牛津英语8B Unit3 Online Travel 单元分析及课时教案

牛津英语8B Unit3 Online Travel 单元分析及课时教案
牛津英语8B Unit3 Online Travel 单元分析及课时教案

牛津英语8B Unit3 Online Travel 单元分析及课时教案



本单元的主题为“电脑”,Comic Strip部分通过Hobo与Eddie之间的对话,激发了学生对本单元的兴趣,唤起他们网上旅游学习文化知识的欲望,也引出了本单元的语法重点---被动语态;Welcome to the unit 中让学生根据图片选填正确的电脑用途,旨在帮助学生了解英语掌握电脑的基本用途即基本功能;Reading介绍了一种虚构的、有趣的教育类游戏光盘。游戏玩家扮演主人公“痒痒脚”。它在梦里旅游,行程中他必须回答各种问题,测试自己的英语语法和词汇能力以及地理知识。Vocabulary通过图片向学生介绍电脑部件名称,旨在帮助学生用恰当的词汇来谈论计算机的功能和用途。Grammar分A、B两部分介绍了“被动语态”的基本用法、结构以及用介词by来引出“动作执行者”在A部分通过Millie到商店购买电脑谈论电脑的相关情况及用本单元已经学过的词汇来谈论电脑部件及其功能,在B部分以一种虚构的教育类光盘“Saving Princess Laura”话题,帮助学生掌握“被动语态”的结构。Integrated Skills以一种计算机教育软件的内容为主线,通过听力材料用相关的词汇来向他人介绍其它计算机教育软件,并向他人请求帮忙解决如何在电脑上使用教育类软件划。Study skills教会学生根据不同类型的信息将词汇和观点进行分类。Main task一块描述自己最喜欢的教育类游戏光盘为例,鼓励学生写出他们自己最喜欢的教育类光盘,以此训练学生的听、说、读、写一系列技能。Checkout 一块继续以介绍电脑部件、用途及其功能为例,进一步复习并巩固“被动语态”与计算机相关词汇的正确使用。































教学中教师可以采用Role-playing; Cooperating; Pre-reading; While-reading; Post-reading; brainstorming; listening for special information等教学、学习策略,创设贴近生活的情境,利用学生对电脑的已有知识及老师制作的多媒体课件来展开课堂Work alone, Pair work, Group work 等口语交际活动,让学生在声情并茂的语境中掌握知识,激起语言学习的乐趣。词汇教学可以通过贴近学生生活实际的例子,由易到难,增加对词汇的理解及掌握;听力与口语教学以角色扮演、模仿对话或复述短文为主,强调对主要信息的获取和输出;阅读教学可以采用“任务型”阅读教学模式来帮助学生理解教育类游戏光盘的星光知识,教学中,老师可以降低难度,帮助帮助学生学习理解和掌握相关的词汇,并借助多媒体把不熟悉的景点真实化、情境化,进而让枯燥的文章趣味化;写作教学在帮助学生了解和掌握写作要求的基础上、以模仿写作为主;语法教学旨在引导学生掌握规律,反复模仿操练,对于被动语态,其中的一般现在时和一般过去时的结构及其运用是难点,提醒学生要进行比较记忆,并反复练习、理解、巩固以达到熟练运用程度。


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit: one period

Reading: two periods Vocabulary: one period

Grammar: one period

Integrated skills: two periods

Study skills: one period

Main task: one period

Checkout: one period

Period 1:Welcome to the unit










1. 激发学生对学习电脑知识的欲望


词汇:online; television; program; look like; turn on; search for information; send and receive e-mails; computer programs


1. I have no idea!

2. What do you use your computer for?

3. The TV is turned on.


现代中学生,大多数都已对电脑感兴趣,并且具备了使用电脑基本知识,Comic Strip部分通过Hobo与Eddie之间的对话,激发了学生对本单元的兴趣,而在Welcome to the unit部分,通过图片的形式,向学生介绍了电脑的基本用途的相关英语词汇,我相信学生肯定会非常感兴趣的,此时,老师可以很好滴利用这样的机会,唤起他们网上旅游学习文化知识的欲望,为下面的教学打下伏笔。



I. Lead-in

1. Questions about computer: What do you usually do when you are free? Do you have a computer at home?Do you like playing computer games?

