


Passage 1

上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被成为“本帮菜”,有着400 多年的历史。同中国







Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional

cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines,Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.//

Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw

materials with quality texture, and original flavors. Shanghai cuisine is famous for a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”.//

Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.//

After tasting Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish, we are always amazed by the squirrel shape a think that it is more appropriate to plus “appearance” as the fourth element.

Passage 2


在美国学校,讨论享有至高无上的地位,讨论是课堂教学的主旋律;而中国教师喜欢讲课,喜欢考试,编写千篇一律的标准教案,培养整齐划一的高材生。// 美国人的政治观,经济观以及社会观的核心是个人道德自治观。中国传统的思想体系是以儒家学说为基础的,这种思想强调整体和谐。//

现在,中美联系比以往更加紧密,中国人学英语,玩保龄球,吃肯德基,美国人学汉语,练功夫,吃北京烤鸭,《泰坦尼克》驶进中国,《牡丹亭》也在百老汇上演。// American people emphasize efficiency, competition and originality while Chinese people give

priority to careful planning and encourage close cooperation and altruistic dedication among team members.//

In American schools, discussion is given top priority while Chinese teachers like to lecture in class,and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations. They write consistent and standardized teaching plans, and are happy with bringing up identical and standardized talents.//

Central to American political, economic and social thought is the concept of individual moral

autonomy. Traditional Chinese philosophical systems are based on Confucianism, which sings high praises for communal harmony.//

Nowadays, the relation of China and America become closer than ever. Chinese learn English, play bowling, enjoy KFC, while Americans learn Chinese, exercise Kung Fu, like Peking Duck. And

Titanic sailed into China, while The Peony Pavilion has been performed on Broadway.//

Passage 3





The establishment and development of china’s socialist market economy requires the reform and improvement in our soial welfare and security system, which in turn places higher expectations on the work of community service.//

With the transformation of governmental functions, much of the work involving social services that was initially undertaken by the government will have to be transferred gradually to social groups and non-governmental organizations.//

On the one hand, the government will shoulder great responsibilities in its

macro-management; and on the other hand, social groups and non-governmental organizations will need to involve themselves more in community service.// Consequently, there has emerged an issue which concerns the way of a close collaboration and thedivision of responsibilities between the government and social groups, in order to further the development of community service.

Passage 4





The recreational activities during the Spring Festival are varied and colorful. The Dagon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival. Walking on stilts is another traditional performance event popular in china. //

Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, people have taken up new ways to celebrate the New Year. No matter what change there might be, the highlights of the Spring Festival will remain the same: hoping for a propitious and happy new year.// Each family will clean up the house and put up an antithetical couplet on each side of the door. Dressed up in their best, people will get together, treat each other to the most delicious foods and exchange auspicious greetings.//

Most important of all, the Spring Festival is the occasion for a family reunion. People away from home for various reasons will always try their best to come back before the New Year’s Eve for the family reunion dinner, the most important meal of the year.// Passage 5

香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963 年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//

40 多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校园占地134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。// 中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工5200 多人、近万名本科生、约2000 多名研究生,其中约2500 多人来自45 个不同的国家和地区。//


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a researchoriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//

For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. CUHK’s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//

CUHK’ s faculty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more tha n 5200 staff

members, approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.// The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//

Passage 6





The China International Publishing Group is the largest and the most authoritative foreign language

publishing and distribution establishment, its predecessor being the International Press Bureau of the Central People’s Government Press and Publication Administration.//

Adhering to the publishing philosophy of “assisting China’s march to the world and fa cilitating world’s understanding of China”, the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.//

In order to build up a strong team of publishing staff, as well as to meet the growing need of more technically demanding business, the Group makes it a rule that young staff be selected and sent to noted universities and research institutions, both domestic and overseas, for further studies.//

As is clearly spelled out in our new development strategy, we will go beyond our national boundaries and wedge ourselves into the world circulation market, aiming at the international readership. Our initial efforts have been very rewarding.//

Passage 7

改革开放30 年来,随着中国逐渐崛起成为政治经济强国,海外人士学习汉语的现象与日俱增,海外孔子学院也成了人们学习中国语言和中国文化的首选之地。// 通过学习汉语,他们对这个和自己文化大相径庭的古老文明产生了浓厚的兴趣,而且有机会了解中国的哲学、艺术、医学、饮食文化,亲身体验这个文明古国的风采。// 作为第二文化,中国文化也丰富了他们的生活和世界观。可以说,这个潮流方兴未艾。越来越多的学习汉语的美国人除了对中国菜肴赞不绝口之外,也在尝试针灸,草药和武术。//


As china is rising as a political and economic world power, thanks to its

three-decade reform and opening up, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a

Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture.//

During the learning process, the learners concurrently develop their interest in this ancient land, whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs. And the learners have opportunities to learn about Chinese philosophy, art, architecture, medicine and catering culture and experience first hand the splendors of this venerable civilization.// As the second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more American learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture,herbal medicines, martial arts.//

They are also interested in kongfu films, fashions and crafts. Seemingly outlandish words such as dimsum, ginseng, gingko, oolong cha have crept into their everyday language. The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.//

Passage 8

过去10 年,海平面升高和森林看法的速度都是前所未有的;生态恶化、物种灭绝、臭氧层被破坏、温室效应、酸雨等一系列环境问题已经严重影响到人类的生存环境。// 环境恶化造成的问题之一就是缺水。目前全世界40%以上的人口,即20 多亿人,面临缺水问题。据预测,未来25 年全球人口将有60 亿增长到80 亿,环境保护面临更大的压力。//


众所周知,对生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环保工作的重点。我国野生动植物物种丰富,仅脊椎动物就有6000 多种左右,高等植物3 万多种。//

Sea level rose and forest were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. A series of environmental problems such s the deterioration of ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species,damage to the ozone layer, the green-house effect, acid rain, have posed a serious threat to human living conditions.//

Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage. Presently, more than 40% of the world’s population, more than 2 billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted hat with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years, more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected.//

As a developing country, china is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. Proceeding from its national conditions, china has, in the process of promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies.//

It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work. China is rich in wildlife species. There are about 6,000 vertebrates alone and 30,000 species of higher plants.//

Passage 9





To effectively protect children’s rights and interests, china’s legislation, judicial and government departments concerned as well as non-governmental organizations have set up corresponding mechanisms to supervise, facilitate and promote the healthy development of the work on protecting children.//

The Chinese government has done a great deal to mobilize various circles in society to care for, in various manners , the development of disabled children, to greatly

encourage the spirit of unceasing self-improvement among physically disadvantaged children and to advocate the valued social virtues of unity, friendship and mutual aid.// The C hinese nation has long cultivated the traditional virtues of “bring up the young” and caring for the young”. An old Chinese saying that “love our children and love others’ children in the same manner” is still very popular.//

We should urge the society at large to raise the awareness of importance of “protecting and educating children, and setting a good example and doing practical thing for children”. We will spare no efforts to create favorable social conditions for the progress of child development programs.//

Passage 10

武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。我们知道,一个民族的优秀文化遗产,不仅仅属于一个民族,它会逐渐传播到世界而成为人类的共同财富。// 为了更好的推广武术运动,使其与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联做了大量的艰苦卓绝的工作。现在武术运动已被列为一种具有与保龄球运动和国际标准舞同等地位的奥运表演项目。//



Wushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. As we all know, the fine culture of a nation doesn’t belong to the nation alone and it will be spread to the rest of the world and shared by all humanity.//

The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize wushu and make the Chinese martial art closer to the Olympic Movement. Wushu was accepted to join bowling and international standard dance as an Olympic demonstration event.//

The booming of wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese wushu masters over the years.//

Martial artists of the older generations have sown wushu seeds in foreign countries. Weshu, which can be used as self defense and can keep practitioners fit and strong, soom became popular on new lands. Today sperb wushu masters are active all over the world, and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day.

Passage 11





I share the same view with many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing, stubborn Western ills. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact that individual freedom has gone overboard in the West, resulting in extreme individualism, sexual promiscuity and excessive use of violence.//

By contrast, self-discipline, corporate responsibility and the pacific tradition of East Asia can offset many Western vices.//

At this age of information, the world has shrunk as a global village in which there

will be no clearcut worlds of the East and the West any more, but a world of one community with neighboring families.//

Therefore, we do not necessarily have to come into clash with each other. Our relationship is one of friendly cooperation, equality and mutual complementarity and therefore, we should understand and learn from each other, and live in harmony.//

Passage 12

国际贸易的基本原则是平等互利,各国追求各自的利益是正常的,出现一些摩擦和纠纷也是不可避免的。关键要以冷静而明智的态度正确对待和处理摩擦和纠纷。// 就中美贸易而言,互利共赢的经贸关系给两国人民带来了实实在在的经济利益。今天,美国在华投资设立的企业已超过4 万家,投资额达450 亿美元。//

美国500 强企业有400 多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。与此同时,在美国市场上,许多中国商品受到美国消费者的青睐。中国在美国投资设立的企业已超过1000 家。//


Equality and mutual benefit is the fundamental principle of international trade. Therefore, it is normal that countries will seek to protect their own interests, which may lead to trade frictions and disputes. The key lies in how to cope with these issues correctly in a cool and wise manner.//

As for China-US trade, mutually beneficial and win-win trade and economic ties have delivered tangible economic benefits to the two peoples. Now, with over 40,000

U.S.- invested enterprises, the total investment in china stands at $45 billion.// Of the top 500 U.S companies, more than 400 have their business in china, and most of them are making handsome profit. At the same time, many Chinese commodities have become favored choices of American consumers. Meanwhile, the number of Chinese-invested enterprises in the United Sates has surpassed 1,000.//

We predict that trade disputes between china and the United States will become more acute along with the further development in bilateral trade and economic cooperation. The overall development in bilateral trade and economic cooperation is, however, irreversible. There are two factors contribute to this trend. Firstly, the Sino-U.S.

economic and trade relations enjoy complementarities in vast fields. Secondly, china has an outstanding labor cost advantage.//

Passage 13








Chinese is often termed a very old language. In a sense such a statement is misleading. All human languages go back to the dim uncertainty of prehistory, and at present we have no way of knowing for sure whether or not they can all be traced back to the same root.//

Five thousand years ago the ancestors of Chinese people spoke an early form of Chinese language in much the same way that the ancestors of English-speaking people were using an early form of the English language. In a sense, however, Chinese is indeed

a very old language. The earliest written forms of Chinese in existence today date back nearly 4,000 years.//

These writings are incisions on bones and tortoise shell. Most of the inscriptions are oracular, dealing mostly with political and religious events, or with weather or warfare.// Chinese has an abundance of ancient writings that reach back continuously in time further than the writings of any other language in the world. Some of the earliest written Chinese characters were quite pictographic.//

Passage 14





基因组图谱及初步分析结果的公布,对生物科学和生物技术的发展起着重要的推动作用。// 我们确信的是,35 亿年前高度复杂的分子DNA 就出现了。DNA 是地球上所有生命的基础,它有着像螺旋式楼梯一样的双螺旋结构。//

We all know that information storage, transmission and processing constitute some

of the most important guarantee conditions for enhancing the level of overall social development, as well as a focal point in the competition of high technologies between

various countries. But not everyone realizes that the most significant information reservoir is no other than the human genome.//

The human genome contains most of the hereditary information related to the birth, aging, diseases and death of humankind. Its decoding will bring about a revolution to the diagnosis of diseases, to the development of new medicines and to the exploration of new therapies.//

Some scientists believe the work to decipher the human genetic code is no less important than the Apollo moon landing program. The publication of the map and preliminary conclusion of the human genome played an important role in promoting the development of life science and biotechnology.//

