The SSEA server for protein secondary structure alignment

The SSEA server for protein secondary structure alignment
The SSEA server for protein secondary structure alignment

Bioinformatics Advance Access published September 3, 2004

Bioinfor m atics? Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.

The SSEA Server for Protein Secondary Structure


Paolo Fontana1, Eckart Bindewald2,5, Stefano Toppo3 Riccardo Velasco1, Giorgio Valle4 and

Silvio C.E. Tosatto4

1Istituto Agrario di San Michele all'Adige, via E. Mach 1,

38010 S.Michele all'Adige (TN) - Italy

2Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

3Dept. of Biological Chemistry, 4Dept. of Biology and CRIBI Biotechnology Centre,

University of Padova, V.le G. Colombo 3, 35121 Padova, Italy

5currently at: Basic Research Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., Laboratory of Experimental and

Computational Biology, National Cancer Institute, Building 469, Frederick, MD 21702, USA



Summary:We present a web server which computes alignments of protein secondary

structures. The server supports both performing pairwise alignments and searching a

secondary structure against a library of domain folds. It can calculate global and local

secondary structure element alignments. A combination of local and global alignment steps

can be used to search for domains inside the query sequence or help in the discrimination of

novel folds. Both SCOP and the PDB fold libraries, clustered at 95% and 40% sequence

identity, are available for alignment.

Availability: The web server interface is freely accessible to academic users from the URL: The executable version and benchmarking data are available

from the same web page.



The secondary structure of proteins is a useful feature for both 3D structure prediction and classification. Russell and co-workers were among the first to demonstrate how a simple mapping of secondary structures can be used to predict the fold of a protein (Russell et al., 1996). All major protein 3D structure classification schemes distinguish primarily between secondary structure classes on the first level, e.g. SCOP (Andreeva et al., 2004). Common protein folds were shown to be distinguishable depending on the arrangement of secondary structure elements by an automated taxonomy (Przytycka et al., 1999). This concept was further developed into a secondary structure element alignment method (McGuffin et al., 2001; Bindewald et al., 2003).

The structural genomics initiatives aim at the experimental solution of novel protein folds. However, after experimental elucidation many proteins turn out to share known folds. The reliable identification of novel folds is therefore becoming increasingly relevant. As secondary structure prediction is quite reliable (Albrecht et al., 2003), a secondary structure similarity search was recently proposed as a possible way to help discriminate novel folds in structural genomics (McGuffin and Jones, 2002). We have implemented the SSEA server for secondary structure element alignment as a way to help in this process. It captures the intuitive concept of aligning entire elements of secondary structure, which was shown to perform significantly better than residue-based secondary structure alignments (McGuffin et al., 2001). On a difficult test set of 248 distantly related protein folds with little sequence similarity it yielded 30% correct first hits compared to sequence based methods such as PSI-BLAST and GenTHREADER with 13% and 14% respectively (Bindewald et al., 2003). SSEA allows the user to search with a secondary structure against a library of protein folds and establish the most similar ones. Low alignment scores imply a low similarity between two secondary structures, and a higher probability of a novel fold.

Program Overview

The secondary structure element alignment (SSEA) scheme was implemented in the fold-recognition program MANIFOLD (Bindewald et al., 2003) which uses a slightly simplified version of the previously described algorithm (Przytycka et al., 1999). Each secondary structure element is represented by a letter for the state (H, E, C), and a number corresponding to the length of the region. Matches (H H, E E, C C) are scored by the length of the shorter fragment. Mismatches (H E, E H) do not contribute to the score. Structure to

coil matches ({H, E} C) are weighted half the length of the shorter segment. Unlike the original method (Przytycka et al., 1999), we do not split secondary structure elements to obtain better matches. Both global and local alignments are supported. The similarity score is normalized in the range 0 – 100. A Z-score is also calculated over all predictions in database alignment mode to estimate the statistical significance.

The web server computes pairwise alignments of secondary structures as shown in Figure 1. It can either scan a single secondary structure against a representative fold library (Figure 1.A) or two secondary structures against each other (Figure 1.B). In both cases the user can choose between submitting the secondary structure directly or having the server predict it from the amino acid sequence with PSIPRED (Jones, 1999).

Four different fold libraries, based on PDB (Bourne et al., 2004) and SCOP (Andreeva et al., 2004) clustered at different similarity thresholds are available. The PDB fold libraries were created by clustering the February 2004 PDB release at95% and 40% sequence identity with CD-HIT (Li et al., 2002) and running DSSP (Kabsch and Sander, 1983) to extract the secondary structure signatures. These fold libraries represent entire protein chains. A different representation is given by the SCOP fold library. The ASTRAL (Chandonia et al., 2004) sequences for SCOP 1.65 at 95% and 40% sequence identity were selected and the corresponding secondary structure extracted as before. The SCOP fold libraries are especially useful for determining the similarity to known protein domains, although not every PDB structure is classified in SCOP (e.g. recently released structures).

