Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation and Scale Effect Analysis Based on Virtual Geographic Environment

Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation and Scale Effect Analysis Based on Virtual Geographic Environment
Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation and Scale Effect Analysis Based on Virtual Geographic Environment

Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation and Scale Effect Analysis Based on Virtual

Geographic Environment

Jun Zhu,Lingzhi Yin,Jinhong Wang,Heng Zhang,Ya Hu,and Zhujun Liu

Abstract—Because of the barrier lake affected by highly changing and complex environment,it is always a great challenge that proper actions must be performed within a limited amount of time.Thus,how to scienti?cally and ef?ciently analyze the dam-break risk of the barrier lake and its impact area is very important for barrier lake disposal and downstream communities transfer.To improve the ef?ciency and the accuracy of the dam-break?ood routing simulation,this paper mainly focuses on the construction of the virtual geographic environment(VGE)system and the scale effect analysis.Unlike most of the current cellular automata(CA)-based?ood simulation systems,the proposed VGE system can offer an intuitive,ef?cient,and interactive visualization environment through which users can explore com-plicated spatial information and conduct risk assessment work. Some key technologies including the CA model of dam-break ?ood,the VGE system framework,the impact analysis method, and the scale effect analysis method were discussed in detail.A prototype system was developed to support dam-break simulation and risk analysis of the Xiaojiaoqiao barrier lake in Anxian County,Sichuan Province of China.By means of a variety of cell scales effect analysis experiments,the adaptation scope and characteristics of multiscale cells were obtained to implement the simulation analysis of the dam-break?ood routing better. The proposed VGE system can improve the ef?ciency of risk assessment and decision-making.

Index Terms—Cellular automata(CA),dam-break?ood,mul-tiscale,risk assessment,simulation analysis,virtual geographic environment(VGE).


F LOOD AND landslides are among the most widespread

natural hazards on the earth[1].Dam-break?ood is one of them.The dam-break disaster brings hazard risk,including human injury and death,properties loss,and infrastructure destruction[2].It presents serious threats to people and properties due to possible upstream?ooding with the dammed Manuscript received November15,2013;revised June05,2014; accepted July13,2014.Date of publication August10,2014;date of current version February04,2015.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant41001252and Grant41271389,in part by the Open Research Fund by Sichuan Emergency Mapping Support and Geological Disaster Monitoring Engineering Research Center under Grant K2014B007,and in part by the Graduate Innovation Fund of Southwest Jiaotong University under Grant YC201414233.(Corresponding author:Lingzhi Yin.)

The authors are with the Department of Remote Sensing and GeoSpatial Information Engineering,Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engi-neering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu611756,China(e-mail: ylz9001@https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,).

Color versions of one or more of the?gures in this paper are available online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,.

Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2340399lake water level raise and possible downstream?ooding due to dam breach and rapid release of the dammed water[3].The dam-break?ood simulation can predict the spread of the dam-break?ood process,provide information such as water depth,?ow velocity,etc.,and determine the inundation areas and disaster degree.It achieves rapid estimation of dam damage simultaneously,the loss due to the?ood disaster,and provides necessary information for emergency rescue plan.It can also provide necessary information,such as early warning of the disaster.So,it is very helpful for preventing disaster,protecting people’s life,and also useful for designing the height of dam (or cofferdam)and drainage of standard building. However,dam-break?ood is very sensitive to highly chang-ing and complex environment,which has some characteristics such as sudden occurrence,rapid expansion,and urgency respond[4].Thus,it is quite dif?cult to simulate dam-break ?ood.The cellular automata(CA)is a dynamic discrete space and time system,which offers a framework for the exploration of complex adaptive systems[5].Li et al.[6],[7],Dottori and Todini[8],and Gallegos et al.[9]have used the CA model to implement the dam-break?ood routing.However,there are some shortcomings of these studies:

First,the CA model is sensitive to different scales.However, the existing CA-based hydrological and hydraulic models only used a single regular grid to divide the cellular https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,cking of cell-scale sensitive analysis may result in inaccurate results. Second,because the calculation of dam-break?ood based on high-resolution DEM is time-consuming,it is dif?cult to meet the requirement of“real-time”simulation analysis of the dam-break?ood routing.Hence,how to choose a balance between the accuracy and the ef?ciency of the dam-break?ood routing is particularly important.

Finally,multisource heterogeneous data are dif?cult to tightly couple.Furthermore,the model calculation,the risk assessment,and the decision-making are also separated.It is urgent that a highly ef?cient geographic simulation and analysis tool can be offered to support the rapid dam-break risk prediction and decision-making.

The virtual geographic environment(VGE)was proposed to offer an intuitive,ef?cient,and interactive visualization environment through which geographically separated users can explore complicated spatial information and conduct collab-orative work[10].Compared to traditional GIS,the VGE pays more attention to multisource data integration,sharing, and information mining[10].Using the geographic analysis

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model and various expression technologies,the VGE is used to achieve geographic problem analysis,geographic rule ex-traction,geographic phenomena simulation,geographical rep-resentation and predict environmental changes,and human activities impact assessment[10],[11].Thus,the VGE cannot only be used as a tool for geo-object-based multidimensional spatial analysis and multichannel geo-interaction,but can also be used as a platform for geo-process-based simulation of dynamic geographic phenomena.

This paper focuses on the construction of the VGE and the effect analysis of the multiscale cell,which aims to improve the simulation accuracy and the analysis ef?ciency of the barrier lake risk assessment.This paper is organized as follows.In Section II,the features of the CA model and the VGE technologies are introduced and their advantages are discussed.In Section III,several key techniques,such as the CA model construction,impact analysis method of the dam-break?ood,and the scale effect analysis,are discussed in detail.In Section IV,a prototype system is developed and rudimentary experimentation is implemented.Finally,conclu-sion and discussion are addressed in Section V.


