Resume handout

Resume handout
Resume handout


Resume Career Objective XXXXX Personal Information Name: Cai, Yumin Gender: male Date of Birth: 1990/06/19 Residency:Lanzhou city, gansu province, northwest of ChengGuanOu saemaul undong. 1 Zip Code: 730000 Home Tel:086-xxxx-xxxxxxx Mobile: 1879-312-7459 Email: 921874917@, Political Background:League member Leadership Position:Member Address: Guizhou province Tongren City Shiqian County Yuanyang-lake village Education 2010/09--2014/06 Northwest University for Nationalities Automation Bachelor 2011/07--2012/04 Manulife driving school Pilot Training 2006/09--2009/06 Shi Qian middle school Senior high school students Study

Work Experience 2012/06-2012/09: Logistics group as a gardener in Northwest University for Nationalities 2009/07-2009/09:Worked as an intern in furniture factory in Xiamen Professional Skills C language programming MATLAB Driving Fourth Level/Medium skill level Certifications 2012/11 Occupational Qualification Certificate 1227001036400494 2012/10 Second-class Scholarship certificate 2012/05 Driving License of the People’s Republic of China 620100641216 2011/09 Visual foxpro C language certificate 24346201314023 Honors/Awards Second-class Scholarship 3 good’s student excellent League Member the second prize in Mathematical modeling contest in Northwest Univer sity for Nationalities the first priz e in students’acquirement the fifth ranking scholarship Self Assessment Self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for XX XXX


美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文) 这个模板是沈阳美领馆提供的简历模板,针对非移民签证申请人如果需要写个人简历的话,大家可以参考一下: Nonimmigrant Visa Resume T emplate Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Address and Contact information: Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Dates of study Degree level Degree major and minors Area of research Title of thesis Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Job titles Dates of jobs Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? Please list these. Do you hold any patents? List name, patent number and year registered.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 resume英文模板 篇一:resume英语格式 sample thissamplestudentwillgiveyouaquickstartonbuildingan effectiveandoptimizedresumeforyour.Visitorscanfeelf reeto customizeandeditoursamplestudentresumeaspertheirreq uirementforjobapplication.wehopethatoursamplestuden tresumewillgoalongwayinportrayingyourabilitiesandsk illsetsefficiently. samplestudentResume thissamplestudentresumewillgiveyouaquickstartonbuil dinganeffectiveandoptimizedresumeforyourjobapplicat ion.Visitorscanfeelfreeto

customizeandeditoursamplestudentresumeaspertheirreq uirementforjobapplication.wehopethatoursamplestuden tresumewillgoalongwayinportrayingyourabilitiesandsk illsetsefficiently. sample thissamplestudentwillgiveyouaquickstartonbuildingan effectiveandoptimizedresumeforyour.Visitorscanfeelf reeto customizeandeditoursamplestudentresumeaspertheirreq uirementforjobapplication.wehopethatoursamplestuden tresumewillgoalongwayinportrayingyourabilitiesandsk illsetsefficiently. 篇二:英文简历模板resume_template name streetaddress city,state,zipcode (ifapplicable)emailaddressphonenumberFax(ifapplicab le) objective


姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)

出国经历—请列举您到访过的所有国家及到访时间 国家(年) 例如:美国(2002,2003);加拿大(2008,2009) 同行人–请写出和您一起赴美的所有同行人姓名及与您的关系

Name (in pinyin and Chinese): Gender: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Home Address: Business Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile Phone: E-mail: Education – please list all degrees attained, beginning with the most recent Month, Year – Month, Year University Name Degree and Major Thesis Topic/Research Focus (for masters and phd degrees) Work Experience – please list all work experience Month, Year – Month, Year Employer Location Position or Title Duties Awards and Group Memberships – if any


美国签证需要用到的个人 简历中英文 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文) Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: male Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Lin xuchen Address and Contact information:Shaanxi baoji jin tai district nine HuaHaiFeng garden 1 1 unit 5 floor Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Shanxi college of traditional Chinese medicine Dates of study Degree level A master's degree Degree major and minors The orthopaedic Area of research The orthopaedic Title of thesis Lumbar spinal stenosis disease in clinical treatment Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Baoji City, Shaanxi Province Chinese Medicine Hospital Job titles :Attending Dates of jobs : to now Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research:Orthopedics:no Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents no Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work Please list these.:no Do you hold any patents List name, patent number and year registered.:no