2. Present new sentences: What do you use your computer for? The TV is turned on.

3. Introduce the main task for this unit: Computer

II. Pre-task

Task 1:Present some pictures of the different parts of the computer; and some descriptions about them. Help the students understand what they mean.

Task 2: Expression build-up.

III. While-task

Task 1: Present the pattern: What do you use the computer for? I usually use it to …Task 2: Pair work: Ask and answer about Part A with the pattern above.

Task 3: Introduce Part B, and have two students to read out the conversation between Daniel and Simon.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Pair work: Help the students make conversations about the different parts and their functions of a computer, using the conversation between Daniel and Simon as a model.

V. Homework

VI: Class-work


1. 打开电视

2. 看上去像

3. 不知道

4. 接收、发送邮件

5. 遥控器

6. 查找信息

7. 换频道8. 文字处理

9. 玩游戏10. 编制电脑程序

11. 搜索有用信息12. 画画与设计


One day Hobo saw a strange thing. He didn‘t know what it was. He asked Eddie, but Eddie didn‘t know _______. Hobo thought it looked like a _______. Eddie agreed. Then Hobo found a small thing connected with the ?television‘. Eddie thought it was the control and he could use it to _______ the channel. In fact, he thing like a television is a _______ and the small thing is a ________.


1. My cousin, Tracy, is good at ____________(design)cars, so his boss likes him.

2. The manager ___ just _______ (receive) a business letter from a company abroad.

3. It is not very difficult for you to learn how ______ (search0 information online.

4. The computer can be used for word ________ (process).

5. Do you often use the machine _______ (wash) clothes.



He has ______________________________ his mother.


I ________________________. We should send the child ________________. 3.电脑开着吗?

Is ____________________________?


This channel is _______________________ nobody likes watching it.


__________________________________ information on the Internet?


Would you please ______________________、I‘m studying.


The computer club _________________________.


We can use computers ______________________.


I _______________________ as soon as I hear from you.

10. 你同意晚饭后出去散步吗?

Do you ___________________________ after supper.

11. 我不知道何时出发。

I have _______________________________.

Period 2:Reading (I)









1. 通过文章的学习聊调动学生对使用教育光盘或软件的兴趣。


词汇:educational; CD-ROM; traveler; asleep; point; correctly; role; level; knowledge; grammar; reach; screen; pass; mark; purple


1. It is designed by Nancy Jackson.

2. This game has eight levels, and each level will take you about an hour to finish.

3. The game is one of the best on the market.





I. Lead-in

Task 1: Guide the students to recall the use of the computer in their daily lives, and lead in the topic of this unit by asking:Can you tell me some uses of computers?

II. Pre-task

Task 1: Have the students talk about their favorite computer games by asking some questions, and introduce the following new words: main character, pass eight levels, get a point, etc.

III. While-task

Task 1: Skim the passage for the following questions: 1). What‘s ―Around the World in Eight Hours‖? 2). How many levels does this game have? 3). Where can we buy it? Task 2: Listen to the tape, and encourage them to divide the passage into three parts. Task 3: Scan Line 2—10, and complete the following table:

Name of the game

Help you learn


Another piece of work

Main character

Age of the main character

Hobby of the main character

Task 4: Scan Line 11-36 for some questions:

1.What did Itchy Feet see in his dream?

2.What will happen of you get enough point?

3.How long will it take you to finish each level?

4.What will you see when you pass a level?

Task 5: Scan Line 37—29 for the main idea of the passage.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Pair work: Read out the whole passage, and complete the following sentences:

Task 2: Get some student to retell the passage according to what they‘ve learned so far.