The server can compute either local or global alignments, with the latter usually aligning longer stretches at the cost of lower overall similarity. Since the local alignment may produce more reliable estimates of segments to be aligned (e.g. similar domains), but poor scoring, it is possible to follow a two-step protocol. Once the local alignments are computed, the user may select a subset of proteins to re-align using the global algorithm.

In order to assess the reliability of the results with respect to the returned Z-score, we used a test set consisting of 98 proteins searched against the SCOP-95 fold library. Using global alignment, the server produced no false positives at a Z-score threshold of 4.6. The full benchmarking data is available on the web site.

The results of the alignment procedure are presented to the user as a dynamic HTML page. It contains either the alignment (for pairwise alignments) or a list of aligned protein structures above a user-supplied similarity score threshold (fold library search). The actual alignment is shown together with the normalized similarity score. In case of fold library searches, the output contains a brief summary at the top of the page, including the description and SCOP

code of hits (where available), followed by each alignment in decreasing order of similarity. Links to the relevant databases (PDB, SCOP) are provided for matching proteins.


The authors are grateful to Mario Albrecht for insightful discussions. S.T. is funded by a “Rientro dei cervelli” grant from the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR). This work was supported by the project "Advanced Biology" funded by the Fondazione delle Casse di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto. Part of the research was also funded by Telethon (Italy), grant number B057-I.


Albrecht, M., Tosatto, S.C.E., Lengauer, T., and Valle, G. (2003) Simple consensus procedures are effective and sufficient in secondary structure prediction. Protein

Engineering, 16, 459 - 462.

Andreeva, A., Howorth, D., Brenner, S.E., Hubbard, T.J., Chothia, C., and Murzin, A.G.

(2004) SCOP database in 2004: refinements integrate structure and sequence family

data. Nucleic Acids Res, 32 Database issue, D226-229.

Bindewald, E., Cestaro, A., Hesser, J., Heiler, M., and Tosatto, S.C.E. (2003) MANIFOLD: Protein fold recognition based on secondary structure, sequence similarity and enzyme classification. Protein Engineering, 16, 785 - 789.

Bourne, P.E., Addess, K.J., Bluhm, W.F., Chen, L., Deshpande, N., Feng, Z., Fleri, W., Green, R., Merino-Ott, J.C., Townsend-Merino, W., et al. (2004) The distribution and query systems of the RCSB Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids Res, 32 Database issue, D223-225.

Chandonia, J.M., Hon, G., Walker, N.S., Lo Conte, L., Koehl, P., Levitt, M., and Brenner, S.E. (2004) The ASTRAL Compendium in 2004. Nucleic Acids Res, 32 Database

issue, D189-192.

Jones, D.T. (1999) Protein secondary structure prediction based on position-specific scoring matrices. J Mol Biol, 292, 195-202.

Kabsch, W., and Sander, C. (1983) How good are predictions of protein secondary structure?

FEBS Lett, 155, 179-182.

Li, W., Jaroszewski, L., and Godzik, A. (2002) Tolerating some redundancy significantly speeds up clustering of large protein databases. Bioinformatics, 18, 77-82. McGuffin, L.J., Bryson, K., and Jones, D.T. (2001) What are the baselines for protein fold recognition? Bioinformatics, 17, 63-72.

McGuffin, L.J., and Jones, D.T. (2002) Targeting novel folds for structural genomics.

Proteins, 48, 44-52.

Przytycka, T., Aurora, R., and Rose, G.D. (1999) A protein taxonomy based on secondary structure. Nat Struct Biol, 6, 672-682.

Russell, R.B., Copley, R.R., and Barton, G.J. (1996) Protein fold recognition by mapping predicted secondary structures. J Mol Biol, 259, 349-365.


Fig 1. Flow chart of the SSEA server. (a) Database alignment mode and (b) one vs. one alignment mode.


create database EXAM go create table student (stuName varchar(10)not null, stuNO int primary key not null, stuSex char(2)check(stuSex='男'or stuSex='女'), stuAge int, stuSeat int, stuAddress varchar(40) ) GO insert into student values('张秋丽','25301','女','21','1','北京海淀'), ('李文才','25302','男','25','2','天津'), ('张三','25303','男','22','3','北京海淀'), ('红尘','25304','女','21','4','湖南长沙'), ('段林希','25305','女','20','5','江西赣州'), ('魏晨','25306','男','23','6','河北石家庄'), ('郑爽','25307','女','20','7',''), ('张杰','25308','男','21','8',''), ('王洁','25309','女','23','9','湖南怀化'), ('刘欣','253010','女','21','10','北京') create table exam (ExamNO int primary key, stuNO int not null, WrittenExam int, LabExam int ) GO insert into exam values(01,250301,86,89), (02,250302,67,78), (03,250303,76,80), (04,250304,79,56), (05,250305,56,63), (06,250306,67,60), (07,250307,90,83), (08,250308,80,79), (09,250309,92,90), (10,250310,55,58)