1234567890 1234567890 山东,青岛 某某某 求职意向:简历设计师 姓 名:某某某 年 龄:24岁 籍 贯:山东 民 族:汉族 政治面貌:中共党员 健康状况:良好 2012-1016 山东某某大学 设计专业 本 科 MS Office Photoshop Illustrator 英 语 日 语 粤 语 大二期间担任系学生会生活部部长,锻炼了自己的组织协调能力;请直接修改为自己的内容。 大一、大二期间担任校市场研究会干事,参与组织多次研讨会;请直接修改为自己的内容。 大三期间担任学生会生活部部长,组织多次校园活动,都取得了不错的效果;请直接修改为自己的内容。 利用大二署假参加学校组织的“三下乡”活动,加深了对社会的了解。请直接修改为自己的内容。 ● 2015年5到7月 实习 某某设计公司 ● 2015年5到7月 兼职翻译 某某翻译公司 ● 2015年5到7月 宣传员 某某百货公司 2010年国家励志一等奖学金 2011年电子科技大学挑战主持人大赛第一名 2012年全国大学生数学建模大赛国家二等奖 2013年领导英语俱乐部获得“某年度十佳社团”荣誉称号 2013年电子科技大学第九届数学建模大赛一等奖 2013年参加省红十字协会演讲比赛并取得前三名 ? 独立负责过大型项目,非常成功的规划了项目 A 工作; ? 具备艺术家的灵感创作能力,公司公认的首席 PPT 制作人; ? 非常优秀的用户心理洞察力,配合丰富的创意及文案能力。 ? 专业知识的学习以及多年的工作实践,使我积累了丰富的工作经 验,并取得了优秀的销售业绩。段前间距设为0.2行。 校 园 活 动 社 会 实 践 荣 誉 奖 项 自 我 评 价


基于美国旅游/商务签证常见问题,特别编辑一个常见问题解答,希望对各位有所帮助 一,基本签证问题 ●Q1- 我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证 要前往美国旅行,须持有有效期超出预定停留期至少六个月的有效护照。 ●Q2- 美国签证免签国家都有哪些? 安道尔 澳大利亚奥地利 比利时 文莱 捷克共和国丹麦 爱沙尼亚芬兰 法国 德国 希腊匈牙利 冰岛 爱尔兰 意大利 日本 拉脱维亚 列支敦士登 立陶宛 卢森堡 马耳他 摩纳哥 新西兰 挪威 葡萄牙 韩国 圣马力诺 新加坡 斯洛伐克 斯洛文尼亚 西班牙 瑞典 瑞士 台湾 荷兰 英国 成员国家/地区的公民如满足以下要求,则可以免签证去美国旅游或出差,并最多可停留90天。 ●Q3-是否所有非移民签证申请人都必须到大使馆或总领事馆进行面谈? 大部分申请人均需如此。仅有少数例外情况: 例如:14以下儿童或80岁以上老人 任何有资格使用代传递服务续签的申请人 ●Q4-我的护照已经到期,但是其中的美国签证仍然有效。我是否需要申请新的签证?不需要,如果您的签证仍然有效,则您可以使用新旧两本护照到美国旅行,前提是签证未损坏,且旅行主 要目的与签证类型相符(例如:如果主要旅行目的为旅游,则签证必须为旅游签证)。另外,两本护照 上的姓名与其他个人信息必须一致,且两本护照必须是同一国家签发的同一类型护照。

