务号生成后,通过邮件发送给对应的申请人。 1.2 安全服务版本升级 升级说明: 1、7.0以及7.0以上的版本升级,直接升级安全服务版本,升级后对客户业务无影响 2、非7.0及以上版本升级,需要照以上版本的升级路径升级到可支持的版本,再升级安全服务版本(如客户是6.3版本,则要先从6.3版本顺序升级到7.0版本,然后再升级安全服务版本)