项目开发中常用到的SQL语句1、循环示例 循环示例代码: ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DECLARE @i int DECLARE @name varchar(10) DECLARE @password varchar(10) Set @i = 1000 WHILE @i < 1200 BEGIN Set @i =@i +1 SET @name = RIGHT('0000' + CAST(@i AS varchar(10)),4) set @password = @name select @name insert into dbo.LocomotiveTeminalBase (li_ID,t_ID,lt_IDNumber,lt_MiM,lt_FuWQIP,lt_FuWQDKH,lt_CreatedBy) values('d82575c0-2d21-4c47-a406-7771d7d2c80a','fb5d9a7b-9cd6-4a55-9e90-881706eaf @name,@password,'','2000','9015c234-e185-4e15-96c6-f53426dd6690') END 2、数据库缓存依赖中用到的SQL语句代码示例: ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --查看状态 Select DATABASEpRoPERTYEX('soft_LocomotiveRM_DB','IsBrokerEnabled') --启用broker ALTER DATABASE soft_LocomotiveRM_DB SET NEW_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE ALTER DATABASE soft_LocomotiveRM_DB SET ENABLE_BROKER --添加用户


DB2常用SQL语句集 1、查看表结构: describe table tablename describe select * from tablename 2、列出系统数据库目录的内容: list database directory 3、查看数据库配置文件的内容: get database configuration for DBNAME 4、启动数据库: restart database DBNAME 5、关闭表的日志 alter table TBLNAME active not logged inially 6、重命名表 rename TBLNAME1 to TBLNAME2 7、取当前时间 select current time stamp from sysibm.sysdummy1 8、创建别名 create alias ALIASNAME for PRONAME(table、view、alias、nickname) 9、查询前几条记录 select * from TBLNAME fetch first N rows 10、联接数据库 db2 connect to DB user db2 using PWD 11、绑定存储过程命令 db2 bind BND.bnd 12、整理优化表 db2 reorgchk on table TBLNAME db2 reorg table TBLNAME db2 runstats on table TBNAME with distribution and indexes all 13、导出表 db2 export to TBL.txt of del select * from TBLNAME db2 export to TBL.ixf of ixf select * from TBLNAME 以指定分隔符‘|’下载数据: db2 "export to cmmcode.txt of del modified by coldel| select * from cmmcode”14、导入表 db2 import from TBL.txt of del insert into TBLNAME db2 import from TBL.txt of del commitcount 5000 insert into TBLNAME db2 import from TBL.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 insert into TBLNAME db2 import from TBL.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 insert_update into TBLNAME db2 import from TBL.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 replace into TBLNAME db2 import from TBL.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 create into TBLNAME (仅IXF) db2 import from TBL.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 replace_create into TBLNAME (仅 IXF) 以指定分隔符“|”加载:


sql循环语句的写法 SQL循环语句 declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<30 begin insert into test (userid) values(@i) set @i=@i+1 end --------------- while 条件 begin 执行操作 set @i=@i+1 end WHILE 设置重复执行SQL 语句或语句块的条件。只要指定的条件为真,就重复执行语句。可以使用BREAK 和CONTINUE 关键字在循环内部控制WHILE 循环中语句的执行。语法WHILE Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ BREAK ] { sql_statement | statement_block } [ CONTINUE ] 参数

Boolean_expression 返回TRUE 或FALSE 的表达式。如果布尔表达式中含有SELECT 语句,必须用圆括号将SELECT 语句括起来。{sql_statement | statement_block} Transact-SQL 语句或用语句块定义的语句分组。若要定义语句块,请使用控制流关键字BEGIN 和END。BREAK 导致从最内层的WHILE 循环中退出。将执行出现在END 关键字后面的任何语句,END 关键字为循环结束标记。CONTINUE 使WHILE 循环重新开始执行,忽略CONTINUE 关键字后的任何语句。注释 如果嵌套了两个或多个WHILE 循环,内层的BREAK 将导致退出到下一个外层循环。首先运行内层循环结束之后的所有语句,然后下一个外层循环重新开始执行。示例 A. 在嵌套的IF...ELSE 和WHILE 中使用BREAK 和CONTINUE 在下例中,如果平均价格少于$30,WHILE 循环就将价格加倍,然后选择最高价。如果最高价少于或等于$50,WHILE 循环重新启动并再次将价格加倍。该循环不断地将价格加倍直到最高价格超过$50,然后退出WHILE 循环并打印一条消息。USE pubs GO WHILE (SELECT A VG(price) FROM titles) < $30 BEGIN

