

符世伟, 刘志刚,王 辉,杜晓东

(广东海洋大学水产学院, 广东 湛江 524025)

摘 要:以C p 统计量作为确定马氏珠母贝壳长最优生长模型的准则,通过Levenberg-Marquardt 迭代法求出模型中各生长参数,用Brody 、von Bertalanffy 、Gompertz 、Logistic 和Richards 5个生长模型对马氏珠母贝壳长的生长进行了拟合。结果表明,在马氏珠母贝生长的第一年中,壳长生长过程遵循Brody 生长模型,其壳长生长极限值为56.572 mm (43.807~69.337, 95% 置信区间)。

关键词:马氏珠母贝;C p 准则;壳长;生长模型;生长参数

中图分类号:S968.31+6.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-9159(2008)04-0030-06

Study on the Growth Model of Shell Length for Pinctada martensii (D ünker)

FU Shi-wei, LIU Zhi-gang, WANG Hui , Du Xiao-dong

(Fisheries College of Guangdong Ocean University , Guangdong Zhanjiang 524025, China )

Abstract: Growth curve of shell length was investigated in the research by taking Pinctada martensii (D ünker) as the experimental subject, five growth models, Brody, von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logistic and Richards, were chosen as the candidates for fitting the growth model of shell length in Pinctada martensii with the purpose of establishing the optimum growth equation of shell length, based upon C p criterion. Growth parameters embraced in foregoing models were estimated by Levenberg-Marquardt iteration method. The results showed that in the first year the growth of shell length of Pinctada martensii , growth of shell length conformed to the Brody model, the growth limit of shell length was 56.572mm (43.807-69.337, 95% confidence interval). Results obtained can serve as guidelines for predictions of future changes in culture ecology, selection breeding and production of Pinctada martensii .

Key words: Pinctada martensii ; C p criterion; shell length; growth model; growth parameter 马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii D ünker)又称合浦珠母贝,属于珍珠贝科珠母贝属,主要分布在我国广东、广西、海南、福建、东山沿海以及日本沿海,是目前我国人工海水珍珠育珠的主要珍珠贝。我国自1965年成功地开展马氏珠母贝的人工育苗以来,至今对马氏珠母贝主要进行了育苗及养成技术、染色体组操作技术、分子标记技术、常规育种等几个方面的研

[1]不同地理种群内自繁产生的3个子一代群体和不同地理种群间杂交产生的3个子一代群体的11个形态性状、壳厚指数、壳重指数和肥满度;何毛贤等[2]对马氏珠母贝进行一年多的生长测量跟踪,分析各生长时期各指标之间的相关性。近些年来,其他贝类生长研究方面已有专文报道,如陆彤霞等[3]、石琼和陈舜 华[4]、凌高等[5]、Liu 等[6]、Peharda 等[7]、Lee 等[8]及