What we do know is that by three and a half billion years ago the highly complicated molecule DNA had emerged. DNA is the basis of all life on earth. It has a double helix structure, like a spiral staircase.//

Passage 15


全国各地的筷子大小基本一样,而所用的材料的种类则各有不同,所选材料有竹子、木材、漆器、玉石、象牙、塑料、吕、银、金等。特长的竹筷通常用于厨房中。// 中国人使用筷子的方法很有艺术性,各人有各人的方法,就好像签名一样,不尽一致。中国人一般都能随心所欲的用筷子夹起一粒米饭,一粒豌豆,一只滑溜溜的蘑菇或海参。// 使用筷子时,要把一双筷子夹在大拇指和食指之间。要点是让其中的一根筷子保持不动,活动另一根筷子,以便能像钳子一样夹取食物。//

For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for transporting bite-sized morsels of food form a bowl to the mouth. As early as in the Zhou Dynasty, chopsticks were used for picking up meat and vegetables, while hands were used for rice.//

Chopsticks, which are roughly uniform in size throughout China, can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver and gold. Special long bamboo chopsticks are generally used in the kitchen.// The way we Chinese handle our chopsticks is quite artistic and varied from person to person like one’s signature. An average Chinese can very easily pick up a single tiny grain of rice, or a tiny piece of peas, or a slippery button mushroom or sea cucumber.// When using chopsticks, one should place both sticks between the thumb and forefinger. The point is to keep one stick still and move the other so as to make them wok like pincers.//


Passage 1

I think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American businesspeople, who are said to work with the “getdown-to-business-first” mentality.//

The Chinese-type management encourages cooperation among employees, between the labor and

the management, and gives employees a joy of participation and fulfillment, as well as a sense of pride in their work.//

And most Chinese try to find the meaning of life through working in their jobs, and view work as essential for having membership in a community.//

The American-type, or the top-down, management emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers. The American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, Americans work because it is the will of God, and often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.//

我认为中国人在商务谈判时倾向于使用一种迂回婉转的方式,而那些被认为在工作时具有一种“公务为先”的心态的美国人则往往表现出较为直截了当的作风。// 中国式的管理方式鼓励员工之间的合作,也鼓励普通员工和管理人员之间的合作,是员工有一种喜悦的参与感和成就感,使他们对自己的工作产生一种自豪感。// 大多数中国人想从工作中找到生活的意义,他们将工作视为成为团体中一份子的必不可缺的条件。//


Passage 2

In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the

world-renowned “Long March”. We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of china under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world.//

My wife and I have a special regard and personal friendship for the people of china. Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home. During our stay here ten years ago we spent a great deal of memorable time with the people here----working, shopping, sightseeing, and touring the city on our bicycles.//

Those were happy days. They were good days, important days. We were part of the dramatic process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.//

Nonetheless, problems remain in our economic, education and strategic relations. While we are not so na?ve as to believe that there are no issues of difference between us, I also believe that our differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind us and strengthen our relationship.//





Passage 3

The Washington National Cathedral is one of the largest and most famous religious centers in the United States. It belongs to the Episcopal Church. The official name of the building id the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.//

The National Cathedral was built with money from private citizens. The work started in 1907, and the Cathedral was not completely finished until 1990. The first stone was laid in the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt. Every President of the United States since then has attended services or visited the Cathedral.//

It looks like many of the great religious centers built in Europe about 800 years ago. The building is shaped like a cross or the letter T. in the center is a bell tower 91 meters high. Two more towers stand at the bottom of the cross.//

Two hundred windows are set high in the walls of the National Cathedral. Most are made of many pieces of colored glass. They color the sunlight as it enters the building and spills across the floor. Some windows have flower designs. Others have images from Christian stories or from American heroes.//


国家大教堂是由私人赞助建造起来的。工程开始于1907 年,知道1990 年才完全竣工。奠基石是当着当时西奥多.罗斯福总统的面放置的。从那以后的每一任美国总统都参加过这里举行的宗教礼仪活动,或参观过大教堂。//

大教堂看起来像欧洲许多建于800 年前的宗教大中心,形状像个“十”字,或像字母T, 中间耸立了一座高达91 米的钟楼,另外两座塔楼坐落在十字形底部。//

200 扇窗户高高的嵌在国家大教堂的墙上。大多数窗都由多块彩色玻璃拼成,射入建筑内的阳光被彩色玻璃染得五彩缤纷,洒落在大教堂一侧的地坪上,有些窗户有花卉图案,有些窗的画面则是一些有关基督教的故事或美国历史英雄的形象。//

Passage 4

Innovation starts at the top, and it is important for leaders to create an environment where innovation is constant, where people have the skills and incentives to think creatively. In doing so, you attract talents that want to contribute to that environment, creating a virtuous cycle for the company.//

S hanghai’s leadership has worked hard to create an environment where businesses can succeed. For example, shanghai’s transportation links to the world, including Pudong International Airport and the new deep water port facility, have achieved world-class status//

We live in an era where innovation is central to economic growth and prosperity. It is comfortable to hold onto the old ways of doing business. But innovation is hard because it usually leads to change. Innovation requires new ideas, new processes, and new institutions.//

New technologies and approaches can radically change an existing market, creating new customers and competitions. But innovation and its accompanying disruption can be managed through good leadership, a long term strategy, and good people. President Hu Jin tao stated at the beginning of this year that “ Innovation is the core of the nation’s competitiveness.//

创新从领导层开始做起。领导层必须营造一个可以不断创新的环境,以激励人们的创新思维。这样的环境可以吸引那些乐于创新的人才,从而使公司得到良性发展。// 上海的领导努力为企业营造可取得成功的环境。例如,浦东国际机场和新的深水港等设施的建立,使上海与世界的交通连接达到了世界级的水平。//