实验10 T-SQL语言编程基础

实验十 T-SQL语言编程基础 姓名:学号: 专业:网络工程班级: 同组人:无实验日期:2012-4-19【实验目的与要求】 1.熟练掌握变量的定义和赋值。 2.熟练掌握各种运算符。 3.熟练掌握流程控制语句,尤其是条件语句和循环语句。【实验内容与步骤】 10.1. 变量的定义与输出 1.变量的定义和赋值 1) 局部变量的声明: DECLARE @variable_name DataType 例如: declare @stuname varchar(20)--声明一个存放学员姓名的变量stuname. declare @stuseat int--声明一个存放学员座位号的变量stuseat 2) 局部变量的赋值: 局部变量的赋值有两种方法: a) 使用Set语句 Set @variable_name=value b) 使用Select语句 Select @variable_name=value 实验: 运行以下程序段,理解变量的使用。

--局部变量的赋值与使用 declare @customer_name varchar(20)--声明变量用来存放客户名称 set @ customer_name ='家电市场'--使用SET语句给变量赋值 select* from xss where客户名称=@customer_name --通过局部变理向sql语句传递数据 请给出运行结果: 练习: 创建一名为 Product_name的局部变量,并在SELECT语句中使用该变量查找“冰箱”的”价格”和”库存量”。 给出相应的语句 declare @Product_name varchar(20) set @Product_name ='冰箱' select价格,库存量 from CP where产品名称= @Product_name 请给出运行测试结果:


实验七T-SQL语言编程基础 【实验目的与要求】 1.熟练掌握变量的定义和赋值。 2.熟练掌握各种运算符。 3.熟练掌握流程控制语句,尤其是条件语句和循环语句。 【实验内容与步骤】 一、准备实验数据 CPXS数据库包含如下三个表: CP(产品编号,产品名称,价格,库存量); XSS(客户编号,客户名称,地区,负责人,电话); CPXSB(产品编号,客户编号,销售日期,数量,销售额); 三个表结构如图2.1~图2.3所示,请在企业管理器中完成表的创建。 图2.1CP表结构

图2.2XSS表结构 图2.3CPXSB表结构 2.1数据写入操作 在企业管理器中输入如图2.4~图2.6的CP表、XSS表和CPXSB表的样本数据。 图2.4CP表的样本数据

图2.5XSS表的样本数据 图2.6CPXSB表的样本数据 10.1.变量的定义与输出 1.变量的定义和赋值 1)局部变量的声明: DECLARE@variable_name DataType 例如: declare@stuname varchar(20)--声明一个存放学员姓名的变量stuname. declare@stuseat int--声明一个存放学员座位号的变量stuseat 2)局部变量的赋值: 局部变量的赋值有两种方法: a)使用Set语句 Set@variable_name=value b)使用Select语句 Select@variable_name=value 实验: 运行以下程序段,理解变量的使用。 --局部变量的赋值与使用 declare@customer_name varchar(20)--声明变量用来存放客户名称set@customer_name='家电市场'--使用SET语句给变量赋值select* from xss where客户名称=@customer_name--通过局部变理向sql语句传递数据请给出运行结果:


SQL循环语句的写法 SQL循环语句 declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<30 begin insert into test (userid) values(@i) set @i=@i+1 end --------------- while 条件 begin 执行操作 set @i=@i+1 end WHILE 设置重复执行 SQL 语句或语句块的条件。只要指定的条件为真,就重复执行语句。可以使用 BREAK 和 CONTINUE 关键字在循环内部控制 WHILE 循环中语句的执行。 语法 WHILE Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ BREAK ] { sql_statement | statement_block } [ CONTINUE ] 参数 Boolean_expression 返回 TRUE 或 FALSE 的表达式。如果布尔表达式中含有 SELECT 语句,必须用圆括号将 SELECT 语句括起来。 {sql_statement | statement_block} Transact-SQL 语句或用语句块定义的语句分组。若要定义语句块,请使用控制流关键字 BEGIN 和 END。 BREAK

导致从最内层的 WHILE 循环中退出。将执行出现在 END 关键字后面的任何语句,END 关键字为循环结束标记。 CONTINUE 使 WHILE 循环重新开始执行,忽略 CONTINUE 关键字后的任何语句。 注释 如果嵌套了两个或多个 WHILE 循环,内层的 BREAK 将导致退出到下一个外层循环。首先运行内层循环结束之后的所有语句,然后下一个外层循环重新开始执行。 示例 A. 在嵌套的 IF...ELSE 和 WHILE 中使用 BREAK 和 CONTINUE 在下例中,如果平均价格少于 $30,WHILE 循环就将价格加倍,然后选择最高价。如果最高价少于或等于 $50,WHILE 循环重新启动并再次将价格加倍。该循环不断地将价格加倍直到最高价格超过 $50,然后退出 WHILE 循环并打印一条消息。 USE pubs GO WHILE (SELECT AVG(price) FROM titles) < $30 BEGIN UPDATE titles SET price = price * 2 SELECT MAX(price) FROM titles IF (SELECT MAX(price) FROM titles) > $50 BREAK ELSE CONTINUE END PRINT 'Too much for the market to bear' B. 在带有游标的过程中使用 WHILE 以下的 WHILE 结构是名为 count_all_rows 过程中的一部分。下例中,该 WHILE 结构测试用于游标的函数 @@FETCH_STATUS 的返回值。因为 @@FETCH_STATUS 可能返回–2、-1 或 0,所以,所有的情况都应进行测试。如果某一行在开始执行此存储过程以后从游标结果中删除,将跳过该行。成功提取(0) 后将执行 BEGIN...END 循环内部的 SELECT 语句。 USE pubs DECLARE tnames_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES


数据库基本SQL语句大全 数据库基本----SQL语句大全 一、基础 1、说明:创建数据库 Create DATABASE database-name 2、说明:删除数据库 drop database dbname 3、说明:备份sql server --- 创建备份数据的device USE master EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'testBack', 'c:\mssql7backup\MyNwind_1.d at' --- 开始备份 BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO testBack 4、说明:创建新表 create table tabname(col1 type1 [not null] [primary key],col2 typ e2 [not null],..) 根据已有的表创建新表: A:create table tab_new like tab_old (使用旧表创建新表) B:create table tab_new as select col1,col2…from tab_old defini tion only 5、说明:删除新表 drop table tabname 6、说明:增加一个列 Alter table tabname add column col type 注:列增加后将不能删除。DB2中列加上后数据类型也不能改变,唯一能改变的是增加varchar类型的长度。 7、说明:添加主键:Alter table tabname add primary key(col) 说明:删除主键:Alter table tabname drop primary key(col) 8、说明:创建索引:create [unique] index idxname on tabname(col….) 删除索引:drop index idxname 注:索引是不可更改的,想更改必须删除重新建。 9、说明:创建视图:create view viewname as select statement


分享高性能批量插入和批量删除sql语句写法 一,技术水平总能在扯皮和吹毛求疵中得到提高。如果从来不“求疵”,可能就不会知道if(str != "")不如if(str != string.Empty)高效、批量插入和删除的sql语句是要那样写才执行最快、接口和抽象类的区别不仅是语言层面、原来权限管理是要这样设计的、某个类那样设计职责才更单一更易于扩展…… 本来前两篇文章是学习cnblogs编辑控件用的,看到跟贴的朋友询问批量插入和批量删除的问题,决定整理成文和大家分享。 我们这里讨论的只是普通sql语句如何写更高效,不考虑特殊的用文件中转等导入方式,毕竟在代码中调用sql语句或存储过程才更方便。 批量删除很简单,大家可能都用过: DELETE FROM TestTable WHERE ID IN (1, 3, 54, 68) --sql2005下运行通过 当用户在界面上不连续的选择多项进行删除时,该语句比循环调用多次删除或多条delete语句中间加分号一次调用等方法都高效的多。 本文重点讲述的是批量插入的写法: sql写法: INSERT INTO TestTable SELECT 1, 'abc' UNION SELECT 2, 'bcd' UNION SELECT 3, 'cde' --TestTable表没有主键,ID不是主键 oracle写法: INSERT INTO TestTable SELECT 1, 'abc' From daul UNION SELECT 2, 'bcd' From daul --TestTable表没有主键,ID不是主键 曾经测试过,这种写法插入1000条数据比循环调用1000次insert或1000条insert语句简单叠加一次调用要高效得多,大概快20多倍(调试状态不是太准)。其实很简单,就用了个union (union all 也可以),但当时得出测试结果时还是很惊喜的。 要得出这个结果需要两个条件: 1、表不能有主键或者主键是数据库默认的(sql用自动递增列,oracle用序列) 2、组合sql语句时只能直接用字符串连接,不能用参数化sql语句的写法(就是在组合的sql中用@parm做占位符,再给Command对象添加Parameter)


在sqlserver 数据库中,循环语句是最常用的语句之一,下面就将为您分析SQL循环语句的例子,供您参考,希望对您有所启迪。 SQL循环语句 declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<30 begin insert into test (userid) values(@i) set @i=@i+1 end -------------------------- while 条件 begin 执行操作 set @i=@i+1 end WHILE 设置重复执行SQL 语句或语句块的条件。只要指定的条件为真,就重复执行语句。可以使用BREAK 和CONTINUE 关键字在循环内部控制WHILE 循环中语句的执行。 语法 WHILE Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ BREAK ] { sql_statement | statement_block } [ CONTINUE ] 参数 Boolean_expression 返回TRUE 或FALSE 的表达式。如果布尔表达式中含有SELECT 语句,必须用圆括号将SELECT 语句括起来。 {sql_statement | statement_block} Transact-SQL 语句或用语句块定义的语句分组。若要定义语句块,请使用控制流关键字BEGIN 和END。 BREAK 导致从最内层的WHILE 循环中退出。将执行出现在END 关键字后面的任何语句,END 关键字为循环结束标记。 CONTINUE 使WHILE 循环重新开始执行,忽略CONTINUE 关键字后的任何语句。 注释 如果嵌套了两个或多个WHILE 循环,内层的BREAK 将导致退出到下一个外层循环。首先运行内层循环结束之后的所有语句,然后下一个外层循环重新开始执行。 示例 A. 在嵌套的IF...ELSE 和WHILE 中使用BREAK 和CONTINUE 在下例中,如果平均价格少于$30,WHILE 循环就将价格加倍,然后选择最高价。如果最

