An abductive logic programming architecture for

An abductive logic programming architecture for
An abductive logic programming architecture for

An abductive logic programming architecture

for negotiating agents

Fariba Sadri1,Francesca Toni1,and Paolo Torroni2

1Department of Computing,Imperial College

180Queens Gate,SW7London,UK


2DEIS,Universit`a di Bologna

Viale Risorgimento2,40136Bologna,Italy

Abstract.In this paper,we present a framework for agent negotiation

based on abductive logic programming.The framework is based on an

existing architecture for logic-based agents,and extends it by accommo-

dating dialogues for negotiation.As an application of negotiating agents,

we propose a resource-exchanging problem.The innovative contribution

of this work is in the de?nition of an operational model,including an

agent cycle and dialogue cycle,and in the results that apply in the gen-

eral case of abductive agents and in the speci?c case of a class of agent



In multi-agents systems,agents may need to interact in order to exchange re-sources,when the resources they own are not enough to achieve their goals prior to exchange.If each agent has global visibility of the other agents’resources and intentions,a“global”plan can be generated by a single individual.However,a global plan cannot be possibly generated if there is no such visibility or if the design of the system is based on agent autonomy.Also,the autonomous agent behaviour and the consequent dynamic evolution of the system could make any such plan obsolete before completion.In there comes negotiation.

The focus of this work is the knowledge and the reasoning that is required to build negotiation dialogues between agents,in order to exchange resources that help achieve the agents’objectives.We express such knowledge in a declar-ative way,as logic programs and integrity constraints,as in abductive logic pro-gramming[1],with the dialogue moves treated as abducibles/hypotheses,and dialogue/negotiation policies treated as integrity constraints.

We propose an operational model,based on the abductive reasoning mecha-nism and on an agent cycle,and show that it can be used to generate(negotia-tion)dialogues.The framework extends an agent architecture initially proposed in[2],to enable dialogue generation.The agent architecture in[2]relies upon ex-ecuting the IFF abductive proof-procedure de?ned in[3]as the reasoning engine of the agent.We identify the inadequacy of the IFF procedure for our domain

of application,and adopt the procedure in[4]instead.This paper represents in many respects a progress from previous related work[5,6].It provides a better formalization of the framework for negotiation,by de?ning an agent cycle that accommodates dialogues as a result of the agent reasoning.This improvement is necessary to prove some strong results about the general negotiation framework. The paper also de?nes two classes of agents(N-agents and N+-agents),that im-plement the behaviour of self-interested resource-bounded agents and that are provably able to solve a resource reallocation problem.

The paper is organized as follows:in Section2we review and revise the dialogue framework of[6,5],in Section3we augment this framework with new concepts to characterise the state of negotiating agents and specify a concrete variety of negotiating agents,referred to as self-interested agents,in Section4 we de?ne the abductive framework,abductive agents and concrete instances of abductive agents referred to as N-agents and N+-agents,and in Section5we present the formal results.Section6concludes.

2Background:Knowledge and Dialogues for Negotiation Agents negotiate using a shared language,consisting of possible utterances,or dialogue moves,de?ned as follows:1

De?nition1.A dialogue move(between X and Y)is an instance of a schema tell(X,Y,Subject,D,T),where X is the utterer and Y is the receiver of the dialogue move,X=Y,D is the identi?er of the dialogue to which the move belongs,and T is the time when the move is uttered.Subject is the content of the move,expressed in some given content language.

Note that the identi?er of a dialogue uniquely determines the dialogue that includes the dialogue move.Note also that this component of a dialogue move is new and was not present in the de?nition in[5].

A concrete example of a dialogue move is tell(a,b,request(give(nail)),d,1), where Subject is request(give(nail)).Intuitively,this utterance expresses a’s request to b at time1for a nail,in the course of a dialogue identi?ed by d.

De?nition2.A language for negotiation L is a(possibly in?nite)set of(possi-bly non ground)dialogue moves.For a given L,we de?ne two(possibly in?nite) subsets of moves,I(L),F(L)?L,called respectively initial moves and?nal moves.Each?nal move is either successful or unsuccessful.

A simple example of language for negotiation is(N stands for negotiation): L N={tell(X,Y,request(give(Resource)),D,T),



The initial and?nal moves are:

I(L N)={tell(X,Y,request(give(Resource)),D,T)}

F(L N)={[succ.moves:]tell(X,Y,accept(request(give(Resource))),D,T) [unsucc.moves:]tell(X,Y,refuse(request(give(Resource))),D,T)}

1Terms starting with capital/lower-case letters stand for variables/ground terms,resp.

In this example all moves are either initial or?nal,although this is not always the case(see[6]).We sometimes represent a dialogue move in abbreviated form as p(D,T)or simply as p,if the discussion is independent of the missing parameters. De?nition3.An agent system consists of:a language for negotiation L;and a?nite set A,with at least two elements,where each X∈A is a ground term, representing the name of an agent,and each agent is equipped at each time T with a knowledge base K X,T.

In the sequel,we will sometimes drop X and/or T,if clear from the context.

We assume that the knowledge base of each agent is represented in some logic-based language equipped with a notion of entailment .For simplicity,we assume that agents share the logic-based language and (but not the knowledge bases necessarily).In Section4,we will adopt abductive logic programming[1] as the logic-based language used to model the knowledge base of agents.

The knowledge base K X,T of agent X at time T consists of(1)domain-dependent beliefs about the world,such as the information about the agent sys-tem,e.g.,agents({a,b,c});(2)domain-independent beliefs,used to regulate the negotiation dialogues,e.g.see IC.1?IC.3later in this section,and to represent changes in the agent’s own state,such as its ownership of resources,e.g.see D.1?D.4later in this section;(3)information about the resources the agent owns before the dialogues start,e.g.,have(picture,0),with0the initial time;(4) the agent’s goal,e.g.,goal(hung(picture));(5)the agent’s intention,represented as plan(P,Req),i.e.,the plan P that the agent intends to carry out in order to achieve its goal,associated with the set of resources Req that are required to carry it out,e.g.,plan( hit(nail),hang(picture) ,{picture,nail,hammer});and ?nally,(6)the past(time-stamped)utterances,e.g.tell(a,b,request(give(nail)), d,1),tell(b,a,accept(request(give(nail))),d,3).

It is worth noting that the goal and the intention are not time-stamped.In fact,we assume that plans in intentions are given initially and do not change. The only part of K X,T that changes over time is the the set of past utterances (6),as this part grows monotonically during the course of dialogues.

The following de?nitions of have and need for agent a∈A(similarly for the other agents in A)may be part of the domain-independent beliefs(2)in K a:



∧?[gave away(R,T2),T1


(D.3)gave away(R,T)←tell(a,X,accept(request(give(R))),D,T)


Note that we assume that resources are considered not to be owned if they have been“promised”to another agent,i.e.,as a consequence of the acceptance of another agent’s request,even if the actual delivery has not yet been carried out.Indeed,here we are not concerned with the execution of a plan,and we assume that agents will obtain the resources they have been promised by the time the plan needs to be executed.

For a given agent X∈A,where A is an agent system equipped with a

language for negotiation L,we de?ne the sets L in

X ,of all dialogue move schemata

of which X is the receiver,and L out

X ,of all dialogue move schemata of which X

is the utterer.Then,negotiation policies can be speci?ed by sets of dialogue constraints,de?ned as follows:

De?nition 4.Given an agent system A,equipped with a language for ne-gotiation L,and an agent X∈A,a dialogue constraint for X is a(possibly non-ground)if-then rule p(D,T)∧C?[?T (?p(D,T )∧T

–p(D,T)∈L in

X and?p(D,T )∈L out



–the utterer of p(D,T)is the receiver of?p(D,T ),and the receiver of p(D,T) is the utterer of?p(D,T ),

–C is a conjunction of literals in the language of the knowledge base of X,2–any variables not explicitly quanti?ed are implicitly universally quanti?ed over the constraint.

The move p(D,T)is referred to as the trigger,?p(D,T )as the next move and C as the condition of the dialogue constraint.

Intuitively,the dialogue constraints of an agent X express X’s negotia-tion policies.The intuitive meaning of a dialogue constraint p(D,T)∧C?[?T (?p(D,T )∧T

A negotiation policy can be seen as a set of properties that must be satis?ed at all times,by enforcing(uttering)the conclusion of the constraints that represent them,whenever they?re.In this sense,constraints behave like active rules in databases and integrity constraints in abductive logic programming.In Section4, we will adopt the negotiation policy N consisting of the following three dialogue constraints(a is the name of the agent which has N in its knowledge base), which are part of the domain-independent beliefs(2)in K a:


??T (tell(a,X,accept(request(give(R))),D,T )∧T

??T (tell(a,X,refuse(request(give(R))),D,T )∧T

??T (tell(a,X,refuse(request(give(R))),D,T )∧T

De?nition5.Given an agent system A equipped with L,a dialogue between two agents X and Y in A is a set of ground dialogue moves in L,{p0,p1,p2,...}, such that,for a given set of time lapses0≤t0

1.?i≥0,p i is uttered at time t i;

2Note that C in general might depend on several time points,possibly but not nec-essarily including T;thus,we do not indicate explicitly any time variable for C.