我们生活在一个以创新驱动经济发展和繁荣的时代。墨守成规确实舒服惬意,而改革创新则困难重重,因为创新往往引发变革。创新需要新思想,新程序和新机制。// 新技术和新方法会剧烈的改变现行的市场秩序,既带来新的公司客户,也带来新的竞争对手,但是,如果我们有英明的领导,长期的战略以及优秀的人才,创新活动及其所伴随的冲击是可控的。胡锦涛主席在年初是曾说过:“创新是国家的核心竞争力。”//

Passage 5

What will the role of universities be in this globalized economy? How will they contribute to improving society through innovation that will improve the quality of life and support economic growth? How will they prepare their graduates who will extract the best and explore the greatest in this increasingly complex society?//

It is important to remember that undergraduate education and post-graduate education are tightly linked to research. Our education programs should ensure that the students are learning in an atmosphere characterized by the pursuit of new knowledge and process of discovery. An interrelated educational program will create a flow of young, bright and uninhibited minds to work on the frontier of discovery.//

The fundamental mission of a university is the creation of new knowledge which sometimes has immediate practical applications. But that can never be the only goal. And making it a primary goal will frequently be short-sighted. Basic contributions to knowledge should be valued for being exactly that. Our university has an almost unique role in fostering such contribution.//

Choosing the right people is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in ensuring an innovative environment. There are three types of people that can be important. The first class of individuals consists of fanciful visionaries. The second class of important

people in innovative environment consists of revolutionary explorers. The third class of individuals consists of uninhibited executors.//





Passage 6

The difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word, that is, complexity. The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size, known to us. The human brain weights 3 ponds, but in that 3 ponds are 10 billion neurons and a hundred billion smaller cells.//

Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can’t compare in intricacy with the brain. Computer switches and components number in the thousands rather than in the billions. What’s more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex inner structure.// It is frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are “programmed” to do so. They can only do what men have them do. One must remember that human beings also can only do what they are “programmed” to do. Our genes “program” us and our potentialities are limited by that “program”.//

Ou r “program” is so much more enormously complex, though, that we might like to define “thinking” in terms of our creativity in literature, art, science and technology. In that sense, computers certainly can’t think.//

大脑与电脑的差别可以用“复杂性”这三个字来表明。哺乳动物硕大的脑子就其体积而言是我们所知道的最为复杂的东西。人脑的重量为3 磅,而这3 磅却包含着100亿个神经元和1000亿个更小的细胞。//




Passage 7

In his book Brave New World, published in 1932, Aldous Huxley predicted a big biotechnological revolution about to take place: the hatching of people not in wombs but in test tubes; the drug which gave people instant happiness; the sensation which was simulated by implanted electrodes; and modification of behavior through the administration of various artificial hormones.//

With 70 years of separating us from the publication of this book, we can see that Huxley’s technological predictions are surprisingly accurate. Many of the technologies that Huxley envisioned are already here or just over the horizon. But this revolution has only just begun.//

According to Huxley, the most significant threat posed by contemporary biotechnology is the possibility that it will alter human nature and thereby move us into a “posthuman” stage of history. This is important because human nature exists and defines us as a species with a stable continuity. It is what defines our most basic values.// Medical technology offers us in many cases a devil’s bargain: longer life, but with reduced mental capacity; freedom from depression, together with freedom form creativity or spirit. It will blur the line between what we achieve on our own and what we achieve because of the levels of various chemicals in our brains.//

奥尔德斯. 赫胥黎在其1932 年出版的《奇妙新世界》一书中预言了一场即将发生的生物技术革命。赫胥黎预示:人类可以在试管里而不是在子宫里孕育;药物可以即刻给人以快感,植入体内的电极可以给人以刺激,输入不同的人造荷尔蒙可以改变人的行为。// 此书问世70 年后,我们看到赫胥黎对技术发展的预言是如此惊人的精确,所预言的许多技术已经诞生或即将诞生。但这场革命还只是刚拉开了序幕。//



Passage 8

For most of the 1990s, CEOs of Old Economy companies struggled to turn

slow-moving organizations into nimbler, more flexible outfits. The truth is, real transformations are the exception rather than the rule. Changing the core values, the attitudes, and the fundamental relationships of a vast organization is overwhelmingly difficult.//

Enron tumbled down. Enron didn’t failed because of improper accounting or alleged corruption at the top. It also failed because of its entrepreneurial culture---- the very reason Enron attracted so much attention and acclaim. Too much emphasis on earnings growth and individual initiative, coupled with a shocking absence of the usual corporate checks and balances.//

What constitutes entrepreneurial culture? In the narrow sense, it refers to some fundamental spirit and agglomerating force that come into being in the production and

management practices of an enterprise, as well as the common values and norms of behavior shared by the whole staff.//

In the broad sense, entrepreneurial culture also includes the culture of specific personnel in the enterprise, namely, the cultural psychological structure and cultural quality of the executives of the enterprise as well as the cultural behavior of the staff members.//


安然栽了。安然的失败并不仅仅是因为公司做了假帐或者所谓的高层腐败,其失败的原因还应归咎于公司的企业文化,正是这种企业文化曾经使安然应人注目,备受青睐。过分强调收益的增长和个人的主动性,加上缺乏那种常规的公司制约平衡机制。// 那么什么是企业文化?狭义上来说,它指的是企业在生产经营实践中行成的一种基本精神和凝聚力,以及全体职工共同具有的价值观念和行为准则。//


Passage 9

A major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investors with a steady stream of income and guarantee the repayment of the loan in full at maturity. Bonds also appeal to investors because of their scope for capital appreciation. Take for instance a fall in interest rates, in this case bonds which were issued when interest rates were high will become increasingly valuable and as the bond price rises, this provides profit for bond sellers.//

In addition, if interest rates had fallen significantly over a period of time, economic growth would be stimulated as lower borrowing costs and savings rates would encourage businesses to invest and households to consume. In such a low interest-rate environment, it may still be good for investors to consider investing some money in bonds because they will be able to achieve a higher return than cash deposits.//