The CA model is a dynamic discrete space and time system [5].It has the ability to simulate complicated geographical phenomenon from the bottom up.It also provides a new perspective to explore the pattern,process,and evolution of geographical phenomenon.The CA model is widely used in urban evolution,land use,traf?c simulation,and other ?elds[12]–[14].In?ood-related simulations,Li et al.[6], [7]proposed a CA model to estimate?ood loss from the barrier lake by incorporating natural and social factor and did the sensitivity analysis concerning several physical pa-rameters,such as manning’s coef?cient and in?ltration values and population density[5],[6].Dottori and Todini proposed a two-dimensional(2-D)hydraulic model based on the CA approach,which has less runtime and data requirements,and maintains the accuracy and reliability of the simulation process [8].Gallegos et al.put forward an unstructured grid,Godunov-type,?nite volume model that solves the shallow-water equa-tions and high-precision DTM’s outburst?ood model based on BreZo,which was applied to southern California City of residence[9].

However,the spatial scale decisions in the above CA-based hydrological and hydraulic model are often made arbitrarily or in relation to data availability.For the complex system modeling using a CA approach,scale is an important concept. The CA model is sensitive to the cell size.M′e nard and Marceau evaluated the sensitivity of the land-cover change model to spatial scale and found that the spatial scale has a considerable impact on simulation dynamics in terms of both land-cover area and spatial structure[16].Samat investigated the effect of changing scale on the performance of a GIS-based CA model developed to simulate the spatial pattern of urban growth,found that the model performed well and produced realistic urban form only in a speci?c range of scale[15]. Kocabas and Dragicevic explored the impact of neighbourhood size and type on the outcomes of a GIS-based CA urban growth model and found that the CA neighbourhood size and type con?gurations had a signi?cant in?uence on the CA model output[18].Pan et al.explored the impact of variation in scale on the behavior of a CA employed for land use change modeling and found that the variation of the spatial extent,cell size,and neighborhood size and shape in?uenced the model’s behavior in different ways[17].

Moreover,the above researches usually focused on how to construct a CA model,and pay little attention to the integrated study of model calculation,risk assessment,and decision-making,which may result in lacking of the practical appli-cation.VGE is proposed as a new generation of geographic analysis tool to contribute to human understanding of the geographic world and assist in solving geographic problems at a deeper level[10].Three use cases are identi?ed that together encompass the current state of the VGE at different application levels:1)a tool for geo-object-based multidimensional spatial analysis and multichannel interaction;2)a platform for geo-process-based simulation of dynamic geographic phenomena; and3)a workspace for multiparticipant-based collaborative geographic experiments[10].Creating virtual environments have great potential for research in simulation and analysis of complex geographic data and phenomena[19],[20].There are a lot of the VGE application paradigms.Zhu et https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,ed the VGE platform to implement?ood peak forecasting[21]. Xu et https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,ed the VGE platform to evaluate the air pollution and improved the ef?ciency of computation and evaluation [22].Lin and Zhu used the CVGE platform to plan and design silt dam system and improve the ef?ciency[23],[24]. Gong et https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,ed the VGE platform to simulate the SARS transmission[25].

Therefore,this paper will build a VGE platform for dam-break?ood simulation and disaster assessment.It can integrate multisource heterogeneous data and spatial analysis model to provide an intuitive,ef?cient,and interactive visualization environment for users.On the basis of VGE platform,we will generate multiscale cell to carry out dam-break?ood simulation experiments,and simulation results in different cell sizes will be discussed in order to?nd out the proper effect in different applications.This paper mainly focuses on how to solve the following four problems:1)the CA model construction;2)the VGE platform construction;3)the impact analysis of the dam-break?ood;and4)the scale effect analysis method.


The dam-break?ood simulation can predict the spread pro-cess of the dam-break?ood,provide information such as water depth and?ow velocity,and determine the inundation areas and disaster degree.This section will introduce the method of dam-break simulation in the VGE platform,including the CA model of dam-break?ood,the framework of the VGE system, the impact analysis method,and the scale effect analysis method of the dam-break?ood.

A.CA Model Construction

A classic CA system consists of a regular grid of cells, each of which can be in one of a?nite number of k possible

ZHU et al.:DAM-BREAK FLOOD ROUTING SIMULATION AND SCALE EFFECT ANALYSIS107 states,updated synchronously in discrete time steps according

to a local identical interaction rule[5].A CA model is thus

composed of four principle elements:1)a lattice;2)a set of

allowed states;3)neighborhoods de?ned by the lattice;and4)

transition rules[26].

1)CA State De?nition:According to the calculation

method of dam-break?ood routing and the existing observa-

tion data,the evolution of each cell is determined by the?ow

velocity and water level of the river source.Hence,each cell

should contain?ve properties:1)the river bed height(DEM);

2)the roughness;3)the water depth,4)the single-width?ux

in x and5)the single-width?ux in y direction.

2)Cellular Space and Neighborhood:This paper uses a

2-D spatial distribution CA model and the study area is divided

into discrete grid according to a certain scale.Grid cell is a

square unit cell with a?xed evolving time intervalΔt.The

model uses the V on Nuemann neighborhood type,uses the

four neighboring grid as a cellular space simultaneously.

3)Transition Rules:Dam-break?ood routing process is

calculated in two steps.The?rst step calculates the single-

width?uxes at time t through the water depth at time t.

The equations come from Saint–Venant Equations,which are

discretized by Li et al.[7]and?t to the CA framework.It is

shown as


???????????M t+1


=M t i,j?gΔt(h t i+1,j+h t i,j)(z t i+1,j?z t i,j)


?gn2i,jˉu i,jΔt

(u t i,j)2+(v t i,j)2

[(h t i+1,j+h t i,j)/2]1/3

N t+1


=N t i,j?gΔt(h t i+1,j+h t i,j)(z t i+1,j?z t i,j)


?gn2i,jˉv i,jΔt

(u t i,j)2+(v t i,j)2

[(h t i+1,j+h t i,j)/2]1/3


The second step calculates the water depth at time t+1 through the single-width?uxes at time t.The equation is shown as

h t+1 i,j =h t i,j?

Δt(M t+1


?M t+1





Δt(N t+1


?N t+1






In the above equations,M t i,j and N t i,j are the single-width?uxes(m2/s)of CA cell(i,j)at time t in x and y directions;h t i,j represents the average water depth(m)of CA cell(i,j)at time t;u t i,j and v t i,j represent the average horizontal water speed(m/s)of CA cell(i,j)at time t in the x and y directions,respectively;n2i,j is the hydraulic roughness coef?cient(m?1/3s)of CA cell(i,j);andΔx,Δy, andΔt represent the temporal unit(s),the spatial unit in the x direction(m),and the spatial unit(m)in the y direction, respectively.So,according to the movement rule of?ood,if there is water?owing from the upstream,the water depth and velocity can be computed through the transformation rule.Or otherwise,the current cell will become dry.