T-SQL 程序循环结构

T-SQL 程序 循环结构WHILE 1.特点:WHILE循环语句可以根据某些条件重复执行一条T-SQL语句或一个语句块。 WHILE(条件) BEGIN 语句或语句块 END 3.调试程序:ALT+F5 启动调试,启动后F9切换断点,F10逐过程,F11逐语句 4.例题:使用循环求1-10之间的累加和 DECLARE@sum int,@i int SET@sum=0 SET@i=1 --使用循环结构累加求和 WHILE(@i<=10) BEGIN SET@sum=@i+@sum SET@i=@i+1 END PRINT'1-10之间的累加和为:'+CAST(@sum ASvarchar(4))

GO 三、CONTINUE、BREAK、RETURN关键字 1.特点: 1)CONTINUE:可以让程序跳过CONTINUE关键字后的语句,回到WHILE循环的第一 行命令。 2)BREAK:让程序完全跳出循环,结束WHILE循环的执行 3)RETURN:从查询或过程中无条件退出,RETURN语句可在任何时候,用于从过程、 批处理或语句块中退出。位于RETURN之后的语句不会被执行。 2.例题 【1】在循环中使用CONTINUE,遇到CONTINUE回到WHILE的条件判断处 求1-10之间的偶数和 DECLARE@sum int,@i int SET@i=1 WHILE(@i<=10) BEGIN IF(@i%2=1) BEGIN SET@i=@i+1 CONTINUE END ELSE

BEGIN SET@sum=@sum+@i SET@i=@i+1 END END--WHILE的结束 PRINT'1-10之间的偶数和为:'+CONVERT(varchar(2),@sum) GO 【2】在循环中使用BREAK 遇到数字5退出程序。 DECLARE@i int SET@i=1 WHILE(@i<=10) BEGIN IF(@i=5) BEGIN BREAK--退出循环结构,即使条件成立也不去判断了END ELSE SET@i=@i+1 END


1、说明:复制表(只复制结构,源表名:a 新表名:b) (Access可用) 法一:select * into b from a where 1<>1 法二:select top 0 * into b from a 2、说明:拷贝表(拷贝数据,源表名:a 目标表名:b) (Access可用) insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b; 3、说明:跨数据库之间表的拷贝(具体数据使用绝对路径) (Access可用) insert into b(a, b, c) se lect d,e,f from b in …具体数据库? where 条件 例子:..from b in '"&Server.MapPath(".")&"\data.mdb" &"' where.. 4、说明:子查询(表名1:a 表名2:b) select a,b,c from a where a IN (select d from b ) 或者: select a,b,c from a where a IN (1,2,3) 5、说明:显示文章、提交人和最后回复时间 select a.title,,ername,b.adddate from table a,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=a.title) b 6、说明:外连接查询(表名1:a 表名2:b) select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c 7、说明:在线视图查询(表名1:a ) select * from (SELECT a,b,c FROM a) T where t.a > 1; 8、说明:between的用法,between限制查询数据范围时包括了边界值,not between不包括 select * from table1 where time between time1 and time2 select a,b,c, from table1 where a not between 数值1 and 数值2 9、说明:in 的使用方法 select * from table1 where a [not] in (…值1?,?值2?,?值4?,?值6?) 10、说明:两张关联表,删除主表中已经在副表中没有的信息 delete from table1 where not exists ( select * from table2 where table1.field1=table2.field1 ) 11、说明:四表联查问题: select * from a left inner join b on a.a=b.b right inner join c on a.a=c.c inner join d on a.a=d.d wher e ..... 12、说明:日程安排提前五分钟提醒 sql: select * from 日程安排where datediff('minute',f开始时间,getdate())>5


1.利用随机函数RAND和函数floor,产生30个1到20之间的随机整数,使用WHILE语句显示这30个随机数。 declare @i int,@x int select @i=1 while @i<=30 begin set @x=FLOOR(RAND()*(20-1+1)+1) set @i=@i+1 print @x end 2.设纸的厚度为毫米,将纸对折,再对折…,求至少对折多少次,纸张的厚度能达到珠穆朗玛峰的高度8848米。 方法一: Declare @h decimal(10,1),@n int select @h=,@n=0 while @h<8844000 --运算部分 begin set @h=@h*2 set @n=@n+1 end select '对折',@n,'次后可以超过珠峰的高度‘ -输出部分 方法二: Declare @h decimal(10,1),@n int select @h=,@n=0 while @h<8844000 --运算部分 begin set @n=@n+1 set @h=*power(2,@n) end --select '对折',@n,'次后可以超过珠峰的高度' print '对折'+ltrim(str(@n))+'次后可以超过珠峰的高度' 3.求自然数1~100之间奇数之和 declare @i int,@s bigint select @i=1,@s=0 while @i<=100 begin set @s=@s+@i set @i=@i+2 end select '@s=',@s 4.编写程序,输出由1、2、3、4、5、6这六个数字组成的所有可能的两位数,并统计它们的个数。