Equities and government bonds are well suited to some investors. Younger investors will benefit from equity capital growth because they are generally investing for the longer term and not unduly concerned with the lack of immediate yield. Investors concerned with avoiding risk will be prepared to accept the relatively low yields now available on government bonds.//

But many investors fall somewhere between these two extremes. In recent years, financial markets have become increasingly polarized between growth and security. Investors looking for medium and low risk are increasingly turning to the corporate bond market as an alternative to equities and government bonds.//





Passage 10

Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame and fast money and to participate enthusiastically in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European

Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.//

The valley’s professionals are among the most hardworking people anywhere. A

15-hour day and 7-day week is not uncommon, especially during the start-up stage. They would give up social life, and curtail their family life too, in order to pursue the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is this single-minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of teamwork and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished.//

Paper qualification, though useful, is not a be-all-and-end-all. More weight is given to a candidate’s proven abilities and aptitude for the job. This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple’s Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft’s Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.//

While racial prejudice no doubt still exists in the United States, it is hardly discernible in the Valley. What counts most is one’s vision and track record, and not one’s nationality, skin color or creed. This, together with its multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreignersto its shores.//


硅谷人的工作之勤奋,举世罕见。一天工作15 个小时,一周工作七天,这样的工作日程安排在硅谷却是司空见惯的现象,尤其在创业初期更是如此。硅谷人放弃社交生活,减少与家人一起生活的时间,努力去寻求事业彩虹尽头处的那一桶金。正是这种孜孜不倦追求卓越的精神,加上优良的团队精神,支持着硅谷人的奋斗理念,他们不大目的绝不罢休。// 在硅谷,文凭虽然有用,却不是一切,一纸定不了终身,硅谷更看重求职者的真才实学和岗位资质。最具有说服力的例子莫过于行业的偶像人物,如苹果公司的创始人乔布斯和沃茨尼亚克,微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是一些大学辍学者,在讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日。//


Passage 11

Today, we pioneers and leaders of electronic commerce, are meeting here to call for changes in US patent law. We believe such changes are needed to deal with new business models related to the growth of the Internet.//

I share the same view with Jeff Bezos, chief executive of online bookseller https://www.360docs.net/doc/306064497.html,. Mr.Bezos argued in an open letter that current patent laws could end up harming all kinds of businesses if the laws were not adapted to new business methods used in e-commerce.//

I think U.S. Patent laws are designed to protect the commercial rights of people who have invested in new products, systems or methods. Hereby I propose that the period of protection offered by patents should be cut from 17 years to about 4 years. I also propose a one-month period of public consultation before patents are issued.//

If changes in the patent laws are going to have any real impact, they must be made soon, before too many more new business method patents are issued. Some of my colleagues in the industry have already begun lobbying lawmakers to make the changes. But we have to be a little bit more patient because it will take at least two years for any changes proposed now to be approved by lawmakers and established as law.// 今天我们这些电子商务的创始人和领导人在此集会,共同呼吁修改美国专利法。我们认为互联网的发展已形成了一些新商业模式,专利法必须经过修改才能应付这些新情况。// 我同在线书店亚马逊电子商务公司的首席执行官杰夫.贝索斯特有相同的观点。贝索斯先生在一封公开信中指出,现行的专利法若不加以修正以适应电子商务的新模式,最终将影响多有的商务活动。//

我认为,制定美国专利法的根本出发点是为了保护那些投资开发新产品、新系列新方法者的权益。我在这里提议,专利权的保护期应该由原来的17 年缩短为4 年。同时我也建议,专利发布前应该有一个月的公示咨询期。//


Passage 12

From recorded time, man has been fascinated and delighted with music. Bone whistles, used as a type of flute, have been found dating back to 5,000 BC. Paintings from the Stone Age show early musical instruments. In modern times, man has further developed his interest in music and in recorded sound with the hardware of sound reproduction.//

American inventor Thoms Edison, who was considered the father of sound recording, developed the phonograph in 1877, the first device to record music in the world. While Edison concentrated at first mainly on the reproduction of voice, it was not long before the musical uses of his invention were recognized and marketed.// The widespread use of electricity in the post-World War Two period led to the invention of the modern, portable record player. It was, however, “mono”. The real enthusiastic listener to music wanted a realistic reproduction of music with “hi-fidelity” or “hi-fi”.//

The 1980s saw an even greater series of developments in sound reproduction hardware. The examples are the Sony Corporation’s invention and development of the

tiny portable tape players known as the “Walkman”, and the compact disc, or CD, system based on the technology of computers with music information stored and reproduced digitally.//


元前5,000 年。从石器时代的画中我们可以见到早期乐器的模样。现代人进一步发展了


被誉为录音之父的美国发明家托马斯。爱迪生于1877 年发明了留声机,这是世界上



单声道放音。而真正的音乐发烧友想要的是一种给人以身临其境感觉的高保真音响设备。// 到了80 年代,声音复制设备的发展迈出了一系列更大的步伐。例如,推出了由索尼

首创开发的被称之为“随身听”的袖珍便携式磁带放音机,以及采用电脑技术以数码储存与再现音乐信息的CD 激光唱片音响。//

Passage 13

There are about six billion people in the world. But every person is unique. Some people have black eyes; others have brown eyes. Some have dark hair, others have light hair. Besides humans, there are millions of other living creatures. Some are so tiny that

we simply can’t see them with our own eyes. Whatever it is, every living creature is different from every other.//

Why is each living thing unique? Where do its characteristics come from? Do people receive characteristics from their mothers or fathers, or both? Which characteristics do they receive? How? These are some of the questions that biologists try to answer. The

work of a man by the name Mendel a hundred years ago was especially important.// Mendel studied plants, especially pea plants. Mendel decided that pea plants carried factors, and parents passed these factors onto their offspring. Today we call these factors genes. Genes are tiny pieces of matter that carry information from parents to offspring. // Based on Me ndel’s work, biologists began to ask such questions as “Can we apply our information about genes to people?” they discovered that in a person genes told whether he would have browneyes or blue eyes, whether he would have dark hair or light hair.