B.VGE System Framework

The VGE system is designed for dam-break?ood simulation and assessment.Its framework is divided into?ve layers:1) hardware layer;2)the data layer;3)the core service

layer;Fig.1.Framework of the VGE system.

4)the multidimensional presentation layer;and5)the user working layer(see Fig.1).

The hardware support layer is the software and hardware technical support environment of the VGE system.It is the physical carrier and premise of system implementation.

The data layer includes a variety of high-resolution digital elevation model and remote sensing image data,thematic map data such as population and traf?c information,hydrological rainfall and other historical information.It is used to realize the VGE service system data integration and sharing,which is the foundation of the system.

The core service layer is the core of the whole system, and provides the basic professional services.It provides some models such as the spatial analysis function,the?ood inun-dation analysis model,the?ood routing model,and database interface for supporting carrying out risk assessment services. The multidimensional presentation layer provides multi-dimensional perception of virtual geographic scene,shows a variety of situations of dam-break?ood routing simulation,in order to improve system’s ef?ciency of spatial cognition. The user working layer directly faces to users.The user can query,display,analyze,and do other operations in a3-D visualization way through the interface windows to obtain the dam-break thematic maps and tables,as well as other risk assessment results.

C.Impact Analysis of the Dam-Break Flood

For a risk analysis of dam-break?ood,the?ood arrival,the inundation area,the?ood velocity,etc.,are the most important parameters.The disaster then can be estimated based on these parameters.This section will introduce the compute methods of?ood arrival time,the inundation area,and the disaster assessment model.

1)Flood Arrival Time:The time scale of the geographical CA model is the correspondence between CA iteration step length and the time of the real world.Hence,the?ood routing time is determined by the iteration step length of the dam-break?ood model and sensitive to the spatial scale. In this situation,different cell sizes are used to simulate the


dam-break?ood in the VGE platform and record the arrival time and analyze it.

2)Inundation Area:The VGE platform can provide the inundation scope and area in real time.Hence,different scales are used to simulate the dam-break?ood in the VGE platform and acquire the inundation scope,in order to analyze it through set operation.The equation is shown as

Difference=(A∪B)?(A∩B)(3) where A is the inundation scope generated by a?ne scale and B is the inundation scope generated by a coarse scale.

The above equation allows to do an evaluation for the increases or decreases of the inundation scope,which is caused by the change in scale.

3)Disaster Assessment:The purpose of dam-break?ood simulation is to make a risk assessment.The risk assessment model is shown in(4)[27],which is used for evaluating the affected buildings.Li et al.[7]changed these model’s parameters for dam-break disaster assessment

FI=0.45WD+0.22WR+0.22V+0.11D(4) where WD is water depth value,WR is water rising velocity, V is the water velocity,and D represents the duration time of dam-break?ood.All values are set to a binary value(0,1) according to different threshold values.For the water velocity, the threshold value is2m/s.The threshold of the duration time is12h[7],[28],[29].The water rising velocity is de?ned as a slow or rapid,its threshold of2m/h.The calculation equation of water depth is shown below,which is proposed by Waarts [30]and Jonkman et al.[31]

WD=0.665×10?3e1.16h max,W D≤1(5) where W D represents the water depth value and h max rep-resents the evolution of the?ood cell corresponding to a maximum depth of each cell during the?ood routing progress.

D.Method of Scale Effect Analysis

Because the CA model is scale-sensitive,different cell sizes and neighborhood settings will obviously affect the simulation results.Moreover,the CA space in different cell sizes contains different cell number,which may cause a big impact on the computational ef?ciency of the dam-break model.Hence, different cell sizes should be used to simulate the dam-break ?ood routing,and choose a proper cell size according to the emergency response needs.

1)Process of Scale Effect Analysis:Fig.2is the?owchart of dam-break?ood simulation progress,including three parts: 1)the data preparation;2)the routing experiment;and3)the simulation analysis.The data preparation part would collect high-resolution DEM,remote sensing image,and population data.Then some processing would be done on these data such as resampling and spatial correction.Based on the processed data,the data of different spatial scales can be obtained,which is used for subsequent dam-break?ood simulation.The?ood routing experiment will carry out dam-break?ood experiment based on the VGE platform which integrated data from different sources,the CA?ood model,the disaster estima-tion model,and the spatial analysis function.The

simulation Fig.2.Flowchart of scale effect analysis process.

results would be collected for the subsequent analysis.The simulation analysis part will compare the simulation results including the?ood arrival time,the inundation area,and the disaster degree and model ef?ciency,in order to make a scale effect analysis and choose a proper cell size in a certain application.

2)Cell Scale Division and Dam Cell Computation:The neighborhood type of the dam-break model proposed in this paper is V on Nuemann type.Hence,the sizes of cell scales are two-time relationship which can be achieved through the resembling of DEM.The dam-break cell in different scales should process high accuracy,because the similarity should be preserved between the real world and the virtual geographic events.The cell at dam-break can be computed through the linear-calculation of dam-break coordinate and origin coordinate of DEM

col=(x?x )/cellsize

row=T otalRows?(y?y )/cellsize.(6) In the above equation,x is the x-coordinate of dam-break. x is the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of DEM.y is the y-coordinate of the breach.y is the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of DEM.TotalRows is the total number of rows of the DEM.


A.Case Region and System Development

The Xiaojiaqiao barrier lake(104.26??104.294?, 31.635??31.667?)was chosen as the experiment area, which is7km from Xiaoba town,Anxian County,Sichuan Province of China.The dam’s catchment area is154.81km2, the height of the dam is about56–67m,the length is 260m,and the width is390m.The volume of landslide is approximately2.42×106m3and the maximum of the storage capacity is3.0×107m3.According to the experts, the Xiaojiaoqiao barrier lake is at high risk which is second to Tangjiashan Lake.If the dam breaks down,the?ood will bring different impacts to the areas along the Chaping River, nearly ten towns with over200villages and communities, such as the Xiaoba town,the Sangzao town,and the Anchang town.There are a number of town centers,a river and several roads in?ood-affected areas,which is shown in Fig.3.