V. Homework

VI: Class-work


1. 好消息

2. 教育光盘存储器

3. 问世、出版

4. 听起来有趣

5. 同时

6. 在线旅行者

7.躺在草地上8. 睡着

9. 看美丽的天气10. 做个奇怪的梦

11. 带你到一个地方12. 周游世界

13. 扮演...角色14. 由…设计


1. The girl __________ (call) Jane Eyre is the main character of the book.

2. Do you know who was the _________(design)of the People‘s Hall?

3. What ________ (write) on the sign?

4. Tom fell ________ (sleep) when he was listening to music.

5. I help the child by _________ (teach) him English.

6. In his dream, he saw a ____________ (gold) cloud.

7. Bob was so clever that he answered all the questions __________ (correct).

8. Do you think it‘s __________ (wonder) news?


1. 这个故事听起来很有趣,是不是?

This story _______________________________?


That old man makes a living ____________________.

3. 这项工作将花费你很长时间。

The work will ________________________.

4. 每次你通过一关,你就会看到一张世界地图。

______________________________, you will see a map of the world.

5.他将扮演Itchy Feet的角色。

He __________________________________.

6. 这个游戏是Mike设计的。

This game __________________________Mike.

Period 3: Reading (II)









1. 通过文章的学习聊调动学生对使用教育光盘或软件的兴趣。


词汇:educational; CD-ROM; traveler; asleep; point; correctly; role; level; knowledge; grammar; reach; screen; pass; mark; purple


1. It is designed by Nancy Jackson.

2. This game has eight levels, and each level will take you about an hour to finish.

3. The game is one of the best on the market.





I. Lead-in

Task 1: Ask the students to read out the whole passage and talk about how much they have learned about the educational CD—ROM.

II. Pre-task

Task 1: Help the students to get more understanding of some new words in the passage, and complete Part B on page 44.

III. While-task

Task 1: Ask one student to read out the passage and tell True or False about the game in Part C1 on page 44.

Part 2:Millie also wants to know more about this game. She is asking a lot of questions. Complete their conversation with the correct words. Then ask some pairs to act it out before the class.

Task 3: If you are a seller of this educational CD—ROM, How to sell this CD—Rom To others. Ask one student to play the role of a seller and the other a customer. Leave several minutes to get prepared, then ask them to act it out before the class.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Language points and some useful sentences:

1. A new educational CD—Rom called ?Around the World in Eight Hours‘ has just

come our.

2.The main character of this wonderful new game is Itchy Feet.

3. a thirteen-year-old boy

4.He was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky, when he fell

asleep and had a very strange dream.

5.When you have got points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place

you have never visited before.

6.play the r ole of

7.…, and each level will take you about an hour to finish.

8.Every time you pass a level, you will see a map of the world.

9.be marked in bright purple

10.This game is one of the best on the market.

V. Homework

VI: Class-work


1. 一张教育光盘

2. 在八小时内环游世界

3. 问世

4. 网上旅行者

5. 主角

6. 一位十三岁的男孩

7. 入睡8. 正确地回答一个问题

9. 扮演…角色10. 你的英语语法知识

11. 在你显示屏上12. 被用亮紫色标出

13. 通过整个八级14. 出售一空


1. 他们同时找到了答案。


2. Sandy 将在这次班会中扮演重要角色。

Sandy will ________________________________.

3. 这张关公测试你的英语语法和词汇方面的知识来帮助你学习英语。

This CD-ROM helps you learn English ________________________________.

4. 你参观国的地方被用亮紫色做出标志。

The place you have visited ________________________.

5. 一位八十七岁的老热你想了解伦敦博物馆。

____________________________________ the Museum of London.

6. 乘坐飞机环游环游世界大约需要五十个小时。

It takes about fifty hours __________________________.

7. Millie, 我有好消息告诉你。

Millie, I have ________________________.

8. Kate激动得难以入睡。

Kate was _______________________________________.

9. 我在空闲时间喜欢躺在草地上看着美丽的蓝天。

I like _________________________________when I am free.

10. 你了解有关电脑程序的知识吗?

Do you know ____________________________________?

Period 4: Vocabulary









1. 激发学生对学习电脑知识的欲望。


词汇:keyboard; menu; mouse; print; type; click

句子: 1. How do you know what you should do when you look at the screen?

2. You can choose one icon in the menu and click on it for more details.





I. Lead-in

Task 1:Talk with the students about the uses of computers according to what they have learned about the computer in the Reading Part. Questions: 10. How much do you know about computers? 2). What do you usually use your computer for?