2.?i≥0,if p i is uttered by agent X(viz.Y),then p i+1(if any)is uttered by

agent Y(viz.X);

3.?i>0,p i can be uttered by agent U∈{X,Y}only if there exists a

(grounded)dialogue constraint p i?1∧C?[p i∧t i?1

∧p i?1 C;

such that K U,t


4.there is an identi?er D such that,?i≥0,the dialogue identi?er of p i is D;

5.?t,t i?10s.t.p i and p i?1belong to the dialogue,there exist

no utterances with either X or Y being either the receiver or the utterer.

A dialogue{p0,p1,...p m},m≥0,is terminated if p m is a ground?nal move, namely p m is a ground instance of an utterance in F(L).

By condition1,a dialogue is in fact a sequence of moves.By condition2, agents alternate utterances in a dialogue.By condition3,dialogues are gen-erated by the dialogue constraints,together with the given knowledge base to determine whether the constraints?re.In condition3,t represents the time at which the incoming utterance is recorded by the receiving agent.By condition4, the dialogue moves of a dialogue share the same dialogue identi?er.By condition 5,dialogues are atomic and interleaved,where by atomicity we mean that each agent is involved in at most one dialogue at each time and by interleaving we mean that dialogue moves must alternate between the two agents within the dialogue.Conditions4and5are new and were not present in the de?nition of dialogues in[5].The purpose of these new conditions is to avoid having to deal with multiple negotiation dialogues involving the same agent at the same time.To accommodate such concurrent dialogues we need to extend our set of subjects in the dialogue moves and to provide some form of concurrency control mechanisms,both of which are beyond the scope of this paper.

In Section4we propose a concrete agent framework that can produce di-alogues,according to the above de?nition.In this paper we are interested in dialogues starting with the request of a resource R,de?ned as follows.

De?nition6.Given an agent system A equipped with L,a request dialogue with respect to a resource R of an agent X∈A is a dialogue{p0,p1,p2,...} between X and some other agent Y∈A such that,for some T≥0,


–K X,T plan(P,Req)∧R∈Req∧?have(R,T).

In the sequel,unless otherwise stated,by dialogue we mean request dialogue.

In order to obtain all the resources missing in a plan,a single dialogue might not be enough,in general,and a sequence of dialogues might be needed for an agent to obtain all the required resources.In order to produce sequences of dialogues,agents may run a dialogue cycle,having the following properties P: agent is asked twice for the same resource within the dialogue sequence;

2.if a resource is not obtained from one agent,then it is asked from some other

agent,if any;

3.if a resource is not obtained after asking all agents,then the agent dialogue

cycle terminates with failure.

The idea behind3is that the agent will not carry on asking for the other resources,since,at least one resource in the current intention cannot be obtained,

the plan in the intention will not be executable.After the cycle,if successful in obtaining all the resources,the agent can execute the plan in its intention.One dialogue cycle with these properties is de?ned in[5].In Section4we give a concrete implementation of an agent dialogue cycle with these properties.

Within our dialogue framework we can specify properties of the knowledge of agents and,as we will see in Section4,of the behaviours of agents.

The following de?nitions give two useful properties of the knowledge of agents (KB stands for“knowledge base”)paving the way towards building agents pro-ducing one and only one move in response to any non-?nal move of other agents. De?nition7.An agent KB K X is deterministic i?for each incoming dialogue

move p(D,T)which is a ground instance of a schema in L in

X ,there exists at most

one dialogue constraint in K X which is triggered by p(D,T)and which?res. De?nition8.An agent KB K X is exhaustive i?for each dialogue move p(D,T)

which is a ground instance of a schema in L in

X F(L),there exists at least one

dialogue constraint that is triggered by p(D,T)and which?res.

3Speci?cation of Agents’States

We can characterise the state of the agents in terms of their need and ownership of resources.To this end,let us consider an agent X with an intention I X.Let R(I X)be the set of resources required to carry out the plan in I X(namely,if I X=plan(P,Req),then R(I X)=Req).Also,let R X,T be the set of resources X owns at time T.Then,for any resource R,we de?ne the following predicates a, m,n,i,standing for available,missing,needed,and indi?erent,respectively:

–a(R,T):X has R and does not need it(R∈R X,T∧R/∈R(I X))

–m(R,T):X does not have R but needs it(R/∈R X,T∧R∈R(I X))

–n(R,T):X does have R and does need it(R∈R X,T∧R∈R(I X))

–i(R,T):X does not have R and does not need it(R/∈R X,T∧R/∈R(I X))

Assuming a formal de?nition of“have”and“need”in K X,T,e.g.D.1?D.4 in section2,the above a,m,n,i can be formally de?ned as follows:

–K X,T a(R,T)i?K X,T have(R,T)∧K X,T ?need(R,T)

–K X,T m(R,T)i?K X,T ?have(R,T)∧K X,T plan(P,Req)∧R∈Req –K X,T n(R,T)i?K X,T need(R,T)∧K X,T have(R,T)

–K X,T i(R,T)i?K X,T ?have(R,T)∧K X,T ?need(R,T)

In the sequel,unless otherwise speci?ed,we will not assume any speci?c de?nition of“have”and“need”,but we will assume that,for any agent X,time T and resource R,either K X,T have(R,T)or K X,T ?have(R,T)and either K X,T need(R,T)or K X,T ?need(R,T).

State transitions,as a result of dialogues,can be characterised in terms of a, m,n,i.

In general,after a terminated request dialogue D between X and Y,initiated by X with respect to a resource R and an intention I X,X might have been successful or not in obtaining the resource R from Y:Let us suppose that D started at time T and terminated at time T1,and let T >T1.If D is successful, the knowledge bases of X and Y change as follows:

K X,T m(R,T)and K X,T n(R,T )

K Y,T a(R,T)and K Y,T i(R,T ).

If D has been unsuccessful,then neither agents’knowledge about resources changes,and X might decide to engage in a new dialogue to obtain R from a di?erent agent.

While dialogues can be characterised by the initial and?nal states of the knowledge of the participants,negotiation policies can be characterised by the possible dialogues(with consequent changes in states)that they generate:

De?nition9.An agent X is called self-interested if,for all request dialogues D,with respect to a resource R,between agents X and Y starting at time T and terminating at time T1,and for any time T such that T

–if K X,T a(R,T)then either K X,T a(R,T )or K X,T i(R,T );

–if K X,T m(R,T)then either K X,T m(R,T )or K X,T n(R,T );

–if K X,T n(R,T)then K X,T n(R,T );

–if K X,T i(R,T)then either K X,T i(R,T )or K X,T a(R,T );

–for all?R∈R(I X),?R=R,then

if K X,T a(?R,T)then either K X,T a(?R,T )or K X,T i(?R,T ),

if K X,T m(?R,T)then either K X,T m(?R,T )or K X,T n(?R,T ),

if K X,T n(?R,T)then K X,T n(?R,T );

if K X,T i(?R,T)then either K X,T i(?R,T )or K X,T a(?R,T ).

Note that the main characteristic of self-interested agents is that they never give away resources they need.

4An Operational Model for the Agent Reasoning and Dialogue Cycle

We give an operational model of the negotiation framework,consisting of an abductive logic program[1]for K,an abductive proof-procedure for agent rea-soning,and an agent cycle for interleaving reasoning with observing and acting.

An abductive logic program is a triple T,Ab,IC ,where T is a logic program, namely a set of if-rules of the form H←C,where H is an atom and C is a conjunction of literals,and every variable is universally quanti?ed from the outside;IC is a set of integrity constraints,namely if-then-rules of the form C?H,where C is a conjunction of literals and H is an atom,and every variable is universally quanti?ed from the outside;Ab is a set of ground atoms, whose predicates,that we call“abducibles”,occur in T or IC,but not in the head H of any if-rule.The knowledge K of an agent can be represented as an abductive logic program as follows.Ground dialogue moves are represented as abducibles.Dialogue constraints are represented as integrity constraints.3The rest of the knowledge K of agents is split between the logic program and the integrity constraints.

3Note that dialogue constraints do not conform to the syntax of integrity constraints, but they can be written so that they do.A dialogue constraint p(D,T)∧C?[?T (?p(D,T )∧T

To cycle at time T,

(i)[observe]observe any input at time T,and put it in input;

(i.1)[?lter observations]if input=?,then go to(iv);

(i.2)[?lter observations]if ongoing=D,D=nil and either p∈input

such that p=tell(X,a,Subject,D,T)or not waiting,then go to(iv);

(ii)[record input]if ongoing=D then record an input b∈input such that b= tell(X,a,Subject,D,T);otherwise,if ongoing=nil(reply to a new dialogue

D ):record an input p∈input(say,p=tell(X,a,Subject,D ,T)),and set

ongoing=D’to true;

(ii.1)[update dialogue status]if p is a?nal move then set ongoing=nil, otherwise set waiting to false;

(iii)[think]resume ST by propagating the inputs,if any;

(iv)[think]continue applying ST,for a total of r units of time;

(iv.1)[?lter actions]if there does not exist an atomic action which can be executed at time T =T+r,or if waiting,then go to step(vii);

(iv.2)[?lter actions]if ongoing=D and D=nil and there does not exist an atomic action tell(a,X,Subject,D,T)which can be executed at time

T =T+r,then go to step(vii);

(v)[select action]if ongoing=D and D=nil then select an atomic ac-tion tell(a,X,Subject,D,T )that is an abducible computed by ST which

can be executed at time T =T+r and instantiate T to T ;other-

wise,if ongoing=nil(start a new dialogue D ):select an atomic action

tell(a,X,Subject,D ,T )that is an abducible computed by ST which can

be executed at time T =T+r,instantiate T to T and set ongoing=D’;

(v.1)[update dialogue status]if the selected action is a?nal move then set ongoing=nil,otherwise set waiting to true;

(vi)[act]execute the selected action at time T and record the result;

(vii)[cycle]cycle at time T +1.