Now we know that every person is unique.//

世界上约有60 亿人。每个人都与众不同,有些人的眼睛为黑色,有些人的眼睛为褐色。有些人头发乌黑,有些人头发浅淡。除了人类之外,还有数以百万计的其他生物。有些生物微乎其微,是我们无法用肉眼看到的。无论何种生物,每一个都与众不同。// 为什么每个生物都会与众不同呢?生物的特性又是从何而来?人们的特性是遗传自母亲,还是父亲,或是父母双亲?人们从父母所得到的又是哪些特性呢?他们又是如何得到那些特性的呢?生物学家试图找到这些问题的答案。一百年前一个叫做门德尔的人所作的研究工作具有特别重要的意义。//






Passage 14

The human brain contains an average of ten billion neurons or nerve cells, each of which is linkedwith one thousand to ten thousand other neurons. These nerve cells participate in countlesselectrical microcircuits which make possible thought, perception, communication, and other types of mental activity.//

The outside surface of the brain, which is known as the cortex, consists of a thin wrinkled mantle of gray tissue made up of millions of neurons. This layer of the brain represents man’s relatively recent e volutionary step in neurological development and is not present to a comparable degree in any other species.//

The brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, sometimes called right and left brains. The activity of the two hemispheres is coordinated by a number of interconnecting nerve pathways. The two sides of the brain, while fairly comparable in size and form, appear to specialize in handling various tasks.//

Current evidence suggests that the left and right hemispheres differ in some way in their function. For example, specialized linguistic and perceptual skills are each associated with a particular hemisphere of the brain. In most individuals, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language, while the right hemisphere controls visual and spatial skills as well as the perception of nonlinguistic sounds and musical melodies.//

人的大脑平均有100 亿个神经元,或者叫做神经细胞。每个神经元与其它一千至一万个神经员相连。神经元从事着不可悉数的微电路脉冲活动,并由此产生思维,感觉,交流以及一些其他脑力活动。//




Passage 15

For a woman, conventional beauty is her only attribute. She is supposed to have no lines or wrinkles, no scars or blemishes. She is thin, generally tall and long legged, and above all young. All beautiful women in television commercials conform to this norm. the image is artificial and can only be achieved artificially.//

Many women go to great lengths to manipulate and change their faces and bodies. More than a million dollars is spent every hour on cosmetics in this country. A woman is conditioned to view her face as a mask and her body as an object, as things separate from and more important than her real self.//

Adolescent females are also discouraged from growing up and becoming adult. Growing older is the great taboo. Although boys are allowed and encouraged to become

mature adults, girls are encouraged to remain little girls, to be passive and dependent, never to mature. Someone placed in a double bind, they are supposed to be sexy and virginal, experienced and na?ve, seductive and pure.//

Misleading advertisements and commercials depict a world in which love and passion are reversed solely for products, in which sexuality becomes a commodity, and in which young women are the worst victims.//



少女自然成长也不被看好,年龄上升是大忌。虽然男孩可以成为成熟的男子,并且还收到鼓励。但对女孩的要求确实必须妙龄永驻,唯唯诺诺,依附顺从,永不成熟。不知何故,对他们的要求总有两面性,既要求他们性感多情,有要求他们冰清玉洁;即要求他们老道练达,又要求他们少不更事;即要求他们风骚冶艳,又要求他们质朴无华。// 在被误导性的广告所描绘的世界里,爱恋和激情全然为产品所拥有,性也成了商品,其中年轻女子则成了最大的牺牲者。//



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their


突然想到9月中我也该考中口了...再不开始准备就太对不起这个暑假了~ 麦刀终于开始学术了~ 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试 笔试共分四部分。总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分。(150分合格) 1: 听力40分钟/90分; 2:阅读50分钟/60分; 3:英译汉30分钟/50分; 4:汉译英30分钟/50分。 凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试 5. 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右 6. 每年的3月、9月进行笔试,笔试后1个月左右进行口试。 考试时间安排 笔试:全程考试时间为150分钟,中间不收试卷,其中听力部分考试时间为45分钟(Section 1),阅读部分时间为45分钟(Section 2),翻译部分时间为60分钟(Section 3&Section 4)。 以下为笔试详细流程: 时间考试流程 13:30 考生可以入场 13:40 考考官宣读考生须知,并发布考试试卷及答题纸;考生调试收音机频道,确认收听频率 14:00 考试正式开始,电台开始播放录音 14:00—14:45 考生做Section1 听力部分听力部分时间为45分钟 14:45—15:30 考生做Section2 阅读部分阅读部分时间为45分钟

15:30—16:30 考生做Section3和Section4 翻译部分 翻译部分时间为60分钟 16:30 全部考试结束,考官收回全部试卷和答题纸 这张表格很重要! 科目 时间长度 题目 类型 建议 听力(2: 00开 始,共约45分 钟) 约5分 钟 Part A: Q1-Q20 Spot Dictation 预读:大意、接近的空格、长词、题号顺序 检查:名词、动词单复数、词性、拼写 约25分 钟 Part B: Q1-Q10 Statements 预读选项:话题-高频词、词组; 考点-句子成分差异处 Part B: Q11-Q30 Talks And Conversations 预读选项(同上); 听题:程度副词、转折词、观点 约15分 钟 Part C: Listening And Translation Sentence Translation (5句) 笔记:数字+并 列信息 笔头:常识补充, 务必成句 Passage Translation (2段) 笔记:框架+数字+并列信息 笔头:常识补充,务必成段 阅读(2: 45-3:30) 约45分 钟 Section 2:Q1-30 选择题 先做翻译、后做阅读、先看问题、判断话题、预测结构、估估难易、先易后难 翻译(3: 30-4:30) 30分钟 Section 3 第一篇 英译汉 认真阅读;先视译再下笔;语句流畅;断句为先;遇难词看上下文;