Fig.4.Snapshot of the interface of the VGE system.

To reduce costs and save time,a 3-D visualization prototype VGE system was developed by Visual Studio https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,,osgEarth,OpenGL,and OpenSceneGraph.osgEarth and OpenSceneGraph were used to develop the virtual geographic scene,and some online map data such as Google Earth,Google Map,and ArcGIS online were also integrated into the VGE system.Fig.4shows the interface of the prototype system.The system provides a real virtual terrain environment based on high spatial-resolution imagery,as is shown in Fig. 5.It can also simulate the dam-break ?ood on the basis of 3-D https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,ers can directly and naturally obtain the inundated area and disaster degree,and query the data of water depth and water velocity,etc.,as is shown in Fig.6.

B.Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation

The DEM data used in this paper come from a 1:10000-scale topographic map,which its spatial resolution is 10m.Its vertical error is 0.5m in ?at ground,1.2m in hilly area,2.5m in mountainous area,and 5m in high mountain area.The length of the dam body is 93m,through which the dam-break ?ood ?ows into the downstream channel.Besides,the river channel is narrow.When the cell size is 80m,the model cannot run normally.Hence,a series of cell sizes were chosen to carry out the ?ood routing experiment,which are 10,20,40,and 60m.The space/time ratio was set to 100whereas the break shape is rectangular and the break


Fig.5.Multiscale representations of virtual terrain


Fig.6.Dam-break ?ood simulation and interaction in the VGE system.

are full and half break.Then the dam-break food routing experiment was carried out in the VGE platform.Fig.7shows the simulation of full break for the Xiaojiaqiao barrier lake in May 31,2008.In the full break situation,the dam-break ?ood reaches XiaoBa town at 33min,while reaches SangZao town at 59min.When dam-break ?ood stabilizes it is 2h and 46min.With GIS-assisted inundation potentials analysis,the simulation results can offer us a lot of risk information.For example,the amount of risk population is 13221,and the risk cities include GuanXin village,ZhongXin village,YunFeng village,XiangXi village,ShangQing village,XiaoBa town,and SanZao town.These impact analysis results can effectively support the risk assessment of the dam-break in the Xiaojiaoqiao barrier lake.

The routing results include the ?ood arrival time,the inundation area and disaster population were collected for subsequence scale effect analysis.C.Model Effect Analysis

1)Arrival Time:Fig.8shows the arrival time of ?ood evolution in different spatial cells sizes to different places.When the cell size is 10–40m in full break case,nothing much has changed for routing time;routing time is longer



Fig.7.Flood routing simulation (5.31full


Fig.8.Flood arrival time of ?ood evolution in different spatial scales.

when the cell size is 60m than that one when cell size is 10–40m.In the case of half break,the routing time is not much different from the cell size which is 10–40m,expect when the cell size is 40m the routing time has jumped;but for the cell size which is 60m,the model based on CA cannot run out correctly.

2)Inundation Area:Fig.9shows comparisons of the inundation area by dam-break ?ood in different spatial scales,and the increasing cell size may result in the inundation area smaller.Fig.10shows comparison of the inundation region affected by the dam ?ood in different cell sizes.The change of the cell size results in the decrease of the inundation region in the mountains.Otherwise,it may result in the increase of the inundation region in the plain.

3)Disaster Estimation:This section mainly analyzes the change of ?ood-exposure index (FI)and disaster population in different cell sizes.FI re?ects the probability of the population death in disaster area.Fig.11shows case region’s villages and towns in different cell sizes’FI.In the case of full break,FI have not much difference in different cell sizes for the dam-break ?ood in upstream such as Wuhu village,Huangyang village,and Xaoba town.However,for the downstream cities such as Shangqing village,Sangzao village,and Xiangxi village,the value of FI is maximum in 20and 40m.In addition,in Xiangxi village,the value of FI in 10m is greater than that in 20and 40m while the value of FI in the


Fig.9.Inundation area in different spatial


Fig.10.Analysis of inundation area in different spatial


Fig.11.Value of FI in different spatial scales of full break.

size of 60m in Xiaoba village,Shangqing village,Sangzao village,and Xiangxi village are less than that in other cell size.

Fig.12shows the value of FI in different cell sizes of half break.The values of FI are not much different between



Fig.12.Value of FI in different spatial scales of half


Fig.13.Numbers of disaster population.

20and 40m,however,in the cell size of 10m,the values of FI in Shangqin village,Sangzao village,and Shangxi village are less than that in 20and 40m,while when the cell size is 60m,they cannot route normally.

4)Disaster Population:According to FI and population density,the numbers of disaster population can be satiated as shown in Fig.13.In the case of full break,the numbers of the disaster population in 10m cell size,20m cell size,and 40m cell size are approximately equal.However,the cell size of 60m has a less number of disaster populations than any others.Under the condition of half break,the risk population in cell size of 20m is largest,and the risk population in cell size of 10m is least.When the cell size is 60m,the dam-break routing model cannot run normally.

In conclusion,the dam-break model based on CA has a certain degree of scale sensitivity.For the case region selected in this paper,in the case of full break,the model will keep stable in the cell sizes of 10–40m;however,in the cell scale of 60m,the result of dam-break routing has some changes.Furthermore,in the size larger than 80m,the dam-break ?ood routing model cannot run.In the case of half break,the model will keep stable in the cell size of 10–40m,and it cannot run in the cell size of 60m,the value of FI and


https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,parison of compute time in different spatial


https://www.360docs.net/doc/319004176.html,parison of visual ef?ciency in different spatial scales.

numbers of disaster population are maximum in the cell size of 20m.

D.Model Performance Analysis

The dam-break ?ood model has different computational ef?-ciency with different cell sizes in the ?ood routing experiment.Hence,the model computing time and visualization time of different cell sizes will be compared to balance between the accuracy and the ef?ciency of the dam-break ?ood routing.1)Computation of Dam-Break Flood Routing Model:Fig.14shows the compute time of dam-break ?ood routing model in different cell sizes.In the same cell size,the calculation time will has a small increase with the evolution of the dam-break ?ood.Moreover,in the different cell sizes,the calculation time will proportional decrease with the evolution of the dam-break ?ood.