●Q5-我拥有双重公民身份。去美国旅行应该使用哪个护照? 如果您不具有美国国籍,则可使用任意国籍申请签证,但是需要在申请表上向大使馆或总领事馆写明您的全部国籍。美国公民(即使拥有双重国籍)出入美国必须使用美国护照 ●Q6-签证可否办理延期 美国签证有效期为一年,任何类型的签证都无法延期。您必须重新申请签证,或办理代传递(免面谈)业务 ●Q7- 如果我在美国停留期间签证过期,会有什么问题吗? 根据美国国土安全部官员在您入境时作出的决定,您可以按照I-94表(入境时填写)上注明的时间和条件在美国境内停留,即使签证过期也没有问题 二, 如遇到拒签,客人提出的问题解答 ●Q1- 怎么证明客人被拒签了(签证官会口头告知,但有个别申请者会询问) 在美国签证面试后如遇到拒签情况,客人的护照会被返回手中,并由使馆发给客人一张 “1 214(b)条款”的拒签信,拒签信内容无差别,具体拒签原因不会被告知,但可以通过询问签证官所提问题,进行分析 ●Q2-拒签信上的214(b)条款是指什么? 214(b)是美国《移民与归化法案》(INA)中的条款,其中规定: 所有外国人在申请签证时都将首先被假定具有移民倾向,除非他/她能使签证官确信其具有非移民资格。大多数情况下,签证官只需简单面谈并审查申请人提供的约束力证明材料,即可处理签证申请。拒签最常见的原因是,访客或学生签证申请人无法证明其在美国境外拥有没有理由放弃的居住权。申请人必须证明上述居住权的存在,表明他/她们具有必然的约束力,可迫使其在短期停留后离美回国。依据美国法律,申请人有责任提供此类证明 ●Q3-,.如果本次被拒签,近期还可否申请同种类型签证 可以,但需要重新缴纳签证费,如果申请人能重新提供在美国境外有牢固约束力的证明材料,签证官将予以酌情考虑。不过,对某些申请人而言,除非其个人生活、工作和经济状况发生重大改变,否则无论重新申请多少次,也不具备获得非移民签证的资格。

【个人简历】管理层英文简历模板Resume Management Position

管理层英文简历模板 Resume: Management Position 管理层英文简历模板Resume: Management Position Jose A. Adelo 1525 Jackson Street, City, NY 11111 555-555-555 email: abc@, OBJECTIVE To obtain a position where I can maximize my multilayer of management skills, quality assurance, program development, training experience, customer service, and a successful track record in the Blood Banking care environment. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Results-oriented, high-energy, hands-on

professional, with a successful record of accomplishments in the blood banking, training, and communication transmission industries. Experience in phlebotomy, blood banking industry, training, quality assurance, and customer service with focus on providing the recipient with the highest quality blood product. Fully compliant with FDA cGMP, Code of Federal Regulations, AABB accreditation, and California state laws. Major strengths include strong leadership, excellent communication skills, competent, strong team player, attention to detail, dutiful respect for compliance in all regulated environment, as well as supervisory skills including hiring, termination, scheduling, training, payroll ,and other administrative tasks. Thorough knowledge of current manufacturing practices, and a clear vision to accomplish the company goals. Computer and Internet literate.


说完申根签证,就发现好多小伙伴对美签的疑问也很多。所以贴心的UU本周为大家整理了关于美国签证的一些常见问题的解答。 不过在开头就先说明,想拿美签?哈哈哈,看人品,看签证官心情。因为美签需要面签,所以有了很多不可避免的主观因素。可能两个人类似的条件也会有不同的结果,尽管需要天时地利人和,之前你也必须要好好准备,打好基础! 以下整理的问题的答案,仅供大家参考(本篇只讲B类签证)。 1.什么是B1/B2签证? 美国签证可分为移民签证和非移民签证。在非移民签证中,申请最多的为B类签证——短期访客。 B-1签证:B-1签证签发给从事短期商务活动的申请人。商务活动包括签订合同,参加展览或会议,短期培训或与客户洽谈业务。该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业。B1申请人应出示其拟在美从事商务活动的相关文件,包括发自美国邀请方的邀请函,表明访美目的和证明申请人个人情况的文件。 B-2签证:B-2签证签发给赴美国旅游的申请人,包括观光、治病、探亲访友以及参加会议。该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业。因此,除了法律另有规定来证实外,非移民签证的申请人应该举证他并没有移民美国的企图。而B-2签证又是由美国领事当场决定,带有浓厚的主观色彩,所以很容易被认为有"移民倾向"而拒签。这也使得许多申请者在面谈时非常紧张。 2.美国签证的新规是什么? 根据新规定,自2016年11月1日起,持有中国护照及10年有效商务或旅游签证(B1/B2、B1或B2)的旅客,入境美国前须在“签证更新电子系统”(EVUS)上登记个人信息。 什么是EVUS? 签证更新电子系统是指持有十年有效B1/B2,B1或B2(访问者)签证的中国公民所使用的个人基本信息在线定期更新系统,以协助其赴美旅行。除了有效签证以外,在2016年11月之后,上述旅客必须完成EVUS 登记,以便获得许可进入美国。 是否对目前的签证持有人、新申请人或两者都有影响? 两者都会受到本项新规定的影响。持有2016 年11 月之前签发的十年有效期B1/B2、B1 或B2 签证的申请者,必须在该规定生效后登陆EVUS登记,方可使用签证。自2016 年


