


一、教育 (2)

家庭教育 (2)

学校教育 (2)

二、科学技术 (6)

三、环境健康 (7)

四、生活休闲 (8)

五、事业成功 (9)

六、人际关系 (11)

七、媒体 (13)

八、社会焦点 (14)

九、附录 (16)

理由段选择 (16)

十大万能理由 (16)

例证方式 (16)



1.Parents should encourage their children to do their schoolwork independently rather than help

children to do their schoolwork.

2.Parents should spend more time playing games or sports with their children than doing their

schoolwork with their children.

Playing games: 1. 身体健康;2. 增强关系;3. 放松自我;4.能力提升(合作)。

Schoolwork: 1. 有助孩子养成良好学习习惯;2. 及时跟进孩子课程,查漏补缺;3. 了解孩子在校情况;4. 了解孩子的优势所在

3.The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have their children care for an


不同意。1. 家长以身作则;2. 参加社会活动;3. 做兼职。

4.Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

5.Children should only play sports for fun, or play sports in competition or contests?

不同意。1. 竞争可以让小孩为自己做出的的后果更负责;2. 可以体会竞争带来的

乐趣;3. 竞争可以提高自身能力。

6.In order to help high school students learn the sense of responsibility, it is necessary for them

to do household work after school.

7.Parents should set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future.

8.The most important things people learn are from their families.

不同意:1. 学校; 2. 合作;3. 竞争;4. 沟通交流


1.All teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.

2.It is easier for people to become well--‐educated now than in the past.

3. Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.

4. The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’ salaries.(含绝对词)

5. Teachers should assign homework to students every day.

6. College and universities must do a better job of preparing student for the workplace.

7. Students should spend at least one year working or travelling before they go to the university.

8. The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.

9. Students should not take part--‐time jobs while they are studying in the university.

10. A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.

11. A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humors and is easygoing.(同上)

12. T he most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves.

13. I t is important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.

14. I n 20 years from now, students will not use printed books anymore.

15. I t is better for your friend to ask you for help (suppose you are good at the subject) than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination. (很细节的题目:拆分的过程)

同意:1. 过去教室里教学设施不完善(电脑、投影仪辅助教学); 2. 现在的科技可以实现远程上课,过去不能实现;3. 现在的师资比过去水平高很多;4.过去的教科书比现在要少得多。

不同意:1.学生求知欲增强; 2. 现在很难让学生上课集中;3. 现在的学生有更多自己的想法,让教学很难满足每个人4. 现在学生比过去要学的知识多且复杂;5. 丰富的教育资源使得学生能够判断出老师水平,侧面给老师教学带来压力;

不同意:1.提高师资水平; 2. 完善教育体制;3. 提高教学设施

Tutor: 1. Tutor 更专业;2. Tutor 更善于讲解;3. Tutor 可以更好地拓展知识;4. 可以交朋友。

Ask you for help :1.“我”比tutor 更了解他,知道他的弱点在哪里; 2. 我们可以互相进步;3. 找“我”帮忙不需要花钱,而tutor 可能会cost a l ot.

同意: 1. Printed books 不容易携带;2. Printed books 比较昂贵;3. Printed books 比较滞后;

不同意:1. Printed book 更方便做笔记; 2. Printed books 有助于眼部健康;

16.A ll university students should be required to take basic science classes even they are not part

of the field of the study. (拓展)

同意:1. 提升自己基本知识;2. 交不同专业的朋友3. 培养/满足自己的兴趣爱好;

4. 学科关系(可能会帮助到专业课);

5. 激发学生潜能。

不同意: 1. 学生压力大,没有时间;2. 兴趣选矿;3. 本末倒置——忽略专业课程

17.T he ability to read and write is more and more important now than before.

18.I n order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social


不同意: 1. 教学质量;2. 高水平教授;3. 校园设施;

同意: 1. Social activities is an i mpt e lement to future success; 2. Bring students the

ability to cultivate a second p rofessional skill other than their major; 3. Making more


19.T he best way for a teacher to let student become interested in a subject is to help them know

how to use it in their lives outside school.

20.T he best way to learn about a foreign country is to read the newspapers and magazines from

that country.

21.S ome people believe that taking field trips (e.g. going to the museum) is an important part of

children’s education. Others believe that it is better for children to study at school. Which view do you agree with?

22.U niversity students accomplish a project by teamwork, and the members should share the

same mark.

23.S ome students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments,

whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined y only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?

24.I f your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher

right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class.

25.I t is better to take the most difficult or challenging classes in college or at university even if it

means that you probably will not get top grades in them.

26.S ome students apply for a university because they can get good jobs after they graduate from

this university. Others apply for a university because there are famous professors. What is your opinion and why? (选校)

Job: 1. 工作是物质保障;2. 工作可以实现自我价值;3. 工作可以让人们对家庭负


Professors: 1. 教授可以传授一个好的学习习惯;2. 可以跟教授学习到扎实的基本

功;3. 教授可以提供更好的就业平台

27.P laying sports gives important lesson on lessons of life learning.

同意:1. 学会交流;2. 学会合作;3. 学会解压;4. 知道竞争的意义


28.A ll high--‐school students should take basic economic courses.

29.U niversity students should not be required to attend classes. Instead, they should be able to

receive credits through a final test or paper.

同意:1. Save time pursuing what t hey love;

不同意: 1. Learn from p eers; 2. Learn to cooperate; 3. Make friends

30.S tudents could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year


31.S chools should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for

students than on hiring famous teachers.

32.I t is just as important for older people to study and learn new things as it is for younger people



1.Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns out to make people’s

lives more complicated.

不同意:1. 交通出行更方便;2. 媒体/通信更方便;3. 医疗更方便;4. 娱乐;5. 家


同意:1. 车的需求增多;2. 生活质量提高。3.


1.Because environmental issues are too complicated, individuals can do nothing to solve them.

不同意:1. 节约用水;2. 节约用电;3. 绿色出行。

同意:1. 水污染、空气污染、噪音污染、普及/宣传环保知识);2. 人们预算有限;

3. 时间有限(engaged in the environment issue);

4. 个人权力有限;

2.People should use clean energy like solar power and wind power to replace the sources

causing air pollution, like oil and coal, even though the former will be more expensive.

3.Most important thing that government can do to improve health care is to clean the


不同意:1. 医疗体系;2. 全面健身运动;3. 普及健康知识(媒体角度出发)4. 政

府发出口号;5. 健身器材的普及。


4.The food we eat today are healthier than the food we ate in the past.

四、 生活休闲

1. Which following places would you like to live in most? 1. To live in an area that is not expensive;

2. To live close to your relative;

3. To live in an area with many shops and restaurants.

2. In 20 years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are in today. (未来发展)

3. People should pay to use public transportation.

4. Young people enjoy life more than older people.

5. The major purpose of television is to educate but not to entertain.

6. Telephones are playing a more effective role than televisions in people’s life.

7. The car (automobile) has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to.

8. There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to another person.

9. The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.

10. It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.

11. Movies and TV programs made in your own country are more interesting comparing to movies and programs made in other countries.

12. Most people do not count on the government for help because they think that it is always better to either do things on their own or to ask for help from their family.

13. 20 years from now, people will have more leisure time (free time) than they do now. 同意:1. 污染、堵塞的控制;2. 倡导绿色出行;3. 能源的节约。

不同意:1. 车的需求增多;2. 生活质量提高。3.

电视:1. 娱乐;2. 拓展视野;3. 有助于心理健康;4. 获取知识和技能;5. 新闻。 电话:1. 沟通及时;

不同意:1. 政府一个主要任务就是keep t he p ublic s ecurity; 2. 有些事情家人并不能帮助到;3. 向家人求助有时候会引起矛盾。

同意:1. Not desirable t o behave in an i mpolite manner ;2. Make the world unfriendly ;

3. Halts the development of the society ;

电话:1. 沟通及时;

不同意:1. 现代社会里People 需要花更多的时间去工作;


1.People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams.

2.University education is the most important factor of success in life.

不同意:1. 家庭教育;2. 朋友影响;3. 个人能力;4. 机遇;5. 人际关系;6. S ocial skills.

3.Which is better: challenging plans about one’s future or practical plans about one’s future.

4.Most businesspeople are motivated by desire of money only.

不同意:1. 兴趣;2. 梦想(自我价值实现);3. 朋友/父母影响;4. 家庭责任;5.


5.It is better to use own knowledge and experience to solve question than to ask other people

for advice.

同意:1. 记忆更深刻;2. 不影响别人;3. 提升个人能力;4. 激发个人潜能;5. 积


不同意:1. 节约时间;2.互相学习;3. 促进合作沟通。

6.The most important characters for a politician or leader are good communications skills.

不同意:1. 组织能力;2. 社会责任;3. 合作能力;4. 创新能力。

7.The most important characteristic of a political or business leader is the ability to be

responsible for mistakes.

8.Because people are busy with doing so many things, they can do few things well.

9.Patience is usually not a good strategy. People should take action now rather than later.

同意:1. 机遇;2. 效率。

不同意:1. 规划能力;2. 耐心可以避免冲动;3. 准备更加周全;4. 可以避免粗心


10.Which kind of job would like to take, to choose a high--‐paid job with a few vacations or to

choose a low--‐paid job with many vacations?

高薪:1. 物质保障;2. 自我价值实现;3. 对家庭负责;4. 更好发展空间。

低薪:1. 压力相对小;2. 有时间对家庭负责;3. 可以在业余时间满足自己兴趣爱

好;4. 可以提升自己。

11.High salaries with high risks of losing a job or low salary and secure job. Which would you


12.It is important to spend more time working at job than spending time with families.

13.People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one

skill only.

同意:1. multi--‐s killed人才更符合现代工作需要;2. 更好发展空间。

不同意:1. 研究一个领域会更加深入; 。

14.The professional athletes such as the football player and basketball player deserve high

salaries to be paid.

15.It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your

company’s office.

同意:1. 高水平专业运动员paly a substantial role I promoting economy;2. 专业运动员为该事业做出了超乎常人的付出(no p ains, no gains);3. 他们的故事可以激励更多的人。

不同意:1. 运动员只是一种普通的职业,应该跟其他职业待遇相同;2. 运动员已经有其他方面的收入,高工资没必要 。

16.In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is

more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.

17.People should maintain their dream even though the dream is challenging, or they should

focus more on the dream that is more realistic and down to earth.


1.It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that will

help you when you are in need.

2.Two people can become good friends even if one of them have much more money than the


同意:1. 兴趣爱好;2.性格特征;3. 目标(价值观);4. 个人生活习性(成长环境)。

不同意:1. 兴趣爱好不同;2.性格特征不同;3. 目标(价值观)不同;4. 个人生活习性(成长环境)不同。

3.In order to achieve the happiness of yourself, you have to try to make other people happy.

4.Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from

friends your same age.

同意:1. Advice from the old is often in--‐depth and comprehensive;2advice from the o ld is often more persuasive and t rustworthy;3. S enior people have experience。

不同意:1. Same age/era/background;2. S hare same hobby;3. Friends can u nderstand me better。

5.In the past, young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, young

people are better able to make decisions on their own.

6.An effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.

同意:1. 科技发展让现在人更自我:以前不懂靠问,现在求助google;2. 观念的转变:现在的社会价值观强调individualism; 孩子希望有自己空间,自己的事情自己决定;3. 客观事实让现在的young people自己做决定(不在父母身边)。

不同意:1. 意见不统一耽误正常日程安排;2. 每个人意见不一样容易造成group

member之间的矛盾,影响整个团队未来的发展;3. 会影响领导在团队中的权威性。

同意:1. 让group member有归属感(sense of b elonging),能体会到自己是团队中的一员;2. 这样可以发挥(develop)团队每个人的特长;3. 可以激发group member的工作

积极性;4. 可以集思广益,想出最佳的(optimal)方案。

不同意:1. 意见不统一耽误正常日程安排;2. 每个人意见不一样容易造成group member之间的矛盾,影响整个团队未来的发展;3. 会影响领导在团队中的权威性。

7.It is better to for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails or

telephones in order to do a project.

8.If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e--‐mail or

text messaging.



1.It is important to know events happening around the world, though sometimes they will not

affect your daily life.

2.Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?

TV :1. 及时;2. 视觉效果;3. 更综合。

newspaper:1. 容易携带;2.看报纸时间灵活;3. 省钱。

3.Advertisement is a waste of time and money, because customers already know what they


4.Advertisement is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

5.Movies and televisions should always show audiences that the good people are being

rewarded and bad people are being punished.

6.Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young

people behave.

同意:1. 涉及暴力的影片让young people失去正确的方向;2. 过多的商业广告让young people 乱买东西;3. 一些含有负面因素的节目导致Young people有一个消极的


不同意:1.好的节目可以为年轻人指引正确方向;2. 有正面因素的节目让young people

变得积极;3. 公益广告可以倡导年轻人,让他们关心社会;


1.Past people are friendlier than they are today. (词语的理解)

同意:1. 现在工作压力大;2. 客观条件限制;3. 利益冲突。

不同意:1. 现在人教育高,更了解friendship;2. 现在人际关系紧密--‐>需要人们更加friendlier;3. 社会制度;4. 公益广告的宣传倡导人们更friendlier.

2.People should not be allowed to use mobile phones when using public transportation.

3.It is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future


4.It is more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historical


同意:1. 老建筑不符合现代社会;2. 老建筑不安全因为年代太久远;3. 老建筑结构


不同意:1. 老建筑代表了国家的历史、文化和传统;2. 一些老建筑有历史意义(名


5.To solve the problem of present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

6.For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very

young children (5 to 10 years old) education rather than on universities?



7.The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved during your


不同意:1. poverty;2. W ars; 3. Environment;

8.Students are more interested in politics now than they were in the past.

同意:1. 现代媒体的发展让学生随时都能接触到政治;2. 网络的发展让学生可以在

网上发表自己的个人言论;3. 交通的发展让学生能更容易的参加各种政治会议;

不同意:1. 现在学生首要任务就是学习,没有时间参与政治;

9.In the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other.

10.Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there

is the greatest amount of traffic.

11.It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just

for things that are practical.

12.Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have the

ability to plan and organize.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/339234351.html,ernment should not provide any financial support for musicians, filmmakers and artists.

不同意:1. Art is e ducational a nd r esourceful to people in the country;2. Artists help connect different countries; 3. They provide m ore j obs for people ; .4 enrich people’s

leisure time


















食(内): 食物,品质,人生,压力,责任;

住: 家人,社区概念,国家,环境;

行: 交通,效率,方便;

育: 休闲教育;

乐: 休闲活动(运动场,公园,科技,网咯,媒体,智能手机)(写作2A)






托福写作 大作文机经题目汇总

1A/D: People who have different kinds of skills are more successful than those who have only one skill. 2A/D: In order to succeed, it’s better for a person to act the same as others rather than behave differently from others. 3A/D: It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successful in life. 4A/D: People who keep their room clean and tidy are more likely to be successful in the future. 5Is it easier to achieve success in the past or at present? 6A/D: People who move out of native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native village or town. 7A/D: It is more important for parents to set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future. 8A/D: For any business to be successful, it must spend more money on advertising. 9A/D: It is much easier for people to achieve success without their family members’ help now than in the past. 10A/D: People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams. 11A/D: The most important investment of a company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees. 12A/D: A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 13A/D: In the past, people were easier to identify a career or job which can give them a secure and successful future. 14A/D: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.


1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible 1: What do you think of the school you went to for the first time Was it a good school and why Task 2: Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer 1: Describe one of the most popular websites in your country.


2018年托福第二次考试命题就开始了,那么大家对于考试的内容有一些什么样的判断吗,和三立在线教育托福网一起来看看2018年1月13日托福考试阅读机经预测。阅读真题和词汇题按照常考题型进行分类汇总。 2018年1月13日托福考试阅读机经预测之真题测练(部分内容): ②2015-8-22CN The Upper Paleolithic Revolution P1: The Old Stone Age is the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind’s history. It was not till around 30 thousand years ago (or 30 “kya") that the archaeological record reveals the emergence of technical and social advances, which comprised new technologies, hunting techniques, human burials, and an artistic tradition of astonishing competency. This dramatic change was known as the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. It had been traditionally argued that the Upper Paleolithic Revolution was an archaeological phenomenon exclusive to Eurasia. The absence of equivalent evidence in other regions suggested that a fundamental change had occurred in human intellectual development around 40 kya in Europe. However, the recent discovery in the Blombos Cave in South Africa of a block of decorated ochre and then sets of shell beads, dated to around 77 kya, opened up the debate. This supports other evidence of more versatile stone implements and bone tools found in Africa from the same period. Now the Upper Paleolithic Revolution is regarded as the most noticeable evidence for the evolution of modern human behavior. ?P2: Two further questions follow. First, what was happening to the human cognitive process during the 40,000 years or so from innovative usage of stone in the Blombos Cave to the flourishing of human creativity in Europe? Second, during the Pleistocene a series of momentous climatic events occurred—was climate change then a component? The question of whether the sudden transition seen in Europe was built on earlier developments in Africa has been addressed at length by anthropologists Sally McBrearty and Alison Brooks. They argue that the whole issue of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution stems from a profound Eurocentric bias and a failure to appreciate the depth and breadth of the African archaeological record. In fact, many South African archaeological sites show that the revolution occurred in Africa during the Middle Paleolithic—tens of thousands of years before they appeared in Europe. This is supported by evidence of using new stone tools like the blade and microlithic technology. Replication has shown that blades from the time required a high level of skill to make due to their shape, indicating a higher level of hominid complexity. At the same time, exploitation of aquatic resources began to prosper. 题目: 1. Why does the author mention a block of decorated ochre and sets of shell beads? A. To help make the point that archaeologists regard artistic creations as the highest kind of human achievement B. To illustrate how the discovery of certain objects makes the discovery of certain other objects more likely


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success business opportunities rounded medical care system developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school Why Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer Why 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which


2017年11月25日托福机经大范围重点预测 独立写作 2017 年起,独立写作延续了2016 年的出题趋势。截止到今天为止的22 场考试中,有12 题为新题,10 题为旧题,新旧比例正好为1:2。题目难度较2016 年相比并无太大变化,但题干长度明显增加,有个别考题的题干篇幅甚至占据了小半个电脑屏幕,题干的加场给不少考生造成了心理上的压力,因此建议各位考生平时多练习审题、破题的速度。 从题材来看,考查最多的依然是教育类、活动类、家人朋友类和价值观类。独立写作题材越来越广泛,越来越贴近生活,出现很多社会热点话题。这就要求同学们能够敏锐捕捉社会动向,并且有自己独到的见解,对于同学们的思考能力和写作水平都提出了更高的要求。 从出题规律来看,目前为止2017 年与往年重复的11 道旧题中,2011 年-2017 年的题目均有出现。其中2017 年同年重复 1 次,2016 年 2 次,2015 年 2 次,2014 年 4 次,2011年1 次。因此同学们可以着重复习往年的题目 2016 年重点题 161211CN(new) Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone? 1. Eat a meal 2. Listen to music 3. Do homework 161210CN(上午)(new) It’s difficult for teachers to be both popular (well liked) and effective in helping students learn. Agree or disagree? 160109CN(new) Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at an early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer. 160123CN(new) Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games.


托福考试(TOEFL)/真题题库2015年12月13日托福口语真题 Task1 - If your parents accidentally won a large amount of money, what do you think should be done with it? Task2 - Do you think college students should choose their majors soon as they are admitted, or should they choose majors in their second or third year in college? Task3 学校决定关闭广播站,因为听众跟志愿者太少了。对话中学生反对,他提出两个解决问题的方法。首先,广播站可以提供网络节目,这样学生收听就更方便了;其次,可以给志愿者学生提供学分、吸引他们参与,这样广播站就会有稳定的节目了。 Task4 文章主旨是Eminent domain,指的是政府有时会需要公民牺牲私有财产(地产)以支持市政建设。教授讲到他叔叔的例子。他的叔叔住在加州,政府决定造铁路以缓解交通堵塞,可铁路会穿过他的居住区。虽然这是私人地产,但这个铁路项目对于整个区域的公民非常有益,因此他叔

叔的地产只能被占用,但他得到了部分赔偿。 Task5 对话中女生碰到一个问题,她上班可能要迟到了,因为路上施工、交通太堵了,她有两个办法解决这个问题:第一,她可以提前15分钟下课,但是教授会复习以及布置作业,这部分很重要;第二,她可以调班至周末上班,但是她周末已经安排了远足活动,那天天气很好,要是不能去就太可惜了。 Task6 文章主旨是两种水源受到污染的原因。第一种原因是沉积物增加,比如说水源附近有施工项目,那么泥沙就可能会进入河道污染水源。第二种是富营养化,农业灌溉时会把肥料带入水中,造成水藻疯狂生长,从而影响生态平衡,污染水源。 2015年12月13日托福口语真题.doc [全文共666字] 编号:6305803


2013年4月托福阅读预测机经 从前到后,重要性降低。越靠前,重要性越高。 1. Parents today spend too much time helping their children determine their children’s future. Children should be allowed to make their choices on their own. 2. Success is not the most important thing in one’s life. Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important. 3. Government should support scientific research even the research has no practical use. 4. Having a low-paying but secure job is better than having a high-paying job that can be lost easily. 5. People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their work. 6. People who have developed many different kinds of skills are more successful than people who focus on only one skill. 7. The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very difference from challenges that their parents and grandparents faced when they were young. 8. All high school students should take a basic economics course. 9. Sometimes, if you cannot say anything nice about someone, you’d better say nothing. 10. Printed books have greater effects on society than television does. 11. Some people believe that a school should spend money on improving cafeteria foods. Other people believe that a school should spend money on social activities for students after school. What is your opinion and why? 12. Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past. 13. A person’s job has more effects on his or her happiness than this person’s social life does. 14. To increase economic growth, government can neglect environment concerns. 15. It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. 16. Which of the following three factors contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? A. good food B. good location C. good friends with you.(2013年4月14日已考) 17. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends? A. Joining a sports team. B. Participating in community activities C. Traveling.


独立口语话题分类:活动工作职业技能人物交友经历教育科技环境交通其他 2014 年01 月12 日大陆 Task 1: Talk about a study habit of yours that’s different from others. Explain your answer in details. Task 2: Some people prefer to shop in big shopping malls, other prefer smaller shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why in details. 2014 年01 月17 日北美 Task 1: It is a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past. 2014 年01 月18 日大陆 Task 1: Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to do in class. What suggestion would you like to give him? Task 2: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Other teachers prefer that students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why. 2014 年01 月25 日北美 Task 1: What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer.


一、2015年1月托福考试回忆 (4) 2015年1月10日托福考试回忆 (4) 2015年1月11日托福考试回忆 (7) 2015年1月25日托福考试回忆 (16) 2015年1月31日托福考试回忆 (22) 二、2015年2月托福考试回忆 (28) 2015年2月1日托福考试回忆 (28) 三、2015年3月托福考试回忆 (34) 2015年3月7日托福考试回忆 (34) 2015年3月14日托福考试回忆 (44) 2015年3月28日托福考试回忆 (50) 四、2015年4月托福考试回忆 (56) 2015年4月12日托福考试回忆 (56) 2015年4月18日托福考试回忆 (62) 五、2015年5月托福考试回忆 (68) 2015年5月9日托福考试回忆 (68) 2015年5月16日托福考试回忆 (74) 2015年5月24日托福考试回忆 (80) 2015年5月30日托福考试回忆 (86) 六、2015年6月托福考试回忆 (92) 2015年6月13日托福考试回忆 (92) 2015年6月14日托福考试回忆 (100)

七、2015年7月托福考试回忆 (112) 2015年7月4日托福考试回忆 (112) 2015年7月11日托福考试回忆 (118) 2015年7月12日托福考试回忆 (124) 八、2015年8月托福考试回忆 (131) 2015年8月22日托福考试回忆 (131) 2015年8月30日托福考试回忆 (137) 九、2015年9月托福考试回忆 (143) 2015年9月5日托福考试回忆 (143) 2015年9月12日托福考试回忆 (149) 2015年9月13日托福考试回忆 (155) 2015年9月19日托福考试回忆 (161) 十、2015年10月托福考试回忆 (167) 2015年10月10日托福考试回忆 (167) 2015年10月11日托福考试回忆 (173) 2015年10月24日托福考试回忆 (179) 2015年10月25日托福考试回忆 (185) 2015年10月31日托福考试回忆 (191) 十一、2015年11月托福考试回忆 (197) 2015年11月8日托福考试回忆 (197) 2015年11月14日托福考试回忆 (204)


Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年 01月 14日 托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someonechoose to to work in a large is better? 2017 年 2 月 18 日 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success business opportunities rounded medical care system developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017 年 02 月 25 日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017 年 02 月 26 日 托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper 2 0 1 7 年 0 1 月 0 7 日 托福口语考 题回忆 work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do 托福口语考题回忆


2014年4月12日新大陆托福机经小范围【解析版】 【口语】 第一级别小范围 101023CN Task 5 【学生困难】 男生想在newspaper上他写的article about sculptures里放一些photos, 但他的camera does not work,照的照片不能用。 【解决方案】 女生给他两个方案: 方案1、submit the article without adding photos,但男生认为大家都喜欢看photos,不放照片就不够interesting,缺乏吸引力。 方案2、borrow a camera,重新take photos for sculptures。但这个男生担心来不及上交submit。 120108CN Task 1 Describe a celebration or public event you attended recently. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. Task 2 Do you agree or disagree: Sixteen-year-olds are not mature enough to drive cars. Task 4 动物有时候会发出假的警报,赶走同类,减少competition。举例,猴子在有豹子出现的时候,发出警报叫声,其他猴子听到会逃到树上去。但是有人发现一种猴子找到了一堆水果,发出警报,其他猴子都逃走了。其实没有豹子出现,发现水果的猴子自己在独享水果。Task 6 提供service的商家如何让别人知道自己的服务好。举例朋友之前是painter,用两种方法让客人知道他刷墙技术很好。 一、statement from old customer,老客户写好评。 二、在工作室挂上before and after picture,作对比。 第二级别小范围 100313CN=080927NA Task 1 Nowadays, Internet is available worldwide. What are some positive effects of Internet on modem people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response? Task 2 Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometowns. Other students prefer or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples. Task 3 【个人倡议】: 有一学生写倡议书说学校应create a psychology magazine for psychology students. 好处1、可以鼓励更多心理系学生在该杂志上发表papers,展示研究成果。


2013年5月托福阅读预测 阅读plan1 阅读1 Egypt选都问题,为什么选择了一个叫做Ma的城市。 第一段讲的是地理位置上可以control 可以控制全国,因为位置靠上,对比旧首都。此处有题,细节题,问为什么新首都比旧首都好。 第二段讲的是从经济贸易上讲,新首都可以使统治者控制经济,因为新首都M是经济运输的必经之地。 第三段讲的是这个首都可以提供pasture为陆路贸易提供便利。 第四段讲的是河道的问题。 阅读2 农药的使用问题。农药开始使用,可以减少虫害,但是由于害虫的繁殖速度快和可大量繁殖造成自然选择,同时农药还大量杀死的predator,但是predator就没这么幸运了,他们不能大量繁殖,而且毒素通过实物量可以传递到他们身体里,这一点造成了害虫数量的增加。最后一段提到了California的一种吃cotton害虫很难控制,因为他们的竞争对手和天敌被农药弄死了,所以农民不能不加大用农药的量。 阅读3 上石器时代。 阅读4 讲sea grass适合什么情况下的海水环境,吸收沉淀物为养分什么的。 版本2: 讲egg的进化,一开始是软的外壳,后来因为种种原因壳变硬了。 阅读plan 2 阅读1 在大河与海洋的交汇处,那里的动物有的器官能忍受高的含盐度,有的能保持自身的含盐度。还有一些生物有根,attach水底神马的,防止被水冲走(有题)。 阅读2 讲美国公园的,商人看到有利润,就搞什么旅社,做广告吸引游人,从而获利。然后发展发展,黄石公园,悠闲每地,就是这样发展起来的。然后越来越多的人想旅游,就要求高速公路的发展,然后政府就发展,政府也成立什么浮云般的部门,去监控这些公园神马的(有题),然后这些公园的发展就更趋向于保护环境什么的。里面提到大神对美国东部的人对保护环境的意识的提高有突出贡献,有转述题和原因题,两个啊,同学们注意。