2)Visual Ef?ciency of Dam-Break Flood Routing:Fig.15shows the analysis of visual ef?ciency of the dam-break ?ood routing in different spatial scales.The visualization time increases with the process of the dam-break ?ood routing in the same cell size.Moreover,the visualization time decreases with the increase of different cell sizes.E.Model Calibration and Validation

Dam-break does not really happen in the case region,so the paper makes a comparison with the simulation results in other paper.After a comparison is made between this paper and paper [7],it turns out that the simulation results of this paper and paper [7]are generally consistent with each other in such aspects as ?ood arriving time,inundation area,and disaster people (see Table I).










This paper focuses on the construction of the VGE and the effect analysis of the multiscale cell,which aims to improve the simulation accuracy and the analysis ef?ciency of the risk assessment in the barrier lake.The CA model of dam-break ?ood routing,the framework of the VGE system,the impact analysis methods,and the scale effect analysis method were discussed in detail.On the basis of multiscale cell space division,a case region was chosen for carrying out an exper-iment.Experimental results show that the VGE platform can integrate the remote sensing data,DEM,population data and other data,tightly coupled with the dam-break ?ood model,risk assessment models,the spatial analysis function,etc.It provides an intuitive platform used for data management and decision-making of dam-break ?ood.The users can simulate the dam-break ?ood routing progress and implement a risk assessment in a 3-D visualization way which can improve the decision-making ef?ciency.Table II shows the advantages of the CA model in this paper compared to the CA model in paper [8],[32]and ArcGIS software,respectively.

Different cell sizes were used in the simulation experiments of the dam-break ?ood routing.The dam-break ?ood CA model was discovered that it only can work correctly within a certain cell sizes’range.The model ef?ciency will increase with the bigger of the cell size.Hence,for the case region addressed in this paper,the 10-or 20-m cell size can be used to simulate the dam-break ?ood if there is ?ne DEM data and enough time.Cell size of 40m can be used if there is not ?ne DEM data and inadequate time.Hence,according to different features of different cell sizes,a proper cell size should be selected to implement the simulation analysis of the dam-break ?ood routing in one certain urgency response time.Because of the barrier lake affected by highly changing and complex environment,it is always a great challenge that

proper actions must be performed within a limited amount of time.So the dam-break analysis model not only should implement spatiotemporal process simulation,but also con-sider the spatial decision-making behavior.The multi agent system (MAS)technology will be introduced into the system to improve simulation accuracy and analysis ef?ciency in the dynamic and complex environment.Moreover,it is very important to build a highly ef?cient and ?exible collaborative VGE system for intuitive and ef?cient interactive visualization,which allow distributed users to share resources and models,explore complicated geographical phenomenon and implement collaborative risk assessment.


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Jun Zhu received the M.S.degree in geodesy and survey engineering from Southwest Jiaotong Univer-sity,Chengdu,China,in 2003,and the Ph.D.de-gree cartography and geographic information system from Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China,in 2006.

From 2007to 2008,he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,Hong Kong.Currently,he is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Remote Sensing and GeoSpatial Information Engineering,

Southwest Jiaotong University.His research interests include 3-D GIS and


Lingzhi Yin received the B.S.degree in geograph-ical science from the Department of Resource and Environmental Sciences,Guangxi Teachers Educa-tion University,Nanning,China,in 2012,where she is currently pursuing the M.S.degree in cartography and geographic information system.

Her research interests include 3-D GIS and


Jinhong Wang received the B.S.degree in survey engineering from the Department of Remote Sensing and GeoSpatial Information Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,China,in 2011,where he is currently pursuing the M.S.degree in cartog-raphy and geographic information system.

His research interests include 3-D GIS and


Heng Zhang received the B.S.degree in survey engineering from the School of Surveying Engi-neering,Henan University of Urban Construction,Pingdingshan,China,in 2006,and the M.S.degree in geodesy and survey engineering from the De-partment of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Infor-mation Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,China,in 2010,where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.degree in geodesy and survey engineering.

His research interests include 3-D GIS and


Ya Hu received the M.S.degrees from the Geodesy and Survey Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong Univer-sity,Chengdu,China,in 2005.

From 2008to 2010,he was a Research Assistant with the Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,Hong Kong.Currently,he is a Lecturer with the De-partment of Remote Sensing and GeoSpatial Infor-mation Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University.His research interests include 3-D GIS and


Zhujun Liu received the B.S.degree in geograph-ical information system from the Department of Remote Sensing and GeoSpatial Information Engi-neering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,China,in 2013,where she is currently pursuing the M.S.degree in cartography and geographic informa-tion system.

Her research interests include 3-D GIS and VGE.


雷电防护科学与技术专业本科人才培养方案 一、专业代码与名称 专业代码:081007S 中文专业名称:雷电防护科学与技术 英文专业名称:Lightning Protection Science and Technology 二、学制与学位 修业年限:四年 授予学位:工学学士 三、培养目标 培养德、智、体全面发展,具有理论基础扎实、富有创新精神,掌握电子信息技术、计算机应用技术、雷电科学与防护技术、防雷工程设计、防雷检测与预警预报技术。具有工程综合应用能力,能够从事电子信息系统和现代防雷产品的研究、开发、设计与维护管理及防雷减灾业务工作能力,服务国家建设,适应社会需求,学习能力强,综合素质高,具有较强工程实践能力的应用型高级专门技术人才。 四、培养标准 本专业学生主要学习大气科学、雷电防护科学、电子电路;学习现代防雷技术、电子设计与应用技术,防雷工程设计、施工、检测技术。具备对电子电气系统分析、设计、开发、应用的能力和和防雷工程设计能力。

五、专业优势与特色 结合我校在长期办学过程中已经形成的“气电结合,以电为主”的办学特色及专业自身特点,凝练出本专业的特色,将突出“以电为主”优势,拓宽理论基础,强调实践能力培养,重视工程应用,培养适应社会需求的应用型高级防雷减灾专门技术人才。最终形成“多科兼容、以电为主、学以致用”的专业特色。 六、主干学科与主干课程 1、主干学科:大气科学、信息与通信工程、电子科学与技术 2、主要课程:电工技术、模拟电子技术、数字电路与逻辑设计、微处理器与微计算机系统、信号与系统、雷电防护基础、电磁场与电磁波、防雷工程、电磁兼容设计、防雷规范、工程设计、防雷装置与器件、雷电监测与预警技术等课程。 3、双语教学课程:防雷规范 七、主要创新教学环节