SQL中的循环、for循环、游标 我们使用SQL语句处理数据时,可能会碰到一些需要循环遍历某个表并对其进行相应的操作(添加、修改、删除),这时我们就需要用到咱们在编程中常常用的for或foreach,但是在SQL中写循环往往显得那么吃力,翻遍网上的资料,找不到几个正确的并能执行的循环处理数据的方法,在这里,我来给大家分享一下! 要SQL中写类似for循环,我这里使用的是SQL中的游标来实现,当然SQL中也有for loop、while do等,我这里仅以使用游标方式来进行示例,其它的方式大家有兴趣可以研究一下,成功的同学可以在下面回复一下并把代码贴出来,与大家分享! 闲话少说,上示例: 1. 利用游标循环更新、删除MemberAccount表中的数据 DECLARE My_Cursor CURSOR --定义游标 FOR (SELECT * FROM dbo.MemberAccount) --查出需要的集合放到游标中 OPEN My_Cursor; --打开游标 FETCH NEXT FROM My_Cursor ; --读取第一行数据 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN --UPDATE dbo.MemberAccount SET UserName = UserName + 'A' WHERE CURRENT OF My_Cursor; --更新 --DELETE FROM dbo.MemberAccount WHERE CURRENT OF My_Cursor; --删除 FETCH NEXT FROM My_Cursor; --读取下一行数据 END CLOSE My_Cursor; --关闭游标 DEALLOCATE My_Cursor; --释放游标 GO 2. 利用游标循环更新MemberService表中的数据(更新每个用户所购买服务的时间) DECLARE @UserId varchar(50) DECLARE My_Cursor CURSOR --定义游标 FOR (SELECT UserId FROM dbo.MemberAccount) --查出需要的集合放到游标中 OPEN My_Cursor; --打开游标 FETCH NEXT FROM My_Cursor INTO @UserId; --读取第一行数据(将MemberAccount表中的UserId放到@UserId变量中) WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN PRINT @UserId; --打印数据(打印MemberAccount表中的UserId) UPDATE dbo.MemberService SET ServiceTime = DATEADD(Month, 6, getdate()) WHERE UserId = @UserId; --更新数据 FETCH NEXT FROM My_Cursor INTO @UserId; --读取下一行数据(将MemberAccount表中的UserId放到@UserId变量中) END CLOSE My_Cursor; --关闭游标 DEALLOCATE My_Cursor; --释放游标 GO 上面的两个例子应该可以解决我们在SQL中使用循环的所有需求,如果不能满足,自己可以根据以上两个示例进行扩展,希望能帮各位解决一些类似的问题。

Oracle笔记 八、PLSQL跳转判断循环语句块

--goto跳转语句 --在goto 后,跳转到相应的语句,然后执行该语句和后面所有语句 begin dbms_output.put_line('goto开始了'); goto c; --不被执行 dbms_output.put_line('goto'); dbms_output.put_line('goto'); dbms_output.put_line('goto'); dbms_output.put_line('goto'); <> dbms_output.put_line('goto aaa'); <> dbms_output.put_line('goto bbb'); <> dbms_output.put_line('goto ccc'); end; --PL/SQL中的sql和rowcount属性:sql代表最近执行的sql语句,rowcount代表最近执行的sql语句影响的行数 declare vCount number; vDeptno dept2.deptno%type := 10; begin --select count(*) into vCount from dept2; --update dept2 set dname = dname || '~.~'where deptno = vDeptno; --delete from dept2 where deptno = 40; insert into dept2 select * from dept; dbms_output.put_line('count:' || vCount); dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount || '行受影响'); end; --PL/SQL执行sql语句 begin execute immediate'create table temp as select * from dept'; end; --动态sql,把sql语句放到变量中并传递参数 declare sqlstr varchar2(100); begin sqlstr := 'insert into scott.dept values(12, :1, :abc)'; --变量是按照占位符顺序插入的 execute immediate sqlstr using'教务部', '武汉';