1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students 16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于他打算扩店,他开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代表。 5.“广告”这个词最简单的涵义就是“让某事物引起他人注意”。或者“将某事物告知某人”。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1. 请各位注意,图书馆马上就要关门了。请把参考书放回原处,如果要外借备用书籍以 便当夜使用,现在可以办理(手续),多谢各位合作。 2. 30年前,我还是个小孩子的时候,我父亲曾安排我去乡下一个农场过了两个暑假。他 认为那对我有好处,他是对的。那使我懂得了不少有关自立的重要意义。那地方非常偏僻,农场主的地位当时肯定已是二十出头的女儿说她从未离开过家门,也未见过火车。


中级口译第二部分口试-3 (总分:20.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00) 1. (分数:5.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(很多美国商人和他们的律师现在认识到,为了更有效地和他们的新贸易伙伴做生意,他们必须研究中国的法律、贸易惯例和文化。 美国人还可以与他们的中国贸易伙伴共享可能有助于建立两国间更好的贸易关系的某些经验和信息。 人们希望让中国学生更好地了解美国人对国际贸易与投资的看法,从而他们在与美国商人、律师和公司做生意时将更加胜任。 这种理解将为美国和中国带来更加和谐与有利可图的贸易关系。) 解析:[听力原文] Many American businessmen and their lawyers now understand that they must study the laws, trade practices, and culture of China in order to be more effective in doing business with their new trading partners. Americans also can share with their Chinese trading partners certain experience and information that may be helpful in creating better trade relations between our two countries. It is hoped that by providing Chinese students with a better understanding of American perspectives on international trade and investment, they will be better qualified to do business with American businessmen, attorneys and corporations. Such understanding should lead to a more harmonious and profitable trade relationship for the Untied States and China. 三、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00) 2. (分数:5.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(由于各公司都意识到要想在今天的国际市场上保持竞争力就必须创新,所以创新正在推动整个工商业的发展。 上世纪,公司试图通过提高生产力来加强自己的竞争能力。今天,公司旨在通过在创新上投资来发展高端产品。 尽管国际市场发生了金融混乱,美国今天仍享有经济的繁荣,这表明我们正在收获创新产生的效益。 我认为,制药业是研究创新的重要性及其价值的最佳案例。) 解析:[听力原文] Innovation is now driving the growth of the whole business and manufacturing industry as companies realize they must innovate to remain competitive in today's global market.


历年上海英语中级口译翻译英译汉真题及答案 原文: 出自Newsweek Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers The relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations. For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements. Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not. 我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?


翻译中级口译第二部分口试试题(二) 一、Interpret(本大题2小题.每题25.0分,共50.0分。 Interpret the following passage from English to Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting) 第1题 【正确答案】: 人脑平均有100亿个神经细胞,分为两个大致对称的半球,有时称右半球和左半球。 人脑的两半球虽然就其大小和形状而言比较相像,却各司其职。 大多数人的左半球主要负责语言,左半球的这种语言功能优势似乎在婴儿出生前便已存在。 另一方面,(人脑的)右半球掌管着视觉和空间技能,并负责对非语言的声音以及音乐旋律的感知。 [本题分数]: 25.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] The human brain which contains an average of ten billion nerve cells, is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, sometimes called right and left brains. The two sides of the brain, while fairly comparable in size and form, appear to specialize in handling various tasks. In most individuals, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language and this left brain dominance in linguistic functions appears to exist prior to birth. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls visual and spatial skills as well as the perception of nonlinguistic sounds and musical melodies. 第2题 【正确答案】: 我将向你们展示一张印度尼西亚的美丽地图。你会从这张地图中看到印度尼西亚共和国是位于亚洲和澳洲大陆之间重要地理位置上的最大岛国。 因此,许多外国的投资者把他们的资金投在印度尼西亚,目的是为了建厂或和印度尼西亚建立合资企业。 此外,印度尼西亚有许多岛屿,大约13677个岛,五个主要的岛屿大约占陆地面积的92%。 这个区域行政划分为30个省,其中的两个是特区。印度尼西亚是世界上人口密度第四大的国家,有超过2.5亿的人口,年人口增长率为1.6%。


中级口译历年真题--翻译篇 2012年春季(3月) 英译汉原文: When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it we re the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 英译汉参考译文: 我年轻的时候,有本非常好的杂志《全球目录》,这是我们那代人的“圣经”之一。杂志的创办人是斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是在离这里不远的门罗公园,他赋予了这本杂志诗一样的美感。六十年代后期,个人电脑和桌面排版尚未出现,所以这本杂志完全利用打字机、剪刀、偏光镜来完成,有点像平装本的谷歌,却出现在谷歌问世三十五年前。这本杂志充满了理想色彩,充满了整齐利落的工具、不同寻常的见解。 斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期《全球目录》,在它完成使命后,他们出版了最后一期杂志。那是在七十年代中期,那时我和你们的年龄相仿。杂志最后一期的封底上是张清晨的乡村公路的照片,那样的路,如果你有些冒险精神,可能会一路搭车走过。照片下面有两句话:“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,这是他们停刊的告别语,“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,我总是以此鼓励自己。现在,当你们即将毕业踏上新的旅程,我给予你们同样的期望。 翻译评析: 这篇短文取自于乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲。语言比较口语化,词汇不难。因为是演讲类短文,所以考生在翻译的时候大可以顺序驱动。节选的这个短文有几处的词汇和短语大家可以注意下: poetic:充满诗情画意的 idealistic: 理想主义的 run his course: 完成使命 hitchhiking: 搭乘 sign off: 停止签发,停止 汉译英: 吸烟之危害,可谓大矣,其严重性是不能低估的。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,使肺癌发病率大大增加。为了使各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织已将每年的5月31日定为“世界无烟日”。 瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了,不能戒。只要真正意识到吸烟有百害而无一利,于人于己都是一种祸害,就有可能下决心摆脱烟草的诱惑。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 参考译文: Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day. The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well