雷电防护基本原理 雷电及其它强干扰对通信系统的致损及由此引起的后里是严重的,雷电防护将成为必需。雷电由高能的低频成份与极具渗透性的高频成份组成。其主要通过两种形式,一种是通过金属管线或地线直接传导雷电致损设备;一种是闪电通道及泄流通道的雷电电磁脉冲以各种耦合方式感应到金属管线或地线产生浪涌致损设备。绝大部分雷损由这种感应而引起。对于电子信息设备而言,危害主要来自于由雷电引起的雷电电磁脉冲的耦合能量,通过以下三个通道所产生的瞬态浪涌。金属管线通道,如自来水管、电源线、天馈线、信号线、航空障碍灯引线等产生的浪涌;地线通道,地电们反击;空间通道,电磁小组的辐射能量。 其中金属管线通道的浪涌和地线通道的地电位反击是电子信息系 统致损的主要原因,它的最见的致损形式是在电力线上引起的雷损,所以需作为防扩的重点。由于雷电无孔不入地侵袭电子信息系统,雷电防护将是个系统工程。雷电防护的中心内容是泄放和均衡。 1.泄放是将雷电与雷电电磁脉冲的能量通过大地泄放,并且应符合层次性原则,即尽可能多、尽可能远地将多余能量在引入通信系统之前泄放入地;层次性就是按照所设立的防雷保护区分层次对雷电能量进行 削弱。防雷保护区又称电磁兼容分区,是按人、物和信息系统对雷电及雷电电磁脉冲的感受强度不同把环境分成几个区域:LPZOA区,本区内的各物体都可能遭到直接雷击,因此各特体都可能导走全部雷电流,本区内电磁场没有衰减。LPZOB区,本区内的各物体不可能遭到直接雷击,但本区电磁场没有衰减。LPZ1区,本区内的各物体不可能遭到直接雷击,

流往各导体的电流比LPZOB区进一步减少,电磁场衰减和效果取决于整体的屏蔽措施。后续的防雷区(LPZ2区等)如果需要进一步减小所导引的电流和电磁场,就应引入后续防雷区,应按照需要保护的系统所要求的环境区选择且续防雷区的要求条件。保护区序号越高,预期的干扰能量和干扰电压越低。在现代雷电防护技术中,防雷区的设置具有重要意义,它可以指导我们进行屏蔽、接地、等电们连接等技术措施的实施。 2.均衡就是保持系统各部分不产生足以致损的电位差,即系统所在环境及系统本身所有金属导电体的电位在瞬态现象时保持基本相等,这实质是基于均压等电位连接的。由可靠的接地系统、等电位连接用的金属导线和等电位连接器(防雷浪涌保护器)组成一个电位补偿系统,在瞬态现象存在的极短时间里,这个电位补偿系统可以迅速地在被保护系统所处区域内所有导电部件之间建立起一个等电位,这些导电部件也包括有源导线。通过这个完备的电位补偿系统,可以在极短时间内形成一个等电位区域,这个区域相对于远处可能存在数十千伏的电位差。重要的是在需要保护的系统所处区域内部,所有导电部件之间不存在显著的电位差。 3.雷电防护系统由三部分组成,各部分都有其重要作用,不存在替代性。外部防护,由接闪器、引下线、接地体组成,可将绝大部分雷电能量直接导入地下泄放。过渡防护,由合理的屏蔽、接地、布线组成,可减少或阻塞通过各入侵通道引入的感应。内部防护,由均压等电位连接、过电压保护组成,可均衡系统电位,限制过电压幅值。


电子汽车衡雷电防护原理及措施 近年来,随着电子汽车衡在各个行业的普及和应用,其称重精确度高、抗干扰能力强等特点倍受人们所推崇。特别是随着微电子信息系统的引入,电子汽车衡相关配套系统的集成度也越来越高,称重测量精度也越来越精细,而随之带来的问题就是其抗雷击过电压能力的减弱。而电子汽车衡一旦遭到雷击则事必造成货物无法正常称重,企业生产运输将不能正常运行,其直接或间接损失无法估量。现就电子汽车衡雷击途径及其防护措施进行详细说明,以供同行参考。 1雷击原因及途径 电子汽车衡器一般都处于室外露天场所,其大型金属构件,如秤台及钢轨等极易遭受雷击,极易由于电磁感应而产生浪涌电压。传感器、仪表和计算机等由于临近秤台或与之连接,容易受到雷击而损坏。传感器弹性体及电路耐压1.0?2.5 kV,无法抵抗雷电侵袭,并且波及连接的二次仪表及计算机系统。此外,由于地处空旷地带,往往采用架空方式引入电子汽车衡的供配电系统线路,容易遭受雷电波入侵, 损坏电器设备和危及人身安全。通过以上电子汽车衡雷击原因分析, 对雷电袭击途径有了比较清晰的了解,而其防雷系统也正是对其雷击途径加以防护。 2雷电防护原理 2.1直接雷击防护 由于电子汽车衡多处在空旷地带,周围很少有建筑物对其形成直击雷防护,这就很有可能使电子汽车衡与空中带电云团之间产生放电并引起直接雷击。为此,应当在电子汽车衡附近根据现场实际情况设置避雷针,以尖端放电效应中和云团中的电荷,有效地保护电子称重系统,避免遭受直接雷击。但是,避雷针只是防止雷电直接击中计量室及附近用电设备,对于雷电波沿着架空金属管线侵入计量室或雷电感应引起周围金属构件产生电磁感应等非直击雷的防护,仅是采用避雷针还是远远不