人力资源英文个人简历范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历resume并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 OBJECTIVE Human Resources, Recruiter, Benefits Advisor, Manager RELOCATE IN To obtain a Human Resources position within a goal oriented company that has future opportunities for advancement. EXPERIENCE 1999 V October 2021 Heritage Homes of Indiana Shelbyville, In. Director of Human Resources / Payroll Manager Oversee operations of the corporate office and nine Certified Medicaid / Medicare healthcare facilities employing over 650 employees. Responsibilities included: Senior executive recruitment for all senior management personnel. Writing and implementing company policy and procedures. Maintaining current knowledge and interpretation for all State/Federal laws and regulations. Served as an officer on the Corporate Compliance Committee. Serve as the Employee Grievance Officer for 650 employees. Plan Administrator for all company Health and Dental Insurance. Risk Management Officer and Worker Compensation Administrator HIPAA Compliance Officer. COBRA administration and manage the coordination of benefits. 1989 V 1999 J.L. Johnsons Fine Jewelry Greenwood, In.


RESUME (英文简历) Personal Information: Name : Zhang San Gender : female Date of birth : Nov April Marital Status : married Birthplace : Beijing city of Henan province Education Background : junior college Home Adress : Beijing Home Phone : 010-5787666898 Tel : 138888888 E-mail : Experience : 1.XXX China Holding Co., Ltd July 2020-Present Sales Manager of Demonstration Departments in Beijing Branch of XXX Company, in charge of Northeast District ●Responsible for XXX selling dealer and the contract signed in Beijing District and Tianjin District of XXX; ●Responsible for sales promotion, store image and display, selling training products, enhancing the professional quality and site Promotion etc.; ●Maintaining good business relationships and communication with XXXX. 2.XXXX China Holding Co., Ltd July 2006 to June 2010 Beijing Market supervision in Home Electronics Division of Beijing Branch of XXXXX, ●Responsible for sales and marketing work In North China Beijing Branch; ●Responsible for direct supply work of the XXXX products in chain stores 3. XXXX Beijing Office 2000 to April 2005 Seller in XXXX Shop of Beijing Office ●As a sales staff in the shop ,responsible for the overall work of the shop, from product sampling, store display, retail planned mission, the implementation of promotional activities and other aspects, the indicators fully met the requirements of Pioneer. ●After April 2005 due to pregnancy, leaving the post. 4 . Floor Manager of Beijing Stores 1997 to 1999


美国签证提交简历中英文样板S a m p l e R e s u m e 使馆提供 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)出国经历—请列举您到访过的所有国家及到访时间

国家(年) 例如:美国(2002,2003);加拿大(2008,2009) 同行人–请写出和您一起赴美的所有同行人姓名及与您的关系

Name(inpinyinandChinese): Gender: DateofBirth: PlaceofBirth: HomeAddress: BusinessAddress: HomePhone: WorkPhone: MobilePhone: E-mail: Education–pleaselistalldegreesattained,beginningwiththemostrecent Month,Year–Month,YearUniversityName DegreeandMajor ThesisTopic/ResearchFocus(formastersandphddegrees) WorkExperience–pleaselistallworkexperience Month,Year–Month,YearEmployer Location PositionorTitle Duties AwardsandGroupMemberships–ifany Publications–pleaselistallpublications,ifany TravelHistory–pleaselistallcountriesyouhavevisited Example:U.S.(2002,2003);Canada(2008,2009)


Report and Technical Writing--Resume Definition A resume is a short written account of one’s education and previous job that one sends to an employer when looking for a job.It is an important tool careering as it helps make an initial impression on the potential employer It is a brief summary of one’s life history or the main events of his/her life, and it gives a brief, factual summary your qualification beginning with the writer’s birth and followed by a list of his/her education backgroun d, work perience, professional accomplishments and hobbies, while a resume cover letter explains your qualification to show well u can fit in the position. II. Types (or formats) of resume Your resume format could make a considerable difference to the information that a reader derives. Keep in mind There is no correct or standard resume format Your resume format should be appropriate to your position Your chosen resume format must not be seen as a method of concealing information You must follow a consistent format in all sections of your resume The following resume types (formats) are provided for the writer to choose 1.Basic format(基本型): It contains the most basic information such as education experience as well 页脚内容1