Fig.1.Extended agent cycle for an agent a

We use the proof-procedure of[4],henceforth called ST,which is a modi?-cation of the IFF proof-procedure[3].The IFF procedure forms the reasoning engine of the agents of the architecture of[2]that we adopt and modify,as we will explain later.IFF and ST share inference rules that allow backward reason-ing with the logic programs and forward reasoning,modus ponens-like,with the integrity constraints.IFF proved inadequate for the purpose of producing dia-logues as de?ned in section2,in that it fails to produce the triggering and?ring (production/active rule)behaviour of dialogue constraints that we describe in Section2.This is due to the de?nition of negation rewriting in[3],that replaces an if-then-rule[?A?B]with the disjunction A∨B.To illustrate the problem, consider a dialogue(integrity)constraint requested resource∧have resource?accept request,where have resource is de?ned as have initially∧?gave away. Given requested resource and have initially,the constraint would be rewritten by IFF as gave away∨accept request.The second disjunct could be selected,

and the request accepted,even in the case the resource has already been given away.

ST modi?es IFF in the handling of negation in if-then-rules.The modi?cation involves replacing an if-then-rule?A?B with the disjunction[provable(A)]∨[(A?false)∧B],which results in achieving a“negation as failure”behaviour for the negations in if-then-rules,more appropriate for the production/active rule behaviour required.For a detailed description of ST see[4].

In the architecture of[2],each agent,henceforth referred to as KS-agent, is an abductive logic program.The abducibles are actions to be executed as well as observations to be performed.In our case,actions are dialogue moves uttered by the agent,and observations are dialogue moves uttered by other agents.The behaviour of KS-agents is regulated by an observe-think-act cycle. The cycle starts at time T by observing and recording any observations from the environment.Then,the proof procedure is applied for r units of time.The amount of resources r available in the“think”phase is prede?ned.Forward reasoning is applied?rst,in order to allow for an appropriate reaction to the observations.Then,an action is selected and executed,in the“act”phase,taking care of recording the result.

We modify the agent cycle of[2]to enforce atomicity and interleaving of dialogues,as discusses in Section2.The modi?ed cycle for an agent a is in Figure 1.This is a modi?cation of the original KS agent cycle in that?ltering/updating steps are added,according to the state of the dialogue,for what concerns both the recording of an incoming dialogue move and the possible uttering of an outgoing move.It is worth noticing that such modi?cations are independent of the thinking part of the agent,namely the application of the proof-procedure. Also,in our cycle we make the simplifying assumption that time is only consumed by the application of the proof procedure,and not by the decisions about whether or not to process observations and whether or not to execute an action.

In order to enforce the properties of atomicity and interleaving,we use the following data structures:

–an input bu?er,input,that contains all the observed predicates(namely the incoming dialogue moves)that have not yet been recorded by the agent;

–a?ag ongoing,that either contains the identi?er of the ongoing dialogue, or the constant nil,i.e.,a new identi?er that is not any dialogue identi?er.

Initially,ongoing is set to nil;

–a?ag waiting/0,initially false,that is true if the agent is expecting a dialogue move from another agent within an ongoing dialogue.

Note that a move p with dialogue identi?er D,observed during step i of the cycle is recorded(in step ii)only if the agent is not already involved in another dialogue,or if there is an ongoing dialogue D and p is a move of D.Also,the agent can utter a move p only if there is no ongoing dialogue(p is the?rst utterance of a new dialogue),or there is an ongoing dialogue D,and p is part of it.

In order for agents to generate sequences of dialogues with the properties P given in Section2,the dialogue cycle of the agents may be speci?ed by the following abductive logic program:

(D.5)get all(M)←M=?

get all(M)←R∈M∧get(R)∧R =M\{R}∧get all(R )

(D.6)get(R)←agents(A)∧ask agents(A,R)

(D.7)ask agents(A,R)←X∈A∧tell(a,X,request(give(R)),d(a,X,R,T),T)∧

A =A\{X}∧process(X,A ,R,d(a,X,R,T),T)

(D.8)process(X,A,R,D,T)←tell(X,a,accept(request(give(R))),D,T )

process(X,A,R,D,T)←tell(X,a,refuse(request(give(R))),D,T )∧

ask agents(A,R)

(D.9)to be asked(M)←plan(,Req)∧missing(Req,?,M)



missing(R∪Set,Acc,Out)←?have(R,0)∧missing(Set,Acc∪{R},Out) (D.11)X∈Y←Y=[X|X ]

(IC.4)to be asked(M)?get all(M)

(IC.5)ask for(A,R)∧A=??⊥

The two integrity constraints are used to start the negotiation process(IC.4) from the missing resources of the agent’s plan,and to determine failure(IC.5) once the agent has failed to get a speci?c resource after asking all the agents in the system(but itself).Note that de?nition D.7performs the allocation of a unique dialogue identi?er to a newly started dialogue.This identi?er is a function(d)of the agent starting the dialogue,the receiver of the request,the requested resource and the time of the utterance.Note also that de?nition D.11 assumes a list-like implementation of sets.

5Formal Results

We de?ne the following agent types and give some formal results.

De?nition10.An abductive agent X is exhaustive and deterministic if X produces one and only one ground move,in response to any non-?nal move of other agents of which X is the receiver.

De?nition11.An abductive agent is an agent whose knowledge base K is an abductive logic program,with,in particular,the dialogue moves in the negoti-ation language L of the agent represented as abducibles in the abductive logic program,the dialogue constraints in K represented as integrity constraints in the abductive logic program,equipped with the ST abductive proof-procedure as its reasoning engine with the entailment K is equipped with provided by provability in ST,and with the extended agent cycle.

An N-agent is a particular instance of an abductive agent whose logic program consists of de?nitions D.1-D.4,appropriate de?nition for a,m,n,i,and integrity constraints IC.1-IC.3.

An N+-agent is an N-agent whose knowledge is extended by the dialogue cycle given by D.5-D.11and IC.4-IC.5.

Theorem1If X is an N-agent,then K X is exhaustive and deterministic. Theorem2N-agents are self-interested agents.

Theorem3If X is an abductive agent and K X is exhaustive and deterministic then X is exhaustive and deterministic.

Corollary1.N-agents are exhaustive and deterministic.

Theorem4N+-agents are self-interested agents.

Theorem5If X is an N+-agent,then K X is exhaustive and deterministic. Corollary2.N+-agents are exhaustive and deterministic.

We prove that the framework described in Section4is capable of generating di-alogues,provided that the agents in the system are exhaustive and deterministic with respect to the negotiation language.In fact,if an agent X is exhaustive and deterministic,then X will produce exactly one reply to a(non?nal)move made by the other agent.If both agents involved in a dialogue are exhaustive and de-terministic,then exactly one agent is guaranteed to produce only one dialogue move,after a dialogue is initiated by either agent,until a?nal move is made, thus producing a dialogue that conforms to the de?nition given in Section2. Theorem6(production of dialogues)Let X and Y be two agents sharing a language L for negotiation.Suppose X and Y are both deterministic and ex-haustive.Let S={p1,p2,...,p n}be the sequence of all utterances between X and Y(i.e.,for each p i the utterer is either X or Y and the receiver is either X or Y)such that the p i all share the same identi?er D.Then S is a dialogue according to De?nition5.


We have presented a framework for agent dialogue and negotiation based on abductive reasoning.In order to provide an operational model for the framework, we introduced a modi?ed version of the agent cycle of[2],with respect to the proof-procedure introduced in[4],rather than the IFF that[2]chooses to adopt. Our model is able to produce sequences of negotiation dialogues that conform to the given de?nition.

Following other related work on agent dialogue,we de?ned dialogue in a two-agents setting.It is possible to extend it to accommodate multi-part negotiation schemes, means of auction-like interaction patterns,but this goes beyond the scope of this paper.Some work done in this direction is that of[7].Among the current approaches to negotiation via dialogue,our work is to the best of our knowledge the only one that is based on abductive logic programming.An approach to agent communication and negotiation that makes use of abduction is proposed in[8],where the authors use deduction to derive information from a received message,and abduction to obtain proposals in reply to requests.In our framework,abduction is used not only to formulate replies to requests,but it is the main form of agent reasoning.This allows us to prove Theorem6.

Kraus et al.[9],Amgoud et al.[10]and Parsons et al.[11]are some of the argumentation-based approaches proposed to agent negotiation.In general, such approaches,focused on argumentation and persuasion,lead to di?erent results from ours,being somewhat more descriptive,and not aiming to determine speci?c properties of the policy regulations.