第一章 雷电防护的基本知识

第一章 雷电防护的基本知识 §1-1 雷电流的破坏作用 雷电流也是电流,它具有电流的一切效应,不同的是它在很短的时间内以脉冲的形式通过强大的电流;尤其是直击雷,它的峰值有几十kA ,乃至几百kA 。持续时间只有几μS 到几十μS ,使雷电流具有特殊的破坏作用。 一、雷电流热效应的破坏作用 强大的雷电流通过被击穿的物体时会产生大量的热量。根据焦耳定律,一次闪击的雷电流产生的热量(Q ): t 20 Q=R i dt ? (1-1) 式中:Q —发热量,J ; i —电流,A ; R —雷电流通道的电阻,Ω; t —雷电流持续时间,s 。 实际上,雷电流作用的时间很短,散热影响可以忽略,在雷电流通路上由雷电流引起的温升(△t )为: t=Q mc ? (1-2) 式中:△t —温升,k ; m —通过雷电流的物体质量,kg ; c —通过雷电流的物体的比热容,J/kg ·k 。 由于雷电流很大,通过的时间很短,如果雷电击在树木或建筑物构件上,被雷击的物体瞬间将产生大量的热量,又来不及散发,以致物体内部的水份大量变成水蒸汽,并迅速膨胀,产生巨大的爆炸力,造成破坏;当雷电流通过金属体时,根据公式(1-1)和(1-2)可以计算出其温度,如果金属体的截面积不足够大时,甚至可使其融化。 与雷电通道直接接触的金属因高温而融化的可能性很大,因为通道的温度可达6000-10000℃,甚至更高。因此在雷电流通道上遇到易燃物质,可能引起火灾。 二、雷电流冲击波的破坏作用 雷电流通道的温度高达几千℃到几万℃,空气受热急剧膨胀,并以超声速度向四周扩散,其外围附近的冷空气被强烈压缩,形成“激波” 。被压缩空气层的外界称为“激波波前” 。“激波波前”到达的地方,空气的密度、压力和温度都会突然增加。“激波波前”过去后,该区压力下降,直到低于大气压力。这种“激波”在空气中传播,会使其附近的建筑物、人、畜受到破坏和伤亡。这种冲击波的破坏作用就跟炸弹爆炸时附近的物体和人、畜损害一样。 与上面讲的冲击波相似的另一种冲击形式是次声波。


浪涌保护器(SPD)的基本原理及应用 时间:2012-10-29 16:58:24 来源:作者: 关键字:SPD浪涌保护器原理 关于浪涌保护器的中心议题: 浪涌保护器的工作原理 浪涌保护器的分类 SPD在防雷中的重要性 SPD在计算机信息系统中的应用 SPD应用的问题 1 引言 电涌保护器(Surge Protective Device,SPD)又称浪涌保护器,是用于带电系统中限制瞬态过电压和导引泄放电涌电流的非线性防护器件,用以保护耐压水平低的电器或电子系统免遭雷击及雷击电磁脉冲或操作过电压的损害。近年来,电子信息系统(如电视、电话、通信、计算机网络等)发展迅猛,电子信息设备大量涌现和普及。这类系统和设备比较昂贵和重要,其工作电压、耐压水平很低,极易受到雷电电磁脉冲的危害,为此需采用SPD做过电压保护。 由于各国遵循的标准不一样,产品的规格没有统一,参数的标识也各自有侧重,远不如其他电气产品规范,给设计选型带来很大不便。在工程设计中,常见品牌按产地划分主要分为国产产品、欧洲产品和美洲产品。国产产品参数设置较乱,规格多样,残压较高。规范产品的型号设置有的仿欧洲产品,有的遵循国标定参数,大部分产品都标注In与Imax。由于国产产品对应用场所要求较低,建筑物等级不高,设备耐压值大,所以一些参数要求可适当放松。 欧洲产品一般标注最大放电电流,产品型号也是根据这个参数设定的。例如欧洲某着名品牌XXX65、XXX40,其中数值65、40就是 Imax。但我国标准明确规定要用标称放电电流In来进行选型,这是目前在工程设计中遇到的一个尴尬情况。经查该产品资料,XX65的In值不超过20 kA,XX40的In值不超过15 kA。如果依照GB50343建议值,这两种产品只能用于设备末端三级保护,但在实际设计中,却装在了一、二级上,这明显与国家标准的选型参数不符,且残压较高,普通型号一般超过1 200 V,一旦接线环境不好,很容易突破设备耐压值。一般欧系产品Uc值较小,且投机取巧标注线电压,因此在选型时,较容易出现误导。 2 SPD概述 2.1 SPD的工作原理 电涌保护器适用于220/380V低压电源保护,是一种非线性元件,根据IEC标准规定,电涌保护器是主要抑制传导过来的线路过电压和过电流的装置。电涌保护器起到保护作用,基本要求是必须承受预期通过的雷电电流,并且通过电涌最大钳压,有效熄灭在雷电流通过后产生的工频续流,把窜入电力线、信号传输线的瞬时过电压限制在设备或系统所能承受的电压范围内,或将强大的雷电流泄流入地,保护被保护的设备或系统不受冲击而损坏。 电涌保护器的类型和结构按不同的用途有所不同,但至少包含一个非线性电压限制元件。常用电涌保护器有MOV(Metal Oxide Varistor)同气体放电管等。电涌包含强大的能量因此不能被阻止。基于这种原因,保护敏感电气设备免受电涌损坏的策略是把电涌从设备分流后流入大地。


第5章建筑物防雷及安全用电 内容提要及学习要求:建筑物防雷及安全用电是一个电气安全问题,电气安全关系用户的人身安全和环境安全,涉及千家万户。本章介绍一些常见的电气安全知识,具体来说,包括雷电的基本知识、三类防雷建筑物的防雷保护措施、安全用电基本知识和电击防护措施。通过学习要求掌握常用的雷电防护和电击防护措施及特点,并了解其基本原理。 5.1建筑物防雷 雷电是一种雷云对带不同电荷的物体进行放电的一种自然现象。雷电对电气线路、电气设备和建筑物进行放电,其电压幅值可高达几亿伏,电流幅值可高达几十万安,因此具有极大的破坏性,必须采取相应的防雷措施。 5.1.1雷电的形成及作用形式 1.雷电的形成 雷电是一门古老的学科。人类对雷电的研究已经有了数百年的历史,然而有关雷电的一些问题至今尚未能得到完整的解释。 雷电的形成过程可以分为气流上升、电荷分离和放电三个阶段。在雷雨季节,地面上的水分受热变蒸气上升,与冷空气相遇之后凝成水滴,形成积云。云中水滴受强气流摩擦产生电荷,小水滴容易被气流带走,形成带负电的云;较大水滴形成带正电的云。由于静电感应,大地表面与云层之间、云层与云层之间会感应出异性电荷,当电场强度达到一定的值时,即发生雷云与大地或雷云与雷云之间的放电。典型的雷击发展过程如图5.1所示。 据测试,对地放电的雷云大多为带负电荷。随着负雷云中负电荷的积累,其电场强度逐渐增加,当达到25~30kV/cm时,使附近的空气绝缘破坏,便产生雷云放电。雷云对地的放电是以下行先导放电形式进行。当这个下行先导逐渐接近地面,大约100~300m距离时,地面受感应而聚集异号电荷更加集中,尤其是突出物体在强电场作用下产生尖端放电,形成上行先导,并快速向雷云的下行先导方向发展,两者会合即形成雷电通道,并随之开始主放电,接着是多次余辉放电,(由于雷云中存在几个电荷聚集中心)。 一般认为,当雷电先导从雷云向下发展时,它的梯级式跳跃只受到周围大气的影响,没


机房雷电防护事故隐患案例分析 ---------中国科学院高级工程师全宇辰 我从事雷电防护工作15 年了,参与过许多雷电防护事故分析工作。身感责任重大,有些场景触目惊心甚至残不忍睹!在此举几个典型例子向各位朋友分析如下。 案例一:假三级防护后患无穷 某金融机房配电系统实施了所谓三级雷电防护,实施一段时间后,UPS 不间断电源几次遭雷击损坏,严重的影响了用户的安全使用。所装的SPD 没有起到任何防护作用,经过较大的雷电侵袭,SPD 的接线电缆绝缘损坏,分析如下。 1. 错误的安装框图: 图示说明: SPD1、SPD2、SPD3均为同一型号限压型浪涌保护器SPD 产品,K1、K2、K3分别为250A 、160A 、100A 三相空气开关,整体照片为图片2。SPD 的平均接线长度大于4米。 2.现场照片: 遮盖商标 图片1 图片2

3.事故分析: 1)依据GB50057-2000和GB50343-2004标准,多级保护的防护原则为:当电压开关型SPD与限压型SPD之间线路长度小于10米、限压型SPD之间线路长度小于5米时,必须在两级SPD 之间加装退藕装置。上图中在同一配电柜内安装3套限压型SPD,之间几乎没有任何距离,采用同一型号SPD,3套SPD响应时间基本相同,等于只安装了一级SPD,不可能达到三级保护的目的。如此安装方式,严重的违反了国家标准。 2)SPD连线距离问题也是导致雷电防护失败的主要因素。依据GB50057-2000和GB50343-2004标准,SPD的连线应采取凯文接线,SPD接线长度小于0.5米。上图中SPD的连线大于4米,见图片2,如此连线,就足以造成雷电防护全面失败。计算如下: SPD通流容量为40KA,SPD连线为4米,[SPD连线电阻忽略不计],雷击时SPD连线上的电感寄存电压[按照1μH/米计算]为:U=L×dI/dt=4μH×40KA÷8μS=20KV,一般工业电气设备出厂做高压耐受实验为1500V,时间1分钟,设备原则承受电压为1500V 。但是雷击时SPD的连线电感就可以造成20KV电压。如此安装SPD,不可能不发生雷电防护失败事故。 3)见图片1,如此连线,造成电流磁场排斥力,已经造成电缆有拉伤现象。5KV的电感寄存电压,已经造成电缆外皮绝缘损坏[因为SPD的连接线使用的低压普通塑料线材]。 4.正确方法: 1)认真学习标准,限压型SPD之间线路长度小于5米时,必须在两级SPD之间加装退藕装置。2)SPD接线要凯文接线[接线距离最多不要大于0.5米],不要随意简单的接线。 注释: 上图是3个SPD的凯文接线原理图,中间串联的为2只去藕器,本电路完全符合国家标准。


雷电基本理论 Ⅰ.雷电概述 人们通过模拟地球原始大气在密室中进行放电的实验,结果由无机物合成了11种氨基酸。这些物质的出现,是生命起源的基础,因此,一些生命起源学说认为,是雷电孕育了地球上的生命。同理,地球上空有一层电离层,它是由带正电荷的粒子组成,该电离层起着防止太阳和宇宙空间各种有杀害生命作用的射线进入地面,保护地球上的生命,如果没有这电离层,即使地球上本来已经有的生命,也会被来自太空的各种射线杀死,地球不可能出现现在的繁荣和文明。但是电离层的正电荷以平均约1800A 的电流强度向大地放电,可想而知,如果得不到补充,电离层的电荷恨快便会放尽。由于雷电不断补充电离层放电失去的电荷,保持电离层总电荷量大体平衡,使这层生命的保护屏障得以保存,使地球上的生命不致被宇宙射线灭绝。因此,可以说,是雷电促使地球成为文明的星球。从这个角度来讲,人类有今天的文明应该感谢雷电。 由于雷击会给人类带来灾害,因此,人类很早就与雷害进行斗争。其中取得卓越成就的有18世纪中叶著名科学家富兰克林(Franklin)M?B?罗蒙诺索夫(JIOMOHOCOB),L?B ?黎赫曼(PHXMAH)。他们通过大量实验建立了雷电学说,认为雷击是云层中大量阴电荷和阳电荷迅速中和而产生的现象;并且创立了避雷理论,发明了避雷针。他们取得的这些科学成就,已为人类作出了重大的贡献。 我国古籍中,有关雷电理论和避雷实践的记载十分丰富。例如东周时《庄子》上记述:“阴阳分争故为电,阳阴交争故为雷,阴阳错行,天地大骇,于是有雷、有霆。”这些学说与现代的雷电学说是如此相似,不过它比现代雷电学说要早2000多年。在古籍中关于建筑工程中避雷的记载也十分丰富。南北朝的孟奥《北征记》中有如下记述:“凌云台南角一百步,有白石室,名避雷室。”又有盛弦之《荆州记》中记述:“湖阳县春秋蓼国,樊重之邑了,重母畏雷,为立石室,以避之,悉之文石为阶砌,至今犹存。”书中谈及的白石、文石,据分析应该属于绝缘性能较好的石块。至于宋、元、明、清代的建筑物多用“雷公柱”(宋代称枨杆)等措施以避雷。 在古籍中有关雷击的事故的记述就更多了,例如: 《续晋阳春秋》:“太元五年,霹雳含殿四柱,杀内侍二人。”