Resume Name[Add "Name" Here"] Birth Date[Add "Birth Date" Here"] Sex[Add "Sex" Here"] Nationality[Add "Nationality" Here"] Address[Add "Address" Here"] Phone[Add "Phone" Here"] E-mail[Add "E-mail" Here"] Objective A position as a general office clerk for a major corporation Skills Profile ●Ability to operate Model 5000 copy/collating machine ●Knowledge of and experience with corporate mailroom procedure ●Good filing and organizational skills ●Experience in handling confidential paperwork ●Ability to take accurate phone messages and deliver messages promptly ●Good customer-relations background Employment History Copy-Machine Attendant(1998-Cont) Contoso, Ltd. Milton, NY ●Copy and collate all projects(including confidiential papers) for 25-lawyer firm. ●Successfully complete all jobs by time requested. ●Coordinate delivery of large projects with mailroom clerk. Mailroom Clerk(1994-1998) Contoso, Ltd., Milton, NY ●Accurately filed and delivered mail to all company departments. ●Suggested new mail code system, which reduced filing errors and increased timely delivery. ●Computed amount of postage required for outgoing mail, depending on weight. ●Covered phones for word-processing clerk during clerk's lunch break.


Resume 简历 简历,顾名思义就是对一个人的求学、工作、社会活动等主要经历所作的简要概括。美国英语借用了一个法语词résumé来表示,也可以写作resume。英国英语中使用的是CV 出自拉丁文curriculum vitae。写好一份简历并不是件容易的事。它要求我们能遵循某些约定俗成的内容和形式,借助精心策划、组织的版面格式,运用一定的写作技巧,将自己最具光彩的一面展示出来,以尽量让自己的简历在突出自身专长和强项的同时又特别符合应聘单位的需求条件。 Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合) ?工作申请 ?询问职位 ?入学申请 ?组织成员资格申请 … Part II How to Write (如何书写) 简历的格式并无既定的范本,其格式可根据招聘单位的要求灵活多样。一份简历所能提供的信息主要包括个人资料、求职目标、教育背景、工作经历、特殊技能、荣誉奖励、资格证书、兴趣爱好、推荐人士等等。 ?个人资料: ?求职目标:注明你想要申请的具体工作或职位,有时还须简要说明自己对将来发展方面的明确规划 ?工作经历:具体表述自己的工作经历、职务和职责,注意突出自己的能力、承担的责任和取得的成绩 ?教育背景:强调自己拥有适合应聘职位的知识结构,通常说明获得的学位、专修辅修课程、学习成绩以及相应的学历或资格 ?特殊技能:所列出来的技能应该是与从事的工作紧密相关、有助于做好工作的技能 ?荣誉奖励:介绍获奖情况,注明获奖的时间、奖项等细节 ?资格证书:表明自己在本专业领域内达到的层次和水平,专业越对口、证书级别越高越能引起招聘单位的重视 ?推荐人士:提供证明人的姓名、地址、电话,推荐人最好是你的老师、主管或是在相关领域里颇具影响力的人士 ?最后表示:I hope to have the opportunity of discussing the position further … Part III What not to Write (避免提及) ?主次分明,避免遗漏重要信息,同时避免提供无关紧要的信息 ?准确简明,简历提供的资料力求准确无误,切忌无中生有、弄虚作假 ?重视细节,避免在语法、拼写以及标点符号等方面出错 ?避免使用过分的词汇,措词力求专业规范 ?版面设计整洁美观,避免涂改和污点 ?避免强调个人能力、提及个人收入 ?避免使用模棱两可的词汇 … Part IV Tips on Writing (注意事项)

英语个人简历 My Resume

My Resume Name Li Kun Gender Male Birth Place Jining,Shandong Date of Birth October 20th,1991 Telephone 183xxxxxxx Email xxxxxxxxxx@q, Universit y Ocean university of China Major Civil Engineering Address Shandong Qingdao laoshan district pine ridge road 238 ocean university of China English Proficienc y CET4 A wards a nd Scholars hip National Encouragement scholarship Excellent Student Cadre Merit Student My hobbies 1.Playing ping-pong 2. Running 3. Watching movies(especially American movies) 4. Traveling with my girlfriend social practice I have done many jobs in my free time to earn some money for better life and get work experience. The experience is very useful for me and help broaden my horizon. I know how to make good use of time . I know how to get along well with others. I know how to find a better way to deal with difficult problems. My strength 1.Good communication skills 2.Unique insight and opinion for something 3.Serious learning attitude 4.Strong and healthy