II. Pre-task

Task 1:Present the names of computers on the screen, and Make an introduction. Then encourage the students to share the names of computers, such as printer, screen. Task 2: Present a picture of a computer on the screen, and show the uses of computer on the blackboard: keyboard—the set of keys for typing; menu—a list of possible choices that are shown on a computer screen; mouse—a small device that is moved by hand to work on the computer.

III. While-task

Task 1: Get the student to tell more uses of parts in a computer: printer—…; word processing—…; scanner—…; U-disk—…; etc.

Task 2: Ask the students to complete Part A on page 46. Remind the students of word-spelling.

Task 3: Games: I‘ll divide the class into four groups. I say the name and function of a computer to the class, and see who is first to say what I said in English, then he will get one points. The group that gets most points will win.

Task 4: Ask the students to complete Part B on page 46. Then practice reading aloud. Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Group work: Ask one of the four students to play the role of a computer seller, the others customers. The seller sell computer to the others, (including the name, uses and function).

V. Homework

VI. Class-work


1. 不同颜色的云

2. 获得一分

3. 把…带到…

4. 扮演…角色

5. 周游世界

6. 在银屏上

7. 例如8. 许多世界名胜


1.The keyboard is used for _________ (type).

2.Christmas is fixed, while Easter is a _________ (move) festival.

3.That emperor __________ (control) the country for twenty-five years.

4.Would you please lend me your _________ (print)? Mine is broken.

5.There are so many floppy _______ (disk) that I don‘t know which one to choose.

6.Can you fix the model plane _________ (proper)?

7.You can click on the icon for more ________ (细节) with the game.

8.Please read the ________ (说明) on the bottle before taking the medicine.

9._________ (机器) have replaced human labor in many industry.

10.You can see it ________ (用) a microscope.


( ) 1. If you want to play computer games, and you have put in the CD-ROM, what will you do next step?

A. Press the ?Ctrl‘ and ?Alt‘ keys.

B. Double click the ?auto-run‘ icon on the screen.

C. Turn on the screen.

D. Connect the keyboard to the computer properly.

( ) 2. --Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?

--___________. It has rained for half a month. It‘s too wet.

A. I hope that

B. I‘m sure it will

C. I‘m afraid it will

D. I hope so

( ) 3. --My good friend has gone to New Zealand. How I miss him!

--You can use QQ or UC to talk with him and see him on the screen.

--Really? __________!

A. Good luck

B. Congratulations

C. Enjoy yourself

D. Wonderful ( ) 4. Sleeping with the lights on is a waste. You‘d better _____ all the lights are off before you go to bed.

A. look for

B. make sure

C. think hard

D. find out

( ) 5. Kate fell asleep ____she was listening to music.

A. after

B. before

C. while

D. as soon as

( ) 6. These flowers ______ late this year because of the cold weather.

A. came on

B. came up

C. came out

D. came down ( ) 7. When I looked into the room, I found Simon himself _____ in bed.

A. lie

B. lying

C. lied

D. to lie

( ) 8. I have designed 300 computer games _______ I left the school.

A. every time

B. although

C. when

D. ever since

Period 5: Grammar









1. 通过学习“Saving Princess Laura”游戏内容,激发学生使用教育类光盘或软件的欲望。


词汇:widely; e-dictionary; foot; incorrectly; free; Mars; set; restart the computer; connect…to…; a total of


1. Word processing skills are taught in our computer lessons.

2. Activities for the Computer Club are organized by Mr. Lin.





I. Lead-in

Task 1: Present some sentences the passive voice used from the Reading part.

II. Pre-task

Task 1: Introduce the four sentences to the class in deductive method. Two of them are in active voice; the other in passives voice: Nancy Jackson designs the CD-ROM.→The CD-ROM is designed by Nancy Jackson. Get the game now before shops sell it out.→Get the game now before it is sold out.

III. While-task

Task 1: Compare the subjects in the active voice and in the passive voice.

Task 2: More examples: 1). Educational CD-ROMs are sold in many countries. 2). Rice is grown in the south. 3). Some windows were broken last night. 4). This book was published in 2003.