The innovative contribution of our work is in the de?nition of the operational model,including the proposed agent cycle and dialogue cycle,and in the results that apply in the general case of abductive agents and in the speci?c case of N-systems.We consider this to be an important achievement,because it provides a high-level speci?cation of a system that is directly implementable,and that guarantees certain properties to hold.On the other hand,since we prose a complete approach to a complex problem such as resource reallocation,a weak point of this work could be its scalability,if we want to apply it to the case, for instance,of agents that can can dynamically modify their plans.To cope with huge search spaces,we believe that we could pro?tably build on the formal results of our work and apply incomplete search methods like those based on metaheuristics.Some work has already been done towards the combination of the two approaches[12].In the future,we aim at extending our framework to cope with exchange of uncountable resources,or of resources that may have a di?erent“meaning”for autonomous reasoning agents,such as information. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank Bob Kowalski for his interest in this work and for helpful discussions and suggestions about the dialogue cycle,and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments.This work has been supported by the EU funded project IST-2001-32530,Societies Of ComputeeS(SOCS),and by the Marco Polo research grant(University of Bologna).


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常用结构软件比较 目前的结构计算程序主要有:PKPM系列(TAT、SATWE)、TBSA系列(TBSA、TBWE、TBSAP)、BSCW、GSCAD、 SAP系列。其他一些结构计算程序如ETABS等,虽然功能强大,且在国外也相当流行,但国内实际上使用的不多,故不做详细讨论。 一、结构计算程序的分析与比较 1、结构主体计算程序的模型与优缺点 从主体计算程序所采用的模型单元来说 TAT和TBSA属于结构空间分析的第一代程序,其构件均采用空间杆系单元,其中梁、柱均采用简化的空间杆单元,剪力墙则采用空间薄壁杆单元。在形成单刚后再加入刚性楼板的位移协调矩阵,引入了楼板无限刚性假设,大大减少了结构自由度。 SATWE、TBWE和TBSAP 在此基础上加入了墙元,SATWE和TBSAP还加入了楼板分块刚性假设与弹性楼板假设,更能适应复杂的结构。SATWE提供了梁元、等截面圆弧形曲梁单元、柱元、杆元、墙元、弹性楼板单元(包括三角形和矩形薄壳单元、四节点等参薄壳单元)和厚板单元(包括三角形厚板单元和四节点等参厚板单元)。另外,通过与JCCAD的联合,还能实现基础-上部结构的整体协同计算。TBSAP提供的单元除了常用的杆单元、梁柱单元外,还提供了用以计算板的四边形或三角形壳元、墙元、用以计算厚板转换层的八节点四十八自由度三维元、广义单元(包括罚单元与集中单元),以及进行基础计算用的弹性地基梁单元、弹性地基柱单元(桩元)、三角形或四边形弹性地基板单元和地基土元。TBSAP可以对结构进行基础-上部结构-楼板的整体联算。 从计算准确性的角度来说 SAP84是最为精确的,其单元类型非常丰富,而且能够对结构进行静力、动力等多种计算。最为关键的是,使用SAP84时能根据结构的实际情况进行单元划分,其计算模型是最为接近实际结构。 BSCW和GSCAD的情况比较特殊,严格说来这两个程序均是前后处理工具,其开发者并没有进行结构计算程序的开发。但BSCW与其计算程序一起出售,因此有必要提一下。BSCW一直是使用广东省建筑设计研究院的一个框剪结构计算软件,这个程序应属于空间协同分析程序,即结构计算的第二代程序(第一代为平面分析,第二代为空间协同,第三代为空间分析)。GSCAD则可以选择生成SS、TBSA、TAT或是SSW的计算数据。SS和SSW均是广东省建筑设计研究院开发的,其中SS采用空间杆系模型,与TBSA、TAT属于同一类软件;而SSW根据其软件说明来看也具有墙元,但不清楚其墙元的类型,而且此程序目前尚未通过鉴定。 薄壁杆件模型的缺点是: 1、没有考虑剪力墙的剪切变形。 2、变形不协调。


常用结构软件比较 摘要:本人在设计院工作,有机会接触多个结构计算软件,加上自己也喜欢研究软件,故对各种软件的优缺点有一定的了解。现在根据自己的使用体会,从设计人员的角度对各个软件作一个评价,请各位同行指正。本文仅限于混凝土结构计算程序。 关键词:结构软件结构设计 目前的结构计算程序主要有:PKPM系列(TAT、SATWE)、TBSA系列(TBSA、TBWE、TBSAP)、BSCW、GSCAD、SAP系列。其他一些结构计算程序如ETABS等,虽然功能强大,且在国外也相当流行,但国内实际上使用的不多,故不做详细讨论。 一、结构计算程序的分析与比较 1、结构主体计算程序的模型与优缺点 从主体计算程序所采用的模型单元来说 TAT和TBSA属于结构空间分析的第一代程序,其构件均采用空间杆系单元,其中梁、柱均采用简化的空间杆单元,剪力墙则采用空间薄壁杆单元。在形成单刚后再加入刚性楼板的位移协调矩阵,引入了楼板无限刚性假设,大大减少了结构自由度。SATWE、TBWE 和TBSAP在此基础上加入了墙元,SATWE和TBSAP还加入了楼板分块刚性假设与弹性楼板假设,更能适应复杂的结构。SATWE提供了梁元、等截面圆弧形曲梁单元、柱元、杆元、墙元、弹性楼板单元(包括三角形和矩形薄壳单元、四节点等参薄壳单元)和厚板单元(包括三角形厚板单元和四节点等参厚板单元)。另外,通过与JCCAD的联合,还能实现基础-上部结构的整体协同计算。TBSAP提供的单元除了常用的杆单元、梁柱单元外,还提供了用以计算板的四边形或三角形壳元、墙元、用以计算厚板转换层的八节点四十八自由度三维元、广义单元(包括罚单元与集中单元),以及进行基础计算用的弹性地基梁单元、弹性地基柱单元(桩元)、三角形或四边形弹性地基板单元和地基土元。TBSAP可以对结构进行基础-上部结构-楼板的整体联算。 从计算准确性的角度来说 SAP84是最为精确的,其单元类型非常丰富,而且能够对结构进行静力、动力等多种计算。最为关键的是,使用SAP84时能根据结构的实际情况进行单元划分,其计算模型是最为接近实际结构。BSCW和GSCAD的情况比较特殊,严格说来这两个程序均是前后处


建筑方案设计常用软件 软件现在之于建筑师已然是不可小觑的左膀右臂。以下是建筑方案设计常用软件,欢迎阅读。 1、草图大师 这个软件可能是目前国内用的最多的建模软件了。为什么?因为它方便,简洁。对于方案阶段基本是够用了。在所有的建模软件中,SU的界面最简洁,也最容易上手,更容易推敲方案,更改模型,那么这就够了。所以,大家要记得,SU的中文名叫草图大师,草图草图,做的就是方案的草图,别要求太高,拿3Dmax的那些东西来要求,毕竟这只是方案前期的一个工具。因此,可以说,SU的便利极大的方便了建筑师的工作。 2、AutoCAD 很多人可能忽略了CAD可以做3D模型这一事实,虽然不常用,主要都是2D的平面,但CAD的确有这个功能。同时,CAD也是建筑师最重要的一个肩膀。过去由于没有3D和2D的专门的软件,建筑师大部分的工作都是通过CAD来完成的,所以CAD很重要,对于一些快捷键,最好记住,但是实际工作中,主要用的都是天正建筑for CAD的,天正为建筑师们解决了很大的困难,让画图更简便了,所以已经要记住CAD一定要用好,而且要比较精通。 3、3D MAX

原来没有SU的时候,主要建模都是靠3D的,但为什么后来有很多建筑师撇弃3D了呢?因为3D操作起来和SU比,有点复杂。更重要的是在推敲方案时,没有SU方便。但是3D有它自己的优势,就是建筑的建模会很精细,同时可以用vray for 3Dmax直接渲染出效果图,比SU的感觉能更好一些,所以现在3D用的比较多的地方是效果图公司,用来渲染出效果图的。 4、 Rhino(以及Grasshopper) 这其实就是大家常说的“犀牛”。犀牛最开始不是用于建筑设计的,它主要是工业产品设计,因为工业产品有很多流线的造型,所以犀牛主要干的事就是nurbs曲线建模。用犀牛的童鞋,仔细看犀牛的欢迎画面,是FOR NURBS 3D MODEL。这可是曲线建模的软件,对于很多童鞋有曲线方案的话,这是个不错的软件。所以,尽量别用犀牛做方方正正的哪种方案模型,这会很伤这些软件设计人员的心哦。 此外,很多没接触参数化的童鞋在学习GH的时候,一定要注意通路的逻辑顺序,这个很重要。 5、Maya Maya比较专注的是动画,或者影视特效。看过阿凡达吗?那就是用Maya软件做的,酷炫吧?所以Maya的建模能力超强,而且及其强大。你想,好莱坞的特效都用它做,还有什么它不能做的?有兴趣可以涉猎一些,但是这个软件并不是


