

朗阁海外考试研究中心周智勇考试日期 2015年1月29日

Reading Passage 1

Title Bovid(鬃毛牛)

Question types 单选题3题配对题5题简答题5题

文章内容回顾介绍了bovid这种动物的基本特征(size, horn等方面)、常见分布,详细介绍了它的几个sub-families, 包括外貌特征、居住环境、该群体的特点等。


P1: Bovides are highly diverse groups

P2: differences in bovids size, appearance and habitats

P3: the features of bovids

P4: sub-families Bovinae

P5: the antelope

P6: the Caprinae

P7: the Cephalophinae

P8: the Antilocapridae

相关英文原文阅读The Bovids are the biological family of cloven-hoofed, ruminant mammals that includes bison, African buffalo, water buffalo, antelopes, gazelles, sheep, goats, muskoxen, and domestic cattle. A member of this family is called a bovid. Consisting of 143 extant species and 300 extinct species, the family Bovids consists of eight major subfamilies apart from the disputed Peleinae and Pantholopinae. The family evolved some 20 million years ago, in the early Miocene.

All bovids have the similar basic form - a snout with a blunt end, a pair of horns (generally present on males) immediately after the oval or pointed ears, a distinct neck and limbs, and a tail varying in length and bushiness among the species. The bovids show great variation in size and pelage coloration. Excepting some domesticated forms, all male bovids have horns, and in many species females too possess horns. The size and shape of the horns vary greatly, but the basic structure is always a pair of simple bony protrusions without branches, often having a spiral, twisted or fluted form, each covered in a permanent sheath of keratin. Most bovids bear 30 to 32 teeth.

In the early Miocene, bovids began diverging from the cervids (deer) and giraffids. The earliest bovids, whose presence in Africa and

Eurasia in the latter part of early Miocene (20 Mya) has been ascertained, were small animals, somewhat similar to modern gazelles, and probably lived in woodland environments. The Eotragus, the earliest known bovid, weighed 18 kg (40 lb) and was nearly the same in size as the Thompson's gazelle. Early in their evolutionary history, the bovids split into two main clades: Boodontia and Aegodontia. This early split between Boodontia (of Eurasian origin) and Aegodontia (of African origin) has been attributed to the continental divide between these land masses. When these continents were later rejoined, this barrier was removed, and either group expanded into the other's territory. The tribes Bovini and Tragelaphini diverged in the early Miocene. Bovids are known to have reached the Americas in the Pleistocene by crossing the Bering land bridge.


1. In which region is the biggest range of bovids to be found? 选:D

A. Africa

B. Eurasia

C. North America

D. South-east Asia

2. Most bovids have a preference for living in 选:D

A. isolation

B. small groups

C. tropical forest

D. wide open spaces

3. Which of the following features do all bovids have in common? 选:C

A. Their horns are short

B. They have upper incisors

C. They store food in the body

D. Their hooves are undivided


NB You may use any letter more than once

List of sub-families

A. Antelope

B. Bovinae

C. Carprinae

D. Cephalophinae

4. can endure very harsh environments 选:C

5. includes the ox and the cow 选:B

6. may supplement its diet with 选:D

7. can usually move at speed 选:A

8. does not defend a particular area of land 选:B


Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

9. What is the smallest species of Bovid called?(体型最小的是?)Royal antelope

10. Which species of Bovinae has now died out?(什么种类已经灭绝了?)

The auroch

11. What facilitates the movement of the sitatunga over wetland?(sitatunga凭什么在湿地里运动?)

Jong, splayed hooves

12. What sort of terrain do barbary sheep live in?(barbary sheep生活在什么地方?)

Arid deserts

13. What is the only living member of the Antilocapridae sub-family? pronghorn

单选仍然是考察常规的关键词定位和同义替换,难度不大。Short Answer方面,对于原文原词的选择,词性词形单复数都不用改变。如果发现得到的答案在字数方面与题目要求有差异,很可能这个答案不是正确的或者最优的。

剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑7 Test 1 剑5 Test 3

Reading Passage 2

Title The importance of being playful

Question types 段落信息配对6题


文章内容回顾关于Play and Children, 介绍了游戏对学龄前儿童的影响,科学家对十几个家庭做了深入的实验测试,根据实验研究结果来完善游戏设计。

相关英文原文阅读Everyone knows that children today prefer TV and computers to "old-fashioned" outdoor play. That's why so many of them are overweight, right? Think again.

A survey for this year's Play day found that 80% of children in the UK prefer playing outside to playing indoors. When asked about their preference for different activities, the results were even more marked: 86% prefer outdoor activities, including playing out with their friends, building dens and getting muddy, to playing computer games.

These results explode a myth about modern children: the couch potato generation who would rather surf the web, watch hours of TV and compete for the highest score on the latest PlayStation than do anything as old-fashioned as going to the park or the woods with their friends.

Yet it seems that most children do spend more time inside than their parents did at the same age. Research suggests that in 20 years the "home habitat" of a typical eight-year-old - the area that a child can travel around on their own - has shrunk by nearly 90%. A Home Office survey last year revealed that as many as 33% of eight to 10-year-olds never play out without an adult being present. When they do venture out, children are increasingly ferried around in their parents' cars for journeys that used to be made on foot. The prime minister last week, speaking about the obesity crisis, noted that the numbers of children walking to school declined from 61% to 53% between 1994 and 2004. Such data is often seen as a proxy indicator for the extent of children's outdoor play, and the statistics for younger children are even starker, with only an estimated 5% of seven to eight-year-olds now walking unaccompanied to school, compared to 80% in 1990.


15. 实验(第4段)

16. free play(倒数第2段)

17. comparison(倒数第3段)

18. 玩可以提高创造力(倒数第2段)

19. 没有adult陪伴(最后一段)


20. abilities

21. parents

22. siblings

23. experienced


24. Verbal skill: 人名2

25. Free play: 人名3

26. Isolated play: 人名3



剑桥雅思推荐练习剑8 Test 3 剑9 Test 3

Reading Passage 3

Title Diary(历史发展类)

Question types 选择题4题

YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 4题Summary(有选项)6题


相关英文原文阅读A diary (also called journal) is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. A personal diary may include a person's experiences, and/or thoughts or feelings, including comment on current events outside the writer's direct experience. Someone who keeps a diary is known as a diarist. Diaries undertaken for institutional purposes play a role in many aspects of human civilization, including government records (e.g., Hansard), business ledgers and military records. In British English, the word may also denote a preprinted journal format.

Today the term is generally employed for personal diaries, normally intended to remain private or to have a limited circulation amongst friends or relatives. The word "journal" may be sometimes used for "diary," but generally a diary has (or intends to have) daily entries, whereas journal-writing can be less frequent.

Although a diary may provide information for a memoir, autobiography or biography, it is generally written not with the intention of being published as it stands, but for the author's own use. In recent years, however, there is internal evidence in some diaries (e.g., those of Ned Rorem, Alan Clark, Tony Benn or Simon Gray) that they are written with eventual publication in mind, with the intention of self-vindication (pre- or posthumous) or simply for profit.


28. C

29. A


37. Diary is a good form of literate. YES

38. YES

39. ... the most significant NO

40. ... the part of experience NOT GIVEN

YES/NO/NOT GIVEN的难度还是比较大的,尤其是NO和NOT GIVEN 之间的区别。选择题可以利用关键词定位来快速答题,同时注意题干细节的差异,借助排除法来争取全对。

剑桥雅思推荐练习剑6 Test 1 剑7 Test 3