Task 3: Help the students to sum up: What is the subject in the passive voice, the operator or the actor? How to form the predicate? Tense?

Task 4: Help the students to complete Part A1 on page 48, then Part A 2.

Task 5: Ask the students to complete ―Work out the rule‖ on page 49 individually. Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Present the pictures of the witch, then ask the to discus them in group of two, then complete Part B1 on page 50. After sharing the answers, then get more able

students to retell the story of the witch.

Task 2: Tell the difference between the present passive voice and the past one. Ask the student to skim Part B2 on page 51, the write down the correct answers.

Task 3: Ask the students to make up five sentences in the passive voice and in the active one.

V. Homework

VI: Class-work


1. 遥控器

2. 打开电视机

3. 文字处理

4. 收发电子邮件

5. 搜寻信息

6. 出版

7. 主要人物8. 语法知识

9. 卖完10. 使变成

11. 起飞12. 有时、偶尔

13. 和朋友聊天14. 为…提供


1.News programmes _______ (show) on TV every day.

2.Tea _________ (drink) all over the world.

3. A lot of rubbish ________ (collect) every morning.

4.This kind of computer _________ (not sell) in our shop.

5.Cities will be greener if more trees ________ (plant).


1.This computer program _________(wrote0 in2004.

2.China _________ (know) for its long history, old buildings and rich culture.

3.They _________ (water) flowers when I got to the garden.

4.One of the most enjoyable parties _________ (hold) by Helen. We were all very


5.Jim ________ (ask) not to be late again.

6.Both of the two books __________ (lose) by him yesterday.

7.The Eiffel Tower _________ (make) of metal and really tall.

8.Edison _________ (build) a lab for himself at the age of ten.

9. A talk about English names __________ (give) by him last week.

10.I _________ (see) Li Ming five years ago, but I _________ (not see) him ever


11.Mary told me that the witch ________ (cut) an inch of the princess‘s hair when the

princess ________ (answer) a question incorrectly.

12.My father isn‘t at home. He _________ (be) on a visit to Japan. He said the he

__________ (bring) me the best MP5.

13.I couldn‘t stop _______ (talk) with you, I have too much homework _____ (do).

14.The new play ________ (show) on TV tomorrow night. I ______ (not miss) it.

15.Chinese _________ (grow) rice two thousand years ago.

16.Thee game _________ (set) on Mars(火星) last year.

17.A present __________ (give) to me _______ my mother yesterday.

18.We ________ (keep) information in the computer on that day.

Period 6: Integrated skills (I)










1. 在学习了“Itchy Feet”和“Saving the princess”两个教育关盘之后继续学习新的教育光盘内容“Daily English”,更加激发和调动学生使用网上学习资源的欲望。


词汇:daily English; course; telephone; tour; radio; package; cover many topics; order… online; learn about;


1. It‘s very good for tourists and students.

2. Can you show me how to start this online tour of Australia, please、


现代中学生,大多数都已对电脑感兴趣,激发了学生对教育类光盘的兴趣,而在Integrated skills部分,以一种计算机教育软件的内容为主线,通过听力材料用相关的词汇来向他人介绍其它计算机教育软件,并向他人请求帮忙解决如何在电脑上使用教育类软件划。我相信学生对网上旅游学习文化知识的欲望更为强烈。



I. Lead-in

Task 1: Present pictures of different uses of computers: Ask: What can we use the computer for? How can we send receive e=mails? What else can we use the Internet for?

Task2:Today, we are going to learn about a new educational CD-ROM called ―Daily English‖ and encourage the students what it is about.

II. Pre-task

Task 1: Listen to the tape and tell true or false to the following sentences about they hear.

Task 2: Listen to the tape once again, and complete Part A1.

Task 3: Present pictures from Part A2, and ask: What are they? What are their functions? Work in pairs, and understand the Part A2.

III. While-task

Task 1: First of all, have the students go through Part A3, and complete e-mail using the information in Parts A1 &A2.

Task 2: Sandy and Millie are also talking about how to use Daily English, Sandy has some questions. Please listen to the tape and find out what her problems are.