首先我要谈的是软件现在之于建筑师已然是不可小觑的左右膀,但是想起去年在墨臣实习,看到一个前北京院总工七八十年代手绘的施工图,不禁唏嘘,老一代建筑师的水平真不是盖的,基本功扎实。记得彭一刚彭老就曾经出过一个素描的本子,全是建筑圈内的几位泰斗的人像素描,赞叹不已,听说重大的建筑学院的老师都经常办画展,可见老辈的建筑师的基本功。提这些不是瞎扯淡,主要是希望大家不要本末倒置,软件很重要,但是是术,什么是道,就是建筑师的基本素养,基本功底,以及以后建筑实践累积的建筑理念与思想,或者称之为哲学,这些都是道,千万不要做丢了西瓜捡芝麻的的傻事。 那么关于术,我们必须要学,但是没有必要说做的有多么数一数二,这点很重要。工作后,有专业的效果图公司,或者专业的模型师,来辅助你做设计,需要你的,可能就是在几个关键的点上指导一二,根本没必要说你建模有多牛逼,你ps有多牛逼等等等等。 或许你要说了,那我有些比较参数化的设计,或者比较流动的造型,我不学不行啊!这点我认,sketchup 的确有很多局限性,我也希望童鞋们在本科时多学一些,想rhino啊,maya啊等等等等,但是,记住,可以学,可以用,但是在学之前,用之前,一定要确定自己是不是这个设计的方向,不要跟风,比如头几年,扎哈火了,我就要用grasshopper,要学rhino,这几年蓝天组火了,我就用catia DP等等等等,做之前一定要想清楚,自己是这个设计的方向吗,自己是这个设计的路子吗,千万千万别做形式党,别 做造型党。

很多人可能忽略了CAD可以做3D模型这一事实,虽然我们不常用,主要都是2D的平面,但CAD的确有这个功能。同时,cad也是建筑师最重要的一个肩膀,过去由于没有3D和2D的专门的软件,建筑师大部分的工作都是通过CAD来完成的,所以CAD很重要,对于一些快捷键,最好记住,但是我们实际工作中,主要用的都是天正建筑for cad的,天正为我们解决了很大的困难,让画图更简便了,所以记住CAD 一定要用好,而且要比较精通。 3D MAX 原来没有su的时候,主要建模都是靠3D的,但为什么后来有很多建筑师撇弃3D了呢,因为3D操作起来和SU比,有点复杂,更重要的是推敲方案,没SU 方便,但是3D有它自己的优势,就是建筑的建模会很精细,同时可以用vray for 3Dmax直接渲染出效果图,比SU的感觉能更好一些,所以现在3D用的比较多的地方是效果图公司,用来渲染出效果图的。 Rhino(以及Grasshopper) 就是大家常说的犀牛,犀牛最开始不是用于建筑设计的,主要是工业产品设计,因为工业产品有很多流线的造型,所以犀牛主要干的事就是nurbs曲线建模,用犀牛的童鞋,仔细看犀牛的欢迎画面,是FOR NURBS 3D MODEL,什么是样条曲线?这一句两句说不明白,自己问度娘去。反正记住,这是曲线建模的软件,对于很多童鞋有曲线方案的话,这是个不错的软件,所以,尽量别用犀牛做方方正正的那种方案模型,我感觉这会很伤这些软件设计人员的心.....哈哈。 犀牛之所以牛逼,更重要的一点是参数化插件,Grasshoper就是现在用的最多的一个插件,GH用的这么多,是因为它可以说是所有参数化设计相关软件中,最简单的,难的有pocessing等等。GH的界面简单,直观,同时用像小电池式的工具来编写脚本程序(应该叫这个),因为像犀牛脚本啊,maya 脚本啊balabala的,都需要写程序语言,学过C语言吗,就是类似于那个的东西....... 另外一点,很多没接触参数化的童鞋在学习GH的时候,一定要注意通路的逻辑顺序,这个很重要。Maya maya我知道的不多,但是首先肯定的一点是maya 比较专注的是动画,或者影视特效,看过阿凡达吗,对,就是用maya做的,所以maya的建模能力超强,而且及其强大,你想,好莱坞的特效都用它做,还有什么它不能做的,有兴趣可以涉猎一些,但是记住学了两三天,连个门都没入的话,就别学了,这个东西不是非学不可,但是如果你说,我就有模型是需要它来建的,那么还是可以搞一搞的.....整不好,真去了AA呢..... Modo 它其实也是用来做动画的,但是不一样的一点,他是多边形建模软件,和犀牛(曲线建模)有什么不一样呢,你仔细看犀牛里的球体,是非常光滑的,而modo里的球体是无数个多边形的面组成的,所以,modo不能做出特别圆润的感觉(其实也可以,你把曲线,分割成无数多的线段),modo有过什么样的


房屋设计3d软件哪家好 房屋设计3d软件哪家好怎么样?近年来,整个大家居行业内涌现出了非常多的装修3d软件,既有设计工具出身的,也有从VR/AR可视化角度展开布局的,还有慢慢布局定制家居方向的,它们遍布在北上广深杭等多个城市,我们熟知的就包括三维家、酷家乐、打扮家以及爱福窝等等,那么这个时候就会有人问:房屋设计3d软件哪家好?我们不妨一起看下文的相关介绍: 房屋设计3d软件哪家好之三维家,在装修3d软件这个领域,三维家凭借7年来的不断努力,已经在行业内站稳了脚跟,被称为较具创新体验的VR智能室内设计平台,并在2017年实现了营收达到3个亿的重大突破。 房屋设计3d软件哪家好之三维家实现“所见即所得”不只是消费者的梦想,也是三维家的使命,三维家想做一个牛的设计工具,帮助用户实现快速‘所见即所得’,让设计成为整个家装行业的入口,这是三维家希望真正能够解决的问题,而不单单是完成前期设计和出图。 在他看来,广大用户普适性的居住需求还远没有被满足,因为消费者的痛点不仅仅聚焦在设计层面,而是集中于设计、装修、体验三个层次。因此,实现设计工具的不断升级与迭代,则变得相当重要。

房屋设计3d软件哪家好之三维家完成设计工具的五大升级,除了布局全屋定制、增强互动体验,三维家还要让设计变得更轻便、更智能 首先,渲染效果图全新升级体现在设计方案呈现的变化。较早期的设计图是扁平、色调不突出、缺乏个性化展示的,但靠着团队7年来对每一个细节的不断打磨,如今的效果图几乎可以起到以假乱真的效果。 第二、三维家带来的轻便设计功能也使产品能够在整装套餐包、软装以及硬装等方面得到广泛应用。 第三、在行业功能的较全面升级体现在多个方面。比如,它能支持中高端设计、工装设计,还能支持硬装的顶墙复杂造型以及地面拼花、软装体系的复杂材质替换等等。 不仅如此,在全屋定制成为全行业热潮的背景下,其设计工具已经支持全屋定制完整的设计功能,包括精准的报价清单、直接对接工厂,同时也能与各大ERP形成连接。 第四,三维家通过产品迭代以及和更多VR、AR企业合作,再加上本身数据架构的打通,它能够将平台上的方案直接转化为互动式体验。很多软装公司已经开始使用这类工具。


BIM建筑设计软件 一、建筑设计(BIM)软件介绍 AECOsim Building Designer是一款对任何规模、形态和复杂程度的建筑进行设计、分析、构建、文档制作和可视化呈现的BIM软件。能帮助不同建筑专业与不同地域分布的团队之间就设计意图达成有效沟通,消除二者之间的沟通障碍。另外AECOsim Building Designer提供BIM先进技术,让您更有自信、更快地交付高性能建筑,对您的设计、工作流、工具和交付成果充满信心。 二、建筑设计(BIM)软件功能介绍 1、制作建筑信息模型 按预算如期提供更高质量的设计;避免成本超支、延期和索赔并增加收益;改进客户服务并赢得竞争优势; 2、压缩设计开发时间 迅速完成最复杂建筑的设计与建模;赢得更多时间来评估更多设计方案;在扩初设计阶段节省大量时间; 3、创建几乎任何形式的设计 快速创建复杂的参数化对象和部件;采用参数化衍生式模式;充分表达设计创意4、即时获取可视反馈 无需再将模型导出到可视化应用程序中;简化极具说服力的客户演示文稿的创建过程;更好的将设计意图和项目信息传达给业主 5、缩短施工文档的制作时间

创建协调的施工文档;控制设计表达的各个方面;在施工图设计阶段节省大量时间 6、预测性能、数量和成本 查询建筑信息模型的所有相关方面;通过关联属性进行几何更改;生成准确的一览表和报表 7、避免错误和疏忽 确保各种形式项目文档的一致性;确保符合各项企业和项目标准;获取知识以便在后续项目中重复使用; 8、为您的公司提供强力支持 借助灵活的工作流程和工具按您所需的方式开展工作;已本地化的AECOsim Building Designer可立即投入使用;每个人都可以使用单一的跨领域工具缩短学习过程