博联兄弟同声翻译提醒大家专注本帖: 上海市中级口译考试历届试题前12套考卷的总结 2009-08-11 以下内容包括二百六十九个语言点 , 包括好句子 , 需要记忆的词组以及常见句型 , 关注于语言表达的结构功能 . 1. 我非常感谢 ... Reference:Thank you very much for... 2. 热情友好的欢迎辞 Reference:gracious speech of welcome 3...之一 Reference:be one of 4. 访问 ...是... Reference:A visit to...has... 5. 多年梦寐以求的愿望 Reference:has long been my dream 6...给予我一次...的机会... Reference:(The visit will) give me (an excellent ) opportunity to ... 7.我为 ... ,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。 8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。 note: 注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。 Reference:I'm deeply grateful for everything you've done for me since my arrival in China. 9. (我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。 note :( 1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with 连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译 Reference:I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industries. 10....多年来一直盼望... note :主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。 Reference:have been looking forward to ...for many years 11. 我很感激 ... note :出现“感激”,首先反应就是appreciate 及其同族词。 Reference:I appreciate... 12. 你若不在意的话,... Reference:If you don't mind,... 13. 去 ...走走 Reference:tour around... 14. 浦江商务旅游公司 note :注意其中的旅游的选词 Reference:Pu Jiang Business Travel Campany 15. 国家旅游局 note :局不一定要用bureau Reference:the Chinese National Tourist Administration


1上海市英语中级口译证书第二阶段考试试题集锦 (201009) 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…”,”My registration number is…” Topic: Can shopping vouchers increase consumption? Questions for Reference: 1.To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers? 2.What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers? 3.In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributes? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only? 口译题 Part A Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 As for us Americans, you may think that we give too much importance to individualism and personal gains, so much so that it might sacrifice collective benefits, and even bring harm to the harmony of the society.// Yes, but you don’t have to be worried. American work ethic is more individual-oriented. We often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.// If I am not mistaken, the traditional Chinese work ethic is based on Confucianism, which stresses the benefit of communal harmony rather than individual freedom.// It’s really very hard to say which is better because if the cultural differences. With the economic globalization, cultural exchanges have become more and more extensive and Americans and Chinese will know and understand each other better. 至于我们美国人,你们会感到我们太看重个人主义,太看重个人利益,这样可能会牺牲集体的利益,甚至会损害社会的和谐。// 是的,但你们不必担忧。我们美国人的工作理念更强调个人主义。我们一般重视的是结果和成就,而不是过程。// 如果我没理解错的话,中国传统的够工作理念是以儒家学说为基础的,这种思想强调整体和谐高于个体自由。// 由于文化差异的存在,真的很难说哪种理念更好。随着经济全球化,文化交流也随之变得越来越广泛,美国人民和中国人民将会更加互相了解和理解。


中级口译口试模拟试题(1) 09年秋季中级口译二阶段口试模拟试卷,请大家认真练习! [1] Part A [2] Part B 模拟题(2)>>> 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. Y ou should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. Y ou need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…, “ “My registration number is…”. Topic: What are the important factors involved in looking for an ideal job? Questions for Reference: 1.What qualifications or personality do you think are of vital importance for an individual in his or her job hunting? 2.What is your primary concern in selecting a profession, your personal interest, income, specialization, or your working environment? Give reasons for your answer. 3.Do you think a job interview is indispensable for a recruiting institution? Why or why not? How can we train ourselves to become successful interviewees? Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…Y ou may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages o nly once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: Welcome to the Cairo International Conference Center. The Conference Center is a gift from the government of China. It is a symbol of friendship between the peoples of China and Egypt. // Up to now, the Cairo International Conference Center is the only comprehensive conference center in Egypt. It occupies an area of 300,000 square meters. Of there, 58,000 square meters have been given to conference facilities. //


上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试)两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,立刻想到通过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量尤其是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,但是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就可以开始准备了。 在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,可以去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,但是你也可以网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上通过笔试。一旦通过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放弃3月的考试。 下面我简要介绍一下中级口译的考试内容及复习方法。 笔试部分共三部分,即听力、阅读和笔译。 听力占90分,包含听写填空,段对话及长对话,听译。 听写填空,英文叫spot dictitation, 给400词左右的文章,抠去20个空,每个空需要填进去


英语翻译中级口译模拟试题及答案解析(18) (1~20/共20题)SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Play00:0002:44 Volume To the majority of us, music is an indispensable part of our daily life. It can be defined in this way, music is sound arranged into __1__ patterns. It forms an important part of many cultural and __2__ . People use music to express feelings and ideas. Music also serves to __3__ when we are exhausted. Music is a performing art. It differs from such arts as __4__ , in which artists creates works and then display or publish them. __5__ need musicians to interpret and perform their work, just as playwrights need actors to __6__ . Thus, most musical performances are really __7__ between composers and performers. Music also plays __8__ in other arts. Opera combines singing and orchestra music with drama. Ballet and __9__ need music to help the dancers with their steps. Motion pictures and __10__ use music to help set the mood and emphasize the action. Also, composers have __11__ to music. Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started to sing __12__ . Hunting tools struck together may have been the first __13__ . By about 10,000B.C, people had discovered how to make flutes out of hollow bones. __14__ , including the Chinese, Egyptians used music in court and __15__ . The first written music in the history can be dated back to 2500B.C. Today, music __16__ around the world. The music of people in Europe and the __17__ is known as Western music. There are two kinds of Western music, __18__ . Classical music includes symphonies, operas and ballets. Popular music includes __19__ , folk music, jazz, and rock music. The cultures of Africa and Asia have __20__ of classical and popular musi 第1题 第2题 第3题 第4题 第5题 第6题 第7题 第8题 第9题 第10题 第11题 第12题 第13题 第14题 第15题