Task 3: Read out the conversation in roles, and then make up new conversation.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Useful expressions: 1. When you click on … icon, you can …; 2. order online; be covered in the course; 3. Do you mind telling ….?

V. Homework

VI. Class-work


1. 日常英语

2. 了解

3. 一门新的英语课程

4. 听人们谈话

5. 涉及许多话题

6. 求助

7. 在需要的时候8. 去澳大利亚的在线短程旅游

9. 收听电台采访10. 在网上订购一套

11. 如何使用这个功能12. 双击图标


( ) 1. –________ have you ever gone to water-skiing? --Only once a week.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

D. When

( ) 2. –Have you finished your housework ______? --Yes, I‘ve done that _____.

A. yet; already

B. already; yet

C. ever; never

D. still; just ( ) 3. –Has your mother ever ______ to Paris? --Yes, she went there last year.

A. gone

B. been

C. got

D. went

( ) 4. My mother _______English since she came to the city.

A. teaches

B. has taught

C. taught

D. have taught


1. From the CD-ROM, we can learn about _____ (谈) about the weather and the time.

2. His book _______ (涵盖) many fields of science.

3. The tour _______ (包括) a visit to the History Museum.

4. Our teacher solved the problem _________ (简单).

5. China _______ (每日) is a famous newspaper in China.

6. Do you mind my _______ (sleep) here?

7. The band played many songs, ________ (include) some of my favorites.

8. This book is very helpful to _______ (tour).

9. This question is the ________ (simple). I can answer it in three minutes.

10. After ________ (listen) to the radio, he went to do some reading.


1. 在网上订购商品很方便。

It‘s very convenient _________________________.

2. 我不确定他什么时候到.

I‘m not ______________________ he will ______.

3. 我们每天必须坚持做眼保健操。

We must ___________________________ every day.

4. 我从收音机听到了这个消息。

I heard ___________________________.

5. 你能告诉我下一步该做什么?

Can you tell me _______________________________ next?

Period 7: Integrated skills (II)










1. 在学习了“Itchy Feet”和“Saving the princess”两个教育关盘之后继续学习新的教育光盘内容“Daily English”,更加激发和调动学生使用网上学习资源的欲望。


词汇:daily English; course; telephone; tour; radio; package; cover many topics; order… online; learn about;


1. It‘s very good for tourists and students.

2. Can you show me how to start this online tour of Australia, please、





I. Lead-in

Task 1: Ask the students to pick up the sentences with the passive from Reading part and Integrated Skills.

II. Pre-task

Task 1:

Help the students to recall what the passive voice is and how to use it.

Task 2:

Ask the students to recall the educational CD-ROM they have learned in this unit so far. Then I‘ll ask them some questions about educational CD-ROM.

Task 3:

Ask the students to read out the Reading and Part A3 on page53.

III. While-task

Task 1: Ask the students to make up new sentences with the passive voice.

Task 2: Sum up and group the different uses of computers.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Fill in the banks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets. It mainly helps the students to revise the passive voice.

Task 2: Complete the sentences from Reading and Integrated Skills based on Chinese given.

V. Homework



1.His father is very old, but he has a good _________ (记忆力).

2.She is going to ________ (订购) a computer online this month.

3.Many __________ (游客) from all over the world come here for a sightseeing

every year.

4.We learn many subjects, ______ (包括) Chinese, math, English, an so on.

5.Can you tell me the ________ (主要的) idea of this story?

6.Young people like to chat with their friends _______ (在网上).

7.Which _______ (话题) shall we talk about today?

8.Many topics are ________ (涉及) in this course.


1. We can learn about _______ (cook) by watching this program.

2. Mr. Chen wants his students ________ (be) at school for long.

3. The teacher showed the students how ______ (search) for information on the


4. I don‘t mind _______ (wait) for you for a long time.

5. Mr. Brown did a lot of housework, ________ (include) cleaning the rooms and

cooking meals.

6. It‘s a good idea to learn _______ (skate) on the real ice.

7. Who are you listening to _______(sing)?

8. Bill, just _______ (stay) here for lunch with us today.


( ) 1. Look! The fish _____ good. Please help yourself.