关于那些建筑设计的软件首先我要谈的是软件现在之于建筑师已然是不可小 觑的左右膀,但是想起去年在墨臣实习,看到一个前北京院总工七八十年代手绘的施工图,不禁唏嘘,老一代建筑师的水平真不是盖的,基本功扎实。记得彭一刚彭老就曾经出过一个素描的本子,全是建筑圈内的几位泰斗的人像素描,赞叹不已, 听说重大的建筑学院的老师都经常办画展,可见老辈的建筑师的基本功。提这些不是瞎扯淡,主要是希望大家不要本末倒置,软件很重要,但是是术,什么是道,就是建筑师的基本素养,基本功底,以及以后建筑实践累积的建筑理念与思想,或者称之为哲学,这些都是道,千万不要做丢了西瓜捡芝麻的的傻事。 那么关于术,我们必须要学,但是没有必要说做的有多么数一数二,这点很重要。工作后,有专业的效果图公司,或者专业的模型师,来辅助你做设计,需要你的,可能就是在几个关键的点上指导一二,根本没必要说你建模有多牛逼,你ps有多牛逼等等等等。 或许你要说了,那我有些比较参数化的设计,或者比较流动的造型,我不学不行啊!这点我认,sketchup 的确有很多局限性,我也希望童鞋们在本科时多学一些,想rhino啊,maya啊等等等等,但是,记住,可以学,可以用,但是在学之前,用之前,一定要确定自己是不是这个设计的方向,不要跟风,比如头几年,扎哈火了,我就要用grasshopper,要学rhino,这几年蓝天组火了,我就用catia DP等等等等,做之前一定要想清楚,自己是这个设计的方向吗,自己是这个设计的路子吗,千万千万别做形式党,别做造型党。下面我挨个说软件,主要分为3D建模软件,渲染软件,2D平面设计,BIM,和其他 3D建模软件 Sketchup 这个软件可能是目前国内用的最多的建模软件了,为什么,因为它方便,简洁。对于方案阶段基本是够用了。有人说SU有很多局限,比如,曲面造型神马的,比如参数化,没有脚本输入神马的,再比如模型越建越卡,对电脑硬件要求比较高神马的........这些缺点我都承认,但是,你敢承认不,所有的建模软件中,SU的界面最简洁,也最容易上手,更容易推敲方案,更改模型,那么这就够了,记得,SU的中文名叫草图大师,草图草图,做的就是方案的草图,别要求太高,拿3Dmax的那些东西来要求,毕竟这只是方案前期的一个工具。 再者,su有大量的插件,极大的弥补了它的很多不足,比如曲面,比如参数化(网上有小组正在研发类似于GH之于犀牛的su的参数化插件),另一点,如果你细心,其实SU建的模型,并不比3Dmax的模型精细程度差,而之于模型越大越卡,这个的确是SU挺大的一个不足,虽然有清理模型的插件,但是杯水车薪,想要不卡,基本上是尽量少删减,或者打开一个新的窗口,把原来的模型CTRL C CTRL V进去。另一点是SU不提供四个视窗,这个比较蛋疼,因为大部分软件都提供,好在有视图切换工具。


常用结构软件比较 本人在设计院工作,有机会接触多个结构计算软件,加上自己也喜欢研究软件,故对各种软件的优缺点有一定的了解。现在根据自己的使用体会,从设计人员的角度对各个软件作一个评价,请各位同行指正。本文仅限于混凝土结构计算程序。 目前的结构计算程序主要有:PKPM系列(TAT、SATWE)、TBSA系列(TBSA、TBWE、TBSAP)、BSCW、GSCAD、 SAP系列。其他一些结构计算程序如ETABS等,虽然功能强大,且在国外也相当流行,但国内实际上使用的不多,故不做详细讨论。 一、结构计算程序的分析与比较 1、结构主体计算程序的模型与优缺点 从主体计算程序所采用的模型单元来说 TAT和TBSA属于结构空间分析的第一代程序,其构件均采用空间杆系单元,其中梁、柱均采用简化的空间杆单元,剪力墙则采用空间薄壁杆单元。在形成单刚后再加入刚性楼板的位移协调矩阵,引入了楼板无限刚性假设,大大减少了结构自由度。 SATWE、TBWE和TBSAP在此基础上加入了墙元,SATWE和TBSAP还加入了楼板分块刚性假设与弹性楼板假设,更能适应复杂的结构。SATWE提供了梁元、等截面圆弧形曲梁单元、柱元、杆元、墙元、弹性楼板单元(包括三角形和矩形薄壳单元、四节点等参薄壳单元)和厚板单元(包括三角形厚板单元和四节点等参厚板单元)。另外,通过与JCCAD的联合,还能实现基础-上部结构的整体协同计算。TBSAP提供的单元除了常用的杆单元、梁柱单元外,还提供了用以计算板的四边形或三角形壳元、墙元、用以计算厚板转换层的八节点四十八自由度三维元、广义单元(包括罚单元与集中单元),以及进行基础计算用的弹性地基梁单元、弹性地基柱单元(桩元)、三角形或四边形弹性地基板单元和地基土元。TBSAP可以对结构进行基础-上部结构-楼板的整体联算。 从计算准确性的角度来说 SAP84是最为精确的,其单元类型非常丰富,而且能够对结构进行静力、动力等多种计算。最为关键的是,使用SAP84时能根据结构的实际情况进行单元划分,其计算模型是最为接近实际结构。 BSCW和GSCAD的情况比较特殊,严格说来这两个程序均是前后处理工具,其开发者并没有进行结构计算程序的开发。但BSCW与其计算程序一起出售,因此有必要提一下。BSCW一直是使用广东省建筑设计研究院的一个框剪结构计算软件,这个程序应属于空间协同分析程序,即结构计算的第二代程序(第一代为平面分析,第二代为空间协同,第三代为空间分析)。GSCAD则可以选择生成SS、TBSA、TAT或是SSW的计算数据。SS和SSW均是广东省建筑设计研究院开发的,其中SS采用空间杆系模型,与TBSA、TAT属于同一类软件;而SSW根据其软件说明来看也具有墙元,但不清楚其墙元的类型,而且此程序目前尚未通过鉴定。 薄壁杆件模型的缺点是: 1、没有考虑剪力墙的剪切变形。 2、变形不协调。 当结构模型中出现拐角刚域时,截面的翘曲自由度(对应的杆端力为双力矩)不连续,造成误差。另外由于此模型假定薄壁杆件的断面保持平截面,实际上忽略了各墙肢的次要变形,增大了结构刚度。同一薄壁杆墙肢数越多,刚度增加越大;薄壁杆越多,刚度增加越大。但另一方面,对于剪力墙上的洞口,空间杆系程序只能作为梁进行分析,将实际结构中连梁对墙肢的一段连续约束简化为点约束,削弱了结构刚度。连梁越高,则削弱越大;连梁越多,则削弱越大。所以计算时对实际结构的刚度是增大还是削弱要看墙肢与连梁的比例。 杆单元点接触传力与变形的特点使TBSA、TAT等计算结构转换层时误差较大。因为从实


适合新手用的建筑平面图设计软件 导语: 建筑平面图在我们的印象中是十分复杂的设计,似乎需要专业的人士才能胜任这项技能。但是实际上,新手也可以通过专业的软件来绘制这个图。我们一起来了解一下! 免费获取建筑平面布置图软件:,/floorplan/ 适合新手的建筑平面图软件有哪些? 新手想要绘制建筑平面图,可以不从操作性难的软件开始。亿图图示,简单易上手的建筑绘图软件。没有任何的操作门槛,图库丰富,全程拖拽使用。软件支持Windows、Mac、Linux跨平台操作系统,支持云存储、云协作,极大方便使用者的绘制与修改。

亿图图示软件特色: 1、来自全球超过600万的用户选择下载安装。 2、支持多系统操作:亿图图示可以在Windows,Mac 和 Linux上进行制作。 3、产品升级:亿图软件不断更新升级,重视用户体验度。 4、简单操作:一键式绘制工具帮助用户绘制快捷,方便使用者管理工作项目。 新手如何使用亿图图示绘制建筑平面图? 亿图图示是一款出色的国产全类型图形图表设计软件,能够轻松出绘制您想要的效果。对比手工绘图,和用复杂软件绘图,亿图图示的优势如下: ①精准的尺寸标注:轻松设置建筑的长宽,能够等比例标注出现实里的建筑大小。


③自动对齐功能:拖动建筑符号,靠近同类符号时,能自动对齐吸附,大大提升绘图效率。 没有设计绘图基础,该怎样绘制房屋设计图? 下面将继续讲解,如何使用亿图图示绘制专业的房屋设计图。 一、创建新的画布 下载安装亿图图示最新版本的软件,在“文件”页,选择“新建”-“平面布置图”-“家具规划”-“创建”。 二、绘制墙体结构 从符号库选择建筑符号“墙”,并拖动至画布,根据实际的构造,进行拼接绘图。绘制过程中,需标注墙体尺寸。


用心专注、服务专业 建 Dietrichs产品: Dietrichs.System.v11.02.170203.Multilanguage-ISO 1CD(专业的房顶结构设计软件) IEZ产品: Speedikon.Visualisierung.v6.022-ISO 1CD(著名的建筑CAD,界面友好、功能强大,基于ArCon的Speedikon A (for Autocad)Speedikon M(for Microstation)的可视化功能扩展软件) Speedikon.MI.Industriebau_v6.5.47 1CD Structural Design Software产品: FEM.Design.v6.01.004-ISO 1CD FEM.Design.v5.21-ISO 1CD(基于有限元方法的套装软件,可处理各种梁、柱、墙、板层,也可以3D模型同时处理以上因素) GEOCENTRIX产品: Geocentrix Repute v1.0 SR8(一款地桩三维负载分析和土壤线性或非线性建模软件) Geocentrix.ReActiv.Professional.v1.6.SR8(公路加固和维护的工程方案设计软件) Geocentrix.ReWaRD.Professional.v2.5.SR14(最强有力和便于用户操作的拥有成套工具的保留墙设计软件) LUSAS产品: LUSAS FEA v14.03-ISO 1CD(建筑、桥梁工程分析软件,包括振型、地震、动力、大变形、疲劳分析) LUSAS FEA v13 Documentation Cymap Ltd产品:


作为地理背景的规划设计狗,整理了一些地理/规划/建筑行业常用软件,简要分享心得以及贴心小资源共享。 1 CAD 是一个可视化的绘图软件,许多命令和操作可以通过菜单选项和工具按钮等多种方式实现。具有丰富的绘图和绘图辅助功能。 CAD主要功能: 1、平面绘图:能以多种方式创建直线、圆、椭圆、多边形、样条曲线等基本图形对象。 2、绘图辅助工具:提供了正交、对象捕捉、极轴追踪、捕捉追踪等绘图辅助工具。 3、三维绘图:可创建3D实体及表面模型 它广泛应用于:(排名要分先后) 机械、建筑、城市规划设计、室内设计与室内装潢设计、航空、航海图、服装设计与裁剪、印刷排版

2 湘源 我们规划常用湘源以辅助制图。 湘源是什么? 一套基于AutoCAD平台开发的国土空间规划辅助设计软件。适用于国土空间总体规划、国 土空间专项规划、国土空间详细规划、国土空间村庄规划等辅助设计与管理,包含了市政管 网设计、日照分析、土方计算、现状地形分析、制作图则、专项设计等功能。 基于AutoCAD的湘源在进行规划分析以及图则等的绘制方面拥有强大的优势,工作效率up up! 3 天正 建筑行业则常常湘源插件制图辅助。 cad最初开发时面向很多专业,很多作业需求,因为其功能庞杂,用途众多。而其针对性专 业的绘图效率则有待提升。天正CAD是由我国设计开发,是在CAD基础上的二次开发,严 格地讲天正CAD是CAD的一个插件,其二次开发对CAD建筑设计的相关命令进行了整合 和升级,因而其绘图速度也相对较快。对于建筑天正来讲,由于其在CAD的基础上对墙体、柱网、标注、字体、比例、图层等命令的升级,其绘图速度大大提高。因而建筑设计的学生 应该首选天正cad。


正好学的是土木工程专业又做着正版路桥软件代理的工作,荣我怒答处女贴: 道路方面: 1、公路目前用纬地居多,操作简便易学,而且人家纬地在设计师们上大学做毕业设计时就因为其盗版的普遍性被广为使用,毕业之后必然成了画图首选,但是纬地主要功能还是在出图这块,结构计算并不是他们的优势,虽然在大家齐声高呼弄BIM的大背景下纬地也在往这方面发展,但是终究没什么实质性跨越 2、DPX与EICAD,同是原先东南大学李教授DICAD的衍生品,虽然是借鉴了德国的CARD1,但是因为其功能更加简洁并相对较符合国内使用习惯,还是非常受广大设计院朋友亲耐的,特别在做互通立交这块展示了他们强大的功能 3、市政管线这块鸿业几乎垄断了规划院市政院在市政布线这块的选择; 4、剩余的还有一些必不可少的小程序,包括海特涵洞、科盟交通工程、HPDS2011、URPDS2012、理正挡墙 桥梁方面:计算方面使用较为广泛的是桥博和迈达斯;出图方面原先使用广泛的三款软件桥梁通、桥梁大师、桥梁设计师目前来看,使用率依然居高不下,但是这三款都是针对中小桥、常规桥设计;随着国内高架、立交项目越来越多,做变截面现浇箱梁的软件也如雨后春笋:箱梁、方案设计师、桥易、桥码、桥绘通、桥梁智绘、迈达斯BDS;但是都各有不足,大多数设计院也都是根据当时项目 情况选择一款购买罢了,使用率能有多高真的要另当别论。 PS:个人觉得如果大家期盼的BIM能有更进一步发展的话,如果设计院、业主、施工单位能统一起来,那以上介绍的之前使用广泛的老牌软件估计不会有太多竞争优势,毕竟是国内小公司,研发成本太高。Bentley和Autodesk各自的平台 已经在一些省部级大院得到了很好的推广,相信未来是属于三维出图的,但是还要等多久,我们拭目以待! 发布于2016-06-15


建筑设计软件大全 CSIConcepts2Dv3.6311CD(强大但是简单易用的设计、草绘和技术图解工具) CSIConcepts3Dv3.6291CD(先进、快速和易用的建模工具) CSIConceptsUnlimitedv4SP1NL1CD(工业界首选的建模程序) AFES产品: iAfes.Foundation.v2.5-ISO1CD(地基设计软件,能够满足大部分工业地基设计需要。这款软件不仅能够生成地基设计报告,绘制平面图纸,而且能够生成3D效果图。该软件是一款强大的能够适应工业设计和钢筋结构地基设计的大型软件) BuildSoft产品: PowerConnectv4.0Multilanguage1CD(计算钢筋聚集维度工具) PowerFramev4.8Multilanguage1CD(二、三维结构分析工具.它是当前唯一可以分析钢筋、混凝土和木质结构的程序) PowerPlateMasterv3.9Multilanguage1CD(建筑的载荷分析软件) GS产品:

AFESv3.0.0121091CD(自动化的钢结构设计和部署软件) ROBOTSTRUCTURESInc.产品: AutodeskRobotStructuralAnalysesPro2009-ISO1DVD RobotMillenniumOfficev21-ISO1DVD(专用于建筑工程的分析、设计)RobotRobinv2.3.16201CD(钢木、混凝土结构分析软件,包含了各种非线性本构关系,程序内置的目前世界上最快速的求解器可确保既快速又准确的求解大型复杂结构,计算稳定可靠) ESOPv3.01CD(基于MSEXCEL的部件设计与分析工具) Graitec产品: Graitec.Advance.Concrete.v7.1.SP4Full-ISO1CD(建筑制图软件)Graitec.Advance.v5.2.Multilanguage-ISO2CD(一个投资两年来开发的建筑制图软件,可以与AutoCAD无缝结合,是建筑师和工程师的得力助手。另外该软件内置了很多模板,可以在绘制建筑图纸中直接应用,省去许多麻烦) Graitec.Advance.Steel.v2009.MultiLanguage-ISO1DVD(以AutoCAD为基础的图形平台全3D钢架结构辅助设计软件)


建筑设计软件大全 CSI Concepts 2D v3.631 1CD(强大但是简单易用的设计、草绘和技术图解工具) CSI Concepts 3D v3.629 1CD(先进、快速和易用的建模工具) CSI Concepts Unlimited v4 SP1 NL 1CD(工业界首选的建模程序) AFES产品: iAfes.Foundation.v2.5-ISO 1CD(地基设计软件,能够满足大部分工业地基设计需要。这款软件不仅能够生成地基设计报告,绘制平面图纸,而且能够生成 3D效果图。该软件是一款强大的能够适应工业设计和钢筋结构地基设计的大型软件) BuildSoft产品: PowerConnect v4.0 Multilanguage 1CD(计算钢筋聚集维度工具) PowerFrame v4.8 Multilanguage 1CD(二、三维结构分析工具.它是当前唯一可以分析钢筋、混凝土和木质结构的程序) PowerPlate Master v3.9 Multilanguage 1CD(建筑的载荷分析软件) GS产品: AFES v3.0.012109 1CD(自动化的钢结构设计和部署软件) ROBOT STRUCTURES Inc.产品: Autodesk Robot Structural Analyses Pro 2009-ISO 1DVD Robot Millennium Office v21-ISO 1DVD(专用于建筑工程的分析、设计) Robot Robin v2.3.1620 1CD (钢木、混凝土结构分析软件,包含了各种非线性本构关系,程序内置的目前世界上最快速的求解器可确保既快速又准确的求解大型复杂结构,计算稳定可靠)


GATECH产品: GT Strudl v27 1CD(世界上应用最广泛的建筑结构设计和分析软件之一,简体中文汉化 CASCADE CONSULTING ASSOCIATES产品: StruCalc.v7.01.05(建筑分析和设计软件 EDSL产品: EDSL.Tas.V8.50-ISO 1CD(建筑物及其系统的热力学性能模拟软件 Windowlink产品: Vector.Plus.v4.62-ISO 1CD(温室设计、可视化、定价与销售软件 C.A.T.S产品: Cats 2002 incl update203 and CatsCalc R2-ISO 1CD(用于建筑设计中加热、通风、管道、电工等系统的设计及优化 Cats 2002 incl update203 for AutoCAD Addon Cats 2002 incl update203 for AutoCAD LT Cats 2002 incl update203 for AutoCAD CatsCalc 2002 R2 DataCAD LLC.产品 DataCAD.v11.0-ISO 1CD(专业的CAD结构设计软件 Design Data产品: Design.Data.SDS2.v6.336