如何防范SQL注入<测试篇> 文章分类:软件开发管理关键字: sql注入 前一篇是关于编程防止SQL注入的文章,那么这篇就是从测试来进行测试SQL 注入。 首先,看看SQL注入攻击能分为以下三种类型: Inband:数据经由SQL代码注入的通道取出,这是最直接的一种攻击,通过SQL注入获取的信息直接反映到应用程序的Web页面上; Out-of-band:数据通过不同于SQL代码注入的方法获得(譬如通过邮件等) 推理:这种攻击时说并没有真正的数据传输,但攻击者可以通过发送特定的请求,重组返回的结果从而得到一些信息。 不论是哪种SQL注入,攻击者都需要构造一个语法正确的SQL查询,如果应用程序对一个不正确的查询返回了一个错误消息,那么就很容易重新构造初始的查询语句的逻辑,进而也就能更容易的进行注入;如果应用程序隐藏了错误信息,那么攻击者就必须对查询逻辑进行反向工程,即我们所谓的“盲SQL注入” 黑盒测试及其示例: 这个测试的第一步是理解我们的应用程序在什么时候需要访问数据库,典型的需要方法数据库的时机是: 认证表单:输入用户名和密码以检查是否有权限 搜索引擎:提交字符串以从数据库中获取相应的记录 电子商务站点:获取某类商品的价格等信息 作为测试人员,我们需要列对所有输入域的值可能用于查询的字段做一个表单,包括那些POST请求的隐含字段,然后截取查询语句并产生错误信息。第一个测试往往是用一个单引号“'”或者分号“;”,前者在SQL中是字符串终结符,如果应用程序没有过滤,则会产生一条错误信息;后者在SQL中是一条SQL语句的终结符,同样如果没有过滤,也会产生错误信息。 同样可用于测试的还有“--”以及SQL中的一些诸如“AND”的关键字,通常很常见的一种测试是在要求输入为数字的输入框中输入字符串。 通过上面的测试输入返回的错误信息能够让我们知道很多数据库的信息。这时候就需要“盲目SQL注入”了。注意,我们需要多所有可能存在的SQL注入漏洞的输入域进行测试,并且在,每个测试用例时只变化一个域的值,从而才能找到真正存在漏洞的输入域。 下面看看一些常用例测试的SQL注入语句。


u 学习IF…ELSE,条件语句 u 学习WHILE…CONTINUE…BREAK,循环语句 u 学习CASE,多条件分支语句 u 学习GOTO,跳转语句 u 学习Try …Catch,错误与意外处理语句 流程控制语句是指那些用来控制程序执行和流程分支的语句,在SQL Server 2000中,流程控制语句主要用来控制SQL语句、语句块或者存储过程的执行流程。 2-2-1IF…ELSE语句 在流程控制语句之中,首先我们应当认识的是语句块,一个语句块是以BEGIN开始,以END 语句作为终止,作为一个完全独立的逻辑单元存在于流程控制语句之中,如下所示:BEGIN { sql_statement | statement_block } END 而IF…ELSE语句是条件判断语句,其中,ELSE子句是可选的,最简单的IF语句没有ELSE 子句部分。IF…ELSE语句用来判断当某一条件成立时执行某段程序,条件不成立时执行另一段程序。SQL Server允许嵌套使用IF…ELSE语句,而且嵌套层数没有限制。IF…ELSE 语句的语法形式为: IF Boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ ELSE { sql_statement | statement_block } ] 实验:IF…ELSE语句实验 --例1:如果员工数据表中有人在办公室工作,则显示这些人名单,否则告知没有人在办公室。 如果选修课程数据表中有不及格的同学,则显示这些同学的名单和成绩,否则显示无。Use sample Go --声明用于发布消息的变量 Declare @message varchar(200) --判断是否在办公室工作 If exist(Select * from 员工数据表where 所属部门=’办公室’) --如果有,则列出姓名 Begin set @message=’下列人员在办公室:’ print @message select 姓名 from 员工数据表 where 所属部门=’办公室’ End --否则,输出没有人的在工作的消息 Else Begin Set @message=’抱歉,没有人在办公室’ Print @message End


有时候需要将Excel文件中的数据导入到数据库中,常用的做法是使用程序读取Excel,然后存入数据库;这里换一个方法,用Excel生成SQL语句,然后用这些SQL语句来更新数据库。 本文主要说明Excel如何使用VB宏构造需要的SQL语句,并生成文件。 2、如何添加按钮: 依次打开:视图–工具栏–控件工具箱,选择“命令按钮”,自己画一个就行了; 依次打开:右键–属性,可以修改名称、样式等。 具体操作可以上网找找。 3、如何使用VB宏: 依次打开:工具–宏–安全性,看看你的Excel是否允许使用“宏”。 然后打开:工具–宏–Visual Basic 编辑器,双击左侧的“Sheet1”,然后在右侧的代码区域粘贴如下代码: '最大行数 Const MAX_NUM_ROW = 5000 '导出文件路径所在单元格 Const PATH_OUTPUT_ROW = 3 Const PATH_OUTPUT_COL = 3 '定义列常量 Const NAME_COL = 1 Const GENDER_COL = 2 Const PHONE_COL = 3 Const EMAIL_COL = 4 '读取数据开始行数 Const START_ROW = 5 '定义数据实体类 Private Type Tmplt NAME As String GENDER As String PHONE As String EMAIL As String End Type '行数变量 Dim noOfTmplts As Integer '数据实体类数组 Dim TmpltArray(MAX_NUM_ROW) As Tmplt '点击按钮触发事件 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() generateSQL End Sub '生成SQL Private Sub generateSQL() makedir initData writeToFile