A. smells

B. is smelt

C. smelt

D. was smelt ( ) 2. –How much will I pay for the meal?

--Thirty dollars will ___ all that you want to have.

A. use

B. cover

C. cost

D. spend

( ) 3. --Do you know the writer of the book?

--Yes. It was written ______ Lu Xun.

A. by

B. with

C. as

D. on

( ) 4. Surfing the Internet ________ by many people now.

A. is enjoyed

B. is enjoying

C. has enjoyed

D. will enjoy ( ) 5. --Do you know what _______ in English?

--Yes, it‘s a writing brush.

A. is called

B. does it call

C. is it called

D. it is called ( ) 6. --Do you mind my sitting here? --________, It‘s for someone else.

A. Not at all

B. Better not

C. No, I don‘t

D. Of course not ( ) 7. The boy shows great _____ in the _____ cartoon film.

A. interest; interesting

B. interesting; interested

C. interest; interested

D. interested; interesting

( ) 8. The computer is broken. I don‘t know ________.

A. how to do

B. what to do it

C. how I can do

D. what I can do

Period 8; Study skills










1. 培养学生能对各种信息处理分类的兴趣和爱好,让学生明白这有助于他们将来学习、工作和是生活。







I. Lead-in

Task 1:Ask: Do you like listening to music? Do you have CDs at home? If you have many CDs, how can we find the one you need easily? (Put them in groups!) Tell them we can organize similar objects or ideas in groups.

II. Pre-task

Task 1:We can group our CDs in different ways. We can also organize words in different ways.

III. While-task

Task 1: First, have the students go through Part A while I‘m writing ―Drink‖, ―Food‖and ―Stationery‖on the blackboard. Students are encouraged to add more words to each group.

Task 2: If we think in another way, we can also put these words in different groups. Guide the students to group the words in Part B.

Task 3: Conclude the use to group the words correctly.

1). We can group words in different ways in some categories;

2). Very often, we make notes before writing. It is important for us to

organize our ideas before we start writing.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1: Group work: Give out the worksheet, and ask them to group the words under the correct categories, including the vegetables, sports, colors; cities; clothes; fruit; job; animals; countries和weather. After complete the worksheet, ask them to add five new words to each group.

V. Homework

VII. Class-work


( ) 1. _____ a new library _____ in our school last year?

A. Is; built

B. Was; built

C. Does; build

D. Did; build ( ) 2. An accident ________ on this road last week.

A. has been happened

B. was happened

C. is happened

D. happened

( ) 3. Cotton _________ in the southeast of China.

A. is grown

B. are grown

C. grows

D. grow

( ) 4. So far, the moon ________ by man already.

A. is visited

B. will be visited

C. has been visited

D. was visited ( ) 5. A talk on Chinese history ________ in the school hall next week.

A. is given

B. has been given

C. will be given

D. gives

( ) 6. How many trees _________ this year?

A. are planted

B. will plant

C. have been planted

D. planted ( ) 7. A lot of things _______ by people to save the little girl now.

A. are doing

B. are being done

C. has been done

D. will be d one ( ) 8. –The skirt looks different from others and it is nice.

--Thanks. It ________ by my mother last month.

A. made

B. is made

C. was made

D. has been made


1. –Do you know Sue, Peter?

--Of course. We ______ (be) friends since we ______ (be) children.

2. His dictionary _______ (lose) yesterday and _______ (find) this morning.

3. The new computer game ___________ (design) by Hang Jones. It _______ (have) five levels.

4. Tim with his family ________ (live) in Nanjing now, but they _________ (move) to America soon.

5. The teacher ________ (be) angry with you if your work _________ (not finish) on time.

6. Could you please __________ (tell) me where the treasure box _______ (hide)?

7. The workers _________ (produce) shoes when I visited the factory.

8. –Would you like _________ (join) us in the game?

--Yes, I‘d love to, but o have a composition _______ (finish).


1. 双击这个图标,图片就会在屏幕上出现。

Double click the icon and the picture __________________________.

2. 网上订购东西越来越流行。

It is becoming more and more popular _________________________.

3. 你是否介意为我演示一下如何启动这个程序?

Do you mind ___________________________- the program?

4. 我们相信能从这些教育光盘中学到很多东西。

We‘re sure to ___________________________________ CD-ROM.

5. 我们经常一游戏开始我们的英语课。

We often ___________________________ games.

Period 9: Main task









1. 通过展示自己最喜欢的教育类游戏光盘的文章来培养和激励整理和分类的兴趣和理念。


词汇:producer; Co.; produce; goal; treasure;


1. It is an educational computer game with three levels.

2. The goal of the game is to travel round the world.


Main Task描述自己最喜欢的教育类游戏光盘为例,鼓励学生写出他们自己最喜欢的教育类光盘,以此训练学生的听、说、读、写一系列技能。在实际生活中,学生对光盘或软件是感兴趣的。那么,通过描述自己的喜欢的教育类光盘或软件,使学生热爱对自己学生有帮助教育光盘或软件。


I. Lead-in

Task 1: Ask some questions about Reading part.

1.What is the game called?

2.How many levels does the game have?

3.Who is the main character?

4. What is the goal of the game

5. Where is the game set?

6. Who designed it?

7. Where is the game sold?

II. Pre-task

Task 1: Daniel wants to write about his favorite educational computer game. He has collected enough information. Ask the students to go through Part A on page 55.

III. While-task

Task 1: Ask the students to ask and answer about Part B, and encourage them to say their own ideas.

Task 2: At this moment, I‘ll ask the students to think over how to organize your ideas if you want to write about your favorite educational game?

Task 3: Ask the students to complete Part C individually, and then ask one student to share the answers with the class.

Ⅳ. Post-task

Task 1:I‘ll state clearly the context to the students. Ask them to think over what their favorite educational CD-ROMs are and choose one to write about, including its content and details.

V. Homework

VII. Class-work


1.This piece of music _________ (love) by young people.

2. A lot of sports magazines ___________ (print) every month.

3.English _________ (teach) in school all over China.

4.The fire ________ (put) out by the firemen just now.

5.His sweater __________ (make) of cotton.

6.–When ______ your homework _______ (hand) in? --Five minutes ago.

7.China _________ (know) for the Great Wall and its long history.

8.Vegetables, eggs and fruits _________ (sell) in this shop.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/388691300.html,st year a large number of trees ________ (cut) down.

10.The students _________ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

11.______ a new library ________ (build) in your school last year?

12.My grandparents _________ (look) after well by my mother.


( ) 1. On his way home, he _________ some vegetables.

A. stopped to buy

B. stopped buying

C. stop to buy

D. stops buying ( ) 2. _______ was the book written _____?

A. Where; in

B. Who; by

C. When; by

D. B & C

( ) 3. Remember ________ the radio on when you leave.

A. not leaving

B. don‘t leave

C. not leave

D. not to leave ( ) 4. One of the after-school activities _______ by Mr. Wu.

A. are held

B. is held

C. is holding

D. holds

( ) 5. --_____ you ever ______ to the Fragrant Hills? --Not yet.

A. Did; go

B. Have; been

C. Have; gone

D. Are; going ( ) 6. I was walking along the street _____ it began to rain.

A. while

B. that

C. if

D. when

( ) 7. A dog was seen _______ at the gate when we walked past just now.

A. lie

B. is lying

C. lay

D. lying

( ) 8. I want to chat with my friends on the Internet. Can you show me ____ to do it?

A. what

B. where

C. how

D. which

( ) 9. He bought a ______ house.

A. three rooms

B. three-rooms

C. three-rooms‘

D. three-room ( ) 10. This CD-ROM can help you learn and have fun _____. Why not buy one?

A. at times

B. on time

C. at the same time

D. in time


1. 钢笔是用来写字的。

Pens ______________________________.

2. 你这个尺码的鞋子昨天卖完了。

The shoes of your size ______________________- yesterday.

3. 按下“电源”键,电脑就打开了。

__________________________, and the computer _______________.

4. 本游戏有9关,你每过一关需要大约一个小时。

The game has nine levels, and each level will __________________________.