Design.Data.SDS2.General(SDS/2v6.24 3CD(美国Design Data公司研究开发的钢结构详图软件 SCAD产品: SCAD Office v7.31 R3-ISO 1CD(高级结构分析系统软件,可全面解决钢结构与混凝土结构分析与设计的问题 G+D Computing产品: Straus7 Release 2.1.1-ISO 1CD(中文版 Straus7 Release 2.2.3-ISO 1CD CSC Ltd.产品: CSC.B-LINE.v7.0(加强混凝土梁结构设计分析 CSC.B-SECT.v6.06(简单易用的混凝土结构设计分析 CSC.C-SECT.v6.04(简单易用的混凝土结构设计分析 CSC.P-Frame.Professional.v7.02(2D/3D 钢构件设计 CSC.S-Concrete.v7.02 CSC.S-Frame.Enterprise.v7.02(2D/3D 钢构件设计 CSC.S-Steel.v7.02(用于图形设计的框架分析、检查、设计 CSC.W-SECT.v6.02(混凝土柱、梁设计 CSC.FastRAK.v12.0-ISO 1CD(钢结构设计软件 CSC.FastRAK.Portal.Frame.v12.0


多种BIM软件在建筑设计中的综合应用 建筑工程行业的不断发展,对于建筑设计提出了更高的要求,BIM软件的应用在建筑设计中发挥着重要的作用,BIM的出现给建筑设计带来了新的思维,并被广泛应用在建筑设计中,BIM在建筑设计中需要多种BIM软件之间有效结合,才可实现工程目标。基于此,本文主要对多种BIM软件在建筑设计中的综合应用进行分析探讨。 标签:多种BIM软件;建筑设计;综合应用 1、前言 通過在计算机中建立虚拟的建筑三维模型,BIM不仅将工程建设行业从二维带入三维时代,同时利用数字化技术,为这个模型提供完整的、与实际情况一致的建筑工程信息库。在应用BIM技术进行建筑设计的过程中,需要多种bIm 软件的配合才能实现预期的目标。 2、BIM软件在建筑设计中的综合应用分析 2.1方案概念设计中的应用 在方案的设计阶段,设计人员一般的构思还只局限于几何体块与平面关系。无法实现构建级别所需的深度,还必须对模型进行全方位的调整,但太过于细化的构建级模型会限制设计人员的思维能力。SketchUp模型软件中的推拉方式相对于精确输入参数的方式更加符合方案概念设计的要求。Revit是我国建筑业BIM体系中使用最广泛的软件之一,Revit中拓展了思路,提出了概念体量建模,其功能性较强,建模功能与编辑功能更加灵活,能够准确的表达出设计概念,满足了对于复杂建筑物的建模需求,能够使设计人员考虑到整体的设计,使体量能够迅速转换为构建,为后续工作中的不断深化提供了条件。 2.2场地分析 在建筑设计初始阶段,场地的一些信息往往是影响设计的决策性因素,通常需要通过对场地的分析来对环境现状、建后交通流量、景观规划等各种因素进行评定与分析,也通过对场地的分析来确定建筑物的空间位置,建立建筑物与周围环境的联系的过程。可是传统的场地分析有着许多的弊端,例如主观因素过重,大量数据处理迟缓,定量分析不足等,但是BIM的引入给了场地分析新的可能,通过与BIM结合的地理信息系统,可以对场地和在场地上拟建的建筑物的数据进行处理,通过BIM技术虚拟成型,可迅速得出数据以支持设计,可以帮助新建项目做出最理想的建筑布局、场地规划等。 2.3BIM软件的参数化设计


房屋设计软件哪个好用 导语: 你或许会看到朋友圈或者街道看到房屋设计图,这些一般是房产中介的营销工具,帮助购房者了解房屋的布局。房屋设计图需要专门的软件进行设计,如果你不清楚哪些软件可以绘制,可以通过本文的介绍进行了解。 免费获取建筑平面布置图软件:,/floorplan/ 房屋设计软件哪个好用? 房屋设计图对于客户来说,可以直观的了解房屋的房间比例和结构,也是一个可以参考的室内布置方案。绘制房屋设计图,专业的人一般使用CAD直接绘制,但并不美观,也有使用PS制作,但也很麻烦,并且专业性要求同样高。 房屋设计图,其实除了这些专业的制作软件,还有一个软件同样可以制作,并且使用起来十分简单,那就是亿图图示。

亿图图示软件特色: 1、来自全球超过600万的用户选择下载安装。 2、支持多系统操作:亿图图示可以在Windows,Mac 和 Linux上进行制作。 3、产品升级:亿图软件不断更新升级,重视用户体验度。 4、简单操作:一键式绘制工具帮助用户绘制快捷,方便使用者管理工作项目。 为什么选择亿图图示来进行房屋设计? 一. 基本绘图形状

用途:无特别限定意义,可以根据自己的实际用途结合图形形状来选取。 二. 尺寸标注形状 用途:用于标注建筑物的长宽高尺寸。图样除了画出建筑物及其各部分的形状外,还必须准确地、详尽地和清晰地标注尺寸,以确定其大小,作为施工时的依据。图样上的尺寸由尺寸界线、尺寸线、尺寸起止符号和尺寸数字组成。 三. 建筑物核心符号 用途:

指南针:北方是罗盘针通常指向的方向。在平面图中,北方箭头显示了平面图的哪一边是北边。 空调几位:是放置空调的地方。 实心墙:描绘了墙壁的相对厚度 剪式楼梯:通常由楼梯相连的两个主要航程构成,从上方观察时形成“U”形。 扶手:是设计用于抓住手的轨道,以提供稳定性或支撑。 抽水马桶:是厕所的象征。 电梯:是一个移动的楼梯,由一个由马达驱动的无休止的循环带组成,它传达公共建筑物的地板之间的人。 四:电气和电信符号 用途:不同的电气符号用来标明开关,电话线,热水器,水龙头等安装的位置,以及不同地方插座的安装类型(是安装三孔插座,双控插座甚至是四孔插座),以便安装电气时更能方便快捷操作。 五:墙,门,窗户和结构图形


国内建筑设计主要软件工具一览 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之一: 达索Dassault的Caitia ;代表案例:鸟巢;特点:起源于飞机设计,最强大的三维CAD软件,独一无二的曲面建模能力,应用于最复杂、最异型的三维建筑设计 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之二: Google的草图大师Skechup;代表案例:广泛使用;特点:最简单易用,建模极快,最适合前期的建筑方案推敲,因为建立的为形体模型,难以用于后期的设计和施工图 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之三:美国Robert McNeel的犀牛Rhino;广泛应用于工业造型设计,简单快速,不受约束的自由造形3D和高阶曲面建模工具,在建筑曲面建模方面可大展身手,案例:福斯特的再保险大厦包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之四:匈牙利Graphisoft公司的ArchiCAD,欧洲应用较广的三维建筑设计软件,集3D建模展示、方案和施工图于一体,但由于对中国标准规范的支持问题,结构、专业计算和施工图方面还难以应用起来;案例: 世界最高的住宅建筑 - 尤利卡塔楼包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之五:美国Autodesk公司的Revit,优秀的三维建筑设计软件,集3D建模展示、方案和施工图于一体,使用简单,但复杂建模能力有限,且由于对中国标准规范的支持问题,结构、专业计算和施工图方面还难以深入应用起来;案例: 湖南省建筑设计院海地的体育场馆项目包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之六: 美国Bentley公司的Architecture 系列三维建筑设计软件,功能强大,集3D建模展示、方案和施工图于一体,但使用复杂,且由于对中国标准规范的支持问题,结构、专业计算和施工图方面还难以深入应用起来;案例: 历史悠久,广泛应用于全球众多的大型复杂的建筑项目和基础、工业项目包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之七: 美国Autodeskt公司的3DMax,大家最熟悉的效果图和动画软件,功能强大,集3D建模、效果图和动画展示于一体,但非真正的设计软件,只用于方案展示;案例: 几乎所有的效果图都离不开包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之八: 国内建筑设计主流软件 - 天正建筑、斯维尔、理正建筑等,基于AutoCAD平台,完全遵循中国标准规范和设计师习惯,几乎成为施工图设计的标准,同时具备三维自定义实体功能,也可应用在比较规则建筑的三维建模方面包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之九:国内建筑给排水设计主流软件 - 理正给排水、天正给排水、浩辰给排水等,基于AutoCAD平台,完全遵循中国标准规范和设计师习惯,集施工图设计和自动生成计算书为一体,广泛应用。包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之十:国内建筑给暖通设计主流软件 - 鸿业暖通、天正给暖通、浩辰暖通等,基于AutoCAD平台,完全遵循中国标准规范和设计师习惯,集施工图设计和自动生成计算书为一体,广泛应用。包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之十一:国内建筑电气设计主流软件 - 博超电气、天正电气、浩辰电气等,基于AutoCAD平台,完全遵循中国标准规范和设计师习惯,集施工图设计和自动生成计算书为一体,广泛应用。包含图片: 【看图说话】建筑设计工具之十二:国内建筑结构设计主流软件 - PKPM结构(国家标准制定单位,自主平台), 广厦结构( AutoCAD平台),以及探索者结构(( AutoCAD平台,用于结构分析的后处理,出结构施工图),均完全遵循中国标准规范和设计师习惯,应用广泛包含图片:
