





My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.Though not very big,but the restaurant is popular in our area.It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to wait outside.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking.My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.Instead,he hopes that our business will grow steady.

【Frist Mistake】:My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.

【Mistake】:“I live”从句中“live”是一个不及物动词,不及物动词后面不需要加宾语,但是引导词“that”引导的宾语从句代替是从句中的宾语,本题从句并不缺少宾语。

【First Solution】:在不及物动词“live”后面加上一个介词“in”,这个时候从句缺少宾语,一切就会正常。

【Second Solution】:把代替宾语的引导词“that”改为代替地点状语的引导词“where”,一切都会正常。

【Second Mistake】:Though not very big,but the restaurant is popular in our area.



【Third Mistake】:Some people even had to wait outside.



【Forth Mistake】:My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.



【Fifth Mistake】:Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking.【Mistake】:当两件物品都需要的时候,应该用连接词“and”连接两个物品;当两件物品只需要其中之一的时候,应该用连接词“or”连接两个物品。本文中提到“cooking做饭”需要“fresh vegetable 新鲜蔬菜”,“high quality oil高质量的油”,这两个物品都需要,不应该用只需要其中之一的连接词“or”。


【Sixth Mistake】:Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking.【Mistake】:主被动错误。本句中“fresh vegetable新鲜蔬菜”,“high quality oil高质量的油”被用作“cooking烧饭”。不应该用现在分词“are using”,应该用过去分词“are used”表示被动。


【Seventh Mistake】:My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.【Mistake】:“dream”为不及物动词,后面不可以接宾语“becoming rich”,必须用“dream”的介词固定短语“dream of”,后面再接宾语。

【Solution】:在不及物动词“dreams”后面加上介词“of”构成介词短语“dreams of”。

【Eighth Mistake】:My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.【Mistake】:冠词错误。定冠词“the”只能用在文章中“已经提到过的物体”前面,或者文章中“特指的物体”前面。但是:本句中“short period of time短时间”,短时间并不是特指每一段时间,文章前面也没有提到过这个时间,所以定冠词“the”使用不当。


【Ninth Mistake】:he hopes that our business will grow steady.

【Mistake】:代词使用错误。本文一直在讲“我的叔叔做生意的故事”,而本句中却使用“our business 我们的生意”,应该要说的是“我的叔叔的生意”。
